‘ 5 I pm: the new of - IT 0 A N D , Por Prifoncrs. ‘;Zw‘?«\' N2‘ J,“ ;"_“r" "'3:-‘ .».m‘J.~ _v:'.‘p.', %:2”‘‘“ .\ ‘y“;§kT.,,'.-‘«,c.,?\a ‘ W W ," ‘fi;M*'.\ : tvwa . M J ' . ‘ 0 . "’l€“u"“" M 1' " "‘ ' ‘ 5:. Q. 3'9 1" -‘ ,. ‘V «.M‘ " H. . , 1 ‘\ ‘ ., W‘.‘_.V . ‘~. , on n it . - ‘ ‘ “'w~n.»r'»‘“"\ V , “-,““M W‘. .‘ “ N‘ ‘‘w.:~‘ & V M 4ndP~blx)%ed.¥ A A A A A H A V%» %’Hcn:jScobc1l;Clerk‘of the Parliam%c4nt.i j? “LMJOH, M . 1 A % %namcns of angw. 1653- »Wcdncfday thé 5V'”“iof omgécr, 1653‘. V Ralcrefly tlzcfhirliamqnt, ‘Tim zglaxk/162‘ if: fmbwitl: Primal ! ‘.. LL. rintedby%1c57mField, Printcrtothc Par» 4;... wow n " \,,,,‘,,H,.‘.‘.,..‘.“'y‘y- ‘m‘ - .‘ ~—-r hm): . ‘- ‘ ‘ "W: % W FortheR(-';]icf ()E\ % A %% W’ " mu I » EDITOR Poor Prlfoncrs. ..... % ® it A311 fl-CCED hp tbfi QIICDOHG1? flf ; tbifi pzefent 1aamammt,¢ awac ff; 4 Henry Pmby‘, Peter Elliflon, Hagan A _ Hoval, John Humphreys, Henry C01» ‘ bran, 4 athanael Camficldfivlcnry Cole, W Hutc V4 infon 5 V % A ” d,% Swallo ,Michac1 Pcndlcton, Robert W/arcup,Robcrt J ‘ Houghton. Gc°rgcPots,% 0: any time oz maze of we:zz,acznere1w (3.8 to all nations alvea-up committal», oz tbat flyauhe cammtttcupcfope % % A tbzflmentigtbnapofOctober,..£DmtDnufanb”” fax bunozenfiftvmm tbmgto the mppcrfi cncb {Minna ¢02Vt0tbe1a ;iIonsAnf%tbc jflect, fiateea Dflflft in Wflfimidflfiefy ¢_um1mtnsuny, 40z1@zi--5 roam *White-Chappcl, in any um: mute, arm ~ nutfmm menu lawfully nifcbargcn) 4 meme % gungcsto neatam:Demmmetbeaaufesof i) aw perform fimpztfonmmt, mm of the meapesufanvracwzyrozms, marunzmare mavM%s aflmmme tmfinheanv mwtbt In A ‘ 4 WW3? “WM bPW€1) ztflmm, W makefpecw nwzuhifinnut offitwmvifamrfi@fiat¢£,‘ 0; & fiiimwaithcit @&a,cm gate, fécafc, 4 ‘A 2311? %% mm: M mmmtrc) (1; 3 mm ‘mnbaczijzmw impnmientu examine pat :%2t'm‘rm mtwefles fog £119 11213? (If fifcapzs, mm mM:§}zMwficmfwofiuclj pufonzcsmtatzs, 7 oz §smz4yfmazn 02; itmfifirzfinucijin the fame; arm A Emit fifi pa*%m, £0 11% M mn%t;:er¢AAw% m) we fail) mzetmaws mg, sag: Wig of wfiatefi, mm tum: awa%aw.M;fu§!?m M! an tntwentfi mm mm: L mm? om3:§%a"t mwémzs, mgr; amp fin mmifmnm acefwtnwati he at thew web mes aznfigmhn mama a %amw:mpt mg ea I1Bm'xk- mpw wage, by mama