% % 7111 $6 315 iii KI Ns REMONSTRANCE §0.,the Lords and Commons ofthe V % two Haufés ofParl.iament,» fgtffl gs N 5 1+ En; ch; 2 i. ofFe..j V T éruary, 1647, By ,a‘;v;tb jsN%1g1~N%s;~ijr4ifon¢r in Newgzze.? + y f: % Fzég ' . '.v-‘-'.. - Printgdinfhg Ycqé; 1647. " ‘.r" r V . _1‘,7; » uh’ <, « _ , (3) /e ' ‘ ‘ , g-1 _ . - * _ ,7 __ _‘ ‘ \ -_< ~s:.§.:.J,,;»;i saw; ‘ w '. A * Wags-3 -/ fflafgé Rcmonflran‘cet,e’9-‘C. ,u ___ W __ _ t Dcfire ‘thét the Lords and hCot'n'monsi;0f the two Hija- . , . .. {es 3 would be plcafcd to re- timcmbéx: ,i and‘ that all the J ‘ good people of England doc "“ 1'“ take natice of an Order caf it“ thehouféof (Zommons this i" ‘" ‘ScIIiot-t, for publifhing the , which Ordér they may findc printed in the laft leaf: of thcfecond pirtiof his In- fiitutes , kin. thefe words, (viz. ‘F ‘ . ,7‘ . ,3 r F‘ x ! ‘. v‘ I V . ' v D Ia Mercurii 1&2; May 1641. A Upondcbate this day in the Commons I-Ioufcoif’ Parliament, the {aid houfe didthen dcfire and hclcfit fit that the~Heire of Sir Ednfartdcoake flmould publiflz in print the Comuicntary upon’ Magnat Charter, ' the 1"le»te‘ of the Crozme, and fine jarifdzffiazz of Courts, ac:~ cording to the it1te"ntion’0f the {aid Sir E dgvard C 60£’é:'?g, and that name éat the .%Hez're of the {aid Sir fdwgzrd’ Cooke)‘ or he that {hall be authorized by him, doc ET?“ fame totpzgélifb in print any of the florefaid hookcsaot any copy thereof. L t J El:/jmge Cler.‘Pam. - Com. A *2 LV2. {L J 5% .3: it ... 5 (L4) ’ And I doe further defite thcxfi thit thé.§ iii?5uId read and pctufe Mr.d.lall%iciter S‘l.}3t‘I0éf3,a_[]d M1-.1052: ‘Pym, their bookesapublilhed likewife this Selfion, whcafe _t_i.-A tles areas followeth, CWZ.) . d’ ~ A12: Argument of Law camderning the BM of Attaiizdér of Hzg/J T reafan of Thomas Earle of Stafford. J At 4 cazzfefeizte 4 Committee of éat/9 Houfe F V " ‘afP¢rliame22t., l « By M;,Sai2é?t-dlabiu His Majeflies Sollicitot Gencrall qeublilbeh by @3118: of the atummons Iaoufe. A * M ‘ ‘ It 2: cozsgv 0 N, Printed by G. W. for lo.’ Bartlet, at the figne ofthe guilt cup’ flegf s:.;1t4/iim gate in Pauls Church-‘yard, I 64: . Aim’ the Spices}; and -D e:cl4ra%tVia'2A_ofIoh%n Pym E fquire, zffter the recapitulation .arfummi/23 up oftbe c/mrge F cf High 7”reafo22aagaiz2fi Thomas Earle of l Srrafford, I 2 Avril’, I 641- qeubliltyenl by the amber tufttbe cltommons l ‘ % igflllfgo d L V j L 0 N D 0 N, _ A primgd, for 1.919» Bm/::,e 164;. ' 1 . . Othing is delivered for Law in n1y7boQkes,bu't what the Home of Commons have avowed to d be Law in bookes of Law 4, publiflied bytheir (om- maend Ellis-SC'H~1'Ol1, and agreeablelto the bookes of A ' Law, and Statutes Ofrthis Rcallneaill all fdrmer times zmd ages, l 4 2. The < 5 ) g 2; The fuppofed offence” charged on me , i6’ :14 gainfl the two Hqufes 5 anclnone ought to be ludgeg and partic§,by' the Law of this Lancl,in their owhcafe. e 3. I defire tI1€b€I1€fitOf/izldgim L“/warmth: Petiti- 972 of R ighgand other good Lawes @f this Land, which ordaiee that all mam‘ tryalls flaaula’ ée éya the eflaé/ifljed Laws, and izatot/Jemaif e : They are the very words of the petition Of Right. ii A L A ' Am Ordinaance of both Houfes is no Law of the ,_pm_c01_ 9; Land by their owne confeflions and by the bookes of0rdinanc<‘s,ft1‘ the Lc‘)rd.Cooée,pué/iflaed 5} their Ordermafarefaicl this l‘,‘:’m.nfi; fol Seffion in ft; feverall places. i 47,4s,;;:,3, ’ ‘ For Ssghitfiot-1 , in my bookes tltete is. none, but f{.