;S tr hu 9 '1nEngland,Scetl¢m~d and Ireland, with pbc [ A 4“Tran—i‘aA6‘ti0ns MA Votiher ,Nations.4 4 FrmThAurfday”2;; /fugttji mThurAf~; “ daythcgo afflpsgzg/$4555. A ;_EAntAreAdw intoth¢‘R.4eg»if’tc1‘%%oak, according A 4 — x gto I:h¢AA& for R IANTI N G. u~,A’”‘ ' 7 “ ... rm.” Am,’ ..,A ‘ Av “M ' ' ‘A _.'.' ‘AL ."‘~-‘ ‘ A 1 Av‘ A . A"" 9 . "‘ ‘m ‘ ‘ A‘ H. ¢ A . ‘ A I ‘ [A _; . . ‘_ ‘r‘''‘\‘ I W. A ‘A ‘ _ V .A . .4 V: " I , ,1 I 1., ‘j r A I *4‘ W 4 " Mmct .r 19;:-imea London for mm mwy¢n%awe1A:inAg , A in Smithfi¢1d‘ncarHofier Lanc.1655. ....,... I M VV V >( A .Begi-mzingpu Ai?‘biarfda} 2 ;.Augu'[¥. A A A “ xAheAfub&aT’rac¢ cime :; A A ., ‘ '~ » %' ' % fW¢:AI»€;Kt€=Vri*» F fl A A 3 Av‘, TVE-AFFIJE S2? A = appointment «if £13: Lord: APro2:m9cQAr: A X‘ "" Afcntbsf mm:fi"a~ M £>W:buzwhat:Q1a’2 ; Abec{&1~bfcr~A£bwdAE)y him Highnmfien tar A - _ A ; ?§3AscI};§3ra1ia‘~t3tf4"A££wAAxAmy:,g,$g;mewr3% A .0? f ‘ VA V , VA 7 V’ %”?$$,.%A5dmJAfa1AAt¥ '«mdANavy» or ofweflrmya%Gmem1sAaofnfiheV4 AAy13F§§¢fii¥~;f*P?**th#%V.AmbW€lwrs 0Arfigen1zsjAmf&mhiA$ Sam» M A{p_t§iaI1A%afi‘2ir.rB¢:f M fiigbgafi, AA «AA AA i ‘ A A%~A;.3;A1m 5; A araaéatxumara rod,zc§&e¢1:;;&‘AAéi£r§ea:*r:5maggegja Rage, and: the Poa:unmmm:1 ‘at hduxjin 5amger,[LAa.nd.A% . 3& I every Raft keep a fan: brook to enter that Pacquem: %A A in*,,withthc§hourA they came to his hands,an.d keep mo tea-~ 7 th¢14Ar)¢V4ESa.ggs lined with Cotton Bayesto c:%rryAvthe P1;;:queta ; %imTand born: to found on the my cycry foutMiIc§, _Aand%vf'o \ vofscn as they meet companies 4. That thejIaid4Pofl:s injoy vthcirforinez? they % and theirfervints to be éxemptcdfrem an Summons, PrAcfl:a, and per{onall% attendan:¢g% at;=AffizcsA,~%Scffions, and Inqucfhv. sfhat they tho: {aid Pofis atizhcir feverwall Stages carry out andin three timgs every we-ek,~whaAt fh:lI»pafi'et”o and fro the ” ?Lq_ttc:% Ofiice athndim, fr¢cAwi%:hc1_ut;charge, and to be rcg4dy,% A fotha: the malcmaj an no'AtimeA‘bAn deuincé at one place 1-: A‘ bow: half aqua;-ter of anj?h!ou~r,and cogrim with i: five Miles an hour in W inter, and %S¢vAe:frA:in% Summer; And be: £111! {hall um AIoAd-gr, to lofchis pl;ce,a;n4d mcnter the timeout Label-V V T 6 Thlccvery dfclive;A~t!‘1;:Lc12tcrs% f'c:n:€.% 10 A thim from A A the Elfice, and raeeiw many taxed on’7the~ Letters, j gi.v1Aea£:countAfo: tht monicsthcy receive cveryfthrefi Mfimhs, % Aiagzd {em up no Lmdamd all Letters‘ brought Am t hcm,Aand%no: i_I:cA¢:¢iIre}rI$oni¢s fof"InyELettcrs paidAat\%Lmdm,A A AA A +7; 'I';H§t%¢vcry +Po'&- maflerkgcpa Leziiger--_hoAak,* turn-tuf the States A c ruct§ in, with the nam§Aof the Poi’: that brings \ gpcm, a1nd4;héAA our they ‘firfl came; {ex Athéin hands, with th¢A A A » name ta whom they’ aredirefiédg and» the time 1%-oficccpxiaon. Vcabcc