1s LLIMW J A1710?‘ 0b€C1icntRcI;Iy to 1! law. Book J ~ .CALLED, A S%farm~as concerns aha firft Demurrgf A and no further. AR;-ply to~Bou rm: oncly, @ Lczwigg B 0 N 13 s “to. the fecond Grand Ca/arm. m ‘ M , - ‘ ?‘I.v 4, ‘M-filth ‘mag’ 4;. ,y L1». K ‘M g ‘ ‘, W » ‘ {w . "~w~+'p . 1; " M “,1 av“ ‘ ‘ 0, J‘; «x ‘ ‘ '1’/N)|o:,"‘<_‘g"“{\r‘;\';« ’%{’;“>»: -AM‘; ,w_\m*r, -‘mg V_‘..,\ , N.‘ ‘V “K 1&‘W}"%Mfi :m:%,_.‘mu. «ix '\ . L» . fix‘ ‘.4 Q I i vflf % 813% W A V % “Pfhl. 40. 4?; A A A 4 A Blefléd :3: that mam “film makgtb the Lard bx?! tmfl, and rej13>e&‘etIa mt A the pram’, rxorfiscb 44' mm afide to (yew. ~ A ‘ . __ V LONDON: Wounds: 8: Bonds, ¢ L PrintcdinthcYccr3, I6 503% _ W »: mu m % ¢:@m»m~ (' r )% 4 Q Rcplyto a B0 Sa farm as concerns the firfi Demrrer. . 4 ‘ Eing éozmdby manyéam{:,AtO fpeék what ImaTyAi'n % confcxencct andpruciencqfor rhegood of my peace... able,unammous,and cariouflygoverrrdC<:imntrey5 M Iflmlladventurctwpeakda fecondtime.%% _ V I was abaut: fmhang a Padlocékonmylips , and to out A the throat of my Pen, holding it more wifdorneto expeéi the limes of God with fiience and attic-nee, then to raife any more dufi in chefe blufkering timés : But: am now ne- aceffitrily invmd to defend my felfiand Afome other friends. The Authors Aofthefirffflemurz-W, are {To diflanced by reafonof this Winter and weather,that they cannot con»-i venienrly mcemo confulc ya ioynt Anfwerd-._,~ 1 am tharcé~ : Aforcbold to fayfomewhac in «myW0wn~, behai1f,¥1Aea:vifig th¢t‘x~1 fair mama to plead for thc§mf%::lves,Aand tomlciw or sdifallow whaclfl‘:allp1c~adfor”%thaem.vA ~ A A A I ‘am forrie I am to undertake a Gentleman. , that Imth two great adv3~ntag&sVwofme 3 Firfl: he>km;mws we»l1t:§1AatA:I1e h ath gotten the groundwand wixgde on his fidc-,Vbm:aI t'hi*nk 4 A I have the sun onmy»back,w&I fhallthereforc adventure to M ingage fofaras da:re,8CI dare donut) more than skirmifh withhim, aAb0u?t~fom~e4ofAV ‘laisoutworks 3 Izdare wait fcale: A theiwals (if t11e‘ma‘i’n*%eflior1anyAAm0rcs;, mnceming the A A2” _ A fiavvfx.-1l~ 6 2) “law ful1‘;cflfl1¢: or unlaWfII1l.¢fl3iA0“h3$Pff’{€1?tAP0W§¥51lOS:el ‘rm: to dealwith Ladders :m_e1Repes:. A. {The frecoml 1.ss,1'1&fr:cmst0 tea Cc+rI.fA'< man oftoo much undezfialndixlg of all Co1.lcicnce,v¢ ‘biA‘chAAm;zkesllA;Am write A A with {ugh a« ?~3z“7:4’y‘*(CC1é°$‘qH1..[/9 I00" Cl0mIOulirAgl}’ and cenw L f A ;for.ie»1pfly ;Imu£t be comexwto hold my fell fiilltomy lzonéfi plain-hearted Gucfé~tiM7/ 5 {"116 W38 ITO Gtwfe 0f’ the AV game,but*as rruéancl faithfull a Goofs‘ a5aI1y$1§'3As‘l‘in ur A Sl1eireV. We need notllfear therefore 3 that {he will gaggle any Treafomnot fa‘ mizch as Mil prifion of ‘petit-TréafonA: iflfhe cloth, 1 hope {he may efcazpe among her fellows, “ whemhe A63: of Oblivion comes out 5 but it is alwmlull while aA.co'mling,i£wc might llama 3 gerzerall Pardon ofall ‘ ourfaults and debts §;ve1~ylSar_crday n-:ight,«v&veA= would beall fox-the new Caufe, and A-unxteaslaf’:and~Aclofe asour A A : ll Eisflzro thgc T.itlea, AA friends wouldhave us A: but mufl fall to my work. here he Afajth , 7?'M_ypr0flfle tl/9‘e?r71fiI'L'£5 135-2paflio72a~t£l Presé);reriM*:l~AlAAl ~ ; A L V * ’ ‘ ‘ Rep} Levir. 13 . Ifzlzelreappear in-zbefarchead qfa mm 1; irlyite rcazldz}/lg érile, it if .4 /epro/fa, am! the man /79:2/I éc pm. A »A22azmcm' lepraus iizrlotzglvaut, aI,\d~why~nOr a Bolok:?F0rth€1-‘e A A is not that _pafI‘aAg¢ to be found in any of the three Traéts. "éendem A . A A Next to the Belconyor Preamble. . A A A_ 1V\7h¢-minke gives us thefeclhargmas Iapprelzcndz fl ysome at ‘leafs @mc~of~u$,»Aisl fufpe&ed"to be too Indee but we have ourflmrcs in ?z'nfim'Ate”Ca2stefl5l am: afimp/amd A ,AJrmifarm Tmtla. A M V l A A A R. I grant iris fo,2s it may bef’cated,butW:-asitaiszmw d3fplayed,;ir is hung éAbout with as many.£lreamers and ~l trappings, asf C 011: Rain-Séorozzg/as Herfe and horlhe were atlhis fine Fm1erals:..what we£hall«d» ;withAAthem,l’IAAl;now m=~ V ?"-W. C 3 ) ~ A A , Tlmt wefieaé rather to zlat aflefiian zbm judgement, am! A téercéy pfferrzztécrjmfsiozz z/3623 reujbmy A A V 4 Rt/12: Iwifh icmay prove no judgemcngthatwc {peak to. % - A » AA A ~ .4 , IfAthere.be any 1.#uchtI1ing in the firft Demfirrer, atleafk in the cczurfe of A%rgu.mentati2spnfléfo fwéa-— , tbrmtgk Meir fofl“ %z2=%ozf;d¢,%t/mt fiaéir Aiizfinmtiafis wt?’ ;a'mza:= A jw z’:érVo fiz~candfl4me, Haod,defialm‘ar2 amldwarrg. 4 New%&5d ‘CM 18: Now you face his hand is in, and his" markup ,”*h@..*§§ toofull ofthcfc new Complements : I man his hard W A 4 words firike no more ‘fire them our {oft 5 I .hopc we mm: 1 had the leafl dczfirtz, or thought ofany fi:2cho~ca1amirous A confJequonces.*we are mcn,£l)at30w: not, fighting, it is “enough for us, If wa-can but beat our Apponoms black and blufiwxzho Rolzgxon and Rcafon. A - A 4 o-Here ye fee how he vcrlfies that Proverb, that, dgzzéfgr A cmfciefice, £5 .14 nsfiaid of; fezztlwer, 45 an -4065 ~z;z}enrz4‘urm~pr arm“ Cdf‘1lz'fi will be (0 kindeas to help me. h ‘ One thing I muflpremifé to fiitisfié h . A :1-mean: funhdriethingg inferred, and pubhflre-d m the firfi ;D€W2I£Yr£r,Wh§€h*W€*T€ not in our Original! L5etter,_h’ by whom I know not, I» pref:1me by fame hetzer heads than A miziie, to whom I .mui't refer thhhéir defence :hI“{ha1l' fpmk to ngthing but What was Ours, which was allvery 1100696; gifl may bejudge. 6 A h V h « The order 1 {ball ohf:-rve, is to fpeak firft to fhchithings has difpleafc me: 2Iy,t0~fuch as both difpleafe me: 8: pleafe . me: 31y, to that which hpleafes me ver_VweI1. 4 Someofhis % Afirgumemsharc morrally flak of the Palyjm or Noli me tzmgmg I man not meddle with them: I was never yecfo A A much as hang"d, I hdefipeto be thankful! for it , 1 and _I am %‘_Ie1:y hloth now to bi: hangd, dawn and qI1arter'd,~ I fpwehak ” It u£1fained§y_f__ onely I mufl; profeffe, fcriou-fly to my »§I'1‘€fIdS,hth3t the befireafons he brings, which Iowme fa ‘big m fome mans eyes,‘ when I come mcrthem prove but a very {mall burchen: Tojfuch as may beanfwcred fafely, I fhallfpeak freelyand bricfiyg h01hin:g’that% the Author ' h Q will not be nffended with me, for! know riot who he is h -A A little or much, A * ' A The firfi fault he finds is ,* T Eat the aézgeflion wbidw once «yjezred, and pravedgflamds flilitmrlbakerz" Md Vgzlmafi I pg};-5 A R. J defire I may Pzandfomo d»uringmy-Iifer.. ' . . This was anfivered bc;fo1{e.5h~t11e’h fitft Derrzufxtr Wash tx- tant before A we faiv either the quefiion or the proofggzhich km? farisfiéa11.hi$iterati01?§ i? Elli? k*i!1hd€2e L h He ( 7 )* V‘ ~_IT-It? faith; Ta fifirm, ;Th.¢AtAA M urzlawfxw Power rm} not Aég A; galaajcdvwitfi art xwi-1aawled‘r;*%em¢/at afwitt Aflféarityba ;m,m_[a£ V W and unrarafciefltéaujly affértcd. A A R; My brains are 12. dull that I can ‘fee.-A no madowof xcafon forth0¥AAeV_two words. ‘ ‘ , " V‘ V 1:: was a thflflfand -pmes rhofe. two 5Z122’swere puazin, :had i~ they-been left out; it vm-c the mmft orthodoxfentence’ in A his Bnok,a few places ofScriptu1jc excepted. Dear! how my Mare boggles atthvem, {he is fomewlm pux-blindmand " A t:J&esL thofe two um to be a pain: of; Piflels Vhanging at Capt: Hz'nd°:» faddle bow; You are miJ&.akén they are but another coupkrof hiskind CompIements;we were AL bcfl m paflé by them quietly for peace fake; onely wefwm Tm; rhgs note upOn“th(*m§th3l? thercwas nevcr any manraln i?mo_%error ofjudgcmcma Abut he ran“ into rigoumffpiritg there is anaturall agnda fupernatura1I4n’ecef¢irxe Ofgite“ AA A A i Put the firflgthe very point and joynt ofcbe cafe or qua; % £-{ion lycs in it,i: mu ft ofnecefsitie be flared «either in thcfc tcrmcs. 2364: 41:2 azzwlawftfifl’ Pmr maymvt 5¢dE‘ré;ge@Gw*1}/2da§.;m€Anomg. . A lrdgémmt afity .an:/yaw. A A Dr , fbar 422 umlawfufl Panw may am A A _ A d;fi1m(wawl:~d‘§amea¢t pfitf Autfiorizfi La: himAtaAkeLwhiqh AIfl‘3P1c:afc,and heihallfindnncither I «of them 1:? c umrafqtfllyhorunconfcmnticmflyaflémzd . Wcwxllcxamluctlw m;atm? 0FConfcience,which is ¢z>i~a.:nd iercmtivw. { Vfwmewhatfingerltv- that momroub1eshim,an brought forth the whey word There are mo forts Aofpowcr. which arehexamivtégé. fully lavvfull.fFirfiath8t.whdicbC011”-ffibv iuftdéfcem at be» A ritage.» ziy, thy: which comes by a due and form al!ele6ti'- 005 thfiffi Iwowamc ¢V¢TY‘ Whflrfi held l%awfu4l1, both fibre di-r A ~ A AA'I‘l_:e1A'e A A %) *1 A Thcreare 2 .held afst i1’niva2rfaHy€ u,*'1l2WfiJU, 55* -;:z':‘wo,amd fiaamamrfit ‘leaf’: in their "bégimaings V2 ,tihar *'wc:h I is gotten by meet ufurpation :Mz]y, that %wh1Ch IS pnrChV*afl bymeer Conquéfi withoutiany due. 