, & London, Printed for Edward HIE/band, Printer to the H0- 3?: ’6‘ o F T H E E :1: C O M M O N 8:16: . Aflembl ledin 9%; PARLIAMENT 5'53 £3 TOUCHING ' ~ 3; nghe Regulating of the Officers? % o F T H E $4 E Navyét Culioms. :32 l? A :31 E3”? 3.33?“ in ELEM EW flfiw EM 1 5%. H Die Martis, 16Januarii,1648.cc‘ W W & ? ORde7 ed 5] the C ammo»: alfemélea' m “Parliament ,Tlmt the A62 entimled, An At°t of the Commons alTem- . £5 bled in Parliament, touching the Regulating of the Officers & of the Navy and Cufioms, [9e forthwith printed and p-ué liflfl’d: H: Scobel, Cler. Paul. D. Com. EEE norable Houfe of Commons. fan. 18. 1648 EEEEEEE EEEEEEEE i930 ’fikfflgg hfiwfigfih f 7/3 .fl~iifl~fif0 135m? \ v z? 31%? mm lt"‘ - ‘33} ‘ 7 J. to. no An Aét of the Commons affembleJ/éw . in Parliament, touching the Regu, (3) “$333 33 / 30:?90 Die many}, 16 33421114”); I 6 4 8. . [/j (‘3 3 lacing of the Officers of the , Navy & Cuptoms. - he @emmenz affemblee in 39111 - liamettt ,takmgt‘nte thew retina continuation the mention: he: Iftempees of the flaw, mm the great . Decay of mummy, ettaftetten by evil, ,mait’gttattt, unfaithful ant (untrue: ,mttan’ @ffi’tees, employee hot!) by » Sea emu flame, to the great pzey’uet‘te et the fiemtttenmmtttj, mm @ttatt 9 mm flDzeat’n , ant: be it finacteh- emu -. @mamm by the autbezt’tp [of imam: mettt, fibat all fluttemets, flame ptmitets , Scanners , gutbwezs , i. €6'313W ’1 V ' _, (.43 5 .. m aeteeafioimtmfiiw whet pm fie, j 5 ‘ ‘atat‘thetime of ma: hing: " inlet am) flDem'nattee, at that hereafter {hail hole any office 0; othet ’ plate et flew in the fiufiamzhoufe at London, min the @ufinmsham‘ein any ‘ ether tenet, Week a; ie—late withinthe ' fiingnnntiet England, Eonfim’nn of Wales; 62 £01m? Of Befw'iCk'; 311 @ffia tees ot theflienante, oz fitoees, 0e aeteohifiens belonging to the 90mg, wenaaaee 5 firms aim ztmnmnition belongingto the mittmonmealth; all Mmmiffienees, Mittteallets of the . flaw, annothet @ffitets in a; be: length-gm the mittualltuggnffi'te of a: _ fee the flaw at this immanent; ml «Lapwing, flmaflees, flBoatfmains, dfiunnevwfieutfets, Ship-tatnentets, oz any othet @ffitet m mmmannee, belonging to any fiohip oz «effel he; longing to the Qinmmenmealth; an @ffi/ceta at other petmtte that habe any office 02 mate at fleet-it in atep pubs like 39am,- Eotk nemhaet, m nthet , 1: ate that m: m thait ham 4 gamma then: by §ea in 1mm) it: any fish 13, Qtozehmxt’e a; Each hetengheg m the Qtommonweaith, mthe 3123413; “‘25 thég fitngnom, 2th thmem mm utfieees of the Trinity houicfihht hhth hhmhtatfi? amen m affifteb the Kine with moneys, 33mm, Watt, mittuai a; Btijtt’fi‘vlft, eithet by §ea a; 1mm}, finte the peat of put imam 1641 in the flame a; text: ‘ tee mats agamft the haeiiainent, a; that hate the fitft of March in the peat Of one flow 1647 hath toutetheb pm: moteh oz abetteu any of the ahett’tim‘tg m (thgagements fast the "fittings. 60.: wing to London at that eatfeh 9313 abet:- teh any inherent againft the thatliaa meat time the 24 at July, 1647 within fljz cities of London- 0; Wef’cmmflcr, Q; iLtheeties thereof a; mithth the comm, figs of SurreyJ Kent, E flex, Middicfex Herr,— ford, Cambridge 9; SuflEx D; that/@8138 taunt‘eih’ng, apnmgfiffihxugfibettmg til-,4; \, ""wrr _ e A! . . "(3’). . e 1 to the mebolt of any the fihi‘ps em; plumb mthetetbite of the «tommona meatth, lime tbzfitft Bf June, 1648. 02 that hath ogummmheale, m feceetlp tummy, oz {teal away any meme, 1901mm, mums, mutual, fitmhee, mother fitozes bemngz’ng te- the 5PM; 11? of this fiingnem ; at that have ta: teen amp fiemath m (Bi-ft of any ghee: chant, a; othee petfon -- oz ‘ perfume , cf, fez n; concerning the mutants, n: thee then the fees me am: atcm’tem: eh, alhat then all men weep the 9f; fitees emu petftqtte ahehenamen, fmm f_ am): fig?” the fitfi 3%? 