MAN:fFEST D E C L AA T 1% N M F V l J The Higl1a11dMighty L 0 R. D3? S‘Z"fl‘Z'ES cj 1-MQE ‘KJL L AOAF THE » ) United .7\(_c=t)5erl4}2d ‘Prmrirzces W Cormprehfinding A trué Rctlatin of their fi11cerei7nte11tiw on, and lawfull proceedings in the T reaszy with thcEx-- traordinary Embaffadors, ‘and the Commiffionaries of the l prefent Govermem: of England, fo as the fame hath J been hczl-c-l here inlchc Iamguc, as alfca at Lorzdozz. V A A . A w l.;: A .And»l'lkeWife l l A A Of the unjufl and llviolent proceedings Oflthofc oftlm faid Govemmem:,which hléiw-3 forced thczfaid Sgatcs General! A A by way of retortion, to dcéfend their State and ” V \ Subjcéts againftrheir Opprc-flloml. » AtAMSTBRDAM, Tranflancd out of the Otiginall Copy, Frihtcd in tlie Hague by l L \ % cam Widdow and Hcircs of Hillcbmndtgizzcobfz W21 Wcmw. l 1 <5 5 2.- l l El ~ and it be eliecmed , “ e He States Gcnerall of the ‘United Netherlands nnrlo all, e which may fee orhear this read, fend greeting. Whereas A alllawfnllh/lagilirates (as being ordained by God Al- A mighty to take care of the welfare of rh~eir\fnbjer°rs) are _bgund,nor only to govern the fame with difcretion, and to maintain them in good order and lawfull policy ; and further,‘ wifely and prudently to prevent and lupprefle all ontwztrd ocean ' lions, whereby the rd! and tranquility of their faid fubjeéis rnight: be dillurbed, or theg undergo lolles or oppreflion : and to than and due offices to have all, efpecially their Neighbouring States and Countries obligued to them , whereby they may retain a. well» grounded and alfnred confidence of each others fidelity, and or when any difiernper ism bcfalnc , may with the molt ealie and peaccablemeanscompofe nhe fame in elllove andpfriendlhip. Bur moreover it be required of them ;, when the caufe is In exi- me, and no other means can irepvail , to ule the power and firengrhgivcn them of God hty, and confequenrly their weapons, and therewith man d couragroufly to oppole and oth honourable and profitable with good A fuppreliz: all violence andinjnry done to their faid dear fubjeéts, i and caufe them to obtain farisfaélion and repairation for all wrongs and damages which nnjulily were infliéted upon them. And we with 1 cornplear, n pright, and goodintention endeavona ring alike the performance of both, do thank God, tharhe i bath to blclled our rule, love, and care to and for the good of our fubjcfis, eh atpthcy have required the fame with mrmifcfc mnrprell (ions of their man love and ready obedience , tending both to their and our wclfa re, fltrcngrh and eonfervarion. it And in refpeét of the Englilhblation, have ever, not only with all unfainednefr and holineleon our parts maintained all friendlhip and good correfpondcncy, which of old ufed«tol“be obferved between them andns: but rnoreoverthefaidlEnglill1 Nation now of late be» ing difintbedlwithin her own bowells.,pand rent in faétions, and me people highly cxafperated one agziinfi the other , we have not only with forrow and ifadnelle ofhem beheld the fame, and V l l i A» 2 abllaincd E2 ebflained from will partiall eifiiiobins, wherebywe might incur the l juflzdifpl-eafure or d;ifafFe&ion*ofelitl1crlidle: and moreover , as much as polfibly we could, prcvnented and {topped all fuccout V froze us to either of them, ‘Wh'ereby‘tl{e fire which was "kindled L ;mightlebefo1n.ented,Vth*e