'Iix:Ie. %Tf‘@ef¢“d:w¢ are Ahnabaptifiicallba fiarifs, a,x—1d.may not be Chréflflned bythe V ‘4“n-axineof Authority, till they“ have gdtt_en? * fome"yee”:s on their back,8£¢a‘re able :0 makAca;prQ1e‘fs10n Of fame State-= 4ef¥a'blifhmen.r,4Aand then they %are’iufual1Y Owned for Iegitie ‘ ~ vma*:e5m%are Gmrmm.A £44/iara’/7:aIYA:a20t‘i~i¢i2t%£’?"5121015:Cbzegww V;1gMioa‘4:Vaft%be I.-or d;e'L‘m~ta':hz's‘ t¢Fmbgei{erdt%ianV;' Dciur.’ .2 3, 35 'eI:t;7giv_éS fémcinftrufiiop f(9rp‘0I1t“1Callbaftard*s; “ “ A A % A 61 here is another" unnatuxgall m'1F~b“¢gotft¢_n 3 M onhfter, » . *-which is fo far from defcrvmg the name 0f‘fAuthor1I‘y,that dammotvna:met:whatfiic# is ;%it-xnajneit her b¢b4aptiz’d., not ~Lb3£hpp’d. for émy“ fuch thy mg ,* ‘ uniififfe = as our late Bnflzops were,b.ut0Ught to be .few’d as all‘%Mo1§’l%erswfl10u1d bail am w ‘ A35 f;'u-fr«omia3ringour.-prefijntPower is fuc;h%as the Author t-iofflaundtan mifiak::=n.But this Ifldare fay, that no intelligent c0nfCie’n-- gubjga éught to cfrbey"fuch a Poweras this jIafl,wirh an acknowledgement efits Authority, or without a’ diiacu _knoiv1»e%dge1;ient‘of it,ti’1l[it: ha;h%obrain‘ed a Nati<:m:3$l$con~ fimjaticm in one kitideor %btIi1ér.I:Vinfiaintein t9hi»s‘%%];a‘{"c kind Bond: 516:: me» not therefore be iniuricaufly A _of*1?o WEWI‘, ‘a1id* flatethe icafetb it, bécauI"e ‘he affirms ‘j that wharfi:§cm*er the A Powbr be,be it what ir3'wiII5 we Ought to... ‘b£V‘.iI~',Wifh0nt either ofthem: Of this I hope wg may dill _-.g-Gin-fg{i1f1 The z% without offs-nee, ‘intending a4 G0vctt;mehK iniain Ifland 22 Leagues beyond the_ worlds epvd ; Soi1th~ .,w‘31-drg Cgzpe» N'afquam.."v A * % A A A W V‘ I denyit 5 ;and 1'3‘ A xe my warra-nt from Athej ~p4r¢fi;kj1Vfjg‘1fi A-praftife ofour Savicaur Ckhrflhwhich ;t0_~t ri1c} Visv¥23fl49gv-Wpné3a"é'- 'um,whcnhewas-a¢t»%the mzrriagefeafl mAen%tionedA%in%‘;‘w§o;bf;2 vbz3z2§*pt£§er,0bferving the provifion 6fw%inéV'%.tiO’beAv4d‘id ~?9z2£b¢z+54?I£ Z?9’1?’f”£: » Esvzas kw ofimpmrive A «fuggcmom (9) fuggéifiim 3*“-‘it A flmcswauld hams. him ran by a» m£?rac§m Clmfe was mt agrmrantAcfiificrznamnafi .p{)W€t'§ V nor his M filiai I duty,but kmmwiug fh€%I13adn0a11rl10rity Over him em ‘* ” he was Immanueéor +Med:}mr,v:snd Aiore. kmwjng by h55%d;.. vine Spirit that che:;44Churc£1of Mme would in Mme ad.» gauge. Her above H.imfe1f,as:they d<3;$:2tA this cla.3f§&Lt3{1vered her fomewhat {{rang~::Iy,Wom;zn zwmzlmrocql ta da with wee? A bad he be&cizM-in cjrclinary S0r:,he.might have been fcourged A for it,by the puhlick officersgifwe may credit ihme of the A Rn/?éi£5~VVh¢11h€3143Li thus difclaimed her‘:mthority,fpart- A A fire pmfewe his Mediatory power,c1car,&partIy< to give’ the Papifls no gt-‘ound~ o£t§1eirido1atrous‘dotage ghethen V furnifhid rhemwlch wine, It being lawfull for him. {o to do,anaHikewife neceffarya‘ _ J - «A A 1 So alfb, Mattb. 1 7.;;%,6giwheuI?am*1;0ldhimthe C0113.’ étoirs offlwfm Tribute, were %comcto :Ademand it; Chriffi asked him by whom it was to be paichvvhecher by the chil-- dren or by (Rangers 9 Peter anfwered By ftrwgers :; Chrifl: r»¢:ply€;d;. 7719?? W??? 1%’ Chi/dr¢f2fi4ee yflc-tr paid ipto avoid of? » V “fence. Chrifl WI10fpcnds»noA1AVd!m wordsféc-‘ms %mjudge~%it nec:cII'ary»t¢:2 make a caucelous wfilaimcr ofchyc: Pdwerthat. Axcquixfdfi it, andthou AA ht fuel?! a Diflrmowy,%thougl1“A>EutVby A word Qfmo4uth,a fut’ ciem: falwa for his a&:.:» Vvhena mm is ca'l1’d to do any thjng by the ::u1e,6cix} thggf nam’c?FGt5d,, hq may trufl God w1th1xzs“%mmc,% and the: céonfequchce of w~* fa&_ , A A _ . A4 A ~ % ~ 4 A ”CertiainIy th ower cannot but. be more proud than patient, A ‘nmrc cur-P: chcn‘Chriflian 5 that will rm permit chofe than live V ”und%er~'it, to difcharge their confciicnces in a pie_ace1abI e a/nd7 pru- den: way- Ancient Iexpericndd States never’ he%ld$ iAt:V”mi> wifdome to*4pucwpeArempcA0ry preifures Ia onmen at Innovations of V their form; at? Governmcm: : the m e %Was,tha&t: %Plel2: mazmlt decipi gum % A oagiglcfi farfafertcadeceive people into anew kinda @fS:a,ce,,chen to compel! them A A 4 “ A A A A I perfwadc no manta yceldobeéelienée when his Caiifm“ A 2% 'em'¢ .¢,m~;5imamc1eaby a facredrow or fo1emne4ACAcA»vm:mt: bilfi _ this I % plead, that it is r§q1ai!fit_ein%m0f1_Aca{es obeying I A an un}jmfu1 pc,wm-,toVd1facknow1cdge xv: e1thercxplhicite- A V% A 1y;orimplicitelAy,as wifdomeuand iaAAIT£ft5=eAfh~aI1 dir<;63:: it Amufl needs fézvqur ofan impious, I fay rnot tyranln;'.ca[l1 fpi- ~ 1‘ fig, to give tvafie lxberties in matters0fugh*1‘z:*bé IQALA ?con7ma:nds$mi;ytcriaI1 yA AJawfuA11,yetAun2aAwE’uH m the %obe:ye;s,and ev*iI in rlhezr ends., \ V DA;m.:ids authorifymcr 5150425 waAsA1awfu:1,am1ih is commam la wfull, yet IAthir:k Vhdlaad danebath God and Dmvzd {arm A better fiarvice, ifhe had mot&Aobcyec1him’*4innumbringAwthe ratés+*4' V ‘ ‘AI danotrcm-amber that ‘em? 4i’n”ar-W Rory, A “ ” “any A A: 'fuprem¢Apower gorAtenby5 fi-audVor‘viO1ence;ifAthey fuffcred Stzbjeéfs to praife %G0d , audl0*veth'eir ntfighbours, but A Awould fuffcr fomewlm elfc;wi;baIlAthat%fl1ouId fo¢n2fiifleA* OW T0 ‘H5956? true R'~“¥ig“$ion%M&%4Wi¢k63VMerrw$i$¢VArm than 3W»r¢he«wa:acAouI¢ Aas%va/azwzorg:'mreporrss V . and .after hxmflozamem, Aaaafaéiair, bthéfs, t 0 Afwffe.r 311*» du1flr‘iousA men t7 earn %th;,eir Aliv mg V wirhw th¢4* fivea; Q {Sf their esérfiti %<=ra‘t‘it%fr0%;~1'1* . 1 Arg¢..f:': .‘;Tb22A£‘ W :M'¢1‘giflr'aAtebrgé3"L‘er22m€i2t ejefikzfioziierg it qcmcewzs rmcly ¢5“‘3.“ I/.7cfi2.timi ram! cméfjt , A6M;13Vzzt Ilia; (I7A%E ;;A 9/3/melwv mméafpeapza. MA j g A AA Tim doé%Ar111Ae?A.f§$ cop Iowa; '*m3di':FOO tfmk f9+rJA w1fz=:% ’( :2 3 AA mam rgcéixkgfiit Vist€jo‘;g'nL: of Ignomi1c:e,md rnayflbc mi rfémfia of perfi7dioufn,effr:4¢0 amans Ccmzutrey. A E‘: is a difpurablequefiiomwhetlxcr {ugh as be here cam ‘agifix-atesmay mm: fitlier be called Mafia:-5 theVnMégi~, firam, Volmrfireufls %the11Po:enta;°s,D ;em0fid3i0?.£6‘5 than DQ3- rnimtiowks. And a. 2d. quefiiom whether fufch Ought £0 bl? Giweyw underthe nation dffluthority. , Ifthechangeof Government concerns I103: thecamaé mona1cy,whydid then thatfort ofrnen do it Afo boldfiy and éconfidently P ancgl w'§r3y_is it fofadfly and Etequentiy taught +.md%recc1m"c§,rhattiaefupreme Authority of Ehfi Kimgdam 4 Eyes originally in tAi‘3a@ t fomand how than can their Rcpre--» fentativesclaim their pgwer oAf~fitting,enaéTti:ag Laws,aI-1d maintaining ‘this c11a4ngXe. from4ch~@m? and if this -fort; of A p¢?op1ef"may gmt ad’: iii ?i;t,w;fiy’j;{ho13»1:dth9cy fuffisr the loflé of their efléites and7'liVéS afb01ItiC {and whyweretiaeg-win thé ibeginmixag offthfiéir grcat.undérta’ki”flgS;; prefifd and pcrfwaw A 4464 byvthis argHm¢fW13étVir‘did !I10£’tneerIyc;onccrnthem? ~\ By this Gmtlemans Aleavamlamibold t0AAfay.thatncxc to ,2 ‘ thekingdom,Ofhea'v£:g1,£hére»;Vié?4ig0 4dutyfms:>m‘ na1:ura,l,%mo+- [3~oI‘i%”fi;f:2iIlQ.,~r}_;céI§fEai‘ SL1b}e&s* to feetheir Governw ,_m€1'N33fldG0V€1‘I?01*$;A¢!ié1Ai;!ifiteI}zAconflituted, and exééily flarricdminaiflliéificif$u¢?¢¢f¥i0taor E1€@i0fl51"mean in théii: due @£2;tiOI1:S§af1df*§5r0pOrtiOns5uor at1y%‘mQm:: fordid man A ;inIfiumane fi%h,§i:héna%fi;tp1neneg}igc,-nae in4thvis:Noris%tI1em % anj7Tev1IAaxtenc1ed Wlth more bxtter fruits then fuch a%ca,1-e~ Jéfnefl?-E:.l1Afurpation in‘ dom?inion,and perturbation in In b:-. jefiiofla 3156 fat m%0rfiA iniéparable concomirancs then Moe fiarchy and Tyranny .f Unlefléthere baa criticifinein thé word Mcnarchys But: tofay that Royalty and Tyranny are perpetual} companions, is as direét blafphemy asfarzy‘ is in the firft Demflrréro W A W % 4 ‘ ‘ Vvhanfafetie can there be in a mans private cabinjftha AWWhO1¢fl1ipfiEQ1{§Ol‘f{p1iCS 29:‘ v_vhar“great¢r work ........ _haV¢-~%:q;he % A A A A *“ 4hand& U3) 4 ‘ §2ands 1at§1dfeetfo%do5tfiep tokecp xhé head &he2rt¢whoIc'9 . If any man fl=aould afikime ,A w=het1:er the arm or leg 7-.hAa_ve not as A ream {lake in the body,as the body in themél muik « take dayto anfwcrr him; I t isnot good to teach Subjefizs V gafil ve"11s.The Hcfitht-‘n%cOuV%ld fay ,{Cum A oliricall Atheitmfiaw not to blind Ttzhcir (12765 W ifh fi71'Ch%iIlc* ‘amass’ %1)eo:é* lmm:.jmes%; 2md’bbthm*uPe’att*ex1d it vvlth all -diligence-4" , A A g AA f A % A‘ flrg .~3f.i‘ That the Pa wer%Wbicb*wba2b4plenzz;7y fig?