IS Q U RSE A N D Parliament : W Infbur Seéfzbmr. De1nonRrati'ng Tbeinaonfiflemy ofla Free—-flare with t/1: %fi:imm7on qftbit Cam:-{ ~ II; «Mi A tr?, and Ubnflitutim V the people. , 5' ad’? in arcler4 tbermnto.w /aiefs iizcidmt to the comz'rm4nce of tlzcir ctzalezzrvozm I II.~: T/1: ddmfltages praénbly attendinga campqfrm with t/2c’Kin;g' A A‘%.ofScot3.V . . * .. - « hit: to r;md“0bjcEi‘ian:t/mt {came to 05/lfuifl‘ it; WV ‘Egg! ‘V-‘flu ......s...nv ; By%a4m¢de:a:e and rerious Pen. Ba:éa fervirev Principi‘ optima A liéertmfi % .z,ma}«,%1>rinced£or may am :2: cazzz‘m-,and am cobero1d3c:hezr% 5 flxop at th¢midd1:«Tem;2l¢~garc%inE /cctfimt. I. 6 60; A T 'a1~1d“, thlfii fpirits that pretend ltl0'Lliberty"ei11 A Dfelmoeera*c)/. A Gm-ler}2en,l ‘ . f‘ , Defign Liberty; not thlemm.:el,l but M . J l l »~ .,;g'.'' ,. i V M 1 y u. ,, . 3 I '“ ’ ’ H l - ‘ A '0 "'n.u"‘ ‘'7: {me Divineé , A Monarc/~33 Kizzgfbip, as it relatestot éLaw of England, not that of the jaws; not in order‘ to the Greaitnei-Te of a fimgle per- the tbzngg. Iallert not that which A flm, but to the happinelfle of the whole pea-~ " Iélelg That Regal Politick Government, to A whofe protefiion I am entitled by my birth, 4 for the prefervation ofmy freedome in per--A flm andeflate, and that, with more affurance thenpoblyean be fecnr’d under the go-9 ' vernment of the many who often call that jufiicel , and without remedy, which in truth is l Faélion» V g j , Next, '1? nbherre bloadj7aed,landl deeme one garty in all warrem guilty of murder; alcrime " l A 2 A 4, which hee” E pifile Dedicatory, hW5i¢11haS:’i* Cfiest high for mgedw; F05‘ Cries t .}Ou.d.,{.‘3fo.r.,. .1>e*ef.wm°d? ta tbs public}:-, witxéorzt A ~t1aele4/Z reflefiion upm>zApafi mzfmrriages, to %e.4¢qz¢ire 6'0}¢fid6’;'/'~ 1 mg tAe«pre‘{e;24t;/%ate of Low affairs , What fetclement may befl; conduce to our happineflie in 4tbefutI‘11 mocmc7..J . % A A A A A A me {hail fbe 4ap1p rQp_ria~ce Atoh {his ‘I“flamdV,%whi¢h yindeegi a large C01‘1tiA1'1’€l1~£, abu.nda‘ntIy populms, andVgovem’dby t;he*fl1ces‘c3f ‘Pearce ,;‘and M1 That »e9cecutAcA‘the~% A * 21ti fhH(9VAF‘itj]‘ (if %a%:, ‘ad :3 ‘”B'y%r1A11eix§’"flue1ice7r§9fxrrhichpowessé, gth¢y._- A A orEievA;ii?1“(e1%4’”é’;ions rd-A~Parli*amen¢vor*other\v*Lfc, tha%z~the‘- A j WfiAOIc'>”Cou1it1€s-ffollow their vrtfpeéhve \*fa%&1ons %A‘,%1*%:md?’ than ¢ *Cdmmona14ny:mn%~the “VAbtes’arC.mamgfd*by£h¢Am,1.asAt§!6 hom=’o9by_:. A % % J In L rfilf ar.«a KM l4nd’PBr1i4»menfc« ‘mm2ld=,.whlcrh;imboldens themto iirchh a height of fpirir, :Mt.r»zg- jml to my Gmtr} ,;j as they are too apt, to undervalue perfonsof A this rank, Po‘ ‘hr-Tthe V confequevtce rhereljfl, Da.rm"m'm landh Cmerl inEeriourqr1a'liryV, BurgeIles,r ;ind.Mechalnicks ,% with ‘whom :9, inter-rnawrrly by our A old Law, it was a dfiwagcmenr for :1 ram; ; andthis;fpir[ir (Sf generofitylcanraor be frzpprerr , ’ris fo rivirerd in their 2;v;zr%;:rr ,;“rhe eradication of their perfin: ,. "orliace -1eaPr,«*heir q;r»:z1,Zz'r'ie5; to which barbarous. e&'e£3c,I have known form Graizzdersrlaave ‘2_leal'edl‘t0 venta fence. - A ll A For indeed rhe¢efi?ablil}1ing~of la Fm-*-:_/2'-are isorherwife defpe, rate; andrhereforeir wlasrheh courfe that rheprevailing Me; A :cha‘nicks;amongFc ‘tl'1eS2.wfe:, were inforc’r to take: How .=_~1fe A eihalllwe be le-ve.l’d to parity, which is of ‘the veryeffence of ‘la Freeé-flare? A_ For as Trrles and Honour are mcxdenr to a K 2'33. flagp; fo equalrry rm place , degree, amlbh rrh, are to Damacm-‘ _;r‘c-yr; ;unle{swhc;.re inrhcafe Of Ojfi-re, £61‘ therime only theyere rjnricledrto prececlemty. .Re~:h1e’d mull the ‘Gentry be to huh;-, hfiondirionfofrhe Vrrlgalrrg Cammvm already are they in Title; ;Awhich;ris but a fallacy of the name,‘ and deludesl our Starifls; for A sindeedrhley are fo only A ?Q;c:p7ref&’i2£ati-U61] , being rather the Tri. fl:5_t&I2r:.¢' ,Lanfd leaders of the peoples Llrengrh, landrhe governors of K ;-ltheirlpurfe rhan pzrra/J (bmmam. Nor vxillirlefuifice coobtgin sjthis P:«T?'