of atwmmmafgéétm fog £acisfa ctmn sf we upcuaxw of ma fimtutzs agmnft wank: A mum 2. mm: we flaw ymmwtu cumtnimm, mnpm anmaptz,i,u caEe»¢th2p pay mt A ncpc¢enmisrm. % munfbeteauy petftmin amiia Eon, .11;nyingimazifmtfoz any went, 02 am: mt-1» fimngzment agamft mob patron uniatw fiw, lgatbmm caw.:‘~¢~ 1:0 11 fianlam at humus: A ’ ,I:a.t:1> fa lmzni M; aw at w n ®~am., % $€mtm3%~»m W upmu W“ in flwfi: gfz btmfelf, oz “an_y%?oEbw A me%oft%I)et:: fitficomnmmmttn ¢ V mfnze we 4-mramp of April A ®bt1mm,%M o;,%u;wev gamma, aftcctbwe mm cun-- . zwmakfucbfiunememmagohtatmn gmctain flunges,‘man wmoz £¢u&nhAiDpo%€z anpflxc A5 3.335% ffllfaflgffiflfifi nnnfanfrwnsannngzment%:%21ma:i£ fl5:¢ Wm, 0: an fl)a11%finfl¢d% aaflfmw as wt caufef at mtion mb¢Am:s 022 If mam, may mm 02mozcVvfw%em, W 9 pemfonAguzIw«‘of any 3FtaIlD_-,V t%mAniu“1gv%tomamanpwmitozof any 2 mz Mn?ilfniconwaimeutof any ~ MA 5 “*9 ‘W 3A"?».5WJ *3‘? ” aVinf“% % fife uf we Q wnmy antunge L we» cmozsu £2‘ a5 pactnf tbzmf attbm mum! ®zVtmon£ fly it unmet tbeic Dannaamauintmnntfljeijatlj mt were tnetam anngwllam Afinfnm 192 Am 4 A cttn, fo%;f%mA »as to make up n natty, tub‘: pain to the ntematnmt if %c1)e£am% Afmmainzen A $111!’: flvmiamz ta ~zw,AanmIa1lby the fain%”’me~afiwct he zmfipm-.~ 1‘ awe 9@¢wice ’f the «vmuntp, ww¢tbc etc, nztue .mam maternity to fattsfiefuclj grim, the fatuflinmr. imVt»o;t1)z T illmp A " ‘ ‘E.-.1 J mate, 0; butt), as my ‘m1»minkm£ct‘ my A «fflflfit 319* anti 9‘ D05! ~flffl$ fia “ H3503 ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘* ' ‘ W“ K ‘ J W“ 3? ‘ l “L " W ‘fr’ W I ‘ “«:;‘:‘€m" "J ‘7r*!v<“v;; "1 ""5? ‘ ‘ ‘arm ‘I ‘ 1' ~ ‘ ‘W ‘- '”‘ :1 L “ ‘ V? M ‘ J ‘Jr W’ ) ‘M 4 1 L ,¢:,_ 2) mg; ,; R 4‘ .4 ‘Y, A W ’ V A I -‘ “ ‘J A ibafuaam my pmceemfelml 4 Vfifiateinf me] V %3if 0WE’l?fi#ah M A 3%? _ wnrchiafw A o fl1:a’!Jt A A v _ gauges, 02. am» mm 92 nmw~Vo%f tijéem, ‘flmlt zgupon we exammawm mme,m.mt At¢$1mW’v%f A foam a'fu2+efam. V aagnntncnatmays, btva?m¢nf5?Wefb:¢t y W _, J .,3,; 1,}; ' ; .40 ,‘ ‘, ‘ ,1 fimmtfnnment :: fin if we in no tmtzinqmimn Eoi;itm~%2m as +mtnAt: ? stmzy A*bofe%%»e ¢ ‘ “WW wmfozv Matt) ma iWfm1,%» as fl-wag Wf “em fifmfit ;, % nnpmnm; fmn; mm %%1'WWfl1£W= am; {at 