/fi0n_ mghtta Ibewobgléd. , A S_noAriesAW;ilh:¢llfus5tha“trngamy Jt»iLmesf~“;h;%ac whichAis¢alVled~a. M A jpiénaty p0HefH0n,may rather baa tcm'pora-ryfup‘preffio%n , ~“:z did here ' locik flirt 3:1“ d1TCCn/Cry" Ofdefip p_,VrinCip¥e_sW, in jut: puélicg, but VhcVf%¢€fVm*: to 1793 Of that Amifldfi, Ht 113?? Nétefitlr %i8;4thc' timely J'%Mgrour* aélrriagfiatcss)Me4 thinks hsarhsmxdnoz be ;igrimcQflicc.orot11¢r; A their Braincs are made oFApcs Ch1ttcrl1ngsA,A pL1t up m a Pcriwinklc {hell-.;,,werc Ito make fame: fine Mufiardv qucrn1,AAor new A“I‘1;ir1k¢:sfor:Babies, Iwould ad.vi{c; with R them; bun ifthcyA;¢ameAA;to me ab;ou%t‘%Sta::¢ mam-Ars, I virould put my. Earcs in my 1cf:%Pungctr“,~ and bid them f;.1rcwe1l.A AA % % ‘ 4 It mufi be a »Necq{§ity,wi1ofe.M<:ure wi_1I#not nccefl"a1'iIy% A procure g1'catcr%extrcmitics .AthaAri ncccflity it felfc: It was truly {aid by ~1‘«f.;e;¢z7m in the like ca Cc, ThatAAmelz'me/.i.‘ A flame! mam‘ qzmm per imam; as-rummwliberztri. The P001?‘ of Province in Image bcingingrcar ncccflity of Clomlucs to d’efci1id% their Nakedncfk, carnc£’tly— VI'—’etit.i-g- oning the Parliameraf for fpecdy relieflwcre pert-mpto— 1:i1yAdcnyA’d;_theA went to S‘z‘mamAAthe h0An_eft French Monk, for zidvi c: Ainghatmifcrablc “cafe. Simem told them, fftbe Parliamentmcre zmxoralale, bemuldflee no fig cwolpznt A zhema Twm'mgA -.3 AAwd,Aw/am they were a’a2ae,m4ke them-, fglweg *Dcwb»lc’t: .z;m’BrA%eecbe: af I:/elem .-~thV¢y4rep1y’”d, TIM the .£T£miwg»%mv#ld éefa AS0sre, and talk mamla’fl4_yfl9 lang at were dam m-om<:.vAca%n L A A A . Irimufc bc: aANecc;&'ZyAAtha: mawyAbc c:%1::cd4A4;:§zit«I?‘1foA:1t% any knowkraA.Sin:g from the firfi, dayAofAAm.a-ms Cr§an_icgn,tq thismAvcx*y*Am o>m«g 1: ;. Gm:I_ncvcrAAAAinec%cfii1:arAcd«any.»P¢:op1;$ W -o,r%I°>erfn,4to szm . # , «%% , %% _ A % 1A:{h;;1A1 I fay% nomorc of Nc#cqf'w"“ty bur:rh4is,;1ct; ustake A head of making, or AAprcA:cnding. finFul1;neccn«1;fitics ; Ifcar. / the necclfity bf ; %im”p"i4o}us. AT:Ao1cm~tion4, « and of A$cml- . A di9;¢rrs%living21azi1y,“pfiauc1ly,AAprofanclyfiandra.mbitioufly,; A A ,. C19)‘ rI1acJ"neceme:y«ee»vee:e1: hat 1;, ‘az1dwii’I4 Bi"ei51f.§.§fl1e%Nmf£ofg A toViL1ch* en”ece(fitw1esas czzrmot be aixeayes borne. I doubt it may tooefooeneee«comee~etppaffe, that where the Local’: A hath left, the Pa11neeer+\vorme'wi:H devour; ”Ime:m_tehe~ e miferable Poor; who areboth in neceI1‘ityande.c;sm-¢:V- m.-iéyVin‘deed,eewitrieHe the day1ygBe,qgaries,, andnighcly ‘e 4‘ Robberiesthroughozit the Izaend. e Ifearelae ypretencedf . _eXamined,p I‘3atI1e provoked God to pu-nifh use withzt real! necefl'izy,e.eWI1ereJ there wasnot {jufficient czmfc;., ifkvclel ¢ ahdfizvere neece1firyxj1otto%be curedin along time. A A“ For Prwidemes‘, I; humbly e0nFefTe,‘etha”rw the ]3”1'cWi~ dences of Godare wonderFulI’and be.?z‘uvif'u1l;b‘ut:‘ImL1{f pr'c>fefl"e withall, that Iknow nohaxder task put upon the fonnes of Men, [than to make‘ 21 true e1*utination, and% 1 c_1ea’rCeIcuIatiQenhVpf DivineP1'CIvIdences;~ andlto‘cuc‘a% MA 44 jufi thread between Gods If’rewa’em'e, and Mans Im‘pre~ em'deme5,‘between Prorvidemw of Mercy, and Prervia-A dame: of Wrath 5 betweerx Forbidding, and'inVitin.g Prowidemces : ‘Nor meeore w;;ndVé1*IngsA¢ut 0fthe.ewayes4 of e Wifdome, ehenby felloxvrng 1“m‘ag1neci andemif-einten V peered prmzc!m::.e Wheen I”Ieave my StaVrion5...tu1‘ne Vagabond, icireumew‘/ze,'e Itinerant reacher‘, . or Seeker; 1 11:: Follow Pravvideme, or my Noefegaswellas Icahe: Ink rheemean time, Ieepragghflod gVive me? wifdjon;1e“toe order my Steps eaceordeingmtoeeshfsexéevealedwill wherein I find’ not one eSeenf’en‘ceeee d$ite§$’cing‘erné‘ foflow Prorviddmae. withoutaRuIe. V M * e A M’ A ' % % . fine of my Men being well va‘mpied”:ir‘ijhisee< rem» with Ale, gcts11Apon~ Hob, my blind‘ Mil‘4homfe;rideSein-4 etewdnc“ oftfly.. Ma1*ifl‘icS, fibu»rres ori afifain 5 Hob e runnes-» througeheagreat‘ 1)icchs:hcx-5 rhrouggh an‘otherv5 at length “ eeimo ea deep A Slaltlpitge downgcomcs Hob; down comes - A : V mey~‘Ma”n*ovcr head :tr1d““ca"res :" 4 And’ yet Ijd”aré fay;,e both‘. C 3. I-Iob.~e rm) "Hob and my man‘ f.'ollow’d Prot(ident:~e,~ ashardfns fl1e.y..cQiL1ld.&:lriVe,Witl10tit which nothing comes to paffe.-, when I ask’d the ..Knave lawn: lye came more t/mt pl,z'g1a»t,-, l. he anfwercd rne.,t :1 m«uzugm. I lhouldifin fadly if I flaould fl;ght the A Proegitlerecey of H ‘God in the leaft, or not improve thetn to the heft; I acknowledge there are demonflrating and determining A Rraoidenresaall that’”I fpeake againflzis, that men fol- low Providence: of their oWney,malw“ned Kingdomes W0l1ld\,l'la'VCltal(Cfl day toanfweia; t A A 1 V V 1 Butaby Grotliw his fnvour, lIx conceive that in la joynt parity ofrighgthere can berno Signorynor forfeiture of %,V A I prefume he parts‘ or cfiattes , amongfl Coparceners, ]o«yn.+te.nants, l or Tenants in rcomrnont: t~herc‘ may be 21 juft partition or due admeafuretnent, which Iapprehcnd mighthave A patience and mezmes Which might have been ufed. * turne againe and beat me, Tvvoulcl be loth flue fhould ..e‘tny Mafter ever after, and turne my Children out bf doorcs to bqgging.tl l 4 ~ A » iament that judged that forfeiture, or madethe fe1zu"re,but rarhetthe Souldicrs, who vhadrno nnanncfrrlof bright--t to doe it, norjany”partnc.r*- i fhipin/the Supreme power, «what will rluenbccomeldf Confiidcration *2.’ 124g. 17,18. N ‘v ilftherc wercta forfc%iturc,,1t ttras to the; vvholc State,or their compleat Reprefcntatlvcla Lwxll not be ifo,lrudcWats to fay with others; that It was not forfeited to a few B‘rewers emptyings, butl may fafely ifay,itXwasl:not‘For~ feitedrto;alfewdfthcnArm1eslleaving's. Where he faith that.,IthC Pec:rcsi as thcywcrc 5; email Houfe, forfeited that Privilcdge to the lComrn‘ons, he her‘ i the ' gives me occafion to ask: him this queftion, whet V t 1) l f-“D. liistr inconfldclrate A (:54) the as they are “a feverall Houfé-,may‘ not alfo poffibly forfeit that their priviledge, by confpiring, A. ayding or «accepting of fuch a breach madetupon the ‘ oflcprefentative body—of'13ng14fld» 01' by Cmlfiituting fuch a new epitome of a. Parliamentas neither we, nor our Fathers hnve knowne; — W. A A Ifthe Peezres did not concurre with the Commons to prevent onrlate Second Warres.-. nor 0rmand’s Rebel» lion’ in Ireland, I am very hfatrc from exeufing them till ’ I know their Realons : But for the Sam‘: 'unjfuefl:Inva~ fion, I am perfwaded that mofthonefc men in England, 4 did at fitfc apprehend, that they came not in upona Nationa1l*W2m‘e, but onely to refciuc "thee Parliament and Covenant from wrong andtviolation, according to A their pnhliihede Declzxmrioia 5 ‘but when :the1r eyes were opened to underfiand their malignancy, I believe both Peers, and all faichful1’Subje&s,t. did cordially concurre with the Commons. 9 . A That Sam;/hf. Invafiontand onrh Englzzfb Defeagis often h urged by many to {nude purpofes .341 willnot be (0 um V civil! as to fay, zmmfiu;/Z 9:; mm’ ztnconfiienciétzm/I}, but ( I A Wfearefitootfrequcntly and inconfideratcly: Forfirft it ‘The Church} alfo ofSeotl2¢r1¢!,hwhich is the fivizlet o wasa very Riavifhment, and it is welltknownte their o1?atr-- lz'mcm.‘ cried out to redeem ttheirh innaaenwy hone: _jy»., Kingdom, not one-ly openly difavowed it, but difchar- the-~ gedthcgfeateft ordinance Md 0_rdommce in~theworld"' againft. it?,sI7 meane their gmmmema cfiifammltlvd; AIA have oftenthonghtwe" fhonld doe wc1l“to afcribcgthat ~ deliverance, more to the Curfeofscatlamdg than to the" ~ Sword of England _: yet nottzto bc»~ccunthankfu1l,‘ito God 4 forhhhtvhis .great blelfing, orttdfo our Axjmyv fete their great. V)‘ My . A - . .--v (as), %.My Opponcntlhith, that in Partncrflfip, Potiorkyi A canditiavsegantzé-.f why can he not allow the Sm;/I, A P4rli4m€flt'.IhC.'.bCn€fit ofthat Axxomc «o as well as our: 3" yet here I muff croavchlcave t0T;tClll l15llm’,“Ttfl1at» the Civil! Law hath many Maxxms abfurd enough :- if xhac be a right rule,I fear: our Parlzamept hath gone by a wrong all this while, and I dare fay he would be loch it fhould When tbe|Pdfl1‘4‘me”*t could “not agree among}? thw- filrzzcg Moat the K mg’: Camqflions, the Qiutl ion um" not to bcdetermimd éyn the Hesmfi.