‘ ‘In... ' ;, ‘ ‘ I ‘ .‘ '72- ‘c: “ - - " , ‘ 5‘ ‘ .~ ' ‘Egg-'.:~'» -._ ' . ‘ . I ‘ l. M’ .. . .., “‘ ‘ " ‘I “ ' L '. " _ “ . *- ‘ ‘ '._ " - ._ . , “- ‘ ,~,‘ ,,._ L ’ E‘. _ ‘ N ‘L; ,2. I . “ “ ‘._ . ‘ ,' U ' ‘ ‘g ‘ on w I,’ l , “(H N,» v ‘ a » \ 1 4 if ' ‘ " I‘ ‘ ‘E Iv“~“ ‘ ‘. ‘ ‘R I ' w “ E ' I . ' —:.o ‘ ' A ‘ L ‘ V‘ \‘ » _‘ ‘ A ,_ . ‘ I , V f ._ ‘ ‘ . ‘. V __ ‘ . , - , . . . _ V .m., ‘ ‘ 3; . ‘ fl ‘ , ’ “ .‘ ’ r r"‘ ' ~ ‘ _ ‘H > ' ' ‘ .“ ~ 1" W‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 23*‘ « * ‘ ; -I-.. ' , ‘ ‘ ‘ . mm " ‘ ‘ ‘ . W‘ ‘ ‘ " . . v ‘ ‘v,-. ' "H ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ -’ ‘ -’=‘ _ ‘ ‘ ix“ ‘ . _ ::‘ D E SERVE D DE A T H" “c p ‘ . ‘THAT, BASEAND: IN5S’OLENT' A “ Tyrazxtg, the %Marquis d"TV';,:‘ _;9_c}': J .n_1ofl:Vnwor:hi&2~%%MarfETallof A % A France, ¢ TO’-GE }1E%R%\WITH A Mm. EEs'r€A1iIoiNQBIHECQMBI. % NATION -LAND TYRA4NNY, % l,,.?% V 3 *1? f ~ofhim»-axxd‘ hisadhc4%% " I Brintc4d;hyVFebxKyzzgffan fog £’£'4)1g'g[ g(¢-WA; % éery, andglrc fiobcfold at hiS,fi19Py§1dcfS§fi;1g pm-,«_;~J_ %% A Gortxefiiwrid ’ :A1%1eyg~4;i%6[17;.M ~ A T1191 M % 1 SER*V‘E%D.V . ‘DE—ATI—I " QB THAAI “ i a A ‘ Tyrant, theMaTqu~i§I A % %% #;.fi:h¢m01i.VDWf0rthy 4% % 3 A % :fl1.31~10f' Fra%tzs=é’. 1 \ ..-l-- ;. %=PonMon-day3tbc14.ofihis; P%refenr~AP1*3i*,%the Mar%fha11% A _ ~%br-oughfwthe ‘whole Re alma- » A ofFrance +1ntoA'm;1fc4rabIc. 4 ‘ ;t-o. #5‘ "*9: . vu ‘‘ A *1:cgohfufitrfi,anda~Im0fl:&ine-- ‘ uita nrtaVmbition and vi-_A ; .. " M . _ % “ \’ V time the iu?fi‘reW‘a rd]of%his % V ‘ ? vViI%anies% and blwy myVamm ‘Louure, :ab¢f1arc“: he C<2mr:VG W: at Pari s, be- A tw and:%%eicu¢~::C oT£thfié4{cIo¢k4i}n the M V fo%1*c“11b €§I~'1”e,‘ :::h;=.- maz1ne1*”4&*af ~*;@2§i+0“f7é%V’A¢Wé$’ A . ’ 2thi%s;Com+mingfmmhis V " 3sc1#'4.i‘11t'g>. theAI;ou»urc by'.‘t‘h<§ ordinarie -G M6: 5,5 -- -~ --~--- - ......... ~- ........_A............ _..,_....,. I . 3 ‘J/Wt" ‘ “ ' ‘ - I C 1'?! .s‘ ' £5 M ms» -1-‘ , 1.! 'L3‘.._ 4; w -" - new IL E T ’1;(¢é‘ ‘ ‘ +7»: ha; .,<51urrra t.4t¢¢g*2zeza;go;;a;;‘te de‘fefz»ieaZDedtb he wasrcady topafi'e' ouctr the Draw-bridge; V whichis within the {aid g§.tc,Mo.tm{fler dc 'ZJz’t7;p the Captaine Qfthc Kings G uatd, iaffiflcd t by’; i ihisthrothcrheil/Ionfler his Hzzi[lef,a11d hisbrothcr “ ’ in LavV%J34oun_/z'érdePe7fl’2:,with fomc 15,0: 20 " 2 ofhis.Company of the,Gmm/.r dz: Corps, met, M him, and told him, that he: hacicommandc--1 A ‘ men: from the King tofcazc vpon his perfon. \‘(«~ hbm me(faid the M atfhall) 3 Yes,yQt1( {aid J1/Iarzflcr dc’ Oizry) 5 and {o commanded thofc thatwere abouthim to kill him, which was accdrdinglycxecutcd [with thrcc Pifiollfligia wheneof-he reteeiued twoini the headgand mt: iri the hodyfivhich oucrthrew him 5 ianéiiaftgt- wardsthey gaue himdiuers Oth¢1.' woundsabut ‘. tHefirIta.nde1i€ca he executiqn tbeingtdonegheyatll returned. _ into the Cguttgiofthc Ljotiudre, crying; Z/izzek i Rqgz, Godfatxe thehKing_.~WhertcupiQn thcfiingh {he wiI‘1gi.hit11{e1f'c' at .a%»§gv,i11dow, thanked them wirha cheatcfifllco.untcnancc,aduowing that which thcyi;had_idonc,i to have hit] performed ‘ A A 1 ‘y hi5c°mm.fand'Chl¢ntL+ whom the noife ~ofithis.”accidhe%ntbrought in I gteat,nu;1jbers to thc,Louure, hediuers times ijgfcdthcié,-t worgis (‘as it is ctedihlyreported) e ¢:5f‘t/1:2}/42'.ezrgm?3'c1e.»1ntW?re. h A tM4'z’m‘emmta is fair fizz): jaw fim’, ‘Now am ‘I“ King of Francealone. I And to the D'€p_Ltties of e the B;e]iigion,‘1’who prefentcd théfelues to him . to receiue hiscommandements, hee repeated the fatne,willing them prefently to aduertife his Subieéts of the «Religion of that which had he ~ paffed, arid withall“ to encourage and exhort them, that they fhould continue to fame him . faithfully. A A _ ' V % f _g e Foorthwith ounfier dc Lyancazm was L, a {cut to the L’ /gaffe! dc ville, or the City Hall, and Mounfier dc Ormma -to the ‘1>.otZaz’.r, where t he ' V are kepttheCourts ofIuPcice,to6publifh that which was done, and th at it wastdonte by? the . Kings com mandeme—nt,and anexempt. of the ‘ V Guard was afenttfrom the King to the Baf’cil1,to acquaint the Prince ofConde alfo ther‘ewit_h,’ A bidding ihimto bee of good eourage.oThe (Guards ofetheBahftillhauefinccabittchanged, A L and the Qeenc--Mothers Guards likewife difmifledgfomc ofthe KingsGuards being ap-e . 4 r ointed to attend her. .1 A V % So {cone as the Qteene heard the ncwes of . A-the Marfh»alsddeath,fhe fcnttMtounfie1%.al?B:1qC~ ‘ fiezz to the King,tolet ehiflm knowgthat the ace. ..t4-auquv Inna». « ..-5--1--*-—I -—- «hated to {eehim bi1ttheKig3g;it3tt§§at_ed to bee V t cxcuza» V - ‘ game ’1§§%zi»:ziazwfzI:a% dqfirdedbmb elxcufcd till {o:11cVVoths:r time.