61:0 % L $m%5fWvtl3BaP*%f Arm. ~n¢tbom?uMi$v WM? Em A % ‘ wna%mmaun , eArm¢cyames»u€,z am at bar, ‘if em mam t an 0 nut Yliatiafie 5 aimthe “ %d*§gvp¢e«z::1‘mn 4 any Wmansfi ‘ W3 km W‘”*~%““” 11¢, A V %%n:zm;z tn £aib5fo , MwitDuut%31Fmnw m*£zrutt,jVmg_ngt [ A A {I343 * % netmmcmnw any tiJ%inmmtbm tI)f£%ct;bu"ft me ;w1m1emozA mam man: by ftzcbM19zt£onew~, A mftbiiteamw ozany¢jnatttiJm0f,%toml? Of ozat~mtmi;fc%afm a must ¢on%m;cm, “ ta%heAaccam11ten 319WCDfiY90;z%WWWmc$W A , [ heaiumen, mx:£be*cti)zn tn cauf¢Ate&&tmz’mt af mm %one1é4m&bicb was waup pm: in (an fiJm’v£$MilBz%¢n 0.: Mtfiiavv&rwt,v£puumamtiaflfiA I fl teceinen my) fuel) aazimnzv upon‘ mm A was 1Jt[’at1£¢‘m®2&tW; which fail: wane? , mm bat? as muchm;nzz,fl)aIlv~Z vain backupon tm ‘ fa“ Bf fi)£4®3&t2;V%CV0 WEB :¢tf0nAVf‘4,9Zsflfl7m”%5 % ‘ %~m1)of6”~f3ntece£tN qzwaatc AM! he fofmnhy % nmne pf this mt :anntf%tbz%%fain flungefi, A n2anrrtmec¢nz mm at them, (ball amt men A 1%zt£unev5%€0batsman? Wavfe ouwf%%zitw. am: cannot fi'nnzA%1Tufficient of ttmxd wartAm + raoapmyactsruct1ynueVmmany of smut, Vtbwaaau than caafefatisfactimz ta he mgem ta % tlJc%:t%enttnm(at; tjnife mat twp mm? mm * piilfmten) nut: nfwz mtate oftbewaailet mi fijcepemfi the wzifon gm am: than azm41n;fiP(m'V oznembeccuuta) ntfcobet mm nifpm the $5: amann iltmas of mtmnf tum fioalfiw m [ Emfillwetof 1mti7an,a*g film» tnigbt of tmmm zmiftmctfi , annmflict Ititiz puuiflymmz V fax ” % flfraubatmmilfuimnccalnzztntszaubiftmg % “ A mean: of aaziton, fnfficieut_$ to £atisfi¢z h=s ¢ A ¢=tchit;o2 0: ¢ teniwzs, W“ 113%? M11 4m%W“ % £aci§faction»out of we fiflatcsnf.1'ucb&pztfutI$ A finhfietfons, as vamgmentmfainmum; ~ Wtxner tnera.tn1mn femurs;tozmcmc 9 s ofatwucb W R tTfei5c anvflffmfenf cm; £ame,,au:ntoputa) 4 ~ vfug;%matensrebflmnomzcntoexaminc awn am %touciJins any facbmcuvitvafiny any mertm fitme Hf t%Mbcfain%V reafiuteti can % at oz 3 Aatgejngz1%pacaAg*g;;a§§*p% m z%amm:mt» £4 as 11) fab 4 % ;fifii!Je.%é¢Muuutx2vas:mzza% £am,%annAh2bvbimbifvo fifD2¢¢|7afD;¢ , I W” i¢?5.¢ DWWAV £f)aJ¢¢t;%a?¢1”I%ftic%b Cfltwmfifi WW1)W?%§1J¢¢t1§&tAafiP‘¢iIii¢b¢vé—« $2? v an ¢D¢~@ittD%DaPofJuly;flbrw tbourarm finAV§1Vmv-=$ inch fifty fiI1Dt1)z’Z¢,‘fl€t¢Dmb1’ name in m“: Iaibflubgcss as fniwftu%att~tncenm*a;mnpnm~ W w W” I W.