wjxitA»onA : Label, ind noton chi;-:L.AI.cm:Ars; A ‘ A For batter fectlrity and A cx»pc'dition Iheteib; I}oAbfi'%E5u; e~“ - lfifquite Scatctary otsme, ism héatcfthe lolecgrc aid‘ Achnrgg oflthe Acarriagc of A all Pacquztuud L:ttt:rt;Vb1bth%Eror:aign and In-lmd,eAxcc' t;(tmihAaz at;-A {cnt“Aby%ca2I:mon. €’artiers, to: AA A Waggonvrsa W pvrpotcaor bvferrantswd friwdis orb! fuck a a 4 :V=fi'¢1= PAacw=~Bmtn~V%wr~ PQ‘¢1yimP‘°Y€d; toeaxrydfietterv » fox all ¥=I$h4ar=1%AA%AA2rW 4 _1'orbiddenandAAp::ohibit.cd~. . A A 4 AA A A A %A 4 : Thofeorkraaforcgging low as ffiéfleesé 9.; nun;-v ‘ =rcFortfi¢P?I¢1ié=»th¢l3 mart-1» ‘EMS 5§EAA“‘°'°”'*% A h 'F3‘99§)‘ \' . ...- -...,_,,,,_ .. A ‘ATfia'EA“the fiandiug1?o&sA iii theirrefpcficivc 3Sm"gee; irfifi Ah h7v}}&iAc5;fufiici¢nt m1ti1ber~ of Poff horfes, withihhfurnitnra-,a13dA A xsaoxhers so borfc‘anyAhperfon(w‘ithh hem and guide. or othcré AA wif: in§Pofi) without the confenhmf the; Pofl %::.i1aPcer ofwthc ‘war, and upon mag: of Ambafladors; ot‘other cxtraordinau‘ 2 %rhyhocca’fio_n;_Thc hConftalble Offlthe plahcc with the aid ofthe V hphiehfhhhmagiffrate, being rcquircd“ in his Highneife namjg’-, hfixisfied the: hire, not ride further then the mxt Rage. with-‘. A M oumhc Cofnffcm: "of the Pofl, noriload myhozfe with other bundm eibovegel. without wnfent AOf'thAch Pol‘t4inaffer of V hthéplacca A And an fuck {ISA difobey»~th'efe Orders ,% A upon ' hconuplhainz to the ncxchMagi&mAtc,hh%h thé party ism bee Raid makq~hfa:isfh1&ion5 Afiéhhhtif wvfihhclvkm-no; A ’puhnifi1m[enI;§ ‘thhheifidcrctary ifiif ‘$t‘atehhis‘toAA fend for the party A to anfwchrhhis contempt : “And all pcfiona are required faith: they may bee had or hired. H 2 That all bafladors upéu their Princcs aflairs, an ; all others riding with horn or guicfgto chhangéiehcir horfela only at the P0850: h withkheir confemmshaking for. ”ca’ch hor|'c_th1f€C pence; a‘ Mikg ‘befides the 311id¢~gronr. A A 4 ' 1 A 3 hThuAnhohman ride away thchhurfc befotehc have fully T211131 and diligently to txedure chefs and all futih fm;chcrI1;- _firhu&icms,A asflaall from. rim; :9 Acimt‘ be givevmoxhcm by shchhsectcnaryofsrace.” ‘ A A A A ‘ g Amsdayz;AiaHighaefl‘m1¢ Lara Pzoceem and the cams: gen met in pti§m‘e,andhkAept a day of humiIiacionVand_‘Pray- A h‘eh°;;;l1ntq% Alhmi‘ghIyhGdd in A behalf Aofhhthis Cdmmon-Wejlth; ané forjtzhc giod {uccdfchof the affairs thereof,‘ ‘and am ‘Quid(*~uvouIdAhnemova%V:heJudgcmemof the :hcnApr:,-fem: rain; "ivherebythhc ‘Corn would bu much fpaflcd hhupomhAa‘ ground. in cafathe%LorddidVhf;not {end fame ,dr"‘y Wcathcr that Harfvcft A A hfightfbfifi gpszcmina Asalfohco rcmcmbcr befare the ALotd,. A A ht!!! fionditionhof pur‘*Forces~ghnd‘hfNavies MA Sea, A Mr. Thr- ’"VAifiu,G¥bbdwi1§:]handVMr;Cir}!bxercifffl with them , and his , hhma ss13sL!:s§P£2ss:&o£-é scmvgyza sa:g1a.rv=ns _,,,, 59.913! Anna fhalffupply htheh Pofii with l17r:frle5,Mai:v.d with flimiturc where A Fofaignexs geing beyond %FShcas; and h.ma..