°ci-::;;:‘2: ; -_ < 1 . ,— ’ ‘” ’ 4.:'.,._...-:.A=.._;~ 4- g '14 < 9‘, ‘W I "To the Rig The Houfe 0.? FROM Conamoils aifimbled in A A .T H E o Parliament of E .7\< g L311/5\{1:I) at\WEsoT1x4INTE1z.,o o 3 ht Honorable zmci Right Reverenci, THE 4 ’ L0td§,Mini{’cers and others of the prefént i CjE5\QEi'\A/L w 55 EMB L7 ‘Of the Church Of Scotlmzd fittiog at Eoienémrgly, CONTAINING ‘ deavorsfor Sczttlement of Peace, and For Prefervzxtion of the Union between tlxctwo Kingdoms of ,o£7zgla2md‘ and oSc:otlm~aml-A H. In hflwovm‘ ‘ ‘ll . ,1 m.‘ ’ N a RA 1‘ W E +11.-.cp;~o;cee;zoingso£ the mnamen: orgyxrgzm in the Work *of V AA1-Mformdation, and of their Refolutions to maintain the ?Govern«- ment of the Kingdom efiabliilued by Law, and of their En- Rdered 57 the bmmam ajflmméleal rim Pzzrlipzmmt, .?“zm i/ml‘ ‘ Lm“er and Narrative ée fort/3122252‘/o primtadzwd pzdvli/bed. L V’ ET{}’n.%€*, Cier.:P:1rl. D; Com; AA A o‘?,?Lo2é;loi¢goPrinted‘f'0r Ealmafd Pfilitao E1163 H?dfl0T’d-QM? WV * ‘N A A Houfeof Commons. Awgzgji 8. 1 6:4 3. 4 A A ...._..,‘. -wr ‘S ‘T orwcheR m ‘f E N, ,. ‘ ‘ n v , _‘ I v ‘ Tu‘ ‘ u~ ‘ ~ \« . ‘ w \ ‘ ‘ I ‘ch ‘ .v'- I - u .4‘ .‘ ,. 1,, \ » ‘“ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ .5 ‘ I. ‘ ‘v‘ o ' ‘I’. I ‘ U’ « ightlleverend, 11.9% Gilleijay", Moder2.to.r of the GenerAalv.Af— A fembly of the Church ofScotZm2d MatEDENBuRGH.%“‘4 a‘ 3,‘ ‘ ~ 09 ‘ I A H . A /1221 cmnnzczndedby “the C a.27zmo22mfi~‘ V x~ A frznzlnledin the CPczrliament ofE~ng«4 ».{., land, taflérzd you the irzclofld @a-- 7;7»{_—. ; pezugdzabic/sv they de/z‘reyou% to come» ‘ W mmzicate flom ~t/rem unto the Qfiigbt Hanorable and (Right Qzrverend , the Lords, 2m'mfim ozndot/aers of the preflmt Gmeral fl[~5« Afiznlily the Church of Scotland, or to their anzmi/3z"aners 5 J which lveizzcg all I Imme in C om-7_ mandg, Iflmczllonlyaddie, t/mtl am, % Wé/*Wi”W%-A T” Irvi F ' J %Augu& 3” 1648’ A our er} 0 ng men , 1 LL I A M L E N T A“ L, » Speaker. A 3." A; :72] 5‘ L. 4 4-‘. » "nu . v. -05‘ l» .. - n 1- _; ,.;. A 4 , E fihfi Cmnmons allembled in the Pa-rlia— W, W3“! Of E"‘.§14»'Wi 3 i<‘?~1wmon«F%yw caaw The Rania, ~ a;€~@amgman»AFr;4yer%;, an dVA':e1mbcv€ I All‘? reflawy fan VFW:/bipi *4 csronlagfi the ;:;ra¢&i?ce4 of”: it “in mi N the gChunc2lnes“‘*A and“ 42+: l§aV”pp¢I$i4»4%4-off” t'b‘i?S¥‘« VIj€>ii1g*d§driI4'% : * nemgof E%pireopaay4ch¢y$4hawmt u;s1vm:‘% b4ymenia&:Gbvmn*mentA“in»rAhex€hur=ch ,3 Whtimh: 17$: a*l~; A ready 1’énled%iVm»man-ypaws>of*t~h6¢;King‘cI0~m3 %~:«md"dbA. GVAg:%d.g;;% a13s~ifiancse)% 1%Aref0lvc~m0* i§p1zrfL1eA¢‘%»t%F2”c the?