-, beamfl: them aloe: warm éotév Parties “dfld"§§#dg'€.f; but by that part ofltbe Hcmfc ” 1/a4t_b4dt19:flrangq[l‘n4rm£ andlmgcfl 1wrd.! 77» W ~ . ‘ Had my Goof: A I would have tried fiaglgd out 1’ ucha efpcratc doélrine, er ncclcof a“ riding:-‘knot for cvcr gagling more. If the naturall, politicall, pcrpetuall, andmncceffary order ofParIia.ments,S“cnatcs, and Coun- celsbc thuslcrackcd, that the majoruvotell maynot dc» termine all Queflrions pro tempura, Iowould wifh the world to chain: up its brccchcs tooits doublctasthcy doc PQrtmantu’s,andrun away as fall as poflibly it can, andmkclmcalongwxthn‘. A l l V v o I 4 im Thislis that which would foonc felt the whole earfh ' on firgflamc, bloo:d,dcfolariono and flwarre,annd cmbroil [the bodics and faults of all mankind in pcrpctuall gala bolylcs. Ill ~ What the Swpmm: Pvwer ziartli z'"7l'4¥htlb¢:].'l:*:? mfix; “bqmerm V! mono marentbdn tbxmdrin and lzyhtxihg aver auflzezidxl A A Thiswas anfwcr’dbé orc,lllnor Inowrc-4«difp'in:e o What our Supreme Power doth I A will oncly acldc that Thundringand Lighf'tn§n:g over; our hcaclslconccrnncs us lnotllalictlc gtheyage “violent? cruption§h‘lo;f’*fiéry ~cx- l D 2 halations, X hold innthc Houfc at this ‘time. lam fur: I fhould bc ‘ loth that it fhould hold betwixt my Wife and me. wrgu. 9. A .1“ rgu Ian: R.» Praia 0 V A 1.1. owd. Mm A.AI~’l'€l-iii/been t C26) halations, they often fer‘Houf:s, Churc hes‘, and whole A Cities on an unquenchable flame; rftrilcc dwne tall Oakes and Cedar,s,Ahurle down terrible Thunder-bolts, andomalge Men and Bcafistovtremoble, . . "A 2 a BI cumfalminibw molten: tozzzit-ran menm. r A But my advice roomy Opponent is, tli‘at:A 14 A ’ ‘1'el4 reptmantmt mmiéw f41m'cat4% C'}cla}2tm1.. V A A It is avery rcorn‘fortlefl"e condition forlus ’£nglzj71..mn when we chufe our Equals to be faithfull Patriots, to confident the neacflities of the Nation-5 that ‘when they A ~CC3AlnC1 into the Parliament, they ' fl1aIlrp1?0Vc*fuch 5?-"npz‘- .._";m»Aas%tt,,o“fa11~athundring and lightn-ingf n«n‘m\i‘no‘ufly over our liéad5;~- Ahitrhat it murfinot eoncerncius whatwthey Adoe I hope the People will be to wife hereafter as to Achufg no more Bomerge:,but fuch as are right and true Iyvould ‘goemanymilcs on my Antagontifrs errand, » ..and. fatisfafiorilyg *vi%:' a i . A it 17 b%£f"‘S/.7¢'rc’.Wti16£C2'.t*i€J' z/Mt fend‘ out Meir" 1/Igefltzr o the publiqae Jjfitirw qftbe L4nd,A my not art! nwellmfl them may account, at tlxeirtretttrrzgfggé ‘$79521! tiny /M'm:__2 A dam amifle, M 1/7: Lamar Houfi may ‘mil: tire Noéilitj to 4 , xeckonizgg: notto diflfolver what I theyahavc publickly A.£Ol‘lCll1d€dlfl«B&l‘llaI1‘lCf1f5:Wl'l‘lChlfn’I1lflZ“flIElflCl'~tl.lvl the next ifihe» would bAut‘dctern1ine me this" ,Qmfz‘iwzlogicaf=1ly, i r Seflion or§‘AfTembly, butto dealc wirhthcm according to._theiij demeritse: If there were? a*n=a.order.ly" courfee al- lowedand taken this purpofg ~ It t~hink.e» out i Repre- _ fitntees, would be more confiderater in What they doe. A Igdoe but propound; I pertfwadeanot, bccaufev Ireaafily A L forefee; 3;; it Vinconwveniencpsi Jth ‘atlwillv require’AA good a_l1cada.ico.1;rcyenr.t.t If itrl2efaida1¢l2:A:a:.xz Pqrliaiirdczrtawc A fittcarr e V % H ( £7) ~ 1 jitzerto doe-it]! fhalnoti repIy,1efi my mare fhouldcomc 5 A downesn her knees. A * ‘ A « on A +~ If he.hadrez;«d but one line move in the firft Demur- rer he might: well have fpared his cenfure and /y//ogvfma in pag.'1 2'.11.'n.iI. tlaere wear not/aingflzid or intended qft/ye e King or Lardx, éwtzwelj of t/Jefarciéle dzflz'p4t“z"on zf the Houfeiofcommam .~ It is one of his;2z_u'dl_zl2et.r,v at-fre- éetur qz:oa!1il2et:, but firetching is not-good. M 1 Line go. he faith,o‘.thatAw: aflfalong wmiele t/ye ejefiian oft/2: King ;- ldoe not remember fucha word, '1 pre- fume therewas no fuch paffagei in the Original} Letter Stretching iSnOtAgO0d.a’ A ‘ i To whathe faith, page! 2,1231: 35 . I anfwemhat it was never] denicdthat the. prefent aéising Power is now at Weflminffer, and I~thin.kc will be~there~du‘rinAg my daies,» at leaflc if the AArmy«ipleafe :1; Stretching is not good. A 5; « Hefai,th,.heAEhathi heard fome.~ofthe~m__fay, i that they never Votedmarefreely than new. Who fi1e;%rivai%ls” at it *.'— they fing ‘Q mofl: Aofthern by i he biooke” and one “ditty : Some of them (and thofe no mall ones) being asI<’d not IOng;‘fi«nC"C',. W/mtit/Jey doe new-iadaies in the Hauflz? an- fwered, Etvm wimt the Army pleafi: .- T/Jere zzrcfzzc/flared 7 A V file”/J, tell (44 317/74: their will 13, and we cric,flDane, dome} in Tim tlr23‘;power;isiplcnipatezatiarifidepwcd .-AErgo.i. A ,;4,Aag,v min Er 0., in i V _ A A élmt w-eflz} talaeforme 13 ce»fld,’§“bee4z4fie the aldforme of King, Lords, and Gommam, 12: mzfid. 3- ‘ A A :4 4 Next timeiheireadsthefirIt.DemurrerI hope» he will " ,read it'bCttC1';, it was neither intended nor expr”effed,but A But that is noWthNationally.noeplenorderlyfigdepuxtedi: 3, ’ onely the t1’l1C_‘f01‘m€‘05 "th'e5Houfe.~'of Commons :- Stretching is not good 5 but he may take iihem in ; J ifshc no " peg. 16. R. peg. 16,1 7 e R; to» doe 1:‘ will hold to his fpelling, refiirifiioniforlimitetionfrom e <28» ~ He faiih,fbe Smtefhmds upon «firmer Rafi: than 5-cfbre, érecazgfiz the mz'xturexofKing, Lords, and Cjemmom, were 4 flreteregeiieom‘ 5 lwt mwit 1354/lzmitedin ‘the fujfirege of tb€iPe0,0le. A _ A 2 l ' e V‘ i n M. l \ I1: {cams by him, that all States mixt oFKing.,Lords, and Commons,are het:erogeneous,which I never heard before, nor can believe now, more then a Church of Paflfors, Elders, and Members; then Prefidlenr,Fel,,lowes,and Students .;,t_hen§ anaturall body of upper, middle, and lower region 5, then a pudding of flower, plu,ms,~and far, are heterogeneous. _ Should I make a parallel of this prefent Bafi: with the Former, were I fure my Marc would not (fumble, Icould demonftratel it to be Heterogeneous; Hetero» doxous, Incongrous, Omnigeno-us, Pluranimous, Ver- fipellous, Centireligious, Nummiamorous - I thought 7 I Ihould hit it at length, but! take in Army and all, or 1 elfe my Mare wouldfoone Rand on her head. i i But for peace fake I will that all is» now united in the Sufliagqof the People, thou h not in their Smfidge. H e fa/lento exclzfls’ z‘/ye izzterx ed Toleratiam. i A We grantit aPlop' opinion to hold 5 thatia Generall Councell is 1'0 Canonical! as to bind Confcience in Faith, oraéfive obedience; but we hold it a Prorcftanc opinion, that fuch a {ingl publickly what they determine to be errour or evil . » ~l i i 4 If 21 folemn isfynnd mayerre; what may a tingle Simpleg ,Wel defire to be thanlcfull to God, i and men A for any Blafphcmy, 5 i but I ptcfnme my: Opponent knowes, that there A a Colledge of A grant him as he l'aith,'iiif he Councell may bind from piraéii. in Popery, Superltition and w (19) there areas many impious erroutsr," wmcannot properly be couched under any ofthofe three heads, at leaf’: {hall not, if the grand T oleratorsmay be _T”udges,as there be A Monftersand Prodigies-mentionedin learned Wslpbim his 2 Tomes, De miméilibm, befides acompanys of fine new Qwimpiflio’: in Divinity, “enough to furniflt $011» T7'£'d€f6'0’S Chamber of Rarities, from one end to the. not er. in i 4 i Concerning this Tolemian which is my gteateft quars. i tell, I {hall prefume to fay: r ‘ That I never had wit“ enough to underftandiaeny reafon why a State many not as lawfully tolerate pmmz. mlljimm againfi Godsflommandeimtents, as national! arrears againfi: Gods Truths. I;am~not ignorant, what is ufuallyn declaimeedubout it, but it ta~l<%es« not with my V wealce braines. l t 2. That nexttothegenerallfiniulnelfe of the Land, it is the greateft caufesthat provokes tGod“to*ttoub1e* and interpuzle all ourptcfen-tproceesdings, and makes» them foe unacce:ptahI‘e in his fight :2 The Prophet Hag-~ . gm’ tells us, If rmclezmes zmdlwly things 5*: carried ‘toga- ther in one skirt or lap, “the 1701) jimll not fitnéizfie thema- aleane, but the mzclezme defile the 1:01}; fuchttare our mix» it tutes of cations 8: things. If we got no wifer toworke; we were getter 'fit+{till;— V t The mic: €s’od«arepare; holy, and irzmlpaérle 3 but the waies of finfullttemen, gtievo us , anxious and ambiguous.» ’ 3. Thatthis very T osleration, hath been the prineipall caufc of’ allour late innovations, dtklacatiom, and locate- fiagraiionx Tiwould I:C0ll1d"l'lOC fpealte it upon fome M fpeciall know1edge., % ~ t u A 4.. That if all the Men in this Kingciome fhonltilay their heads together to findo out an Image of gflmlaufie, l t . s . r or ”l(":30) O‘,_. ;,,~,,,,g,,W°,,‘,,;,§gr;¢, oft deflzlatiofl they could »clevife»no, worfe‘1t.ha~nii;a talemtion of-crrours ;€C11pfing and are-,~ colting Gods Truths. A . .