am ityans r.NTG¢.AV E ,. M3!‘ ‘ % 4 " “ vTW'P£>%«vm*s rim hm ww+w4€W?fvt?¢=*,fAAW» pW;xz¢A :x.:;L;. 9 : 1 7 : V %43’[I§Vé%M;;111;1m¢;?§c; ?’+::@l3LI'£?1£Z£’1lI0K.1K‘E3: W.°re§%'$‘aif“¢x£Va%¢~ —\ é - Er; ‘ ‘ .\'k“.:‘ ‘ ’,(’Vr“§;«».", ‘ A ‘ -‘ ‘ I‘ ’ ~ ‘ :v mo, ” ‘,‘.{\:/M’, ; ‘ 2 fifl ‘m “ , ‘ ‘u . M ,4. m V. . .__N 4‘. M; ; ‘""" flw E» ‘.".flV““+‘j‘ .7,‘ :0“ .}».,,.‘~ Ev.‘ ‘ :1, , .. “ L. ,- ‘ : r % % .% -1- s; M _) - é ~V.fl«;r~a;,;; . -. ‘ma .. Qv_A.,.)Vaw 1,, u, .:3.‘.u ’ ‘ gfi‘ I-u : " .‘JI‘fi!‘\q2.'‘ ‘, .‘ .,%,:,,%%..,, % '3 % : .«. v» H % W ». %»::“a‘€? “ V .. 2:. ~ ~ - ' “A 5 "" ““I.u:mmmnm\ J "“!‘<-::;?‘,5!-‘I:f ' ’ Q‘ ‘ , , 'j"«' ‘I fly “ ‘U ' u ' “ v ) w J." :- .“‘K'I A x x , 3 , ‘ ~ ‘-6. é -t av “ ‘ ‘- '- cl ‘ ,-‘,, 7 ' ‘F ‘ ‘ «-1 ‘ ‘ ‘ .3 ~ » ~-sg, ~ - .4. .. ma ‘ ‘ r J ..«r' “ ‘.3 '- .g_. , . ‘ “ A A '“‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘xv ‘ ,' « * jg” f"f_ ‘_ h J %. 5%‘ ~.=‘‘*‘ v ' t’ . '3; 7 w‘..‘-I.,-.‘ ‘- “ ‘ - n " v ‘ 1 _ » . To his Excellency The»: Lord Gencrall C no M W 3 L L; MILORM Av " ®W(‘E§3 .-..a; A T is hoped , 1"0urExcel!ency may gar-» A Adm! this: bifildnffi-fa Upon the confide» 1: ’ 23 "“ ration , That this _poore1ni~t£ ofiercd A A A “" j&rip‘tion;,= _thcn% crhoicmi pieces Vcafiimo : V {W the ‘Treajury of ‘Ioyr de[ert., by greater ” A and n1oreVpopL1la%r pen=)s: However “.'Qvnp$ ' ‘ 7 % ’ I'c:e.kes[7J&1{¢rV%:**—4~f'%“%%*'”’“”'3' ‘ -‘ &. Whm1%,wdm.i%,,g~ yr 0 mamy contraxy }:‘a 10.1183 MH1; $11 0 fl,......Ji7y‘IJfla0w€d @11f0rnuer1y%Vo.w.Aned by Azztzquny 3. M41l.~.;;;H..:m+;zy”émill the bzzndx of VP0I’ce1“,ity% with dcfp;1i1*,0%f even‘ being :.z1bIe~ to match Tour Afiiiowns l1er:aft»«e1*,;. For tlmfr: mofi cc-- lebmted for th%eAi1°V4.V1a%ur and Candué? _.. did bL1t:gleanc.repute age» mcmgfi ti-1etI:»o2‘7~26’& of cazztrmy and doubtful! Succc.;U?:5 5 Whereas»: Thu, being the we A/Iafler oftbe Hmrvefl Ve:fI—1o7z0ur , never wcm kzué-wvne% to .retum¢% without: bringirzg Tour .[be;zw.r with You; Which may be thc2IefTawond1'cd at by tlmfe who obferve how jufl an Accompt:mtYou are to '1' our alone Captain , the Lord V ,1 *% .»-» in zea1c.% may lo:1gerbcare'Iour [aper- ‘A r 3; l1is.Elecf3cini-- ous : I will far} no more, leaf? I flmuld fzem to [fraud my endeavours tocatch 8:0. V Tm being 0721} direfied to fuck can- die! fpirits mbeing tbémfc’lw:' in quejl of Truth and the pro- fem: Qgiet, camnat but low: tbafz that doe , though but weaI:\{:ly,prq~ A mate it. B Ae/1‘ ‘P €KSWflSI7€ to aMutzml1 compliance uncier THE» PRESENT GOVERNMENT; %%‘'-47' M T was never%tho3.1ght fafe, much leflg , prudent, for a fupjmfl pzzrgy to be1;:;.. _ s & “t rea- Pcraixae him from breaking in to his Subjefl: mofl facred z‘m-- munitiei, t11AisAf>omr mu{’C nAced‘s be tooextravagantAto mingle wimh their: lefleh inxcheréfléed ;, who are Afa rnodcfi %a.shtAo Aconfcfliz th::Arin.f¢1vcs‘.5anAdA thei1+5§udgen1eArits implicitly contain5dA iAm;l1¢ A fuifrAagesAA.o15AA:tAhch MdjarAApdrtAA; thhugh th¢A‘ALnw pafs?dAbeA1icAv¢r AA for COI1tra'A!_‘y_tO theirhfcnfé ; And cannot but AadmireAfromA V hmcrehhrhish I72fal1ibAiAli{V‘fhhi1idA m";AAAAfirPcAhe dcriv¢d,,whi<:h wen: no ltflh madneffc forthé people to give A, than prcfumpticm in any, below a God, to recfiivc. » ’ A ‘ . , A A NegaAti‘m-A*AAziayc*A¢,:A 3%-gétA‘Am? ” Aptacc the Abfirdéi of all I116 Pmderzce, and. ProAbifieh (3? Na; :~;Aim2 , "in ‘Ol1(f'Il'ldiVidl13llA; A juellr of too high a vigluchto be “papkt up in fin“ fin: Ir: ands mam: IA/'efl?l:,asA our Englma Monarch: A :.aA'pea*1?eA‘AtoA have zemlc.-A:A Buthwcre theyAbcirer~i,1AAAtheymight mapmn hhthwatcauncg AAAAeA:niematc%;thc$Ag1~a vefi AAA1*;rfiih:s‘A of A th¢AA=SuL 1a . préme Cannes]! 3 ‘yet: dcnicd by Law and Ctkffomc the Aab'iIiAtjr A A S Awqizmflacl1cAf¢nténhAcAe:AofA an z'nfe1iai¢rhCourt7ofitfiicé, A A AATht.