E piffles to i v 5: ‘ ‘ ,1 “ . W H \ ‘ L ' ‘ W \; ‘ - “ » 1; ; é % “"0 T H E, P {V 1-. up I mchy -aqua Cleave in Parliamc A N urn AN 043 C AS410 N;A‘LifL W % Touclning The Bxllof A c A.]P9 1:1‘ mrv.;1%ca4a:., Or Polhnarxey. V an *3? 1 Sir:'Sirnm»2tls i3fEfW£. Printed in the ycare, x 64 x .. ‘ A ' %% A k » -«A ‘Vvfi’ ~"~=-zr»~4«~"«,-ya-. w%$@$@%%$w%%fi%w%%W%%%%%“‘ '*~v *w‘» CR: “v,0«“I-h"f- --.‘.Ii“V"‘~ Ca ‘V -v~"'“ Iv an .n"..uI\..u n".- av-'.,‘\" ‘Wm @ a ~22 mm" '-' J -»~v<:.3@g¢w“f %m@3 cw“ »m:.*==*~wr":~*=w.:.A» tr ~ , A N’ ~ ,‘ M é , * .~..~. “ « '2"’;"~J‘?‘-~q"'v,‘».i ‘W! ,"~$ \' M .u A g ” ~ H ‘<”-I.5"'**‘*»‘s*’.»"5.‘..‘*¢s~ ~ .4 , m°fi6‘_§®:¢:.%m£/%“{€a;§a%\us.'%s 2.r*¢:..«:~sf ~ "g ..; ‘ w‘v»‘5J ‘ . -‘ ‘ d‘ ,3: ‘ _rw « 1‘ ‘ ‘~3—-v ,‘’,_‘.,,.~ 3,, an u an" A». .. ‘o ‘E , ‘J If‘ H’; "'lW’.-u"'*.‘- ~‘~- . N"t"e1,@ ,‘5’£%j,;5*"1Zw,’:‘W\.*§*~§‘r3§’¥%Cf%% W3«§‘»§7a£,§(?«,@‘.§¢F3';¢§,%r3§€%§~§;§~?}'r7“,;;2%’i:,~53r2.>?;¢%7‘5-W-' mt 7’ ' % cn'¢3s,+j’r:.1W"»':,’.¥ Lafififs 29.: -‘“‘c.“'§ flip off-,~,"i;g::;‘£?;%~1¢:.33 '.5:7@3i'¢ C5‘-=;;:':r.w,-‘4,:';;;;j?A;7g":»*:2:.~r%§; "‘ ",'_,,H.AF ‘ _ . 4..-M _':..‘'¢ 283 ‘ 0‘ ,‘.fi".Y?14~.:]'.“:§.". "a.‘._-;,,‘,/ 9 qpffiu ,.‘;'°|7" ,‘,.,q'§H .\,;é_H;‘_. %= .@:’?%3f@1?5m »(%J(§3ag'i3?~\§"~$:??5;%%"{5?3gfQ979.fl‘33¥fVa§§,”4- ‘**.;»:$?.Zaf~.%é24 Max” ‘TIM Cjreeée ‘}f:’0fl[(.'i*2i])2fJ" afar/9.»? E*7pz}’?z’c5 5 Timothy am!'l7itL1s3c1mrm’%ii¢ Pzzr/z.¢:;»;z;:w.» . He ;m“thrity of tbczfmoff V:"21‘1ci'.63!f:tP}.z1*c?mf2€:*nt 53" copymtlac Bible rexmiuing in his I‘v1£:1Vj::{%ic"::sI,,z’L~ " _» br;1ry :11: Saint 1.4mm}, bciz1gA;1l%1 \7"J1‘iti?t31‘liI‘1g17fi‘?‘:»1‘:i‘ _:~,3*‘" him on 1?x‘1t{:1y]1111e I E . 1&4 I .;?.n tiA1e:11o1*11§ng,Lz§¢‘ ml the dcfliate oftlw}’$11.1"t0uc1mfsg flzflnopza, (kc. by vJ1m:E1% it im frzxllibly zzppcrztxmh, thmt the fi111r"1§gc)f ‘finzatfiwy the i11'{%}f;3%1f'l3<3;~ac>i:% 1_;+.phcrfi1s,:1x1diZTztm the fiIPEElfl.1C)1.”) of (,:'crc~, arc=:1:>utrhe bold zmcfl. TpL11'i011s additions 0f{b1ne E1lfi(‘:‘1‘I')<“: fEj:?.7:fl10p or I\/1<)nE~<<;*, to me: Pofifcx-ipts 0ft110.{‘t3§;i§;')1{’t]c:‘S.a7f Szziilt Ihmcl, ::ztl<:~:1P: ‘goo. '_ye*;z1‘<3s~:a%:« tc":*1‘Ch1‘ifh T1143 I’()[‘WCr1})tS of EM? find Epxmes it‘1 E]‘1:?!.‘iI %:me:"i<3x21:; M;2nLxfc1'iptag1*eciz1g ir1tT:1c:i’11z“1ih<3 with !:hc:Siri;1c TC3fi::.11;'}T:f:21t:”£2“<;*'" oncly thug :% T H E 17‘ I K S T T 0 TIM O T HY V?’ R I T-- 7HflQFROMIJmHHC%A. THESECOND% 7H31WMOTHYflWRYFfl%QFROM LAO; Inx1HA. TC) rrrus \NRJ1”fE%IKERO&fl VNI C 01A’ OLI This r;11‘<:r MS. was {eat to his M;1jcf’cyzZ1;1z: now 15., by (yr;/lzzzs-..r tlnirn IA3zA2t1'ia1"c110f A1cx;znd1*1a, in vvh1c;E'2 ti’:c;::r firfi Ir;-tt‘e1'A. fiamds Em" rwew'7v:.-. and thc: fc:C0nd1t‘ttc1‘ for J‘w*Z‘¥:;s~:; A A (WM W. ‘ .' mu .v"!"*"" V%W%% K “ m “V” ‘ ‘v :2 mgpg ’(’ Me?’ ‘by my ~W,i'“@l W» ‘ :1 P00. T¢IT%OJrxI 5 F P‘;- The : L=é'ttt’*i?s.W€1*¢‘“t1‘€~'11fc1‘ibj€d;.” ¥ { ' “time x ?17a.-id m~o.I\t‘:an.ci—T I W;,, cm MS. F‘ V % Iézd. fol.‘ 1 46. .2. 11 P 0 c TVIFM 0 (9 9: ‘(TN ‘~A; .. €I‘PAH A&r1o%.AA- 0A1 K=.£.I —A.C. %Tef}4mc‘n‘t1m¢'£§‘iriazczzm‘%co7¢corn'¢zt. ’1‘!rz’z£_j‘o'.I.’1,‘1‘4:7.3i$:& npac 'T’I'M'O® 60 N .%.3.§% i€1“%PA.«I>;'H A110 iA~.A-A.- 7€)*AI=K:£ I**A c. ‘ Tefia7ncnmm_:;S‘iriazc»m% 'm2var%aTiztt& in omm'1}u.r& cxqeptfi Jorifapiba/Jg, ti9‘7ze.. Roma: /iizlret. ‘ ‘Iéid.f5l. :4‘~‘8.‘£. J» H -‘A II C) ~N:1—I< no-% ‘-A E 0.7 C. ’ W 7‘2_/Pmvzwénmm Siriactim cemcardat. % A _ ‘_ _7 —. t. , . , , . n ,_ : rv . . . _- . ‘A ',‘ ’ ' "If ' . .. _ I ,’_ . - _ _ V ‘ .1’; ‘ : »_._. }_‘ , ,. -. . . , . , _ ‘_ .. _ - ._._ rv_: - ,_7.._ ..,-'W‘'.‘‘ ‘ . ‘. _ gk ‘_ Q. a¢v..’, M . , ' -' 3' '--'m':- “ ~. i "3'-'—-«. « 4 S V: 3?‘ ‘ . 5!; _:_» ,., I... r. 7. }.,fl‘_ »_ _ _ _ > “.‘. .~ :;tirn¢S.réflI1*e.i'4f€!: ,Lcttc%rs_.% % V7I‘Ip5‘;k *ng5§eov% % é}gq{,@}1 , 1 I ,, { \ M : =Ad-°r?17¢9‘¢£- %'_E-I~r:<;T ééfmu I. .. /’ ' * ’~ .‘ ‘£‘,'}u/.‘zf<)}\_£-S ‘3.)P'?J’)/idaé. fEd,If§i’.'?‘§OL1s’}1§u A nL;»3sI:‘%;z&f9reoaa%.ne,ue:=1_£-9; 5-tan . , % . K1 , /’ -. % oziwr“ e>c>«Jx'n3'l»0t4- w'pce:nvfz7;1a‘2co7z‘mJ~ . ,_.’ yr‘ "'5 ‘.’.,:‘.. ' 4 ‘M2,; pgTD'F?1}£_;VTDG' €3«§UL@$ " \,' v ' {'1' '5 " I /' - “' ' ‘ ‘GT3 92¢. J\Eu’I"%pc-I; wazpmyx Hana Mr; F‘-J1 ’_ r 1p_ Tm» Ix.oqm;€,A 1\‘ap~9)&f;g ; H,o3s%%*:TT7vv % I§’;’pu73W' }E)63€Z\:?$- wgfifrzzfi iztfoiisrafiv .;Capo7vm- % ‘%Nz>w'7ib5Aaaé5 '5 _Ma.:«;ea°o?2':z4o '-«=1-*:"“F"«‘ " An 1 H % xidriaofi »%i:dcnt:i‘ca1‘1y have iVnferrctti your OW!