~. ‘V av%om~4:wo hourashlmfclf xii: ‘Duty, and xcis fa::dV:h«auh§ : AI4ord'di‘d much drawout his ‘he_Mar::4 to {peak with ¢xcg1.1En§. gtilargenxent. A \ AA if % V ' L_i'fla‘f-1’ri{av1!e‘r:tbatm‘e%fécuredin #536701-of Worctfierg‘ A ‘slrzlalpb Cla.r£"o%fAthV;€:VCoun‘ty Qf Qxafh H ~ % :; % Collonel sammzz Sqnd; é.jGent1eman af the Cumy ogwg E: sirgmge VWintér%of5}:hc Ccmnty: of Worsefiéff j V % cexm. A Major Wi1d;.3.(?scntlemanVof1:.he Cofinty of4W%.rcefleg;_4 ~ = Ca‘pga‘i‘n /klilémay Pop: nfthe County of (‘}‘:cor:'.% Cap%'._,,.5’¢;mgge ofzhe “County bf I/;Varc:]?ejr..¢ ¢ “”€2%pr.%‘I’e:2Vofcht2 Cnancy inf I/I‘/'&rceji‘ier,‘ A N ~43 Edw. Sbeldan E{e11éx‘ireof:he;(3oa;.‘n=:3r bf om: ‘ ’ Cap. Wifirnm Sbeldafl of the County of Worctfléri Mr.4Pm’an:aA%"Gem1r.:man cxfiiféthe CountyAo*f‘0xWwz. A Mr;4D:E:er[an an Efqtfire oftbe. Ceariiy (SE 0xoj;." % Mr. 015nm; a Gentlewman tafthwc C“o11nty%iofJWa:‘c;'efler; ’ A Mpfdw. 8arr;'fz~a‘ GeVn;.letH§!1‘of ghe County V if V Warcefieyég Mr~.Homw¢flA’aGen?-rkmfin’t4h¢~CDuntyA0fWamflere Q A A pr:&q;m.%%Auggm ~ 5 fateaiwhiwmlls Sam? things W¢*¢‘d°*3¢ about:he* §ffair,;,f ‘ t‘hA¢ ‘Navy; I €: ‘i5 Mthougbn than there: will bee fud-A-J d¢3h1i3?h%nbthcrAF1eeaalfo. ‘V A V Tfictc“h&ve4 lately f0me% !1‘0f1V1“"e‘s4 faflcn dawn ‘its; ‘y%th£r¢:é" pIMaces’%aboun4L9ndon,A.$ Que place waincer Dmr; Lane, when! gf94l:i¢~uvfe fe11down.and hurt W bodysv ‘a fcrmd wa:sAAnee.p ,% .S?iz§§g}3fi¢Yd5M%Wbére al%fo&Ant>%h[eVv%wcre“hLirtg one“nianfwaslhcn at Dihncr iii h;sA%1mur¢vmchwaseneoschem tba*c:Vwfel1dowfi§ yettibad nolfiagcj as H his pm-ion ;i.;and the %third°"Wh sh néer 7 'Ldng 9 A ;:g,VAA‘w§exc it i¢s;£aimx’m: ozngee chi1dren_arcAAh4urr4% if gang , ATi§¢ %Corhmifiibrimd for ,Pr0I2agatin“s"%¢ *0? W? fiofgpcll 32% .z;»na‘hmmc‘rn:t4A%4CooPers*hall. ‘by ‘ " "‘ ‘ .‘.”.""* W **‘,w ‘, : 1;:%4$ cm 5’? 9':--« .; .. 5‘ "u. ». ‘ % V. % x sb%e."*wu 2%?! A? "HIS. (lay his Highneif: the Lord Prote&or‘andthé%Coun§» WA 25¢ lloTrdA P:ar: &ot%' Gotmcélls 4 aAI!€% 1 mfihg*kéw:¥a§c%fiufi@»¢fi‘e$m i%A?€v:#v¢d %:hé¥é§‘afud1ga"%?éf<$£ai#§e {cued meramé, Ted;gFymjt:hi§AfoAlIo»wingpaperto bee pkx A e M 6vmmW:err%vf W CvrPv*arfanfvr’W:‘1W?1§»i%r?b*?L5f% we ‘éafpell ii: NAew- England. A A _ ThAgACx3rporation (apppinted by A&w the rhon‘ies colleéfedare difpofcd 5?, may, :"iAfAtheyAp1eafe) A repair :07 Coopers Hall in Londm. *5a5A‘§=¢vh=Vé%5’3m% Aany tyrdaygx bétween’ the hours ofnine and A~%twe1vc in th'"éA A foreneon, where the {ai-d Corporation meet; A L A‘ ' * .S' .mArda§y as %A72Wg:A¢§:'7.. M Tfiis day