‘ % % Per- AAAA;.mr¢aing alnd c&AaanmmcncAoriéAiia a1%1m, infimglmd and Ireland, ‘ A A A A They haAvAc approved and paged The =C’o:9fif§'iau“ of -F42‘:/9 (01: Article: of Clari/t'z’:w ..R¢;AAligi0”>)f as it came from the Aflkmbly “of D«ivinc;S,‘,jwith fomcé {mail Alterations (onrcl-yfomAeAAfma1lA part; is yet uni-A xdcr confidAAeration) chemffbcing primed and pub» V ’li£héd ’~by.1-‘authority of Parliament. VA A .A AA A A A T/aay«Ahz1Vcpa{T€d ga gi*ea;terA and lcfis Can;/:zfmA came from uh“: Af1fcmbl"5j{ af AD«iv1ncs.A.A . A ‘May havcAA¢taAkcn Amway‘ aA3l—l A} Supcrflitious ‘Care-A % . A monies and P‘dpifii.AzInn@vations. 7 2 ‘I/my havcgivcm AAAAuthori%t:y for ing of all ReAprefmu2ati0ns. of any AA«'P'Cff®flf$ mrif the Trinity , ASAaiAncor4A,AngelAA,,A amdmakingawaAy«a%l’ Aims, Croifes, Crucifixes, APi&urcAs,A md:~a'AllAArh®r A M,onumc9m;s of Ig~l'atrAy ad ASf ‘Scatlvmd, zit: would not%b¢?afI1en%:cd:un+:c:;3. %Wa%A1tI1ou;ghvcr4y«pVfE¢n%;pfi6~1T<:d; A,b§ut»in ..fi;ea:d thegmof, all W%flfif*Pf r2v:i%fii1«sé¢:.Wére~4? fem: %;a u:n:;ow ?i}th;cm ,. and the «fioznznandcrs in :hofc«G ;~xx;ifQm”s _h44§»:hough.1mny Kf%~rhmI1nmor%wious APapi£tLs4%) h’fl,d,*I_Hj;,UCh V£rc¢dom%and co;Anz~c:nan%ce Am t:hcir p‘roccVedin»gs by p,crfonsA4of % cminentpoW€~r in cotéidifléi 5% AW;h:ex»e.as notwirifhflanda _iI‘tg Wcwhad noricc%A:hc:t+was4fQmc;»dcfi§_=.;n fx,.{¢:izin¢g % gthcfe *aI?:o¢wrns, wzhich ifmig4b5'?‘fl3'3$YC"€¢Y1=PI.CVCIl~1l’Ed %4Qu1: r:i~mc;Iy ;pm:tt4flAgA IF0rCeSv41fl;r0Vt~he4m,, .yc:;t to Wszvoid flhé gvui%it[:33fibreac1a M T;-t:”¢§‘t«?i5'.5vg xv%c&~.~ra;zA1mr.4%.rci<;i1w:d W rumahc *"hm3Z3T;d whic11w::iidAA fizfilfufig :m1I\'}‘fl;»n\ t.’Of';.br“in..g“ ‘%:hamim:p114t~ationupon 0 up fcilweg : Ami aw in ape- gpcars, ‘thffc Towns were bit-;1*£;E%3I<€C«!‘1%%~im\r:r!.?ruf’c:fQi:b£: 9d¢.1i«V:ercd( Wm {hit Smtifh P~@vr:0¢~s , ho ‘h@*:W:£;V€r ' A "”“” B 2 A * they cu) they dopttbliqucly declare for Religionend the in Covenant, yet the~Papi{i:s and Delinquents, not i it oncly in Btrwick and Carla’/la, but in other parts of the Kingdom, who are profeifed Enemies to Re.- ligion andtheCovenant,anddolkill, plunder and l putfue thofc who, have been faithful in them, are A To wellfatisfied of their ends and intentions,that theyjoyn ‘and hazard their lives and fortunes With them.> e‘ A ~ l t V ~ e;=~\N‘hil£tthefc forememionied Councels and Com- pljarzces were thus on foiotin Smland with thole that are declaredlinemies to the Peace of this King- dom;_, and the groundsof the llnien of both ]Kingdomse;, The ‘Patlia‘rr”1’entiofiieiSecatlmd did fend use Paper of D%efires,— dated the i26of Aprillaff, whichi in. the Letter wherein they “ were inclofcd are called Demands (that« implies in right which upone xarnination~ will not? be found) yet‘ the Hon felts were fodefirous