breach rnad’e larger , and the cure more to V difficult and perillous; lbutalofo when the aforefaid defiraflionsy haldpinoyifonfe parts of their Country occalioned waft , defolationf .pnverty;*nrant of food ,- and we, by both Houfep of Parliament 7‘ at that time being, were ealrneflzly intteaited to admit of a pub»- l 1 _ ljkelcolleftibn in our Chnrches for the~confolation and fuftenance 7 \l , of many impoverifhed“ and needy people in the {aid parts :. the teptefentation of the fair! calamities did fowork upon our hearts in and the hearts of our g0Qd.fL1bj€&S with tender pity and Chtifli- an cornpaflion, that upon the {aid intreaty all tonfiderablc fnm of money, to the value of certain~Tonnes of gold,was gathered in, and to thefaid end ertported out of this Country, iniomnch that l the feid Houfes of Parliamentdid eaul'e‘theiryLetters of Ihankll giving to be difpatC7h€dL1_nt0‘L1S, and to be exhibited and con»- y A rzned by thernouth of their publlql1C~Minl'9Cer , with externall ’ demonfrrationsof great afeéti ; felfs not fully fatisfiedybut . With all which, finding our deeply ytouched with :1‘ longing l and put to_all thefe {aid mifnn- zeale and fervent defite, t h derftatndbxnggiand Ihence arrfing troubles, and to have a true, upe- r1ght,and innerly reconciliation made between thefe two fo _ imnchcaich againfi the other ixrtenfedir and exafperated parties; ttufting we had given fuch manifelt demonfftatione. of our true i imtentions herein, that wehad hoped we might prove acceptab-le_, and thereby alfo help the furtherance of yfo good and gmatoa work: to thabtixpurpofe did irndtrtake to “makee tryall therieof, by {ending to the King l and both Houles of Parliament an Embaffage Extraordinary impofed‘ upon the A Lords William Bartel fa/fair mm Rlaeede ,&‘ Lora! afipflmfwmdt, A . ere. But God Almighty in his incomprehenfible judgement not pfeemg goodttotiput an end to the {aid difizrafiions by appeafing the fame, btit by; other means having fetledthe flzate ofthat ‘($0. yvernment upon smother groyundrhen formerly It was maintain»- p ed by; and the faidfiovernmcnt offeringbxgntous aitreaty of*mu-p ttuelliUnioa and neeter Alliancpe‘;bWe. licving r the fame; was Pm‘: L 3 J . l priefentecél in all linearity and nprightnefs , and confide-ring that thereby might: be obtained fecririty of Navigation and ¢om~" i rnerce, not only For us,bnt alfo for all Trading Kingdomes and Countriegefpecially the Neighbouring, which otherwife in i re-w gard of divers common Intorcfis,thronghe mifunderiiandinga aria - ling between usand the laid Government, inevitably would be difiurbcd; we have not only lhewed our felfs moii: wilrling and ready to accept of the {aid motion ,j but y the {aid Government > to that purpofe having fent over unto usthe Lords,i0liwr .S'.;‘alm, i and Walter Strickland their Embafladors E-x‘::raordinary:;we have ” alfo endeavoured in allmanner to comply with tjhem,i andrto fas- eilitate the me ans to bring the {aid treaty to a happy conclnfion, as far as the coniiiltntion of ourprefenrGove'roment was ableto A fuffer. So that tl-ieyfaid Lords Embarladors beingentredinto conference with our Lords the Committee ordained out of the “ midii of us to that pnrpofe; and having made unto them it go- neralland u_nl'imired Propofition, afterrhat we had‘ mademani- ‘ fe-ft unto them our (incere inclination and true love to Peace and Unity, they were in our behalf reqiielied , that the faidgenerall Propofition by a nearer Expofition might be openedomight bro--A pened and diiiingniflieé incleare and near points , that thereby 1 upon for: and firm. groundflf might be brought‘ to pay good eonrlnlion ; and although overall well-gro‘undej~ reafo.ns were alledged , and byifeverall contra?