‘r3=4 PM in- ‘ I T , ._ . .. . A -. u,~z3,z3w2.,3 fnch as they haveautborzfedtbz/J‘ Seflza/zata ée paé/zjhed, 193, 4,537’; 8 and prz'i2tea’,T0 publifh the Law is no fedition: Thefe Pofitions folloxving I doe fet clownc for the Law of the Laud in my bookes, arid they themfelves have }u- A tfiified, and avowed them as af0re{'aiJl, wee agree the Law to be, and to have been in all times in all the particulars following, as here enfueth. ' 1, Toimfrifozz the Kz'22g,;5 IE1/'3}; Treafbfl. 3. Pax'tim'ht. »- $ To iremo-Us Courzfellaurs from the I(2r1g 5} fim'e if i Tredfofl‘ ' paérziiii Or, 3, To alter the efiaélifb: Lame: in 422} part 6} fare’: 13I3>?%“”fi3iE:_ High Treafon. i A P“? 9' 4% 7:70 tufurpe~t/9ee’1{_oya//pander tr lazgb Treafan. 3,P.rtti1-1&ir,3, 5'. Tate:/tar. the R3/zgim e[l.su5ls'fla€»diIb'igb Trezfau. I°I:‘2‘_5s ‘ 6, To mife rumoars Md £il"L‘e.ggt ward: to 4[fe}3dfe ;:;g“;:t‘”Q“° Nae«peopletafieéi-iansa-from the I(z'/rzgjzkr high t7‘e(lfgé_2_ . ME’, Solhcltér. 7_ To fe]]e«~Sou/q!,'gr5upo%2 z-«}3e.’:9e0£~’1[e¢i)iJF’z./je. Iéiqgedome §>r:;>’?Sv63}‘“>C3i:5C:~r) 1 without their canfentgif high £Veazf'0:2. e Pagfij 8,1/tie? execution ofipapér orders 5} S oz;/diers in 2: 'mi» Mrs S011icitora._ A *> lz'tary_Pag°9 7 .. “"*-'3.. Mrs’ Pym, p.z.;8 . ~M.Pym pag‘.34 f P’g_‘:9' Mr.$e1*iciter:, I2.’ % _ % ‘ ' 1r%;::'iflmE. 49, To counterfet:t f/Jegrieat Sea.1e,.u b;:g]g.;',;,/;,,,;_ P. I,,,_ * 1 ‘o, The? c’."a.mmz_flta12"qf‘ Array Q‘, _t_nfc;§¢-g’; 4,4 mm Iufhécl-Iuttons otben ’ * argument, fol. 39:46-L .« 3 . 4 parclnmc. éut t}be'Kz'mg .- T l7e~Kz'r.g makes every Court. % % ‘ ‘I 3.. Tbgagreat Scale fie/0, gs to t/2e« Kings‘ tufioafiaor ta * apart in{*- 3?’ whom be [[9417 appoint, aézél vane atbcr. * fu r.~r.ch:zr. - - 7 T C3 13 . 0fa'z72M1€€S~0f 022: vr éor/J Haufesaare fie (mm 52 apart’ Coll. of éiiiid-to€7€’[7€0['}/6'. Grd‘-.'&C 1. ’ T -- ' .\ _ . mfi:;m' 0) % 14.. Na Przuledge qf Pzzrtlzzzmezn haldsfir trgafbzz, % ~4.p-artinfiitig f&lqr:3’,ar érezzcboft/7e19em', not for twenty Parliament M.S0HC.ma P_imen, forty, not threc2hu»ndred. 3 { . . _ fizz.“ it a _ I5. Tofzjérvert tlagfu2m’4f72e(2zfalL.4n».c,z:/ugh treg/512;,‘ Igzcgoxc, «P E. . I6. Tq. ewe} W4/2'9 algtdlflfl tbeperfan afpbg 1(';';;;g,¢"« 12.135? xreafan, ‘ i “‘ M;go1;a-gm P, 1 I 7. ' ‘7.‘epsrfwaa'e Forreiizws ta /aw} name’ ma-',5;;, 135 ,3: ;i6.§ I. . Kz'2¢(g*don2e, if high treaflm, . : 0 mt acr. ‘ . * . J % 3?. P D I 8 . To zmpofe ttnlazvfwil mxe-s',ta zmpofe H3210.“/yes, 125' high trezzfozz. % _ I 9 , 7/35’ King V6473 deem? wrozzg, M.[?ym p3g.I7 20 1.1? M 4 per:2z'ciou:r a’aé?rz'm: to teach fué/'e£?5, [175] may ée drfcbbergcd from the 0421;: Q,‘ Ag€£.e_,‘;a,m,’,f Then what meancsAtheDo&rine offha. Vacs .-ofbot houfes of the 1 I. of Febr. I 647. 2 T‘. A 32953./fit} of ‘_‘ W435 fllme 777,Z1‘o(’~!.‘l-'47,?’ a'0t%[2%i2ot €98-P »j-cafe ham, The 2"¢qu1rmg and forcing of the Mifitia, brought the 2:2ecefl'1ty> of arming upon the Houfes. 2 2. "None can law} mzrre within rim Re4/m'ezrit/1- out autbority‘f‘m7z t/;»e'I(z'/¢(gf;;;: ta him Mel): it gg/;,A,£,€,,, ~tg!/envy warre, éy the Comzvim Law ofzbe L4;m';.T to go: a"}'!7ersIi/'63 12;’ #112,!) treafima é} -t".€;ef4;‘a’ :Cm2r/29.32 %L;m.Thc* oncily M.Pym p9g‘.8. 3 .parc infiis. ‘I 1:. None can make 91zm',ge5 Iaflzkes, ,.s':éerifi}%sJ@c;,‘ -. , , s (7 Shelf quilfeliwas feed is the‘Militi=a; 'fO£‘gt1l1c‘ivv.._Lh§gh_ for much‘ blood h-athibeen {pent and.treafur«-ed. , l -Aft; whole dbte doth the {irme lie ,9 23,. “Na Parliament zritfioast the Kzkgaa is P?fz'7aci. M_5Q1iC.3m 7; ' 1iz"ammpat (9 finir. 71- 24. efrefentmezzt or W125; 1tarj,1'il‘tI9é é~i'rt/J-right f_"3lf:f”“fl"P°3 :'€f‘lbE A,.ya‘tt infii §iThete isno doubt but that many in both Houfes are 4‘ '3 ’5' “free from this great /2/222: 3 and that molt of the pre- vailing party, "had at firf’: no intentions to proceedlfo Lfarre; but the madmeulle of the people (who are very unf’table,and fo they will finale them) and the fuccseffc of their artr-lea (having this great rich City to {upply ithem,with~tall accomrnodation i, ‘h ave fo elated » them, that the evill is come to this height. .' _ For my felfe',’toip‘ut me to death in this caufe,isthe greatefi honour I can pofli-able receive in this World: .Du/:eé’I>)ecamm eff 732072 f'rapdt7‘id-..AI1d for a Lawyer’ and a Iudge of the Lawgto die, ‘Dam [maze pafriae le- giém oéjleguitzgr 5 for obedience to the Laws; will be deemed by the good men of this time, a fwcet fmell-— _ ing f:1CI'-lfi'C€53.I1Gl by this,aud future times, that I dyed full of yeers, and had an h'oi1e£‘t and an honourable ‘I end:And poflerity will take knowledge of thefe men, 4 who put efome to death for {ubverting of the Lawes, and Orhéts for fuppo,rting of themt,8£C.= . Yet Mereyis above all the workes of God 3 The 13rha<‘f*0n-1ib.3g Kiflgétk Gods V {car upcm earth. In Brkzéioizg who Waste ::P7’?4‘1;:§t_’g,,1_s Iudge in He22.3.time,you {hall finde the Kings Oatli; flii;34z,343, Tc flaw mercy,is partol it : You are all his children’: 5“‘“f°"”,94“’*e: » fay,and doewhatyou will , you are all his Suhjeéts: and} He isyomé Ki/gg) ;mclP;1rent :. Pro !.=3*..4gr:o potato g s ‘V ’ p¢.zzlez4l’tgz;2 “’ * ( 3) I . paululnm fuppliciifitik efi patri, and therefore Icfnoti the prevagling party be obduratc, out <_>fadefperat‘iojn .,of fafety’; That which is pafl: is not revocable 3 take to your th0ughts,y®ur parent§,y¢ur wives,fy0ur chil- V drenayour friendsayour fortunesayour eountrey;where- in forreigners write there is mim 437155 f“4'U1'’M é’ 7'6‘- mm amzzium aéuzzdantia : lnvlte them not hither’ the onely way to be free of then’ cempany W111 beam re- » fiarebir efifajefljaand recefiveefram him an 46% of 051;‘. ‘ ‘vim, 4 general} Pardon 3 aflu.r4flce.f0r t/26 arreares of A the Sauldier} , and meet: fattsfafizan ta tender calf: fciemes. A -A @013 pzséfetba tbs ikinge 3&1? fl}t%ILame5. Da. ‘Ienkins Prifaner in % ewga tr’, FlNf& . 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