m4. ORDINANCE r Appointing a COMMITTEE FOR THE A R M Y, - AN D Treafurcrs at War. ‘5‘ fl": ‘V‘ s -. x ,. ‘ a ‘v x s w...» k x a ”W '= - - - t a a v-w -.w~ . a- ; - w; 2. «il- Em '.s_“1" I w" "uw'sV—4 «or _ u _ ,1- ‘3, -. {#1: ,‘ _._¥_,‘.‘t‘~—’£II,QMJ~P‘£M '0, . Qua-AN Ah w—i Saturday, Januiry 28. I 6 5 3. ORdered 6] H i: Higlmcf: the Lord‘I’rotefior and H12: C auucil, that this Graham: and Order: befortbwith printed and pubhjbed. .imdonyrimed by'William du-Gard and Hem} Hills, pm taps us His Highneis the Lord Proteéior, 16 5 ;. Vi ~rw— ———————' HENRY Sconnu. ClerkofdleCouacils ‘ j . w w V/I 9“ ; K V 4 Egg/6') , / /. 2”, \\\\V ‘5 ORDINANCE Appointing a Committee for the A R M Y« ‘ . . AND , ‘ TICEIfiII'CYS at War; “ ‘ 6 it amine!) anti .- ’ mama by his I U‘ .- ".' ”(watthfi £020., = , abzotettoz, with the ' ant-“mt of his . w' » Mama, I. am: it \ E m; is batch? Dznatmn; §\ § % effectual putting in f “ A '1.” execution ofanmt 0f ibaclament, gum», An Aa for an Af- 1*z {Efsmenit fiW‘" , ' ' l x a I 1/, ' z.‘ . J / ‘éj RflRE SlMséfi .Aé W7 b \n‘ ("\ tnent at the fate of one hundred and twenty thOufand pounds by the Monethfor fix Moneths, from the five and twentieth of Dcceméét 16 53. to the four and twentieth of june- then next enfuing; towards the maintenance of the Armies and N avy of this Com— monwealth .9 an!) .yublithen in mint by £92m of aeatlament of the font ant w twentieth of November 1653. mun toe. the flatteim‘ng , EDIT: poring ants filming teeth at‘they,’ '5nneys pay: able by bettuex thereof, ' annfi'ot an othee flanneyes that by any met , wzbtttante, oz flDznet of teatlament habe been, m are here-- by, oz befoze the font ant twentieth of “June 1654.. [hall be appointeh fez, ottomatbs the maintenance of, the nutmeg of this «tonnnone wealth, John Clerk, Edward Lind)“ Richard Lu« Cy, Edward HorfemgxnJ James Philips; EdWifidGi’lla Johnflildefley, Jervas Bennet, 1 @1115. (Eflptflfit AdamBaines, at any thtee oz. maze of them , be a «tonnnt'ttee to: the canny, mnnthat John Blackwell the youngep, aim Richard Dean , étqu. than be ann ate hereby continnen ann antihensen. to- be alien. Intets at that to; the rain tit monethe mflefs.1nent,..ftem the fine mm twentieth D8? 0f December I653. until! the font ann twentieth of June I6 54.. am: to; all nthee the funnnes of money fee which they were appointen arteafutete at mate by matte-0f an a“, (Entituleb, An Aét appoint- ing a Committee for the Army, and Treafurers at Wart, pnhlithen by new of aeatlatnent of the fine ann twentieth of July 1655. flint: the rain «Benin-Int“ fee the many ate hereby an: pointen, anti“ anthon’sen to have the «Save an mannagtng of the whole banners at betngingm the moneys aypeinteptahe zltfgtfl'tn, ‘ i i 6 m: C 71) leoyeo, collecteo 5 mm mm; to an emo em? the @ountteg, Qttttee’ two plates in England~u,--‘ one W3 W, tothaeosthe fate {it mouthsztfl‘efé ments; of one huteoeeo‘ arm twenty thoufemo' pouoos o moneth, one of all other m‘ouefis on; one to otteot of any toemet 2tflef5mentj5 ; mm to; that pueoofe , one alto to; the timing teeth one otfpofi'ng