£ q.....y‘r « ‘ h ‘ ‘ \ , ‘ V ' A Lf;;1lI Eimdication W Ofrhe»L1bert1es of England, AGAINST" And pretended .A(Sit.!'0_f Parliamentl A Lately enforced on the P 13 0 M. EL: M I 0 R, ,Reafim.r affign‘ed by W 1 LLI A M P R "IN N E of ILLEGALL TA XES_ Swainfvpick in the County of Sommerfir, Efqmire, why he J can neither in ('o.nfc'*i:mw, Lawghxnor Pmdemefubmilt to. V l the New illegal! Tax or (‘anrrzémm of A l Ninety Thoufamd pound: the M. 01 N ‘r H; Lately iln1p(9fe,d on the Kinga’om,by2 pretemied A/E2‘ - nf /fame Common: in (car rather am of) Par'lz'ament.. E 3 1.7; i;rs’““i;;““;¢;2“f;;llnwtzaezgazaz Opprcfillon; for Righteoufnefs, hm: hchold a Cry. Ps A L. 1: 2.. 5. Far the Oppreiliom :gft*h.elpQ01“,_for the Sigh-— ing af the needy; mm» wi/1,l.w~.£/2»(/élirlamém Lord):zhd7Wi/1 fetl him inflzfezyfram him that would ezafimmr him. A A A Exam. 5; 5,, 6. [have mflr he.xrdhthagra¢min(g'wf the chii... and I have rcmemhred my C'owmm_t. I«i'<’hereforefaz_y unto thé chilrirm of Jfme! , I azm the Lam’, and 1 zavill./1;/?'z'2:z£(>r 1 you ozatfrom xmder t/aaflurdmm of the e/£'({_}r]7t‘i:m.r _;‘&Z7¢6i. [Will ridjomlam if their Borzdage : mm’ 1 aw"./"Z redwm jazz with aflrerched «mt arm, dfid zavithgrem ?m{gmmz:.r. preflon: that are days zmder 2:./ae Szm,»moi hflhe/d the teams‘ offmh M mverclapprefled, and they had 220,; Comforter; azmi h in the hqmoi of their Opprejfam there WM power-h,l[ hm‘~t:he} had no Camfarter: Wherfmre I pmifed the dead which are l‘ already dead, more than the Ii-vinglwhich »2mle7m byfbme qfthofl? who impofed thin Aha! ;h;zt&'I%Wau*ld lratherfuhmit t9 hlltllfl‘ pazinfullefl death m¢dfwcrefl' pzmifhmemr the Impafe*rJ‘_ o7'hhEx-- mom of it ccmld ifigfiifi‘ upon me hj zlacir A arhirrazgz panm*f% ff}? l6- gall they had nom°l)l then ?uolz¢m‘m*il}"‘ pa}, or 720; upgafi at :22 my A Plalfifi and calling to lthe zmmmj? , ,:>zpa:rz %thef}t7,m’. W” 5»¢‘:!‘?‘5’:”l 4 Sega: my bum. fag/6»: M_ I oppughed (at) Shipemamfy, Khighthoad, orlqtl“ ’z,ze1~zmanprm V A zmlmafilll impofitiam of the late”; King and /azfgfamwl l24'Nt_c>- mi"/?« "#9/Ji1’~l.c%l fore. ' And that: they and ‘all theworld might Bear Wxtneffefi‘ dlf-1 l“"”"?'f 2 A A it notfrom meer&obB.-inacy or fullennefie ; but AoI:z_1: of {ohd reall grounds Canfiimce, %% Law, Pmder.aL*e5 and pubhck afie ition to l;hejweaIa;1;d‘yLib%%er:y ofmy native Country (tmowifi dangefof ‘\b§=:in”genfl2wed«undcs‘a new’va_/fézldgfig ‘more §;rAiev0us thewn%th¥¢ W6rfi:‘"it kcVe:"”%37€ti"ui’éain#%ed under the late, or any other of our wowrfi:Kings)A I prornifed to %draw up the Reafons ofwthxsmzy re- ' fufalinwriting, and to publiflu them fo fbon as po{Eb1e't»0 me ICz';2gdam,fo1; myown Vindimrian, and thebetter information and i'atisfa€c£0n%- f allfitcll as are any wayes concerned :11 the impofing, co1Ic&i11g, levying or paying of thisMi‘crangew.kindeAof A Contributioxm. N In ’purfuance whereofil immediately pennegi. I » thefe en*fi1ing Rmfjns ; %‘wl1ich"I‘%huAmb1yAiubri1i%t~*toM the Aimparéia all enfure of allcafifcimtiom and judicious Egz‘g;lij2‘i#1fenV;"4""de. firing.ei:her,nheir ingmuam~Refn:tm$ia‘n, if evroniam %; at mmlioi .4jg1r0!mtian,'-iff31¢flam*ia1/Z ciriqi ~ if*refiaga‘éle,, “a;‘s" my‘ évnfijfiezgcc an ”jf2dg7"}¢»é'fi2t »?p6rfw%ade me‘ they~a*r4e, ar‘1d‘that they*%wi11Aa*ppc~:i;r M4 fo go aA1limPatftia!£iPerfl9m, after fuIl= examination. A Pi%rflr,V~ Ishe fi1ndamentalLaws, and known Statutes of this. ReaIn_1e,_ NQ T a;z,Ta1Iage, Ayd, Impofition3~C6ntributiOn,Loan , «A » . 1:.» '6MugéE1tV to be ‘ impofea jm‘1evied »e»~nvt%'k1e“Vf1*}e‘“‘ej %rneTn and pee-p1eA of this*Ré:a1=m %of‘igl;;rz¢l,§ Eut";by _the=' IL; L‘ A and. C0 M M O N 5 AS SVENT ‘(if they E‘AV%R_L S; B A O N 83,- 1(~nights,BuVrgefl‘és, Cotmmonie, and H L R E in at free and full PARLIAMENT, by ACT P A L I T : All ;Tpz;5:*ex8z€. *r1(“?),1‘. fc» impQ‘fég1; 1‘e'§?y¢CI (th0ug'.§1feV3: chfé*§:‘”0‘rI;1i11ond4éfent:eAand* p‘rgiyfijt bFthe‘;RéaI'ifi) jééifng w2¢ja’[h~~'§)pp?2fl§A'¢iEg iémnfijfe;-¢t Wit/0 t19;? [iééwty ;:}2:;l“}>”r‘é‘;2fc»>~2Lz'éA% we Smbje£%fldw3* mm! Sfmtex ofzbvflmlm. ;“ asis" uncfeniably“ evi‘d_e1n‘t: bythe exprefi’e; Statut:e‘s%of/Iza'2zg7¢aozAC/&azrt2t,Ac£1j:i;%4g9;V‘;C>.[; . Q §:¢E‘4»I zit. a ._ E-11 in ' fig amcédemlo Cy %-_ I ot.1°arlm».»r6» 2;A.E».3. 8: »3»5.E._g.%4%Ret.4¢Par1.n. :.;6.; 45- RAOt;~Ba19l=.-Vfl.4%2. Rot.Parl.rL I0. I}§R.3. c7.”.2‘%.‘% TEE P“aéf'z?z'z‘i4,-j§% on gf R£gIat,«an.dRefoh1;i0n5.;0f bdth Houfes againfiw Loxtm,’ g“ -.*C1;;[,.... - V roli : ; The Votes and A&sagainft Sbip.mouqy,Knig“;k¢’tkaod;ATom-M 4 mt-geAVand% Pou%nda¢ge, and thew~Star-A-chamber Vi:I1is;i.aPc‘}?ar1iarf1ei1t,~ 17. 18 C'm'ali. " And fully a.gree_—daAnd‘%demoi:{hiated‘ by ‘ illinm HwcIQsp¢llAj%in ‘his drgflmrflt 4gv‘z£7¢_/fw Impé1_i/fiiézw} judgg‘ % ; Harm é;»hdA]udg§2;CrobI{_5in their flrgzmtmtkg; and Mr.”“Sr. §%a% £11: his 3/! Vgflmffif ’fi;r_1‘C1‘fST‘1?3G’_C:/.7 againfl; §big~mqnqy,%%x§(§th other .428;-; ‘ C31) , A _i iflmezm and Dzfi'¢mr_/2*: of that fubjeft :: Sir Edward Ceokin his 4 Mflit, puhlifhed by Order of the Commons Houfe) peg. 59. 6Ct3«.3£E¢i—‘-i 5 37» 5 29»-‘SVBAZ-‘3 3, .&:"C- Withfiindry other Records and Law~b0oks cited by the!" e great Rabbies of the Law, and iPai.. tti<;)ts of the Peoples Liberties; But the prefent Tax of Ninety Thoufand pounds a Month, now exaéted of me, was not these impofed. Thetteforte it ought not to he demanded of, nartleg. viedott tne,ie ;: f.md‘I‘O_11gi]’£ intonfcience, Law, and ~pt7L1)Cifi‘i'1;Ce to WittiiifliflfidiE1E:iS_i11njlifl‘, opprefiive, incotiififtent with the Liberty lr end, Ptgpertgz Ofthfii Sub je Gt, Laws and Statutes of the Realm. T0.fE1aiké.e good the Afiimtption, which is onely queitionable. " i ‘ Eittflt, ThisTa.X Wasnot impofed in, * but out oftany ‘Parliam meats, the late iPat,lian1ent being acftually difftrlved above :t‘v_jt_ros Emnthes bfefo re h‘i«si pretended Aéi: ~ of etthefeiiiTatx~im;mfers takiimgttt away the King bye violent death, as is exptefly t*ef<:iIvedihy the ~ elifiriiamicnt of 1 I-1.4; Rot. Pad. 11.1. by thePar1iarnent of 4.. and I-H- 5 R0it.P:ttrliam. n. 2.6. CO0I{_4 Inflitwex p. 46.. 3114 4-E.4.r-M-ti b; ‘V For the King being both the Head, Zveginrzizzg, end;4udfamgdw;i'pntt'af t/¢,.e:Pm~liame:zt (es; Zieadiix“ tmendi Poirlia-e V meeifiiini 9-: i ‘iantd Sit’Ea17éézi:*z2l anew zfilnflir. hp; =2; rertveiwtxttch be Sce_%riiT ’ was fummoned and conftituted only by his °Wtitnow“ (5) new 539- 7? iiC¢>0’*—' A ‘ as/1} . pzéateid »lv_y~ /ruésf dent/a .: and the Parliament (as is evident by 7' R*’iP°”‘*t3°* gt. {Dyer 165; théiciaufes of tltettifevterialliiiiWrits Qf :S#mmnm tio’g(c) .ttfJetLardx,».4'E§i.4y 43_4*Q andfaritlae teleE2‘z'an;ttof‘“Knigkt: and Bwfgemyaxtdstlevyittngi of tthteirt 1: E, 5.1 .“iBtidok wagesflyeing one-Iy P A R L I A MEN T U M A N 0 S T R. U“3M,’ Commiliifint ii 2!» A the Kings Parliament xthattis dead, not his Heirs a.nci~Si1ccefi.'ors ;i:9*C7_a]np!m~ _ and the Lords andCommons being a11*fumn1onedvand authori- 7u,ifdi,&z-intof it zkedibyi itto corhe to H I S P A R L I Ai1\*IEeNT, there to be Caum, Fdl.”I. prefent, “hand icomferte ‘with H I M (N O B I C U M, not °htistCook.4.In£’titu: H;eitrs'iand Succeflbrs) :0f the weighty and urgent affairs that con-=~iP* 551°- cerned (N0 S) .1-11 M and H1 8” K I N G130 MAE t>ftEng-- A ;1.5i;I1,C.i.‘; "and the Knights _and1S’ux*g¢{ies receiving their Wages for, New mi N 0 S .25! PA 12 L IAMENTWM Noszmt/M A ’wenjenda,@4'r. qzzadflammaneri F E C [M U S, and trazfhrenplztm A iéidem_fvtper tii'UE7tfl.3“ C‘? azrdmlx Negatii: N 0 S Stmwm‘ REGNI VNOSTRI t4ng.efltz'£’m, as the tenor of the (4d)‘PVr'iz:.s'd 5, Ed_ 3_5_ “ his ‘part. 2.. D-emf. for their wages determines. i'1'-he King being dead , and i Writ and Authority by whitshgthey Wetettfutmmoneci,tvith»-t1aeii€31‘wfi “figm- A émdis {or which i they wetef.ca“l1ed. (to cmzfee wit/:5 M; -Meet \ V 1) fl _ A H ‘II 18 H31 iitanci ie=H.rrIfS 4K I NC D(O M S aflisirs 85¢. being thereby abfolxucelyidetermined‘, without any hopes‘ of revival‘?! the Par.» ‘ liamenti it ifelf muff ‘thereupon . abfolutely be determined like--A wife (eibeciaillytto thofe who havedisinherited %H I S :H_“-E. I R S and S U C C ESSiOrR S, andvotcd down our Monarchy itfeif)_fj and thefe withall other Members of Parliarnent, ceaie to be any 1 ilongeriwiernbers ofit, being made fuch oneiys-by the King's aba- i ted.V\7rit ; even nsasalljudges, juiiices of ipeace,ii and Sheriffs j { made onely by i the4Kings Writ or Commifiion, not by‘ Letters A iPatents,eceafei to be Judges, Jufiices and Sheriffs by the Kings death, a for this very reafon, becazzfe they are conftituted uji‘z'ci- erios C5" Vicecamitex NOJTROS ad Pzwem NOSTRAM d"r»". mfi=oa‘;mdam; and he being dead, and his Writs and Comrnif-4 fions expired by his death, they can be his. Judges, jufiicees anti‘ Sherifl‘snQrlonger:ito pm/er-ve H 18 _Peace,;&c.e. (no“nrore~then A a wife can? be heridieceafedil-Ius.bands Wife,., and bound to? his ' obedience, from Whichithevwas.l.oi’ed by his death Rom.7.z_.3.) V c, I .44-. 15 E‘.g.1.. Brook (2) Law-Bang and Judges have freqnenitlyii refolvednponthis t— Andi his Heimand Succefiors they cannot be, iunlefie he pieafeiitoii make them foiby his new Writs or Commiflions, as all our % Commmifl‘;Ons_i«iWiW‘ctY‘VrEfim’fi$ e Members otsariiamemgi 1 Judges, Juftices and Sherifl”s,% as is agreed in at 13.4. 43.44. ¢¢r.-,?5- Dyan and Breaks, Ofice: and Ofiicer, 25.‘ Therefore this Tax being 1'£i?_;rf3°gk3Z~j eleerlyimpofed not in, but out of, and after the Parliamentend-. I E.6_ic_7i.Da1_ ed by the Kings decapitation, and that by fuch who Werei them ,om]ufiicwg no lawfuli Knights, ‘Citizens, Burgeiies or Members o"f'Par1ia-54 Pca¢c;‘¢.3%.p.n;.rnentybut onelyi private men, their Paorliamentaty Authority Ewasmbt-rr.p.i7x.expiring'With.the-King; it mufl needs be ilnlegall, and‘ contraryt w r to all thejforsescited Statutes; as by theconvocations and Clears-.r, i A giesiTaxiand:sBenevoience granted. after theI’arliam.cnt diflblved in the ~ye.e>r 1640, i was refoiveds to beby both Houfesof Parlia»-i ment,; and thofe adjudged. high Delinquents who;;.ihad.i§any hand in pr;0II10ting»_it. i 2. Admit the late Parliamentfiii im being,i.ye.tth'e;Hoafeio£ A Peers, Eaities *and.Barons of i the Realm were no A wayssprixry not 90m‘-6:fltiVgt0i*this Tax, impo~fe.d~.without,;;‘yeaagainfttheir con: be ifents1n.idiAre&afh>ohtst of theie mofltancie-nt unduib%i‘tabIe~= Parliaai ’ment.aryRight and Priviledges,“ (theieg Tax-%-mafiers having prei minflfihtfa Vote. down anidnuli their very Ho11fe,[ by; their new en-4 croached n. e i 1 W0) '. eroachcd tranfcendent power) as appears bythe title:~an~d body of this pretended Acfl, intituled by them, An A6? of. THE C O M”M O N ‘S dfllfméltd in Parliament : Whereas the Houfe l of Commons alone, though full and free, is have no more lawful i»i-‘“*ivl~4l.:tlJl?l'l0I'llZ}7 to impofe any tax «upon the people, or makeany Aft of Parliament or binding Law without the Kings or Losds con... currenceg then theman in the moon, or the convocation Anna 1640. after the Parliament diflolved (as is evident by the ex.- prefs words of the lforecited Aéls, the "Petition of Right it {elf ;, Aéls, for the T riennin/Z Parliament 5 -‘ and again& the prorogin or diflblving this Parliament, 1-7. Caroli: with all our printe Statutes, (f) Parliament Rolls, and (g) Lan2»Bao1zr :) they I‘1€i- (f),4,R, M1; ther having not challenging the {ole Legiflative power in any 1,-.u.1—I. 4.n. age;andh1eing not lb much as fummoned t0,nOrcar¢fl£tt¢ti74g mam 3°-I3-Ho ma . bar: of amps h) mam? Parliament: l which can ;fled‘oftlaa' Ivfin and 37* ‘ Spiritual ahd Temporal Lords , wighout anyfKnights, Citiigenaa fSg%fl’H'7'I 8f or Burgell"es as all our Hiflories and Records attefi) til 47 H. 3. 1;“ ,,H_m7_ atfoonell; they having notfo much asa fpeaker or Commons 1=oi—ccfcue £2.18 Houfe til after the beginning of i King Edward the third his reign; M0-lDY‘=r S1 "sf" as never;«proi«’umlingiinoltnnké,o1i~tiondperl any 13115 or Aéls tolthe b”°°k P"“'“““‘ie King or Lords, but Petitions only for them“izoiredrefsiithieir grie-» I vances and enaét new Laws,til long after Ric/a. the feconds raign,— mes PM-,l i ' as our Parliament Rolls, and the printed proilogues to thelistafl Cb) i5‘-‘ch tbs sures of I.