VENGLA-ND, SCOTLAND33CI'RE.LA‘ND§E . W’. V _ g ‘TE C T0 R of the faidtCommon. ’ ’ A Wealth, rodk a Solemn Oath ’ t for obfctvlng the fame. _# «.’*1;nt.j§“ ";'»>'<:,>.-’ . §.E':'-‘l‘i%e.,,1'- ‘AA’;:~t...r'«.,." .;-r».' .- \ 1 5 H . _.....-.,~ _-u_-_w—n-...;.~.n...- ~ . ..__. THE ore , And the Dominions thereto belo»ng_ing; As it was puhlicklty declared at Wt:/Znzinfler the 16. day of December 16 5 3,. in the prefence of t the Lords Commiflioners of the Great Seal of England 3 the . Lord Maior and Alderman of the City ofwndon, divers of the Judges of the Land 9 the Officers of State and Army, and many other Perfong of Qgality, At whith time and place His High-F ne1§,.OLIVER LORD PRO. 7)-=1:t”[-7-11:/276:5! 5} Hi: Itfigbnefi‘ t/ye Lard 7?r0t€8;;:I — '/facial Commandment. L05\CD07\Q, Printed , by W'illi.4m du-Cjmzl; and Ifemgy Hzlls, Printers to His; Hi hnefs the Lord Proteétor; MD. L111. T.__,...-----—' -W- - <7 ._._ 'V'« . 1. .v—qv—. -v- —c _ _,.,...-1:-syn - 3 t 15 1? I‘? GOVERNMENT »«-s...a.~r_—...~qp_.L:; 2% 5%? J‘z“~{ I 2. / % g W 6"; (:3 I '''m . . ' : ' . I’ . 4? 0 _ ' 0 2;, ' I ’ \ T":/z’ . I ‘ .1 /I, .1; ; GOVEIWMEN W O F T HE _ Common-«wealth A A O F T ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND. I. ’ I we the §§§1D22m8fl.B§iflfltiU3 ,,, , fiutboztnc of the ¢ommon= A ’ ’ f " mgfiltb nf_Eng1and, bcotlanq, ants Ireland , am] §D0m1’” nmns tbmtn he,tung:ng,Ihal1 A ~ haz, arm refine, tn 9m 19%‘ run, an!) the maple aflemblen in iaatlament; 61:32 fit?“ 05 M1160 19”’ j H = ' En any 50”“: “"‘“r A tan with of g f , Hanna‘ 5/ I I /I‘ ’ - / v':'I/ I /4. / // .’.{ fl’, ’/ .’'l 3/ 1 / “'5 ,r='_;‘rfl 5 ‘Fa. (222 I '. . I’ ,: . mm: we mecafwf the chief %agafimc:c arm mmmmatmn of tbsclsomtnment am the {am muntttes am) ®ummmns , aim we gamma times?) {ball hm in ti)? i—«m~i F‘ R0? T 51:)?-,afiifiBD with afiuuncinibe giaumhmz mgmmf [mu mt mm; fimzntte one, no; hm 12% than flijmm H g was dis mm, mane; mnxumsmzg, % gaamnss, ®zatIt5,Aa:nB»utmt%t1Jmg3 . mm mafia mm in tiJ81%jj¥»2;a;1n2 arm sum Df W imws at’ we Lijzmcttz Bf Er=gian C 13) for the Town of‘ Stamford, one. for theToWn of Great Grimslzy, one; C for the County of Lincolrz, ten. Forthe County of Middlefix, fiCx,1riz.C C {A for the City of Weflminfler, two. for the County of A/fiddlfix, four. A For the City of Londorgfix. b - W 3 I For the County of Manmoutb, three. an mow/-tg 3 . ~ e H C -- { For the County of 'Z\[ort}afi;lk,fixteen.vigI 35‘ 4 t “""“ I I ” for the City of Norwich, two. ‘ 2 i C C for the Town of Lyme Rggis, two ~ for theToWn of Great Iin-mouttb,two. C - C for the County of Nortbfolk, ‘ten. for the City of G‘PeterEéroukgb,'one. ‘ for the Town of Nort/mmpton, one. for the County of Z\(o7'tI2a~mpton,fix. ’ '* 5). For the County of _Nort/aaniptonh, eighty rig /CF01 the County of Nottincgbmn, fix,'1>z'z. for the town of Nottinglmm, two. for the County of Z\(ot.tfn4gIaam, Four. C ~C For the County of Nortbunzberland,five,‘vi§.‘ . T ' for the Town of Newca/ile upon Tljme, one._ .« ‘ A t e for the Town of fBerwick, one. for the County of Nortbu2723érldhd , three.“ A _. For the County of Oxford, eight, via. 7 e for the City of Oxford, one. e N? , K . «-e" ;- ., for the llmverfitle of Oxford one. " at C - ‘ A J t t for the Borough of Woodflock, onej A For (195 for the County of Oxford five. For the County o£<1t>\..¢z;m.z, two. For the County of 341012, eight, wig. for the Town oFSbrewisI2ury two’. i o for the Borough'oFB7uges,alias firidgnorflgoirte. for the Borough of Ludlow7,one. for the County of Salop, four. For the County oFSta]]5rd, fix, 1254. for the City of Litckfiéld, one. for town of Stajfird; one. A p A o for the Borough ofNeu”2“cafllei on theiLi’ne, one for the County of Stuflird, three. For the County of Sommerjeti , fixteen,i1}ia;.;y for the Borough of Taunton, two.