- % 5 . ~ - 1 A523:-r thc4Mar{hall :{’Amfre§ was flaineg the % An1b.::fl‘adOur~ ofSpaine oH‘erjing to goe Vifit: the ~Qgeene-M4ojther was ftaicd by Moung. fie: dg I/z;t:ry,fi who told him, that he muft now A finfdc another way, a11dVadd_rcfl"¢d7hin11tothe I{ingSlVodgii1g_,.¢ A A . / A A A "i he Scales areA‘taken4§awayfrom MoVnf¢iur% # .5Mm.2gat,thc Marquif:Chancklloxgwho is~”pri—_ {one-r in the Louvre; Monfeiur dc Luflcmiis difcharged ofl1i_'s place~ofSécretar%ic, and thg: A A Kinghath f>\rayédMbnficr dc ZJz”M37.?J'.a*tIi€a Sccrctarieof Statc,"tc7) rcfume the Mexcrc.i{c thcrcOf.°‘Bczr£vi7z (alfo. another creature "of the Marfl1a1s)%isIik¢V~'i{¢f¢%z¢dvpon,anAdguardsi TheVMarfl1a4ls Aifc was th6n‘ig%7thc% Qucenci--. A “Mothers Chamber; but thcrc were : guard 53 prcfentlyfctVp.oVn%herlodgi;1g. . - ‘The C%ounfc%II prcfently aflémbled attfié Louurmat which did aflifi¢M\onfeiur dc ‘ZJzll.e-- A ro_)i,tIi%c Prcfidpnt 1mmin,%MgflEéu}'e:a¥e [;734fz‘e4u+- izmf, a{ePo2ztbz2ri8/g% :Po?:tc/mrtrcpin,Lde%-Lameny,de Seam“, ale’ ${flalux,;and Preaax, *: that «VdVM%Thfcioy»and contcmrhcnt %A’which%thc%pcf?iVc)- .F Wplegcncxallydoccxprcffc byBonfircsanAd»o- A , 5/my Majgam dame. other4* fignes k# of fox-V#AV;hi;’»iMAggflmis death4is%;i'nc%tcdibIe3*Wdhér-erby (as they com- mwdnly; fay) th%cirV‘ho;pe%i.s,that Peace wil‘l.AIf>e 112-. J. ‘fl.'0l.‘Cd~tO thc Sta‘tc, the ancienlt Iufirg the %Court, by-th5e’r'eturnc ofthe"Princes~%and A 4NobiIitire, and order to the pub» A A .likcafFaires,which God '4 _ “ A wk AA grant.‘ 5 ....... Paris ch; i4§of ri'lI[ A1617." T . ‘ ,~ u v . - , ,'I ‘~ #7.: ‘.: , _‘ T. . »- .. W ‘ v‘, y.» ' -7_-_-_ ‘N-..;., £ / fl _ " * \\ ; ‘ I“ _ A-V f«“v___~ L A’ é M’ I Ra V . deat/2~VQfA}%/){§f _M.m'quz§r, that 2‘/90% mazzfl - a/fit}: /owe meaflsre bee acgvmzziztea’ ‘vii,’ ‘I ‘:3 -‘* % wzré 2;‘/2:’ gm/ztie rf/:2’: /.zfe,]‘7/mate ad»- ' (leaf!/Jixfo/}o1l22'n‘g; a%’g:'q/aar;;(io%22,':19/acreizz 2:/Jan izzaigfi’ éabé/dbi.rpi6?ure;f”b&u;g5}2bt:d)*d)1é21<éMA:/2ef£;.I79:et fa maria Mmaj 1?12e[1ferue%tI:ee,.t‘o magecamarzm of z‘z’2erefl‘. flgeiz‘/yer t/sinks 1/74: 6:’: anemia: /mm-.° /Ears A Pgzfl71t£d..1§1m..fi2u/1.tt;£fzdn..%}.2e¢fD?d.£,..éI4tVI£Iat ,t£I(:’y, Imus rather/bado‘med«m4n5 bixde/armitiw, A A A ’ lmfl t/2e_/:“gr’::%cf their bidgau/my? A “ A ~ mégbt oflmd fly §}’6’J'.. ~ E22:/at ‘R44:/cr%, zzcmvf/mi /M/Z réagftéei 5 f by t able to iudgc ofthe teffefise, A by th'eir~«cau{es',° haueioft.enti{mes reprefentedt tthef: incoi1iue«- t dies. . 9 IVIANIVFESTATION, OF THEitCOMBINA".I‘ION AND A i tyramiie ofh/Iarfhall id’A:m'e, and A V ‘£1.55 acifxerents. A S the cortuptions /and c‘onfu« '4 o ‘:1 art \ " V in 09’! ‘I- o . V 1 , 9-, , ‘qr 1*.’ Vl .‘ - m 711 I O A u .. ‘I - ‘n ' 0' J ' u I C U“ 70'‘ 7,‘ " .‘ V V ‘- .~ ; ~ “in due time been difeouered, etvigilant and circunxfpeét, who being niences, and propounded their proper rem c- This wasthetrue{ubie&iofth0{eRetnon- flztances, which the Court of ‘Parliament in . P}3ris.eptre{e11ted to the King, in the yeere 16 15. feconded by thofeof ounficrt the Prince‘, “ theDtikets,Pee-res. and Officers of theCi-own . I confentinge with him , the which (in “Read of being prudently wayed and skandjwcrewith‘ % great indignitietecontemngd, andtaxed with capirall crime andrebellion. And this caufed i all B2 fions ofteiiistkingssi oniaccrewc-.:~d[ Q niotaltogetheiriin one moment, t 4 but bygradationsgfo hztue they A ‘ % 'e24Mz::n#e§i‘aztia:zcf2?}:e[oz;42E;imtio;2A A al th¢4Oppbfi ci6%Vn’%+%en fi{n%g,Wh>i% ch%%bciAng%%.ggaii11%. A % §pac’%§ficd. b zV:hc‘Tx’caty of~Ld%ud~yu h;fi:rioVus.:Rc— V formmziazz was pron;n7{ed~,¢and a.11‘ef’cab1i[h— A A A 1m—:.n~:OfgQc§d ordi,11;mccs,for,fEri;ckt 0b{E;fua- . ::ion” *0 —th§;znci4¢“mi Iaweé ofthc k_i%ng_glAom. But Twn/hen thc¢faid.PrincVc-s4wc:e p..refe:1r%atCou1‘t3 A .rcquirin'g,no ‘Other Vfccuritwie then pL;bIiqu'c 4 A faitlz, 8:: prognxifc, (’the%hopeof'a§z vndoubtcd - p:ea»c<::3bu1%}>ing;,in c;$bliuion‘aIl tVhcn1i{chiefes.w%~.% " ofw.ar.rc,: ) aV.nd.ht&i-cc4thcz1 ‘b§:ginz1ing;_‘_t.D1A‘¢“:+ afflxm etha t .a«uth;0riria,La n"d—rcp; utacion5w1I;§?ih?’V~ V 4 fl1c%i_;e{d;f0Vrmerl yjIQ,Pc;du1‘in~g tI1e~inf oIe11;g;Aj»~7‘*3’:;;gf5~. « s.a,varre5tom=pfeh<:nde»;i~m»1eryman"withindue. lin1i:£s_,aI1dA—m[pcc3t% to the ~1;1Wes,cae:h "one =;hQ~ Kid-fb .fuch%ood_d. roc.