in themotning his H%ighncf_I'c the LerdProfi{&dn A went from‘1;. Wifltkzm Fczbwickj, with. A~abOveAA2o»o AA Horlemen, and there’ ‘aphid cntertainj .A .. A %u‘<;5IVcI'%\y was 1 r2finy A :h¢whole9 _day and nighzbc£ore,A that zhcre was no FerryAingAQvcrV A t~AhAA.e River offima 10 that the ].u5g©s cagnaon Athe A AS0utAhAfid€‘*’:0f”»A§¢‘Riverasfar asathe Waterswo1fld- permitAthéAm, and than mokrielrry :a.Andcame’t.o New-» V D ’ 1 ><;a&Ié,bywat€r= which Wasa dangerous a=tempr»m!= " A~A:At3§y had noAt:.be¢n a&iv¢Aa‘ud valourousfientletneng ° ] Athcy would not have advcnftured their lives, 1 foAmuch~ AA A . fOr%t%be good 0f 0nt ountry andw» Atl3éi1;4e+ée1*lafl%ingA II A Hpnqur and Arcpmauong, shay prefemng our Gotmg, Agrxesmterefimuch.“ ’ .15 .:v_~I9.9!é. Ms gsserm pr9i§§§2Za!‘é§ mgezsarrr Wm “ mun’ «-237 A ’*‘th.«a‘=& nvotcomethat day, yet»nevérchcleflhatMhe AShcr1fif abcut; H three of the" %C§0ckAA( :.Ahz1c¢veniMng>)did 1wit!=1 alifibis frienAdaA:ida‘% A aboutA»thrce4Mi1és to meet‘ the fadgcagand vicwia“gAAVthec0m3séfl ‘ trey7a%nd wattA_rs, fcundfll Imp»; fiibl:eto“% bc%ridd£n»,A; rcVturm°:d %back%%ha'vi4r:ghaci néevcr éREgizr_reat*e§.hor£e with!-fim, befidcs. A ghgfililitia TroqVp;whicb‘4 wen: aw mjlc %c>;m:w¢ ‘farwardcgwhich ifthey had met the judges and condaufiedlghem to the town, jgzhere ‘\_1if:ota§d,uiimrAe4 A 1:gA¢er.1 Ache gmratefi - number Agof AV Gentry than H3thbé}éh.this mgedn%:y yeah; with I Shcrifflégllhisfr'ien%dsV'bo:h V in the Co;x§nA:ry%ax:%d Town having diIA1ed,did accompany him” A forth, which did Aihnw ch?VcirAVAre%{péé%Aand ;kin“dnefl”e1d1Amch;di— 1, ~'vcrs% ~Gen;Icmen n¢oAt~*Ab:iz3gA;.l7tl¥¢AreA?.’ tltemfelmmg didAA,,fmd‘i1:I1‘e‘frA‘ AASewan.ArS with;%1ixt%eri=eAs; ab.outAfix :1 Cldckmc Judges came by waccrto thc'Mayors, and Iandxd thcrcf; prefently m:‘m'cc%’ was AA _g1ivcn%totheShc:ifF,Wh0 midi his add re%fi‘ecothem, after‘ % falutacion, aini congram!Aa:ingAtheir{afc arrAiva}*l, he retutg % Ancd km.-kAml:.«:s 4A1p;ig2ng5~che judges ‘\ifter’ali£%tl‘cAr‘cpofs: beg- mg togacqV undthcre 1-cadAAxh§eir *1ni3fljim,,;A2‘rid {ts the7*=*Cotmty ]th’é?? :11’ tha Shm’&7mecAthcm with {mind of Trumpets & his Pridbds, A having rgadmxir Calmmifliafn with candle light, »thcAy¢ wAere% %~AwithA:heAA$herAifi‘gmd divers oftbe Ju1%icescor;1dt3é7t¢dtoci2cir: 3 lodginge,é:Anéi fa allpartcd. A “ V A W = ; Wgdnqfday Wasaa2..1faiu day,?mg.afl: AAp3:1't—¢-‘of th¢Aday;~tAbe Judges “having tfiedkaybcfere 1e%fc["their fumpAtm's,%.AcouId n0!:"go% aw-A broad, it”v9‘as%‘aboua* two ~oe»:1mc+1ock before they"wcm~to M ,%,4b”einVg acco¢mpanicd with the Sherifif-an‘dA-Maybr & ral his ABl‘€tht"€r!? %toAVChurch; where Mn.Cd!e.» pneac;&1ed;%AA£:;;4AASer. A monludgx‘: Stegi*‘we%nt Wit!) the» §h¢fiAfE no Athfi Hafl, and Judge ParI;erwithA:he MayoroFcheTA0wa~ %«Thisday being 7?2~rfday%hath been afair dayfidgc Star!