‘ for the City of Batb,.one. C ‘ for the City of Wells, one. V for the Borough of firidgwater, one. for the County ofsommerfet, e1'even‘.' For the City of’B1‘iflol,tvi7o.' C For the County of Stmtibamption,foutte‘e’n,"1ii§* C for the City of Wincbefler‘, one." for the Town of $putbamptoz2’, one. for the Town of@ort[mo'utb, one.‘ A C for the me oFWiC‘gbt, two. For the Borough 0F Andover, cite: for the County of Southampton; eight.‘ A For the County of Sitflhlit, f*i3iteeIi‘*,‘vi.§.“ for the Bo1'oughiof‘I[2swict/J, two. F ‘ for the Boro"ugh“of. Edmbnbif, tiviroi H tot‘ (so) for the Botoflgh of 314711175619, one} A C ' t A f forth: Borough of Sudbury, one. u for the County ofSufi‘5lk,'ten. » V For the County of Surrey,ten,1>ig. _ for the Boroughof Sotatbwark, two; for the Borough of Guilford,tone. for the Borrough of Rygate, one. ‘ for the County ofSurrqy, fix.‘ . For the County of Sujfix, fourteen, for the City of Chic/aefler, one. for the Borough of Leivis, one; for the Borough ofEa/2-Cgreeiylead, one; for the Borough of Amndel, one‘; for’ theBorough of Rye, one. for the Countyof Sujjéx, nine. - high C ;¢¢p1»E__ Q_ For thcCounty offljeflmorland two,‘ L C Q t For the County of Warwick, feayen vigi ’““VW {€KC for the City of Coventry, two. ’ C A forthe Borough of Warwick, one: for the County of Warwick,four._ ' ' -A. C For the County of Worcefler, feaven, vig. e C for the City and County of the City of Worce/fer, two; for the County of Wforce/ier, five. V A i . C . Q 1, ' For the County of Wilts, fourteen, Via. y e “ for the Cityof New Sarum, two. t y y r _ f for the Borough of C Marlelaorougb, one. i y C } for the Borough of the fievizes, one.’ C {C C For the County of»:Wilt:,yten§u Forth: County of Anglefey, tvvo. E035 (31) For the County of (Breton, two.’ Per the County of Czzrqiigan, twof A For the County of Cdrmgertlaen, C For the Countyof Carn-mron, twoi“ “ F or theiCounty of Denbigb, two- For the County of Flint, two: For the County of Glezmergdn, three, 1255 for the Town of Cardzfle, one, C for the County of Glamorcgazzj two. For the County of Merionetb, one. For the County-of tMbntgome2y , ytwo, For the County of ‘Peenbrook, three, viz. for the Town of Have?/forafizaefl, one. ,.C for the County of ‘Pembrook, two, For the County of Radnor, two. '_ - t t%%_ ,. £1)? oiitttbttttttt elf ti;;ea;eee€enete he thefen tfneScor1an,d, am the ftimittii ézinttnttefi, fifties, arm piateeetmithtn the fame, flgatii he attuzhtng to fad) mopozttnns ants numbee, as fljaii be agteeo upon, arm netiaten by tljeifmgn Ptotetftor am the I17(&}'flZ«‘I)1WtDf the <$nttntt'ti,befnee the tent: ting feztij melts of égummons foe uthenettaeeate iament, tine ntfteibutinn of the aetetfone to he Cijfifeflfflz Ireland, emu tI)eteneta1l<£0unttee, mtiee, tent ntatee within the fame, flgali be flat: taming tn it1t1)pen;pIJ2tton£’s arm nuntbet,eta5; than he tneeenupon, aniaeetlateh by the twee Proteftor , enntbe matflz met Bf $1)? Qflufltili, hefoge the fenning teeth meets nffiuntmn fee ‘ - the next aeaeiament. A C 2% ’ heme e» ‘v ‘Q? 1&4 .. 3*: £1. .-'..:¢Az£r-Z —;-i‘="_S:._'~Ei)r.‘-'-'.“._t -.‘:.g 1.. ‘ " “ “' ‘ ‘ ‘ " "“ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ’ “"‘ “ h - < - ". .44 ..- . (51) he achat the fummtue ‘tn teaeiament tbeiit te hp meet unmet thecniteat Qeal of engglztem, etee: 1 tten to the bhetiffe of the fehetai ant tefpe: ttibe ttiounties , with i'lI£lbt€£ltBl’i1tiiDII as mete * .e«fm't with the peefent <15nhee~nntent,to he meee by the item Proreéeor am hi? étlimmtii , mhtth the tihantelimtt ,, Ekeepee , net tfltnjmnttfsioneee’ of the «meat §>eaI,11)a:1i feai,ifl’ue, enn fem e abzoan he warrant team the item Proceeéme 3f the item Protefioxj llmile not gem wee rant fnziifuing nf meets nf fiumneene fee the next ieatiament, hefoze the fiett Bap sf June, eeee thnufann fit hunnteh fifty fnue, ee fee the fleteeea nial aeatliamentfi hefoee the fiefi nap ef Augufi ea thew thtetoe yeat , to be attounten es efaeefeeee ithat then the tzthemtellmtt , ieeepet , ng fieeee: mtfstnnete of the dfiteat fieai fee the time hes iIIg,1fb?tlI, without any maeeant me meetteeee, within fehen Dams aftee the fate fieft Dee ef §m.