of the fate tit mottethe anew meet, emu oil othet the fato moneys, in like mannee as the ~Qtft‘efsm eats one fume (foe the oeoeemg one otfpofing whereof, the pet-1 {one nameo tn the fate loll tettteo met mete ap’a p-otnteo a (mommtttee to; the mm?) mm to be tffueo foeth one offpofeo , that is to rap, 3th; the timing fozth of foetp thoufano poems by the moneth out of the rate up monethe fiftefs‘ meat of one hu‘nozeo ano twenty thoufano homes a moneth to the itmueee of the 3%— bp foe the Me of the flab? ; one to; the tfftte tug totth‘auo otfpofing of all othet- mom to he he hettue hereoftwueo teeth, out: ott’pofeo-by them to; the fame are-e ano {amputee to: which the tie: moneths flflefgtttettts, mm ; o~ thee films in the fatnlaft tetiteo met mentioneo,‘ mete appointee to be by them oifpofeo , o; to; futh othee ores as me hereafter “mentioneo , ithe Toto tommtttee toe the meme that! habe,ee . ate heeeby authoetseo to are, (t patio execution, an one ever? the pomeee auo authoeittes, in as full one ample manna to all tntente (e puepofes as thefiomtttee of the Qttmp hao nemete mew ttoneo to have by bettue of the fate latt tett'teo :utt foe the manuagement of the theaters an!) affat’te thereby committee unto them, one to moteeo theeetn atto‘zomg to the powers; tale; gnu limitations in the‘fato act eweefl'eo. man the ram efiommtttee to; the mm? (homes 2 arm on hereby tutthee tmpeng, ‘ auo, authoztsgo to I’lsT—w":L‘—:‘::::t:' 4f'j‘T,:_‘j"" t:7~_'_<;_:- “' “a ~ " , . C3721) ‘ ‘ toheme annsput in execution the " fehetal 190m: ees amt Qtnthueittesmhith merebp two febeeai fleets of .,:1haetameat of the fourteenth ~95 Aptil 1657.; expzefl'entobe given to the then- mmmitteefoz the meme, fee the m’fpe faint the flames of at! mffem‘ments in the fate @ebetsnmttosuen flnbfbaube, armeee » Mfibflmnommto confirm , D; a; tee any m- gee, m memes: which r( being mane by the then (Eomlntttee‘A the amps tetattugto the fat-h were ofahaetament, oz etthee of them) .. hahemt, 0; that! tentihefeee the patting tee thts Eflmfimflw he faith-ten, ehfeemb mm fatty ewes eaten. 2h“ atfia therein @Wmfififl fee the 211': my éflmil 5 an!) ate. hereby impemzm me am thefimtopzmen teethefatiefyingthe remain- pegz 13ft e meme me fee feemte in Scotland, heme; e ,st-mentt’eth at Camber I651. arm in Defamatg may; fame of mnnep as. were em naming: walla-apnea methane been pain tn am, 011, htmfelf. m utheeenutteu at time ‘ attempt, $le than mm)“: to have been hath aeteebing - wthe methane nfian meme of ahaetantentnfithe eighth of Augui‘e 1655111336 tn that behalf; menthe fatnflnmme’ttee fee the fiemrfhau Ethemt’fe haeeeu mm were the pa; gheeg emu fluthnetttes, which the elletmm’te ‘fififi:foeA.-the mm? mm 02 ”me mentintteb' to ' be hptbemt herein 1311 hefnzeretttee. than . {git Avattneheee: the QEmmniffteuees foe fitters— ngents , flawemew, Qtnllectozs , émbsmb teams ;, A atmothee peefimg commence, a; that wall. be contemee m the affetfi'ug *, levying , . s fleeting, arm napmeut of any part of the. m— gjtstttentfi, , tag-ether films hefoze mentionen, De lathe taking at makinn'ofeates; mfueeeys to; W fifl’efsmeum than be, we ate heeebp “a gutter: to Obfeebe futh fitness emu mites-teens , w as \ , .!.._.