-ptopolitions good way was made for an agreement: Neverthelelle at that time weconldiad-P Vance nothing, but that the {aid Lords Emlna{fadx:irr,whe'tiai;fl_1ort time was expired after their firli audience, the fnbliance it ‘felfe notonce yet being touched, gave Conntenancethattheywere to depart. But throrzgh fnndryperfwafions, at lali admitting of a willingnefs to prolong their time of fiaying , and having fince exhibited neerer Propoiitiona , we have with all fpetd approved our felfs lo, that she faid Lords Embailadornupoynyithe liaidanueer- er Propofitions (which themfelfi declared to be of greatelipcon» cernment, and of Inch confequence, that ‘when once we lhould come to be ofone refolution dioncerming the larne, there would ‘ be little ditficaulty in the other) have yyreceiyed from us fuch refle- étion, that in the {nbilance there remained no diffcrenire , or if any, but very fma*-ll; andwe of our parts moreover revealed all ‘ that eat We found condoning further to the good of both Nations A, halt might. be agreed upon with maintenance hoof the? alliances we tavc iwithiotheir -1(in'gt‘,Re"publeiques, ‘Routers and States, and fo allthat was“ lnecdftill for ltihfia lconfummatiog [of the {aid troa«- l ty; whereunto expeflingthe neeret Declaration of the {aid Lords Embalfadots, they declined the fame by their gfuddain de- parturt,, thatthc time granted unto them for their- Ray ing wasifexpiteid, andiconfequently that they could not pom. bly proceed toAaneanfm_rtt1untotthat which was propoundedo by us, to the and afotefaid. l And although the afaid mataaet of pro.» 7 iteedingrnight afford matter of ifevetall fufpitions , concerning . theiinteottiooof the [aid Government, in relation to the {aid treaty : becaufe the iottrcutrence of a {horn time , which had A ‘ made no alteration in thctaufe it {elft,ought not to have alto- ” ted the goodinteutions, and eonfequently ought not to have made any futh interruption in the ptogtefs of the tteatyé we notwithftanding on our parts (preferring the dignity and accept- tableneift of the taufe it {elf before alljoutward ceremonies, and confidcting the ptotdiation mad: bythtit {aid Lo tds Embaifaw dot: at their departure from hence, of the fincere inclination of thefaid Government towards petcc, and of their confidence, that altho ugh their endeavours had it been to fucceflim. as to attain to (happy period, the fame notwithiiaodmgi might not prove unftuitfuil, when time lhould come , that we witha coo-4 tta-vifit (hould pleafcato»rcfott unto them) have not omitted to dectte a confitdlctablc Emlbaflhgc to the {aid iGoveroment,and ac» ~ eordiogly inpeccmbict "lait year fent thither the Lords faced ' poblilhed bylthe Trade wasmmifeftly teiltaincd, the good cortefdondency be» 'CJ1t.t,gtr4rd Scbaep, and Pmlu} tum Tar, our Embaffadors Extraordinary, with full ‘p(IwCt“- tndiinittufiions for a Treaty. “ Although {into the dcpattmejftom heoct of the laid LotdsiSl.1almt and .S’m":klam’,b?r a tettain difcourteous and untrcighboutly A61, raid Govttnmenlti, whereby the ufuall libcttyof tween bothNations (whereby true frieodihip and fidelity were wont belt to intreafe and beiiconfitmed) was in that partleviw tdently cut off , and gfevtrall of our Ships {urgtifed , all which A am: more and moreafufpitions, that the inatcntioneoofxtheafaid A 4 oytmsnem: was no way, anfwetablc to out nnfaintd open» l A at A ~ l . A i A ~ A A hcattednefs, i heartednefs , which afterward dr rnolievidenrlfyappcare to by" ,na;ry¢ were 11-9 rived in England, and there had made an carncll andupright Dr:-- l in; Foral’ter«that our {aid Emibafiadors Extract claration, of our {incere affefiion towards the confummating of the aforn-m‘ent1onled rnchoared treaty , with ferrous Reqncfis, r that the famernight fpeetlily andxhappily be brought to a perfu- fiion, arid to that end all things might {land in the fame polflure, wherein they were left at that time, when the {aid Lords Sr. lob» andrsrrickgand departed from us; at leaiic till the event iofl»-ttl1at Treaty might be known: andto that pnrpofe the {aid fAt.‘.l ( by which the life andrbexng of the faicl Treaty would be infringed) mi he be repealed, or at leali the execution thereof fnfpendccl, l A angthe furprifed Ships and goods reltoredt: Theifamc hath not only not been taken into cdnfidetationby the {aid iGAOVC£'DIl1¢:n£, arwae fitting It fhonld according to reafon and equity; but con-t trarily ( during the faid Treaty for the renewing and confirming l of old Covenants and Amity, andeof the entrance into ncerer ~ Confederacy and compliance of i Love and Union ) the ifaid A r3'gl}€; Neverthelefl7e hoping fthefaid Government would o”nce:« ‘ A lgixreeplace to reafon, and thereby wayofgtreaty, aceotidinig to ju--4 gliiee ;md;equit'y,~, all; differences tmight be compofed; i we have abfieined from all malineertt of fafltg yea though" eernefily lm;rea- A ted, have tefufed to give our Letters of Matt or Commiflions to do our wtrohgeid Subjeflts form reafons afgte-n1entioned'; and of our Ede through our Embafladors Extra.-orclinary with all earnef’c- nefle fought the aecomplilhing of theeifaidtteatiy in%Mgei1erval‘l, and Oftihthe afotemrnemtioned ftiirpriféld Ihipshand goods in particular: ‘andonthe other fide toaprevteot‘ all piracy and robbery for the future, and;to_free oL1r,eS ubjeéizs from further lollies, and t_§hé~gene--e» fet outlat {ea :4 c.onfiderable fleet of (hips, andto prevent ljealou» fies,tandi~ that the {aid Government might not mife-apprehend of ‘ this out doing(as wedid likowife to other out frl»i.ez1dsl‘l‘and neigh- bouring cotmtties)»byout Emhaffadors extra-ordinary we gave: notice HMO them mall fimeerity of this out tefolution , with 0- T pen andiéuptiglht lmeaniifeflations, t‘l’1att,he~».faid {hips fhould notiat A the leali; be imploey_cd;‘t4oinfii& any hurt upon; outfriends‘ and Confederates, and ,nz'melyl Walfo not upon the Subjefis of their Govemmetnt‘: but that wewere ofea fetled refolutton to main-— i A tainiall good com;pl,i_ance andlfriendfhip withthem in fineetity, asiwas becoming two fuch neighbourijng Nations. And although weiexpefieid thatthis notice givéfuought alfo £0 hfitvfi‘ 56611 accep- - i tredeeof byethemfista Eokenof our unfainednefl“e,efpecieily becaufe i A the {aid @overnm<:nt‘ a little time olnefofe had_n}an1fefied