~ae, I 6 5 4. met, jffne, emu feneebgeeemeetze ee éntmt-nuns ( changing theeein what ta ta eee changers ash afozetfetn) to th e fen-eeet etm eeegeee ctine ghemifigtof England, Scotland , mm Icclemag foe fummoning the aetemtent te meet at W€§7f~ miflficf, fl)tfl)I'1’:D Of September next; arm [bait eeee: mifemithtn {even meet aftet the few fiett eeze Augufl, in e11e'e1>thitiJ peat, tn he attmtntee the nitfoltttion of the peetenent geetiemeeeg, §>ea1,.3ifl'tte, eann fenn aheoan feneeet meets‘ et §ummDnB, thangifig therein whet ts te he thangeb, asteafoeefathfineQummnnmg th e ee to meet atWefimin{’ccr the fixt hf Ndvem iaeee in that thienyeat. ihet the fate febeeeet eeee refvectibe Saheetfie than, within tee eeeee eeeetee thee can % the receipt bf [itch was as atomam: came the fame to he pzoctaimeo anojpuhliiheo in c ehetp~@acket—tomn within hie county, upon the awatketzoaps theceof, hetmeenc moans ano ’£hzeeof the Elocleks ano (hall theoaiio puhiith ano oeclace the certain may of ehe meek anomooeth foz chooiing snhemheto to few in haeiameut foe thefiooy of the [aio Mime tpi accoming to the term: of the [aio mm, which {hail be upon meonefoap fihemeeha aim the oate of the mzit; ano flyauiiaemiie oeclate the place mhete the mectioui Ehauhe mane; foz mhich pucpofe he than appoint the i moit conhenientplace fog the whole county to meet in, ano mall [mo qezeceptz fox elections to he maoe in an aim chew ditty, atomic, fios tough oz place within his dtotmtp, where we: ctione ate to he maoe hp hettue of thefe me-‘A tents, to the smaaioz, fihetiff, oz othet iheaoae mfiicet of Each omits}: itomn , fiozough oz: place , mithin izhzee oaye aim the ceceipt of inch mm: anomzits’, which the {am Qjhaag foes, rfibeeifia am; mfiicecaiteipectinelp are to make publication of, mm of the ceetain nap fox mchfiiectiione tohe mane in the lam titp, aroma oz peace afoiefaio, am: to cam‘: olectig one to be maoe acco2}IéiIuI;;lv.i J M — fihat at the oap ano piece oce1ccetone,cuc fihetifi of each county, arm the rain ehaiozs, » 9hetifio,%ap1ifl’s anoothec heaoh=flDfficec£ within theit cuties. iomns, zfiozouobe aao places tefpettibelp, (hall tattehiem of the faio auctions ,o ano than make tetutn into the C-;h.anccry within twenty hoape aftec the elections ofthei pectous electeo by the gceateci mtmhet of mectozo,em1oeetheit hanoa ano teats, between him on the one part; aim the .‘ 3 filettoza (;4)e execmzs on the other part; mberex‘nla;all-he cm:taineiJ,e fibat we perform elefteen than not have pomee to alter: the dfiobeenment as it is lgeeebp fence in one fingte aaeefon arm a seat: 1amene.e XIIL ’£i)at tbs flbeeifi‘, man than mittinglp arm miimgiy make any falf return, 9; neglect nee nutmflgail incur the peuatey of imueemw fsmn QIBMREI of lamfui engua; wane}? ; ~ the one mnyety tn tl,1e’floziJ zmotecto; , emu the genes mupetp to fat!) nleegou as mm fue E9; the A ihnw.e X V : mm an ann every ytI:Ean,a:1D peefansnhija babe apnea, anbtten, amaze, me ahetten m any ~ mat agatnft the iaaelaxumt, time we we A may af ]anu”ary,®fl8 eijuufania fix Ijunnzen Eaeep m1e(unIe£§ may have been ftnte tame‘ ieebice ef the iaaeiameent, we g!beu.“£igena’&iefitme~ up of their goon imffeetienz ttjeeeuntafihau be A nifablen, an!) be uneapable tube ezecten, oz to gmeeanp mate‘ in the election ofanp 91381113" here to few in the next watlament , oz in the cum fucceeniugiitiengtal aaarltamente. '. ‘£bata1lfuceb,m1)o babe atmtfemafftlleb, ex abeteen the mbeilton of Ireland, a;aubemf- ableh arm emcapable fa: wet in be eieeten, oz to give anpfliotem we mectimt of any wetn- beeeo few in aaaelemente; as auto au%fuci; who no 02 malt pzofefsene fioman flaws: lick ifieltgéon. e ' flijat an motezanb elections given 0; meme coutraepmnot aeeozningto mete mnaae ttficatton5,fl)ail hezmll annmtn man if any peefen mm is rbeeebp mane uneapable, am: give 915 meeteefozmectime of sllaemhees eta few in iaatlamm: , tncbperfon Eballlufe 1:110 T e we ,. .a.....p-u_.m.J-at.