‘ 5,; A i That “.n0" orthodox” ?ftneerc~ Chrillieanean or dare. cordially ingage or»-bids eGad-fl7¢’€4'~‘ t0 ~§h5eP7P55€d¥'”g§ ; Cf (Supreme powerfo long as -tl1TCylf1'tCn(l:t0allQW a gene-,- rall tolemtionr of error: andfalfle ofinion: , if they WOUM pleafe to difclaime itopenlynando ully, I atn perfgvadede i,t,.iwould;a_I,layi and "heale tnanysgreat diltances, and pro- cure manyitltanksrandfriEn€lS- ; 6. e That he that pleadeth for agmem/I, I fay not uni- -zmjfiz/1 Taleratian, hot and cold, I. meane.conftantIy ‘anddeliberately, that Man {hall findc himfclfc a Very, .Atl1eift in his Spirit at the long run 5 I inrreat the Land to marke fuch men, if God doth not in tmnetnarke our them or theirs to fome retnarlcable judgement, Ilcnow tlirtlc"ofhi.smincl. it A t i» 7. is IfGodndothn,ot ruin: this Toleration, or rheTo- l * leration ruine this Realme, Iwill refignea_l,1 my skilll in Almanack-makingitoiaNeighbour of minelthat {tn- or dies thofebookesmofl devoutliy. s It was the fnying of a great .5’-mm-mam, Thatl.Tnlerm'an of lflelzgion heed: Sedfriqn and Atlzezfme inaecammonemealzf/7., r . . x s Gentlernen,be plea fed to awake, and play no longer at in mdin with-the Devil about Gods {acted Truths, left God play at l nut amlont with you by. fome fndden fad firoke, upon the Nation oryour (elves, before you areaware.ll W e ~ -l e r i 4 Iheard an odclefloryiwithiinithefe fetyvjdaies, to f'nir~— 5 able to this fubjeét, that :1 can hardly tconceale it : One Mother Haggin la Countrey-V-woman‘; longing for fome good eheere, and wanting money for the "ma-riker, as I , doe many a time, got allthe goofo eggs, hen-eggs, A duck-eggs ,éuck.+t:ggs~(hc;c:<:>it1d,an€17Aatlaid thcmhundchgr her Sdhw;ho~h at eping Tfl1¢A«wQu*l*Ad:hatt~cI1 A5fi:Qr¢"" and vaticty of .: Collops and V Eggs ;but when {he 1oAok’d. for hcribrood', Afhchfound no; thingbfit la; ‘mAcfl?:hof naftypamm : ~.S»uc”h ainothcr difh will the Religiem qfEnglamlptoVc;1tndcrager;erah'ATa—~j W tiler4ti0n.. W at ~ 4 W ',,1,AHC'f3i[h,?4g;I;7.[il¢€ 30. Thatifwte will éziake govd the figrnilz'tude,hetween a Aconjugafl, and apolitical! Marriage; A weeamuflpratze our late Supreme Magzfirates, a meaning the Kirig. .:ALt2rdI.. Mid Secluded Members, to he our aatyrall a A a W a A A ‘To prove this, were to prove him,=our fclves, and all It. 7 ' othcrs, Subjcéts, to bc Bafiards 5 them Ki.ngs,and their »Succcfl7ouArs honcficr men, which is paft my ski,1l.r_ Itgis cnough to provc they wctcourPqliticalParcnts,wh‘ich the ="*Wh01Cfi‘€:7"i€5_'hQf.0fltr-EflglHbHCh1‘Oefl‘i;ClCSm2k.¢‘g0Od5 from a~~Genarcha .- I allow“ mofl: of his difparhzics bc- tvirccn Aa ‘p”ol,z‘tim/1 and canjagafl Ma”rrz'age,tbut they make nothingI:o.thAc p0Aim:Ain hand. w t P4g.A.t 8.1imth‘t8aAA wondcitAhc tfl1o“uId~inthcrprc.t thch Word MoraAl1,£or M0r4// any man” but him fc1fc~wouldt hi1VC~takCflit’f0l'fi, aam/zaaa». a That Ara aloe gooelaéliohs of our /Elrve: wider unlawful! Arg. I 2 ‘- J Magg/lratetizk mite affefrt their Right er “Authority. A;A A A BA;l1,t{lZ4h;C’1 Ogcfllon 15, whether ‘fa.’ daeuehtAthz')2g: at their A R: Cemmandeyhe mama affert hath .9 A Where, by the way, I A . refafiel to ohfirw them, cit mervailc this Supreme Pawer his more Ap1cas’d rather to deflre than to command ChCn,n‘v.Mifl{fldfIL‘h3nd People ofvthc Land, to ohferve Jhcir Fajlsg, an}dAThmzkflgrivping-daie;r..; My rcafon is, bccahufc mang ofthcirjigde haveformcrly her for that they zaeaame than MagifiratcS,0faclfAcheld»thaet*civiIAuth0rity had no A right’ 4 to ‘izzjoy:z¢A¢Atttttt§uch 4tIFi€=£-=W ‘If Pgcoplc wcrc dcfixrcd; A t A A 4 VE * 4 A h certainlhy A ;(‘4a¢€%')7 ‘. allif .?men7m;«V‘wduld;v Wéiflliim = M mime A ‘éVhat~thdyi‘C(3u1d ;.-' Bumnbw: r—hcy[‘lo’o'k’ am A cm? as%fnare's4 Ag. 9; u-fallsh ; He tc~l=ls*us, though the Svmm 5: gm: out tlztskiesw, yetwfellmw Starelzgbtg». M M * ‘ ‘ ‘ % ‘A “ ' * " 5410272972 faith, It A A aha. Swmzsm-.2 Sm1’:;bc%«4d6wnLthough> tshgc S4~ra;-sVb‘§!%; up, ixs rather r.1iaght~. t~ha~n~day=;whcn the Stars uf vhc greIa%t4eflz% magnitude, ~m»fi* flffthe «m;i*dVd‘I«=e agnimde >am d~o"w%n« a1:.r£’oa :,* m1uft4%necds: a &a.rke night ,~ % and What: ffilfiofe that arc1efr,b0rroW their light onely from madA‘bE‘a%i‘n~”él R9. VD Q-“A/f "£= AM 13* R. T ; *A;1zrV:A- ,, “iE; 1L’I“'lL’!fl?T‘ nccds ‘Cowi:%:s fiegis .:- “If c4 .3? mwA%“' ‘:4 "~ x'\ .31» M 4 *2‘ “ n I %L.am wara zmés _ rs;.4&farxha,t’s.‘4gvow Wdwood . %aATm*d¢»9fal1%¢onf@i¢nce fm..anyA.Vh£§"v1c{t %»Ama:%x'g¢z%o»"\dr1v’cV ' My .32.. A (i3:4i‘)* i he My Lorcis,j~ make‘i%much~i-iiofyqhri ir¢1ivcseana e your I-Ieires. -5;. yhu *bcoi1'ceehh.go11ci,*i wefllaili be in trwbfull A Lord-1cfl"e cafe: for=,1f.my I-Ierauldry deceive menot,-a Defizactaéy can make us no more Lordsfrihori Knights»; the utmofl tirlewe muff nowcxpeét, IS a ;Gent-lcman ;it may be if we firaine hard; we may liapfo event afevv, Squiredommes : A but herein is four com~fort,»that though 9 Loirds and Knights begone, we fhall have Gentlemen, more thanxiwe ‘know what A to doe? wit>hi : Mofi: A o-fithe ’ Armyare GentileArnen,ian‘d" mofliithat airezouti okffthe Ar» V my.ewi»l1;e1*élong‘beiasi gentle has any watch’d I’-+Iia“wke that eve:ryo.urLordfhips kepex. we are fo gentle al-A ready, thaewe are grown; Kifirels droupant, I am fine I am; anidi*I think: I havemany fcllowesa A I hope your Ho-no:rsian:d all ‘Friends will pardon me for 'AtAAon‘gue- ing it thusifreely, my purl’-fltrings and hcartkftfings are grown fo feeb1e,that~if I ihould not rozen them now“ and then ‘,,( with a little mirchi) they would (‘come crack quite: jafunder; 4 and 4I7profefl'e it is paft my skill show to getfmoniiiey to “buy “l1'¢W,wtil'1 ..thefe “Pm-idragani/7: AIM?- V mentshbe over, which as»I gueffe, willbe about oéhbifz i .s'4m‘Zz' Ntmquamj... ‘ A ‘ A A A 1 He rebukes us for calfing it.aCv)1que/2,44 hand faith,‘ Awe . did: 2’; on: purpofe lmceufz: A W Maple Mae‘ word; we flioéuld foriboth;Lhavejida1FEdiitfai Vifiafy 4 « r ’1?his.is:b-uta+CaviIl~: he iknowesi that Authoumuf: the words indzfirrmrly. ; yea; m~anyi that A yvritci” eii his Jfiadcigas the}! Rzmonffrdnmand he I*fwievmay- ~heiie;“ie- greaic,Bywlm,iiie weicahh-oit i bropeélys call itia wiz- v éivry, fon*ihcifaid5ViéZori4 magmeempm mom] 4v':'¢F2‘orz'4~~: Wh0~iwhen he had‘ welvlibeaten; the *omans twice in the . fi.elds,. hid, _ tb4!e‘Gods»moald plr4fi:;«»ta 4 gzm him but one A ‘ Jzaiélarhlizii work: were dam: _.j__ his Captairreé» nepiied,5e1AII;at A anger towards to ceafe aljb. s€3§s.)Ah A tiégy hlmdgiwezz Him two already ,5 ‘No (faith he) way were‘ de4rc'}mrcAl:n]i::, not wiflariesg I get fave/1 amber Vi» flohry, I am qgtitg ytzezlane; V. A 1‘ . V‘ —sh»IfCafmogmphers write honcfltlyg ‘I could have. told us Englyk. ,nmofa4Coun‘nry‘ wshcre we might. have bought a*t1lcaftiahun»d‘réHV Kingdomcs at a lower ratg, that: our. expcrkcs ‘in sthcfc Wa'rrcsss»; _xvh’ich»Ihbarncfily pctitiort may ncvcrbcs cxaéfly fumm’dup;for putting all Ari:/ée ivécticidmf «in-..‘C77'riffcna’ome out A A ofeuf~0fliéc~rs into ha1tcrsA. ~ « _H V _ AV . » V AA Gad ma/m Zéiw and make: /aziglzmsdéy Ivz'mPrim'e;» céaf: toreigmt ; and (he faith) that the Autlmtr: aft/aerjl Deg murrer /Bddratbqrpcrpctuafifi embroyle ourfiwles M41, bu.» V dies, t/my cle4r6w.onfTefl?.~~t}:t3* Tiutb; A h “ g M This is another courteous complement: we areas %rcadytAoconfcfl'cit;as11imfclfc, that God doth many ~ times ~hrumc finfull and tyrannicaI.l'hPri'nccs; We aljfoh csonfcffe that he mwflztb wax're: to ceafi, proudhlzeljgers ta flbape, st/ye Qoiler and opprcflaurjn cmfi, the zzrragzmc} fpcakcthhe; and] hope in his d ue time he mifl canfir/712% If I fhould read this Dialcéfiquc fl:‘raincA :6 my Marc, one fling: To argue from what God can do: by his Sovcrwfgntygs towhat man wi1‘l docgin hisarrog““a"ncie;sis~ 3 figure in Lagihckcssc:1l1bdsP}5rwfi. "h if , “ v But; if this Au_th»or intcrp;:ctsfthcf¢ Tcxqhat [God.wil‘1, maka al1~Pfinci “arcs asndhR'oy’aItics to. C&AaA*fc]" he willhdqe 'morc%t_ha_n cvcrgc dic_I~yct, aAn.d‘mor,c than cvqr the Sari» ptutdprophhecyeth ’th13catrrcxh.s I’ doubtA%xjot,whatcvpx:* ~Fh=1fl-tafiicks drcaincgsbufsthcyfl1al1:Ih¢ontinhuc,and have their V much..forc;£01dand hoped fan... I proportionhablc fl1arcsAAin~-thofe éloriousi. times‘ fols A A A E of thcir wits,_ and many A h/Irg. 1'43? R» A A fire proud té ceafi:,,..andhlewdmy]é to ceafé, as thc.Script‘urc 4 “ flue would fiat‘: from*Nemcaflle to Mici.mel:A-momhatsaath » A %$&&m%%$%&&&w%$$$$%$£$% some co the %s=cond»par= Am Afiéokc; um. 3 cmihg lcmr Vow anAd.4¢4¢/Mfifita “ AWh:r¢cp;%AI (1aaJ._1 I A ‘if p¢a1s i'7¢A¥Y W 51¢ =5 P3iI1¥~b£Cfi?uf¢ #h¢Apla~nVt§,hi$«mVainc: A . baccery‘ag%a3;n& £11,:f¢§ConAd"fiw.