-8aV¢ 4¢xc€11¢nt ¢hAafgc,4!3§AId0,~A¥¢r§1JIbefacve A 1mAgaxve_A;abuna~nce ‘?ff9~AA£1$f%?514A%0¥?A§E0‘;%,11A~;P3F¥i¢5;@1i<3$5 4fpecial1y in th15%0i1€ part1cular~%w¥1tch:IAd9menfawr,» that upanTchmAge ofGbvérd ensagthere wverenm % -we‘-u fl t K (4961 L ‘A Feta”: Govcmmtn-t ; Nations would bee brougfiintb can fax fion,if every man were left to theirV°o,wtt ]odgetr;eot“; and a&7e&ioe: to any party. r r T isi t1ewIy_ come into the Downs, ttrho hath lately beer; to Convey Mrrfioltto Hamghreugbg who is gone Agent from his Highnefletthe Lord Préoteélor tothe‘ King of Sweden And by the way had _ie2ncic<;i* Lbme other pa-{ans of honour in Hofland, and phfliang fromthextce towards Hmhougb by the way upon the Seas, they wen taken Did: I Cc‘ ’ ' fiorm ' of wind and Rain, and were]: fut danger ee caft a.- way, and that efpccially in the nighttime, it bcitTg_txceed- ing dark in the middefl of all the aorta, infomuclt that they 1 The Eiizsebetb an Englifil Frygot one of the ‘Btates . we-rcttconflrained.to throw fame of their Gumaea and one ~ of their Anchors overhwoard, and fame other Lnggadge; But ttuflzing in God they were prcferved , and ‘by a little Veifclt Mr.Ralt“and this Gentleman with him had paflarge out ofthe Elizaéetb Frygot {afe to tfleeebreugb. at which time the Ftygot was in ‘ {otne danger, bzytreafoa of Sands about the hole yvherefhec was; But by Godshltfliog on their carctand cndeavouts,.they got outrargaien, and are re; turned (afe back agxinyto the Downs. T e Mt.Ralt leaded at Hambrougb the II infl;a'nt, and [staid there four dates; and on the Lorc§saDay fir; de la March‘ (the Minéfier that is gonewith Mr..Ralt) preached to the Congregation there, trad on the 1; they went from thence on their way towards the King of Stvedezi, where he: is with his Forces in Poland. T t Tetefday 28 Aegufi. L His day the Lord Proteétor jrettumed from Ham 9 Court to Whitehalyand his Highoeffe and the Court- celi fate; And there is a large progreife maldein t'fiEht;*fi* 1-teffe of fading the redticement ofthe Forces of this Comg: mon-wealth, and For eafing the people of~Taxes. , The Right Honourable the Lot-do Mayor ofthe City of ‘ Lander: with others , were this day with hie Hi’ghnei{E*: the Eprd Protefior, and had conference with his Highnefleo 26 S f Thefé ifient wérh E:2;Za?za’§ Bu; Eisffi-:g,e;;, ézm §_,itL:~a.sie:n.a11s:3W¢c;i@Fo E‘ aoabtleffe ther'e' ‘mu“% Frame: [a-i :md 53,: d (BE m LTSJES 3 ft 3 % Y‘: 0 £ — h m E312 s azgimszm ofczzrigssan fiaiag, Qffiaers. En... g-mist, E‘;/V0 Sau§di;:r3, andfive :&$«§ghfrQfoiiow. imgfbfiy mask: 3 ‘fziH§;, but W‘:-fa": again‘ 9;;kThfi flzicfa they did make at mama (1.