‘ J" H ‘ Y~ V Q‘ ‘:N ‘ \ ‘ ‘I ‘N ; _ ‘ ‘- V iv’ $4‘ ,-R wj‘ ‘ , V 4 - “ ‘ ‘ ‘ Aw, ‘ w J - ‘ W‘; ,, (‘\ ', “ I ‘ N‘ ‘!,,7‘ .4‘ wt,’ « ‘ ‘ , - ‘W ‘ . V "* r» ‘ "" ‘ it ' W 3.‘.‘.;A ’ ; , {*1 é >'.“;' ~ tffPmf§U¢”‘9K.80fflD% \ _ "ref a ,M V‘ .‘ - . “ mama? 11¢ mm fe‘nf“?am!:D ‘M, ‘ ‘Q’ A ‘ ‘ ‘ “ "V ‘,‘~d,’,~~,v. ‘ « ‘ ~ ‘-, 3, ¢ . .: ‘ ,, v‘. A M: ‘r ‘ ' ‘ ‘ v ' , - ‘ ’ in \ , * L ‘ ‘ .. W" “ ‘ ‘ «'4 M” r ~'~ w. My "°§‘~“‘~‘* “‘+ ‘ '” V ‘'”‘~ ’~ _ ‘ WW,‘ ‘ N . ‘ ' u ‘ ‘ I i . \ ‘ M . A ftngyn cbamfn~n ‘ ‘. . ‘ -—‘ ‘ ' 2 ‘ma 1; H ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ _‘ H _) ; “ ‘ H ‘, J I ‘ ‘. ‘ . ‘ \v,‘ ‘ ,“ ‘ \\ se :, H V 1 ‘ ‘ \ V? W W W I ‘ " 2 > ‘\ ‘- I ‘ ‘ I . “ ‘ , , ' V v " ‘ wt‘ ' 3 ‘ J «U 1" v‘ 3,‘ ‘ “ “. ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘fl/,»‘, , E» “ “ ‘ ‘ W‘ .,“ :3? ~' “ A ‘‘;A “ " Jr :7}, ‘ft ' " “ ‘ " " “ ‘V ' ‘ i"1r"f r.,.ev‘~' 3 ‘H « u ‘ ‘v ‘ g ‘ ‘ g “ ‘ ‘ ” is V V ‘ ‘ __ < ‘ M _ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ’ V R ,@ , l V» 3 I x , .‘ Wm ‘ _A.v; , \ t ‘ WM :_ “' n ‘ V ‘ e ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ « r w. ‘ ‘ ‘ W n,’ ,‘ 4% 1‘ M ‘ " -. ‘ - ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ ‘ 3,“ ‘ ‘. H» f It” as A we my I‘ u' aplw "" “ K‘ , V “ A, ‘ M» M g = A ll ‘“ W moft Vi ‘ ' “ “ ‘ I)‘ . A "“ \ ‘ ‘ U: ‘V’ ‘ “ ‘1, s V 9 - r :y,_ V \ ‘ ‘ .1,” ‘M; W I ‘ ‘w’ “M M ‘ H “ 4,5. "3 ‘ ‘ , . ‘ ‘Dun “ m M » A 0 V‘ ‘ ‘ A.‘ “M <, “ m. ‘m _' .-“ ‘:“.,,‘ 3‘ _‘ ‘N 3, V.‘ m ‘ ‘~ ‘ r “ ‘ “‘ ‘. “ “ #5 ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ;.y‘ ‘ ‘ _ W ‘ R ~ ~ Iv». ‘ :‘- ). A‘ ‘ ‘v ‘ M ‘ ‘ .v H "” ‘ ' ‘ “ w ' "M “ ‘ « , ‘ r- “" ‘flz 4, , ‘ W? 2 .5 ‘ , -‘-3%,’ W» W‘ M «. ‘Iv ‘ "» “ . ‘““ mu wi of” in wet % 4%d5¢£Ile l¢nz¢.‘. A ‘Vaep%aa:af% M , 1 ‘ ‘ 0: “l. “ ‘ “ ' W ‘M V’ 51 Y“, ’ “ "" (R D", ' V‘ 1'‘ ‘v5 a ‘ f ‘A: “, ‘ * “ Jr ‘\ " V V?“ #1.’, ' a r ' ‘ '1 ' ml . F (J x ( ‘ ,~ V 1' . '9 his - ‘ q ‘ r - _ , X. ‘ , ‘ “ “ “T “ W A “ “ W,‘ k ’ up ‘ ‘ V “ ‘ ‘ ~ . J‘ “ V .m x . , ‘ ‘ ““ ‘ ‘ W‘ V‘ ‘ ~,w'A gm ' ‘ ‘ 5‘ ‘Q l,_ , “W1 v: up . “ W “ ‘ .1. I “J; , «H » “ gg, “ ‘H . x! xx, ; M ‘BR . x , ‘ ‘1 ‘ " ‘ :~ J ‘ “ ' L . ‘ , ‘ " ‘V5 ‘ « ‘vt ' “ r r- ‘ ‘ m. ‘ ‘ ‘ W ‘ “ ‘ .