‘. (7 5) I I he fhellhe mane, arm when ‘t'ez'th ”in t9 fe new rhaifs "withefm mmmtttee’fm the menu/pane bett*Qmainentannfiwherebymefiatiitefigfihet the heaeeants men-mew of theme *1 ‘tttmttn tee fee the met-1119,10 ellg‘ntahythwtt; I We ea fezefm’b, hehp thefettn fleeaftteeee‘et a ’f' ; T , bwa john. \VCflHlion , a3 5 3113 - 2 {fig of the fozmee ”iteeafmeee amen am ' ethees conceenen therein, ohfetheb ewe amen ae-cezningw; mm the maeeant m" battaihte ef the fate mmmtttee fee the menw‘thauhe math - annebeep the iteafueees‘ at me afozefam a ., fuffietentnifchaege.’ fine the fate ete‘mmt‘ttee fee the ztempthau be,— a'tm ate-heeehpjauehezt sen ann requiremto exert-fie, an!) hut m men: than, all me ever? the pomeee anb authm‘ttt’es giheu to the Wentmtttee to: the Stem? by an - fist of ieaeletmen‘t puhltthen in paint by man ' “of ieaetentent of the. nineteenth Lot “Gamer 16 s 3. touching theftattug aueneteemmhtg the Cat-tempts of all flDffieees men 991mm», "get; ' haezobteeh that therein (Eamnttttee fee the men I my be not hate, 0; make anp‘lEeetifieate fee a: that) {am claimen to be in 2mm am) we befeze the fifteenthef Jam-aw 1647. team be it the; thee flDznainen by the anthem, afozefeth, that the fate .ieeafueeee at war heeeb? continue/h ~ [hauhabe the fame emergent”: mathezttiee t ' ah intents anus puepel‘es , am) than have em take the like Qatar? aun allomaheee to: (it: metteths, teem the that am twentieth ha“ 6E Beefeater 1'6 s oz. pznpeztteuable to: re «1 as time a5 they than continue to he izeeattieeee ae mae ,+ a5 they hen , mm as meeeawe team he mane unto them-bipthe 13¢th .foze eeeiteu, publtlhee in pztntthe tee memen- ' ‘ teth my of July“ 16 s 3- math: eel'pettme; ate eeibeeswenetal, that are at that! be appomtg ( 743 - » . l ' to teteibe any part of the rain at months wret- ntents of one hnnozeo ano twenty thonfano ponnos a monethi commenting the the ant twentieth of December 1553,, than fozthnn’th after the wait - theee’of ttanfnn’t ano pay, oz tanfe to he pain, the anonys by them to teteineo, to the [am iteafutets at none, oz where, oz to whom they that! appoint to teeetne the fame; mm the tetetnt of the fate fireafntets at mat, than he to the tefpettihe fitteihets thenetat? ano to all other netfons, who than by nettne of this flDeotnante pay any moneys unto them, tozthenntyofee atom-[aim tnffi’ctent nifthatge. 2mm the fato flotnnn’ttee foe the 21c: ny than be. an ate heteby anthon‘seo ano teqntteo by thete mattantto HDzoet ano otfpofe the neonethly afferententlaionpon Scorl 1nd ( by terolne of aeatlantentmateo the twelfth bay of N Ovembc‘r I653- ) toeano tomatoe the payment of the fines, ano othet neeettaty contingencies of the thlitaty fetbtte thete; 2th?) the fitteafntet‘. oz fittetbet fienetalof the fato QIffefsment is heteby ozoeteo ano reuniteo to ohfeene futh mattant as that! be ottetteo unto him by the fato etomnn’ttee toe the Qttmy to: the purports .afozefaiot Qtnb the fato (Eonnntttee to“; the 2w mytha‘ll be ano ate herebystmnomzeo to nine .mattant toe the fatiefyz’ng, ano allowing of ahfnth gowns of money as time oisbntl'eo by ‘ anyaaeteibetsg (Benetal of the Qtfl‘efnments toe the zany appointee befoee the the ant: tmentte eth of December 1651: oebyany fonnet imam- :th away, by any flDeoet of ihatlament, o; byanyoeoet oz ottetttonot any fonnet (tone- mitteetoz the Qttmy. zeeobtoeo that Inch his: batten-«tents mete oeoeteo ano maoe foe {nth moons .ano nits , foe which the then C 95' J , , - flooumttee; foe the-aemte ought to heme when thexemateaut, ano oio not give the fame. zoo foeafmuth as the‘jfoztes in England, Ireland,ano Scorland oo neeettaetw eeqoiee , ano-tallfoz the monies appointeo foe then: vote out of the one thunoeeo thoufano oounos ehaegeo foz‘ the ufe .ot the aemte, be fiDeoee of aeaelament of the theft of Januan; 165,2, anooetfing be thefede of one €ompofitton foe EDeltuquentscEttates; ano , atfo to; tom fuetheesfupmteto bee meme foe them; fine It theeefoze :gDzoetneo , that all men eheep {och fumme ant: .fmnmes of .moute‘, as (hell, on .ano aftet the thirtieth Day of J anuane 165;,- bee {pato unto ano . eecetoeo by the iteafoeees at "(endemich’s-trlall foe Qeqluefttations oz @ompos . v fittons. (except foe penfiions ano patments foe the Me of , maimeo Soulotees aleeaop appoint: eoont of theie eeeetots) wall bee pain by the ‘fatoiteatueees unto. the fizeeatueees at woe hereby appointeo, natal, the eematno ee of the men one hunoeeo thonfanoe ponnos, oz to much the-eeotae [hell not bee [atISfieo by the moeette of the monies wetting he fate of @eltuquvnt'fi . @fiatess upon the 2m ofaoaelament to; tote ‘ of. mm @omhofittou foe-,thofe situates, than bee fully fattsleeo. moo alto unto the [umme of one hunoeeo thoufemo pounoo moee bee tulip toms fieoano 113,111 out of the teeth eeceipttoe the for: thee {upphe of the fiancee; mm the 3mm— ms to; svequetteations ano (oompoflttons aee heteb? tequteeo to make. palm-eat of the eemainoee of the mo fiett, one hunoeeo thoutemo pouno‘s.‘ an; alto of the M33: . ~(96) out gunmen momma panning to the fatty fitms mm at max .aecmingip, whore must 1133.11 beats me. grammars fez, filtqautfttatmns arm Qtompufitmns afuffictmt @fldjatgt. , , 2am bat-1t mane: summit!) that the (am atonuuittte fez the alums (Dali bee, 'ann taming an; tmmtzeb ,( by tbzmtems, 02 fat!) cums as they-[ball appmut) to call to attempt any 339, cams, {eta-llama , Subs-mummy, a; mm nations mm mm mama any {amine a; tummy of mania, patablt, a; manta by bit: tut Many 2m, @zbmauct at £9sz of 19mm meat fog the mum) fazces in Ireland, min; the must 02 are of any the batsmen 16mm) an: . Qabitants of Ireland, oz fa; ntbet terms 92 relief. of lrcland; arm all patrons pcantemen m fact) mmmpt, atmqutttn to ubfttn the, 0mm ant) bitettions of. the (am @ommtttec to; the pun port amt-train. mm the ram onmmttttt ate hereby itnpmmeb to tune foztb‘tbm $311M n; warrants to any perm 1 oz erons who * haw any of the fam monies tn than: harms, m. qmtmg them fuztnmifl) to mm m the fame unto Jrflm