-zn cm bath (idea, but they were bseatea-1 ;1;nto's;=e.>:iia: very thjy i_"aiii§dV%out Q again, 923 had farcAy tnen fls.i:'10:5n szheir part, and ogfly Le1ig§=m of ours; At high: the be{ir:dg?:d m3d:greacfi*.es3 wlaichAm;nA ti:1uad._moPc part of the nighmo gem? notice to the Goveraout ef /M31332, that ifi"o, b-;:e death ixmsnd to rélicvas muft cocm with all fpeed, by reafisn that they arena: ccmdition to hiizld out; The Laird D;:puty Fleezwoed of Ireland ‘iscoming eve;-cg his Higgimefle the Lord P‘r<3%:eé‘tor; And lflllingfard %\[c:u:é a9-_ gainfl: Wo§tef)m‘l,a%djoyn*iiag to jgmefés Patk,{is ‘prwaring for kc Ia as chought:iaa£%there’wiI1Bee Qaficxvcmeurs paintéd for each 053116; Councie§iAL1AEngl.wzd. K ‘ There are agiégk this week d.ivc-zrs L€€i'E:tS from fevearail Counties Ea Erzglimd, where aha Afliz imvcs b»,—::e:a k:2p:, which advercife that .<3;*lmy ofdm Prifmzers are farLmurd[er. T§<.*;ere hath bscnamm?m1r> chef}: twaL or thrae dayes, of a ~a.t the pr2z:ofli’u; 4:200!-ildea, and 1 9 1Zlepbant:Tceah,wh§ch arein Iflzip aken» prize, ma to Buttolpb: Whsrf; And aha: theiip dnxbony of Déep, of abéut so Ttms %u.:d’en, brought to the Arnfitag: tobce (old, with her Tagkie? Lap-L partial, and furniture. A i _ By the Eufl-Isedia Campaign came of fakzsat the Eaff-I3¢ei£ahm1i%§i3L :Lobe=f= hemcm % I: Fffiidaytha led’: day of Augaffiat twaflf aha Clackm the af£em:eon;afthe{§.* Gammodities fd11o%w§ng. (zxizsq Indies Skina Mimi. f I:>k:iixc{)’S%.air:s,, Silk. Imiicc, Tafiéties. Camfioes, Qihts. Smgzar, . Cardamesa ‘Sa§=tvPeter; Péppcro C®§:gm Yam flag C amm§fl?9aqersfar4A apperals and regufaztirég af tbs Exaifa; L Efifiexads Ihazthe Commifligners eff the E.~KC§{C3 d*:: * fgmhwith pxfié as a ru1e,thaI: their Oficm do take cam that no goods Ema Lakm up in the Port of Landm, :33‘ any tha =P§.§rts in Englaszd or Wale:,without due et1:ryLbr fie made £>f~:*he {everi fpecies, fiyfifmentsa kinds, qu&mi?£ieLs sad qzuaiities» «offue CQ;é:1maai:iss according ]to &he\fev:r§51 Afisfiordi‘ Lnancas and Orders of Paxliamena, grad Cef his Highrscffs the Lqzé Protefiorawith the adeicfi of his Councfiil mg. 14’. Ka$e‘r§§a ‘ \ L .L L _‘ 3 L L LL A; Bainjfi LL LL A Ijifi o»fCaptaL§Ges 9% the fliiiigia’ far fevsrail , Efizglmdgfo far as for thépreffiilt I can get in for all f eded. L * ..§ 3-... .._,...% L ., j* * B*df6*rdfh:‘r: Captain Wag éiérkfhze Qaptéiné Zizerlgwge z49oAsA2% rAa214:a"gm:.;»;re co1:onaArzeemm, A:€”be]bire Collonel Crsxtaaz; cnayadge/berg coxlomx cag'em£.‘ Gtggnfiérland‘ sue mt/ma Lawfiam A lV!mfb4m«Capa§ine Gawer; I:..“."