¢THE §mg1ia~men:o%£che »Commwzwealt}a ~% of €»gIm2’- A£~%:1*ber1z,n;»;z77e Tetition mer%s M W612‘-éafl”cEfedcrfom:._ A ‘~SHEWETEy“ ,_ Hat %yot"1rPcticiomershm/c for many-ye‘ars ob-4 _ A % V m:rAv:**d the brcathings and l:;;:mgingsw at this Na-« " Atic.2n*afterRcI’c and SctcI<:rn:~m., aimd char‘raythcV ‘~;fi?ui:;;sr<::fi,on ef anytformef Gmtcrnmegnz, tp.4prev»ida im- ‘ VA 2 v z_§;§c§iazc};y A “W m. “ A wirhmar example many yearsgfince the difiolt-mom of the %eJcMoru“n_‘Mef G_ovc:rnmenr , by King,y_Lmds, ané Cam-1 —mcms, tfietehavimgbecn nofundamcmal Confiitiizions of any kind duly fet1€d3'.._nQI any certain fuccefliom pm-- A vidczd for the‘ Legiflativc _p®Wer5bu~z even at this inf’canr,1 ‘. NW‘. -N,‘ m 5éi3,t€1 af n%cagca;:£t2zm3;a,¢%a, %fui'tfab1c to7their{cQn;di; A m ;'§w§1th ¢er‘~tam1Vfucceifi@ps and dc fc§:ncVs,thae?‘( fobmsh Axhcijr L]aw~giversand M&g11}r*2!CS," might ufe qhcn‘ fef- vs ra1VTrui"cs%, accca7rdix1g;of‘.rheci’£ablwiV{hed confiixutian ; f and 4chcVPwp1‘ca m%ir3@¢s%bc.fctlcc4'-fec-tire, and fre,e.from 2 a tramp:-swef 'inrra;;s¥uc1n§§ {metal farms of Gxzzverzamgms, _ accerding'A§§q_.;h§>...imIic:y_eE.,EhcVir§a;1;i§.s,,Q; ;c%g::;rrL1pVcWV._i;g.3. ter~efis..¢ A ~ ~ 4 A A That%GadVharh prcfcrved th1sNatmn wmaderfully ifby any fuddcn ficknefs, dcfign at farce, any cenfidg... ififiblfl numbcrwf vy0ur.pe~1“fo'4ms l5hdu1~d.Efé,%r%&:Wtéad€x¢d Viucal ¢ pablc fmcetingjn Parliament , The Commzmwealth werexvithom farm of ~rfuc;;e'fl”1v‘eL't=:gifl5;turcI m:’Mag)i.. ~ firarcy, and lflft. to the mercy eéf the-flrongef’cVfaé?cion. Yet: A we have réafon to remember in th_§fc/years e£u.nfc!M1c. mm, the cxpteffiblc fxaffqrirags afthis Nations in their % % firmgth; wealth, hmnmrx, i”iJbert*y5 and al"1thit1gs vcon‘du..§ sing re their -well»:-being; And we have lika rcafan WW3 ~fad1y” ta ap‘p\re1:‘~1cmd the unpmding mine; And we’: can-5 nordifcern a pefftbility of ypur Honours unanimous,aa'd A cxwpeditieus%vprecqedings rewards ourflountrics preferx" A fuation, gndrclief fmmits heavy prcflurcs, whilgft yeurj ~ 4mindes“ate~:npt failed in may known Conflirution of Go.“ vernmcntet fundam<én*ta1~Or~ders : *accordingto whieh,= a11Lawcs fismuld bcmadc; buedivcrfc m:comrary%in+~ terefis may be profecutcd upon éifiercnt :pprchenfions'~ % :m.<*w-simm~Gcwern,V be not alfofomerimcs in the; Condition of the Gmzerncd; octxqwilc xiec‘ Gavernauné w_x11 nm.b:;= w a capacity to fact the wcigh.t mt cheVA~GM0;- ‘ -wc rnmm’t, I=’1m.