,wmvawW"' whatchereisrxvin N El’,r/zbiz'flJed by ./lat/aorirgy. 7 AP; inted-for Rolvert Bo_[}o¢,.lU dwd us Pop uh. . 0 73, VVl1erein dc:-ayr Iétisfaétion is giVen,as m V Wéll concerning the Right of SLIBIE GT5, Was the Right of P R11»: B E 5. A 'u"‘ 'Sh€wing how both are confiPccnt,and where they‘ border one upon the other. As ALSO; 8, and whatothere is Huma of more value ancgvextcnro, W ‘I ?» fl N #6‘ Mo w "3,.3““. 3"‘; 9.‘ 3 and whether is I M .:u ui,Wj u, ’ ‘« 1? '“ ‘“ %~ :7”? '7 % % Clazadiwrzm ad Iigxzoriufiz. 7&7 Civein, 1’ atremfxe gems", in corzfizle ctzzzffxk : M o No/72' tibi, zzec rm, ts: movem2t,jéd publica. clazmim. In private matters do 21 Brothers part, In publick be aFat"her 5 letthy hear: Be vafi as is thy‘ fortune, and extend Beyond thy felf}, unto the Common t*:nd—. o , oLoNDoN:$ o ling in Pzufls Ch R s E 11: In both : AAA \ m*c%h-y:u:d%a:;; A o A "‘w», “ .- A tf1¢$igneofthcfiingHead.4 1644.. .L ‘ ““Nv. " “ F Ix %%§&&&§&x>w%§§&£§““ ‘?%‘*“?’?"%“? *?'§**%*%*%*%%w ]us Popu1i. 0% <7 ‘Vi/herein clear fatisfaétidn is given A “A A 3fS WC".‘H concerning the right 0fS1.~'1bjc&$,as the right of Princes. &:c. A . . , % He 0b_rermm~ (foihc"is4fii1ccI‘ at Oxford) Wang 1 ‘ A ‘ag3infio11r‘parafitica‘11 C0u1‘t"D0&0rs5 Who*think% w they cannot" be meritorious Patrons of%FLoy:;1lcy, witfiout fhewing then';1fe_lves Am;i--patriots , or de--- ~ {troyers of public}: liberty, grounds hin1f::1f upon thefe three main Afiémtiolls. I Prince: derive their A power, andfreragatiwexfiom the people. Sec%ond1y,~Pri22ce.r Iaawe tbeir in-V -uefiitzzrexmeerly fir ilae people: l797?6fit— :Third1y;. In 411 wel1~fin4‘mcwi Statex; A158 Lara5$,%%éyV%wbicb%.Pri7zcex Clflimg‘ 40 %4l€012I?‘eA then;/é!¢»exA% mbre in fzwur of I Ii5ii’m§y$t}Je7¢V% Preragatiwe. ‘ ‘ ‘ % % % % % Much art, forcé,;andinciLifh*y has becfi 1if::c:I co dcflréy tlxéfé f~'un~%- ‘A dan1cntVaIs,4whér#cin’ though chcfioyalifis have not been : prevalent,‘ M »,i31;tAhc judgenicntkofwifc men,yct:f0methiI1g nmfl:“fur%ther be %r¢pIy-.4 ¢ V Cdg<,ft{:J1* the weaker fort ofpcoplcs fake,»1c;i’t n1t11titl1d6S"0f0Pponénts~~ V5 A4 fhOu17c1%fw%ay ¢thcn1%,wa11dA%effe& ulmby n:1mber,whiwcl1'cannQf b_r:d<”)ne° ; ¢ byWeight;; V ” A ‘ ~ % L V A “ V " * % \ Q % Cfaies t%hc%,Ap0fl1c)VWM%1§ot}2m:;1eAoft/yewomgzrz,bzztfbe:é9om:z}z 7of47§ ?I 141622 falid this Ais%mad‘c:jani AA aj1*gun1¢Lit; %Whywt:h:if: Womazx fhotild L. pay 3. V % d l1€Vfub3"eé’ci011 ‘c0:: man.»< AndA~aga%ix1,; /Van%(Afai¢$%.the%Afg11w?Apofi1c).; A ' %% %% 2mf% A mess"! zzotetfeeted the woman, that woman ‘tine imirzg tzhisl made 311 Othexf ajrgumentlito; inforce thelfapimle thing. There lcahnot be p tlicreforeany tolpick rulesmore properly "pee ed then thefe: nay without offering fome contra diélzion to the Spirit of God, We can- not re}e€’c the fa me formot arguing in the cafe of a;‘“people,ancl their Prince :pefpecially¢Wl1e11pwe dopnotiinfifi onely upon the vertue of " the eflricient or finall caliife, hut: alfo tipon the éffeét it felf, and that form ofI...aW,.Which was (as it were)the produffc of both. A pp Let us now then re-exlaniine thef e three ground s,and feel: to give further fatisfaéiioll to others5 by inlarging our Difcourfe , where our aelverfarieslhave given 9. occafion. I If weleanl make it good 7% A £1942‘ fringe: were cre.zfec{;:b~}' tZ2e]>eoj9le,fI7r the peeplef ami-ff: limited H p empreflé Law: 415' that pilny might zzozf violate the peoplex Ziberg, it will inatun V c mlly follow 5 that though they be fingzziwis nzajarei, yet they are mu’-a werfiy rjizinorexpg thisfibeing once made gooclfit will remwaine unde- iniahlegi thatficlzzc Populiis fiprema Lax : and that baamm Publiczzzn is that which rnuli give Law“,-, and check to all pretences,por diiputesi of Princess Whatfoever. . A To” make appear thus mTuch,let us hegin with the o:~2gborfi1~filppro¥ A dllélcionxlof Civill Authorlty- A A V A pp A 1l.The Roy:alillsllltakei«‘.a great deal, ofefuperfluduseipainsgiaiiclf . quote n1~ac11y?itextllscof Scriptuic to? peroirelctbatillallpowemare Gad: il:atlKi7zg.r are azzbinted “by Goal '."«.~;z2€zczli’tboztltI?:g)’v meet to be obeyedwlt/fie Voice; gererzty ofGbd; cllfweidid oppbfe or denie thefe7clea1* Truth s,no fraud A’ were to llbelfuifpeétedl in thofe the: alledge them : A but when A we do? exprefienockixideofldifleizt from themhereinl,-,l and when theylhalve too genergrll €£7f611fe,.lla sxour dlfpL1t€—I1*OW 1‘un,s,we'n1ufi conclude that: there is lfome ifecret: f'rapucl' Wrapped up,’ and clouded under the very geiierality of thefe afilevierationse. Fox‘ tislnot by us queliioned when A the: powers are from God or no 5 but whether they are lfo extract-at dinarily. from God, as that tiheyphave no dependence uponfhunijane eonfenitg Neither do we raifecuiy Clot!-btg whether or no Kings are anointed by Gocll ;but whether that unéiion makes them boundgs lefle, andtheir Subjeitsi remedilefle or no, in all cafes Whatfoever; Neitheridoéwe difpute wheth er’ Monarchs are Gods cleputies, or no,“ i A anclioltolbe ohfewedjghilt whether limited ll/lonarchs,‘Iam:li’other conditlonmte, mixvecl Potentates: may notchalenge the fame privi-—-4 A ledge. Im‘ Topulir i v‘ l-gdlge. To fhewfthen more inigenuity tlowiazrdsyourAntagoniiisgwg F A will bemore cle er ixrdividfing, and diflinguiiliir1g,ra‘n:d we will edger. cfinc generall e:19*11r rcreamrcsa V ~ A 4 ea find“ A 1,,i5.cpW,,~_ A V n,a:nd'*»nnot onely States,*c‘wfiHEV ofgit - isg e;1€ré‘c11;,a11d extends to fan1i1i¢$,nas4nWc11nas '%nState§,nna11d,v:> po;_pu-fl % lar StatesAas'wc11as M<51mrchi*c:s.n As to govnrnmqzit alfo “%we;imunfl: in the next place ('3b'fcrvcnthrec thi‘11gS“ tzhé-rein “very difiingniihablc. fl‘/oénciiflffitiitiaiz 17’02:§:‘e1j_ £22ngeflerézllm.'%flV"19efl:?Jer’d=f}~o7¢z Atbé linziz‘a?zfib}zn%4nait ‘Or that fbmzgn aizdaatfie Zté e22er’d.fi'onz rlaen ndefzgmztioiz ofn ':2"t;t0 tiaflnor that perfo7z.". The <50'117{’citL1IAnt‘ionn orordinancc of ]urifdi&ion.~ we doe acknowledge to contain 955*’ 77*, butvnthis excludes not ¢5W9pw'--A '«?'l?°V 77, it maybe both refpcf,’cinv c1y,and neithfer fin1p1y;a?11dnS;,Pem- fcnems to afiirnnn as rmmh of the Ilunaaxmitieyas St. ,.P&m31 does cf the divi:nitic;nof7the confizitution. I: n ; In Matrimony thercis fomczhingn diV’1nc_(the Pfapifi makes it {new ¢:rament*a11 beyond royall inauguration) but its this anygrnunnd to A infer ithatnn therexis no humane confc11t orn, concurrence in it? does A the divine infiitution of marriage take “away; fifeedonze of choice f “beforc5nor‘con¢1ndeneitheriparty under an abfolutedcgrcc of (uh. ieftion afterfthc fblemnization? -is there not Anti; C0I13t‘lga1I ]nrifdi- fiibn (notWithi‘ca'nding the divine cfiablifhmflnt Ofit)a fifange‘kind . of mixture, and coordination; and may not the Spoufc plead that A \ divincrrightnasnmuch fora fw-"cc: eqzuahty, asthe husband dues for A a rigo1a=ons”incqtia1itic? { A‘ K %I2¢fi1r£or matmmz f5t z5Id2zaia mariio, _ ‘Nmgalitaérfuerintfcemimg virgg para. j V Thu-c74may“bea Rarity wen infthc: difpapiry of thematrimoniall n bond; andft%h-efeV}tw'0"cpntraries are Wfofarrc f1‘_(()Inpb¢i1’1g made conw ; mryby any plea ofdivinse infcitntiongthat noshingflfc could 1'1cl-1 ,1 . vnn~ n* A Tn“ nn. ' *% ¢oncT¢;% nn V Im *'Pop.r4li. ,_._._...-g-Inn--—-—e coneile them 5 And if men, for Whole fakes Women were created, fhall not lay hold upon the divine right of wedloclt, to the difad-9 vantage of Women : much leffe {hall l?rincee who were created for the peoples fake, chalenge anything from the fantfcity» of their ofii-= tc_’es,~th-at maytderogatefrom thepeople. Befides even government it {elf in the very conftitution ofiit is fo farre from being injoyned has divine upon any perfons ( not before ingaeged by their Town, or their Anceliors content) or from being neceffitated by-'-any precept, or prefidcnt in 3ctipture,;tl‘1at We rather fee an inlia.nce of the con- trary in the llory of Latyand Abmlaznz. Certainly there was in natu re fomsmajority or precedence due either l:ro:n Lat to A!mz!J.zm.,. or £1-mg: ./fbralmzm to Lot, (for the rules ot'order are no .W.I'yCS failing) A and yet We fee thisis no fixfificient inforcement to fizbjeé-it either of thefe Patriarks tothe othersy }t1rifd1é’c1on. When di‘l‘cordsiaro{'e V amongfi their fetvants , th%eyn1ighthave been qnalilied and-repref- fedby a friendlyaffociation, and either one or both ioyntly orby coutfe might have had the oyer, and terz11'1ner ,thel~eot.y Ye: fo in was, that they rather refoived upon :1 diflbciation and this could not but haveibeen a great fin again?! tllfiy C1iiVfiI1C_.Fig.l]E of-'; Govemu i A ment, if any finch had been originally imprint_ecl i11tNhtt?ir1feg 01‘§d:fili--J ” heated by command from Godqas of more value th_cM11-common’ 11-,- berty. Tis true itprov ed afterwards fafitail to Lot, that he redid dif-, yoyne from Abm}am,and»it'had been tarre more politicknnd ad- l t‘ vantagiotts for both of them perhaps, if they had incorporated‘ one with another : but the quefiion” isynot whether: it walls yprejt1dici;t11,i‘ ciorno, to elieeme the priviledge of an Independentliberty before the lmany ‘other fruitsand advantages of 3. Well frztniedl principalitie; but whethleri it was fin againlt God,or no,and "ad tramfgt*ellion ztgninii théeonfiitution of poweigto purfue that which n.1oPcyple:1fing,l beforet thlat which wars likely to trove moire-c;on1n1otliot1‘s.t4 eo!n- ceivethat freedome being in it felfPgood,en1d acceeptyéebglyeytoxylfiil -.ttt1yre,tll V Aways preferred before Government, which was a1fQtigot>d, :1; and more efpecially commendyab1e,t but God‘ had left thecl1oiee;ix1difi;7erent, and. girbitra1*ie, and therefore tl1E:r‘§Wk"1St no fcandal1Q1“AtrefpVafi"e in the choice. . Ifpeakxnot this to unfettle “any form of Governnietttyll ml’-i V yready founded; and compofed,nor againli the COnl)£itil*l:3:;*011lyji#tfttif, he Ofliflififltiflntlof framing alfoeiations : tis filfiicient for 1fly?L1l‘Q0f€;g_ _ A y ' “ t ‘ ‘”y “ i t~ by wig: , ’#.uq‘..,.g—ns-..‘-3;“ W ..».‘_..,« >.'ft\VV ‘H! w. H - Afar §Poprzli.l i A ifit he proved, that before fnchA foundation or compofit-ion every t man he left free, and not abridged of hls; own conlent, or forced A by any Lam _oféGod to depart from hisficeedonie, and I amfure_tl1is example of Abraham, and Lot does evxnee thus much 3 _un1efle mg thinl: good to chargethem both as enemies to the polmek confli- tution of 'poWer,~ and will needs introduce a perpetuall yoke of authority-upon all men whatfoevcr, whether prc-obliged by con- fent or not; which fcems to me very nneharitable. But enough of ~ this. Itpallz now from the conllcitution it fclf, to the determination ofpower to fueh a line, orfuch a. perfon, elcétively, or hereditairilyr and this ralfoi is an aét wherein we do not deny Gods ordinary in- terpofition, We onely de11y5thét the peoples freedomc of choice, or eonfcnt is at all drowned thereby. A ‘“ r r l A A A i A 7 in G ds chnfingloféhml particularly, is no generall denyall of hu- mane choice awe may rather fuippofe that that coronation was an a& of divine providence, thenof any fpeciall command. For as God remitted the matter to thedecifion of Lots, to it is undoubted that he’gui,d.cd the event of thofe lots, as gently, as he guides all other fecond caufes,withotu: violenting the naturcof them. So the Scepter of Judah though it was prophetically intayled upon; Dan ~'vid.r pofierity, yet the individuall perform or line of that race was not alwaye-s fpecifiedib\yGod.i o 4 ’ A M t ‘ The order otlprimogeniture was broken in Solomon, and; there was no certainrutle left as often as that order was to be altred , or * invertedpzo'Whofe9cho7i<:e ~ordifcretion itfhould the left. After the Captitvityi therewas alfo interruption in the linmll courfe D£,di£’£ll‘ fcnt,:u1dby Whom the tofu cceflive right was then convayed, is unccr-A rain, but in probabilitie_ either the people, or fome other humane hzmd was the pipeofthatconveyancc. ‘ A i We fhallxnot needto profecute» this fi1rther,lour Adverfericsr do. go1'aintln55thiat the ele&ion'of Princes is not now foerextraoirdinariegr and divine alsit was amongfl thejewts», and. the Scripture it fclf is clear, that even thofe jewifh Princes Wl1iCl'1lGOCl' pointed out by Lotsg, or anointed by his Prophets were yet eflztblifllt, and inveftech bythe people? Anid«,thereifore: infthe '_fi1‘l.l. delivcryrof the Lawn ullfojéxgbeforte any lting_w as refolvedr upon bytthe peop1e,Goda;preferi~». l bed to them inrthis ma-nner : gizgazzdaflzzmer. Eegemufuperi ea, €%‘~e..W:l1€nf= ” ' A l l i p i you ~ A you fhalltliinkfit fet or ere€t 3. King over y'ou,,you {hall chufe that A A than v%rhon1Ifhalld’efignee.An4d the fa me Wordfiarzeere is divers times elfewhere ufed in Scripture, fo that though God did I nevetg inter-4 f ” Vote in any other Nation {Q eminently about the making of Kingeé, as in ludea, yet even there he did eomrnend the perfon , the people did chufeg or if he did ehufe, the people did fintuere, m'.e,give fort eA* amndlfaitlétion to the fitnte. V A AA A AM 4 It remains now that wetry what there is of God , and what of ‘man in thelirnitations, ormixtu res of authority. Tis a true and old maxitnein Law, oééeifitzem .elie22ezt,porefi id mpaifii immimtere-. And heratpon Gratiw takes a good difference betwixt impexrimn and imperii Imbendi modem, and as for the manner or qualification of rule, that he accounts fl) meer-{y /mm,z7ze;, that if the King feeek to alter it, he may be (as he acknowledges) appajed t/yepeople : nay he proa . ceeds further,and cites Berelegyey ztuthority, who we 3 the violenteff aflertor of a-bfoluteh/lonarchy that ever Wrote) to prove ether in K5ng;tAe may have bat expert in tlzefiepremzcy. ofpoxver, and where Z‘;/911.)’ have but fecbe ‘ partial! mix? imere they eyzyi not one_ly be refaflea’, but am) elepoféci fer for-: feimre in cefl» t/my invade the other izzterejl, The fetrnfe Author alfo af--l firms, T/get State; 7914} condition with ICz'ng.r to /mt): aponaer 0 f refiflz'7:Ig,ezze:l . that rtIae_/Egzme irez goad corzelizriomtlaeozzgb the Re}/ally be liwnitezl i 220: other, ' Ifthilslbetfo, furel y the founding or new ere<9cing of authorities at firfi, and the circ-:un1fcribing the farm: after by confeut , is fo f:-rtrre frofn being Gods i'o1ein1n1ediateAa8c, that it is, as far as any 2-.6’: cent A be mans proper and intire £163: : for except we allow A that God has. left it’indifi’erentlto man to form government as he thinks moll: for, A .his,behoof, we mutt needs eondenme ell forms except one , as nn-or , lawfi17[1l:and iflvave grant indifFe1*enee tis all one, as if we left it to: A feeond caufes; But fofe to calZ‘Kz'7zgJ" (faies one loud Ptoyalifl )eZezii-- e i mtiver oft‘/gepeople, it 13: to t.d2Ef§2'aee them, mm.’ to 7?1eZ1{§‘.tl9£'}7"Z the -hzfifi r ex-~ t?"afir Aoftbwe bezjefl of mtiomzll crezmzrex, the Commzenzljye we azeeiezzde-‘ ‘ *'1'?¥'¥?6?l Jlajefiiev in the eommzmizjy as 2'2‘ fiat, and receptacle ( mheree thereifizot one ofez t/aaeejlzrzel an intelligent /Qzowing) tlvid‘ zltfi if2z0Atn/ezf-'- 'p]7emy) certniizbl loiglaetreafoezg Againfi God and like King. This is Oxford Div'1Anitie. God rep”roves.«King$forhis anointed peoples faltea thcfe A IfAeproVach the people for Kingsfakes. Thefe are the miferable He- raldsof this unnatttrall 'Wa1‘I‘€;jlI1aYll1gA1’l10utl‘t€S as black as thecilr A e "» hen s my Topmi. .3. hands are ctimfon : but let th e man fall to hisArgurrients- V A» Aworldof reajom Cfaies he) rm} be éfoatglyt fiom crz']>mre to prove that; Kizzgr m*eimJepemz’e21tfi'em all, and jblefy depezzdext fiom God.‘ But fbr bra-W L 'Z!z7.1'i6.1'/;Z'k€‘iz1&? etlaefé. % % % _ L ~ A. 1 To wlmrztcarz it be more proper to gieze the rule over men, than to Mm who 0729!)! Kiwzg rrzaly and Iytzopeifbl 10 f the whole world .9 : .Ah2fwer. A To none more proper 7: there mhfhall be no quarrcll in this; provided” you will no more except" Kings then Subjefiis from this generall fubjesffcion. 2 Gad be immediate Mfluthor of all rule andpower tzmrmgfiall I01} creature; abrrzreqr below, why then flsauld the fimlude {aim fiom being floe in:-so 17Z€&Zi¢Z§€’e Autelaoeafgoweryznzent and empire azmmgfi men -3’ A -% ‘V Arzfmer. We feclucle him not. We onely quefcion whether he be (0 the immediate Author of our conftitutions, as he is of primitive or- der, or whether or no he {'0 eXt1*aordin.a1*i1y intervene in the etc€i:-r~ ingofnGove1'n0;*s, or limiting ofgovernmenxts, as to 1-‘trangle fecond caufest, a11dbim*.i1idate humane aéts. 3 V 1145272 £72 1223:‘ izzaeoeerzce received 5102722722022 aver tlye ereaixrer immecli.zfe~ h Zy fifirm Gad; and flaafl we deny that the rzoble, and excellent government ower mm 22390272 Gad, or f}z_y it £5 I2} bmzmze cazrftitmiorz .9 % h hflnfwtr» God did not create fo vafi a difiance betwixt man“ and man, sis betwixt man and other irratidhell creatures : and there-- fore therewas not at firfc the fame reafon of fiibjefiion amongft the V Advetrfariebbs Wonldnovv Fain patronize inhGods name , was onevezr introduced by God, Nature, 01‘ any good ‘men. “ ' A4. fflveyzzv/ya e.>:e2~cz'fi5 the jztlgemerzt of God rzeecir Iaczwe their power b V :tQj%d0'efi‘.~2m Gad; but King; éy tbemfile/er and t/Jeff Depntiex exerci their :23 jz}cdgemen2fi;~2m Gad. Ergo. L A one as the other. Yet we except nothing againfi order , or a milde A fi:bjeé’cion amongft men: we onely fay that fuch fervility as out A .A'azfiver.N The Prince of Ot°ange“, 6rWtI1e t»Dt'1L1‘e of Venice may Lasehb Well plead thus, as the King of Spéine got” the Empe-rout” ofGer.