-ca».-»r.---Q-u-n-;.;»« "&»"W'- ”~ Eozfeitnm fuupeats mm nwiig real efiatc, ann one full tbtrn parttof big national mate; icnzmo12 ety4tl)mnf to the £023? motcctoz, 3 arm the other mopctp to btxxtm’ them who am! facts: the fame. % % XVII- A % :’:I)a%t the wrong nJbu%t1)aiI btuzcten to few in abatlammt, that! be fuCb(&I1‘DflD ntljzt tijcufucmaz are pevfons oflmomn 321- zegttty, fearing @023 , annnfgaon commfas mu, man being at tgcéagflnf was arm twenty years; j % % I A * azbat all mm wary mime aztn%perfonsJfeia 531: oz pnffeffzn to his emu ate, inf any mate real 9; perfonal, to the name at mum gunmen saunas, am not mama we amzefam fifitepz trons , than be capafisle tn c1m%anzhzrs :13 few in %{Bar1Aame%ntf%z%uunttes’. % % % a7£!ja«tti)c¢!3&nc¢l!oz, mmc, :3; amméczi fi$finet5+oft1)c meat 5c%a1. flmllbe Cmum D25 fuzz they enter into ttjetekeflfficzg , truly an!) faithfntip in time foztb ‘arm fem) anman T muss offiummans mgjaaczaments at ti): nme5,antoin tn: mane: brim 21:92:11 ;flnn,m fimfe of neglect oz fai5m;%—to iffuc mm mm abmam mats accowtnglzn he 0;” they flaau Em em: ma; ofien cc he *gut1£goE wga fiteafeu, A MB “Wt tbvbainfi agtifixncnalttestbcrgkof. fibat in cafc mm In tffuwouxt. as is hzfozc cxpzeflmuttbat were baa uegltfl there-; iu,fi‘ft2ennaps aftgl: thetint¢\I1at}ereit;[tm£am,¢ % :‘:u»:gtjtto%T1ac much out up tDf€¢IJ3;tI§€iID2, + new 13; mammtffionzrs at the Adfizeatg §g1al,t1)av1:h% than t.1)¢9%atlams!W7 fl)al*l;e gg%o£tm%‘,a£ incl) ‘ fat!-ct man bappcn, ;a£fembic%Lu am: be new at W¢*"minfic%r,- In the Irma! p!a%cc,a; the times one ~ tips, (26) fipt, in matter am: by the means beteaftet ep- pzefien; ibat is to my, arms the Qbetifis of? we febeeallanntefpecttne etmmttefi, fibztebes nnmsmties, mnmugbs ant: plates afozetatn, e Within England, Wales, Scotland am) Ireland, that fibamelloz , %amrs mu ficbolaez at the mutnetfittes of Qxford arm Cambridge, am the ewaisz ants Eapltfis :35 the fioznugtj of Ber- wic.lg-{mutt Tweed, annntljee the placefi afuges fatnerefpettibely, than at the tfeneeat matte arm places to he appumteb as afazetam, mitn= in iijtrty Days after tbetain jrtfteen nay5,t 4 eaufetueeb Qaembees to be cbofen foe theft tam Iebeeal sum refpettibe wnunttez, 9I);tene- . bums’, flflntbetfittes, dttttes, fioznetgtjs ann mates afozetatn, by fuel) peefons arm in men tttanee, astf feneealemn refpecttbe limits of; fittmmons to waelament unnet the dfizeadt Sealbabttfaen annbeenigamaeben atwzhtng to tbefienuz. abobefain: firbattt the finectffi ozdnttjerpeetens autboeiseo, than neglect his ngttbete mttp herein; fitbat altatjm every tact) Qbettfl’ ann petzfun etutboziseuas afozefatn, to neglecting biz at ten nutp, (bail, fez every t men £IDEfen—te, be gutltp of iiatgi) ieeafou, am H3311 fufiee the pains gin)? Penalties thereof, aha: tbe meek, ca11en'Thef clerkonhc Conmll Ir’ienwca~ltl:,sitI efibatnttetp to: the time betng,atm tail cams , m-no ta)a1I_ afteemaens execute tyat ~£Dffite, to mbem the iaetums than be e téavitanlent tnetmo »tutt'ceentng ietenntal ieaeltaments, eiztnt etelacsfg tie; muggy be the? mace cnom> : eettnett am eauma, T mung» wall 95%;? 