to give theP-arlrament ofwscotlamd alllpofliblefatisfafiion, that they did not take ex-V e lception thereuntog. norto theperfon by whomthey WCrC'fcm:, whowas accufedebeforethelmvfor enlfr A deavorin g the Revolt of theefieorces i.1n‘dfif‘th€"L0lrd- A .In¢biquin in’ Ireland, lwhieh thenhad ihapepenedg F Norlldid they infiffl ulpontvhe Hm granting of thelir ~ aforefaid juft Demands made to the Parliament and - Committee of Efiatesl of S¢0t[a.rm': but perceiving info in flrangeanr Alteration in Smlam’, rheii judged it fit for them to tryin» the firfi‘ place , eew4hetherJScetl4nd A Awjouldi~~own the came wherein we he¢d"boithlheen’ A engaged 5 And therefote%(aftcr our-Commifliozfiérae V (13) had acquainted the Committee of” Eiltates with out ‘ Bcclaration of the 6 of my lafl, concerning our fullRef‘olutions to maintainiand prefervc inviola- blypthe Solemn League and Covenant, and Ttea- ii ties betwixt’ theK'ingdoms) they did return An- Q ifwet to this purpofe, That we did offer to joyn A with the Parliament of Smlmd in‘ the P‘ropofi— 4 tions prefented to the King at Hnmptamcazm, and inmaking f'uch..ifurthet proceedings thereupon as fhouid be thought fit for the fpeedyi isettlement of the Peace of both Kingdoms, and prefetvation of the Union, accotdingto the Covenant and Trea- ties,-, And when we fhould receivetheirtAnfwer M thereunto, the Houies would be ready to give ifttr-» A ther fatisfafiion. in thofe things which fhould not intrench upon the particular Intetefts of the King- dom, and" Ptiviledgcs of the Parliament of Eng- land. But to theie, all the Aufwet our Commifl fionets could obtainfrom the Parliament or Com- mittee of Eftates of Scotland, vvas,That they could return us no Aniwer, till jut’: fatisfaéiion were. given to their- Defines of the 26. a(5ft../1'pril. Afterwards we agreed upon-a Perfonal Treaty with the Majeiiy upon the Propofitio-ns,t(He tfirii con fencing to three Propofitions, which in {ub- ; fiance He hadi;:;1‘ttntieei in former Meffages) And the it Houies fentto the Committee of Eflaties , that A, Srotlamltlwoulld _ joyin with ; them , and that they _ would ipteparc fuchPropofi.tions as theythought fit for that Kiengdom :‘ But to this neither awe‘ norour (3 0mmiifiO?%5F5F§9eiiY¢€i31‘1yAufwer,untiI a Scotifha V “ Army rm A A ~«AiA:rmy?hadAirIvad%ed this Kingdom, and than 1:~wvas* wen; wigh a cclarareion:, «of which AAwewi1lf;ay no4mmcA%Ain t%h«i:sV;p1acc, but than confidcring‘ they »Wm+;;c bounflcflay Trc%atiA:cs a;n.dA A61: of Parlia;mem:Am? agivcx us ‘thzfflff mo»nccdhs~wa4rn1ng ;be.forcA £:hearAmak1n:g f {Var withAu5,Ei£ had been more—I-Ionorable that zzhmir A A A Declaration‘ hadmthcr come before, t1w.nfo1l