- i many. Befidee, according to this'hru1e,t~§Q§:h9d qmrz2»"];er czli2t€m":f‘dCA2‘t,fi1” bf cifpe:~fi : the Statcmayes truly fay, it exercifes» judgement b the ” K.“‘§§:~ 3.5 -thee Kliflg maythat hee'$.e1‘cif€$3udgement by his in urine Courts. La (Hy, :.t.t.h1s be prefled upon fuppoifxtion, th_3t_..ed’lj€‘ King is f fiidge txext: under God without may dependence hfr0"1:x1TtheSfateegh t ' " A h V ” " V ‘V " ° ” beget W» f;0pz§tlz'.n L n \ oughttobc fQi_ndcp%ci1dcnt,%’tis vain, a1id*fri%vQlous. _: 1 V V 5.» Iiingmre tbeikfinéfiegrt Af€3"0da not only 4: ray zbeir,]agdz_‘cimy,E=m'4;‘ta 2l3gz'g° Egcecuziovgypgmer, ergo, tlaeir fbzrge ifixmedidtegyfigm Gad. 1fl'l)gy m V Eczl7ed Godly, Azzge1{I3% 2504 S0 ’793*%%C]5““'b§ Pmzcber; fire iké” Embwflkdars ¢5fC1‘o_d,*;mzZ th¥3i.maI(gJ«'Vitbeirf;pz§ion %immedi4te{y_a'z'*uin"e. ’ . ‘V » . ' Anfm. The .judic:ia;ry~, sand: cxccupor 7 owe: flowgs froxlf? the fanacfource, this {hall brécd no difputc : an as for a1I‘th‘cg'lori( )us W ” he s thc;q1f1cfii0n:4‘V,ifit be prcfli-d , only. to%4provc,%%“ :1w1atg1:;W}§.ng §,vhi<:“hV‘théfi;13i;;$tWi1;rc fiféquentlyu applies to King's.‘ A h A . W. V Firfi 5“ We muft k'x'"ow%thcy arc.1.not: only appropriatedtoKings¢ attributes of Mafiqfiy , and irradiatioxgns ‘of fanagityf V,a.nd..'di:vix1ity_ A {#13 they are a_b_f0lute, and folgly fI1p1‘ca.1'g1c.5 b7u_c to all chick? «(;)vcrJ-~ 1 ilou-rsgalfi) thflpugh bounded bymlgwgs, and; % rcPcr*aincdVbyr;o9* s % injapc: ‘A A M w A Sccrmdl A,”The*1‘a%rc1man.%% «txmcs affi:;tA%toA&*%*‘%%K1nibf%the 1i’kc< 11Maturc5not% only %Pr1c-Rs and Prophets were an-- %W11éaim:'etih;K"ings“4.“a"r{d i.P1*iéi°*tsf:V fcfri§5t11rc4c:;p1'¢fly R ‘ >9: "¢aI1s*thcm’% a 1*0ja11PricHh0d.;I ffhed from ~«ab?rQper1y tcrminat'eit* fc1Eifi;th¢ %meax1‘5s .% .,%:E§ ; 7 _ Ifi‘79€ g7"-ace izifiiélwiifg» iléeir ..j;1"a}2z 4 Mtlaénwcoizféfuezzflytfize:Em;>1cyvm"erz_t.%itfl:@% , e:rg0;% A A’ A % “ A‘ A‘ “ A4 ‘V 7Anfwcif,_if G:0d'by i~xj1_fpi1:ation didinab1c.a1I.King$L¢.ex£raf>x‘di11:1§ L i1*iIy‘,V%:trl1”c1”*V)'21§>j;x»1”v.3ptherbut Kings~ ,. this A “r”e1+e off Mfume If01*cve and %%yicr. A ?thi$%pfo*v}icsin3€>‘tthatflings are more , L 0x'}"lcfiE itifpixifcd‘ by;Go‘d , % %’th€yi a‘i*c~n1ore»or~1cflfe%:'1ihiitcd by jmzznl. Tfiowfoeizer 5 w.cg; know by ‘ . _€Xperi€D Cc;-(uh par; O£AKi ngS. ¢a‘I-‘ c Afarr¢ fr0m {,b‘eing-1:h¢h=fi~]udg€sa%~tl1¢ Pf0f0l1I1d€f’c Statcfmcn ;, ~ the fxnofi cxpnm; fouldicrs,-,5 .4‘ ». 7 %‘ Fournthlyw, That fané°city;.,'vthatwdivinqgranc1r3Lir.#whiq_h%is§ tH1IS A L a7'I;A wh%cn'tbcyVe£'o%em1u+; fthcmfc1v¢S**th¢y? prove mot’: ‘wilfullg 2nd;;fat:.i%l1% ?*t:hacn1fdves Others‘ ;% mid that mhnyg ;:gg;4.govcrfi ,”bmflf 5' "athitzy: mnwrflyb‘ of, Ophér . - 4 vflbem Sam»azguep;amw3y,*a&~:%anxbmiar aazbAor2gv dfldflfggjefia _{i_yanJ a my ofdivinewgiwyi,;£9m&::tbi.r::%z7ma;hfiawnd in film: Apeaflple, tlagy cm; 2101553 ‘i-19*: aeitberjyizztlfiar 'fiuer'ml[y~ '5 "1015: afifi‘ fiegwtilss:-A:a2zd.z)€2zo¢Ji;zgg+:; wzébjoimtljg fix". all have tm:%¢/;~:A 4v¢[¢?Z«£€”§I?i??iiQrzmffiI;gwamr*imfiiifi.éa’2mlw.A ; A -3{‘fW~ What %riciicu14aus’*Ehings*: a~r"e dthefc?‘ if &Ma=§§cfiy and ram ‘ih@r1tfjAa¢mm*pa,ny .fupmm‘éa’cy“~o%%FV Apowiem‘ 9 A A 2 V A AW-WaiW¢Ha411$;at«£}anfia;72ti2zo19éegm*c1f€wc%_mufi,takc‘itfmj ,gnantc.dV £4?-#93tlimmiisrnflgfuifiwcmnacyuqf V A A M will csgplodcwchis ‘: but filp A4 in is rcfiding‘ at Ge?- . A b A pofcthc Crowneefchcated in 3. ‘?h."YaiA will 5911 {WIAA b’c6aufc:a1I"fhavc-*bi,13t~thc‘cm1triybuAtionA F < {'0 nxagny A « Mkdividilfllsgt:h;:1‘cfQrc'thm+c is,na4niom;cp%c1;ein thegoonfcnt‘ of all, T C01fi:=ntsi£ta1Iowsthcrgfprcmhzat all ofus joyntly confcnting A A fwbjafifour feIysco%fm:‘h aj1aVWafuc:hAAaPrinca fiich aAcondir5on. fV 3. A Pofiefias vita 8:: nccisg, is my bi¢wlaa.~o7zIy gz'«pe,.r1ife. : jacrgo King: A 9’ W555}! aztb? 112Lwse‘tI.2I?!,i any dm‘z»e%:hi« _fif0m/ Gad» A V A AW dfl‘-¢;h £h,.¢i‘C;$A_is3i%n nah: me am? Am1,?1fl:,th~c Awhccles of govcrnmqn; 11¢V€I' mQYc again: except fomc n1iracu10usA’ox*dinance frqm l1ca.vc11 %ic>m§:%to tI;Irn¢,and'a€cua'té them ?; ’A‘na1ufizFuch a fond‘ ¢iI‘¢am¢_$A5A this £nfoAtmd.A%Aus;:inAnnV. c£cr11aI1~ 1iig‘Ii%t*'ofrAAnarchsy,VAgnd forbid us; to wind 4 ,A. ~bt}%:;tginA: Mxmehicsv ' A11. mcn 7 gpomfwcigh‘g;sxagain?h0w poo1?c:;,a gfaA11~8.u:yis t11is?y«_:>u cannon fub;-{V A A? “1ne3‘1'10I I.yToAu.,‘ not bub hundrédh 0 f;t1s one hundred of %oth*crtnc11 “V *J1nfm}2-A This wdcfiroycs all government“*but_AMonA§réhic;all L,‘ this écnics 1111‘-’3Ifi1’€0Craticaj11;or&Dcmo,cAraticAa11"Stamsto be%c%capaVbIcof I ‘ doingjufiicc orprocecding againfi dc1inqucnts,‘what_canbe mom girrdncoifl 5 «Dr p¢tfn:'ttAiou ms‘ fence iswcommittcd to cmanby ihc‘Cro'm_i¢ ofEn”"g1a11&dwcr¢ bfChea?f¢dA‘, ”:h7c ."cQmmXjn§ty ic,vengA%bc-%- “fora ,a;n;cw tfgflauration of gdvemmctf, % during the inter-regmtm_-, A *h°“‘8h‘ W Oficio lmcmni gemrit '3 thécy (5l_:i1ghtAAtAo %pxjofccu::'c7a1lth¢ % A V we An sdifiurbgxs if this awithom fem: ;AoAr~ 'fl§i§htj:Q7§}C inputtizfig to dVcwth’mm~'c1AerctsAand ca; ' itall offcndmg, an P’¢Pha~psAAthis«it:.was.whi;:hACainitinfcargf ;. N;a{yit:%mayAbc A‘rhe‘ ‘fc>w’crA oAf'”li£c afid death in a_1cgdI1 V j ,5od,and not to‘VKiVng'5 Ao,n1y- F0115 A A § ~ A % dcrly % 3'f~tbe~ ge2ze%r.%1ll fzzévjgrffofzint/aarigyg tlJ'02tgb*f,A51': 5:59“ imwteve gafier‘ g1a_v;e2:?zm%ent jétle,d,1.it:xk%mucb mm V 17gfw"e- A ‘ ‘ -V‘ w m:. av, ..._._ pi ht ompgwgerisjthere%wa‘n£ing,i1athg=%;;;2eop1s:4:t;o.crc& fu¢1r:a;Tribu§§": % A 3:111? A Gmim: ccl1~s%~Aus,~.tkzzt;¢£ man. if 1b£f;.;‘§;€71?E4*” fi55j3a¢'0f fix-« frmetimem into. finch a Chaire,fiacb‘az 1!e2zcla,fi&c5:n2ae44 i_lx;: anzlifif btfi: 5 .~ 9. F The aEZion.ruaKi7zg.mfweU ;pf7merqyg,d:jI¢j¥%ice,\ are qWfl¢d§45}' §3a&, mjdj; tlaereflyré when God Lblefléx apeaplegbeu go ad’ 4King.s§:52avi2m. be j'¢a‘urgg,p;= sbem,beAfendxeui.1Kin~g:. L ,1 A \ » . A . M A A } % f % < 3 ‘ “ Jiizfaverg. IfG(3)dbc fai5d;t;ofcnd ..cv~i11 I§ings;,“.and to h;a‘rdt*:n"“ than £6» oitr punifi1111cm:_in.thc1amcw n1A¢.nne1I,as% he fcAnd~s good K;ings%8c<:. . ‘WAC mljfi acknowlcdgcI;h::hand:0fG<;>d 4inthcfeAthi11gsA~, 7% dkbumcz not }%-«over-‘r111i_ng fccon~d;a-ry; caufcs «'_W1}cn the;-10}; is 4C3'&vifl=C0,Il,:1C'1&'Py.,Eh§e7 event is from the Lord, but it dbés not alwajrcs fo fall out ,f;fo%m they ‘immcdiamfo1ic=; camf':i1%it:y~of?Gnd, foias thuA,feconH;:¢4au“f¢ 35w£or¢;cd . thereby,(5r:im:crm.1p1:cd.in,its otdixzmyopcrat-i011.Wh§;1'cfQ;7c%if the: imm.cdi1&c* handA of: God does; *nm:%vi~o1cm_fucl1% hidc£:enA;AgQa;1ting¢q£% cffcfisgMfi1rc£%ib‘i”s;%mo17c _2;%cnt1::—to;mQre %ra£ion*a11% and:¢f1~¢¢% e,aufcsi:A Aand ' A where: the %cfi?c&.is;cv:i11§"wc mufl; not. maAkc¢:it% too ,cau[a,lL. ‘A " vi ~; : :10. ;GadJk[filed?.a.Kiuga1zdz:tp2*g(E72teclo2z%A a%%‘TfJrone,:tber¢rs3‘f;rew4 flat, ibimaa%%derivatiza3a qfift/9;: peaple». a.lj4'f1-,4 A A ~ A ' :. Anfmer; De‘r;1andwha:..fccurity;ypu:.p1cafi:»fpx;Mt1ii$r Q I A A «A ~ King¢,Prieflm'5 Pra}»£2etx42avera 4rza’iz'2tVed,%% zzg zf,§gs2«§gzg,1.:;%m4a A ;1,;,1Wi;,una11 wcrcmltlawftflla 0r4p§fiiblc m dori;,‘ye;tvsr,t:ac A’? H 19. A1 1., .fTme;P1}~iefl.r4a32dPropbetI tare wjhcrmi 191:» immediate *cmflitt£¥i0,?1":%%'M ’F’1?.X%.;? fifiedience ti: Prifiéexikzfiglgem 4.55% di§f&bedieuce}to%%Gad5 4I$d,iIaerefi2re}'%t God fizyfies tc%Mofcs az:2alerfbn} hhamglfwflicfil téelifzg lawfzglfy i;‘;t:efz‘ta5t:rz2it£v fa,-zcred A power, art; i»mz;z1;z;, % tt %,g€nfa>; We need xtottdoubt, but this great ofientatioust undertztu V ‘kcxyand this%wi;c1_c,gap_ing p1*o1niflb1*,wasfoh1c C‘athcdra1ifi Withi11 A orders, he does f0.”fl1L1‘fi1C.P1‘i‘cf3ESM “and Princ]e4s togeth¢r.Hc Willx-1¢cds‘;. A have Princes as inviolablc as Pricfist 9 but he: could wifh VZIfl1l1ACh:_‘1",£{"t;",;» ther, I beflieve, that Pricfis were as uxmptlniihable as Pritnccs.t Hctdotht t t tadmit Princes to have their cFficés% as itmmediately Ah-oni God f:aS1",' Priefis ,% but than his intent is that WI9rie,fi:s {hall clainxte a power toow V ' asindcpextdentaéPrincézs, Cficflfiffift ozgudzm, ejm. If'tKi.ngs:wi11 bet: % A aswi11Vit;g%ttotcar4ry Bifhops as t they are to gtlide Kings , '‘71;‘‘»iS_ 1:10; ; great matter tttdlfctthavé “ legs ti) Wéilk, 0.1“‘”':‘fiy€S>"t0:tr"‘ L fée;‘tBut whlatif Wt:.gra11fi l\/Iinii*’cctE'sttottha‘xfc pcrfons as i11vio1Qab1t:t.‘as V ~ Magifcrates ,t~ ‘andMagifim:;est officas astfacrcdt as; Minificrs»: what:;.. "A “ otli tlxié dcvefi the . péop1cpf’Got1” (fall rifgh€‘antd;t1ibci%ty.?” A ~ t J » * “swt_%Afeehe that anfwcrs ofxetargumc11t,ta11fwe1*s all xfmr wee A 1do:%t:~n;ot am Gods l1éndinthcE"rbWnintg of Princes we knowrthet, 4 i:cti§tt1VteisexpteflE in itgand weeknow .thcrc is a nece1fityVoftifit§ as-;ttt theteis in‘ ta11"'othcr human ‘thingsgand yet thisis althcy can fay‘ fori; r thcmfclvtét. AlltthatweWonderaris5 that fi11cc'ttheAtfcriptturc dothflt AV i every"Wh¢1‘€%t§.S%éxpreflytta;1foamc1:1tiMQ1iAtthe:h§3.nd%of man%i‘n%n1Vak5.r1gt¢.it%%H ai;dtt¢ht1£in$gt>f 1§intgs‘_..;md fincettherc iS"1“i0tt!1‘iO1‘c Aaf crib eé1m_G0d fol” ' inthming them t27t1<=1'xiSfo.z: 9%=rhroning;fh%t ourad+t=r£‘a»ies wiII t } 'taI{é%t1O 11oti?:’e at all oftflhé One, sisxzvictfl as Of tI1efl 0tfh Cr, . ‘,.‘w,..,, “W .' . W . V %«-,4 d Ms A op” I .-pun-uuilflfl ‘-“-~ #fl"_ . W, ” ’ ‘ icVisp1ain«»gix Lab 12, 18:th%ac God 1C>o»fe’t:h}thc bond of Kings _.,f and‘gird%echAthe1rA loynes with a gird1e= MIA many 9therV%P1‘°°fes may We ¥?r0,$*%1‘=> that Gocfgiireth land” taketfi away S¢ept¢rs.% V YVh¢refore 1f_*4“§*'ergbo‘;z;;;; an ufurper and %fcduc’er of thepebpIc%ZdoeM as tmlly ‘ liO1d hiVs% Crdw-116i % from God, as Kelaabéam, if %Nebuc1mii¢,e::ar may as4juf’cIy rcquircA%fZ1 bV- §eEt’1onfrom t%he]cws. under the%11a%m[eof Gods Vicegerc;a;§,as%»]ofi4b; afcyrw begs um1y:nvVefled from heaxmgxsv 734.4;M¢¢w¢m;%ifdRaeb. ::heth&ird;h:;v¢ a pc 1"f'C3han_ omccasraAcm1,a;1dinviblabileby diviné ~ right, as his Npp_hew Edward the fifth whom‘ he crea¢mhero:xfly“nguxvs de1fed %:a”1 1dVifW¢ c‘ann0tVafHrme_Vthat God is afnorc afiivejéor cfhdaé " cious caufcg or more ovcrawcth 5 and Wrcficth ixlfgriouxf a%gex1§;$ in’ thc: oz1e3.‘thm thaother, ' behovcs us cobcas cafucAi¢;1L1s hrcgwf «pure _t;dVGod,tAh:1t which ismazasgas how we imputc ftcif “max”! 2 ti‘: 8+‘4i whi¢hisGods-V ‘ V , V %% % 4 “Kings&1'aigx_1ebyGod,’tisconfcf7cW:‘b1;u:(Kimgs)there is %ufcdV in-% A %cLcfi11i%tcIywfo1* a%1Ifi,1p1*«:az11c C«0nm1andcrs, as well _1~ifl1i,t_CC1,£1S l'l1511iQ1i'ff cad; ajs well more whicl havea gr¢e1a:e;~, asAth0fq.wh1ch 1 %thc+rI‘ VKi%ngs*,_ as weI1 L1f,1rpcL*s %a%nd f_;ch 3,13% ,afif;e1jd_ by"1f«i0Iék11’E V fhea11es%~a1idVufiiu 1% ‘titles, as Iavvfu1I"P1‘inces Eh £1$.t~ enter by ai%%f¢é1ii56, 35"‘ .f‘Ccr1t4ari1d’* *eIcJe<5%Wfifpower doefiawfim «:dbmir2eV A ”5‘*”’¢*%itU1%‘?'57’5%;?”'Z‘?L W3" '?¢V!t35vi’ie“*?Wd "f%’41?}b€r>zzt2+&r?zZ1e%c$>zg)je2;t.[fill ¢0?zf%*.?T* Nimrod wrrzgnwr l2mzterV%ofmerz3*’mr4f‘%ziyz;% tlefle:‘tbd'yt Lmpm: 2aé,’a*2é/B %15~e%;ztc/geezxeafgzaézw wager by « _}‘£;fM74(§e\"tIoe7z~"cz7$7zf"e7zt’;; ” ml 2fia f .gzp]nz}*e2z; t£§.zt‘ %‘ mzggr % # ‘tbeir%o;5:2:zefvt(ijZeJ',' éflmld /;_;;z,fe 1 . :r;g¢v.e‘j~_.;7z_cy;i;:;a}‘rj' "f ‘V’m”%?°%%“°*’¢?’5‘4S‘W=d th5iN?Wéd©r=1nyV%<>tI1eI' iii$%ex~wp4érF¢% nail Puflwcewethout adéhercnccof fameconfidembxepaxty, Cflflldfi1bJ3&‘113t10T155O1'iaythcfoundations ofa fp%1'eadi%1V1gEn1kpirc: % W3-5 3HYVC011qt1ePc‘eircr%%j¢t accomplifhtwithoutd {fo;11"c fubi,» C 3 .. fequcnfi éemtua11yVV%1+»r:1h¢¢th=d%coa1dh44avc%L£ecured him& his poflcrity& thec«2 MT hilaaxien fix?tb¢2ai:*ty ' M—u..~r:&‘wn,,w. m u¢4rimgz°£4¢QI1¢urrins: thc M % *1‘ M V % 3 "‘ W ' A A i‘ ‘ "" Ezzglafid %uvm.;%ccLbfy,agna§s;:bnt »~n1;:(f:_1=¢-lyy A g;;;g&;¢s,ji?o;~1;‘11c;% a_cVqu.fl1zAzon»0f 11322gVl:.{sfl-2l‘v;\r.afis,c<;21*:1% aft Vaxfirfi by the vow §!1Lx1tvgry4,3:d¢e§0rF Nizr2aa..wir I éind afield‘ 1:crwandsI by%‘«th.c§%voa4 ¢®§n1p1i.a.11ccac>fchc~Eng11fi1- A “ “Or .9‘! ‘ i [%v~e:m” uzggggxgg qfi C1Q;1;i:i‘2.i,9H is aljgogctwlwr 21S,el4iVfficuI3: ags;.th¢ P31):-=5 T¢{1i3;iTea’asnC¥i;0mVm6;11yis%qffic.-fam%¢.nature: ¢1£nq:hinge1reAbu::h¢ rwcxai ad'91a¢Aéd}fW’i!1zaw :he»Chaifi;.A‘m_aaang e1fe~biit t,11c”'fn§t-ore}; i%nabAu4tfitW§Sin¢%tVNcm4é24xt1hast¢Wa,3i11g4g¢d ag3i‘1f* E”g¥1.M14ai*: was Wi1li¥ffl~;,§1}€t Aiygfagccif #g2ati,xxfi;.., Hm1¢?sLno.foam:zmrcfm:c%Vwas 1£113:pe;fczn“411_fdifpu%tc éns:1s2nfent offthia nar«:A ‘£i:c41:z ¢,it:Mh‘er 'c1ecV1“e;r1ji~r;%g%Or II1&1ki.I1g74 that Chime x‘ig1fcfi;t11 , t11c.rohbcr‘3§ % “ iL1t~t&i~t1ei%v1md.5vé,:‘Aaccrug§dvth¢:rc¢ §3z; Whercfofé ‘if tT1e1‘¢V"n1u1* ri~gh: n<;k:efl3::y to MVn1a1,<,e£;a% gqixcc betwigflg robwky: and;pur¢hafe” 5' afAnd:{%[ if thatrigh: Iicfiéfijli . A _ ‘ bpcj detcr1.11'in—cd fQ1;¢_c wiE h‘0uE,%C0nfcI1: Ci1;her preceflcuté. A iwE!tV51"¢=M<‘1!I 6nt.§0i‘ hath‘ V.-‘AiA?1*TA:'~3i'* 11o~Princc~wasAcvw¢.b £ouAnd,%f ««i¥;i§Li9u5% A §fr“Fdo1*‘ifii a§:od¢h1ix1ct1;e1;am; ;‘::h,¢ 91¢; Qohqu;fi44is1bfa§;a,.4v; e; V 4 =;bfdf5.P1¢5 3 f is, W:¢11. 0E>f§I‘%*~’€<1;wLby4# I;¢ai’§rn¢c1§ béfiaééfi ?nér’b;£ 4£90r%?* Wi:'J4¢”~*‘*r¢w0.*9‘im£?&We§¢¢vJévfz'Mzy%g 5?“ an imme4Ia?€Vf3W11":c4I¢féA 11% ¢a’2*z0¢,5c%a IzezflzemrzG04I¢»vrdimw§¢:$??€ éoziveiwds 03* W?% i24¢0nf=a.i¢22€ezi<2g4gé.d @?=¢flJ¢t¥2er tk'£’1.2;.:,c;0?1—£.,E“?%{st.‘1.‘0.@fl. .i"la’;§2fe0]i7€;: eitlfirw ’22’i%#=12zci%2fé1‘¢"€é7aA 4/1z¢WcVe_ £14: ”Qu;;ady¢rf;;;:,i¢s,¢ A iimlvc as inba4fc"~:h¥a41£iome%4% boafi !<5£tft1Tr:e6G0**“l!4%¢%31?«§’41¥Ai'§ A 11a‘nd,and%.yetr:¢ith%:r‘% o£them%+ax1Fwa»s5ucc%5~ roan; égnlyf f5§Cib,155iWiih0i1tVc6fifc11t;:¢AprCC%¢dfi!gS Or %f¢141b.wing.% ’Tis.a:L4%I.a‘WA aé mongfi fdvordmc%nwl”(and it l‘1:.1t1‘I‘i 110%‘ ‘ofifi“er%fah&ip;i *ienentig W “ vmmfa dat» gatififiw {me 4; Iry~iu§ by#thLs».1amzs, and,iizhVa"u cciuldgeither A JfirpwnbV%7i51I!id;¥i1$’<‘AWit}11i 619111-$1135 Cqflld ¢5V¢§¢§r 1?L%.ii'~%V * 9q}i:3r§¢11%b€£$¥iX§ei1}§‘.&1:f“~FB§§% hélféélidfiim4‘th4§"74V?4%:B.135$% I % W .. ,,. .. ,. M .% . Eu» % A % A ’ ' A ‘mzan ;2rc;¢.t::;1;%a2géi*n21%a:himswhole n4ti¢ri;«?%%ifiths ‘ \ .,....L‘. rm -W . ‘ Vi mm as; grizccdenxz mme” M »;bfi%i:s Own’aIfo:?% " 7 To ‘ufe more words ' ; nméw. ww .‘ W» . , W -1‘ A ‘ r w .. 1 ‘ . ‘.:3'z.-.m'7:9M\‘ .m\:-Mn -.m;m 1 W ,wM_AA,A|__‘A,m_‘, I W ‘ A M . . , , v. A ,_ 1- “Am .M A.\ . . . “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ K A « , 1 ’ Afinhl ‘ . .\ - v " fl ’ ‘ In \-‘ ‘ W. m_ ,, W «. V‘-M .-mu. .. .. , M» . ‘. _A_AA,AA,A,_W_A AA . Y V - M; manifeft.defl?:ifin4,can‘baeproved agaA‘infius.% tjioniwagngvcr whoA1lyf'ubd'u ed,‘ norAf¢%a»1:c¢ apyflpAafrtfofit ac”10”11VqIfc‘fl,T a11Aour conquero:xx~.s '%thcAm4f¢1v¢$%AA.didrartlicn —1bofc":hcm-s » falves, Van;dfAt11c“i_1f+ cuflomcsg and thé*ir¢\:Law%s to‘ us,jth'c:11 s§finii1:1te‘Ar§é to chen1‘feIvesA; 9‘,A;zgli4 omizibm Kegam «:3» aximm .zfe;7zpar,i@zg: i,§fde;iz; ”Befidess,if%the'whQ1eNation.hadAtran?grefi'ed,y§t-ghe 4 é§iganfi{e?udifiiEmA guibw 22Amzc_Aregit1l7f. c022ti7ztA’toV figgebgim IVWCT ‘ %1mowAby‘what%anam:hen:ica11handthis waswrittczm- jarmeina-‘f f.Arn:ics~ ‘prcvgtil Ii1C>T11‘;6‘,.t1i‘ii?111R]I1P01*i? a.fic?fron1'wma;king the‘ Maine f7rcIT1Ae1‘,%At%hAaA’t. thcychcm1Elve%s4“ b C_C_AQAA1"AI1¢ ‘ %?s“ca:t*a‘=:s,4 the11:hemfluxes%ofxivcrs do upan‘"th*¢ "i'océ"an: f:arre% tiifiy“ 4 bmjckifliin accen=x’pting%itf.A VVcfe¢thc “Norman here bciAt; gif1Ath¢A full; . rridé of%xis~»grcar~vi€toryawas%.in ci:=~ngA¢rV:§o~w%&hav~= técéivyed ttiéck fr0mth¢”1nha53tants Kent thisA»Rcaf»me);* had“hc 1*10t*prudent1Ay“A bctakcn ihin1fe1‘Et”oaV ‘1t)‘ftre:a*tie5:1 A . :c]c3f1ip0“fitiO11;. thaconqtlcred ffifllain Afl1cAAh cOnditiO’I1,4Whai%t A Jfifiicéis atfiats “Which! ingulphs not. iohnely tzhem Bl '1’t..t.}..:1:e; dC011qu=ring%% A Na“fi°n:s alfos [mad theirApofiycrinies ~?éfl4Iag¢AuAnder itifuI:ir1g4Lord? ‘TheI1“1ativVés~%hére% now are hot di{iingu;fhag%1%¢,V11O: A ie;v’”er% were :‘mA Agoint @f*f:eed-oxnc from Q thofcAA?whi;I:A1AAAAcnt1'ecl by fqrée famongfi them 5 ancHha11~ We A_t:hinkA,that the fame hand w;h;i‘chA“w:-eAfi-~ % :¢c1éiway;our1ibercy in favqun ofonc manmroulcfl do?-itwith expeticé \ cO;thisAA day blight’ I1C>tIZWt OAL gem ' 110 reafori we A{h0Au1dfb_é jclude tf‘1s%in;%a' p1eaAofthisAnaturé;_ AT ;f§1V¢3a%a"in3 Wm‘ °PPr6ffi0m- r WI‘ A in this retcnbe05Yi01Acr1!=}4%¢‘1“3fiFi°¥1ViW‘¢¥% 4 too much toitz, A you rclyc l1p0n 31t1y agrccr1re:1tf“ai;A;ci“ A Ebndefcenfiori ofthis N ation, produce the f1me,and the tfufl f0i‘!!1; - ;th¢rcof,and that«£ha11‘purchafc you aood; titlcs ifyou mlyc um x11ccrforcc,thcAconcinu%acio1a:hc;eof A if A fi‘ifi1§di1"¢fi?aIy opprcfl, Becaufc our could go; d¢fe11dA:fhczn-# » A Let“ Ac9mfc;9;w7AAwA mo 11erbbjeEt’ion4: forthe Royalifis will (till A fay: %~1fVtbnp:apggbe the imecfi‘Ibie7zt5]>1*imgzryc42.t_/é 0ffimemig22gy, AAye:dtI>g ~~ parft) wca}zfiit#¢i73g1?f!% mi drlmgyel ]5et;ér,t/aen Ai/3122, cmzfiituted. V Still tl7eiyAr§iéI¢V EmiabI¢,93icga2defi¢i:Am1eefi%img§sm7¢; For the .AbcttAex %V¢nL~i1atio_n thigtruthgwiz fliaifdifiinguifhbc1;Wi§:t”naturaI% ai1d’Ah1bra1ca1ri"Fes; A ~ AA . A w ' ' or‘ W “Hr. . - « ‘V r n > rm!» ,. ,. . ,\ ,4. ~ “ ‘ -,.,, ‘ I ‘- - ‘ >3. .,‘ r K,“ , ‘ - ‘ T ‘ . ,, .\ ' Afar in; rdadoés f® canfimxy Infill W'iI1%}Jd”f i72‘%‘1:a¢tzzr;;%ll"tl7$i:&zg4j¢, *it dae.r‘ i%,€)1*”2zl2¢£g}Ie;3* 3.’ fiif‘; fllarfgmqy mzjé rre ~gre.;ztErflLz:a¢£7J:4‘tI9en dyzzgy wz'?ztoxz_°c 4t%e qr‘ Awoik t/mt. iniV4?iatl%er, iifladiggatiiz it % 1 y ya, W ‘arg:ha:“iVn*fiamos ‘o h¢x:com%bufi1ib1efit:fl%,Ja$ndfo A cmatieére1tf1i%nr;i>a”g3>ea;c:- fia ééufc’ Lem-‘Iv, bur, a‘h%%’6t‘¢éfi67n{Va111557‘?a'hd4*W¢”*3iVi1A1“Vniore %tr“u1yViini1giné t,hT2iI=»4;iAt‘isx;11111’? t;ip1ied.‘and‘chaVt%‘it%g4a;thers‘ Iiew flr¢fig'i:gh frmn othfigi‘ éfiliit-;i11fC§i‘3h¢n % itsfzaendé “oxyeflfeétsAfotriefl¢hing,rnb4rcA"A vig%%<2rou"Asa iazidP€r" ‘£586fhifiiii3:Jfe1F;::4Ss3>w¢iriésitf‘ni?.*;"1<§éfl11ii!iHfitliiks srsj: fclfr drizifiké‘ fx-on: n¢ez~erVca:zi5¢s - "*‘Wi:2éA[h;-at‘; ; the vcin¥iSV;faf1n0Y¢€ the "f*9"j mack h"ur nor‘$5y axadiii“ t?i€»1§r'ain_%wi%ith‘“ funf1”9$5andA f ‘t1T1Ae(¢% ar¢%t‘h¢% i:;"“cIann‘jVt,pivddugcc "a,iV‘gr¢*2Lc¢r degrcMe‘t$fjf1%1ca:g, in; arfiother thing‘; then‘ it tef'erves_i11 i"t» (elf. “ .A‘sA;o ¢thic1}lc:au%fes(ifthey may ,,beV%tr111yJca1'-S 7% 1:91cf’ficVi¢I1t¢s)%tis’C0nF§€t»”5°!fa£fim¢has. thfirwork *sro1t1Vntfe1§if1Yw?4I1CI ;13$..§h%“c;$?;\§53:¢?%5’?f§i-';,q ’ f:*écIysft[hcyTVma#’ tIi‘:::ir'fii1t3fi:»:;Mciz%%c;:“sAMart With‘z::or¢=f*t>ri1cfi’évffv::>areafar ;a»phyfica.411%Wz1:annex dé>::iwfedstAh;¢:fii,0:‘¢‘ - §g10I*i<>u$§?md xiAob1e thpédplew; the hw0i‘¢.g1¢ori¢o::s and%4nob1“¢“*”%fic Ch1%cf'0f‘fih”e'pcopIc isya nd this “h%0t1“0”L1_I"% V g1o‘_ry is Tas ~flow.s M fL‘0m;I1e$p‘¢opic.wit;h9ut waflingitffe1f}in4th%e gé1:pfflowing. “Iii A A M ,th;§;11ke4%m‘annc1:piuiffimccg%and%fo1*¢A¢::5it has‘ :1‘*11:xtur?t1'1fp:bdu&§.pn_ ’ A fz*onr“%tHé‘pe¢p1cGama rhis~is=motherprinVcipa1ljiiwcdicnt % ‘ pxxjefihcfi1t;}:5"‘e%f?cr'c11gth°there‘is infuch orfitch:aNatio'n%,*%%thc;fi50ré I k “ 1 ~ ‘ ' ’~ % ‘1*’F°nsi8[wh¢ "»vhocVommands‘thJatA Nation : ‘axxdyct thztpt1ifi'=W%=.. 4» eIm‘Populi. % A ;f wlxiclx byperpetuallco11fcnt4_pafi"esint0A Elf? fl1p1"€I1I‘»1c~ Commanclcrfi doesnot fo pafle fromthe people; but that 1t rctai-nsi it“; ancient fuse; ‘and fubjefit ofinl1erence. % ‘ A A A ’ _ 1 to to A: ’ 4 _ . A Wherefore Honor and Power though they be fo great requifites « in the compofition of Princes, yct”wc;fcctl:1ey have anaturall cfilux; and as Hongr is in Hmomnte not 2372 Honorez-ta,fo Potqflm is iv; Poteflamg (alts I may ufethc word) not in Pate]-late; "Thg woman 1 is cortzfcam; A A‘ by the rayes of her husb2.nd,borrowing 1*cfpletidence like the Moon from the Suns afpcél, without elollqe or diminutionlto the Fountain and caufe ofthat corufczmce. In the fame manner alfo Princes dc-A rivehonour and potverfromtlxeir Subjcftsg yet: drain not at all the fcource wh'1cl1 derives it 5 Tmzti a max, guenti eff regnzam :.As the peo- 4 H ple increafes, op impair§,fodoes.the Prince; and we muflnot eiscpcél: ‘ A to the contrary. If then a Prime: be in value or cxccllence fuperiout to that con1n1unity from ‘whence all his power and honour deduces it fe1f(wbich can find but hard entertainment in our thotlghts )yett tis not bceaufe the fountain hasllevlalctlated it f elf in that dledufiiongl for we fee the efleét (even after its produ8cion;_f'or I fpcak not oFits« former em:ity)lis fuch here, tlljat it ha st Arzjlotle.r conlditiozi in it 5 it doesjm=rz'gz.«.é i22eflé,i it has a1'efidet1cc‘in both parties,.,it llilamvefljse the I grax1teelfeWitl1out deveflixagthe grantor, To dothe office of Pro-I tefior, is“ the molt proper, and'tl1erefo1fethe moft excellent, ancl in-A-I con1n1t1nic.able prerogative ofa Kinggyét even tl1attpm.verby .wl1ich~ A he is made capablc'lof;p1*otetl1 exi ix1Ac:ttentfA..A of;1A t I Pterogatitrlej a11dln§ef;3e& of thiéAprii’1ciplc'ttl'£e peoplelldoeslniore 0.1." A hléf-l‘Cfll1fai~t;€I1 it {elf in poirit of liberty. ; j I’ ‘ ; A 2 1:: ~ ~ ‘ Thislfiofall oth‘e7r:rayes of lvlajeltie is n1ollimAe1ecli:ately"llreamAingA from thlellcloofent of the people; bllt ifa Nation by folenme oath, or A _iothelrwifi=: l1’a"s.;ingg,gcc.l itAfelfAto fubmit to the will A of :1 Prince ab--; folutelyglaflirmativeely 11*ef'ervingA11o privileclggesg, but t;3;cit:llAye renoun- tinge all liennmlnitileseexcept oxielgalt di{‘cl”;'etioneAAg, llflziizmllll l11ot.AfeeAk‘ to dcfiroyfuch aAgree1=nents; I oneljv f"ayfi.1Ch! ag1’€¢n1€flt$l5Mf€1'10f§F‘§;‘3 A ' D A‘ V c c s ‘I he . fur ‘Popflli. effewétls of_Nature, and tls not céfie to imagine how right17eafoIi ihould evermin(gle' with ’fucl1oa rnorall principle, as gave being to l fuch “an agreement, efpecially when it renderslthe Prince, who fol; llonourpandlrpower has his pe'rpetu”all dependence upon the people, yet mom honourable and powerfull inlrepntation of others then: thcrpeoplegand that by the’ rexprefle grant; of the people. 4 A ; e owfoever (not to make th‘ any part of our qnlarrell ) let fuch 3&3 of communities be ’dernonf’crable pofitive, and unqueflionable, as‘pa1*tie11lear conveyances of lands“, 81:. ufe to be, and it {hallo not be c1enye~d,’but«the eflcefiti in thefe~politiea1ill af=Fa~.irs may be more fi1,Ch3,.Il1€I1 that impoxferilht eaufegwhich emptied it: fell? t0 make it filch-; ‘Yet fure fu~ch~va&so arevery rare, prefeription is the great plea» of Princes, and they themfelves muff be Judgfes of that plea l, the Grand Sir nior hiomfelfl hasrrr11notl1ing'butprefcription to damné his Sub)e_&s (glf they be to be acc0‘L1ntealSub§e8cs) to the bafe vilienage p lro£a1~bitra1~y rule; p M I] At on But you_fwil1V‘fay to futll cauf'es,rras‘reln1ai11 more vertuous then their efFe€’cs, there is another condition alfo reqnifite, they mull not onely zwriqzzé inejflé, but they mull -admit of degrees alfo , = that thf-'.' refifia-€tmay;h?e;llefle then the caufe, as the lwaterheated is lefle ‘hot 1 then the fire. And you will fay, zftbepeaplerpower be not tafalba devol-r wed, than they remairzfiill, ear wellfuperioi to we } arligement new to the ‘King- ‘ kind 2' it he; then wig}! not irzférior to tlge King, 45 welfare} to the Parliament? As for degrees’, there is nothing more known and aflented towlby all? hallo menmiufi takenotice, that Prerogatives of Princes dif1‘7er~:a1mofi in all rCountrey:s_:;a11d fince this d‘lfferencehfloWs from different com- miflions, which P«rinceslld'ofnot rightly grant to themfelves _., it can” not butiffixe fronrthe people, and from an a€’c of the 4’ people ‘Wh'ich i'sgraduall in it: felf. 1 r ’ - l A A V ' " V ~ For the other obieftion, we fayltis not rightly fuppofeclithatl the people and the Parliétment are fevreerallllin this cafe: for :f the“ Pharlia:-A mcnt ieindeeed niothing ”elfe,but the verypeople it felf artificially €011g'rcgatcd,(irfrcduced by an orderly clefiiongand reprefentation, A intofuch 3. Senate, or proportionable body. Tia: true‘, in underr .i-landxxagg th5e~fParliament difliers my-any. "wayer; from thtsr"ude;ob1p1ilkr‘eof £heu111ver{‘ality, butin —power, in honour, in e~n1aieflie , i11l‘comm~i5" fion,ritoughtnolt etallrofiberrldivicled,or accounted differrentas etch V any 1;»;-73am/i; 1¢ga1'1purpo1‘2:. Ahd‘tht1sitis"notlwirth the King,icheiKing son 1105 r¢pL~ef¢ng“the people, but onely in fuch and fuch cafes : vie. him ((19 ‘ pleas ofe. common nature betwixt Subjeét and Subjeéi:-I Wh.CFci1l' ‘ he eanhave no pztrticular ends 5 and at fuch or fnsh timeis,vi.e;w11m there is not a more full and neer reprefentatlon by the Pa.rli.ame1rm. And llereupon the fupreme reafon Q1"JLlClICatHPt‘3 of this State, from tewhlesnée no appeal lies, is placed in that reprefentativc iiconvfcntiong which either can have no mterefis different from} the people reprre-u fented,or at leaii very few, and thofe not confiderable : but I » ihall have occafion to be more large hereafter Minnow fuperfede. i i i p t to . is 2 Icome now to the finall canfe ofgovernnment. The Scripture is veryspregnant, and fatisfying 5- that the proper end of gorvem- ment was the good ofthe governed : and that the people was {uh- §c€ted to dominion for their hhppineile, and tranquillity 5 and not that the Prince was elevated‘-for his pomp, or magxiificehee. As for the Prince, the Law of God is moii estprefie in that ,. he is not to make his advancement any ground of lifting up his heart above his brethren: he is inioyned to that compartment wltich fuits with tebrother, not a. Lord : and to be {'0 farre from lifting up his hand ififi-11ti11g'1Y3 as not to be inflat ed in his thoughts vain~g1orioufly'. Axld for the people, they are called Gods flock, and the {beep of his pafinre 5 and therefore it is {aid in the 78. Pfiz.lme,tl1at God chofe ' Dawipdtoeifeed his people. Our adverfaries the1*eforc.tl10u:f.§h they feldorne {peak of the peoplebnt under the notion of the under ’n1u.1-— titude, a11Cl~fCldOI13.(‘3l'l3fl1C the multitude, but with termes of deri- fion, yet they will not wholly difzwow this , and therefore they would faixi divide with us, and have :1 co-ordinatiom of ends in the A bhfineffe; ;Th~CyiWill acknowledge that power was 0rdai1_1eid_-,2mza~ berzefit, accordilngto jterengy 5 and zttttrerzejzzilliziiz eéw guietazm» 'z,*z'z7:z;;e is degamm cu-ma onmi pietate, zijvfhrzfiitate, zztgzte etiazm extreme baiazeflmte 5 ac- ‘cordiiag to Timothy : anti an?’ m '23 atizanflérr, according: to St. Paul :' and V pm [20:20 pzs5Zico,pacco1‘d'i-mg to Arzflotle, _.-and all foiind Phylofophy: ‘Bat {till they fay, Tlaie erzd, :59‘ mo“: tlve /52 la end, the power and llzoazozer qftlse s s. Gpverfzm is dfizc7zt1‘cG+07’di?mfg?p__p225’f2‘)i7:{Zf;,i- or at llecgz’ yzots lmeerly fizbordimzte. This we can by nosn1eans‘lladimi,tls «though by the word Cr'.;z:ei'22?.9éé's.»be iintended,-"the beii «regn1atedi_Governo_fthat can beg m11ch.lefl'eif as A I) 2 Mbitrary upon this, and therefore zoo ' For thougligovcrxanuent be'7a necefi‘ary»nzez££zms %fo1~othe~hprefet=§~ra- 4 am. ~fl*ood.~ ‘J V ttion of man ‘c-‘onfidercd in a lapfcd-conditionr", yfct this or that form of govcrmncnt‘, is not a1wAaycst=fo much as a medium: a1=bittrarytjtu%rif3-V Mdi€’cio1}istfofa‘1fre 7fon1ctimcs;f1‘oi“nt-A beim g a _b1cfling, that it tistat very" to the people ofGoeL And ifiit arrivchnot at the cHicacY of a true me~di2mm,~how can ~c've'imztgtirie:~it an end in any refpc& whatfow evtr 1‘ “N€.V61‘thC1€fr¢i‘E{'h€LfC were I191: fraud in ~PLOy3.1ifiSy when they i1>¢a~kof-thcop0§V.ers and honourof h;Pr1nces 1 g¢ne;1‘3111Y 3» if they did not tmdct" thofe tern-1es_chomprchend that arrogant V, tpmor or gran-V douroh£'mind"w1xich ‘is’ '1ncompai:ib1e W*.it1‘i brot«h<:rly; ,detmcano_u1j, tarxdfotis‘prc‘cifc1yforbidden by God, we fhould not fo curioufly dis- _ flinguiihatthtis prcfcnt bctwixtha tnacamand afoleh or macro mean. ;Butfnow‘itbchtovesuhs to tbt very ffritO dye to thcnlfelves, and to i ;liv;eiio1_1ly to other men. This doesbabfoiutely deliroy that iopitiion, :which’p1aces the ‘good of Kingsgin tianyerivaltyiewiththe good of States. A For if .A72'»torzz'mw Pim could itru1y~ fay, Poflgztzzm ad impe7*izzx1z “i1‘z¢?Z_/;‘iZ7ififl¢d3 eziam qmeprim lmimimm perdidimws how farts diffanc A «are they from truth which makes Kings gainers , and fiibjcéis loo}- fers by thcirinthronizatioll? M. Azztorz. P/ail. having by law , the f:>1e,intire difpofition of thepubiick 'Il‘£t1fi1i1'€,y€t‘l1p01‘1__i)_is expe- ‘.d_iiZi0I1 into Sq}'t}1id3‘WOuid not-maket ufe ofthe fame without%the ii Senates confént, but tprofefllzd openly, Edam pecwziwm, ccetenzgg omrziai » efle emztm Populzfgzte Ram. my erzim 242133 adea rzilail /2:.-zbemm propriuma em grim z2eflm' kabitemw 48d_t:‘J:. Howe dhtnietricaiiy oppofitciis this to that which our State-Theoiogues doe A. new buzzer ;i1‘1t0 the King; .eares?~ Theyiinfiead 0fgivingtche~fubje&s Z1 §i1fiiandic0n1p1ea‘t pron :pr1¢:yi'n the King, refigrie the fi1bjc&and all that‘ he poffefles to the gmeer diflsrctioii of the King, ixtitead qf fefhiainiqg V Princes where the laweslct them Ioofc , they 1et1oofePxji11ces Where the law_ re» A fitraines them. 4' But 0urPtoyalifis will fay , this is to make the COIN A dition ofa King» imiferable , and more abjcét then a private mans condition. V‘ or anfwcr to this I muii a little“ anatomize the State iiFdraI’rinceis eitheLftwife,:uidi tr-iuiy l1I1Ci‘c1‘fMié1l1t’,iS the End of his 4 A promotion, ornot;if'»hebc notw’ife_., then heisilike at fottifh prifo- ncmloadcn and bound with golden fctters ,. and yet is not fo enmch V «perplexed with the weight, as in;a.mnmt’d with the priceof them. . en does he enter upon Empire, as if he Went only M ..zz;'ie.:z,=7: Winif- jém, gs Stmz‘0c1eJ'_-,“aI1d Drfamaclidm had Life to l11‘l3,i{6~{h€_il‘ hoafiihgi in A A merrimcntahut theft vaih thoughts fetve homely to expofe him to e _theftm‘ine3 offlattctsrrs, ‘and Cou1*t~Harpyes , tili having eir.;npo’ve~.« erifht thoufaiicis toinrieh fome few ,3, A and gaiiicd the difaiflisétion of ,g0:pdimehto beabufcdby villaiiics, he never reads hisierroui* till it A %conM1esprcfented_t’ohis eye in the black tichamiEtei"s of mimic.” Th;e fariicwholéfoinc_at:iye1'tifement conimonly which fixik-'"'“\¢fi€btIt1te-ES ehim(aswthathand-writingdid which appeafid toflBeZfl*aa:i;2:;g:«~irihis 4 A D3 A _ A dmnkcm, ..__......,~ . . M!’ H I - ‘ I ; ‘ , - \\ ‘vr ‘ g_“‘~,,‘ ‘ , will bstoo latch. Ifthct Princeibe wife, than does he fit amongfi all “his fitmptuous difhesthlikc Damzoclex , owing his life perpetually cm 11-16 fircngth of one horfe 11€t«i'1?C“.‘-- and knewingj that nothing elf: h tfi-13765‘ hish cad finm the fworcls point: Vthent nmfl his Diadcm fcem *tOh~ii‘1"1‘aS contcmpt'1b1c,or« cohmherfamc as «3'elemm%his did, I who monfidcntlty af-‘firmed thatno man’ would fioop to take from Ache -1 ground, to twhom it was fo perfeétly knownc as it was to him» And A it was no Wild, but a very confiderate intcrpcllattion of fame ether fad Princemho bcingto put on the C1*owm=. ‘upon hist ownc head anibngfl 2.11% the V ttiu mphant -attcnda nts C35 that folcmnity could nothibut break out int0~thi1spafii0n. O thou decjjcitfull ornament; “ fart: A more «honohurablch then happygtwhat man would fhrctchforth. this ha.I~1d~totakc that: out of thc.du{t,tif.hc did firfihlook into thc hhol-t low of thy circle, antdVfcriou1fly behold the throngs of da1agcrs,t»an,gi t-mifeficsthat aifeitthcrc lodged? t h Mt ‘ T A ~ %_ % h 5- ;_ 9% t’ Seccindly : A ‘Princcistcithicr good, and app1ies‘himfcIfe”tohco‘m~ paff: -the and of his hinatiguration ornot , if has has not good _., then “does he undcr the Majefticall mbcs of-a God _,a& the exccrable part Ir drum; r.«:t,¢:1s51e.:s him underamd w'1t11:111,< mu all rcfimrancé A ofa‘Devi1;1, then does hcimployt -all thofe meancs and 11clps¥which_ ttveref God st‘ p’eop1c,, and to the heaping up of fuch hvcngeance to himfclfe, ' ‘as fczhfircc any private man hath: ability to merit. —H'miv l1appy”l1a«a it bin fprTiber2'w,, for Nero, and for almndred more _-, if they had wanted théfittall baitts c‘>f‘ royaltytot dep1‘aYe%the1i1 5 01*tt'b€'gi919111i1‘£g\‘, his giziwzqnenixhz fhcwcs ushwhat hisdifpofition was as 3. meet mangbutt the latter part of his tragicall raign flxevgrcs “ us what the crnnmon frailty of man is being ove1‘cha1‘ged with im- htouhdcd fcigniory. Amongfi: other things which made Caimmap-2 p,¢a~1*ea‘hm9:-titer dfld net at n1’ha13,5:r¢eto72z'm~i11 the firftttplacchreckoxits up nm*d~e~l1in1¢ f 0 audacious as to prophane thcfc facred fiiles, and theft, hfacredttitiles Vmade his impicty the m are b1a.ck_.,-‘ and dheteftahle. Ifthht Fri nce ht g00d:,thc11 £3. 3 L3'er‘2cc.»z"iI1ies;, Omzzizmz dam.-ma wtiw Principiwigifi fizz a’efi>m!z'r, amnézmz ~ oiizmz iflizw 1¢bo2«,tomn2m delitiay ihllim in’cZi¢fir:'a, t .am:2:?zzm, 2!.-:zc;zri0fi€77zti/'~[-M5 occzz}>zztio.t And in the fame Ch aptcr hcc that this ayry titles ofpihous mofl: great, and mofigood Stir. his impiety A fur t W Im:930p"zilif. é A ther addcs, Ex {mo ‘Clejézr ¢o*rZa.i Vzfermrzmz .a7ea'ic;zz2it;, fibi .erip¢zit , % ¢’g«=fl:d.g- mada,? gztaé irregztiem /Emper ez¢rfi¢:'»‘.fis0.r eac}bZic4z22,At,m%%21zz12gz£;z:7z ilizfi liver: V zrzéc fiabfifiere me gnicgéaamfiazm fzcere. A “T154 tm c of private men (as Ci-as .9 . ; , , p as \, ' ‘ cero r1g’htly 0bf'erves—) at gxzfquc maxzme ad-fitztm cammodztm 77ef£'rtJ§zte- V‘ , wnqgze agit, imminimz? efl ='0ir bo72m=.«~%But shisis much m0re.trLme:~of pz~1b1ick‘perfo11s‘,-7WhomGodand mfanhaveu by m‘or_efp?cci%a11 obliga,-W-V A tio11s5<§onfined»€é_> pub1~ick%a1%.i‘%re§ on1>y,and.for that purpofe. rtaifecl. aibove their own form~e1'na~rroworbe.O t:hat\o11rComEtiers‘ at0xf?m‘”r¢;I7 would admit of fuchpoliticks , Aazmd Vbluihu to publifh» any diirefily »c'ont1‘ary? then we=u1d thefe i‘agino* fkorm sflbcfoon ~al1ayed. But alas, A am%on;g7fh1s,When the: great; Qounfgll dcfires» thaca-the.VKi,ng.s. ch‘i1drc*n.. may notébe difpefcdof in naarriagewithout pL1b1i_ckMVp:i—vityw,: _and_ confent,a~11 our peace and r.c1'1gion(being nearly Ncoxxcerned thercw iii) it is & nfW’er‘ed with conhdcnccgtlmtpriwate men; are more free t/3272 J5. So w»h m~ the elcéfion , or nonfirnatzi-on of ]udgcs , vComnmhnders, V and COut:»fc1IorsA of State V is req~L;%e£%cd,?t'zs? anfwercd ,7 t}9at‘f121B‘-73‘ut0)* :imnr}z'j7ate' the Cronénegg aizdtofitlajcfii #79! King to‘ mbre e§:a<3?n"aflrc 2?u‘.l:zigb ;}im—A-‘-6 portdflt azircx i]J€‘72‘C0'1721?t‘072Pe1*]57ZJ' are in their lame? i72*t‘e7fe_[1'3.r.: Ti11*jWa‘- ‘ ciaiavelly dayes, fixch anfwers never d%urfi% approach Mthe light ,7 but: x flow Princes havc~1carn;t a11cw1efl'on;42zmzt/ye} aremt :a_j1ool%L»zgpo2z the, peojalew God: ink em-mas, or air: the eflicient, arrzdfinaficauféx of Empireg, bzztAV% at wretcbex created'fi;rfirvilz'2.