Blackwellt B PDIWQW, mm chhard Deane mums, 335cm may at watt, mimic receipt ' {ball bet a niftbacge £03103 mamas which mall bet to pain unto them ,-.ann If tt that! ap: pear unto the fail: Qtomnuttw,’ that any nation oz 93th Dane mttfuuy netctnen tn thew mung any Inmate oz [mamas of manta at afagpfatn, , an!) mtmtfozmen thettnutte mm Ema m the but manta! tbmafi, tbs Iain atommttw fez the 3mm :(x- 1f they that! fee, EMU ate btcigaztgb - - ‘ 15 , (97) thaetsee eta albaeb anb bebet {£15,93tfbtilbz ' {serious ta bai'e,-ffintete£t fee the amesxaftet the tate affix paunbepcr’ Can—r. fee In lam time as they habe betetneb the mom'etn the“? harms; flab bee It further flDebemem that John Buck-é We” the menace; ane Richard Defianctffqtttres; fleeatureee at Heart, are hereby ampetnteb ' aab fiathbetseb to meet: all fueh fummes at meme (‘ appm’nteb to; the 1{Bettttfhfaetesg .~ at befitefieb auhabttauts-nf Ireland) as [hall bee," by the rain @oteemtttee, by bietue here: at, ogbeteb to bee patb unto them, anb Ital; tflue teeth the fame - fee the ates foe lbhtth the fatb themes were . eatfeb anb teeee’beb. Etna habe' been by any mt, flDzbiuame a; ember at teatlament . bttpoteb anb apbbm‘ta eb, athbmg' tb' ,futh other as that! W“ b? the fate QEemmtttee foe the fete-mimiben therein; mm the tam (tummtttee foe the meme than gebe theit mattant fee the _ bttbafal thereof ,. fez {the ares aszefatb, at- ebeb‘tag to fetch Direction as the? mail 4 in that behalf eetetb from the. Lord P Roe T t; C T 0R am: his thuntil. ' emu bee it further Debemeb‘ ,\ a. that . effing WWW aseneeat , (abetting, ' fine-comma," be" ethee when 03“ minus than neglect be tefufe ' ta, obfeeb the webet, 0; wattant- of the [am @bmmttteefbe the meme, am) not bay in the mate of them eequtteb, that then new WWW theteef. tenet. e: fetus «tom mtttee‘ fee 1 the mum meat 3 «minim; Q x was (98)~ “onus fog sequctttationz ; the [am (am, minimums are hereby tequiten to {macaw we @ftate of fact) patron a; Wrens tea! arm manual, until Inch , time as the mum ‘ mu: 0: swims of the rain ctommtttw wall has when? obmheb an!) fulfi-uen. fifié駮¢%§¢¢0¢¢§¢¢§¢$§§é¢¢$¢+¢fié¢ééfié颮¢ _ Saturdaic “.9 - memwewmw _-—-—~— -Saturdaie 2:8 Ianuarie, 1653.9 ~ , 533nm} be be We t t. _ - :— 2: " .y'Lor-d P- ROTEC IORath -. annual, 1mm Thomas Rana; f3; William Palmer, Robert'Yarbordw-g ~ ,‘ 5 : Nehemiah Ranon , Wil'liamgHar- vey,Wijlliam may", manic-resent; . the wave; 0f Lincoln fee the time beefing, bw, aun ate hereby men to the clematis: ms to; the flaunt-mp mite-11mm: manta: the @mntte 0f ’ Lincoln , .3110 an. ”“3th (111mm. ten am: 'auttjoztsen to am am put} my; execu- tton all ant: eheev the punters given; to the _ @ommtfltonees in. the act tutttulen ,1 an act to; em aueament at we eat: of onebuumen emu tmetme thoutann pawns by the month ‘02 fit, mfiflfbfi, from the 213M017 Detcmbcr 1653-, all; the 24 of June then: next mining, to, mates the maintenance DUDE mates: ant: flames of tats amnion—wealth a 'pt‘tbttmee tn mm: by sweet-we 24:05 November 165;, “tn. tutu feet, to ally‘in‘tents arm, permits a3 the [am (am tune-1:5,. toeeetn nameb- ate , thereby impale Dam no as if we» mamas afogetmb gab been name?) in the {awash ’ . q 3? 