M “i.§i‘W1*?*0f:9fl§ Wee « . ,‘ Hoiiibevhr thou art, 1' 5'/Mzrgc fives éqfarc (?a.r1, mad, the flaw? Iajfiw I i i i H Clahifl, W/:20 flm/ljmlge I/7/£3 g/zdick xzzmflit/1¢’6i6’d?5i mi rim.-t /7353 4?" 2, Tixmg}. pa/wing, andinlyzk 1Cimga'o7m, fz¢f]7¢-rzmbalefiame daffrmt, and x,5;. ‘ _ i lay afidétheirs‘/aizzgmrL°J0iti1€:ii;?timCS, that after ti"1f:i1‘g?)Wz ’ ;. lzrflx got them mar: /Jmp ofta.¢'c‘bm”.r.Ct*n£iIir€ not i‘)«::f0r€3 than had}: i read it, and be as fh~;'efro1nfaéi'i<3n, as the Author mi this M Tmartife is fimm Pope-ry, Secinianifmcs, Arniinianifmcir i€.)!’,,aNI1yby'~1‘¢:1atxox1 - i ~ '‘~- ii i ' ‘:.;ie_,’z¢l¢2c-[[23 afpower (I) . He was zmderho mfzmnorjudged of mg} (3 ‘ . A mvm next meta God: renter than all 5% mfiewazlr 011819 to the f_m_dc‘mm-5 time God (ii). Before £11 and over Stub aria gadmznd mm (1). A/haw w/cam ¢m1_(:a_, :g;9areA¢m now [am Gad ormlg QR’). He lmdmo Peer A»: He WM the Higlyefi zmderho1.l.3. Head of 91"; mm !¢pa2¢ mm/9 He had power am-hr ,fl1Ai.mm (Hi). What °“_P~4f-H words can more piaixu1yAexpreiT;- where the Soveraxgnc Poweri"f’EfiiLied%? A Mcfi‘ 5cand.Gcn.Dicrux11_.,1. :7 c. 23. (;ljiA6t. and thee-Rvotqfldtiah to "tine c‘I):m"b af‘I322gl.md fit; so = i ‘L e A. i'mn.i=- ii(£*ji3ti_Idi!9C.’-4-tit-41:d€ hunuch. 8: 1.5. x:ic.8. do fore :1m:.:1rmul. Cf) Idem 1..»A;,::c_g?'z.ci:,= c o.1.1'cx"}x1n a1u:x3ar_ (g) Hoflxeni‘. Sum. 1,1. I3;c,1br.3;;,. N ‘do ofiicio Legati. (Ia) Tt'.'1‘EL\1.f:.d Scapulam. (3) Idem so Apoiciagct, H (lg) Opmmg com, [am-mg’, nian. 1.3, (I) C”11ryfofi.,ad pop.An_tiocI1.Hom.2.. iflgapet. pa;«¢:11cc; ad jumn. I111P_ Cm) Ambmf; dc. obitu Theodoii-i. Grcg.M:1g.E_p:fl.9I .1_3. i i he Neither isA$St. Pm! alone, for St. Peter alfo joynes with him, Submit‘ yam~‘j'élve: to ever ordinance afamm, far the Lardsflai/qr, mm: the King M‘ §ggp3camg,f"ar fa 255 the will of God, 1 Pet.2.I 3, IN-5%,. i ' Slxthly; Salomon counfisls every wgi/Te mm to keep the Ifingxi Commanwifl. Rm} . demmwwwl that in regard aft/ac mtla cf God. Ecc1e{.8; 1: , 2... HereA the Co- i iveniant made bythe people to obey the King is called, the anti? of Gad.iiAA‘Scc Dr, H» And whoidarc {in for far againft his owne fouie, as to breake this oath of G"’”“i“ C oxnmcnf God by difobedienee and rebellion I’ Not art: thou, %1h.~micr, free from thisi on Ewe}; flathof @013, igwhio hafii taken the Oathes of Supremacy and Allegiance‘ unto my King, and hail fo folemnly vowed to keep thelate Protefcation, which includes them both. A , A V A _. A ;AAAAABut Salomdn goes further. aneitqells us,~7'b: Kigggedoth 1:-lv.ctty’T:rc'z/wplmffa ii We him, where the ward «fa. King :55, there 12¢ pbmr, dad who mix] A fizfunta him,-Mm: aiocfl rim frflowfbythc common rule, Q1504 qmefiiam-.9 afiirmani A A A M i j - W ~ ~ * ~ 4 he 3 A A V W 4' ,,'-W Atiocitrefiloeremtflrtnegatitfiz, therenreis, Tim we may rajziietam Kffig wags: duff Atilaazz .?None may controll,counAtermand,A orperemptorily ga*i‘r1e-ax q fay the King; ,1-low none?TI_1ou wilttfay may not his Iudges?‘ or if not theygj A A fnay not theAC-tptaines of his Holt? orAifnot they,may not his Princes and eNobles? or it not they, ‘may not‘ the great Cotmcell of'e7o..eE1deme mentioned Nome. n.16.ATheA ‘Scriptures anfwer, none may, none eta A all; for mice may fa} mm the lfingg what doefl than ?.or (as 1a.A'3 askeoe t A the queftion) oz}: itfit tofay we King, 2"/aw are wic/(ed? aztulra ePe£ncc.s'f\At ej leaf 4..I8.A Te are mszgodlj ? Job 3 Seventhly, God commanfleth, Tomb not mine mpinteawfal. I 05'. I 5.?’ A Therefore thou tnayefi not finite him, Therefore thou mayeft not beare , Aarmesagaitifc Gods Anointed. But if thou fhouldcfl: flay His iAVnoioted,t which peradventute thou m ayeii do,if thou fighteli againfi: Him, ilhow hi--A! deousa monl-‘tet [halt thou appeete to be before the Lordin the day oi‘ ~ A Iudgmetlte? l Thou moyeit not {mite or curfe the Father ofthly flefli, belie goofl, be lief: A bad- E..x;~az2l.:zI . I 5, I7. Prov. 20.120; Nor {et light by him. Dem. 27. '-.16.; D011‘ withdraw thy obediencefrom him, Jbml. no.6. Therefore I1'1lIChl€‘H‘fi A tnayli thou finite or tcurfe GodsAnointed,or for light by Him,or Withdraw‘ thynobedience fromfiim awhomnot only the fift Commandment enjoyns. A thee to honourfizead. 20.. 1: z.but even the Heathens will tell thee,that;he is; A I-IA.‘l0A'£‘€_ theAt1thyl4i»gxwzge§, fitter 1’a_r7fmw_,_ «;~§- Pate?‘ I’.rzz‘rit~e, TheFather oi theeathe the: o thy" V A Eightlyfior fubjeéis to take up armes againfi their own King,though an Idolater and opteflbur, is contrary to the praétice of Gods people in all a-#9 ges,for the Ifraelites were fubjeét unto Plmma/a,ar‘1d though he was a iHee-- met: and fore Oppreflbur, yet they were fo far from rebelliong‘, that they ; would not go out of.Eg}pt: without his leave.Exm:I.4. 23.8: 7. I6.& 1 2.31.. j We read that Solomon wtmanildolater, I K .A I 1 aigreat Qppreffourag eh. 12.4.yet ‘the°I£A?:ae1ites patiently fubmitted unto his yoke Ezrebelled not. A l Abijela was an abominable Idolater, and an allqwer of fodomy, LA t]{!:flg.'1I5'..3:,,I myetihis fubjefls rebelled net. _ e A I AA A/Mb was anje¢?:sArebelled not, ~ A A A .t A A A A A l . Almfmrm was an Heathen, ‘and by the falfe accufation of Wicked Hm-« V ::‘mm,l made7}'tAtDe,cree t*a§2’ejf£a??ay; to kill, media czmféi to.pcirt3j»?z pill Icweg am; A AA AA A Mung gem’ a£d,l£ttla tbildrenwdod wiementib; am: day yet theAAtIewemfInade u£eV> V of «A Ail.tlter weéaponsgbutl what GodAhedA allowed,Mem"%ing,fefiie‘g;WWP‘AA A A‘ um. » ...a .. - ' ....' . t._ . J .. __...., ..,._......_ . - _... 3 A __l9c’M, ‘ dfirer fmm the hcginning, x Car. I 4.;.;g.i1oIm 8.44. V V“ Apcafclcrzs and Chriiflians 'W€I.'f.: iut»jc-fr and obs: *m.m$i1§:fl'uintcnancing fedpititm; and rt:+4bel%1iVc:m, , to the ruianeboth 0if%+Chu1jc@h%4;a21.d State whcrcwthey prévailc- AnAd fiMe“ “ i *3 Li; t§:z@ir ,;ax;gL:52.rg;:;~nts «are by“ *fa<5’cious ;fp{ir=its,A cnemiesjto»a1lpeface rgnd g6vmfn- ~:iipread,aibro.ad m 1:hc_fc* .m%nihap4py tA‘im*:*-s of pub1i*uedifi?:.'rcncc$,” LI» 1 111;, 1uther6;fm:e,Re.:zder,f'or%ghefiull fatisfa(E1'iof1%%<:$%i1‘%t»hAyCerifiziencc, fctwtzm W M“ _v 4 , Inn at. .‘ 1 “ , ~ ‘.v> - «I -"~- ‘ 4-" --V 3‘, ‘ ‘ ‘u. ‘. v K -9‘ 2. ‘L ‘rm ‘P, .«.... .7‘, M .1‘ ,. . ‘ fly UM‘ ‘ ‘.4 A X,‘ ‘ % % I ,, %__% H,“ , H, .._M 71 9», en a ‘ W.‘ H ‘ ‘ on -‘ ‘ ‘ j“ f A :m~.4»/war. A Tmliis I anfwcr, 'A~IhatitAisf'a1fi~2ly alledged that David wok up armcs agdinfi Sm}. Fm: ifwc: read the Pcory aAFDawid, I Saw.” we {hall alwaieg - finde him flying from one Town tea dnothergnever refifiing, never fighting... And when the Lord dalivemd Sazdinto his hand unaw:-ires"in%the Cavégin» the Wilderneflé of.Eu-gedi, he did not layhamls or}, or d%cz>Ath<:1ea{E hurt arm Saul , nay, he acknowledged he Cmnmittcd an oflfiznce ofhigh pArAe~& fuzAnprim,ax1d éufldcartfmote him, bmure Isa cut afS.cml.r.rkirt ; not W0-uld -.12:/3:_;ffIsAr Inlet men to I'M." agzzizzfz‘ Saul, but dmwadwd them, fay ing, The LAM! Afaréidrlmt 1,/lvafild do this tlmag amto my mozfiar tlaeLord.r Arzainteol_,,taflretcly 'famA/b mime h¢mdagafnfH2im,feeing /ms’ 12¢ ¢:=main_ted ‘aft/ye Lord, chap. 2.4. ‘ Again,,Awhcn the Lard dazlivcrc d Sdzifl into his handsin t_hc%hi11ofH.zchi»A A M_b,and Aéviflmi would have fmote him;D»widfi:xrbad,faying, Dcflrv} him not for who am flrctcfafarth 121;» band atgainfi tbcLard.rAnoinred,and Zwguilze tag}? 26. So that David: cmiriage towards: East! is worthy theimitation of allfaithfullandmligiousSubje&s.F1y we may from the caufelcffe wrat_hA cf the Kitlgfiaut refifl zmd take up arfmes againfi Him, we may not, ADa*wdf A A cws Au: no fuch exarnplcj:A..And it is alfo obfervable, that though S»zuALrnz~« A A - , W .. % %1’[”Ii64nou7fabIjr %c‘uF?hi‘m: And in tcflzimonyrf of his 1c>ya1ty,wlm¢ Saul did but look émbind bim,D amvidflaaped wit/9 Iazérfacq" w.tlaeAEartl:,and éam-:21 him/;~l_fe~;and pmfemly after protei’ccth,t!1at he mwr firmed again]? him, I .$‘a:m.24».%9. I 2. whofe loyalty unto Saul is further , c1earcd,:z Sama . For when theukmalwkitc brought him word that he had {him .5_',az».;l, be ‘ta-aka bald an lazéc clot/M: Md rem: tbcmmnd mo#rAn:d,a»Adpgepg Vci niufw wwwzd, yen Dm‘dAconcinucdAinwhisduty wt‘: n:&dfuf.Fed3nt£ll’even,with lvirter latmmmtizm war Saul. And commanded the Amals-rkite to be flain,and faid,Hm wajf than nototfraid to flrctcla forth t/0} brmdx‘ ta deflru} thc Lords Amrintcd. % V % *A % AA A V A A A L A Doubt. A BJutWiA1lt:cll,Ime, %thatADawidAwonLg1 havcAAdefcn&edAKe£1db againéc A .,i§’xml,Ahad he come dawn thither to bcfiege him. I Snm.23.7,3. A A A A 3 Anfwered. A A A A A M A A “ A [ I anfwmlfwe aéfwhawt Damidcxutertaincd onely in his thmighgweda .n%ut..Afo1loW%% Dawil but «nut-tun him : yet it doth not appclrcin thcTcxt A that Dwuicfwould have ciefmded ~1CciZ4la witAhoAut% AjG}oAds Afpeciall liconmg gory firI_Ak asked the Lords A caunfgll :acrcin;a¢mg,w,: x. andiffahe ¢ Md mm had mexample ofthat naturwcen unto us? Whercfoirc A ‘Iv-mo ~E¢g§4 ;_ _ ye mad: apattcm fcsrd4ifioya1ty6;rcbel1i_on;yethamsanoint; . B 2 _ Ac nu...-».a u. ...v As thou wilt: anfvver it at the great: and dréadfull Day OF ‘:11. l’ ;‘ r " ‘ '= *4: »w,’~ '#“ ‘V “- ‘ win \"‘.,~,;"s'P‘ " ‘-”’{“‘,fi'¢‘&“‘p“$V’l!‘:‘ " In K’ E 3 A1? 50. II. A A B:/yold: ailje t/Mt kizzdlc a fire, tlmt comfy]? your jélvcx aéamr with A AA A j fjmrkcs : walk in the light qfymrfirt, an if? tbef]2z¢r&'.rM.¢tyozl11aw;M - kindled, ‘II’/22‘: [Imllye {mm gfmirze band, yefluzfl lie dmzrm Mfarraw. A A 9* X ‘F 91 3 Da 4 Re~w¥1n@%4by ii»; as :3 M w» n ‘I, ‘ ‘V H ‘ H ‘ V ‘ 1 A V “W; V‘ ‘ \ » I ‘ _‘,‘;c.w Q ‘. A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ '“5__‘ ‘ »'v'- r:"= “ ‘ ‘Vb r“ _«‘g‘5nmr,},\1_“:« .‘ _ “ ‘ “ . V ‘ gm ‘ .-vv;‘WW\ ‘ ‘MN m ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ w ” W W! 5* ‘ H ‘_‘ . H ; F ,» A W , ‘ N W?‘ €‘%3:..«*$"*‘;!§‘ ff .<'°r”‘ - V’ ‘V J0 L‘; -M ‘V I I ' no) lci:11{i11g bcfbrcSaoelATkneW‘him.1+$’4m. 1 6.13. colnpareei with my-.r6», 13,, I9,zI,z2.. j o The [wand Qhjoélion. A A , A Whom Soml omfwored, Gaol do fly and mo ro ozlfiw, for thou fhotlt ['m~oZ]'dz'o, Jonathan: The pooplcfoid more Soul, A: the Lord lizwoth, thorofholl no: mo ihairo ofhzls hoodfoll to the-grormd.So the people refirmd Ionozthom that ho oliool mo. 1% 342172.14-.4-4-4-Sh.Th€lT&'fOre~SubjE&S may refift-their Soveroigno. A A l A * A ' I A . 1 {The Aoxfwor. A 4 Tooo‘aAniI'Wet this obj'e&ion,. it is ncceflhry to Aobferve the Rory as itisfcti down, I Sam. 14. Where Sm! charged the people with an oath,‘ /laying, Cm--ii fed he the mono that oototh omjfoad zmtill evening. And what. then follow- ed A? Cieritainly anoxample offingular obedience in the people, for the Te3;tofilith‘,iThaAt thoughthey “wore pr: wifh hfingerf, i}Aet_AA2201ae%of the poo-» ' pl: mjlool omyfoool; And Furtherg When the people were com: into thoA7:oood,6o—- hold, the hon} droppool, hut no mom put his homo! to hi: month, for the people o A foorod the oozth ; onelyi Iomtthow unwittingly olipr the omlof hzk rod imam hooooj--oono!a,.md pot Ahzflo hood to,‘ ho} mouth. Prefently one oftf-ze people told A Iomzthom ofhis fathers charge; andini v:fl"eft that he had broken it. And the Lord himfelfe becaufe of this finne refulod to infwcr Soul when he drew new: to him For counf:-::11,AAmr.3 6 .37,3 8. Then Sow! called all the chief of the people togethento know by whom this {in was done ; and the people; like obedient fubjcfls {aid (asbefore in the 36. 'vo7~fo,) Do what f;-:methA good toa.llrhoo.~*A hos o AA o A honi iozmthozrvz ,1o;zoz::{omo ooz1%fe(1;{E;;~t%l;,ax1d in confeoxngocxcuroh his raiiA1A‘,=.;*1 o}’m} rod,::md loc,I moo/E die. ‘ Soul mofworo, thozojléozltfuroly d1id',i:.I«?flflt].9d1¢.