I uh1ifl)ti)t'5 bits aegociamatio “°“°3"‘°metf0n* fin {His H 1 G H NE s andwith the A Advice of His Couiecil) for putting in.Exécutio11 the Laws agai11fl:Tra11fportation of Woglls, Woolmfelsg FuHc:rs-—Earth, and othcrthmgs. % mteaz febetral finmplainee heme be e "NI, 0, es flu e if EV 'V‘fi” ‘ 44. ' ‘I L 1;‘; » /. ‘Ia ’ /«?*§Ié’,§e.»,'.r/,2 e ~—~ a-5 51.1?/“%”"7% I7’ 431/1 ‘/I ‘*5?’/;"’7 :2’; iv e """"""i*W1 to the m3anufactuee5.“0E this fflatiflflg man we confineeing the vzfiittfiitktim ma? newt“ ‘° ‘D3 ommonmealtb in geneeagif fame tinzelp comtfe be not taeenfo; pgeheneing tljefamex flnnmljeeeae hp feneeai me; fitatntefi arm fizninances ijeeetofme mane, the eeanfpozting the fame is pgoljzbxten unnee funmv meat anb febm penaltieeg anhto the intent none may pzetenn ignnzance of the fame, as? eafnto qptickeniaie fiigijnefe wfiicete arm wintfltetfi, ann atbete, to mbom the execution of tbofe ihame, in amoantagious aim neeeflatp to the fiubltque, is intmflen, to natheit Duties therein, ieie ieiebnefs (hp am: with tne aimee of We Manet!) bath tnougljt fit to en meme unto me etgnnefe , met great quantities of ,_ mantle, moo!-~feis,~. ant 3fu11eee~@attb,ate Daily tttemfpozten font of the Eomintionenf this -; comnmnmeaitij mm the eeeete heynnnwe mag, fW$111i€Uff&nBIflQ§1)B “Ian? 90933911 mD01¢== ~. fame mm; ane Qtatutee ijeeemfuge mane am: pgnninen-(ann yetgnjt fnz.ce)e agamfi the fame, to the meat inbauncing of the afiates arm aencee sf tijofe xommomtzes, am: the apparentljutt. nettimentann pgejunice of tbe£> tate: mun exe ieiwfieffi Dabiflg @390 ‘Dee fame intfivmw 593‘ iineeatz’nn,e arm (with tijealmice of we etouncii) weighing we end wnfequeuces tI)eceof,botI) :1, lettmg alleetheifiwplee at this mnentonmealtijknolh,fiilject19:5 ieiebnefs (1)311 expect mm termite a we arm emctebeniencee to e1)ee?Lams in cI);ewe1)e1f xeeme: nhiets fitgnnefe ueemrfe Ilene fies iei5n1eafure,fiDat1Je intelwe a full ants 2%/‘teat zizfifetwflne§eWee&11~6efiW5a"DWanffiW°15 “9,“?"“ t1)8feLiD‘a"Lams., annthateebe utnmft eigauearm epteexxtiw t1)eceafefl)ad1e beeeqm're%D,mitDeut any 4DDD££j'flnltIgae if any epceemiiy i1;;ai1 bappezy to any one ebeeetn, me e tgnnefe flyau account at Statute, ijaning oifeijneneo nee ontp in giving neene. new pet fognfnetijee nzenifezineion of nee cote, neen enongne at to nnoiifl) the eefgt of €116 1&3 flaw inane fez W3Wfle2i'i1nt!)efame; Cvie.) ’:'e’£1)eee on nn wenenoneenofo the ieozoe ano inthefemmaeozteof Eoglaoceanfl W nueeee neeenooo on-nomnneenenecuennanneeeeeeeneeceeeieoone Scotland» he eczema lenoeeetefomeieoeg meme tint oeeebeneeoee eeetiefieeteehe tbereeftetumeoglrfigvgb ceneeeiaeeee eepngteh, hefege any teenne he eatteetiee egnetineten up by the efiieeee at the enanttee eihithin any at t the fate tenets. f anntnethee, his teighneia (hy ane with theiatmiee at his ieonnctt) hath neat ane heeiaee, , fihat i if fnth éteetiatate ane eeetieeateafe tahe eetnenen tn mannee afetefaen, he not eetnenen naithtn at e enethe next enfning the time to be iineiten in eeeey inthflenne, fee the eetnen thereof to thefain Qtentnnfiienere ann nthee eatceee . of the ieneenee in the tehetalteagta e'nEng1and, ent of which the fate (ensue mete etpngten ae aftnefain, ithat , then, ane tn attfneh cafes, the iaeneeannneit‘teneea,ann ether: £DEiceee of the enitnnea within the fehetat tenets of England,~ inmhnfe harms ann enanntee inch tieenae than be, at the eepieatinn of the Iain fit eennetheg man eetnen, ng cattle to he tetnenen theiain teenne, ane eheey at them, into the ornate pf viepeheqnee at vi,/eiirninitier, there to he penteeeee nynn atcezningiy. eitnafiesia eighneia hath fnethee (by ant: with the aneiee of his orenntil) neaightly t I tehaege ane fienetnann the [aim aennniihnnete, ant: ethee £Dfl'iceee of the etnteeme in the febetat tenets ntEng1and, ants in the Eaten annaengt at Barwxck, flhat they, ann eneey of them, by thetnfethea, theie fieenante’, 0; etgenta, i Deheeeaftee nie theit ntnmh taee ann eitigenee, tehinnee ann pzebegnt the etpottation of mantle, mentfeleg, ann :¥‘nileee-eaeth, nnnee any eotnne, pzetenee 0; means mhatieebte; hints that the fan: aInntn~n'1I”ianeee', am: othee @152 titeea of the ieteitatne within the fehetal aeozte of England, ants in the flnmnann tenet of Ba.-wick, by themfeleea, theit etgenta negethants, nnenteetntn aitann every ehip, fieaeqne, hey , ann other htetiei, thheeein fntpieion A {halt be of anyneeeli, wnnt~fets,a; jfniteea-eaeth, anntherein to make feaeth fog, altfnth month meet-fete, up jntteea-earth there cnnceaiee, ana the fa1neheinafnnn11,tn« talteannfeisefog hiaieighnefe nfe, as fnzfeiten, ann fl)ateeetnen the Jieameent an ann enetefneh petfnn ann petfone from time to time to nfienninn, nntn the maenne at the «eetheqnee, at the Iattnzney at Qntiteitn;-eeneeal, tn the me they may be peuteeneneagainlt, ann pnnilhen aeeaznina to theie netnerite. ann the tent intent ant: meaning of the atanae anb etatntes in that behalf mane, ann nf hte iaighnefe mitt am: aeieafnee herein neelaeen, fine hie highnefe Imth fnethee iteainhtty Gilhaege Vane creme mane all mapeze, fiheeifia, 2e aytifie, teenitableet. ieeabbneongha, ann othee aatceee am: winieeea within the Iieeeeat ieflztfi, Cflfififi ann flenme Qlfigpnzate, ann other: places within England, ann eflfo mitbini the 35011111 ant: aeeet of Barvvick, ihat they ane ebety of them intheie eelihtttihehtaceaheayning ann aififling to the dtnmmiffine Iltlfe, ant Dtbttflfiitetfitnf theittnitome mithinthe fehttelliieflztfiefEngland, aflil W “)3 £919“ am’ 190313 of BW weak, in the feaechingunt ann feising of all inch neno11,meet:fe1e,ann jrnlleea-—eaethfo_ eoncealen as afogefain, ann in the hue eeetntien he altanneneey the pgennifee. e Given at