«’-}’..5‘.§9. xo. 2o. 23. 36.37. and so. Ed’. 3.‘ 1; R£ck.:z; F""“h°M°““ is g1'andinqt1efl,'. , I. 2.4_.5.7.9.II,Ig. iHm.4. IL 2. Him. 5.. x.s;.3i.4.6.3;.: mdm, mm “9.'IO.II.I4.iI§.29.'38..29.’ 39. Hm. 6. I. 4.7.8..it2;iI7. 22.lEd- 4. fog-gm; Lm-c1$,, ‘ and I...?RiL‘/9.i3. evidence (which run all in this form. . /7: the Par--= linment/9aldenl&C. 5; TH E ADVI CEand A S SE N T OF? THE i LORDS SP IR I._T UAL and TEMPOR AL and ‘at T H El SPECI AL I NSTANCE and R«E-« ST OF THE COMMO N 3 OF THE .REAI.M,M (BY T H EIR P E TI TI 0 N 5 put in the feid Pnrlinmsnrw as —fome.iPrologues have it.) Our Lord the King ‘Jé1.l'tIfl'£7'4Pl‘/£"l’Jl1a0é(2 pordained , are ordszined C E R T A I N S T A :~'U~Tr'EpS 35c, ' where the advifing and aflenting to Lawes is appropriated ,.1:o.the-i Lords ;i;the ordaining of them to the King _.-, and .»nothing but: i V the requeliing of, and petitioning for them both fromlsiing and Lords to the Commons, in whom the Legiflativc power » princi... no-llywifinotifolely rclidecl 5 as lsmanifclt by the printed Prologue it j V . h l 7 i ‘ ’ I0 7‘ H. 7_ 14L mcnt.76.. 197. V Cooks 4.Inlli-i i “to the 1% Stat:iteiof' .Ml:r;aw. ‘:51. l ma3;;.o..7, (6) Eds I. Sell!» V. lliierclé, fmufi needsbe ovoid, “llelegal, andm Ways l‘oblligatorf‘y’~ to the rubjees.: ~ 7 e A V A 3 . Admit the who1eAHonel§l£ Comlrnfoné ma full and freepgg. A ll liamlem; had power to iompofe a Tax, andaomake anl-Afl of Pllarliaa ll mm: for levying it.‘ witehomzl King or Lorgls ;: ;(whicl11*they «r;.e~ve‘r ‘did holrlwp-retended E0 in any age) yet this laaned:lsTex:ca'e heilmzx Ways obliging, beclaufe not made and impofecl by a full alnclfree Houfev*ofCommons,obu1: byloan em pty Hooufe,;pa‘ckAedfwayeedgoverg l awed by the chief Olfieers Aofothe Army, who have prelhimeiclkhgi A sheer l*'o‘:rce and erm.e.de power," agiainfc law e;md‘wi:thou1: pre fidentg : tolfeclude the MajorlApart.lofl~lnl1el Hoofe,:~(atl lealt 8 par.ts‘of we?) A voting w;itohvnhem,l A con~cr.ar‘yto;1:heFreedom and Privlledges of-' J * VA Palliamentll; lreadmitting none but uplonethcir ow-ntelrmes.l Ar: 4 Coclilfis ‘4. I'nfiitucs~p. I.- who bylaw and cuflton-*1“e are the Hotlfe it fell’, from, lictingor ufurpationnotolto be paralleld inlanyragml defirulélilwe to}tl1,elv‘e.. ry beira'glf,ofP2irliaments ;.; (i)tWalaer.e all filfimééfixils ax 1o'l.4£:l€'t0‘iv?a!¢f3i-"- cake,/baald with have e'qm2[Fraedwlm ‘mcet'amd_j}2e..¢/{ their mindexeinjug r-ious to all thofe COum;ic:s,;Ci£:»ieS,lBum:11g11s;l, Whofelfinights, cimmelleedlBe1*gerl“él§a"reTecllhded, land to the wlmle Kingdom; y‘e3il'llle.E5htrary~o to all rules of reefon, j z1fllice;l gpolliey, confclence; and their own Agreement aftfae peep! 61-, l which lnllxbllif the F31’ l»eTl.€:li* A part of anyCoun.cel, Court, or {CIom111ittee, Lo over-lfway, l‘e-- gs clude or forlejudge ~ the major nu-mberflof r.he1r»Aflefi‘ors and fell» A low Members, ll over whom they can no Waycs pretend the “leafl: l iurifdiéfionl, git being the high ;way't0rufl1er Tyran~ny and confuo; fion iimlolallel liiolnnocels and Realmsslto thelr utter dxlfollutionyllllfince the King alonelwitohout Lords and Co mmonsgor the I§0r<:ls' alone‘ without King or Commons, mayby this nelw”devi_ceA make theme“ {elves anabfolute Parlxarhent to impofe ‘Taxes and enacft Lewes witho,utl;hel lCommon::, or any other forty orwfifty e Commolners meeting together without‘ theirhcompanionslldo the like; aswel es‘tl1i:s Jremnant:o'f the:Comr11ons. make tshemjfelves aucolmpleat A .Parl1ament,~»withoutKing, Lords, or their’ fellow Mcmbersyfif they (gen but now lor"l*helteafterraifean Army toback them ‘in it, as.l.th:Armydoth‘lthofe lnowfittingl. A l e - « as “ lSE1ppefe thlm-~ ::‘l*1?T§@§£ flxolmlclbind tl1efe:.C0unLies,l .Cit»ies,> and « Burouehs Hemg. _The fitetuteof Mgrtafl 7):: Jifiwtoestics Rf-4igi§[aruw.le ~There«- I fm»e’;h1g“liET axdmpajkd bythe Commons‘ aloneW1thoutlllKlr;g=° or gin Lanror cqmity, wlay ‘Taxes or exit}: 0}’ Pm*limmmt‘% V aabiige mzly t’1:1q/Q: {why are pamk-1‘ , Bumughs, Wwhofe Km ht5,€mzens, and Bflrgefl'e$%fa¥ and 'c’()n«%-* fcngzed no it when impb‘ e‘d,': (though I dare fwaAreimpofe‘d againflc ~the:mindes and wills ofall or 1110?: of thofe theyreprefent; (who by the .e1rwie:mewDm§Zrina, may jufl/y game/fian {mdrevokg ¢Iacz'r%zmtta«ari;yyf;wr' .t’/1:3‘ iyigbékmcb af«7fri¢[f5 ;therather, becaufe the Knights and'.ar1.x7. I 01;; It is rerolved, Tim» Ancient Dcmtfme 2;‘ as good plea: six: at Writ af apcm the Smmter of'Wafle, iecaufétha-fi2‘.£ng.4naiamt Dcmafna Wmd mt parties M the ma/gag of them. ’}I‘HAT HEY *Q NO’ :?KNI¢G~HTS \ NOR‘ ‘ I 1 1" %PARLI”fflMENT %,: ‘nor’ 2:*ar:_1*rz3t5mt¢>d rd t/«air flxépfififtln bl-E Ndte; 1-H2: maflfréquantly fimnd, IA/sat Wale; and Caxmty Pd»- azfifzgc any ';v‘~ 4. H. 4.10..‘ 26 Repwtfimtutfiwr % iii E‘h1rl£famcw5;A it being;a1recseive«d% M‘a:Xi*me»irj.% all *'PP'”.5“”?-i%fUP0fl¢c~h- A :9» That B7y~Lm.w (m_)49. Ed.;.~,. (l{)Dec1arati~..: on Nov.2.8. 8; 30-1948, Brook Parlia... . 40. Cook Inflir. p.I.. .26. Ljac. I. I8, 19. 2.1. 7.. 4. Brooke cufloms 6.. 3.2.‘. And ]udg¢'RrdakLParliam%errt rot. hath this oigfervam.‘ lm‘me:,WHIGH CAME NOT TO THE PARLIAMENT (in a former 1:imes,wh:iVch> n‘eW;Athey‘%d,o) SHALL * NE A V BY THE PARLIAMENT OF. ENGLAND; fwf 4W*ie2zziTD€* T = 133 ~BOUND~. m£:fl2'e’ ”"I3' ginkid; Film iw fan mzji‘, % and m% ‘zincimt ‘:Y9‘£}7)iffivgq 42¢, m1Nx%c:ptad4:*and. *isenaV&ed.V 2.;;Ed_. Tc- 9. $2’- z~'>lm~t ’i7Jia’«}'fl1. Ed. 3.". % i A Qéjefi. ‘ I 3) ’ Proclamdtionfiall the it}: Cbejler, far.‘ *1‘/mt L the 1fbrmeriStamte': lu not éxteyzd to iWitl:; , mzdl it if enaficd, «Thana £116 mmo» /ball 63 i£n_Lmyzmfier;. 5. 6. E«.6.«c.26. ./India Prwlaz.» . maxim ztpem ita exigentfi: given by the ..S’mmre in fbgferiamfil t Walexlii1.eE;r5.vc.;2o. «ml by mot/aler At? to Lmzmfler, 5.8: 6.E.t£"~ J ha. 26. Al;¢.?i,tlz:4e Stzatzéte offfmfiicex of P mce; extended not ltiai’W.aile.cl and the Comnfy Palpztincn; and t/aevicfore azfdff um madefor lWm/exand Claiefi‘ler,e;27.H. 8;. (‘.5 .f% W110 had Knights and Burge_:f~ ifesappointed by that P.:ttliament&"lforlthat and future Parlla. menizs by A8: of Pairliamlent, _2j7.* H248. ca“p.w26~ fincewhitch E116}? have C'Ontim1ed,~‘th€ir~.WlagEs being to 5 be ‘levyed by the Stgztute l of; 5. H. 8. :2. 1:1,; Now, if Aéfs of Parliarrlfente bound not.Wa[e: and C oilatizifila Which had ainciicntly no Knights norj Bur-4. 4 Lgelles "in Parliament %ted= reprefent them, becaufe they neither gperfonally lino; reprefentatively Were; parties 3.l:ldl“C0nf€nL€1“§::,.E.0‘ them ; much lelle then can or oughti.th1s_ iLeasI1eT, Tax, and x:lle«%-’ gall» Acft IQ lbinde thofe Knights, Citizens and tBurgelI'es, ‘ox: ithcife Counties, Cities and %hBu«rr01.1eghs theyircp'relfented, who aw;a~yilfl~om the Parliament by "Vtheconfederacy, lpracfiice,lprwconnivahce atileafi._. of thofe now i fitting, who impoled this Tax, and ”palTedtl1isftrange Aft; «e.- fpeciallyg" being for the ~ fupport and continuance of thofe Offiw ters, and that Army who trayteroufly feifed and fecludedw them from the Houfe, and yet detain fame of them Prifonefrs, againlt ;llaljlA%I_.a,wland Juliice. The rather, becaufethey are the far major 2“ ‘part (aboveiiix, timesw as many as} thofeathat fate andifhut them Pfout) and would new Wayhesl have eonfented to;thisi1lcgallTax, or undue manner of impofing it, without the Lords concurrence; hadtheybeen prefent. jA.i1d,i I my fell’, being both an unjulily iimprifoned and feclluded Member, hiandtneither Bf the Knights of ,.the County of S-o%merfi»:, where Iellivege prefent or confentingto ftlfiis Taxtotl Aft, onejohrlhoth of them being forced :theni:c by the ,.Army, I conceive xjleitlmet my%lfe%lf;l , nor the; County where 1 live, A A “north: Burtough for which I ferved, in the leaf: meafureiieblound A ‘.by~this Ari’: oriTex, but cleerly exemptcdfrom i;lthL€‘m,l .andVob.. 1ih.€§¢d iwith“ all («my 1‘ might mid cflefiufally ;t:§o “ Qppofe t cm. A . it t i " l _~ ; Ifany herclobjefr, That bythetculiomel ofiPar~liament4o" liM¢mb¢tsV fed i1déf“f"¥' eXpe“1‘la’ny a%0f%%E’h£i‘t ; Cefipéciallyg. duly iaele£‘reA<:1_):'f'0r% «any E.’ %_:€1¢§ffé§;iI1gi’fi:;4£<1&1¢:ifi oonfciae j:u1¢dg:me&1tMs?%rom t‘§?hérn% ;: hog: A Q-tl1«e,r;c$aufc4,% withwm “me K«i1%1IVgsAa%nd L%0m'£«s.‘AC0-n£;11rren4cee A fin €>~rci:in;1ryV%jt1c*;&ciai :p0"W£f"1;‘—«Of, the “1°ar?i5iamAent rbfides) gs ,Iu2;v:_e, »111n€I.eny,.ab*1y. sprov£.;dt «to «.:rhi%s*:iI1eiga*11 iWX’i'1i1*(‘ar2f&¥ Mae, 1.2%, 62¢ Pr2z§~ glexce, which m1gag7e*me~;t »o;pp0fé~it in alil th<:fe%r‘efpe*tffs. \ V %Sec.ond«ly,% rfihmlld voil1a;«1ta~ri=Iyf1ilw‘rr1i%t “hfof paythis Tax,4 ma» t,_hat“by vertue of A an of»Pa;riiamént%~ma“de.%%.w1iy»th4Ofe~;1dW A tinggffomef ~of’mhni%”?E1e&Mn‘sV Wfiézi %"t$edw voyd A ; ‘ 40t‘~I1e;15; ms:%twmie1gaedd4hy% u%1mar1*:Wri~:swxrn&¢r4a xrcifif re %ded .cheAsI:iou£eo£ Commons 1: fe1f*be’i-xag bymilre Kirlgé Wirit Peqples 3P}1c*i¢’fio1-gm . r;*zt‘i6z:; ofiour P;'a“rliamnent9Athcm%feivcss ;: im3pmLf“o11§;9“3feé>lWd‘IE¢,‘E§;{)eA%ii mwfbgdf tlwilf;f§l.lQWrMemhers.f0r voting anci€)7xd.ir1fgt;@Ich5e*i.1i' confciences ;‘ cg. mpealiallvotes .OrdVirmns:es *:mdA A663 A?’ I’§m=1*fAAa9mcnt ;.¢fi£;y plemfe, eméfnew A Ambifimnyflmxrts a:fi%w;a;mn*d Wjlufliitée; amign; condemn, @~xecutc the King himifelf, vmi‘th«I§I1ef{rPect€s=§ii1j1CI¥Cfiaml... A mqmgofi chia Reéfimabyramewrkindi @‘EMan¢i‘wkl.§1;awA:; Aérzgmrary‘ t;’b V % CI/?év§t£ti,;t&1c=Patiw§aJ3my€.Rigkr, a“m1d??EWs?jQf’tI1e%;»:§?I.a*g1d} inherits 1’-113? Ifiings§F'Aoficriny.0EuI1ef7Cr—w+1%1e;:eés:mir§2srm»»M$o1aar¢Iu%§* a!14:;tb:¢v W1m1c:;HQufe.of Rem ,:chang‘eA Jand5fuBv4e»1W:~;A&Iat* Amésiént A G@*«‘fiI*J1i11ie,p%!3;» ;AS£ai&;» ;;VWiVts ,,j I;eg*a~ll::; pr{=gaée_dAin$gg bu ”a91d?.;e9y+m ofi x the: nhaukiaégdnme :;zr%1?e1Ix:a1rrdt«§1:i1'fiMév“A Aofi: rfilv Imd§2’;..-aR(gmnuas;; - ; :.goddj3;:o%E*at:%a 3@rn1yneg4=%=4wWH'%A'r1ie GfvReansa:anc1}@h:iVp3ccx~'s;%aA%t”v &11h'5i%°%nhim!:im6etL‘§ %a"M@"lVc: flfietilfi . ? "gave; -‘4 fe1ve,s;.;.C:;like;efqf many? anticI1rifiim.Popes) :wiethqa1lAeeeche S“ubj¢€%ese Qfefifingldfié’ ‘§i.Qndi* Irkslavgd ‘fifom all? “the ‘Oaths engagements they haveemeeade *x‘0TH1<1NGs MAJESTY, HISHAEIRS ANDSWUCCESSOARS :.=yea, from their ve ry Oath of Allecgiajncr, notwichflandeingthisexprefs claufe in it (which I deefir‘e~ma¢y be efwerioufiya confcie]nciQufly,x:onfideree‘d b y am who 11ave;fworne- AA i,t)2IMdae‘£eeZ¢ez); gang! aggwa/2‘iea;:¢eg:é azmiwk/“aI~vea! ,2 HM; ‘2:éeit'1oer%Vt£1a.Peap.r,e V f~2IOR‘jAN Y PERSON wH;~xr5fiI1i, dif'me9x2elzer,riifi'}'4‘nc/9if9,e :difpI.m find‘ figvat at‘? ¥h€i1I'~VFFi1l5:(:as they Thavcdone fome OflaEe)am1confifl‘4teeea;4rApcrn A flan: qndliwlmtae the G4//amx, om! our eflmx-era: their mm“ Exche- . 9?*‘V;(3eTyx;ag,1nybie3z0nd aalflfyrannies eeve:xee%heard”o*f in our ~N'ati-I 93:1‘ ¢p¢a1ing«e/Magma Obim:ta,c. 29.%5';sE.e3g..£g 6..2;5.:.,,vEdv0‘fLi’,3h; cap. V «ta: 8%..Ed.34.c. 3 43 7.E..c.A1~8.~. 42 .‘E.e3 ;cap,; 3;” e.fEd. “ 3;..:éap..2. IR; , \ 2~.€o.4:- I - Hu,4¥CoI O4-.2. «,4°.1:{.0t.Par. I I %Nfl 60. I 6- C.;~I'A2 VC;t:I, e Tb?‘ E33350? 0%fRig/at_.,, 3 Gamlr; andiayjng all our Law‘s,;;Libcex=tiés, M £f.*at¢5a fives inetehcvery; Vdu£%eafae»+r%; rfoe many mdmecofflye ] Y¢1rsiWa=rs t0:d.efen.d t~hcm,againPc;the Kings ;§i7nvafions);rayfe3Qa.f‘1iicI§‘~ k¢ePWhfit‘ fox;ce.c11eyiwillnb‘y Sm and3£‘.fiizd,. 1:o*e::im§iefee mm ‘m haw “'6”! theyeplcafeéi rsncwzeimfiafe. meltiply and per... 3 % “ % V ' e- g V pfitflfllfif tpett121te'tI1em on us aslongas they pleafe to fupport their own . encroached more then Regall, Parliamentall; Super-tranfC6nd€flt «Arbitrary power over us,and all that is oursorjthe Kingdom-$5, 3'5 [Our private and the publiquecharge, againfi our willsjtidgmentsg eonftiences, to our abfolute enflaving , and our three Kingdoms T111113: by Eflgaging them one agifiinltiianotlier in new Civill wars, and expofing us for alprey to our Forraign Enemies. All which with other particulars lately zflediandiavowed by the 1mP0f¢1'5 of this Ta x, by colour of that pretended‘ Parliamentary Al.1{hrOl.'l* tybywtllich they have itnpofeclit, I muftnecefliatily admit ; ace» ltniowle-clge to be juft and legal! by my voluntary payment of its ofpurpofe to rnaintainean. Army to jnliify and make good all i ‘Ellis: bl’ the meet power of the SW0“-rd,l which they can no hwaye:-t luflify 311d‘;id¢f¢11d» bythe Laws of God or the Realm ,', before :1—« “ ny Tribunal] of Godjor Menwhen legallyatraign~edas ithbeyvfhall i one day be» Neither Ofwhich 1 can or dare acknowledge with-.