“ K ~ DqAr[¢rt[binC:pcain"D£c. flfavan/Eire Maiorsandx,Q::§:a&néH.ztfe§.1Ii§}$irA3:)!» Cap: A pleflmz high Sheriffi A A A A A be-Arby/?as‘reCaPa3inRobdw-A %_ «ifijfexsir ‘Tlsamax Hwzirmd and Mam‘ Templa. ;AA%52aceflarj?:ire.Captain Crofri. V; ¢ Aflzgmpféire Gapuzain Papas. A ’lmfard/bite CAolX_on¢1l ;Hmford/Mr: M‘aj%orA1{,g gen. I ¢l;‘EIamp/?a:'rc Capmin Dmcb and Captain Finn ax; AKmtCAap:aiz*; Bream. . AA A A A A A ‘..La5e2c'n'j5a"re Colloncl A Irelmzd and Captain Ri.cb.mi x4j72!cW> Nortbam_vtm.1mire Cmiloncli Brae/W. A I A ANaltingiJamfl9ir: VC01AI0m‘lC7Iud.~ % ‘ Norfolk‘ 00%.. firming Col. Garden, an&i7a!m€7- A N ortbuAm%berlAand Capt. 0;/c;A A X.S'ufl2:1»QA Col. Fatbergil,_an‘dAMajor $p:m’am+ A VSarreyMa}or~cv1'ud1ey. " < AA ASam»zcr]étf/zire Col. Garge. V, A . A AWM/hire Major Imdfaw and Cap£ain%AH#rgwy’ ' V 3l’bAr1§flJirAeAt*heALmid Evm. A ” A CQurcMarf11a‘llwas appoiniefil toAb§c40fiV }t’he.*mAori'owt, and {eve-rail ASm',zIdAim A of the Army to ' bxc Atryed tAn‘pon fcveml . flxifdfimeanern A A A% g A Thafickrmflirisvery hat in 131774/f¢rd%am,V£ryAAma:1y~% dyipg ”éveryWc?e%k uf the VP1agué:, informzch achm: fcveral Families am A Arenzovadimaoz;h»:rpluces, and divers of them are com¢,AAi£1;- A ,tcp %Englm§d, and many of them AAhavat"ak-an uplordgingfa abnmt Agzhe City ofLandozzA.A.A~ ~ A * * % l A‘ ~ A mom General! ~P—ams FAIeét,” and icheAAi«=orc“es‘VvAat $43 aAveé¢e£.e £13.? iti§ that the? A 5i“1aveaw:i’a5rmy cm:-e in A Lh‘2bveE1‘fis2e£aand 04 the: miicri;e.&hadvcbeen~dcfixQyedA.J ’1‘heyhavewV ripped 4 . QP women with child:-, lFag wagers who couldfbe mofl exaélt iii cutting%off'an Indians head}, or cut him afun-ft A dexflin themidi’: 5% rake.Infan_$ts from their mothers" % bre?afl:sA and dafhout thexrbralns, and drawn’ others with tearixig 5 hang’d iome;butnd“othe*rs;:1J:_C fame of‘ t11eirq4.hansi4s a%1mofl4 Q3‘; ‘_ and haf1g‘%i11g"by alittle, baclfl "the %%:o%g;-aximf ;t~11ofeLemrrs% 1;o the1Lr Cttzzsumzty men‘. Broykadthe Nobles and Com~mande1*s e«n4Grxd*Imns", 1 A fiappirig t.hfei«r monthétii?1l~~thcy«»d y.cd“5 *xzvorryedj»the”mV ¢ ‘~.~mh *. ‘aims flute t»heyhaxze beenA f3£rt1ecI"_the”rc“§, %-th16Y%h‘[5VZe% Y¥wi1?r$%%‘€V€ra1‘iffl€5&€é<‘3UC€dE“%1ifl1%fbiPs "tqcbmein%"”‘a4nd'%'frad%e'% with them (Qf .Wh;icl1 tkhereis «z‘:7z§k%.:‘?F‘*:£i‘ am ha:m9;0ttf4n%ten11 V lipaigtheir ihipg é;j1dVg90ds5LF0rAwhichffaéié k... ‘ A V A 0 ‘A bft'heir§ Eeftainly A; AAE1aat1v2r§1’%;1:%:AA,t%A611tro17eriy mwitfi» A A “them 5 The “EzL§g§iih=% art? in a% %‘be£temn&itii3 theirwowxn fecmfrity “a:md fupplyfihen A if they §1‘aédV44been inLAr£!;{/paziaia!a,i013%ly "fthat had been vmolfe >lavp;3Vgrab1*c5: A GQAds%0wn way hem “ Wior swgwivks Pieetwas Alaflz wee wfthem. ‘ I ‘4’I“here dayly Ais%b1jcm~ght4inmore*ALmm1ies (3o:11~@rz5’mc time toVcrani}~ % 'iageA;:"’A And,‘ bsrfidmr, icis a I{u‘hoped,%tAhac% thofe Pmtefianps. have b%ett6r Tégma gAram:Aed th$«e’m rI1§cflAE;E10fe,'f0r my arm ve- 7% ryAI;ar?r%%y‘onMoVn thr:"%‘PruEtefian"t p:zx*t; af1d‘Vd{"k:>m: beyvlzfie Duke A of%samycnIy w§th%t%AhAeAAAmbafl"a:‘dor ofjthe Ftencyhfiing, and the Dutcheflk his ‘M%ocher_, cxcltxdixag this Pr%otefl;nc' A Sxéyitzer Deputiyesi whu are rm fowy mL1.Ach4AAaAsAAA rza'cziti~¢nAcciin«i;3%A S01 t.