-n if AnoAExam»p~1e can b¢Ap1'oducT’d, A of anAy Kirzg 5 that AAAAMLH«*s}Qh:amariAiy,madoath:of no nmmnc iAmpuA1fiAve reifpeétghtluen hgnaefir ctQMW-zmcéeggamd“ifldmgcncy to’ his popr Apr5i:A1AAccAatrod’d¢An A people,‘ AoAf§fc1‘ccf nAI,i"I2"AAtAoAAabate the 7pQAWcr Ahéfbim"Ad {'0 AaAbuAfcd «by h'1As Pre'decc}fo"uAr:,AA and Anfot likely to AbeAhbAc:ttt:cAr employed by . fi.1chAas might ff mead’; A What grcater IAAmApAudenccA can thcrc A bAe,tl1ie11 wmain mine, Th at this Negarfivahvate is claimed bury; AAAAtoA21vAo'iAid4 in it flzlflé; .4 ; L V1 Incafc of A?Mmorigy,A M4dnAAfl7e%and EM} , the K171111105 ithg King: fufiiciency is wiAchoucVquc&ion inhphg 1AMr1iament% 3; and if Jhat be allowcd to d¢t,ermiVnc ch: extent of his ppwcr in com % km exempt fmm their %c%0gniz:m tingeAnc[ies %,% A no Wuayes chargeajblmlpon .any as Afazulw. : , 3SI:m11AiA wicked , cqncumacious mad deflnruflcivc prin;cipl¢s A and I{m§¢7ife.s; 422.? Since the fool or Tm‘adVma.n¢ Cannot be lyable to fo fCiV’€'i'£ a. ccnfilrf, as hc.tha.cin1p1oye.S his Wit wholly to the dcflru(9cio=n {of his people. Andi? Ws: was «our Kings through all ~th<= Path: their incroacbmemi h<’W¢f mad¢»ov‘cr* the people: immum”tie;,%wc {hall findfit was not C ha” 1:fiv..ha,t:h kept xhcnT1Lf~romb jug nmretyrannicallmut Weapons and irpazffraint : @711 our~prg'vi.lvedge;% having heme firfl written ., and :11‘: all ages freed to be copied out,Ai.n the pmflc: blcmd 5 An; A amgxxmtmna fi§1fliVc%i¢ncxq?pmv¢A%, 1 that 1.iu1¢$is to be cxpcficd flfmnwgm a=«~i13j£fiV10fl;1‘.’ M Exusbliqma « ’?b>!‘lt..i\by§V%10‘I.1{k"r‘,ai,T‘1\t 5. ‘King; ;1nica‘:xd~i~mg Vnm.hi?ng%:mm*¢ Vhfiliifihfi 4¢t£?3Wflfr%»1iI41?%9f f~ch€.i£ ownc Arbitrarypower : Therefore F latter}, father then Tmtb, f0I.1.t¢dt1mm F%4tbcrsA of :tbeir~C;ow1try .3, to Whis2hth¢_2y a1‘¢ in A nQth~ingFfL,1»table, un1¢fTcimqrr¢_é?ion , the fe¢vere%fl'and leafi 120-- They Ind.6¢K1;a%$;dQfl1fi}¥Wz!fi.17?dIH8T5ai1¥“ Ofttlmmacs {,1-born’d ‘ dm: that which is dcflm€’cive% by a particular naturalzl _lo€pe, to A. t%o_t’?he g€126fflIYW9;l/b€iflg.0f_§1 Natim,-, asiwhengc an equal! afi'c€i‘im: Amethmir ~c‘hild~rcn fha,1l¢m,1iE 4 divifian (If their Kingdqmc into fe* 2.-erall giarzfonsr 5. A »byWhi»ch tIm,wb,ule is wcalknedin regard of tabs: fxpcnccuotf VA mam mum 5. and e,xpo,s’d to ~rui11c by divvi-, fi9n;; is; motwi£h011«ta pmc5:d¢n.tin*St;ory. ‘ , _ :_ . AA Ncxt; the aE¢8%tio,nA thcyfibcarc to xzhcir femalezflue , makes t:h€111I‘?aif,e%%g,%r¢at~rams cc» marry then: , mt one-1y futxablc to tzhcirnh ._. but u1a1imi§ed_ a mbicion By whicl1 1;m,ancsA%aV pwplc fiarfipfiscn m advczgfitlbi-fifi mp .tl1v¢~»oL11‘f¢A0f' Aa formin J3" diémm: %.AndAin%qafc eflhould happen to lighc upon F ram orspaizze ommywrrime clfc unwilling to rcrn0V¢11i577=Wn° A “ D2" % farther cm) A jfurltb er fréih tkeflung, thlcyl mufl lrun théfortune of iN'a”pI¢:; S'ii5. " ' ciljk, Mi,l14nsiN4vi4rr£t,l *e§'jc; who ’ Mariefov miferzzble asliiitoibgmxder thé“R*légih1émqf' 1t,ii22z;‘éfiurt’t7l1./Ml:$'tirtinl‘l effi;l'"i l f it it tm = , t,AndjfaEy fliofildv be? fo lnmcl t," “as to folilow threirw am» bitiolus him:o1t.i;lrs,it ingquefi ofilhonourl , out of their owhe territoé riey, d§ F rznzcia and"7obn' of France did 5 A they may like mam,” féjilllll ifntd c5a[rtivit)?,and tie *tihcli“r_ Kingdomesi to lrardericonditionag V aiidfét greater Ra}2fm”1zelti,, thenalll the particular iibe-inefitsr re-A aoundmgfrom that lgav¢3f9nrnen~t are able to-compenfe; or fill the irzconveniencies ob1e8tcd~ to»a Popular State 5 parallel; whoare c0nfefs"d on all fides to*beV rejjfionfible fortbeirl mif--W governmem", in parcel], 'as?particularA Members; or in groflir , as thé fwhol’e Comte”, when diflblved iWhcrcas the flattering Clergy and C ourtiers i,~ L by pcrverting the Scripturfesw have in Q. flnglelperfoiz fit:uatéd’Re aliz out of the reach of all queffianzgf fol-as he may fhake or i ic: e about the world without any fear-é of *oth_cr danger ,‘then7:What ‘the Poets faint fclltoé ‘Pba~Isfitbb2i from fupiter hirxiftlfé : cannét but pcrl‘W«ad¢*‘ wiili'é‘lllri'1¢-mb kleepe~ii»it-outgwhiere it never was ;l4.}iand'u1;3bn all‘ advantaggts t0" (Explode it ,_ »whcr¢‘mi$fortuneila£th brought « A‘ Qgtéene H ‘i lizalvgfig thoughfantxciclletlti Pri1m:e,yet z'ncr¢_mch’d-‘ 1115071th€'EfighflJ.-‘Lil7.81f{)*:, by dezzying them to cnquire=who* {hould be her Sycceflfiur 5‘ ThcAuunatu1*al11eH'e‘lcft this tyranny bcinghid‘ fr”on1itI;1"c eyéé ioftl1el’”;5eopltéA_(whbfé intleréfi it was tokniowlit by lthe delicate and [aft hand {he carrlledioverl" tl’1em .3 "dlCfc8ti”Vc:ln nothing, in their imagination,“ but that it was fii‘aile% earth, and fo‘ filbjcét to nmrtalityzlwhich made A theicommans winkclai: that cqmmi M18721 of it Pigat:andWimtwt?rtb 5 valuing"iitliétiifatisfaéiitfifi bf Abefimind i,i~beFore the Mlcmbei1’so,f'l A Fthevir wane Bodfil A llilvléittlier llcouldli they W-%el.‘l‘havc: fmmd wea-gi “polls tb hfflVCil revengieid-ithis unpalrallct1’dr outrage , ifl1eifi‘andw- V Eng {Z5 fairet péinted in bar Sz£bjeé?