‘ ~ ’L "E1 ‘vgw '3 ,_“ C ‘ / ‘ I? ‘ ‘M‘ “V " '1 k h:’’‘“ “ I‘ M’ H‘; ‘Li WM“ ‘{ 1 V H V" “ ‘ ‘ ‘V: ‘ ‘ " ' ~,, ‘ . ‘ v;_-‘v I 3 “ QT‘ ‘ ’ “ ‘~ M V < ‘,2 :‘I.. ’ A‘ 1? \ 1.: '11‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ K ‘ V l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘:3 ‘ ‘ "W ‘,M v "4 " ~'a$- ‘*'~’i»;v"'” ~‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘M ' "" J *’ “‘ ‘ ““-Nu.‘ v ‘ ; w ‘ , ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ U ‘ M ‘ 1 ‘ ‘- ‘ " ‘ ‘ I A W ‘,‘\J‘_:A~. M; ‘k V ‘ _ x 3:. A4 Vi‘ $3 , r u‘ _ ‘ ‘I V (:36) Q1112 mamageztn acbpztronets, accozhiafitfi mattous avmmttonmenc, MJIEII is 2c1atcV uummfal ;If%tb¢Laam2#»92M& ties that ntgtectnztefute%*;fozt1)% i tbtamansw to amawcn nmratnmes, ozmw tum oz m02¢% 01‘ t!J¢"i.‘,%t*J9tt% . gumcaéwa oz any tbzctozmazeoftvzm «A mcebp almpenmen to£zi3¢%,4f¢4%l1%finbgbifvoffi my gate,diLzafz,:crana1x saw? vewsnfo 'nggm;1;(n%fio; fcffl5fiQ.d% £02 £138" fatizfaction 0!? }tnwattr tn:mamasarmefatns ai1D%*fiJiflI % ;T%aflD%"W3W°W?D“W$ Mfihfiw 939‘”?";°’9“F time to ‘MWA mtfuncv mftllill I139 T319! 931" ”’f0n£,02fifiP °WJ¢“‘A»“3“°31*‘“S“5.%‘§1-91’933“? % me: 0: mm of tlfimfllfill 1" W1‘ 3‘“°9°* meats ant: ¢onfcie,n¢¢5 thinkmK¢¢»fiW°%D*?‘§ ml the cmumrtmxces W utcacb particular cafe, %%t%ahmg tats that jtm mbm %he‘fa$%£fifl!f % .“ma9 um»: ann mum may . .IM‘fiP‘**:fi*h‘¢ Via) ’f1%W«%92ifUfl.A"# tb30nEu;tbW9V“»$‘“? % ‘ ‘ W L.‘ ‘ m«..:_,‘ \- iozeuamacror anvénhnnrm¢mJtto;4H3111! ‘fl)a1lan%b mflM1f0J¢“€m'01’9 €°j3“Pm°3“‘09W§° ~oz1~90l!Ecof a:ozt¢ctioAn.anr&I1!1ifi%1DzOhilmate 4 17 Tfllifflflfita mD°m‘DW‘a)a“fi“u3 901” "1 ‘ V anDD¢“t4 patrons, mum ‘ L”%.abe mu‘ $ ht is 1: A ‘ .4 * _.‘p$‘;.' “ ‘mm \rd,V William whiccbreaamknrywhiccbreaa, arqums. M ¢ a£bzM¢ountyo_fB.crks: LOé.'d~ei:, Richard_4Bi—gig7,} ]ohnDeax@1,%AM Francis Allen, »Wi1liaz1'iLitk_in, Chrifltoghcr Whitch- :mt,¢Ia6mcSH¢m4 % V Wflficnvm? 05300“: i 12.ob¢wAIdxi%dg¢,I-icnry Gouldfil/;i11iam«Hawkins5 chri%f’copher Eglecon,Wmiamfiill, 1t1cnryPAhi1‘rps, 3@hflD¢V¢’~'31;@fquW95'o 4‘, I % A A A A . me taunt? ann mmnoc Cambridge; mm A °fE1Y ‘A % A AT V%Ta1bVot ?eiS5 %FlranciSRu%fTc1; fifqs‘; Tho més Duckét, i4Dud1cy~_P0P=;4~HcnrY Pickcrihg5»vTri£;1-mm Di?