€edin s*,tirne Y 5 A “ 1 V cqfee the ;%Re4a1i:1eia*gain§¢[° reii%.1=e%c}%to%Ijnérp M115: p%1'ofpe1‘iqtie%andgioric. M -B u;tirzthc progrcflion this.go_od inclina- , £370 21 was .;cmfle&¢d¢ an&;_ci1i.f%ur~bed:.by.thepcrni:;.. . ci0us,;CQ~unfcI:S %%a%nd xdefignes of :Ma rflwllde, Aime émdhis adher-cnts,wh ofe‘ nature not be-1 ing1abIe4»w»tAo dig_cPc anymode1*ation,%an'd com-V. ¢ c.eiu.ing*~ we-I1:thatnLothing::.péou1d‘be. fog con-.4 Era try ca-»his%4%immoderatcvamsbitiong, and %infa¥- . ’ 4*&ia;lJ1e%..au aric e, 2. s: the rat~ificatio‘n of tho-{:::~ d§nai1ccs,p1'oi£:‘€ce¢_I in! thé Treaty :o£Loududn,§ azyd, tame’ éymnnie qf‘ M 42;/7252!! a”A'-zme. 7 and that by peace has couldby n?o:m:e;mes' a-A4 . uoid a wonderfuil ecplipfc of that exc%eFsiu%c:* andvnfupporaablepower,which beforcbee bad vfuwpcwwdiyxa the goucrnment ofthc jEf.flc:1te;, ' V no fecurit~i=ep—»rom%iiin=g it 4Ie1fe“to him, in the ¢ A reefiabliilfing of publike l~=&a»wes 3116 rcfolued tr) gins His 121% blow 0fde{p1aire,and; by an efl fcéiuall a-{fay ofhis Po~wer andforcc,to violate - publikefaith» giu,cn,to»the end to .redu«cc the Reailhleinté mutinic and confufifon , haéu-i‘ng.~9 by.thé11ao{’c=hbrribIc, and-: cméc.1'abIec0neV{pi1*a~ cic thatrcan be i~mag_i‘nt:d, praéfifcd againfi the pc1*fon‘of the chiefs Prince ofthc blood, % andof othewr Princes, Dukes, Pccre s, &p‘rink=- *' cipallf officcrs ofthe,Cr.owm-':,mi-nditwg to fux-.. prize. them, all fud.denly , togethm with the «Stamruinating wthatfiamuerfiood great or c—- mincx1tin.his way, or that he fu:pp.o _fed might: iVn1p;=.:a. ch% or fcruc* foranAob£kacIeV,tor hnis ambi--i A tiou 3 defignes. For this? ;.effc6”c«* I1efoughtr~out=- A wiekcd a”ud"audaciou~s men,~ who hauing firfb {bid th;:m4fc1uesi to nxakc {ale oFthci*r-Cou~n-‘- A tre Afivndertook-c 4 wickccfly and fhamefu‘l’ly-- “ t~.oAfpu%tAincxcVcurion his bloudy andV.:fu‘rious; pafsio’%t1s, promifing to apprchcndifome, ancl n1mr.thc1fo.rhcr.s,o.f them: Wihiflil d*ir=efi13l* plo i L»! Jflmzifefidtian offlae Coirzbirmtion had“ taken eflieat. but that his.tcon{piracie was A difcouered vpon the infrant of the intended execution, and Mounfier the Princecould not fhun the fame, by reafon ‘of his too great confidencejnthat he could not he perf waded r (notwitltftanding fundry aduertifements the.r-}-- ofiintimated vntohim from‘ diuers parties) % V that any man durfi befo infolcnt as to. violate publike faith giueng not calling to mind how there is nothing {o £1cred,fo hoIy,norfo iufh which the ya that plotted his ouerthrow, and ‘had an hand in ttiléiic hioudyt and inhumane atte-mpts,would not euerihe ready to. attempt, sjiioiatte, and infringe, to attain to the end‘ and %Ma’fieftic! was refolued more carefullyto fe- drift oftheir_pIo_ts and purp ofes. And to for A ta-ctoiénrvparonfoaiudabious’anhtenterpifigthey deuifed to exhibite. falfc aeccitfation s : where- ingmaking theabfencet of the {aid Princes and i Lblidas their ptfctcxt, who then were retired outof Paris, they caufed it prefentlyté bee publifhed by their proclamations that they determined tioattempt ag ainft the perf on s‘”of the King and the eeneihis Mother,and fo they" would haue pierfwaded Mounficr the Prince to ioynewith.them, and thereforehis CHIC and t_~ym2:3ieqf'Mavrj7m!! hht1’Aflhcr£; cplirchhis-phermn. "Tog-iuheJrn~<11'e credit to thi-S" their .c%al$uz1ania*tio~11; and hhimp_oflurc,hthey di{-_ A perfcd L¢et«thcrrs aflouer invhis P\«1a=ie{}i:csn;hahn1z:, h bofhiwithiriand wirihout th;ch“Iand,(thho thcenhd 1 that both i:hcfuh‘i:e€c and ’{h‘a'uhgers might he-~ Iceuchicfiopdflefic fhallow 2mdcredu‘l0u.s {pi - tits, with thcfc falfe and hcou'nt‘erfci.t imprefi fions. And hecéufe it was anhardmattehr to pcrhfwadc-eu»e1?y~m;an, »th%at-"in the detenti-on of Mounfier the Princg, phuhlikc farithhad not A A hee1a*vi5'1afed," thfczy crauhfed him hhthenhhopcnly % tab/cc €16c?I2I;!?e‘d ~G{li,p‘ab1€ of thhatcrimmwhichh A , he%(9Wve*wa;hs: m~13Iayh;?in«h;puted tho~xh.ofe, who forto 1*e=deem-ei?th¥c‘ir‘I?iues h"o-ut of*thh~e‘ha-rxdhs of the fa m+11%§rdero«hu-=3 " h~{w)“lhou<§l~{i1ék&er%s;, mathef thro ugh Gods maniiffeifiz Vaidcfanéi "helps, fhcn by any :1=~udenc‘c or ci«rcumi'pe6’cio=nh on their ownc V hpha*rt,W;ér«crcti1*éd .a.p2mW,’Ihahour§nghwith this gooélhly colour-J a¥nd*pr»etext,~1:o m askc and dif- _guihfe‘fo.;apa1'am‘ andmanifefi a trcafon, _ Whic‘h 11QtWithfian‘ding, V they were pf aL1;ho~ r"itit: am power fufficient to colourinhhthhch h h Kings r1iame,whcreof’ they Enadc tlméir owne p'ecjuIiar iendsh and; yfcs with evxntrcéme imp u- dencic anhdhhvcoxxtcmhpt. And nfq-rcohuerhtQ« lazy vpon the Q0 urtof Parliament the blamegthey h mighg. Hiiwanzfetfiaziay oftlae Co—méi2mt~iop might in currexfor fo hold anenterprifegand to P reuent the re.n10_n£iranEets ofthc fame which they difizoueredeand forefaw, thcypf~rocu'irtcd A the Kingexpreflylin perforito-vcomethither, and fo withhis royal] prefience himfelfetto. A puhliihtheciecIaratiio.n ofthc feuenth of_Sep» Q A temher, wherin Mounfier the Prince,~with the A {aid other Princes and Qfiicers of the Crown, were proclaniediand diuuigedfor traitors to ._the Crowne. . _ V But afterwards beingiafliamed{offuch” an. ivniufiandityrannous 'pr0ic¢c.dingi‘agaiI1f’tein~ no cét er.fon's,who were culpaifble in nothing eife but that they would not permit them to ‘ {heath their daggersjrl Fheir'bofon1es, andfo the rec¢iucthiet-lafi blciw ofithrheitowtnc rruinh 8: ouerthrow, but oniy in this cauli: tothruflt out their hands to put it by 5 who now percei- ued thattheir fra udulentcouries were diifco-# tuerc-:d,and that the {aid Princes had refolucd toioyne altogt-ztiherin an information to the King of the iufl: caufes of their fiantding out: laying open to his Maiefiieé the manifei’tim-.