6 t:9e,;;tef;..l 0 tfiettieefis am: examine whether l t netgtlnap tafteenftttb mtucn, teettfietnet .am&5a:t.0i Eebtetatle pettens fut;eetuenten, ‘ net tententea teoegmtt %attefaeteea, L (37) whether the minus to eelecten arm mettteneh be fetch as is agreeable to the maaltficattous; am not ntfablen to be eletten : flint: that every aetfaa ann petfons being to eutpmecten, atm . being apvzoeen at by the mate; patt of the etomttit to he perform nntbtfablen, but qualis h fifee ae‘at’oze£ain, that! beetteemen a Qaemhet of aaatlament, ants he anmtttta to tit in teat»; lament, arm 110$ fltfittmift. ‘ X XII; h . a e h fihat the petfenef chofea am: afiemhlenitt % manet afotetatn, at any aim: of them, than be, men beneemen the aaatlamentnf England, Scotland ann Ireland; ant the fiupzeme: fltgiflae tine aaamet to he ann tetine tn the 9.0;!) tam: tettez an inch $at1ament, in matter hetetn tween. XXIII. T t fihat the ism tazntectuz, with the abuse at the mate: pate of the fiounctl, than at any at et ttfmee then is hefoze eppzett, when the nea te tttee ofethestate than tequteett, fttmmon watlaments tn mane: hefete etpgemmhtch that! not be flaiatttueb, zazozagttea 02 a mate: bets mtthaut their emu cmt€eat,nuttn_g thetfiett thzee wnnetha at thete Qitttag : flue in safe affutttte mat with any jfezetgn fitate , a e aaatlamettt that he totthmith mtmmonen fa; thee’: %IIJhict tmettenmg the tame. V XXIV. flhat ali $1115 agteta team by the iaaflfi’ a meat, than be pzefenten to the ante tazateetee to; his content ; area in tare he amt! net gene htscottfenttheeete, mithtn fiwenty nape aft teethep mall be mefeztten to aim, at gene fattte factton to the aaattaazeat mtthm the time tea 4 'miteD; ihat then, upanhmetiatattute at the aaatlament, fihat the"£am. tmatectee hath I —--=21-{vi-_,; —_ ‘: . (38) 4 wins Cballpafsintn , ann mcuim mm, at: tbcngn be man not give this tonpmt timcuna ta; pzunmztu futb W115 tantem naming in them conttaty to we matters contzmen in AXXV. ifiijat Philip flow Mifcount Liflc, Cimrls Flccté « wood flquitcs John Lambert; fifqusftt; fit? Gilt i bcrt Pickering fiawnet, flit Charla Woifcley 2153:: 3011211, fit: Anthony Afliley-Cooper ffim, Edward t Montagu,@i'q; _IohnDcsbmow,@i‘Q; ‘Wa1:crStrick- land fiffi; Henry Lavvtcnce fifiq; William Sydenham, fiiq; Philip Jo»nes,&.fs{§; Richard Majmr @’§'q; Francis l{ous,Phil: 5kipp0¢.'!,ii§’:3ivfl§; :22: am? isms: of mam, am: he a tiesuum ts; the putgmfes emzm in tats flfilmtigaafiéfi imam we 332: am, 0; mime rmmml at any at fijiéfilll, tigeafiatiatntait tiyfifiiitanttiiatt fit pztfanz 02% flhititp, $nittsgi%:i:‘t;?,% aim Em: mg @013, to; awry ant mat is: Ham :3; team: nth, out at mijicij tm imam part at t§,i;>@m~mis (iii um: elect mm, a2:2E3 pztfmt fijtafiifi to we imam wznzttmz, at mtjtfig be mm: mm in cafe we gmtlamwt figaiii nut 7%%:flK1I€- natt mitbinifimmtp M575 aftet E7’£§’E€f££ gmén mam tbam ti)mn%f,tE)e main; pwrt at tigt main: at (bat! nummatt time as af0;££i'&ifi to mg 9.031‘! wzottttm, may eat mf timn than {ups my the vacancy; mm anti! this fimzeite be mane, the remammgpatt of the flmmcii wall statute as fully main things, as if their numhtctmetc full: mm in cafe of cazmptmn, in other mifcarttagc in any of the matter! in their 3£:uI1,? we aeatlament than appamt {then of then: numbers, arm the floantitfiyc, mun, togctbcir may we 31.029 filjanctllazl £039 iketpetm etommifsionetsiof the figtat matfoztbt time being, mall giampomzt to neat ann toetetmmt fact) connptimt mm mitt? camagz, %-(39) , @ .carrfagz;‘d%ann ta amarn am: inflictj panvags meat, as the nature of we mifencz mall bee- am ; mbtcl) puntlhment man not hg_%;gamo%nm ozmnitteb by the ilozn imutcctozz. fzism in internal of aaatlantmm, the main; part Bf we muucti , mm; the cnnfem of the ism mu; tectoz, map, fog mztuption, 92 other mifcazs wage a5 afozefaib, fufpcnn any or that mint‘: % her: from the epmifc of their Etna ,% iftbep u)au,fi’nn2z it tuft, until we mam: than be yearn ant: emznmcn as afazefatn. ~ %AXxVL flbattbc £owAa»motectoz am: the tnaia; {mt at tm Emmet! afozefammap at any time name the meeting of the um iaaclament, am to ma mamas mob pastures as way that! simeh fits pmbmen we number of the mama he em mafia watch? tn amen wan man man: part sf we Eounm. 