‘th€ G@~vc::rn%cdt@ex1Ljoy ttw advantages af cmlfffiray the: ,@@v(‘;‘lTI-‘§fflt?nt5 asimuch ja rm!-1s~i;f S5“? War Pa?! F¢’;;P?¢.f¢¥fi¢ it- if} V, And than it will be the interefk ofI;hcJ14ajprparc ta s it will ba rhc.iu*-3 .-iw. Thar (7., %¢I‘V.‘.y 3 v , ‘That zheA%tcisVLnofcm‘1rity thatthcS‘upréam Aughmgty M {hall ;yy_I'1&3tf3.u1D!0 faéhons y,‘arxc1fbelyed by rhc.-,ir private Imcarefl to kecpthemibylizes alwayc‘“s ir1ypm~mr;yamdydi~ reéjtzhc Gavcrnmentta than prwazéadvanzages 5 If that Supream Authority befetled In my Sing1éAflr':m»- - Propm.1nd.ing,Dcbatixag, aradrtfolving Laws. ~ , 4 That the Sovcraign Authority in every Govcrnmem 4 of what kind yfecver, wghrto be certain in its perpe- AA blywhaffmzver , Tm: fhall ha;-mthe emire power wf ;_ tua1;SucceiIi¢>ns;y Ravelmions or Defcents: and with-A V our p0f.T1b1l1tyy(byy thcjudgcmenr of huanc prudence) of adeath mt failer of irsbeing , bacaufey the whcxw form:bf'”“thcG0verx1ment isydifiolved , if that, fhould happen, and the peopleyixnythe utmofi imminenty danger» of an a.bf@Iutc Tyranny, m a War amongft themfelvcys ; at Rapjne and confufien. Aradtherefore where the Ga. v~ernn=~.1cmis‘Pofpu1ar, the Aifcmblies in vvhomy rafidcxhie S'upreamAut1‘mricy , ought me: ca die or diAiT0Ivc:y though the perfoxis be annually Chamiaag: neither y MJ.».y . y ought they to cr1qfi&:hcSovcryaigyn cam‘ Of the flrength and fafety ef the pr:-epic our afthczir own ha%mds,j by al- lowing a Vacacian ta themfc-Ives, Ief’: tlmfe that flaould betru£tc:'d be in lave vvirhftxcgh Great AuthoArity,< mil 3 afpirc :0 be theirmafiers, or am: fear an Accoum,_ and {cckrhc éiflolmion of the Comamcm-wcalythto ayoyd; AVI: M %Thay:i;t j on gizfi to be‘ declared as yfmndamentaAlO>~ré*’ dL<:j1:_1n"t:he Conf’titu«:icm of yxhi‘s»JCemman«4w6a1tb , tharf the Pa rliyamcm bring clayefiupréam Le~gifl:;u*ivc Pewérg N yis~.,in:en1.dycdenlry£9;sh; 4eam«gcife~y.of all thofe Avfis of“ 4 A Amhoyrity _ :4‘,;m;.;.‘1: , ‘Authority that are A preper 9a mad? iveculimf um "gh @493 y giflative Pmwer 5 a1ad,caAp§*@*vide for 3. Magif’£_i”3w§5r5Aun:c) [ ‘mam {bonus} gppertaiix tIm:4,w§:w§c .Excg}1z1»j§: Pm;w:“r of .thcé“Lawes;:” émd no Czfi};-.ciz17er‘ CM: 01‘ {}.3'rimi:1a1”; ~m.b:«c hlcigcdiza Pafliamcms , fa ving macVthe lafi paaIs% gm Cafes, wiz'¢reApp&als% {hail £192 t?nou%g%‘:t.fir m be 2dmi:ze the Parliaments, fromt-hél dwa?ii1?i3ta14Qrdex= °£¥*h§mCQQ3%lQ9§W%‘§~31tbs;W?fild chpifem Wally dwiwofcz th0f§¥ax wldwhercaf * exr