‘ ‘ 1: Thou thcipeoplcobegan to mediltatcyandi faid unto Saul, {hail Iomztham die? A As if they f-hould fay, {hall thy ‘fon die P thy {on zmz/mo whomthau love-Pt fo dearly .? ver. 3 9. fhallihe die? -he, ‘ -who hoozrdozot when thou didfi oh i chargo the people aavith the oath .3 wr.i:2.7.he, who hath wro#ghAf tho"; $2} gr:-at: A o falwgtiooziin Jfmz E’ Godforhool. ( Lot L5odA hinder thee from rhiAs;docod;.God V o fie?’ mofic ccrtair-1Iy,moR afli1r¢;d1y,God floall fo tome: thy heart that‘) ohero [hall 3 Q W071‘A,;A:ooogoo=A;§iha¥rol§of ohzk. hood fall to tho groflndfofho hath Awroroghtwitoh‘ Gad ‘edema- in whofe power onely it is Jet him Aforbid thee ) moth: Lord liwcth (thgatis mt, ]un,,. this do}. S‘a1'£~bgjPqaP[e“h(by«:LhEi:r mrediationlaxud intreaty) ‘o~o_(2:m~d, ifotfmood, A 3c ;Trcu1. or rooioomod,or delivered Ionozt/mn,Az‘ho:t who died not. ‘ % A I V~‘d”G“"" A. .1-iorgf: is. nothing but obedierncé to Swish coofiiamands, nothing but loyal- ty; “And therefore thou ah;u{c:fl: the flscriptiutfézs to a1leadgAc.;his p%1ocAe,fo1:lrc-5 c::p.14. % _ A ' ‘ " “ i ‘V i i ii‘ '" ""7 13,,‘ i‘ av . or "w ‘ Av. ... g up Arm£*sAAaAgai;1{i:‘AtAhIy Soveraioginc.AAAAAl A 7 . V A‘ i,AA.:';Ihe~tCn Trihe§‘»oA:Aw+ {rootrobolledragoinfi”1iohoéa,g;oo; iiAarxol~“foht a:“I{i'I;;1gAAA§i-iii 3 King. 1 2, ~z«oméng{’ctho:n£e1.v;gs _b¢_C_2§LAi_¥€_I1l3._ITa:.2_'fl1{€3Ci toAeafo;h§mw ofthc heaivyyokeow. L ch: "W" ~ W. «.‘. A high A (II) A 4 his "Father Safamw had laid upcm them. A And w'hen 12d9a&m¢ itafi taiftd V an army to reduce them unto 0bedienCct,t~hcLord forbad him, fayingt, , Ta 154/! um: ganpgnér fight againjilyonr érct/arm the children ofljmel, rarzmae every one to My laonféz, for rim thing is from me. Where the Lord dpets ap... prov: thereof: Therefore Sttbjeéts may lawfully rebell againft then: Save» raignqifht: be an opprefibt. A A t f t . A t " t t Theflnfmcr. t A It is truc=V,th~eteh Tribes of I{rae1’rebt:11edA,and made Ieroéa/zm their Iiingtg-A‘, and tis true the Lord forbad Relaaéaam to fight aguinft them,faying,Yé /M not fig/at azgatinfl} our brat/arczgfor this thing aérfrom me. But in what fenfe 3 Thou tnufi Colifidfith€t'¢2in"EWOthiI'1g"S;PitflZ;the zfffian : Second1y,‘the‘ :z1£llin’th'at"aé’cion. The Acfticm was the tnakjtug of Jcraéwzm King,:md this A A qflzion was good, and was from the Lord, I I%e<».§1c;1'n:::;%: unto ipc':c~iall revealed wiliof God,‘ cammt be a patterna forusy - A.A A A A San Peter /Martyr,lac.comA.5!é”zfl.4.c.20. 15"}/mm tAm¢t?zAm 137934 camtraz.Da...% miimmfimm mmmriz Dem : qmod at pecwliarefwit, we mm eff in exemplzmz tram-mdmm :: God armed one only Ia/M againfl his Lard and mafier: which A becauice it was ptectxliariand cxtraordinmy,is not to bc:drAawn into example. AA A An,dAa__1i_tt16 after heciphmzh this «obfi;-rvation, Acerzér /E Apapmla fit Regna dejzcrme injzx/z‘i'%impcr.zwAe*llbloA£d:An~ir;ui 1A;/»)iii,4:.!.vA»,i.. e .i ,1 wiflgqc écfore rim’, 1 ‘M11 krmke in piece: the gatesof i 5/2 3%; rim AAhAiddefi‘ribI5é.éAéffl»cre: \ plaice-:,tb:zt they mdjafl knmav that J the Lard,wlaiciaA ml! t/aeqé} t/Jy mzmcyzm . ‘A the God aflfmel, 191.45 . Where God fhews, thatall Kings are by his par- ticular appointment, inthat he called Cyrm by his name above I8o.yeers A A before his raigne. A A A A A ‘A A A A ' A A AjAAnd D»miel,Chap. 2. 2 I . odic/wmtgetb timiéx and :5: fie-atjbm-:17: rc:iim——i A ‘With king: andflértetla'z¢p king.c;And Chaip.4.2§..Tl/9: maflHig/9 mlctlain the A l1ingdomAafm:n,andgi»ve:b,it Ara wlaamflrwr /ac will, and/éttetb up over it the i évafifl of mm : which is confirmed 1' n the fame Chap.verf.28. 5} awwajkca f#qm7Hw;oew.AA Daniel told Beljhzzmr in the very height ofhis gloAryA,thgt Gad /Mdfini/Zzcd ht}: Igingdamwvdgioen it to I/9:17/./tale: and Perfimn:,Chap.oAS'Aa» ‘V 26,28. And his Prophecie from the fevc-:nthAChap. to thccnd of his book, A A Alisa relation how God would govern the world,whatEmpires there fhould V‘ bAc,;yyhat;;King and Kingdoms» even in particular. A A A mt A of Kingsand Kingdoms,A and that hégives them according: to his good A 5 _AP1€3fJI'€ and~_Lwil1;And thsrefore the Scriptures call the King T/94'..;-I407‘!-V§"2i'1‘fi i l”"?'”*% WA’ IAv§rnA;ne13twhatf0§v<=I3-A ~ A % tVoaPP1y What"hath.Ef);e¢L[j faiAduAIato thc 0bJ€&1°n~ 1A=BfW~°-I» That that ppwe: Whi¢h; makes Jrthg KAiIi1g,; may Aundoubtedly dcperfethc Kmgs A. flower is A§%V‘At..o¢11Ae;AMincnsggif ¥0uLaAAfi’irm tl1*;a§;«t;hfe=j PEFM 403* pwperly Aa:1Ad_jaAAb£o :;tAslyA~m@nk: ;§hp §3.;.T{f1-‘pg‘5"1t.At§h[eLn fa1A+fA<+: :N;e1ther dorm plus: £e§g_flpgg£d;gtQYE&W~1E;~Ebx» inwkgc LA I -15 - thfipficples makmg ofafiauiz King in Gi!gi4Z,A* was»nothimg~a&£¢%f*’bm: it,hA.e peoples furthermd more gene-A mil ackngawledgamcnt (then they had forme4r}y” made at Mimpab) that «W¢£~AAwA_a.sgAtAAheirA1awfuL1AAI§Lng,- iAIaAtA11e,v¢A:i‘c gpmg befomit is called,7‘lm r?izV¢£ai#A tAA1?»¢aIthe~1§_ingAAhathrmtdo. mA.iA@ié@;a.ndAA9ow:xfmm hmSL1AbJ¢5?t~As by my _oftgui?c,butfromA%God.whofc#- .5irA¢Aw ard h.¢A;i$;8.§A whgH3A%h€eAhAatA1x.:b9t~hVAh1sAkxngdwm 8: p0W€r-So that pl A, I &,I§é£%%¥1‘y,AAand%% -LwQPE§e1fi'Qy);.th§='KiRgQ AbrAeaA1esnot¢the trufi repwfedyA4$imzhAimAa 1232 hifi§!%§?ieé$S}bi1§%:§@.b£;¢a£i§;t%1@AAtr!%€%s. Ac,lW:gc,¢wA amducy&reqAuidrcd».ol>*hi1:m b”3?;A{§39d,a.t1d::°F%whAichm? <1~?~y~A/?€f?vvzAl;gm €a4rR¢m«AA;m1 1Z‘r29l¢eé Spbi¢.&AsAAmay;exm% tfxe«§€:in4g ;P?‘f“’m”‘@ 9.? L 11im%utyaAAirr wgtllgmrfixpip 3 a§hisA:I§§ngd9Arn a;.c‘§QrA5:513?’.§h!3—Iai$%Wf¢$‘“Qf.{fGflfliw anétha; phriidular Lgwés fifths C“-3ountry,fo far fq1g;;lms;g1a;ew5%A;;ar€« mt: Qontgaryétu tlm, AQ9%$»A~a@.§;£bw.%wbpAA i.£A:fm;1%¢s~.:z:my::m:ho:t:;himaxAImmmto~ % Eu,s.«r11i,gra< A :A A A A M ';n hAI,:m- a myardga/l.lazam2z;r,pow:r,:m'§lj%¢fl£c:,dré in l1im;%anzl;f'rg7g3;l2im.'WIienc,e{ in iAi§wnm»ahirf'e£E, Athé V:% I€in”Ag¢:hatIi'A ‘mot hiwfi Realm emtarwfl amt Way; trnfi:::: from his .1iSu;bj;¢&s “;£lIidA3 tAhercfox:(el At“l1AaAAAA:AAJ.z°LrgmzAALxi1e13tc; is:;draAwx3e frcirixa falfe A . T/ac..¢ig/at]a.0£vjaé}'.*ia;a. A % % i ~ The Apofllm.RamL4r3A.z*.Adoth only forbid therefifta11CeéIfA,t£7aHi‘g:herV Bnwtgxx in Atheju’J.’i A Vatid 1ai;vvA*fu1l;exercifeAioE their m1ti'horityi : A?Afo . rrnitzh the; Gréék %VAW¢)reI:’e‘L’an§'a&;;rAP0wak“*dDtAhwi'ii1 b€§i1‘1gA: d@r}i‘V3e”d4"ffrom $5391 “i;t2ii';sw“1mai5v—eA full; Fhe:refm'ewSubje&s may. refifi rim-irA Asaweraignea hiif he Ihal1abu"fefh;is*» A ¢Iuthofi;1:y-,and bec:e:%mea:A Tyrant. V _;MzrminehmmesA=é¢q1aa »‘. .A A AA A L :3. A The Holy’@hgfii¢Vhu§g;,gg»,jAA::féwiryAf jlfiqmtn tbebigmn P?n2m-mg fimply, »Awi’fhoutimdd‘ici6n, iwaflbch ‘Acsu1§i_;;¢$acIr A V ‘A :0 limit ir_1Awhat thing9 Wc will,‘ angiin what1t,hings‘%Aw¢_wi1l“ngt4Abw€'4fub~ A 1;§&_-Indecd thcthxrd andfourthrverfzs»cqn’ta1hVAthe duty whicAhMagi£trates" A A" W C 2 OW?» I--v a---A (wfia V :A1an:oi:he*;3‘eép%LAe,bu;:wherée"daih4sainr PM Areleafe the r::eop1¢ from thfiifi dbcd.iencé,iEMagiftfa;tes‘perfmme AAn9tV’th¢1rAdl1¢Y? WM-ire death he fay, = Let every foul be fubfefi 011819 unto Chrifiifim anqvegtueus Powers 9 I .1 granttheword éiuaéa is fa derived as thcob1eé’c1on flats forth, and a- « mangfi AA other fignifica;tian:s% risxranflatcd Power : bUtAWhfit11Critb€ Ilffid % lawfully or unlawfiil1$7,it is_%,fli1lf Aféavia; Pomr, and thergfore Sm ®e§,fi*oAm A AA %G;ad;Ar: pow’? at all wt;-pt at %w:?"4+'A £‘?"A“”‘ “"9 fV0”M*%vJ* mm ; {aid éur Saviour unto Pilazté, Ialm 19.1 1 . It is in the originall cxprcf-4 4 two fnegatives, %.’O%.u:¢ 53%;. égagéw §J5:.pu'd.v, LT/Jail cazzldfl not have 710 power, which was that Greekes mapncr offpeakings ‘siihen th cy would ab-v IIurelygqlgerlyz,amd~;fi:11vy,d§n3aaAthipg.A: yet n1AanA~AWi11faYthat Pilate did Life his pow*c:r% lawfully.” Ema the pzmlaarAit}"‘ of wit/A(§ciA ing:fAz2At zgf %Gqd,;; wlaicla 2‘/adj aézafl to tyranny :' and the} ffmllgim accounf (tuft: God for 46%]? qfzb”c£rgawernm:rg:. A%WiA?et.A_ACammemE. on I Sam. 1:. 8. A The Anwccdent th€t(:ff0‘Ij€ ig a::bAoA_1;d inconfiderate allegation founded on a%light%~and\a;féryAcrochat 0ft%hevbrain€g z.% . A A A A 1 V A A A IrArthe% primi w -.., A A A ‘m S5, ‘ftAhe%%V Chfiftiafis ”defcn_dVe’dA V cruelty and vi%Va1AcAnce 0fthei1;:mifléd Soveraigncs, 1 . When Licinim, Em- pemur oft*heAEai-“r:, rzoyntrary to Lawzgndh1As:Cov¢nantAwou1d peAr1AeAcute;_§ t§‘1c'i'm_,tf'1c y defended themfelves b_y ‘arm:-s,and Conflantina the Great ftayn- 0 A A A A A A AA ad b”yJii*m;%~%_%71o§ught sfof: éh=C?1p framegitha ‘Roman; p¢rouAr:Tlmwdofim, and rr%1“wf#éI:§'c§A~againfi: thew wmdéfi* th¢41’¢tfiaz1 wexe*'afli~Pced by him; and wVI1e11fAhc King of Bar-fia co%mp1aincgI that 17‘/we-AAAA adafiw mould meddle in affaires of his kingdom ,7” laeodofim anfwcrc-d,*that he did%i;%f1‘ot:o».i£e1yt1:1r_r;>tcé}:A~thcrxi becgufé AAth_e&y%. were fi_Ippliant3,but was ready tc7>ci*’efen‘ci_ them; amd:rI1oAAWAay tQhAf¢§;$hc£“xx%fuAff¢r: f0r:R:el»i“gion, AitA Abeing.the§ W.rithA£f:hcirA »A;oVm4 3!’ "7.T=AbA;§A:; M4:a6€devzti.%z¢J'A~: 0bt;;aine<§ zcaf At‘!-Ie mfplerour A Com/Eamrim foure theufand arified‘ men to help them todrivc oL1t%the”%%Na;5 wzimz: from Pap/alaganin.;,E}iefQ1zthddéx;a£fified$ the N a wtimz: againfi: w*hdTufi’ji1H:‘"violeAncie5anAdA.%:W.¢Iie armmgd W1Ath;Sithes,C1ubs arj1dAAAHatcI1ets,and al1ct%h»c*»:S;@u1*d,iaVrs Anny of A,1:h%e A.Papla1a"gonim&. %- A4..: A~fAt:,A :;:I§Af*}jAA€f ‘P .3971” M f his ‘&lE'&i(73‘fl. &‘ a:i%%r1f’c I aédo2%iew‘A.and J:1¥1sA a%bettc:u%r$;‘ = th0ughA::"afliPc‘et1»%with~the"Mi1itaryA% om-s,% a‘nd>;; the Hi{’cAorian blames Athefn amly for Ri1ling;AthefCoAmmander \H:rwogane;r.:: ; 5 . Whg'.fVn1.'~he; Inhabitans of —/1r721:v;iivhen they dcfepdmfl ,t«h%ae%trzfc*s1ves»;%by afmes againii b1oody% Licz_:¢z.~>:._r»;. mere 131*? iw‘? doubt but their dcffince was Vjufi BAe.c-mxfe the%%fupreamc;~po wter AWasjtmft.*n in Lie-iniw,but1'n Configuring, Whofior thcvalour which Am-gnaw fliéwedw inthe war againfi: jktaximizzm, gave laim‘ 11:2: fifitr in mm-iagc, graced with the name of Empermr, ..md‘{cammitted[ zmto {aim Atbe d0mifli0fl»0f*t}JflT Enfl; Nicgpb.Ecclcf. Hrifl,1..7-C’;.44‘»4-S. Sothat Liginim ~was no’ wmé"re?therrV? confhmim, dttputy forjthat part «pt rAhc—~A1-humane;Empirc, and becam'e 3% WiCkQd’fl3¢‘g‘77fl1§fffil/,Pé?’j%7"6[7fa€’飒/Z, by mak1ngAwar afgaixufi his So‘v‘erai‘gtftc.; M 13':¢fl:b.l. xo.c.8,9;A A s J . j As to the fecond example-,ItMis falfely r%eA1a1“t:cdV; For the ChrifU‘ansA living A’ AA _“ H 2 % ut the%Chrifii§ans,whb by tail. on ofcruellpa:-fccuti'on, had fled am qfP*cr-LA fit! their nativc,foy1c,V into the Ramatndamimion, b‘cfo"ught Thvadofim, “t/m¢;.'*‘ % at/5:] might be lmrl;-mred within his lpmd, % and _n9t ba ya-clded up mute) the VA mercileffc ‘rage ofthczir %King,:ts he by his Embaflhdours: requircsd. Theod» wt. 1. 5 c. 3 9. .§facrm,.:l.7%.‘ 1 8. Whcrfiupclm Tkeodoflmz J1“n* Rtrflgt ':LdVid<;*gf'I~1Pc- i’aa‘a&2’&_’/5 aga~i:nfi:€: their I(trig,:2s.mpréIe:n¢H£c£.*V = 3 As:;to,th~e~ d:;;;cxiampkc:. Tis_ The» %»rIye*- V Emperakr mflamrim 44000.; armed mm to help to dajfiwghant thy; %.Z\{a%rwiti§zHn':%%:« vzmqf ~E4ph£4gmiw ;»“a9d >Ni¢e§’v?2v:vt:4,beg.¢zn with a war~likeflr£ngtb to fight, ever} mmfir /aimfi-2_'f; A;qoi%t}J¢5%d;}ell fixing mai)¢taAimd,an éatbfidax, manyindeed qf t/9:? Pap/alaga-¢ 3543:, éz¢;W%%4lme~aI1%z}J£'* Sauldi:rJ(wemfl4i)z, A Here 11$ not om: word either" ¢qf;h,~¢ 6;r;badax arlM%\fa zmti.¢mx;;, ar1d*therefo=re iris ‘:1 gram: flagzder ‘ané ime piefy to charge the me-ek,p atient, and harme1e£TeAChri£‘tians with this max?-_; ihrcre and %rc3!:zo?c11io11.. ‘ % ~ ' , , Asytc the fouth example : The fibry turmes thus : The people of Canflsm-# A minagla;yrpz4ld3h4z!:”’1?d2;l(g' to (be! their Biféap“ _; “T/ye Arriaxs c3*lyafl: Macedaa n£z¢fav.;, «T/Jmce: mjofl:'damgfiica%ll ikirmijbex #2230?» ‘ C79mf}iazI¢.¢T %a?¢z;i.%.“C’aIx-3 fl,mt£nap!:",.mHpzézw} mar;-2% trodermnderjbot, aznfirzzjiéed ta”deaw’1‘; A %Tlaem'-5 pgrz: andfgzm-9 afthzérflzditiwz ems ta t/ac anzzéem aft/be Empercwr Co%n_fl.vz2ztiw agvllya zf/am «bad: at Antioch 5, be cumzmnded Hcrmogcne: t/as Cdpmin $05‘ t,/2 rz4j‘r'A\%1?.¢zzz1;:4»tlaeir‘ '35]/:Vap"am‘:. of the» C/am:/a. ~~ ‘;Hermagme.r A M pramdedzazwl laéanmzdjgagctlaerjwizb./ail: *Saztldic:fm ta flat /ai pac1(£ng;Tbe mwltimde 124'-J igzg iii: ananpfrare, mfblj mud /amdil} (M it bapzvzatl/2 ¢'7zVfr¢c/aV tin bnrl}--£wrl1)j fell zapan /aim, fire the /amfc over /2124 /mad, pull him watt 6] t/weave: and kgllé /é.-£222. And who cannot relate many the like accidents? Forevcnarnongflz us thc.Ki,11gs%OH'1'cers cornmingto parta fray or appcafe atumlalt, hmféfl b:;@;fl.(°fik1a0¢kt;%d7n:theheaémfmwimimlabraurs N thence .