$*bea(t:V: Tlheréforcg thougll“ A they ,dEd*weI?1 tolwfli: by a fault .tl:r'e_y7lcouild not pmzifb git yet‘ ihé~ gbodnejli: of hcrifaignetcanirxot be faidtn.e,n hafl‘, 0Zrh1‘€lck TofexpAcriencc5 made ~ the people forgetthcidr own , in the large ex-5 tent of power Vnhcyf affordcdA them A; "A1 kdndw no placi: of Scripjure binds us tofollowdtheii‘ indifcreti0I25A NO moretghcn. it wa“r§ranntsdhour;AKings to Inmate 1:hAc zaicemof thélrs. And af-j; terSoIamon A14 Ado‘-2n.ot find any ‘”1MnddPri.2icé longer endured >_ then the peoplg were confirainedhout of imeer nzce/]?«t_y5 To whofeh diflrué'IionA alfo they were oftenthnees inczted by God himfelfegAwhofcfilcncenow cannot in Arcafén beAtqkend for his cbnfent, bccaufc he hath long fimcc forborne to fieralzé unto = us otherwaies then by written examples, Whifzh afford plemy of A ‘tliehl Dcpofedand put to Dean/hat A :T«hc mcrcinary Lawyer.-I, t0; behind H38 curtaine‘(wher,etheynplay at bob-—p‘eepe with juffioe, as their ;ho- ly Father the Pape,doth by Religion ) make the Kinga phargyh % A incafeds touching Life; By this Awmcanesnfhrowdinghls nRm..w;, fan fo fccurély LIV-ndcr his Qflice; ashA* e:Are7i%e'a nd &:Ieci‘e: ’Pr'1'hccs being apgwith .»4lgxm2der,? to ap-A-Q prehend themfclvzs mare tbenbumane, uimles they be new and than Abefprinlzyled with AV1beirAowzz blonds .Afi?1'€7iOn andmzofitionbe-«N ing better able to them into% the Vwayof duty, 14122114 hfiatg. teryor projfieritys {:3 as if F care Wgsselmt more prevalent with‘ them, then Luveg, Subjefts would be farre mare Amiferable: A finceitis Without qmfiion, that the 1 m.erefl',af V Prince: lookgs % with a contrary ezfpeéfno that of the People; H iw gagizzebeing for the “ mofi part their loflé, as in cafe of V illegal! taxes ,whic,h; ifoncc carried clear without queflbion _., are conveyed as an z'z2beri~% tame to their po{’ccrity.;. who imprwe, rather t:l1Lm%dimz'2zifb‘ 3.; ny thing laycd in charge by their Predeceflours: There fora. Governour: am of their own bawdy, in rcafon ihould be more mztu-«A MU, then thcfefizrher: in Law , who fee nothing about them. but wlxat they falfely imaginci to be their own. % V N<5WthoL1gh a Senate may have inclufivcly the fame power, thcy are more tender of ufing it,-, for fearc the evill czonfiz-5-A % qucnce fhould reach their ACb_i ldren, who in thcfc irnparzmll Gofvetmem: mingle am;,1¢ pcoplc,anglA%participMat¢ of all: their incozweniencies; unles wifdomeAand good part: niakcs thcnig capable of their Father! dig,22ities;¢,wl1%ich happens rarely ,-,A 4-yj ble Statefmcn finding their virtue: commangy wanmzg iri their M Chz'l- %drcn:% And this d»iCcQvc1‘s;a11ochcx'groflk inconvcni%encein_ farce/five Kingdom, where mat only Law and ’Gufio%2nc, but Iiesx A ligim, if you trufc. Rega1lx‘diVinity«,;A 3;eac11:tzh4the pcopln tzcgw ' c1*yHafanna to the ncxt%‘I+Iaey’fl:A3 Thqtlgh 112ltl1I‘c, og.iwhicl1iVsj% worfie, his wicked inclinations, wander him umWorch,y4 that . A Vgdvcrmcm; of a. Affeg Whereas a Senate is ccmtinually filfd % AwitbAtI1eAn1oflcablemm- H ‘ , ‘W, A rNotMtoIoof7c time iI1~—vca3fi:j%ng~up 3:hA<: acc0Lmt Antiquity miadeof this Govermentgxipcnwhoic approbation€: Anyamkrc of mm 120 looks t1m:oL:ghAth¢ pmfpcfiivc of rnultipgu. A Aiazg opini9n,% aslthey doc upon 16113: remote veritics Wigh the eiesofenvymd cantr4dié?iamTl1¢ pragflrcffiand vcrt%uc4sA of the SA“tateAc>bf Venice sure patt:¢:m1s%Amm: found in the A gxmtcft, orj m;atch’d; y bhe’%bcfiAwQf%King{;=:: “Who hath rec,c'1vcdAn@$thing% “ _ *venV (her fituatioh only eAxCeptcd1)a but frjcn the benevolence flf Heau wan ancibter own‘ mug; Which ha;thi'ii inaih1‘ed5ber# (thbugh~hut.‘ ztlfitmphlet in Co¢mp~arifonoif_:t‘he Valuminom powersof other i Natiens) toifibetfrié thcoppofition ofia11he1iNeigJaboi¢r;iin the-jg, Iutnegéitidfonmetiitmes united by the malice of his iHolines;;f Though; armed with no morei1iahtura.11 weapons, then What ‘ liar many puts" into the hazjdstv tof:fi*ran‘ger5i5t Ctbg mofl unhappy ,Mili1ia ta Statéethcan imploygj Yet becaufe all that Senatoxsmloolg aha? way ” and not a 1'.'q_uiintiu”pon Farreigi2iIntereflis ,‘A as the Pri-4 A 'z'mi!doe3"i0f‘ our iKié2g5- haVfethbe'e1l1ol¥y Queene Eiizabeth granted upon ;;:tGl:z]]7e.r, was hnptroved iince to very Iinggx and Mmww-’ bones. ‘ be A 7 T f be p ’ All aflenate can jufilyt be charged