own m- ‘ _tercfktofg:e}1_thc common’ geod beiqg oblig€d4 ,» -, %. ..!C W %t;u1;1onAs,»he4%rc4 humbly Aofi¢“§“£d “m “partla* <2 4 B A % ' A wmth '3l3h.cf¢V ~y.0ur Pemzcanm ~ hfimbly cdncegvc%gw$no «A A % xmzhey :fox?V¢§pmaat€t1wfwb£M cm: b:;d7ypE jaeoplc, of the gQod' Vat. %e%%\47ri,l&hat:1hni1h:Appé?:m 150 the C%ommo.n%w¢a1%lth 5 ha 1-Q. vinég mm: pr*0ba3a!etc~m;)tations or x*r_4;eans left, to cgm;pa4f5a.ny pa*i\;mtc;:<)r fa€3:i0u%s ends In matters Re. 1 A1ig;7i0%uz's gr 8 wfl, A An;d ybur eticizmrers cam: cit ima A gine a greater fct:urity%‘fi)r;t~h~a cau,fE.°: and injerefi :c%m%atei1él«é-d tint Wfirath fuch efi‘ ,1i'1un of _ blood,Then by difpafingthe freevpcople inm this kind of order’ 11‘ whe;bby41;%heA fazn-c% «cauf:-—: waouid become .their imam-e*{t_w.A . »~ Yt:t , if .your: Hon ours %~{hm1‘l‘3 thiirrk;%Aimécet1'a%ryor convcniént: For featuring the 1"'I:1inds*;0ffu»chfaéare doubtful, and. jealous_, that the‘ pea%le;1n%ay;b¢tray,4 tH.heiroWmlib::rties_; « here may be"'inrEI‘t :Ed"~iflt¢Oth6.fi1‘(ldafl:lf2fltfl,l *[\orders of the.‘Com-» mAanw'ealch-,w tht_fefo1loW;ing+ Expedieu ts, Viz..A V h,a:wfot1'a:,eurin»gt1ae%goVern4m%e$utqfchis Co mmom W¢al;_tH,8CfiC)f t;h;e&cl1g1ous and C1v1lfx#c¢edox~n of the p¢:1pl¢,“t;hhéttef, may be for ever eftecmcd Q at judgerad Treafqfl«‘Nagfai.nf-hhe Com monwe’a’1th,for4 any member of eitg1cr4A(fembly¢ of Pa_rliament,1 or afi * ihw: ?smanA‘w—hVatAfae»avV? zoAVm¢vA¢ or pE“opofe in lydwéwh b é “ d c M *e:nblVi¢s;%the raeiiitucio:ndV%of %Ki4ng- A v M any finglé P Encglandg Or“thie:.altC%* A g %azsn%et1tmlord-at»Iicrciti = thf'?Ejéq?~1fll,fr¢¢°d’%iYl”FitldV pffiw‘ ; V‘ éfdifiwene p¢t1fwafiuns.? } ; That abv0ut;theVnufl?§barof twfihve erfom 0&7 mofl V (:1 U » ®;ifl'iam5&iéhgh§éd d ity*§§n&him¢griity sh ‘ii§moaéfyhg%hh ahb’ mh A {mi Fm: ,:<=c~@rtaiin 7 am‘ mews mmmt¢i317uii~i~ fig» m %‘f¢?izi::!,i Va? “ J&hen&, ;;a.hd sfa Fe 2. acuPco£i:y and diéxa‘ininarsy»;ip twwn @I'?%f?¢fE®_H£ denim c;£\.‘.rall»‘-ihafioflr they hemi aim? law, ‘dC1ihM‘h£§I(id”? as i isiherefirfter Ipctcifiqrd =5 T>hat {hail move ii iprophiiei AA A win icitherhof rhefaid Affcxribiies of Paixliamimit [:.hE"r¢§ ifiitutiom of Kingly .Governmwt, m1ihe:i«iImmd:u*-i A h€ticm.iof'anyfinglc pcifon ta V be‘ chief Mag:iPtr.a:t.