.l'ij’ ,, unlefs with it alfo we efiabliflu ” our 5:4/:r£m° 7>am»;4 «in abody corporate, cornpaficed, and permanlenr"; fuch as is rhar or I,m.::m , where poffibly {l‘lC Grandeur of that City , had A,-it fpirirand defign, might; ere8:irfelf.inrohaFree—{lare, and might by that great: Magazin of rreafure and men rbereimlwi. ,% give La,wro:rhewhole people hfcgtrered as they ‘arelinl 3 ularger c:9nrinenr.. Having firfl reduced fonrefmeetrC§ries,Forrs4 A and Cjaflles, which b:ingGarifoned7frpm the Head Calam-',will " hrlawfi the Countryes, and order rhem into a vaffalage —comperenr to marlkAe;;;up 4.; Free;fi:;re% : f Butvve of“rheAGmr’ry , lhall neither rhave the“ l.hro;1cxurofrhermamrh%, rnorbenefir of th€"t/91.1%’... ‘Twirl M be;;in£lileE1rrrhe.lMC_or:1mon4“’h7elalrhl of L0:-mla;-.¢‘, not of ¢E2z‘g[mzd_7; % and%our~pay,rnuf’c lzeasrheyr 1rnpo£'ee,han,d eour,"“hfberry yasjrhey mrouchfafe ‘only mi rim: 1r,»; t~b€'__5_ rlefs ag1;eeabI§;el,%' lshwregre fubjfigagfpoulr-Izzferramrx, A This D1fconrfe;rho1rghl1rfeengzs “ Drollleryl, yet has not-hm vvrrhourrrs gealoufie among rhevwifel _ .. M V. ‘I A é . » é . 4..l ‘h “‘\ ‘erg, lllrlll Camrpjrlkd by W .9enfu~ ' V r "* r. - _ l ix W‘-ll-fionfi e {Tunas to?k%now its own flreng _ ‘ byethat its inteere&,wvh4en“~ ngcg{fi[.y to prcferve 1!: felf, vvlllxmbalden them toxlayhandson, ab‘: :5, and f o info rce Oprd-.r uP0n.Ehem,tha£ can AAgiveAfmma é~unx?:o: ehemfelves. A A AA AA A“ A A From this Em!crz'o h’a~vc%eiITued thofq Commeon-wealtths which:’cI in notions; as Chofeof j 130W‘; CW5/3}4g6’%ae -/1?/96%;- Lacedemon, (“o;»~intla, 7_‘/aeéeg, (#5. ~ C_3a:ea:~c.Ciz:—ies of chacnafme, v'.vbi;:h;h;1_¢e Iubdued theitadjacenc Terrxtorxes, and denommaced the dorniniotz ,~ wherein only thOT€ of the freedVome.,~ ecizazme and 1J.e~m‘m; had zzmoree pom'r;e I The Gentlemen 47;; Weae ewe of the Countyes, being purely tributary to the Grézndeee€iey.;-. unlefg - we tranfplanet our feIves,_ » renouncfi 0UfTit1€S, and forby degrees advance into the honour? "of a Bwgcfi, as we now do %exerc~i_fe. cur jamiar e«ifl‘ue.e Andefuch eafft at thfs day the Ea_m’d COmm‘Ofl*; wealthsee of "(Janice y tiat’ WW4 “ Prmiws ) .1-‘ht SW5]/7’»‘, 7 not .’‘me infianceinethofe petty eSt9ati¢S Of §7_mM, ‘V Rugafoz,* Gem’-Um, Civc... Al1Cpmmon-weaIth's,mofldfitlmmnatfidfrom“th0fe.prim:ipaIGi«-A; tyes which givethe Law roetheeadiacezat Preovinc€:s.e , Thofe in-* deed of the Hollander; andV«;S'wfzf]'€I, thoughth_e:ye;der.ive note fa direéfly their Title from one Cuzy, yet are they In fubflancb ofthe; fame Conipofuree, ‘being%ox1]_ya.,n%unA1r;Cd Body "95- carparateedw Ci- myes, A ¢ombin’d i:1_onc_’: for Inutual defence. ageunff invaders; _mm'?;; ofa_n equal powertQA1mP0f¢ upon the ad1ac:encA4 Terx~it;o§zic$; {pi-qeee ruate under the awe of 4 each xefpeétive City, 0r“TOW-lfi1""®ay",’~2 A It falls not within my memory rhhté there ever AVwasW,i ‘eo,rMafi: ch_is4day is a Fr:e+Sr4t; vintheworld, thgfls manageewby ;h¢%Gm*-A4 tr} inhabiting at large, orby;a11y%peq)p1enQ‘:, cebmbitfidziweitlm in chejurifdiétion of wtheir tZ?.gz{l:,% exgepc the Grzfim~»,e~~vP1<‘;e.e¢Ita f:tdaym,eem¢et~in ayre~,,,e at e wherctbe eevmior W“’ree.3§.vW?:Kfli8h:AE5Wjfiyc fl1Ai1:‘¢ a €1'Y¢.3i~ up ettm e MagIfiIaF¢S»andAdcterm1n¢s {Thaw~<:onefu£ionu1r1,akcs;tImra.~* for econqucflawerc theire; _ C§¢m;try~wotrh i:,and feurcde;ibyA;« themted Catztonx. A A - ‘ “ A * A A A ‘.5 »w‘x; .;..{ “ Nowtp appelyitehcprem1fcs;eAe; Caw1;ewe,fuppQfethe;,C§em:g ,e,ecIn4¢c:ee A its now ingowqrg, yvill adgnig ,,?lWI§5"7:A.;§Ym‘:1€V€1r£h§7; V [A ‘V A ié3mftw%; % and }d«3;1inio11 no a proportion with Atihaircojy-/so/derw?A Nay, wm renounce; the .2.a2mrmg o%fa'Swm£ , and%1carn to mat/(g am‘ 95 wilfi’ fuhmiu.:o.~$bcmm§ t:_::1buraryIto¢rhe :NeighBour .CoIo-my ? Them pombiy maywzxre a£};>1refrqm_che.fla:e. of Ifizgflyip to :1’ {ream in [’lo2amflaz'p orfat bat’: from the free—-giving of fmlfldmr m the A{_.]