their A ‘ diilaile, that a fmgllinumber of outfhips, notgtvm ge them time» ly «i»not~ice,:{fotehand, ‘had fhewed ‘Athemifelfs neare unto form: A i Illands , which then our [hips knew not to be tinder their com--- mand : Notwithfltanding W8 Obffitvedg, that the {aid Govern- ment daiiythaiming at neothirflig mOif€afh€fl£,i£0 gather pretencees”, whereby to ~giveeaocol011t%itoi£he execution of their long nhlreatened defignes, have alfo looked upon the {aid notificati~ on with the fame glance: inlomllch that OM Embaflladors were ncceflitated in our behalf to bring ‘mtoreprotofs where- A b.Y._t0 make ethettuth thereof more apparent unto“jlthem.ll‘“l A And mill commerce~fto,rn a totall mine and: fpoile «,- werefolved to . (.7)? M1 iii mg‘ meanuima, that remind treaty ferieufly §te'iioe*td by an; {aid Embrafladdrs, Who endeavoured to bring thtefame into finch apbflure, thatrhe [aid Governme”ni‘t fhouid*hei‘iuducedtoiidea 4 ciarethemfelvcgand no longer to conceale their fecret defignes, tending to the defitufiibni of outer commerce, and the difabling of A. V *l‘}he; iirengrh of our (fate, under feeming preteniesof friendfldip, > and feeding us with the hopes and ;ppearances‘of a treaty: as we r have mofl evident proofs of this their -rdloixig : Our Lieutenant Ad- A miraii Tramp, whom we made General! of our faidNevy, ‘was by i them enconntredi with a full beroad-fide in an hoflile manner , and feverall of the -men of his {hip miferably ‘wounded, becaufe he did . not {trike the Fiegge according to their fancy, though ‘nieverthelefle according to divers umniitnotus Declarations and evidences taken ofneutrziil and unpairtiaflritncn, he was bufie withhalingin of his Marmfayle, and caufingof his boat to be haied on, whcireby to fend one of his Oificers iaboardiiof the Aidiriiraliii of Chfirfflid Government to congratulate hiimiwith all due refpeéts ; by which encounter our feid Lieutenant Admiral], ‘and the rel’: or the [hips i i V under his commandie, were neceffitated co defend themfelves, and did madame their defence fo irrepreiienfibly, iniregard of the A : Emglifh Navy, that whereasoursi were farreItrengerinjnumberuofi (hips, rand able to have wholly riuinatéidithiéiir invaders, they refrain- ed them‘fe|ves;aindA reftedi faitisfiedwwith their onelyidefence‘. Which difcretion notwithfianding by the adverifei party was fo ‘little re-, -fpefled, that, commirg up with 1 fecond Eiquadron-of I"'hips,the xdid liikewrife in their former rhofliiei manneriafliuit the’ hindermoi A of our {hr ps”, which were feperated from the body; of ioitur ems, overcame ewe 'ofthem,_i anditooke one away. ‘And to rriafke thiéi 5 ' encounter iierve them for he pretenfe, to b»re1it the aforefaidtreaity, they gave out and ipubliihed amongft their people, amdhave endear. A Wvourssdito make the whoie wo«rldibe1eieve,”“ that the” firit afliiult in the faidencciunterms made byour fide, and thenceprerend to he f =wrongedai‘nd e‘ffi‘enited in thehighefl degree, ‘Indie’: thetnfeives in epofiureioforpen warre againitus, before they orice made theileifi . icompiaint thiereof unto us, much ieefife dam*andingirepmitinnfoc A~_ the {aid trefpaffetwhicn rheyt pretend to" he committeid, which? reefon andrirei§;1=«*?iii5if‘itor7the" treetyin hatred, ifiedirer theiriintentieni to»- *;wards « t,;hhe, time htdiheeii in-.e1I;mighc ihiwe perfwaded On the wA....,4 i con-3 A : (’ 8) eohtrary wdon four fides»enmdea‘vouringm with Erue and upright_‘he‘a:ft% A and mindcs to;ieduceminco%madue Frame and Orde;r; w%hatm4igh: ba d&fpIaced:ndo%utmoE o.rder;,, qur aforefaid"Emba%fl”ado«rsm Efx::ramor.