with by way of dilei E3 a dvantage 9’ l C 23) advantage 3. gfcefperfcfily founded , is diwifimi; 4 which pure from popularAmnbi‘tion,n1ay pollibly occafion molregaod than A 133,“ by k_c;cping them upright; 0neFaE?z'an remaining gas a A guard upon the re l:A T heir owns fafety pcrfwacling all Cora- A pemilom to intend the generallwelfare _., in which Reafon gives the right hand of advantage to the Government by a Senzzte 5 ;*a:;her,tl1e11tbc1LofA a King; Awhofe bell ‘defignes are retarded; if not buried with his l perjbns Whereas tbiaf flrifdiélionis zzefuer _ficl;,mucl1; dleffclfubjlcfic to‘ ‘drinker Adeatla bu t reaclaetlJ,tl1rougl*1_ ’ qconcinuall fupp1i.ment,to aslimmenfc an eternity , asProvi‘e- “dance lmth aflbrdecl any humane Society 7; b not being apt to be [cared out of the paths lcading to thczir advantage; con«-_ filling of too great a number to be fubjeéfc to anyclavzdefline _ attempt; orhabufed by will Comzflals , ""01: corrupted by rewardl ;_3 A A ‘whereas experience teachethl, tl1atKing;l may be forcledl through fwzre, or allurcd by flattery , to rcfignc tzhcir rcafon , and csofxcledc thixagsnot cmcly contrary to their peoples, but their «maize imerlefl: as appeared by that celebrated Prince 13Ienrytbc~Fm;rrl5~af France, who was not alhamcd to confcflb,“ A be durfl not for fame of my o-me lI:_f\‘»’l,ll_9llll’l'97«’9.1{‘;'Al%l3l3iilIlfi Ban, zmd - all the Parliament: of France badprondmdced agaizzfl the blond} 78% [am -;,A whole expulfion the Velzedtiam makclgood agalnfl all their machinations , tllrcalts of the Papal, and mediation of A Prlimces. F tom wlmncc I may Qbferve, That though exp: rid-~ cncc proves by this S mtg, and the ~C:ztbslique Camam, A mlw; tlie Rolrmn pnofcfjion may filte, in fame meafurc, with allllqvzdyb Gr'az:e:r72mle72t, yet undeniable Reafon of S'tate»renders Monarchy muff %accepl;zl2le to the AP ope,as it “doth tbelllefarmatiwz me Fm? ;‘S‘tlate.g; who are too Wife to admit: willingly alForraigm% imerefl imtcfz b the Cqmmonwwealtlmby arnultiplicity Ecclefiaflilclzggindependcnt A an any atlucfpowbr but that Qf Rome; which Kings, being but fimgle perfoanx, dare l11Qlcd_1~cfif’c,folbr feanc of the Knife all it l);C* ing halides a mains dilhdvmmtage, in Worldly policy, to prq-4» A feflé :1 Relligimz fo adiom to tl1eirneigbbour5.,tbat they are look» Al ed upon under nobetter notion, then Heretickgs 5“ andlfo M faith to lac kept with mm %.“,A _norl’marriag¢ colnt1 'a»cq11a'imr;cdWith the Conflitution of the Nntforzg being taught by experience how to adminifier to thc: peoples nc‘~ A ceffities? n N v ‘ w Whofc rcibildrkenn doc um remain: 4 burden and rerronr co the C“ammon:~ wealtmasrtllofe of Monarchy; Which makes the Grant jZ’nrl2,§ to Pcraxxgle thcrn ,, like Vrrmina and thtflarfian to put: out their eyes, lei’: they flwuld bewitch their Kingdomes into {editions : as in the Annals of our Englzfb Monarchs is legible A in red letters 5 though many decpwmnrlqar of blond have beam; rexpnngcd by their power, or covered r by the flartmér of firch as perfd their Stories. And if we would fer1oxaflyA'confideriic A without prejudice, we rnighx; clcarly forefce , r%1That: no State imblc (without Pgocking up the angienc Nobility and Gentry) to Ensure the true, muchleflc thét borrowed z"[u,eVof tbrcegyeenex in fucce/Jionfo fruitful! on our 14]! Mary: Thegregnancy of whoa; head for mifchiefe hath not yet bee.-nc fofatall to this Nation, .§§M11erwqmbe may prove hereafter to Poflerity; that rperhaps rbrziignrnrant how fewflingr rtbwrowne wnomrd A npirb the Vblaud their Prrrdccejjiurrsr And that Nnturcris fofarrc: lvktried in then: jealaufie: and feares, as oftenmmcs {he cannot be_ heard in behalfc of her owne G bildren; manifcficd in Philip the Second of Spain, who put his owne Son and H eire to death; A Tragedy {ince revived an<1a&ed by the fame K ingrt Playerx, upon the perform of Prince: Henry in England , at} the cfpgciall cornrnand, as was thoL1ght,of 80.: J ‘ abecaufir he feemccl arverflz from :1 Match with the Infanta , for whofe fwcet fake bi: flrowtber undcrtooke that kozzourable journey into Spain 5 by which (not to reckon the vafi expénce andflmme it: brought) the pen»- rpcmall quietof rbiér Nation was i,uwAl1aflzard. And till any can parallel rbzlr, wit!) a rlilgegrr nbfnrditv t_:om"mittcd by a*S’enate,? they rmufc ’excL1fc all who thinkc Monarchy not the nrijfefl