1 my, arm was Quprum W in pznpnzttunm magma mgw by we flow amatcctoz mm the mayo; X X V I I.‘ iiljat a mama: pemlp fiemame am: he rattan, [mm mm cfiamims En; zmittmamng af Em tbmzfmm mm am) maag;anaw:,az:n tmm-s tp tbouiaam jfggoa, in England, Scotland a:mIre- landfill tm Emacs am) fiecmréw t§2e%rmf,mm am) fax a cnnbmiznt nmamafar af ®X)£p3 in; naming sf we %2M a mum imam ijuzmzm tbnufann pnutmz perannum fa; Eamrayiazg we % mm mceflaw m)argz§%fm ammmfimtim: sf ‘mama. arm other mpemzs of the fiamzrn: mam: M9669 Bzbmuzfiaail hztafiefie by tm flaming, arm Em!) mzbermays mm memasmg {mil ha agma upon by $132 iLm.n amatecifiz aim manta’! , a:m%(1)allm1t he miten away as Biménim, m; we may agmn upm Em smug me {am laismu, but by we wnfmt at‘ £32 mm t t t$%IJoe)19atIament‘ Be 0 35 503 321 A V 0 - in; We - XXVIII. ihat the rain pearly fienemte than betpate ' M intothe {habitats Eteafutp, atm than hetlftten L out to; the West afozetatn. \ ' XXIX. « “ fihat in cafe these men notbecaufe here: aftet to keep upfo gteat aflbefence at imam 02 fita, but that there be an abatementmatet thetent ; the snatmep which that be when thetes by, man remain in bank fat the mthlttk t ifieehtce, am not he emplepen to any nthee A ate but by ctmfeeut of aaattament; oz in the in; terhets at ehatlatnent, by the flow ahzotectnz mm main: pattnt the munch. V XXX. ihat the twang of shanty fog hettapieeg the fihfltge of Dzetent eettaozntnath ejfozcee 1103.13 at flann arm ma , tn tetpect of the pee: tentnaate, than be by contenttn watlament ant not othetmtfe ; fave oneip A that the ilozn ghzotectoz, with the content of the main; patt of the Manet! , fox vzebenttng the mtfezbets mm memgets which may uthetmtfe fan out 190“) fit fita emu iann, mail have power, an: tn the meeting otthe fita 1h'at1ament,ta tatfe $90212? to; the putpetes afozefatn, ants alto tn meghe laws: ant: wzntqances toe the mate mm mettaee at thete jfeatimts where it than be necetfatp, mhtch than be htnumganea tee fozce, until man than bettaken in lbatlameut concerning the fame. XXXL £333 “)3 flflflD5,£€fl¢m¢flw,fiffl$§,fi[W21 alttes, Euttsntcttons ants ihetebitametttfi which remain pet unfoln oz unntfpofen at by fact at wmtname of aaatlameat, hemngmg tn the mmmonmealth, qmztept the fflgzhtflfi mm fifihafefie 6+0 ¢hol'e.e‘,emo‘the'19onoze ano %at1023' heIohg‘§ mg to the fame; the flanoo of the iaeoeis he Ixc1and,lymgm the font mnnties of Dublin‘ Cork,Kildaream3 Katerlaugh ; the aanog foghetes» eo by thepeopie of Scotland in the late hears; e ano alto the eiemos of aelapitts ano mute: ouentsm Englandabho hooenotpet tomepomeose eo) than be hetieo in the £020 ihzotettoze; in holo, to him ano his $ntcefl’o‘2s, flozo zhzoa eectozs of there Jreottons, emo thoileeot he oli- eneo, but by content in qaaelanzent: mm on ' mote, jfinhesh, flfl'ues,3meetiamente,ahehaia ties ano ihzofitz, certain anoteafuahoue to the ilheeoeto of the iiheeties of England by metho- me?» of 1hatiament,fl)ai1I he one to the iLozo 13}9jt9€tfliz',_&t3D.b¢ payable into his mbuee fieeetot, who wait be eeeooeeeoe aeuo pzofetuteof WE h ' ;-. h ‘ ’ A V 1 , X'XX‘I‘I.“ , that thewfiicee of the ?Lozo ibzotettoz ohee there jlaations, thailhe eletttoemmo not here: warp ; a:noupon the oeath of the ibozo moss tectoz , an other fitpeefon than he fozthmith eletteo to-futteeo him in the fiohemment. mhich mettton than he ohxthe fiountil; who, tmmeotatelp upon the oeathof the fiozo mo: tectoz, 1113!! afiemble in the flhambet where they ufuallp fit to enema, men having given notice to are there nu'mbee,‘of« the mate of thee: affemhling, than, being ihteteen at teat: pze:.