- putations and impof’rure‘s, ofthe wicked im-3 ti preflions and flaunciers, that thefcrrconfpira¢-, zrtorshaddiuulged both of their fidclitieand % V r A * A the _ A and 1'}? raiinie afM4zfMl/2i’A}2cre‘.” thefinceritieoftheirintentions. V \X/herefore to preuentthefe afperfion s,the~I Princes caufed a contraryprocIam.a_tion to be publifhecl the lafl of Sepcenfioer, wliereinz the Kiémg bdeini moxie Erni :3; i £1fo??1Ied,tl1eyba~ uerre an ac now edge Hem cues to —ee the Kings good, faithfnll and lo§,ral§.{ubieé’cs, and feruants,no wnies confe.~min.,«:g nor partici-~ pacing in thecrimes mentioned in the fetid precedent declaration, butlchar their mean 4 ning and imention was only, that tl'1eTrea.tie eofLoi1dun*miohtbe duly executed. And as with extreame iniufliceand fuggefiion, they laid,bythismeanes;theWl1oIe accufation on Mo unfier the Prince,t=o make him only gui’l%- tie» and culpabelegfo on the other fide the “Prim-~ l lces madeinrnanifeft to alljthe world how this wasbust a melerclvpretext ,8: tefiimonie of their V rage and.paflion,an»d noprofe ofany offence A » conlmittcd sand asall calumniation is for the 4 ll lmofil artdifcouefedf and refuted byitfclfe, A theyfpgke {Q at large and with fuchlvarlieelltiele '9i11: tut to caslunmiatc the i~nno-- cencie of Motmfier the‘P~rincc_, which is fuchr thatit-Willa~11clt cloth make the crime light one theirtown l1eats?.§e.pIe.te;;gt and txjaptjo ..e.nfi,.iare ifiet i§hety5y.» “ 2z)2zi"zj2r4imie qf'47fl2zi//ti iziriéfe. T they Itaidagairze heen furpriFediby«th.eir tre¢‘2t-I eheries and falfehood, the which now“pIaine— Jy» appeateshy their “ proceedings , tthattzare now moi mani feftl y knownte and- difcouetréied H to haue any queftion or doubt made Ii1€I;'c--~ ‘ of_ , t ;~ % . For after the conference ofSoi1Tons, and the {aid deciaration of thelafi: of September, they were Io fatre froth giuingouer their for.- .merpraé’cifes,or remouiinig A the diftrufi which twasgenerially co nceiued of their bad and ii-- nifierintentions, that contrariwiie theyhaue dayby day augmented the fame}. and in Read t -— ofcafhering {uiqh fouldiers as thcygmaintainmeii in the field under the Kings name and autho-- i ritie,they ftillvrcmained in Armes, and furth»er” made lcuies ofnew Regiments, hefidesi the Switzers, whom they prefently procnredi«to i enter into France vpon 116 other apparent caufe ornece{Iitie,but onely to fuppteffe the [aid Princes,and to ferue for fuch ehds and gpurpofes as Marihall de e2471iC7'6 and his Adhe- trents proi-effted, whereby to kindle a new twat“ . withintheLLand. And bccaufe the time"-oif the yeere then A hivndried them fi*ou1tetitetptiz%int'g' any thing to “adu étntage t with open Af0I‘iC<‘35i:i3'3* C 2 tengiing A eziéé/$1 z;:2z7/‘é§?.<»ztian cf4~C0fi2[7£.?241tl"072 V * tending. fitter opzprort u11izie,; they d’ifl:ribine& A :11 their forcesjzltoi Garrifons in Champaigne-5 ¢_l:cHeJ.ofFranc.e% andPicardie, and in aufuch W p1a<:c:s,in whicfi theytlm¢ughtfitt€f’c~t<$ Vfii-5rrea %vp_a13y44i%ealoufic% in the {aid Princes, A and’neer;:- ‘ totl1ofcFor:ifications which they hc1d,wher- A §inM_notwi%;h£’cax1di4ng theI*faid.Princcs<‘:onti:n ucal % without any QH3.imoti»o11 atall, thouAgh“firi.p— A ‘ ed of all power within their Ownc warne- A4-Amcnts, no Waiescxercifing their OHi%ccs%and. A PIw3C_Cfl5;nQr {Q %mi1%ch as being, pai,d§.h&tVV hich was due V;I1'fO?]th€m, bothforthei1:o~rd4i1iari.c~ 3_mgQ¢.fl3€flfS and4p:e4nfij~E3t:he Ianuaix-'ie,; H yvh.e:rein em:fai*fe;r amd:% i!'fiVpE1t3**!A 4:2ife'fi’4tian=oftZze U-améimztiam .t~ions,he is denounced guiltie of high treafon; éfwithitttg claiesttthe prefented not himfelf be- A fore his Maiefiies whofe commaunds as hee hath alwaiest beenready to obferue and obey; L yea,whatfoesuer hath heenenioyned. vnder -his name amdauthoritighe ‘forthiwithi prepa- i redto difchargehisdutie herein,and for this purpofe being come onward one his way as e “A fame as SoifTons,by letters of the laft of I ainu a-- rie, which were deliuered to the Seigneutof i ‘ ‘Laffon, Secretary tothe State the fccondFe- bru atie,andfo confequéntly withinthe tithe prefixed and fetdowne in the {hid Declarati-+ on,he humbly fued vnto his Maieffie to allow him competent and equiallludges, nowaies fufpe&etd”t04r§téifafieed,»With*iAt'eq.uifitet fafe 4‘ A conduéic and f ecutitie,bothfor his perfon and ‘_ he placegfeeitlg there was no..free t and fecure ac-A-» i I ‘cefle tohis Mttiellie,-itmtithat Marfhall ale Amy: ~ and his adherents~ehad broken publilte faith in this point,-and that for this end he would bee A pleafedv to affemble together the Princes, Dukes, Peeres, and otherian”tC.ient Officers of the C1_'ownetandCoutnlI:-llets ofEfiate,whofe fetuiige the deceafed King his Father hédteuer ,L;€.