%.«.n‘m11f{ionan?:d by the 'S2>vif§e5 as one *ofi7 ¢~h¢__Cfijéffs agjca Abe: 1G7adf¢tt}M«7" Eb ’£he%:Fr§wcb Kings fon, ' V Am; ’rtwiLlbe~;fa‘id*;:‘:aAs4‘Pléi§éo fancyed.his» Comimuniiy, and Sir Tbbmm; A/7£5?iV[Z!fppid57f0%may wm Ramtiam, thEr€by~to gaw A that up] sg *‘f:em*v%M0dcl3A»of a Cfiommanefwealth \outof% the fcar.te1"cd marry in thc nature of» a_ Hazafe of Cammam*.I Truly mywfriends, you‘ will trymsw cxpgrlmexats,’ I1 wiQ3eY_0u had; orh::’r fub‘-jc&s mpralfifi u.p®1}V~—, elm: tAheE%§}a¢g:5%.V«afmd Live», my ,% -;he7 very Said: af TC hAfAi1fiL.ans ,5! %=W¢hav¢ mnj‘ithe?? in th~“o{?ic,»% and ‘thw %Ia7a%:&T;4z»kM':%ot’¥ =w0 1ong»v aigwéfl ::hm3ghe~ ~fiVncef_QEV‘ any mg A pafifmnésel“;-; yyiumiée. zwiaé"dd%‘afiéémé:ir5 W Muppafe,%c*r¢ this wbe4 g;reéf€1afib¥ A,i Azrh%ia:t1it4»wé¢s~V!or1Iy fl no fcf-v*m4’%%2~£mé«4‘,A;V :59 at mh=~fn=o~fi;a I-(Ii 3,! ‘fléwrwfiaéfi #:f;;¢&%%¥%“4ch%a?:¥;gg“,9* 7 'h v _ ..., \ ‘ §._,M,_W .4.” .¢ _ W‘? - V39 ,,€...~u. M ‘yw; gag “ *3 x.* Mr~m f‘ :‘-~_ . -« arm"; N « a’£$§1§{$Eh’@w~c/f‘fi?P9j~;'5“*.“W11T€l‘f yew? J %y*:rs~we.we eff A _ %_ A A «red we mrety Wdlés ~;bw= y° %f%=:1V**?‘e‘:fvwr :awrvf#=1~>“k* 2 arfi. = hé\Fe?figHtE§w%yapu~%£¢Whé*I$”“ A ‘ ,%A,,¢at‘-yj A 7h*£l€I”?‘ ¢7m'@dV ? eamVongWthsm3, . A A Now« hf ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ q ‘ "x H ‘ fr VI-I w .‘ L W I 'N”0W> 550%“ I d ¢ gag-ong}y V;-/ya A me. in E_h*_iS{fC3.'I‘C€1 that as this Goverzamhent Wa;em*°i-“a ginailhy fcmnded ina fingje pe'rfo_n, fo the Gc:':2r'z¢5 ofthe }7efif§1’Ieeh we adheres to the W16 f0W=‘~r19I?~ EXa%n«11:¢ he vesous ;:ev'€>I‘Lit'iOf1‘S’eti‘§hEt‘fia‘%*E“3f?;€§;“ihE"t3", ’B'r'ztm¢:, 'K;vmzzm:,'ax:, flame; , iriregiulm‘ .__tranfa&i0“n§; jz“ere,c‘he~y£3 "A and Norman: ; or moreheerly the h;;ehez3ges in their defcendentsh fmmrhe direflr line to _'the Eh/Zéféfizéhl or neerer, the times of g 354353314311 , dcpaflzgg Kg. :1 gs , hza74r.c£.. ahd. % Ki;-7/2a§d_ .b0t:h_ the nfevcofxds efthe Nfirfié 3 he and Wt‘:‘fl1’a‘lI Hrfcf Kz"z~;gf}¢z'}fi”‘Hi§? ffi faihlon: ‘Nay, that of Kingjo/m is npteioels ; forwhen the pea» pie hadinafor: dethroned that Kmg, and fwome allegeax1ce‘” my Lgmu of Fr.w&*e'* ,1 yet? when dyed'~e “the” peogiaie 3 noconly e;cpe1a1:’dLtheforraignerh,. But»havihfi0pc>werh“*ihhtheir oven. D hands 5. t:heyhCrown;:dh:h*izs‘ Scmm’ a1t1_rinfant,‘wirhqut&V} piowef" or adherents .~ Amdnot one fyllable 14nhal~1Jwr Chromi»cI*es~,‘e aha‘ defign, or ~endeavouer t:o«ex:e‘6°c ah Frer::~(’mee; No n‘o‘cflw?h-‘.m» = Tiler, or §’4ekSzr.czew revelf'd*ih€ with their elewrm. ‘ “ ls” *oe*h Gcnim’ changed? ‘ye0"u’Wi1Ifin;d hi%Vt,~.~ ‘A 5:311 the ma Tr-areéiar ,“ who 1n? a» fingre perfmh ~Eeaein"g-u{3 the (imdow of Kingfhipw, Awasvfo fecgnded bya full Reprefenffifie give ,4 that had he not bine’becray‘edrby»e his ‘ own pufillanixnity, hand the power ofha corrupted Army,? hehad‘ bit1’fufl’i€ie2;ItIye fecuredtaf V roraevienfl the Smta‘Ze!at:.' A A A n he , . , i he % W. M e A; e h A _ T15 not the fence or mterefl ofa few, that can long {way at J‘ Nation. If Chcpuélick fifiir-it be averfe , at the long ru1*1ne¥ will prevaile; e The more difpute there is with that {pixie , the more imbitcefldit willhe found; for whatever wedream I, even when the mnltimde have the pawer, A the comma>1id5is~i%11ha hpewe ffhe-“a&ive'fpirim lead the hm; ,e£u?1d~ingrofs thepfafice, the pro- . fiech,:*and;.the {way A: " Thiseinekgeherdusminhd bcwets*difalm'n, anh th'a;= faaffian ; for when afllwre!’ equwf,‘ rhohufahndsthinlé rhemfeliree as deferving Rnle,as1:_ho*fe thath carryhit. “To fftisfie all, it is iiempoifible; copleafefewgh _;dif’p1eafe.