A ’ §+4»¢¢~:»»:»»:~ww+at~«r««:»~:w:«»2»e:»«:~m»4»£~«z««+m»e«e:~~z«¢=t»z~+e:»»x»2; ¢¢¢¢¢++¢+¢¢¢¢¢¢¢++¢+¢¢¢¢+¢¢¢¢%¢¢¢¢¢++¢+¢¢4¢¢++ /J, :§'&4°'M*1°9YP9?v§Hv¢I5r4"4° at U I131 0 r > w =» > "'...'3 O 2 LORDS and COMMONS Affetnbled in Parliament To the whole Kingdeme, C onceening the EX CISE= VVith additionall Inftruftians for the better Regulatingef the fame. .. r - .. »_ ~ .. ,: _' K _ L rv‘ - _.,‘7‘ 1.. Ayjx‘ ...~ 7 :4. % Die Luna: :2) Feb. 1 646; Kddred by the Lord: Aflémbled in Parlia- ment, that this Declaration and jnflrufiiony bejortbwitbprintéd andpublzfjbed. A ~ Io.Brown.Cler.ParliaIn. C C.) .9 ' L 0 N D 0 N. e Printed for film Wright, at the Kings head e in the Old-baily. 1646. e »:~«»a:e»:»«:~~:~~:«=:~«:~»:~o:aca~v1~»1be:~v1~»t~:»:eMvxc-?b+M°¥ *’1‘‘‘¥*°1*°1°°‘‘1°d£*¢l°°1*'di*»4l°°1‘*"* W264»:4~4~a:~«M«»:é4~+«:»»:»wozee:v-»=:w1s»:oe:b4~4»é:eazc«z~o:~ %o1s»:-:t~»:s-:e»:««:w.<»V:r»+ Die Lmix 2 2. ebr. 646. ‘v a A DECL A RA T i ‘ON ofthé Lords and Commons A{_fem- t N bled in PARL1-AMENT3 a concerning the T EXC. I s E. .. A71-IE Lords andCommons aflém/bled in Parliament, takingtnotice of the many Tumults and great R1. ots, which have of late happened, and beene privily fomented in fe- vcrall parts of the Kingdoms: a- gainfi the Recepts and Collééiziohs, X (Sf the Excifé, by the feeret and Iilbtile deiignesjand T .pra&ifes aofMa1igr(1ants,.andafuzcih, Whofiby their falfe ‘J . , . ~ 2 and (9) e and i‘-ained pretences doe endeavour to hrerde a mi«"un-- deflzandiiig, aaclimpatienc’: in the People: l‘;:=.\‘C for thebettermaniiehing of the juliice of their prc ceed~ ing, and realty of their intentions thfjtlght fit tormake this Declaration to the whole Kingdome; That as nothiiig didor could have drawne them to refolve upon this impofition , butthe prefervati- on of this Kingdome,the Religion, Lawes and Liber- ties from utter mine, and difijrtifiioii , all which at thattime Was threatned by the rePt1ef_Te, and cruellde. fignes, praétizes, andtreacheries OF Papifils and‘Ma- lignant perfionso, To they could then‘ finde no Other» meanes, after the well-aflefted had {'0 willingly borne fo many great Levies, which the Malignants had en- deavored by all cunning wayes to evade, how any lon~. ger to maintaine the Parliament forces, and other great affaires of the Common Wealth, and to draw in the Malignants, ’ and Neutrals tobeare their pro- portional parts of the charge, then Ey fomc, fuch confiant , and indifferent Way 5 And what great dif- ficulties expences, and charges , thefaid Lords and Commons have by the Receipt. and credit of the Ex- cize with form: other he-lpes as occafion did require, beene enabledever fince, through Gods vblelling to overcome, and maintaine by continually keeping on foot fo many feverall Armies as they werehy the Kings party in,Armes againfi the Parliament, enforc- ed to rayfe in divers parts of the Ki'ngd‘ome by main- taining To many Garifons- By relieving of Ireland? from time to time when other filpplies couldmot be tirnel‘y raifed , by fatisfying ouefifirethrenewof Scotland: ‘in part 5 is by this time fo evident to the Whole King... “tiionie, ‘that they hope no*Well'afFe&ed perfon." can ,, or will look: back uponwhat hee hathecontributedi in this way For his part, ‘With any regret, or repi. i ,, as ifthe l'anleirad’, ‘or =can be Fmitlelle to hint,. or t C ,‘/_.