€l_-. toiwhofel ecenfureend iudgement the v:t;v2z2’}§'y?zt2z?2z'e ¢fM¢'r_J/77¢//% Aa7’}19'#:cmé.%?A%A hefiva srealdie to {ubmift ‘hiVm{c1fe,or*c1V{c in thé % Court ofPecrcs hisnacurall iludgcs, by rear- Io Li cf the h on our andp1a.cc‘wh'ich ’7I1eIi é1_d44iir thciRca]n‘:e. A ” “ Tl1cfs:l¢tteVrswcrc {e§9ornd”e*d with thc~Re~»- M monflrraxigtes ofmyI‘;ords the Dt1kc$oFVen= do{me_,of M aycnc and Bouillon, which were alfo deliucred to the {aid Simr de Layfomwh-cr- in confidering- the rea{o'nablc° corgditionsr. vvI1Aéré~u‘Jnt4o' M'o1n5fiei' the Duke of Ncuers A vvasAwiI1i~ng tdyeeld him{eIfc,they were hum- blc Iutors tohis M:g1icflie,- that his innoccncie x*tright1aotB ce Aopprefijcdby the4V%vi c )1*'é*n cc agléi" i4niufii~cc“,which3Marflmlhlc Amara and kisad-A‘ herents % exércifcd indifl"crée‘ntIj7' vp on a1I {uc*h*‘ as would not bee fiibiecffy to his tyrannic,pre-A % {sent-ing to ~hisview4thLcgreat Vivnconfiuenienccs t[§;1'f$4”é}1§dfe;1jné§fii?cJ¢§7fi€Es;t;h ‘ti-1 at I1-ad "accrued td his eR:t§,~ axithhc imn1i—¥ man: dangers that hut-}g'OufiI‘ h‘is”he2id;‘ pro.:.~ A p‘ioundix51g~a"1fo4 xmeccfla ry and we A”rem«:d'i;cjs,_ an?d4 fix ch~as were eafiéto be applied; But tshc ~ {hid Szkur diz‘ Laflon, ~1%wiA:?:h otIi5crthé gopfid¢dt5‘ cg) u4 r1f.‘¢l lcr:s‘% affirat-i’*1‘1*3ini:{°céi'%s~i’¢5f ~the‘~+ty'fanni*cS._bf* d:‘é%raidrAMIai~ iziflzie;a>2crq,*;.7Lmgg&z, and 'Bar;% 19:’.-r:,A fixxic:‘oxitii:;¢=:n;tI3ibdw“ ihe{c°l’ét--Q u afllj W 5....-n-_mvu-a -» ‘M. . h— nu.-.a——-5.-u -‘ negcri A " :=.: V 5/1 Ji»[.mzg')’c’fZflztio:2Vaf4zCombination come to the EE<’.Zlings fight; fo with vnfpcakc-5 gblc contempt, abufing his néuhcand an--. rhoI*itie»f°rthefuppreffing ofloyaland 3°05 fubicéizs and fcruaA1ats,the.y caufed them‘; ofFc- bxuarica da:c1.7;rati,.on to be,-pubIifhc%d,wAhe1'c- Ai:.1%Athc i"a.id% Lords ,%Dukcs of Vcndofilae, May_c11,Boui1EAon,§;theMarquis de [w.amre,and Mounfia _§#’ay, Brefident ofthcACourt of 1' Parliamem: in Parvis,arAeV+deno‘Lm4ccd guiltie of‘ l1fgI1;1‘ea{o11,4at the fame in{’ca111; with »mai11¢~ and Qpcn force:,put_t¢i:1g i11&pf;1é’tice all hoPcilc *1‘F¢‘11P‘3 again“ thanandthcitTf¢rwants. to qwakc them by ;hisTmean‘eWsirr¢qon%ci'Iiab1e;aud to reduce all things to the extmxlnitie ofa war: which reafons jfrgcd them out ofa AA ncceflipie ~P—~l?€*f tak?¢YP" marmes in thbname ofthc King andhis _authoI7i%t'ic,For 4 6 a iufi andrcqL1_ifiir defence againfi fuch amaine opvprclfion and violence. % afidacious minifiers ways,fi1c1),- jthatto cloakc %tiifiifVniufi¢a1?91;=yranni<:a11:conrfcs,A%the¥> c1?»iH f7 "‘«’$¢/.hich*‘~ hung. To L1=eAr‘:=th cir%% ;h_§ ads; .4 Elmo *%£,his?Li»p.r¢ifnuid V C‘.ombix%1at.i01z5tbt wc1'c%Lconfl:Vr—.a«i1%ied.t,o dnizwsg 1:116 ri3fci:uic%s§‘fnogmth;e4 g ;du‘r.r;n 0, «M W. ihzi iflrjhacir;aobed*i4c%gt;e V which ;t,1'1€y; wii 1. Cur-é-: r;%pre{e mm in:]Aui0La ze : but‘ catnely go bee furwth;§;r;r~em4Ao uéd ffrtom cheuvfm-zm _ p;~i::n 1:p.b.Fw£.r .3713 clr amho vimi an nth e:’c&rc zrxiwvof? z.Ii?:.Staw:tc5;2 welra.££;p1.ottéd ;t*hei1*;-mii13‘[c? fince? the;E.c:Vi s§nA.o;11¥ie;migharanc, but £1cc~Im;o Wes: Lhc%mz~ue:xeVhfmm5 Izimiq ;gnmrim—r5\vhichafiAa¢~w 13..Qf€l1§§}Efig?*}3iff$(§7§j:§.CHf{‘.fifii3iiTflEl.£3ACZ§5,\_? .bV£z?cAMi:at%:I13crf:;;jg Iii3%e11t;cd¢22fI;crién4err,~wh=eAr.cof:th‘a‘§*.ip4rc.tc%nflbr etoié — make: xh5c1nVN;cu;ip‘abIé§ by fthxeg:DAccl'§raBibn of the-1;0¢f"Fc:b5:ruh1'y,¢~O?1i<51)?~b¢531J3(C‘.:fihey;w€2uI«d% A { % xibzégwf‘ fiéh c?’g2;ii£»s~lucs§a%IIC1—:p ‘M ; wAawficVs—nh"r@até s”w?fto%~.c"oVxii‘fpiri7kj‘v g%:enémie§, to A i“;-zw é“%m: abiufe ;t%hei~r~;fhmbruicdtzhfgxicis, "fhé:£atal~b_ -.4. ~'~‘--v-~v-~~ --—--o-n-w-0-up---—.-an-\--in-..._4¢.... ‘ .4 % After the %con‘clufio?n?6f,t]héTtrcatic of lionri -durxgthe confidence‘ thc«y~in “pu*BIi?kc««fai%th ~gi‘uenr,pteua;ilz:dag*a\it;V:{?c%ll:rmh¢té.dgi4; finow fificc this hath beeniinfringed, a1idv~1‘c’d % » cmly for apxftetext-%ofth»at mA6‘%f’c«exccfraal I 21Qjt17es:“’7f’7f“(”)’ gs bf atri$fq:g~s§im%dA7.thus" tr5;fr2;;¢ilitatc thfeLfecre4t de- A fignesian‘ei§t;‘np»rifes;Whichthemféliuésdfiily V‘ E‘ ’P16eucdT:andfr13+tie@¢*d.i;= 7% ‘:1 <rVV:a;c§ r}t:é Eu=m'm¢:Ae,a£;mo%ncy, awmieafcr1c;:cxp~r.e£TcIy é%‘o S’0yflbps, té) :“"giu‘c ~th“i:s b":1v0f~W» gfi3mt«z35:'oAnVcJc Mq,r:ihallV &d*24m%m- ~Jb.ev.m&%sik_£;A6r4; di;{'gui{cd§5;WhAa£r%:¢aé»1:ttmniaétianrféw L :%;c§u%ere§v:isadc uifizd to hisgjgc-»anc1ifaIfi%ii«¢::tlaéé.