=sAthe,mbPc; eO”ur“tranihe°c€e A ons efince§;8,h hasxe%maadehr~l1~1e‘a=s» fenfible as we have medee om: 3 efelaves ah? ; _icné£e. froé eonclhde , A 'rh¢,£»%g1i{k~* Genny h~éve'e~;*S15i*~ rips y»ra"~, n:1ruhara’*lih§,ze and Gmmém likee*fire”aifpi*rihg ash‘: ‘fljrmgzide, +ffanjulovv«t;a higha, :md'it_ wsiilenevererem till*§rce1i~ £ra&sf1tfelfunfio"a’3» Zt%Z¢}" atatop A‘: V S_e~;Gbde~ie W15‘; V or he were :hee‘*‘Iikes‘n6t A h ~ A T A B 2 A “tzhat A >:gm~Kén:g‘ that ‘prefidtfifs 'Abut delightk in the Rulevof man], let him. a" Prefident» 552 I212: fmi 1;, and he mayxherc poffibly have enoygfmk SECT-ILA inaikignt »to__ozzr eeizdcawagrs fir 4., " A Eree-State. ’ A e Hough we cannot fixeafetrlemenc vof ascace, yer poffibly by M M ’ Artifice and Comrivance form: may continue a Rotation in 3&ifordere:e AsLBoys at ePoot-éall, howsone, ee then ancather = trip-+ -;;_ing up .the.heels , and,.canryingeee'away the Ball : Some perhaps phat ouc—r.un itheir fellows,’ may-hit “the mark A and A fuck _ the e f3;ggg;e.,:A till being full-goe1=g_~’d« , they, grow Lam); and fame em-. pjyones phat: are more aeétxve, mountkxheir Roomes.;= In the 1 mean time, We their tributaf-ies. arc».ar%mschte\vith:t*I1efe mifaé ec.h.iefs.7 ! 7 . W - A 1, ,W=efl1aIle.;confiatIy [live under the affifight~s “of an" Aimm/z7¢::z Eon: abroad for whileeaney ofethat Royal Line furvive, we may well judge thafi: they contrive a Réfimratzfos 7 And our Scam?-. ~ menfihave b’ [q kind to Him ,; as not to give his Home-partya f;t1l.o£liwian‘ 5 by: againfl .A true; policy. and, prefident, do ccmn-e me ghem clifizélg-d,,_;a;_%1%d%fo in difconrenr. Hence is‘ it ,,e that wempfi be"alway__ese%jealousnotzyaflhred ofi our mm-:4 Nfiighe fibour,_[ti1l;an equal fufferance begets a'n~equal fence. 3 A n =1 : e A 2._While we.grog,n under Lhisefeam ‘Lis eofneceffiry that“ (.(\11V'1ti_1‘1uCV‘£lCODfidC1'ab1€__:.F;?2fC’¢’ at Law! a1%1de.%"Sm 3‘ Wh'ich lying » A{,Vid1me,v wail?! corrupt as ‘Handing watuere in a Pool , and endanger A a my comhu&io‘n, 33 they are blown up by their prefent ]l»Iaflm—.- V,HoWever.$li:ke our odd Lard-Deme:‘%, .the‘y will e be burrhenfomae $.m:heCountry By their Qggrererfng, and conf:qu_ently~odious: orherwife F0ek¢€P7tb¢«5e0*11di.¢ ea-ion 3 A» we mun e either _¢eaf£:%eightthem,.%e upen [H8 difcoverfy otla ;zew+fa£;a3d- lot, feorengaege A them&i11‘;afarmig;; War; " =;;'1‘..o this aretf1e.i1ni:e AAeeProvincesi1?1?- itoeprexfent K1ngfl1ipA,e in _t,he;_.Prince‘Aof ee0mn%ée*; rhduegh Iheigefsiruazionfecuxese theireflgfiergfwe.J19z}vs:much.,mong1i:.r than _ A*;dz‘fi'ou*rfi.'fi2r a~K’ing *d71dP4rl}'y42rte;zI.h 1eé5nd77c>ufdse; ~ for their"dDominion confifisd chiefly in _/hang G,3rifoug,~ ,‘ h “Fortified Townes ,‘ and thofe in afmyall \Cir."c‘uit ; ihould donemf mere” of thefn be furprized hya éufic Armyytyhe rel’: wiileytake the Asuszrm, end privent rgetr grggrgfs gy _the fordce gf Ways and »;BuIwaryks', norm :2: ma ere at y age: as mus, an more -“expcn/130:, than ten fuch Prmces can advance But in England mopgn qontinenty he that Commands the field , Rules the pjurfes for London 15 1:90 rush to have courage , and will ymore srmdily fubmit to the trill? of the Commanderghanh cache mgdg 1;} *ofh=isdmArmy.‘. A A A ’ . y y A _ A 3. While weheve fuch fears, and, we mufi .c0n[inue c0fi[f'1.é.fll’t0}¢ , bCfidQS [h0fC gfaat hcif/."y0?71€f and Exéflfig which-impoverxih us, though-not fo fenfibly, yyetmore hfgcerly than the h‘1};yx; forthecommod1ty.be1ngckm*tg,¢d, the prxce 15: buyer even alrnoflm every thlngthat: he eats, *4 aired, and the ‘dunks, or wears, payes the azccom2t.h I _rcmember when ‘M... Tpn--that grand Patriot ,4‘ upon neceffity but mentioning ‘the. ~ word Excife in the Houfe of Commons, was by a young fpirie, . ’ and no: without applaufe , called to thedyBarm What yrhenwe fefleemed ‘Po)'fim,“w<: take new as ‘P/2__yfi«:l~\; but in that Age iii» ‘fcem’d impofl3bIe.rha_ca fife-barn Engltfh-—-man could have {wal- iilowedir. ‘Twas begot;in- the Lawmcazxntrzlw with [their Scare “which makes them Fm ;' thatis, in Purfe, nonin Pri«m'la»dge": “fox no -Eizglijk hKz'ng» dar’d ever demand , what they are inforcfc to pay. ‘Now~cc”>nfider we what benevolencese ,. ysequefirari-E» ‘Qua , five and twentieth parts; a Tax of» fifty fubfidies at once , 7 “Fihcsand Compofitxons ,hSales ofliings, Biflaops,hjDean's.and~> Chapters , yand.Delinq7uen’ts Lands, the ewe parts ‘of Papifls ., ‘nay it {hare-«of our war} c‘/1517;! in to the dxfireffed , befides Com “flan: cbntributions that havebeenlevied: How hasicall been "devoured byxhe y;Ai*:mz'ex , vvhofe belly indeed has no,.eboccome1 ’ye:ewha:*v1’mar: to them do we owe? what a Deb’: have we A ”cdmiraé’ted ? ‘(is judged not lefs than T/ztrcc At}!