- out incurring the guilt of molt dercjiaéle Pcrjziry , and Higbefl Tmfon, againfi, KingtKingdom,Parliament, Laws and Liberties of the People : and therefore cannot yeeld to this Aflt-fl”ement. ' V : ‘Ihirdly. he iprincipal1iihentds‘ianidiuhf¢shy:p_;opiofed:intlae “ prett;n~y , ded Aft and Warrants thereupon for payrnentwiof this lTa..-cl are; flrong Obligations to me, in point of Canflfience, Law , Prudence, f §_0.WlEhfl'afld it; which I {hall particulaijly~idifcufi‘e. in .The Firli is, the maintenance and. co:-itinuancte. or the prefent Army and forces in England under the Lord Faiyrfm:., To which. i Ifay , Firfi, as Ilhall with all readinefl'e,i, gratitude” and due] ifefpeét acknowle clg their f.ormerGallantr}y , good and faithfnll. Services to the Parliarnentv and Kingcliomy whiles they continued. dutiful and conltant to tihczirzfirftiEngagement7§an'd the~c,ncls for» i" Which they were railed by both I-1o‘ufes,as far forthas any. than 5.1?) inregard of their imonfirous defcétions and dangerous Apofcacy {tom their Primitive i obedience h,,_faithfulneil‘<:y and ¢.ngagém€!1t5~. t In d1l‘obeyinhgtheCorn1nands and levying open warre. agyaihnit A » both,Houl’ea of Parlitityiamientylieepinganhotritl force upollthem atibtheiriivefydoors,feifing,.ir1iprifoning,, ifetlncliing, all-5ufin'g‘i€md i efoncing awayttheirit,Membets,i'l printing and pubmhing many high. and treafonahle Declarations againfl: th€‘.If1ll:ltt1tiOfl, ~Privileclges,, ‘ F b | :P EEE&in‘ ‘vb£irthc‘ late» and being» of 9*“ sfum Eetllaeeaésas.imerifroniiieaabufme» arraieairie¢9e4€me*“£‘:W:i “ ) . K . W ‘ V‘ V 4 ‘ V‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ V ‘ xeicQ:tZn'g ‘o?u'r me Kiifig, afiggaainifi the Vteg, »f?-‘zrzAc‘fi,~ a~nd~4 emga gm, A - meats 0f%boVt‘I1‘Hawlia:mem£a»l5 Maggifhfatic-a1’anci4 E*cc*i’etfiai’tica1p0we%r of the Kin~.€*c1%o,m t0'tl*1€*i1?: Gem“e13a»l1- C‘0»unce-1 of Otficers of t?*hB Army, as.”§h'e'fu%preme:%fwAayi%ng Auvthofity of"the Kingdem, am’: attempting toalcer and fubvert the amcxenit Government,; Pa;l%1a- ments, I;aws and Cufioms of our Realm : An_d upon femous VcA0%hficié1*ation of the ordimry unfufiremble Afletrtionsfl oft!-1e.ir Vfiicers %and Souldiers uttered in mofi: piaflces Whe~re they quara- ter,%a~‘m1Vto%my felf»i—n pa-t=Eicula1¢,Afundry tzimes. That the whole ICinga.’am, wit‘/9 a/Z*am~~Landr,%Horg/EM, 3-va~M.v«, and W}Jaz3floem=rWe* lbaaz-e,vg;,~.t/flag”, mg ;¢]95;t[3)t"7‘ig/gtf cy¢c*am;—m»j£, %z°/99* /mzzing twice cangmired t/are Alfiingdbm : ‘ T/fiat VL7¢“‘é£}'°8f bwt tJat%ir~c'o72igu%vred% /2522185‘ mad V ¢z_/f;2Z.r,m2d‘z*1:rqj the Lord: and Head! oft/ae%ZCi71g’a’07¢¢‘F: T/mt ow «w:r_'ylir:;e.r are at ti/aeir mercy .«»mz:i* vourtefie. Tlapzt“ when A $156’) /akwegotten d/l*we?19avéfi*9m~m 5} %'Tgzxe.r Md Fr£~9..qmzrter,¢ %.mzd%1i7e,/uztverzatiaingleflto 1242}! tibewg flaw tléemfflétkex %* Wi/If 613/ cf upqzz am‘ .L.4ma'.; M their awry mal~~ mrzw 1¢n2fl%d** om" Families om’ »ofoz'0o?'.r; T/Mt‘ 1:/acre 2* new m Lpzw*z'n~ Eng-land" ("rlorhnever was if we beleeve rzheirlying Oracle Perw-;c)‘ éut z:/aje fwomi; with Amzmy M mi1‘ig.~¢ASApeeches =and“ Ad&{courres,% ofwl1*i‘cIx *u~hi€'4fe‘A:ire% tI‘io11fands (Sf wi:nefl”es':A I*Ca=r1+n~eith'eVr~%in% _C;7a:¢j’Ei;3:?2:~2e~e;A ‘dfmy t_:hefiH,¢%felflow:;Member; 1_n'1“d‘ex2 ¢ufi:é~ y by A ofwswmcd withwti *1‘>I‘ingirI§them¢ crya;11:2% Law nor Brzdénce affcnr, much* Ieflfe comribute in rhe‘lea‘fl:?de»i* gree, for Mtheirwprefent maintenance; V0Vr*f"u*t~ure‘continuance; thug tp infulginflave, and t:yra*nniz”e%over King,-Kingdom, P‘ar1iamem:,; people at their pleafure, fike' their conqhuerewdi vaffalrsf. for me ix;:paVrticu‘laVrtqcantriléute totI1e?m%aimemance§0f thofisg. “w:_ho* :1~;_;°:1Wi1’1f4k° ‘Iihé flaw ofthe Iaa1’1t1‘V,%%t;he.;Aprivjlefi§I4ge‘s~ oF%P;ar'liaime1it3;fafi*d*‘ A Iflf2ef1'ty ;oi f the Siibjii-&,, pu11erd*'fifiéib{y‘ fromi the Commons"; EI0“1I.{€,.aI1Gl‘f_K€ptI'ITC'>p’f,if0A1T€I"'ab'011C two morithsfpace under theirf Martialfi to ‘z‘ny‘jgre at e§;p¢nc¢* and‘“prejudi,ce,}’ Without any parti-’-” ~f“:#l1@~1’4 Fatife ~prcr6nd¢d“ 0¥T‘%17f¥Ig??eAd; 4 ”<2111Y‘f’°*I €1iif€h3rgifl§‘¥‘315I‘4 ;dV“**V tyjmtghga KiI1’g’d|O1‘[1,s ‘dnlib e‘fT0r wI1om ' {¢f'VCd.j' i"rx’:he’E3f”g'1;rfé;,; »x;i§13oAur4Agi%4ing:I1ne ti¢f¢«~7;1éaTifr¢ 15?ifiiti9n foi¥1=1ii4*$un15£iifa%11é11’diifi%‘ A ;t*z:f‘c‘1c;=:,, A or Vja1clm1ow1.e‘dgjUg:-their ' g‘fa'nd* yet‘4~det2;irr w 1 % A 4 in 0m¢ 1Yi‘ 31?f1%.r§l.4.1iflfB¢T0¥1éil31Es‘ai1 i%i=£t‘CitffE:%iuf’c any “ ” I I(15) A ;mtura1‘l, pt-rfid*1du~s,‘ *a~ga°1~nsfl: ‘”()ath rand’ (3ov«eaamt. ‘ A -‘ No Tax Qufghm: to he imfed on the Kiingdhem in Parliahh «menthxt (elf, ‘but: an caferohfncceflity, for its common Good, asis nice-r by the Scanof 25.hE. 1h.«c.-.6.ha;nd Coalgg 2 Inftitgp.-5 28. Now it I isée videnmsomue, that there is 3110 neceffity ’ofkee:pingiup fthis Ar--- % my for thheliingdomsheommon Good, ?rat:l1e:r a meceflity of ’ AA A dishandingit,orthe.: vreatefi: part;ofiht,f'orhthef:* reafonsh : 1;; B~e;- »:cauI7e}~th+e Kingdom~i-sggenerally exhaufi:ed=7with hthe late)’ yearis~ hWarhs, ¢Plundér~s and heavie Taxes; there being more moneys levied Onit by bthothfidhes, during thhefe eight 13.1’-tyearze-, thvenin allhthe Kings Reihgnshfincc the Con*quaefl:,, as will appear upona juficomputatiflhtl rahllvCoh‘untics baihg thereby utterly humble m= p-ayit. Inhircégardhhofthhhga-each:decay7ofT1'a;;de,~th:?»e:x;tr,ao1*di~ nary d»ezu‘th of hcatcel, cmrn, and provifions of allhhfortsh 3A the clmrge: ohfrelhievinga mu1::h:L1.de of pCsO1“p€0pIe, who fiarve With famine ihnhmamy ph-1.Ct£"S, the richerfort eaten out by Taxes Jand Free~»qu»ahrcer,«hheing unzcrlyh hunablg I101‘:-zheve them. To which :§[hm?i~g:hft add y?vcohrs , Rebels *2md;Eme1mi.es 120 athehh Kingdmm and “Peoprlcés A I;§hcrcics,,has the Ji;evueiil:*ers~am‘.d Chrormxre*I\1i:{?cs «to, for mma~ Q-,fi®th¢-If:'i1E>Pi0ym€flt1S , A and farhthe.pt1h1i;r:k;g@0d,mamfi:mdw:. A my m;derPcanding_..h 5.; Whentheh King had two g1*eatArm£a.es,*h 1 . ‘ in the Field, and many Gayrifons in the’ Kingdom, this wyholeAr=-»a§ any-thy its TprimitivelEftablil1nn1ent3l confified but of twenty two tlnoufand Horfe, Dragoons,’ and Foot, and had an Eiiablilhment only of about to rty five thoufand. 'p'o-nnd_s a month for their pay ; which both "Houfes then thought 4 fufhcient, at it evident by their (0) Ordinances o-fFebr. I 5. $1644., and Apl‘1l4.Ir64-£5: And when the Armywas much increafed without their Or‘cler, fixty .-lthoufaiidi pounds a’ month wasithought abundantlyfutfitient by V the Outfitters and Army themfelves to disbantl and reduce all lu- ” p‘er-l-numeraries,l maintain the Eliabililfhed Army and Gari_fons:, ” and cafe the Country oflall Free-quarter; which Tax hath been (45) Coile-6:. 84¢. p.\g.599. 315. clonliantly paid in all Counties. Whyythen this Tax to the Army {hould now A be raifed above the firft Eftahlifliment, whenredu» ted to twenty rithoufand, whereof fund ray Regimental areidefigned for'Irel.-md,l (foriwhithrthere is thirty thoufand pounds amonth now exarfted be-fideslthe fixtyvfor the Army) and this for the common good of the Realm, is ariddle unto me, or rather, a. Myfiery of iniquity, for {ome mens private lucre, rather then the publicity weal. 6. The Milirinye of every r:County _ (forwhithi l the late" King) and theifelperfonsof livelihood and eftates in every Shire or Corpo- ration who have been cordiall to theParliament and Kingdom heretofore, put into aypolicure of defence under Gentlemen of quality and known integrity, would be a far better Guard to fe- cure the Kingdom againfi forraign Invafions or domeftick Ina- furre éi:io‘ns,i then a rnercinary Arrny of perfonsl and fouldiersi of l i no fortunes, and that With‘m0.re generallcontent, and the tenth“ part of ‘ that charge the Kingdom is now at to maintain this An- ‘my, and prevent all danger of the undoing peft ofFree-quart,et=. Thereforei there is no neceffity to lreepup this Army, or impofe i any new Taxforifl their maintenance, or defraying their pretend- ed ar—rears,lWhich I dare avert, the Free-quarter they have taken in kindeyand levied in money, ifbrought toa juft account, as it my ought," will double if not trelblehmofi of their Arrears, andmariwkc A them much indebted to the Country.‘ And no. reafon. to eye ihould have full payand‘ Free-quarter :oo,ana the‘ Countrybear " - in r the eburtheniof both, y without ~ full allowanceof all the .quarters« A f levied or takenl on them againfi Law, out 0f>theirll~ pretended at.» rears.‘ l o i A “ ' and .dmbAari.+y, asAAthe-mAiAA§e1ves now dogmatize to r::;en~andAtPree-dt1r1cn of Byzgzmd have very? A m§onAgo0dA:a.nd I'af'eAty,Abut theirs enflaving, A_ _ A .1n<:‘AAf:1i1"upp0rAt of thérufurpred PA0Wflr,;Px11thA(hE1£y,::O’ A and abfoluto A‘ADontinatiAox1*d: only of thofe . who. have ACAIA7) % , At » And xfany OfttheAfitt1~ng T:‘tZx-m¢£,Q€’7’5I}€F.e ohm}, , Thatthw chtre not truft the A,/7/Izilima of the Citiesdmgxd Counties» offAAthAe Realm with their own on: thefiingdoms defence :AdTAl1eArtfort~ there is atnetceffity 'forvAtAheAmAto keep the Army‘, totpreventall dangerstfroxnabroadflnd ‘.h1i111*ret‘tio1as AEUI‘hO1Tle. A A to Ianfwer, I. That upon théfe AAA intaitlmd enforce dnAt1ny, and '}T:m;2ts to Kingdom till D0omAs-day :2. .1. make this objeéjtion, eleftetd by At rollghs for which theyAferve,and dim; thoritAyA Atonelyfrom tho ggmzzogsht (the on he Counties, Cities and Btdur-» iAvin;g their P3.1‘1i£tn1€!‘~1£'.3.1 Au»- zfy mitarfamztgzim afaz/Z Power ) tfiezt they are but the Servants s:A.odATruPtt-es, who areto allow themwages, and $516 fhfim C0mmiAfl10ndf0x"W €PACé1!:Ae, whoboth t1et‘tcs:l,i11t1*ufteAd and i~mdp0w1:ed them, and are the tttpriroitive and fupreme ,;APower5 Eletrf’to1*s and Mzxfiers the people, to revoke truP:s,taA;2c1 no ] longer to ittufl: thofe fafety, who Adam confide inAAth;emtatn4iWou1dA 1‘ather committhe fafegttard of the Kingdom to ArAné1'éiAt1ary,A‘At indigent: foudiers, geffesgandtpe A and Attourneys Aonly=A A they « pro greatefl: intereft both in thcmA an Wltodsmuft pa.:y. t»hedfe,;Me1"cimAatios, ii their Aauthotiry and rfoné of rEfi:ateAwho elc€’ced* tAheAAm,A whofe Truflzees A feffe themfelves, and whoAhaveAt do the Kingdom weal, awnddthdofo fcontimtedo : 3. wTAhe GeAntIA¢o¢.AdA 1AAi‘ttlAeA‘ reafon any llonger t0:AtArAuft the Army with the Kingdtorris, Patliaménts, or their own Lihe:fties,LaWs and Privileddges fafeguardg which tht:y have 1519- : oftAAirAwaA.ded ; profefling now that they did not ‘ fight to pr6:forvc:. thefiiungdtom, King, Parliament,‘ Laws, &ALiht~:rties Agmd P1:ope;r4 " tiA€ASA.A0ftI1eSubjeé}: but to coriqmzt and omakeAustcto.AoqueAredodflaves:ir11teaddrA_of' free-ntnc:h,:% aVet‘ri11§;f,A thmzt éz:llAAz3.r: their: lg amxqmff. And iffot, th€.flAA-Ehi$.1:Affl]yM hot, g;anz1o.tQA undo peopole5dd;co_1t1—A~ beu*phe1d and m.aintaiAned.for Athe ‘KingdomsA I do-{’crtu§tiorr,“ ‘ and »tho..; fdhjflos A‘ffQrA thy prelfentd 8.b0V§?..Kif1g,A,A Pa.r1j.ament,;, Amhgdt _ A A A A A ‘ 131 A V Lihettxesg, Apretencczs IZh€3A&At3AA11(3WLQi'dtS mAayA ftxppott tht:n1,~ onth.<: V they be teall 1\’§€1Tlb€l‘t5mWhO » A A A4 imtddtheyda&.A And if they darenot «nowtruft the peoplé, and At.hAofaAA ptrfons ofquality“, A fidéddIiAAty3» ezndd A it is higlu tinle for their M with theirA.pt1rfes,»libertie9, A tI1AenA to thofe G-tntletnen, Free-holders, Citizedns,Bur- A pull. Atht:1:t,~1AA down, :A€l"1‘£d.A A :'i’it‘.os,Wo;d1tEi,.«? Ae:xma1t,é d tkxemwtt 0111,; VLQWSA, . 0éjeE2’~.‘A*- ‘E Itilsettlcg, alr1cI‘ltlnol‘e that diclclingtuflr them, by $6316‘? 