(: $n.C1,’ud§E_;th3Lt Chrii-Ha%n mbjeéasmay:henerme15wfii11yrife up; baAttc1l7,k%irI1and~flay,tht2ir Prince»or*his% Officers A?‘ “ Are not tumults un1aW’-- « fi.11*1V?An:dd&>th;notMthe%King {merely punifh forthe contempt, muclmmaree fan the murd<“.:rimg»0£hAis4AAOfliccrs ;wNcar'd*1'd‘ the Apecpple of Canj2am;i9:Applc’%t qgfigzgpg, F%mflt:’a: fl¢P€f?T9?‘1’.%]Q€.flZ”:iI§z‘g7 t:bc2éca2fipaflo°dz*b£t/az=r, tévmfl P.au2’z>za*L 01,3133: vzzarsvéiilgt/£v¢ C itjgandtaakfram *tb¢mb¥~1 J‘Z:ztl:i1’er.r:% Zm-gs dafnatiwoff cam,d4ia~: g;iv¢a@€mte ‘ ;jZ7¢t»Ia:'?de_'fi'rrad M naminiwtez acadaiziiw, ‘b#ih“g‘ifihflb{W-4 fggyly iw2cmfeal,mzwAa221z ag£zi%fl.him*intbmtoytee1d to aux: * Sovseraignew when he c*om‘m'a4nds that whichvifi 1,§1WfJ11,.~~%. A A A = % A A% + ~ T he; ‘Paflive obedience, giA3sAt_wirh Arn%ceknefl’e% and.._ c‘m‘1{’caAncyfm 7'AAb€am.3tfh'H A affli’<5ifi%C>1*IE71iA%?Whexjgumtpw Gddv hathyz1ppointcd:%us,; 1*;Tl9qfi3;3. Which:obeM.;.- dj£cnAce%» ‘we, ought to: yccldunto oVurvSovera;1gne‘ when he com::mandsAIt%hat”A A willing 1.»; which is unlawfull. Thus S/Mdraicb,/T4aflwzcb,andAéednegérz W%i1AlinAgl”yb'fub..% myitted tllemfelveé~untQ-~iVVZ&{¢éz¢§4[J4zk¥nez;a:.¢r3- .tQA«be ca%fi:;.inAtothe-fit~ry;AE.fi;r- M I hit, uno z».'».r, to be c;aPc into the Dena-':~ Lyn. ons,rather then to obfcrve has 1do1atrousid\ecree,Dam. .h6.7,}@x 9;.‘ A 7; 1 AT » gc.-,* V ' A Of‘ this obed'cvn%cc&%%41%s~tAhat2w.hich;;our: JSa?viourpteached*unto ~hisVDifc1'=-" \ plea in the Mouht, %Makh;5 ’uW,%+1’O31%AAI , 11. Elaflkd :zr¢¢t/aqyiw/sick nr:%pm/Iécwr,aai*»?T for riglateoltfn eflkfakv gfbi‘ I/fieirx, 1‘/at 1(' imgda we of Aflzrmmy. Bikfléd areyax :q:*Ig§«¢gg*:gy¢vzz*3/I2A¥lraz{ilg ; mm! p«crfl’aa!t¢.7a;_3; »4ndJZm/Z}: 4!! Vm&num%%afWAmifl againflr Jcwf4l_/Zjfar my flak:-:.~ lEej¢yYcewnd6e~:.a,~cecding giazd; “far?'grmt gar Jpflr rezmrdin Hewzafrn ’: far» fiapvr/Z~cutz9‘o!=4t£ieyt/am Prophet:=wbich«weM.-Jfiwa. A f£?:7‘:‘].§“~r ‘ '5 A ~.AndMSaintP:fé1€A~¢?§h9E£é1:5?usumtatHm fa'me;u.x; P212; *4:.; 2;: 3 ‘ -R¢lvwr¢€1,a£1ain/an ?"rWfi<flt"#kgat&0M¢mniz1gflaezfiéryrifiriallgmhiczb wéwwtryywg :laaughfcanz:firrz4¢gg%tb;agr:; biép‘pcn:d‘wnroynug m rpjnyoa:,£mM.A:mmb A ~:: A pwtatkgxw Chrzfixfilflkringw; A§M}a:’wlw~rcpr&avl1&dfdm*tlmNwm& , hgpp]-;%ura;}¢.yg %.B:4t.44lat m2mAt qfiyamfa{flFEmmmegmMrde.rem 0K*M:Afl‘~fwtf35~ or-‘. ;‘ ¢Z§#;v«i/ld0¢r,ar¢gV4;3:4 A&flfle~émd};'& 'n%:otéwr witwnzr “mm't:z:;r. *?i‘:: a:”GIgq§fif;ian,Zq; him a;/baiikeaé ,,A Lfi ; x 7 '~ “:4 ~ Gmdrmerefama dnth: Rlwaye§ raqmimzr1a3m>¢bediemqw£d¢4t?;;y %:»9&inc¢~;A IE“ mfi:9?&*mmé8»§W rhemszm :Imnwi¥%wmr¢12anwa¢?¥vvbsbmwcu~ Iu—~ fins titrgvhifii will; AsiFA;ut1hWfi1ll7then thou Amufl: obey him’ pdflhély, byvfubgl ” mittirlg thy {€lf€§A«fll7.‘ltb shits. QLP-miim IIl€!l1f.7A So Afthiat theta can benocaufe or lcol<§urA[iforAA Athyf‘ Ydgi,fQE3cdi.CnC@}»‘ no grotmdlfor thy ::;efi{t1¥n‘ce, AAunleffetfhé>lu t wiltpbey neithei*;God no: man.“ A A ‘A A The ob;eettonsAoAAbein‘g ftlllytaiafwethed this ttttthdtlivcrtd in Gods Word rtmah-1esfitmcaAnd _unAfl1taken5 fihatfitthjetts may uotwtakg up fitmts .againiEtI)2it lawful! bnfaeta ‘gut, hetaw.'2A us is Aiuittkznmib um jnirtmbtbnugb t)2«beAan3Inolatet mm wppgeflnut. A A A A AA A ‘: f~Buttelltnc,A1€md:r, if thou canlt, wherethe Scriphturcs Aa11oWt.he”eto A A take up Armes againlt thy lawfull Soveraigne, who Aisa meekeantl pa... See His ticnt Mofix, a tender hearted David; nnannlatetz, but :1 ftriét and care- figfgig t1I113giAntaincrt of §5AQd$A cm RelA1gAiAAoI1,A>3D1f,;gfit;,_[_ lake and Vzfpaflolzcaflfau‘/J. In whom Gods graces arefo emment, that adverfiries acknowledge to be, The Defender %t£ze twar:»,‘iikricé::t,A A ‘cfaztlaow orts. t,hough_l1el1ifhM fpirits have and doe daily {came out their ma1iceagainfl:'_ him , yet there is not one who hath or can taste him with unchalliy,» m31lC€;~..Apfld§,jCl'l§1Clty,i prophmeneflé,-,‘ n4eglAi_“gencet ofAtGods“lfervice;l A-oz: any othflflrifotorious v1‘ce;Aexcepthis deniall of givingawly his birth» _ tight beabreaéhv of his Royall duty, as the authour of Ttlqe.-A Sat/qraigmj P 9‘ A'ntt?i6{at¢ wouldfa-inc‘ petfwadeus to be1icw:,without proofs. A A jllmcatuft thouwjtzftly fay, he isan fl>pp;_zeu7om:,A for he hath not o_n€Aly V AtaAkAen“aWgyAa1lA%Monopolies, filaipxtxmol-xcy,4 and all other gricvatacts from? :h¢Apeop1e;buc:1m A no t A 2 A fur- ther to {he w his juftice and Princely c1t:mency,* he hath~A-inltbAist Barliamettt p;iffedA1n$tny excellent and; profitable Aéts unto his people 5 which," if we kneAAwAwhenlto be; fatisfied, would yeeld in few’ ycetes more then an hon:-A’ A atedA£ts1d:r“e¢ompen¢e for Aa1lAourdamages.A A’ A ., . A”7ABl1t‘ what tlieligxon art thou of, who "carticft the Kings faults lo long in A thyAAmifid, with adefire ofirevengt: ? ADot:ft thou ‘fay in thc*”Lordsll.Pray¢r5.AtA Iiargizge hm “am? ~trejfiafl};r,,m we forgive them that ltrq/jmflg againfl m,ax~1d¢ %ylct;l bcalrefl: thou agrudgc 3 towards thy Prince ? C/mff our Saviour tells *us_A. A _d_4;;totb.t6.#I%%5 t;%Jyqfqrgiv¢ ztazbmeéz their tmj}wzfl‘a.c,naitl7er will jattr haazlm-~;~A ‘W: a9::3‘:4t7{§7ffargifoet)!AA0#F ’7“fi”'?17"‘*?VA+ AndSaint PM! Commando; Lot w ¢.;r;»,-meg, and ,wmzAtI;,» and 4;: an tznd.ca_!ama:kr5t mm’ em?! flanking, Atéapuf away -1 fi;qmAy%o2g%w£tkAAat!l mJa1ic:..% I— And be Aye?/gindlqne ta artotlatugtcnd:r-/2Mrtca(,j‘§i'- 7 AA A ggtgmgane tmatbar, _:mtn_ 4at;G'adfarA fair; barf: fijrgiwenjw, p./Jqfif ¢4'§A_A;3“IA‘,/;»l.A‘._3fA‘_\_z"’t‘ batmlyet Witltthu never ccafc: thy;.wrath’and evil {peaking ag:tnll:’t* thy AIt:inceA,andyeuhinke to cfcapa the judgments efGcdA APA AA A AA A The Scripthres go yet high~er,and tel1thce,that to oppmfc tlv y Sovcraigne, A it to oppofc the Lord himfelfe. K amla rebelling againfi A40/Ex, is {aid to re- bail again]? the Laz'd,AN#m.2A7. 3. And the people in rejcéting Samml, rt: jailed the Lord that “Haj/Zmmld not reign aw? them. I Saw; 8.7. A” ” A ~ A » A gmdnotonci A oppofing or refifiing, is againfi: the Lzard, but aifo nAotAto .r4\;‘A£"¢ur‘y’w“€A¢~ ch A Amer hclp thy SAoveraigne,is not to help the Lord. The inhabitants A of zum: in not he] ping fIJ:A-évarab thlfixi Sozerfigge, 1mlg.4.4. agfainf: 1a4A£vinE{fx:Ag of NM Canaan, are ai nut to c p t 3 or A and are there ore - t 1:: or hac-- A A8 -5 -23 ~ CIrrfi,7zAA€hA{!§sro:;,A£fl¢,1i'drlvv dwgvi of W-"1'§"d-)Ah Cfirfirc y A e%..-J; came not M the help oftbeALarr§_., to £196’ help of the Lord azgainfl I/96’ wig/at]. If God hath laid fixch a heavy,h A fuch a fearcfull curfe on thofe who do not aflift theh: Sovhraigneh; 02 I what a hiclecaus and dreadfull vengeance doth attend them who oppof: andtakc up Arm es agam[’c thcirSAc$ver:iigne P AConA/Mar tlagéxye tbaztforgct G0d,lc’jAH1eA ' ‘er tmw'a};m Air; picmraml t/acre ha man: to deliver you ,Pfa1;.$AAo;A2 A /\[A AA A, AA ~ A 1,, JAgWfi0,A,;A_ A ‘ A But then Wiltanfwer, That Athsau dAoePc notrakc up Armes againfithc Ki1‘1f;,bL1tagainRHis cvAilCounfcllers. A ‘ A A A 7/9: Rafi]. ’ To which I mpxy, that this dificinétion oftakihg hp Arm}:-sh agagnfi gm; Cam]?//er: andmt ztgzzinfl t/ac I(ingA,isnot to be adxmtted; V 'A . A ‘V A£’c,becaufc it is a late new i:‘ivented~diPcin€’cion, coyncd Aonpurpofe to fhadov§ArA over the uglyface of rebellion 3; having no colour or ground either; AAiWnAthe Scriptures or F athers. Whereas truth 22¢ 422ciag¢t,an%d r§Al::‘1iAp of tmr/a:; 5'6’ 9/5‘?-51iJ7J6dfaV W6'7”,Pr0Vs I 2- 19- it AA A i v Ac, AA AA V ~ Secondly, hb Acaufe A it is avaine diAPcin&ion.: lwzto A‘dppafeAA and %*refiPc> A the Kings officers,AAA A: e£:pcAcia1lyA his hCounfe11ers,“A who are hisAchi<:=fA'e£?c*a?n‘d highefi “0FfiAcAers, is to bppefc and refifi théKinghimfe1fc,. bccaufe the A \ power” A (24) pawezjxwfihichg they: have is ‘.1‘1H;0,t, fmm t1*ierxafe_1v£s butfz:‘omat;‘§e; King,:x»y11¢,V imparts it untarthem. ~ And %ther€Af€3re VD¢W‘d ;€fii¢¢m€d” aéalx churlxflm-A: A onely untogoad Governotég %néfI'<é unm his Afervants and gneffexagersas d__Qne"%L1nto himfiflf, angl had %;1g;-A £‘rroycd'Na&a.l and his fa:n1ly,}1a;d not AéwgMZ,Na5.aZ: w1fc3,pac1fied him, I Sam. 25. 1o,14,A,2z,23..A SO.Ddvid“flCCOuI)1CdI.h3t which Alaaé d\idum:o A A&ner7and.21mafw,wh@m he flevmas done uVnt0%/95m -' and cw! manded Se-i% A lamfinrt up flay“ »:AA?1pa5,“%:; "4‘I:K iflg. 2. 5' ,5‘, 3=I-.:“$0\ Vdfhiarcftg/i1¢rg'V ta;;cé?N?)e 5] %1.%]g;:{ . €Tlaa9‘m6erla¢*inex,r who were-Aby King: gxfémfiterw Ce3mm‘a;ndt:d% t0’bfingvh6fs%,%’ is faid; nor ta have performed the Commandememt zafthe King, and ‘to =/mm: giant wrong min the Ifing : for which of’Fe1‘1cE film was put away, Efi/yer I . 1 1,x-5,1 6,119, Hence it isfthat; our Saviour faith untn his Difciples, Has? that defl7=z'fl:t/a)'aI»:, dsfi ma :A.;,d;?£Va*'/aétkat %’t/9 % /aim*%tla%a;lt; fmrme,E.ul~:e 10. I6. Thirdly, bcscaufe it is contraryto {Gods WorLi,A iv Pet.2.I i3i,14,&1% 5 M.S’m’2» mitjaurfélzy-ex unto awry Ordizmyzcc of mam, far the Lardxfaz/Q2, whether it A fie ta t/ac J(i7¢g.. M §up;2anw,A‘ar unto Gawmmrrgw‘ meta? them that are_/3If»’;Fi'1 L 5] him : ,to wit, the K1ng;asABe.w, T»V£7'th;LacrinM/.'r, the vulgar commmt “M f and mthers expound the place. Farfa :3: the Will of Gad:batwithwel—daiug‘ A _;/on may pm? to fllmce the ignorance of fboliflv mam, New Whoare neerxar ’ the Kingthen Ins Cexunfellers? and who can more pmperly be called § Goverrumsfirhen they,who fig at the fl'erne=,g‘L1idin_g the Common-~Wea1th%? . Aka S. 1’ct4%r an j oymzth, thy obedimce A W. rm: va“fl§‘¢2imarighc,and¢ rectum. downjn the 1 9,20, 2 I . vcrfc's,T/m :4 t/mnkwart/2], as mm-far cmfifirnce zf:o'z:wzrd%Gaa’:nduregricfi',f=¢fi'crin'g wrongfully. % Fur w/mtglary 13' ityifwhcn V ya; 64; éngfihed for ]'0ll?’e.~f§!!¢[t.£‘, ‘ J’: f/24.4! take itpaticnrly ? but wlaenjpt dw % % wt]! mdfufifi.-r 2?," je;tVaka-it paztimtly , tlaia azccaptacéle with _Gaa2L. 0 % For #2/67¢ /mémnta ware ya m[z’éd ; £m:'.m_fi=' %Clarz:fl flfafzferdfar 2,4,5, [e.q,"z,I;£',sgg' z,:4imé*e.7bzzmpl¢'that}¢ jzabmld fiflaw /71;: fl'¢s'pJ'. Whcreby it isplainethats. b rrrgfiflagia time 0%rd:3m2zca Gad, %V ‘Pater infe:nded%o11r fubmiflicm evenVum:o c:vi11%Mag"iflrates, cvill G‘ Overfi * noursymd confcquently to rzvil Cc§uAxxft:11cr.s. 5,1;isV»obfcrvAab1e,t'hat 3;. :P.wl Ram. I 3. x .. commandetfi awry? «(Emil to liefitéjeéi‘E11the/Jig/il7”p0«w&?N5imthafplurall number”; ta tcachus, that mufcbe abcdicnt,not onlyto“thc“: /aig/aefl pdwm, but to all fpgwcrsj fivhich '5 a.mab%mvm:zMs: Butwhcn he;:fp"eaAkes«;A;ofre-fiP:ing, he fpeakesirathe fingulaifi ziumbefg J45?’/:a[ae%ta'crNz¢c'fifl¢t»€2 ‘t/1: Apawcr, ta %teawch us, that we may not refift ‘EH37 W_1;¢; P0\’{€?I‘;th0ug}_1 it bf.‘ in :3 ;'m=mbcr or iz1f'cri@ur,¢Magifl:ra"te, bflecaufa :it:~, A A erxwd Fx:om1:ghe%1€1ng,who Is the’h‘*m:;d of all.;pa¥Wer, andfis ordained af Gad _; and th ére%fone~heLthat rcfifieth ma Apawgr (thof11gh%%it%ba %{uborclinaz:é:)v1 . A Afr:-aes againfiz evil CouAn1A£;%llers, and render unto each a refp I Ma nor tea the *°flfiyA¢vi1A M. A. A (35) A A . ,A H¢ji3E féii 'Wil1fay,that what S. Pam! calleth #1:; Ordinance ofGod, S. Fe... m in the place afcarc»: cited Callwth £56 Ordinmgca of mam, thcrefar%éAt1«1ei* AA- pcA:Pc1AeaV«{eemAAnot to agme. , A " A A M ‘ A . ~TAhisis eafily refcalvesd ; Fm: 5. Paul 1' peaketh of the eficient camfc, and that is God, who or.1c3ly' maketh the King,and ordaineth all pmvers, and {cm A douht. PW.‘-fO1‘(Cdw every pow-:=r is the Ordinance ofGcad. But S. Peter fpeaketh @fthcw4finn%Iz! A mmfi',3.nd that is marzfizvr whofc: good_,peacc,.A, anVwc:lfare, a11powerAAism*e dained,and fa every powcaris the Ordixzancuof man, becaufi: it is by God ‘voachfafed for the profit af maAn,Bmm¢.Lav.com;46 ./2*E2‘.16.6 A I A »2.Az;ci finci: thctreis n«:>%caL1feA1}';> bad but foxnethingis or may be ?faidAinAe.3c--A- V V!‘ cuAfEA.%fAhe%r¢oF,%I fl-mall thé1‘6fO1“fl' Reader, fr the fatisfaecion of thy coz1fci€:nACA6 A (being; desfirous to remove the lcsafi fcruple) fet dawn by Way ofobji¢*%'<fi7tion three places of the Scriptures, 'whichvaAreal‘1cadged fbrthe taking up of though in truth thc»pr:31ni“fTA:s andAce;anc1ufiAon be at defiance. A ‘ A “A Tlorfirfl AA0éjefEion. “ A A A" V"ItAis-cxpréflhly ccimmanded, Prw.a5.; 57. Twigs» away t‘/aé wbickaaim flare the King, and /9124 t/cram [ball 6: q/fazélzféed in rigbtcaufncjfls ;, therefore Subjzifts may take up Armes to removeevil Cwunfcsllers from the King . A A V h A A V I ‘AT/an ;dnfwe'r.