\ A“ . dinary, no foontr had received. inccdligcnce of the {aid accident, A Abubwith moa fcrioumfnctfllz protefied and declared béf-rm: the Coun- "V celmlfof %Sca;te of the. faid AG-oxnzrnmenc , that if mags had.bc2cnfi_- V ,a¢d,.;they,.31md;heA,fame,thac wemmmwere Whnily ignorant mere. ofiand robe done quite contrary to our.mexp::.fTc order, which they confi.rmed_by4 exhibxzing the origingllletcer lwrittgn unto» thcmm by the aforefajd our Aidzmral concernmg the faxd.fubj=*€t,%compmrqhend;. 5.. ing a.perfc&.Are1;cion;mmoE ciwcommmiflion we gave him, and folcmne ly um:-fling of our ihtimatemdefires, and hearty ;im:Iinva:imon5.::o have” % andwmaincaxnevpeacc and umtymwuth ;:h‘e fagd -mGovernment byma fizme: ailiancc, and indiflblublemamicy .- and with great zeal: and carneftinfianccs befeeched them; that, them might 3. nearer {catch be nude intomthem truth of pyaffages bcfallcnmizi the {aid crncomter, and thergupon communiczteidmlumo them the evidences t~1kCn'thCrc», 1:0“ be fem: over unto us. arrd defimmred chamtminffihe mmeane. time the 4 trezzty, which thcymv fuppofed was btjoughc Io fargthamc ii: a fl.-mt: time: yaitmmigh: recéiveg it; hsppy period,; migtzt notbe rdardcd by an un- mexpugcd ca{uzlty,Vb."yc)nd and againfl ,.wiH, {urely of ué, through in» confi mfateneflis atzdmmralhfncmficof one: of themmtwo pstrties czfkimcers, wbowere co7givcf accomptm of their gflions, aztdthatm the fame might mm; puI:%the& caufe in agfatrther d%ifianc.6. And although this «pmp0- % A figion was ofgreat confiquence & highcfl impornanmce for the *com- mon good ofboth nations, the: faidgovefnmenc notwizhfianding inAa,l0ng time have no: daimid ou:«Embafl"adors', nor us, in whom ;b¢ha¥lfcI:hef3.rf1~c was propounded, with their anfwcr : b::ing~7 how- "ever by mjurm fpeciall commamd afmsond time mpuzm. in mindc thereof A by our [aid Emba(Tadors,m who magaiz1mdfe1iva_red over the {aid mrenevvscd prdpoficéon‘,gndAat"cerw«ards reiteracc:d,it once Itforc, with fm~cmmcbc.r gc;onfirmati0'ns of our upright incrznmtion Sc E1ear%tym.difp;leafurr: agaji::1;£t ’ ' I:h€ {arid'uncxpc&ed“andmumnhappymencpuneer&ufmchcTai%d Figcts. Yea }7Q_nmthcc0n:rm‘y,laid hAoldup0n aHf—Sh§ps?mof~mtraE'1ck% *a:ndmmmmmm of *,w:rre,%whicI1%ftheycnulci lighpon my a;_Sea, bclongingm to th¢’:‘:f¢~P:.‘o - wvinceé, fakimgm {inking fuIi1€.wi:h %violenca:j, m‘;fl.?ading A cxthcrs um.‘ days; may, and lending xhzrmmmmtzp Aintathcir ;h%1,rhOI3.r5,r*ali"<3 = phmdring :and»r;rifg1§;i? §¢§m€fl5:Wmd §°mu‘m,4i€rs. am imprifomning;mmdiversms H or and ungodly (9AlA»“ r if we were in open warrer with eachother, wirhom: a forgoing par; jig}; cleniall of rheiirlhiendrfhip lcowerdsius, whieh h,arehAoecafionodi 1;l‘llel0.ll}‘f3 of much innocenthlood, arid the ‘utter undoing of feverall of our lubififls , we havewich patience undergone to jullifie before the world hour pearceahle minder! and the upr%igi_hrne:_fl& andlawfulneflh of our pro-A ceeding-s, as lhewmg that oorhrng rsllmore desire Lmrhomus then the accompfithmerlt, prefcrve.t1on\alnd augmentation of good union, :m«:: confidence,Afa*tlfI A % concrarywife nothingrnoee deteilable then the horrible fruits ofa confirming war, arid drrefull wrlhng of innocent «Chrillian blood : And in conifidcrarion thereof beficles our aforefaid threo~Emba£l1« A dots which we king and ellab refolv; d upon a fepon faid» Government, 1". Adrian Pdflwr L0”! 