-m3i14A.Fwran¢isUnderwobda ¢fifqiss W Vawe(:nuntvann%cAftyofChePc¢i % HtnryB[rooI:,ThamasstanclyaThoVmasMa%13wa3 .11; Thomas Brcwc A onathanw h A % ‘ A M &,'./:A-‘ ‘V «, I kl‘ ‘ 2., ‘,.,. ‘ "“- .., ‘ j M‘ ._ \ ‘ “V; q ‘J! “«V‘ 3 m“ . ‘ w ’ 5 v- «» NH‘ ‘in’! <,'« cu»-»' 3‘. er a w. “ ..L, ,.._.‘‘m. “ ‘ ‘ (I39) ~~ coflntp of “Cornwial % A i Andrew Trevil, John lxemail Jacob“ bgnsex; .Thomas Glin, Peter lCeely, Richard Carter; William i"u, 0 ¢r3 f { "'.‘i‘ 4 A 4 j A mg-e county of D6rIEt,~anDt§)zto1bn l A cmmtp DfCumbcrl§1.m;l l i LawhornDf_Pcrit:h. “azbecnuntp ofncxbyiz ‘A my Francis Butdct, [it Samuel SI¢ighjRnfgbtg5 james Abncy, Thomas Sanders,Na.thanac1 Hallows, Robert Mellon‘, Edward Manlovc, efqgs 4 mm countpot.’ Devon, am: cm: at Eton: ’ Jauhn Coplcflone, “John SctIe, y¢f{q}§; John Ham; John Cook. James Pqarcg-,Francis R0116, ma SSH-o&»e~s, mnas Ptnry the aims, William» Leigh,-%SiAlva—m~us% V43, jercg miahBL1ck,]o«hn4Dpm.cyd. 4 ‘ A M A £132 county mm om? 0f1H¢‘€f°Yd?A john. Paaztcléljmhn Fla%ck:e«c,A ‘Thomas Rawlins,Ri- chard N icholcts, Tilmmas Scaboum, John W/oodiatc, Hugh jenlgins. % A A V A A A _; we mumy asmmsoxa; am: inc’ ; fl-onv,n°f$t-Albvns: t Thmn a~syNichQ1s,d fitg; 1 1 « fl flbewunty 0% Huntington= Ma»ffl1,4Wi1Tiam Packér, Il"a:icP%u41l1cr, Richard Comb; AbrahamWr¢l»R¢b¢“5Btrmrcwidwlas Pvdlcyi %emss RobercgvinwnGrifisrhlm went. *" fllje pflflmy .l3fKcn%c,aflb17DMWP at Cantctbqry 47: ~ . . ‘ win ‘ ‘ Gl~ae»uc»cfi«er, a%~t.;mcitp arm4 A » §ip;Rig1*mdLucy2£BatwIrn2t; A1ban%Cox,]ohn fit: 7Mi¢hac1Liv¢1?:yVfiamnfla Jwhn Dixwel; _u up % Wiiliam James, Lar;1b::MArt 4GocI%fx%¢, John Parker, ~Char1$Bow1s, Francis Butchicr,*¢ ] ‘ °%,£mjc%m‘iu‘*t?T‘;Df«Lant%aPmr: V y ‘ . A M m m p fifqfl A " » ~ 3 .6: mg A g5V%i1,¢1c¢11¢, % . ‘ -v “ “ :--~~. \ l ‘ ‘ ,, ‘ W ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ -* In ‘,1 ‘ gr ‘ 1’ *1! “ _ .‘ ‘ ;‘ “ “ , W‘ 9 -5;. , :,M. ‘T , ‘W 3‘, ,. ""‘ MW g av wens; %JohnBa:l4t:arnn, .Nath;m21élCamficld, A Hmry Cole, Chzment §‘I1'etUr1,Thoma,s Steam, RichatAdA A Hutchinion, N«2:)2.