3f February 11th mmtteg, that! be, mm are hereby r med-awn, emu mane incapable emu eifimmen to how my mate at plate abehefatb , mm hie Emmet @ffi'te e2 191MB of Emit , as ahobefae’b, m be new, emu fmfett to all intents teem puepofee, mm the @nmmtffias teem heeeaftee namem a; an? fihe oz maze at them,£haii arm may teammate we athheitet ether fit ant able peetezts m _____._____~__.————— I ('7) I I ‘ iu'the teem am: place of Inch @ffi’ceee ant perfects fa ntfinablen as above: fate ; an!) the perfume fa namea aim appeinten by them, to teetc’fie te the flammittee of the flame : fie-at ea cafe the face @ffi’cea, 02 are? ef’ them he not neceffaw ann ufefulte he macaw; en, bat thallhe taunt: rupecflaoaa ann- unufeful, that then the fate @emmif: fienece, In any fine of them, fhaii hahe power to make both ann- Diftontitme the fam place, to; the [aiming of names ,r tefl'aep thaege to the Qtate, am) teen: hie untn gheethants‘, aun caeeyiccg an the feehc'ce to the belt aehantage : fine if any peefen emeefene whatfeehee, being mane incapable as abebefaz’n, that! yet ceattnue am: occupy fuch: place, arm net abate theifame , Tib‘at then the cam perfect to nffeneeng, npmc met meef mane theceef, am his ten; bicte’en theeeuponfimll fezfettthe fum ef acme hunmen manna fee the fiat" “ha-p, we ”flew panacea per diem fa; ehe; wee? aftee that he 0;. the? (bait can; -- - time Samuel Pennoyer $6, Stephen Eflwick (1) I '=-5611111611111)6 11116111116601 111665. 2211113; if "61116 6661611 61616616115 11116611116 6A 116611666 66 p 1116 116-16 m.m 1611616611 61161 611666 6116 11;: f of 1:1)616 111666161611 as 111161169. 611611 6116 6611666 61' 6116611 1663 16 1111111116 fiffifltfitm 11116116116 $1116 611163611 6116 1111111616 1131611111 61161690; 116126 111666 661161611611 66 6116661616, 66 6116 @ifwbfitw, 111 Ml)” 11161616 1111111 . 311611111 tb611166 1611166 of 611116 66 6616 1'11 66 1116 £16616666 1-66 166 11211611 f6; 6116 611116 Ming, to 66 1111656166 61161 6136 1116 11161666166 of 1116 51261611. 3116? to 7611611166111: 61166 11116 69111111161166 may 1116661111 11116 11116666111116 116 11111111 6n: 61111611, £116 £1116 Commmw 1’11 {6116- 11111116116 11161116166 66 91131611111 11116 zip: _’ 13131111311116 66161111 216111611611 66 16116- 1111116116 6916611166 11116 3666111166, £11111: 6116661111111Thom6s Andrews ,QB‘C: William Barkléy ”flat Maurice Thomfon-3 Q31”. Rlchard Shuts, @011 William Wil- longhby , 913$ Will lam Pennchr $13 9191‘: Fri!" » 1m; V ~ ( 9')- fiBt, John Holland, £13m John Langley, wt. Richard Hill, flEafn; RobcrcThom- fon, 95$. James Ru (Tel, QIBrjamucl 'Moytr',‘ 99L Jonathan Andrch, mm 5133:. Richard Hurchinfon, IDIJB together wit!) the mannifsmneez of the flatly fee the time being, fitting in flBincing-Jmne London, 0; any fine 0; maze of them, except fact) of them M are ntfinahlen by tbefletag abobefaib, mail-be, ate-n: are beeeby meclaten @ummtfsienees; a—nn babe fullpnmee, ann arebeeehy tequieen emu anthnzisento put this pzefent can: mm flDmename in eyeeu; - time; ant: babe pomee tn‘fenn foe the wfficeeg ann yeefous abonennmen, 0; any other yeefnn oz perfume. as «they {been junge necefi‘aey, 'as’naitnea‘eg oz n—theemife , emu to miniflee arm give an flDatb to an my the peefnns, ntbee then the peefons weaving in men cafes eefpectihely, wherein they aee 03. than he aceufen heme them; mm in cafe any yeefnn m peel‘ons fummenen to eyyeae heme them, 03 any fine of A 115 them 1 (1,0) them as ahehetatn, than neglect 02 f eefufe te «wpeae hefuee tbem,ttje.fatn (Enmmifgtonees ,: De! . my the to; .111 me at them, {batty-ewe pemet to A tent: foe fuel) the peefans in fate cuttenp 3 mm augbetfifis, QB atom, g ut‘ttces, men atljee ' @tfitees ,. ave beeeby- tequitee tn be sawing ants afstfling to them“, -anbfutij perfonsasfate hp them em. “fiifleeb‘flfi abenetam. ' mung-it is fat: thet'flpetlaeeb, @nacten mm twain; w” 11.19:,aeetbeeetp . afmefeein , *fllbat an petfflnfifo tn be nameb hp the fate e" ”.ztitfifsintee:e§ totije ¢e=mmastee a; bubefeub, * mu} atm- may fflztijmtth execute {1161)}?!an t0 t1) em appotflteb, unfit“ 42159 e fame the otbeemtfe meet en emu fattettetbyi‘ t1}: tam etemmens at; funnier: mafiawmnent, a; etheemtfe h? *tbejgemttttttee of; the 33am), foe fume nifaMtWOe Meme in the patty fn‘piaceb tag-vabnbefam, that than be .