-A1f:%d*égréc;sAVan.8; _p1‘0'pQr§ions (one of wh*ich’w€'Ae =n1Auft%AAI1aVc_%dbn€»if we had A not proceeded as we did) it mufl: of ncCe{3A~ fity have fo1IoWed,- that your4L0rd%ihI2p:*s, contrary to the uz;1c1oubted_priviIcdgc of thcfame houfc, had ~monS~I1;2d butAAa{I'ented;A A“ *~*7 “ ,0i'igina‘I1y gmnfed zzidéandfubfidy, andthc .Co“m--_A Before t11arAtin'1£:-, tluough not upon {'0 "ah A A A .occafi.0n., it~wAas dccléred inAP.:1rIia17nent,as appcaxigzg -in Rotz;laParli4r2‘A¢m:i de¢mAm2 5;. R.2.22. I6. Ti1:it‘tli”c; houfc ofcoimmns me firfl’ to Atrcat of ..matter? of firpp?y_.; to refolve upon~ir', and thcnstoAAco1n1n‘uz1Vifi3% ’ catc*thcirArcToIut’ions‘to the PAeeArcs,_Now my Lords .G.uAr41‘eAifo1uti‘0A:1éwarelmofc pto}7Aéi*IyAAAcouch€idinga Bill, A {O as%we did *tr:mfmit the "pr1*eFent%G%r:.1nt of A and 2*-p:.1dA~=~ iupply to your "Lordihips in the ancnzht and duc ~forme...% A A " V BuAt:p€rha{ps yoLir:L01fdfl1i.ps ‘wiF1Vfay5 you A q"u*e-»A A’ men not ’t1'iat.gcnc1‘a1I'1‘ight wee have of granting ‘ S ubfici‘ics,;that"if44is toii*cc€iw:~its birth :3: ht-ing%~fi*om¢ ' 1A» A ' A 3 A :11: the houle of Commons 9, but tlmrrlo this! pairiculzir cafe of Poll--money you expcrfié a parrieul21rA%li:lrisfzr~ é't‘ion.,and. much more to Ice it provedrhar the Peer-4 l age of England 3 were ever before rated in A fuch :1 Bill... A A A V A For-the firfh myI;ords, this way is an ancient and a lcnowne way; 1t.hegan in the time of that wife i i and viélronous Prrncelsirng E. 3l.Al‘as appeares upon» A Reeord in mm!» Parlirmenti de 4. 5 1. E, 3 . Nmmre r9.Ancl Ifillhre my felfegueare ‘uponrhree hundred A yegufes continuance is able to chalenge both al.loW-— ance and imitation from this prefent age. During the rergneof Rr.A2A. his granclchilde, this courhfeof railing money by the P011 was againeput w in priacilice, as an advantagious and a fpeedy way.» Your Lordfhips {hall fincleonle example of it in the A Parliament Roll ale 4.4.R.2 .::»'.A I 5.; being a*lmofltheAA A faune with tho; rate and proportion granted in the. AA But that Record which comes home for this cafe, and is an identicall prefident<1nthe=very pa»rricL1Iari hefore your Lordfhips to give you full faris£:u€tion,. is found inkamlo Earliamenti in Parli.mmto"2.— (store the miferies ar'home,: and the calamities abroad, eaufed “‘ in one yearerfomctimes t»wo,f0me.timcs three ~ Parliaments, in chore; elder times) dc 4.1:»... R.