05333‘ A terul’c«-breaking tA.tm"ly, who have Rained all the glory of their form» t mar Noble Vicftoriesend Heroic}: A5’tAi0fl5: by ‘hm 13-“ deg“ l nerous unlwotthy ptaétices, and are b€C0me a 1'eP1'°3‘-'1‘ '50 ‘ha A Englilh Nationin sill Cluriltianmngdoms and Churches. A TtheAfec<5”nldendl of thisheavie Tax, is the fupport and mainte... A Amm:leA of the Fot*cesAiAn frelzznd, for which there was enely twen-he A éythoufand p0.L1ndS a month formerlyl allowed, now mountetfi unto thirty tlloufattdl. To whichl anfwet-Aim‘ thelfit{t.p1ace,. That it is apparent by A the printed Statutes of 2§'.._E«I . c.?:5A. 1 E4. cap.3t7~ 18. E-3..c.7..I A 35-,tE.. 3,3, 8; t:apt.I3l. Caoflvsz Ihffitllces p.l528.aA1‘ld the Prateflatiam of all the C'amm9ml¢.~fEngZ’pm“d zrlae Parliztmeméx of 1 I-1.3. m1..17. and «~;..H.l 5. 11.9.. 7'/mt zzofieemmz a_fE‘:r2‘gJmarzi% ought to éecomzpe/Zed to gal in perflm, or lt0fi”d?A50fl/W575,AA*1?‘#¢,l*,h A Candu%&«manej.3ltW;zge:,fiar pa] :zn_yTmt' for etftowuwde we méziln-—-7 tenmzcte hf ax} foztreign War in Ireleand1,“lo7P~ll«étlej other }?7éI}"t;‘!‘ be.- _ymd the Sm, Wz'tl/new their flee banflefetx infm/1 Pawliazwitefirt l’ therefore this Tax to maintain S0'L1lCl1€1‘5 f.lfl'd the War tn Jrelmd ( neither impaled in Parliament, much lefle in afullzmd free one, as I havelprovettu t:i1l¢“gé.~ll-,»~t wlamfirio Wye W/li~ l me, em: my Lhothetyl it lM0fl:‘of ltthe alnci~ex”1t Fortes’ Ireland as the B7‘it‘1'l:/?7..4»/”?¢2_)'_, Sc*at.r_., and 1zzc}Jiq.eeen’s) towarcle: whole futpport the twenty thoufand ptmndls a momhwas de--. figned, have been ever sfince declared Reéeix, Trxgvtarx, Revels. zgers, and atenot tqfhare in. th“ils.C0t11tributxen : and thofe now A pretending for Izvelwrd, being members of the ptefent ‘Armyand A «:50 be paid out of that El7tabli~lhment,_‘ there-list no ground ' at all to. A aqugmerit, b«utde’cteafe~this formermonthly Tax for Afrfilblflfilg 0;. A vet whatit was before. l 9. Mzmy of thofe now pretending fort lrelwdg have;-.l been the; greatefi obllztttfters of its relief hereto- ‘fore: Aland many of thofe defigned for this ‘Service by lot, have~~» i1J1W0rg;ls,tWt;iting,A and ptint protel’ce,d they :newerl intencltb ge... thietl1~er,A3 and dillwade-.«ll0Atl1terst. from‘ going; yet_takc-A fre;e--"quarter l A an the Cot~1ntry met pay too under thmpretettt. Attdltici‘ force Auhé Country ta? pay Ctontribution and give Free~qtITatt:e;r to fuck (,heaters. and; Im,p’0fl',0rs,A who never intend thisks etvilee; islhbeltili l Fmfuflttand dilhontourab~le. 4. < If the ReliefAof1rz*lYazi¢d%he*fl0lWAl;~ A Itel;lyi11te;ttled,LA;_litt isntrt upon the firfi l.je&1and l1>io~usgroutxds,te.l«,t grcfctve.:: A A “ "(I93 ‘( 1 A llpcrefcrve the. Protlcflant party there from the Forces of the blag; ~dy Popifh Irifh Rebels , with whom ( if report be true) chef: A {fitting Anti-~M.anarch£fl: feekland hold correfpondencc. ,5 and an: chow a«5h1ally‘accorded with Owen .Ra~0m-alland“ his party of hlodiefi: Papilts 5 but to oppofc the Kings incercfl: and title tothaaz cKin-gdomc, and the Protcfiant remaining party there adhering 450 and proclaiming, acknowledging him an their Soveraign; leafthis gaining of Ireland {hould prove fatall to their ufurped foveraicgntyin England, or conduccll to his enthroning here: A Angl by what Authprityc thcfc now fitting can impwofc , or with what confcimce my loyall Subjeft who hatl1takcn the ‘Oaths of Swprcmgcy, Allcgimzcc, and Covenant can voluntarily pay any c0n- "trihution::o dcprivc ltzhclcliing 9? his lmrcAclim;:y right tic undoubtw Tllflfi IllA€;M1§i&‘;'§,Cl:Q.m$. find‘ Cmwns England 86 Irélamd mid alum? lfihe framw (pf chclanciecm: AGWm*nmenrA& A APalrliaml31;1ts ;of<:>ur KiI1'gdQm$A(p) Ramanflrhtml /2! often agnivzfil éy barb Hoz§fi*.r,§mdad~ A judged H.lgh lT1‘t£:a,f0;,n in, Cancer-éuric: and straffiords cafcs , for 1 lwhlchllthw wcrecbcheaclcd andcby tlmmfclvcs in the Kings own §,:,°_37,.' llAclca15c,wlhom Aghey dccolclecl likewifc) wichoucincux-ringV§cl1c guilc of ’ lfitrjwryl and danger offligla l'.Tr'e: '4".RétyPar.n.{3'.unprint&ed,but moi’cexprefl”ein point.A A %T19a‘xdl7'5 Eewyfingaf %z1.'.¢' ::c?2;f{tAriézart.<€m Z1} flflfi/05%“-fi*'1-.a‘ mmflféorice ofMs¢m,A in c¢]?:.%‘a_flmr:?f§3’i‘‘i,ai¢cc , and z'772prz:f«;wz271:{g~%t1:v.9‘pmffl:»*n géy%%lf»3zf-" f09‘€t5’"'3 ad--*’ 3‘-11dged"%%Hig/W2 Z'”rmfanin the cafes oftheflfiarl of ¢S"t=#aeff'aro1?A, mm!‘ av 1avyixg“afwar.'w§z%lkim 3195 Sta:«‘t#,2‘rf' of 251.134. 3.wby tghe late Parlia- ment, for whichhe 10?: his head '2 and fo pmxred to be at large by M :5 Mafter Sr. Jams in his .Armmmt; gar Law at t/ac’ fl;,~4g:ea3azz‘j2arv I91? gmrgzindar, Pmirzxm 5}’ Order 0;‘ flaw Cammam Hmfzu ‘ V %V_z:m¢w;y, (%Which’ ;heig‘}'ntwe13sth@ illegality of ti1e'f*e"_i1IegaA1&A‘ méans of levying it) ifany-perfon whofe goods are defirained,v0rA gperfon imprifoned for%..thisiilega1ltaAx , {hall bring his flfiian rm _ ;£..w, or an Hfléea: carpm for his relief;The ACamn1ifm 9fIW?1?mP€ mE:y%wiI1fia.y his Iegall proceedings, award‘ cofi: agaxnfi him , A and c10Imm.iv; him} anew till hapay them , and -releafehisfuirs at « La2W,,A; A and upon an Haétm corpm , their own Sworn Judges created by them , dare not; bayIebut‘remaund him ;aga.inPc% Law; oAppr,efl'ionAand Tyraxmygfar exceweding-the%we>rfc*ofthe —Beiatmd~ % 6‘7"dICi:«7g,f 5 A under. Whom the 311bjeE’rs‘had.A?«Free-vLifieWyAto fue~anCl*“ proceed at ‘haw bothhithe cafesof*Lamm,%£1aipmmy%and‘Kmigh¢-As boon’, “without any %C'0Mm'eZ— 7.6516, Committee af']m.’w2pr;it'y t0fl'<0“p“ % their fuits, or mforce them toreleafethem;and4the1=efor&in‘alIA ‘ t1?!§m”f$?»J?;§¢£pe:fiks¢.»§¢£wmwwW~g~na»mnAwev~I:hAe”LaWs and ‘Liberty Ofthe Subrr? A but oppfugnit to the jafl) IAVcannotfubmit to this i.lIe%gal1 Tax ,4 ute‘trm0£’cJ,4 mofl mvafive -on our Laws and Li berries, thatvever was- A % A 4 A A Fiftbly, The tfmeofoppofing this illegaIITax, Wi~t”h A théfe u¢n-A-A>A iawfullways of1evying%it,,.is very confiderable arldfiicka muche withme 3‘ it isCas»theAImpofe1:s of. it deAclare~ai1d publifh in 1113"‘ ny‘of4the.ir new kind of Aflrs. and devices) in 23/96‘ fi:»-ifyetzm of England: Li£*ert'y,wc{redézrmptimafmm %t12mldom.A1‘iAd if this urlfup...” portable Tax,.thusi1Iegai1lyA%to%be levied, be nl1éAfienfi‘ fi-mix; ofourl firfl y%mr:AFréedam,and mdawpr:-ion frame iibzm-~r.si M % weexpeéi our next years tkrwlaiarmc will be,;w wf zf/:wi77'.$'.£3' l1e.¢'zxz7a5?2*~% éyfézi-%.1:lwr} tbé“ Ifbzgxwvbalc kmdwifar fT_ym‘m2y mad 0g,vprfl..»:».%x?A ‘ ” M A A ‘ A A %4S’z7.a::/:2z_’y, V The Orldeai of zhis Tzzx( or mth-er saewwjfe of it, e§1gaget%hA me, and all 4 _ __ ‘ A n «lovers ,0f“A their €ount:r1es,,Lxben:yr, un:m1moufly to Withfiz: 1£i0m,A haw -great: m»ay‘~ henthis tmle fingm ia;:m,.~w1wm they égg. 4 if I m ay fo {mm a di»forder) nd. rshc faAme.:%:4 iAsthe= W ‘ fixfg: I finder that'wasA%ev’er impofedby any»WI1o.4,had3‘been;Merm‘ A A A ' berm A berg of the Commons Houfeeafceri a Parligmexat dillolved 5% ‘the Lords Houfe voted dodwn, and moi": of then‘ f'ellow--Commoners Y: f¢c.L1re.d or feclugledby.,t.l1eirlconnievanceiox confederflacy withlan ‘V untlutiful lArmy~ lVW'liChliffi1bmitt€£1 C0, and not oppofetllas illegal}, any fdrtzyllorgfifcy Commoxlers, ,who have been Members A 093, Parliament, gaining Forces to aflifi and countenance them, may out of Parliament now, or any time hereafter, do Ellellikel, and i'flI"‘P0fe wheat I3-Xlfisfilfld Lfiwsllythelye plezzfexzpflenleulze King... doin,‘ and ._thef€C.l‘ud%ed Lordesancl Commons El1at”Ol1C6."l31te Witll iilxern, beingincotxragedmtlleretolby Inch an unopmled prece~ bienlf; VVAhichbeing"bf fo dangerous c9nfequence%and‘e‘exam%+ ple to t:he.C0nPzituti0n and priviledges of-; 'Par1iZl.3I1C'flF5I. and Llbelu; ties of Lhe%e people, we ought all no €,l§LCl;€§l.‘l_‘:"0Ifl_l‘ chell,%'c;_~u¢fl1ieng: of tliioslhelw ”V(‘(3?ckziriceé$’iIi .'Tlhe:ll~,.. lit gl“QWjI:lQ§ 21 fipirgies z§7z€§Y17lt§‘:’?2£",e ' bl tow corilhme an»dfiing L157 tbj death, and linducetlwe llmpeofers “oflit, ‘I to lade us With new and heavxe Tazxexr of this kllldlfl, when this expires (which we rfaufl expeét, when all the K%ings,.Bilhpps, Dea11safnd‘Cl1apters Lanclsaxse %f0ldea;nd~,fpent) if we patiently cu fubmitze 1:9 this l§ading,el[;%3Decl;q_y,£,/ 3%; ligjlcql q) ,.f;Bmw lllflfiwf =z":7golm.z'té, Cl mfuervdiwm,laselulxl.»4m‘efilwr4;lrl¢f0;lV¢dMW in the cafe 1”‘ 5”“ pf an M25 mp:/2 Tm»: demmded 5']! Atlas" Page 5," lWhe1"eup0n> they ”al.lunar,1imoL1flyAoppofed it aefirllzgw « A A V (ti) épprfiee emzfézmrfwézramm,/émzxammm 5 ll .Pri2’{6ipViI?a‘ Q5:/M; j]2*rb,m_eéd£cinal.fmmtzm l e ' 'll§*lCm7¢4mzl;z per'[a7zgn1/x.lli7¢;fzQl¢t/avtlerlél mor.w,;, e l’ Ibeix-lg the fafefi .r?i1le'QfVStazte-p/a_yfz'caé;We can follbwin fi1cl’1l’«1lsél%l‘* isle/jamzte Dzifle;;fi~x4ll»which~l endanger tl1e~ W‘h01eyBO&yWpC}xitiCkQ. Upon which ‘grounds the mofl: lconfcienlciouslGemtlemen tmcl belle}Patri.0-tslof Eh€ir§CQu11try:;f0pp0{éd l3am:i.€‘; Sbipemonqy, mm... A 2¢age;eP0zzmd:zge,% I€m;g1yt/aaokl, .'mcltI1erlil£/it] to pa} tlyemy ‘Yea,%%fo¢rn.».. times we r<~:a“cI:;c)f fametbizag granted tlmh 1:3} the I€i7zg,’é_.y %. %\w_y W¢%2_fm3de,% ?ta,ila«c*2'3n My Afbeir‘ Smbfidiex, as in %25‘.% AVE?“ 3., gm- ‘ % j%aa~l,AYT;§x9. ;&%g6*E.3. M4 And*fior?a’ direét Vprcfidentin point: ” ‘ft) I$1att. Paris, Wh~cn(tJ% Pcrér Rxéiw the Popfs Lagzztin the year I 240. %exa‘&ed% %p.sx6. an exceflivc u.nr¢/Em/I Tax from rise Englifié ctergaa ; the whale gCIergy;ofBark-fZ:£rc(and others) did 4/! and every pf them Mme mimauflyw£:hfim¢di;,::cndring mm divemreafqns in writing of . tV£1eir;L%ref%ui"a1l, iJ.pertinem: to fcmr 4 time ax3dAp§f¢ef:zza Ta x ; ‘whereof EMS was cine, Tlmt»: ‘t?la¢'71i’:’2?*.vei:meu:’%%~of. Atvbeir Cléttzfc/2e4'%% /Zvzrce fnfiicczd ta finde Mt/yam Mgfaod, %‘50.2 ‘°fi iri ‘regard of flJ'ei}é' fhéklg ""fl“’a andafr=ti7e% préfE'm~ cimifit/a~>of7 arm; vazaaiuhcwuftg Vzime 13Mre fm:/a%malt£t;¢dex qf paark people to v.r£Ii£'%v6f; 0f‘)3>'/gicrfa « dyed, xfizmin, {mi 1 t/§qy_imdnot% Eflotiig/9“; t,bemfilzJ?.r A and we’ more; Wiaerpzwpozs WT 0 7‘ {T0 (“=3 I AT0 BE COMPEALLEAD T0 ('0 N T R I B U T 10 N :A which many of ourCiergy may now likewife plead mofl: truly, whofefivings are fmall, and their Tythes detained; and diverswpeople of all ranks and callings, who muftfell their flocks, bcdAs, A and all thAcirAihoufl1oId..(tufFe, A or rotin pri{on,iF forced to pay it. ~ A A 4 A A ' i _\ Ezg/arty, the principal! inducement to bringon the payment of this Tax, is a pmmifc: of taking af rlae divdmauring and undying Griamsm of AFr:a~q:.mrzer = which A hathruin::d"many Countreys A and Iiamiiies, and yet they Amuft pay this heavy Tax to be eafcd of it forthe future, iniiead of being paid andiiailowed forAwhat' is already pazfl, accordmgito W) farrmr cmgzzgumeintxa ~AgairA1fi: (u) ACoiIc-- whichAIi1aveAthef3j‘ufl cxceptionm A “ A 5fi0I1:3€‘-‘-P33'~ is a grievance againfl A the veiryii i,Cc:mmon?La‘iw it {elf} A which “dei- i intruden Wamfac-arr, and kill them Without may daAngc*rA af’LaW: fines every mans Houfé to be his Caflle and Szmfltuary, into which none ought Forctblywto enter agaxnft his will 5% and which with 12-4 That the taking of A AFfi€€~q\uarteri by; ASAp1Ndz'cris iin mans AHouIEs; 77 ‘W his goods therciin he may lawfully (x) fartifie and defend againfl ali 0‘) 3“ C°°I‘’‘ . .1 . A ll . . 9‘: 92" Agamfl: A aA11itAhe Statmfcm conccrmng (y) ,RurwqmmA,i'A ]N_'hICh‘]W0-Vsgmans care. laiéiz xbg taking of may mam good: or provifiam czgainff their wi1YS, 7 R€p.3Cnd£:18i ox paimentfar them under paw of Pelrmy, lib-2:13]: by Commiflian am. “*f"- Lambert 5‘. Report. fob. dry the great Seal of Ewglmd, A Againlhthe ex»prc2£ATe Letter andf’79‘D‘“‘°“3 firm/zfiam of the Pmmm af R I Giflli. 3.. Acm»-alt. , A Condemned by :14‘, the Cammamr Houfe in tAheirA(z;), Declaration 0f the [hate of 1/1: 2.4 H.i8.c. 5- Kizagdame of the I5 . SDAecmz£m~; 1 641 ‘and charged i%as‘iiAIa4hAiArtic*la 0) Sec Rafial I again}? King Ricbmiiidirla:f_wqndflAwhen deppfed ,L in the Patliamtmt ;1T:'~1“ A.]5’“rV€Y" of 14AH..43:m.:z2. Ye-a,.i1t as iauch Amfirxcvancc, as ex-p_ofcthi the ‘ ' (C An exaéicii houfw, goads, provifions, momey@,,,fervAants, childArenA, wives, Q911ce;;o;:,p.7,.A livcs A and allother earth! camforts WeAen"o , tn the luflsandi , ” w n In I y ‘ i V pleafureof every c-i_orr11inc:eramAg Qifnzer, and unrulg cpm=Amoni Souldier. A And to xmpofcz anumuft, heavy Tax, and .1r1dAuce pfi0'j~ pa no pay in uponiiopes Aoffrecingtiheim from iFrae-wgvgarter, 16 but to impofe one gmevance to rAemAov~e anothw: _ A V 2.. A There have been’ mnnyAApram£fi*:, D e.clar:mEo¢a: . and Ordm bf = fiatb Hoflfll and tbe;AAG:mm!!, for taking ojfzi Fm: iqigmrwer Isearetavforc-,i “upon the peoples payimgmtheir Contriizutiégrms beFoirie~~fAaA.n%d, as now and than nanq jlaawlai Frea~-quarter mg Mam, flat??? pmh of}? whack; 411;: new foot¥.