%% I ‘ A A _ I ~ ~ ~ . to" people, Elders; near to any Counce1lorAflE~nably,%% but to the 1§.ing%him+:- ;(?;_i1f¢=,vghofe duty it is to Mk; mm} the wickedflam» before him. And this is ceare: w e - M Firfhby comparing this place (aslzmim wandbTrame/lim do) with Pm zr. ' At/a.wtfittct1ainwtlae T./cram‘ afAjudg:- a ma: - ', 2<;a;8.,_ where}: isipiainly (aid, tzgg wcn£A,fiz'wtAter¢t/1 «away .214 wilAm't/9 [nit £yc~‘.r.. A A AA AS’ecdnd1y,by “D amid; profeffion and pra&fce,PfaI. c.>~x%.“ M wickqd thin éefare min: ayes‘. Min: aye: /Im/‘Z be upanxlae fan’:/afm’! «of time Mnd,t/gar t :17 may dwelwirk man! wit mrzjy daflray all the wick;-Abi qftlae land. ¢ M * Th»ird»lyA¥,»-byithe A joywnt confent of all Tranflators of the v BhiAb1ie,LAIV%;AW\110A?%A give AAthiste;s;pc3fltAion of thej Awards, A that £21235 mt Aemzgzg”/a~z%ha¢ “%il.w Jufing "lrepgms himfilfilwt tbatAlaeVput my ether‘: that l2¢*cbrrupted. wTh»erefi3re~th4e perfon to Wham? Salaman fpeakr:s%im the text a11eadgcd,is theAAKing. A M A A A T/1efqcand06jeé}’im. A A?/fiiizc/3éi5.K1i$ zV@”Aa.lAe%%f+‘IAajz“i11g fZ'imrid;A2Ad C'm:.l7(i Was’mi;;1tgA5wdAiiifit9%hAim[for Arigfitwu£nc*fl"éi,P{x1A;V1¢r.fa6.f3 ‘cAAA%',AvgAAAA:t% A.‘andA w aflsreWAdfd¢d%4.by%5;A‘%5fl A % A A l£tfl!3*ng AAPriefi~hoad5Num.;5AA;48 1.13. Thctefore t¢AA%taAké.up,Armes againfia ff my Q3: ..m ecftive axufwcr, A AA~withAAhnlrW~ ' T/99 (2 6) A A A “ A If A A The Anfww A A A M AA A A A A Here is aconclufion drawn from upremiffes which are nothing at all per-- inent ther‘eAunto. For Z imri and Cozbf were no Counfellers unto juofi,-, who was then Soveraigne ; Z imri being t/aefim of Sula, as Prim‘: among the Simecmitex, and Cazbi the damghcr afar, of at clmf: /Jmfc in Midian, ANum.2§.14,15%. Neither can this a€c of Pbim/aw be made apattern to all pmftaerity. F.oruthcA:nuit% would follow, their aPIrieFt og Minif’§e:z'oi Gads mfmfd finding a man and woman, yea a Prmce and Pr1nceffe,1nthe a.&of whoredonae, may lawfully kill them.A But this is mofi: repugnant to thaw A Scripturesfinecaufe nu Divine may execute t!_1e zjnatAe_ria1l fword. W here- fore this 3.6% of Plqinehmr W43 by jtAI1A¢fpcc1a1l1nPp1gat10n of Gods Spirit,and noAtjfot our=imitatioAI1.AA A A V A A A A AA A A ‘ . V A A A A 1779: third Oéjeffiom. A A A Elia command ed firefrom heaven, and éarnt up the two Capmim AwitbA A ArIm'rfifiie:,whom King Abazidb fem: to apprehend him, 2 1Cineg. x . m, AALEJ :'weA(fauith cm’/f 11%’ 1 2, 14. Therefore to prcferveaur I‘:iVcS§lfld1ib€l‘ti¢S, we ‘may refiflz, kill, aArA1dd;:firoyA- the Kings c~vi1'lA Officers, and confequently A1113 evi11Counfe1- lours. AA A A A ’ I A A A A A V A A‘ AA A AA A A: A Theflnfwer. Q ‘ A A Our blefl‘cd Saviour himfelfc hath precifcly forbidden the Apoft1cs,and in them all Chz:iPcians,to imitatethis Prophet. For when Jame: zmdla/m AA (M. Ma, _ A 4aW¢fr::er2¢uuh¢4Axa::vAA.Aand __cA"‘Aa:§zf1;A4me I/9AA£’m,Aé'vm .44 Elia: dzdf H: turnen al1IIl‘Bfiu1i2flfD¢)n,Aandflai”d, A1’? knew not what mmmer affjrirttje mu: qfi. ,AcAaA.nAfiA«x1e;butAcqnclude thatyth 3 dii‘rin&icmAAc:>Af taking up Arms agai:1jf ~; A;;Th,us,Rmdcr,thou feefi: the Breaknefie of the&objcé’cions, and therefore will Cmnjillerx, and not again tfaé I(ing,isaneW, frivolous, groundlefléru Adi{?cinEtic2n,cuAntra;ry fer the Scripture§, and a meere Cloake to hide the hor- AAridAAaudl:aftefu11A,finAof rebAAe1lion Afrom the A eyes ofthuc» weaker Chrifiiaznsa A_7‘.,»;AA]g_‘.eA/§:AgdAghA:hA_i.:flA;}qAau A5: la4zrz1neg1At/vrotggh tA/7: deccitfalneflé of Hgb,3,A A-AA_1_A3fA.A.A Looké tc;$?AtIA1AyAend,anAdAAAr<:1nen1be;:* ghat in the p1a;ceAw;Aki9m the tree fall;-tI'a%, AAu$h;}ire_x§yu{(AAif;%A!z¢;AEAccIe£fIA1A.A3AA.,DieAAfor thcuLo1-dwben God caul1ActAhuAthceuluunto A it for h iA$7Ag1pry 3 Abutbe af[I.1redA At£AA1Av~.8.A- »AIfa11ANd-a bless and: J 11%?-“Asa yéncn Cart-ainlyfill (;°‘E!T1,fi$A1;1“1~?$rA éhmfigll f;amI€A.Am=YtVbAc €VAi1‘aA A 5,: Aead,A; Car; 1 );*Prin~ AndAAthéréfore t£:ii1{7e”’t"l:“é Wmrdsof Gdngtziiél, Aé1SA;A5u-A3AAA8,39A.u R¢j_'rAa£7¢]fi‘i9fné wbq/2' mm and let I/5:mAa!an£', for their corm/2'2‘! oft/acir warke Aéz.-“of nié7dA it A wi/[A A ‘ Q ~wtAAuaands,ed V ‘ "9 ‘ it “‘” ‘ ‘ ‘, ,;.%‘a¢'§tr:»£‘,r7. A authority Is? 0 A .(z) willcaime ta nvmglat : étzt ifitn be ofGod?}e mama: avarthrdw it, /Mppilj 7, éafaxndevmtafigbtagainfl GM: f A ' A i ‘ll’ " T/aefE'ca;ad.Ev1z_/5071. A 1 V 7% A ; Butthou Wilt tellme, that thorurtakefi up.Armesi obedienccto pub- lique commandandauthority; anadthereforc cloeft nothing but what is ‘warrantableand1awfiJ1l- A at « v V ' l i 7'ia;£:tAA:g,i§agergt " ‘ in ’I'is true,thy nbedience to publique authority 18 and nice;-:fI'aryl ; A For Grid doth require it,fZ’ir.3 . I . yet bafnrc: thou yea-ld.thy aélzive obedience thereunto, be {are that both the command and authority to whichthott yeeldefhandalfo the thing commanded and authtrized,be agreeable to the Lawes ofGnd, and warran tabla by the Lawcs of the Land, V‘.K.1)f;I'€lI‘1,IIh0lt1 liveit. For ifthr: tpubliqur: command be unlawfull‘; than is thy obedience: thcreunto alft: unlawfull ; as,the obedience o {the men oflfrael in going to their tents, andaforfaking of David their King at the command. of traiter—- nus Sheba, ; was plainc; rébelli,o”‘n.a 2.l$’;:zm. 20. 1r,2.t Or, ifthc thing com.- man=le;bea unla'wfull,then7ris thy obedience alfo unlawfull; as,fA theft: men. finnedin cafting the three Children into the fiery Furnace, “ at the com-- A g mandement of Ncimcbadnaaaar, andi for their wicltetlnefle were flaine bythe flame ofthafirre,D:w.t3.20,2r2. n X g It A A V t when hart lgwfull, ‘ ‘th‘fl"“p‘n‘b‘1iqVyu‘)w_‘icekfljamalfldu and f ' dtnitlniflting or leffening the cpffance, that it cloth exceedingly aggravatcrand tncreaftr tr. Epbmzm ziapprejfed (iaxthtflo/m%l‘5. ii 1 1,) and lgrokgn injudgcimenr; £ec;mf&_/ae wi/ZingZ_y;wa1lq§daft¢rt[)g agma ‘ mgmngment ; to wit,of1:rol6ozrm.lt Micah fp€ak$cth* of Qtatutea of Wmlfi, cap. _ .16. take head thowfl thou;kcepr+{t them. And ,tht‘1‘€ 1s a throng qf ini-%~ gaitmlaie/eframetb mifc/vieflzjr alil-t thy ta'1eI1:i,t"-lttlylihfftefil audtheirewirhallthy {al.- eftthcua to fears the danger lbflbringingzthemthézrityrtor cnrnmands of men unto this triallfor than hail: awarrahntfrdmu AS.,P:ml fo to do, 1 T/alcfl5'.ta"r. x A From‘ all téingxjaoldfzzfi that which :2! ‘quad. And I ,Cor‘.A1o%. I 5'; he refcrrtcth himfelfrg;he$ACorinth1ans, Iudgehiyewaléat U22]; And A6}: 17.11031 I. The A B.¢mt!:lnAarcatacqur§tcd tt.mgt£AN?é.1¢fl?¢% ‘,3/ififfi’ in Tbefl‘-alanim, in rim: that racciwd t/we Waridwit/a ail tgfgqdizya qfménld, anfijigynclaald ‘then S€2fi;p1f.1§!4gf:.rA dazil} nzlactbcr :19 of: th ing: )v:rq.[a~_.;« aa'J;1?4gZ4lt,;prcached.l VIfthmrgflgerdofirincalnd Cbmmandsbf the Apoflzles, (whoAt»axelfiraa A ><«‘ » \ L. A with ab? Holy .Glaa[f;_¢A&.z.4e~n)t;wercl*fubjc&11ntothis rcxamination, A holwfl 3 ‘ can . (Am cm the Law:-s andAcbmAma%nAdsA of man now adaves be abbveit, 4 Erin my. A wife freed from it P So long as men are capab1éAoFcrrour% “T9”; 1ongVare1_-hey fubieff ututobxamination. sAx1dWhatAm:m, WhdtAAi@'6fiEccll may not erre: P fbat Raj*w/1%.S‘t.aztmc amoffirm Decree, though aanfulted ofiand prefented ta Dari»: 5] all we Prefidem‘: oft/aw K ingdom,tb: Govern amrlgmd the Princes; A the Cazmfalfars‘ and the Cwzpmim, was but a fafiionwand cnfpiracy ta take %awaythe1ifc 0fD)z m”el, D4m.6.4,A5A,AA6,7. % % % % A not the Apofllcs efre for a while in not bc-leaving the refurre&i"onA A of Chrifc P Luke 24. 1 I. Did not Peter erre in % Wit%hd"rawing h"imfc~lffr0m % the Gentiles through Fearc, and joyning with the jewes P Galat. z. 1 I , I 2; whole c€aunce1s,as we1;;1Rgenera1l,as Provincia11,though confi{’cing“>of"nAom: b*ut%A;1eAar”r1ed*AADivines; A IiWvebeen Acarried% by a fa&ionAandA scrrcditn %the%vr:ryA A % fundamentals of Divinity. And why may not a Synod in thefe dayes, A whereof fume onely are piou§,1earned,and Orthodox ,erre in like mannerif Or an Aifemblyfprinkled wxth Lawyemerrc in a point of'Law P A Here ‘I erm!J£m2_.,A' po1agct.m’wrfmGem*e:.Ac.4.. Si Lea: tam ermzzit, put» #9 /aomim camfepm cfl .: fieqmegim dc’ M10 mitt. ./ldir.-xmini laominam flh'1f¢’7"-7*” wzrepomi in [age camdendéi, 41¢: refipnijfa in rcpraéamféi .5’ Name {fr ipflm Lycm-gi legs: :2 Laccdemoniuemcndatzc .? If thy Law /mt/a erraofl, Ifzzppq/Te it” %% % zmsfmzmed 6} mam .:-for it did not come dpwat flaw Heaven. 1) a you mandqr ‘ that mam ccmldcrre in m¢kz';¢_g at Law, er rape-mt for rcjcffiyig d@Ldw ? W'cr:‘"" ‘I A . Let us therefcrrefiawb and tr} our :wzye.r;,AA Lanmg ;4’6;A not pmoui: fdith,%our1iFe,4, and falvatmn unto ancathenmans «elbow. Gods Word dew- ¢1m“*es%uzat%o us?man~ifE:fi1y, that it is not lawfull forus to take up A1-mes at-. A Agmimft oAur.ASoveraigne,and it willmt availc ms at the 1aPc day tq{ay,; Wa did i t by authority ofmaiu.;?A% AAEv»c=1'y:tane {ha1lA beam Ahisown burthen: zthfe $ed11fa4:':i: {hall not wxcufe him who 13 feduced; Ifrlae Hind A‘A~.:,e»e&zgm1;¢ £wazAl:;j7mllfa!lAinA%tatbe%pAit,Matth.1v5I44... TA/ac7flml;tl?mt fi:an¢rb,Ar £tjzzM;:Iia;A ~ A E;,Amk_1‘ ’g»..4. And reme”fmb»et 8.; Paul: Vcu%rfe, ”Ga1.% 1"; 8.T12'mgla we (faith Be) A A or an Angelfiwm Heaven, pr:mchA4n} atilofi .AGaf}»¢l Amm jar; they that wlaip;/:1; mm mm: tprrmbed zznro:@ym,le%t éegm-;zrfie»:i. A ~ 4 :55; I W,:\‘ ‘V ‘ ,.- g: % ‘mu tzaaa wnt £ay,1Fsub jecfts may ~nAt*:*ve7r‘ai‘t¥(i{’t,.A, tnm¢:mytheVprim verne according to his oyvn will ahdAAAplAeafgr¢f,< A and £04 may bring pis A V j.:‘é’cs into bandage ;,Aflavery,Aand_411A1 a:\?¢11bWa~f1de1~n*ct§n“Kr¢i=§1~é§1Cc~S‘Wfgat ”e‘:V‘“e‘r9&. A isluomraryro Anature%VandAréaf§1*r A ~ » A * % ‘V Afiga A A ‘IF w:eAr~nriyw‘dAény:or fisjefl a truth déliveréflidj‘ A % "¥V§¢4 "9 c<=aiiAf;%f wilsand inconveniences WhichA mighttfiercfly I1appvenAg‘AuAnto ms, t? A A ‘f E A * % Wholfi €29) 4 u{1_h01?e“wfi:aTLn‘;;~.mf>.D;i&'init‘j2h:wjl1Ibe%ifmn1u tmV?2&irtuj::1ied¢ W8khowg&»%A%Thatt”h‘c A doé’crim-;; 0£;'@;ody%sA cmrrzall, frcc, :ax:1id unchangcable decree mfj repmbatimj, M hag; many into the ffih dc°fpa%ir:"T”hetVdokftrine t%hat«tme repaiztance :2: ;¢;e«,-,;¢.srmj Z;zte,ha3 led many; ‘iiuro thc fin ofprcfumption :% dofirineef afl({£1ra11c%e wfw falvatiom, hag bred in form: a proud felflcenceitedneffia and ¢;;)m2i;c17j11ptQfth@:ir brethréen.” The dc:=2&rine:4of juifhficatitm bygfairhonely, amclmm by w1;>ri1‘réafeth, and to mm.» hisw ill the rule of his a&ions.No,, hwis aloe La2~d.rwSh¢pkmm', and» Ifa.aM- th§eLm~d hathhppainted unto hi m“his chargg~.az;1d dvutv.;;C3‘od *%¢fet%1a;m , fi'fl)Iom'%r I/7: C0ngrg‘gj?Atipn,Mafi:gaw;* him £bflfg2:"E';fi"i£itir;fi'.g;;)$ ‘M, 27. -1 And of“D¢wid it is‘fI.id,; I*"f.—:z/. 7 8,,.7 <:%::,=7*z 47¢ . Ha .c/mya» Damiid /:17a_fer'u4nr'; afldtaokhim am 112:, fiwpfbids , flaw fallazéving ,:t/aa1:£2am* gt}-eat“ My (30) with-:}onng.. Hehratlght hima fit!) Iacah halt people; dud 173%! Vhhinhehid tmmt: Soihefed thcriffthtreforet the King ought to provide for; and Achy. rifh, hispeop1e).m:ording re» the integrity or f his hmrt, (therefore the King oughtw be faithfull to his people) and guided them (therefore the King ought to be careful and vigilantovet hislpeople) hy the I/{ilfihlne 1]“: (thc_-re... l fore the King ought to ctounfelhis people) of his hand (therefore the King . ouglhtto defcndhispeop1e.)And when the Prophet Ahzjah told Ierahadm that God would givclten tribes of Iftael tinto him, he withall tells him his duty,and the conditions upon which God gave them ; Ifthoh wilt hmrken mzto all that I the Lord command thee, and nail: wall; in my waist, and do: . that bright inmjfightg in km: amt: Qtatutcs arm my auntmannzttteuts, i M David myfirr-mu: dtdfihcn mi /1 1 he with thee and [wild thee hfizre hmfefi t King.t I. 30,; t,3.8.And at thattime when the Lord chtife Saul totbrtt’ . King, Samuel told the people 1338 marmm: tut‘ the ihingnnme, and wrate it in a ho-aka, 1 Sam.Io.25.Whereby it is evident that Saul might mt rule as 3 . he liftedgfor that God had prefctibedh the form or manner of the govern-» ms mt or Kingdome. And what that izshyou no ay reade in Dcz¢t;I7. It [hall he when hefitterh upon the throne ofhzis ingdalm, that he jhhll write; him 4 tropic afthi: Law, (that is,the D mteranam}) in 4 hook-,out ofthat which :19. A ‘ theTI’rz':fl.r and Lt-wires. And it Mall he with hirmamd he [hall read: therein all the ethics of hh lifl», that he may I8.