=hlac%I% knmv new whether A that wm “ gteemenVt,A$ Afar the ‘7Piro%{¢:fi{am‘s; are to‘e;mkity tl=v¢i1:‘="‘b”c*PtA VLandsVA?% onlytwfl yffitgs and in t_hatA A’tim¢A% f°AVgct%da%Chapmnt0AA M1" mama or c1£c»cAhe."DL;tphe;HéA t,obu,y thgmg and thcywthen to mmave a~ndfLiAv~m3:n a:hmA—A.fid¢A» gha x2&AIa::t:A5~,:IA”r3. :’\awmfi;>A1:l1:O‘ ;¢:hilAAd?: A "““‘7"~T'?‘*‘f7'1’9-!’§5"~’i‘3* iv 7 g...‘ - A A Wedntafé» Fwga mA;uW£ar¢¢ar 233$ aEt‘Lgi‘ie‘gio%1jx}‘again£’c his . . W¢4nef4a729~ Avgfifii Tflis day‘ the Connect fate; feveral -perform -are “aippge;;..~ % hefidcd aboutthe_(caAAtzda.E’ous qumcs that: were A.{¢Aam,_,‘V fedup and?doWEJ, two w+:“:reAtIkan in Whi:chw11inthcAfa&, and th7c"y are comtnited tc”LamEa:b%V~Prifoi2. u A A A A % Thisday;wlsAaCour:”Max-fhaI§¢ A at which chm SouMim*‘ Awém‘ fentfinfcd,‘ “anefcfir? é'hdeavom>inAgi cainaicc a" wnman to hwduclfe, - herald her Husband ofis, and hétprc>{écuaed:AA% him, mddr iI,W‘3S."{¢flg£€fl{fid ccfride ch-4: wooden hm~t‘e“an hum‘, which accordingly her: did ébiafdayp imznme 3 Chuck A A umiitwownd fatei%n~ScotlanflAy%ard%.i;3V»:{’hiMsa=z¥. V % LvAS:cotadWas ‘for aVbu‘fmgVhEs Vflfficcr by chargihg {’aIF:: % fqandafls 7% upon him, Afor: which he: was % frentenfed tol7yZ'.% - % V The thirdis Vtamorrbwtbcfng Thfirfday;A‘to"b'€é A and hedes, and lye an hour at the hcad of the Fgegiment .,"“for neck andheclsride together forhra hour _., which according- lyhee: did by thewooden horA£e“at‘the’44famcfszimcithat the og-;V the: mid ch: hm:fe.L V 9 A 4 A A “ A T”lj¢:I{ gijabufing one of his Officers. . A%~Th¢L0rd%AmhaIfador fremrfie %Kin~g‘oF%”’Fra?ce .33»C01hA»e ca -%m{ewpawbaMure%nee: me Mufe where héed ié um.-:wAh:‘:e»% A France; mi'1,'im %ord?Aer;co the; Treaty for Peace between Eviglamd and General 3’}aI@ is {A’t'il Al'a1iIi1:"xg A to andagain'dn.£I3;§s~«Af?Eiig,the S§reights%m0hth5A A E'"'Iecc bf about 30% men o‘fMVVa rré"ar%c V jrwdy-’,¢it is’ W1-‘aid, :ofet%%%$ouu A from Spain; ThAe’TurksA~fr0m Salfv ‘V %1yVkcepiz1very c1"o£%2{: %‘l‘Crcnje ml Blgke. hauzh bew plentifully " A fuppmedawell v£&uAa1lcd,;%a$"*d ‘thoié (hips that need have both. f%e¢nAA%.#ur‘i:1if1az: with“pro‘v7' A ;1;ons,;a11dA%talAlo»wed" in Portugal. A A Daflceith :3 AAug.OIn_: w I‘?-:% A A titming the Stateto ‘thejchmge of another Mu%fle‘r5.%" Them being «b‘uito%verAflowing:;%%thc ggou%n?ds5%»4.%that thcrc fc:.1:.-rte a11y%%t§3Vc3*ling: fgfgm AT0.vm°tO MwerA:Acx13€ fifllfi I--J be»-an-aI~ ' ‘Ha ‘I W N g 5.; "'dfdisbandin%g is new near over without V %