€§.ha~ve _theyApayf4 gar} gheig Con;t_irib‘uci@n, i‘bm~.A: 3 A ‘t-iaey, have. bee-;rxeeEreequarité:%1“ed be 17:5 lmetieeh oi: "‘1i5xei4:‘e’Vt:hexi%i?fee m erlyfl? theeeSo-uideieejrsgewhen we‘t*e1lthem ofwanwy Ofdeefs age§inf?eeFree...; quertep,eflightingeethem as {ea manywaft papers, and ecerry‘inge themfeleves mereeeeeu%nru1y"a And when complaint thereof hatifi Yes-€fl%£mIed.c)togwfhev-OtfiecersgMembere, or the Committee Emcee Army, er in the Houfe; anfweremeeth Pcillbeen mede,' 2~Igm~,;e¢ "faMgflJ‘tbere z35~‘e¢’?Ze‘ArmyeVénefaa‘t, etioesreewi/Z be freeqiwzerter telqsngznd there we £52e,w eeprevcmian afeizr, there éveizag m necefliry afit: an& A ‘when gmyhave crevedeeilovmnce cnf it; they haveetound 12) many put-0&3 and Adelzzyee, and fuck dxffleultiese in obtaxningzt, that ‘ theEr~expencee hm/eeequalled theire‘alioWm‘ee?= ;am1«aé:¢r eflewwe T encesmade,» the moneys A ailowed hzwefibeen called for again. Sm e as few have had any allowance for quarte4re,{and given ove1*fuieg for them, being put to play an efler-game to {me for them after 2 eeth¢:m£e%,x§ee fiemrx; uti all ff-weir cezwributiens firft paid, and not to eedvuéfthem cut of _fit_&1;;1e1e“e@Leemtributiei“es,e; jwaleich they-earee [till put “to do..T~ This pre- W text ethereEer'ee+ of taking away Free-quarter, but a fem-1m;¢ to“ A draw on the paymentief this Tax, and a‘ fair pretext to delude ~ thehPeople, as: they findeby fad experience everywhere, and in the County and Hundred where I1'e{ide. For, not to look back free~qi1arter.mk¢_I3rw8»>(th0u2:vihV Wfieedfily Paid % 1 one) eernepritaendeemey laepa Tax impofed For taking etway Preewquarter , Colonel Harrifiimr Troorpersunder the command eof~C'a—pmin Spencer, (‘who quar- tered fix days together in a place, and exafled and received meft t of them geegsgeotherseeg e. 6 d.,. enditheieafi 2&5. 1% d. a dayefortheie e %arter&. lutelllhifilg jtheir7eLaendwlords,;that their Lands, and the Wehoie V *{§Kingd0m wastheire) ehaveput%eBm:bw-ink, Barlgford, ez.marm;¢,= . §'0m50a Hampton, Toaflack, Welcot and W'm’wmée, {mall parifhee, M} our -_Hundred and L1_berey,ae they will prove upon ‘Oath, am BLVEDV Itemwnder thexr hands", to 941?. 4. s. gdmzharge; ebefide encemsvery Whatquarters in;o”ther.periefl1eeofethe Hundred SeireHerdr¢=T.:V VA Wd{?m' eSe)u1diersup”onepretexe of e eolleflring earrears o‘1'rC‘0i*3t«ri+-+ human not due from the hundred, putit to at lea{’c 301; chargee . morefor free-quarter‘, A they being very mole and difo1'derTEy ; and no foo-net wereywe quiceof them .;: but:Vpn“the zzjand zguojfj 2144;: “fix ;C01- 513%: hiefeet gmndereehe condfuétFC1aepteinV*Flmw‘ aifld Ceptazn Elm pretending ferIrelenzl3“e*butIiirofeflingfieji never mtend ed ,toegeethither,. marching frothvA“M£5:é/aged and mm?” W (*1?¢¥3¢?F¥ Yifefietee Eoete 50 Iteeee‘ :fi3:!!3s=.t gfifeel it mop- ; nrefle 4 (255 prefle the A ;C0untry,put A B atbwicle, Lengridge,Witty, Batlamflan, Egg’ A ft!aerivi.,eindiiFardl_t0 28 l'.1 V775. and iSwainfwio‘kc', where! live, to about YZDIQ cxpencee for three dagyes Preeqimrter (by colour of the Generals Order dated the firfl: of May) ‘ being the rudeft and A debeilicli in: all kinds, that ever quartered fince the Warts, and ; iifalxj Worfe thenthe wnrllqof Gaivings men, Whcreoffome ohhem 'werethe,dreggsi; end their Captain Flower, in Cavalier hereto... fnmin Aarrnei (as is reported) againfithe Parliament.‘ Their car-~ riage inall places was very rude, to extort: money free: the peg. ple,drawing out their fwnrds, ranfacking their houfes, beating and threamiAngito killthern, if they would not give them two lhiiiinge fix pencgthree (billings, three {killings fix pence, or at leeli: two lhililiingis , and ay, for their qumers,i whichiiwhen extortcd mam fame, t;~hcy;tnok“ ‘| V ta=kingiiAitwo;,, three,_ and fame four quarters a man : At my houli-. they were molt exorbitant, having (as their Q¢1arter--Mailer told me, who affirmed tn me they had twice conquered the Kingdom, and all was theirs) dirqflianxfram fbrize gram‘: om: aéaw, fromfame other: in the Country (intim ating fame of the*Committee) and their own ofiicm (who abfenred thetnfelves purpofely, ¢1ia::hei.n;azae~.-a»: might have none to comroll them) to aéufiz me. In purfuance whereof {omc thirty of them coming to my houie, lhouting and hnllowing in a ruidemanner on May :2, when theiffiillct was i butfoe twenty, not flA1ewingianyAuthoirity.bnAt ~only:aiTicket, [Mn APrynnc--—-1-—-no] climbed over my walls, forced my doors, beat my {ervanta and werkmen Without any provocation, drew theirifwords upon me who demanded whole Souldiersthey weretibyiwhat authority tflhey’dem:mded Free-quarter, any hoiufe being neitAher Inne,nor Alehnufeii; and Freequnrter againli Law and Orders cf Parliament, and the Generals) ufing many high ptoveking Speeches”, brake fame of mywindows, forced. my lirnng»beerAcellar dam‘, and took the key from my flstrvanneanw {ackedi fame elf A cihamlaeea A undm prefem in feeArehior Arms. *3l‘f ‘thew Houfe cohrmh mg. 2 ~ .(7)r ‘I ingthemtall {o Bedlamr mad,- udthattheye would notthearlcenr to ianyfiteafon:t; tl10t'”’“ he quieted, [thereupon rode to v-ffitik their téhiptain tandoffioersi at Bath, who purpofely’ rabfented them. Wf6l.5V€5; andnot finding themrrtill the next morning, I acquaints t ed the Captain then, (asll hefdldone the firlt night by Letter) with all thefeyunfufferable «outrages of his risouldiets (contrary to the @;enertt1s+t0rdets; torrcarrytthcm {etlvesicivilly in their ‘q§,I3If€TS,and A tubule none in word or deed) which would render him and them ’ o‘dious,""-note onely to the Country and Kingdom, but all OIL ficersiandtsotlldiers‘ whohad any civility in them, and beat dill l paragement to the Genera/I,‘ by whofe Proclat-nationt he ought to be prefent with his Company; to keep themiin good order,‘ on. £‘.iE1‘5'TpIltI]W tofeaihieringtn And therefore I expeéted and required ]'u[tice andfleparations tabhis hands ; the rather, became I was or infbrmedt by fome ofhis own Souldiers and others, that they u had not been fo barbiaroufly rude,but by his iocouragement,whieh ifhc ref-ufedi, Iitlhould complain of himto his Superiourn, and right myifelfthewhelt way I might. After fome expoftulations, hepremiied to make them examples, and ‘ cafhier them, and remove them forthwith from my hloutfe tr; _Bti=t other onelyrl right I~had, was, that more of his Company‘ repaired thither, Amer. king all the fpoil they could, and taking away forne brafle and “Pewter, continuing there till neer four of the clock; and then rredthem to forbear tilll {aw what their i ii perflm: ) marched atway onely outof fear I would ‘raitfettheir Country upon them lg ~mnny of whom profered me their A e A Officers would do; who in Reed of punifhing any of them, permitted them to ply the ‘like Rex alrnoity in other places where they quarteredy fince, marchilng but three or four miles at day, and extorting what mo-- neys they could from the Country by their violenceand diior... i ders. l A Now,: for me or any other to give moneys to maintain r {och rdeboifi Bedlamttand Bea’/is as thefe (Mao [ratified of t/ztcire/$1. Irwin: andtiant they land done me at lmff twenty pa.:mrl.tfpa:'l y££zBeer and Prowifiam, tdrinking mt fim iéayrrelx of good [hang Beet‘, and Wafling M mmzbmmt Mwanld breve y famed an lmndrtedfleioil? to be Maltersrofour Houfes, Goods, Servants, Lives, andpallrwe have, to“ rideover our heads like our Lord: ‘amid d_ take Vfreequarter on us , mounting to‘ at Conquerours, an t - it A E 2 tleallz nimmcer; bluntly defi. A: And gwhat anfhcight of AA %wage4r%bus V%‘AVA%dcéf{fusfl:i"*5‘eA’ prcfidemt. A ty of our ancient and Ed’: Chrifiia A liamcms, Laws, Liberties, (as) % Aleafixagfull 5ze5i'és% c:'c$ntributian , without any aliowamie for’ ir,,‘,A " V and that fince the 1211’: 0rd ers againft Free~rquarter, and wart ant: for paying in this Tax to prevent it,forAthe future, iH'ued; is {oh A far againfi: my reafon, judgement and confcienceghat I would ra-~ 1-her_give~all ,away to fnpprefs, dffcardthcm, or cafl it into the» A fireman Vma~i~nta;in fuch Vgraaclefs wrerchw with it to dif-~ % hc:zmn3>t' C-30:11,, enflava, confuine, ruins £heCountry and Kin V A «dome; who everywhere complain ofthélikeinfolancesg andof; taking free quarter finccthesaofw fmze, as abovctwo lwmlred of » %Co1on%el"G’a.w%his meix did in Em/{the lafl Lard: day 5, who drew . :;£rpin‘a bodyabout%theV*Majar:AHoufe, and threatncd ta fiszfc and. %‘ mrr him am; A prazffinar or film in to iwr/§emfm° quarter, om. tmzr; tn} the Neg» dzfifar iéoliflgnggit. glafilythifi prptendefi /!& implifis, that thofc who refufc to pay this contribution wxthoun. difirefi. or imprifonment {hall be [til opprelfed with freequartcr a. oppreffionand“in}'ufl:icc this will prove not only -to difirain 8: imprifon thofc who can‘notf,in$ confcience, 4 Laworprudence fubmiuo thisillcgall Tax, but hkcwifc to uh»- doe them by expofing them to Freee—quarter, which themfelvesv 1“ eondemne as the heighfl pcflc and opprcflion; let all fober men confid€§%s~Wasidw Mwhas ¥S§‘3~{0I:1 land oth ers havcy. to Anppofcfuézh a W orld. in its firfl;appearing to t-hex Ninethly, The principal and ofitnpofing this 1’ax%t:§Mm4aim A tain the Army and forces now raifed, is not the defence and Fafcn M 11 Kingdom: 05 Engl.md,4%its Par- wd Religion, 135% at firfi; butto dffinw h%E1.' it% the King of the Crown 0? England, Scojtlamd, and Ireland, ("to which he hath an undaaéted right 6} cammem and Statute Lana; zmhe Parliament of I-- fqrméi. ch. 1. rc,folves),$ and to levy war a--“ gainff him todkcprivchiirn of it 3 ~40 fubvert the ancierit Mona.r-- chicafllh Government ofthis Realm , ur:;derWhich our Anceflcra; In-.v¢a1ways%%1ived,anc1%flouriflzed, no {ct up a. New repa¢£r1ick,.thc. mppreflionsand greivances Awhiereof we have already fe1tW(by%in- creafing our?" Taxes, no thcj taking awayaof %thal§.vjé2s of‘, the late King, ~.:flP;¢ers,V .5!-1bJ'€&$ againfi the : Puxaa”amen%taI4A La ws; A~oAf,_zhV¢ ;»Land,V, crcgring 3:*?~fWf*tn9r1l?cmusffrgzafozasnever hgard o£fiVM11eAwo’r1dbefore, and; fcntimgup :1: bitrary. Courts andI?r.oceedings A % f%1FJd0tber% ‘ 29) A the1.ike).ibut cannbt yet enjoy 0 idifcérn the [call eafe or advam thge byit; To overthrow the ancient confiitutiion ofthe Parlia. i A merits of England, confifling of King, Lords, and Com mans, and the Rights, and Priviledges thereof. To alter ithciii fundiamcntal Lavys, Scales, Courts of]u{hc_c ofthh Realm, and introduce an arbitrary Government at ieafl, if not Tyrannical, contrary toour Y Lame: ,, i0*zzt1ar:,. iC'ammmt , Pratrfhatian, a‘) pu“blickiRem:m- ((1) See an Exg firmer: and Engagement: to the Kingdom and iforraigri States, 33; ¢o1;e&ion , not to change the Gawmmmt-, or nmimpt rm] cf the ‘premgifi-.r, anda, calleéti... All which being no leis than High Tmzfbn by the Laws and Sta». 0"‘ °“P“b1i<=k A tutcs of the Realm, (as Sir Edward Coakin his 4 Injiitnzes‘ ch.-I. O‘d;"°'3““d Pf A and Mt. St. folm in; his Argument at Law, upon pafling the bill Inf éi./@300’ H Attaindcrofgrheiiliarlrof Straford (bothprintediby the Com?- mom {pecial iordcr)‘haveprovcdatvlarge hyrmanyr:«prc1idcngts,J V Reafornr, Records; and fo adjudged by Lhc” lafi: Parliament” in i the cafes of.S’tmfi"ard and Canrarhmry , who were condemned and executediras Trayiors by judgement of iPariiamcnt,i and fame of thcfe now fitting, but for fame of thofeffreafons, nponob... A fciure;r3i‘Eividenccso_fguiit.than am? now vifihiei in others :) I” cannot ,, ‘withoutiiiiriéxirring ithcr thefa.gre-~ natal High Trmfam-, and the eternal, if not tetnpcaralipu-»r niihments incident thercunto, if I {hould ivoiuntarilyrconu tribute: ‘fo much as one peny or farthing, towards ifuchf=Trea. V L {enable and diflayal endsias thefey againfi my Confciexacegl Law, Loyalty, duty, and allgmy Oathesgamd obligations tr» rh“e'iicor1-yr trary.