/!z'llz'a72: .’ L€fr€dI"l A the Army we dare not»; then rnu{’t we fmppl] it in proportibn, qr mar which 13 worfe;efoethesouldiec mufl 11%., ythe pure- Whehce fhall.we acqu1re”th1sf var’: uyr=conflayynyte charge be, ghan two permit e.»:'-qmz * nd he camnotb A A Sum”? not lefs cehrtaxnly -cando dm*zz,'m bysrhe year ,‘ gbefides htheinrerefi of the great debnwhikzfl dAe‘*me1Is dayly 5» we have the z'!l.1Mc/(“thin ynone; yyi11Reée{ A ,, they , wee ngotvffwrwgwhilcthcryhadhands tomkg-.. H J fimrféfoir a ing &natParr~o*men:. V rttnfemixy havetLarrds‘toSrqmfi6r", T101196 E05911}; Clifiomsrfintkt,‘ and fowii1rtho“ExciAfe.‘ A‘iIfort:2;he foturo (1f.Ihi:“ Army conch. t V ‘me; muhcibo extorted by oontributioo from the flarvoiiragflotutnw A A hrti'c:S.h h But I doubt, as therois little Will to it , forthefe is lofs ‘harm ; Th€ifpa{i‘€1:1§€;haSbit3 exercifool to the height ; «Take: heed; Nefcir pleés jejwm dmere, ashamhttroo has nobao;m!:,fo new h rceflity has nofifipzrre- V A ,4. 'I’:z}i;“HOWi5 it poffihle they~‘£hould:, iE.Tr«zde fails; -:,Ourf%ubfi once inthe? Country, hangs fonfibly on coorrftmerce in .tho.City; A A man hxpocfthhis Rent, when his“Tooant cannot fci1«his‘ Waaloe If wool be not {old , how can the pear (minions of poor ) be '5. fez: on work ? Ifthe poor honor; fathom work,’ they mufi ‘fiml, ; JorjEm~*w; Ifthe Clmrbyertr can vent no C1oth—, how “can he “ _. ‘buy the Wool? If the Merchant have notat fre<‘:ondrwe11+ordo— red Trade , how can ht: buy cloth P A The mifcarriagezs of _Ehefl?: ‘Limos has fpoy1:—‘:dtheTrado ofhrorur Cloth beyond tho fears; fo A that onlefsr wt: roturnrinhto order‘, and awe our Neighbours to zt futahle. corrcfpondence , ’tis not recoverable. For oth er trades A how they fink, may be cvid<;r1’t.from1«the dayly raptrurcsrthatjaro fpoken or 5 and more fully..Er'om tho zooo. rf_ail. that we have Iofi fif1C~Cth€.Spmaz'fh War. Now, thetcommodltios we havethenct: we take in upon rctazila from A out Officious Neig/chow“ , . who ‘knows handfom-Iy to fornent therdiffcrence, and reap the ad-- vantagc. Our gold walks beyond Sea more freely than in Bag. A 24% 'Fotrraign Trade or we pay for a'e.zr.;fh wweofoll cheap. 'I‘i-mot poffible but the wealth of;Englmndh (inks in valguo confiderablyrevery year tzth No Tradocan be, ti1~1thertt:;rt* _ baa fettlfimcntrg‘ No fett-lemem: , whxlo we dance every day. to 3 n*cw_Wbifile.. Thetc‘arc‘tcn models in rpropofalr,~ and every ; faE2z'a;z’ is with blood ready to wow his. way the bePc, While we A thus fiagger; we may {hortly ‘expefi robe accofictd withthe fame ’ ‘dilemma , that: porotrlahourerput upon my Tctganant tho rther A “day, from whof: fold, owoekraftor weekhe had Pcolnrra (Imp; he 1 pfrecly confefi the Theft,‘ and told him , work he. had mm: , h ;1or‘couldget any , though he offered I:o:la.~bour at lc£§,valuc% than V } t he was want 3 worth hewast no more than hismrthm patgvflzeal he mun; hangohirn he might , ohm; he hisrtwifet andfive childfen would A Ohferveittinworue commodity; How cam:he‘Ge.n:tIcr~h h 5’. Word A =’*Difi0fiifif5r a W A 5.», Wereit pofltble to keep down the [}b;'r':'t of the Englillfi 3’ which has been fo imbittet"d by the violent inllrumentst of out Smt{[z?;.- , what {hall we think of I?