or bamvicff A " fianernmem. N A r A A V 1. Neither are the progeny oflfings lefl}: unmindfnll of th<:ir‘filinlI duty}; fincerrit is rrnotorioug, that Lrenzrkrrtbe xith ,% andCbarlcr.c bz2r,Son”, were found in the lam} prof annlrmy againffth¢i1'nFd~ A tbersg, before difcretion could fecugfly intrufl then} with a Srrfyrd A _ 2% “ AA or can for fear: of hnfting themfzltzet: the eldefi hot having attained the ageof rtroelveylearet. l A ‘ to e t .t A What Tragedies the Royal! iflite have acfied in England, is well I1;nown‘e t; But in Scotland theyhaveibeene fo- frequent and dill; V mall, that their Crown feemes rather a fnare to catch unradvifcd foolesi, thenaS'_ymlaole of Honour 3‘ proving as fatall to mail: thavevworne it-._, as the Shirt of Hercules," theA19rab had poy- A foned.‘ i e ; ThAough;a tS;enatle may he~tempted tefeverity at firfi, out oh‘ A i care and ‘love to the people and themfelvetkal The diflurlgers of a "peace being {ubdned or reformed , it is as contrary to‘-their: na- tures and difcretions to delightin bloud ,‘ as for a wife Phy- »« flcianAtoA nfe Phlebotom_y when the diflemper hover. Whereas un- A A dtera Monarchy,the Nation runs a hazard of blending upon every “change; being ready to fall into a Feaver by the contrary hu--it mours and claims of thofe of thefame line; W119 upon the leaffnicetyetheyrare able to c«1~eare, taffeta civil! and deflrnéiive nzarrttetg, as betweene Lancafier and T0rl‘\¢£’,WhiCh1afl'¢‘.'d folong f as the people, outaoftneere poverty-and fmearinefle , were twili- Aling to fell‘ themfelvestforl Slave: to the fitcceeding Pharaoh: ofthe prevalent Line: And having found fuch mifi-hiefe: to refitlt from contrary claimet , they, to perpetuate a fingle Title ," made the juflefl endeavour: to oppofait, ‘freajong, and fo enta-il’d Aa perfetuall inconvenience tm1oPo[lerz‘t 5, that fell into thetclntche: of*theALan?u‘pot1ttthe leafi'ofer the y made to free thenafélves from the_feAarlvitray;yTaalee-maffer: , at Whole devotion they haveever fince eaten the bread of ‘afiiiéiiton and conflraint; which to they might have avoided, by changing the Government: But that, I=ikeVL1z‘cian A, the y I‘ayAut=.tder fo firong at fajiination, as they "oAee‘re.ein theie ab-uifedtiudgcmentts capable ofno cnre ,, but firfi by recovering aflonjnnéiion between the ‘Rofi.r_.,‘ and thenlan znzion with l Scotlatzd. And though the vanity of thia conceipt be made appa- rent :40 gearex contraryexperienec 5 yet the generality cannot A be 'WO0'c'd“t0 afl'tm1elth*ei‘r natnrall fltapeof F reewnehn, but defire" ' ” ;rather tto.ret'1:zain*A]]?.r flcille under the heavy preflitret ofattiagg i not con-fidering,‘ that the old Line eisfo eoeafieratedg That if any i l of it come to fucceedtt, they cannot in Prudence otSafety , but (35> but {'0 up alllwaies leadin never folittlc towm1;‘1;g,g,L,y3a-g A we may well greens, but {ha I not have {'0 much as hope to be‘ heard or redrejfed hereafter: When‘ Jhojé that fhmd for Kings‘ {hall receive as fevers :1 tlaame as tberefi , out of Fe-are, they 4 may another time, be as well able and as willing to oppofe A as new to affifl them. After having Weighed the deeds hof" the “United ProtIii2ce5,and' ' Venice; Conficler what dejjticable Nation: ( if capable of theme" Title) theft had beeen,um1er abfalute Prince: 1: 01‘ What King; dedttétion being made for the expenfle of his Caurt onlyg’ l (without reckoning the concomitant vanities of Plait’, Rev ‘val: &c. in which our lat’: Kings fpent more then theyhave done, in bringing home V iéiory from Spaine or Turltey) would bea'ble,with* fo finall revennentotpay [0 man)‘ G:zrriji9n5,t and tnaintain fuck an Army an the utcb have d’on‘e for 80 years? Neither is the advantage leflened by olijeéting the waft fume they {land accountable for, to the Subjcéls of [irmzgcr Pritzcesg which being iimrufled twitlbompaunc, is‘ the grentertbanour 5 all men: repute in the world havirzg been [arable m'tbez‘r delatt: Therefore tfince no Prince was everthought capable of fo ml1Cl1"'CT€’dit' with his Neighbours, as to be intrufied with the like ineflimable firms; A as thefe, and other Free Stzzm are known to beg ( who are madetlepofimries for the Ftztloerleffe and Widowes) it is antinfal-'-j lible argument of their lejfi: efleem of Kings; never foundtrue to their mzmrall Sub'efz‘5g Wh'1"cl1‘ makes none willing to lend to thetngbnt out o