0 d Erpbaflage Extraordinary V rohe fentirto the in their ellares; All which exrreame provocation; frrlneffe and arfiity with our neighbours ; and hadlfent to theiaforefaid Governmeor for the ma. r lilhing of the abovefaid alliance,» we have “moreover r d therefore difpatched unto them the Lord? V F Heemllede our Perxfiomry Couzwlellorr of ~ Holland and Wel’rFricflmcl,el"pecially upon the fubfefh of the {aid lore encounter and its influences, and with more fcrious expreflioins A; of our uprlighr meanieng ah d defire to pacifie the matter. And the-:4 A {aid Government having in the mean»: time given out their“ anfwer or tothcaforefaido propofirnon and iterative reprefenrarionr of the. e madeimro them by our former Embaliadors, in which Aanfwer_ {am their? affefiions r-oimbrace a bad 8:: finilller imprefli- lhaving ben;:l€:d on,whichAt:hey wirrily fitted and Framed for a colour to their uoj'ul’r.» drfigrzes,as if we had for oul‘-"anti managed our {aide fleere, for to make war againli them. ‘aradtoldellroy their N1-or l vy,A0r EDA thew other axftioos of hollirliry, violence or loppreflion a- V A A 'rfr1bi4;:S’ts; wirhoucaoy regard to all foirmrerleirirous atte-. gtrinfi rhea AA ligation; and prorefiagions to the conrra.ry,have declared, that they dlto‘ endeavour, with Gods ajfliliance, has ~ found themf-elves oblige ¢ ‘ «m_¢;y [hmllAl>l tltteaty, and‘ m_orcoverl*d‘g:cl»ar,ed;,, . I that in the pteflemrconllitut-ion of things we lmigltt noutxlpezfl froml l thh~em,tbut that?theylwloulldlpetfcverelathe ptofecution‘ mentioned in their forlmeu~nl'wcr§gwexr toltlhev» propolfitionsl offithe gaforexfald“ Iziordstcatx, Scha:p.anglwzntda»«P*ar, tolfuclr md:aaslw»als+- there lexprfl. 4. " ' ‘B3, 1ed.,y I m ‘ ffd. }WhicbIaCl: anfwer being t:2 rmr tjh‘an4the former, ahdxmore unrcafonable, f°uH:)i*‘i:ajuf¥:ce and viokénce in reipefiof ourhoncfi p‘refi:nt«ati0n,:»arid {uchasgave caufe fufficient cc) us to dcfifl from “gmotzrfriendiy~ende’avours, efpeciafly and the morje: becaufe they t:?n::de$ no endwofcaking. rcabbing, piundcriiwg of {lips and goqds,per.. ~ Ptainirgt‘o Qur good fubje&s%%: neverzhelefif: the faidv Lord of %Hmn. V fiedefior to fhzzw our mofl [coa:fi:mz: in‘c‘«inatioLn an-Ad “earnefi defi:-sq that 331to:heVcon%tentaz§oinof.bc»th flies ‘with Friendfhip miighrbc _ broughtto Aaw good and wfhed conclufion, mdto that and only fat... mg afidc a1I tha%tozhcrwi-{e‘inpoint: of hpnéur and refpea might h-ave hem cot.-fid<:rab!e,that the treatyMm‘gEz: not wholy be broken o£¥d:fired,that in regard ch; endeavours on our part could not at-5 «gains to ‘the honour’ of znlmppy i{Tue.: the aforcfaid Gavernmemz woukl pleafe towthénk upon fora other propnfitionsforg a peaccabltzg % M A agrpemenz, trufiirgzhat once feafon might finds p‘2c;e wirhthem, A and cx:editbz~ given to our upright: and ~uni"eined pr0ta;fl:.zti0ns§ and; m _{wect influences ofa defire rqpeace confume the ‘turbulent ghcsughts of wa.r,and the good God lay¥ng*op::*n unto us fuch mzrans, the gprefcnt and {umber chreauzncd caiamitics‘ %m?ght be averted . Butz‘ Chi‘ Mfaid‘m,as it aAppc.ared‘,£tni£ufing t,he*vfupexfluity of cup- wpiian;:nes to the fomentation of their pride and loftidfffiffg out A modcfly co«kin%d%1::thcir heat towards dePtru&~ien5 our friendly pre-AA ‘ fcntatidns for a ground to workav upon us arid demand of us ‘ things, f&‘_5.’hi;C.h by them with -nof{1;1cw”o%f equity could be d6mand(:‘d,,f" %% norby us wizhgho-non: and %rcpu“cation grantcd,and amor-gfi the raft ws. re fo unreafssnable as to‘requiVre ofus the charges and dammages; _ which th%ey'ip:.