‘t’[ai1d,_‘A whoalrcadyflfl 1;” L fence altogether avetfe to our new rnodelét Nay, what ofScao-~ [mad , aftee people, no vvayin Vaffalage to us; unlefs upon t~hetaccountof‘ot;tlm Canquefl Can we think there two, Kingdomes will true/ole. under thts? ecettaeinly, they wait but opportunity, and when 1t comes, ’twtlcofi use dwzré Their insoll tereflttmdoubtedlye is ICi:gg[hip, whereby they may poliibly hope to lhavean influence upon the [mean of our Court. Whilethus“ own; are imbroyl’d with fears and Wars to fubdue out ttibuw mies, out pttrfes and blood mufltbe at the e,epanfe , and out enemies abroad will work their ittterefls. 6. Was not thematntenattce of our fwfidarffltntfll Laws, the ptetfenceof our quarrel? Found We not the fpirit of the’ «-owaslit not decfy"d%? and Religion, "P7-are/hmt: Religion adjudfgtl Nation towz”.d up upon the found of the .’Tmmper.? Pam-ly‘;« to beyitt danger E’ vvetewe not calfd up to the }Battel upon the I account of» Zeale with a 4 (hrfi je M'ero-ta? Now if we truclt; on inthle fearch for“ am:-/me; asfor Reiigion,l‘o muchoffiit aswet may call Pratefhset, mull of neceflity turn to Wanrannefigl for out divifiolnsllare fo great already , lthatwe dare not ‘exal'pe-«#7 mte adV3nCi‘flg.,Dx:fl'1’p[:"fif. t Nay, indeed we cdlimat if We“ A détt"d ; for the moi’: a1fz‘zm*‘of‘O1JrSt5a'ltiH’S ( if they have any".Re-5 1Egior1,) ”ClS'thaElOf the, Seétaety , whichtthey own as the maimed» A fuppotter of their Model; lwFl0f'<:intc’:rel°clit is, to give I;£cdcsi;-tz'1-¢-l- A ulfiffiit;/jf€;t.O.31dlld.Vl As for Lmm, thofe which we adored for the excellency and atztiqlttityy mufi of necelfity be 3'fC€I’(.l""’in out Freedoms off’ mfg” and efl-kztt, lWh~‘:re'm,true liberty is prineix. pally“ ‘coenCer1i’d:t Thus, iflvehavela; ftee~l1ateinl‘lthe lweyuofi A we a;:*l~fotrl”¢~olf‘Cto_tt1ln1lonse almjcuj, ot etcoumil i‘1'NI’1'C tirrtetval what; Svetaiggh Court Well‘ take” power to impofe ‘TKXEJ , fmhd‘ A %to%;imJ pérflmsez oNoWb ‘ the Law of ngzmt no Ftete-«men ‘t % be tweed“ or impnvfl , " 111, by A623 af Phelinmwr ‘follel;tt11m~~ ly andtegulastljrlpaf’: by the Arline elem , and hletlin_mrf1(+¢al:fth'g.: P eleéted Ito cottfent "onl‘y'.fo F a 1* as Gem}?flfl"C’0fil?2“€1d1"Of'Efl?€wtttl57‘?P-rig‘ U.~'efi‘ateslfl10uIdhbe agreedxa 'I‘t1dpafl"mg whereof, A the Commons e Atfleet-:tgzstthe‘”«TIriblunes of the ‘people, has rthett Bulwark aga1t:af’cfl V Hlghlpayments arid imgreflureso-demgnded by !.’h€.7PsIinCe st‘; : To » A whole»: mic? Ferlioetetiti t _ AM:-ourfe*jbra K andP4rliammts A lwhayfc occgfiom they would not contribute , uulefswe-ll fatimsfi-I ed ofthenecelfity and disburfement; ‘which granteggthey had the; A fame CttxncmnmencthCr€in~With=ix%‘s¢ Plaiewiyanéfepa. % ‘ m1f£h1§V9fi$§ 4%11a¥%fufii£Sz~~. ~!?9“t.%3{§‘5°iP*:'¢ WY; cum-. And hms,s$i%V§¢:s«=9!x%r r°9usi&v?s&9 1”‘ a¥:».ss111kscs33Perg¢ +chan%xis£a::; %9r¢.=a1-1? WM fie swaths-'r.9 fiwfiat m'1l%£a»gvbC fbufi.%vC¢mP%?.!ng,t1m¢S¢¥!1E£1E’ 1»9i°yibitn¢tA%,%ro X zcviidcncebmz thatia-c1<;)fur‘cVw1cf1 the’ wgygfh‘ ,%VuI‘riix%clii'a;-3” ‘ I I". v‘ éfio;fl:&:Wh1ch¢5‘¥W‘1!¥ Aéa¢W!~a%w%A;n»4;§r92nx gélemg *+chc=tdi1¥arj=:rsu¢g=4fI»vwfimetsa MMr-,%A*%f<2:%¢h;c the‘“¢P4fl¥’*‘+1nv‘Dh:IF':‘*!c ~»m%k?£¥P¢,9u9£‘¢l afid ~wi11~eh=;rn rci A u!?<’;%is.=61 9? f;°nr?%€°?rte;'m€~ W4? W5? ..¢4g;;; 434 ggntlp yva)g_,Jof_ a§§,ix*ng_;% . N A r yv11lm1Mg:, Mgforcerccxtéd mt!’- HG #5 I-2 0 E‘ ’’r'‘: 13 Q- ~chicfs** acatjlm f Md 3%”yfo.4rV%«5uIffée?*:3 %\:vi¢.li7‘!>° aria; cér;fcqus:n:L pur.c/mr,gn~ 1% t<=.fl$f;onIy I-ha_t —AW¢C1:c-vAf:e.VW?4§&h“"l‘11¢ W fight H¢i”mf flu-.V%Crow%fi upon refines; ccmduéible to arrg;=;.;;4*;e’§ 1wd~v9s+»n9=yi«fu°!?§9% f<2.mu9!m§sid:%%$h9d“€¥%£ishf5% °.%F’“th¢ :<.>Mas§ goastelzzanaeag<=sn£so,99w£a1nthe: P¢,.<2pIes% f¢>r:vv1th*fo« - “bpg - ,;w,E;R yvf/“;Jg§z%;%VrWr<;gfcpg1;¢ofA xbingqm e;.7z4t€¢/¢%. iii” th% 6 V .\ in é M an 1“‘ “ ‘ 3 é‘ ¢~%re«e§¢f¢,rW1Y$.ofJ’¢ae¢,to .:h9@r=oP1c, a_rad4 ¢;.=he,12;qs=euon9srhxs ‘§¢¢P?9B%?«..A a¥»§a%m%°E«V£¢7*J‘§2W%d P;»5¢ro%s%@1.¥$»AAa:§»§*%%x hA~Y~$»s. A%V\L1J1%z“?7?§“£%?€%Z??f.m»‘?‘¥$.§&a.F§‘§ ‘than MY93 ,«w€°§$?d "l?£wF’ 3» ‘ V K J: A W “'9 ya ,,£~»' Va 1 -, N :;5§9~m%*P? M M ~ 7 3'» ;‘..‘,I** w » 1‘ W xv» ly nh¢sétjor.e,A.4fqc’si:;fi§ AAAagai.riP<’ % % U “#1 “2¥&?v£W%«—— ch¢_nx;o?l264,V¢I¥p1'§?1?i!Ci.’