9132mm ‘7" ( 100) meme be his highnets the Lard P R 0:, TECT 0R, am) the attuned, that Edward _ Hopper GEfqm'tt, anb Philip Stansby, DEB, anb _ ate hetebp abbeb to the trommtfltbnets to; the QBomhlp izlfleflment, within theatbnntte at“ Dexter, anb ate hereby teqniteb anb anthoztseb to act anb but in execution: all anb. then? the pomets giben to the (Eammifltonets tn the 2m, tntttnleb, an met to: an mitetfment, at the tate of nooooL by the/month, few): months, from $9925 of December 1655, to the 24 of June then next turning, tomatbs the maintenance of the ' mttntes anb fiabtes of this amnion-wealth, pnblttheb in qsztnt by flDzbet of the 2.4 of No-; vcmbcr tan, in [nth feet to, all intents am) but: » , notes as the [am @bmmtfltonetsthetetn nameb .. ate thetebp tmpntbzeb to be, anb as tt they hab been nameb tn the fate mt- " fiDzbeteb bp hts {eighnefs the Lord P R09 T E C TO R anb the «Emmett, that the 99am ' bf Badburic fez the ttmebatng bee, am is here: by abbeb to the finmmtfltonets to: the 990nm. 1 1p afleflment within the atonntte of Oxon; anb is hetebh teqntteb anb antboztseb ta att anb put in etetnttenall anb chew the powers gtben to the commtfltenets tn the met, tntttnten, an Catt to; an mfleflment, at the tate of 12.00001. b? the month, to; fit months, team the 2.; bay 0 December 1652, to the 24 of June: then next turning, tomatbs the maintenance of the 21::- antes anb flames of this crummontmealth, publtfheb in mint b? 0339]? Of the 24 0f Novem- ber latt, tn fnth £th to all tntents ann pntpofes as the fatb clommtfltontts tetn- name‘b ate thetebp tmrponnebto bo,anb ‘ ‘ if they hab been nameb tn the fate act. , mzbeteb C :01) 93mm by his {eighnefe the Lord PRO: T E C T o R, am: the (Emmett, fithat Chriflo-f pher Peircehay fifqutte, 8110 Sit Robert Barwick akntght, bee, anb ate hereby amen to the Giant? mtfstenets toe the ghonthly mffefsment mitt); tnthe Qtonntte of York; ann are hereby tequi- ten ann anthoetsen to an ant: put tn execution ’ an ant: enetp the {301139135 amen to the mommtfi , [tenets tn the act, tntttnteb, an an ice an fut, fefement, at the ma of 120000 I. hp the month, foe fit months, team the 25 bar of Decembet mate the 24 of June then next enfntng,tn- maths the maintenance of the names ann 5m, meg at thts Qtnmmonmealth ; pnbttlhen in mint by DE” 0f the 2.4 Of November talk) it] ("Cb feet to at! tntente ann pntp'nfes as the fam £30m: mttfio‘nets therein nameb ate thereby tmpomzen 4 to no, ant as tftheh ha?) been namen tn the tam act. Saturday, the 28th offinuarie,“ 5 3: ORdered by His Highnefs, the Lord P R O T E C T O R,‘ and His Council, that the Ordinance and Otders aforefatd bee forthwith printed and publifhed. Hen. 51:05:11 Clerk of the Council. “4 3 Printed by William DuaGard and HEm'y HillgPrintch t9 His Highnefs the Lord P R 0 TE C T 0 RS MjDC-LIII... ‘ 4_ mm RARE HJ 3464 .A6 .A7 umvzasm or llSSOURI - cowum ELL SPC RRE RARE 858323 IllllmHHHHHHH 5 010-00701206 HHH HHIIHH