= “‘, 4 ‘ A ~ ii i ii L '1 ii Tenthly, The payment- of this Taxnfortheprcmiledgpuru» pofes,.will (in my paor iudgmemiand confcience) be ofiienr five toi(13oid and allrgoodi men, fcamdialous to the iProteflam:=- Religion, difhonourable to our Englifh-. Nation, and d*ifadvan-- A tagious and. dcfiruéirive to our whole; Kingdom, hinderingtheri fpecdy fetrlemcnt ofour Peace, the reeciiabliflument of our Laws»? and Government, C&3..b1ifl1if1g.,Of ciuriTaxes, dishanding flfvollt‘ Iiorccmrirrcvivail cfirour decayed‘iTradéi, byrrheirenewing and: perpetuating our ‘ bloudy unCivi1lii‘War;‘s~ ;,~. engagingisciatlami ,; i A Inland, and all forreigni Princes anclliingdoxns in i¢:~iir,j1‘i[ii War.-i 7 againfms ,_ to iiaverigeiiitirhesarlearh of our lam: Abrehcadged i‘K{1D*ga ‘i:.;:i~thc~7 difginhezitingg, , A (M A 4 4 . diiittnheritiriig ofhis % p'ol'tctitfy,l and teltote his ’ lawfull Hetrs and Supeefiets toigtheireljfllh,ulndoubted Rights, from Whkih they are new forcibly fecluded ; whohwillhAiiundc:ubtedlly molefl: use with hceminuallwarrs ( what-ever fume may Fondly conceit to the A contrary)A% till they be fetled in the Throne in peace upon iult and A honorable terzns,aihd invelted inetheieiiuiti polfeflions. And there-» * i'.foreAAA Iteanv neither in c’onfcience; piety not prudence, enfnate my jfclf inthe guilt of all there, dengetdus conlequences, by any fab» ‘ A miflien to this illegallTax. A A A A A A ' l Upon all theta weighty AReall'onst, and. fetious grounds of t%Con{ieien~ce, LaAw,§;_ Prudence, (Whic‘h Ihumbly fuhmit to the l_ Conicietsces Aanld Judgments ofwallAmnfcientiousli and Judi. r llcious eribnst, whom :heAdotlisrt1:a11 Ationicem) Alttm re» P Y folved by the afliltance and ftrength ofthat Omnipotent (‘End "(twhehath m’im:ult>ufly{uppottedme under, «and carried the throughvall i;mylthth;fermcr fuflictiings l*'or~A the iPec>ples publick Li-A betAtiesA with exceeding joy, comfort, hand the ruineoFmyt»lgreat.l elk enemies and»Oppo{ers ) to oppugne this ttmlazvfrtll Can. he tféfittian, and the payment of it to the uttermoit, in all jttfi and ‘V lawful! wayes, I may; Atuzlif any will forcibly levieibby di- fh'€ifl?3 Law erARightA (ash ,Thccves and W ROE§hetstaLke means goods and Putfes)llet them doe it at their ownutmoft perill. And I truft God and men will in due _{eafon doe me jultice, and award me recompence forall the xnjuriesin this kinda, and any fufifirrings for my Countries Li-A-C herties. How-eveqfallback, fall edge, I would ten thoufimd t1AmCSi tatheri lofe life, and all I have, to keep a good :AconfNci-— ‘once; ‘and preletve my native A Liberty , then pm with one I V’ Farthing, or gain the whole world with the lolie of either of A them ;- and rather die a Martyr for our Amrimt Kimgdam, then live a Slaw: under any new Kepuhlick, or remnant of a A btokeq, d1fmeinh_red,(h'ange Parliament of Commons, with- out Kmg, %Lords,lor ithe majote part ofvthev Knights, Citizens» % and .Burgefl'est ofthe Realrnet in being fubjeét to their At'lle.g»tll Taxex, and whatetthey call: A6}: of Parliament, which in lreali-» ty are no ‘A&’~: at all to =binde me, or ahy other fubit-.&, to obedi-it-“A r cute, 1: ittft puniflmgtent fat Nan. obedience" gheteunto, A A t A confifmitpt mmforrmty to what they {file the prqfimt Gaqerumem of the Armies modeling, and %fcar;A_ the fcfuim fuggelhng, to c&’e~& our King. dams and Religmns rume. A AA V VVI'LL.IAM PRYNNI-2. % Svirainfwickg “Iunc16.%1649. ” ; » Psu..4é6.4,s.‘ 4 I%’Mvmt flm "with minperfivm wiréfirwifl gr»? naitfo TEM- A V Vfimélert 3 3 I %b@z%v):% A/Mted the%Ca7igrrgatian of %i&1/i/1 datrxnmd wi,/1natfi'twitb the Wicked. A sz?ai¢iacla;i«®%ii*%@@:%1@l~:»%2i-l "3!’ isggi A.[POSTSCRIPT. A “ ‘,3 Jnce thedrawfng up of the precedent licseflmr, I ’ have met: withaPrinmI Pamphlet intitiiilhelclg/.4i¢ % Epm; Awrittan the? 8th day of frame,’ by Lieiitenaht /L/'/Q Colonel Iéhn Lilburn, t‘o.Mafler William Lcn- »z."* lthall Si mkér to‘ the remainder of tho_[efm Knights, / A A P ‘ A ‘ . ‘ I '///4*gC£tia~:.ein: anal Burgzjflfgx that Col. Thom. Pride A ;2tAVhz'5 latepnrgcth.m,q'ht1:o¢z'armient;”ci' ilmm. fitting at Wrfimipzflcr (arza mofll fithfar hzér a«n:i'hzI¢ Maflcr: dc/ign; tafhz we their Aamhitidita (é* Tymrmical md.r,to dsfiray thegaodiol;i,Lnw1l,%Li5¢ftie.r and Czarflam: ” ofEnglahd,the%hadge: afmr Fmdom, ‘with: “ Declaration agaixfi iths K ihg U§jr:thJ€_/£“U!?2l';J affilarch, I648, pang. 23. call: them) amdh} far are of/Rrmcrt to rah the figaplc hfftlheir live: , efhttex and propcrtiu; mzalfsshjeél them to perféé? vafidfiaga andflmvery (Err. 737/90 (and in A tr.v1.thhnaorh:rW1f/2') prcmzdmly flilc zhemfdvzm, The Ccmfirwtarxl ”f£bA,,.wE:~; r, -' K.‘ i ‘ " Vs ‘ i ' s W‘ win wfi M 5"“ ‘‘‘'y‘ '‘ ' ‘V anthorizad hy ithccmfiht a (Ad)!-Iis Pcrici‘- an and Appeal l and his Arrow mfdefiance.Scc M..Ea'rm27'd: _Ga7zg?ena,3.pa. page.154.fo1. 2.04. A 4 imhawmwhéalmlenri ofEngI4nd,, intruflcd and rival hy Eleé?ion(z'r4 their Dcclamtiozx Iafi mentioned, p.,z7.the'y fay) they are‘ 5 although they are newer azhle ta product one hit of A Law, or imzy piece of 41 Camqnafflion to prom", that all the: people of England, or we quarter, tenth, hundred or thotifand pa rt of them, anther... 1"l.'Z£dJ Thammr Pride, with his Regiment of Souldiers to choofe them ‘a. Parl£ifina/I Tm¢¢i<~, and~t§1ey&5‘pr1n:~an“d‘bog& in thi,sV4E%pi{fl‘afand 9rh;::r_¢l_a;c ' _ A ::iio:hc;nil]11s- oW;1a;lnd»h1ls Partxifls behalf A (wgo of w13.l;€_.fO§II£lucll§a., Peg. 1 z.2,_ \ A ore 12 em, as: con y cart yD¢:ities an Asavioursgr 3; A; a-- ti0r1_)n0W‘pO{it?ivelyaifertzmd“prove. % _ A ; *7 w % ; A %F.1rPc,;that (a).CommifTary General! _Im:ton,j"CqI<);n¢1.d Hm/Em;%P A "‘ “wxch. other »M*embarx %of"t:he AI-1a;z_fi~,a11d the ‘;Gg:;;1,efirg12V%L;(Zoux1cel DE A ag' 3455' 3‘? 0f’ficei*siVin».tlic%AArrrry, did in feverall imc¢;ing»sJf~%at1‘ql‘;fdeb~at~es: 4t % ‘ Windfivr immediately before Vchciriate ma;rchA%t«oLaM’aAn‘ tr) purge “‘ 1 thé%';Hou:fe,~an(d after toj_W:bi:ela'Izfl ’,. co.mmon~ly» £ti1e;it;m;1gemfeIvésV ‘ the pretended? l~’arli.m::e‘nrI(%e‘\/en? {;.bicfo1:e. chcxfiingg bgvhcafiqing) 5~Aa+MV0cK”PARLIAMENT, aMOcKeP0LWE1& T,;a‘PR~EW'Ifl'EN-*- ,%«f‘*«"D BDPARLIAMENT- 8:. NC) ARI,1AMEt$I ALL: ‘AA *.Andutha"t: thefiy4v‘vere% aekmrezy“ m~,c:,z«mz%%a,ng£detca}mme,d% T0 ;:«;««.pi V4*%:mHE~»IR‘ OWN~PARL»IA§\iEfiNT VIBE A ;«=A had Ado'ne~i: (ray they) ar;d%rommE‘gup»~:*A .1 L s 5 i1:1“the Hdufe, ghad "nbt bejenthc ‘Z it 1&;:;{;c?rffi“x:sA:ik9;-.rttsf4]tf't$4~him- ‘ der them :‘ Wejuflging ittlam of t'.'Mf,c'uil:, rim lea/hid vb"/{feather fé to 5: ga«2;mgmy‘4IHE SHADOW OF mR1;IAMENT, ml Wwamzdga; gram zmd dltr§z1r:~‘o ‘am: (:whi‘Ch with j%C%h¢¢,3FFfl¢ PIG? wtations iixi ghewbrtd they then‘pnbmifed:zmd%4%engag¢d;wiuhA'd all '1{tjhei?n‘.mi“ gl1E 1”"péedi1y%to: eflC¢fl:)%.: thpn /%’l;dl}?A:;‘y:3~(z;d ffbl! ¢‘w£/Qaf ,S'I?tf1’}rf,\’.-Jp?xE17‘,‘A1¢f1/90.27) we /aaoi%aai;;¢.zdj %fa4ns”fi6i.;¢r»0 50 mémifm. wry ‘ nn% er can ctancz9;«&.m ‘A % , % g ‘VI1’*thet1tVhefcl%_e::;1cIi11g,fw:1yingMembers~ofx:hencw;,pretend‘ed A f A A Aurged‘ Gam%m*am: P%azrli;2%n¢tnmnd " z1r”n_&y%,,&%dcem¢.d”phcA ,Pati“.l'ia;ngnc rficfxfcxfi bqfore the7I€Wihg§'bcfe-any tax uponthc Pcophlem ~ 7;; 1350 z1¢1airitai§n~1TurEh'Officehr§, Me.mhers,AA SOu1d;ihhem;,hAA;whoAhaYe Athusv ifiilifiehflr ft-ihle it 71p“ 1?e*tendhe*dT£I~E’LORD'S.HAD AS TRUE A RIGHT ““*~‘TAHiE\IR“‘ L£GhIsLArwhE ac, JURISDICTIVE I>oWER0- vE:Rhh»1IHEhh~h(:mMM@Ns, HE'HAD *r~o~hH1sA CO.;AT?h h ‘ON HIS BAG K5 * arid he» wou‘Id:po£urr: affreind zA:hviAz.;hhM;a~£ter 4: 1)Tatbkz}zi?‘lFcihne:,;h flxduld ahgue and «plead thcirjufi right w:i~:«h ;‘*~=2gnv friend. I had in E71gl1and.And not only fo,but did he notget _ h"f‘>léh‘“e¢Gavaa”rna2’l; “a‘nJCaunu:1?A:ofi 42'“ mifor: Afiabo tit gthg A time* that the: of hn@hma0re»hA ad”dre{Tes;*were~~htoh A pa;fTcA~) to Amakefi flew» 9 W0"! zjratiafi ’;é)3“"D-he«‘Wh'0M1”c~Wotfld, d%ehCIaLm‘in;%g,“_7f f ‘hT@:~+MA?3*NTI.&N“?&c:: uPHhOLD*»IT'*.a« which hwag {am «by A4 ‘A flhfhhvgj 'G:€mfinfl iEt‘0A?h3:1:he Lord: 1‘ Sir}; \ £7,¢;rA'm-1]": V Wu/Yer ‘ h I30, A A A * :T7‘f1‘{1'F34f5h:1mfqlfthh?:*m0FC;**11hflt0fthfi-«Lfilfds (in whhofga:Hiama§fsA»§»sa;inhh*~ A "’”dWb”¢%hh1*'¢‘ twhm {aw ‘WW h same .f‘;§1é:dut%Wh1¢hh—%‘31:~Wh“fi:h«119tsf**m§>€Q? u.tfi?.%fid¢w::rw§d h h" 11 A " 7 44 ’ h “ 1t10W..'2“-A I G‘ " M‘ V " (2? A 4 ‘K ‘ knuwledtge the Lords jurifdiétiotn over Commoners§_andt.fm.t ‘ do it; yes; now_:1ueyttaave trupprwéd §he§m- A t ‘Whénce icis mdfttepp »*er1t. 1.’ TIia“¢w‘tE1‘& &n€k z&I. i“tb”a vmwi was array’? ‘“ thatendehe Afeets hieagerlts andtitlfirument-s gteewotk %co ge:; mg .m,, A M’ ’"#»~-*»-w.', [;~*ama, E=I»s2*;*§,’?.v¢, ‘$‘.Ii:93:5 other; Officersof the- ' Armynow fitting as Memtbers, Atatnd 0vert..ruling all thereflz, have willingly arftedt againfi their pwp knowledges, V De‘claracjong, Judmenm ccmrciences in fL1App'_re1fing% theflords Houfe ; and depriving thex-"me of thVetirdLegifl.itivé and fizxifdiélive Right and power, by prefuxnitxg to make Aé’c%s;, pafsfehtences, and impofet macs withdut them, or their affents in tPar1iaxnent. 2, '1‘h;u; this 5 Wax enforced upon the Commons and Ki%ngd“om, f for theirA own particulnadvantaege, tpa;yV and enrichment, Wis intheir, own illdgfirlcnt 94IiC1tC0I1f¢i:€II€~‘=»tbothelifliufbttlfirild‘ dice 313/ Contrary w the Laws of the Realm, being ribt afientzed to bythe L%ard: :.f and therefore to be unanimoufly and ftrenuoufly~opp%ofed by all who -love their own or Countries Liberty,or have any Namg, er Ge... iii _r.hem.,; Y 1 'rhirdt1t;t‘h*<«2ttttthereaIrcrcs in mm ‘ halfiand hl5CODfe'dt*€1‘3ft€S'§ That; g ‘ fittmg, is but, a pretended Parliamezat, 4moclQ;—P4r—Zizz”5ne;2t‘%%%;fi AA ‘yea, and in plain Englrlf/1%, N P ARLI AM B NT AT t “’A“L;Lt , Jim: t_/dé /badawwaf ta farliflmfints Thgtthtoie cpmpanyt ‘ of than at tWtflW'eflér Wf~g#5vt to wet 7?F1igb C'b3irttof*?14;/iicc" no tfiy9d?Id;5%€]?%i{ud rim were no mare»: ‘ 44 t%Pkirli.'flt»Wt 15} L4W»V W‘ R¢P”t?f¢WtW5A 0f the MP1?» 5.7 t/W; \ ‘”1?i¢le:tof't}1zt_/Z-¢c4e and Re}afarz%, dam fuels 5 cbbdpanj ‘ of mm are at ‘ifarliammtor .tR-eprtflwtaztit/c of the People, that 4 ‘company ‘ ‘;3f*i_§s)*;ne};2’j2”l;:teb*:)e: L‘/§bof§Vt4tm1.ét aapvirftt id! 1:23)}, A ecqnde mn; ‘f ;.tar%‘7aca4dmq_y 7i¢«2191»t}9t(ft‘t/at] pVle}«tfé,t ior cain:prev‘ail owner wag A éy pretence afjmflice; ‘I ‘A*’L'hMatt;~no Law in%En%glmzd authorifeth a of fervJaz1ts% to _ F ortito thrtxwt them tat] 'thei’r "pleafuret but} 0”’Eeth}eir pow;er,; 49¢‘ % ‘Tet themfelves doiisrriin it ;; which is»the§AtmitesV cafewinhthe V ‘_P”atr'Ii]:Lment, etfpecietllyg at Tbeqmm AwPridé’§;1V;tt’et@p}utg‘e; Attwhitlg - fjfvv_astan abfohmedxfivolutxontoft}1eveAry Efl€flCc.§1t‘1dT‘b€1fl_gt0ft$3 F?’ A fifloufe tzpfhist QW’n'LbQm; re) — 3934°'56:;57- P4g- 34» D A ‘t‘I2_y‘tbc pawemf %t'Iaetijr flvardx, Am‘ $ lv,efq:F:ee‘tIaemV/I] f07”6‘3’ Of ' '4 ‘warm-, mt/amzettlaeir livéxttaken at A A u t. A A 4 ‘ ‘gr,o2mded“z4‘pon ml_e.r meer‘l}/fibw¢'ng from tbeirmpi/lxandflwozdxe _ tunmx a~nd'c’ ‘rn1'e£’t‘ t”hei't,Mafliers,M (>11; togiy"e;47LaWq L_mtQ?thern,,« W fl ;3*6')¢ A A ‘. _ 4 '4 Houf"e"of'fCommyons%:; t0 fag up indeed‘ a F]M0”_CK~P40WER},., "mind *1”/kf0»C'IC~ P%ARLI4/1MENTs bvpurging ,_°Ut~ ‘ all thofe? that tbeyx've&;rc‘any way jealous Aof, w”Q“1ildnot_V_ote _‘‘asthey&w0uI%d4hgsfe”th"em’‘; : and fuffering and pt-rmicting none; "t0_fitbut A A A V ?";%;S'Vcl2oal'~—é”a_’”)i,v,f' tEzt:'%\3:7i/!,vZ.£}a\e' ‘gaod Bojfr, /Fa} 1“/96,5?" L€fl3%I aft‘? 5 them t/;a=7z"r“ Z,ord.rJ7»1n¢l/7«2’;zfferJ, om,-:1 ’§/0f€‘131'7/£Jifl.i5t/.r‘”€ )V; wozzld /aaz_'v_qV ‘$1-;3:,~»:.