*etcnd to have been put upon, and tohave fuifizred by rea;fonofo:ur afoerfaid extraordigmry preparation pf fh’ps, to the vaiucoffizcha {am as the fauna might be found to a,mQun£f.* unto 6: tb€""f37IT;H;.’. being .fp:éd or {c-cixyity for it‘gAV€:§1 to their ‘contc'nt,therg to have aliafls of ‘hofiAim:y to ceafe; nor once minding, that our4:x.A foréfaid [ecxizag Fo‘rth‘“offl1?ps was to no other and undertaken and V %eEE:e&ed,thch is heretofore$d§clared :% ijnd that as {con as the fame, was tefolvedwu;pi1n,and%A%b;:f§.>r¢it was put in a&ion,vvc gave true a,t1dfl gubfllike% in.t¢lligence‘thereof to1:hc {aid Government; efpecially fcé:-a_ ifig by Ilhfi {amt fi<:et or2a_ny other {h§ps%beI(_>nging to ;hefePr%ovinc¢s,,% them hath not: 7?b%e€n given to chm: {aid 7 Government: %4Ormt0 any of the fubififis ‘h*3¥:€9fa5h¢1¢3mV0k€fl ofd.ifaffe&:on. much léfs9fim'u:: “ ‘Y3 (rs) rygbutcantratily, that“”o1}rs havebm~enearrau1cedby\ theirs, and mfod funk,others«famong& whzch a%gr.ea.: number ofmetchmtzs ps rich-— A 13; ladentzd pertaining to thefc:CoVuntries)encred,ovcrmAaPcr<:d;t:o.ke21“ A and carried up into their harbours}, Wh<:'rt‘by Wci 0uAz*fiIbj.&s havri {u£fcr%eAg14Iofs0“f feveraii miilio as cvf g%1dc:4xs:vc:a moreover durlnszg cm H faidmreatyandamfercnce have fen: their Here: :0 Sea, in aI17"rA?aflincfsA‘ A hmling on imo the breach and d:iT0Eutinn%o.F 3!! fifiendflxip and :::mi-;' Ly beuveen bash nations, wic'mWr1 infaciabki EuRA0F.n1am'r;g the fa. me A incurable:%,md%chcsrcwich"dc-Pzroying and taking {. v‘c:rAaIl of our fh7ps% mm-5, enthralling our Government (which by God Almfghtyfm:-A many years hathbgen prefezwd m a flourfiflning c(mdi£i0r2,:m;dA h.:i:c'n“ given %reputa%timn~ and aWFu'nc;'fs wi:h%th€:irAAFri€nds and‘cncmit:'é)Air2td’ % a world ofdiih :m.<:5ur and lofles; Aiiwhich inml§r:mbIe and un§m;v«-A full enterprifcs, and violent p.rocc*edirgs attempted and p::rf"orme‘l by the faid %G<)vernmentA, dovmoPcperf';5icum2fly and palpabAly (Zea c%lare,rhazrVhcirionly dfifignymwhralyto infringe: cur Ptr<:ngchA at {ca} A ‘and to mimte the commarcf: ofgchefrz countries; and Athcrcby tofec ;up%tbsir*lm*¥g preézended Soveraig};nty[a:1d &o~mih_ion over the Sea; ' which flmrmy they intend to was-rc%if:: avems, and in time» over Vakl other nations, and ifpoflibfy they can,‘ to make us and othersVthe*ir% tributaries, And hafing witfigreat pat:ienca and meekneffrs, but all % in vaim:,,% improv&:d%;all%%% Cnnv6ni€nc%%m€m‘xes%aAAnd rationill indufiiong ywherebylzo move the faidiGmrernmentd far the good and happineffe A of both their owne and «our fiIbj~:&$,.t0 :{’cand ofi'from the ram refo- jpciions, that tha rifi:%n difieafmpcrxs might be afwagedand Acomfpofcd; the {hips and g’Qod%s,%¢ywith_Jvéc;’mcc orAot:~herwi{e-taken‘anddcrtained A from our fubj fls,refiorqd5tm;:A 1<>fT'cf5,which'phc:y have innocently‘ fa; %fi&:ined,mad<: g;