‘ 1:11;. fofirflgir magi; % hon: A znyet €fr'a¢mcd.~;£hey= we re i,,CQ‘fl«» '6 . A. “ « j ~¢shc%rié: ffo wiclk¢d~%m1 app ifiawea Jan . he 3n§a:zI**e’?atn3fef’£;%?§.fie.Er;: ;:jr¢c.;a;§:tip'emef%d: rwhvgire cf thg afaiélx +;timenz*z£i1::h;a%Vsp,rrao.£m1i fQF g:A£O{th¢ éukaggwfhieyizwas;~F::maem:e§né:e;. .‘«u jpmyinedro~~zh%¢%Kingj+n-:herr?Re~ m9;1fitanc§$A;;s “WV gfi_’¢;_rgd,; md:w?¢a's, and: i: % %;an.dwhaii%d'~:%vhem»,%%LA:-o% retmafia V D—. 3 A finhcered A iliilicfiwdniféffdtirm om: *CAo297'7I2fiv2att‘io:2 4 l;iinicércintentions atzhis 'M’aieili‘éis' «fc‘cte, wifh i all humili tieandirefpc6’c3;;hé“y[ dirfchargél-d their A dufiesmas évcrjsz“:fuip1$Iiiahtandiloyall In l$ie&s,to preucntithc perils that iéenzed tol'ithréaticnil1is A Rcalriaémcprcfcnteélirnto him the true caufcs, nmiaed arrs%;*.larn‘cI:?‘fletrdolwziel :'zreim'edies A fori;t~heifame.? Andi-l‘y‘ct this lawful! liberric was A choakcd byiVlQlCI’JCC,.;;aI'l'Clithfilfiufli com- p“~l;:itiits::pilTwi’n;ly“ fupprelffedigsi —thc*«sgadl~ tthey mightneucxtpcarlce*l?>inw‘§1his7 Maicfl?ieS‘ea:res5 who"byrcaforrofhislténdéryccres,notbeing I alilé :qair¢¢me:x;h{c ‘great a“z1;gie7r‘s zxhaltlcnui;-z roin~*ed*hi:?in om >1fid‘"c aiid“ aiéE€iifE"iBeih”g? * fl1u;t§"vpl'ifroin thofethalt cou1clx:h'aucj truly in-— .fo.rm_ ed hirn t.hei1'eiln, heiircmained asi it were? a V :pmud*an*cili“nfo?l?c‘*nt: ll ranger; in-A » rm _ ‘ i ‘ My ‘ 4, M “A! éxihé léffiiibthingi .120‘ him b._ut fin? iiinagiin attic iI*li'bl”e“rti¢' if”o‘r‘l’.»ai rb'aIl~ M pfifonglmimfelife‘zmctaci ; inf Periialsle nfffllc’? l"0if“~ Mfiifilfieifh/8' -royalllau'tl1ori’ty’,t‘ofl1e~endhea~mightdcn0«iicc all them .;:Ar’:2l:a‘c:=f‘l and iguillti-E7 which %did bin: raprfidfe lfhlifsi‘ty‘r§nn%'ie’§” and‘ ‘am plots he had laid fair the abi{o“l1”atei tiuiticofltlit: whole Sfa tci, :wh"iél1 irclnbwvfoi cleanly» diIZ:o- ncncd*~ancl»laic5liopeln;;t“ at they cantmfillingcr “I A i be 'i'4:§Era.;" be “;1i1ren§%b1*e%a«,A «wichouc{ome~grarTeéonni;% :'i7cation he rcim; T % ‘a?s:w§i-E Ibumnjv «ob1¢1~’a”e‘1éA~ ,‘., ., I. . y «» ~ 5 é ; M_ .,. M‘ , M .. M-«, 1» 13. '1»-é C _m- 4 -‘L «- l 511' ‘ ‘s. ‘‘ % W :‘ ‘,“~ ‘_ 1 M, Vfsor n:.0*mA*a11 ~m-3 dan«bc~j1=’gn 9* A ant, -‘bur Pb 3%; zais:;~h %d;m, b%einv‘”gV ¥n1”ag fiifié %znd"ie$xaltVifl£§;jm‘féifiézind*p¢i~§m~paqri%I%>yA*t¢o»raigné vi*#r§c.%armifé%i1i:‘riiig4 thirowug Ea tabs {app OI'E~at10n :1 nd fa uo%mf of the %echiAe* M othc qr;-éixézl n of Abeixa é1bIc.to~com=+ » p?afl§:+ %i:I1Aefl:‘?~ <*:1%}’d‘e’s by g£%1°§1nA#q1L£i%111iE_~ie~aiadkpgabc; i:r1%:he>d»iIIo1in“i=Lo=&1 ths EI’c;;t%‘e*s«{ his ~ma*i~ne~~p oIi%c—ié’s?h£iue~ beexi %to brin%d in v this s, % 0 “ 11 cf! A makev "%fe51'i”lh'i5sf fid=*?to4%fapporr1 t%I1a;t~!rV>»I1‘g*l‘i-;c_:»a {u~ra:bIcv 5-g ma tn:-:‘VffcA ~whc1fbu fltO:[j,h_¢f\ wmf§”Arsi1Ie4r1;* yi ng§*a11 fdc ¢;a;i[i6;Eis‘;‘. ‘I F ‘or aria!" =*fkra*t‘aTge't1i?3 ¢”t"’e1?«~‘abéite%%tht:‘ 4 authb_ririe”*a~r7ij% dig:ficy?o£ eI1e:‘:?:riuc‘es b1oud,an‘anew Brim all Bards oExh>s* ac’a1m5¢1,'A?an"d rundrie ‘pre-— A ‘4.........._..,,.. -—-.- —-ud-.~-......a.‘...4 -J_.aI "" --».. ---- .—-..4v _--n-. texts .3[1}d.._C.Q10 ups . rcmouifi”g¥~V t;=hem3”% farrc».éoE:% “ “M I I-nun-..—-as-4 "" ,4,7»z4n;fe;t4:2an Lo/acambinmiam frona his Maief%y,dfeuifing to fat icaiouifie and difcord betwccnethcm,a11d weakening them thno ugh partialitics and difl'cntions,¢ A that {O A h i4m_fclf%m4i1ght further ffrcrlgthened inthcir w_¢akneffiantiimpoten_cy,drawingcithcrthg ¢n¢,p;t[the%.%oVtherm of thém to1~b4cmiVn§ficrs and éxgcutiqncrsg6£his§0Wfle ~info%lcncy%anddpa1Ii-y tins. By theft Waics he had%"attaincd to the ¢h7i6¢FeftCcminauxldsin the %Srarc %,%aAnd in;tru~ % dcd himfé-Ifc into fhcv Go'ucmcment of Pro?- %~uin¢¢es»and fr0ntitrT0w»n¢s, C0ntmic“%t0 tlic ':LaW¢$ Of fih¢.Iend mecrelyvpon. % ; ~ u ., ..‘. . I ‘IV ‘ ' 4 r W ' a ' “ ‘,,“‘ V.‘ .. ma :1‘ ‘AA — ._..............~, .‘,.\.... ....~...M,.,.,..«;., 3 :4I1Fc17[y}'kzi3zr::}2'af23/I4)://9&1’/Z -47’;flr2cre.;L% W ij AA A“7ndMthc %b%ettc.r:to4;c4oi1jpVztiTc:a%II chm enacts" gaccordixag t<§;his<$wIiA<:*n1%in‘fd4e and bum;oI3&I1d tj0VCrfl a»blifl1h%i‘sV tfgrauny i11thcV King%sCo%u11’{c1 * nccrcixgo %h_is. ~r%o,yAy%%a1VVlA+parfon, he hath taken the % 5eales“£mn¥M%’oi1Anfic r. arfuf flair,“ and difmiifed VsrigthA&di{g~raVk;c*t‘he.:ancient CoAunfcHc:rAs to the - ,K’i4n%gadc:Q¢.a{c;d,:'*:w%h ofc; fidclizic and honeflic ’ _:v;Va:saihe;hVtefiim"oV%11*ic 3:111 gm od %n»f1;en;;bccaufcthcyxwi,thPco:o%d ¥.ha”t%w*fii“ch‘: they Vknm¢w~&~%td ?beé *h*DI~rf1:I*L and praiiudiciall tsoiihffi A §dtVAate,cglI:ifig%futfixrntéo;t%h5e;ir: pla'c%cs1,whoVwcre % flf owns fazfftign PAc1j{fiomet$,:to for1?ainAcrVs iaiidfirangersgmengotbafc andinfantrousquaa » ‘iitics‘,ignor,ant A ercfiariaca AA _fcHowe4s: and fab xaa nci waraxid.Araw?baf%fhe Kinmc, ;AAto;Vprc5c1a.ime p%cacc.