¢f@f thisflommon wealth, or the sa51iiIehrarinn of chat I ofthc fundamcfitai ordéirihcrein :containcd ,that sch» V A earns the €'ql1a~ifl‘€€CiG!i1, andiprohte€i“1on_eofRcl;igi,... oushpcrfo~ns,@}f diifl€:1‘(fI'1t periwiafions. Eur for no other matte‘ r at caufi: iwhatiziwcriig ‘And iwhmiic A i {hall happen thatanypcgrifcn 0rpe2rf0tisiiV{hiaIl’bc am. “ fled or jéizehdi for any the cazufes iasforefaiiid , i manner afo-refaidg a C cinnmifiilimn of9flye»r% and i"1'ei'-A mmer may flue form induc fn1im»®f'L.:wW,i i%vtw1*nitc')~tEhie laid Twelve or any Six ofthimzrni to V pmaccrédiiihi «(time Y formof law, —within one imoxmh vafter thheiappre-A i i henfiori of any fuch pe-rfon “car p5cr~1~<{(:~*nsi‘«:~ii’to thp arraignment and puhliique t~ri2%1i0femc~af*y iftiéh pcrfon * or pe‘r(§n+1;is,iandu¢p<..n~th4: lc~gali:imJnviéir‘“i0kg1«of him or tlitm by thevré~<fiimcs>n§* at tsuiu-»i"1jMfl3ciem wtignefics _of A any ‘\Df‘tht§TI’t:‘af0n8 herciwin due”) mefd, ? f0*Cimdtmn to A the pai%i*1s*0f'ci¢eath 5. and tax caufctheifame fligidgmént. A tovhc duiiyrcsxcicxmfdg Midi the ktfwzrptaj i'kw§~¢p&rs of ithé gh.matm.1 (if Emgitiauid ihaat iiiiiliiaiiwbiiaff”f«bij?it‘hc time. being may be ziutlzoriifédhfillii um thing: during the Term. of cars toifiue cam Com-% @*§d)1i1i * rims A imiwfléonsi untothe faiditwie~mréhyifix of than aughofizing them to procecd as afo-rcfaid. B a A And A (M) T 3 Ki3d”~i1f.’y~O1=1‘rjl'lO1‘1(5~l1r8’ fiiall jlidgé it; nicnt, the fundamental orders of‘the”% Govzernmént ‘may Iaeconifcnted unto or fubfcribcd; by the people thamfelves », jffi their cxprefi‘ pa&fhall[, be efteetned any » additional fecL1riAty5- other Na“tAiron‘s upotn the A ftrafiecl likg ioccafions of expulfion of their Ei'iings;*'“havTidg ~ N taken the peoples Oathes“ againfh their-i returnin,g%,”_: ~A;nd-~the.:fi1me may bc~procIaimeLd'a»s (;fzen;as’.oiur%‘% M ~A&m:efldrs?prbv%idcdfor tlm pr<:s:(§q§mizg%g;nfaMagna 7 *?0/.rm'ta4and any further fequrity %z1i..lb : add-edflif :':e.“}ny ~ can be found: amongfk-~mien3t}1:at4}1a tfua founVdfation% VA ip-.jWuflA.ic4e. ‘ 4 t * “A A N— A NOW your P%etit’ioners.J~ha-Vvin-g Wi:h'IgmmbA1%c fu.b~ Iniflion to y0u1':~g1"'ave Wjifdomes, A thus declared thfiir apprehenfions of» the prefcnt A condition (‘1?f3th%iS d;i—- Nation, andAw the only »efi?:é?cua1w~m~caAns u_n- V A ader God «to prevent the im penc%i'1n_gA I=1;\i:f:chicFs« 5»; They M03 humbly pray, AA T;hat%ft!1_cl%n=~ I'pecdy"Confié1emtio2;;s had» 0f the premifcsas the Condition p@tb15%N3'?'1*A 0.*nxcqu1rcs, f and ‘that finch methqd “may be fetlcd for the debating, ,and; ¢onf1j11ycin"g,,a;— ”b.out,thc Govern mmt?, that y9uVr:;4‘wife B,Ac- % fults maybe femafanable for t%hVe4,h¢awli§I1g;31l“C:h€ brcaahcsof tzhef €dm;;nopwea1Lh and 5 Ji- 4 flying fure fofi-ndationsé gO.