.£i is ,3;haJ:xvbi%c,h wig; wféageeds‘Vfh1hVthat*é2i”n“ru:: Nb an p£iw?iI¢cdae% Y in A1 4 A A*;72f¢ou»fe)9;raK§;2g. Peme enfues,and.fthence ‘Tlmzj A; -No,Aj:a1oufie%4;o£. A tgendef t:_o invadé: us from 2;b1:_oad_; I7j¢?{az¢dM,yea and Scarlamf will acquiefce by way of fubo*tdmat1or“1ro*the Crown; the ‘Roy 4 21 party r_nf1}Pcfu}3z1iic%t_<; :13: Aterrnesig agreedg fillorwjf the Hm; be; fa:isfied;%.rhjéAé&d}4_hathaiaa1ther powfvesgjnvx :u1;;coLAdiIpucc?A_i;;&fAfg;u mher; A A A ‘ 4 ‘ vr ' 4 A " b 2. Parties reconci1’dA,whar:neceH1ty isf11creV of aI.and—~Arm7y?% , rhaMz'1z'rim< wirh<>ut A AChars¢% in cm? C0.unfy being fec9r’dA in 1 ihénds bf: canfidw:2zce4%,”L'fo thatf;1‘u¢.h o_f ...t,he fou}1diery whq_»m‘a k¢4 w‘m_’*A théir tradA-,may‘have4‘1¢ fo#bg1m%pldyé:d‘zzt‘Sm,L jvfijcrc neéd~=éA’ £u1:M"itlwi11“be.chatwe cdncinuc Aéonfiderablsz PIe,cr,"% as ch; =z»::;:g%zz;: or Lazgzaads affidtéPfgfgrycxthgtSbvémigntyatvSgawhighvisbfirl eangienx tight 5; thiircfi being’ paid th€1*Mrmzr:,’ may jch'£:a%rft11Iy' ’ regircfto their ”wives‘ar1d friends. A A " A A % “ M ¢ 4 2«:%'I?hié hofiid T?IxaAAAAY€3 find’ ‘H? yAEim'fimay fl30¥f17Y Ccafé Af0fA~I fl.1%1IIA %Lr1Oi1~ €Vid¢Q?é-A“h3‘ 3%IARéV¢11¢W#“33AY: b¢‘3dV3’“‘1“C’a1 WifH%-”-% “ ‘ %oui;'éi.ihér ofthéifa, f.u,I’Iy"¢:oIif1}5ét¢f1t%*§<;>‘ fiippqyt the Coéxrfi-i'%ex}:cz+c'é;, W anél rihef’1ie.c’eIi'1cie"s wofithé PLiblijcl&‘;;'onAl yi ai; prefexurfitg &&ilI~ Ber ” neétdful th”at%‘,LvvT_é:{A impofe o1_1c‘%‘gregt%%Tm.3 "fuppo?fe we aArweIiréi- mémphs Vcor;irriI5uVtion to 1i>€=,j>aid a!_:‘_ o;11“c‘e,A tlifercw_iph'4 to A pay ;rhe:* ¢ A o£':he;«:1>~Ma. and 4‘d,isb&ndV “them 5?’?’.<7’{?'eT~’5U sf AAThefe_ age A A rciiéé nd;u;(£é”tl&afiTb¢paid",.i%fwcjiittxid‘ jufl_icevtAo.t'hc3fcf*rhat ércfir Mwenia 1!.:§_A Ai1§1Oif7ca1‘1_theA”1*§ Bi: “-. m:y‘_Wyay Ept §Whis'cl‘ofu"re“ target % pend ; ¢>fhéi‘rvyw f¢,.,as the1'r‘p_ay Otfdyvs? fQf’%wr}*%l% thfifif, V 're;irs;_and.i n¢reaf: da,yIy ; ’b¢tre.rV‘w:rvej1c'tfiatat “oncewe t%akc*aV flI2"0‘ng% purg,C{tYw.[fi Lifiecbncributjng Liiil W€=;C0nfum,¢ /B€){OIid% A g... 4'? ‘i§1i?fir*45.gfiPff4v?r 4:5 Acefiazfi ¢9rfvT¢Wé!‘4t‘%0’f‘V* this c'10I7ure;~hhvavVi{i1AAg ii BI ft) If€l{5;C¢‘.d5_h £z{0oJ;Ahiiyof* thé <%;gk~ eff %exf,7fa&%iai4;A””iffltheAChr‘i;{39_ién‘»‘g?bfI3;;aizgihs ”gfowfi7‘fbrmid%£bl'c fir, . V :1iA“e:cor;;'m~ t9ci*c)n iptj ‘all? iiafiereng “far he mlfeés a] people:tBizt"have"“-~» béfen dz]€’Acz'}§[in’d 1 iii ~}Vfa;f 5; fpn; 1’6o%1:,hJ%% fideghjave givenfuéh' eyidefltfiz fiaf "c¢’!{{Kfl‘{Z?> Ihat?wil”A1bg_1¥be tgxjgpr of the wo'r ld%,‘ T wk: .d%a4vvAtidfif 5€>W€1s ;j %Aw:ereA we“ ‘ .; \ I ,' vi-W ‘ _,:; .. , H I; .‘ ‘* fl‘ uu“~ ‘_-"A’;.~.-‘, *‘r,;-m:~ rédA mm10Av¢» as H1 13- .,A»efiev2I fish 3;, P9 X9. Um§AaFd~ I A . . . 1.. . .; ,A , . , 1‘, ~. A, .- é MA “ii, . -5 Q AA » . *#3l«;(‘W?"'9" 1 fcrcer. »reA«Ae4wgA .s:.aychAAA fidAem%ay ..5:¢ a¢c9mP%11fin’&fs%A % Wen‘ W Vih-tmbcéw£u1,“roAawI%webe;¢o%urre%drwAa~IA1un%:es, whxch-n2ayi%e~:$ I‘ .» a3vcEéé”pred,"AA%A‘ééimay “mnciitce "co thé gerefl %bf"%tfi‘eV%?9’ofie?f:~Frbifi‘; % Wee:%~wsZmdv»A2@rhsns¢ W‘.°fi.1Kh 9 an Ifland 5% that. Gém-“~ V% % V V %% A we-A_ V ‘ A % % % A « «r m e «*3 M No’ W"V A V H L ‘ _. . W . é . ¢i*,ce which we bold new b)fAté?ézil:,4 a:ndfu1;1'A,with‘”h«?gh,h3z4_1fd5'§ vLhEié.y6nfi¢%h We 5?3AVh““?3s3ud AWIWUE daifigéf A%B1yw; may wrin;rh¢ Ml~fv¢v*»=~'%“d W greedy nsxghbouf ;I1éYA%tai<¢ A %¢Ahis%:urn in rhelfig/vter fcale» A “ 3 V; . ‘ attain . f‘K<%!»sg*wz»Tuta‘>1¢ ‘=9 .th9T*=%%°f Pb‘-‘=7i‘fW??é¥TP3rfY,‘b¢YPi1d V xhé seas Aanid ch¢r6bY%b¢8§t.a‘+C°nfid¢1:ce.inthem4V¢F‘dAouVrr?£*4i*J and aglmfiaygpc to the: incgren of x:h¢I :;r.,i;¢% p:ote&anc*%Ca::ré;%%%wfien ¢ maaccounr of the GranduI¢V°f f<>u1iState;andAou*r dppmtine {cituVation‘wcAmay b3¢0111¢Th¢ 59% of that Apagcy cc; ¢1;_l‘ar¢gé:A**tht: % ”fI‘err‘§.:orics ofcheGofp¢l3and‘awciin_aTp1era%c:onrin pu révveays bf wdrflaip, wherckthfiy are mofi i==.xP1<>d.