§. war l§¢§flft07 F ,t§ifP'fe Tof. t’h.5*:}*Alifei and goods (if a}rticu%Iai*.mcn,mvr.%e £014.; @?a3.1d vdeAéreT‘e wh atfoe-A _ aciue_rA V%I1fi.th<31;ii1Ag'I1t g0b5W,w‘itho1Ica'—nyontradh %i;;1g: to theilgdé; Qn3a«i1& °p;mic:.urii1g all .rhing,s.£a“pa1Te3accor— fie fahis owrm§wiIl* and p“1.e%afi.11%ea. .:,4 Mamfefiatian ‘cg/7:/ye faméfnatién A To co114clu%cl~”7c¥,%vnd%er the:Kingf:s;1'o§ avlI a~u.th:ori- tie and name, hee had“ vfurped*< (as her.e.tofor4e our Maiors ofthe} Rallacc did) aTn;ab{ol%u::c:af%u4 =t11oritiemwi}:h¢in «E116;Re2rl:q1é;1B“3*uing>TtoishiS Mai A ?ic~1’cic1’1’§éihAing4%‘b 11t‘{fl—rc¢ na1iedAVfé)r411c'”i* §n'ic"i«;é go f‘1“vdVallLdignity,d rawing the c‘nt‘ireAd6"m7fria; LtiontandrLulc Oif£1:]"\eS‘tat€ into hislownahands, éthé whi-c:I1.;,hcVdx.e%r;c%iTé;c:}; ..:w.i«£h {¢u§ci1:Uy£e$r1T§:a5$y,a5‘it was nbt lawful], coinfii i:é‘ti=11:gf%Z’££§cfipi%4 iL of}Encé,: ~i'bm_}1ch? r2i«ces*§. behug» “we irhat A t!iI_11C't’in hi‘%S..'.Cflt?i;'r*6~3Ild ’fd1e«difpofi£izon; I.- V was%rhe.Kin* 'ia;nfl ,:%ll;ord%A.his.B‘ri:athc%r fécufk": , X 1 E ‘: \ Q . " . V ‘4 am 1 ‘I!’ ‘.\~‘-' w ‘ 5 E 2 ° in yafwiwflw M_“,,,,,.“.,‘; _.._._. ,,.., ,..,, «=24 :71’! 4771f/*%f?m’an :2f4 C om&imtz1m his ham%dS;:f¢’¢inLgb9«t%'l1 h‘eaI1d.hi;4swifc ou»t;<>f A M an %i;mp—iet§c«A a%md% %c uriofficy p»uni{habl c A by the Lawes, Iaadcalculated the Conri-nuan.cc'oF + their Ii,ucs,thcy confulzed with Magicians % a-- bout the ‘time of their death, and ~wAhich they went aboucto Iimi'cL bythcir W‘1’tchcries and Enchan:n1cnts,iabcing mofimanifcfi, that to‘ this and he entcIfta,ificd%th%c Ph.ifitian .‘m"’o%72t.a/re, AA and the Abfiot of Saint Mahaly, that abomi~ AA nab!AcAm%on&er,who%i1athe horror and fcarcful d¢ff?dru6’ciOn4 of ~hisL, dcat11A%fhewc+d euidcmly % % It is ;weH;»knoWne,: thaAtAin. ;th.ef Aifem bly of h:aift , the % ” and go¢u<:r11cment; of the.4vStatc.v.”I1w+c: w hich :f:%£l7t%i O D “V ::r.bp ugiaam: ~ 2:6 _che[ancibncmwcs ;of«t%he~Rc‘a1me; which €.40iI1fC ffevpon Ihtfim this h0:I10u r;, ?.an1d{cxc~I ude "fi:T.Qm; the fmmg; ".h;o_th womcm and;%flnangcx=és. 3:5-‘¢KVY%a:1§d§ay hfili h‘§¢,;; (aw; :1v1~%o:unfic%r} the aliinc. dict”=§he~%fl¢fén:qc%;ofthe Kin'gs%au+- $¥miiie;%afx1:Vc:Iahis:mvnc.1§frs=,f@rtmionzhcexpre»- A A & V A lxxtnded Z his % ¥rayt0:r; difpara:gi:1g «and - i%n%dmi?gII%ief5yi~t1g hispoflcriiie. #‘°Vhich r-he-Co“urtof?ar1iam$e13t%fi;:§li:ag to. be no Wai;c44s¢+%i.u;flf.omb-16.: ly performed, Wizhdut any precedcm; cxam.,. pie‘, and c0n%tr"ary«tothc1awes andd4&atu;tes bf thcr«°=4avlIne,Ainuioljablydhithaerico put in and obfi-=1fucd in—:s11=;avg¢s;vp fu and f,c>‘i:§ti‘%wa_s than d<:crcied:th at ;the :re,aLfons fl1qu1d;b¢Ac*~ deIiuerc.d‘to the; I, 0-- lsen 0...»P¢11 ions fifa ud;-.: . ;r¢Pa%itc~%ar1dd~£aue}fuezh; a di¥1hono«urab1¢V% .0 u>7.»“« .53 % régrea+ ,4.9u4n;%/gizmm aft/ye Caméinatian M rage:c<5z§nm~itt?¢diifiagaiinfi xrhewhole Houfe‘; ithey; »vieréiifp‘féffcntiy»ithrcatfiedi to? be depriued of their pifia ccs,and banifht from) their houfés-. Aiidbccatafe the treaty ofiLoudun,Moun~ {Em thé bceing r¢c&a4bI‘i+Ihcdiin th“c#au; 'i>irt‘h}‘h“-’i~9i(ii‘iiftes ‘pro mad at :7 t»h"oriitiiie=i d’ ~dignix:iebélon giingivnto‘ hi b §1ti"timie«vainc and? t?r7L;1fix:1e'{f;e; cohc1i:5d9e=§i:ig* ma; i«hcc*Vi o-i l¢:::ryabro}&’ie*i it~he[? pxzzblikfef‘:rai;quiI1i»zief and peace; igiuing om’; ponfidéntly :0» the worL:i rib-"e~Prih¢ie= attenipticidéiofiiéiiici A i?f0?n§j<5ffHég~1€ifng<’fii1i3€*ffié «4's\efyfi‘¢e"fl¥i{§ iiM«é«’-’ th"ér;V:tidé3r f::hisé*p iwmid he z:‘au{ed him robe i m prifoncd-and dév‘a‘it1é3,tot4IiE~énLi* tr) i{p*o{c? if7t1i=rti1‘ef§é3f%=‘Ii1»iéin9£t?iii‘§*‘5iwNhéifiWi}l‘ :z°n'cfI }¢;{{:‘*; V i;3ir;;i?'iii ii 3:; iim ‘aw in 3: zméi Audylijats rcF";c='u'id‘eIn:15??app‘éa&é;‘ t~i1ath*é"ha‘d7?h-otherifiafiiifrc‘ énflfbil‘ ’f¢fojp&:; thficifub1uierfif)tiii*6f%h€Stfit€"gi£:iis~fb"tHa'éfi1‘»fi’H:£i:= ‘umg;fto* weakened and d1ufrdc_& *1t~w»1*th1{n flue: 1and,this domeflicaIl‘ideb~ilitaciima if'ert3’cd Him-T faria cui1rr;znt=~ex§u{e;ftoii abéndioh iiaftiii ifbirfsilic wishzrauie» H1 ¢iiRealime‘,‘§§I1 finciigiuc cbnfeeii ra“izes;and al-Ieie§:iitd>ih?éicifdvmg ying rhénii iai‘tit1iék~ir9ffieg;ed3aliis {ubh 4ai-dcaincdi fucaoursg i as by {oi«efnfi9c‘ i:"re~ai:iessé herec*ofd:%aa—?»imadéch ;1}+_f{ 1' ~. i thcfn :}:z22az’?z;3;m22)2ie./1/Iziaégifrcrta V :1?1é”tn,?tifa ey h?ad:;{”g:o‘od7éa;u%faml‘ee§;:éiéb %lc1ag"'c.