ferzreor confltmitrzt, wl=1en~ many is by heaps 0 * layerl voluntarily at1be_feetoftl1isn10re free goverrzmsnt. And What is to be'expe£’ced frfi our redemption out of Morzarcbie cal tt}:r:1ldom_.,matytbe t>;uefl‘by the ward! of the Kings own Agezzt; " who u-rgedas an lmlllcenlent to Holland, ttyfavour his para”- Aw ty, that ifflngland could btetfreegtlaey Woultl be fortnidable mitt? 1139111; V I! not only by inrerruptingtbeir Fifbing, and all other Maritime ‘advan- t target; but by robbitzgttlaezn ofiraficlg‘, at the} had done the Vezrzecié A A am: land not nnl efo, but give Lawto a(l‘Cbri]lendome, b_y~tre:z-A (bn of rhecatmmadioujhcjjlz of their harlgourr, end» tifliztlritutlveii-0f"ltl3dt&ii‘ la fbips: Yet our bl t brethren Qfflrotland were%fo»1iqt1e-‘- riflt after the daintyflmdow cg being flmrer: with M in E?1glfl735l9- by V6136? |‘\ n t ‘-by the mtrdiationhofta King,they meant to h"aver{‘et ovrr us, that they leytfalltlxe fubflance of as great a felicity ofthein ;owyn;ha.v‘ing Sertyroome and ‘greater advantagcsthenttha Hollander heganhwitlag or can yet: pt:-rt:Iy call n his own. ; To that obvious objefiian, That reafun did alwaies concede an A advantage to the abfolute furifdiflion of; flngle perflm in tbefirldg A prefctribing to that and him; one (3-ycncrall ta an Arn1y,forftv:re afodi-V , W vpifiansuponycontrary Counfclsand Commands; May be replied; that no King had ever greater farce waited on his perfbzg; then this Goverment hath been ordinarily prefirntcd With from her Subjeéis; Who are not only heated with as great a fenfe rofHonour, butyalfo moderated by thatof Fem; being fub-» jea to quéjfion, as well For Vifiory, attained under too ha..- zdrdoush o~rimprobablc an d adventure , asfLofl%5 Wl1e1:e.aS giyinger; take liberty to expofe their V pemple, without gcontrole upon all ocscafions and rprctcnyces, thcmgh nevera fo triyviall, difadvantagious orunj.uPc. Ncithferare tGenerall5o taken ‘upon tmfl, as King: are, in fucce/five Manarcbies, who have nothing more to thew for their Legitimacy , then the ward of their rMo¢y they; nor better Reafon and fufliciency for the execution of their Regality, then that bjzér Majeflies F atber had .rendred“tht;: people mifcrable before him. And here lam conflrained V by truth to atte€t,yThat no Nation war ever more blrft‘ in tbecon-s A ~ «duff and furceffi: ofya General}, then England if M37295 Wh0fe A794? gloztr and judgement hath not only broke through to ftichhdiflicul-s ties, for which King: were Wont to Triumph; but is Ibccome V forfamilizzr with ,V'z‘&?or_y, as it may feenmflzeeydarcs not leave Hixn, A for fem of being overcome her fizlfe. ‘ A A ' i A A A y rather is the grace! ufe may be made ofKing;: J‘ gxcluded ‘y a F reed Smre,bt1t continued; as in the Duke of Venice}, and hero» A tofoyrreyinthc Porirzceof Orange Stc. Who have the tcufiody of {nth Honours and tC¢rcmom'es, as arer,nat,with decency or con-r zsrenieyncyg rammzmicable to A more than one : And fuck :2 Prince is not likely (nor in my poor judgement fit) to bekept from’ r~ aCon§5non-I/Vraltb: Provided hhioadmittancc be “with than; ‘h '.rC;zuti0n, has no tréflms may bqir committed upon the Pcop;;l¢§r~:Li# N A ..Frce A (37) Free State: have been ialwaies looked upon as nrofi e_.m.,. filzczem to men of pertxg Whereas lvlorzarcbs preizerre 2 goodfeee; the importunate recommendations of a Miflresa or their own for A htary afiefliang before all the defert attending upon parts or‘ breeding: becaufe tempt} themfelves, they feare to be [om-« ded bythofe more fi1fl1cient:_:, Being as’ unable to refolve ,aeA A unconfl;ant in the profecution of the better camzcellx of 0- thers5 which wife men. to communicate to King: With much: caution, as knowing that what theyadvife is upon no lighter penalty then their ruz'ne,if it be not as futable toitheF4write:~ humour: as their Maflcr: own f afety-,wl1ich makes them either “ coneeal their true judgement, or comply with fuch as preferrelt A their finglcinterefl before the Publieh. This renders the beft‘ defignes of Prince: addle, expofing their Subjefts to a fuccefllon» of evill events in the midii» of their mofi probable advlanta- fies: A punifhment infli€ted upon the generality of Kings, “on their lVll1l‘th'€1"3_-, Rapines and Blafphemiesg, it being rare 'timate‘Ienm*e, then~Peyflm or the A_Ifnij?e;l their birth: being to A [ophijiicated by the fm-er