-37”” to flare the Lardhh God, to keep ‘all thta. 4 .1 waxdti th..t§t{zlt;.t, to do: them. That his Ahcayt he not lifiu r etmphhm his hrerhrehf“ Fbtéhtfile King oughtnottoinfu1t%and tyran- 13izegver his people) and than he Marne not afidcflom the tCommm:dcémmt,~ to the right hand or to th: lefl“ : to the and that he may prolong hlxmhzicx in his .. KVi;¢gp{am6,'hH;z?2d hi: fihildrmin thcmidfi af Jfimel. .: It then the King {hall defire the pteietvation ofhimfelfe , hanchi the A con?’-s tihutricrtteef his Kingdome unto his pofierity, hee mufi carefully obferve _ the,AehCotnmaodement‘oF the Lord, and the executionof jufiice. He th)tt,A llrulehrh over mm mnfl he jufl, ruling in tlaeflmre ofGad,z Sam.2 3 .3. It 1‘.t'flfl . fiynrigbtgqfifnfiflhhha Prov.I.6.1 2. T/9eKing hfjfidgémtflt eflhhli/heththh‘lhhci$ - Prov. :29. 43? tthamizmtion talKing.t to commit wickednefle; for the threw: it eflahlijhed. ; Tis true, the King1'_sGods tVihce-gerent, and therefore alccottntablwt: l -A Godottdy for his aéhons ; Which Dzwid implyed in.confi-rfling thoIj7ch1‘s 1 c;t.y'mgfins ofmurthet and adult cry to be smelly againft God : Agaiflfif/9f4’.i ,h.;z*z2e 1_/z‘m::d , Pfal. 51. 4.. .And even tea-{on requiteththat the.‘ ' In,;Q1nb€r3h"fl}bu1d.h9t.jU;dge't"h€ head,becaufet.hey. alte under thehead : not; can they takeaway thehead, becaufe thereby they ceafe to be .memb_ers.eA:_“ yfetifNPrinces do fcrioufly take it into confideratton, they {hall finds llftlfi enpoug (gt) ‘l En‘e8nE§g'éFiE"fi¥ Ftditt hence to give way to their oivn'f1ufis&: Forbem A {id es the etemall vengeance t>fGod,‘ which, without repetwtancee, they? f-hall mat’: certainly ft-elA after this life, having by their wickcdnefit: madgfhgmfclvcs uncapable to inherit the kfngdam qf God, x Car.6.9, in. they dnufually pluck down upon themielvesor their nnrpoitanrity, or A b0th,t€mp01‘al1 judgemetttsz yea,and thofe the more heavy and tetrjtble. n becaufc: by the ntgltttftt nf tthtir charge and duty, they become more an»? thankfullthettctthersi, and more injurious unto fo free, fo gtncitaus, fn bountifullai Lard and Matter : For txmta %w/jamfbet/er mm”/9 1kg£rz:erz_.,n of him mm}: 1%]! 5.9 required, Luke 12.48. A 1 A ; n OfG»0télS judgements upon wicked and unjufi Kings, The Scriptures amtrd many examples. Oppreflilagj P/mrmla,With 31%. his mighty h0fl:,%, was drowned in the Red-fzta, Ifxad. I 4.27,2.8. Ct‘u:m:1lAcloni~begt.ek was cat1ght,2and haéi/9.23: tbztmés and /212:" great rm cm" afi’, in Zi[.{g'Vr$¢fl2?zfi$(§” my be lmddaua bafwe tmtat/areefiiarc étnzflffen Kings, ] L.!d§fj?,'C3$ .6,7.. The fat Tyrant Egltm had a dagger t/aumfl into In} 6'9/ly, and the /mfl .¢z{/it wetjgt in nflertt¢bt~(2l.nda,t tflfid-t/.75’ fat -rlofifd «£11197! the élatde, /o rim: he could not - draw ~t£7t‘5"~d&3£'g39T out aflazlt t’):/Jyymd that dirt came nut,]:u,’.~. . 3. 2 1; 2. 2.. Did t now wamxm »t'a»sg/Z‘ vi pimr cf at ?%’i[_fl'07Z6‘ upon Moody Azéimelecla from the.- wall,r/mt I» died in T/ae£vez.?]»zdg.9.3 3 , 54.. 2 Santm 12.2 I . Did%n0tn+5'4It1 0 D ttakt~tcnntttti‘bcs outof ch: _ ‘So am, “for his f'atherSa1omon.: idtzalatry and oppreflion? n1.ICing.1 I..33,35'. and«C/mp.1z. 4, 16. Did not dogslick thcblond of Alméw, in the place whete Nméatb was unjufily finned P ,1 K ing.2:. 19. and sC‘1mp. 2:2. 318. ' And was not the whole hnufcof Alma afterwards dnfutroywed by Iain»: .? 2 I<'ing. I0. I I. Ha/new andV all his t R.t’atltt*1*te;t,’%f't'3«’rtIie7ir wickedneflE:,were given intn the hands Qf_th¢_ off . Hfltyria, 2 n.1(ing.*17.4;6. Idolatrous Ielwram, his guts f::—llout, '2.‘ C‘/mm; V "$1.1 9.tI-’.mud P"-t.z.z'n/2 was {mitten with Ieprofie, Chap. 26.26311, ‘ Wickcti Z1/./axmzf]T:/:tW%as éomzd wit/afettawzrznd carried tatI$'ab}Im,Chap. N .g3*.1‘*I; Boafiing *Z\ZeZmcbadnez.z.ar WM driven from mm, mm’ ;.didn$mr gm_[fc -M oxen, tand/azétlzndytwm we; wit/it/4.-: dcmv oflmwan, ti/flat"; /Mira; A % war: gramme libs‘ E4gle.rfTmtber:,and bis‘ mzilc-.r lily: éird: clnwm-,D2in.4. % I % 30.. PcrfecutingHerodwm' «rattan tafwarms, mttdgzzt/c ftp tbeg/aqfi‘, flfis I 3.2;; And indeed it is very hard toifinde any one King dcfpifing his, t charge anddutyt bytht: breach of Gods Law andthc opprcflion of his 3flbje€ts,upon whom (and hath not laid fame .hE'ay,.y-_ttinit5t:PIi?3[3Ora1l fudgeu _ ment. t 80 that tdfieitatccountablc unto God tonelygand tohave hi%mAnnc~:-f A to"¢5EjuHge, is not 't‘obefctn7atA1ib¢rty, butntthdnmorc carefu11"a§1t!tndi1%i¥ ‘ E A “ A gent 32) gerjtoiibght th’e.Kingto be in his callizagg imowinge thatit :37 ahféarfmg tlaiis tafmll into tlaehe/amzdr aft/are living God; I-Ieb.1o.3 KT. Nor hath God left his people W1_thout remedy, in cafe :2 King would become fo wicked as to abandon hrs duty and fear of God, For he hm, a A inthe .Scripm*:es fer forth feverall means and remedies which the Sub». I jefirs may and muff ufc ; and they are five. M The firfi emeams is, by ehxhorting the King untohis duty, eh ahd ofaeem‘ utting him in mindejthereof; this was frequently ufed by the PIG?’ p}-1ctS,Pfa1.32.2‘,3,4. I_fa.I .17. ]er.22.3. Ezek.4.5.9. And all the tribes hoflfrael told Dmzid of his duty when he was made King, faying, The eLm-dfabzid to thee, Thaw /341$ feed #2] :If;'mzcl, azndr/104% _/Zwlt be a Cggppgigg ‘ aver Jfiwzel. 2.S’»m¢.5.'2.. he ‘- ._ ‘ o % h % The feconci is, by diffwaciing the King from his evill coutfe. A This Jmé diffwaded Dm/id from riumberirzg the people, 2 Sam. 24. 3% Thus 3 man of God diff waded Amamiab fiom hiring men out of Ifinel, 2 C’/an 25u6,- A A ‘I ‘-— V Thc?thirdhis,'by re-proving. ~ Thus Nathan reproved Davidfor mur-« chr and "adu1tery,e2 S.zm.1 2.9. Elijah reproved A/Mb, 1 King. 1 8.1 8; V xi/may the Princeisof Ifrael, Clmp.6.I. And Ia/an this Baptfi repfoved Pfcrbad the ‘Tetrarc/a, Luke 3 .1 9. h Obferveuthat the xgemeolics aforefaid do not belong to every fubjefl : . . hhehhhh¥1e¢¢?=h°”h»dimvadc» erreprevethe King,but the SC1‘lptUI.‘€S expfefle oz:1£‘:‘1y the M1n1ef’cers‘TotIGod;theE1dérs, Nobles, and fuch who are m eminent and place to have ufed thefe F133!‘ EVEfYeD11€’~*WJwMh?W»* h . n1eanes,% and that with allrevcrence and modeflzy, I .S‘am.2A,.9. Prawn 4 it ’. i . .h ' . . . A. " h ifhifourth remedy is, by flying or concealing our {elves from the ‘King. Thus you {hall finde Dmvid a1xvayoesfly'inge;frozn Sml, I Sam. Ejzjah fiedfromhlezsefici into the wildernefle, I K i;-zg.19,3,4. Bambb and Jeremiah hid tbhemfelves from Jekaialém, 1mmz.36.1 9. Ia/3-ply took jefus and his Mother, and by night fled into Egypt from Herod, Matthc, e2.1:17i3‘w:Iut)I, but the duty eveniofa.11p::%rfons whatibever (M waft aqfiui/My gcclefiaflim/1) unto their 1a%wfu11%Soveraign%; appeareth by his high and afi-‘c:Rionate%cAom1nen%dVation ofthe paoples bcbaviaur towards their wicked Empzirour V¢zlmrinikm,wh%eVII hC'%Wou1d have had them tmtrome out oftheir Churches, and have Inf: them to xfrrianx; His words are t}1¢§f¢,hIggfimgulig-fqaéix 1aévre:rzvi.7L*i;, infingwlixmsffi ppzticzétm av“ w':r-ma réfmlyft. Quid anim pmféntim al£cz' pomit oi fzziris C brij}iaz=;zi5,qzm‘w¢ 71405;’ badié im 7~m£2i.y1aqx¢mm qfi Spiritm‘ Svmffm .9 Ragamw Augzwflc, ‘mm pugnamzu, man tz7m¢~mm,fe~d ra_gamxm. H on C£z»rzflimaa_: dawt. In ma/9 af 4« W; [(25 live; againe; in male the patience «end verme of rim: half man ‘ /.244 againawflzined. Far w1mt% cmld éc betrerfirahrn by C/ari/i‘%£»zz¢%ma:¢,tlam that wbéq/at£i&;_lJa[i%e %Gl2afifi«2.»4tp°“t/94!: day in you .5’ EfflI{9»%1JBY£‘€£K),§D%§KDIj&u% “ A <fl3nn*pevqaur,%W Mlgtuufzfl,-. We are mzst aftaw. but intrcat... ‘rim Im- carzswnarfia Ckyrijfiaznx. Amb.l.5 p. 3 3 mi fl-zfmw‘/. A O I H-,,;m.’& Tbgadarat d: P rawId.0;mt.7.. g Quanta: tymmm ad gwéerxacum % , 4 d¢4¢w:r6wfmi1WWW1W*WW»W prcczzti9m.,% '7 bm}~4fd‘m.t%ione mmzm am Dci plazcuzmla efi, petendcz m:i£z"g4agti0A pmfmr.-e;'xm2.: d£jfi¢'uZtatMm (‘é-%ma1.afl1}:zrz¢m. PV/amfiaeawr I} rant: fit at the [farm oftlae C amman-wmlt/é, cm arm:/X. Lewis‘ dam‘ rwlbfir./9eV.azfm f4ire.:,G¢m’x azmgar mafl pamcifiedgmnd a migigawan akwr prefént olifz’ref.. ‘ an at "I M féx and trowlasfiqg/2f&far,. éyr /fol} p;wging,am.1*$m fm-iam anmnnmmt gt’ V >*;f.vc=arc~£arnnz%rd;¢ ra%folntron;.,Ep. 1:7 «:1. addflmlawwmm Kegemg. Si *totm grim msiwcrfumsmc L‘0fijfl£2”a27.9“€*F,a rr—t~V qmippinm ma&1£wer& adivcrf R'eg£a%m*» 4jafla~Aam,%%eg%a: Mmm Z)m%m~timeram,(§:v at-'di7m.twn~m9'ca-Rvgem gfin"... J? wééfittwwwzséxmatmafldmwm%*; mc maimignaw~m£ri' lwgerim", qwi pare:/Mai ref... A *}ne;~?::a2Wdi»mm&£mn%;§:'it* .1 1?/a%iVae.;V% ya:/nah iwqrlri“/.E%azrl:1‘canfi;ri%re ag.4a»iufl 14%: God; 4md3.not'dare:mjE{j t:aAajj"z2r.%./,1 x1aAa~1cmg~ ;:;;to— t*1fi0*¢7Mft?19aM~%.l‘ fibomfd &i'M’_fmmfl*29v5?¢g agtiduff dz:»ha[ Kizxgur flzfajef-+4 é}w’9im :-« Fm L“ @WI>M§*-"'I’£?ilJ@,?'I¢’*1'i"/:I;r%f\t?; ru.nA?di1s/aaafihc‘ w:h'0 reimet h» we powm; ~ : 1:23? .1 t~hm‘»:im»:§1;;-;¢ God; A mid the fame? 'E:1t1:1*~er,% *Epif»%T‘.:2#m?";% flaréinb” dk*v7.:*cgr#.0., f0.¢fim;~,d¢ nnimafi, @:"£uK0fl&fl#flxfifi.§3§fi?& pZm#J3¢~:,% H E @.v¢mm:é~!c4tfansc»m amm'rza‘ A d£j3'm#14rg-wan paflhmm. fiPrqfi:£Hz flaéimm, @'~%‘pu£r;4£7imm.4‘wfqa;nd« % zmmm (351 mars-em Aim apormerit) pro zmztre naflraifirmzk qniém liter, ‘mm fEmJ..j AA My c;$»‘glowl£z}s,_/'ed¢preci[vz>M :39“ fietiém ad Dmm. IV/amfavewr jar; may plmfle to make qf} ow I(i¢:gdam,t'zf,-find Crowngwe At/2.4-fem aft/ac C/mrcb wmzzbt arzltaget/atr dijfemélc the 222Arang.r,dzfgmc"e, andjfiurning of our man t.};:’7‘. ¢ Veriéyfar Mr marker we wi/fflaznd, emu! fig/at awn zmto dear/9 L nm!6:)witb fm/9 weapon: .4: are lmrffiz/7,220: wit/9S/wield: and Swo rd;,£=m with pmycrmnd tmrw ta God. And to prevent us from limitting his fwords meerly unto Monkesand Cléirgy-men, (yet they arefamaf the A C/mrc/9 no more than Laicks) he exprefllely notes the vxuiverfality of the Apoflzles command,Li’t tvcvgyféaul Iéefuéjefi‘, Rom. I 3; I . and faith, flui cwmmr exc£pera,camzmr dccipar: _; He that gee: «boat ta exmpt any, gaes‘ aézorzt to*dec:iw. .E'pifl.4.2.vz.-zrl ArcI’aiep.SmmenfL __ - V A _ A A AA Hes. re ‘Peter [film-t. C'ammmt.z'n li!2.1mz’.mp. 5 . Liter mm aliqua: c‘::r-- mimm inbamimxpioy .Euangalznm Filii Dci crndelitergrafario am» 5 rzé,z;t ml comm mutemr 'a2o%lmzm/5, wclfrmzgmztw rzzirey, qua mm amnim poffzmt éficare, gm defigmxznt .- qua: neqmwzt impetmri, fizltem id pm» qgmakm efl, at wire: 6-,4" raéwr 7106129 é Daafuppatazmt , am! an omzziax pcrfi’--A rendzz,%qgmz zgd /aanwfiem 6?’ glowlazm ejm comlmzmt : %Wbe%n wcféefame mm?‘ to rage smell] xzgazinfl rbcgadly, mm! the Gag/fie! oft/are Senna afG'a¢l, it is % lmvfull to pray, that either their mind may ée c/atmged, or rbeirflrmgtb éraécn, w/wrcéj the} wing] wt 66' (£63: to firing to p.:zj]E* all which that} pm-';%...%AAA pofe.:, }«VlaAic/a%ifz/q;Vy:c5..«gM_gfl#tVaéwzincd, we mzagfi ‘zgcrigéreg this , zfb.+zt wa ma; /mvefwflirimtfirmg E79 2zndtaz2r¢gefrom%%LGod,ta éeizrnzz/[Ma/2' t/yin 3.1;» w/with may mm! to In’; laanoar amdgloagy. ‘ % AA Hear Crammer the Martyr,A!ib.d: Chmfl. /aamizazér imflfitur. Si Prim'£- Ra; qantrg qmizm ipfbrnm ojficium poflula-t,feczr£nt,non% /mbmt in bar [bean to fiaperiare: :2 Dear conflimfo: 1zwIice.r,fl'd Dew mtianem fvmt reddimfig qqui ,’z"é£fi»lijvz.A.-{icium norm» refirrwzw/it. _Nefd/I »zt¢temfuMitz2rVej¥, «qgman mm mm; malt“ Principe: fzwrint, fieditiomna; mart r¢éel1ianem‘axc*£tara; fed a.m:£m'm interpallqndm cf} Dam, in mjm mmmm Kcgum carda- fz¢m*,u1' fiziritu fun illufiret eagqm rcflé ad Defiglariam, glmlia % EWFAIAI-¥* ditayttantur. If Prizecex film/I do at/aerwgf/3* t/am their duty dark require, the} Im-e wt jmdggxplaccdaver técm éy God in tin} world, but ,/lull! /wrcn-A after render an mvaxtiat zmfa God, who with rafirwdtbairjudgmeflt mitt A himfllfalane. But it air .4 mrfid aélfirfnbjeffxc A/aawAw£cl(edfiv4-wt pm. 17:: gégro flir upfisditian and re6c17£an;éut God,in inbofe ljanng heart; flfikifigfi are, mzszfl £eAé_ypm}er;r r:gm'red,t/.vatA/ae%1zvml.o{ mlig/Jtm t/my 3371*-::.f“f:'V"hz:"»‘lJy.,@‘-rA£t’ aw/aereéj the} my rightly A uafke Afword dc!i'v¢red zffieamra r/aeglary of God. A A A ‘ A ;: A “ = ‘ A frhus;% Thus,RMder,I have fE:t%4befor’c3 thee thofe I'(”.