¢;4rrer»énd aAnA<;l1A3Aartly bccauf¢~I hcarc it takes my liA;t1cwirhIn-A t'5*C«1*L£gj¢§q‘t"%1.IleI'.f’y‘Wh9lOO‘1€eatit aVwc1~wrough:pieceA dfti%1°fa%nAy rophim-y; but no: asrdund Logicaxm. Th¢9l9giC3A11Webbc. " A I A T A A ° L " ” T0 Wh~%t he fpciaks in gcncrall abcmt” AAp2€émifi:; and ffflfliijf 7' COflfCI1l.'$ F01‘ thfi hergin. IdifFerr3om%him, thanhexnmsafimpzemmmas db»-A 1‘4igatorYAa5 3 PW”?fl?”’*)‘ 0?‘?/7» on¢1yAfinpoixitofpénalry 3 he" fccmcs to be acm'1zm,and thcxfofc Cannotbégno» rant,_thatAtVhofl::Lmycr:A put; a large graduaIl~»dif1"cr'c‘riV¢§¢ bccwixr n@4'!wr4fivm? andfitvrm iaArmerztr¢m,%Anpr 311 ‘P033’? 505 P‘11a"1£Y, A wC1.‘1Af:{if.l ?a,n innfin fecal! bond gag ti; 5 A fuppofing‘rru¢1ythar’Van‘o4tb is taken wmi m<,)rcrc1i4 gious d¢1ib¢rVatiQn 3zf'oIcmnc engagcxricnfthaii a nakéd A V A» .Bu;I_Acomcmhis difcqurfg, A «A ~ t./.z’rg:I. .1. A7 A A A A ~ men. Ergo- A A A ‘ ,_ ‘4 A . 4 R. I knowndt Thow®any humane Covenant, éanbg 0., *Wh‘¢1'**’i‘~° mad?-‘ 01' ‘a1<¢l1a11QfAh¢ n=ith¢r= There is nothing ‘ W AA V «4rgw- 2- 1'/wztn2£e2r~a:.;p L A 7| \ ‘ A ~"0até444»tfi??i¥%3J£‘ ;;<*z‘;ag; 40%:-*'A.; 5)’ ¢‘5’7€fl¢fl5?zMA.aftmAnpa61iké Magi» raciex who ,¢; A V .Cé/14t8r41£3¢Wl}.E 34' fbmfilduAe:%ta aaapgrutc pgt:tlJ:r,fl;';5. mi Géven4v¢t%w««vvmzzm Amma 4! W1 *§W'5?izzcl3?' €*?I4Z4§?ieaa»A9ffl¥4g;?颧‘myM W: A4;—;~;¢Adz?% 3 ‘I . u ;»;w W: ' '77“ M,‘ ‘ '3 " W ~“‘ ‘~ 4» W , ffmcy qfaiim State, which laemgmw dltereddfldgamea V grouncfi God Fdrbiczlithét a without the conduéf of publikc Aqthoyity 5-%but%Ii» w.e;m ; 4. ‘ %ath ox: @:ove~:%»a;iwi:? as ;‘contiques%mp1sg A . A ducent to H5 pc1*pcgua11 welfare. 1] I 1_a~mé{7ui*‘evf@6& would A_ field 1.10; pm:Fmmc.fome utyV%%ciomQn«t"¢a1iwVV* €217) ’ A®Thef4c yv‘a§'n6t only A%a%Aconjum&TivcA mutu«a;h'ty hem-cn mo “p?tiB1ikA”cMa'g«i{1racies , and ‘t wdNaiti_@”ns' co co» ifiam ticthcr‘ 3 but a rcfpeéfivc feve»raIty,7 that each Nae- tion fhould opcxjatc fepafatcly, to 3 their propcr4Par1ja; iné'ntV,in% cafes pecu1ia~r to their fev A ' ope; “4 ;z-zm We mm-rz«oMo.aéZ ugan: raw» owe private A ig«,4J_}, W 5}!/at digreffion aftlae Szqvremzs §13¢m'z’=mtary« or: "M.ég8j- { . 4 ‘ "7 aw ddbbdxged. AErga.~ = V‘ A Why» then? did tI?1c~So¥?cHe§i5 a?¢5i~"0n~% eI~71 A A j ‘ A the Statd o«rS*uprcme~ Ma§gif’cracy be altcrcd ,1why isfit faid~rhacAwz3AVwz‘:V$%am~1iamen;Aup»m tlmfibfl eleifim 15)“ A * %4 t'hi%:it‘wm*,%, anebvfemr Mme J Myiflreming‘ and%jAudg~ment“faiIcwme ml1Ch,.. if thealtc-~ 1‘=at1on«of7the‘ f~"oxme4ofa State» may give 4«a~ .d¢~feiFam:c%AA%to cam npt; allow it {to h‘1:'s*i*“I\.vs=,“ i‘11tf%<é‘FEh*‘¢’Gib¢onif¢:5_ «ncernmr AA thc “C“0venanwrA pF1h@¢d%1n%42513afimb%’s A tflimcag ajfmriwhicé wlixeixz farmef 901°‘ ¢GoVvarn‘r1c;¢~nt’%w?&“s~A ~%c«Ina«ndg««r:'c%A -RI W. .\ crall intcrcfissb as h_im- A fclfie oFtcnAco1if¢{Teth; invI1%i‘s~Traa‘3:- ‘A * ~ 3:» V into» 2 %~R4oy;aiwy*-¢Vin2the iimxoxt mil; “and 1iowA@¢aa¢aw wméi 1 :hisIS*oxis f0t"iV we are"nou:ig?noraVn&t; % * AA finglc Womé% v cnmé V%intoV_a m‘f6V1émti¢4i4~Vo4w with iqlacingiVtIaac;re1»igwas4dIpanzg . rifilian%~ V ’Womc.n3 V {.38 h A Women, asto pr4}~'otmedif4f6 oncca day,torf~oread a Tpieccof Striprurc. fo long “ash «Gad gives her ability I; If afterward the changes her eftate by Mzmiagc, Lprefumc — it doth not difchar e her. A A ulrgzta 4. A Parent mty v _ h ofiéyigg .- Ergo, the M Ag?/irate 4 Sufijeéf. /urge 4 C’/ailde or 1/Vzfegframhd Vawor a iACivil1 Magiaftratc cannot difpence whercta Parent e or Husband may,unlefi'c (as hefaid beft3re)hc can prove them naturall Parents. A Civill Magtftratc could not dhifeharge the Rec/mérites‘ or Na.“{_4rit(.’J' Vowes, neither have the M agiflrate as yetdifchargkl it that I hea1‘c.h Thofe that were our Politicall Parents, when that Vow was emcr’d, himfclffaith, are noweunparentcdtor A civilly dead 5 1'0 thalflothcr Fathers-inelawcs cannot doctit. A A I t 1 hwhen thatv-ow was 4 taken, the relation of Magi- fttates and Subjetfts was nothmuch corifidcrcd, as I com . ccive, ‘but all tooke it togetrhet volu“‘qta»rily, as fellow- A echhriftiansg and then thatAPar~cnta1l relation he mentions rt) ha;VVc’thp" power ofabfolving the Pc‘tfons, or difl'ol- ving the Vow, htannot be pleaded. A A 4 Itak “thefe to bethfs ‘cardinall A‘rgutme«hAts,tI~ .thCt1';CfQ1"C &1’%t;1t~,.tthi5 fubieél no further, “ but Leave it to my two Bret in wayAofdifcpurfl:., V‘ ‘k .4 4 A ‘Fido: mm danda mt er-wmJ4.~: rcntn.cv3i11 :. A Yct~fomewhat,‘~I"wtjtt daddc wasmcprtncipalx, it".-tor: c firft Roncthat was Jaid , inthc Roman::foun‘dation,whcrcon they built fo tall Towers. AI thmkett was land mthe Tarquimi time, and there: ftopdt firm: till the proudcr Ecclefiafiick Tar-~ A V game: came in,Wand tum’d the botto t In: upwards.t A tfidesddnddfltW1fi‘7"wwd4.:.; “ 4 Qafthcs, V9wcs,Aand Covenants, are the high.pArc£d:- gatives C395 garrvesotood and godly Nationsl, theiriolating at: them, akindof climbing his couch, and pulling ammo Reuben: curler on the Violaters heads, that they [lmll be ‘dd’ mzfiihzblc (55 meter. I feare this is the: ground of our late inconftancy. I have heard fome great ‘ones have been often obferved,to make folemne provocations l 4 ptotefiations to God, that they would doe this 8: that, and niotdo tghat and this, but have changed their minds with the Moonc. , , l i l ' u up i -A I ambutja mpeane“ Hil’torian,yetif time woulld permit I couldgive 4 him thirty * foure emineent inftanees out of 1' undry ‘humane Authors,wherefueh publiké parts have A been violated bylmger dz; mabgor chevifance of wit,not muchunlike fome ofourexcufes, that have been pu- nifhed from Heaven by molt horrid midi remarkable Judgmentmplainl A difeovering the mind and vvrath of . Cwod againfl fuch edilragous prafiifes; l " “ ‘ i ii‘ l I wonder the Authour'waves that Argument, which. is fo"of:en urged by others 5 V namelly, that the mainm W fcapeiaftbe Caf;I;sr~ " ‘gfagemezzt, if Minifl:*ersAbe vmhin thcrcach om, or elf: many Tythcsmufi {inks dd 2"i¢fira.s' ; for, Idoc not fee A any provifionthatthe Supreme Power hath xakcn for thcir cm1fcrvation—,that will pr0~v€f any thing aenfwcrable V to the Pcoplcsre;fcrvat;iAAon.& A A A W A A A A',1‘he.fumme ofall that I have faid, or flmllfay, con- “ Cg:mi%nAg this point, %a%mo*Lmts briefly tothis ;: A _ A, fimsfizfiire que;mz‘,w4/inc limits A?mé)été24£AL§5 M A V4 gym mzxw méfent, qmaiflzfitffia rim/l4Zz;g4£vit% P A A A What bwmds can émzmd 22», vaQ;V and boundlefle mirgd :5 9 Wl1atbomdsAc4an hold ,W110m'0d£be5 nor Vmw wil b1..nd§_f' %D.:u"d IV1n4¢.cVIVdA1Aié 0ut% o:VFz1%iyprOpc1‘% %fpIficre,% Vanciwgrgj 4 _ film Miniflc1"s would not be offendcg withxnhc, I Ihould be bold toaskcthem this Voycftion, ‘Wily may flick p fiéfly at W Cvweifiamwfié mkyt/9¢J1byAefizflm.nge1M this WWW I”§“§£W”;¢ «? 0176 f€‘Iif0i1mayAbe,AAbccauf::“wc Mi- mftc,rso_fAthe Lawfwallow It fo, roundly , A likccggg and ¢ muskadinc; thcxcfore you iMinii’cc1‘s of the Gofpcl chink Y0” °”g4h“*-’ ‘Mi AH0fl~‘—’1’C G¢m1:¢m¢n,¢V Wh-at:',Ca'nyou dg... A fimm4h:aén»y0V:h3.V5f3 L V10“. g*raA;;gd13avm—im5A «of the 3tatc..+y0u“ hav¢Ayotw TyAthc:s,Stipcnd1s arid Aug. Vmcntations Paid you;,AA as fafias you can récgivc them. If'.Y0l1»C%3»flfl04?i d1‘IV¢ 911 art: Religion in yourParifl1cs, »Y04fl?h.;W¢A_VY9UY CIIOICC 0? aSAN\%1‘I1&I}1yAas,yVouAWi1!i:V.Ygur zP*u1&pitAsg1A:f¥crwitI1Aflamc1 .IacIcccs,x and brave Belts as W116‘ G10‘1‘i?unagi+:w; V — %B”urVth‘at is not tE'1ex«vm'fi',” ifymbéa 555),‘;-«Wj}~1 A ezxpofc your F1ocksm~;1AA1l t¥:xe~mm»fa:1gw1e%dy4Em:x11rs and Opinions that bud TO ffafl, : out 0:fa;,fh;C :: ‘Biro W{a_ntl'_¢ts of A Aur&ve1vvet~hVeadcd VBr0ckcts.;.» AA A »~ W 4A TI1erc is~a very 1‘ ud¢%4&:Wretc13ed ,"I”:r'ad7ition~;4 Aax*r1VQfig £;’t: ‘thc Iewdcrfrt (Sf Mari neV1*s:, tl1at.Whenthcy come from fca, and Bray a few dAa1icsA at hoirxlc, thefy :gct%% their ‘Wives I§1;11f~\xvitl1-V;Chi1dc;and IVc%:;w<:AthcAoi:h€;'rha1f»t~o be fimm*VdA; % byfo1ncofti11ci1*‘ ,Nci%l1bmnfsAwh¢n4 they are Ag ‘om: :4 Y011 have made«mMaAny half?