«z.o; I 4. l where the Dukes, Earles, and Barons, are :.1ll‘.p£1rti- -i cularlyratcd, undrlre Duke of Briraine : is; there cal-F felliedias a Duke, though he werea free Prince, and i h2.clonc1hy_rhe title-of Earle of Richmonclin Brig»: ln;nd;' . L rc*I41argedAth»é:*nA with that t%h.}M. ia»n:1. AL"m'76sA¢ the ficsufe C©tjn*mm'x$* tl'1§StAiAi1“1e£;? ham: cmn~e ¥1-we: ‘mm: wf “am f‘2%me13w.ii« c,2‘<=;«m', in Fzwcmfir‘wi?cAhefi‘Nmb41c%Ladiem Far’ Awherm ‘A the (:_3o%«L1ei1t«<3*i%s D0w-3gc2~'s “ ‘VV€I"f€‘ there med‘ attim . fE2mcVproportions WithEa1'1CS, and the widoww L A Ba:-oszdsmz as high ante asflvric Barns i2Iwrzxf€1i:?c=sA,we havcnow eafsd th»emA=ofAtw»o p;2rt§»0fth%a‘t;&ind army I hope Anosw your Lo1*d¢flaips %Iwvt* fewnéfijoth 2%.. fun and pm-fidcntAFor our p~r0Cemfl71ng*s a1:ti*x~i*sVt”i:“11%e3 A you will bee pleafed t0 béf@We *'¢ha~’tA"%‘ thc‘ i*rcmFe"o~f C0m1n01‘1sAW4iIl be as Vcarefuli and t‘end*c:Ar of your Lordfhips Rxghrts and Pr1v~1ledges,a~sAofthv51Ar mwnc. We? know, my Lords, that tlliaa A is ‘chci waym prefer veg pcaccancl unity bctwcégnyc us; wVlu§Ach*~ as Erik :z;:l’way¢s cxpcd«i-mt, £70 is*i£"atAt13»1~s%<1timc m«Ofl:Afl€C€’fl"9;- ry;.. For the two houft"; are‘: as the two armcs of that _Ki=ngd o.n=1e,if wAehro:1'd-: Faft’f@th%er.,wc f~]~‘m~1*l% amief to accompliflu great things Worthy tobe tra-nlrmitmd‘ tojaftcr ages, but iifwrc d’ifl%vcr and‘cIifi1~ni~r¢,W@"may end in ruinc and calamity. A A ' «A A S0» mania: t/éeflsid Rvcwd? mt «Mntwmx Mg‘ rulfing If A due 1Viliz;7“amdG?cntry%:2vbare‘ added, it? fiaiwgprg. V/Eaetedww‘ r:m'j~writtcm=a*t2éve fmicamfarrmca. A + .R0£"'; .~1r Qt. Tarfiam. in Tarliamenm 2. de :1. 2.‘R.2.n.14., flcflwcafc Lartraflre at lama ah Bram ;?gra:%cZ2q/Zwnv at w» x. Markcxw cbeféms Came Dengletcrrewizfi. 1., Clicflvm Cazmtqflés wearue: an Eagleterre 4 mm cam: its Cmmtc: iirgi. I. C/acféum Bdrm &" Bammt M €312!-wafer qmfpaet 4 rant‘ dijfiemfrc ---A-~ xi. J’. Gabe:/hm Baramflk -wow p4z'mz- some Earw cf? Eanrcfllfoma la Emtretm xlm. C/J6’/W71 BM/filer &- cbafltxw efquier quiptr Le_(?4mt¢ dmrcroit‘ cflrc G‘lJ=i«zmler-«-.x-x.:.Cbc~ %[2'r.m wcovw Damefirmt dc Racbiler aw Efipsler 4/ afi fmmt ---— xx. 3. Ci2¢._°fi'tm Eflquire mi’: mczl-wire {flan rm". .5. *z2.rg"/’. 4’; Ckefcxmfémc wave dc rial Equirc 0» «Mar. chant /;xgfir',’é::2t mm -vj nix wig" :1. Cfiazfmn Efguicr Miami’ poflwaesr de mm: m: c/.mtmx gm;/Y cm fiérmcc on: ad qflc: 4 arms’; :g7,.r. .d'..