- t feat, moceeo to the mection; emo befoze they oepoet out ofthefato ahamhee , than elect a fitoeefon to mtteeointthe oiooernment, arm fozehmth ‘ecoufe ihzotlamation theeeof to be mane in on the thzee jflattone as anal! be next quilite: mm the petfon that they oz the mayo; poet of them than elect, as afozefaimthall be,’ ono {mung tohen to he ion? imotecléoz ogazefe ‘ . e e 9' R »_ «.- ‘ A A M 7 TM QA* €é_%__j .——E - -k.’. . zw¢¢-—--:— r‘-§"'.;"‘.‘._' ".(_’J' .!*9'T’1‘ -5 r,‘ -—‘-3:1:-3:‘.-—;-,—,:c...¢;—. . \_ ,—~ . 4-- . 4 -___. -._ ._.,.._,_ _ (42) tbtft flattens Of England, Scotland flfifielffligaflg‘ arm the mamintcms weeem beionging : "%‘?@Zflv: men that mmeef the fimmzen of we we iamg,no;.any ofbw mate 0; jfamiunbeeelecten to be flow iezoeecm oz ewe: ejntefwagis mate abet tbzfe flattens , me any the meme.-. nions tbeteto belonging. mm uneilwe afnzes fem mention 116139411, we fimmcil mall take sate of the clfiobernmentmnn anmmifiee in all tijmgsas tulip astbe flew 1motecmz,oztb: flow Wetectoz am: manna ace enable!) to no. XX X I I I ~ Oliver Cromwcl ¢§Dtflifl fiwflfil Of A # we jfogwgj 01’ England, Scotlkamig nu Ireland, [ball hs:,,asun isbecehp ineclaren to b A «flow aezutectez DUDE monmealtb |)fEngland,Sc,ot1and arm 1re1and,a”nn tnemmminions thereto belonging, . . Xxnxlv, « e A itbat the wancelloz‘, iaeepee oz mmmtfn (toners of we dfizeat aeal, we ieeafueee,‘ mbmtral, «thief dfiobeenozse of Ireland aim Scotland, anntbe was fiutttces of betljtne zfienenes , than he cbofenbp the appzohattot: ’ of aeaciameut; am: in the internals of mm». lament , by we appeobatton of the main: part of the auuucti, to he aftetmaws apmomn by we ieaelament. X X X V. aztjae we ebmttaenmnrgton,con:emen in we Scriptures , be new Eugen atm tecemmennen as «the puhlickiazofeffzon of tijefe iieattuns; arm that as than as may he, a pzobtfionlefe {abject toefctuple aim contention, am: maze certain sum the pzetent, be mane fozttje En: wueagement ant %atntenettce at able an!) painful. 3J‘.'eacDers,fn; flnflmeting we peepie, ann foe ntfcnhew arm confextatmn uf mm, fiyieeette, ‘am: myatenet is contmrp ea {mum Eeeeeiazezs (43) V m.e{eet:’z:e: mm: wee, emu: Em?) aem-image he; mm, tire mefene @m'neenancefi;eii naeiafe’ eakéeee away we mmeaciiee, e XXXVL~ ; afibee en “the menace qezofeffien ijelefeztlje ttene fbeiwe mmpellen by penalties ozotbee wife, but that mmeabozs be Men :0 mm ween e be Eemee mncttme, mm the mzample sf a men fiegewertateoat. ibat [deb as moms jfateb in won by W: V [axe ¢l)zifi(tbougbeifi‘eting iniungenmne feom tbemucmne, m uztbip oz mfcipltne gmhlickigv hem foettj) unit not he rettramen feum , me am! he pwtecten in the pmfefftsn ef the jfamjz, ant: emeifeof tjbeie gfielegtengt; *0 as meg abuie not ems 1thettp,tue the civil flttfuw efeotbeee, arm to the eaecenalntfiuchame of tt)e.epeubiicek peace on mete parts :‘ mobtnen tbis ltbeeezv hence extmneb to gaepeep m Welacv, nozee fuel) 35, uemee the mufeffienn of waft , bola may we pzaetife fiiceaztiaufnew. - xxxvm. mm all fiamefieatutee, wzeinamcee mm flzezzfese in any,@tautee aim flminamze to the mastery of the afozeiaein flihecty, man he eficeemee as nail ants mm. - XXXIX, fime the acts am) flvzhmaeneee of aeaeiaa meme, mane E92 we fiaie oz, ether mifpnmieaz of we flames, Beats emu ‘gmeemtaments of the iateefltng, mueenantrifizince, of may e fiifigeps arm mumps, sag. @ean5 arm wean: tees , we mane of Ebemxquentxs, mm fiozefi $.aeme,m mitpof enemas; ofaup utbee image, ‘ fieuemeate, finite ann fieeebttamenee he- ‘ wagmg es the fiommenmealeb, ‘ man aw may he mzpeaeben 0; meme mbalib; me than eemain gnaw amen fiem: mun that the %ecmieie§ gig: new by me am: wzhmanee ef wemniene fez . (44) A « any Eumeelams of money, by any at thetata‘ h ilanns, the «tsetse, oz by any other pethltcles theme; a emu aim the Qecuttttes gebeen by e mebltch faith at the Jfeatttm ; arm the en: gagement of the public}: jfait fae‘fat.tsfattmte at mbts ans Eamages, all eematn acne e arm goon, am not be mane notsaa1mm=a1te upon