‘j,45 mmirzow wfl2zll.r,w19cj?2 falvfégy, 1%€}t'§y5; W& 'pr()j[3e1'i2fy 2'4 allmeaiiefto be oppojédfimdl ab/aorred, t}2atj:Wbieb all thing: iré the world vistlae mofl irrecozzcileczffly azivergfla to ZlJa2.r.«.::rcL3y. a$'rz1uf£ ‘ a% -Imcathcn compl-aines of his times, that izmfiéad of the ancient R’*o@ man~vcrtues=, they didmztertain luxury and covcto1iM”£3é~1eiI’ew pul2Zi;,-eir j eg¢_flaz“em'Vgriwtimopuleyztiam; T'I"1at%which4he complained of a::sthcfT fymptomc ofa»dcc1ining State, we Chrifiiims cry A up as a. rarc:,arcw~, ‘ mmz inz_perz'i~: {to makg‘ fbe Ga-zzrt 23icb,.:z7zd kgep the cowzzrey fear :4! 2'72-Ffrmce, afisbelaltbepmo _]=?fiél7”ti1e~drt~ of eflablijlazazg 3; %Pri2ic%e.% Tmjmk ia Pagan was an cncmy to his owns fafety filrthexi t%lf1?en»A it “could f’ta;ndwith the fafcty of the Sta?tc,«as Pliny Writes; and would notindurc tha-1: any.." % ' thing fllould be wifht: for to2'bef311 him 3, but what might bee expedia-» entf0rtheVpub1i‘ck. ~~Nay bee appealfi to the Go<:1s~t:o change their favour towards him-* if “ever has changed? his%‘affe<9ci011V%to*thcCom-¢ 1T10I1"W€a1th: et5O1Lcrgy; A mm new in holy orders; ~adw2§fev %Prz‘n:ce.v ~ .?2§?1"tWZ)¢ topr*efm'e tl:remfe!2»*e.r,, befirre ike peqpleg lam wen to*%pm]?.2ofé_~rl9e¢peop1ex 2; pazzergy, '- “V av’ 14, zryqzw. r povergy, a1ir_i'¢P3re,o_£‘c’;fi meczrz to 15857‘ Wealth: 4721 the people: imérxfiwling tlvuzm-=; refipcgffizge to t1Jeii'f52f§{)*r- ‘Cicefa out of1’l.zto gives‘ Princes chefs: prc-« A cc p1:5; 133 :0 pI‘0viC16 foifthe poo-plcsr commodity, as in all their a5’ci-F ens to In vcrelation (torchc‘fan1c,fand utterly to forget‘ their private: j advantage: and in their next; plagcehto extend their care to the-whjoie o body ofthc:Con1n1o11~vw:a1th5._and every p,ftrt%of%=i1':.; Our Divine; . onvthc contrary think theyica nnot {peak morc like thermfclvesr than A Hy inverting this order: tbs Kingypmfit :13}: fblg féape gflyaix firmer‘ and zz€?iom,«z2z(l t/Jepeapler eitberficondaiy 2?/_rerezmt.:9,or which % is Worfe i%1s.'1-3‘-' confifiem; therewi.tha11:r and fit) farre are theyfrom taking any cow- fidcration of 21:11: who1e‘body,j}aa't t»b;3‘_17zd‘}:0I‘PdT§)é¢ee% not ~condem2;eél to fl;w*ery5wzdpoveF£)'a t/21;)! comffiiwt tI78,;139e..;1e of the wbpfe ex}»ofi:d% tdgreat AA A brmard. \ 1>\ -4 It is to bc noted alfb, t}9at.wc»C/9rz:f1‘iz7z.f are rzot only degenerated £22 our H‘ po‘lz'tz'c}Q' and lzecazzgeimafe ztlzrzatzmzllrben Gezztilei, 1715!! wen we aZfl7 among ’ .Gbrz:flizz_iu which bazéé“ been bow zmder Vregulxr gavernmentx , doe more 4 prepoikrotlfly let looficthc1'ai1ircs;ofsovcraignty , then thofi; Gen-j’ tiles »wh’1c‘Lh knew no finch regulations. S cneca under the Roman. Empire fayes, Non Zicet tibi guicqzmm m2 arbitriafacere. His reafon is, m:agnazfZrrtztmz,,rm-zgnar fe:rvz't.m'.M,I1a E11g1a11d»tiais-vvou1%d now bycrtrca.-. A “’ fongifnot blafphcmy agairl-1{$fiAGod.a11d the King, we mufi bccfo far] fron1favyix1g_th_at; ou‘ 1‘ Ki11g (though 11 cc, pretend not to an abfolutc, 4 rarcrogativc) is zrfcrvant, that we mu P: not fay he is mziwerfjir raifnar: wee bee footarrc from denying him an arbitrary pwow¢r.ir1_any' rhiriggtbat we V him gm arlzitrmjy aiiflézzt even in tho ;il‘.?Z‘7ZgJ‘? rbé Stateroffififlgdonzerr afier 27z.mz2'e deb;-zter propq/I: .1 to 123m. JL{dxi:nm.t11c,¢ Ernp‘croiur in his joration,rt:o his fouldiersr ufcsr this expreflion Negue e2zim,2tiziW tmztmn baminir ltzrirzc-2;tm%tztr% q/‘fiféal commmzio‘ tatiw R0-' Poprrli figztidem £72 z'li.z urbe efl impcrzij f.3rt2_m‘z%..fi 2201971: azmgem fldif]3e2_z].Ez-Q mtioo Imzmm aztque ddmizzzfimtioprincipatmfumz vjobzfirmz demmzdg-MA we r W110 da.r_€$r_11®,W avow-at‘-Court tI1:;u: thc whole; nation of.Eng1Var1d .1 hathra rt:ruc~~ir1tcrcPcand poffefiion ofthis Crowns, and th at there is“ V notohixxg therein committed to the King, but the officc and chargc: -A to dii pcnfe, _ax1§1rma111;1rge;thc fa rue togertlxrrrwith , the people, for tho‘ . peoples bcfirragivaiatagc? ‘Tiler: was true‘ it Home wlgiczzr wasrrneitllfif1‘C11gi0n, x101‘”pc1“fc&i011_ of policy to b1“id1e Tyranny 13 uowrfalfc;dwg¢rous:.traYt*erOusiiiEngland: amongfithamofi iii-4 n _,, w xti t1.'mha;hat thglxigg is a ‘fcrvant to the? State, and thoi1gh”far g1~e,;,;. ter ,~3and‘fuper'1LoL11* {hell 331 13fJcrti‘111aTS_5 Vet Am the Wh0I'c_%Aco11e-. A Ecivcly taken, a meeI_‘0fficerQr 1‘/Ii11i~f;‘$i¢;:? MTh”c'?ob§c€ti0ns of our a_d.; verfa1.‘iés againfl thrsjtruth are .efpee1¢a11y~ thefctgwq; Fi1‘fr5’nT[ag}}« % fké 3é5fid1'4' rzafmoré rboizouralale ,, Lczizd valmzble} 1‘/yen zl‘/pé‘ nzémz} : An CI, “M Sc» corzdly, if cmzzzoi be fl? 572' 1‘b7;3'f‘¢’¢‘V*'fi?.» becat1f6(th<=Y fay) it 53' 'c02zfmdi5?ory in }Ence,¢2vzd 2 thing ingbofrigle £72 fzazfzare ta 5é 502% A2 fémwzt , and at Lard ‘ta the fizme%St;zte. A As m the firfc objeéfion , whereas the exa,n1p1eL of 3I0L1rVSaAV“iOur is~p1‘c#)dtICed to prove, t/adtfiine inflmmemir [ye ofmore dgiiigy it/om £190 jé endxffnflwbick the} are drdgir-ze./1 7-” AWE anfwer 7; Afi A‘o«z.ir S;-1--6“ vf;our though he: did by his blcaod purchafe our redemption , ye: Wasin the nature of a free and voluntary agent, he was not defigxfll to 170 great a Work of hu m'11iationA_by any other caufi-. than his “0W11:': % eteAm"a‘1l ch%oi?ce : and th_crcfore imce hee receivcs11oordinatioh 01* defig:T1a~_tio11 f1‘5~0n1AAthofeW11on1 hce came to 1*cdeci11 , nor ha-d11‘d 1je-z A ceifary impulfion fi*0rn the work it fclfc of 1'edemptiflQnV ,% ibm; wag tmeerly moved tfic1‘ci111to% by his owns intire §uJ2>:b:'e=c , wee fay he was A not czémin-zczata orinfl'n.1mcnt, but his owns; aiici whereas ‘the maple‘ A 0 ftbeflngellx 7_317zext .cztZe.»sm’ged.' "we anfwer alfo ,% that their Minific1"y H A performed unto 1116f} is rather a% thing eXpedienAt , then 11ec¢ITa ryg,‘ and ii: is11%<5t‘%theirf0lé or chiefs Mi11iPte1'y , neither doe they per;-4‘ form the‘famt:?as nccefllwily drawne thexfcunto by any n1%otiv‘ef'11oz11“ max}, asbcing theimmedizwe and of their Minifi'eI‘y- , but thneitfer-’«” viceis injoyned immediately A by%’Go‘d , a‘nd~ £70 Ggjd, ricitz mm n is the t7x‘ucf<.:ope of their atterrdzmce. Laf‘c1y5w11e1“e:1s it is %pIicf%,,%itl7yzr the A'.»;’-A-‘ Afaacpzfe 7:34‘ Aardéirzed the Client, tbe‘PlJ_yfiti;~z7z finé flu’? uzfigrzr} :6“c.}'e2‘ it f?egz.'§e7zt{yfi“e2z tlsmf i/ac’ Advocate z'a'7better 2‘/yen ['25: Clieizzg the P£gyfif£ziz‘t,5e2z “‘ écxio‘ P4~tie7”3t-,‘!7€@‘“c.“ TWc‘ anfizve 1*‘, emery vpar:iAcu1a1+ % Ad%v0c:Lt”te drPhfyfiiia11 A iVsr1o}cAAto’bc co mpare’d With cv¢r”yAAAparticL11a1‘%Client: 07r9PaLtiént , but i4:A~is tru7Aei%iin" §.g§:x1e1‘aI‘1‘tI1at the? skillfland art of the Ad vacate and Phy-4* fitiim'lAfi%sV’dii+c&ed in 1f:1'ature%notAfo muAcI14forthc bgcn éfii: ‘of him wh‘i’<:h” 4 ’ A Vpofi§=.-fi_'cs ?it,?a“s”*o1fAl1im Whicli is fcrved‘_byH it 5 and the1‘éfO1*e Arifiot.’e4‘ V in third 2..?Plg3fl cap. ij. affirn1és%Vt1**u1y.t11at fihc Phyfitiim Cures hihzfcélfrz by at’Cidcnt,AasAtAI13y'e-«rem; 5 it‘ being%% iAi111c~}ofii-V-A%’ A %-blclthaitmhe fhou1dAWaftA‘§3tl1c1‘s, if1ae¢,ww:re abfcnt. {In $11; arm siit‘ “ A A A A A A W 1.4;: a. % % zg lliagdknow1ng’C«hr1£ha.ns Vthatgverwercswhat can bc~=nQw FPO»-1.. km mom od1.ous<o;ma. which is pri*neiI§h.Iiyhh.intendcd , V .i's‘th£ common benefit ofoall and V t becaufelhe. Artifi hinlfelfc isjtone part of the whole hody.,4ncoi1~ fequently trams “part of ,the» benefit redoaunds to him; So aftez? the fame *manner hee.tha‘t fits 1 at the helm: of a; State arnongfl: mothers, fiefers the fame for his own~ends,t but according t0 P1m70a31?d [and Cicero both, his maine atimie, his fupreame law , ongllttwtot bfifl film papzglina ittis fit titlte fort Princes tonbe called ‘t1T_°I.H5=!'€£ l and Wee know in aPhiIofophica1I tlnderftanding, the«fhepheard,‘ thoughxby kind farte more excellent then. his charge , A yet in. gums;--~ mm; fhcpheard, confidered meerly in thathotion with refpeflcto his cha1‘ge,iefnbordi11ate and-botund toexpofe hitrifelfe for-his » (heepm It is our nS.aviou1:s faying,_and it was t crowned V with our S3.-r'~ A vionrs pm£’cife, Ban»: Paflwpoieit eit:zm_pmoi2i[2u;r. Bcfide s, Advoc 313.353; Phyfitians, 8:5. as they voluntarily cthooietheir owne profeffions, o ferhaps intend their own private profit ‘in the fitfi place _-, the pub-- ‘ f1ckin~thefecond, fuch is the perverfenefle of humane nature; but as the State defignes, or authorizes them, that intends publick ends" in the firff place. A 4 . A . A I pafle now to the fecond ohje€’cion wbicbmaimtainex Lord and Sere- gwmt to be; ineampatible 5 ourTenet is, that Kings may have fnp”r“ea~meh . Maiefiy as to all individuall fi1tbje8:s,t yet acknowledge themfelves fi1b'3"e-8: to the whole State , and to that fupreanae Meiiefty wehichh flowers perpetually from that fountaine. In briefe, atceording tothe old received hn1a.'xime,t the gnreateflc Monarchs in the eye of Lawa polieynand nature, may be fingufzk majam , zmioerfim nzinore: , A they may Obtainc 3. limited Empire, or fazrb regvzo grzwiore re.g2zum- LII’ qdverfarics“ though they Wcannot difptove , yet they much difrelifh this doficrine, they cannot fay it is impoflibleg for all Demacraeicr, Arifiacraciey, mix: and limited Monarchies make it vifibly true '5 not can they f ay it is incommodious, for there are more mixt and1imi*' ted States then ahfoluteg. and thofle which are tnfixt, and A litniteda are more civill, more religious, more happy then thofe which are not. Thefe things are beyond all doubt ,and debate. The quefiiont then isonly, whether abfolute Princes,that»is,fiich as have no per- fons toihaxe in power with them , nor no Iawes t0 circnmfcribe their power forthem, be not as meet fervantsoto the Stateh,‘h;md gs much obh-ged inpoint. of duty to pnrfuc its publick intereft, as; A t A ‘ ‘ A A A’ to V they [fits i7’0ptt!i. iitheyr are Lordsover private perfon§,.:.mei predommant hover part if cu1ariAntcref’ts. Many «of the authorxtles before cited" makegood the aiflirmative, and many more ‘may be a11c‘"2£ged‘to the fame purpofe and the rule of finall caufes , makes» it beyond all contradi&ion;, thaAt~thercisfa certain fervice a1gne'xed:toAthe office of the mofi inde~ pendent~Potentate.A Nefat efi, (fayes .:4lexwzder~eScwerm) A :3 publico dif- Jyenjiztoreprodigi gut Pravincicale: dedercmt. He contents himfelfc with the name of a publick Steward or Treafurex‘, and confeifes that hee catmdt mifpendthe common ROCK illfiruiicd with him , ewithow: great finnc and i11'§t1fiiAce. V A M A s A A Maximwm=aIfQ Casewasbeforerecited) challenged no more in the Empire thcnAa.i.;ind of Gommiflidn to difpenfe,— and adminiiier ‘ A (they é.reAhisAowne very words) the afiaii‘¢s of the Empire with the State;-‘ And therefore S eneca gives this admonition, that the En1pc~ murifh0u1Ad make his accomit, mm fimm eje Rempub. fizd fé Regpylz, AndAthi$ Was that fervice (the very word it felfe is fe1'Aw’tu.r)Wl[1ich* Yiberixrcomplained tobelayedou his fhouidets fo Amiferable andiii burthAcuous,'as Sutton. writes in the life offfiberim. It was reeorded i inttcommend-iation alfo of Nafica, th at hee prefex'redA his countrcy be- i’ore*his owne family, and didaccount no private «thing ~his‘ ijownea or worthyofhis thoughts in compat'ii'on~ of thofe things , whichA wempublickly Vadivamtagcous; at enim mtela, ficAApmc2:zratio‘ Rez]19z¢h.”Am’ militutem eorumfluibw commf fmz‘,na2z ad eomm guibu: qar}xim:fl§z efi,ge- rerzdw efi: here the oifice ofa Magiiirate is a pt'ecuration,he is taken AA as a Guardiaxi in S0cz:zgeA, andthc end of his office is the utility of thofe which a1*e*c-emmitthed to his trAufl*, n0tthA1s owlaew Totconclude V the lawe s of the Empitew ere very fullg and deer in th is, A and ma ray? imore hiiidriAest might bee br0ught~forth to give more light and i A fiieiigth in the Aeaf'e*,A but there is no need of any, If any honefl: Pia- trier neverthecléeffe thinkifztter to ufe the ntarne 0ffiat:he;rAti1e11 £'et--~ -want, {hail not Wholly gainf'aytherei11'. My with th at fubieéiss ma.AyAa1»w-ayes underfiand their right, but not toe rigoroufly A imfiit ’ At itiponit; *t1either Wouid I have them in A private matters look too it much up'0nAtheir?pub1iCk capacity : Princes alfo may withotat in-1 tiigxxity to themAfeivejsA, at fome times cendefcend to fuck ackr1oW~ 1é“'d‘gen1eutseofthe peoples due, asis notfofit to be 11em1.<£roms~ any A A A n‘1O11thA;.Abut tAh»eir»ownc. A E 9 * A Hm? 2 23 Ah 1t¢£*51?oM£i~ ' e Happy is thé-._l':KiI1g which afihticipat~es 11is*hfi1hje8;si.11 fubmittzirxg V }h'is‘own titles, and 1f;24ppy¢%gx1fe t11QffChf_LlbjC€tS which a11*ticip,ate“theie » 1411,15; in fi1_bn1_itting their Qwne rights, and_ happyare both? ,-when: an .. A. bath tllushcmoqmply a_t; the fame time. .,? {=’cr1d8ci_.1hefl'e, Prix1ee§ ape«+ 1:19: tobje ealleel wFat:hersiof §11_e__ir.SL1b3e&s, ? hex- ,c¢p¢,t4akh¢1i diwfim but a.rt<-1: m1$h€1’{”fhiri1tha”ti:Sfub3¢5F to it? but as f1r‘ifi0tleeh01dsa*3- e1’01—c+ 4- tht: [m9~~h 13Ce;jir'g pirqtefting his f‘e1jvfa11t does eruotelook upon‘ his A fervamqsh ends e 1§_1%e1;éin, b1;ft_1}ishow11,be‘c;mfeytWhe‘1oflZ: bfhis fervan t,wou‘1d be a 19:17: A ‘tjC)%his)_"f'a‘mi1y; Therefore this kind of Authority is not to be iflnduredh in a State, hecaufe it istizmcoenpetent with liberty 3‘ provided :'on_e1yf forflaves, and fileh as have no true direft intereihiny the State: Wliereas jzgfli imperii (as flrrzmiazrwm Writes) anrsl a S has been” c011'*~;~ fi_hx91i-1%?d by n1g;ny‘4oWthe1* V” proqts :4 Vzilimc ofiedientium xfl-imatzzr, fiim. wycmwjill fay, It is‘ mere reafinfihie tlmt z5'2>zbje5?.c fbazsld remain zwderh flee caizditiqn ofjéma7zt.r,Vtl7e2z.12e hnélaicla 1.7.42“ az£tlJorie_y aver 2‘/aojé SI!-IJj£'€fJ‘;, and if 572 pfézcefizrj aka 2:8 them. h h A ‘A: I;111fwcrj.' Tha ; end t_o_which:Princes are defii11°d, v‘z'.::~,.: the Cflnifi 4 nionegeedw 3%.??? ‘as one caxs, or mawe:w‘2«9a» , as another ~ca1sit;, 01: cm: fzluiii as1iem,‘Vas another eals it ,2 is fo.exCel1entW, and n0b1e,tha1; without the ‘inconvenience of‘fervi1ity,hthey Anny be ferAv%i1e%to it’. The trm;h is, all things that are in the nature of means ‘ and in1’crg1ments harehthen_<_nj1oir’c mperfefi, and :'mt'1re,when A theyware mofi fit, a%nc1%conducib1e tovakcconlplifll the end for .W_hichth€y' are prepared. Soflrifiot. delivers in the Sg ]14etz.zpl7~_}=f: andgfo Averroe: 3, and; e Tb0.m_m‘Vhfh€i‘¢I1phOl1. «Tie to_quarrc11 eeagainfi God, and ‘Nature, to exw _ «- cept Aadgaienfi that true andpropee end whic11hGQ-d and Natureh hath defig11’deo“any‘perfo11 or thing. T11eG;*ag}2’;x, called excheHe11eee,"mH7w from 22194 i; " and the liamazzéwhcalléd it P€’7"'i'5750$hhhhb¢CaF‘f°.that is per" h feflig or chozlfixmmatewhich apprbaehes nearcfc toeithse end. Tish n<1Jt% 3‘ ‘ ‘ »»»» '3 A‘ .n. ‘ “ 11 rd <1<>.t11h notrL11.<= for theherofit of hishfemxuhta but by the pz~ofitof My Cfopzili. ‘ __..__4.._...... one1ye‘t11ieAreforeit0befaidg,’ti'1attha'ti is i:1'perfe<9cg,iOriint:“i1ie Statea wherein the GOV€1‘1101‘ executes all t«hii11g,si11 order to AA th e ’Co111ni10nA V éo’é1,BLxc he aifd is it perfa€’c, and intirelGo~;ern“<>1',’ which ibendsi all hisAa&i0ns to that purpofe. Forif we look up to Almighty Godfive mufirxeeds acknowledge that he nmft truly repx*efented and per?- fonated by fuel: a Deputy as f¢fe1*s all things to pub1ickAGood.For God is g0cSdi11efl‘ei:_Te*1f,a”z1dAthercis nothing more eH311t'ial5to gaqciw nefie, thenito be diffufixrc, and God has no endiofadciition oi‘ prcifit; to himfcif in making Heaven, <:$rEz.=u*th5Ange1s or men. A I i Next ifw’c1o0k‘up0n N2itiid11As,Atl1eyAcver xetribute nxofi hoiiotlr, Hun-‘ aA;n’d erepajrmofii dutiegicxve, ’z111cii‘ gx‘ati"ti.ide ;i1;o"i fyichii; Princes ‘as a re ni0£’cAfree from particular ayemes. ;Tiiate;ReigneWhitu(11*c‘ = i ‘ ll t ' A a or s Lafily,ifwe1ookupo11 the natfirti oftho cntdwit felf, we fhallfet « - drifdificionatfnr thcfcdrcafons» ~ r _._.......—n .- affords from Aalméz :9 Mafi:5.gnd n«ex;:;.fi;o’mA-che“i«ntr¢dq bf 311;: Law’ till the Incarnationbf o11r_Saviouri than let; as d our fclvas :of thin Em-pirc under which Cfirifiiamityd bcgan.firfi 1:6 V fprcad adanddlafflyd, Ictduusddrdawdown toour own: tirxaews, andfilrvey ourowncfabricka M ) H % »% < 1“Ih6 firfifpaciesdofdfawerdg which dhadd a being pill d dthc wq.r1d(for the Wbrd Poweris applyed divérflyf) Wadgddflluritcmzlld :' and _cQn,-- A ccivB,t0;be famething moJa*eddthe11 meet order,-. -but not; 1" 0 much as ]u-5 H A Firfig tahc‘Scripturc.faies, :12»: max, arid the WWW2 W656 made 077817?/7?; as: one pc1*f0n;, and they W.C'I‘;:iC; fo conidoydncd ‘in”f‘ t11¢i1?Vi11t€i5¢fi§ a}’_-h?$t, the love. ofzfon a’nd~ fachder was not {Q firongya s £hic91_1§uga11 syee dd .~= I This makes,adcoc1‘civde power ,d*in1proper, z=::l9e7z¢;m.am?: tn dufi: it uporf 1913.: mm mekmbermt for man is not {aid jufily to have any inxrifdifiioxz over his own parts, or members axis a kind of foloegifiue inngtture. ‘Wbi tuflaimjbi ego Caiagfo {aid th e old Rom an 11%. Agrxd %ir1o\jt1%1_c:d mothcrastodthcfath%cr.. ‘A A Ad »d A _ Seeon fly ,1? thel-Iusband have fuch a codercivc power, it_is ['9 ’ fifthxConimandcm.ent “;aiI10W€S. the fame degree 4OfhQfl(_»')l1-1;‘; dmthedf A arbitrary%chat he may proceed t:rE>.whac»dcg;~ccof rigour hgplcafcég. cvcnto death‘ it felfe; for as hoe; hath,,'I]0‘1;a'W to bound him In, ,hac hath no equallito controll whim : ,nay, hdqisno;;A Judge only, dbu; in-i-A former,‘ witncflég, and executioner alfod-' and dnathding “@311 best more; csitzreadmq and rigid than this. dd ’ 5 . . A A A W Thirdly ,~ The wife.