‘».z : fMa11dJb,béVasE:z:Vce'nA%‘betwixt the_m and t“he1:’pe%0pIe%,% With- “ A‘ the name of P./:“zé'lz;a2%7¢z"e;zr,__ "4 of iegall and jL1f"t;Ai1t.3;1o1*i A ‘%~4~4Jf€]fW4e?2rr a134i.Tfl~%:4Wz-r 5 and cI1eir~»z.z:éitmr] and zjgrgnr (for the of“chem)“4;z boénpzziij &Aor’%xzz’aJ*"ar1m and the-ihadow imperfefl iII13°§§¢” ‘ fry go pE%d{[t%he1r pocketsf01‘thc_-rr1by, ‘ mm/1 (;‘oz¢rt: azzrd (‘o;¢m_z£tt%egx (the bell: of Wh%ich isnow becom ef V‘7 h1 ;I1c':1aké if-I‘e§“_2'l ,t11éir perf”eE“i: flnzz/E; and 2/asflhlxa ‘~t0thisPurp‘0fe-%‘VTT % M “ _ Wlf =3theI1{‘1:I'1”c__i:*'%P1:inci‘pa1l" lad¢l:11’.1:<§;:”rs* ,“ “t=he5*Arm"y,a-nd-rhofe how fitting, in all their‘Iatc‘p%roc:ecdings;“ A I and cryed Lthcm up moi’: of any, as the Parliament; and fupreme, V % ’ «Autih0r§.ty~of\E;;2g1;z;«zd;before,at‘_.and fince theM}aJcejf'orce¢ upon {ha A Houfe, and~ics vi.o1en£purgation, doemhusjin prim; profeflédly. dirc1a;5;;;h4M A,.reAaI>i’. P“.:tr‘liammt‘; or Houfq of V tomake, A&;‘or~in1pbf¢T2zxex upon th¢! people; the. fécI;ude M T ,3‘ A A‘:“bl. 3 A‘FAAAAmm%&b¢n;1feiMeswf;rh¢f;%??*‘=§9W%W1° x?enurAxA..eA A (39) ¢;jrh~a*tfaying‘Aof ‘the fpirit of God , Tim: w/aafébie/aéttlaflrixewnrizlr A ¢-goody, agndfeetla laré; £rro2be:?"b:ztbbneed,‘ amij£m*‘tet1aA,upA ./:Iio‘f50_b.‘1%7b--. ‘ cl: qampaflfanfrom him (Whichbhe ‘abfolunely doth tbhat ‘any 4 ‘Away takes a _liAttIe of hislittle from him) loqw dweller/a the loéyéb ‘ e¢fGo”d in/aim) ' I f‘o1an$ I7. ”bThefe b bafltions and pbraéiifes arc-X *,Afo%far from beinglike“1;hebbtrue and reeillb children of the moi’: ‘ High; 3/941” they are the big/atfl apprefliarz, b theft and mzzrzflaer in .; * the world, thus to rob the poor in day of their great diPcrefs by 4 ¢ Emfi:-, Taxation: &‘c.bto maintain their ePampe, Smperflpzities . ‘arid Dfiérmc/967*}, Whenmany of thofe from whom they take. V £.it,do eperiih and%PcaArve with want and hunger in the mean time, ‘ A eand be deaf‘ fined A Adargnant.-hearted to alleb the.-‘r TEARS, cbcRYEs,% LAMENTATIONS, MOURNFUL HOWLINGS, ‘I \ ¢b.GROANES-A AWi‘tho;ut a;,1:!b doubt, etbefe prétended,Godly A .4‘.-Religious men, have got adegree bey.ond thofe fltheflx or A *A«..I~'aq{.r,, %z~/m,tfi;y; their./amrts, there 2'4 no God. e1’_/.811. 14.1 . and .e 5 53.1. 3%; J n bquite defifiroying the peoples %eHentia1 Liberties, (Laws and I3reed»0ms,8z inleaving them no Law atalbl (as M1“.Pe{-- rmrhcaregmndreacheraverred 1ate1¥'t°mYfac¢W¢~ha4 none) :e fbutwtbeir ,1:r1ebeI*r Wm ..Pbfé3bfUf€5bb§bbbbfkwiflg;Egllafl-7‘L43’?-fa A -AMart£4 1!th15OUgh 1 . jv,;mA babiicof A iz:,maye;bnot,be.e . fo tendwere gof xzhee blood r of men, A. A ;.'.‘7qm;t/99eLdWaf Engl43¢b?’:1feAaj“am ;rmd~ ?*z¢fliW»° AWDAWI 57“'?WbA¢f/vfme *- Araebebebbii A A 1Yea,.,dbe.enote:heffe men by A dreirfw Obrcbé‘, ,b¢'i“flg.b11Cxf¢f“ » b¢’rvaAn"ré»A~%ivewhac eLawbes.theyAp1eeasfeAt0 t‘heir.'Maficrs-th¢A iP‘1T°‘ ,.‘?2:cn1dedjLa:vq~m;a;};ers 0f4yQurebbH0WT¢b%nQW ¢©*i1fii££1£¢d_bY AAA“i5.80A0d is bc-he of their, Own om]: li,tef afid jP4'*’ -5 " 1‘ e e_ theirAbexh:1u{hng am, "as _he'I:11m: A robs. kill? ~a«m@fl“'bA114P0efl the V» ing§h€m~%.W»~#1h€ifeP”9C°FdiI?%§5b sfP¢¢bia{b?eA%;0nech- our Eftfates by Taxejm émde ~gtg11¢m» 'r thew b V M" great 0jj€cEr.rqf¢tlJe<*Tr%c}:zft§7*é%r.r who are;-./Heméerr M W flaw dge"gfifhho‘b’C}\tfi’.ilI1P0fC"'W'h3.tT3,§{‘eS they pjI'e‘aI'e,*,V andA difpofe V LaW,Prudef1‘ce ti) Withwfiza n d* the4i:*” iifip (£2) Pug.-2.15. 27329-3334- 35.4i~53-$7.» s3,s’9~64-64- 75- . (£353: -Pdg.3I§ 32¢ * ma ‘ Wf,.W,w ‘ W» jv?‘A%dAd91??%‘i9*defiroying = '.:‘~%.Txeafon%Irkey:um *1: (ix) P. s7«34-W‘ V View; fed/i’,fait/1 mid Térezézkerx, +«‘[;;¢f4be*:/as ofchem to themfelves and their creatures} as they pleafc, contra- VA ryto the pvac‘?:iceA=of:1l%l%formerages, and the jru1es'of%reafQn and jufEice[t0'o) are~m;2tAa11o%th crs boundby ai%1lv%b%A©nds.of c0nfcien¢ce,; mo" dfiti‘6n§"'a7nd Edi;*%s% u ‘ . . de"ath,* % rather then yeiiii-Athe'%1eaPc fubtnifl~ir>n e£1qadq d4 ;? am; tfaerqfare 5‘ £2} :19: jfzme Téxrhxind V argflm*wi*zfb‘ Atljcjjr ;¢_féd£¢g52‘zin;7?" *¢tl2aaT€£7¢__g',% " ‘t/7-e£r=5[ood'augl9t to £6 /Zed 17§§Va5¢, zéfzd t‘o°£*éf:¢rel'}' pm‘ to ‘ Admtlo wit/aoztt Mmgwy d'ti.gf;zé?z'bn”t;zkeF:¢ f0r~z9/deif li*ve.}',aw Tm/_ytor.r, ‘“ Encmiex, Reétlmrv, Jmd i) cozéfjyirmorx azgnixfl the late Ifihg ‘ ( ‘LW/.76’ % % ,4 % j ' * Xikzjeflj a%n4 5dJvcf»zti;g*m’gy; That the precend%efd44AHoure “ my 2;%re~gu’ilcy%ofaIl th“e1a:e' C~rim*es Tin kin “ new Name andrn0tion', of which A the " Bevlaratiorz -ofthe 17. of l/7«fr;4'rc7a"V 1 648%. that; fame of them V‘ more reg»/I; W14 —; em rbc*Kiazg%d£d»s :va>»dcan; f%~;fiziéM7- ing'r}ac£’r‘*2"2¢;zigj 0z:i~/mi, az;émf5ztx,*1?raawifi:=3:;“** ‘bcczgzmz. “F 9 final em"onfl7wn?: er‘ iVz} d z'b‘»:f co/flrkqj (With A e‘ Iiigl‘ien:¢ ‘mifesanyd pretenrcs of good For%t~hé people and tlicir declared "% I;i%bert*iAes that ever Were, made bymien) t/at? perjakred, per'm'4- 523?!’ T;;krzzr¢t;r; ‘t/a.rzt»%%e9z)”«e»’r' afioxigill and %hMoHéP£"Iil~én poplar and Ar- y charge the King intheir "lifL'i’d'Z”1¢’lfl9£" 1-mid %:‘a'nd. o;»'ug‘h:: by all we/1‘ dervJ*e~¢»zv¢M/amd vfw aha‘: éY€r~bfdwh- édyby how muclfrnore rmder the p1‘étEncé"0f, Vfriénflfliip -@1121 L‘ brothrrlykigdnefsthey Ahavc d<')n%c; ,,all them mifcheifethey zhavc 4011;‘ 'Lawe[s_2_1nd% ‘libefrics ; Ai%théreI5eing do A is *‘I’reaifo1d3,~¥’Wh0 bCtraf575¢¢l~ his V fa;.Mg;_.. A ‘ ' J’ j u ‘§évén%:fiiy;' H’c‘~‘”tI1crE3a?fércs.AA?~~A 7 T I 7“‘f’”N~ . 1: M ' % in If w I/9tj _a5fbl[‘7¢tx?'{] .ref{9[z; ed tq ~a’cé_[t‘r_cy t/mug/7% ti/ye} did A de, , though under a * thin‘ A . l (41) A‘-l tizeir new change of Government and T_ym;m_y; Pmelfappem gt; eésf .:e.r ab[a[ezteA en Tmjtor ever/9 5] Lezuazemei Repgfmoz, ,4; e-yer new l ‘ in the meld ; If not againll thAeKing, PRINCE lCl-IARLES, ‘ (A/oeir apparent Ate‘/oz}: Eztl/gem‘ A Crollm and Throne) yet‘ Vaqgtjflfl A A‘ the peeple: Majeflj Sovemigmfy. ‘Ami .ij”tbz£5lée tree}, 4,: in A ll‘ 23', T/Jest tbrér pezrg’el.' Parliament IS NO PARLIAMENT AT “ " ALL ; t/vent/yere"l1}e eeeit/oer legal fudge» lezor fee/five: of Peezcge l 5' ix: Engllzna’. And zf/5-, then 411 the] e tlmtezre executed at Ti- F étew/eeA&C. 5} t/seir .S’eezz‘e7-ace of condemnation ezrelméefly weer- “ ltbereei, emeltbe fudge: mm.’ feeflicex that condemned them are ‘ 11.555]? in time taéef banged (med that rigerefarbe, for 482-. "5 £313 Wit/valet oz email legal (‘ommi_,{7?on -: either from TRVE ‘REGAL OR TRVE PARLIAMENTARY POWER: (eX~- ‘ cept in corporations onlAy,whAe1felel1ey proceed by aAn6i€.lconfidet',efpecially fuchicmmmj/3-I flower: wihlo.tial;e-upon. them tohadmVinliPcera new unlawful Ex Of;-. fibi‘o»0ggri}jtoai1ytbfurvey their Z*3eier>r/aéour: and their own eflmle: in term] pgzrlifbam’ retz«zm the‘ true wzlmar thereof to them upon the new p-rov’d rate for the 3 lgzfl mom/as c'orzrriéurio:«z,mza'"tofimsr zlyafe Xixvlqolrefufi to do. it (3. meter diaéoliml me/eiztion to multi---- ply pcrjm rim [0 dtzmrzie merzxflmlr invented by Cavrdimzl PI/00lf_y,, e imiuch inveighed againfi by Eazr/can Latjmerin his Sermons, “con-i gieeraeiii illegal am’ ( m) Exqd, 2.3;. V 5.6. their; §.S'iztcm*e_fl"oiirr dermneli by the iexp~reH‘e"W0rd's 0ftheI?etitia.:¢ofi1?i§l5: ianyi auitihdreity on others to lM“’| V V fim2""th'o{'e-A who mruie~ them, the: highefl: kinde~ 01? Arbitrary Qjrramgy both over mans (‘anfcizzrzceg Propartier, Lz'bertie:; to which thofe who Voluntarily fubmit defervenot only the name ofTwgyzro.r: to their t Country, but ‘Cg be (m) heated through the em», and} they.and“-V their piofieritieis to be&madeli;Slpzwl:-fart ever to thefe new T zzx-~mzzfler.c and. ; and thofe who are any ways a<.‘tivei11~im- pofing or ‘adtninilfring fuch Oazthey, and levying» illegal Taxes by diflrefs orotherwifex may and will uradouhtedl-ly 9ft:-mt for}:- at lali: _; net only by Arffiions of Trefpaflir, fzzéfe A¢bomlpti&c.li Al brought agziinfl: ‘1:~he»m”aI:7 the A A there Wil lbflhfl Cammimee‘of Iizoz’£’2m‘¢i3)!.t0' priotefi them from fu‘c,hlfuits,e but likewrife by i‘z>2a’z‘ramm'r: of Higlr ” Treaz_fl5i¢,, V to their d‘eferved1'0fs ofnlleir gym.-, Liver, and rmineof t/a-eirfamilieri whet; therei will he-no ‘rarzzamem of’ A rm'*it1‘>0'trlr ltd rlheirfi riré’al1d‘"’C’Wtvr”t;ri prev fear.s‘l0f l0f5i‘i0F”i‘if3"?”???)ll, lz“e,‘j;or like: lacing; AV’ ¢eiuini‘fl¢;m¢:nir GEM} ‘§§;~T.1l:l*t:;fC‘l‘"§.4>’I‘€:ife.nt fond cl by Mr. tFt.?.rah;u of ommom. in? e % imprzfanmmtr C'ommarz%L¢z.W, whien. V “ ‘y( _P#?gE¢‘ Cmmwia gzjmgy to fecure,ltAnor 1z'é“gvzl‘pZea ‘O='c1CiqH1t ‘themfrom tl1ei~gVuiltilahtl_ " 4 C42) sibeing no (:2) exmg/é in fuch a cafe and time, as tf1i?s,f but an high- (3,) Sgg ,, pg; er aggravationof their crime: the (a) FEARFUL being thc4- 3% Pad. firfcin that difmall Lift of4}<(a»lef.g£}oxs“*4Who .f‘ha%l’l have part in the “- 97- ‘ Ia-kc which buxneazh with fire‘ and brimftone. which is the {ccond (0') RN35-"5 % deajth; .%.ev¢s-.:n by C,hr{iA{ts4%ownf¢;11:encc.A V ‘john: 9. ver{.M38;“ A \. Ta tlazérmzd mm ~I:.éam¢, ez2z%dfurV2ilgz,k mufe Mme MI inta t/at maria’, I/mt I,{éau.ld~bmrL};zit7¢¢J]"e»*:::1ataV.t1:).e tmt/9. AV F_INIMS.V draw Objefitiom. =rh;5 own. any objefl, thattrne it is, _,the»Parlia'ment by the lCommon~r onmufl: bead- Law and cu{’c:,)m~e-of the Realxn determines by the Kings. 464 lull)‘ “bgm I death but by the Statutejof. I7. r27’0[i: which enai:°cs , T laazt tfore : .S‘eco71d1_y,-;t J V ' W mm“. fi2_?;3 P?,_;€ Pflrzéflrmeflt flfl'emé1e_d*’j%all not ‘ he olved me- .f;/ifly dllilbmzh 1? ffe at éa_&_y A pyr~.[J?a2;«];;2z.menzf- to.£7e paedfar that parpafi 5 con» V\ &c. . tmues th1s Parliament fixl in being notw1thPcand1ng‘the_I<§1ngs.be- A heading, nfince no an of Parliament is pa_fl'ed F01‘ IE5 d1fl01‘~1E10_Y3«»» 'I?h_e.only pretetxtfor to fupport the“c0nt1n1~1anceof the Parlia-» ment ifincethe Kings violent death. _ gflflfwo , To this I Anfwter, that it is a Maxime in Law ;. Tim: every» Fitazmer mg/at to 65 expounded accarding to the int em of tkofe t/mt“ _ made it, and the mafia/aief: it intended my to prevent, as is re- ifolvedin. 4l.’,Epl. 4. 12. I2. Ed.4.. 18. 1. He22.7.t I2. 13. Plowrl. V Com. f-M3-69,_ and‘Caok:r4,_.In_[}z'tz;;._p,V 3 29. 330. NOW the intzent of the Makers of this aft, and the end ofenaéfingit, _was not to.» . prevent the diffolntion of this Parhanxent by the Kings death. a (no ways intimated or: infinuated in any claufe thereof, being lt'3e’iiQ“1‘e’5“’f’li‘li”’lT?Il1”I"?1” l “ ” “ ' for by this Law) but by any writ,‘ or Proclamation of the King by his Regal power without content of both Houfes 5 which I fhallnrnanifefi by thefe enfi.~1ingreafons. 7 (W, Ema FrirPc,,,A_nfro.m the principal occafion of making thisiaét. The do} King (as. the Caimmom in their (“" Remarzflmnre cf the State “ of the Kingdém. I5‘.‘Decmz-6.. 1642. complain) had diflblved o tolallil i—ntents'not provided; all former Barliiaments during his raign witlhont and againfi both- Houfes approb~ation,to their great difcontent and the Kingdoms prejudice, as his Father Kirzgfikzmer had diflblved othersin his M reign :.n. and<_during theirt.0ntinuance- adjourned and prorogued T them at their ple~afure,- Now the fear and preventing of the like» i» difT0l11tion,pr0r0ga.ti0n~:Q£’%1dj0urnme~ntOfthis Parliament after t the Scotifh Armies di:sbanding,n before the» things. mentioned in the prearnbleVWere.;;efi‘e6’tedr by the Kings abfolutmpower, Wars the-only gronud and occafion oftlris law(not any feat or thoughts (if its diflblntion by the,;Kings untimely death; thennot 170 much‘ it an.’ ima,g,i.neo_,bei_ng before the wars on n_Iri11l1e_%Reb‘e1l_ion brake f<2,r..th).ili.na~ ff‘otth)f The King very healthy(:c§t ancient, and likely then ‘to lhtvive this Parliament and many others in both Houfes judge A m€nt,,aS appears by the bi1f0r'I‘ri ennial Parliaments. This unde... niable Truth is exprefly declared by the COmmOnS‘thefi1felVegin ‘their forelaid Remonflmnce : Exaff ['0/It-*E'z‘z'an p. 5. 6.14, A17; compared together, wherein diteét terms they affirme; A 177,9 iABRUPI' DISSOLUTION OF THIS PARLIAMENT is it ‘A prewftted by an0E11£'r bil. by Wmchitis provided itfhallnot be =4 ldiflblved oradjourned without the confcnt of both Hcufes: In t rim éil for cantinmznce af rim prtfflemt Parliament there feemg, TO BE SOME RESTRAINT OF THE ROYAL POWER. IN DISSOLVING OF PARLIAMENTS 5 N01‘ To ’ TAKE Iji‘ our OF THE CROWN, BUT 10 SUSPEND . M THEEXECUTION OF ITKFOR THIS__TIME and ()C..v CASION ONLY 5% which was fo neceflary for THE KINGS OWN SECURITY and the pnlalic/{Pam-e, that Without it we ,;0zvZd not /azzvepzzadertazfin .