3 Tlmt tine z¢[m~patio2tpretc7zde A 4 tlairzV¢Vtl2wHb,e»bat»/ofaial ta paw it fwd}. A% <3 Tlmtfbrnzer Oath! in cofltmwerfie M235 % Tlaazt obedicmze if @1219 to Powers’ in pa A Aertio nmde good agajnitu by Mm xm vcrcitator im really mm m mrpatiwz 3 fly! may mm azgmizzfl obedience ta prefent Fawem A L» mi, tbmgb mzlawfitlly e.7zter’d. A Tymmmm fiacwzda nzmdo, ;::;r:m2z'.r de I'?.wp:¢i2i£c*ar pmfl lime?’ z'22m~~~ ? % ficwe mi/’i me ear 2’r3£e3¢j;"é*£72*iaaze mm}a:::*:» wz;..zLz Reijimblitxw iz2:m2§?2e:- ‘ ¢ Dmobzw mmlif aligzziwx Ejrrarflzm 5 man, cfizfa Jim 1* wen?’ Dow ‘ mirzm JR-r5}'m.»’9licae, z'r2jwflc*} mm: adnzifiiflmt. Ncflzy eff prizzati: iflmm :5:7t£:rj£c::re%5 mt profwi a’efs;"‘.'rzfi:vrs¢ Zi¢:ut%5 3:5» Ra-fl?l4.€é51ic;z qxwwd cajzftw crymzmzizm pow}, 67" J/¢{pw2eu' r1q’.mJ/3 mm ; ;?.~,¢¢z:zi,re, ' r%e?xzzg:mzs=+r: mrm ‘MIINReifiztlyiiasu c{2amh.xtempwwarer iillzwz 522... tarfiaieéydo. Maisim dv:.}11f%it1a,,T’1*a.é‘r. 3;. Diip. 6.. IIn§m|a«.ng_k v-.-mm-an Low D aN,*? AA Pxiintecwlwf-or ‘M322 Wwglvt at th::%I§in%gs Head ‘V A 1. i V . %iIf1[t11ffi Old Ba.il¢y..1 16 =5o"; X *1“ anfiwre a In the As 3 E 1:; ‘r I o N s fo_11..OWing, A maiide % . good againflrzita. CV 12.4‘ 4 «*4 i‘afle 9f the Excrcitzztér andExér¢Stétio:z. 4% ~- .. % I.Ib1iquc~:obedic11ca m=Power3 orda.in“edby = " God , §‘11c~:xt% to ixznnxezdidtcx obVedience~m ; I God himfelf 0rda.ining. chefs: Powers, is “ 2:: I)z4t1f}n§t'.11:‘at ffhcxuvlczlI1ava*gtA11e‘fir‘fl place in ” 3;?‘ %'tl1c:11r§ea1£L1mc*5 ;a2as~it~ l‘1aih%i1txVsi:l14e%feco=I1d Table ...' 7 % %- ~ 2 -- v %.~ -V » J “""‘**:**:1’°“‘“ 0&t11c: L,am,%'M11cIm;tV11cExam Ccmemmt Wmes ‘H3: l‘:.!m1'£v.A% Ami! tl1ex*efm~c he.tha,t flm].1 br'cak15h;is%AC0m~ 111e1x1cl1‘1:<<;1"1:t%(;xf obczdic-11cc: (not we of tl1c:1cafi bw:‘grezu;eP'c w(3011%1 :11m.é1d malts). aL11d*i}:::a.l1. ¥I2€£.‘1C11 rxwn (fa, %ha,rd% named at 11li;3§1%1t:A 7Witi1iu?him t:0« w:11msnt both M11imfc1:fa11d%— Ifis ‘Dom A é‘£1.‘111k,»:Ms_c1\m&*s:;:m tzlici %;zf’l=%J?e~rAic12s”az:m‘:S"u11A ,1; Mai’: While he: thinké A to rei;Vi13:%vt:i?=1xa m.%xrp¢ztz"brz;r%%%0£:* %n1en},*%~A%%1m ixidecd ~1'c1‘i{’c- 1:116 Qrdim 7zmac¢i°0f%:**C$‘0d; » I A A A A A 1 AA T11cryfEt:I1:a;tAi:Z1£koL1r: the Dd£’cri»1r1:¢» ¢:if.Vd%isfobedic%1*?1cyt (jam 11- um pxrc£?:x1tsI’~’owr._-1~‘s3 cnnmmmél’ 1:120 iurs>a$ %t:h'ic* c1’eemu » M Aiablse Aif; 1mVtim1¢fra.gablc %Di%i:m1;€'{t xi.;p‘0‘1&£H_mg»3i;b§d@r%»; %imituV}c%d, ;A"zmE;mamEzwrim‘:@yag , W: f The%.Aucho1~ we mufl: pmfcflé We know not”, nor ’ any 1 . A2 45 thingtof h'i's»pe1*f0nlal~l ability or integrity , but certainl:-y if in other matters he have had the repute of onedcfe- V «&~imz ilm«yneithet;;,l eweare fory we arell iiifi31'c’tto» fa that im this-off ehéefixékqitation, KHC hath {heWedl1a;,m.ifcra lc wantt.‘ 7 of bfbth-T°"m‘k5 ‘l‘15"~PP?+f¢I!t=A W¢fl?l‘i.t‘Al9tt"m‘-‘€44 I‘-0 tire the Reader "or rourylfelves“, toA:followyh1’m*inhise j Wilde extravaganciesg by a particular enumeration of A histedi- yous impertinenc1es and manifefi eontradiflcions : It: llwillf: = fuflice ( before we come ygnyexamination of his..fi2m:«-I V V dmgon agd grounglwo1*ke,**to {bake the main yPz'Hm-I of Pbllifliné-Fabrick) LAAthat*Wetpremyi~fc;lAa vafiea t?¢*11<§l‘.l3h1t altafie lfbr ex pede Hefetilem _ the fiféngth arid canddf’ éfthis” 1'0 much admired P'iece;~l A t 9 3 » he A ~ A A V The Title page runs,“ An Exercitatéon, To We may jufily» expcfi: an accurate Trait; yet page 75.. the Exercitatar tels us, be bath not 1;} him diver: of the Boole‘ citedb} the Aile- Ibaur whom be there undertake: to anfwer. Hath he not? it may beythey are hard to be got; or it may be they are not worth the getting ., who are they I’ let the Reade”): judge, ‘ Bm-er,PeierlIM2zryr,C4lvir§z.5GuaItef lé4:.thefl=: a~re1fhe Kuthors. that our learned Exercimtor faies he hath not by him 5; and. A have we not here Aaeprtoper Ex_ercimwr5 ltltatl thus like a A fi:efl1-,-Water Souldierw enters the Lifis vyithouthis Arms "3 But what want of Arms, where} there is no want of com- fidenee? for hcg]p1*0cccdsmag3:{lerially to A tell the Reader (and he muff be ieve him gram, without the leafl fyl-l;tbl’e ' . of reafon for it ) that the Atlthors fayings fet downe by his Antagonifi reach not the cafe at all. And domes he not tleamedliy off? The Ptcad_erne.ed.. not fcmple to be» A tlievelhinnzhgatt he zmfwers without Lbaolge. Such an eanfwer; A.‘WC'JZ€ Vfitter; for .z5'ulomon"s fluggard;.,Prrm._y wba: right or by what wra2zgPri7zceJ have goxtmtbeir diflburarzdzfrn Paw‘er‘5¢ flail rather »i:rz‘a~l5e dam, t/9z¢t‘1fz5erev.ertzrzce*1,.bg%PR E. W: W9 .7“?! % 8 N T M“£ifl’“’9I 5 17”‘ "954" Epiflle Away Wfiitfflw wlmz the ‘7"“”ei"j”’7'&’ Roman:-.r bad now gatten Atlas Empzirc of the world, which we K N 0 PVtb£} did }>0fl?"_flZ*19} F 0 KC E .3, andrbxt afiermard} _fi,;4m;. 111;“: 1,5. the Emperrmr: by Policienr, vzatbirzgimter, drew to r£wenzJ"c"'z2e,: an rim agmdum % zmimrfizll ?wPower;,=yet Paul doth command that Aizgiflratex, 9/U 7“ +’Wgi?'‘ = zvitbmtali%exce]9t1ma.mufibealnfd. Axudnowvlcrt tI1eRca.-- flraru: pra:fc:n- 0 ‘ " "' "' an ‘ u W . derf gudgc, 'Wh1thC1“lt be not fo far from bemg nothmg, Egg .;l:,,,f,d£z,7:’;f;:. that indeed n.0th1ng can be more to thCpL1'1’pO‘fC5 for fiola f&I'i[>el2a- ~ who fees not that he afferts the fel'f%il'Ln1e thing, and my. run _cum Rm 1 on%%t5%"l1¢ fi111Wi§*'0l1ll€1 with our Au‘tlJ.9ur3 Witllottt a1 hairs ’""”’7‘”” ""”3’I”’" % differmcc fave in ¢::pre{fio11 ? And with him: doe all »thc eflém impe1'iu}n A lagfi avg:-‘ccd;1>RutABucer is more full andpcx9en1ptory upon the quad go: pm M V: _ % ‘ % % _ b _ ‘% _ %_ _ % vim fcimusocw cupafl?! 5‘ dr poflca Impmtom ambm; nzbzlo Amelzorzbux Vrerum fizmmam ad /42 perzr4:;c—- fl 1 2552:. Paula: tamen flue mm‘ exception: pmcipit ._ abediendurn "ejfiv Magi/}rm'L~m. lrec. % N§fl3?‘»3““9m+%‘%3+ ‘V » A A~3“m porm..% principe: adepri fin: porgfiargm-h orbu ter1‘amm;. *5'@.““’” 53134’ fi«;>"i1It,e3:prefl3ng himfelf in Athcfc-ter111cs : “Wéyen Aa gage... ‘ferit, qmzve m- and be:zrtz'lyA 0.58} .17imA._ 1% 1’ [H072 21.: made nsbomwef/aaulal obqy, ii not be Iaol{_tA;2tA22>ba ”t 2 A V: * fizeflazzdzmg (M. be 5: tbafexercijé: we pgxvgr ,% or nf/pat rig/at oi'.%r;vrorz§19eA/aa=,tl%a A [is pore‘ irzmded tbe l}2?owe%r,%,%§r%?fiAAW17fl_f?Zam;f€r/9e 135% bggp fiarem exercer» q,zge.g)/ if be bgzziefa gamers F or If anyggan dot}: Aexcell indpofwer, 3:? M .“;flmm Z-mm, fare wztbanmll exceptzozt , t/Jon muff }{ee!dAAz:b‘}fiI%¢gp are 1.021% tione ean1%Jd2ni- A % _ % C % % % % ‘V ; U 2% mflrer, [Ed tzmmm fl poteflatem babeat fl ~erzZ7!1’%‘21'45‘ ?0fi”fl4‘3 P9119‘; }4711¢‘5fl5?'H5fgdtum 319 lmjn (2 Dec i./:’mn pate; azrem acce_pz'fl?:,: * unde[ f;q§ze_%‘?~Aarnni Aexcegziuney‘ £111’ :2‘ pe1*:w:iftds‘%“apm_er,‘4 @* pm~g;;1_5- ex d;;j;7;g'.- % _ M ~ \ V % ié 1. ‘ VA’ A Tia the1*ef0rcp1aix1, thatt§1e reafon Why theA.Exercitm‘or nm.k:esfl1c11 :1 {dry ihift to rid his hancls of ‘theft appxj0'v’d DiVi11cs9%wasz‘1ot becaufc j”t511Ey ;Cpc_*ak t:uo1i§t*.1:1e, but 1*aither:.A , to%§3: 1i3u;:EA1*tV(3tl1cV4pL1xfp0iE:*»5; beipg rcfo1v"’d_., %1";igh%t H01" "«;§9-,r1*{1;§1g%9 to nmi11t6;i%1_1 his 0w1”1Ac011cci%t_.,»I1%e knew not how to; d£:C.1'1118*tAh%€AL1t1‘101‘ity of 0ppO1it€S fo leamed?a11Arw, t’hey.ca1111m; A %fla11dL:411%Li<3;9t11¢:‘WfiightAQf,t11ofe :’~'LezLf01is;% *aK1'1%di‘”%thr2rcf01*e’ ~~lm did wiibIy%11ot to vtake tlleftvflraltes of /;7:2.%dbl:;@011” his» A ihouldelfs, 1b¢i11g no = :_9am~.;:f»wz ,* L:;"'.1i?C hr: fh_0uId l £i§11%kt: ;u%nAdcf’1*.: A %_ _th€“Wei9,ht‘Of them. _Butir1 that‘: nmezme tin1e, tillthey ::.Iu:.: \ ‘- "foundly an‘fWered_., the Pofition 0f'0bediencc fcamds Pcrong anvuh{haken,Aa.i1dAl1:is DiMfcou:t*12-;' d0tI1fa1 i% (W*Itl1%:D;;gw2;; And yct aur Exercimtar flspercilioxfly faiesCandI1e thih A S A ‘it, cnQugI1,though‘never 17oappa,re11t1yL1nt1‘L1e, to fay) A A ~ ~ % % . A A 2: 2:" rem; 22:22 the Café at alt, * But. t01‘€‘t:t1l1‘l10’tl0 o‘u1~E:xer’-« A wcitation, _ A A A A M ‘l A j "We are told‘ in A the Title P2’tg;€‘a ‘ t1m~tlth.c: Difcouflb -is A modefigr and inofienfwegz mr:zr2azg°d,% C~n1lens_ C,O1l:‘.;f.CMi-A61,-1Cle:S‘.f'ti@,11 them what they fhould do, and their workstell us What they ha.veldon’e)L by.onelfiudi0M tftwfltb amfi peazce. V If he be fo gciod a flztdent, “:13 ftrange he fhould bcfo bad 22. prafié ciem. Fqrif we may make albettcr judgememof him by his 22bark:l'%thlen his wordlgwe doubt "not but lthe Reader willllfihdelllhim a very tmm2tli11 the llL1dy‘0ft5"k¢tfJ5 at leaf: in the prefent contpoverfie, when it {hall be brought to the V l Touch-fl:0%ne$' And for tllt pleaceable and inefiénfive nzodefly whereof hewould befpeak l1iln1fel*f'l an oplniong let but the laeczrt and defigne of the Exsrcitation be con1par’d with the Qaotationr out of Femzer and Gmtiux coxlfrontillg his fa candid profcffion, and they will {peak him far from the ‘ prctenldedl tenapcr of peace lanc1anA inoffexmfive nmodelly. The {Exercimtia7z endea.vou1*s (tlmugll in truth by zu‘gu- : ments nollefllz falfc thlenl frivolous, and asinjuriouls;1sci~ A thar) 1:0 5:2; 7/f73!7']JcZtZ.072L1j‘E>Ql1l,thC Pa1*lizm1cnlt5 zzlnd tlhe1*e+- ‘upon dc?c1‘ies.allobediencc to tllem, zémdl cries updifobe- N dience asln1critori0L—;1sin the hearts and afi’elé’ciQns of the peoples Elle (fl1_ota1:ic9ns 1:0 acldiz n1m‘eAligl1t a11djl1eat to t\hebL1finE1lE?, mufllillfintlate, Tim: any pri7mte pet;'~]_?_27z znagy %_ V Iéwfialgyan ufmgber. Tlmugll lI1_Wtl7L1tl1 l1c:puts lat datn-3 A ll gerouslwrong upon the R'e21der, and indeed upo11 the Au-— .th'dl1h-I‘_S quotcdl,A_Wl1ilf’c heracksl tI1ci1*Tel11er. to fol evil an end}, l’al1d brings f'oi‘tl1 their Words upon the flage l by halves, Without: tlmfel Ccmtiom zmd %.;zZ£fi¢:at£orz: l1fi1§;1lyA.4llllla1111ext4,l and rcqxtifitc to; fa, t€nld;:rlalp0iil1t:,l5ll lwhereoffwelhavc here giv.<.=~n% :1 mile. A A %_ “ One-Well‘sk;'iIl’clin Cafltzs of Coxufcicncc faies: He that Idczmzre am‘ flJfillKW'1:)rranr, have zz care that be dot it ‘zrfitkfuc/9 wad 0€C?f0T 5” fauti‘ A 15071 and wifdalnllw tfiefiflirzg it flzlf gizzell not cawfi la‘ fimrel #5211‘ ((9 m'C‘.[':“ fit" WM? Wléauwcer and fiwgdalr m-vfillow t/2¢W1>~?2~ 7‘ ma’mx2m; l » ll ‘ “ l V l ‘ 5 (yfidndula mg V l J occifione fjlerelzfu.r§ MSayl4r.ll"(I;1l1'. Conlf.llIib;“74: cap. 10- n. 4. And 1 V ‘facing Anteri- l V De palit. Cz3vi:. C6) flymrmus Tz'm4- And another» ofleno mcaneflcem for learning, and .51.. mr", admnpu: cfi tolerandux 5~ lo, ut appellm ted by the Ejxercifator himfelf}, fail-l::s 2‘ Tbatczfljvrant i1x,Title',l V as‘ we callit, 7»: to be tolerated for :3 time;obut%%afierall mean: A omnibu, “mm remedie: rriedm mm, 1:!‘ ta betalggn gzmgy 5 ye; 724 other: tlaegzg A mediis Q59 re-— the Siam‘ or 'cbieflRulIer.r. V l % A ' medii: fruflra g % ~ V l A l l l l Jentazri: eff tellmdusa fled nonnifi ab ordinibux five optimatiénr. ‘Alfi. Reg. Thcolo =ea._-p. 23.. Artie. 8. And to [66 tflzcz fidelity ofchisExe1~ci:a.:or;~, even to that}; . very fcntence which himfelf out of the fame Author hath A» 1),, M (7,; cited page 74,.DAe‘boc 8tE:.% there; is annext this qualificatil- l 1z‘.«:ea_: mum A onby him moft injtlrioufly 0?IIiil§:ted, That aprimte perfim ‘Wm’? ,’°”:‘9s in talgng away az“‘1_'yr.:zm, mg} not ail‘ lmtwili/2 publigueflg- fiqumm 0“ tlmrixy. 7 ' A A A V l o ‘I mt: publ'¢a._, llélcm. Syft. Pol. fee» cap. 12. Reg.4.l I AA lDu£l1~ F enner N either hath he dealt altogether fai'tI1fully Wlt:l1.:Fer1:- l *9“’l*773°°’°."‘3-Her, as he ‘that pcmfeshinl will finde in tl1epla.ceci;ed, P. 8 0. Whitlnlerl for brevitics -fakél vrefér him, Al m‘. Forlafter divers qualifications and cautions both pro- But: of all tl1e”re{l he h:Lt:l1 moll palpably a.bu$"d Gratié 1 o A fixt and aflitxt by him, but omitted by the Exercitator, [ Maxim, mm, yea an,dfome1n the very flzntcnce quoted, Grotimgthus in -re Contraver- concludes upon the Whole n1attcr: Em mofi cermizge; (if: if,-, fa judiczurn fibi me: $224 cmtrazgerted ca/a no private Aperflvrz ma}%prefiz_n;fe in make l V P"i‘WW f*’"‘»’*"’ him elf a7udge, but give way to P 0,S1S%%EAS 3 TO N. A Efg Tbm C/stiff commanded tbat Tributlefl flaazald be paid to Caefar, NEM Mu,-. bemmfi: the money bore bi: Image, that it, ?>ecaufe be spa!’ in 30]?» Sic tribmum fl?fl307.1‘0f*l-”9 EmPi7'¢~ g(«3l«viC.az[Zn~z' " ‘A l « ‘ " Cbrrflug j;4E£’ba!t,~ quid ejusimagizzcm nummu: praefmbat, id, impérii. GfOClllS , Dc: jun: pacis ac bclli, lib. 1.. 32.4. 9'. no. {I}, lqniai in pofléfiéne mt A M Arxdwhat can the meaning, of the¥Exe1jcitVation in all ‘o-Vlwthislobczi (charity it iélfbeing, judge)? but on :the fi0I‘1‘ci {Ede ' 1 toblow ‘the Trumpet to open Rebcll;;”inr2 agai.nf‘«: thcAuthpwi% A rity of Parliament inl"gc11¢1'éllW? and don the orfilier ‘fidchto ilrengthcn ‘thcl hands ofprivaie ajlltjjfnex a.gai11{l«thclivcs 4 V V‘ _ ‘A L o of 9f tht;,Men1bersi;1partic;1Iar»? And isxgot tA_%I;%1;sn1ode_fi1)r %1#?A*P¢rf0nW?W* W='».‘~ I bl-333 f¢¢m a~1%éidfino7f‘fcnfiv«j:;1y n1a1;1a4g7”Ci":£? 21K1*’cw,%Ifi$;\ot’tl1&c-fl: defig,n~es« oné3‘MVflutfibu,s “of” peace‘ "f'i$fc17a4ng¢% %t.h%e E;xerg;i%ta”i:‘i§onv it h félf‘ rs 0tjb1ufh5‘ttjj3rctend A126 pcaiceabie arfindz‘ ino-f-79 fiéhfiwmodc A ,*1a;Y1flf’t it'expo1j1js tliwblmqcf (if che~Powers~4 4 aga5a11%~wh¢figi%Aa¢:ai:;u;gg;V;a '!§_hj§ bfmrywqa4yr~n;1iv1?'.4V cr¢an ¢et*th{e4‘ ’I*3g=réf¢i.,;‘aitoi‘js7‘%j;i:(3n1f“cifiqi3Cd ;1j%x__ca“r1:*‘ V but tell hirn ,; [Mthatt Vnmiy * i1“‘;nQt* mc>jf’c'of’ the ‘Go mmons nowflttin _.“, £qfi'i:flfe3hei;:1‘;cats V;S§?.-7t‘i?117‘},iI; ‘thf¢2W2fg*l‘1‘Siby via:-:~" wean »:r%ez~efirva»a%«b>rx»% raw» b rh¢1h- éfiévr cf’ Vso%z%er1vetuarethem q,rii11A tfiem Ives {hall C°“f‘W *0‘ §¥1‘¢5&?I‘ ‘WV,1? °1F1t?9“§ ‘is. “:7’*1*?W”’“*A3?”¢l¢-%‘ r thes£*¢f‘q1"chue n1%ight ham=4c¢nfi»;1qx1¢d{ tq: bgcinfg aV.n‘V Excrci-~ tator,furc&l1a: cofilcl not" be that ;1tcordingAto - that gcncrally lgnownflndgas gcncpally rc<;ei;sj‘d Maxitnc; 1%”¢4#%i444t«t?4r 4r0~#di*iia 4 a,l7W1#i*'5 A¥¥1i5*1.4¢:AV 11???? zaughnhim :<5Vfo£~bear¢f,:c { ‘urrch:i;&;an_‘_1xir1mgé;;i6xrs*‘inf an aiffitirbif Afb :T€)V1.¢Ii!‘it1é[A:1;1cl* f0vt;raign_ cpficernmcgu,-5 ‘But we ihailfl new cot11e¢t<> partisulm 4=-md W that 9fwt§cA_Wz'~%1m@~iAfz;I1'L;.§,¢m:it;J}€c9%4%9% tlxerg. ;a~bean1 a1;ho%n1c;A11that hefaxes tow“th¢ApC21m: of 4 A {u 1~p:.:ion$ (and? qigeftionleffe J; éal makés him bnxic no,- thix1gVtha§heVcaan faw) is ¢¢r%1P¢5s13¢ndedinfiwfittff (Em-5 ~ ma conéair¢it1éTbr»th thh Charge:&a¥idA%¢11;¢‘Vgi*Af both HouI?2fs;i%ri the p1Vacé.I;;~i&%fniem;iq&hed,‘ fdr thyc;r;ea‘fo1ikA‘i;I ‘ fi V‘ ‘thflfikfiwl-‘“bV‘b“-th 0x*bu%t fiipplys 3?-Ac1’¢ar i;n4 the ‘VoresAAagaini¥ AHa.n¢iAl#awVAi~x:ay;+A 3? i?s?hi¢hAgi*bfii1d$f%{Hits“‘appa:refi:tly‘dE*EIi*'i‘E’%i?'%Tf35ffl » % Om‘ Exér‘£:A1tat01*s own Doflrine, tis evident that the man A is’ contradiétoxy to himfr:1f,whi1fi he endcav%ours to bring A *>x;he Ibafitx cofirdinzztjon , which; fr, fivr tire‘ more, _[Ecurit%){,“1Aof - % 4 9 F L A the Commons/in4Par11ament wxthm xhe Lco»n1pa{_Te of A [Ig- ,furpation 5 as cxcrcifing tl1c%S;,1prcme PbWer_w1thout a. 1awfi111~ calling 7; Wh¢1:eas4l1i‘rii1A;21;f lxasthfpI%&iA1ilyco11Vf¢fi: f:h{zi’i'by way or coordLinat'io‘ri and tl1%*ft%f%?5Ar*c Ajwiei-' rally xalfo byWayof'fupwply,% the:yl12;ve *E.3.1ling; A Vtojthc cxercife the’ Stiprerrifi %P0W€1*.\'Vh%aLts* I Ob}?-‘effid ta evadc%ahis%pa;1pab1“¢ ¢’c0t1iez* that fl1al.1 1;fe1I“ us (if'L1A1ei1*‘ difib1miiozL2. Yea %b11I;§they}:tren0 I-I0L1fc”, fb1f_I‘1e {Epics ilagr are zzndem fimre, andllc rg>vcs%*ito%11tAof a1l?c:;x:y% 5 AAb¢:#c.eg.%‘t1i“é tliey am: n2iZ*lirzg _ aVn~d-cm/enri2zgw&t0 Ltlmt fO1’CC.‘NOW311fI‘l1th' they defwve 1:0 “ ‘ n1én W€‘1‘€t'1nd€;1.j%b€fii>1fe:thc111.¢¢Ehytalks of A:t*1‘i‘z1cj§w~f2atiorr, 2- ,, 9 a 1“1_;1~ ;fi.1%z*e¢hé1‘€°S% zL?:}g2 ¢22z;%r~.;2dl'.c5‘z*iz2r2 to the ’ EL1t iiibefides 13 5"“, ’tfi¢V§f)11«tx.';i(fl‘&idn5” h0W%f1{1ifm~Vé‘li¢ they We15ecAo11V{E’nting ? a:a%:cheyevex;:c11mmroé I1am 4fi11~ec1zeyV4tm¢*4crs1~athe . ... % ‘ A ’ 'T@'f.rzs .6’mar-- % ’b€’_pittifd- WI1%a%t to be cQ11_{391‘&ii1'C1't_0_ wit agaiififi: tl1%ci:M%vils 5%, ‘JV’ v Witl -1Htl1ei~ “Vtf AA A g,‘ ,j’;"’f ‘ ~ . 1.. L beam 3 Idaxcfxy tzs fixclfm. toxceas nave: Em” gm c 9V ,7 0*?-*;x3c€;7\Xi9v-; 4., Wfii‘1d7th¢ t ‘:1t‘:~;1;~yV,,Aas’appe;urs'byLAtIieir ~*M*‘é»"fl":;i§.r,t:*4t4o» tIi.c::u3.« G_ H A ,_ _ email wdcouncellof vvm-V, 1u:w2I1bcVraids than ;4,~z12 W % was but a. rneere fbfmaI~ity 5, andgify” tliéydicl‘ ‘r;1.ot” tohiént é " ' 3i ‘N in: I B %2_ t0 639:9}: &gwJ‘€v - «it :2 % 1%anma~, By me «czqanfrezyaence ~ne1mer can ‘*«th¢ ;:E}C’erc‘:it5aet:Oi' 3 iiérefc $16: ”as‘ abjfe ‘is jh’i%é*"zrd‘n1*irers % “or ~x>0fi1b1)t.?mn fl1n*3%"1¥1° hifiia ‘éwr i2ii*b*r’e, fofb€a'1*= A*@hB‘pAr0fecut1Qn ad fum#z‘amj«jza3s ”f<“:sf1ft;hAe: Au:hbr:_, is to com- to the evi1‘o7fAa11é1&.‘j Forinfiance, If a“m&n* 1*¢mi't A %;a’4w1;fi1l1%V::crp4aII¢, that willfieareaaion in.ALa[wAw:ohis A »:NAF71%1:*bQF1Fw-a¢+~d°“hh“‘3°11f¢¥it*59V‘:h¢ 'éan..~ flew to a mifcarr”'1»a»ge; the1atter¢”may’noti7be‘ done ufpail any co‘nfideratio11 whatfoeverg the formernot onely may,but when the Reafon of the State ms}; ofcaordir.2a:~iarzgaridfizwera-lg: by may of fu]>;u'y)fl1al1 ,1‘/92 peogze (he faiese are to ref}. ‘But. to give an u‘nquef’ti0n~ q is di'fii11&io11‘andAthefl prafiiae of the M %HAoAufAe~o,f _ tommons ixpop ‘i-tw,‘ :13 %f:uic1’% °f God “hin1fe1fe,. % *’99‘*f¢¢*II§r¢;7I3?’”+*”?>f W ‘ remnant bf "T?iIArP€e*”P’%#% % anc1Viyet.itwerc% blafphérfiy to“ faf3pft4’fi:it‘%hc’%%i$’in“ihg41ea;fi‘co%r;- A fi:n¢i1zgea"cc arid j*afet_y 0% % t3h~eA%Com«mo’nweaIfhA u-porn‘ tl1t:f?:1*vice*of thofe Pr2’~viz’£—dge.r, ' A ‘W?h‘idh-?nb m'aV1=,1 t~hat'hath‘&hi$.1“ea Ibnand afrecdom t'0 1153 it%~ch&Téleny tVm bers as ~ %?fha%1¥1*%notA c01a“Fom:x 1;othe VotesandAOrdersoft11a‘t.1-iouicsg '~a:nd‘yet ncithc1*th4cm_iE:1vc's be ever ‘ the *1%cfi'e ,fiee_,A nor t1'xc;~nr “a6’csian Whit the Ieiie 42111’/J(2rirat»z'zIe. But fecondly’, if he f“-M: 3 Aand» 1.xi.% Again; “I?<-:‘titLbc\g1'a*11cccI % A . who 33 -"‘th&‘t~d—iV€1‘SOfihéi Mcn:tbers we1*e”f0ri2c%t~in1cs Lmder.aforcc., H *<:‘€w11.‘v%%tha£*%hinde4r th0fc £;~oz;watt111%g..4&and¢ bait; g 21 LH,;mf::, A Fuller Ah]. ¢%$l who never were eithermzdfer or co:A:zfeA2zti2zgAto r that lfor;-gr > * A light byhisoown grounds, that the whole Nation (12) If itcould; as defiredrhe Exercicacor would thew how’ the Commons A were, al HouAfe,oa11d lltheA1A1.e Afis ;1utli;Qrita-A: tilve,l when the laté Kmg hadgdlvers of thfilr MCmjbersai11 A prz‘f.nin his QJ_2trte1's5 for by his Doftrlneiif a2_zeVMen1be1’ A A be under a force, it ngmllj the Authority Aoflthe Hoqfe; But V. who,let1nl€fi"ehel lwilliflly flzut his eyes , cannot; fieeathje A m01111t€1ifi0118%f0fl%I‘1€fi“€l0f"th€fi* fibfi~1rditi¢$ehh?a lwhetéfextc to concluzmthis particular,Aour AAt1thorine_t~h3s cai”e,efWiAll V tell hing That mi injury canzget take away. 4 rig/at go which” a though in truth it never can, yet according Ato 91,11‘ Exer- citators prineiplesit mufi, trad force upon-vlfogteffgf the ' Members could l1AinderthAe'rell fro m being a I-lQt1Afe.; 4 Lafté 1y, ytis objeétedby the Exercttator, That the Ciommponsh now htting are zzathtlae majmj part. Andtts anfwered, What; is that to the purpofe; fo long as they are a Houie 3 what A bit’: the ‘maior part of Athel Commons had defertedAAth_ei1- tt~ufi', and gone to’ theilate King; lfhould that l1Aa7sreA hiAA1;.._ l" derld tho fe that had {laid behinde and cotxtinued f?aith_fij11[ A to their tt‘t1fi_; fi*om being a I-loulfe The,Aleontrary is aep--‘ a parent in the Lords , 4 who while" they fate, were never lookt on as being everthe Alefle a Houfe hecaufe the, "floater ‘ part deferred them, , and were afterward Ait1il:Aly exeglhded A the Houfe by the fat‘lejferlt1t1i11be1*of' Lords litti1_}g.A r o To c011clt1de.',Atl1c Exe1*citator acknowledgefs page 7.: that ittcquld be made good, that the lwhole Nation had “in the otiginall confititutioxa of Government coon:--A 'mlitteldtAherfole Apowerto the Home Comnuonls, Atl1ere could be no Uiitrpation.‘ Now it is as apparent as the A A A A (for t11erLordsiF‘tAl1ey1-"allnot under a Nxttirma//3 muflfall un... A Ider aAperj?mm'_l coimfideration) hath committed the Su- ‘premepower tojthe I-loufe of Corttmoxusth §ay22tb*.,A by way A of coordii1ation‘,A andfkole/1 Way A.ofAfi1plply 5 and Ch¢1‘A¢f- A A fore by his owzmlltonfefiiongltlxey l;canl11eve1" be conc;lt1ded' ‘trader ufurpatio'n,A as exereiiEngA thhtVF0We1" Witllqllt‘ A lawfiall calling, for the exetcifi: Whereo A AAoW;i grounds a laWf'ullAc;alling from the People. A A A wmmA All Art” ,- AACHARA theyhhavelby his W 039 l } my. 1 I I; TImrb¢0atbéw o5j6'-‘W Ioblige not dgmffl obedience to ib¢'jiréfen¥iGotz/erizment. A He Aflérntion ‘thatlwe = are now to make. goodagainll l_$ :;‘.%1';h‘e‘Exeyci7tato1f;,is,Tbat t‘l:2e.~0atbe*Lr laim objefiecg’ abligg: ¢o:~5a:géin{t obé3iéncelI‘fa1‘l»«tbelprefént Pom-5.: l To demoxifirate this trmuth with as nmch lbrcvity ”aS*perfpi_Cl.1i,ty , we V {hall l ~ firfi lay down ‘cgertaine generally receiv°d principles , by M which ,j.1sby*fo many rules, We may evidently difcerxme in ‘ lwlI1z1tcafe%s,;exlcanfiflVa, ‘Ol-itihsido »n“ot;oblige. Secondly, V we {hall cxfanulinel and a*nfWcrl0u1‘ Exercztatm Olbgcélio ns, why t:hofe7Rules‘ =fl?1”ou1d not =tlake* place in the Oa‘tl1six"1 ‘controve1*fie; A And a main reafoxm inducing to tlle cllqycc xof‘ this m»e1th§;'jd_., isg blccaufc t1*utl1land ex§ex*1*ence joyntly téllsllus ,» that 0f‘c0fi1'menti11g on war 3 and fentenccs A inCofltravertedv-Oathsfthere can méver be a,n:¢1i§:ll;~ Fotr=th’¢: V fancy dfj man being of fQlva1~ioi1ls“al working,a11d%Work¢~ ing a variety, A hardly can that word lor~:£Enten‘ce be’ pro--«A» pounded , which it will not form: and wier-draw to its owne fmik if havcnot foijuc clcavr. and conf’r_a11tlprin— j ciples 1:11 th‘~_.,aslaf‘ brigl1tibu’t‘}1niem?in g flaa*,both_ t_0L gulidlc andlfistllitgwll V lg f In the firfilc place therefore“’cis gerierailly lgfantléd”;,il:as ;; Prjincipleof % truth that cannot be d¢ny’d _., That‘? no?0..::xIa 13"~“d‘="5.w , carzlflaflobligcg at to taflkgl amgey the ob1igatia2z“aflalfbrmerl duty; 4 1"‘ ~t?orce*byl which amll\,avt:hs: are _f'a"-id»t*é} blnde',»~isc’og[lm-- mm ,¢,z;;, 051;. &‘i:qe_0I1qlY5 1'1_{C'Y€l*_ )c§eflru&?7i72e~;_;‘ *31§l'1+E'y' ~ inJP£;3‘lfé’1f av éuty gazionem pria-l A where»tlw,y l1li1ld{c:wn0ne,l orldifpofefidf _ce1*tairi?‘[circrgmflan-4“”'m» A ;”:esiabg>ut the pgrfoxjmancg fbufit l;4hheyll cannm: ?dcPwoy lop tale awajadutty wherethcfyifindclitl. ll ' 1 - A A ’ l M A l??Asl‘i”muc?hllw' ihl as n3x1c~h‘vfcl‘ea5p&1“effi:lmé;’lf>bé,faid qoxnlccrnw 5§/1?2fn“*e*» hWi11* teeth ihifnw bhétter hl;1¢ffi7exi 7§acc0rdin"g to the trifth tells" us 5 ht/oat tI9er“e‘"‘Be“ “§’n"&_llll fuciéijrerj -5qlf’mer)( fand‘ tlhereforéfin "the prefént élmongfg us as gal--A A l‘”“””m’€”*¢?P-We of A3?’ Wall‘/3fiUa 1"’-*"h‘l”*-‘F "J" _' a7“*?J*iWlC?“’d!ll '54-‘ '_;flituiz'on 42261. mhorali; M N ayh ‘lindelcd “he “mighwtl Ahavg; talughg: liimfclfe =i bl¢tt¢t1¢fi’9:%s;h§0r ,’ri‘?:f¢’*?l‘dt=lf‘iii“l¢Shh bhaarrefmimg topeflfrflfil l’7’?7fi“1’l?‘a?¢l”‘Ml4‘7??i?'¢€.£‘€ the :of‘ fi;préh:"ne.Autbariy,ll h¢'.ackno:vv1“hcdgcs‘ even under V fi1:P;“;; A l tionljéthfieiét flair”, and, ham“ afinafl ‘jj‘EX¢rai fe of‘_the‘ l’fuprEé; ‘fl 4§uth9ritIalb¥*lth€5xu#9°f which ;:$¢¢t ‘W . A % C 17> A % -on at prefént ef’cab1ilhpi11 Order, andmby thc.influc11ce, of Whihh AutboriA1y,piiI)1‘iq11¢' _ii1f’c‘ice’i.s*’fii11yV*V”adniihiPrred3fboth A Which”;bfei11g theAordVinahjweévér%the Excr~ciAtato1A‘1prcfi¢me to make him--A £5-1fcm.accuiEroAfotIiers forpre[hmingt%o~theA feat ofAAu., Iahosrity, there cannotAeafi1y%beA found ‘a more prefumptbiii A a.m: Vf¢irpA4“tio¢é,:44”tlien %tAha?t< Wherqof he Rand's g1"1i1ty, andf’ obnoxious Aboth to (32);! n1é;i1%E£4 For#whereas”he char-A-A gas Anaoflm u“AnAtru1y,M% and therefore mofi zingratefully, thofi: Whom he“ owes hié} pramfiiiogzg fwith prejnming to the ‘A féat oi: AuthO1~ity5himfc1f; 'whi_ch is infinetelyworfegpreu fizmm to Tbvcrtl,iro:w vthc;v«cry” fea‘t??%4 of%_*%A’L1thority’,A arid fling A the «.Aurbarz':yA z'§j&1feAwho1;1y.i‘om: of“ aV1:ionfc$V:éé" om cndeavo't1rinVg4tAp nmke void tl1efupfedm‘e40rdi%mgce OfGod, fomghé welfairc of man-~kindc‘,a11d‘lcavc%tl1éfiNation without a1l105'der M01‘ Gavermmnt V to «be ,~fWzAt1lowCd‘ of Ai'2au1~clayAziind“§ czinfzzfioiz, and in this n1oflfnfiiféi'ablAc cflace» 1m1fi:’theAN atfmn iby ~his irreligiam-[ may be] continua e;v%enA ted the Worlds” ends l1‘n]Aefi"eA the publiquc ctienny F01‘ ' Whom he pleades, ahd upon whofé backe he naqkes a1l%autVhQri”ty‘ \ to hang,{ha1l be pleafitd to give leave thatG0ds Ordinafice .. 4 W “ 0’f.G0vernnJcnt n1ay“%agaAii1e?takc’pIa“c:éanEidngw$t1S§- A A For t11éfc'cond,%tow,a1;fwerhim Aoymi gfhis own defihiciw onof LI furpation : Firrflr, rwe 111119:idiPcin‘gLiifh%bet4wcen‘thc .246? QfIntx~ufion, andthte Perfm that makes the I ntmiiom Itagrant’edAthat the Aifof Intruficm is “not A%the?A0r‘di:zance of G"G%d jg Btit the Perflm Ofizhic 51‘1t1‘Af1d¢1j_cO’iflHdCr€'d.’ fig A and i11.%aé¥ualZ5pnfl?vfl‘i'on‘AQf t»h4éIi1p1*c;1m¢ power; 11t$t;7? 011315? n_1a.yrI3e,~BL1tA‘7c»erca;i1rre1yis the O1*di117ancebf A God; A whiilfl A é'G[0AH¢iS pt1t"‘intoAa capacity oFBeii_1_g"a2!/!i:2f[?er(and A A 1accordin;glya€’cs fbrt!ae"gga.s2'of thofc%%~0verfWh0n1 chm A l;l3',, 11d Ciyoitl hath exalted him placcqfhighgr powérjg A althwgh ;it*2b;a.bucsA’for%a!time,A and onelyf "by way ofipéra . A 2 ~ A 0 2A % < A; # n1ifliQn‘ 4 ~ Eiutiarem D.‘ % w gdum efl partem mtfl3€>115’«°th¢rW1f€Wreniufi Ll :hatA"G-olden Chagm: pfflrder _ a;1i;c§1A«%~¢Gozier4r3%mer2ftA which God héifhkafliaizzed, ti? 1?3in”d€ 71.w1pVmanhkindegfrorm«inwimlzbi, and , Byi:>LirExerci:at0rs.|:may ~irrecoz2eraTIa@ falling into A;%1a.r'chyjw and cqnfufion upq11%e7;ea;y%Me¢az3cuflian of S-’c’at:e,% au1d. ~i:1iefi~equentR¢vg$1utiQr;s %%ofGove1=n1:1?rs~ andfiovexsnmmm, bifvirhicih oiir own Natioriha my utmd 3§_¢ai1:- cxpcfii-g: enAceA-AndupoaaAfirhc>f¢=~gI:c>un91s %nAawnzmcio~n°d,tis; 1;h%2£;t“ ¢vm they ;I:haIA:a}l.oW»a %;fen1@via11 f :-of *aPerf'9n % in pole wcr'W_ij:h0Lit :1? A)T,,it1c,%a”.l=1AoW i;t»0»11e1yin a‘h¢%'andcrb!~way, a 11d: :'i_*;%1V ¢Ig:zj5e c‘§L;iA%‘‘£h¢:£ca%9AA ¢(3<:>t=£Vst;2r;z10:248/&**ea1tl1.. A;gAaine Wes ‘e“tivcen;;.¢%;the §r.§i7}f~I=fr;t1‘ufi01i,and~Athc flxiw t br)~}°z'.zj bi: +S1;p1=§am¢ pQWfl‘5 ‘A ;f*ffc5rnj1er as was :gran*tcd,“,_, ’be£o:e, is i§ao.t,‘b;ic tf11%e71att»e1'=e7’1eris ~Ath%fev0rdin ante ofGod. F9: th 63? e,a:At0[f £1t1tl?1=t?:ri‘t;5f, b c~in'g Afffom the bAegiVnVning, «fix- 131}§=ha§11§il: Of the, II‘»l_A-:Hi"gh*5:;thes‘ 2m3*12ority;c)r fupream ¢fA=V%iin"é$§Zd»:t.0a.‘411idifihizwgfiuétA4Atha=n% %SM%aAmhAnevcrV cea_fc,AAt»o. be thc*QVCl1I%&nCfi*$O-5 by tahal‘nd=A*%4A%foA*cvnrA; he A l:~isApIeafed C0 difpmce-it, 111ay, m'1d‘d»o%ch icflLfp€ncae.A {it jW‘hat’" hand he§'%p 1c=-afczs .5 A and :thweref0rc~i't*ma%y not bu in the}h%%a,n%d of whmx; himfelfm Hath «pm: .im_ p¢fl§g2o;g, thoug11yby—rx1ea“nes ~eaqZraofidinary éto £15., withcmgtr A fin, gndéincurrfmgthedangerof ?‘1*eceiAving thc-: A dAzunnati--, 0nr'thI’%:atn£d byitshc Apofcle, Kr.-m. I 3. 2.: rNe;ith:er ca-nA:tI1cw Dbljgation ofany Oath wl1at1bcv&iAr, A either i22'wz1idzzteVa. AI3uty,or izzfarce:AafinAi11*thisA part:icAu1a1*. “ ‘ A . A A J3Aut,to czome a1;<;>;.a,. fecond vprinciAp1Ac, 113$ aT§1.11c beyond ?AA::ndubij.cfiguen~a A W 1l¢A%éxc¢pnion;thatA~(i72 %>dau.7Jtfz¢1Z~c;z:jE,r‘ thejizferw A AaAzrt;ji,.rA;ta be: ‘£3,991-p_; jE_2z.A The doubt ofwhich we fare.A noAwfpea;% ing, may be sands, pm”. €ith€I’;COI_1C€1'n.il1g~thC Expliaafim, =20? this: Obligatiazz A of. an 9.. Oath; andjzhaizVpart:*~is4i11»;Aa1~l %Ad0ubts 0AAu;t A (35 52111 cont1:fio%-w vqgfieg Q1}: fafér,wfihich:£1a-ch-n~atbi;t2g~Qf«$Tin,;Aandmoflof it. Thapreflent~+dou+bt»~jCnd¢miri.g;1:he :Om:l:icjs mjove1'ted,refpe&stheir ~0£2Vligat2'Va7z, “*W11=¢ihcr} filcli ‘ms may7 jufily Ahin~d¢r»Qbedien»;ced to%”theA~pre%fcz1t*GbvEmr11enVt15 ” and it hath been aifirtcd‘ againfixthc E:<2é1*citatoAng1iI1aft%%A 1:hc%~ J :14 % jf2_ar_*pzzr4t a%s4Aiw:A1udingnothingofsing,«aLndj;:m£?c gf s‘is~* ’ V W ‘ thfi 1 'An¢eg~fi%3Lri1yAA; be ‘a. Zvfreaz.-.79” 7 the:.éNegdtive :5. that the ‘Oathespbjeficdg mi£11'€r*=dA0An0x““’ cansbind aga;in1‘mb.edim1ct _m7~;.the%4A:pref¢mc Gov¢rnn1e.~m;. V The rc*gfon* is’ bccauf¢Vi%ics=;i1 ragainfi I116 fifth C0m»izwnr4€ A mentin1p1icitci1y, and%txpreflE1y againfl: Ram. 13. 1. $0136 Aundexjziio Gmemmmtfia :. its c0.nf€q;uc11At1y ainecgfarj Dam 1:07 bcimindmzflrme5.»am}:A‘n0firzst@;bQg1m¢l<fl%' ark}, Aebficallffiwall < » :13» AI» If them:-~ ¢ «~. vernnlfimzits t;he:0f6li1zmca~Qf n - I W A ‘. fc»mthAc %Et}.'.1'16*Sx1il]: cm.ntmvcrfiaflau1d oblggeagamnflobdfie VA g:lig:ncc:;uA t;h:e%;.p1‘fifCnt Gov~crnn1e11t;, ; they ihould b'n_1dc % mn?cccfl”a1f'y to ga.‘n1ani£aPc VSinA5 but nothlngg A man kngbligcz; uimto Sizzzze, a.-nd~1i:hc1%¢f01*c‘ no ?*Oa_th W1}at:f0- .:21j'.%.. .I£f;it“he:wtnuc;;£hRt:;in4£1<3LIbtfvz3l1:[ACaffi$ the flzfér;p4zr,t.iS [We q,,,g,g4m,;, tQrbercih0fm%1I,"tisas true%%thAat;A%%it:1 A311‘ fuch caf€A:5g ‘%the% A12 arty ii? Or"*“@/3? _par:” pg]: pofifefiiavz isS,tvh.Vc~fafi,arpar4t4.: :BL11:;~1:h-at%Which in theprefent fidj‘v”““* Gmnaaomrgrfie, plus, .tVh1fl~dO3l;1b:E ~:ou;t: ofall doubt, is that vthc ' Pflfy‘ in Mpaflefiony V%ha;vc:ueiz'er hmzl atlcafi alrr‘ equalzl Ti:-Iq:,,;1j5 cAcmArdimtes%(Vex~4;cmzfi with the1L'"6"ompe:iwr:%.AmdA them?-A fQI‘€‘3&t.[i>‘1*€f,3ntiillavh a'fi1pbrioux:, or rather indeed them» '1?in14.;c:i‘, in ncgaxzd of1;h;c§u.fime1é 0fx11€i1‘0W11€,%%AandA t;11Ae *" umiufinafsQfclic:ady:e1:fsApartics mufe, u~4x1A1e£1'c(z'éts was {aid ‘befo1:.¢):a»’coxfifed¢rany W;it~hthe%Vb1oody I1:-ifb, _Aax;1d«VI~IzimiI+- tans inmj%Ezze%::Arn1}y;n1u{’c be4%jL1ftifi’dAasAA thejufier Aca.ufi:, and Wi;tha1?1, ass theAfaferA;Apart..J A A A . A A ; AA ’ A ‘ A N A ‘A , LWha.t%evafion4 hath 0urE’J&¢17citatO1* here to ext%rica1:%em"5‘M‘ m"" himVfc1f¢m1t of this difi’icL11ty? old Tenedia22 aX¢.fri11. M'_””‘ Eirfi,theprem’zdedM Ufurpatic111,and:tAhen *tha.¢t:' ‘Z/fitrparian 2‘: V’? .E’”‘fi”‘ "' ¢wt:A¢Iae‘A%0rdizt2zmc¢ afG0d*, for ;~:theA firfl we: havg anfwerecal Cbmd’ % it; once a11d?;1ga“.iAn%%:'in the p1regcdi=11+g pans: of this CY1fCOl1s1_’fC5 . 1 nflcitlxgrflmll wc:.w%rice.afte:r%l1is Copy, in his flfligttflltand txrgfonle Tautoldogmsa Ait»%wcreAVt0oA g,1::catm1 a A Ai€’ci~onL to nL1cA+I*1eac1"cr ‘to ~h1vn:1, flld mzzjeam, WiLl1Ahi§ Q-'mml7:e%.bz%.r mzZIiem$cn6?m.% ‘ A A A_~;; ; A , ff ‘pmofecut'ion$of~*t.l1is “Will Ajbe~prqp£r.i1athe % . W-d agffartxmn. % 'A ; % _ ‘In %ju2‘arnanm%% Wye .cc5m:;¢ now1:o~a;n11irc1 p¢1*inc~ipv1At:; jveraigne %%nV1 a}cfiy Axancl '&bfa1z:re~fc5verai'11ty, than the fivayihgfivcoaké” in thci‘I{;ing¢:— ,Dm.4§ x7.Lf:; ’d0i11 e?f of Me11A5* andan »uriC10ubt“ed%1*ight A.toAgifV.e.it to} A §3u$§;i§u‘,7g5%7_Awl1QmAf0ever he win, am fletup om fit the bumwep of ,m;,,,m_ %Hie,;,% n1e11.“When th¢xfeforethe.fln1oPc High’ a&ua11y»puts dciwne 0*ne”,A ._arid%%~fets up :?i‘i1OthC’rAP0WC17 :«1_x1d:« a§<':oi1dit-ion of a filvhpbteflgtg :j?uperi0rix,h ahri» txemptiohn‘ of A A the Sam-r'iauw‘fligtxt, nm.t;h Efore oft11eB.ight of the moo ltigh, by a fi dam pem22ferit_.,ifGohd‘ihy oat merztc) thoQ9at11 taken. o - A 4 to 4 A T %Whatfi1yesto11tExcrcitatoi* to all this? God givér mo 1 power to Z/fiarpem hctfayeis ;, jbut furcly tis fafer to fay with t : "tmtb it felfie, job. 1 8. 1,1; t \ ‘They could have no power un.-5 ‘ A oleffe he gqrmz it them-. And 1215 cértaine that our Savloour there fpeakcs 0f;1judicz‘a:llPowcr, and to aPerfo11[tfhat wastan 7/j£¢rpér_.,hif ever yet 1:h’c:r“c were any. F0rhom'{Sa—- viour hi111fe1fe( if we willtcceivc the truth out of God.M P K . ly and judicious Perlgnq mouth) was the t%1‘L1e% 11cife5 0fe:)r:”’;he ajntl hadthe to11e1y_tit1e of "Right AA to the C1*own 9': and Egmé of Kingdoms oftht Icwes; Bcfides he mutt either tc;o11%tra-t4 cg ‘. _ _ ‘ _’ 3 ,_ é _ K 5-e: d1€th1mfcIfe, and there-wxthall confefle the trL1th,, or the A Sc1~'1pture in exprefi termeJ,aI1dthcriIi give his own opinion the fa11,whi1fl' heNdc11ye‘s“thatt,G‘Od gm; the Kihgdonxe to ‘*z2f;¢rpgz;:, ‘Whofe t‘is;o gitié to whotn:fo'évex~~I1etwill;A tFox: t‘fité"*fiflh’déf‘takes to pfove; fiereléaginz-aim U’fL1rpc1‘, }'2ag¢'f:I .. Valid yet.hcis not ahllmnfd there to«+q110tcf3; King. I»-I.'_Wh%h1f”e at flverfetgtx The Lorthllc Gojdhofh Ifiuitl, A fetycsg, A Bébéfflf I f ‘ ‘ mz hremzrbeKingdemt;a;~zrtnf i7W2~:mdf3?>1%€>fl10¥¥a,4??dG1?’Et‘ '*lrfiii‘1iz“g;uo£t“ewzcr§*”!s?vc>i:t1: that.ptro‘c¢edsot tiicsgnmu 3 gj ‘,,;,'f‘ :3; g, “‘ « M‘ M h",;;‘+§““, ‘Ar; §_;V_:“fM_, ,,‘fl',j‘‘ "_ £1‘. tag” fl _g, 3% ;'1,‘ to ‘I "‘- ‘ “ iiéiiifritnu »erérnvi*7?b¢é:fhf: <>r.—ix‘%t'ttEsé¢'x~cit:e%t&r nuanifefi WrF’ti4§‘°;t”1i”éijébéPthel7?Téfiit-fiiV¢3‘$’JW /3? via A gmnrg As if‘ ten Gofdhad iri tcjimes faid to A 3‘@*o5é22zn¢5 V W; W tficifwiérb fufifiéicnt gr,0und;‘_fi:t1ti:,,th"é7 . rt \ M. » 7.2. — f 11%. ~i€5fQ(i,%abflaluteIy to conclude a‘fiJ‘l“Gmnt. E11: Wecfimll h%efircL anticipate that which wee int;cnd% hereafter‘ more 7 A fi;1_l71y tQ di“f¢ufl‘c ‘far that further c%onfirn1a€i‘0ny of this par- , ‘“i:icuI‘ai*, whe:n"’we$e fha%l1.c_:omc to the third‘ aflértion, %w1;;i- tlimcr f01"th”e prefint we muff {fill refcrre the Reader, Only E fcu:‘a;qong1ufi}4on; take the late judgement Qfburowne Divinesa with~1ear~ned*Divda¢i’.s4,t:i;>n.cur1"€rIc%in: an- kq prqfemz’ Objééticn, jthgfe 'worc1s g;n Réi12.‘. I3“'."f' " AA A V, , A . ~ 0rdained{ofGod5 tflmt i1%"iz1fiitutedVofGod% among manw-l(g'm.'Ié, % [tad Kyle ‘ and Gaverne men in*0r~der ‘aw in Godxflead; For God tfge Az:tI0arjnfi“]91‘:"0rder in the War1d'%: and ail tbofe which % % J;zt’.'t‘a.i22éTmzif%05 tbtir digzzigy or excellemy, “doe atmine unto iteither % by hi: 1:i2‘.;z22iflefl will ‘and approbatirm, when Amt/ye meame: are jufi fazed l;m>full,%or elfe lgy /oi: [écret pravidemc , with . permififan aizd tolemtiarz, tI:?lqe2z%tIaemea71e:. are Mzzlawfigli : and it 2': jufi M and ;‘ggf:§1'aZl "that ’m47z%%j79‘dzt;“Id Vgzpjyrqzrt a71dVtalemts % that which Goal.Iéirbzg/?.a.1‘I2VazppVr¢ves% and tolérfitfu” ;: mitlaat he approm and % ibigfatex“, wlaicb weemca23z2A‘citA”bya2ajr’lawfullmem2e.r appoirztedbj bim“déclVine and amid. All therefore who refifl authority, make ram afiter A‘-ft3rt with? God bimjélfiz. Ann. onR.or_n. I 3 .. I .. Di-:- %datfi.ibid;. ' . ‘ % A _ A V M ‘ fAkScco11cISzaperiour,A or to fpeake Vmorvc properly, 3.!- nibng things of an inf"‘%‘4tlxe end it fcj1fc7;” Wh¢§¢“P°¥I it follows A cm. A dcntly and ?t1‘nc1cniabIy,V t?hatftO% fuc.fh"fdjfi1zfuIJ;g§e@‘}ance 3)?“ 5 the Powers admi11if’cring,’thcrc can be no Ob gatiqn; andconféquenVt1ythc’Oat;hés objcétcd in than refpcfiaxfe Widbyour Excncitatms own A¢0?=%¢efl?0n- ‘ "And toevincé 4 ibis‘ yctin‘orc”fi1I"ly awtiIeafi.thV¢“rccm br: a fuller eviftiy on) frcim his own: principlcs anAdcxprcfiions. We hrs al11b;.md.tL {ayes our Excrcitator) page 33.} A The King ‘ i'.v“'fartI;’ej " dame, Jcixfbe mm-me: it fin-A (I2: aid; and the. (“Win¢fT¢'gW¢hiV¢%fi‘9m“th¢A 11*10l1th 05 %“K4ifiga%”i9 truth was; a,%Rmzz~ A fihé Ks;gg2‘.s£m~ theVCamima~zv¢A4i2bs4and no“: rorfojmnaruxe ¢f.themmper» &Ib;ou1d beta g; c»mmm;maI:b4’¢ for th‘¢§fKiw'zg ; A ‘which gra;nt“cd, if,0atbéJK3ng]nmcsa and D»mj«¢ dot, is ‘indeed they nmfi ) oblige A to rcfpctfl: ikiw ¢0m=crn°d» =1c¢0r<1itz%gt<>.thcir 0wvn¢W21«~' and dig~ Aandrhci*n;1«sjAho1da1w%xitzs”*true, ¢.4s%%i¢n.dm:i it4Vcan ixcvcr f:1iIit,7tha%t; fihik fig-ko’uIt3n;a;iby; to _i72fliT¢xu p*:}%ic2zr£jbr,% “ tht highcfitndhath the fitongcfi izzfiitmcé ;— and I0 ‘E113-t 69% A f. :,1S ;en“dgbyAth:c1I1 alffiadfabfazn thaxf&s5;.if tl_h¢y*O“bA1ig'eo11 the %%1ide’Acc$fuh¢;%m* ( ‘and%a1I4di‘/ébeaiience wads to %.1WerJ’i/L¥An J &ifli=it0rd¢rafiVdG°V¢r*1menr. publiké ]\uifi:iC'e%a'1IiC_&«;p.ea“i‘CP3‘N!-T#:t¢h at prtffint 1“ ¥h¢vNw04ns and cm;h¢o:lmafictc*inVitsi’:ciadAArodinzradme d1f<>jxéder%8‘< flparr _ M, . . __ xi. ._M,, H ' a , - - «*5» .\ : v w .5’ w * L».-n ' chy..Wa.r%and Eo'nfufi0nAWh1cha11 dxfolafidlsfticc n"atI1I‘a11;y tend.5:7t.€3*ilntrbdilctfi? $1.1 AAthis*‘Aup0nAprcl:'e11ée to reg, :f:a;inA 7c )th4:1* A1*neaAne%s,A at 1caAPcAAtAn1AIy n1€at1€s5th011ghfuCh.3[s according Atdthc prefeng PQfl?!.I1f€' Qf the parties conc¢;:;j’d; Rr9%bab!Y are 11¢VF*’a;‘~’=”}“:"?’ 9b*ai“Tda?‘>1*catM12ii‘?8W grove~defiru2?ive,.to the end‘1t¢,1€1«f3111. fiich, cai¢A.{an,diA.%1t44can« not Abe myéa butAfurc1iis‘cheprcfzgntV;,~a1re:ifixnpai~:ial1y % flared ) the{0a1:hcs objééted apparently biride if1’%.id %t;o« bindé co;t,hat.» which injitsmowne nature, and neceflitrin lyis pri%)2:Ative¢of;‘ and“ o_ppoffte4A\toAt;hAepzabli};\;Ac;4 .a‘qda11dAweI» l:?ei#,g.of flit NL.é;4tio%n 5 W8.I,1;dAA c0I1f“§1‘1 f5!111A1}’, 112; Erggdrcitaé t.i¢.;< IA1Ain1fi:1fc—béiAn Judge) “th“ey“*‘ are my be% A A rmquxaced mzd,£m~ A:-oafinfu I thiflg therecan be no0bigagzon. So it reniaines that the true iivtmt of the Oéuzhes iM1A1%Wr%:oI%*1t;rAd?-. Vsfcrfie, is finally lrL>c‘lg’dinT the: good of the A (')‘¢mn«1dj1A-. wealmg Vcidacr have they yarn force%itot§1e’ag¢éfi;-ut£%iaig ; mhercqf; but m uflin*eedAs be vafiidi A‘evc.-A1§fd%in1;ei1Adcd.AAA%%,%jA’, AA A 4 By this Vtimc ti: hop’d,idAWee_haAveA fufficicn: N expedited" om: %;f:1vcs of the impeditiv e, which our %Excrc1tato1ffaies will] not bégranted, and demo131f%ratedfthAe primtiwe Apzuég ufrliiifls. difiiné°ci¢On.%~ f WW are %nO{WA 1A€é;fi1rc.&t0Aah¢a;;¢ wAImi; lief-w€5¢fi1rf1ier~A Tha;t%of?‘t1Ie seam»; is way pm- tincnxt to thé prefifxit -¢a{’é,%% they iflcdnvezaience of‘1ih:.u: Qé1t:11.%%beiiug quite €)fanothfer nacum, bcfides they AA1wAcre @;rwad¢%rerwm, though’ stllerefives were: f1m~”d»%V 5/Vllifihtthey _ Qcfififiwfedgcd tci) be at theméréy of ’i*.AIie'f‘“ %Ifi‘2z”elité:, A A A AA A A A A A wconfidcr-.-. (25 D A cepfidegifigr their fervicudc, %;,AWcnc% * at, no A vgrc:%1p10flT€ by zhcm. M. Butlzhat th '1‘ Oath W513 unilawfull Vrf%?m4flat1¥ d¢3:nic,s”5 f;,3;yhcpoi¢i1;Iwcly» a.fl'}1‘mcs,; tI9gyzvere%nqtrI2azjgr;d%ta NM idemwt. M I{gep¢it;.%.‘BL1t-£0 over his .in1p,crtin;cncés, a~ndA§oAm6 130 um; Gibepniris his iareakne1Tc‘;;.A11¢1-c he.d~cc141susa*a11s:1 WW6: had a »g1anccm:.1t immen mm beforcM4t;4ll §4wtboritx%%b4zzg£mr~z£Pmrbe:lw=Kvf7/Jurpeflzorie 9”" “"”’“’" abjfingamur (amt Nd? L Haw: cmn1c5,he=£11m tq défimg it .i?14?1’%sJ30?¢~5?'.-‘t£'«#’.9@, vim c,,_y,,,‘ SE?” "’”%‘.:%€T3’:: ¢ and 3 Pgmfltfig and A’%”i‘%’v’*7““~"3zf”g Ofth¢‘I°l"=’§e Pmcepr. omen (thcr€0f?A%A‘S0 eemesathough they 1tm‘ud@:1:x1;o?* ,tIic V“eats4ym¢t»«;11cy.areoutoftheSeats andthoughthcy g55fléfl7andA.~max1agcA t‘hep12yC¢:3and powcr,:yet ch4¢ymither ppifeft no1~mana%gcfthc4 %,,p1acLc «;-1tr4;dj pqvszmof A;;t;§1“c;riVg:y 3 which is ,a; rnc:,r:rA contradifiion, and fo;m;,1fim¢dV5flbe falfcfi ’ “Bc:Vcauf3; now can ::r;1di&iom:an ;b;c~u‘ub. He: is »fQ%Vingmuous aftcrwardsgs to gram: thcDo&r111c of ob¢dimc@.,fo% Amuqqh 1?4¢tt¢I? Win hisown Of Adifa12¢di¢rzcea4 a:sVtzm5%it%Wi11:.a.4T9rdat little iu{3ci~;:¢,Vbut his owxuaam Wcl$1%%%but hp ffilcs. Wcscsmfitfi not taught this Doitrinc‘ of obcdimcca: wlzmtbg, Pgrliflp mtfitfiegew M fiandw}-, ;and; amak¢;n4 the :peap!aVMtojb4I!@%éxpi-5 :'at§azaand«Vapp.ref*it2az.V % % Qcrminly whcnche Parliament began, war: were not gaughtby any, but fgch as pleaded for thfl cauf: 0!? that pxpilatiqm and.apprefl2on5 wh creofht: i‘p¢akcs,than thc Com-4» 1110113 in VPa,r.Iiamc11t%wcréino Houfc, were Ufurpcrs, Az}d,t;l1crcfom: tis plainm, that either this EXe,rciI:a.t:0r {£9-{11.tl1e bcgi;:n1nAgWa$¢ Onemf A t.h¢,C0ImIi1Ql3‘ Exmnncs againfi A wl:mn1% wee V Cmrenantcd ;7 ovfielfc ccmcrary; to A jzhe exphem: Text of tbs: Co vcnant in the fixtz Amzicle, A ‘hazch mad: a deflafiian to thezm ‘toy ha: takes“ up ‘tihcir Wm-e Myvo!1$fflAnd. f?gh1:sJt;heir Batgtels, however "ha would but yhoynghtaclmmpioxa forlche Covenant. Againe, ' I can- Anm: but wp~nd¢4rV aiitht ignoranc;~m£chis% filly; Obicaican 3; Lfm;lygcigub¢A%Ez;qp£!aai.qnJw{hich la¢italkf;s4O1F hem tcnefold morcthcn was, no man that either11ad;I§m2wJédg«ebr:€Zan§« % jfcimca mf~+wL1%m:; he ~mughets, woAu1;dA{havc vm‘1s=:t+.nt ,mJhAavc' lifmiupi Q mu.chA %%';tVfix1gc1: €.tgaixm&~ me gfiabjzilmrx, had A!§v0tAA.had”#X¥¢%fA Mmepowwgaf I$l4tinu~imd3fi“eaccablc %3~17¥:d,I?3%¢~11~?*e.% be as cm» “ Iy,as t;wruth*Wou1dhg‘veV them fo1!oWcd,conHn0"tionAi%n rm- 1 {on can never~fb1I¢"W>.¢A ‘ _"*’Tis fuck Do&rinc»as ;4his1:,<:»»wzm ~ without Religion, however pretcndin % to‘ rcafoix, Ythat raifcsthc millfpirit of Comumtion, ‘W iich the pure and peaceable wijééiomz that ~i.ffi*am%*alm’-Ave, would ‘foot; 14,: and %% «bindiup Afore{fer.A A Bpnwc {hall follow him no farther in .‘mh¢['c minute impe£ti£xc11cq$,4 but rétume to the %’%laf’cf;p1+it1;%- ciple, mhichwq: hcrcintmd to infifi t1:sbot?ih? bnpofiible to[o*bey me fL11VcsAto%gra rL1it“it, w1x%i1{thcpui$; thewhole flpeffc guféhis ariVfwctV~upon*a::.barc4céjflztion,"or nbinmr QM- ;a:1wncctothepre£3:‘m; Government. For tis Ap ainely as cm ‘m1P0mb1:¢7‘5b givcafifflaliobediencn mo Aarxy ‘WW6: there, Wl1cr¢?Ath¢F<>:»:_iS £>0W»€;L‘;»z¢?mM11;/;&0 %cQmImnd; 315«.;’tiS for bf-T1.nE1l1fW¢ %¢V¢l’£1;n%{3‘?LWd0?3:7t9 n*%1€.€t:7ei;1im thencxt V T1101‘f*11?3°.~‘:£ W3 ‘”W5 9” 1* Y0l1W'111s“a8 %;;ilI1p0iI"1bles~Q go “come ~,n,2:a1‘éEr cc) the p;~efc;nc‘;¢ca1'e~jjaé-°tis4for’Caim bei%n»g,m;£ng. A % land; ;o,%yAe¢el.c1:iL1AbJ€5fi0*n there%to »t-he fov¢raign_e;pow:@mf~ :2‘;z‘%t23wal:2t:ri;agdf7In* KW-fe Whm.;:Ainde;edmmhcrs amqfiiémlév M,v?z.@i5iér :p£j> of chc:Afo3%“éx*it3as1¢~p£:>Wtr~ ha. Eng£md;¢»aJ% 3.n;d:?Iiz:iJu,rV%11aAnh%»V%%a£i§mtZ1 » %1if_1eQ,‘pa£ I1: 1:: Axglmifbvcraxignce power 1 them; V %rc_afon- is: cvfident will €he.;AA;;i<};5m=c*a Re:,’am E‘; %Vmmft:¢b? Xe Ptirmtzf amt?/ante. ;§;¢latiVc§~ ( Aandfuchs am {om-A P_ 9_ L *Jr%a§nAty;.a::1c1; fub1e&1m)1%and‘anc§ fall! together; ;_Whex'c ‘ " ,ChS3.1’¢%;:Vl5 3Q tdCQ1.11m’3~nd«§1Cf’I11ilPCI1€‘Ed3‘;»b€@' 1111f“- M fible to obey, becauiE?0»l:$cdienceT properly prefui A A pofes 'a;»powr:r r~.:ommandmg,and acommandment tube 0 ey’d. '1‘he~;1attcr~is astruely unlawfull, as th6~f(1m1er»:~»a;ppa.~ % r¢nt1y]imp0fi3b1cA. AF:or-:tis~ fin ag;eix;&.Kwom.&13» to reimér honour, :0 Iv/Jdmwbenoairrixydvieesg riuc %t_Q~thQ£”e7t;ha,tV rdcfiive ’tI‘7ibuti?3 fbr are 60543“: Miniflarxg ‘ Wat-A tending cmtiézmlgv apm tbs"; wry thing.» 21. % 6%. to A thofe‘ that are Miuifierx under Godfizr ourgaod, and for. wzzgeanee» and kwratbpto evil dam, and Elboph afiuflllyfibfiare the Sword, an ,be3;.re ita%mgi5in mini": z:.a4,a VWithgfiivthfiktb¢i1:1g;a.€’c1.1zmI1M*Km:-~ lam are%aAterrou.r to %ezrz':il% ”za90rl{gw,% Mala ¢z;p»r.az"»fe~:to them: tbatudag welI,~.z».3;, In a%%%wqrd",1:o ;than;~ ave. ordaimd «of God, and they are tbeafomertr that we 5 F or there i: no» power bat of God, and the pewer; film: are, are ordained of GM; 12.1 1 ..,: to VthQf€V h0n0ur,fc% thatflzwefl Miflifl3¢r$iHM.df€f God for our gmd, * not to ithofc thrmbcivngg a€tua.11y4 Ru1¢re,~.a;r.c+ rm*rs.om1 m ~»»§v;i1IIv?ork€s5anda»pra,ai»f€*to «fi1ch*=as;d«:~ ::1:me»13;:a*¢ri%.mxa ltd, mtto the powers «thdat#dar§‘»%.4T‘d3Iii.hié~A“A:i:%¢ming¢“A;;isg A poWér6(fflp%afi1*p“di#'c‘f§4)thit iirgjn16;t joi-"Qg3:d”;V%1a1f:ly,% %% when he iimgs, Let fgzxl ;b'cwyfub§%¢&;%?d 3 his §n_r:~a.- ning is; let fime forilefi W ?7e."fi£bAi“¢€1¥"5 ??QaVn;,a{1y thing be fpoken %n1oreAvridV4icuIoufly ‘abfi1’r’di%1i 1;; ff*¢1_f,fi_.p_]0;‘€‘.ACOntra-5. difiorig‘t0*‘th¢'W0‘I‘d txffivdb57V%1¥i.s%_Ap%9fi1‘é,A§to the minclc dt77G6Vd%+in**%hisA%1Wbrdmr ii1‘dcj~§éd:1*¢é1ffc:gVijTa;jad commcgp fence? “But hold; little, '.tl:i:vii:“‘a1‘c not, be 0bey7’d~5* ‘aVnd*thofe “tha't‘ afre’, di%f"ofI5;&y7d? Why? be-% 1 V _(:a‘llfi‘:f il1iamth;';CQnquer;'our l;awdNAa‘;laWfi1I1[Acalmagglftpm ‘the«pco'p1c, but t1icCommjonVs;yin V§V,I?,jz1*17i..a'1,1‘gi2::-1%;t?%}i§;w¢ 1;1pnc._ And4¢mee1»mH%is, 3% 4wit,h;n:’o;V»1}er1f¢gyademq,:hm44¢¢ truthgsand asbdch iof‘is'%,;;>e;4{1}ib1j¢é.;; 15¢ 5g¢gg§dé%%1%;hg,t‘i the“ 33“ '1idtthat:‘f¢'upr;§a‘tn : £21143 day ux.1der the Sun, WhiCh~1hathI0"€Z‘.-fipffiflft and;f;:11* :1 callmg from tVhe,pco--% file the people ir1'f0 fuI1%lalaLtit;L1d¢a a$;the %CVomn1oMns of‘ h A zrglandin Pm'1iarmnta uflléflfifif Abtamong?‘rim-{Macaw rimfs’ i*A‘0tV?V1?01*°§»flIi%‘E¢‘f*‘0*1i5hibYV f%1i8;¢difcOV§x=ics% offiapbael,+P:flI”tModaéu:r; BL1t&“t&;>.1*etLiirnA tliiizlfar Whencewe v T digtfefi, tis evideh by Awcvtry Vfiféikfi and 1iVnea1j«1e11s¢VQf A 111% 1 Pwms AWh1ChV the AP0i’r1€¢i*<:ic,ribes aI1d%:1inW=s v beam’ A ;.,ytha~t~4hc wmmnes*pqwcys,~”4¢2:;g4§1g;y;i[§;};:p;;Maggi“>¢;m.i' r1 “V‘?""‘PW?“ A4d"’57“‘??&’J?A %.d3.f¥€€fi P0Wf§%d3%f%@11¢4d i¥?»at11%t~;x?:<=«£’1«*¢1.51~ ~ ‘*’;”"’?’?“‘““m”"4J“%V”"“"?”3~*«A “ "A I‘I'<3$%‘1—t1T¢.:f'?f<5»t’eAA%«ifrlidnéulr» yv1%1ich V’ ”, hi‘ ii‘ ‘ma - Jr‘. ‘ W’ V. ;«. ‘ W) A “ H h\ . K ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ c04m1m‘7d*W1th $118’fifi=hA.ComIm,udmcnc,,»rakggmphefull 13fiiWd¢*° 5W3‘?<""1't*=rIC%¢) mum‘F¥i;t3?1gVb¢45iV€ni:A to:thofe»;A;:m14d W59??? :‘h%“?*?°!*5~W.?w§§-iE 358 dti%3$i:;fl%fi¢: .-I2cdu¢:,»by;~;at:h¢» c sou %%poa1esDaar2na, copgfgwers am AB. Efand Ac '15; % ‘itfo11o Wt$,"tiS impofii % cm cé:afé”%fi70n1ia;iAé£ 5 t&la\t',iAs% fmmAobcd1enceVtothc prc1fcncGoverni§1érics% bccmfe, Id sanmm pa[fumu:gigadjure£:ofl'umm,~ wlxaifoevcri is ‘unlaws-' ft11I,is alfbin tf1a.t&rcfpc: Nimpofliblc, and thcrcfprc we mayyxaotdifqbcyfithé AgeA{i=:t1wt Govcrnxmnt, Vbccaufethc A Ward cG¥I1m+’¥nASt09A A ‘th¢n1Ls n€it5¢r%Ca‘I?r;any cam difohligé firfifil this?¢'1uty'O£ ob€di6nAc§, s9!>1ig§,to* dag dfdifdfiedience, f'orRe‘i izziazm 5-mllah ¢‘b1sg“.m.A To a V * ' f fi.nfu11*Aching%( as mIr%’E:£eMrcitatOr,¢fp€akcs)%there can be V V no ligation; So i1: rcmaines,_ that; opt Authors Mar-» gum‘em:Awasfu1I. . and ;,c ‘ A thatmf: alaey Pawerrpajflfl by ‘ wrmag, and ;vr_of2g_ tbeyriglatcy‘ £17; ¢ A aiwdience ca2V2“l2‘e?‘“azq.:dzaflt;y* bah £;fi7$L.4 ” % 4mV»E=:fi¢rk=itat’<>r$ Wwtimi is thin tophc_%purpQfc;;i:f‘ f “ ~ * T ér&"°is*~ yet:-A “nc*jb}c€tEonh if £Ic:if’d, clearesupi is’pa.rc of%thc%co11Atrovc:fig:.% A Forwtis urg7d, , 3.: tojaflifie t_«’J¢ Pa_[fi'_fl7:mJ' ZUWfl?Ii4;s4% M ¢!»eteITar¢«fiwcbd4 '1’ he an 3 er zs Acleare.“ Obedtencc doth mdcsé“3u&z§¢aVf that‘tofWhichAA¢,i: is properly 'axidfrrmal11gi'€fci1i i A Bar. the C1bediencca.fl7:r’tcc1 is par fr.» tdbcgivcn, ci-thcr to the M5?’ Vofuifizrw-i¢>n& cntrihgaipr the PfoIute%’an%d i1nAixfr¢7;~f'2ifI¢I, fight: ivhidxlieclaigilcb {ole and make:-goffillg "ivésie VAAboth;»fi*on1, :77 ¢a-xld, ' w~hom?f0cve1é*Iie‘:thii1Iics mecca ana who many times for ; bcj?given%t0%, ‘ A A caufcs % caufesvbefl known: to him1i:lf’e,v dfinks m:eeft., 190th *1“ £1“ ‘ A.-itfrom.tho1'e who among»»nma*~have an ackngwledgd A Arightg and to thofc who have no otherfrighc Aarrlxongfi Amlen, batwhatwbim1"¢IfeAaVs the moi’: High, wthat: AA1‘Ll1A¢5“ in the Ki11gd0fl1B0f men, by v}21‘tue of l1is‘ow%n%c fi3prAc?an1¢ mad abfoluttz r*i ght_., is pleafed from his own: afiuallwgzfi fand donation to confer upoxldfnema And this alfo is 4‘a.A ~t_; uth=%fo%manifef’: from the” vJ<;$r7dA of truth, gin that 27. C/haptex“of§‘mngy?; as nothizzgcan be fpoken with a“ » mo%%r‘c%traV11fcendentmajefggbotli of %evidence, and autho--A-, ril:y”.. For we all knowconcerning the Kingdotne of fi¢-- 7 dabythat the unqueflionable riglat, as tojman was folely * V in the houfe of Daz)id‘:: neich«e,r.~can We be ignorant, than therefore as to man, Nebucbadmzzm could have no right: in%tl_1AclAeaPc%to that Kingdome. Yet: the kmofl High God. V «having firft prcmifed veril 5. hisabfolute foverainty, and A: fovefaixx right,(E>y vcrtue of his bringing forth all things, " ixjuto their r_e{'p¢F A Right sand both nzonumarzds 0bec{icncc,%ax~1d foxbidt difobedience £0 chopfe who =( themgh God: hath alwaies A A -defigue above them) pOHZ=:{Te t‘hcn;AxfeIvics ”Qf'” pawer by . :fom:e$ ”a.ndUfi.rrpation.w And to: ‘ chev%'truth.o%f this parti-«- A jcmzzar, hefaigea: ~ =%-cu:1a:*,A‘aAhdAA the»dedut9cioAn» ofw ith:is:*tmmfrom mg ;gI?0L1nd$ 4 A _ mfore us -,we Ahavie: the tefiinmny of Calvin, wuh‘ that A ~ £u1ne£reasAAmmne Vcaxgmotz be pfaiVd;% S13;_ea1$iéx1Ag %0%'*Nebuchad~ A E H I A NW ‘ o (32 ” Now zviiat mower of King Ncbuchad nczzér ‘brow, be (1:42 74” E4755 M fatkrojeruialcm, i.rfit_flicientl)Ik{z0wI1§5\t0 wit, aomightyoufur. , fi“mN°b“'. per ~:mt metboi madcoflmilk oi/oern A~1‘~And after wards ch_adne1‘ar97J ‘a ‘skin .- Mi éé - b M Ab b A ,,,,J,_.m(,!1¢m pca._ mg to Iercrh. 27. A Wefitemo . Aaozu e )nm atgreat cgcpug_uav1r, 1'4. obedxence the Lord would ham: that crneflandfierce fgfyront to be W ffimra "€mP# honoured, for; A no other reaflazz, but becaufe be was 22: _pofl2-flion flm""‘ 41”’ oftbe Kingdome. But: that whichfollows, cxccedsivhat ;:;:,;::;:Fg;,€ ago; bee~noraid, and is indeed as the prerem Infi,liob,4.Ca1y. cafe can bcfaid’. In vainé may any one: Objtfi, that comment!» A 20- 6 26». “ ..mem [ of obediencc :] was peculiar to the Ifiaclitcs. F or :10: A Vid9m“3 '?“‘"’~’5 rear/on mufibe confider’d;zzpon which the Lordgrowzd: it; I have 3,-:i%:i:u?no;1_ given ( faies he )tbc Kirigdome too N ebuchadnezzcr. W b€1"£--‘ lam ferecemég, foreooflzwefi ye him, _;»an~d'1ive%. To ow/Jomflower A otbergfivre #53 [iv A tjrannum ‘Cali: pram: Powerflmll appear: to be given 5 Let on newer doubt but ,1 W01¥1fs '10" #11!‘ we muff obgy him. AA Seeing axjoon at the Lord rag/Z2: any pcrfon nmona nifi um ‘ ‘ ~ o ‘- - o '~ *- o- - "gmm obm‘{‘__ otoiaflate cgfflwcmzngz, begwe: m tokgzow tu bu exprefi: wfll ML Ibgd. §_,_7 I’/mifidcb A one have the Goz/emment, M * Fruflra objiciat o . % V % ‘ ‘ _ % gm‘; manduumjlludfiaiflé Ifiwelirir peculiare. Obfi-rvandum .oniwm_%ejf %quci ration: _xpfumD4- Amino: /Iabi_li:;"t _;‘D¢!1£lI‘,o,inquft, Ncbuchadnczari reguum,guarc /Bruit: illiy 0* wvin. Cui- cim;/;. qzgodclatum rtgnum canflatir, :2’ frmieudum tflir neodubitemnx. Atqgflmnlac in .o.'r;iun‘§ fafligium qucmpium ewebi: Domimu, teflatum nob}: fizcir fmzm volnntmm, quad reg-5 r #1217‘: illmn mlix. o _ w ' Upon the whole, the conclufion will be: evident in it! owns Iighgand fairely untyc the knot: of the prcfimc Ob-o ] jc flzion, v F 014, to give obedieme to the oOrdinancco of God,ocaAn ncveriufiifie the di{0rd%er‘ofsman; neither can a fubmiffion co chcfuprcama right of God, be in anyoforc fan injury to the fubordinate right of man. Which gran-“ o %"ted(o%asoic cam1ot:be*deny’d cheo olbedi-ence.aHertedocan ‘ never be a Sin, but coxmtinueslo ?fi21l»I a Dam againfi wh:ich . no‘ Oath hath ower to ‘oblige; And I thus far fhal1fi1f- ficc co~havf_e“aH£*ted this Truth,‘ that ‘Iloe o0atlm oobjefied . oblige not agairzfl Obedience to prejént Powern A \ oi ‘ A Butbcforc we proceed to A ‘the third Affircion,alchouéh A {oasowe {aid in the beginning ourIi°nte_n£ion%iso not to en- tetrimoa gugomacbie, or Word-wrangle . with the Exer-A--3 citatox:5;whcrcin' to giveohim his due; it muflqbe confgfioh-e hath defl:r.v"d very “well of the whole A fry: of Schools- ‘ B01785}; boyesg and given them much light into their true Sjntamfi‘ (has he fpeakes pa gel4.8.l his large .2.ncl~rc3rqui1"ite Comm Inents upon the Pronouns and Conjunfiions Copulativc, - “and difiuncflzive 3 Him and Them, and H¢r,,and Their, and “rHz'.r, and Her, and Or, and And &C. Shelving himfelfe a mail: profound Grammeticafler : Yer iéeing his impotence cannot thinkc-it rem-. eonfpicuous enough in it fclfc, without being injurious to others; we cannot but take «nociceand give the Reader a (hot: account of his iniuriu ousgthough im potent infinuation repeated (according to up A his nfuall vein: of Tautologies } thrice A over ( Page 18¢ 4_3,“52. again?! the Author of The lewfirlnefle ~qf'abg+- ing 8:c.l A l l l l 1: 5: to be admirmhe faics) 7»... the M». jbrmld 5..-- e gin with at general! Deliberative It were good to be con-- fidgrgd &c.] And yet and with am!) a pammlar inflamelin me qftbe Oatber to be cmfidered. 4 e ” Admiration ( tie ufually {aid} is the child: of Igno- . prance :; and ris truc(ifcvcr) here of our learned Excreita"- tors double, if not icreblc ignorance, in lrcfpcét bothof the prcfent ground of his admiration; and his lmiflakc a... bout the meaning, both of 1.thC Author and Oath. A 4 For filrfl, what: neceflity is "there! pray, 7 that he that propounds matter worchyelof general] confideration ‘to others, mull therefore himfelfe enterinto a pztrticularr ~ enumerationof particulars? As if lzccrrthar fliouldrrfay, oitivvllcre good ‘to‘confider,; whether the 1'0. much applauded Exercizatzioxll her: not aipiecelthardefervcs be:m«:«o+bee exploded, and inflance onely in page 88. where the Ex... ercitator bcfides his falfifyingrthe I-lillory alleg”d, and with it the truth itrfelfc, rflueweshimfelfe, zzfcer all his difcourfe about true S_ynta:ri.r,l unable to confirm: hisownl Latinugrrlhouldr yet bcezeboundrol follow himin pa. particularinvefligauion of his perplext 'impcrtin‘cnCics, from his firfl entrance into his -Anmcian delerts, Page 5,‘ toPage88. before mentioned, which (but; up his idle Exercitetiong ‘O buejhpc lfaiee, The Qéutliarféemex gran fztfien m ~ mltbm‘ inflame, A lrccaréflellte“thkmg/ailairnféfl llefl lible to loafer 4 V 7 = M A p E 2 * ‘ " u ‘ - ‘ 1 ’, ‘ , ‘ . ' ‘ ‘K ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ im Obiigatian‘. Pxgxece of d1£cretio"n sflc afl'ure% E yw, Qf %«j%§va91h.i@~§&-~i£+t.;eE15-:.x=.s.%c1~§§_§Ag;f,Tha.dV;%—VbaemswAg;:1i1Lt;y”aM‘ha had nay“ '_,un.dercaken toVloq{énwfou1es4fnom flab I 1¢&iOI} 1 i93;)%4tl1e powers tha}t are, A.by‘eAndJ¢av0uring toAvAAfafiez1 onchemchcDo«A %&rine¢of difobcd;ienc;aT% Mt’hougl1~~1;1e dware £;.inecogi;e;a;1;c ‘ imo Amexicggto fextchim. % Butbe leazze:%tbe,%j1;dg€m£71F0f%;%;§@e ¢ _ An4t[v0N‘;: perfi2rmWm -$0. 2 Atha «R1-':ader%;4 ,ffianclM.%%fp4;,~[h.;11A(wag V ; firfi hes,‘ fallsximzo anotherfit*ofAdnjipa;§.e_m; .:W:A%%1m£’s the %n1att¢r 1% «H<*?a~d1+'I1ires, 6’eeing tl2eAAmbor ac- %;E«2“oi:£%z;+e%49lsat/ve:¢ ”Mcraéd;:3:Mdf 7“~?¥d wwremdi0£°1igermix,, %bow_4i9e f”€dredmt Wsufww/e«%4wfirsemenr, am we ¢/edngeletéezz aff tender azzdfacred an t/mag. Bow zrerba !. If ( beforé WégIifani1T¢' % :MheArAEacexcitaccr%V) W€fit1de%11Of5%jhimfelfflreally guilty ‘of M an anfpmemmt go Icamed Parfiuxa not much wb-ezqtep ( for «t3’l¢:, mm.1¢r«¢ Of M1501” Cemfillt :1S,1:h¢ fame, h0wev¢;gftl1e;V1I1h;-- jea: dificer ) then that Whlch heme bg;¢;p;e;§nd€d, A and 1:haq;owith40uc%gA:_§he 1ea'fi;groux1§d%%;given by om~?A,uthor, ~ A bL1t;A%1T1§¢f¢1Y takenv4 from his‘qvvne‘ igt10r‘a11ce, andham... meted oucinco the deformed piece of perfury in xhe 9ha?;fge,gt1p%0n t;he%4 black forgcr ofhis; own¢.mEi¥ake%5 we {hall A V allow 1-1_imtoVfall inwcq» in t:b,i;dTJfitofAdn1ira;iQn,,A 1 ,1 the meanedtinle WhVi1fihc7endeavoura :_WF0.11gfuIIy co faficn on. our Author, an 1n:;erpretation4 begotten (like VI;:cim”.r% Ccncaurcs.) on }thc:QlQugl‘ jof A his owns mif...iap..‘ prehenfiom vvh-at doth he.but A9t'ea«t9 a%fau1t;thac he may g;0t.w;a%nt an accui‘a.Atior1,M though ‘hevbfi.ng%I1imfeIFq$wich... A §hL¢+gi1i1A¢ 05 éwifigfvffi rvitazefls? againfi his NeighVbour'1 by it, which as lhe:fp::a”kes ) borders upon Pe;1jgyy;{,.mjd ‘ fizrcfy: is,‘ not very agreeable tofithat Hypafbolicall Chg}... m.€’¢erofche Exctfiwwor» held forth in the gldrious bufh 9f.th¢+1*3Pif*1¢%itotheR¢ad-‘we V4 A A ¢ Wh¢P¢f0r¢%%t0$ ih0W 'IhE¢ t r;l1€_ iflt¢%ntN»VQf0ur%Afithor. and W;it:h_a1I%c%h=eu%ntrt1c4£;ha;rge qf l1~is‘Acr:ufer=,; vOu»r Author A'%Aia§#%Awg;canv Fpeaeke fmm fame that have reafonato kziow)‘ ‘1¢Y¢FiAnLéI:1.€1€<1'V the prefcnt P0W¢f$,; as 7th? S~ugcqfTouV1'§s in *ih@&Q-111. Exmicatflr igx1orazy%c1;L;mg ;4%nma1;g1m;% A “4??"°*hw 4:t%kc" lik;clioic¢%%%D;»«mmitia kemi4m ’ I f imenci‘- A A (.3? "iKntem:on in Wtrmh“ ( ;ui*d% his di%f§gVg;;i§eXtgfigificsmasnuzcijg )* M‘At1mob14zg&:am;onihe%+0a:t1.% §.“<>i‘h§”f‘%Lifc$z1;S§%‘4t3*m=% % 4 if Heires andySuCVCé'Hf?¥‘§ ‘*m“m}5 A £%.”s”t1‘1C E*x"e%rcit%ato:* ~az~1ci% A“a*I1t~hac are of his judg¢ifmr:nr,, ‘fay they xWj44«{‘;_f,4)?.:=e 4~t;%%I1dM'-v Vitaod c>f"th§’f’2{n’i¢_ pe‘:£‘1EQ!3§i ObvIig&Atié{ié ‘4<>f i:H¢0?*t*1A &”riitifl'f?7é *'u’;bf3l:i§”FfiiiVre 8,? véihetca “lI1‘IYe1Eh€"I7 the Suc’cefTor‘s arefiéxres, ,nor‘ the Helms Emc-« ce:fl”c>rs”.“-* An*d&to cake off thdobjcfiion 'c£-1: SALzcC<%fTim1 ‘ Rz;f¥;»,%:houg11 :1%o:i;;zw He m¢Lw*%d aim cliac word Hf-171*} A, ‘fbg itz}de;*l}*4b*oV%d4’ y%is»«md ifiit art by if qfgi ‘ Suc‘cdTt:.4ci1x~s 5 11:12.. %ze(re%*aAA+LNmo;1 by‘, * am give obcd,ienc_;eWw a. nleexze E22; mmiogzix A5 for a Syzcceffc;-rVin right o11cIy,Vt‘fio‘ug¢h neWv%e%r fdtAr%u%eIy%in‘rigl1t, as fuchi %1s~fiI<:I1» A "t19A4b¢tter~Bali¢1dAthcIi1rerigi1i0"? A+Pf6rii¥‘ri°“S 3°" %ic*11Vf‘a‘tVid£1,;01*%:n(.>re‘t%ruIy‘ of We in‘imi0tr3 ?m;:~~=~ cuferg. after afl‘ thflff: io_En1n'c' aggt'aVat:1on-3,‘ m ‘ which hee hath dréfi up his accju£'a1tion,wVa11d his gram: advice to the ’1‘i‘L%_1tl1or_up<”:>n ica wI1efeas’indecd had hirnfelfc beene {O wclladvifcd, as fhqu‘ld_l1av$e béfen, he VnVcve*r% had laid F6 ’he=vy.a¢"harge upo.nA'foA%1ight; 1n¢m;1g,Lno grbund, Oil .1 perfon of whom ‘he confeffl?ésA‘%to h:.:1vé.yr’é‘ceav’d“fbfsiiw wa Gbara%6fer‘From.%t!1e‘wCn~thy% Autficir bf' t:h~é Migirim De-4 % mzmrer. And A now after his “ threefo“Id“atteinpc* on‘ 1:1‘-.*.¢= word Succej]?2m',‘t0 Wound the r¢put‘atiQ.n “bf” Qmf‘ Atithdrg. V ‘ we’akneiTeAof his cqufle, %a'nd% z bcV¢au,ié1Iere:{ at1eaVff‘) Exec 1Id&i1i:bs:Aih%e%vhd‘s1'i,ni¢iWit11 9‘ Flam, whgris all he F;ach:%Vgaixj:%j”;:i;,.faiféfi:-rié%Iy %afu1%1*cr¢ don» firmation, both Of dlflfiflutfidrsMteggrityg and the ‘triith A 73flE1‘l'-Cd by him, am! A afiu‘i:h:e1'%dAiFcoveéy bofth»-of “the ‘ _ A A A [gt¢i1j1nc{Te»,0fI: his Iittltze jg0QC!'r"¥Vl1U0WaYd$ ' ,‘ ‘~':-‘, “ Gram"! " n.‘ \. J M\ .. fr. ; s «. “.. ‘ ‘ ;.‘‘v.{_‘A ‘ ; Oflézzditfolido. m‘** .;4F,~ag;As11z *%q;¢;2;ié;i3 ‘ ’22e;;»em,% ‘ But fleeing talkesk 0‘5?,an;. Enfc(%§cgm%e;;c to the, c«IeJ,1m* We” 9‘_¢1i¢'L0dth ‘*i4d°Tt¥i*§¥f:iF:3<4%é¢<"l"f*£§ %=’ fe":»¢‘eA*% w<>*‘i*-W; ~ ~+o*:;ma <@ath_.,more than of the Scriptu‘rcitf{e1fe, is not alwaigg 1:0 be finally determined by the Letter )Awhac will he ray; if it be'A_pr0v’d Aagainfl himfelfie, that heia truly guilty of the enforcerifllts ‘-"f1€e1'|11Y: Ghargid by him on our Author? A may he n0t= thsniufilybes=’1%ttucke‘ine:a :1 worfchfic chcn M ,anyA0f ChéfO'l":T.fi¢._.r5 ]:T10.t tofAdnii1:axt,ioh, ‘afl5Anifl)mcnc,? A Yet peradventute £hi‘s is not ae1thi‘ng5alcqgethefitnpeflible my poffibly it maybe onein veryfew words,VVhemfere thou gh we aflennothing Magifierially, A yet to meet with “ our Exercitatore ilitthcfaznec p1t;!1_WhiChAehimfelFce hath A ‘ chalk tout, Wefl1a11¢O%Ifiih1endetthc% fequele to thAcTfex9i¥- one aridfmparAtie1lAAcdrjfideration gndjuC_lgemcntAAtofA_thc V‘ y 1 Reader} ~ ‘ A A t A V p Out of-‘his owne mouth {hall wee judge our Exercitaé tor, F ozf page. 48. He tells us, that by Succeflion inthc Oarhae m** be “ended Heine 5" %5m'<=«*1/i<>rz« It follows‘ then, that by his owne confefliohg? A the Oath obliges not A to Heizfes ;mt%ofSucceflion. ‘A And ‘indeed’ _ hereie he fpeake: reafon, though afterwards the ieseAf'oi1nhappyaas to con-~ tradifi both reafon andUhi“mfelfe, when bee lights upon it 5 fore he wV%oU1d‘%h“m%re thbfe termed Asucceflbrs which doet not afiuallyefucrcfifldse Whiche mayttbfie ewithAAAAasj much pro-A priety of fpeech“ ( for Oathesfure doe notftufe to 1' peak: A in fAIrAo]Am Aas Mon: may be {aid A m0'mmda.' A He pretends that our Authors interpretation bo1;ders Quepont perjury; but I am fure his owne beothttbordcrs upon‘ it, and falls V ‘into the Veryb0f‘0meof;VnoIi.;f'c11ce- A No he faies, Yet‘ A ghgmisafucceflion in Righ”t,’as_i”2velleasin Fa&. A ‘What then. 2 AA fucccffionjin Right, and not in F aft; is no bet» ter then no fuccefliond to the Nation. A Dothttehe Oath A bindc to 4_f1'ml0bediez:ce%.to a tpertfon that is notan afluall .S'z¢ccefl5r.r"An evident impdieibilicy to ‘give a<9cualAl obedience A e0 21 perfon that doth not afiuallyfitceeed . Incidii in Scillam em. h#ehathVyee*anOI5.¢1‘ “Ting t9t% his“ Boiw-7F0re.hee mmhcoath of Supr¢“nIafl€y binds“ to azn»fu1zsuc;:_cp- w A (37) V A {on Much to the“Upurpofe. 'HOW“C3l1'h€b€a1aWfu”1 . Shucceflbt thaL(as K.)dath xxotfuccteed at aU?No72 emf: ,2ml--- [4 fzcntdatbidentida. But theetruthhdisyit‘ had been gggd thi$N Author had underfi00C1Vtheettr”ue fiat6-0f the 0atAhtofm Sum ppemacy, before hclhad advcnturcd upon it. A To dbg; A d that hee fhouldt have tconfhfted with 5. Elizz. and; ; A that would have hconduéted him to an tInjun&ion,ein the Pmzmonition to which Injunfiiom, hce,Wou1dhave~ ft;tindetha¢t.thi,%s%Oath was to bee interpreted and taken» 3‘ in thi3f¢nCe~f)iZ. ‘Tat exizelude all F fiarmigne Iurif¢'{z'ffz'u7g.. And I?) he might have fpafd hiselogick and Rhetoritke both , conceguiAntg ‘this O.zth,h which eat is wholly unconcex ned in the;5re1"entceai‘et5 Wfor here is no quefiiton. aboutForraigizejurifdiéfim. But hdmitwthisand pro-~A cad; whatjf by the Iawes of the Land; eta‘Succefl'%r, in; ‘ F .1é?,'b‘c,a."l4wjul1 Succe1Tor,t atleafl until! he be ‘lanrfuléy A remrrrfd, hath hce.hanywhit advantaged himfelfe by the A word Lawful! ? Yet: that fb it is, fecmes to be very clrearc it: the cafe of H. 7. Ifwe will receive the verdiét of the Sages of the Law, the company of Judges aflemblcd in: the Exchequer Chamber upon it, even when his Perfbn was aétually under an nttaindcur of A Treafon, and be- A fore the Parliam entconfctfd that right wh‘ch "the Ex- ercitamr ccmtradiéting himfelfe C as were {hall (haw elf?»- wherc‘ would pretenhcs’ 5 Hear their wards as they are gi- ven Us by the Lord Vemlumz ; It may ( flties he ) with una-~ nimous hconfent refolmd, ‘That the C razzme taker zzmzgy a:1!dc- eftfis arzhdfiopmindlvlood .5 flam time time the King did aff.am»c Bacbh In’°+7.. ‘‘ the CY0fi”72€a *}9?F(1h%1!f«¥57Z€ mu’ C12-2r'0d_d.,, and all atta‘i72dom'.r and Page 713- corrizptimx ofblaad difébxrged. \ What can be more plmaine “K H Femmthe time he afl'um"d the Crowne, that is, after his qfiuallpofleflian of fovcrainty and Succcffiaxx to the former King, althcaugh his Title had before beene condemned . by Parliament infHa6. and the Succeflionh infiglar, were A A the-ntin thetLedy Elieabw, yet theSt1CceiT0ur 1'22; faéix ‘is A unanimoufly acknowledged a ldwfuhlld Su«:cefl"or in the iorvcrainty. ~Ag'a-inc, It was ( faies omfiA”uthor ) dggdtecd A A d A andrcfo1V"d bY.th¢ fam¢Juvdgcs._ and their Puefolutions ‘ were ANMI, 'Dz'cfmr V %_ (32 % A ‘were accordz-ngly f0lIow’d by 1;he~%Par1'1"ament than fin- ming ; AT/oat the Knight: and Bmgefbmldfbrbearc to come V 522:0; thefloufe, till." a"Law%%we;"¢pafif?2r%thereverfall of iisofia m‘z%a2'22.z[er.r,;,Lmdefwhich had {aid before divers Ufthem A Li?¢:"t=3¥0r a?€’t“it1g;again‘1’r, 115;. whom 3114 the %%worId ac- I4;nowlcdges“ct> have been ‘an Ufirrper. Where, befide A thgconfutation of the Excrcitators fl,D0&i*ine,% pagey. Tim‘, thJe‘VHLoL1F¢ mL1£{ bafi ‘the fa? fall mtog Vtfihat t’h%ei‘r A€’cs;rha*y be freearzd‘aut‘?3ofr%it%é1tive; A1t” is Worththe‘ Afiezéders mofi ferious ..0bf'ervati0n_,M%that bythe opinionof aha-judges generally affembled, an attainder may be bro-ughtzinfcgr Treegfonagainft an 7/furper, and fiafids good in IJa‘w,rxh”tflI by courfe of Law it be:?revfcrPr., though A (9. W ,,W,w. the‘ LIiftft1*p§:~L' hirmf:-rlfe were remev’d. A W%hi%chA proves A Jguoci prodirione clearélgq, that.Treafon is‘ truly. Treafcm by the Law of . la mort 2'egz': pa- fiffi-4 WIP076H- the Land, though committed agai.n{"r an U‘{'urpez~. ’ And 6.r:4iv‘Eu':m"ur— - Q _, V - - ., pg‘ dgg mama to thxs Brookg, gxves a, fullzmd c1eare%tefi1mony ,fi».»r Note, la. Mm,f£,m m. faieSh e; It ixafiirmed Zagyand cantradifiign, zlgmtéfir tm.z]2an- gymg-,,,3 dg mm %q}:‘;72_n/zzvttj5e~d%" ‘in "the time pf’ 6.% n2l9%qwdi1.r$'g:§r24'Z/j§¢rfl{:»er of the % ‘ A Iem,!m*'e E» 4. Cmrw2'.e,1bepartze fballbe arraigzzed there.rgfint,1ae'zime of 1'51 ’~’**J'“%="-7710“: 4,. Or /itch aperjrszzmmy /ye fzmif/9:6 in the time of" an other King, ‘M’ C0m’M[f‘I"‘fbrcoma"'- 19 d /9* K" P)’ 43/7 ‘ B 4 pjjzzzgt e at afcz zzzgt at way an jwrpem, ya Agtefl'g;)3_me ,,,,,,.. Whichit is cleare, that a Succefiinr in F439 by the Law” pore_alze7~i;¢:, of the LanAci,,¢ is.a lawful} SuccAefl"or, untiIl.laWfulIy x=e- 39¢‘:-’§f C"{m'71¢?mm0v°d.M’VAAnd tha't%%%pafl‘age concerning H. 6. ~is‘v:ery' “re-» fi%;7_}9“"/"”’ markable. For when Ric‘/.7ardDz¢l{e_t)fTorl{e, hadSeated n A’ , : himfelfein the Chaim of State in the Lords houfe in Lrook Grand A(J1'§gem¢gm; A pdI'1i3.ITlCl'iEg and there laid rtlaime toithe Crowns, and Tit. ;'l‘reafon. nnadg good his cIai~mc% and Title to the ParIia;:.jne_nt, tzis A faida V17/mz the Lard; and Cmzmugm there agrflémbled, ‘bad with Mawns Hifi_o- muzmre deliivemzztiorz dmlgoad aa'2Jice,joztndZy debated fizz“ tlaiy z'm- V5 “ é 7 In, - ‘ -v ‘ M‘ é ‘ Q‘ ' * ma».Qfleeljskéfpzzrtczflt ézarzcfir, zt may by them: all erzaéfed, that lflmg H. Eng; pg. 2 58‘ flroifldfli [mg as be Ziv%%ed,:*gtaiiza kl-re mzme lammr (fa‘%Kizgg 78::-g;SQgVt:eat'wrei"pe&lxadV$our%Ancefi6uF$ 150 Succ%e{T:5%rs:" V me, well w£1:::~‘Me% Succefior A_R§;:;hc, and Q? ._¢Mmii)cnt Worth and abilities wa,spre{?:1j2 1:5 1 and%claim4ingz,4A% Ah:-Aid 5“¢dS@’m¢i?'5 alibi siV'=n mi his 4 546? And 4*-W0“ ‘H? A ;g%§:o;1ndV;%in Law before m~entio1’aed ,“ was the‘ Smtuteo1f;II.$ iééfixérihg cpsucc¢1ro%rs%n;; Fi‘&’. Bu: the A 1&7.maedbwhsch £reqsr:;Wor»i=h¢é«.g1’cro£Trcafon,f9:: h 4 \ ¢4.T?i%iy5i’i=airi9nW¢fpie%s Iét“ an‘othéVradV%;n‘cagé¢ m cglfé Oath, hbyfwhich W9 Wkfis ’ .-iccoum cstfily’ é1tid¢"alI‘.El‘1‘i£§; far h’k:fziidc"87ih9c i'ugcé”fsion s*s&::t%dVI‘1¢irrc? 1;; ¢ith€r} Héifc5‘b¢ii%$iI¢céfl”érTt%9 4%‘ Wish iisVabo1ifl1t.~sV is&frmh:,, W €01 that whichié‘ fioi: 5“ ,l:¢1ge}tT1at:is, (uch no that which; is; x§otfi”s fuck” ¢‘qth‘a: whiéhfis indec&no£h$§n%g;,%g11uc1} gooql f &‘oj’itiWhi"11s;},b§5th W i‘E5 I135 Higirie a"ndSflcc§fl‘or4-flxwiga». 1;nan* h~dtH"faiv1?%éIy'%coAnfuted I A 3 k§1oW‘%fii%h‘mhé Qr0Wfi¢ a’i5<1%D3£iiiitY4;hctaIk¢=% e‘ITc nce‘ NM: Orfléirig .? I"£«inAgfiNam¢,%‘ Arzigness T5-¢‘r;¢[ifi ri6‘b63Yd¢15r”¢3 I*%“°*ii”*° ta¥i~‘=4it fifern hima,*ew~ ~vidéd”*i”e b¢AA%c0Iit¢nW‘W1: t*!%]Wne1r- If confiitwin Thi%figs%t13e~hi%t11A%:5ri2!meAi5¢>Iic1Y fihawfdathc An:h¢i*r1gAi’ti1:;1If1iT¢x-; n‘i;i;1es5;gd”fb 3-:m;ye£whoxi‘1ourA Ax;xuhor1'as4»h¢ Woulgfl ‘ K fpéakefs, mayIb“¢ %r1ie%#Succefl‘ors%Ain~ Oathmotv A *Wit%hi¥%inding what he" Objéiis to: tAhc%* contmry, concer- ~ni'ng“the”aboliihingof :;h‘e' Crown: and Digxaity, Ygp agzihe he faies,v¥the% O,-athiriterids Heiresj and foi*’§s%?‘:Ac!,11«é% [me Per‘/52:13,: which hémgogsaboug ,m‘p1io%rc_.,£oc3;, -‘ri?él§du’l0bifly% 5:0 fiéédé ah ahfwhy, iaiid adds5,: divezif, Vafrtwd Mltvbe" %0a°z%‘/9' 'Wil.l% ,,«;camr,zdif£iiu2z.% ‘ For hflaitss had the’P¢rf:>ns"%BéciiVe4éirm'§; it muifhawe bane [‘“oP]~VI1<>t[%[mti] 5#;¢¢efl5r§~1§CighAt»For :rou4d#knqw*in =t%. %LE3A£3¢§%vW‘7’¢V’“i‘1“fi .t1b%€?VVf%AYE?i¢5§‘f”0FSQ P1dJ.7ii¥¥if§.£3§0w¥§v ;[ aildflz mA.‘7utV’4[%4dr] Afsisihfié l1*517efT3= 4Afii€@9§meAan¢ M,w:cH% Emtucors ma %Ag1m:naa;acom, '¢H*¢’iW*T1T’?i‘ii’i“ ¢5fift1‘&d%i&3éIi- %W5t¢;‘5‘¢?% hz3§rt€u§é‘,5}fl* ‘ ». V: _ 2. s m. »,m V.» »- +.»:~*-'~ -W“ " ~* V .‘ .. V term new‘ ? wzl not every Scmvemzr te1l.h1~;p:thw1§i;th18 fcrvea »%th*Wi1I'1m a cohcra 1 on.‘ A very W6ak€~fiXC€pti:"* 1 (40) an, bma {trong contradiaim to theA!:rl.lth, ahd thercinl ; ; Ea.‘ tjea;l7Hr“1Fc1rc¢ m”§fI ?lC ‘:0’ th«e.§c1ee%tr¢‘ Lettcfof Oath ‘his. ‘ t)ve:ir— hwy‘ *:m1e+‘ making him trucly Afa,I;l%}«%irfnto t.h;au:“very % cflrimés W31i‘Ch hcjhafl %wAbefo;re wrongfully charg’VdOnon-2 Author; _ A V For Iprzmmay w%¢jn c); {wear to pgbfcarme 1§hiedi1t”?**“Qfthe’O{cith, to dive rsfortsw” &Vpf¢ri'«7§’ns, A at (1.5 vars V eaimewbuamin$g,&%.and wit-hour a. contra1d.i&irJn reezng c‘a?i%ii‘i:5t bbtainvat b:)nc;\e-_§,if‘I£.lA1_fc:_wp§fd;§%bearcf'4hd ilffirent f figrfification"? Arrd that ehe:,r%iigniEta:ion is indeed%dEf¥er- e‘=:3’c;The*ExerciJca:‘orA him’felfcan1fxotdeay,WhiIi’c he gramia the‘iwb}d~;%':i$u¢Céfl$ot;ns]»Lcv¢11»“ihLthg p“x:e:fent’%Oa: hjto bah zi’fl’”erzfi§£ ié}z‘L.wfi,; Pager;O.g‘4A4 FVor every Puzffize wiIltcIl”4 t%h‘ii:7~h%%i1th-bubréédtbs: m-P; %Ch%apte%r%in Litiletort, Lthac. 'Ivo*2ds th‘ét"t;na7kc% adifi’?ererzt?*cfihteinALaw, _mt1fl:4in%% Law hzivcéla d.jfi”erenr%fignific.¢tz.vn.A Befidcs reafim it wfelfe will diétarre, ‘5~%thaVl it:hey vvé i‘t'§*;_ _at' mfirfic ‘intcndedw clzflérerzt. % S For % thé béing$madc%fby ‘ I:heJ%.Kir;V:gdori1e%% in Parliameént, vsi.1dirite'"t;dcd‘ Qtcimgaka prqvifiafi1*”fo;:A thc Kingdame, as weII_‘asAthe Kfing ;‘ (and nocforthe Kinggwichcauc the Kingdt5me,%Vas the Exercitator fondly imagimjs in cafe thcV11iineobtain,i:1g fh~:fauId faiI4«5 or upon other e%rncrg¢r1g-_ cics‘wha'tevcr that might iniuey To Mconc:Iu%de% this paVrti- cular 3 our Author tofliew the ortdirxary a.<:c‘e’ption optlze word Succefior, bidsaske thv qmeflwn, who was Succefié A Arum to Wf. A Conqméror. °I'heWE;<¢:rcitator takeshim up ' % very Mag,«iPmia1IyAA and aiesg wt?z'..r‘ ;fxllw;g¢ioufly % prnp12unded.4 Rigm:ly,he fi~1ic?,°'twiH be t"his,}fV/.90 is‘ to bee 13;; fllajeflief Simccefiiur ff A Bur: %fuz~e‘!y““hee %% hat 5 not mot‘: £11 Iaciouifly, then focnlifll-ly ‘pr(.3“p-£’.M.indc*d a. %qu=eifiun, A which Frye_r Ba..; c’omhc9adhWoul%d h.a:*d1v"h;1veA béene a. b1e@;td anfvqer him. A or ifi%t"mt1fiA~beiunderfiopd, as he r«e1%Isus%h'e intends it, A A 4 Oflrbefimmre “time, _a”22;d .u,::»£ng ‘t a_&e darze initg. He that Aflmll Vgi47\rruzI;: .§;TIy¢t-a&wlie§z£~érix_¢£izié W r‘mmenpo_g%_;]2a«g,:% .l:mfi2mveir%ingtheA.rgufiient§,'f;om;fihe a»c5'x11e§V<3Vb§xe&-. ¢ :¢d.:in ;c11ei%fC»m1aaerr»4 “Chapter, ax.-!,6%4».%. %ackii‘oW1c“d;ges, %V ‘T1792: la#f'z2I.... : ~?negk.ofobg+ying%%8cc...A hm:h.£ al-I _onhers,,V * % fpaken %moff"for4 M azhe’ ubedicme to be ymaintuiined 5 and upon that account: % "tels “us, l~mi‘n.te1id%sto*fpeake; mofl: aga4imfir¢wl1atwaVs by " h%im«.fp0k¢xr.,:»- W6fhfitlléh6‘t‘€in»'f0110W'th¢.[§athv.WhiCh.h‘E . ‘hanh:;mhi;1sé;r%od out to%i;1s,.; and if we d"o_c but maka goode . our Authms pan: +agaimi7c his Agnt‘agonifl.,V wee V dea- feam l1i‘s%ma’ine?iBat%ce1'I%by his @wne¢c0n%fafl3;on;% A A The fir1’c:task‘e he.4‘und~Ac:rt:wkeAsA, i$,*it0 pmve%4t%fb421t the A-% pafilmim Chfi ~fi1Ia‘c:az*zx@x*g"¥d “by‘fouriAuthox3( 1L~mz.x3. ') -::an% 0,?r1Te’ly~,%b;g:c.’rs’ind.éLr£impd44 oif Amzmfiagz Magiftracy, and y.tO"~ makdflxfat gmmd*,.c0mpgra3~4%it (was‘*he%ha*d dcme%b‘ef0re., in» A laying his~fou1ndAa,ciora page I. %witl %1 8;. 4. When“ forte: hem we fitwde this fcpunwdatiafn %Sz¢rzag’y, his Awhcxlc edi--% ‘ fine Will»f'lJEffi¢i@fi.t1§713a@P€it.)§‘€ ¥*:o‘be;%’fizzimur A To pmceed ” Qh7q%i%5‘%nnfi1*>mh*e aampmrifofl'§ofclwf4d ‘%t~‘wQ Scriptu~re3 ha ‘con-ii» cludeqi age (6. That thd“fdri%ri‘€’l5‘~ea‘kes "of a&iegall, the V 1&at~tef“Of%% an iZ1egaI1Magi{fracie, elfe they would he con~ %m4z52(s;y;s4 VVhereiny4A%I?af’n filrehe is contrzsdiétory [ohis'_ A » own: DMoé’cru1e:, as his owne A Dofcrinc is. contradifiory to.-.14 V t:°c‘>clwVtrutwhg, “and rgonfiquently n*eede_ no r)thet: _]§ld§§£"§ buthisMowne”m1'ou'§b’%¢%iiobon4de%me is.-M For.firf’r," j_hx~:-is{ap- A !p“a1‘t9‘t=."1”1"I:1j7 con‘tAradi8:o;ry tit) himfclfe, in t hW2LE% :1c:,;;Jr3he‘Ab%c:~ V ginhing, hédwdult’:l~ fiavé Ilfurpefrsto be, lam :;9r5fzJ.z2e‘.per_“/5?z:,, Page 9. and Aflaivfi; ‘I 3; %underAfloodV how j‘un%i-5 “vér1'a5l_'V7 fbeverfpolcen) of 3 "legal iMagi%fl racy om:_1y 3 yét in Ac?:0ncIm'i0n,Lh‘evfii;1des a difiin€tJi'cm¢ bcfVyccne%Aa 1eg¢1 113 gand illcgazil Magifiraéy. But why Byou» will fay there may be a mm éu*1ii2ver to "a“1I”this?5 the‘ ¢c;ntradi&ioz~1%is’«onely in; r‘erVrn'e.sg;;a%O%t Wings,in/%éppea.r¢a~nce, noit truth 5 by EH76-is :;Iv1~N1a ‘Wi{’cré1f3‘ A‘ " héé %%ti%1éa%né:; ?;1‘0 other than _U{i:r 993;. 70 She: xméane Ufurpars? then *cIe.:;1rcIy her: cQnfut_es,,, «as well ‘' as f:oti%trad«i8cs his‘Oif:r1c%Do<5i5:rine.. F of: if he d<;>e( as it-xdecdhe doeifi) % here intend Ieroboam and “his Succéflbrs,whorf1 a$ %hcr%e, 170 before ii1the enVtr;;1n;r;c “of his ‘diicmi 1%, he firongly pr%0'v%eS,r:o be Ufixxépers, both‘ by this v‘ery Scfiptmre, and the judgement 0fdi_vers le;:ar~« ned Divirxes Upon theplace-3 A Athen crrrtainly t‘h*e% cm~Ju« fed ?piI ‘e%0fthéW1‘i{31&”diT{?30l1I*fe, like Babilon is fitllen 5% and We‘%imed%no‘oth£:r _pl"OfiflI*€(9C no beb01d%;%its,mine, Athen the fight4ahd advarxmge whichfthe ?p1*efcr1tScx'i§r%ture% Will: a% wrd us. % 4 For ’“ HrI},‘Whe'rms%h%ee% wiicJL1%Id4 nlake Uffmpcrs am more l7z¢tp.w,§va!'eper_fia2zs, who i'E*es% not thatas hir11fi=:%IVf‘e“%% ‘ V ‘he re tcrni.u;:s them Magil5:rates;t%h‘o12g}.1 as ta) t=heia"Tit}e and. A tntra ncefinto :h¢Iv1agi11r}racy,ti1ey x,a;¢1«es¢z¢;;;u,zz and I.I«:;'ur-% ”""pei*${ .th£is ‘ §‘{?:'i*i’;:»t:'n*c mfi3;ichhe&b$zia'xgs t«:;>~pr0vcV thern ‘[1231 rpexés 5. ‘axid V§éI1"c2ir i{h:ni*y % « if-1; Sczipttmc l7€CQl‘d‘S- ‘them by the,Nm3e, Title, ?'Stzm:,\ -flfld Dig;x1icy,"A of the AKihngsa1%And l”x‘.i‘nc;2s;’oi?[li'raelE‘ And fe:condly,~w'11ercam# heAW0L1ldpmve thzit: ¢obv;:ciier1c‘é liq m;>§:dx.1z2 ta.) [Iii1z*pem_., A Wbecauié: asxoujr Exmrcita mgr Wdilm ;:7»;V_‘c«t4re“”4:%":cI t:h¢:y4a;~c 2212“ ]Ma-. . gzw ‘ram? ; Vwhoj krzciuvegz wmVaz:a;ygh;; “dLx%gmp2 Hinges were tljag »M;agiI¥r“?atés of 1/2-42313; a;¢;d£XjZ»2gg¢2.g%q;A’4 ~4Ei£ab, and, ,‘ V dier:ce% £0 %%thé‘n‘1 acfcvoirdirifzfly ass ti) 't”hc’i”rVWMagi§ir;1n¢:S Pv[L:a.i’:- 1?; W53-tdifih hams: ,MN0<#zwiw/éé%rPqh . in £"ec%cing%%A $h¢?V5m¢1“i£?”¢'fl1‘é?$g ?" ”¢ 21354 Tixfrih 271 ‘3§%f”i‘;2x%1ce ?7 SéW'§ix1g " V % % % % Ho]; 8": ~ ,4-4)h 4 ‘ Ho 4. flfpeakcs Aexpreflyoth Puwwers, fieri & in Vs:-heirm... thrénce, concxerrxing their mvzlgfng orfettinfg np,"But Ram} 13 fpeakes of Powcrsin fa_E¥o% ,£flé,h in ]?0jfiffl'1'0;I_,h.';1fi?Ihl.‘l aéiizzg, as Minifler: for the.go_odofhmahnkiude, trdriivazrfe 1.120 ‘ vcffe 7. Andh fr) We may hclpe his n1ewmory,hV hfdggby , frequent cbntradiékiozms h¢jhh%%Ie%cnag;s%Ato _heTe;_d it, :cd'* dpcyc j hfhishflfrtfijiim h‘hi's%owncwordis,V Pagc Where hehhcclls A *“usf‘cohtzcerni‘ng fieroémm gflandhhhhiahSucceifors, That the ' Event and ‘ effgft, that: ‘is (on Ikxlhowhnot what: it is their afiuallpofléfion of 7% Power, and afiing in away of A ;.Govemmer.;t_., for the gocfidof the foules fubje&, £A27gg:’fi-Mom 1'Gad .;,as how”? certainly thehozhher ncgatiw: part: of the confira-hldifiinéfion confidhcred,‘ if he hhfpcake fence he muff WV ‘ meaneg. by ordination, I10C:Pc.'fT17li:fl£0?3 anal} : hm C he faies) chhcfinfull meme; la} wbiclaiz, that: is, £11631‘ a&uallpoflE:f-- A flan of Power my accomplzflzed, my Anotflam Gad; as how? Surely, ifhhhe {'p::é1keVre;fo:n, rcajfon fay, not by {Jr- hhdinatioizg, but perfizzflion Mel). h fish 7.;zcb/9; afiual obtainingof the blefsing, was that which God had ohrdained; but: his evbcaining it by deceit, was onely by divine pcrmifimn. find that 1116 Reader may fee, that when we affirme that A the perfon of §‘eroba.;zmas a Magifihrate, though ‘Anon: his V _HV‘eC flmum prafiife asfan urpqr, was Emma ’di3;irzhe ordizz;:t4ian_,,_ 511:1 M bomimlm d} fihepower 111 his hand, though :1.qLI1u»rpe;r,% the Ordznance mm", mm.,-1,-0_of Gpdgwe fpcglie not that whxch none elf: ever {pake «snwfidia.;ncc bfifows if theludgement of 1’-W“’ W? b¢ °‘““Y "*0" deo fnfiio am: Mmenximzhc paint, no man )can_ipeak:3, mare exprefly; invite} fed 5M_ “for {peaking of Gods rending the I~Viinhgdo%me from Reba»- ‘1’°"v’“’h‘{1%’9" "’_d"1 Imam; zmd fectinghup the Kingdomehorf I final in firabaam; batifi-’;:£:‘;’Ll1us he delivers himfelfc, grounding his judgfrmentf. :1?- Wm ,p,,;g,,,,,*,,.h*on:hc Scr'1ptL1rc,_t7:ejm;redlhA Hiflqry Ado:/3 tefhfie, 1 Km. 4,5, Hifia-7-ia 11.315 3 5,37. 1_K}iiLz.1 2. IMIAA5,” 14.'"‘Iba:h hcmfli£ut%zfm% hoffd A ' V Reg-11.31.; ,;zcm zefldw-"7 1 ;nerD Kingdome, came not Ate fléeitber by ztcgidefit, or? by the 37 I R W rfcburwchell ma! treachery of men oneb? izéit/aerh was it zivigbout tiff: I 5- 24. kmww. or «gm we will aw, zmrbemfi .’"¢0r<42in’d inrRom.t3. m2hWau‘ld have i_tfl2.{ Dub. 3. Ad. 1 can anythingbch5fpbkcn“mo”fib!wk;j>Ié.ixiéh hhfiomthe V % 45 . V . preflc Tcxmf Scripmre, which %was‘%afU'0 urg’Jbcfm;~e an the re.cedin% Cha tar, M wco%%e,?:1'ove, thAa:%?flAGpverL1me:AmW P . .. % t.h01%n‘ghin'thc hand of an Ufixrpgr, is A the ?Ordin,anc,4e~0f¢ Gody? and therefore‘ the perfcm of the LI('urper,,7 though n’opAhisfinf'u;1lentrance by I.I~i“uz'%pati0n.,¢ isflby . a divine grdiaacioprg and fo, aMinifie_r of God for ourgood, whi<;h;;h‘¢ Exera;ica:or%w0uId denyea Tia cleare thenand undenyable, than Vthu Exercicéttor hathhid in afalfié pa.-ig:ciple,as~4the 4C%omcr.flone of his whole fimfiure, whichb¢i»ngo:1cc Ihakgm and,remc:w’d. the Awhole with its whoI¢4bum;hcn%,_ like a rufincaus buiidixzg, come; mun-~ ~ bling to:thc,groun.d%. or if as ham ah-eady beam pgfoved) an Llihrperin pofléfsiorn be a Magifin*ate,thougl1. in refpcfl: ofcncrancc: illegal! ; and if M Government in his handMbc(i asit: hath beene%prov"d to be) the xOrdinancew officzd atzhen itfollowes bcydnd <;ontradi%&ion,% that aha iApofil$,e, Ram 13. fpcakes fuch inclufivelyg and there--% f0re:t11ch in d%uty%mufl be obey’d, and CGUIDOC-:With0LlC; fin ‘be refifled, which confines the Exercitacors Dofihinc, and confirmcs tipn of our Author. “ W hat; ha,chAou1* Anragc5”riifi‘Vto~féey4 to the»Contra~ry L?" A he would prov: tha1:Ui'i.irpex*s may be refi%{h':dA; and A in-- A %% fiance: moflabfurdly, in Cbedorlaomer andbia puciciw V M pants, who never were poffefi of the: Govemmen-c of S0- A dam,¢ onely made an invafive War, mand Mtooke fame Pxfi-» foners r. and who ever denyed chac'”aninv.ader ormintm~ A der,in;thaL a&i<;m maybe lawfi1!1yrefi1‘rcd or that m %i'oyn~ with himinit, ‘wake to be cquallyguiltzys but «::>u1~aiTc;~- A A A V% A union isnrac again1h'cfi§,‘iing an Llihrper in the: A-Etnf in‘- V uigaiion, but againfi x*efifiingG0vernme:xt inthc hzmdfof an»%i1;:t%ruder, when hA%e4i3a‘&a1a1ly paflefl ofic, and go is . zhe%}%Aomely perfon L-:fI: us by the A providence: of God, :9. be his ‘Miuiflcr to us Afor A good, in th,e%%difpmfgciQn of, A that Or_cii“uancg:=,, toWhcm1 Wee my by thé.” cleazjeand gt;neral,lDia1lMe&oF the Scriptures?%c0ncIude;,V :h,1;;;he Amof-t High, whc) Agijvgs the Kingdmig cV%<3"f%[1;1'zm r9w_1_1om than thinkes met». hathn9w(tothAe%mtetmfi1*»thacKwc+cmm ,ju¢:lgf2) thought mace to giv’e‘”it.j “ . Hi, { mm femiendz. V 4 His ther inihntzes sire "':i%s:bi'i1:r’él¢’ais fihe ‘fo“r*mér,% Tof‘ t§hey*A fpeake <°m"e1y4Aof a r@i%I£ia;;e:;e,;AA indfeed4 fenfiv‘ear=manag’d A publike axadA‘%fi:Ap:%eAamA*e Magia ihrates, ahd th0fe~t0o,*~ *a*lj1‘pe1'f'uns (bf s£r*i~%’%fé%xf%raordim7y Cal}, excc.p:ipg the ]I4acc;z?»£«ee-.¢ he teas i%S?%hééW)u1d%h‘acvé fpoken Ef.3’~_~théT purpufe, he mu have given an“ flrom: Scgzsiptumg of?fome~* pri~rau—: Vsaint,-Areififiingy “11 e ' V Magifiratecbmining, :3—po1+1pret¥mcé,1*I’1aéi nae his %fiudg'cmEfifi4 the Title» 01% th:e_2’V12g?i%ftrate‘ Wu -nfit:gfb>nd;bu;t’VAth.1‘t infleecfi "A 55% a%taske' t00§V hard for the who’l‘e‘ Tribe: E?1erCit8t0rS- in the mean‘e* time he hath ii1fEc:icm4tIy c~.on'fu?te'd himfelfc: in the ixxffance coyzcgrning A.tb;rIid-2, 5 gr 1”eei'ng the T‘c§£t?:~”* f:1ias'exprcfly,A%£~léizI:E;;zb reigned fix year res 5 and all??xi't%1}e$r‘1’%AA know t:h”ere.V%c:an«be no raignfing wilzhafiut Sub§ie&idn,*%% itf FoH‘o“wes,privm:c pcrfons muff be fiibfiafi t’o*~ Ufurpers* in”: pofféiéion. Agg;aine,%?whereasfeiaaiada and th~‘0fi2~%? Rulerir V0vcz4.* *hundVrcds‘,fl:irI"d ’not:for jfimfla hiaflightg till that-{1tfd” of fi’x%%year”es 5 not then neithe“r,~buVt Aca%ta1:iorij;a*x‘ p.revented~ the embroyling of .Cé0n*hiz1o%ri~We:13%l$~tli;5%* ifs cleare that publike perfon5’anci*Ch'i‘éfé Magifiraxesg . may n0cVremoveA aVn7Ufi1rper, in thefmofl: clearaand un-5 com:roverted cafe, w%it:h danger aMVx1d%dif’tm%bance t‘*<.>%the ”% CommonA-Wcalth. V And 1a{’rij., whcreastis fi1id*_;At!aaIi4ab4 reigned-3 tiS evident that the Scripturefpeakes of Umr-- V persin poflefsion, as of Magifiratcs,‘ and not privéte .»perfongT;“ ” % % % ; W _ A . A But he urges,“ alanzfxll calling f5~om2‘Iac' Peoplegfl ff- _% jErzria1lta%~aM¢gij?rate. leis %anf'wered*. F iszif, few Kinge j ’ ~ dorm-*3‘ in Eampg have been: fo beigtjng or jindeed ot:‘he‘r¢-«A - will’: then byJ‘conqucfl*‘%; and”i£ a confcntflofi t*héfp}€‘~0pIE:‘ A cc;-me‘?afrt:1*,% what isfhac but’ an effeéi of farce ? And" has-2 %'3"Atm1er¢zrjam. % ., . M % « N . % AA . _ n ,§,-b,_,m cfvitdtiz mls bmefly, ‘bI;lCC1€II‘€lY~ anwf'wered_._. all that; 1163 h’-‘lt%h ‘ partim meta, ‘ {aid for7t%heA1awf'u1I:ca1lihgof his B§Qhiarie=‘Emper0li1I“S mgzrrim ‘Aépariery for what T2219 ( citt-:dsA by hi“mfe.-1fe‘%) I'aies* of Aqnpa m‘W”A W: €9"fi“-"“?"‘ wiAt=hith%e1%fame 'trut4h‘%bé ‘fagidf cbncernirrg all theAréPr;, Hé%’la2¢d”‘ Acme inM.A * Wr¢4W4+%“ ‘#8 GW E0*‘.VF*0me3fi‘°m “f**‘I” 01”“ ‘’‘’’i*’‘T“¢=* A ‘ ta~:z~ci£fiW£e*vf"‘(ér7Jit%%de*,p2zrt{y‘fM?“€‘$ d({dPAdrf@<5’}h‘fl*fi"€3?3§_g?'_ Ph‘iIip.2; Om. ~AAAA€‘4’§'.A ; M h_ 4% Tow-I1ichaddethat ngtable»tcfl:xmony of Tacziztr, con» cerning Tiberim om: of‘.Al,AA;lhi*s owns mauthg It it recorded Tales ‘Lzcitum Tbdtriberius Aa: ofiterzm he went out of the M3,”,-¢s p1'ggA‘ff~*' V Senate, ma: wprzt tauféexpreflianl A4101” 5?! Greekg, and to tbi: tnr, Tiberumi A : 0 men preparedfilrflzwztude! the trzztbu, itbougb bzmw 9“‘”"-'’ “‘T’‘‘ A A filfg um-.2dgs:i12flpId9lilq;Lil2eArtiq, A yet bee Iaatlfd at t/weirlmfe A Ap£)féAhimfelfe~toAthe ggucrallyreccived judgcmcnt of the A time would give leave, 4 A V, . . . . . l . l l .. cf:'verbi:1n% A patzeAnce,vm Nfubmzttzrzgilaemfélver to fiw,-ztuAde.% Bezhold his bum madam cl,“ ownc Con!-cienceAcondcmmng hxm of%Vfurpat1on upon qua, folimm, cgredmrm_',gr:- A A the publikeAl;ibercie; and yet the Exercitatorhisfnot a-QOHOMINES A lllhanfid;to,infor¢ac‘aTitleupon hirmthough therein‘ he op- AD *5'ERVI' TUTEM PA* Amofi approved~wriAters ofall forts, as were eafic tolheW,if,,,, emm, mum, But: Secondly, what if it wcrAe~AgraAntl:d, that the eflénce rublicazn £011": of la particullarl pcrfons call to the offica of Magillracy, {uch glsgthc Exercitaitor would Ahavcit, yet the cflénce of ‘mi, m;m,_ L A A Magifiracy it felfc, A confifis not in this call, and may Tac'1r.Ag.1,3. therefore fubfifilwithout it‘-3 neither can the diforder of A man, in the manner or circumflance about the perfon ladminifiring, nmkeArthe matter or fubfiince of the A012- ditlance of God lofnlone lcffitfi, no more than the en tring" A" into the oflicc of 2 high Priefllamong the ]c ms-,A by wales corrupt and unwaranrablc, did null and make voidthel 0fficAeliAAtA felfc, Or to g'ive.an infiance of our ownc clear and unqueflionable-*, tis well-knowne that pérfons.un- duly chofen Members of Parliament, have propcrlyllno Righctofit and Vat: thcfloufc ; ;§ycft %thcirVotcs are never the leffe validgflin anytfiét of theh fixfircam Lchgiflar icivc povqergtlxough afterwards the unlduncflk of the ele&i-- .011 be prov";d;, A and theperfom difchargcd from fimfher AA“{1ccVin3ginthelhfloufe. Thclikclmay be faicl”<:oncerningAA‘A A Vfurping ,PrinccsA of this'Na‘Ati0n,jl whole Afits in Law firand good at this day, ‘ and have a}Agreat influence into . £gheprcfenMtAPolicie among us. : A ~ J Bu;hemnhe%lExcrqitator replies,¢laer}e;i: 2: nziflake -in tbi: " A argument, _AfOt’._th0u5h*Eh0f¢“V&aAlfpil1g~lPfiI'lA(l3€S ezztred by A fivmA,_,f at oiberwi-fiuzilamvfiglfir 5' _Aycgtb9r bad the”: concurienwr‘ I fitb_ * zmros Ifirilia qui libertgmu ‘ A I ggI§}5"Zv,‘¢z';¢e\2zt.._f,~5172f¢'E%3v;.-L’ of P¢:;tli«.¥ A ~*~‘=‘~‘i;~5% A A « A g V em-F’-A '*WaAAsA c‘-‘Cr manH_%t1mom gmfly mA‘if’cakenj, that would pretend himfelfe an fly-'1' A clam ovex+%thAe xn%ifl?‘c11*i¢3;’%0%f%0i‘h¢fS3 For Afifflé %v%r_hAat puwcwg by his ow ne.gi'i:>und8 hath one thm i'émE€1r8¢l,by foxw, , onA ' ~ Wmhezxwife [;.l.V“RD'Aa"k7;v'fl'.‘l1ixy'..’:AQAtbb'»§'£A‘i$’ -»~anA.Whr’P€I‘ J ‘tO‘AA“]‘€aI‘lv- a 3P.arIiAaniciz3%t ?".a n ;_[.Ifi..1rper A ifhimIZ=:lfi:f;1y4true Ainfxw %zzmre but ar p%rivat-efiperfmrs; and‘ if a private perfon frrce, mi‘ mherwite L2z»lMVfH31y call 3 Par.’z%i:aAmAentf;A m'l3é%z%; iVs_£:hM:% Par3iam¢‘nt bU:i14%I1%€‘AE€5t of that: force, and%vMn%}aW-—z% f;,;A1Ii_A&,A and ahemfOr¢:i.tV«».fcAlf¢ uu%ITaAWfm1I.?% tori theefl3;AAA&%A iv%fuT.;;0&v%£:? fihfi %[IW¥li23=I%'¢ Of” Ilii’ Ca!.?{‘e.% any :fi:condAIy,% f M.hat% “ 7P‘?-”’Wes"“( by his xmne gmnmds )~hat;b ‘ at P..u*1iamem hum?» V 'ejm~ c:¢.}ii°d ca». gi_veaw%ay the nth»: M22111 hin1*,LAAArhaVt%~ bash ‘ _ i;_»’.;~Q}1";r;§gt}1;;.1,V'h_a.t.}k 2'lcA:~m:; ?;- peujsle. ( or. the tmii$*%*mi~ih~k-33V$*711”? W }I0I‘t“W‘ i an) g'7z2e A1/Jeir Car;]é?~7zt,, l<*e..=. " 1%%Vimg%Aprei22gAA¢gu%%d ta _ 4220.:/$Ier%J%Ar1(gj9fi»;$. may nhafir co%nfem ( 1; 3... % 'A1e%1‘§c% the: 15.xerfc%%im.wr$ “bts 1511!. in a n:?APtak¢r is void Aaxzzd nullpinda ,P;1r1'l'M’1'~;1fi1.1t;< ihe;%ce?.I..~:~: us Dlhfllh mi) pgwegy bu; ._ Wm; me; pf;‘(!p1fl give t%hem But~th~nx'dl3;,wgraimkmwgPgm~‘% , . mer2tA%{ lb C;..£.?14..7a’%Jk agfimh brzren 1"a~?d 9% Idwfllu =‘,'%:.A-%;%;_v‘%;.:;g{ (figs: . ‘A mfix p§_':':-‘fig P3iI1(£€?*; Elfgwlfix frzwfim _:;a~s: t.hs;:A g::x;+:;x1d Ace;1~ar;%'»:a‘Em:a‘ A mA'iflVr%;;k-mt At}?-e+a%3::2+%w) by" tAA’§rmi?i~.1* i?%a:ifI?i.=3;ma;rf2aAs,t axedgram:»i;mgA A (A,"w-bisrh Es a%IiZA,» his mmae: ) “that , we i§’r§nce%mui’r have Vncy lmztpci in CG¥1F¢3E"X"Jlj&§F§ aa.«.y_‘m3' zng M3 his x;;1».= ms Tide, for thaw -WW: m&‘km:fa;1A::s )1: f~:Uf¢~‘;cr.::%¢a mi %Tia.rfc:m jwVh:..1wIlA :isap:.i1?r%,«AA% ‘ mhsse WUMI.-. if?» ~~t%<;r~¢i‘mI1«E7~§bs~< 1:1-1; EéI;wx%cicacur5&A.:foArA. frrsna'A&%‘z:‘?I*aFc%-A pAgc.n1;iV~f¢.m, i t “&'Fv:‘.%fi|y imm/it aab? y 1911 c::rA“;A;*A=A_.Ar. p,‘eanw p;:;x,2vA::-far is :,.:rig,?§w4aAl§y pmpmrly, and 0ne?y we V Firfl, mat the fu- {,; o_%%C.)oxm::mI1s, rm they cmcIyaA ethe re;>u“e‘iE+m:a~%. za'i.vc:s;,. «and by e«i:x1jxi“&.:<:1§:A§e%r1ecc% 1%lra:.tx**m9.“easAof% “ z%h%ei%‘gmc%%gAfla=A;44%mi ~ mI1e3j<¢:£4cA>r¢::% ahgey A¢;:Am ;?*:»;:x1%A%_:§:§_;£.wA't: ‘aPrincc aA lega141Tét?¢%:*;. be-*..§ AA I:a%x%:{E » if L~:m.i gEx‘e~rCira ta 1‘? AA ¥.ir";e nut mi1fa4%»~l,:nthc4pK‘:e{i1iies, ADV £Vh¢; mg“? r§;z%~q.%.:%;_): ¢abi<;>laL1ig:e A pa1)we;'cg.”:£z{1£_fi m«:.~ \ Wham» .va23-é it w %~*hoznA:thery% Iilimifi Were : 4WiW:*A4A3i«€¥11%}-W "‘W‘7”f. me,¢§;e1%,ww;;+a:;czv;¢A:t§1@;:pgm:'tqj4f§4c €?h駑e:0;§f to £§3€fl1£€.§.VcS 5 H: . & w,,,~:;yA w£hA?VJAlé%“juei§;e% if 117«2c:_.,m: {gr gdgsbd of L3:1:¢.?R.e%+*4 A pg-ggggg; ;;;_fay=:,‘% kgmhcrwii thncy fl1g}lE§§d Vlmlu ‘iii. if; EC: ffiqfiif % ‘ “”5.Y%.L“‘*3 3‘*5;1'e?W¢9*3?%5 Fha “%*-*‘3"f5‘~i“%%?“5*ili1’%r?T35‘;f‘<¥ V¥1\‘?’H~'i‘?A H“ ’ n;3c;e%y:J£ ;E’._fij‘l.I«E1§;;fe;;,‘$ ..¢aa.E ,b:;::: ” rh¢éir*w0L2e'z1c§ :35 f'3;;m;z'” an (3.9 ti§1e%§P;‘i:..1ct£:s% fq:3e{‘?.i«'Jn, at &h6. I.iXI1l=§% wt L£3%,cj:%.c~¢;;{:,§%%1ra%;,e,,i ~13; bx-xc* * ¢%a%%%%pz'i%y.gt:2 %pez~fe113,w and % .R'1i'?) rmcin e ( wi_3m.s;-~i’f';.+%,4;;:zr Ex? rci«t%.:Mz*;‘:r t.§1'3€:;"§§i"§0rai’§1at11 .n_n p\,~§x&‘J%ie21>V.c0{:.g;%i1: g,&%;i?gs1x‘£zia;sm;x?1.;,A Argxd sf}*tz72:xz:z?@a 5 sand %th:.:;‘t,« acc0xfding=to iivhczlaqsxotafimxa 0f P..,r.:.'m % a.z :d'I':h,cri In: the m0V1t%,f)art'i~ P&“«'€£tl:a:‘9,M29§/tzzfl g11§i”s?t_;":i';E puziaer is: mt rGz2¢.d, in r’egm‘dnwf tl9e]>e-wzrz, M‘ m w samzzzng zr, mzd cawzf;-;g'ue%ngy rm tau be ,o_@£)r do JRCHH. 13, % « a. H To dm‘-‘:~L4I {W }3K4%«rrc::;i:twat%<;>‘r ax?1(g.;I1%t§% Vi w§e;fl1a*l1w rakEA4%hfis. mac . Ira: medz}.r'Wl Nee refir quf-% Va1l]ud_;5ge, wr3'"1¢:‘£hflI;‘;hfi bath mat dcmr-2 Purmuq, a.xj;d_Lh¢ m,§[m,N;m,¢,d »A»mhor qzmr,iuu4_ him 5 M d LI1.e!r''l'“i‘T%rtn arid d‘<3e i m ‘**y¢:£; Y'!(‘.'i'.- V, claer 1-ufiifie t.l1evDifGa1£'c;=rs Tide. nut? wrong thé%*%"Tfi~:~r_ie uf imeniifeifed- V % % = » V T ; are is thex‘e‘f<.>rré a’i'.A.fxc23'::“£’;‘, and tw‘j‘2?ret.a2ti6e% ».~c@0¢:1:*fEfi*t the people whgch t'.'.7l.J'l‘I_”',Av-..!I.‘%'1C,3‘I; Atzmy aH7erts, a1'iid «fi**i*e% ~ . ~‘ E3£E'I'C.1tat()!: in Avagirie d*”=nyfi%$-)%%%;wVh::z1 as‘htwafon’Wil1‘2::5;‘) 1 they confem: that the P¢;n£:Ver vwhich'Wis?p-aceabiy p¢.'_}flr:.:‘?i5: ihnuafd Govzzrmra we tezmtrzra, r*;;zzhe«r% ciwz1‘%flaE:mt cuz.afam»::>‘Ln and V'V'a1"refl1c%u§d4“'dss2i4~?%roy the C0mnw0z?;»\7‘1’e;1§tI1‘,‘ %\%i'13:l fi1Ch a%cowI1“f{"ehtis%fufl‘£ci.entt0» <%i0n.j.?im%%;e%% fish" A Va‘Pv1;z.gi%%« ~% *fl1“2xt_2:'; ”Wh eir?ef0re hmviz?1‘g%V m%'.21 de‘gacz.:%%d»**¢mzr ,Afi}f%ti<‘J*n%%a=w gainfitxxch Ub1e8ci§“sns;ix1 {the ‘EXs;z:-ci:ati%on,% aa%%fmu<: any ' V way inaterfiall ; we fhall pr'otc%.flE::m*y mnic the ram‘ ~V0rH€_~4 lly we cVa%n{1m;bLll:; take I'*a0!:?c"E: Of thf-':_ $VI“t”~tChf:dfU“;y, ‘&.'I‘1‘fl %*v~:mitieof his emp&.y‘VC§1.flIm"%ge iPag*:eA 75. wEAA1*c:wr*éin *:::sA«~3w*L¢ m“cit1ygrants *th‘~e %«;mm1e czuxfé ; M'%fuA;11a2:‘4mtAh it in Aexpm-%~k:{’7e ?,vJbr3s to »a”%n37 ui1*derV%i%%andiVng%% “R‘€;«l'€.‘I62n'”, % %%F0r%"'iVt %?0b%ed§. "“ “If:x':t:c¥: be fi1Mm.ntially% ( as a%%lx9ea¢:‘ly' it i1.su;:"f1 bcs:n1¢)%¢4¢px%%z:w’&i % ‘ a Dmy -3" all Ciz'c‘nzAznmflan%c§ai 0b;c&10ns vm4&£l1 ws'a% u:‘i.1} % *bcf”u%retE1e%Sun%. A A A \ A A A And nowfor a, con'<:¥ufiQn_., t‘hat: our E;xem‘itamr:hmay V ex1Ei°asiiI%as he began ) hegogs ab»ii)ut cd "n%: ~£k?é a;i<\::é3flM“a.h%e A VTit%I‘*e of the Ramszneg toxh-2 Ki%%rng;;,10meV of judwa, even .ag%£i21fl the Title of the H01;-I{§3 of Dzzvid,wand.4bft;he meat . *SonofD_.v.z'ui;1 ;?Cé2rAi laimfezfgwha. as .Mz:r. Perkin; ackxiowi-A ledge;s,; Xmas righcfleirc to%%thg«?CJi~owx1¢,,. and jK%ihfgd on'ie of ‘rhejewews. Pu1d“t0 b'ri::g x:histu17afl?:, he %%l¢h p€a«0ve1” % t”he"Bcizim%es MOT V, jarzd‘ migfity Argum%eI1t*sHifhait"lye »inAhisW_a”y“, fand talkesu fbindie“ up this [forg’d Titl Fir“: Ha Pafl?°=$w%% p litLIe»w-Motcs, {g1nd& A Stmwes A m «i «am: gnea:%promme.% T5wr*‘berefl»v»1d~ot mm fu%manivf: zftarillaix Throne.“ by theWb5Ie..;rit1e of the%H:.mi'e4o_f% V ‘Secondly,’ V Secondly, He takes no tuutéce, how tshc Maccabee: camg ‘ 1 “ by‘~cVheK,i11gd0me5 which was by fmcefland power; when A " tllcre was ancrtIi[2:t*"‘f‘§ii'ng ajfSuccefl'or of ‘ Alexmzdef, even A 4 of t:-;!1.;11§c“%li:>%'caa4fi‘ in P471561, Whble Kingdr;-nae was devi§lcdT.in"* V % £o4%fm1rpms, yet: the‘*Ex=erCimto*rslpalzazy Cundemncs lthiig‘ ifnow 3 Title bedtA%h'us% ggmen by %Subj£;&‘s%.. %Th’iz‘dI%y5"fleilaid. nothing mfthe point, whether the f H.§g,hP11i€i?’t were caapzable of as C&w'wn, and cou_1dbq:a¢r4atr % azmcfi on his hg.ad,.,b%;.;:»th a Crown and M'i3T§5Wh¢,C¢iQ3fQ_mC‘f A4:m»wasaPatc@rné U? Ae~:ti~Cfitti#~%V _ 1r_1 a1;1“t of pg§:;;1(:,,**:! gind-agm:.ezr4zez1t zfiadgb in the Temple, fan % bag:-und with ()a.nVhes;% and C()ITfi:‘med by mw.:uaHWen1-‘ l%?y;u%r:rfi)Aiy, <;w§3i??f*ve3% rm: :h;g.1:' ’2;ber¢‘*Wé Ls *“aC0ve-s 7 b*\'&¢§‘”‘f-‘€53 be:§sNeéne%i1-Iir¢;27fw a‘:idl?x§wri,fil”ZW73fJ‘ 5 ’~'1Wa"7 ~4’~'i./M“ £i+m”z£,"%V flixisaiiai * <:t.,>n~unax1d‘ am: K.%§n3gdOme%%5 and this was cicme %ix%1‘%c,f‘2e fif:h’L~C)f~a” that: Ps.‘%<>p3t~:; VF*:'§‘AfCh%?y, .%Hr;::-g_§;i%&VS%110 pmafi: {uh an Hircmzul ih:.avVin% g‘ivc:n %a.';xz..ayt zlw E£?.x"1gd0z*xV1a. b:;;2‘0x~¢+, ccwuhzi give 1:: after as Pamfrgy 1,-‘ 1W1" ::§1.:;caxl*Lix%1;;', atalica:1g?%ve Mnzy ,2; King;dm;e,Awit%I1¢-%%V % (mt; ‘his; Ki: my _c7e:m am i;.Ye;»a , hr: mm at pmt.*e 5 he.-it he V ¢iV§f4i{Amic: y3zg \t§3?gi's{,ia' tyszgé <:2%i*’:hm1 1%4r;;rtes AWMIA: W ?:.’:~.Et 31 laébixzcis up A P;)mpg.>fi:,1Tit~! abéfia eafE'Hirc}znm; $;1}iI1bii1 his % :‘s1:2i:w.‘im:: _,., .3: t‘%h7e b£:%tym”x'A’Tir!%e.(«_tvhut~;igh perc j‘ha?¥nc‘e: %n0r:c zi~t all )c;ncrcarcd n ‘It %h%m :0 c«)meLtc)%halpe “him, land to iudga-z the mmzmverfm A E3Vc-*U.r;Te:eVr':e him ,;1razf:_d% is this’, gigs if7P%w9z[~¢2/v had gun: the g0Qdxg5v7i}I~ @_fth§¢ p;vm=)pIc,%tt‘: ;§E’,i%V’*«3 Wthc % F§iV‘x?:;:,edCrt1xc4 to him 3 wlmsrciagl1.i.Wv:fc»I£'¢4{};i%L1?#but ‘¥h%i.5¢~afr%ha§§ Pomp afzcfr Abala admk<«;n* -Ie,z*11faI«:n*r,jia’:idlAmzllwer gaod .- izrmef % tlve.=r;v. %tc?r‘ror.r c5*>72rfili\;;té itba Perkple ta) bimfelfeg % % NOW t‘}'1Ai§;f peak%4es,, what PaL1V?*772pc§y &id to plefifis t}'1éA P?%QP7ii¢ahGt WM‘-'Af3?é PEWD‘-¢ dAidk‘ W hit=rT%%5E**111 uch’ IaflcVrmz%thes+gav¢"u%p“rh¢%;Ki4n*_gdo4;ntohim;,fwh4ich¢ they .have given to n_one.v nrVt2het’r1m:ih% Mia‘, . V‘ 7b.,,t‘ W t‘l§embo4’e [marke th¢sgwoxd$V; AV; “ax -fr «m,w.’. 4 :9‘ 4; MW ":" _H_ ‘M?’ 1 * '[aot/o1?1ircanus¢zmiz' A‘1"i{~’tobuIus,~j%r briirztgiug fibgm 'i.’1d3_iiVt/9€_f6’7”‘Z’it”de Of oz Kingdom: 5 F0 r” they faid, A their Cuficmz wax to be Governed 1:}-iGad: High Pricji. A ; Burl hope Pompejwas no Priefl, andiitherefore they didnot chufc l'iifI1fO1‘].thieil‘ Govemour. A And N for the Words of Azztip4tér.concer_.ninig’i An--- N tigonm, when he craved affiflance fromic.ef2zr,they are veryilntruly alleaged, thcy beingithus in the V. author: Hc,ithat is iAz2tigonm;, craved mat zmirzten-Q A izmcefor that belwznited, A Zzzzt that he mfg/Jtiraffie a rebellion arzzarzgt/.16 Jcwes 5* arid agaizzfl them who ‘[f2ould.I2e:/iaw azaytloing upon /..vz'z2z-3 that is againfl: % 4 Ceeflzr, if he fhould give him any teliefe. But“ the Jgyw W7 i«-«Exeircitators Latin, New propter inapiam defldemre ig figgeau, ,,w,,g,f.:if¢zzlt;1fe2¢z,_[éd at in eoxqui declzflérzt Imskeormrzflz--T w WW" *5, J}, ditio7:e: nccenderet, Isthus conitrued by him. He _ - ""‘*""'””“’ ,,,j?2uglo.t not relief: of Caefar, becaufe /ae waxpoore 5 but’ fismeiar c£M"i!' z§J‘au'a:g «;oLa‘-I" jbat be m§'gb.t kjrzdlajewz]/J _/éalitio7;:,.z,gaz'rz_fi‘tl3iefc ii‘*W”99<9i5°”"“‘l14d_im:rde{zzdeiditiwz oft/Je:;{fi:1we:. Behold, the -:1 -J? J?’ V . . i . i I xgédgofigfi foutidzmon ofa Kingdoms land inpon afalfe eon-r fh-ué’cion~of -Latin. But.is.it not H awdefperate bold-e A neflé, that this man {hould take upon him tobéi a writeij, who cannot confirms his own Latinv-'-3 . yea A {that he fhouild put hislatin in thciMérgent, to A i.fhameih'isoW.ne engliflw, efpecially thcreibeing an 7 Heng1if11Tra::;{1ation, tihat_mfig‘hth:1ve taughthim :91 A ~ confirqé :it4?B\:1t: itoibeé fhbrrgthtf i"mry'iS truly WES» Hircrmm wiiviiig quicétliv after the férementioncd. A ?Agrieerr;em”,b'etWeenhi1i1 and hisBrotherg,was con-~ A 1‘ tinuallyi pggvokftby Antipatcr, ‘(t%hc’Fath.erVof%‘ Hea- ;irod,)L t6 fiirreifor the Kingdome 5 1 to A "at Iafl i L yfigdingg. andffiowpcy» b_eing"in_i tligfei partéi,‘ they 1 M fentto Pompey concermng their dlfferentesg V*j?h0_ A A A A A '7 gave ii gavet'hemaudi¢nce,. and piftmjiitfedttohhtcome their Cpuntryg determie. th eir»difi"ei‘é:nctésg”‘a;i:dh mid them,t c in the_mcane;time, they, fhould“ live in peace-.t V ‘ Butdrfflolml 2/1 fii*rri‘ij”g to make himfelf Pew?) Acomeshup and nukes” jetufixlhem and» Ari. fltdbulous a1f°5 Alldtheuxcpmmits the Priefléhoodt: to Hircamzgsg, and new feetthehgocidlhyt Titleof * the- it) thehwoxfdé of ‘ t/my Hirc;1h72 m'.'t;h 4 dud t/Jfoztjg/J evil.’ htéiyleot zvierffft/ate’ of dratfirbittfide. « thatvoluntary he fill uprmtbe jgwgx, For weluizke .lib¢_rt:y hahndh bikjpbdued 12]‘ the Rosmnex. Beholdhhati Tire J ‘ .t1€h0f the. E\0mane.s;T Wé?3rot.hers h I‘h-‘we fin: With another, and defire'§ ‘- _ ' be an Umpier of their controverfiesgthjerefore the: A .iRomane_s’ by this, have a Ti:-lcj: to the Crowne of‘ v or again:-, the t_WO;.B:bthers bt~1ng=at. odds’: Pa comes in to heljpeitme againfl» the ,%other,. .- sfind conquershim’ 5 who asthe Author {Eaie‘3)th;zdi the worfer Tide.’ Therefahre by, beating him, he-; d goija gé)"hdtTitleto t:-hé R;i1nanett~5. jufi ‘as if .v\%1i€n‘;L ’N;1tiQn dcafiredhelpe of .th;.:’ Scotsrggrhaulfi. gt». P;§[ty,,1thE ' pots prcv3li:;1gt&raga11;1’ch that>t party‘ shightgget 3 gaod Titlé to this Wmhalet :K‘@[,lg‘:',‘ dmne 5 ()t;b€Cau{e the Saints défi red-the‘Lir:irtenar:t: ."G€ntrall, ~ of Eziglahd, .ttpcome;1fi§.r thfilf ixitij rhei; Couht«ry Lthe. Ma1ignanth:pa.2ft'j;'_ tliéfrch « heimight ’thhé:rt:1;‘fi*on5é "or, theré:.by% "gm-37 gm,;g:-»z~:%;chr:x¥gurb;. goad me to S::Q:1aix,d,a _ f.‘ 3“.fi F-'t ~ 4 M . ’ . _ oi; ‘ npenhtizhc wh2le;,_3 thje .fi‘E3I;¥:an§s‘.; nOm9;h©i,»7;n«33 ‘b’ut»~ma;:erc c0i3‘§l1£f'flJ§ ‘ as ‘.3'a1ozz5?‘and thmahy, cash ~ H 7 am 4») ~ao;m;.1y:.4$nne, Wefhailnowtconclude Withtthc 'rt:*fi:-luzion of an 501)’: i17“P31'tia1h!h>e and‘ ‘réverend Auzhmflh unhAut:hor of our owne above all excep. “tiong. usher wrotebefore tthefe times‘ of excepti- Qn55he;u‘ \3.’h;1f_h€ faies, concerning the validity ' pf the commands of an ufilrped Power alldttmheh M d;u1:~g.rof obveyinghthern. t V A " t‘Thefi:u/ttef‘-the marker is‘ when are ahiien of he ;lahwfi¢1lcalz’i;¢gei: dereehj one that 2': not called lmu fatty, ‘now then when the fimlt cf eeneflien it not in the merge it elfe, heat in” the A peg/en {the} werheth j,-:5 it 2?: math tehereputedegeullity, neither tehe re-~ Thir deéfrine z'.r agreed upon 12} thecowgyzen cevijent of Diviezex, at ah/h’ h} the A Louver, and order: hf Kirzgelemex, he: me} appeare plainel} in ‘ partiealczr. Augufius (‘afar aweiiemane Ehzperwzr tin