‘h Hanks; ]j::i:»i%V:'11”I"facy , Thoznas A Hougflom VB _ Rohm; Wmd, 1'50 A W Ward S‘V7‘J:a.}10V€}'3 Mikthacl Pmdlcno-m, Rabat: Warcup, R0-~ bm: Haughtom, ffiatorge Pom“. A % @AW;';M? M Northampton: A Edcmrd Fm'mAcrflf Daintfy, William Ward of T €0f°nm£% or: 6“ Av: A. me mmiv M’ Nori~ngbam,anntbe* «aunt» of the aromxvofi Nom«gham= _ A A ‘ Plenty S~achcvcril,%AiflimiW§g,ht»m2m,eAWi1Iiam A “A” A A L:mdm:1,Tl*2om;:zs Lindley, hri&»ophcrWilfon,_[ohn AA Grzsgeary, Gragory fiilvcficr, ®éut‘.,, V A4 Afibrf mump nENm:£u11<,vav¢tljcdtitp mm A V msunwwfi” the ¢iwofNorwich»A= Eward "ohn~B‘rv3uwn. 6; Thosm“a"s~ TOIL Erie-A A . Wé.rdhW/mtfi, Rimhard Bm11u;,V%(E%mfi;fThom":Ls)nnwummc¢) yailtmt wm;m4ez%w mm mm after {ad} flan m mifgofitziou , mafia’ v %®h£tw&ateB*,“ In ‘finmrw in m w the‘/fifllartfz £23 £310 a; mrpmn, Vrwpcac mtm $u*::vwgw%tz-- fipmibewautboztawby tijigflmuz any time 132 mm 9? them, naming ¢&)ztt’me of tbmmu-.= wamp, two after, to {mu m mama tijmatn flutijmtm hp %wam1iamm; ~~wbi¢%) {am gummozaup tam m maze 0ft1)m1I.,&r¢1)£w:= hp ‘ympomzr an ‘I ta mm ,,%¢cpmtzw M 4 am amNtit;e%lmMatmc 0f%onc.Mmavts£a“he ajiom afmmudij %gz,€m.mz3 mm, fifiaimn fwzn Dfi 950 name iimf cmizn 6, &.n7MliJ1DtI¥ fifilt‘. A A mm my furtbm: mtactw,f~m;atfl)e£m $ umzs, ozmw vtljmwoztzzzzzz of tgamntzfpez » cmmy , %ma39 gamaup mam‘ £°nmw Encgbpm % A mum a5 Vlyzinpzifmtfog anAp“4 Ammywgjmzm tmpn1*mnpn4ntbem*; ¢l3z=[m’ away, A mamw tune a; nzqwf y...% ¢V%mJ » ‘ ; 4; ; gmpenz pbim nne%bafnzt’ W 4 arwmm W W fi2WW%¥°*99 wofVtbzfain;i A gss,%zVanvt1&¢c 1);; % A aim (:50) mate nranp .fucb.%pzt_1Tnuet :3 ca mmu‘:1mbs ject to the cttcitozs fmisfactiim , accnmingj V flab it ta VfattI)¢rm®%tmct.e;%D;A mm a11ma§ Tmilxtatians mrzcte W Vatm¢autt3n;z3m hp? £132: *mcc,%nmp¢%be mom ¢anm:a?am up mm mm % iflumgcg, nzanp time afdttjmz tcfmatmrzlp, ¢ %nponat1) (mbtcl;1®atb% we fail: ‘yungcs v; ‘ A V any ttjzzzc at them an hereby ‘Empomznw tn ¢ aBmA1’u£fiz::) flab that tijefaifi iiuzsgzs, oz, any tI)m$n2»%mnze attbemtetpewmip,may appoint a, cttmtk 3110‘... inaaffmec to atwm »tl)cntVVtn4tbcAflmaiccvafozzfatn, at1nAam1amc ~ t1)¢m%a monzrate %a:m% fitting momma fog s. ‘ their paz'ns,¢ to he % pain by fact) as am: he re; : mmn hp 4ncttuc at tljiii zlct¢%: am 1:1): mm Slunges, -nz%anptI)2ce uzmzm of tijmt, amof % «tl)e% £I@un,zprm‘fenny the Q are 0; mifpcnftttom af?fucI)4 gagifmwrfi Icaaatszg , mémclg they wait Vfqzlil oznifpiflzbzv bzttm: oftljfs .m¢,,A¢ (1)311 baht A A .TEt.