(amlmz'tting fuck at jztriwdiéfiogz, of tbe filagmbgndjd fifiivzgall cafi-,1. remedilgflé and defiimte deflappmle 5 ‘I though phdcigrc bee more’ ‘ A bonds of duty, and awe, to rcfiraim: her from being A i11it1x:'ido“us_.,Vdi£3- N » ‘obedient and Lmndaturall to hex‘ hu sBan'd , then todfidwithhold %h?er% husband from abafing his audthorityfland .VChi5»Ought: rat hcr cb ex-' Qemdpt heathen him) yet in this cafe ,; finr bimd there :3 no cp2z¢:4all , arzd t.l)e~re‘di:.%2zda;~reaVr»e;[]é;, .4 W A A A A * ‘ A . Fogrthly , ;Thcr¢ is no mem:ion- €5r)%,;d:»1f~eccdg:21MtAi‘nSéri-{ .pture,dto~countena4n:ce any coercion of chismtturc , unleflé was will call t~hat+<";fdivorcc and repudiation fo 3 and that A alfo %fc§rnes dif-' wuntenamcdby»ou!i* Saviour,-except in %ca%feofAdu1tcry.. W A V W A Fifthly, We,f:cVi11 all nationsdthcdpowcrd ofHusbandsisrcgu1a-:_ V lzefivre tedibyddthc liublickéodivill lpowers which difditd were .from ,2z4gtm/'5 d,W ' % " Cim e at ;p;;:z).W~. 9‘ jtkrf’ métmerleg non 'v.1Iefdifj7af5tio»»1aztz;wi2¢z. 1% W pom? it émzd hot jzzfily be re}9ea1ecZ,e?£_§W'..1¢¢erit§‘t“a 563 A altered; =4 Cozz2*m, ’ Whfilk V.efl.#ti'cheEm1pereHI2 ézvomtld enot fubrI'1~it‘to the conimaxidd A doflaiznwhowas both~hcnHusbanod«and dP1:i11ee,:a eelawwas made to unxifh. nhatconte_n1pt, apd the like offences , and trifle that*1aWwas / ?0*1‘d%Pdri*m;e’fhoL11ddbe exercifed agaiinfi her. A ' ri‘1'adee5it*s;:?vdr£:;d”sdn“dote thought eefitzthat _t11ew]urifdi€tiom;.eith erwor husband A T13 fi1ffic~iéi1t?the1*efore that oNature teaches Wives to 1ooke.eup(§mo e their husbands inte1~ei:?cs,w2}sdtheir own, and then‘ perfonsras thenw; felvesaaumdddco ec;kdnow1e_dege them their Lords, as God has indueed. them wietfin:‘o;~e ma”7jefii"e;, £3crengch,andL nob"1e”e;:.peartse and .-t0db'€“fi1b'teV"‘ ' ' m»ifTeesothey"we1*e ercaeed of and ffor nxen’ andtif then Nature pres-x \9*7a;i'IS“i;1 ,0t,,reco11r£‘e tlitifldbeddhaod to ax1gin1partia1'1oe]udicatu“re,, “where A eit11e1flpa;_rgy moay be indifferemzly 11ca1‘d:’f01‘t.hC1‘C isno lIlOI'C]_t1fi'.iC¢.. ‘ extended to the on‘e,s11"e11.Lto the ot.her,;noi* can in)ui9cice be more: fear-an .éd frorr’-ifithe 017165 than t?he“otdhedr. So much con—,eerni11g ;/1/Iazriiallpoxiaer,‘ iu’1dte5fheW3»that nothi,iig doanJbe[3:igh:t1y. extraéied, out oof it, for ;t11e; ’ 1icen_fi1;g of arbitrary rule in the-Sczn:e;Whc1:efore I pafle to on:*er.d " d e “ V dd ~ % A The feconde f]»"ecie!0fP0n1ez*.WhiCh fiJceeeded in the wor1d,,eewas,e dethat ‘which;Perent“SAohaveoooirerithcir chi1dz*en: and this alfoizveeeonw were to efiiteed sneer ®1“def3?bllt not’: to eque11]L1rifdi8cion,ore at leoafifr 1’ate1"m; dbfoiudte’ ]m*ifdiL‘?ci0115%'fo1* theft: dreafons : Firth beeaufe his §1?parent,that in the family the power of ‘the Mother‘ does p_a1‘ticdipa[t'e with Hie p0W~er1ofetheeeFath€f am and by;fit_s 111ixtduf*ed 3;l‘1C1' dc oioxjkiiglaetioil ca'1n1onb'ut fumedqu:*.1ifieati0n'l:O?eits e do N V “ A do ’ eSecondlyggtakechildrcngbefore they are of maturity ,, and there needs no other Seepter, but: adtwig to awe them 3 and takethenidotoo fibed”of7fi111age,»ea=r1d~the11d"t11eyefpreade i.n7to faemilies r,11en1fe1v*ecs% 5 ;__a,n£L» rif e to the iamnae com mand in their own heufes, as t.11ey,eA.¢we§e fubJe<9c toin their fetl1e1‘es'. d " a. A, H A ; A _ 2 ; 2 1 A «IteWci‘€l111jL1{f_aH‘0 that Parents fhould c1aion1eea1aey Jurifdifiion to I1o1dtheirechi1d1jenframe marfiage, or to ufurp; foeover: t11en1ej%af%'t4ex:eed ‘ I11£'f.1‘1‘iag€§i1S,,thE_'§7 may not eommaI1d'ei:t_1tlxeifixnxe n1a11e1xer,,ese4¢et+hcyM; _ are}, or were ‘themfelves econ: i11"[ande€d‘§ej v o 'TL1ird1y, N;a.tureoeweithoa sger.3A.vd1h70x1g .b1‘eak;s.'t1wZ;e/fG1‘C€o'dQ‘§ A % . A. d ‘ Paote1*n‘aI.I A T V V S lfisttnoreto be feared. fl-Vftiternall empire, by turning the currentoiFa%&‘ion ratherfrom the father to the foo, than from the {on to the father A: it ‘rather txiakeo it the father,“which”isAtheroot , convey fap ‘to {the font, which is the! At A hranch,ltha‘n*onethe icontrarye: and ithetefore -the natutall endofthet " ‘father, is not Ahisown good only, but his whole f'amilies,v(accordin : ” to Am‘/forte) whereas, take him in the notion of a Maftert,_and to he k i A egards his own good in the firlt place ,A and his fernvants In -the fee concl, only as it conduces to his. Fourthly, It Parents had an abroxute; jtttifdiétioo over their chip dren , even to lifeatld death; then ACh1ldren , which in the eye of Policie,” atofometimes many in number , and ofmorepubltke value i h . then their Parents, might be opprefl Without all meanes ofremedte A; t V and this may prove tmlightevous and unequal! 5 «and «Anotfitto be re!- ‘ A ferred to Natures mtem:A1on.i ‘ ~ A‘ A i t l " i i Fifthly, In all Civill Countries, Where Gotternment is eltablifheci, “there are Lawes A t;o_,oover-rul‘e Parents as Welles Children, andto Pmvjde for the K’-.lf‘L“t1t‘."' of Children as%Wel1asParentsl: And when: no 1 GovetnmentA1s;yet"ellaAb1tfl1edt, jther‘_e1S"nO fprefident offuch gjurif-’-5 diction; A X A . 44 V A A; 4 A l I ' “Upon the murther of Age], if theright of a” Father had intitled _ A ‘Admire thetifatne power, as the right ofa Prince ufeth to doe; Adam ' ought to'ha*ve‘alrraigned Cm?» at his Bar , and to AA havetrequired blood I 'f0l"1b’100d. ut We do not find that A Adm did claim any fuclhipowetr, or fin,in not claiming it : We find ratherethat the whole Altoick of Mafnkinhdel then living, were the judges that Cain‘featedA: and there i :is‘1jeafoh why they fhould be more comepetent for fuch a tryall then the Father himfelte. When there were no Kings, no judgesin Ifrael, -the AAéPeop'le by common confent did rife up to vindicatezcommon itrefoaffes ;“andA God fo required it at their ‘hands; But a if judgement in A fhould be left 'toPatents on1y,n_";ch injultice might be expeéted from 7-them ,i which is not fo much to be feared from the People not yet aflbciated : For the offence of the Son is eithetla aim’: the Fgther, or ffo1i:oe’ot’her :; ,[I’fagain'ft the Father, then ishe Jucigge in his ovvneeaie 5 V % and that is dangerous; the Father may be partiall to himfelfe: If \ *againf’c another t., then thelfiather is at Pcrangerto the oPlaintiFf'e, motto ethe~Def'end“aent ‘ .-‘ land that is more dangerous,inAregard that pattialitie 34 am eoputi. The Paternal right of Adamymight better qnalifie him for rule.Whill’c" he lived only arnongft his own defcendents, than any other pretence could any other particular perfon am ongll his defeendnentst but it; did only qualifie, not aétually conftitute :% and fince Adam: death; none but Noah could pretend to the fame qualifieation. A L A « A The right of Fathers is now in all Fathers equall ;‘ and if A we doe not grant, that it is now’ emerged orsmade fuborclinate in all great aflociated Bodies , by that cornrnon authoritie which extends over all , ’W'e1'nul’c make it incompa~ti'nle with Common Authoritie. ’TiS true, Rodin is very zealous for Patetnall em pite; and “he conceives, that the puhlique Courts of jultice would not he fo full offuites , if 9 i tliis Doinefiicall jurifdiéltion were not too Far eclipfecl thereby. But A "gisywella11fWtr.ed.;v: A Thatfiadizg, in_th-is , doth not aitne at the totall i cure of Contention in thestate: his only Nambition is, to eafe tie ~ ,Pb1l5lique‘Courts, and to fill private hoiules With more vexationsiand \;4;I‘e,l1'l"11—é3y.tl.1t,'3ll. Conteliations. . ii l The Romano Law was very: rigid againfl: Children ; and again ifuppofes that Law Wasygrounded uponthe Law of Nature : but we r knovv it never was received in all Nations, neither is it now in force Jalirieliin in “any” Nation : And whereas a Badia appeales to Gods law, 1) mt.2 I‘. We deftire no better determination ; for the very Words of the Law there, give the idelinitive‘ fentencye to the Elders, anme mexfimtion tOlthyC_tWh0l€’ City l: the Parent hath no apart, bintlttharoxfi - ‘»wi§the’U\?l?3’tn€li?=,l1¢f§it0 hllm[\l3 neither indeed qan any maxi, be though"; .gy;inoreil1>nfiteitl1er tojndge, oiraito"execnt:e , may, or to be a fpe&ator . ~ ;of the nrebellyiouys texeeuted Son , than theyFaitherhimfe,ln£e.i Civilitie yhath ynojw Io afar prevaiiljed ejveniin the film periall La it felfe, that Pa».- rents may not ¢at;~li:1lr:lly abdiiycevtey or ditT-inherit Children ;. nor is that held a good Telliainent , wherein the Sons name is totally omirredé; Nor i-Fyingtartitude, or id:ifohed«iene~e, or any other caufe he aileadged la-41. gainflthe Son , is the Father left folely"tofhis own jndgementyin that can re. 4 o l l i “ i i > :2 We do; allow that Pennants rare gods “I0 tfvht}l'~‘3"y1iIy'"iiClT1lll,cl1"ier1i; ,.andmay.. i ll siqhallenge great ,pi_eti7e from thenigi and that, natpre, their oflices;of are ;oflgtrn.ce,ri and not ofdnty; iiwherieams no olfice of'the/child is ofgrace, inofmeere ntyyt iYetltihisyydefiiroyies niot.MLaW,~or the,~ins~. .i s ~ iterpofition of Publique Authgritieg A The f;_‘a_thers[ri;gh;ti{1 the %Son,:i;s M, I ‘N e Talmlt. inotfo great as is the Countries, Cicero faith very well ,i A ",P@tr,zi,;zj gm amnizzm clmrimte: comp?l.r51‘itHr.. Father therleforo metllliw flOlitr-fiffiiihls inferior right tothe prejudice oia_h1g_her. Nay,thne Father i8r1Qt‘Qr1[iy refirained by Law from ac°cs of inyufhce, the fame being in him more to be deteiized than in ailirangeri : but heis of duty to perform all 1“ ugh »‘ pious officesalfo , as-it-he infirme condition of Children {rand inlcon-5 tinuall need oh i 1 C * A , V C A A V A ~ _ And this duty , thoughthe Child cannot challenge proportio-«V nable to any meritiin , yet theState..fha1linjeoyne i1{"Cf:lil7::iI‘yx,; and righteous , and altogether indifpenfxble; Nay , ifnppofe on: Crown efcheated, or fuppofe any body ofmennot yetafioeiatedi 5 yet ficill we maintain, thePather (notes anizmlfavciarnm, but only as izniimzl fizcinle owes a prefervation of his Ifllre , for the Com good of Mankinde; and cannot deny paymentof the fame,wi_thout lgreat injuftice to humane naturie; “ We lmay conclude then , A that this Paternall rulebeing for far divided god limited in point q£1,Qflf¢~Qf life, do libertie , or other properties , wherein there is annrivhaltie or con<;ur~s ‘ rence ofa common intercffi: :— and to far clogged with pious du,ti€$ and tender irefpeéis, will -be very unapt to lend any tefiimonxe for rigorous, boyflerous prerogatives in Princes; A H V "\ A The next kind of Power vifible C in A the iWor1;d ~,; rowan Eramnalfl iv for the Father beingdead , the eldelt Son is fnppofed by fomentomve inherited his dominion , or at lead to have attained; to fome fuperio- ritie over his youngerbrethren. Much might be hfaid to: prove,th”at Fathers did not-tran fmit all their power tnoitheir eldffl $0ns*;; fofmfo there had remained butone Monarchn in the World and the 9201‘? e05. Aémlam and La: fufficientlyv difproves. this fond dreame; But take A itfor granted , and yet the fame Anfwers which makeeconditionete - the poweitof the Father mud in the fame. manner bC3oPP11¢?d to the powfir of the Brother. Philofophie tells , that the cement berwigqg brotheratad Vbroth’er,.lAis in;foirie$;;,refp€€tis more kniwttingeltlmanlally 0.... then wharfoevcr : rFor“r‘heicementeof.n1over betwizqt Huaband and Wife, ‘isequall , but not naturall; the cement nbetwixt Father and C C Son is inatnralil, yet not equalli ; but the obliging p0iW€f0f amigie fiber- twixtl Brother and Brother, ‘is both eqnall.an;dnlnatura1l and this in ‘no furo prleparatiiokni for fuperioritie; ‘fliffijafllflgl -4mm mm owe ‘anwnimzz-. eg¥ndn~‘chere£ore ’cwni11lbe j,fu,pe:flnouse Anfwer C 1‘ 3% ; **Wi<==.: op. . 3; gm zpwzr. farther to thislpeoim; ” 7 Ournext txranfition theme will be from Fr’aternallo..power? to that of,-Ma{:«’cers or Lords , Whiehfrom the Greek we terme De/jmtim/K,‘ from the Latine, Herz'2.'.e~. This power gives the Lord an abfolute, ar- birrarie interefi in the {lave ;« and it cannot be ca1led_juriflli&ion, be-A eauhz it propofeth ho ends ofjuffice in itffelfe. .‘A flgwc (according to .'A7:i[Z‘0tle)z:k 66,22.-2110 Whalfy /Jr}: Llords, A’/.%‘*‘thWlt be /Ja€Z‘éPm?1d' praperti: m ‘mnining 13¢ /aimfélfie A.-M he am’; lz"vc3',ar /mt/5 .2 éc.=z'n;r"’t~a hrzk Lem’ ;. Wt 23' mt“ dma',mzy nothing to” W‘/Enzrtfbeoer may he Ecqmircd £1; him,l%?/mtfl:-‘us peter ze_my:¢zc5'rm fifly» otheér We} to laim , .itr.»:f£: immcdiaztely £72 laz2s'L_azf‘d : a:ed“'f/ski: perfi2n,(azé: léfe , all to/aazt:.Z\Z¢ztmc*lmth endowed him wz'tlm11, zhfa hie 1302555‘, that at dzfieetimelhe man} be heqtemtortured, killed, or Ziéidinaufly. e u/Ed, eévc. His very Lord is not called his , as he is calledhis Lords at For he is his Lords abfolute pofléfliorm, asa horfe, or any reall or per-~ fionallchattell is :— but his Lord is his, onxypcmzm qm'd,as he bearee rule over him .-; in eralllv other lrhings the Lord retaines hisovvn B:ate,~; ‘ perfonw , lilbe‘rt7ierzind right 5, neither doth he refer to the flave, but in a llimiteed refpeéh. l - I-Iereupon it,i'e much controverted", whether Servitude beragreeel able to Nature, or no? And as Naturaliflzs doe generally hold it af-E‘ fiim arive,-~ Io‘ e our 7Civ”ilians ..are ftrong for the Negative, Wherefore A V for the liati»riglpfthis~,r lW;6efI1L1Pc7 know, th21t,SeI:vitude 15 largely taken by Ariflarle , and not difiinghifhed from order in Nature ,.. or that power which Man hath over fenfitiveand vegetable things_, or that “]ur1»{d1I&ionrlwhi’oh‘4 intends. Publique good 5,, and the dilhéxbuting to l 7cTVery3'“«_’ ..' have emote confined‘ power r . _ others; ~ ti1€1‘€fi)rE3~Ci0th'i1Emoijcgg5 « We may not’re}'et"c this ,1 yet whoI1y'i_teje_& Dominicalipowert not-«=5 withitanding. A it I. i A ” For t-"tr{’c , That Dominicall-power which we oppofe,isunnatu- tall ;~ it isfuch, as has no eye at all upon the good or confervation of the flave,or»at1ea&, none but fecundaty ; the every definition of it leaves the Have utterly difinherited -of ihimfelfi. and fubjeflr to his ma... Peers {ole ends : Now that Whichtends not to the prefervation,~is not naturall, but violent, and confi-:quent1y,.to be abhorred. I Secondly, there can be no condition offman fo fervileor. brutifh, W ‘as to tequ.-ireain Arbitrary fizbjeéiion :Nature has not expofed infants to this rigour’, no not beaiis, and-therefore much leffe any that have 32 1ar‘ger“nfe of’ reafon :; This condition does make Government ahfo-in iutely neeetiary ; A but aibfoiute Government it does not prove" fo much as expedient.‘ ii W Thitdly, if this condition did 1°nB;ifieDominicaI1¥Ruie asto that tefpefi, yet this juiiifites it not generally; and as the world has ever hithetto ufeiditi, and as it is commonly ntiderfiood : No generous minde, no knowing mane--, no Politician oughtito bemancipated by this ground‘ ;A and yet we know Well, Siavety hithertohas obferved e no fuoh diiiinétion in the VVOYIGL ., A ’ 7% V 1 Foutthly , Setvile Government does not onely {how it felt‘ injuri-' ous and violent indevefling the propriety ofthofe which are fL_1'oje&- ed to it , but alfo -the more publike and fublime propriety 5% which the Commonwealth , the Society of: Mankinde ,. nay. God hiz=nfe1t‘ has in the parties enfleved. If the lord may deftroyhis fleve at plea-o. ;;fure , then he maydeii:r0y¥thatt , whichin part is belonging to ano... ther :~- then the condition of a flave is Worfe than of he beaft , or any inanimate Cartels ;»-and this is moii unnaturail, and ptuhiiiteiy de... tritnentaii. Sic were t:w,=m storm: alimo .- A [is ztrzrre primate, we macaw ed puélica. Thefe are.Maititnes that relhiain men from that ehufeof any him he-if» : % yet other things ; nay, by thefe Rttlen , nomantnay anhnie ‘thefe teflzrain not frotn abufing fielfi Senem would not admit ibould‘ derogate from theright 4% I :","o2h /2em4':aa}::.C Servi e of?” ii A 57 i Tofeli. hz¢milcriamz'c£.M ~.Sérm'“fmJath”? irghb c}'az¢fer'w3,flH”is ‘Conclufionr his, Cum inférmgtm omnm hem.-at , eff azliqzaid quad in hammmfn liters cm- wmnim mlif. V Here is aidifferrence obferved between the nature of the fervent and the nature of the man i: If thou may’l3: tyrannize ' over him as heis thy fervent , yet thou may’[t not as he is man :_ If the mifety of one capacity haveexpofed him tothty cruelty , the ptie “ viledge of the other capacity oughtto recommend him to thy fa-» “ vour : IF the more bale relation of fervent entitle thee to domineer, yet the more noble relation of man cheelzyycl2 M /and éegged from door to daar , medfar Wm;-t y_ ’ of vindnflry or ingexwity could not pratvidefor their own fufiendnce , and fir declared t/aemfilve: wncapaéle of the éenrfi: of lié=.erty.* To this Imake anfwer thus : tFirPc,;S1avee in a11Countreysand in all Ages have not been treated alike : and it is manifefl , that in fuch Countreys and times, wherein they have been protefted againfl: ex-A trernity of rigour by courteous Laws , they have been of tome pri- vate uffe But when they have been too numerous , and ‘when they: have been governed with cruelty, they have been publikdy fattall, for the ’mo9: part. et Bodim {peak to this Point. ~ in Secondly , Where flaves are under the proteétion of other Laws than their lords wills, and where they are truely parts and m embers V of the ‘Statai’, and fo regarded go. they ceafe to be flaves , according to; our, af‘orefaid Definition. A i ‘Thirdly, Aiconfufed enlarging of {faves at the fezne iinftant of“ V time, and difmiffion from all diomefiicall rule , might be ptejudiciau in theiinfancytof Religion? 