fide, That they have oftentilmesnoei i more of the bloudlicyall in» them, then the confent theylent to 1heirPredcL‘£E[f0r5 defirufiiorz hath clogicrlltheir coizfciiencies with- all. Andi the Pofle/jion of tlieeflroiwne alone be efieemedi A fitflicientg in thetfenfe of the Law, to eacpunge the grejfefi jfots yet found in any that Wore it; may it not as we1l"cb:zrifier 4 Re-A— publicle, from anytimputation eanbe objeéted to the means they afcended by? It beingthe cuftlome of all fupreme powers; ' toflmpe their Rcfnlt,tozbepzzttcrvze, Prudence andfucceffe bath cut! eutfor them, and not according to tluefafhion fiof old forma--A lities,-, fo little rega‘tded"byi Princeeasethe oatbrwas never yet iiwoi-ne butthey have broken; not Stipulation fo firong its to" holdg wh~enAt1ieyAfaW the lleefin advantage before them 2% They forany of them tohold their Principazlities from at more legi-9 A A A A have tliet‘cforAeAtheAlefhzieaufeetoe complaint,‘ being only“ whip: with their Aorbn Red; or like Hrzmcm rather,who was the: jufllier executed, becaufe it “Was npoll the fame Gibbet; ‘ht? “ l1a(1l.G?t!Jlp for thepeople ofGod.“lA% _ V _ % A 'l:7herefore if" men‘:Wi11 not renidet themfe1vAesA deaf: co the’ AA l. V A A e 2 “ woyce ”€33) wjcz: offlovidednce, ‘in no Worldly cl-ainglfo rmdz'Z:A.I‘eA as a cbntiizu? . ll,,~5¢A13_w;1lie;AafeE72glcmd and Irel<:md.: Nexther are his AAAAb1eJ]ing5;% A Awsmtizzlgilrztbedeeple, wl1ere‘omrNrwie: are no leH?;- fm~cej]Z>-l A ‘fwl1,.thenlourArmie5 onthe Land; Though lc_>"ol{edon with an evilleyc, and curfed by lthf-’ Kifig! of the }N;:tior2: whom the fameG0d“hath fo weakenedA or employed A as they have hadno poWer;orleil'ure%co doe us hurt. A A A A A A he it.hAat afiter all ;;his,, {hall {seen tolapprehend name, Di,w'nity%l0.fl in a King fucceeding by Cmlzlquefi Szc. A hen may A V be found in a. State (ufing M decent aproceedure , as: can beAex-A pcéled infilch aconjunfiure _., and from fo many implacable, hu_mo_u;rs and oppofit'ions,') cannotblitbe b~IindAed by Rafa. fior2,.qrA fcumefelfezjbinterefi: F or chouglx eGaz2erzzment 1_nay:be. l>_ylDiz/me Irzflzmteg yct ‘Ibi».i orfhat islllasindifl%rentl,ljas Whe- 1:11:-::r your cloatbeg be made after tbe_D14tcb or the Frmcbl Aajbié A on; It being fulllciex-1t,if They defend us from the imuries - of the .mazber:, and‘Ibz1.r pro,te& us agamll: our enemies; and A prevent Si-72 andDi[order,the trl.1€'0C.Cdfi0?1.f of all lGovemge72l. . AI doe not find particular AImerefl.r", that are uflefull a1lAdA fzzfe, } 1 much jwarflefd by thf.a ‘Unkle, Who could not (apex-hen1,Abt1t for bi: own 8721155 What priecedency or Hanow AA couA1d cheyhave expefied, had the Royall Iflite been dila1:Aed; A A A to the pnobablermmber in three Defcezzts it might have élttill-9 f med 1:0, eWl1ere,els now lt_11erei.s«no# likelyhood, any more will; A A b‘emade5 it 2zotA being futable tolflepubligues to give ‘honour: . h tbatlMagnz’ug«de5 Though lthofe few , the cru:elt- of the r}Ca—l-Q" zbolz'clz__ mg left in the Netberldnds, flill retain I ~ efame.Dig7zi-(Al A ; t.z'e.r and Page/]ion:,A.tl1elState foundthem in ; A31 dgubc not A but tbrfle may doe here, ifthe implacablenefllt of ’thcf1rrSpi-g M A A Hits 49¢ ‘1°51"°fld¢1‘Ih¢‘m unworthyoflthat favoursinAlrhipk~ A (‘$93 ivngit not felicity énzmgh,*Ta be free frta1nA‘opprefl?o1zthemfélveysixizi‘ A _lé]]é theytbcflin fuck a condition, as ti: :2} may exerczitfia wit}: im- * A,pmziAt)> 4 Tyrannicall power upon ofiam; as formerly they did; whtin Iikg: burning glaflés, they multtiplied the beat ofthe Kings_0p. prefliorzsn _ A t A A A , 4 » A , It is a Wo11derto-me,- to fee, hownicc they arenow ofvtbtez? .Ha2zaur3;gA‘AxA1d‘What,aVfl:mpIe they make of fulzmiffiizg w~tbi¢~ p'ow¢r,t nAc>'t’1:o be denied Superlativeg when I rememfiert how‘ %bafeIy‘tiI have Afeen tbem,«orA their 1’4tkers,IyingA at the ffifitt 95 9 Vt-ht? ‘ouArtAM3'm2ian; dart} Netec€I:5fl0t~1C.3Vin,g ' “=- A ::Iji73?3.*i‘5i¢Sbopps,t axltdifntots belied) tmrfi place-J: , m1f0l1g”ht 5 I9 Atmd fomc:,oftbz'«.rfema1l=Ki}zdred,for ;tbeir«AHeires*‘= fF01‘g€U53.AflAg thanks 1'»: more Noblemabo barb zaerztured bx? Life for Libtzrtya fhm be that hath zzothing zoflaew for M4 Honoug, but a good-face, or an Acqllittancétfartjotmucb money. t I A ~ : q ; ‘> 5 V Look uponour General in ~:A11i&‘x€radle“»;:at1dAt ygm fl1a1Alfin;dtt him at good 2: Gerztlememg as moi’: of 'l3he-fE:- (om: of that H auf: and~Name having been-a p-rincipalltlnflmment in overturning A A thofc Hive: of Drone: ,AAandtf1'cei11g us fiflorn the tyranny oi: the Papa‘) But confider him in his Saddle», “and you Will: . think {hchlowfpirits unwo1*tI1y,tobcthqistfoolmetz: If’hC’hatb.