-;Chriftiar1s in your” Auditoxics 5 ify0~1,1;nc2w ic;I‘vcA%t%~I1em,%Vfozne ncw—‘1ightcd 4Car‘z>zz{J4a2s df ” thfi Army, or fame younVgParacrct'to”s new nu'rfir2?g up V A inWthel1n1veriiricsA,\to4 fupplyjyour ro01n¢s,&wil1~Lfin1fl3« n:hc%orhe,r»ha%lf"4; fo»tI1au your Ch‘urk:l1ds wvillbccoxiaemflsv ofpywbaldiPoppmgays, ‘C0nfiitutcd dAV1ikc4n"§an‘5! df our fine ,Citi;zcns4VVivcs, with grave fblack~ncthcr~—bodics" A and yc»11o1wupperébodics,¢and :1 fimplc flux: in the mm... I fay ,g1:;1e:>AtA thus ofa11,%I4e:cccp:my %fpccia1l Friends, ifor” A pi4%f“ty--.fa1:<: ;,'~jtha::y*’ atficr oodiWmn1en,~an”d it is m yh1,1mbl<: V dutyto bcarc wxtht cu‘ proud Impcrfirmitics.4~ 4 A M {L confeffé; «this: ncvvr Ing¢gemmtw VtI'OublCS im;c:'m~uCh 3‘ I4 A” have r£adl,fial1»t’heA printed Arguments pmpo&rti*on",; Vbgutt t:h¢F¢~m*”tfommmher : things most pub $ifl~1'cd; %Vtha..t=*%ti*ocublc~:~ KW hhcadlami héfirt mt: %3¥m1i€111%» VVWIK,-»* } » 5 A ‘ 1,. ~ rIf{ it bx a fi-mé1to'ihflitutc“~aVfwlc; Dgmmawy, m G07"? vcmc Eh’i57‘rwic%h%44 t:¢h£xvirf1¢d%I§7ing*dmmc;; which ‘I; th?inkEW Wk *1 could fbonc‘ prove if Imight ha:%vc“1cavcA;*’l*mw:;Ld:am “ M “WM” fimyfigéff 1Lflgagyi1ag?m?.ie»4an%ki far iw IFa1*lA=nha%lo%wcr Houf: Wcrc Lords, yet ifthcy be chofcn by thcj*Comm9<5na1ty"[w A as t,I1Qir$I,&e;prpfcm§' mg tantra‘ ";wam*¢ry*.**: dbd mt "‘ ‘ahfé.1~tita1y»»@n§;;11mcmhim~%;mMvwmy,;'~but warm dcsrh % A A F2 neat <42) notobfervei, the Arcana infigniqt dminii a'¢momztici; featteredi every where, throughout the Land very pro--_ fufely and iinpolitickly; * a 2. Be it a Demamzcy or an L/Irzylacrazcy, if it be not A Nationallyconfiituted, I feare it islikcwifea finneg. I‘ eonceive it is the minde of_God, that every ‘Nation; V ihould be govem’d by a national! Orchnanc:c~:i How may I then partake of {web at tranfgreflionie‘ , ‘ 13;: I apprehend _;hat the generall word [Comman- m-41:17] dothcomprehend the'Church, which is enotyet ieftabliflfczl in pointoFGovernrnent or !Dil?:ipline»;, then? [hall I be too forward to engezgzge: and it fcemsto in» clude it, 1fMm1Itersi Fum‘?c1ons,~ comelwithmthe-termes» ofifiduciary or profitable 0flices::yea,thc_ lafhDeclara-f tion ofthesupremc gower confeffes, thatrtire Cmmm-i wezzlt/a-fl notyetieiflablaylaed, but that t/aeyare mm: elnmt 2'2‘; 4. I doenet heate, that either theMembe1fs: ofthisa Parliament, or the CQunfellors:lofState,ihave-as yet in»-it gaged~ to us; f tobeetruc and faithfull in pr0tle&&ing»tand A overning us by julh andprefcripth Lawes, as our—Kin«gs gormerly have done 5» Why {hould we then firlt engage: itothemt 4 , it i A 5; A 1* am "credibly infornfdgthat divers hgeacllyel Gentle-1 , their lawful! and neceffmiyh izzjrmifz men 85 Divineshave ptoffered.:’their Izwgagemmtto lwe" ~ peareaélyfl and quietly rmder tlukpbwer, V and to ééfer-wt‘ all‘ A as:iiGod requires of men towards hiipfelfe, and has moft ii ' Then! mulflifearct that ~14 < acutecommentathofrs can; find in the wotdsof hA&;~;j M5; which is as muchl 4 "”""’M‘3“";" ’“’?’“‘”W'*~~~ A there iszfomethiclelenfnére A fnthc bot«tome.i “ V 1 A There a1'ctW0.Wl1tth my dull hea”d;can~.rc'a¢h;:l A ~: A The finit, is,”agencrallhfiomageior:r$t;ii%1~agevofithel i ‘ “ " P¢°P1¢ai h C(43)’ 7‘ e a People, amounting to an acceptance of this new forme, thoughit he obtained againft the minds and tender A iconfcientese of many. A The feeond, is, an utterabolifhment of our rnoft re-L ligious Covenant. All that write the bodylofthe Civil 7 Law, as Mo{Qjm,Grempim, gflatoérmw deliSa72zf?o Gear.- gia, Wefiméec£r2’m,* and others, doe rationally affitme, that PaJ?ampa6Zo4eeliditar, tliatls," Paifam prim purpos- fleriw elidemr. A fitfi Covenant is wholly abolifh’d* A byaa feconcl. Itris ea great.adVentti1re‘in matter of Cone-’ t fcienee towardGod,to>goundetgovc r‘,hefidie,or to creep" e _ through the brokenmasks ofa I"act*ednet; but to {tab the Covenant at the heart, and wholly to defltoyit, is. ‘ toornuch. W I am the more fufgritious, A becaufe ofthic ltafiyiprell y‘ fingiof this Ingagememt, I cann‘ottimagitnee‘howl poflibly all the mentioned‘ Subjeéts tl1roughoutEagl2md thould take it by thezo of February. If it hadbeen fetto-«the 31‘ t«bfFtcérrzmryi, it hadebeet.-. farre better as I conceive. If any read Gentleman or Divine vvillaH‘oile~thefe' d*Oubts;I5~fltall ?be veeryftrnucltlbeltolding to him; i A t "» There maye‘Bc‘itwoi<-morefutitfpeéiedg which Idatet not mention. ” ”‘ ‘ A A ‘gt t The Authout towards the end of his Bo”olc;V hath a _ Dlfcioutfeiconlecrnintg the Pre:éyte"rz'4;t:i Gwvernmettfi; ’ in: the Scatz_[I2 Churches; fuppofc hisintcnt therein is: . tivvofold} : FittrI’c,e to iidifparage it 5 havi'ng clafh’d at it di-.-A vets times in his Traét». Seconldly, to thew how incoin--’ fi£tent~Vit*wastwi”th Regan Dominion 3“ intimating ( ‘as I think):therein,h‘ow* muchmore'inc;mI1.ptatible it will be with our frame : He is a wiféman nmlcanrc11»thow:oe cxercife any Church Difcipline upon “any l Member of out Supreme Power, whatfocver“ they aéfori deter» P3, A minc.3., W») ‘mm ;and? ‘W:Af"i;7'U.; £z2com;en.im;;fc§ may~cn{°uc tI:e1°eof;can~" has beAc;3{i1Y .fi:~‘§§3§CfC,iA} ; 0:11:11‘ tllmggga he hAmt;~; in 1t,‘which A tirnc wilhlosz i?"fifi”c.°rtoAé3::a1:i”:,in«:n H A v ~ A I nwAfit;1eAcds_ y:mx1Amc about z2ga%1n,and% havcafrxendly fCl1fi'k‘ wit11f75.AD; A A _A A A . _ A his a {flange C10:-firznc to teach a fpeclall; Frxcnd , Atharhe 111uftpakcA this lngagémcnt in purfuancc ofhxs fluiéred for hié Af&I{c.V ~ farmer Covenant and ProtePcaticmA: tAl1c.{flmzelites (0- lénmlycovenantcd: with Gad , to have none other Go;ds%but him; and tr) worflaiphém, accordingltohhis owne InAfiituti0ns~-.;;. they afrerwar Asingaged Wit‘1~t C~=13:' Rulers, to W01”fl1i.pl1i‘n‘lA by Idols of thfil‘ own" making, andyall in purfuance of their Covenant. AA 4 A One of my Godfathcrs promifeth to give me one of his. gallant AHA0rfcsA, Fox: 21:13 great; Saddle, whcin he dies hegivcs me a lcanc Lame fpittAlCMa1*C, (0 old that a man wcguldr hAAaveAa1mofifrI}$11%gI1tAi1i£1ad lzlceriflae wry ,a1;cAt at; c;Aam§ 0~mAQ AM AA.€_AArc,an Aa Am ipur-- fuanccofhis promtfm I .an;1Ag1adA;G%odfa.thcrs Aa~re fia-~ V HoneVfiAMAaPcc4r doc nottcach your Friends fuch pa.rad.oXcs=, wife men wAi~141nL otVbc1icvc you, mom will your folid Country—mcn thankcyou, ‘ 3 W, II1A\“‘hi$\i:Rw#fi’:-g‘ f4A,f1A: Aha tmdcrs4. af 'mT17i:6Aa;ty,‘aI3c1;,1;fu;Ab~A in‘ A {cribing t‘Hé Iisgggememr pm the fa c;onVd%iA12%i<3Ans~:4 'Eirft;A.V % diéiiafifi thatfAyOuA mufi A fcithér t€CCiVQfa;Ii5fafi;OnA_ f1=pmAixz;;5 M be; iu£t1§"fi1fP¢é‘ted to haw féimfi P1‘iVY and p¢ri1oA1;s A¢ A A A- A ‘ S.éC9flE1¥;a»$h»§t mm inufiA matg .6vvi#cIw:uc t1m7orc1¢%sAA ofi tbs jSuA}?Yj¢iI1¢'PAb}AwA‘cr,an§1A fpcalémwhat you will 01: damn at YOU"? OWAn_ACA pi¢;11illAA§,Z“A% IAAmarVc11A nofi bedy acccptsy him». 4 A H3 “Pbr3‘¢?$*AA?h¢A% P%§0}P°Afm%A Vfirxilandfomfiiy thac “trug: Weuld chzmge hearts wi‘tTh7 him, ahd givc hhiimiiall (in tI1fi’;CitI§:S=0’Fp‘iQ1:i3fiilii learnedDivi;1es;‘g»:zg§.i7i. yet;$,:@ i 28. hepmclannis Ixxmfclie sfo Ica1'ncci, tliatv chi dares unt- dermkcito»1eTt A them ice‘ i'L1ch razisfacmry groL1nds,‘ as V {hall clcarcall their Scruplcs 5 and pgzg. 25; {b pious that he kni0~:wcsiiin0 eviiiin his heart :‘ If'I= thought he fpokc the money iinmy piurtflzto been A A The good man is ix} fucha wofull Scata»Brit:zmick fpi-Ckifio ‘tilatihc dacstihmke, and he dqvzs not~»tl1inkc, he idotlxnotitliinke, and yethiéhhcicnesitliiinkic,thatithc‘iPrai- 4 pgaflwianhdiia2x«Sz;&fi:r:éar:,i ?hia?v’ciF4f0z11feitiecpAhdefignc aw igainft the :Common-wealtii : Aias 3 wouldiiil knew‘ howto help him: I will undcrmkc for my Marc, and my iM*arc4:;vvi1s1 undertake for attic, wbu~t*&Fu1*rhAerii vv‘¢idai—“¢ Having donewithrihatwhichdifpleafirth me, Iicomc hnowf-to rim: which‘ both difpleafcth and’ pleafeth me: which is hallitiimt this Author hath” fpoken for hiscaufe : thrcmughhihout his whclc Bapk. ; How Farm it difpieafcth A A mailhiav«ci:maniif¢&cd»asmutshas dafégbutitfin hléa- fethmfialfoinfithisiiir‘cfpe6%, thatiiti puts me in :11; rmc a{Turance,i that ifzmy newt ialitcrationi. happens, I and my Friends {hall be allowed the fullibmefiit iof allchc variaricms _.,. interpretations , refcrvatiot1‘*s%,ipofl:variati{- (ms . tc4rivcxfationsi 54 ichixcufafions coanrcmporatioins 5 pernegationjs, a1tcratiions,iii“ illaqucatiiionis, extricattiong devotions, mcntimurations, ircmcntimiurations, diPcin- * i jaftions ,;¢vafions , poPFe{fi0ns.