5; but the altetingof dOfl'1€fiiCkt rule ,V or cikangiyiig the fame from arbitrary to legallg from defpotioall to pay- ~t:erinal:1f,_ and that fotjfome certain fpace of titne,ycou1d have bred no jnconvtenienee : for if the meet yrefloringiof men to a right in them- jfeixrest, and Q common and reciproeall right in the State , could inakefi i them uncapab1e”ofyfubfifiing , this would‘ exten‘dtto;a11eNations and A ,-_T.in2ee_ 5 ywhereaeweltno W, .we fe,e,ywe daxly theicoynny-ary evergj “ i',1 flue :i£.Wyil1:befunther_feid , ; Namrci it/sauna Way: recommmé T. dad théryflréitrary power awrjloz'z;e.r"; yet the Law: of N oitiqny, or ~ Ffliczyaeil _L}§fluWx dajnflly permit t/aafizeme, This , if it begranted , does eethieeatallinvelidateianyyttbing by fie undcmken :- .-,» for fur:-‘ A ' 39 V ire; and Heathens, whorn Goal had defigned to extirpation , yeti might not remain in flavery,afi:er they didyembrace the true Religio n;, A then there was the fame Law to the Jew and to the Profelyte : the Th; ali. ther fatisfaétion herein alfo, it is to be obferved, -xu—1 flafizacipiti :5 fed at Mercenmiw, amt /gaffe: : Nay, even mercenary fer» vants were to be fet Free , and to return to their kinred , and 1-ibertyt With all their goods and family, mrtente faéelcea : Nay, the Camem- Apofile is clear in this , Omar: amamflmr in Cbrifiio. Whethergthey bejewsor Greeks, bond or free, (five. And if a Saint Pm! does per-rt {wade fervants, not to withdraw themfelves from their mafiers after eonverfion to*Chrit?tianity ; but remainrunder the yoke , and to ho.- nour and obey their mafirers *: Nenamm Dci , 6» doffrimz male pm. pter ipfomm irziqmzm pertingiam rzzadeat. This com mends not at all the condition of flaves _; it onely tolerates It fo far, as that where it is" ePcab1ifhed by publike authority, it may not be repealed by private perform. Yet ;.we read of no {la very, till it was denounced to C/mm: ‘ ypofterityyas a qutfe by Gpci ; neither may We impure the fin of that ‘flavery which enfui3edt~npon that curfe, to God, as the proper and itn-5 y {mediate caufe thereofi it t y A A “ , r A Secondly, as there is no difference of flaves and fiteemenybefore God , foneither 18 there in nature : Slaves are men as much as their -lords ; they have the «fame-endowments of minde , -the fame ability ; ; they are born with the fame danger , and expofed to the of bedy fame m-ifcries. f Thirdly , In the State, if liberty be a benefit , and maybe publike-V riy more ufefull then bondage, the liberty of the fervant ought to be as precious, and is of as much pnblike importance as the Lords ': nay, I it often happens _., that the fen/ant has more naturall ingenuity then the r.naPter. y y , "F_ourthly, If wehave re'fpe& to meernfage, and the cufipm of Nations, we fhaI1rfin_de,that the extrenxe rigour of arbitrary fervitude r it t A A X - y wwas M’ _ Eitfi:-», That G d , by his Law againfl: murther , oppreflion,'@~at excepts not flayvesmore then freemen iv: That he equally hates fin in; hreeriien , and rewards vertue in flaves : That he has care of flaves ‘I equally as of freernen ; and eirtends the price of Chriits Blood er-i qualiyto both : and in Leruit. 25. his lawis peremptorilyto the jews, That none of that Nation {hall be in Bondage, or ferve in[har~ ~ e h ” was efcarce ever entettaidned by any, but barbarous people ; nay =annongPc Barbarians, fcarce any wowulddinflave natives, or fuch as they “ thouAght~ofAtAhee true .Re1igion,e or fuel: has had notfome way merited‘ «death by theAL'aW4: Scarce any butyhad Afy‘A‘lzm,or fome other means. -of refuge *for;flaves Aopprefledt, and brought almoflzto defperation. :‘ and where too much rigor was ufed, fcarce any but found Jhe defpe-»‘ ration offlaves pernitious. A tTaci2m fayes oftheAGermam,"that they were fo indulgent to flaves, isthat they Were {catceto be called (Haves there. And? amongfl: the Rajfizn:-, none but the Prince could takeaway the life of hisflave; A dThe x!tlacn;}m:‘aaI1owed by Law", that the complaints and fuites of flavea {herald be publikely heatda: nayg, they provided for plowing =0xen, by Law‘ , that they fhouldnot be abufed. Cadmm at Theézesfm and ’I‘“:msfi».«a at Arbam., ereéted“ an Altar oFMcrcy, For protefiicmg of ‘Slaves. ht Rome , the Ptatue of Ramalm ; at Ep/aefm, the Templeof “Di.t.amz: f.“;;AW‘€t'1 Foryfueh rnercifull ufes ; And almofiz all Nations Jud ‘the like plates forerecourfe ofoppreffedy Captives. A M frhe g<'.=aw t...~s2‘“t.g,«;.»:z'lia and Perroaia were pafled in favour offlaves,and ito refttaine all crueltie beyondefcourging. And /Inga/Ere: , as alfd many Em pt-‘t‘0t'S after him , when Civilitie began to .beil1ightned by '~Chtifl:ianitie;. began to break the arbittarie power of Lords , and to {Eat bounds toit D‘, as a A thing fit to be antiquated for many equitable zteafens. As foon as Cbriftianitie was eftablifhed, by Lawtptovifion teas preféntely made to free all Chrifiiana from flaverie. And"'tis anowqoo yeates, and more, {ince all {let vetie amongfl: Chtiflcians bath a been wholly expnlfed , fo that there is ftatce any name or mexnory ebthereef remaining. And this cannot but be attributed. partly to piety, :,Pa~ftly to equity,and partly totnatura11refp=::opi12i§ii i only thus argue ;. Either; condemnation, rand ferntencjc of death paiiedoi 1 upon the guilty ,. doth really put the Delmquent into a worfe condi- tion than death ,or not. If it doth, then it is unj L19: and excefli;ve.: 11?: not,then it refetves-fotnethinxgxo the d't:1inqt1ent,wherein neither the_'' 2.-.i.c;ht of the Delinhquent , not the right of theState"is wholly ioft and“_ reiinquiihed ; And it if the Delinq_uent be dead to himfelfe , and yet; not to others ;-t then not to the State , more than to the Lord; dforf e howfcan the State, which hath an intetfeft in the Lords, chufe" but have an intcteft. in that , which is the intereit of the. Lord? * i A it it n” esosmuch of this kind-ofP~iower. Nov._r we otd'er1y._artive at that. Rowenwhichis the only intended ‘I fubjeét: ofiout dtfcourfe ;,and.. A that we floalltperoperly callejurifdiétion. We have aliready feaerched; ttheschoolesfor the caufes ofPower , both finall and effiéient; We have alfo ranfacked the bofome ofNature for all othet: fpecies oEr;“ Bower ; and yet we can find no grounds for abfolute Rah-:.We than now therefore make enquiry for precedents or pattemes-, fuch as, an ages may futnifh us withalh And who now hath any dcompetent ~ {hare ofreafon , can {uppofe , that 1F.C_;‘rod and Nature have beenfo, tzarefull to provide for libertie in Fetmrltes , and in particulars; that) Man would introduce, or ought totndure flaverie, When it is intro»-you i duced upon Whoiestates ando.Geneta1it,1es.. Everyfthing intends its too wn good and prefetvation , and therefore when dC.omtnuniticsJa.n-f-. i tried toxthem {elves the form es ofjutifdiétion , we mufl: beleeve that ~ they did H0ts‘Wh011y depart from the originals of “God and Nature,‘ but rather copy out of thofe formcsowhatfoever was heft and mofl: V fo veraignein each. A I-Iowfoevet ’tis granted on all fidésg that Princes ahd fizpreine Commanders, inttll Ages and-Countries., have diflered in rhe1atitude_ofi jtrtisdiétion _; {C31'I'.\C..h3.V€ f3een.omor.eabfo1ute,i oi: thers leffe. Now fince this did proceed from divers reafons, and hath produced divers, efiéétsgn 1ette.thi8... be the fubjcfi ,of onridifl» cnfliont. i . A V V to V o ' The nature Of? Mantbeing depraved bytthe Fa11oF3A'aE%mé,d.mifeties "’ of fortsbrokein upon us in throngs, together with {in ; infomueh that no creature axsnow fo uncm11and.untame , ,or ifo unfit other to s ii—ve_with,oriwitheoiitfocietie,asMan. Wolves and Beares icartbctrt--~ i¢WV€vW*?h°**S i .“V¢§»~%I%d_ »}??$%rfiS .3 o.o,thr<=I?!.1_‘!;1_*'~e~ C??? W &t11P“¥=M*m tsyta. yet neither are olvestnor B.eares'.fo *fell,fo ho&ile,dnd Io defituétive‘ to their own kinde, a_s Man It to hte. In fotne re£pe&s,:Ma-n is more efiranged from -Pelittcall unten than Devils are : for by reafon of naturall difparitie, the eeprobatc Angels continue without difleoluti-n._ on of order, and than that confufion atnongflz themfelvemvhich theyett endeavour to promote amonglgl Men; But amonglt Men, nothing but _«._ cuffed enmitie is to ebeefeeta. When Ariffbrle fi1yCS,~, that flélfngdae nfinn A ficioztc 51 infiin-H 0]".Nat#fe, for emit of/Joneflie, M-lilac} are cammmzia miwe crcaturexyu 90:1? 4:; mecefltie andfla etie : He rather t intimates: wise: wefivauld 6:, tbamlwkdt we are; and tells. us ‘Wm; we wcracre-gt aged, rather .tham what we am being new lepfid. 7 ; t 1 W-emu{’c infilt upon Neceflitmthetefotei, as the main ground an d -endt of Politic; And befidesflrder , and the Laweseoft God andNa-g turef, we muff find: out fome more particular conltitutions ,_ to ce.-l, tnent us ,\ and to hold us fat’: bound together. " Though the times .of ~Adamwere not uncouth,as ours now are,yet even then the common eonfent of1\/Iankinde (that A which we now call. 5% Gwtium ), was too flack Sand Ioofe at bond, to keep the World from diflipazeg men. A . ‘ Q to A V A Whilfithe Univerfe wasbut one intire Houfe , united under one A common Father, in whom all tytannousl thoughts were contrary to the worfi fuggeftions ot'Nature; whillt the neare relation of blood was frefh , and unobliterated ; whillt the {patients furface of the §Ea‘rth (not yet thronged with plantations) affordedfew baitesof A a5varicc,or.obje&s of ambition , or grounds of difference betwixt brother and brother ; Whllfl: fo many umpires ofequall dtiftance in blood , Were at hand to interpofe , in cafe any differmcé did unhapm tpily arife ; The mines of Government might hang moreloofe and A ' eafie upon the neckls of Men. Yet even the infanlcie of the.Wor1d~,§ , the fee; required fomething more than the rod to over-awe it, and ‘« fotne other fevererllhand than a Fathers , to make thatlrod: » Nay , if odéclfall by the bloody hand ofa nMurthere1' , ( who hath no other tnprovocation given him, but the pietie and devotionof his neattfl: allie ) lintttleexpiation or jultice is to be expefied from the common -affetnbly of thewholetbody. » A . ~ Hove longit; was beforefatnilies did 1'nC0r;%1:%vtc , and grow up - tntegcttxes, and~§1;xes;;n%tode§.tates. 1;: ,;,and how no to it was before 316$; uw G2-~ at.‘ 3' M‘ gt 7)01if;i»t'lz‘.‘u . ties iandeiSt:i1tes didfitame Loews, anti {ettle .MagiPttd”tes;to 'e’nfor;e” . thofe Laws, is dimly and obfcutzelyfet Forth , eitltetini the Book of. God , or other Authors zl but we may vet A Well game ,, by the many. {mall pettytlitincipalities that We read o in all ancient» ChfQni€1e59a either divine or profane.“ That Regiment in the firfl: agesof the world was rather too mtlde and fiIL;"1Wi€fl‘@,t than too ‘vmlent and rigorous :.,tWheteethe Territories are na.troiwert,.tthlemanagety of- a-fiiairs is the eefier ;: and where the Scepterie more eafie to be {wayed by the Prince ,1 it is» more gentle to be born by tile geoplel : Were it? not for feattof Fotrexgn 1nfePtat1oez1s,.{malIet Setgmories Were belt.- confitituted and difpofed, for peace and duration : ~ And becaufe theyx require no large.oPterogat~ives, , but reft fatisfied with little more then e Hatetnall power, Wthepeopleiare lefle Jealous of then: lord , and they”, oonfequently, " have the leffe occafion to behatfh to the people. - ; Nimrod is regiiicted with thetitle of a great Hunter 5;: but ‘whether he hadwthataaddititon given him for enlarging the confines of his Dc:-t~~ titinion, or for acquiring a; more unbounded Prerogative, or for ‘€359:-l'~l ercifing his power moreinfolently, Mienot declared :4; Befides ; it 115-» left utterly uncertain , “whether Nimrod laid his foundation upon l force,or confentgwhethetahe did lbyhisrtongue or his fword drive and hunt men out of Woods and Wilde Readies into Towns and Cities tr: for that forced by which he did prevail, can hardly be fuppofedtoi be iEt.ft:If7:,WhQi1yf()rC€d. ‘ It isle-H; alfoas dubious - to con.ie&ure,. how ’lfat:=co]nfent wastleft by Nature ;;fot if order ,.o.and. right of fuecefli-»-~ didgive the fulea:c:cording¢;to ptimtogeniture, then all manlcinde m“uPc:'haive been fubjecftéd toone Crownt;;o.wh‘ereas,e if Prim ogeoitu~re A were?who1ly«negle&cde,e l and “every Etthertlor brothertleft. independent 3 his own family ,‘ to aliociate or not "at n his p1eafure.,; then A Rule; would haveobeen Cl‘11rZt)bi€3L‘i1'I1t0"'J$tOn1CSa A V To avoid ~tl::etefore furmiti-:3 ,;.and the dark Labytinthsof” out-»pri..: A mat1Ave-Records before the Isloodl, and immediateiyfoflowingt , left t: we fall loWer,'.up.on the Story of Ameam, Mmx, David 5 and inch fucceedecl them. The people of God ,ea,t feirerall tiiztnes, were une-3 ~ der either IE:-veml Fotmaot [everaldegrees i’ofp.owert andi jutifdifiion. to °i"hat5overaignry which Aérubam )fand the Patriarchis had ,,~ ewes not ~ the famexas that whhch-Mofi; find thejudges had _.; flfiitiltfr had Mafia: fiandfthe Judgesithe easofatzl and the 5 Mnorlyet lzttd em! and, t_:he..-w A ‘the Kings :hetameasAcyrm3 wandthe PerfianAAEmpetofit'§h.' “ It is difputed much by fome,W?:tther the P:z:'tr£.:m'le.t Md fm Sauls day: lama/Regelwpower or no : Some fay, Theirpawer Wot“ Re- gal ;t.others fay, It hm: but Ariftocratimll; and others (more judici- ' ouflygin myopinion fey , It Wafmixtof éatly. One fays, Thug, after the Plead, till Nimrode ufmtpatian A“, to men litzred Moder the Empire V of jiztgle Cammmzdmg wIaa’~n&:w:rtlaele_fl'e algal A notgatrem .«ztlI{£ng.: , 6;» Now fi1'lC€thlS ts but the patem Wluch all Kings A ought ~ ‘ Father: : y ‘A y W _ ‘ to follow! therefore what other‘mean1ngean thts bear, but that (30- yetnours tn thofe days; havmg {mall Tfertttortes , did claim but mo- AA am-are Pretogatives; though they were as folely ftA-zpteme in the State, ésfathers arein the Families ? ‘~ As For Zllafés 7, and the "Judges alfoj, it is truely {aid , They were no other then G_ods Vice»-Roys , in row A gard they dlfiv go forth to Battel “ by 1KI1D_?}€Cl1a_t€ Cotnmiflion,. and 4 tranfaét“ many. other great aflairs by mrecfhon from Gods’ own moitth :e;*NevertheleiTe, this alters the cafe little or nothing, as to the meat: of to “their Prrerogatiyes t ,1 l this rather addedthan took honyou.r, hgra_ndour,h or jurifdifiiori fiom them ; this left them as fole” a ASo\Are;.~. A‘ teignty, and asvtunbounded over the people»; at lolther'.P*tincest‘ have who are Godshordinary V‘i”ce--gerehts. 7 Iltmofi needs beytherefore , That that eafiz and Freedotnivhich the - ggeople thehfound under Gods immedxate Subltitutes, was not pro-.« cured by any further Rtght or lflaw ,» or from any other indiflerent eompofitionyoftGovernmentwhich they hadbelowe , from" other Monarchies; .b_ut fi:om 21 Regulation above ; ._bee_aufe itthwas ;iimpofl'~»~ ble for then: chtef lord tooppreffe , or do mjulhee ,‘ or_ to direéf (‘his . thought to particular ends, contrary to theirs. I "“" A his flag-ews*howA im pious and itupid Aa Prenlzie Athatwasein the Iyfm-§:r~» elites,hhwhichy~made them? wearyofl Gods Headfhip ;’:for indeed,tAhey «did not 7% properlyereate: to thetnfelvesa new oGoverm:nent,* as a t A new Governour; We ear-snot think that Saul , heingeinvfeltédt with V Style and State of a,n*ordinaryKing,t aodtdifohargcd of rum fan ima-+l~~ A mediatlel extraordinary dependence upon God , as “Samuel: ackriowl-~ A A ledged, hadlthereby any new Right grantedhim, to do wrong, or be ' A foppreflive to his Subieélfs a his ‘Diadem did not abfolve ltim frozn the theme end l of Diademe, “nordid hiszmeer A ment (to much gggintg .God$ will «sane! .advertifemyent');,tcance1l; the 'LflW.A; of :: (fifllitf y _A)‘ l V Wicw V G 3... Ty: j"m‘1’3pu1i. r which forbids Kings to amalfe treafute into theirtprivate meets, 03'}; to cncireafe ttheir=-Cayg1ric8., « or to *pro‘vidt;_exttap1ottdinaty Magazines’ ofi..Art-ns and Mumtxoni, on tohft up then: hearts above thcirpbre-5 pthren-’; mouth tnoreto employtheit reafureflorfes or Athxsagainfij theirfsubjefis. e A ~ "‘ ~ ~ I p €Bméclay, antdtouriRoya11iIitst, apppiflatarilt violence to5SCri—p_het_:A was difgatched ,.. itoirepteffe his impotent pride 3.4:. Azndin the.beh'a1E of the ten ”I"ribes,.Arecoy11ng from; the fzmeiprefi i into his noftrils. fures under ihistfon Relaehaem, a third Prophet was fcnt,to put a hook I.‘ A Lafily, though thejewifh Kings , by having the Mi1z‘ti4 put into ‘ A their hands more arbitrarily then the judges had before, obtained ~ t ‘egteatet o portunity, andtnot right of opprefiing their fi;bje&s .- Yet ‘ that Mif itiaz did" not confifl: oi-7 {trangers ~01?-'».InCI'CCnaI'i€$g or fuck i Souldiers as had no other ptofefiion or riight inhthe State ;;,nem~ were i AtherecohPc’ant Armies andGari{b_ns kieptiin ,.hl.ike..Athof'e of the i» Romané Prletarimzs, or«iT.urR1fl1_}aniz,arie:. . e e And hence it ‘ ‘,. that if Sm»:l,C“'i-1 a..bt uti{11tu“I1!13.t1l«t£i1h.i"li1a.I‘§Iz; will arg- tempt againflc the life of his fon}’pmarban,qrAAfeck to compafleany other ::thiingffubverfive to the State , he cannot findfe ihfttumentst barbarous Venoagh amongmall -his Sworda-men for his black pgztppfcrs ,, but he Afhail prefentljgztieet with oppofition ,” and f’otcib1e.refiftance.i A, t i A ~ 3 Thus far then,;e_e We findein4theLworld no prints or footfiepsof AT.