an? Dzetentemhgttoenet. ihat the articles gtbeuto, hoe mane mtth the ®neney,atm attetmaens cnnfitmen by gear- lament, thallbepetfoemen eaten maaegoon to the petfons tnntetnea therein; fine that futh fiypeals, as were neyenbing in the lat! 1Batla- meat, to; relief teatetnmg mus of sale of meliaquents Gllatesmtay be heaenann Deter: mines the next 1satlameynt,!mnythtag in this nsgtttntgoe othetlhtfe to theeetontcaty flfltmftba flashing. X L I» * fihat eheey’ taccettiee ieozn teeoteetoe nee»: thefejfizattons , than take arm mhfeethe a £0: lemn wath, in the peefente of the mantel, ans teeth others as they malttau to them, flhat he mm feels the aseate, muiet, ann welfare of thete flattens , taut flaw am: ilamte to be equally anmintaten, ann that he mm not am: late at tnfttnge the matters arm things com tataenin this muting; ant in all othee things will to his pomee, ant: to the hefl at his unset: ttanning, govern there jfizattous, ,ateoeniag tn the ibams, Statutes aan anthems. / _ X LI I, t azhat eath yetton at the mzetttttl (hall, befoze they entet upon theft £tufl:,take,aan fuhfctibe e an £Dath. fihat they mtube true arm faithful in many peomtle. f¢8§,f&3D0302 temaee. in then: ileum. attoentng to the beast that lenomleng; man, that in the eletttan of entry guctefstbe 31.0211 aszotettee , they than pm: teen thetetn imyatttal1y,atm on asthma there: be J‘ * exprefled in the {aid For of GVG«l‘l]I1I1~@-H-t (43?) 7’/9e0zzt/2 ti:/{en;eéy;_»]1TiI O L 1 v E :2; C 1; 9 §LjOi@= 7>~R0TECT0~P¢ HereaSi:eti1e;Meajot1* Partof the lafi Far- } % lament judging that their fitting ally longer? dsnltlleoiit,gog1ftitt1treid5Would not be for the goodizofthis,:Qommon4weaIth)did dzr;, ifolve thefJe1§rr1e by at writinfgunder their harlds, jdaifid; ’ti.VV€;}ft11.eday. o A A \ tothisn infiiant De;em{2er,;refig.1; egi>11£1to ;their> ProVVe_1fs and Auth;o»rAi_ti.e§r; Wheléeas r it~+WétJs 1i1:eCfeI:- faryi thereuipioin , iThié1t iiomr fpeedy courf % fhould be tt‘ake¢i1n; the fettlemeintrofthefe %Natio¢11serupon fuch a Bafi,_s,,and foundation, 353 by the blefling of‘ God; be laftiiug , fecure Propertygandi eiiifwer thofe great ends of Religion and Liberty, fo long contende ed for; Andlupon full and mature Confie deration had ofthe. Form ofGoverm:,nc:nt ‘hereunto a,t—;ne:«;'ed, bein fatisfied that the fame, throughdivine afiifiance , may anfwer V the Etltis aFo1‘e—me11tioned ;A11d havin alio been ciefiredgand adviied, afwell by feveral perfons of Interefi: and Fidelity in this Commonwealth, as the Officers % of the Ar. my, to take upon mee the Proteétion and Government of thefe Iflations in the manner 2 1 e 3. fan; o_f'qmlz'r].t L - T (46) I have accepted thgrreof, a1ittitdo 1iéf1‘e}'jytc%{e§ N Clare my tacccpt‘a“nce accordinglyf And ) do not ViQlate,Qr infi‘i11ge thé mattérsuatid thingsi colltaimitd t11ereu1,but,to,1ny POWEI“, obfetxre the fame , andcaufe them toLtb¢$to'%b_,*fet1~ved‘ ; t prolnife in the prefe11ce of God, Thétt Iwifi-1 V ’A‘nd {hall in ail other things , to thé bet’: of THY 11l1d€I“fi?andi11g , Govern thefe Nationgt ,- according to £116 Laws;-‘-StatuteéandCu-“I fiomg, feeking their NP<-race, and Caufi11g‘ Price and Lawtta; bzé‘equa1I?y’admi1iiItred. J Oliver Crotimell, C4pt.m'nG'mtf»l afall rig: .Pg_r3§Je-1; " ’ " 1 ' t _oft;,,;_, 6-,,,,,,ml,,3,,,%‘,:[,;,F,A Md mm, 4,614,“; LQ,d\pm‘,g.t,: ,';_«‘ . mftot that/cofitdgg tbixfixteentb day ‘af1D€‘C'él'I§bel'- I65 3.; fgn this wri;i;gg;.4z;dfa!g72§nly _prqM1f€.'é£. tbéxéin‘ A captained, in ‘pfefifica oft/J: Lard: fammflmers 1 : the Great Sed{’_0f'E0_gl§l_'ld,.3'Wb0fldmi71i§1'r(dtI?efa}71é ‘ % Oath, W1 .01‘ t./?eL0rd Mom and All ¢m?¢n oft/:4; City of Londen,.‘..‘di7):r: oftbe jzxid er of ‘the Land, _ '_ ;. _ q the 0175"" offimtt W’/1r'”}s 4."? ’”"?’];’!]""'.«P".'?. , ; » « t « ,. ‘ -' i FQ RARE JN 1 96 1653 . 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