‘I-1‘1€d1es whighfifiods Ward hath dec1a;ed,A and the praé’dcedofC‘3ods children hath approved t:oAbe A A lawfullfar Sub)’ 2&5 to ufe agamfi unjufi, cmell, and opprefiing Sow‘-d mi nes.“A Murmurs not thouagai_nQcGod,becau{e he hath refcrvcd unto hidmdfelf only the power of rf:{tra1n1ng the Prince. 1: it not Alnwfull for Gad to do what he will with but arm .? .21/_I‘aztt/9.20.1 5, Wilt thou fay, wthat Ga;>dhath mt provided for the fatety efhis Church,and people, bszcaufe he hath not madq thee a judge and punifher of shy Soveraigne‘? Art thou able: to fearch into the ALords I way”esAP or canfiz drhoumdiregft the Lord P Sbowldit 61: m:cVordirzg to thy Vmimdfait/9 Job 3 , W/aA:a:¢ddbe give: gm?-A V flmfl}, WI” Wm make tzfqulila hmd n=b_w /as kideth /aisfatce, wd/oar/am 1 mm 176195314 /oim .? W/aetlacr it 496 dame zegpzinfl t£ Nation, I3?” again/E 3.?1¢g7z: am'!},]ob 34-2933» 1 at A Sceing than all tmngs are according to the wife difpofimdng of’fo1§rgr"a— A cious Gad; Cdfl t/9} km-den an the Lord, Pf;21.5 5.2 2. God am very pm» fiat help in rrouéle, PAfa1d.46.1 . Commit t/aydwpzy meta the Lard :1 rm/E «:21-~ fin in };1im,mzd%/be/Mil Etrirzg itdta pafl}. Re/i‘ in the Lard,amd zmit przriwzt-” dl]?far_/aim : fret not thy /é'1_f'e', becwwfi qftiim man Wino brings:/9 wickgd dc... wire: to pa Far t/an evil-daermflwt/I bx.’ mt pf; but tlaq/:5" that waits: t¢p-- A M tbs I5ord,t/a:j}j%a!¢' in/ow-£td the earth, Pfial. 37.5 ,7,9A,34.. x A d A W/5???- AA ,,, .‘ V “ "‘*Ba£:H5u%vired*dr¢y, is all this to who livenot uxjderfucha King as the Scriptures m aka m<*:nti.ormf ? The Anfiwr. f A AThcaugh I intended onely thu fatisfacftioxu of thy Confcience, which A can admit ofne othcr rule then the Word afGad.. For,LrxdDe1'fl2l:z ole» « tiger; confciantiam Iaaminzéc. E: ipfle lege: /mmzzme, qua: fvmt lagqx dlaomi-ad. numynon abli mat coasfbimtizzm, Amefl d6 caf. Confcicnt. 1 d1.c;2. The Law oy’G'ad datla only binde the canfciewc of m¢m.d AAM /mmame lawx, :14” they are the lame: afmm, doc’ Mt him)! 23% canfcimce. Yst becaufe the rc- A fldifying oFt‘heiudgenm1t, isa ‘n:;Aaa<.dy"meaa'xes to the rcflifying emf thf: ccmfcicnce ; andqbecaufe thxs-evzafiond :5 5y fame much boaftcd7of,I {ban therefnrcbric-fly, fat‘ Earth rha exccsllcmt rind {weer agreexnent whicjydd the Lawspfdthis Laméf have with We Laws nf God in "this A ddparticuladrfgdf A A affird:« what the aaing of muglannr is my a mug as fiJ8®Etip¢A A dd tfitzfi mmtin'1t;dand : at in Faun: rcfpeffs: A : AI.%I1fxHi$right.t0th££ Crowny? 2-. “In Hi$'P‘dL?N¢r.%% I id A3 . V . In}-11s Chargg-~azA‘id duty.d " _ ~ 41p; (33) A Inthefendring pf!-Iis Account.‘ A A g , H5: rig/at ta His‘ Crow» :1: by [a£rtI:,dqf£'en't, or Ia:red£tazr]fuoce_;f)’?an._'% Anclthis appeares, A ' A _ A A Firlhl-by that part of the Oath of Allegiance which his ufed in every Leer, T/mt jam [M/15: try: and faithful! to am’ Swcmigm Lord K. Cherie: and him lm'Ar.s',which fhewes the difcent. A I A ‘A l * h A Secondly, hecaufe we do ourlegeance to the King in his naturall ca«‘ pacity, and therefore he holds the Kingdome in His naturall capacity; that :3‘, as He is Charles the for) end heire apparent of King James elf’ hleffedA memory. For legeance or homage cannot bedone to the King A in His pelitique capacity,fo: fo the bbdfi ofthe“Kizngisi11vifible,§ Cake.‘ .1h.7.A;~C’aAl*uim Mfr.“ A A . AA _A A A A A AA A A A p A Thirdly, in the cafe fiforefaid, it is exprefly affirmed, theft the King hold: the Kingdom ofEngl. tmtek iz;fla,A@c!%c?}:g zA.?;:ata3?%AJa:: .A “Far; <7 A -4 .A%H_e,wone1y peo4p1e,C.ok€97AeB»€pJ01A%?-Aséb-V AA - ~ ., .. V%1¥IAea'1g3n“e LIIES: Msgrtiall ?L:;yv% im%AthAcF%_icT1c§. Swirl: CmbmA,m 222;A..Z~:2. Hea%a1Qn.e%dccrecs'the n'iO11fi5y(>ft}'1€ R éalin. zdemdmz;D~;azm.f;:;.;n& alone*parc{o:1sfc1.ons:.:ao,H.A7Af;1.a8.n.‘ A ' "‘ A «A A Ir A AA-Th.c3re is no la]Wf::L13"‘13fl‘¢fEl’bly%5.i1“1&6'tiflggor‘Court’, bLit:;by fAAu:hbr1t y A<{ fIro¢m.I4;im- _Y€’V€£3At1€,e7H%Vi:§:h Cmtrt af 1?~aArli~am@nt%AAA%wa%s dcv.A&fi;~dAfta:AmedA. magi i—r;§i7?c‘itL1tc=A£’A: bVyAi+1iAm*2.. @Z;P}'rg-.1. I I . 5;5eed5Stow‘;‘1?:/azrti;b_;,AB.a/{egr,~a4x1ci Emmy oth't‘rs ‘AiAn’ Ath”eVAA;1§f<3‘0fV 7”Hmr} libel. »7”la;a Aflttomrmjks flmdemic, PA“£' A y " V ’ ' V By Hun aI1Law=es, Cha1‘tez‘5, Cufiomes, add Frazzchifcs aria gt‘AanVtedA‘.% , % and,“ cQmAfirmjLfg*1 Lmte “the peop1&1,f*R%oVt. Clmrf. I .AR.A2 %/1x;/;zcg.; rCkél?‘t. (,2, 1%.‘ C,‘ I5J.:zrt.;(é or mfl.£j. 1 . ‘_ M‘ 4 1 Smido-ACawmon2?.!; 2 .cA.:A,. «Th:A.~r i:3fi:x;;ia:ur:%, ,byauthority4frmn. h%izn_~;%1.d»s%mc. , . A A A AA A V ' ‘A “A ~ ‘ l:,i%A;~«I:3l?<:5I::atI11:11;: £316 :05 Q1‘d&Atih$ggi11d‘ difgcafing 2111» A tI1Je;A%C2lflles;.% 2F&b1ixs, and firgawr)gAAH01d~sg%and a11t'hejaPAortsAand Haverjw 5 «T1;:xf1eiAA génerallyé a1;1;At;?he;MiZi:iazA ot,iI—IisICingdit>mc5~ A Fat other WAifcAitf will Afbllaw, ghat. h afh‘Ap‘o~w ~_e3: tqproclaime Wm’, and mt “IQ AAmaintain; it : That U che,1*lin.§.; i5b‘~3‘!;;1i’1d to mmtain His Silbififisa 31331 i$...d,§.mz ¥J.m\.ea113:T.:f fifgth vazhigh :.:u:e: ccamtmry to am? Lcziaz», which M1.?75%:it: A neg néfvzrdirgr. V121; % R.«¢gr q!Iu?~;A-¢.= re-cgit%,“i¢ea7cfl7zzr£»zfz2;:t%,dimheed ,AAArma+m'Ad¢l£¢~ap e§~’I Le§er.A 59~£A:s27‘?7¢&t‘d¢?'f?c3»;rrig«yt.qmzt_m l2a_fz‘w,;m:~-z§2cll4éx,% Aiwdomités ‘Afic ; wit regzawm, ~’3”'.W'»‘*??W 1.46%./i¢ vxeermAim&irwr Ajwflfiw-:‘A%:; J22 :z:;¢%:;;I»§,{ziA.;vggV,; °%b¢g§*AAj%Ami4é.{ aw/{ «Qf:;%i_§fIx?Br4c'fcgz1_.,f01.1.a..)A t/anjfiw zrm tlai22‘ .i%$ 4i€e»%An¢c‘2[1”amj ;; ‘zfvfirzaait and Lyawtar. A 1 f .4 ramp 5: ;wm¢tiz¢g [ttgainfi memm, rcffiaflx, '?¢zhz:l unruly perfzmfi, t/Jaw t/ae;I<’in‘q;o{b7¢¢1vi/Z be without “defence :. ABM Iiazww, than Izflficmzvi/It"l2e éoznijiaéd. And F015 5 . b. Daminzz;4,I€ex%%¢/9;z%[7et nzazterikzlem glazdirxm, quiVpertim>md Ragwigztéermcnlum; A LAazfz'1.:ztlaa;;Ifl<_Tj¢_1g {wkiww./44ndAr12c_matm.z/lfwoArd,A Wb;ich‘\"f ba£0,:¢g;Ar, tafy/aego*a»er2¢r1¢e2¢t aft/ac K ixzgdame. ‘NOW W hat4is4the ,_#?:(¢zt§ria2;f7;g;prd,.' bLi%It§th‘ct»,4’l<1i£érAAiv2 A? AA ‘A "A 1 ‘A A A: V A A ~.. A ,A mart, ATU2¢A1f7" :t¢heLaxv# af AGcmI,~m*& Law *ofAVNaaure, “and the Laws qf this Realm. V , ?T:av.a’9»fer"v&é‘thé»>L§1x§#r~c;fA‘Gfigd, Hr; is bbund as at Chrifiian 1:0 ab{'erV‘fi WA t§k\=é‘i:Luw~¢if3N:atu1re%,A~Hy:2 if bound gt; a rat-1ax.1v:. ~t$_~L> 0b1”C'tY€‘tI*l~C La ws?0f hit Nor is he oncely bound vinmla afifcu, ashe is ;“t%'l1A¢aLigh%thiS ii &ii“.{?t5:tie,CcxIr:ifidr:$z*i4nig “ti; hextnuft acme?,da¢y rgnder an aticczninflt of «H *wa1jd..£hxp‘; but 11“: yixalfo iabumijd '“vim:ula»»jum&menti, A;by; in Oath fl =»arJ1:u<1:z a’%t‘ion. whcArcé£af‘*%i~s:.w4t§=;&§;:Ta«5r p‘, confirm; 3* !vflW:£ “ : . V A A (415) A A A 4 wj]'am*.rwto rhg '&?Clarg) mpdoplc a paw/Ewe ‘ ped¢¢mnd;AAV~%Aafiiacwd in Aamd entif‘.¢l)( ; axd.cd#f9f%”fiqf%M11 and rigl2tjflj?ic€% t0..é'ajda5ze',azccora'i2¢gta 13, pm W.A;wnem;¢Vi;cisc1¢are,4%:ha::%:;—1eKmg hath His d;1cy%cx:xjuy«z1ed~him, ,l"_lQt_t,Q maiiexfiifi i11t.l'it:‘%Vrli%1c3 1;)? HisV‘a;&i0h%S. V % % * % “ . M g ‘F The famrth and 1afl’t:1‘c:fpe&, in rem m. <32” ‘.accuVt3t.;VFo1t as the Kings ment1on<3d 1n the Scripfurcis w*t=;r:: nor, fo the: King ef Eng» l;mdis‘not accoum:ab1%¢%fbr}-Isszifltiozjs to a”ny:but%Gud%.a1one.A I . Pirfiz, bccaufls the K'!11g0f.EngZd1za{ hath mm his Crown from any but God alone ; from whofz: gr;:x<:io;:2s ha\;::d%; he A%mh%rcCciv¢§d:itr by t’m::.ordi+- mry meams ofI1;:sred,m.ry iuc;:«;-1?i,w11%4; and x>ms't1ntE1:: b¢gg11%‘ini;.:g' fo*btai:: A flfitd :;h:~:.5w'«o:‘CL%.Far;’¢yE.c.‘x7,j?E.eZ;g”8.&;%Smirh’..Z.-1:.c.9. 9 .‘ ‘ A .AS;»£::C?07n;% l:y,a:_h:::%Oat‘h Wl11€.11I"Is:':i..;§§'.ix;':s at C<.;mn;1tmn , binds Him mfly befurc: Gm ;Jr'or there ‘a"::(.J;C€JX)C1M”fi:.£:II‘1 ,;prov1i,Q , or%l11x111ta%;uc»n, whcrcby Ht? is irnade &ucoLume; bl;~:"1int:::a$% .Hi$V~ paoplex Y. Tmr~d1%y*,A Hy tint: ,m1~irivmm§%x4yV Z5’ra%§f<2w, f‘»1.34.Aa. b. A Si. ‘:2 age Apémrur (mm NW nan ctzrvgqcft fljwjfiffdi’ .»,:117c?'é"é! ’fiIrppj!ic:»;rio%ni,% qtzqdfaz-:- cfimmfimm C 0rrig+a;t,A;¢m&‘WMdM; 1: ;«zAon'f:Lcer£t, flztzlr ariz:w%eia/d4pw‘Mm%%,A gm {1)qminrtm%A%axp¢-Etc: ulzaremg If ought bqt cicfired ofthe mg, (fince a VVrit cannot gas férth agi1in{’c the King) az':imreaz-y xtnuflz Acomféin Read, 6 %g1mf,t4~41ud_c:;W011w1d correrff and «amgtnd 1:ai;s<.:ln2i»:§ :. if he%do%nc>t,_it%wi11bepue-r mflmmr-mt enoL1gh,4th;athe exptftfi At mbe th,e%savehg.;en; ; A A 2 1% . V ‘ ‘ c%j:§[%i'fl¥T}“¥“®{€%%AF7'/a.aind&% He Wal3%.'%ngw /mm] m€x1t‘iohS Ia 1et"’ter WI'i‘t- ten to the Biihop of Ram: in rim: namce 0f the Wholc: Ki%xagdom, from the Parliaxmznc hrzld at Lincoln , Am Dam. I301 . 4 wherein are thcfc W6.>rd&, Scimm;,P4terfané7wfl?ma',.4 uatmdium uni primztinfiitutian: Rvtgyi Anglizq, mm t.c°mpari£;z»M Brimmzam%m,, qm'2mA 24%-Iarz¢m, quad ‘mrmm fivflirelffum Vdaminmm and R@g¢m%%pertin”w£r, m'que¢1§:gM4~Ang{iw %axf7Ii£veM3 pmemifienti.&Rrg£w dignitatw, @’- confizetu-sJime* czznfhk n-mfpb; 1;§¢££rz/o.r%oIvjérw:zz.a’i, comm Miquojudicc Ecclcjiu/}ic°o vawl;/iéculari 1‘tf]?014d¢- ¢ rtmz‘,p£z1§r¢[}'7om.£aredc£tc='b=znt. We know, mafi Vbml] Fgztlqefi Amalia 1;: ma?- ‘ tflm wry beginning «rfv Vtbl! K ingdamé = England, mm,/1 ii: 1r3a.';;g'a:°' ;E€c;Wfi4flioafi1«war%C£'mi/1. . ¢ t/age ;xim:=*;Mf;/ac }5*rirtaziz;u, ‘M afitla: Angles, t/mmlaeAcerminmnddircffi D ahmlnian /amt/7* £m!¢:1_gfcduntk$» Mari ICing,mit/Mr have the K Eng: Eng? 3 la%:1;d_;Q%by rmjkm afghinnboundzd pm/méminenae aftbc Rogm/t"[Di.gniay”&nJ crgflomzjfaéfirwadinrzllages). aznfivercd , or qught to mq,*3mcr éf3fare%4ny . “A % will thus mbje&.F mxm whs;:.nm the r‘eci:”1v:cth ‘His W :fliWlwi*1%¢‘»iAS4f53§¢¢é%ura-Vwt@blz:;bnt from Hr}-per it is not barely Jim:-,a‘ King; but Rex/9»z]u!’??¢'0&11,{u{:§1 a King; eezneamng a. King whom: gevemment is‘ 1neex"elyA po11t:que. But A the government of ‘England is not meerely politiqufl, (-Whfi-F'C M if1rantiane.of't/aepeaplme 13:‘ flaefirfl limlyt/sing) nor. 'meere1y»rLegalIgafnv/acre Pn'm_'eA;p%:lekzfixre 23° :2 Law) but Vmixt; part- flly raga./!,p;ozr:Zy paliriqmr; as he faith prefently after; A Regwm flnglzle, " ax Brmi camitiwfz Trojanommjn Domimkam palitimm 2?’ regazle prora- pit=.;eT ICingdem,of._E.z7gIaend we of Brutus Ioév retinm of the Trajmzr, fipae/zeggieayee -zm .,e»pe1xt1quz*annregaI1% mnmintrm. Andein the 9. cap. .I{ex_Anglice:p2'im:;§p»ztm, nedam rogaI1£,Afl:-d we P%olit£c‘a, firm papulo dame- narzaf; I‘b‘e 1CingfeofEngyjlagdgawernctb His people it] Dominion, not much: r2gell,but~alfn pnlittlquet ' A ~e e A 4 e AA A AA *};Io.we1z:1sr_egal},and how pohtxque, dedm plainly‘ appeare b y what hath been before {poif. EiJfi7‘fl,.G/Jfaiflffléjflff. Antic/yrifl. Rd; pug. M &.:z.79;23;mo~.A Fobialbeiet h%eA;adx1ii1,s, that in Setatea nfieerlj palitiqm, (fuches areGé:rnMn},tI'aee~Z;aw~mwztri:Lr,S’witz:.er1anJ, Poland, gwhere % the Pr in cc: H eo'a:;.A.C‘a~c>verr1ouArAAigchofen”geede «limited by 4 Dyer, Senate; or the Vatcs of the people) the N 0515; and: Common: ma/(cA7*AejZ_/inn¢::;A 2;; ‘%p;%:f¢z;gzttAe%’tbe _fazmdé1ti0fl,fr€ea’bm,.sz2adfarm«geevfiilac‘§r‘.Caafirzman~wéalz'bywhit];t/j%yfore- A A P9”A‘5*1'~?5'7‘3»1e?*?€@??¢¢TI10e?]A‘J‘5r/3 6 M ‘ 4 Iffitg ymwhefré doth he fay, A Amer our Ki.AUAgd.oAm of" »E*§g1¢Ig¢¢JisaAAe3AAtate 29{¢¢2f1}‘P91i£iqfi£, whofeefirft &M%Tm% A M W A A Ifing /43) King wasiirnittcd t§»condition§ P_ No, his pfcférfimgi the. Royauy of Qcen Elzzabct/9 '(1:n»;whQfc I:(:‘1g1'1E."i‘1C wrote) befmre thiatof the=.Em- pemur of Gurmmzy,de-Clarcs hxs judgement ta be othcrwife; The ‘G-‘er... mam Ernpmmr (faith he) x3*elc5Z'¢d,and/313' power abated by the Liécrtiex and Prcro‘gmz'.*z/e.r of /213' Princmii that owe not many _fi:rw'ce.r5A : and tbqfir cm2a’irz’arm/J, mm mama of cflinglarm mbzritetb arm bat!) one arm the fame rz;:,;i;:’*cA_s:a1a2r 9HLiLi1)2r fubjms he then grznbles cs; utters. Iidfimi. pa,f.ag?f_- .27 7 - S0 in anotim.‘ place 3 T/My who cbaafé om’ Gowrrzazar, Imve 2/aefizme ri 19:‘ to c'boc2f9A1> amatéwr if be [ac xmfir : whit/:2 :55 2m2*Al9z'72g to _P?"iB.fl(a't$’.fi1-‘5aV;’:’t'Al-7E';J.’7”iI‘,?¢0?" rofizlajeéfx that are aéfblinég éomzd no i olaeym in _ this Ri6¢?[?.'r?:$‘ afEngZamd,d:¢‘d_/came at/é."m;/'93} lat. pag. 275 . ‘ i i’; " i 7 Apdmarbar 0'£~jc~f?i0n.i - i _ ii He who is Lmcierithiie Law,‘ may be called to zacczourxtfbr his afiiona. but the king is under the Law, Bméim, ifi>l.5i%. £1. Ipflrflex dam»: ejfe fa!» D 6‘0,@" f #17 L¢g6’,¢]?¢i««*£ Le.x~fac£;1{egem. The King himfelf ought to be I tinder {3od,aud undcr the LA'.uv,b«:r:r:aufc:= the La w’ makes the Kiing.. 7 We mufk here callto imimci, timt them is a twofold power inthe Law,/EI dircfiing power,rmd zz corrjeffizag power. A i A‘ ri refp<2é’c ofthe former,the:Kmg is under the: Law, rim: 2'5: taps}, the‘ L"aw, is the linband%r‘u:1eiwil1a;=Arc:AbyAt hi? will ofAtheA Kiingisiiguided and Ad_(--' A_”rec'%cVdi’;" find inthis fenfei iiB’raz&7a2-Hpakéii ‘i?i»I*1:irefpeé‘t o{’the1!a!tter,ii xhm" King is not under the Law. For how can we poiiibly conceivcgthat he who give-th life to the Law, flwuld by the Law offer Forccunto him- felfcgand comipeli himfelfe A AA i A A ‘ A A A A " “ i He that isuinidier tlie former pawn onexy, isaccountable to Gad one; 157 Farihis a6tim1isi;AiaAsAtihe King» Bum he that is under both pawers 9% the I;aW,_ is accountable‘? bathito Gad and the La w : as is evei‘yAAi.Sui)~iA In-reipcfl ofithe farmer, the Law is the obj:-£2 and male oflufiice, and ifo.AtiheA King is underthic La w 3 In riefpcéi of'the1a:tter, the Law is the Aim- flfflmcfit oflu ice, ar1d‘fo,Arhc Kipgis not under the Law ;A butthe Law; is a. mieam ferving the King t‘0ig@‘veifinei his people-“A” < ; ii i T A Takeian ergaznple, A rmn: wholguid is and cl‘ Ae€Es‘“hiAsAma&er; asA:her is gguideag is fupr:riour to his mafiér’ ; but canfider himasian inflzrumen Vti ‘andifervant um) his 1mfi%er,iiand thmngh he be ifineverffo wxfeandupi-A ‘iright,yeth1smafierrsabwve hm» “ V» A .. ‘ 4 And~ias;ihc3‘.Lax=v1s‘1"aidtiiol be at-me the King,fra i:he»irms rm,‘ His Counce_limay‘a1fo-be {aid tgbe above him, Atlgat‘ia, yin rc:fpe&Athey_ A F A 3 A A guide, A % « » (44) . A V_% A guide,di%ref?f,A?$and%adVi«f¢ the Kingintlge govcrnmg of hlspeaple. _ Fm +fafairh,El;%t4,%l;‘§1943- I 7-% d¢"1“/15¢: f“9flA5’ K53? 9456* £1? p¢g#laé,A?eg;¢nd,§ 4 fupariomg, ;_Le"gemperVqt£4m faéfm Ctgfzamfuam, 1J‘m’é’1tc‘é’t, Cu- mamw-.A?BAarpAm. W275; Mag ; 4t19fwpm~0!§rr~ "1 tlwgmrmng of mi: pm- pze,:im few, téygvhieh «Hc:is.%xnad_c:-,and H18 Cwunccll orfiourt, tovwitl thflVE&r,At-.'Sm71;4 . avronsu ’ % T A A A 1 - A » . % A % But‘? ybu will tell £116, that Brafian plactfth morfithénadircifigg [59-; AW, in His Court of Earles and Barons : Fm: h<:*faAith, fal.g4. rt; Rm: fisperiarem lJzz£vet_.fc'i1icet Dmm-_ ; Item Legemper qzmm faifllifi 1€c.z.f%:% Item wiriam fmzm, m'2:.. NC*’omzte.r'c§v~ Bcarame: 5 qr/ma Co.,y2iré.r% di¢‘gf3t:;r’ qmzfifacii Raga}, @- /a;a,ézet c_7ctpz1;r¢ /méet w;:gr:»;rg{/z‘;‘‘z¢m .: idaofi Rm; .. fmritflwfrwnb, ix. flue Luge, deévrzt at frcermm ?~e*po2v1c“r'4e ; ‘T/fifi Km [mt/2 at _/I'4pcriaz¢r,to wit, (Eula : Alfb t/ae Lmz2,é} w/am’: /9:2’ :45‘ nfzzd: at King, Ifaiégzvzg/’le H12: C0fi£7ff,fl.$17?¢6[] the Eagle; mm’ Baron: ;% 15mm;/‘er/ac. zgmgzg; J are m1?ed:wit were:/ac %K£;ag: Compamfany ; and /73 that /mt}: :2 ~ Cmipmr.-A % ion,/mt}: 4 /74-azflar : rind t/Jargfare if the .l(i¢zg » fliva/Z /we xvi:/amt :2 éridlcg that zisgwitbaut the Lmngtlae} ought to bridle again. % __Aud accordix'ng~ ly ‘we read, that the Barons l_mre takcnup.arm::sAaga‘inPc unjufl: and * tyrannous Kings, as agaiufc Kxng IalmA, Henr} tlxethird, .E(2.’war6{thB f::ccmd,and others. Thmreforc the KiAngsgreat[Comrt cf Barons havci_h1g_ fo acarreffing or cc2¢rCiV'€¢P0??’”‘-A A A V A W-.,¢e,-; _ Fjyfhthggt Ziraélan doth not in plat: dc.-:1iver judgment’,-~but the affertzon and phanfy offome other man, un_vvox-thy his naming ; as appcares by the xntrodurfihon unto the words, Scdalic-are V paxarit qmlsr, But form: we may fig, cfivc, And probably It was thcdoe- A “ Chine whichthc: ~Barons and their afliaciates infu{edxntc;i the mihiié of- the vulgar to uphold their com1notions%againfi Kin ' Iabnganwd Hmmhg ’ thiArd,V:fT %%NW%¢3r%%much:un%1i%k¢r tli1at_of Vffuéert Arc}1~B1,~%opof MC dntcrénmr-1; azrkic/aAl:a wad :§[]'mxr¢d.AAfe:;t>r{k>oth, 5} /v3’"’!*' 5?/iiztngfvw-5/5g~/9‘) A 45¢ P¢Vf’??d4;[ that the Englifl: Cram: wax: mtcrly arbitrary and cflcfiiw at ‘At/ac pg-aplggr A deflation, ‘[2] 15/90 prafident «of Spml. Spe:A;*d%.l 9; CL.8. n.5'..%. Q: like thglt~ of Kaéert Bilhop QfL_ir1€Q1fl£,%W5h0 enjoyued Ar’ch-Q-rcb:e1liou's %]3at.l”é,¥"éf ;E’fr')f.Cd_,’f?¢.‘f_.,1.flA?'e$’I?1%fl?'?’1d‘,iP¢'C',F€W'3'ZCl¥722_gfn$JfZ:~6'%W_/@3721£//51121If/é’; ad mamzm 4 who tA0b3iD1E %Ki.n§:.' Ir:/wfrazn workirgg the ruins of :9: Kingdom offi my-er. ; 4_f]E.-rem, pom-rm Beale/i¢ Azzglicagfng g/adiaznumriali niaéigé A ' fixmari pa ”; /Mt 4:1?/9:;a.fg'ptt1‘¢*atrcmz‘/]ia$axaffiazxx% »9£jZzanlH§f3€“5 %p0n‘5im«$i{W;:v1Daufc (inganiflg the ;B,a.m;1s.imi:rrc&ionagainft «H635; the third ) won um‘a*Vtb: death; afifrming, that tbt put: of the‘ C'};nr;-bqf A % England coi¢ldm"wrA 5eVe'f}.Aabli/5:51 ‘mix/youth Vtlrw —»iate%rirIll fw%arc1.’;A S.éc«t»'an'% -yr trmélafamc ‘life? mid reign IA'Itr2r’y ‘At/ab‘ t/9z'7Vfd.% ,7. xfléfatb. Part}; A 2‘ VSecO%nd1y, Emfian is fan farre from afcribing any fuchfzaperiorizj un.A.. i torh::*Barcms, that he dirt:é"cly%avo11cheth the contrary. ])imr_/is pa- taflaterfxb Kenny; _Cam£te: widelicet, lieéeri‘/90mi7¢éI,%c§~'c. T/_m?'e_.¢zre V , fa1th:.Aac:)d£v§rx powcf: Aunbzt the‘ King; -rqwir, Edrlfi, Freemm,@’~c, Raw :~z¢mAde£vat“afl'7cf:§b ba7m'm 3 The jKirsrg bimfémv V nug’gt.;1nt to 17¢ u'nn¢[man.AIib.I. c.8.fo1.%:5’;b. A A A A ~ A A Tiiirdly,Thcmgumcnth«:-rebraughtto “pmve the Barons fiapa-riarie A ty, isV1at—%m:, xlmftfabfurd, and Tridiculcaus ; Aaltogether Adiflbnant to the wifii4oA:ne;‘Alear121n;g3 and gr‘.-1'~ity'0f Brmfhm. For fhould Wee gram: %what 33 beg’d, that /39 that /mt}: a compmzim bank 52 mafler .- yet whfire ' {hall we findc.=t11::%K1ngs cnmpanion 2' Tina Earle: mt: only 1:alI%¢”n tbaf ‘King: companion: 5 my 1c3H§:, they ambut ca//cdas tt mere time King: tampdniomr; it is nmftid, the are His compmions. And {uppofe thay were fo zyvt how does itf{)110‘N, t/scrcfare they are HiH2¢afl:°r.$‘. ¢a3gkt to Zxrglilrz Him, H: be witboma bridle ?AIAS there ma diflinw &ion,%n~x;A;»dx,.Pr?2Ara;mcc%aAc all b.:twixt a companion and a mafier? rwhfat 'frmiaV1c:+fl7:_,confi1£%:L=l rcafoz1ixA1g:isAthisP A A % A A A A A % A i tf1trrgfi.,:wz::and t/MMf'are in the gfmt Afl‘c*mbl} at Nartbampw Jn”lC£n(g:%10%/J¢z:’2*c'igm*‘(9£p\?cd 1117.9. v.8 3.4.). the %.P%m~c : wédcr % ’ %Nn?tbe'y ywldedanvytofwmré 4 canditiarm/I femlr}, which mm the firff % alldatylbyaltief. Atld What was the fruit ? but 7320]} infalmt tarri-5 at %q:-2mm~d:be A King, andaciam m:e'flkge.r,¢znd inventifig lie; an him; I it/5L1 3:20,) a:li{1%vz)wing hi“m,amd bet“r:1yir1Vg%thf: Kiugdum ~n:nt;o Law‘; I. Athc i0i*i‘?0*r~*AF£~ilip"AKin;-;of‘ France (to whmantlaeyv f3’=MWfenl,r)',’ and A nj3&*c1AiatlyA ajFtc:;vs King! 1a/my r;i¢:a~th again rcnmunced it, Potyl. F“‘£rgi1;H€fl. ;334%n3'l. Lib; 1 6 %;w«+§.iz1Ag%tremioz=: to trv‘a;fm1, per i uric mi A~p‘€TJ7U1%'Ys; "Tm thcy'brpug;§ At: both Ehfliiilflvcfi and the wAhwl«::5_ 4 Awme arm % mfpeaféfible A 14 gm thereigne of Hm-j the think thefdifcentented Bafamupwlifie ‘v‘;«,»A “ 4 46 *1;ma:gnmama mléamamt at [ frrlaerir 7r“i:'«4w¢‘~‘i‘0i£a«1vi«'¥-'5 bt3J1?f0%;,74/1x¥>‘"%°Wm.:f"W?d0At0 WWW’: rhvrflgwn. i>r*g0éf ‘ tlaa-'State00to"tn>¢!0a,fagrer. % $66; t/flcfj t%?‘0W=’«’;f‘7_7?’*’€5‘ 9??”-I, Véigiie 0, Hem-;¢1mz2i;«;o1. pag.9. He 1/Md ncitfaar [4 ft? lsznfr. eleéfiqg pzzbzzfqzgc 0fig___ war, war private mtem=.’:zm'e%_-% : A/as rm; ,aml}¢z ..Ix’f;:v20z—*Ie,_ !:o0fiIpAp0f~d that’ [g}tbiJl‘fo0r0#1ga%of; lit.-c-‘d 9012;; they V m‘;er Zj j’;¢p4greK/fed i;§gz{f;£égz_? af!$c¢;z:ia~r«.¢5 Sa1:'emig:%ty 5 Km‘ itfiz/'1 ow rzgt/aingfif for new c*'z/er;/%7;'au¢:¢é:’-: cganto e[2‘£ma:re%/72% mwz ward), 0 .~m.»:! to /Jzzmmtr hm ;9c’¢£d;.4p_oz¢ 4/! defigmi téwzt‘ wig/at enZarg.e% /9:35 power and camm.~27zd.' T/Jen éegzm I/ye grmtmtn to V yuzffvom géug éodjaf Atbe fiC'»am¢tr): and Ragga! Saveraigxr} fag!) jfiajgf/Vzf ‘ fi:£tc'r: M naigfflromredaizy cf their wwa fea\zt0y,%%n7/qarfemzta tkejiiifazfwzrcd % V jkrwige, and M the »Rez:'ord flair/.2, rid fiélhw mdc°¢’2zm5' sf-j~< /rwitzzra: z7m‘o!-0-A .!5'?'£3l£7.1:Z€.F fnéditosf 1{egzkco222p;¢Z::r;a;2r ; ‘T/osy caraflraiyzecz’ vr,='a.: I{iflgJ 0 guy 53': to Mimi:-zaf4fZ'i0m zzmi z;;g";3::_;j“a=re1Zv1a I?})«'*‘:;;.£Z.»'£/-3.i".’r'£«"t.".lS‘. T/2z1:%rg£.x7ffMg0 «@443; now; :0 &%:c&omc ‘gre.azt% Hanwrm, and mndmg 4% fmakar 2/ac 12:19.1/Jjzzflicf$e,%_ H they }¢¢sz0de0t1armfélzé:;xoffb many f‘1‘i:§'j_£§z..$' ww/Jilcr/was)’ :1z'w0d%in dwtyltutfinem f'g1jmufgg,', /2) man} jrgntx, (zz».c%t.ér.e oak of Sazjiflt;.vxfl:{éfl?z.r0% (Exit/9) wkzgn: ~ I/My /Md left‘:/aeir Zoyzlt} . J14/gig»-;21.*L:5/zm:ar;znt,m:zLgi¢.;ztc°s Rn:gnifi¢p&arfzz;5+ dire: _/krvirfltex cg?" oppreflonflx. T/aé lVaMe.r oftlve Rmlme brougv/5&7 greg;\tfl4paf'icf;'a;1d,¢Pp{':ffl'r'03¢,r{($107}If/9:5’ IC:'ng;fgzéje&‘,r.% Th;¢_%itx:WQub1¢f0me~~~% ;% life and reign of He2¢ryVti”icr'thi:rd,pag.Igoa * A 0 « 0 ‘ In bricfimoft bloody and L1r11*iatur:111warsbmkefortlmzjdét Law»? VS.uj]2*x mare than 20000 men weft‘ fla.?.n.~;9 ; W here theliing hixnfe1f,md %«hi5*{,3n%Prince Edwm-d,wcre taken prifeners‘ by his audacious Barons; who now ‘t1‘}’LIfI1pI1€‘d in their defperatecourfcs. fl/Lrzrtyzz. /gi/1‘. pag, 7;. 3.; But beluoshtbehold Ixere {IliadfI1i1‘ab1|€CX§1I1’1p1.(:‘ Qf Djyi;1¢ jwufidice,‘ which ne.v.cr0 fufl7:rs*1nurde'r00 and tm:1fora‘t;=a _e{capc4unp1,1niIhed 30 ;Po;eIg- «gm ingthf: very h‘eig11t of thei:‘in(u}em:ics,when theytheught thcmfitlx/es muff fr1s andlmightss md%f9difcomfited thus: whole Army; th1?.¥13¢¥ were never able to make headiaaaaine , 2 N ggu W " This (47 V ATM King thus frced and obeyed, Fqrthwith calls a Parliamexarfg %whcre-in the Aéts made: in tbfi man agaamament at Oxford (for forit is A called to this day)? were publiquely da1nned_,cance11ed,a13d tnade vaid; % He forgave moft of the Rebellsg Tet lrfi H23”jt«zffice amipawer mig/2t [Ia wmlaf*«zfi’er in 19:} mercy ;flramc* few be pxmzi/éad M5] [ma/Z firm, farm 17} bamiflmamn‘. Oucly With the City ofLomz’m, he was exceedingly in- ' cenfed,and refolvedto burneit ta: th{“g'i'0L1nd; but upon the Londonrrx j fflémiflarw on their /(near, mzdconfijfian sf their yeeldizzg up % their lmédx, t/acirgaods mm’ their liver, ta‘g:t/:7.9r% with the whale _Cz'z‘} to the ICz'ng:A grace andmercy;/acy wc°r: ( jthe mm‘£aztim¢ of the Prince) received imm frzwzzr, and he anal} tvolgey‘ t/arm oz fine of I 000 mar/gs, ma’ reflorcd % rtlmm ta all t/aair liécrtics madcufiamex. Martyn. hiPc.pag.7 5 . After tlazér ‘time JCi;¢gdamflamr£j7aed,a2nd my the aérimrs an H i: fumre reign were cxrzfi’ griaxmcir of di/Icipliner amdpolicj, flailing the State, mm’ making excellent Lame: ta_ t/Jcjo} ofhz}s_fz£l7je£}:,pmdla:2r awnglary _; fin trim! He deferwdlj were t7aef}z'Ze of Qijnlanng 31 ufitin, mm’ the laigb title af fly; Qfirnmnzg nvlimrer mm the fiubjertinrt arm mlxarnmip of the wearer. The tr0u:bIr:{o1nclii?e and reign of Hamy the third. pag.I4. ‘ r In JG;-.zg Edward tbcficonds rimc,‘T/7£B.ctram om‘ c;y‘/mtrcd ta térehrge laomrrrx réeflowrd :9} the King on zlartwp Spemcrr, rrnfl-d rzflrwzg Arm], _ frrintxa tkw Mfiddf I/at vtmdflé? af mama Earleof ?.Lmmvfier, forgetting that madrmlfiwlly they fought rzgainfl tbéir Sow» rmigwe Lord : Mt 2‘/2: Ifmg met tbcmiat Burraugb-bridge in Turk-jlzire, arverrrarcw thcmflndflew mam] aft/ac‘ Barons, am! tbcwfanrd: of their ads imrmu, tank the Barley of Lamcnf}cVr,' Ha'rcf'ar4d,%J ml mm} other Lard; pri/ivmrzr, apd afwrwards rrcmcfed ‘two and twenty of them ta Zofe their mm im_/2°WrAl!