§njannie, or of abfolhte Royaltyinay, not of Royalty itifelf , _ till i V the peop1es§<;utfed‘ingratitudehind folly itrtroduted it. ;:iA.1;VVe mutt go it A beyond God and Nfitutesworkmanfluipeand itriptefliohs, before we I Acmidifcover any tithing but Parentall Majeftie,iorget1t1e Atiftoeracie, A or comp oundeé. or mixed M.onarchie.. SineeithérefmiitTo Pete At§edeAe¢oe1é in Peint of fiber‘? and nL£‘)Y'.nn.. nu. .—_u.‘. ..__ »4--‘-— *—'~ ytlr"Wr1 ‘ and fafetv, out'n”FGbds unfpeakhlvle fayoyur , under Patriarks, judges A I A and Kings... Nowler us enquire how it fared with them under thofe A forraxgne Ernperburs,” by ~wht5xn’;Athey were ihejngated, andixnadej tributary. fmhh being feared ineere the centre ofthel Wbrledr, beeatne obnoxiotis to all the great vieiflitudes qf change which happenecletow the fbure val’: over-ruling lMonarehiee. The Babylonian or Aflyrim ? :fir[t,and.thehylPletfian next, fhqm theEalti,l fpread viflorious armes‘ hlmoftevera‘l1;e}fia.%lAfter“, From: theeyw;-Q: fucccfiivelyy, both the Grecianiand Roman tnadfieirruptionis; and in all thefie genera1l_peeéii i riods of Empire, the State of the Wes had itsfenfe anrllhare or the, calamities b A A , W 4 A _ ‘I 1 A V. V “ A iAsefpniltheltvV;0 Hrfl:ii*iMonarchies,*there is little in pnrtieular recora tied, and Ieftto pofieritie in writing , concerning their t‘ruefermes and compofitionr; jas flleryeiican nn Lawes be i produced ,A by which “4 the subjeas had refigned all rightlnfliberty andhfafetyy; in neither Ncétn‘ there be anyyiptodncedy , by which they had precifely corn pounded A for the‘fame.*‘ “Some~inB:anees’<5nilyiwe find m entioned,that thelawes * of the Medes and Perfians were unalterable by the Prince; and by tins" it feemes, that the prime eniigne of Majeflric, which confifls in ma-vs king anciabmgating of Lewes, was not refiding in the Empe- Wrour'a1one ,- Without the great rConnceWll of his Sages. Fofif i:tlie King r eould, l’neotl_eIteriLaw athisoytfri ypleafure, there was fomicf: Other extirmfeeall power cxrciuznfcribedy that pleafure re; and that %‘POW£‘J-‘ IIIIIVPC b€'noi,othe1‘, then {the fame which made Law’; fat‘ the “ truelegiflativc power it {elfelcany never put fettere or in anicles upon ‘iifielfe; liésbwfeevcr Afifflotla fanéiestb himfelfe at kind of'1\/Ijonarchic Vwrhich he callh Lordly ; and “this he ehplaceth betwixt Royaltie and Tyrannie,‘ making it more unbounded than that of ~Kingsr, but not rib violent as thlathof Tyrants. And; this Dominieiall rule he afcrihes ii A to the Barbanans rather than unto the Grecians; and amongft Barn barians, rather] to fhbfi.‘ of :24/in , than to the Earapcamv ,.A]i}z A-I feemes) being more rich and fertile, bredi a people more effemingate and A difpofed tn luxurie ,' and {o by conféqucnce more ignoble, lama prone to fervilitie. A Hereupon the Afiaticlg were ever cxtreamly defpicable the eyes ofmpre magnanirnous Nations, efpeciallythe Greeks, for add?- Hflg and proflrating themfelves with foimuch -devotinn before their Ptincea. .P!2:macb , ipeakizigco of diverse ii unmaniy I-lav MC!-1fi.9m;9 antongfi tI3ePe1*ii§tins , refiegis ti1;.1t?E‘m pixie to the kinoetof oipihtfhasaf 4'1‘: a~b{o1uté;" a_ndiequa11 tot 7fi§}r3l71t7iiCa7iiL.._?v"i Pilmaiicaiis it ,~ ‘Dcfjiatiiw/3 and Hrxjfntié t§ay1s,It was then iriery inter approacihing to tyrantuicaiielnfliwe tt1tion;We may well then ixnagineffhat Godgin bringing than a yoke? upon the necks eat his chofen Inheritance, didit for their chaiicife-to meat, and out of ihisindignation ; notfor their advantage; andou-ta. of his ‘wontedlovingkindneffe. As fortatheiGrcciat1 Em=pire,, "we; know; gllaxander becoming infiatedi with {nccefi7::,: and taintcdnh withpa the luxury of Perfiag. room bogain to degenerate from the modtcration of htsownnatxve Counttey, aaeéd thofe Poiitit:aI.1‘Rudeiment$ep Winch i3iSoTutonr Arifiatle had ieafotzediihim withail : and We read how eéxccedingfatali it e roved : the and his. Empire both eperfhapsp had” beenelonger 1ivT‘d, ~ he had notrend red himfelf. odious, to Ca!- liflhem, byhis in{oIence”.; and to all other men aftetwaréls , for his cruelty to icaliiiflaenex. ,This"j'ufi1y adminiflzers here an occafion to as, to infifla little upon great Monarchies , in that Notion onelyas they aregreag. it in V to ‘ A Hlaxandar King of Pcrfizz, had no moi-e riglnt adcied to be iirnént,‘ than had Alexdna’:.»r Klngbf Macedonia ; but reatnefle oi‘ Domié-f niondid alter him for the worfe : and fince it- i oth fo ufually other Ptincesi, we cannot bot‘ take notice how this comes to pafie I ;. Fol: eithet ithe lax-genetic of Dominion doth require a. pro ’ottio;nab1¢ i Prerogatiivc‘, and fo enafble Princes to do greatet‘ mifchie. ,' and Lafter by accident becomes a temptation and provocation to abnfe that ab:-we lity go or elfe V_ve moi’: not confefie that there is any difference, in this refpe&,ibetw1xt‘ a large and narrow Dominion. A Now thatthere is a"%t-eat difference,iisfo eleanthat I will not undertake anyproof of .it; I n e cS531fipture:p ever, {peaking of the great Monarchies of theworld, penfiln them under the lineaxnents of Lions, Bears, Eag1es,e5~c. ar- med for rapine with Iron-«teeth, Brazen-talons,and fl1arphotns,c§-c. andpitheiwofull expeprfienceeof‘ a11Ages feeonds Scripture therein , te-1% ftifying than to betmonfcroua excefli vein in Nature ,~ and the perpe- tua1iip1agnes,eofp~mani . w . _ bl‘. Mr‘ w ‘ ' ‘E, ‘ - g I ~b-obzcleibve fatally impoflibie ; and fo % IN ° paflb no judgement thereupon.Flowfoeve-r,Nature {Earns to hava chat»-L-« kw‘:-zzd cutbbthejufiz dimenfionsof abcomp1catbMonarchie, by Mountains, 4 S*Ea$,1Or ot?I1er1ines*: ‘Sp.azibr!§5 Italfy, France,‘ bfeemsbto be cut outbas % proportionable Paternsiand féw Nations haw; ever profperedawhein, 1 their pride had btranfportbed them beyond that native BaI'IfiC3d{YS.f. Hxmnébal, after feventeen yeers War waged withVthe Romanes fb3:';% t%heMafisi‘fy.b0f the Wyérid, :at«1.aPcbfc>ught a Compefitionb, in humble: terms, from Scipio and Pond competition,; Aw1:ich_Ahadb €iEh’€3.‘f€l'1gag€d‘Ch€'C#£7“I—»l9.mgi?2i.§?§3I beyond the Coafis of A 24fj‘54£i'£z,bb£§r thé Ramgmcxbbeyenfd the bCoafib.3 of Italy :‘ But alas, it is_ ill {accede that opemsthebb eyes of Hannzwz. Hmamo was Wbefbre held Iriis bitter enemy, band difaffcffedbb to; his bCOufl;U‘€y8b Proffibfifitygb Fésr; feekin an bctiourfible Peace Twith thebRammc: ,1 and prcvéntingb the-mifchie 3 if [bamnb overefwelling Empire: Yet by the way note, i:ff:1‘the~ mean time Carthage‘ is 1oPc_., by an unpolitikc and uncertain in» ‘A b éifFc?rency,y?whi1ef’c it will ngither wholiy {defi&from attempting " againit forreign States, nor yet wholly concur W1thfU§h»:CO11§§gi@US~‘ Geinerais as it ehtrtxfied Withthofe attemptjs :: Either Hanna aught mhave been filenced, or Htgrvmféal recalléd The Vi&ories bf‘ “fima A sailzkzlsaré tocngloiicusbb, to admit of ,ab Pcraitned Commifiian : things A arc-zbinaw co"mebto~ that pa{Ye,bb% tbat, ifbi%H.¢z2z2:iéazl be not; enab1c_:d~ ta V A 12:a1e«thE Wallsgof £{ém,Se£pia%1sbto be expci&ed_at1:he ('3atesoiCbg»~ wage. bbGreatBbdies cannot be mwcd ,b but With bgreatb Engines not can ezttenfive Monarcbies be ereéied or conferved ,% without ex... L teniive Ptrerogativea = Gr3Vify3fldbbbP01ici¢ both ,do inbthis A k%eepba4 ‘ ' jufkcorrefpondencyg A bmoliminoas vafiz Framea can by no. means‘ b A rife into a bécent fymmetricaIlPi1b€,b except there be an —orderly ~ proportion kept between the Bafis‘, the.Conus and the Pyramis : If the Bafis be exctflive , What is it buta deformed heap ? Ibfthef bottom be too narrow for the Vpire , How unfiablee isbbth~ebFabrick A likely that be. The Egyptian Pyramids hwad,,perhaps,.b intention to ex,» prefifiz Hieroglyphicall Pofitikes to us 1, and to b let us know, 7~thatf" ~ though {mall Staresmay be molded a1mo{’c into any farzn ; yet grcazg .Heightsbcannot.be arrived at, but by crderly graduall afcentsgb. A At V V zfirbenr, Spma, /2a9e.r,.Péf[a , Where the P~recinrS_%s are narrow, the ';(»3byezj::amentbis eafic‘ decencie requises tharbbit be as blewlyb 4:... Bbutb . . j‘ the Seepter muff bemorc ponderous : Wfi€1'€ the Spire is. more lezihym the proportion of the Genus and Bafis mufl anfwer thereto :h where Rule is more diPficult,. the Ruler meeuft be more majefiicall. This lets us {eehow inconfiderate that great hDiflfpute ,J..$“5. amongfle Pohlititihansg. {erred amongfi: men : For, without doubt , the diflerence his not fo. much to be feen 1n the ‘Forms themfelvesg, as m the States, ”Wh1ch; make cho1ceho£tho{e%Porms. A “ A - f V Bu; youwill fay , glory Sovereign: men} he ene5led,3’M to dis’ the? a good 3 yetrefirained éy Lapgfram all that 23* em’! :" or, "the Law of mm cannot, cxtmmlfy 3 yet the Law of Gad, imermzlly, may ckaekthcm , in mazttew Wéckgd and pernitiam. . hWe anfwer ; Bounds axgefet , by God and Nature, htoetheh “greatefi ' V g_1,1q1moitebfoluteMonarchsxas weuas to%the1ea£¥,e and 1:I1oPc.»condi#:- donate e:o buththofe Bounds feem 5u"t_as imaginary Lines , ores ffzeee iionem, not rea11Tremches, or Portxficatxone :: _ They ferve onelye to V e difcover to the Subjefi whathhis Right is ,% but thhey'h3Ve€ ncxfirength at all to prote& him from wrong. Thofe flavesz ghat are“;{o1d,;and forfeited to the worft of Bondalges, as we have proved before, have a Divine and Nazurall claim to afety , and Fteedorn from ahufes , as othereSubj'e&s have; yet want of {cum P‘o1itica11orenriedye,h expofeth them to miferies far worfe thenédeath, and odetrudes them often into A a conchmon below heafis. The fame flaves alfojarehhequally mtitled to their lords cohrtefie, esethe heft of hTSubje%&s~a1T€ A : AAthe11ehishno"{afety nor Freedom from ahufe which depends upon meet will ,1 as an Ar- bitrary power, but the..poorefs’c flave is as capable of it asjthe freeft . Nay, it hath beenofien aglory to Weak Pginces , tohattribouterthat ‘thezmagniihficene;Cotirtof Pekfla;Where;ethe §C:13h0VV1%1Vi$.‘I13‘¢;?.W. glorious, -. about the compatifonsof this andthat Form of Government, vim e ' Whether Monarchxe ,3, or Dernocracxe, or Arexftocracxe, be to be pre-. .. to flaves , :;which they» would, . not to»rnen MiAng€HUO1;lfly»:b0r_fl—%V§ A For; V ‘ who had 0ffiéesoFgJ1;ei1tCorhmit:n'd?e who had ‘chief Honours ? who had the commwaioatiohof Ahfecrhet State~a£fairs A 3‘ _who haii the prime fvqay 111 Court amongfl: the Romane \ Etnhhpfirohrs ,, burflaveso infran-% ehxfed R What»Senatourh ,,.‘Wh3t7'O_ffi;§€I'-ifl Rame~,had riches equal! to 4 Nervffwa ér Paw? Whoecduld more Pvwerfiufly fwav in the filace , 9; better pat;:os;;z_e Cities mandw lfiglgciorge , than Eunuchs, H 2 A A A Qrooms, % ‘ V . V _¢‘«m “ .GreioiIi3 2indLi't5e;fti11e§7? W 715 ‘%chere%41§e migé‘ Adm‘greza¢e'Ls1§’en Tbetx;_vi_x:“ themoft ingen‘l_10L1£1y-bornfubfeétand the 1oW&Pc'-:putc4h&fedV <.:a1tA1ff,»= it is onelyinwthzs Thatthc one hath a Pcrongerycxrcumvallatxon of A human: Policy to fccurchim, tlzz_m the othcr gs ar1;cl_‘that5he‘is ngt left fo meerlyto_%divj;1¢,»~fnatu1*a%I1and%difcretionaty pretence3‘; a_$%}§ £11: 1 other. Butfi-nwfimde expa%nfi.=vcHSeigni~ories,?no'Lasm no“Pe4 aVfcribcditié,-the €r¥ad~1éof‘Ghri&;t=fian to his~Throrie. " A A : : Vchmga thenT_thcA‘Scén§: ,, and "fee liow the face of things varies : afiIT9onas«?Ti&:r£u4 enters, **‘VIEé*%how fhe" Headof fo many fiver all Le-é-A %E9"3&:, “of; foeVtrrany*Tfcw(era1lations%*,% ’_ of Iomany £'ev,cAra11VParVties«in dxgxonamndkgpinion fo31=Lnany’+%% ‘féverall difa V eeing VMagjfir‘at4cS and fiomixnafndérs,ucsrnibezéc-:c1uted*ti1-Qrdér;~A or 'drttéd;%tp do réat{c‘m*,*.= by%%VanyAc!:e ~FaE1"id»n _fr3rne&i 'out_- ‘of thef:-.% L A Q MOI;‘Eq~flé’t§d‘TII0t be faid : %»§,A*Wf1ere many Statés are fubiugated to 05¢? 546;.-:nior,, War can ncyegj b_e abfént 5 M Where War is , 13/1jlj_rary%r,Li1¢ mmne€ds:pree*om%i~e%ére ruleisa. new % ggvfi ;.jlat;‘:: '§0D1»fcr€f~1bn’5, and 7W?fiat’AthJa_t*b1'9qdy;fatal} Trait; isgwfxicfg A evcr wands Way and; a* ;M111tary%%arb1trar;y pine; isjfigtficiently % known mall-. A hat gain then is it far Gut AdMvcr%farij és ,f to alleadge, A"7"?~""“”‘1’.‘”’”*a% 0Wmy5f0f% ;h¢=% Eizflern‘ Efflflffbfl-Vff'»d£d V¢iJa:r£2e}* plaza-‘ f?2”ce’5§dfl.:_i mJM~Mw¢y=%: ~%nr:Mt~?oz¥?d'* V *?;g ‘T ifi but t O all % . -Tim T31‘3;¢’f‘_/5:933 {Ira ctii§queted%by £”§’:*£=“cimz:;.,, and thilfi %éft¢1€.> E§jfi.Gr§'czanI Wen; }_;o1fcd—b){~t1xeP¢r@vm: , ‘and that ;he Adivifim anoi; annuity, H but 4 quite expelled}: V ofn rlative.» V53 -on--a - .._ enmicyld whichl'rem*aixiéfdA. _b‘etwixt~both, {erved the Prince asa fit means to entlhrallfboth./f 4 M ‘ ,. A A A» “ V » ' _ ‘ _ Thisklis no Juft proof: in Law, lthatelfzc Macedaniank were to=under-.- go thraldotn cw and Afervxtudc ,: beeaufe theylhad over-run the Eall 5. or iIhat;t~hcEa!?c 5WaSlAt0 PcooptoAttielikelendumuaoe, becaufeitcoumnot. ~ Withitand Gracia: Norif: Ale;wnderldidldefiaE£o tyrarmize, cutting theDiamond' (await Were) b the powderof the Diamond, is this A any fironger Argument for t e legality of tyrannizing, A than dethrou ning or murdering of him had been for the juflification of the fame in ;§1i87 _-flfflfifidcfjmas’£m’_t’Mi‘&~S}S1l=eC§?q'flflq£¢é?:é"2a*§¢I5 ‘l,?Vl1€An meet force laysthefoundation of Sovereignty, rzmdwwhene emeer forceraiu fissl up the Struéfure, meer Fomte may wmrthe fa1“oeeq.ua1§ty and reas- Afon» efFeé’c the dexizolition oi? the fame..«* 2 It_ is troe,Zeda/{ink being bound by oath tothe saeyzam Conque- rour t~o~rema1na txiue vaifal ,Aand being. f'o1-hidden to make defeléfion; bylan expreffe from heaven $5. and urxdervaklng the fame at an~unfea- A Afonalble timegsby,improbablelmeams ,2 commftothe fin of Rebellion :, But we lee one of t~l1e.S11ccefl’our5“of7 A A,1exander,.afi1ng,the bloody part-OF a Tyrant in fudm , A isnot onely refilled by iadau Maccabem, Pcranger had‘ acquired, was more honourably. refcin‘ded by the {word * Neither doth God not feel}: onely to countenance that revolt in the eWs,fbut toreward alfo the ‘principall agent thereiln, by transferring l theliliadem from the MGr¢ci‘an Riace, to vhim anclhis pofierityy 3 l A The Story of Eglou alfo may {erve for an vinflance of tghe fame truthl : And who can nowlook upon all thofe goodly Provinces’ and Kingdoms which the grand Seigniors Scepter hath for [0, many Ages converted into I.heatreSof Slavery, Beggety, Barbarifm and Defolar lation, and yet hold that they are no Ways redeemable from that Sce-_ pie} P. Whoacan fay5that"A'all‘thofé Wofullblationsyl Ciro rathemhe (laxa- v7edl:Skeletons of Nations, if opportunity were ofl?'ered,might not by eonfent lalbjure their feralfitnguinary Opprefl‘our;a’nd clmol-"e; to theme‘ felyfesfifiierall Prote&purs~out of Atheir own native Territories ,5" B:-31:; .»~ ffréwgtb of Cuffom and Prefcriptiaza, idfiill éyfbme m»2gm:fiec"2’, 434: fiaelwarfz‘ of Empire: madehtiae Ordinance cg" God, and as wzlid W _ Ilatr diviazc Rigfat or Title, I have feeiaia whole V_o1uu"1e_ writtenhto , A tax; Andrwe fee that right Whic the {Word oflam .,""‘ 74 liwjm *‘I’opali: _..._....._..n extant upon mama E that purpofmyeti thetanfwery thereof «mama: (in: triycnopinion) a who ry narrow room ;for ifcuftome may make that neccflhry whicih Wag indifferent ,“ yet It cannot make that jufi which was un1u[l:_., rfxtmay ‘change the Mode, or externall forme of fame things,it cann_ot change the Nature or internall forme ofall things. For example, 1fthe;Gr6-i vim Linc have raigned in Perfiafor for many generations, fprefcripti. A - ' the Matt. » ldamlazm have raigned tyrannicaly; t the dif-irxheritingandd€fPQi1i9g i h on mayhave vigour enough to confirms that raigniei: but 1 «the Parfima: oF_their due freedome, metre ufage can give no ratifica, ‘tion at all to this Tyrannicall raigne. But fftof this tiienomgh :,_I_cle-5 {cend now tothe Ramanftory, and to the times of Chrifis Nat1WY 4 ‘land fuchascarefuccemveitheretmto. : Hitherto Oljtr inquifition hath met with no lfufficiet1tlrule,iprece-Q" ~dent,orauthor1ty, For atburary power; neither Nature norH1fiory i from the ’ Creation to thei’R;edem prion afford us any mfiigia I of hit? W er “v »Wherefoevet God had a Church iwhofoever were the Gove_rnourS l of it, whether Patriarks,]udges,Kings, Emperours, We have made ea ftriét furveyt, and as yet difcover no Empire {'0 uncircumfcribed , and abfolved from Laws, as our Aclverfaries contend for, and as for thofe Nations which were mecrely Pagan, their Chroniclestare very Auncyertalineianclilfcarce Worth turning over : Iknow our Royalifts "W1llI_10W challenge us to prove by what particular Law:-8, Liberty was fecured, and the hands of Princes houndhup in all ages, but i we, a mull: reply,that thieie more than reafon or equity will ;require at ourhands;11F~ they 'W11lmamtaine,lTlmtthe pm is better rlami :5: Whale : if they will maintaine, That‘ the ;fl’:Ef is more patent than _t/are cfiicient .