«;m_y of tbgfg gym; charge,’ [mt mg]; I llalazm left £02‘/a t/06’ Atmie; to dz;/0rd'er and confuficuganoit/at W/gala ,_» Jfingalaml to Maodomd rxzpine. In which rcfolutionbfi 'Ih¢.G0mm9ns* .2 ttliemfelves, Immedtately after the paflihg of‘thi“s . {cope and intention of it was=only to provide iagait1fl:,t.‘he‘1*‘§i1lgs a-[ahmpt difolwtian of “ride Pariiwmelnt ,~é'_].t/9£_.:m(3'L’7“ rqyallw 120119824 in l fvzfpending t/one exfimtzon qf£tf0r.,t/J13 timézand occ»zjio;z_.anlj '; and ' that for the King: mam fl’mriz:y,; ,,(n”o,t h1$,He1lrS”aI1Cl e-Succellors) _"m well am‘ /91?! tpeaplw.pvpz4*tc amdfizfezgy. ilTherefQre_»:—no.t againff; any diffolutions ‘of, it by, his natural.“(muchl,,,1e£Tei.lhis violent) ‘deathe;e%which,’ca‘n no.Wetys..be.ii-ntetpteted, .am,A£}*of KM: Rqyal power, Whit-rh they: in§€ndedl1e1“ehy5 rgot; item/geiwt oft/96 Crown, 1 émanly tofufizengl theI,exec14tia;¢"pfi‘iitT‘fovrltvlgzk time and acmfim, 3 mffid t/aldtfor /Egfiffaflrizj: but a inattiral z'mpa‘tlmc},‘ 0ri.mm.¢zm.ml diflqyaalgv, whichn-o,t only fuf'pends‘ltl1e ~executi'on of the »Kings . Qower for atime, but utterly defiroys and takes away ‘him and ; itwithout hopes of revival: for ever. *5 Seconcllyyl The very title of this suit (z;t2i'A£lE‘jto pmm totem/enienqes; which may happen la} the UN TIMELY adjournizzg, l i frqrgghhihg qr DIVSSOLUTIOAN of tbéprqfirzte-Parliament)£131-~,,-. tei1nateTs“».as’lmuch, cotmpated with the; body of. it , ,which pro» . cit/get. . - Vifilliia‘ _as'vwel.¢gkzi2¢flf"t/9e adjeflrning aznd‘prarogzfing"qfT_érotb’or» ~ A “ <43). ¢ u . wiiyfggy grit/a‘0#t aw éf arfllmma;zt , asggaxnfi the Ilmtiaw offhei %€.”.rV..W‘4t.b?;‘;;‘afl;‘ ; th(":_ %,£7'[M¥771§’;*¢.¢ .¢an;n%d~,; pgffibiy be1"a1.d to the: Vaza,’]o1¢2j:eeoi~,«>_r*_proro_gu.e¢l 111 any Awgy ~»or1t.‘eVnce, nun-1~1 1:-{s wnt£meA7J, V bythf: Kmgs deatll, (vfrhtch me»- “xier .;zd]o2zW2ed;;0r p%r'o7-ag%FdV3fl3’ Pafllflmefiwblit 09137 h15,bY P139“ Ada m.aVti.0n3%w;~%1;‘,% c>1%r0!_v”;1»l% cg;-§11'nxand, to the Houfcs or thenr Spgg... _ ‘%VA*R€*1i; eixec%u%*ted“d4:u‘ringhisl'1fe ;V ias1;al.iourJou%rna._ls,%M (H) Pm;/24» (H ) ’6-’E- 3- ~,,¢L,:,,;tv<‘gg;(,‘/g;%A~;,«n%d (wk) L,,¢-gggoo/grefolx'e,« thougl1%1c% rs1_:gy be dl1fl_'ol- “'§°;’ nv~e;1A.by11-isdgath,'asWel asby his_1?roc1amat}0n, A\?v_%r%,1t,A 0r‘.ro;pai §§s4.s;.‘?co:n:nand.% And4tA1acr§fore,thIS We 3'l’,d~a&~ CQEW8 3d10*%1‘:fl- m.R 2. n.”'I4~ ing, j P»;-&jmfguiéngand" ?di1{ToA1iV1ng‘t11§s .Pg1r;l:.amVenc §c>:gTe.t%f1eri$w-1;hour 55. 2.a.8.H4«.CqméntOf-bmvllfioufeg, aft or Parhamennt, ¢1ntend—.eAd on1yea sz?r2..7.27. V"-6 “ % .8 H 6' :dg1Io1u:ion of this *13'a"g7iei‘an19¢rrtA¢by fuch %Prer0gati$vfé' mwayges and £1.12... 2 . . - - M " n. 8.9. u. 2.9,‘ ,z11eane"s%ii)y which ‘I’a37iiamVen;s,had »fc1>_rT1?_r:erly breeh ungimely adm HA. n.Io.11,'jg)ufned and proiro ed as”W”e.Ilas dxflolved by thelxxngsmeer 3I.H-6- 11-2» will w.i:chou‘x:’their f1Tents ; not, 0f,a.ydiH'.olution.Of..itby the Kins %§_».49(-3 _k A ' d'eat«h7"which n°ev5clé*ardjburned%norprorogilédany P.ar1iamcnt,nor lngfim 1:-’.°M_4-‘*di{?{‘o.1ved a*n~_V»fQ’r erlyfittzng Pa11l1ament1nph1s K1ngsAre1gn,% 01: % Dymfl ms.‘ his Amcefcors fi_ ciéthe death of K‘ingfHe=m;y thq; 4:11;; .the% only *!’arliam’entA'We fead of diffdlved by death of ‘the Kin (hide the conqueflsg arid fo a¢mifchi¢fnot:.4inten#ded 4119: ri_eme%_ie¢d by V” e we implieghs xi1711cl41‘M$*;AA Wkérggi grkaffumréfmonqy ofnecefig ée SPEEDILY advanced froczzred for tbs‘ relief of H18 _MAJESTIES ARMY any! =PEO‘PLE (xjothis Heirs or Succcflors) in the Nartlaexn ?VR4rtb;;; *&C. And for fupply 0fV0thcr‘I-IIS MAJESTIES PRESENT and URGAENT ’ OCCASIONS (not his‘ Heirs or Succeflbrs tureoccafions)" ‘wlaiclo cézmwt éejb timclj ¢:f'ec'l-ed “M zlrréqufizje, ‘wit/aatlt credifforwzéfing t/at fizid mp%r4i_E:%5%W/:%icb 3cr£t2z'it many; “-&éjatt4i7zed,% untilfzb/9 06 male: 'éefir_fl‘ “rcmaz:edAa4ar¢j accnfio1;ad B2" F£x1zz,V31’15,4Lofz2%31.Esd;mz% .»1P1>1aEH£NSI0N.57 071+" .;DIVEK.S‘ 035' HIS ‘;MA?£‘.S’TIE;S’ ALLHCALV Vsvsiacm THAT THE P.>11zL1AgMENT MAT 3.3 ;.Az>;!o'z.21.:z\r,. % ED, PROR(9G"£'.JED 01?. DI5'.$'0L'c2ED (not by the Kings _ fodainmf untimcly dcath, of which there was then nofear, lea- .Eoufy,or‘apprehenfio11jinany ‘his Majéflies Léyal su;bjeg%33cs$,.,1m -by his R«7>4yal4 ‘Prerogative andadvice or ill Cquncel1o;js),;éfi;gg~ jxflicefimfl éfedi¢l} exemtedapm Deligsgmntxg %;(thcn4-in b¢j;gg,1 :n“0t’i‘pA1*iL1ngi1p‘fince) pénélickegrieveizqéf(tiheniicomfilained off redfe If :.r1,i aafirm peas“: éetwixr tlae¢tmaiNatiom of Engllzwlt 422d‘ Scotland concluded and éefére f yzfifcientil p7‘iazIz:fl07z.r be madefer 15/we ?‘6’Pd_)’?}¢¢’7¢ti9f T SAAID JMONTES (notothersiiince) flatai fierézifed: All which the Commomin itbzér prefmt Parliament afl. flmlw/ed lmfvizzg dug co2¢flde7‘ed,jd_oe therefore ./az¢mé[y égfegqlg jaw Majeflj that in may, declaared m‘rzdeme:§i‘ed Sac. Alli Whicfi¥~.\ exprefiions, related Qniy T50 I-‘IIS late fl/Iazjtflj 0nIy,nog hi; Heirs and Succeflflors ; and the pfirnicipal {cape of this 218:, to gain prefent credit to raife moneys to disband the Scotiih and Engliih Armies thenlying upon I:he_Kix1gd0m 5 being many yeersiince accqmpliihed, yea and jufiice being {ince executed upon Sz~mfi“'o.rd, C¢222tere"mr_y,%andot11er Delinquents tlienieomg. ‘plained of 5 the public}: greivances. chenwcemplaiinediof ‘(as Stain:-. A i A chamber, High Commiflion, {hip-money, Tonnage and Pofun-.-A ‘ dag:-,i fines for Knighthood, Bifhops votes in PaII‘iiam€‘an;t with their Courts and jiirifdiflions, and the like :xed1‘cfled«by%A;fi;$, foon afteir padfecii, and, 2; fiim peace 'b~.€EWC.€L1.'bO§hN£tEi0n$.COfl=-« cluded beforscr the thlfi ez;¢amblcserceeeiions;i for i:11isi§:iL°c fully ifatiéfied divers yeeifs§“”BeF0re~ ' ing; it mufi of neceflicy be granted, that this Statute never im. tended to continue this Parliament ,ori fo9nafce,ri;therKin_egs die; ceafe ; efpecially after the ends for which ximaa ylzadewcre RC“:-~ compliihed. And {Q in muflt ii neceffarxly dlflolvfifihby hire: Death. , ~ ii ; y V . ; , A ‘ ~ 1+, v Fourch1y,Tl1isis mofbclieear by thefbfldy Oftheififlrit fen‘ 2. find Izejt declozrediandemzfzled’ By THE KING 0.UR;SOVrERAGIN- ‘ LO»RD_.,wich the _am=.-nu ofthe IA()'Re.DS.‘8C Commommchis pee sEN'r PARLIAMENT ASSEMBLEDa,&;=h:y.th€eaI1t110r‘itY oftbe- fame,T11a1: THISAPREMNII‘ 7>ARL1AME2§zz‘ijN;aW Aea. .S’.EjV_fBLED, fimfl not;beiDISSaLV.E%Di ;l.1I1i‘€fl‘C1E be ‘By ACT’ 01?‘ i1f’ARL-IA‘/WENT T0. Beirdssfizaieaze THAT" PVDRPOSEV; noriflaali any time? or times, DURING C0NTIN'UA1VCE.i THEREOAI? BE yh 12R0RoGeJ£D..oiRe AD}"0’0RNED uiitefsiisz be By ACT.OI?-:PARL~IAMEN71?to~ be 1gxewireePAssEI3..e THAT‘ 1>URPQsE.~And chan;1rHEi: iPiEE1{'Si._fl]-al¥flQn.at any cisme enemas “DURING A *l:iH1s Iileesemf PARLIA Be ADJOURNED, un«i DER ¢fs.ii:bc BY THEMSELVES; o::iBY§;_T,HE1R. QWN 011:» W 4 A 481) \ 7b”ER; And in like n21an.ner tlgat THE e HOUSE OF COM‘. A MONS4 1112111 hnothh at any time or times DURING 7“HfI$’ ‘, 5} the Lard: ;374zJ1,"C_'077¢7?7l0i2J',_.at]f€i¢t. '7'.’.;. “That neither‘ tine Aéf for continuing, nor any other fOr'dijf0l’Uimg,nzéljoztrmirzg" or ; proroguingtkzk‘]’pzr1i.;zmemcou:l.:lée mawlmvithour, butt->nIy by V we and with 13'/.78 King; R0322! .41’/]'em: thereto ;*Whichthe Lam’: mi of the 26.01”./I/_/.45» I642 : ofcz'mermz‘m;: acknovvledge,-*togetI1er (,;,3g,‘3,.‘o9. with%AA%bz3.%Negar£»ae. mice to bilx.‘ h 24.. That: it was neicluere the .x7hz2A2.. A o ‘Kingsi-mention in paffing this -a&tof£ut /aimfizf am of ‘Parlm-A A Common: affembled in ‘Pm'l"ame;«ztin‘th‘eir Ifemonflnmce ;mmr,h arr: createifliembersafwa ]Par[jiz"meflt wit/about 4«hI(2’rzcg, as : he profeifed in his Eben» Booazayuofi-"C. 5*. p. 9.7. Nor the Lords noitre ’ Commonsi‘nten”cIn1e*mfoto'défmeméer him from his Parliamemr, or‘ make thembfelves“-ha Bafliament without~ol‘énl>y vért~uefofA them apperxrirmg onlylinl HIS Parliz-» n l o"ment,:for noothérlends Tbntl tfrofe leXp1*ell38$il%inl ‘H I 3 W R I T 5 ; it wonlcl‘ Abelboth an abfun?:liry and oalbl?)llute ‘impoflibility to ;a‘l‘l‘eArt,”that’-lxlxe Houfeslintendecl by ‘tl1iS‘*A& tocontinue this I Parl;la1n;ent~in being aftertlhlcl Kil~ngsbehTeading"or l ‘cleathl: * unlef s R.‘£l'i€'y‘f',tZ]l€1l§'m5a”int!:i‘i11~thiS paradox belziblcl tolinform{me' and thofe ?i?£1OW (itting»,l«how~‘theyoocanl~:tonferrlAlancl aclvifel llwlirh la" dead Kin V of z*loz°ng;Aco11cern;ga,g Him xmd'H:).v Kingdom; and that even after - A’:-Iheyhave extirpatad Monarchy it fell’, and made it Treafon to :1: :t{l7r.~;c AA }5‘rM7‘*gfe,olfl9!aerd no mnint¢z£}1,~ a&'7gn’;fl$~¢e£:f; A ;m_»/gmg, v and 7 @»‘.':"~ “#4:; fundamental!‘ L.¢zz-Ages’ 7 of-ot/airi‘lll_atwn; fir, and ronaarnifig fir l 5:) M-*5’ .uPR‘E.9ERVATI0AN 0; TEZE LIV5E.S',“ PROPEAIE-aw ; jflfié‘ zmd LIBERTJES JOE T211}; _l:e£0i>1;E;5 all te/aliastgfs imidente tlaemwta : which l-‘lowitl will .ll£t'Ild.l\?¥A.7ifl1 'tlliSl7 T a1l.?lJ"ll7l'lp0l‘(i‘(§l by them out of Parliament, or their Aée concern» l ing, New 7‘;RE/1.3”j07VS;fl I defire they Awoulcl fatisfie me anal» ‘ A the Kingdom, before they levy the one , or proceed upen the cztlaer againfi: any;_.of their fill1aW»Sabj§éTz‘;f,VVAV.blymeerarbltrary ,.A armed power ag:1i11ltlLawland Rigl1t«Ue"A * « ll L Secondly, themfelves in their Dela-lgzfiztion, (@1133;/7-7mg Wattle V I grounds of their late proceedings, anal qfeeling the-pr'éfem: M V Ci’mrernme11t in way of a‘Free4~State,§ldate¢l I 7°.l7\/Iartli, 8; engage tbemfellvfesl: “ ffaproecurctbe we/;,’«!aa£n‘g of t/so/a llléapl/acre: A*A~*7z/day ~l frms: to rflmazmaellapprlfliloééll;”m~§i:mry paw£Ar, zmd all Voppafltiala _l tea the pmce and 1‘"raedome of the N Minn : "find to prevent ta"t/kc’-£rAl=”A= pawcr, the reviving af Tymmzie, Inju/Hat, and a/Jformcr e*c.~il.rA(tl:le ‘A only and and duty of all their lL»wl9ar;)jaltlae fmgiafafiion of 4/! C0m‘B7~ mi in it A e Theyl llalrge the ‘lam llfilizngfarel axcacdéngllall zit prcdeaqfar: in A A A AA AA ’A ; wmw: 5?; 17'’ o mawrfrfl which I: 3 ‘l ‘ “ l. * ‘I H-l ‘ 3, V‘ , fizz»-:.w;x~.agx.vm...,3»‘ q".;>wv';‘-1‘<-:>ll”c:.d'lfol1"‘lthere—8700 1 Wmch leife5of Iflclkzhd, A Andlmuft Wélpay T“2??.XeS,l"tOt. be ltlluslproaligallly thcC0rnn_€li:ttée"''i‘‘ ‘ l l " H l U l l ‘ l ‘” ‘l l I 1 l . H N I Pourthly, They tluerein prlomife and engage, ml the gear! W0 Yew’-‘timfl old, Laws and Cuflams of England THE ‘BADGES ‘OF OUR °°“I"l “°"°”7V raxmfano M lcwezomefir w/oemf «zwedzawg :‘:;:‘;i3:‘“%:1?Z before ‘t/ole cozxqzzcfi,ll:,V2z;;d$_f];ent mm/aw aft/acéir Hood ‘to~lM'zw cozzfirmmnd Xe: %1m11;l ed 5} the G’r%€;t C7/yairfelr "tfwf L.vJ1w7‘tie.r)llan4.Jovté;ér7lex;4¢z’Zel2zr 3_0od‘.l vor_edl Law: 1’/Maia"/9 /mm’ co.;¢z“i:»m29Zl in .4:/[falrmer “6[9¢z’é<{_-ql€:,d:¢ci ”é*léz”n§l'£13‘«t@h1‘1l I‘*“7IYw l*°*'~ execwtcdla W THE A —’‘’1057' 395724 FREE W Wwllvf may J:1i’5:‘il"r P1: ‘ oz:lyerLW¢'.r.in the 2awr16l‘;, /7m/1 ‘X£2a'drz:Q A (:pm"im¢ed mid maznrmm d1'$bm_.fi:cg: Hf‘ them. 371“/_01¢’ LIB-ERlTT:.l. #301) V+'l"77d CE OF whom and for, E M l.5l"UB’715C'T' BEINGV SON FULLT Whom qtlcryg 3T THEM, and the ce>mmo;¢ izztereffofthofe ‘WHOM THEY. l l SERVE. A4 l./filml if tbafl? Lrawex fioulkl égé t.1/Q‘enaW.¢gI,_az/1 fwd»:-.~ V cmfe; az/[miferj é«[oa’aigllz2’za.’v,*o;¢fz¢/Ear;\9oa¢¢%l5ifé!Zo\3l7, and mg/;r_b'v£rnmEizt;;VWor«z15i certairzlj z';¢'u0l*ax£* lrz/Zlplerflm5,zm,/iezr mg mu/% imz/itazlqylperif/2. . y M l W 5, They therein exprelly promifes p. 26. To order t£m,{rwe~. ,l,§,;%.gl%%,f;.¢;2%\3lv.¢;l_y%, That %tl2'c=[ pzfifilick charge: 4 magylliey dqfiwyed ; grmtar Calétrnitifis, z_’fpa/]?/21¢‘, t/am fe[lzz};oV,'2 I/Mr é_y the /are 1(2); (3; V M fZ:}g€"lSQAu1di€TS pay jufllyalnd‘ duly fetled .—_ li'1"l*xatl free-quarterl jmgy ~ l é A THEIR B_URTH”ENS and;T'AXlESl: And‘ is tl1i,sl,l.-all the i A V V agginfi all‘t11e;f§’g9od bld Lavvefi andl Stafute$, ma -liibelrtieél ”anc1”l fly” l l l S . l M l‘. I ‘ ‘ ‘ V; ‘~«~»\-wum,«s-8.1~4-W-llp~9l~1-wl» lwcad: 1 “_ C1313 3_g5%._%%p_xo.1.:3. for 2.7, r. 32.. 1.x4.r.Blanne2ret%5 I1. l"12...%,; _ ’ r, 1 1 3 ~.z,clc1cl:‘he: '9.vx‘L 2,7. 1:. P¢1‘jl_1riOl.1S3 }1>._I 6.1.3». x:.clao£r:. l.. ISM. 8CCa, 618; _ .- ~ f _ H‘ , % V x9.62o,6z3,, % degre=e,m¢d nevvforme: ofarésrmrj Government M7251 law:/5 M-ezrlyer 647‘ gm 5%.: