A Szirnnzazgz C 01/efiian oft/36 p2”z':z-= cipal Em dam enml Rzgbtr, Li -— éfrtiei, a‘P2”o12ez/tic’: of 4/! Engl1fl1~.Fzé_cemen5 c’;7*c._l W I-Ie Liberty of the Sub jééts Perfons ha.- ‘ ‘ virfg in the three firft years of our ‘ late King C»/.7627‘/:3‘ his Reign been ‘ it very much invaded , endangered, un- der-n:ined,1 .By Imprzfanment of tlceir Per/am, by the Lords of the Coun- cil, wirhgguranyfpecial Legal caufe afligned in the Warrants for their commirmen.t,but only the King: command; 2. By honorakle éanifbmcnt: upon pretence offorein imployments; 3. By ceonfinements to par- e ticular p1aces;4. By remamding and not bayling them by the judges upon Habcm Corpafa fued forth by them; 5. By Cammi/fiom for TrialsofSouldie%:-.rand others for their lives, by /Martial Law, in times of Peacie,when‘ other Courts of Iuilice were open; and the like. The Properties of their Goods and Efiates being lakewife much encroached upon , and in a great meafure {ubverted :1. By forced —Loan_s _ and contributions-. 2. Bv L£cx4te2mnt:ar1dDcpm}. Limtmmm exorbitant Powers, and new rates impofed on, and forced from them for billeting Souldiers, and quartering Souldiers in mensl-Ioul'es - B ' ga 7.24 Summary Colleffian so 44¢-j .4 / ‘ againfi their wills,t till th.eyopaid_thofe rates» 3:‘ I’ By exafiiug Tummge, Péwadage ,‘ New cafiameth and impcfitton: wirbomp /jvtczfal gmntanzl/15? 0fP"”" liament. 4 ‘By anintrudtd Commzjfion of Exflffvr . and other particulars of liltenature. ‘And the Li- bertie of their 1-*m.E_:1.a:z;m , pmuch imP"~’3°l"e s by Lieutenanrgand o:herspLmm,’mmm, fz:mm6”t n-mg a_1“traif11e'_al Baird: ‘to elt.&z,"o}j:p,i az.rd_t/ye‘ lilqg indirefi comfex. vvhereupon th,e"iP:arlia‘rnent begun on Man-v~ e day, 17 M¢rti£.', 3Cz:ro;’i ,'in.the year of our Lord 1627', to 'vind3c'ate“t-hefe their infringed Liberties. ' ‘properties-, freedomes, and preferve them from fl!‘ iture violations of this nature; after many learned sflrgurnerits by Sir Edward Chock, Mr. No], Mr. 5616167?» MI‘; .Lz°ttl”W, Mr. Maflrn, Mr. CrcfrveI,. Mr. S /aewilcg Mt‘. Sberlmrda Mr. Barzckef, Mr, 1:0/11,; Mr. Ball, With other Lawyers, and able Members of the Commons Houfe, paffed thefe unanimous Vote: againft/them, Nemim cantrazdicente; fit now to be- revived, re-efiablifhed, after more dangerous avow- ed publick Violations of our /:Ier:dit~4ry"f#nda'men-« ml Liéerzies, Pfopcrtiet, by the greateft pretended Military and civill Champions for, and Patrons, Alfertors and Proteéiors ofthcm, than any in former ages; as the probablefi means under God then, and now to cure the mortal difleinpers, and repair the 2 Arilfad divifions, b.reacphes,»—delolations of our Land , (‘O ' 28; ( a ) Refblwdhpanote/7: Qgeflion. 16 ' 1. That no Freeman ought to 5: committed , detain’ all in Prifisnt, or otI3crwrf: re/frained 5] commflfid 0f we Kixag, or Priv}’Com:cil , or 424] other, unlfffe’ farm cauf: of the commitment, re/lmint or dmjmt?‘ ée exprefired , for which éy Law I): ought to 5: .007”: V mitten’, detained , or reffmitacd. . 2 751:‘ a writ of Habeas Corpus, may not 56’ 615‘ nied, éut mglat to be granted to ever; mama that is 6‘0mmitf:6i:’, or detained in Priftm , er am-’7”””/_5 ""‘ ' i‘ _/frmnrflg h I}-Esme, ‘although it he hj oommaodhaf th:z'ng or F7595: - Cjozt2zez'l'_, or ‘any other, he praying the fame. h e V _ 3- 'The2tbef'a Freémmo he committed or dtt€§1?cd hire Prifon ,h or ot'her\i7zfi~' reflraeitzeol hy eommanohof the ‘King or pri'zIj.C'o.I4‘f7(.‘il,' ’o'r"4;2)' other , no ceztofe of [tech commitment, oi'etdi24er“°or refirsziot thing expreffsd 4 forthwith, for which hf Low he ought to he committed, that then he otoght to be delivered , or hojlea’. re/frained or detein'ed;'a»2sdj'the /aime ‘being. returned t‘ upon rm Habeas Cohrpxifs gremteolfor the fame port}, V - .4. (5) That no Freemom ought to he confined‘ to 4 hi: Hoz>efe,or any other place, h} em] eommewd ofthe , King or prov} C otmeil, or an] other, mzlefi itée 5] /153" of Parliament, or hf other dm eourfe, or Warrant of Laws’ _ ~ . I — H 5 (0) That the Commifliozz for,martia\, LaW,»4mi ( 6 \_,l MW all other offotch mature, to he executed within the Lrmol’ ’1'5,_3. at ‘fuel? time: atewere appointee} h} their Commfflion, A/N55 6 28, ‘ (then quefiioned, to Wit in times ofpeace, Whenthe 472} other perfim inthe Houfe of any Freeman again}? Kings Courts of Law were open, and other Legal trialhs might be‘ had by Iuries in Col1I‘E$~0f Iufiice) areeagainfl the Lm. 6. That hit/etting and placing of Soezldiert or ‘hf Lflwo _ 16 2'8‘ , 7. (d ) That it tie the amnion: and undoubted Right 5“ roz,z.>,,g;,, of ever] Freeman, that he lamb gzfgoll med a'hfi;t'te_te pro» 17 fohomzis prior} in his goods, and E /hare, And,thezt no taxes, 1?; /33: 24-”. Ta/lagei, loom, henevolenee , or other charge ohght to he :’fS"° ’:1”;‘;G“° commanded,£mpofied,or1e'v}eo’, 67 the ICi1:g or hit %/11:721..» zyi ,1;‘o“54;’,; §'t'er:, without ’ common eonfem: hy Afi of Portfiav gii-.‘838.»8;3a. mam. _ W378-890L892». All which Vote: were drawn up and inferred mm the 93§94°’94’“ Pefition of Right, ofllmteel to h} the Lordty, and at 14/5 6] 3,. 1'; ;;h,,.6_,F of/36 10'”; hioif.elf in his An/mr t0_that»petit¢'Jt1, 35 -the =c’N.z8r‘i. Y .6»: cmtmtt Ftéadazmentol Right: and Li6ertie:ho.ofoZZE_fl%l""’” °;2['””‘f-§3‘z;’: B 2 e 11 I‘ I ' 7‘ ‘ ‘- the K7gh:S,E§’e, Th 3 \' h 4. ‘\ L A‘ p A Summ4'7;yCollé£1ion~ it lilh Freemem And therefore 1a~lteral‘l‘our late Parlia- mentary and Military contefts, wa-rs for‘ their defence; fit to be confirmed . ratified by all forts of’ Domefiick mnhand palieiee by which the great C/mm ter was amtientl} cozefirmed, and allviolations olt/I6"? exemplarily punifhed without any further argu— ment or debate , being _indz[[_mte3éle priexcip/65" mm’ {git foundation: , whereon all our -L«i5erti’e.r,. Proper-i i ties‘, as_Englz'_//1-Freeman, are bottomed. After thefe Votes, and the Petition ofright paffed. feveral lmpo/iriam upon Wine: , C firrmetx , Toéezece,» and the taking of Tummge and Pomedage witbom Ac‘? cf Parliament, being complained 0", it was by fpecial Votes and Declarations oftbe Common: Hm/e, re“ tfolved and declared in the ,fatne~Parliament.’ (,3) 2; fzme 8 ( e) That the rebeiving “of Tunnage and was. Poundage , and other Itnpofitions not granted 5} ‘- Parlmment, iméreucb of the fundamental Libertie: ofthis Kingdome; argdeantmr; to In’: Majefiie: Re- i gal emfwer to the Petition 0fR-ight :’ Ami tbofe decla- red Publick Enemies , W/so flyzmld tloenrefort/'9 colleéi‘, or pet} em] cuflame: , Tannage, pamzdage or tlmpafit, . nbtgnwted 5; 46? afPar1iezment, which was filnce enaé]:- (H ;_;'_,Llagf W. ‘Cd and declared for Lang in t/2:(f)twofirfl 416?: far T143‘. ’1‘.,53307zp. 739, nezge and Poemdege, in the laft Parliament of King. . 79o,<’7'c. Cimrlex; and all thofe inaPrememire , and difizéledzb fete in em; Cmrt af _7u/Iice , who {hall prefumc to lcizy the fame without Aét of Parliament.’ . ' 9. A Comm?/flan from the King tinder the Great Seal of E nglemd,dire&ed to 3 3 Lords and privy Coun- fg) Ir. 1 5'. {ellors,dated the laft of Ee&r:3C4rol£,fliled,(g)a Com- I9fW 15?-3. mz'fl3onofExcife ,. was complained ofand brought into i the Common: Haze/e,and there tead,which commanded themto razzfe manic: éylmpofitiom or otber'wzfe,as the} M their wifdame: /houldfind can't)/enient, for the fdfety 4'13 defence of the K ing, Kingdom: and People; the Ifzngs Ifrvrsffeet frémele 9???? -4551; week Wow W-“"‘ I of r \ ' ~ Cft/361PTiitt!1"'ItFé$;t2£?a7??€K;lt/ Rig’9?5§ (/70 ‘ /t‘ ‘of_ ll'tat¢l}1aé'mit it) 4922:} the nmtsitg being; to inztt-‘ t t-$318 , that form and’ circum/Fancy: mu/I MI’/m‘ I c Liz,’;: mfcd \-vitéut/vanfxéflanct la(?.In/ojning :12: C am- miflfarzert to 5: Jilifnzt in the firwce,-.1: they tendred the . t‘_/Z-4_,’ef7 ff/:5: /I/faji, ],wa!e:d£:2f /33': P.t-spit, ‘Dbminianl and A PLL4r1§¢g,/(gent of King I ._.D:clamt{om'-. f umozzt againfi the Cormizzfliarz of arm} 3 and affjented to Aijcs; This ‘Co-mmifiion“byiche unanimous Vote % .fl3}&x‘jZo{g3%"3C’fit :19’: Lord: and C0m.='no;ns',' was rrfglved to ée again]? Lawpznd cantmrj to the Petition ofrig/ft. Andthcreupon \?mrmncellcdt( as fuCb_) in /25; Ma» ~ jeflie: fprefmccgléj his own car)zmd‘nd,'fand wax 5‘-roztgltt ::.azce/Zeal to tée Lord: Hotzjeéij the Lord Keeper, and 6} t/tam :.jf:ermzr(1: fem‘ tot the ,Comm’on: : and the V 1 Warrant with all Irzrotl/merit! of it Wcreramec/led : and " . ordet ed by the Corn_.mons,thatttb: Projsétof of it _;7aoxla' ( .6 ‘ E33“-'6? .é:. fau.nd_or;; mga’pzmi{I¢e'd. nwhitch judgement(2a)twas 1g’;"’9i7’0:’,_¥‘° 0_ h€nce‘recitedfaztfirmzdgafldtnfiflfed at1,‘b']' t/1: Lord: and 37.5‘ ‘ aC’ommam,(ar_1d tome m greateft prefent power)thc lafit fpad, W; n,_._ C/mrlc: m prmted Speeches and claratiorz; con- ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' , ' - ct’/m';:g 7'e— ' ceiving‘ Sbipf I72/I71} P,I3,I§, I 6, 1 9, :76 my D 6./z.1.'z‘zztz'n72 Mid _ Ihel Commons. Houtfe Min théiytt‘Pa‘r1%iament,‘upon {elem-Q if. _rgumentz.-arndt: Dcbagee ,rt C9’m%;,luded~ T/mté) Z/9: £;_am oft/.2135 Realm, zzbtie of /air ;/IéI2zj‘é/fife’! "3.S'xté?‘£?: ougbt to A; imprgjfgd oricampelled hi~fer"Ut rt: a="Souldier P '’‘’’§‘’/34’ 1”” - in Jbé ‘I/Vérx, exvept in cafe of ncceflz'tj- tlag-fuJddain _t:gzzIi_2 ft the cumming gI1¢af‘.{Zrétndge""‘\Enemie& tiara 1*/q_eA ’Kingdom.e’; or €J\.'6’t’f't 153:] éetatberwxziet rbouitzrl 5} tljé 'T:‘77urts' oft?/3?. their Lamitor pfifle/fiom; 1Vor7ctfent ottt: of tlggfk R; aim _ agai his Will upon mayforcin implajment, 6} 1ii,¢}« of an l9;mar.2él; bani/lament. Which Reéfolution in the lafl: Parliament of King Charla: was math-d and declargd to by the Law of the Land, andfundammtal Liécrtj of .111: Sflfifetfl, by the" Aétfor imprc/]z';2g Saigldiartfor (i)~_Excc7 Cola lreland 5 by two Dzclamtiom of the Lard:}ir:d'Com«‘- :ffiz°;§' fig’ . , , by the King in 6:2: anfwer tbermnta. _ t ‘36'877a878’ All which unanimokus t’Vot_es ,; RcfoIu,tion's' of 59”? Hwfix, having b'€.en fuccefli‘v¢|ytratifi'ed‘in two M » .33 tt ‘ /eve: ~879.¢’9'c. 887;-l f.‘ ' ‘cut 6 7 1 _ Al .Summzz'Vy C o/leéiiozz fevemt Parliament: in 1(e'n;g Cherie: he’: Re (where: of fome in prefent Power were Members, ) and enaét- ed by ft-veral Statutes ', allented to by King ti”/mrz’e: bimfelfi itmnfi needs be the extremity of Impuden- % :cy , Tyranny, Treachery, lmpiety, Perjury, Barbaé rifm , for any who have formerly contefled with him in our Parliaments, or in the open field , for all or any'0ftl1efe premiled mxdezmemezl Right: and Liher-g fie: afall E nglifh- F reeymemand Who VOW€d,pr0t€fl€d, covenanted , vremonffrated again and again before God and all the ‘World, imziolahlj , r fa‘;/Jfee/1], com fiantl] ‘to defend t them with their Live: and F ortzme: afl their dziex, in their fez/emily place: and railings; and who beheaded him as the Green»/i Tjrmzt ( together with Szreford and Cemterhwy) for infringing them; to oppofe, contradivft, violate orinfringe them all in a more tranlcendent publike manner, than he or his worfl Minifiers formerly have done; and now not really cheerfully to corroborate, defend, tranlmit them to poflerityinifull vigor, by all goodwaies and ‘ corroborations that poffibly can be deviled, without the leafl oppofition and difpute , to make the Neztioez - V e free,.and their own pofierity together with it; 00 1m3)z4, X I. It_was frequently averted , declared (lg) ‘by the 2 5 »m»¢;7,1 C ammo»: in this Parliament ; That the 014' C .u.{’r'om ewe? t 6z8.{€7ldf"”' zzfe afaeer Parliament: oanfianrg bath heergand ought to dates 4f’ be, to. dehezte, redre/'3' all pzeh/ic‘égrz'e'(2ez22ceJ',ez7zd re-eflezg I’ hlifh”/emf: their maimed Law: 3 L Right: , mid Liheré ties in the firs‘? place ofa/./,‘ before they debated’, or granted em] aide: , or fuh/ie4.’z'e: demaemled of them, ( thattgh nejzzer fl? preflzg , or aeceffzrj) It heizzg ho!/9 dexgeraw, fiz'mpmd.ee-I , and ex hreach a_ft*he£r tree/ll: ta- Wtrdr the P¢0,2;l,e who eleéfedthem, to play an flfm“ game for their ,L£herIie:, Lam, and Grieranted , till the .Z’eza'tie22 offlig“ I . n. A _k V ' WM‘ firs‘? aflented ”’“0",e‘e;;2:olleode, and their Grief Oftloe Priizciple Pmzdamental Rz:gl7tS,¢’€. " -7 mace: addrefleal 6} the King, 12. They call Sir Edmund Sawjer, 3 Member of the Commons I-Ioufe, out of it , upon folemn De- ba:e;.(l)cor:-emitted him: Prifoner eta tloe-Tower and (1):: }'m2z'i,. perpetual/J difaéledhim to form in Parliament for 6'" 9 417731. the famre,fo'r having a chief hand in making a Baolgo/' I5‘ 9- R.¢_¢e: for ‘Iannage and P tmdaggand laying impojition: me. the Sotéjeél, in nature of aProje&7r, without grant or, All of Paoliament. And likewifc fufpended Mar. lfobn Bzéer (then Recorder and Barge]: of We/l:)- A only for making a Warrant to Billet S onldzer: , on fame of the Towzofnmso, againfltlre Law and Saojeflx Liéert]; oatoffear. Refolvlng, that all Projeéltors and Prm. lm ote rs of Illegal imp ofition: , Taxes , Bi/leting: , Projefls oat of éafefear ,, ( which Mr. Baéer) or by- regal command, (which Sir Edmund Sawyer pleaded for his excufe) were aofio to fit or vote in any Eng};/7, (Parliament, and fit to be ‘turned out thenceby a judicial fentencegwith greatefl Infamy. And whether any {uch be fit to be Memoerseat any otherufeaofon, let thofe whom it concerns determine. . - z . . I 3 - The Whole Hoafe ofComooon: (222 )~ll;'lpeaehedl ’ (77?) W 59' 14:5 _and the Lord: Honfe judicially fentenced Dt.Man- ],,,m }628_ waring(__ then a Member of the C o>moca:ion)for preach- ing before the King, -and publilhing ,1'np.rintei.n two‘ a Sermons, intituled Religion and Allegiance , econtrary to the L aw: and Stamtes of this Realm, ondpropriety ofthe Subjeéh I That the King 2': not bound to lqeepand oéflerzze the good Lam and cafl-ome: of the Realm , concern- ing the Right: and _Lil2ertie: of the Snéjefl , who an-4 doaotedly ainloerit tloi: Right and Liéert} not to [we come polled tocontrioxote any tax, tallage, ajd , or to make any loan: not fee or impofied 5} common confent, 5; Ag}- vf Parliament : And that lei: Royal will and com- mand m impo/bog Loan: , Taxes , and other Aide: ‘ l l M nvitloa av: .r a» —-“.2 -‘_;.' t. / A Summary Colleftio/t . A ‘°Wo°thottt‘ Cortimon confent in Parlidnteut, elothjofar hifid the confoience of tloeSzehje§?: ofthix Realm, that the} —oomnot ftfitf: the fame without peril of dmomzti-, 0710 at ‘That theft hit‘ fllozje./tilt. tthjefl: who refttfed he the ‘Loan impq/e’don them, did therein ofiertd again/Z‘ the'Low ofGoo/," again/7' ht: Mojeflie: fttpreemt Autho- rit} : and h; /‘o doing heeezme gitilty of impiety , alt:/'Z0]d[" 1}, rehellioto, d£fohediem:e,emol lyoh/e to many other Tax: at hood C mfot rel. * 3.. That Authority of P.¢rliemte22t it not fieceftrjffli‘ raifing of aid: aaodftehfidiet. That the-flaw proceeding: of fuch A/emhlie: are not fit for the /apply of the :4rgem2;e- eeflltieeof the State,hut r.-zt_/oer opt to producefundr} ‘Im- pedivnente to the jet]? defign: of Prineet: and to give them 0004/50» of dif pleafttre or dtfcontent. For which Sermons and pofitions the Lord: Hmfe adjudged: I._ ‘That the}: Dr. Wonwm-ing(no:withfland- ing hls humble fubmiflions , and cravin pardon for thefe his ofl-Ences) /hall he imprzforml altering t/J: (913.2. fare of the Houfe. 2. That he he fined 10cc 1 to the K ing. £3 3. That he [hall make filth 4 /36»; '/]2m and acknowledgement of ht; ofencee, do /5111 he /}t down h] at Committee in ivri-‘fag, éofh at the Lord: Bar and in the Hottfe of Common: (which he according! Y made.) 4. That he [hall he fa/fended for the’ time of three year: from the exgroife of the /Mini/Ir], " 5. That he [hell "he fir ever eli,/3 gb[,,{ to preach at the Court hereafter. % 6; 7hdthe /5411 be difahlgd hereafter to have any Eecle/iafl-/col dignity or fectelar 0]fice.7. Thu thejame Book it worth] to he hternt, ‘mud thatforthe hetterfef'ec'Zing thereof, -[,3 Majefl] may he moved , to gremt‘ a Proclamation to_ roll in theftid Baokgthxt the} ma]. he hzernt“aeo.orol.- dirtgl] in London, and hath Univerfittes , andfor Ml?‘- hititeg the printing’ hereofttpon .1 grezztpeamltj, Whlth was done accordingly. 1 ; Where, .- I . Whether fame late Cater:-Chozpl4im‘,7ot Pczrdfitec, have not incurred the like offences , and edemerit . no: gas fevere a cenfure as he,For fome Sermon: and prin-‘ ted Pamphlet: , Injirurtientr of iike nature P is worthy the confideration of the next puhlike /I/2, ‘ flemhly, and Future Engltfi Potr!z'eme:ot:~.' « i A ‘ ’ 14.The (ac) Houfe of Commons {em for, and ‘com-7 __ mitted Mr. Laughton, and Mr.j'oh:s Trelownbttohthge (“J ‘Z312? ‘ L Tower, and Doétor Willem Wm}, and Mr.oEdwerd -M”J'.1§‘i3s Trelawizj, to the Serecmt at Arrm, dtormg the Hootfia: ' plsot/are , and ordered them to make a recognition of their ofence: at the A/]Zfi=: in Cornwall 3 forihterrzeptf r ixg the-freedome: of Eleétiont in that Comet; ; For that fome of them being Deptot]- Lictttemmte, and others of « them jet/iiccx of Peace of the County of Cornwall, writ Letters to this effefl‘. Wherecz: the /ozfiet] of the V Realm depend: tepon the l’.oz.rliament,\ we the Depth}-' Lieutenant: and jzoflicet to whcfe core the Cot/mt] is committed, finding A. mid B. fit per_('o;o:,h.cz1edefz'red A them to [hand to he Katightt, whereof wegiveyoto no-:3 tice; and edwflng Sirlohn Eliot and 1147-. Caritoti To de/if? , that they m°(hed them not to he chofett, and menacing them in this ~manner,httt if jot; go on, we will sqppegfe you hf all meozm,.lefl hi: Mdjcfl}fflf}3efZ our fide-a 1 I} 3 flzsce jot; know howgriwiomjotz are to his Meje-: fly , and how man] Waies. he hath expref ed hi: diff/644:» _/tore clgotinfl Jim. And his /V/aje/5] will conceive Jmr Eleflion to he an ozfront to his fervvice, omdfiz we (hall draw the dsfplea/otre of the King 071 74:. Oar hope ir, that jozt om ofconflziente and lrgelt] utilz’ not fleekrhi: t place; and Weletjoxe know, that ifjofl do, we will oppof: you all We 6'om,'&C.' And writing Letters to others of A the County to this effeé}. Pt’herm’° o1nqtIie_t fiiritt feek their om: end: , We deflre ' men of moderation may he chofen, and We defire“ yooo togit/it '19”? Voice! to A. and B. &c. And for that befides thefe Letters, the] warned the tiropzed Bond to attend ‘the-'d4}¥ofthe ~ i‘ i" W C V .Elc6?iow,e t3f'the’Pri;2c2:;vol Fundomentalkights, @’ r ' 3: - a j A S11MMA_RY 1 t L% V ‘§§C 0 L c T: ‘ ~ A l V I Ofthclgfirincipal % ‘ o * FVNDAMENTAL RIGHrs,@e O F A LL ‘, l g 18 eelncna I l , Both in trielir Perfons,Efiates, and Eleétionss and ’ l ‘ " offrhc memnrable Vote: , ‘lfiiefolutiom, and Aft: of “ L . . 1?arl2a2é2e7zt,_ for their Vindication and 'Eo'rrobor_atio7z,in the ‘ Plate Par1;'ame7;_ts'o'f 3 8: 17 of King Charles; collcftcd ~ . . ' oziir Q’.f'§h‘ei‘r j’o1m24l.€:,“and Rrintcd Qrdlnaaces. ‘-5 2:‘ n » H ‘ ' J, ’ ‘ Mm: necrziiarya [0 be known , confidered, re-ePrab]1f'hcd % % fired healing of t-he‘ma'/zifo__l’o.‘ large mortal W'0ll’72”_d.SfviI.1 thefc” chief Vital parts, and repairing the various defijm. ' ' V :3. bld a:1'd‘ncw‘feczlrz'ties5againfi'pafi,yrcfcnt.an'd future publick . afliive fiulzvcr--‘fave Br‘cac,’ocs in thefc prime‘ fozlndatzohs. ' H $7 Violations,tlndcr—mi2zmg:,‘by force drfrauahfdr the much-do 7 ,1; . *of our _£ugl.ifly' Slate-Fabricl{ ;_ without which " no cfil-ffzzal -p_'ref‘e'7z_t' or future Healing, fl._7*ion,_ " Pcac'c,"o‘r fettlcmnt can poffibly be cxpefig-" cd,o;' cfiablifllcd if} our dlfiT(I&£’d Nations. ' ’. ' 155;’ /4'/"Z'[[l'o'z'?/7%. .’:“>')Iz2‘"r1e"'(5t' ;S’ir'az’i;7fwz'c'/Q big; a Ben-. C”€}.'\.»I'. I41.’/Z57/[7I51‘77776‘o o ;- ‘Jay _ 9, '2. I. 1‘; time no Balm i72_ Gilead .3 is tboifie n0" Pb}/lcian there ? ‘ .. 5 why mm zs 720: the ioealtlo oftbc Daughter of my poople 'rec0'vc'rcd.'- _ jer, 51. 8. Take Balm for her pom, zffo befbe may 5619841361. ‘ »_' A 1 ch;-on 19, 13. Be of good courage, arzdlet us behave ozlrfélws . ya{,§4;zr@ for our people, and fartloe Cities of our God; and let the Lord . ' . ~.u_ do gbat agzlyicb is good in Ioisfigbt. > ’ ' J; .515’ » £,-::‘L‘:,a;~''' \ .. . _ 3 ,3? .~ _]_,g.i{c%r.'i'~ 1’1'1DL€d for {hf .All[h0l'-II 656. 3/";'fl':""~ 316.» , ' ‘*5’ 1.343 . - . ‘SJ; x ‘nu 3 r.'(,. a LIBERTIES3 MOPRIETIES ‘ -in {His 'pr“cfcnt junfturc of Publiclg Af]‘Zzi'/s_’) with all poflible .._. a ‘ To the zmpreudiced Redder. / Jig iingartzinately folicited éy Mr._ VV1ll1am Shepheard, a Law«= ’ ,-:2 E1 .5 yer, fpeciallj imployed by fame Swordmen agzd Grandees at VVhiteha1l, (from Whmce (96 « came to vifit me at my Studfliz Lincolns lune, within two dzzies‘ after their refolziti-= 022 tocall an ew Aflembly at VVe{hni11[i:er;., zvhcrewitb be acquainted me ) to regulate the abue A fes in the execution of ‘our Laws‘; thatl would confide: of fuch abufes of this Nature, as I had obferved, for him to prefent to that Aflembly Fto be rcfbrmed by them, beingjonc chief end. of their meeting; which I then informed him, I had 110 time to do, being ready to take my Tourney iinm thC C oun-try», and that Sir johh Davis in his Epifile to hislrifh Repiortsjaad written fa much in jdfiificizdan ofour Laws, as 2370ai6if4~= tisfie and [flame allfozfiddiers and others tbdtigizanmza. 1} cenfured them. H e tlaereupon defired mean my vacant times , to confider ofthis his motion in the »C@un’try , for tzhepublick good. «Which i film callirz to mind, and canfiderizzg that it will be‘ mlzéootlcjjf, imyolitick,gmdridicziloas fbr 422} puég F ‘ _ i A 2 ‘ i iicé r» i s Z7,‘ r « “ Z_. 9 A V 4 I‘. '_ . ‘Q? q,.. . __ ',. To the uhprejudtced/Reader. V lich or private vState-Phyficians, or RcfiQ1‘n1€IS, :of their time and gaimoaly to care fame {mall ;f<;ratches, 0Pj,CL1tSZ"/¢ the toes, fillgfrfg erhreav ‘aches in ithewyles or-fea1tng:qf’ eitr State and Laws, ( ‘as-«fame, Mounte.bancks,.a22d Ptlstt-do-pO~ liticians how’ do) and inthe ‘mean time l70OVC1‘- paffe, negleéi , if not imreafe , dilate the large deadly wounds, in the "very Head, Heart, V ital Parts; and math clangeroas-Breaches , under- fminirigs in their V€.1‘y““‘FOUITd3tiOI1S',-_1425hic‘lJ"lb7t'zlf€}¢ prefent; death , azgdfzzddairz Ruine tathe whole Body oi 0urrState, Laws, Nation, -zfziatfpeedily healed 3 repaired with all pof sihle rare and diligence, A - hy the mofl ‘shilf2zll~Artifts‘and Philopaters, [affili- eflll)’ qualified fbr faeh ' a defperate diFfic;u1tpub- lick cure , Repair , and with‘ fiieeere felf’-dehyiizg ptthlick fpirits , coaragioufly addrefsizzg themfelves ’ with all their shill , might, to this neecflary Heraick worh. And withall oéferting , that there can he 720 health , ezzfe, refl, qaiet5 hatiperpetaalpaiiz, ldi¢— gaijhing; COZfum1}fi0fl,‘t0TtfiTE , decay in the Body politick of our Nation“, no more than in the Body natural, fa /mg as there is any alt:/Z0h(tIti072 ,fra£tioh,- €0I2'Uulfi072 , wound-, malady in the Bones,‘ N‘ereve5,i- Arteries, or chief Partrazed memhers thereofi h Aliza.’ then rememhrirzg that ferious PI‘Ot€»{’c@tiO11,aI2d fo- lemn League and Covenant , tvliieh’ I my felf, all memhers of the late Parliament, fitofl Perfons in late- power; and the generali-ty* of all the well-}af~» feé-‘ced peo 1e, to publick Laws , Liberty ', .]u-' flice , Re igien , in our three Kingd0mes,' not long fime took" in the prefence O'f:the1I1‘Ofl: High God, Angels ; anq Men wit_h hands lifted fit: I ' »ii£§":o Heaven, mz*>wm‘rubrrcr:b¢d "m‘zEz;;¢f¢”i F .?4. .__._— - ’ . Tcithe 4 »lmz.a’s5'¥ThatTti1ey {hall with fincerity, reality, anti coniiancy, in their feve:ra1V0cati0115 ,-en- deavour— with _-their’E Peates and lives, mutual. i~y-‘tot pre{erv'e':the Rights, Prrivileges,iLa=.vst anti‘ Liberties Girlie Pa..rliament‘s‘ an; iKi;ng,.. domes of Er;glzz;2a’,- Scotland, and Ireland, 8.50. ‘- And‘ in this Fcommon‘ caufe of Liberty zind peace Of'th€« Kiing<.iO111€S ,4 affil’t.,, and ciefend all thofe that enter’ into this League and Cove. . nant,i.n»- the inaintaining and purfuing thereof; and not fuffer themfelves d,ireiers, pplauclersé 'Of,sQ«r aHer;tets to the pfintetl .Eflg;flg¢;1m’I9I4‘_,*;‘£61§1'6\?%qQ}1‘x#~§i€'£*.f5Rfifffi L L .93 ‘ .'~- 12 % _ - fvrt’; . " ""’ ' g___ A Summary C olleffim fentatiaw, Proztajaéalx, Dc/ire: , Lett:r.r,’anoi R .-Z2.=‘r2rz’o74J’. for failing t_/9!: ., ation in fffi jilff Rights the iaatfiiflr ment in their suit ieziizilegza, aim tbiz §'lll3jB£t5fl2' ‘ tbeitjuft 3Lt'h2ttt'e£4 anojfreenoma, pué/i/bedintbe mm: of the ‘dbznetal , anti clfiznetal dome , who are on this occafion molt miferable, dif-j confolate, and arfli éted, pro/irate at the Throne ofjmr Grace emd fuflice . do molt humbly and ardently beg for the prefent removal of this unfupportahle Bur- then, and that your Majefiy would be gracioufly plea- “ fed’ to tenure as from the like 1B;ea'ur-e in time-to tome. Which K ing Charles then did by the Peririouof Ri_g»’at:the benefit whereof, and of the!" e Parliamentary - Votes,Refolutions,Laws,we all now jointly and afeiveral-J‘ e ly claim asour undoubted Birth-rzglm, and as the Price, C'rozvn,Tropl],Gucrdau of allourlat€Purliczmext4r]Cams. ( felt, expended Treafure_.r,' Bloucizfkedr, Ware, Viéiorier, er?! the seal or PF?~5.?.‘_l‘l§Fi;1‘§9§F?l‘§ efshefe our iue e [’ .»’ ” ’ " .l:lb¢FF§€5. %A22J Appemiz'x,€/9°c.L ¢ ’_ :I:iFerties,‘Franchifes,Rights, Laws, and1Into_dMuccAr_s of T % an Arbitrary,‘and nTyrannica.ll‘Government repugnant thereunto : which we hope no true-"bred £.-gizjb Freeman or S.War;%m4n,; Whatfoever can have the hear: .0re:‘face to ~deny"t:‘rni6‘ its ,a~g:ii‘n‘ff all hisformer Prote- fi'ations,Remonfirances, Vows , Oathes , Covenants,‘ .,Engagi:fnents7, bottrto“ God and the Engli/5 Nari; 017- . _ Gal. 5; I, I 3.1 4,'t5*.Smnd fa/I therfore in :12: Liém; » '1»/Jermith Cl»-ifl /mt/a mad: mfru , and 5e mt inmn-_j glad again with the yak; afBond:zge. F or Brethren , ye mane been caller: unto aubctty -° only VJ: not Liéer-f tjfizr an nccafian ta t/nfl:/I7 , A éztt 5] lowfirve one and-3” timer. For all the" Law 2'4-fa/fi/led 2'71 on: word, wen t/air,‘ T/you [halt love My Ngigbéaur 44 My felf} Eat if]: bite and dewur oflé amotbtr take /7614 tlmrje not cor:/243’ ' 2:254 989 "ff.‘!?€£”£’_‘: ‘” “ A -1“ J “ "‘ An Appemlipcito f Presmifes. I ’ f Thath‘been'therzmtiem:Plat,andlogjgr agitatedidefign of Rbégr; Parfoits, and other jefuiter and their Inigo firumenzs,aunder pretax; ofrefarm-I Wt?-V 0f tagiand, to alter, fxéverfis 4159/5/71 five Great Charter , Cam- inm middmental Law: of the Iizml , and principle: of Gamrment,w/new” We @7141/lice gftlve Kz';2gdom,efivLié:r-J 1y and Property of the Sztéjeffr are e/}:zélzf&:d;as I have irrefragably proved at large,by Raézrt Parfbm‘ his M‘:-' maria! for Refirmation afEng1and, written at Sm‘: in’ Spain , Anno 1593. by William Wmfim,( a feminary . Prieft) his Qt/aidliéets, printed 1601. p. 92, 94,95." 236, 330, 332. A Dialogue éetweer) at Secular Pries‘? and a L4y- Gentleman , printed at R/mm: I601 . p.‘ 9 5. William Clark a Roman Priefi) his A» war to the mmsifeflation of Father Par/‘’’”’ 9' 74, 75. oéert Par-‘ fan: own mdnéfefiatian of tbefolly , and 6-ad Spirit of certain in England,c4lling t/aamfe/7/ex Secular Prieflsfi. f.- 5; to 63. Mr. Thoma Smith his Preface to Mr. 105?? D41’/I4 , his Apoligy for the Reformed Churches :« Cambridge, 1653 . p. I 2, I 3, &c. The Declaration of the Whoig Hozxfe of C ombsonx, I 5 Deccmé. /I641 o Ex‘ {I55 Colleéiion, p. 3, 4.’ Liadawicm Ltxcim, Ha]forM." jffttiticd, p+3»18r,gI9, 535. and other Evidences in my Erifils ,!9 A /Mfwéélv 2 !3*g41»- erzé .f=WW“’i E75345: \ ing the Common Law: awl_Sm-j L J. i l V A/2 iA‘1),_12e22ioilz:.i9c.,€5J'c. ’ - ._ ~. _..— 19. .4V;gdlc4ti0fl of the good. old fankdarrlio;-t¢71iiéerti::e,, Rights, Law of all Engllfh Freeman; and to A New ' Dtfofovefj of From State Tjrmmj; to which for Brevi-, ty 1 refer the Reader. That it hath been the Sox!:!." din: and Anaoaptifls delign, endeavour, to put this ‘ their Iefaitiml Plot .agoiojfl' om‘ ‘Law: irziexeomfioaz, a under pretext of reforming the corruption: in t6e‘Lzzw, y ’ and Lozw}'er:, by the Tutorlhip of the diguifed Iefuzte: (fwarming amongll us , and barring a dlionfifiozy an!) «innate! abzoan , that iR_ute.~3 all the ‘affairs oftbe things of Qlfnglann; as their own General, 0. Cram. ml! himlelf avers in politive terms to all our-three Nations , and the World, in his primed Noose/2 ii: the painted (.‘lo‘4mla_ar , Septemo. 4. 1554. p. 15 , I‘-7, _) I have there a likewife demonfirated, and is lo experi-‘ mentally vifible to all men by their frequent Confulta-4 tiam, ‘Committee: , Trmtzfé=:, Difg-am-f¢._,,Ly0,",.and Infimment:[4:t on work , to regulate our Laws, that it needs no further proof} The excellently connamralmjfe, corwenicaa; ofthe Laws of E nglomd to E nglifllmenr temper: , is {O fully expreffed, demonltrated by Fom-fme, in his Book De lcmolibm Legum Anglia: , Glmwill, Britta», and others of ancient, and by Sir Iohn Dan/ie:, in his Epifile to his Irifb Report: ; Sir Edward Cook, in his Epiflles to his Report: , llnkiitiflfe: , with other of later times : by the very New modellar: of our old hereditary Kingdome, into a7 puny Free:/late, in their Reman- §'t'ramce of Marco 17. 1648. and by Mnlolen P}m,and Mr. Oliver Saint-Iolm, intheir late Parliovnmmry Speec/oer, printed bythe Common: H-oufe‘ {pecial Or-‘ ders ; that I lhallnot {pend walte—paper, to commend- them ,* being the molt excellent Law: ofall other: in the World, as they all unanimoully rel'olve.l'lha*ll only adde to, their Em.-omiztm: of them : That the. extra- ordinary care, diligence of our Anoe/for:,«and alleourf Parliamentary Councelsl in formerages, to maintain, ‘ D. 2. ‘“ P“: V. «K -.2 ’ I'_ 1:: ‘O 3.... _. .I.«_ at‘ 4;. .5 , An Ag2p:nd . x. . ix,f€’9’c..« . 1 preferye,d~efend "End tranfmit tompoftcricy chore and old Law: ‘We now do or (hould enjoy; with the lafl long Parliame nts irnpeaching;-beheading Srraflbyd and Canterbury For Arc/9-trajtarx for endeavouring tat faémrt them with their innovation: on the one fide, “' In the Co!- and the late King and his Partifans on the other ‘fide, in abgv e * 5 ooprinted Declarattom 0rder:,Ora'z‘aance.r, 15,5; 50 ,2 5 of 0.’, Procl¢;;¢,.1t£an! ,iRemonflr-amtes; that\tibe— principal and of dmaacgs, prirz» all theiriconfalltatiom , army, wars‘ , t;ex:.;x) fmpafitianx ted hy both Haafc: orders. 3 Printed 3§479 ex‘,-yengfgs of £;=1fi.*2ite T reafare and Blond, in all the unhappy contefis againft each other ;‘ wax iwiala-_ B1] to defend, maintain our Law: and the Saéjeéls Liéertiex, fccurwl 15] t/Mm. as tllflf bfiflfi Patrimm]; Birt/orig/at, and e172/aeritamregithe inferring thereof gm, all their G emral: and ilitar] Ofiieer: ommi/]3an:e,and all Ordinance: , to raife monies for the Armies pay; is an unfwerable evidence of their tranfcendent exc:l(enqy,, atililitj , _ preciaafaefl} , eza/ae , ' eflcem 5” In the eyes of our Parliament and whole Nation: And a convincing Difcovery of the Iefaitical Iafataatian, fa/~’ , ffcnzy, _t7'€45'/;1cr}' of thofe Swordmezz and their Confederater, who now revile, tracluce, and en- deavour all they may‘, to reform; alter, {ubveru thofe very Laws. and Liéerties which theywere pm--I polely cammiflioaed, waged, engaged iaviolaélj to» de--, fend , both by the Parliament, and People, andfor which end they formerly profefl‘ed,declared in many printed *Romanj?ra::m' of their own,the} fought am! /ca. zaarded their {lime in the fi.:-ld—;*' yet now would conquer, and’ trample under feet, as ifthey had only fiu:gbt- Zggzinfi them and oar hereditary Iliécrties 0073 V7”? C em; ' \ Imuft cyonfefs, there are fome few Griev‘am'e:,1: X l/35ufe.I' , not in the ‘T54.-or] , but Praflice of oar Law: ( introduced byrdifbaaefl‘ Attorney and~.Sa[licitor: fog the moft part )’ fit to be redrelled by the lady: of the £4?’ (at $919.9 9? s¥39m~ hat: 129:9 upon complaint ) e ” white l ?._, A__-—-If ‘ A22 Appenaix,e’9’c. .j._ \_ ‘_ ll; . V wlhgh .1 my felfhad many years iince reformed -t’ as I told Mr. Sbephmrdyupqna his fore - mentioned motion to me) had not tbofe Ami}-men violently pulled me wit ' other Mginéerx mtbftlae Hanfe; and interrupted thekkftlemenf, peace, liémj, eafe from tdxer, excz/n, and good Gwmzmnt of the Kingdom. 5} 4 /Mpp] cleft with the .__l4tc Ki”£,:c,o ufurp the Soveraign Power of King and Parliament into their own hands, and perpetuate our War:,Taxe:,Excifes,Armtes,and Mi- litary Government upon u;,from generation to genera-;’ tion, as experience now manifefls beyond contradi&i- on, not for the peoples fafety, cafe, Wealth, tran-It qnil'lity,as they then‘ pretended. For thofe few . remaining Abufes in our Laws execution yet unredreffed by former Laws , as they no Waies concern the array, or mm}-0_,fi‘lcer: as Sarzldz-f ers, being out of the callirrg,CommiHion, and fit only for Iudger, or Parliament‘: in their defaults,to redreife : So they concern" not the generality of the People ( many thoufands of them having no fute. at Law in all their lives, and the moi} of them very rarely)but for“ V the motto part only fome Lit-igious5 contentious perfons, who out of their pride and animofity, occafion thefe abufes, and prolongations of {utes in Law, which they andothers complain againfl, and therefore are jufily punifhed and rewarded bygthém; the expeniivenelfe and tcdioul'ne’iI‘ee of.'their.‘Lagw fntes. being thebefb means, to corre'&", iJ.llfC‘.§i1¢ir:con_t¢nti0uS malicious fP1fit$%: other futestthetweent peaceable perfons being; foon determined without any great expence, or length ~ Of time , if diligently profecuted by honefi Lawyers, Attorneys, and ‘Sollicitors. ‘ ‘ » ' But the Giievaiices iithiefei./Vieiitidili Ii Rcfbrmer: I I 0111' _L4W have introduced, undertpretext ofreformin {Om petty Abufesin the praéiice of the Law and lawyers, are of a far more grieyous,generall, and mflfseqdgnt nature, fubvertingtlgie very [fundamental ' ‘Q’ N" Law.- b——4-. 4.; J gs A A/'2 Appendix, (mi Laws and Liberties ofthe whol‘e‘Nati'on; and burth-_e-l ning them with 2 or 3 Millions of extraordinary T axes, Expences every year, whereas all the abufes in \ the Law if reéiified, amount notto above 5 or 6 thou. {and pounds a yearat the moft, and thofe voluntarily expended by litigious perlons, not exa&ed from, or impofed upon any againit’ their wills, as Taxes,Excifes,g Impolts, Tunnage and Poundage now are by the Souldiers, without a& of Parliament againft our Laws. _ There. are 4. things fpecially provided for by our PundamentalLaws , and theoriginal A-Confiitution of our“ Government, which principally a concern all the ‘Ereemen of England in General, above allthings telfe. » s t. ~ o 1 The Privileges and Freedome ofour Parliaments and their Members-L t i M i 2. The lafety and. liberty of their Perfons; 3 ~. Ijhe Propriety of their Eliatees; ’ 4. The Free courfe of-Common Law , Rigtil',Jll<§ fiice. l A ll which our ArmyRefor»:m have lately ‘violated in the highefi degree, beyond the prefidents of the worfl: of former ages,aga-infiaall Lawsof God and the Land 9 their own Comrnifiions, Trufls, Declarations, Pro- teflations, Vows, Leagues, Covenants, Engagements; without any colour of lawfull Authority; and yet would be reputed the only jafl, uprigbt,f.ritbfa/l,rigb- team‘, confirientiom, Proteélarr, Refarmer: of ourLaw:, grie*vm¢ce1.; Got/erhrmnt, and God: mrfi-‘pnc.7ouaSaiz4t:; and all others meet Malignantr, or Difisfefied perform to Liberty and Reformation who oppofe or diflike their (3 see the E- proceedings; Jtzdeperzdckcy pi/ff; 41:01 412- I I. For the Privileges,Freedomoi’Parliaments,and pm zx 0 my ' g . ‘- « ’_ Speech in P” heir Members , formerly held moflfacred and mean. gamma W1 laélc ( c ), They have in their own and thesAr,;u'e:' _ the Hi/fory of name, impeached‘, i_rn,pri{oned, fufpendedfrom fit- . s . in .1 ring <4‘ > _—y ,,-7. 2:2 ppma7i:x{,€§’c. ‘y 5 33 ___———- fitting, many Members of both Houfes; marched up profeifedly a ainft them; contrary to theirTr,ufls, Commands; orced them to retra& their own 0rd';.f§, Votes, Parliaments; eje&, imprifon their ownMem- hers, and Vote What they prefcribed them. And not « content herewith, contraryto both Houfes Votes, feifed, impeached , impriloned, clofeimprifoned my {elf with fundry other Members, in remote Cafiles, fundry years, without caufe or hearing ; or recompence for this tranlcendent injuiiice; line: which they abufed , condemned, heheadedthe late Kiag,'* 770: head ofthc Parliament; fupprefled, *c”,”’t 44‘ _ abolifhed the whole Houfe of Lords, the antientefl, ”‘fl‘”-‘-‘- “/9” chiefefi Members ofit; {ecu/ted, {ecluded , the greateft part of the Commons Houfe; and -forcibly diifoived the Parliament itfelf by the Sword,-«without any writ, contrary to an expreife aét of Parliament. Andhow“ they have difiurbed, their own mock Parliament, ali mofl: even in the like manner. How they and their Inliruments have New-modelled,that they nowcall our Parliaments; how they deprived many antient . Bfirroughr, Citiear, of their right of electing Burgelfes, or offo many Burgeifes as they ought; difabled many thoufands of their Votes in Elections ,who have voi-_-j ccs, and enabled others to be E_le&ors who have no‘. Votes by ourLaws;incorporatedScati/h,8cIri]77Knights,. Burgeifesas Members in our late Parliament ,and inter- rupted the Freedom ofE1e&ions, byLetters, Menates,7 armed Troops, Soldiers , and otherindirefl means, agaiuft the Statute of 3 E; 1 .c. 5. and the great Char-5 tar, and Conflitutions ,Laws, 'Rights«, Privileges ,' of our Parliaments; is 1'0 wellknown to t/nmfclver, and others, that I {hall notinfifl any further there-“ one And are not all and every of theft far grea-L ter abufes and of more general important concern- ment to the whole Nation, than any they would now ' ssfesma oft ésclaita again‘! its 9ns=L_4ws.:or.Law7¢rs?fiF §*9"‘Z‘i made: T mm-: di Parlzam:- _, _._~-.a...-, ..,...."-.. ——~-on 4 4 ; ... 1.. ..-._....._ .’.‘_...hK... . \- 3/ V 24 An appendix, e’9’c. T ‘ Y‘/957.7 R‘-. Iizorzflrarxce and Kcprejen- Lztzurz. A1; at now to be redreiled ? being ad judged no lefs than High Treafonin others *5} t/Jemflelr/er; -yea the very ground-work of all themzeepabelitie: penaleier, feque-_ flmtiom, decimdtim:,forfe£rare:, they impole on others 1 3. , D“. 7. for le vying war, and adhering unto the late K lug again/f =1647t the .Pm-limnent 3 which they but mediately and indi-f reétly oppoled and warred againfi, but themfelves immediately, afluall , die-e81; marred repeat, feifed, fe- cured,dtfl'el~oeel, de/frayed, againft their Tm/I: , 6’ommif- /ian: to defend both the Parliament and the Members of it from force and violence : and therefore are the % far greater Delinquent: by their own flvlf? condemning Cenfzere: , Declarations, New mflmmentr, and Ver-_ diffs palfed againfi others ; and by St Paul: own Verg‘ difi Rm). 2. I, 2, 3. are inexcil/kélgandffizzllnott‘ flap: the judgement of God : though they efcapethe fcntence of all humane Tribunals, this nature. t 2. For the fafety and liberty of their Perfoni,‘ thele Arm}-Reformer: have contrary to the G'rmt_ Charter, all other Fundamental Lam, Statutes 1 the Petition of Right it felf, and premiled Votes in the Parliament of 3 Carole , in N en?-created /Plilifdfl Court: af Iujfice, impeached, condemned , executfd not only the late K ing and fundry Neéle:,but likewnfe Kniglats , Gentlemen , and other Freemen of 8"- rancks, callings, without any lawfnll Inditementof Tryal 67:/Jeir Peers, for oflences not capital by 01156 lmownLaws;Forcibly apprehended by armedTroop€f5r the Perfons of Parliament-men, Noblemen, and othere of all forts; imprifoned, clofc-imprifoned them in re; mote Cafiles , under armed Guards, and tranflatfa them from one Caflle to another, and my felfam°{‘8 others, without any legall examination, 5‘‘“{‘"‘9"_{ hearing, or caufe exprelfedg banifhed form! 2 3"_d'm__+ priloned others, (yea fomc of their own Iblilztazvj, 0ll7"7!",‘ . and grease“ Eri.e!1ds., it} 5119?? f9r€*gdj;,’,’,; ‘ . for their offences of e ~.. . __ .___ ’.__‘_ ,_.,- ....._...-—-.....- .-......"_.--..... V» ~..—:—..- A — — . 5 - an * CdjfY::,fWhfthét theV'Prelat‘es rod on Co}inoil37’“.‘z$le‘ SL'o‘rd:, banilhcd me and my felldw-brethren ‘hereto- fore ) without any legal Sentence, imprifone'd,“cl‘ole Imprifoned thoufandsat a time upon fudden fears and ‘ jealoufies, dracfiinoihern ‘otit oftlieiir hott'l_'és,‘be”ds> in the night by 5831 ,1'éi"§, and.”fl1ut‘tin”g"thell1 up “in. ‘in’-s convenicntplaces‘ Ebanilhed multitudes from time to time from London and other parts, for fundry Moneths together; confined others to certain places; imprell'ed_ [houfafids for Land and Sea-fervices, and forein iin-j ploymentsagainfl their wills, and carried themaway perlorce to, and others From forern Plantations, to the Indie:, vyhzre thfey have loll their Cliimbs, lives, to the wine o t eir’ amilies. Deora ed all our Nobles without any lawfull caufe, ofafi their perfonal, here- ditary Powers, Trufis, Commands : cDisfranchifed, dif-ofiiced Judges, Iullices, Recorders, Maiors, Al- dermen; Freemen, Servants, and many {uch very late- ly even by Major §e:oorozl:a and their Deputies at their pleafures, taking far more Authority upon them now In all Places in this and other kinds , than ever; any Kings ofEn£lomd did, in late or former ages. And that which tranlcends all prefidents, imprifoning Lawyers themfelves as grand Trajtorh and Delinquent: in the Tower of London, only for arguing their Client: ‘cafes, guarding to their Oat/1:3, Duties, in defence _of their yommon perfbiiwl Liéerty and Property , When Illegally _committed for refuling to pa] zxmjog/1' Exczfc: and Im- pofl':,witbom; eAfZ- of Parliament , in the late cafe‘ or Mr. Can] ; and threatning to imprifon others for pro- feeutinglawfull futes: when as thelate Kine beheaded‘foraT;rm2t5 frée1ypermitfed_‘_5#y {aha V other'Lawyers,to argue the cafes of Kniglathao 51401941: S/Jipmoiroy, _Impo_/fr, Tonvzago and Poundozge, which lb much concerned him, without imprilonme-nr_ or _re- flraint. -And argndt thefe, with the denying Hliiéear C orporae; to ferrié’; flopping the returning, or benefit; E l o . .‘ ‘,3’ - av cm . -~- qt.‘ —T._—!. .94!‘ €3R1!€z21{¢.§; (79ic._ ofihérniwheii -itotothegrs, far, greater .__fggrie3 iiances, Abufesy (which concernevery’ isubjcéf alike,‘ and flrike at the foundation ofall our Liberties ) than any thefe Swqrdemm diflike or declame againtil: in our? 1.«aiwes otfhawyérsse? finnow to. berrsdseficdy-aI*.71:fany }'gri;vatei[peifion' injure any Fre§mifn.t‘§n‘;anyyiohtliele kinds foremenrioried, he may be ‘remedied andrazsé , vierffdammag-es by an Affion af‘tl2é,Caf£,.f1”f1efpafk',‘or Falféflmprifainmez.-t;but being thus injurediby JS:word-V ?7_1(«’i??i Souldiers, N ew C ammittees, .,.__E.3cc,'if q-_7??{m;§ ’, Do they’ "not without any A6} .ofPar-‘ liament , againli all former Aéts, Votes 9 impbliei what monthly Taxes ,» Excizes , Impofis, Tunnage , s _ Ponndage , and other payments they pleafe upon the | whole. Nation, without intermitfion, and levy them‘ by armed Souldiers 5 Violence , Imprifonments , quartering and ‘ other great penalties , fines in- lliéted on the Refufers oithemgand difpofe of them at 9 their pleafures when levied, without giving any ac‘-g conntthereof tothe Nation? yea*E_<_>_rce‘t'hem *' to hay’. their contributions forne before i ‘b’row"y due {when no‘Lan_d-lord cafi'1"'elceive hi,s'K§'nts ,' ho: ? Creditor his debts to pay thefetaxes , till at ,-"or after . the time they become ‘ due 3 And all to carry’ onfnew. w_ars, without con€en_t‘ of Pariimen: 3 and‘ ‘vain new; conquefisabroad ,2 wfliiles —in-,tfiéfjl€le'é~h’t'i trié%fi_riI‘s’ler’-__' T chants are robbed;!,mdon,’oi1r tréfdingidécayed thefe warsgand for want ‘of wiell-guarding th'eSeas at home. And not content with t‘he'fe ordinary Monthly contri- butions ,'.exci{es, impbfis,‘ have not thefe:Refor‘tners5 withottt.any t-reiiilirin .3; injoyning all Eoflfis 9% juflice oftbi:l_CI::n‘z'7fln7onwZaltb ,gaud all judges and fufliccs of the fame, S hm‘ ft, Cdmzfellorr, A ttmjnics, So1lir'iro2'5, and allothcr perfon:_ta_conform thcmfeljw: ao- mdingly , -WITHOUT ANY; OPPOSITION oRg D.1sI>uIE WHATSOEVER; sol that ;now ’no‘. Court of Jullicgg pf t1dge'mul’t.or‘can right ; no; any Lawyer , Ammo; , Sollimor , or other Pin‘.-{OD 3‘ p1ead,.argue or prolccute any fute, at Law againfi allyillegal Excife 9 'lfax,or.‘IrI'}9ofitiona<= ‘" though i ' 1° o W44” ¥fi?P€i¢dix»’@"- AL; ....;-.... ........._.......»~...,---«»-v--~o-'0 though never fo5u_njut’t,,andjoppr:e1iive; nor againn fan? Levier of them,ori.irnprifoner ofr‘efi11'ers of them, un- 5 dc: pain of being dg..]mged, (like7/aorpe, ”.l\Qwlz'gate,_ and R911: of Kate ) or bcingcommitted to the Tow: _ er, as Mr. /l4M4]nzzrd_,. 7’wifden, ~ and H6-zdbrzme Windham 1 . were’, for arguing Conic: cafe againy£’c_‘=rVthefe Whitehall.‘ L S 0;‘dimmcer.A flavery worfe than t'h:itt‘o’f the {Z} Englifll ' Efigjgefizgtrri; jaw: of old 3 To omit all forrner inforcements ofwe11- to the few: re- afffifited glundered pergons and others‘, to releafe t mitter into their Aofuons, Judgements, Executions againfi C4-g England. rwzliers, .Saldz'crr, and others, and to pay ,t/rem dammzz.-‘ } gar, and cafl: offltte befides; to their undoings,by their Council: of War,% and Committee: of Indemnity, of which f there are hundreds of [ad ePrefidents;I {hall only touch their new Major G'e:¢eml.r,_ C4pt;zdi2zr,%L£;f;t'ténaz;gt:, and“ - others late Abulesw of ith.iS..'Ki_t1d; ,in {ending for Lkzpazf’ : yam Attomier, Solliqitqgfr,‘1%]-}$d{éIldi:er.r"4z7d a-’ ; thew‘ Ulélejfmgersg“afid’f'Oi'C‘ifi'g-thefn mengcesgterroge j_ and threatned in1prifonrnents,tQ.,re1eafe their A.5Zian?.t',' ’ judgejéngntsa E;x"éc'tttz';ah3,tQand ‘to ‘re ferre é;11_f utes .dep_er,i § ding'ii1tuC¢’wtIvfEqél?ti%2i%M?iv€»ero.t’W3W /Jtezt2‘t2%;€’.; mi determiwieti‘ "f:h.€.i:F1»¢‘3<”§f§hini3?s>:‘?W5”“”Z>79”??? flxg Orderr,‘ ‘_"7’zié{‘fg'¢3¢é3§t3‘§' DeZj‘r‘efe:’,’ made not only by“: * -* _'}mlger, jajfiéer, ‘and others» in’Cmrt: of '13:)» and E . gm'ty,- but cvenby Committaes pf Parliament ,and the,‘ '_ ‘.._ _:".;.,3flqméébrértHq§1fé£tjIe{f'%:"thei;r'_fcndingfor'fo_m¢- Lpterfons 5 infCu_Pco“dy who refufed to _attend them, ‘upon,refe’_retn__~ hf \ ‘ “ ces,‘ and others'fun'drym1lesa iand rria1{ing“them%dan‘ce‘.°- attendance on them from day to day uponbare _P‘etif-‘-f ’ trons and falfe fuggefltons of clamorousgperfons, after'i fev Cfral ttdgrménirl D6’§’7'€6,'5‘ in C amt: of ‘j’mf1F;;ce,Eqz2i{],it ‘ 12/irilizzriiezztr, gag r¢fifIhc::%é}?;_t};e1ol;g:é' ; Iii-i”g%,‘;=fc~::; ' ci_>n_'ded” with yfearriqzgiet e;z;‘b]’g¢:nt5jiJoff!il‘and’s '1'e_Cf(%J"“i vered, ggatnfi "the1‘n,“ to Ihfllf tntollerabie ‘expence iand‘ vexatton : ' A p‘reparat1v_¢ to 1'ngrofs_ a11Law and_'_I_u- f Price f5f"the'"future into’ their own 1 han‘dS"€_1_c$ne ;*:(h’d’Cé coins oF]uPtiC¢,.]udges5’ é.’s*£;iIl'i1£zé22JY-‘ufé-5*" i ii A " left - F ..-.._, .-.,.._ . \ ''lefie:}éol3'_,7'- as Tome tof~1ate*‘f1*‘avén[iied tjhein. ‘And are e tnot-:h'e1‘e' far heavier, {'add'e‘r Grievances,‘ abufes wor- Tthy redrefs, thanany thele*Reformers complain of in -our Laws or Lawyers? a 1 a Torthefe 1 mull ad-dytheir Neyifvoiuminopus White- Iazzllfoiio Edifh‘, Ozdizrgzncea, repealihg,a1tering our for- merLxw: and Smmte: in many particulars , impofing Nev’viTaxes, penalties, forfcitures 3 imprilbnments, ‘Fines, pena1~ties:on the g people _, and fuch as {hall in'f_ringeo't‘rl‘enl’,;Major Generals and their Deputies fupprefling oflnnesl, Taverns, Ale-houfes ( like abfo- lyutejullices) andwithout any legal Authority, and y_ then fetting them up -againfoon after, through the mediation ofpriends or mony: Their riding in cir- cuit 'with‘tho_fe who are their Judges to overawe and controllthem-’;:.the‘it‘dpengfabetting and countenan- cing of caufes ;‘ their great defiruétion of the timber of the Nation ,4 their building of new Pcately I-loufes , Gardens; Stc. upon the peoples and the publike (lock; the {hating of the publike lands and Revenues’ of the kingdom amongli themfelives , which fliould defray the publike expences -' With fundry more generals which I pretermit , the particulars whereof would a- moucntetomanY‘B72F”o”;?27zn Timer, ifaclarge recorded , being worthy the confid,erat'ion of the approaching .14 jfimél}, if not ‘of reformation. Which Affembly be- 1_ng purpofe1y‘ca}1e,d, ; Ff gA~_rm}',- Oficerra and Ma- ]07' General: reppfgfanci. for the reformation ofour Laws, and for the hmlin and ‘Ming 3]’ ofrbe wamrds, éreacber, of our dijfraé-fed‘? dif- contented Nations; which my {mall skill in Cbimrger} 3.551. l.’?.{E:£i€K{z£‘éi!1.§1_\,ttteicme£hQd. ofal-1-former Parlia- ments alfures me can never perfectly be healed’ and clofed up without danger of relapfe and breaking out again, with greater pain and danger , unlefs they be fir[’tfe4rched,l4m'ed , andlaid open fro the éattom , and then perfectly cleanfcd, and incarnated, vvithout- lea- . i .",“’8-' fiifehall Letters import, ‘ /.*r_‘n‘*’ L‘ !. Agg%¢ &€C4(!f6‘tb]fifl5 are mcreafed, % __ ‘ T ~ K 8 f r._;- f « -.9‘. -o 5 |_V._ V C A . ’"\ , .. > _ A _' .“ Lu 0‘) . \. a V . ~~ . . . , . . . . ., .,.;., __ ._, 3 -4 ' P1 rr--D A , ‘ _ -\ I J g ‘- ._'_f-' 1 :' 7. ’ _ «.1 -~) ., : Q. . "‘T- .; 7 .\ ...).:.V_.»_,_«:_ ' . 4,.I.A$ r: r __ ‘ ‘ _ N *- ‘~ \- C’. '. \; -. 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