‘ __ ’ (3) or his poflerity 5 And for the prelenz cotitirnriance of i this lléavy, when it {hall be confidered foriwhat great funzmesg and to how many twellafieéted perfons: .t they have already engaged the Excile for Monies bor~ , rowed and jullly due unto them ,, what expenees they ' e r mull yet l)e_atb€f0I‘€ they can fettle this _Kingdome, what charges are requifite to reduce the Kingdome A r of Ireland , and What great engagements, do other- l s , wife lie upon the~Parliament forinianyfupplies and ferrices, for fatisfying whereof the publique Faith,l and Honour of the Parliament, and Kingdome is en~ t gaged , they are confident that no Well-afllefircda or under{’tand*ng perfon can, or willdefire, or ex- peél that this Leavy, which they fiill finde the molt fquall audiindiiferent courfi: to go through to many great aifaires ihould ceafe , while the Parliament is: 0 thus a deeply engaged , and have To many prelling occalions for Monies for the necellary fupport, and e prefervation of the Kingdome 5 And therefore the {aide Lords and‘ Commons Affiambled in Parlia.n1ent,: do hereby declare‘ to the Whole Kingdom that they I _ ihall . and do expeflrthat all perffons Whatfoever fhall A duely pay all fummes of Moneyimpofed by any Or- dinance of Parliament by way’_ofExcil'e upon all, and? 5 every the Commod-ities, Marchandizesy,tan,dl things thcrein»mentioned~, and com riled, andthat the fame e l Ordinances {hall be duelyt o ferved according to the . Rules therein ‘pre{‘cr.i.‘oed‘t.untill further Order of both Houfes of Parlament 5 Whereunto the {aid Lords" and Commons do hereby require all?/perilous to yeild all a ready obedience, conformity and affiilanoe accord:-t $ i-ingl as they tend’ertl’1e honouroFthe.;Parliament, the 5 we! are ofthe Kingdon1., and as theywould approve ‘I ’ thesmfelves Well afi°e€i:edito both. ‘ i i . I w . And wee the {aide Lords and Commons Affimbledé A A in.Par-1i,arnent,,_: to manifefi our. evconiliant and fincere ’ lflrv lzj" . \ ‘ <4) -intentions ,“ in ii the continuance of this receipt of the Excife, doe hereby declare., that as hitherto the Re- venue thereof hath been wholie imployed for the Pub‘ lique tiles and occalions of the Kingdome, and ‘di- verted to no private ufe Whatfoever , fo they are fiill i ’reI‘olved to difpofe thereof in thefame publique and neceilary fervices ofthe Common-Wealth onely, and {hail no longer continue this charge upon the Subject , then they {hall finde the publiqueatliaires Wherewith they are intrufied neoeflarily to require the fame; And ‘When it {hall pleafe God by the continuance of his mercy , to enable them to fettle the Peace of the King- dome, and to overcome the engagements thereof in e tome j good meafure , they {hall then make it apreare to ’ ' the Whole World, how much /more ready they are to cafe the People of this charge , then they were willing y at firll to impofe the fame. In the meane time, and to the end that they may give allpollible eafe to the a People, where the nature offiich a Leavie, and the iufi and moi’: indiffereiit Rules, which mufi neceHari-- i ll lyi be ufed and obferved in the rayfing of the fame," will ‘admit thereof. ‘ They‘ have for the better regulation of this Re- ’ ceipt and forreflreyning of Arbitrary and Exorbitant a power, yrefolved for the prefent onthe lnllruciions ' \ and Rules enfiiing 3 And" doe hereby require the Commifiioners of Excife , their Sub-Commiflioners and all other their Collectors andunder Officers duely to obferve the fame, and accordingfas they the {aid Lords and Commons {hall further dilcover any further inconveniency or preafures upon the People in the i leavying of they Exc-ife x. It {hallbe their continuall * care