‘pmhe‘h a; meme mama tn the fete-B 'wezmmtttee at the flame; 2mm tea tbe intent that the {tack of the 59am -,-- . may ( Ii) ‘ may be inmate!) to the utmottheuea fitfoe the Quart: at the, fieeae , The is; further QDwEtBD 3 meet/the met-”me: ahobenemeb, 0; any fi‘he of themfigeu have 130th from time to time, tn 176:2 quite at any p‘eefonl impleeee in any of the SDffiees afezemih, an exact am) tme Elements”) of all the munitions; belengmg tn the flew? in theteheeme, am; to [can foe mm. eeemiete theie 250035 at attempt; , that the ,sl'l‘lflP‘ be tnabieb by thefe at any othee thetihe goon mate , to , infoem themfethes at the behavingfinetttp arm ufetumefe at, the @ffitets implant: in this {twice mun toe the better fiegulating _ pf the anthems emu flDfficets thereof theoughout the Zatugnom of En Iland, womiuion 0f Waleslanb flow“ 0 Bee;- wick,the fem @ommittee,oe any fine of“ them, than ann may have thelthe full- pomet to call hefote them, emu tn take thelthe attempt emu examination of all ant: weep flDfficeeann flDffitets he: waging to the febeeat Quito nuheufes 215 z ateee: I afozetain. aunt: tefutthet @hattfli‘ atm @znamen , ihat the tam Mm: mtfeteuete, many fine at them, that: _ have pemee to examine thhat eetaeefe,‘ wffiicet at flDffieete ate mmfefat, an: neteflaeh in the man? at emanate, at in the office of Wetualling arm 92:12.3, nante,’ane make both the fatn effects arm plates; arm he flDffitet sweeten thatlthentefeethufe a; setup? the fatn I effite etplate _, fee the eating at the thatge of the Qtate: that fee [nth mffieete as man be thought fit te he ,eea‘tmuen, :flhe fate atemmtfemneee, at any fine of. them, me to fettie ann eltabltth fetch a competent meteate at? .5 altattee, as may he anfmeeahle um.- te the paine te be taken, fee that maintenance, am: whereby they map. netbe neeefettaten , um receive any 215mm 02 fee of the gheeehattt, m ate any other inhttett maps tn the meta; .m'ee of the 9tate; -aan 'thettmhele fiailattes to he peefentee mute the weenie et’ aemmone, e; the anaemia: tee . _ “'(13‘?) , e. , _. \ teeoftije - 319-8133? fee theie allowance Pane apmemteme. fine it is fuethee fizeaeeee am: menaineb ,, 3:, atfeom lame afeee the fame may a February meme flDfficee 0e flDfficeeefljali take e; eeeeme from the @eecbaut, as an? gtbgc permit, an?» IIIDYWPS meaPflf > fee 02 Gfizatuitv,‘ foe .anp;:5@€ieettfieat'e, mm 0; «Docket, oz etbee £1)th what; . foebeemm in cafetbey a; any of them malt-receive any fee ez..<15eatuttp, emu teary to this fiet'juvnnpmufas"afoszee- . min, they that! foefeit their places, ann ‘ meueewee penaitiezgfmementieneb. am he it @meten arm fDmm'nen by the anthem? afezefam, ibattbe fate mnmee’teee beeez’n nemiflaten, we all peefene aetmg Em m mum: them by, H their nieeetmn , mail from time ta time receive at we namesof the ieeas tater fee the flaw, allfuei) expemee anem’.sfteeeefte‘ients as that! he hp them tum font) in We feem’ce; mm Etna-e the @wemittee fee the 5mm? appeme, - en Qfiembeee e5 thee mate, them time feed? ; A . ' (14-) , ~ .faztb mm éflzbw‘sfiann warrants fez the pay mm: M the fame acmminglr. mun/.‘iaagp. m it-ésnacten mm £D2uain= " an, ibat ti): min flaunt-me of £192:- chants mall frnm time to time have puma: to puma to £132 11.020 2mm: ml oz fiommittee foul)»: flaw, fucb @3195 as they fbalt {mm neczflaw to be emplo en fin mum? of £92:- cbauts @ I'm: out am: Dame, fumb- hamemeut “sf 35mm, mm benefit at the @mmonmzaltb. H: Scobcl, Clcr. Parl. D. Com. PENIS. A»? : 3% M , RARE HJ 6890 .A53 1649 umvsnsm or mssoum - COLUMBIA ELL SPC RRE RARE 831390 unmmml HFTTii 1" 11mm", mm; 01 llfil 015 7 01 0-007