~, ip-lcnxpotcmzxialitics ianci‘ fcd«ifra»£tions, thanwl andi i Marc: ca*n”i dcvifc o1“po1fi» : bliyiim‘aginc.,A‘nd hath 3 {hrcwd Cocks—cVo4mbc: infuch bufiineITes.i A V Icomierimihc l‘aiPcii}51acci it0ithaitix>;zhich‘plcahfeth mh : ¢ This: Author afzaawdg wdBoM:d»oth;_mc the Ho» A H0111‘ ‘C 46) . noun: here, and there, “to call me Gcntlemnnz: I do: afIu're.himl, ifthefe devouringAflelfementsllhold but to ~ the endofthc yeere, 0146 T/amflmd, Six Hzmalred, Forty 4ndTen,lI {hall be gentle enoughofall confcience. A It maylbeboth he and fome othcrsa would wii... ling! y be fatisfied, what manner of Gfentleman I am; I care not therefore greatly,~xfI‘~g1Veh1m and mygood A Friennlnds my C/7l4r4e5i‘¢r- For my.¢natura1ls.;, loam a proper man, foure foot, ‘twclveinches and an half: high. A A My ‘lComple:xl.on, a S able Sanguine, with a few Gulc drops aboutmy Nofcl A My Beard, ifever it comes, is like to he of an Hairc-- colour; and certainly it would not be ['0 long A a coma mfng, if it knew how welcome it {hould be. A Tlxe conftitution of my body was a. clearer tranfparent Marmulatc, made up of the Confervcs of Carnations, Pageants , V Gillyaflol‘wclrs,l Sweet»-williamsgl and other fuch Aromatique Flowers, lfs/larch Panaclo’cl * into the lhape ofa Pcrait Gentleman; with the powder of Corall. an1dhChx:iftall,, clarify’d in the Spirits ofDiam.oncls, till thcf: dernc, dree.1"y, dn-cfull daycs condunghill’d and uglifiedrnc ll1C0fl3.1Cl3.fkAC'dCH{C_ lumpe, compounded of Night» ravens gizards, Satyrese Splens, Polcatts Lites, and Hedge oggs Livers“, Tortoifes Garbagesl; farcecl A together _w.irhthe gallsof Wizards. l ‘ Mynfpititselarelnowthevapours ofnfinkelholes, lHob- A goblins fizles A, land“ Hzarplyes mlidnight oBelehcs 5 . and A the I-Iahrpe. henco it is lthatflmy harmonious Bulfcl beats lllnorhing but melodlous Difcords, l ; to thenntune of xhel Croifoand n My"Mind%a,Charnell-houfeof the rottenlhones of ” dead Ziims,jims,0hims,andblccromancers.J A cm) % ,1‘ W.Vf&t;fiHing,5'trv;:apd$ fi:'g:hi3i‘n‘g,; Ap.h%ofin7g% and *V1za4rdV«Amak#1ng2,¢ by w1h€£E1Y’l.®aflAiAm‘.$S keeps my fclfc was comfortaibléeassuhe£cMH»£l71.»¢yw trinsms ; A ~l1é1:l4fl0flC of tI1eK7mw‘ill 1‘.cffcfl~1 mta, men I !:3.1<éVa S;t‘l§z£¢i>pzafrMi 4:117) ’q1a.1faC‘l{E1ga ' t?1dAi4;A!(7w$é&3tm gifigy mufiy xfpiVrit:s : ‘But ;:?11cr«E’¢As‘ my fotr“mv,!dI1%1t%»m;y‘bare punrfc wiA1A1jrcach n0higAherAthcnA1:o Deimycraticavll *Virg1:Ais¢:h§s;m;canm2t%Akw1dmyconguc*fo1{&n‘y 1Vifé‘;?4.¢I4w‘as~Amc, ‘A uvcrafter of£'cndcdA%~vmth»tAhat v"“**L*i;f:e 19? Vpfrecxous gfltéis ity»arIy%h(>i3€A9c+Vmfi£i ;1hép»q:1g1»4ore¢ms Arm-Awanc" of «a \‘ ,' A. A.. ‘,4. o:.A,, ‘f A. _AA¢‘i‘§ax«,]‘ R)’, « ,,«:,._§.‘A‘,‘ ;A"‘.AQ at ~¢ A <4 ma. -#9 In V“ W4 ‘ . *'“’~x»< “a ‘nu. 'v1\hn‘x‘“§ 5'“: at “J.” __,.~ v 1 G» % A WI Amid “ _ ted I man of A (~ 43) A 4J::a4m foAApcacoab1c,t*hAat_ IAf¢rioAu1fl.g5y “docfire :wc:m“ayfle:avc writing iand CO.’un't¢t7W1‘it,ingBI, i1nd;}AAfpAcnd AourAtimc ; and flrcngth in praying «’=1l1d*p¢aCC¥-m'3.1{1ng5f Wl11Ch I Hope I fhal1doe,:Godafl'1Pc1ngrr1cA.A W ‘ j V _n Pormy Civi1ls,fomc fayl amA;a Gentolcxxiann, fomc efay an Efqui1'c”, ” A.b:ut;I havenot njmAoneAyA _enoAugh ,;o~~Abne- ‘,‘A_\I‘,1“§€‘€‘.V€ tha{t,AandAI f<2:arc:nevcr~A fl1a1»1~::‘IAf Ai be an %Efquir:c, I M\'«*vi11ofc~11 my Efquire{h5:p,toAany honéil man for agood AAAPA¢O}:>1c~fl1ip, aiAAnd1ny*‘ncWeftp1ufl1 A]_acAl<.et, for a good A A ox~A1c:zithcx~n apron, and defirc V«f1'i¢ndS 11encc~ forzlunnncxfcrAa~toAAfayA.ro me,HoAm ycm*r.VfTarj7vzp? but How A A I was, cal"l’d« to_AjAthc ABnaAi‘;rq fizpygsargsi a,A:gAoAq,'j; a11dA1Aivc i n dotb your-oPea1‘>1g]7;z'p .9 A AA AA . i A A A. A V I am a Gentleman of the 1'*I‘mI1Ac5¥:SA\Q,£ Court. ' i~:.ont,inAu;¢1l1AAfcarxmavbc<%;aA1lcid .n:o¢ic%agAa"incgn:fo;‘ tailkii1gA:nrhus ’1ib¢:Yal1yfo‘o: 5n._,Abfl‘m§‘i;m;;i5 ;zimza’s~ rwd:f4ztlt;A he wi11*not Alet me alone." ~ g A ~ ¢ A AA :1 ;IAhavconbAo1'nsArmcsfr6~’1nyAAm%oukdyiinntieVn%tAAncc[tors, fo rich,that théy now,:g1:ow.t»AoAoVhcavyfor IiI3l??}'A_AO“oV€A17$*Et§1nX3ACI lcggsra am hAirn;king§£héArcfc2reA:tbtApurchafc new. A more A portable, and"m~+orc‘o fuitablcto ‘the tixrxies ‘-5. Ijcan dA¢v4i{c noncAfit~tcr1;hcn; Wcathcr:cocks and , aAA ~Turn¢~Vwflile,nnn my Crcfc an empty purficw’ no o VForthc‘c1a*ufc-Anbcirblaclt pu“ddning}*oAr whitc.An”onn? A * habit is foisnwhat f'yn%i1haA§othA¢r Géntlemncn fart.-, I amtlninkin-g Atochanga \t‘ha‘-t-“_a!lf‘0._,Y" no 1cnmay:;b@;ofdmbAof youAkneAAAw? A_CounrnryemanA Cutbm: n0:FA,A1Wr4mz2tov5o 33. V Afihrrp ttoundn fc:l1Aow ,: chap hvcd }é;9‘a3ai:’* 40% mfider: .-‘ * dflzd lionfdltion » t/mt 4 Trmper muff lamie =- “I l79--»6d~? 4* W661’, W567? 7703" 9735-1 A 'témlé}~‘ta.z§/Eimre: ” Houjbolder of/wen 23 azlvle lo expemlfa ”?”‘]7fW’ t/7U wazntwnceor biftlbvleF4%>’Wsi¢’l"?‘l””“l ic’1e»t’7eW zlzla;-mg. V W L I bélie*ve,”1awbllé ltlmé lA°.¢II'l[I'47l’1«’$’€'?2.t~_03_f4I“.'.I'lVgV1'&ll'll.(i zzrewt/fie Ar?-V A mic: Se)ffzzmts,tlae People oflE‘ng1an'cTfl:%al/; lie ’lJl5?'} S1591/_{3’55 a;«,rdfaL_langzw theS~aulafller;&&zrefu]j‘2*reall ‘ta, give give P4;f~4 lament pmrges, mlofllaftlaqfle t/mt 4reiz14ut50r1_tyr4ml6r them flmll be little lzetter ll9dI¢WG'700?728.$'N ofltlzezr ‘Clafi’-” finale, the refl oftlac Sulvjeéfs Teomm—fwterer.v mud Gold-a “finders, and t/necommoza-lnzealtlawilllac my fweiztertlmzi med: 5 I fem? alflv zztlengt/1, fame ar otlzer “will come and ‘dzg/Jt aw topurfofe. A ‘ ' A ‘ ' ll ~ fllzeliervcl, tlaefafzring of ignorant"-vaine men to pro»: A . _pljzt;éel‘tlJe ‘mo/l fsztréd ‘olralimznrei bfGod5 lzgztlylprowkedl _ GM’ to tl2.{:m“to delizmcla the mlofifitpreme * Ora- ldimncc t/Blellllvatlafnlezzjojves; ” * A 1 A * I l5.elz’erve,t5ell ,m,_;e;flgof:l:z~En agm;nt;l;wiE25ro"7;&ml 3?ewt4f2Wé rm ”?cllWrliar»e»t détfltw l it not .5 and that gylriamprmotzngmv tfw ,16ln;g2lp‘me“‘of Cl2rai]i‘,m14l.lzi:écllufl<1g£el‘oftla§.flrfellmr Sulajefisa lm’aul~al*gaz’n zmdrmiteltbe bmmt qf g,aad‘Am"eh to them;-more tlmiw rm Q l ~ 41 lzeliwcgtlmt tbe95udgmél§l:l“l~‘* l“*l‘c*‘d;¢lfz92e3§"t*é:’ -~Sl4tifi"s~,q :t€ll~;tzl7cW¢'5}l~tl7i5‘ fimé,l*lt/mt t/y:y4fi::*:&a:l ‘hope 49%» A izag £2 goadlknalan f/18l€72dQf'ié£iVl7§l"1i7TWql?6;:dllriiflgtbgjr xlllalzlz-far“ A 4mll&t/14t:z*lwyvevlalréladylémadelmortfrinrlagltfzéin V tlzemfélwes, or all I17: ‘ flaw to maria. l . V F I Cs3) A I belie’:/e,e I/Jolt flee xaeerleleeever flew, freak z'rre;>.atr4£l<..J A damage to etlae Gvfie//flee/.1/jboyleoflaflféAeleim'Aez'0!e/alfiel/eoye, A A feienees, eel: ream’ in tlze C/mrebe: of C/’Jr2f/E‘, fetch Aprpfgg- eeetiem cfSAel26ete/1.6 med Orelzeeeeeees, we /Ivereid £214/])be_A.A A mic; uttered, free/9 be//zfb errezen vented, flee-/efn;.ez;%m5 of A ezerfee1lie:_ difléeifitl , _/31,5 5 efififfitlifig Cdfla’ AA d{/era’ering- qf ‘n j Government, fleck ez eezzelztitreelevefi/1?/ee/fifié made, fimév A fizez'tlejfefireit 0fGad: eerrec'z"iaze.{, ]ieebAn42 A 4/356L1‘Se5J'e63‘: eflzztes, fieeb dxflzppflfivtfififfiff 9f‘g_0M'A??2£fl5 A}>myers em1 exeeé?etwee»efwe zeeeefiee eA‘fiAf?*?4€Lge¢ emeeee,»oe 4 A Jwmfltm fiwldee Aeieemee efftweee5‘revie~%éer—t,eém’ 4 A we et_%[lz’gA”/eVt tekieeg ta /year! Aiefi/aefeiffifieees e;eemfm'e:, in any ‘C/ariffizzez territeery A pen; eezrt/a,AA in em age, 44 /wig been % e he dais MRAe4lmeAwit/me thefls? ewe yegeees [efl pefl, A _ A I éeliewsflfih’fl?:AMeApe4rit)!~7€fiA.+e1?£1-{§T5i?nA2§ei5eItA€e¢7ejj?4~ A A ” blz'j7:7eAd,2z)eel zbepewer of GAod1z":eefiFe "éetter pme7zfee',e wen amengfiPProfcfler:, tlaeee it :3, time Gaa'wz'// mrueAr_rez:e:mAe * more get/ye’: Iflemd ire fiiritzmll @Ale_/5’i:eg.c.,A A A : IveAlz3VeT"+z2e, efeebeeeteedéd aléreéiee. .4d”¥‘«Z:t,'t‘€aA7"; Wt ‘ A?‘:A,7?l?;I_!e.fbtf‘f? t/ae pzmzy efflelzgzeze, e1«,tA/:Aep=eAxzzere of Gee!/ineflif, :e.zztie231tlg;, dwriflgbzkgéad . do: more pfiwdmrly, %2“éW 1Wll'éAfift1y, tlmzfi Ara gd//up .:- The...» A mfslamct nzgalfiu¢fin.r% t2fGm;l 31 re mart/9 the maitiflgfor :3, Me A fancyes.4mz’p4_f5‘ion:wn:fmem /Inzllmwr acvamplzj]: /31;: ml! A ;Lm*ily,A I lveriljv A éeliaévgs-5‘;¢}¢&(bei4e%Y’dge'pram%mdole» A Arlaire, t/mt” Iflmll and will I: s&=AavrdiallytrrAn;g and mZfl*imti.... vimflyfaitbfrall wt/be ’SfA4i‘6 nfEnglAand,‘ arm’ its ¢flAme'!.- fme, fivfm-eM»GAadjb44ll‘plm/%~ta venltglatm, mm’ inwzélw :m¢5%«dtr0"my~V%WwVd4 Y A * AA %«I3nom _§“ny Cham~ber$AFe'é. 15*. M49." A AA % _ " You had had“ it long ‘fines,’ but < ~ thaws: I expcfied, othcrs would