to finde to-u.t fuch fitting remedies for the eafe of ; ready they are ~ to anfwer the great truli repoled in them, and removing of all jull grievances as {hall be a wilufllcient tefiinony to the whole Kingdome, how them i s ( 5) them, and to let the People enjoy the Iongexpefied fruits of their great expences and contributions. r s And the {aid Lords and Commons doe hereby fur-C 1 ‘ ther declare, and Ordaine , that for the better and due unilhment of all filch’ TumultS,? Riots, and unlaw- full»AlTemblies 5 All Iufiices of the Peace, Slierifles, . Mayors,;_Bailifi°es , and all other his M aieliies Oflicers I Within:th.e~Kingdome‘ ofEngland , andDominiokn of Waler, as well within Liberties as without,within tlieir ieverall Counties, Liberties, audiluri-sdifiionslrefpeg. V &ively , doe from time to time make diligentinquiry of all Tun1uIts,Riots, Scother unlawfull Allemblies as have been , or for time to come ll1allben1ade,done, or committed againli the faid Commillioners ofEXcife, their Sub-Commillioners or any of their Officers, or 7 others in their aide and afliliance in the execution of the feverall Ordinances oFExcife, and all fuch perfons 0 as have or fhall make or caufe fuch Tumults, ‘or Riots, to apprehend, and to commit to prifon and to punilh according to Law. l And in cafe any Tumult, or Riot be hereafter at- tempted, or atied againli the {aid Commillioners of Excife, their Sub-C0mmilHOn€rs, Colleéiors or OF- ficers, or others in their aide,,and__a{lilia11ce. It is hereby further Ordained and declared, that for the bet- V ter aiding and aliifiing, the {aid Commiiiioners of Ex; cife, their feverall Sub-Coimmillioners , Oflicers, and others in their aide and alliliance, in purfuance of the {aid Ordinances of Parliament for the levying ofEx- cife ; All Sheriffes, Deputie-Lieutenants, Juliices of the Peace , ‘Mayors , Bayliffs , Confiables, Headbo- roughs, and aI1’other‘his M‘ajefiieseOflicersfintheir F2‘-'i‘ verall Counties , ‘Liberties , and Jurisdiétions; All Colonells, Captaines, tOflicers and Souldiers, and all‘ other his Majeliies Subjeéis , be aiding and allifling from time to time upon notice to them given for the fup-C T ikgrcfling of all fiichTumults, Riots; and unlawfuil e mblies, and in apprehending and bringing to con- digne punifhment, all fuch Rioters and:Ofl°endérs ac- L cording tO'LaW. We And in ayding and aiiiiiing the {hid Commiffioners ‘ their Sub Commiffioners kind Oiiicers, and others in their alde and aififianece in egcxution of, the faid Ordinances for Excite. And all such as ihall be To aiding and affiiiing, {hall be defended and favcde A ‘e harmelefle and indetnpnifiecgby Authority both Hou-_k fes of Pax-1iament- i V ‘E '53 *3 «*4: hi *3 *% "Q »a i,Ad_diti;onall« elnfiryugfiioné?7£Qz1eeming - ythe §Exc.ize; I 2 I L Ha: no Excize, -O1éArreares of any Excize, L L 2 . : ~du'ei* for. any?goodse.Excizeab1ef,;- eonfumed V . nor ~ fp‘ent,: be.ehenceforth;Démafnded.‘, ‘Lea-r V vied ’, «ori .Colle€’ced by ‘any. Qificer or Col- le&or.of Excize, due byyaany perfon beforevfuch time as etheeOrdinan<1esiof Excizel1‘av;e«e(%)r efliakl begin to be put in {Execution fain Teverarll Gbuifties 91* Cities; ’ or any 1-P311.‘ df the.faidp1:ilV1tit4;m}ad¢»e,aap0fi JG:1Eh t any the uflvcesmffixxte int an;4{§d>maty,of3thts K199; me, or to gziny ‘10ii1*§ié>r'§f JB%1yhHTb,,—‘f0r§9;hiefe ’Oflicer , any h ‘City ‘or ‘Tvwnei 6orparate~,;'.¢rbf. n-the Kingdome wof Bofiiinionflf; i:'1?h‘at=nheISubs-Game . n*eI-I‘-1“5fls71'dneI>s Exci'i};.