" '-l-um-Lnpoaaa--an:-uxmqpanr»-=.mnun~———————-—u-————> Die Mara}; 712} ‘*§‘m2ii, 71f 6 4. 9. . M . , _ ‘ V ‘ . m ‘ ‘ ‘ "‘ "« ‘ m « > ‘ V {'1 a V 1 ‘tr .. , , In A’ l, v " ' V , l \ ‘V r ‘ "' I ‘ ' -I ‘R 0” . A1 , . tr‘ ‘ - 3': ‘ ‘ , -u I’ .4 l . A % M F AORH Paymg Owne peny upon every“ Gallon for Excize ON A LL Forrain Salt. “t“‘f"““"”'=?‘~‘"":j"'”j‘”% filitl ctfinactcn a11D,®e:; % A mm by autljozitp of the l not mane mitljtu this ‘“ ’ dtummommcaltb ‘ ,l Englahcl, Dz tbfi DIM: - nionz thereof’, 1'3 ta»; . . ,, I w . % . n , IA 132 jffiztaigtl éalt, amjfl) I V ' A fiff clams by this picfent iaatltamcnt, ann um ozenacccn ann mum; fame, fibat alt 9:111: of hen arm atoiungcn to all pay ac pump upnnl W emw C391) chew Milan fog moist, a¢5.1Faztaign£raaIt now; from this iniismt mama of June, 1 64 9. the fame ta be pain by the fit zbuyerz man that the cttommifsionztz sf excise am: that £Df: ficem ma take care to receive the fame accnzbs ingiy, may flaw, ,4-statute 02 @3IJct to the . gnntravp untmitmtanving, 79ieM4rtiJ'» 12 7%nii.1642- A» Rdercd by the Commons'%%aI1Embled in % A Parliament, Thafithis Aétibc forthwith printed and publiflicd. 5006:!/, %. Claric’ Tarfiamemi; , ‘-, ‘ L9'ndon, Printcd4*Afot"% édward‘ ~H,mband, Pfintcr to the Part" liamcnt of England? Juncng. 1649,