-it if they Will lmai-ntaiuc, That that means: it more waluaéle l than tlaemal: their proofes ought to be Pofitive, and full againfi: us; We are on the Defenfivepart onely, and do convince , if we are not convmced. l l h « Tis not fuflicient for them“ to fay, Such a Nation was flayiflaly ‘ treated dcfafio, they mull prove, that there was cleer Law for that ..Treatar_1ce-: nay they mull: produce fucha cleer Law as extendtshto al1_Nat1ons._ T13 not fufficxent For them to fay t;i Such a Nation fob-g tmttedthemfelves to Monarchy, without any precife conditions made for liberty, and much leflli Without any ‘fulchl now remaining a Aw They, or Tofuli; L'Ii'hey mufi prove there was ‘<:1cer,LaW For :thjuti‘ngiiib:herty,and thacim the force of the I'ame"i_ys univerfjall, and agreeable to that of (Body . and Namture; but the main fhelf-Anchor of our Adverfaries isthat of the Ap’oPc1ein his 1» 3. Chap. to the Romans, there all refiftance to the higher power is forbidden, and pronounced all damndble, And" tit‘-4/Z» ' «me (tjheyfay)to ibeiifrefz/Mile, and to he aéfilzm. it Now I bieieeve all “ that is in the book of God and Nature to beiyexpreffed forthe right of > Rrincesfisthere compendtoufly infolded. Since then this was Writ-~ i tenin the infzifincy of ~theGi0fpe11, and during. thel Raigne of Gaeflzr, and was direfled tyoitheikomam, :not'» iwitkwt particular. rc.§i5ez3'z‘ l(as t_¢DoE’tor -Fem conceives) that the gavcrnmeflt, which;W.6Itflzpere77¢inmz*,.. V or_/Eeprmm at Rome; Wew_i11" take itinto more fpeciall confiderationj. The~Pr1mat'e of A Ireland in h1s‘S_ermon upon this Text, preached at -x-ford, March 3. 1643. del1vets1ty,for a fare d:oétr1ne,:(»and there is Icarice any other divinity known now there): T/am: m 'Sz1£éje& may ” gpan may accafionytczfis Armes, or‘ afie zriolmce Tngnirzfl the %Szzpream paw-L er’, aim not in defame of Religion .- ‘ Nowthis Jdoth much feandalize us forydivers Reafons. For firflt, when he {peaks of the fupteam power; * he doth not define that which he nieanes itftohe 3 he takes no notice; e how fupremacy of power may veit in one man, as to one pnrpofe; in another, as to avnothet‘ a. how it may veit in the people, as to fome V affaires, in the Pytinceias to others. The body is not fothe Suhjeét of the {eeing faculty as the eye .is,yet it cannot be denyed to be {O in fame fenie; A i - . The Prince of Orange is fupreame in Military commands efpecially in reference tiall individnall perfons 3". but he is not I o in all other cfrtpedientgnor in matters of the Militia“ neithe1*,;if' you. compare hint with theywhole State.‘ Gratiw affirrnes fupream power to be A ‘ {Each f: elterim jm*i“r1 inv govcrnnmxt , they ‘inr- br0y1hd thegwhole Sta1;eixw0ntinua1IWarresy and contefiatiqnés for maxxy ag¢s,Eé0getI1e%x+”ia;a1?1;dMwmbeing ab12c%;:t0: own Wm?-f kfirg and“1cfi'gr fide;1Qf°m11b}iL.4degt«¢cs5and 1mr§auzgh§tit1pon1thcmfclAves thevvorffincmweniehces;0f=ccn'rup~t%ed D¢mofcraciVe.A %F()rA the l P[eIaei'- L 422: ,h“a;vi,ng ldnga; 11cma:ir1cdV= contcmptible uiiderf the *ir1durance of rilaifiy indignitictstby torccmi fi1'fi”jObtai$ncd the defence 0fTribune§, and after (0 ixicreafiad the f:z.me5tha1:at laff Ca.enf0rS3 CGnfi1l'I A Etatofégallthc;%chi%c:fe Magifi:1*ates% of R0me.%beca;m=c ; flIfbj¢&A_“'t; theirj V check and fivayu: And %whercas t:hofc.w4% aifemblies r nnmaged by ,tjl;1%e Senate whichwcrc called Cm~z'.m~; 'Com.iw1z, %or«Ce7zmriamhad% the pre- ds3‘n1i1iaincc11Aitihcrto, now the Trim; :C‘0;’7i2iti¢z “ managed only by %tA;§l;h,e . , £leE2eimz:}drVai2vwa;1%1A;p<$We::’of}chufi11*g Magifirfitésflg, m1dA%paffi,1i;gL,44laLW@$ to; ‘£hen1f‘elv€%sg%%”§Z@inti7}t; thercfQr¢w%b1a:min the Tribu»n§$_ ‘for: rcfiing far;isficdwith%wha%t urthey %had aalreazdy jgai1r1cd% fmm 4a_he V Sc-3 natcw,m%akAes AthisTfadccamp1a.in%t.A 'Yicm;dcfi'rcd Tribuncs, Qiaygs he) We grantccLthem5 ykiu wiou1dJha.%veM:;a D::c:¢mviratc%cr¢ated, we psi‘-{_-W — mitt~ed‘it. You grew Wc=é;rjy‘oft11ofeV%*ten% %C0m%n2iV;ffib11;c”rs 4., we dcpo-5 fed them. Your anger *‘ was dot fop§a:¢:i.ficd agafinfc theirf perfons, ~thVOugh mofi NobIe,and Ho11m1rabL2:,we purfued them with death, .or baniihrncntg Youwo11Id4agai:1e crkzatc new Tr'1bunes,th eyy were, ~c,rea,ted.% Yoit would . have the: ConfuIfl1i'pA %comém51micat$ed% to yuan % party; as a frcegift;='1t was tonAferred" upon Y‘C371T5...1_;1‘L_0LIgLl'1 wee knew that A gift was very un*cqu.a11&to_ our Or7der;wYm1 wmfld have Mthc Tribunes power inlargcd, ygu would have an~appea.1:1ye fromthc A Senate toy01.1,y%oL1wou1dhaMv€.jmur Plebefam aéts binding the Sc:-- A mm’-a lmdfir pret4c;n%ce 0fdii?idi11g‘powc’r wiflii you,wc4havwe~indt1 red; A " Mid €109Yfitindureffhia§t.Aa11Jurrightaxidfliamc7 be ufurpfed.;;It“w,as% A A A % A A A = A ~ V . alleadged «w , ‘‘w‘‘Ul'H'vII 7v;' ‘W: ‘IV (N1 < ‘.51 ‘ .4“ \. mm. Im%’7’ogm/5. % -‘ v H‘ vw.x=ww.\.“ ‘ . ....,.;. a}Iead g¢c1~aL11’6,;’;j¢hac5:~<éA‘C¢fi7£he.1Ki1igs¢%t}1§mféIV7ves~«hé‘$ n«g;e@r4avme,g,¢i ,.. A red to 4v«'1o1‘at=.c che1i%AL1\?IaJ‘ef?¥y?-%2p¢f' th at fif'I“5«pwg‘zn_@‘i:.Ord”gr., f_h“a~n4v this whole Commgdn-w'ea1«t‘h of ~F,umc.d1d%A?cor1i%13:4f ‘ fomcthing .e1féM abc»-: A i-ides themehriQonlniiinaltéygbqt=aI1'Wi1If mat-“tpwvgrggile wghat W5 gm V wa s dnitc béimgwonce«ct@gmiegt5:&nor¢;chIcnm:is;.dueVmu&;AV, bffl:iw~;§1103Wm1'¢&Qf¢d by “wzfay °9Le‘x19iVat*i?9n+‘iA%?M¢*-’=ms=5*%%4f*?andi"n§ 4% ¢*P¢titi0n_ with enxocmcy +c‘a.n fay*11d‘;maIore for 1t‘f€‘1f‘é%(l10r p*m:*hapsr%Ifo %n—?iu*cE;:)% shah ”Mona1‘c§1y can : thE:~Senzi_te !iéfeIyfthcx'%cfdre hav:i;ngbeen%accéfl‘oriy ix; fi1bYe1‘t‘;in‘g7 M*0fi&r€hy,hadi1‘i“1+p1ic"ffo;lj2jpfqfiouficed the.fah1e iud;g- rripnt %%a;ga ihfl‘ £&1*i{%d<§i‘é V'l_"he“ chi: Chg,’ both" ?VMonarc1514y‘ ,5: and fiocgaéjf, a1*e%%ecI€:1*%i'?$rskt’1*%v‘e % formtg 5 ’a11<7::i~ (7)'v’é1-"213 ,d,;eIpenwdan§g~ uponbgj... fl1OC'1‘5l.€}’g 'Eh0!I.‘lg?h it nCHi exafij fgrme for Lixll ‘nations and E'n1pir¢s git 2111 tit’711‘cs77;,j;fe:::fiit% isfcvexj i:h~cMfr1bfin:é.t4l3lraII5 find, px;'1 rna1*i1y=.authéntica1l~5 émdfor fbmc ti1_11¢es,Aa1114di4 p1~a3cc"s% tm: mofi b%W¢x:efic"ia?I1". H0WfoVevér?u%heR;Qma~115$1mve1*%k~11eVs} the I5e11ef1tt7%"%0f%%é*~ i11®cra3:'y,%4fo'wiCc1y%4 cxaéfly»1‘égu¢1ja«te¢1?g§ :;s” i't":ioti “hr.” _1:'o be'c‘5 foi‘ their Trzbzgra Gpmitiét,A*%~Wepc% Atad adverfc to the Pzméiziazz Order and my ill bcompgfed injth€_mfe1ves« f0r‘_o'rder~ax"1¢d~A% dccmcjn whale Sc2’fi%te»1iad mt: any it1fl?#i'11fll%é11C6*Q€ c0nfc1it?inf them by A ri hf (if €365- Efion jor fV¢pf1‘€i7pntatipri5?’;1”t37r w,a§fe11a:"body:A Pleéeiizm rt .éamfifi,§,§g55 &rhich;&1d ‘my-;a~ei:1 Eanqig ifx*ie3~i:®;i:1?514ig~:'i%~11;_<3'~”aaixigflfion Off M‘agififm3tVc*&* 5 and i3"é;g1%€’cion'ic5t”L:xxgv‘es’ M Med, inc1i;gei%edh¢;1?p<:§f axe vj1Ig§1*; ‘~ *?4 T his ~1:heTV1Se:+“; atoa:~mNaa_iA‘g?ht fir‘~£§c41:1‘-ave—£zm%e1é:g,g.a;;i;be&:%;er%difpéa§ fe£i*51;;a»d they:i1fly', and difdrdcn. affexiafjlegljag cfioiltrary-eljiahyge Hegirxs’ to’ be bett”ci'%:re1ifl1cd; . Sy1‘L¢ iiL‘§$v0i3W{E5f‘@fi)An'g 5fi12:l%1 aj 3 e‘§#)1‘1~'fLi1%x<‘§’ti17re ’aifl‘"2§.ibVcS ,7 t‘ak€é‘. ?cour%ag’c‘¢ to Tré- 4£omxd:;v1-1&3 fc'.:ditiQi71S35 ;,W'I:l_‘hI‘~I‘bfL_‘£¥’-1”"<3t17‘1t ;:4%¢h_1ocmy»; (“f1btWithfianding» "r:_Ha?_t ?s:a”any+ :2 £131 é;1ifi fpiifited flfifen% Wad b3efpI‘c"’i11' th e‘ em;c~1:pr“if:§an3 V. 973 i“ Iusiqaopuzz. “"“Ex-mu, vim, . V ‘W . _ 9 it sMt:{narthyQ,h Worm {ai¢sc~rueof him t:i«S¢g/Eepfti 'iiJzaz.mA V _aI{e;'I_mb._fl&ta¢m c0n_firma‘-Wit", iI7'iI9am0?‘?14mgu'e vpltbzk potéflafemi iznmifluitg ejv ~ A A ianmngjm legumférmdamnmdemit. N evcrthcleflh neither WasiiS_-yl1.¢,n9r. this Favorite i,Pomj1g- fo certain and true} to his own lordly ptitaciplesg asiihc Ou ght: to have been : for though they Wclfie both _1nt>1'é: daring than pti1fa1;¢‘imien,y€tthey were not foiconfidcnt as theLOrds of A A Rama fhouldibcxz and the1‘efor'c tis hgrdto fay whether they did op...~ prtfli: liberty, or A not {cattle the Princicfality with ; the greater ex-%-2 pencic efvjblood, Well might Ctefzrderi 6 5J’lla as a man not%s,ki1din,i ‘1€tt.‘CI35i 5r1<>‘r‘ablegitoiidifiéhteg Vivh can htgwould make no othcr ufetof tht ~DiEtature,but A onclyi tOtil1l1I‘.€ Rome to the fnafiflc.-, and break the Sc" mate ;t0fthic.ml1flc’, that an other might the xreadilicr mount ,i11tq the fad1c.::;Thc bodyhoffibme was now grown toot grofléfor 1 popular ifornyandwthe populgcy alfg of :Kamwe_ had fi11ch,etr9rs5 and dtfgétsgin M sth¢é0mP0fitiO11‘Of ‘it,th{ati according to the iI1is Law toeefliw 1: bm:hi§ reafoxa is excfeedeing ‘wea“k:eAJi4§r‘enimaies;e ihec)-injmfieie‘ A jr3re$fzez'_/jentetzzm flMgflfim,gm:mTz'berim, ef7*_?eaeteri%regArwfl"i~c1§i' dommflxzm r I {hall um fiend to anfwer tAhisA,;I flmll ee AFHGWA for thae he was n0t<>‘ne1y.ea. gfwavew St;{t;e17n1an_3.LbAut=:t ’ée1»eai%1aetlAe1iA»@'?W*yci5 A a1f"o.:; New in ‘I1is3u;clgen2Aezit,f ande we “may creditLh~iesreea»di_11g3W t3hi$ 1'0yal1%LeaW,Wi1s firfiz lazifled in Vefivézfieni dayes, and he A givfis V fomé p;~oo£s,and quotes eAuthoritieesfo1‘ coA:3firz1::at'iAo11. ofthe fa-nae.Befides‘ others, he cites Saeetarzizzx, cexgfigrizleg §:hAuAs of Caligezlq flgrgm gzlpfeit gzfirz diedehéafumeret, zzcfiecieexag P:';32e2?}m,etI2yeei?2 regyezkm ’eo2z*21erteeret.t33 of f S.’i5érim,11e cenfilres t“1‘1ileS.' Fae:Zwm;z"_f_é}*72itezfeHRem}§.c;J§}"ejfli‘gH¢ lc:'aA1As\hi"f§ xveigxmemeertyeraxxrxy, and qopprefliotn. Be;a’inf}~:he1'et‘0re haviggfie nedePrimceelyegovernnjenc 129 be eitvhfler Stage of _ Optimaey ,0}; W01- pu1ac:yA:W»heerein iome one he 5 p1*eemineenece above all Aetl1e1~«Ap;wtiCu-7 Ear eepei‘fen*s5aiad is called Peirzge};f5AtI1 eetAei“s,AeeP3~z'=mm:% cecmc;1ueVI3lz':(;‘l.I' iron ldrv,z9artiézll4% me}; ml‘ not x;2boll)z abridged) fire am: compelled .loer9eéyl to pr-otefl , and remonflrate to, all the worlolybgzt we talq: now up tlyefé our arm; onlj for oloefilrzlcel tofé¢m~lc”% % llozorlollizzex, Libertieo, azzol Religion, again}? the bloody emflrriex _., wbicl; in-4' deeodfiomjour zzzzclzoe warrazzto can derive, no afsltlaorigygl and not to Ioriclle mqjvkll Jzofl aogtloorizjy of yourx, or to attempt orgy thing again]? that idolatrnm tie?/0_ti*’l 072 Wliiclfl loot}: been Ioitloerto cflalrlzfireol law. o Am! Eeczmfé we impure if '10 $116’ wretcloedeo ozna'arf.1?_flce: ofcalzzmniatori tbatyour Moj.efly id‘ i7zoé7z-I” A j5d'qgaififi:W, gxmol our Religion, mififlfllrmelalfi of ozzf_llz'22te72tio'7;!:l: me“ ; % V % .c‘_7‘cZ?Je;1%-leavelfartlner to dgclzzre , " that be iloozlglé fie we mid l ‘ ‘ fl:;'v¢:,la22ol%lloa22ej5meflmrg 2352 Empire it and moose; nkeér If yet ca7zz'im:ei7ztlaojE;me obedience, amour A72ce_fior:gpcg/ll _you pooh: ljflzI{g,f 2'fz;x2¢ not; l9e:.oclrz'*z2erz to extreazmitiex. l Anal 44“: J om " JRe% AA £022‘; ; not oiber om aloolyl*le_flEd.,lo1W_7‘€W3é¥Z“i fiwm b€:¢2Ie?j+*,]arejErz'Ia¢ol» also good allizmozomfolllj mriomzll creaturexg more W Eezzefioiall to~P-kziooox than l A.ogaz72:Zfm”e,ll‘ l amljioolo oi zaoitloozlt dbozirzmiozz of power _yooz4 may fisbmit to , and yogor Crowzze before. In the like; manner olflvlitl will cozzcerzzyow imjaerzlzll “of-7-(_l fice mtl7e,-.~ roprotevff no then tbofé that flaelgozor fizbvezfion, 45 being the ff fig, and izolrlor part oftlae Empire, am!‘ lfietrér a'e;wofeol to _y.mr'l l,,j ozzd; : L % o Crorwze than 1‘lJ.*:°)' are. LNeitl:erlz§a',itl d2?fii"zo_,/1{z':ézl ozlrllloméze lnzzmbéro 5!jfiorc?e:Mor%%% Q 5 advantage: Tbflfi alnzmoeo tlyefg lowly; lcymlll exprefllprzs‘ lroml Au: i,*l;zZOli‘A oz7"2_:y_4 % % d.;wl9t in amflcomfé : forCl.irifiia27zi{yl cloeyao mzlclo lif} ~11}?-tlaé ,l98fl?ftll_i22 % T ‘ % M ‘ $2.2)‘ ,‘ or it dare; z§?eal{§72ot£2e%l)‘.g2zol: entewjbrzflzxgdnd. tbéiégzoijld flmll ll fie it if M fr?‘ foomtranofirming mIz'22:to o:jl.ve;r,oo,iz1to ¢t?oj%c1rl-2%/~e.r3. 3 _[§zo2*eol f;_5¥2‘1 rm =1~>Wzz.i ... _...__...... . ....o-squall‘- mldo may renplérl w AAAz'?z yew tbaztglsérf eirfief filxzteflz L¢:l.?]l.«3’Ay;41.7%l,; AAA: l ‘A % _V fliaAllyjErg1iAleA ,1 azrzcl ‘dée 5’ trmlzxce our Religiqfz at beiézg lltltrsfly 2,7.5*‘,3-A-V l l lcbnfifléfltlllflifkff with alltiy ,% or znagnanimizji. "Let it ljeé )9: A cci2zfi:t;;ti0¢zAAt.bAA z‘laemV atltbiiprq/[mt , that we doe; rzeitber .déP0g.;Zlé.’ irz tbfix cgzjé jazzr 1751;;-* A fifiqprgrogatiye , nor ufterly W1-lerzamAzce our oxaane irzterefly ;zrm'}etA ‘tIg,z2‘ we doe Amtber_;_‘}vr¢-judge. oggr félife; ,'%.AAA ind anlmtgb we a'oA’eA not difi-laimg‘ < jet wef fivrbcaré :1; claim: ggriglatofeflallalliflliizg tme Rc.lz'gio22, and }:zl9oli{bz'}.=g» % % A ic1dl4tr_y5*dd: alflr of bringing jrowfeclizczérx ta Ac07zAclig?2cApz172z:]l9291efi.t;“A'.”/Iizd tbw‘ A fizrv agree conclzfieigcl in all Iaztzzziligy fbr our Ablefléd Religion; _.A, tljgt tint‘ be Aligzblez taiza afierfionr, 4: Aif’itAb;_t'd any czzztjiwlizéy in tl2AAz35' mm", and that A" A jog my r§¢t;lziAc%?irz the better dj_:prelgenfiAon, and re1i0ftl.1e}rroféf]io72 tlyg V A cqmportmcnt‘ of A the A}2roféfl5r;r$. It not‘z'J:z zt.rftuA.Afct A422 and tr: tljefé l liroylér fneierczkag/?:¢%2me laazmrza prevalence Arvlitla jmzzfto gaiine jfififlzt‘i4fai5?ianfi'om l you 3 but it iiiizyou witlaom all'iinpedime2zt to g2¢z'et our p;m{y,A in regLAmlA tlmtwe fight mt‘ naxvfbrgz well beiflg, but :1 meerl7e2'7zgA .1 mt 2“/l.~mt.P£zg;;nifrize &tVf1'tl?Z!é7't£al5 butAtl9atAClar,¢:[llani;y" may fitllfififl : all gm? » ¢0n5li1ia2z.rAa7f¢ l Entirély o3r2zaAl;2z2id&,am;l;bgyA ff2Ae.1ke_?l 720 Amara. "lat 21523.? _‘,. let A m l2i;a'21eA' l2opé.r*1t0l1‘Aemdinle jhfé, and] mflvgzzz bgve .r.zflimmce.rA to ‘mfmwi7zAl ‘A A A VA A Ifhis Grace ofrlrmagb like ndt lthils Re1=AnonI’trancc;, let hinx ffanté ‘ l in lalnfwctflto it_-,8: fo doing hfc {hall appcar a. profounde1*AAS€§1o1er5a A more j1‘1dicious'Statcfman', a..n_10rAe pcaccablc }:’a‘tri5'0t,'l‘a.;n1o;*.=; godiy A *I*’r¢achl¢rlth‘cn;h'fs lafi Sermon upon:1i¢%l:A;. Rim. did {haw hin1.AIam- ' A ~ A fine there is no znan%thAat lives in there day*es,can fay I have {aimed A fan iAmpoffib1c¢afc, cfpccially when He fees‘ two‘ Parlianuents oftwo A AProtc{‘cant‘Kingd"omcs driven to petition for th€“i:’1iveS‘tQ aA’P1.’inCe A A ; thatdocsTAacknow1ed,gc the truizh of this P1*o:cfi:aht Religion thcpriviledgcs ‘of _ both P-ar1iamA.cnt_s :» anid “the Aj1ibclr'ticAsA‘of bAot5h A ”Kingd?0m€$alA%aAnd yef brings a tl1ili‘dAPopifl.iKingdAomé: a.g.aihA&th¢n1A5l Al though traitcroufly bcfinealr’cTAAi.n the bldodi of thoufiémd s of Prow- ? : J fiéntsgland proclaifncd againPcAby‘lthe .King,Ahif§1f€1fCi5A 5aAs%A Atlhclw mofl: A A AA lll»llf;;A;_l;;g;rab1¢*‘A:nori{’tl¢ré{of men; A BL1t’per1iaps our-AAPrimat%eAwi11l fay: that A AA ;:<0ma11 llAl1aw*oFAroya1ty did extgcnd’ F:11fth¢r5A that A”th‘Ac‘ pedpile A « A A ; AA7A1:l,;A*AAAcr4f3byA”A;c1i7a4pérp€tu.a11 di€’taturc-} For 2:116 :P¢01¢ C011 161- CV0I1f'¢m=¢ ii??? %A;'1ji*1d1‘c%o1}1A‘tfI1.‘:* Emperourg vtheynwhatit %1F1ajd 317-W715 {C1535 ?v=l1'1di;V1‘1L€)3f1fi1‘31’1".¥f %%AAx§gi11%fay , ;Athauthe$A%%peop1é had any pow§:rto4 dAci’c;‘oy it felfé J.;~£1ic1”;_ A What ¢11dAcdL11d the people havc (if thatM Law%mi'ght bee faicf to bgef % f#s51’ozwii. the peoples aé°c)% i,ninflaAvin §11cn1—f€1Y'¢$ :* or :giVi,n$g% awaythc. pro-3* §1~i:ty of t hAcn1fe1vcs 3 %sw‘¥1#c11.”f¢% the‘PjrincesA, pleafilrc is %¢11tVcift»airf1cd$'f}:)1‘ Law: [ ifi isi1iténdVédtVh”atIt;hat%Tp1c2ift1r¢%of‘t;he %Prinfcé.« fhallf bcé i13tii"“ 152111 ,4anapr}uden;‘ia11‘;andchat1: £11311 be firfl: régulaized by Law. if A i11L'3'.tsf0rf1?1.:t1itiesW, yet i1f11it;s: effchtials. Gratiux tells us of ‘the V i;»?sm;ezp»z:2iaz2z.: how rhcy% didrefigne 'tIs1¢ veS? and all that may Eofléfgiiz ditionem Ro»;mhz;n444: _and3“ he: Mcopizéivcs , c11.a:‘byf t_h3:S1f6%“” 1- i1gr1at‘iVdni5 whey did make: tlie FuOma x1s4 %t*hféi r p1iop1‘i¢taries. the’ j faw3i11'ApfGzfddub%Lt% 5%AtIx%Aéxt#%5%A;l§1,1i’3 _ A ,j€763?IiW.~*.‘ \AW¢1i¢%I1Qt%t.a11dViff€ré11¢¢d‘in fx*s:1 ¢idd»mé%‘ [frh ti; gC}itiwz'm§; A A:hm1re1ves.~VInAB;aef¢w-e mayrrc1y upan;I5e£¢A”aIfes-ci£2irs. _ Fir"&ia th%€i‘¢ 130cér;aintj 105 A any ' Nat.»ion~s%,; mac cvtrf: t1iVcyk)i'fQ A f°1"%mAa117A%.d3‘i1Z€fi8i1¢&th?11‘1‘¢1?cs%in'1:¢FV1i1$>43 3.i01?W~ra ; jwmfill‘, dA1dAh€i‘€ 5 R3? ‘ axxyfmy 4fucfLWA:]g%af17,nAi¢:i1I§a"‘i‘ % “ V grahtés 0i’A30v6ra§AVg:2t3f'~ . % » 77! f A A Scc:oAnd1y% ,7 théfié be éxpouhdcd 5; and fafiiiuf Aofpfibw mw “ libfifty zisthéy ought", they. can c§i'ca,tc_ noyrgjudige ,th % CifiL'i N 3~ti'O171,S W%hiChei1a£t€d them, (51? finy athcr. H % Th“"d1¥4a~ i* tllcyfit €Kfi40imdcd«i11%%~a tortiéals5%_u£ii3’%tAti?%éf1§€'é¥5f§€:% “ch cyare tombe"da:i:::¢d,a4;3a 1~c§e4&¢aA;ay %a‘%11;»eqp1e,¢andi£h§:§ ‘~‘°.%‘*"‘?>%’ “*’1'%“?1*‘V9L%'A1'=‘-»¢¥‘V°b1iéat0tYinfamy JWIIntryAW*hé't”f9tv¢r~.A1§?"At5%¢ V 4 Prxmate ;aV¢n0WA_rec_ogrfe'tothQe_p%1fa€’cife‘ Qf th¢Chpifiigns,inth¢‘ ‘A j W %*¢$»3“d W1%¢? tha=%b¢C¢«1ay%ho1c1of i11.4e3cp011I1€33I3g .this:%rcxt% t,_h~e*I3e' Sf Ram. to %<:£w.~ prciudicc :om~ Vnaethofi r1<:§Wha1'idS t1sAt"0v*A% { :om;0Wn Lawsg. and Ch:*onicIes;,1et us fo110w0m" Wgachgr tl1ith44er9.T . I£sc;P,mz teach us thatthc firpreémc powe1'Ais4:%zot to“”bc~'refi~£%éd. % 1*] axxwy, perfons mam-1y inferior; and fubordinatgzéwbut leaves no %VA4 Wi1I%Aru1e, whc1‘eby%to difcern% whAat%Vt1'1at £'—1‘PI‘¢mc% pwrar isA%i11%%a1IV%~AV u1it*rzc3Vs~.:m1rPreach¢r ihould do wen céiecuskzxowwh hcut~ _ Ears outof himeer Text, anti w1x;c ga;ce;~s Oz-Jtkfif hisa_,wn%imagi;- % T nati°n- Barclay» G?‘0f5#£Is ur P»°¥a11i’t==4 b¢fid€sVWTQA y[ fi1a11V'%Wcthinkthen dfthis%Pr&1aVt%cé ht) a+bib1ut¢VMonAaArcmorreducing“Englandtoth A A {pingut%a1Io::t%o€msText, whére ncith¢r[: * %@'.’i»‘*i‘}PcI:§%:? mwlncléd 0% W148 ms 31%»? vfiiélf ¢ * ithotzt provingvcwr ¢patte1'1iof Rome,orA % «gm ~AEn.%g1a::d jis A ~mwm ;$wmm; % i ~ t}1:>hicr§ 3 ” H . r . Exit: (. ‘ i % i “ {