* 2 May, infecmfesfitha f {;L;j,pp.ortin gs n:d%.foV1'&.i—'f?6~ » Ecfli qfi, w ould irt:7'at}1:e"%r.:;§5<1;5{ tV%li?i3£&’?’a§i Ai«>y1A ,a£s;M1féV1a*tfc%t5Vn.trib%u fez.t:o§’l3tiweiEfib'pp1j@iffi6}w‘3*sa7s**fc 2]1p;p,e:a;res “b y;sc‘<:mé1i_11c*» fi*1=oTf:9:a;11*d*d%e4i1§iVc e7$*f'c«t bib Of) Us in .ojt; long f1 13 cg: “VtAfow.:rhei?r- p‘.r"é%i Lw.iiIce,Aiin C t he T 1<;i;1s»m Mm-5,4 .{éc11'et: gVézxxs-and In*:%i»‘ni-f%ers“,& zfm tlicafaucdu rAin;;* b‘f.:t*h'eifr;d“6fignés§é:n_d.%ntwin Tp;r~i«rfc?s37»wThALovfe: wrmqs :: atnfd A owqrwll @hfii "{’ca-=:%“1i**i- A d5Qm4c_u hath rneafon {tzé4If11*’{*pé:67’C«A= ea r1gd311‘51*i1’et}i is may pl*ainv1~y b'.e"e: x>.'r<=:1t'rIie”'§x;:l,5b)'r“ :rri*é‘x1t1t>i*i§l3:s: i'r‘r‘ci lac t:cmepI:ed,: S:\i5ere‘AwFoufn‘d%f tit :; A i23fiflfiO,:uf5et TC1 i ca: 45$’ ?zcr3c’:,1. high: fV‘W»e;ife:' cca fedvvp'v‘em+ 7 «fmce in hié re§tuf‘ne4~oi1%1tofGermmi%§§.1*d”ndL%»the L_o»w« Co qntries To] 3 thc.fa.fn1e enfi?é~«:%it is: th at3Vheé4:r€:fifl‘ fi:C1"*t%I1‘€é p;mtfi&.iou«c§fih?ctSdu:gia¢ign%eit.ic% bf Sad I@?ngi?ngtoAtl1é' Duke o:fBo ui1‘Io'Th;VvI1icHa‘iii all a‘gfe;$4 In athpbcten foAund’ foibéxieficifll ' i¢¢I1*a;i*y;%‘fi§Td;r;E1'a::ice;gbyréafon oEthe’_;:if%§*té3afn 1 r&~twi&¢?atvibnof:%t1xe placese; that dingprhat V11Either%to AA it hath: bccndvéAr:yr€%c%a“i*i‘cifii1%;I»I%§fi4 ~ ’majincain*c,d5and:co,nfirmc"‘iby5;1r='K?nigsAfincAe7 €/M2‘?/is’: i»h‘"C‘f€igh't=»TH17S3*t§{1"Ié:, ’:f\fc>‘7—Iém * treaty "_...,‘.- -, .4, .-»..mv-vum-—«- he./4:7Md%n§?s‘?atviaizofdcdmlzimztion % mfiatyti n¢*1th:¢; rAoQ;Is’e iii to». Vhi’s¢;.{afé- guard;;pr0;C,c &i0i.n~ afi4d#4d¢fcnce~, the { aid Lord ‘ Dukes pn:deccfl7or*s:whé):werc«Prin<:cs% cfzse- €’11§r3t QA.p%rbtc6t*and dc fendfthemfrom dgall%%c§p:9I¢.fl3%o1is:4afid whom;hc=:fu rib C!‘ A p rozifi-3 .%{ed~th%a~s;¢ tbe:y:W¢frc4iany” waies% diffurbcd or :1h..fi.".*,iukcs *of.A3g;»‘rTrim;i%A6r:a;%gxy o- " the 0 f »PlM7‘i‘:l’.§'”cfi3B”Ii‘l'i7éS:5’ cndfam%*agéd% madeV»WarMrc%againPr thAc:n,:ArIia¢t thcn hcVw&ouIVd ;gid¢;J;;§;gQ u3j,ag1d;;dEgfci3dmhem,n0 It {Te then he §¥';<3;tz1fM@g+:§mJxhd;BOfhifé ’O?wm="' *rbl.9 ad «a¥1‘d.?1;i r])a~ge.T i a?1Iirt4hV é ‘trcati”es*”4 dffpc ace ‘nu ad~c]bctwecnei;F.ra7nccandSpaine, thcLo Ids ‘pf wcm Vieucfi; therein mmprchendcd % ,.cially in {hat of Vcruins, with%an<’cxprcITcjdc-1 ’4;'Ar2cn 0 £rhi~s S;;c:atr:;.% Vuc4h»chAings C0111 noIo:1azgerbc+c an%ct2£Ir.’dLi nor fnAfi1=:-red%with'0iI;t:tma£omtoihc Sham : and wee {ho uld .%bc no Vtrue fménchmcn c1%;rp¢:r.f4rmi::> the pmd igicvus fans urs am o7wer;o%f.th&s*:au¢ dacious £trang,cr ’ger t*:0~ tri:un1«p*hAA{m‘in'fu~“a lmtly cm e¢rFra1icb5% to {bake her"an:cVimcTl=aws, and fc4cu1:é._ E0ixtid‘z«1ci;o%a’s%5toa;aufaartha J Ki11g$’{0ir&:ra"ig:+rie auth1'iIic§,"and to 7k2i?nd3r;=V%9i%V. zfirc of ciuiil warrcwand ciombufiicm, Ai11ArI-‘re midd;[’c'+o ffthis. grcat%~kig1gdon§c,of£11i?s.’m&gh-.N fi_e_+ ; m@%é"fHc w%hfe‘rc;of*Ahau;itgimfll: ages pafifiifurmduntcd all» forts of fl:o]rm‘cs a“nd~“** " tampbfls ,_ hath hicfh-erto had a %ccr~taine=Vp"re‘. fagcmenn ofh:-rxpérpctjuétioxa, ‘grmmfdi bclceffie inxiall %:ncigf‘1bour ~N‘at7ions, t“hFatV her greatnéflé fl1ou1d"=nfeuer have an end "till;th¢-. w%hoIewo°rI'&s%Ia.1’c period, notwit " * fiandin g at cljlié day i Vtisfcwmcwzo ybetcd :“1c&d;;/to ‘*9? ~'_________’__M u‘_”‘_ .,,__. r "3. ‘I ‘ I . -1 I ‘ , » ~ . . f *_i¢t?1=ecab15:e.%— ~21 gmire%%of11%r”4“Iafi*’géfp$;;fiat . ’c'_h}b"‘?£... % errM*fé~‘_§a~r.=afrr:+g2*e W M by bbami p:é;r.‘iih,bIin g“ bar ~ me no u nfe 31? dihfi vb de 1*.- fiandings f1i@ri?§»é5l*i5 fxh ‘i‘i*1‘3‘th‘i¥ii3’:i*5f§ons as might iufily awake and r "” and b1indWe,br-um1ih~ng~hedlong to our owne 4 prc cipie$é7a;1 A fifiafd I rcnhd*ed“ A 23 p,truly indifzmctc, Tppofincr thedown- ' fall whichbthheahtncd vs,ic rhthcr fzcmed we did Vb put our induhfi-'rh.ious~.and helping hands there» w,hthe nacntc to accelerate and hafienigas if wee feared»-not to d be {bone enou «h, and in- “g *e*I={;~: *b“r;rt""htz:sL fm“l”f‘f’e‘”fhhi”a"?f‘i"23 uanceour ogmueb ruins and oucrthrow. , But now by t11evn{pcak.able rnercie of’ M God, who at Iafi with his eye» of piti‘ehath«~% b Iibokcd downs Avpon this mifcrably rent and 4 tome k'i’i1gdon1c,‘and through the extraor« * dimaricb,¢mfp,ixin,;aEmbalhmux.amdhhbbdifdaine5:ix+£&&d2~? into the-mofi‘ noble hheartwof the xfoyall Ki_ng«,— beyond his age or yeercs, inwhom now be. h gins thehimjagc of his dead -fathcrgloriouflyfih to re ui.u1~e,thc Surmc of Iufficch hathappcared, and; ' % ‘ }/1 }.M4n4j‘I=;ffatia"”n ofacambimztiori V and diliacrfcdthis ficric cxhalatié that threat-3 mad the mine of his Itatc,t11cfc cloudsoffcarcs" arcvani{hcd,and the comfortablcraics ofthc’ royal! Maicfiic —bringing+with them the influ~ cnc¢sofiufiicc,p_cacc, and pIcn:ic,bc-- A g%inV.ag§iIfl1c%%torccomfort and A I mcreatc ¢ the fpylcb. of “ France, AQaaffrme tée King.