__f_ Frcedomm Jgtflige, %”P;€!.c48§and Eln»i'W-M. J’ 7 7:%* r A ” " 4 AA }!§?ur'P¢fitg‘a_7gér: V I - ‘K ‘ 1 V O. A I ‘ M ‘I .r‘ V \, I ' ‘ * ‘~: ‘ . : ~ my r- | ‘ 1 v , ~ ‘ - _ Q. 4; .".-4 “ _ . , W W: A‘ x\ ~ » »v M «L A "n 9, Mg ' *3, "I .1 V‘ 5., ;. » * ,‘ #7?‘ xi . 5 pr 1 ‘a A” AA ‘A . " u.«A V ‘ A . , ' > ‘ Sh m A Aw AA ‘ A I v; ’. “W v“ "“ ' ‘ 2 H ‘ ’“ i ‘« K» ‘ , . ‘ -' 5 -4‘ . EA . ;; r 1.,‘ . ‘ “A g'»|«"‘k’A" 1 _ ‘ T» . t‘ ‘ ., ;‘\ ~ AA ‘ "A A A " - A . ' ~‘ 4 " u I A D A A1 .1. . K ‘ , ilgxlry ‘ V ‘V. A_ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. Ja. H . w» " r ‘ 3;; 7 “ ( “ ‘ I 1”’ AA " ‘ . ‘ ’ “ ~ Q-. ‘ V w, g,~r 94; .3 V . ‘ 2. ,. A _. 3.1,. W A %tAi:Aiz:%n;A"*;”i”IoA¢e;:a‘a3énaE}iAlIé%l*ié,”*4nd%oz%eaftbe Pe-»4 .1‘, VAt%it¢z'o7ze»‘*3-~ ‘?BjéloAa5Fof7jimfelf2zz2&1 the refl faidi webnmfily prqfézzt yoma petifioz}, to ,wbz'»c~lo mligglat @;am2c§._]md ~ many t‘bonfaml.% A ”IoAAa7zclJ' I:A.;3@t;’71lh§lA.tA“AtA¢I‘$ AAArAdAt/JAer.~ deferw/ex your V fljrz‘AbAuA3£% c¢AmfidérationA1-benany publigne at-» t e.flration, and tberefom wedo /mmbly pre-» fem it to this /Jozzourable Houfe.-wbic./:r«af}rer Atbe petflionery were witbclrawn.¢2:muf read Vaizd WM entimled, Tl.2eA/32-zmlzle Peitition of % diver: 2:ve.ll ay‘éA5fecAl perfbm. A % A ~ Rcfolvtd. % A A . AV . Alflaat tbsA;&‘Pe%titione{r~.r bazm Atbe tb:§lflkA§¢¢‘»*W the Hanfe- A 4Tbe Pe=titio2zer.r. were;-agaz'72 called inL4m SpeakAer'gczrv“e, t/aem .tl213.t4.4§czz2f wen.‘ cscmenm, A A ‘T1a.e,Hou[c ./afar/2» read am? your l?€1itio7z.,a.gzql%”:’ ;e%ivu?’1i1*#eAivzte*51'fl ‘ Y, " . . . '54 W‘ . ’ "K L 3 ~ "~ M « \ »=»“’4. A L‘ ‘ aw '. ‘ M ;“;;m “ ”",“m',"‘ ' Pg 31.‘ “ ‘M. H; L‘:.: ‘wvw » ‘ 3. I ' eb up '” ‘ ‘ I W " ‘ W 4;, " aw *‘ ‘ ,, %Alet3ma know? tbrtté fizhfflw upén fa mke fv#$1;me45¢a for I 1:/3eA goat! Afig“¢fiHf3d”i‘7iéj ydre. .;z/Mmt ibat worlgg and mtemsl "720 go: forward with Aedi;.iV0%fl M yzggay V Md 1 - gy M M. . ~.« A “.V"‘\x‘<>:&4 ma. Mafi V.“ .a. M. A; 1’ f £1’?!-’ awn ~;4A%tb42zEc: V:y4I?dz2z ‘their 7W3¢w&t3‘¢Ido ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘L y, , ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘gr .2‘ "L . . ‘Mu ‘ -~.. V gzcne the % 15 fa ‘iggcgqrn « é ~ ‘ . '4; m u qh M é‘**:.m 1% «....‘%;;,‘;v%. v«.‘_{;\. M‘; ‘~,U M‘. .;:M ‘mu ” ",_ h‘,"‘~‘ ‘._. Vdiflglflek A”‘Nicho»lg*s to ¢