£nmctAitI the imutm Azamarns that own Aflbatgcfi ,3I1h&tbz filjatgcs" ufitbz Afam mart: arm zifcngcn, eyccept unzip inLondcm,~% V W/c{?:&~ +minficr,Midoleiexa Surrey arm the mmaugv M Southwark ; 1'11 all fijtw 332113, fiabfi fiibvfl : 4penc%e tntbe1Bn11nD, &txh1:utno;c.4 , \ A WW1‘? 15 @m1C‘°“*e- ’£I1atth‘cfa%fi3 WKBEM‘; in: an? tbm ozmD2e%0ft1Jt:mA,flaa11i)8tWI10“tr, Anpotltbzwatb ofafimoozntoze cméiaia: wit: Q r:c8j5~.,tn beat a11nncm:x1Irnc anp£13;:tterA.of t1 co1np!at11tVagainfi ’a11TEucD%netfon£3Mflmll; A falflpfmeat ugpgzriuw %%t‘!):z:*z4t£c”1ne5inanymfz ’ —‘4iJwz§tzItit‘g cfnzz“t1)emw,a;s‘it1:136: [mm mm frIAt:i%;c:%nm2i: m 3fV$nfmV1na.tTiu:1;t1t . % ~anp4& nvf%Vi32£0w,a:m to mflictlfkc mmiflr , * ¢n;Ieu $Q n~1m;:'s ctmaxico4mm:uem fimzzu an-:~ % 23-: 8- W % m D 99% 9 % BRIE}: 1 (151) bnnbzwfifw sun font, arm my longer; isztmmw nebevtbelefs, am it tsbetehy ma: A acten, fibat all mcqumzances, am: silntbec lawful Zzbifcijatgcs mane really annmitnont fcmw, by my aszifonzr fax any mm mm ts A may pztfomt: hefazetbz psfsing of tbismcs, man mnam of Ithzfozceann meet in mm, as if this act ban nut been mane. " man it is snacten, ms: this :scta;az1e;:- V mm unto the 5C0l1Jn0fBerwick upon Tweed ; A A fifliltbflt [IVW/illiam Selby iknigbt, ]ohnMayrc A fifq; John Sleigh an]: Thomas Watfovn, fl[Dc‘£t17i£Ii" of the [sin itomn, am: Ralphsalkcld MCI; Wall he sommifstoncts fa: we tam aroma ; mm tbsp 0; any tune of tbstn,tl)a11t)abs full names so put in mention within the {sin mum , all sun every the asomecs arm zmcnoztctcs in this 24¢: contaiupn, in as full am: ample ms~—- . new to allfmntsanvvuvvofts» as tbz¢om—~ mtféioncts abobzmamenfazsanvoftycsssnunw ticsmitbtn England MW/a1es,map oz uugbssm nomnpfozmcc mm, 9%tatut¢,€1I1tagcoz ms W {tom to the contcatv uotmttbtranniug. A , Wedneflaytbe 5‘“ofOétober,I6§;. * Rdered by the ParIiament,That this Ad} A ._..... A--— ...._.,,. r...........-. ‘_‘ s, s be fordhlwithprintsdandspubliihedss s ~ ‘A A