&‘heir KDfic.'ens'Ior~;Sferrvant;s;', or any of them ,% under, co1onr:rorT7‘)pf1=etexf :o'fthe»'vtruPt in themrepofed , and power givendby the feverall Or- dinances _ofParIia1nent, have or {hall oppreffe «and ‘abufe ethe People; exaéting dr coinpcllingf them - ~tQ :~pay~:.more or‘s.g»reater‘fumn1es.*of Moneyr, .,:then is O. -“appointed by. the rfeverall ‘Ordinances ii: _,.xc_ize 5 or Finejand »Im prifon, contrary to the {aid Ordinan- *cess, ‘or to ’l1av4ea con*’Vc1=ted.;or imployed the Nloney ‘by them cTo1keé‘ted,1>to tiheir nwne ufes, or to; anygother ’ ufethen is appointedvbywthefaid -Ordinancies , or otherwife abufe the {aid Trufls and Power given " ‘uired, to fend for the hPétr’tiés and sWitnefl"es and 9 l 9 thems That the {hid jufiides 9 Nlayprs , Bayliffs; and Chiefe Officers; have Afuthority; anid are heréhy re- I0 +~—*eie%—~svee e ,-_.,.~( ,to‘‘ examine the W itnelies upon Oath , giving notice to the Parties ', of the time of examining the-faid-- Wimefles 5 and the Examinatiohs liotalteni “upon-' Oath , «to fendaup in iwriting, fealed ii p, and 1" ubfcribeéi by the hand of the Juflice of Peace , or other cliiefe Oflicer, before Whom the laid Examinations {hall be taken from time to timéa Within twenty daies after, the complaint made to both;O1T-eith€rH§)ufe‘of Par- liarnent, or to the ~Commi~ttee of,Lnrds' and"Comm{)ns for regu‘1ati% the Excize, fitting at the Starre Chame- ber Wei/imiéz yer, who {hall and will proceed to the confideration of the {aid Offences, and to the fevere and due punilhment of the {aid Offendors , (1510, ]u-- iiice flialleappertaine. 1 , s « . i ’ V. That in cafe any Jufiice of Peace, Deputy a Lievtenant, or any of the Committees within the fe- verall Counties of this Kingdome {hall refiife, or Wil- fully neglect to pay the Excife by them due and pay: able, and to conforme to the orders and direéiions in the feverall Ordinances of Excife , or that fhall affront, or publik ely abuferthe {aid Sub-comrniflioners of Excife, or their Officers within the faidrefpccfiive ' Counties, in the execution of their feverall duties and places according to the Ordinances of Excife : That the Deputy Lievtenants, Jufiices of the Peace, May- e ors, Baylifles, or other chiefe Oflicers within the faid Counties, Cities, and places , or any of them, upon notice and requefi to them made by the {aid Sub- commiflioners, or any of them, doe examine the fame upon Oath, and thereof Wlthln twenty dayes certifie * in in Writing the {aid Ht.-_>ufes of Parlia1nen,t3 or either of them, ‘or the Commxttee of Lords and Cpmmons for '1=egulat_ing§.the Excize, who Will proceed? thereupqn againfi ggh perfons as to juflice {hall aepgpertaine :accors- . .1‘ 7, ding to their del.I1€1”itS- _,;: nq,perfon talging Almesor-Co11e&ioq,_%‘Q1a1l pexgompelledito pay l__3xc1ze for any Ale or Beere, ghagt 15,. Orefhallbe brewed in their owne houf'es‘,; and cans" fumed Athemfelves and fgxmily within their owne I_1o;1fes. A ' "L e A ‘ I 7019. Brown Clcr. ~P4rli41mwtarnm. __ V , . ."d r_,.— P RARE HJ 5118 .A7 1646. ELE"leYf="3"a‘E§£'§X’3é°°‘”"°'%saee7 H 51 8 A7 6 WI)“ “H H Hflil 010—0O701431 ‘|1 2 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes ConcerningtheExcise1646 19 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Derivatives - Access copy Compression Editing software Reso1ution Co1or Fi1e types Notes TIFF compressed with Lzw before conversion to JPEG Adobe Photoshop CS5 600 dpi Grayscaie and co1or avai1ab1e on request. JPEG Grayscaie pages canvassed, images brightened. Co1or pages cropped.