}2"lm‘e: oft/azér Rrmlma, ta the great rzflmifémem ‘aft/J: rcfZ,rzral¢erroMr oft/or wwlgar fart; .S’pred.1;9.<:. I 2.11.3 3,r3r.9,43.M4rt}r. V ‘hifi.p;ag.96, 97. A I rmight emaly enlarge my in this point,&£hew,howthe dmadfrul vengeance of God did alwayem purfue the mbelliomxs Barons, to the ut- ter etxtiirpation mftthexn‘and‘thcir pofterity ; yea,’ of thoffl‘ who were A muff premlemt agaix-We their Lord and Sm/eraignc : but becauic the Oh- gafithis Church from the bcginnigg of the World, untill above arm- a'r&inmA1mds rmrem furthrcrg and alfo becaufe Maflcr Speedin hialearnw ad and ‘ incomparable Ht:/fury of ‘Gram Br‘imi”ne,',., .ha:t.h punétually and }Jié1nuflyro=bfr:rmdthm farm, I fhallmferre ymu unm him Mr. %onVe.1y dcfiring yfmur to"ta.ke intéa ccmfidcrntio11, Whether the manife§fCommandc1nent mfGod,~t,hf: example about blefll-d Saviourgand the conftant obedience % {and .(48) * {and years after His PfaHion,bc rather ta be followed then fulichi Pepifh it prefident$‘,f'uch hatefull and heiatlieniflm dcviccés, which the {on of "pep. dition hath lately bro¢hied;%_ii:% « . A A ‘ A Dmbt. A _ V But here a doubt may atife, what Brafian andflem flwuldi meanc, when they fay ,Tke Law make: the Iflng. % i AA % t l A _ ” l i V l Rag/blved. i t i ~ M I anfwet, There are two fingular and excellent bmcfits which by the LaW‘redound unto the King. The oncis, The Law doth declare and puélifi iunmto the people the Kings right unto the Crown, {'0 that they quietly and willingly recciveHim as their King, and fubmit unto Him. The otlher is, The Law doth fupport andflrmgtlacn Him in His Throne. I a both which rcfpcéls it may well be faid, That the Law. make: the K ing ; and fo my Lord Cock fpake right, when he told King 1dme;,'I/mt x‘/at Ltrzw/it the Crown upon H33‘ he of. ' A This is evidenced by the Aét of iPaWrliament, 1’ 143.5. I. where after: A ’t‘lelationthat sing ¢1,;Vzme.t wad lldeflranded 0f the bad} of the ma]? excellmtt Ladjifliurgatrct aide}? dzmg/ate? of the muff rmawmd K ing Henry the flmemth and ,,Q_;¢e:rz Elizabeth his wife cldcfl dafitg/star cf Edward the i ll fcmrth ; It is thus concludtcl (not byway. of Authority, We dc; mmi- " 14rztt,C07:fl£'tfitrc_,nzmzlordaifid Him to be our I<'ing, but) by way of humble V V dgclayimn, Fame, :19: iLa»rn4l.é %.Sjpi£trVit1M!lsanid”Tempam/[mud t/2:‘ Gamma»: in Parlidmmt azjemlzlcd, beinghnunmm tberzuntoibntbbu the mines fgf (E5913 am; man, do recognize xzndazchnawlecige (land tbcrclvj exprefl? our xmjfigqz/Qzévlejajcx) T/mt iymnebiatlg upon the dzflalution and decwzfl iaf_EZi-millet/a late flier» of.Ezzglomd, the Imperial! C rown af I/at Ruiz!» af.E 2¢g1rmd,amd ofmll the I(i1f: gdamu, D ominiom umdrig/at.r bclangingto i ;b¢~j:;zmc, did by inherent tiittb tight ant: unnuubtenrutteftinn, dc-~ fcend nude:/me taymr mafl exec!/mt Majejf} M being linen/1], juflty; and i l lflwffl/I] next nmdfalc la:i’m°.aft/at Hood Rdyaz/I aftblév Realm‘. The Oh jgecftions ibeing full y Lnfwercd, that I may avoid allnecdlefli: 1repetitionS,I fhalll leave these, Reader, to compare what hath bteh naw tpmvéd, twirl; what hath been before dcliirercd out of the Scriptures; and thou {halt cltarly finde, Ebat fljt iliing of cnénglann W liflflbfl lining as the bcriptnm make mutton nf. A t ‘V ‘thud if it beifo, ‘how then casmll thouihtakci up armes againfl Him 9 If {mHietb¢jwic:ked, What advantage Williit be to thee to be Wotllei? If He ibrc‘~alu~rthlya11d laftly,Am Bill, thczmgh it be paffed amid. lconl"en»tled Auntg AA hy..i~.fll1gl:zcr Lordsai+1dAACon111}m1s111 Parliammixfi, can mrAoughtA ts: bcfaklen 4!‘ man A€éIAm: A*()x*;;llz1'aAr1lce, W1thpu=titre<“:civcl1fc frcim the R;oyalll'Affmt,wl 3<3Ar:H. 8.0.2 1.; ~A Crmpr. Im*.aflCd;¢rt:,fall.8.5. A Cammww. ms cu No: is »ittrAuc which {me dam pAt:evi£l:alyg”ather_ out ef .tl-1q_KingsA A Le R0] aalvifirw; t£xe‘King wiflfie advtfi.'*d; that. therefore ' King~hm:%hrm»:po War toAA d7iflentA ,:il.A .pa§a;tive:voi»g:c ,in"pa1°filngle£Bills,l For, as Lamkert n0;~a$5itA:z7£A tbrAApI2.rafE'A W Aofflaalr RIJIIW A ;;,:L" “ A - " A A A AA AAA do: (st) doe ufé to new Vtyein: await to any Ac‘? rlmtlmtb paged the Lord} mm V Common: in Parliament. Lamb.Arcb.paz,g.I54..tAndeSmitl2iéid1faith,AA Tho]? B 5!: “ta w/Jic/J tla.».°I{'ing rim: a:nfweretl.J,zzr%e”Mca:mtea’ utferlgg nafi); A mean nfnoma Effect. But if Ho/Iinjzwde may have credit, 0ur Kings heretofore were not fo com plementall ; when they mid them in dczrwnc right tcrmes, 1l~nep1az7/E, T1917: doe: not pleaajé M. Hoflinjh Val:.1.f¢. 180, ~ Iffeigb mad can/ider tlaefl: thingy. _ mm cmtcimaz. A A A Thou feefi, R6"tt6!€7”)th€' Lttxlawfulnefle of taking up Armrest againfli thy V Sotreraiane proveé, the Objerftioms and Evafions anfwered,»a1lDaubts refedve , and even the Ieafi fcrup1es'( which I cezuld poflibiy imagine) removed. Oh 1 then return unto the Larchexbey his v«.:>yce,wa1l< mecca‘- ding to his rule. Thou art now called;-md the Lord knows whether c-M Net thou {halt have :2 fccond fummcms. ” A A A And let me ferioufly ask you,you I meme who are mutated Reform»- iwg jldirzijferx, Whofe lip; frfvmldkgep knowledge, Ma}. 2.. 7. How dare yaitin thedrteadfull pr€“ft’:I'1Ct3 of the Almighty God, tbefore the face of his Coxtgregatimt, Efpealt at wiflon afjwzr owm Insert, and not am of the mwtlrz aftlae Lard ?1ee'.23 .1 6. How dare you by wrefting the Scrip-«A tures Pair men up to rebellion P in fiend of Faith, teaching Faétimt; in; fieadwtttvtmfi D.uty,Di{obedieznce ;the'r:¥ which there isnothirrg mere Qdiaus in the fight at God; and yet by you nothing mere frequently preache& 7 unto the pecaple. A *'Tis1’ttange that Gods Church can be no way: preferved, the Subjefts - Liberty no weyes maintained, but by flntWho ever heard, Ltxeale-flefrom a Papifi, that thee way to Hewett was through Hell 2‘ Shall we den’ em?/Z tlMt_g0A0J may come ?Rom:3-t8.t A 4 V A A .4 g A You c'emAp’*1aiTne(and perhaps juitly) ofcourt-flattercrs,fot crying up Monarch} beyond all reafon ;’but do you not in the meane whtletcty it down and vilify it without all ccmfceience 2* For thouggh God hath not iri his Word reftrained a1lNations untm one kideof Gov ermnent», and A fiitmtfbrc‘ any forme effiovemment is 18W'fi.111»;yCt without daubt"Ma~ -7m3‘fi‘Ia)'iSt0 be prcferredbefereAallteothcr. The beftthat can be faid ef % ethei;formcs,is,that theyware nottcpugnant w Gods wordmof rt: 17' eétcd At b?yt‘God Want .21/_/qnarc/9] is agreeable to Gods word, ‘ and approvcdby Gad. a.aAav/Mm King: _.;t but We never read, that hewtdaincd Hvgw s Mogrpx, or anlwadlefle multitude to rule a Statem (30®Apt:t:up1c were A f M alwtyts governed ha, Manarcby : it is mofi; honourable, moft likeungy to _t_he.Divine $qvcrmnent,qnd_ ghereforfi, Elgc bcfcg gnthgit (tfafithe CJMA-i A 7 A 3 $233: (~32) omfievanlitat. Idol.) nature cmfi’ Ate:/a : the Bees: /55¢/:Aane I(i:ig, tiger fiackmie Catptafint, gmdtbel/uerd one leader. Mon4rckJy 1"{1{gh“ po[%,;m,,%ll Syntag. Thea1.1ib.7.c.: 9 ,) 13.: to Ice prefirrcd lvéfw vrlaer male: orfarme: . ofGow;rnment,£n-canzfe it :2: mafi‘ m¢cimt,mafl cammm;/ac finref} tadejimd juflz'ce°,mofl pmc‘mHe,in the manner lafga’vcmin_g1r/as éaj} avid am! the ma]? lafling. It would be: tedious Atu reckon up tiwli: N ations which have embraced it ; or cite the Awards of tholé man 0? learning and wife- domc who have approved it;AAs,Bafi1.fl»1ag.£n P_/}1l.4.4.Am£vra:, Hex- m7:.l.6.c.zI. Angufl. 1.5.614: C'i'z2it_. De£.c'.I. Hieron. I. 1 .epifl.4.. Homer, Ili;zd;l .1. Heradat.l.§ .Plazto in Palitz'c,. Ariflor./.x¢Zt. /Hemp/9__yfi Xmap/5. in Cjrop. Plumrcb. A decrmt. Regzii. Em-ralm ole tmébat. dc Regim. Ci. 1-m':.n.1o. Luna»; 1. I . c'r- 2. Aquimu lié. dc Prirzcip. Ergzfm. dc inflitm. Princ£p.Ex¢_/74619. £74 Er/oic.q;mfl.I’ra:m. 3 . AA % A l V ' In your Writings,you oft:-u pxAc1Te upon others (I would to God you your {elves did put it in prafiac ) that {7} our Saviour: wile’. Matth. 5‘. 39,4o,4.x. We _/éozzld remit of our régbt and fiabmit to wrung, {fitwi/J tend to the promotving of agreater and mawgenerml good; or the pram” panting afzz grmtar and more gepxczf;-z/2" aw"/2’. Nowulwhat is, Al or canbc pg grearergaacgthen the gloryfying of G.;:d,& prcfervarion of our Souls by the conflant following of His ward W:-Jan is at more general/1 good than . the advancement cnf Chrifl his Churc§g1,by takizwgjayfm/1} the jfiojlingpof our goad:,He!2. I 34., ;Chec~:rfully the lam: ofuur Liberty, and patient- A W 1yl(1fGodllfo require) thelaying down i)f"lourlilvesforjthe Truth, ac- cording to the furc examples efthe Holy ProphrA':ts,the blcfled Apofllcs; — and moi} glorious Ivlurtycusin all ages 2' w u And as itltendsto azgrmtcr and mom geriem/lgaad, {o it prevents’ 47 greater and marcgem»~mllez2i1.l For befides the ruming mfhuzudred thou» V lands in their el’cates,your maw Dcflrinc 0f.Dc:fis':1fi'Ue Arm::,ha;h cm; V fed the Ehcdding ofmorc true Chr1'fl:ianA blood in the {pace of one day, A ghcnQgeenjktarjcx-perfecution did in allhe1_: reigne ; Na_v,A more than A many of the ten crucrll perfecutmns In the Pmmitxvc-: Chuzch. Wu, Wu, w gbe unto you,yc Prophcts, who dmbedwit/2 mmmpe-red mortcafi uféeing vanity ; anddivining lies unto the people, fiszying, ‘I’/my fat’:/9 t/J:.uL0ral G-'a2{,wh4.-n tloe Lordlmtla nqtjpaken. E::.e/Q2248. 1 A A A 1% W llllfyou are /3'11: from God, ~~Why do yam nmt trgm Ila: ptoplefrom t/Jeilueii milnm}; Ier.2.3..2.I,22-Why do you not condcmne the reigxaling vices, ofthefc times? Pride,Ambition,Envy,l-Iatrcd, Vncharitablenemr, Dill- Acontent,Murmuring, Blmodfhcdding, Dlflmyalty, Perjury, The: {L-3‘U'.!d1"‘ 7 ll Alizingof §§od$(34_l1%u1:cb, and ripping up heruuvery bowels, Afiornfingblé ll A V A A A A _ A A pug, A l w V A (53) Lyi'ng,Sacril<:dge, Blafphemy, Rayling, Curfings, Slanderingsx Revl- lingsyforcing ofmens Confziences, Contempt of Supiours, Difl'emb- 1ing‘,Treachery,,Covenant-breaking3Tyhe prophanation off.3ods Sacred Word in idle chattingsiand table:-talke, The renewing of old I-lerefies, “and the railing of all manner ofSchyfmes.Is this the way to have Pmca V and Tmth together, by {offering fuch crying fins t:o;be nourifhed, and go unreprovedP Is this theeway to a Therm-Refilrmatian .9 Why do you flatter your Difciples with the titles of Saints, Children of God,EleEt,Holy ii;~B‘rethren,and the like,when your Confciences, (if they be not feared) mull needs tellyou they arenot f:1ch,y Io long as _ they live in that horrid and execrable finne of Rebellion. A finne doel fay P nay, Rebellion is the fumme of-all fins, for it is A alwayes accompanied with Murder,Adult€1'y ,Forn'1cation,Theft, Cur- [ing,S wcaring,Lc:ofenefl"e of life;Drunkennefl”e,Crue1ty,Vain—boafting, yldlenellefind all manner of wickedneffe whatfoever. ’ Why do you call that Gods caufe, which Gods Wordwill not war. ‘ tint E’ rememherthe W0: which the Prophet Jfoziala, Chap.5.2o. lpro-- A nounceth unto them that will evillgaodytndgoodevi/1, t/mtput d¢zrl(m*jfc for lig/ait,amd light for darknejfe, that pm bitter for fweat, amdfwcctfar ii éirwr. And sa/mm tells you, He r/aatfairlp wztavt/ac wicked, Thou art ri‘g%.vtaau4,.l2im_/Zm‘/I the people cwl1rf:l,mtia‘t;.r _/714/Z ab/cor /:Iim,_ Prov .24. 24.. But unto thee,thou poor feduced foule, who hall been led awayowith the ontfide holinefle, of theft: falfe prophets, and art now pricked in thy Confcience, crying unto the Lord,0/9 flaw M1 Wjw mi‘: direfhd to A-as-ptli} Smturax, Pfal. I 19.5 .Let me give thislexhortationylof Salomon: Pear t/am the Lord and we King : mid meddle not with rim» that are giezzm for/mugs. For their calamity /72:11! riféfzddenly, mulwlaa kgzaywafl, y the min: offlaem 60:19’? Prov. 24.. 2 I ,2 2‘. Agaixfi the K in there 12: no A4 flag up: If than lmffdom foolifiyly in lifting up thy felf: arif than lmfl thaugbt £'ZIi'/11%] t/9} band upon :19} mom/a,Prov..go.3 I ,g2.Rmt tla} /amrt \(| and mm to the Lord tin) Goafifar /qe isgraciam and mcrcifafl, flow to am- . V :';EZCko y M ' geigand ofgre.-at ]{i11£{#!fl‘d,iJ;'.;;‘|cl2. I 3. and he hath promifed that ywhefi A :12: wiickcdyman Mramt/9 awdyflom 913; wickédxafl} that he hath commit-‘ ml, * and dot]: ltfadt which is lmfml’ and riglat,be/ball [aw /:13‘ foul (dim. 1