‘ anytfaults, they lye neither in l1is»Valqur,- Conduéfg Prydencg, nor Humanigg : ~Bei«ng aAs=far- from PrideAAasBa[enessand kf_1_0Wfl‘ tombsasfzzitbfwinthe Prefetrmttzkm of his tfrietnds ,AAA§s _Pr0Vi-“- dence11ath'n1:t;dct~tl1im fucoeflE;'ful4lin the A [ulwerfion of his enee Atmiex. Ihztdgntqt writ this,f0r»ttfeare«of*being actcufiedtof F 141- Vt .itMe7y5bt1Vt»ttha(; I Aknow ht: isAA};fotc;n1p1oy»ed A in purchafing new ; Honours, and'jetlingtb:1.r Nation, that he hath not t11e..leaftujc» At:o.hearAc Whe:£t>t%l1tcllath-alreadydef::mred.»» H ‘ A ._%v_Conc_crnix;1g’ the Izzterefi of*tbeiMi2ziffry.;Ilimt-an finch as“ havenoot:her:end,thentIbe‘gloryiof‘Gati; They may b€m0I‘£‘ ‘h€t~Appy_1,1ndgpAt;tbz2r ,- thexmttlvlamzrchicnll G{02ger7zmtem:g ‘For? »th0ugh.¢[ublimer 'Iitle;¢~(zbe Diana of man: licetntiozminzes) be ta-t ken awtayg, Vtyfirfiwnce the-tKingdame of“ fefm Cbriff‘ is pl'Omif¢;d %?%tobcA_{étVu .;in;tI1c place; Tlmyottght with‘ paticncttctto %c;;--* A ,p¢<‘3t5 A A uring, tl1cmfeIves5%.'I71mtt God‘wauld% n¢'qerAA g£utet;i%mir-rg-% A wlomuccqfqtat men dcfign"fl»far' the ryim: of ' Trmb, gN¢ith¢;r A‘iSf1‘3’ attabmt 49$ . fli‘?t%.‘z>"2;>bI-é”fi;=**‘1‘%r;!*1 t‘E1t% 3*ej}_”pFth‘”e]% Przgdezzhi rift-:13; 'by%%.diofe%‘%WI10:'11We ~ the ab1b1V:u:¢pow¢c pE‘id€»m11*mi1fi1?1;g, 1:05 zzzia‘§%?.’¢z%v:a};&y%% the deccht mc2%i1zie2;;42zc¢;Aof%zI3e~Mi:ezg?fier;w ~ofthe :G7qfé;?e!{, or to%%de7nuhfl1 1‘be%_‘Z/rzféu %2erfiAVtiés Em1ti,rauhAer; .~h%ld;_ »chc;h a~n%d$~:. cf 51] {as 5 ~:;;11k;e 5z.;;¢»d 7 Sflfifiliz might gm about to pz.11I'tb%en:.- down agnd Ij‘l1i1‘£«%i§t-A1‘~‘.IZ1,'1"‘€i‘*i’i:.‘ A ‘i%jwn%::1‘»'é1‘s7‘Es»»by rjhéir‘%fai1y.‘aud %ii”zdij’{:-retzon.4 ei: ““ =;t:i% :1; fig pafi hum ane prevencibn, ‘i vThat\ii %i“r>:§o?fcié?ia'zz5; E~c>th {If} V jffui Will in Learniiig‘a;:s1.thc ;P%r‘eJAtefEdn%tw ztn TcIA~P:api,/f,{11d1iid“f1fioft Fall ,1 i'%"ii*1i*1 tefq%mcz?zy%f7ub*d%£iviflan3g7%$% iti33:in§pQfl3b1cst%o imp‘ me§::a4a;u % i A ' [Ind e1"% 3.1 It iféziz favevé"le%% Bl¢fJtifine;_Voth¢1'sVWith M j % }’ab22339éizjL1dgédn2igf:";y 2‘2z‘*tbe .5c7*ipmm: So"m’Iei’»wi:‘hzA% vi74‘ixtm*emofii‘c%s§c2ng:¢fla72:¥ Some witli; the We %jZQw§1v“ledge cf: Ftbwc at reli-~ (+1) 1 a religious" refiefl to Dale; rmtel Meats; others Awitkout 2't.l Aml yet Paul is fo Fame Eran“: reproving them, thavt he attcfis aicwas all done to the lam‘. '~ Neither is it leflz manifefi, that they all ‘llitlterztlst And if the {anus Apoflle Wofild. never eaze Flcfl} raw the1'tl1m oflénd a wealvglbrozher‘,l1N,hat charity appears in thofe High Presl:yreriaaf25,thatclamour for a C oerlcivelpower, as Saul did before his c0n_verfion,that they might deliver‘ tlscfle mm bound. 1 Wcxuld fainehave them tell me, %What is meant b luildirzg with Hay, Straw,Smblvle 8zc5whicl1l{ballrjaiFc at leafi A fimfiailderx to heaven; provided C'lm'fl the Faltndzztiozz be kept: And if fo, let us take heed , leafi a zcpae~e1-ale not follow the lcanelalizingg. tbefe men, who without doubt are our Saviour: lit- “ale oney. And lince We cannot recover the Whole fcamlex coat ’ afG'l3rifl5 rigbteozrfnejfeglettlszlotdefpife any, about whom we find me undeniable pecan, though {potted with the frail~=- ties of hxxnmnity. a The Iafl Imerefl is the Peopleyg whichaif not already bettew under this [J3:‘6_{lE’72t Gaverrzmezzt, them a King}, they may tharzbg atbmnfelvca, who by tlaeirfowiz imemperrzzzce and 72on~c0m]9li4fiCf”g“ occafion the’major part: of thefi-zhcavytapcess Whiaclmclmealla V State can take no pleafixrc in raifing, ‘Their owrzlandsheirlg as A " olmoxiom to them, as the mearzefl S ulzjeéis. Therefore if all Wm-dd will'ing1yfi4bmz't to llae pawer , Goal a hallo fétozzer them, TheTradaji12ann1ight live free from being A l interrupted by Morzopoliwg and the Hmbandmarz, from the ta-~ pinlc of Pl!l'?J0_)’€l‘5, Comijfaries, Deere, Carria;1es,S‘ l2ipn2ony,Warzl- flzipmtnd arffiimxmunaerable rummbastr of othei' illegall impofitimzy. VVhe1*caS0thaeL‘wif1*it la irnpaflilrlc to make a Nation laapgy, ~ that id" refolved to be nziférableg and to flzélgg A their own wine by baring ta be Reformed. A l‘ F 15\(I S»