€s31; flccthc dféeflhvfi £re:jc pa£fage,and i:;wi1l,m_ake {mam m;»;£cr ;A~Vdi§own the pro;‘m. "rich of by the Sword, as‘totaI1yunch‘rifiian, and béqgegth ‘iizto 6. This clofurc willin forne¢.z3étegr£ty oAffuch as firfi % cngaged in the war; _,vg‘h§%t v‘y§‘.swi’nwpr¢&rc11ce, but the defenceof %rLzberr.yand ‘2~’\,eZz’g£m,“%% vivhxch was afterwards model’d into vvords by a Asazem Lgggue and C.-aggamnt, which ifany, Was“the Gaad A Old" Cézkzfi-; v§h‘e4reinV.éh1é"Cmrcnanters %Vfw‘¢$re‘ t:o%1“,'=e:'1.*7J£i£%-, and not to afar tlaemfalzres dircfly €?7‘V’z'IVzc‘iz'3?’f£fll}, 6} :w6m‘foe«zzer ca2??5i« mtiazz, ferfmzfiaiz or terror, to lie dzkxideoi ;or~witbdr.4zwm, w/veg-W the?‘ to mag? fdqf€fiz'an to the 6‘071t7"4z7j' _ parry, ta gi'zze% t/gem» "film: to V .3 _ détqffaélfi 1.*7?d¥f:‘v’V?fl6j*+%Ao}' Vmiltrdlity “in Cfjfivmfa V whiCh‘V§(a$_!2h§1'1j.udg€d:f0.II1%LiChiii)*£m?§‘c‘€r}¢I/15 gIaryV%af¢GaaL, «tic V gaad aft/9: ICix:gdami ,4 ¥oz2zd:%'3‘a;2ai%£é'.'%%aj’ it/523‘ ‘K£flg, 553;} 31;, the da2_]6"J‘ of their live: éoaazfmflj :43-z‘cl% cokzflmatly t/2¢°)%rwéz;[az’% cam»- ;i2zz¢¢ t/aereimé pgazitzffw all ‘oppafitian , and p_rcm¢at: t-kg ffl/v,: VA mu _ c;ard!g_ag pm t/2ezr% p_%mW? ag all lm¢V %;z:%za!%Aiz;¢j2edz';2M;t: %-w/mt» ' figggef 5 _}?y%hich.%7_Cove1jWan{cLhéty t%h€H%.:J>d€¢1aréd~fO4%m3k_¢* in I/:r:%pr:'- J ff Gad , g fi:ar:;/Jar of all»: mr:.e‘,?: ‘wit/2 mm: 1 z‘r2te2¢t_to perform e"f.ozm2:Q j]j9£1;¥.r;nf2a?{rt‘;it% kt the great daywiv/2272 t/at karat: of all bearixflzbflld éadéfllafefl 3: AL which Cow A4 A vegan; ;hough49o1fibiy aVC,fiI;-Pr upon accounts of (Ié1%1(iI%1;z0???’l‘l'/.30!!! . f55A%I‘i?’£€‘4 %€€%’f€%:g:%?i5%ht fi°¢:T3E3Sfi¢.* 3S%t9%t56‘m5%““¢”¢ °’~‘” A rm, 1763? 5 find L“ théntrhc" gnaw fsc§:sha$“f12¢xa§é‘§riie1y%fifisaged 44:4. 4 :4 j « 3 _ V . A gl,,k‘..,,‘,‘ . ,Ih¢t¢i n» %afid4fmav@PoIfib1¥ 40#1f¢m; wizx fe..em:1vax/9+ perm, * than g have 1‘ u‘8¢1e%dwith~*%rhe ‘ ml}? 5,. , , we-1: A .nw.‘ :5, ii” ; J iyngg \=¢ '$;q «,3, . _‘_ ‘M _ _,L5'WP. W .1 M ‘Wadi; [3 I L “‘ ‘Vaefigng. ai’iifw‘ér’it f:fiei?gt*qac“Gqa; rin; wh ¢fe%prc-A~ ¢_%,f;ng_c iL;‘_vyaswfQ_~£ql¢mnIy curred M vyigff {T:j‘;ai3éd}7édvanAC’d?" ’H“ow ‘t'cang; %tti¢.*‘??‘réte]?vw¢i4¥33uf=?‘?%V555 if R¢1iSi9‘fiwe»re on- ’ A3*3,é3rr) tj”<>%‘T»‘5”:i*«‘: 5a"*5tW%3w.A% fiavfgf himvklorious-= ‘* fyvilf it%f,57¢“f?0.;ifh’Qfé.4 m;aAf;zj:L“ "a5jéi:i?;”€li%é‘r‘eé>E,‘ this a*ug£%e+f%-zhek*ar:i. bf dé1uded%‘Seaaw f ‘§ié§,":fi;h;é3«§*fOI‘ériéés76f3é‘;tiiffiizfffidiié” ‘1‘:pe& ac» be éasaina this%cro~~ flares Iflm;1*offeV1skar famefoIu=1‘oAns»Wh1A¢13%AP9WV fmPr_9v”fi»% ‘ ;_m;y:mgn1fefl that th§:jd1;ffichl:%1‘c’s are n«+d w for.¢;%?*A‘~t5éfi*‘ TP?”V?i5“.[‘¥ E??? 'W?% [1“*’“*°"*”‘¢ W *«‘°”‘WW"»~ -W fiharige tI9”e““‘ SMt:“'“f79it13~ fé?1fl¢:00‘d.;' up47n.%~'w+k~’éfeiAcredkknrbey-.; a 4 jj\7?vév‘t’:f*’§£‘1‘d&ifpuiE’§“xvfkr'it*‘M¥féipIih€’ih*rBé.' rcgfia, amt » by**a*1-*D2z;;mwgha2:~:whea four: 4 w . ~ ‘ ' ggafié“ ’ ‘ ]i"ér‘i‘4ié’%%»a$t:71& ‘*‘T¢%iepqn-0 *1 (D Hr Q. ‘:3 ¥fJ ' flp ‘aha? .7? zinvfifl ’ " I \»X‘*t «A F. - I? 13:; M‘ W"? W '7' » ff-‘7.""" ~V - ‘i’f$v~'bv§l Aanfi cu?‘ own .f¢#1:ai’f We =€qnIcYceA.. not 1“ thtdnidymenrs i:fie A3r@§%é:3:r:i*'¢zsfi §o£.;:cifa,¢-n:L7é>xe gapnlnr%%o€rthe:AM1n1flry; ,3:‘:cs‘n;%t%hQ1I:?*.!;1§§u§1pgqswupor; ‘;th_§‘_:“ fig gf- ‘thg; C dmmgzy-Law , that gavethe occafioh ae,x€§;;g~pE,g3‘q;§$gfi'% *th7at’~Hié.rarchy;chad1 a*%TfiVrong::?i£Ifl11C,r11:t‘%sf in, +f9m¢*1fi31ig;;gL5h«§f%ifirff W:Lf§‘I ~~nc$;1:« thcrcforzcr impxopisrly, ifgjgfifggépizlgwy 15] ms Ware afid*rh*a% the-:‘P0»w=r% :.:g°«1==~ 6% ttraAn°e1%V12r9v:d«:-..:2 cc. *cvenstd* a”m17raGle I2:mt.:1zlapd £11913 ihang ;_fi21§ted' z'tf*;_ that4.hgv‘e;engag,?dV7 by;Ga#zz%.em;gt¢.;ro%e5;t;rpgV:¢ in gaflw-‘N *rtot:but“ ~-judge‘ t:heA.*re(?tauIat1an :;QE;:;~l..h.£ H WW’ 61?] ,%.€.+lEvh,€'r v1,§1_;i§;1§: or. ~efla4t'e*‘to:Be‘giefpcratcsz»Am%ucher:nh;¢vr?Egnwtl3¢,Kir;g’p£&,5jcar.c..v has {'0 eminéntly-bhmwdmwn .~t:..;'e'1‘5c11z& g‘aw;‘7'5 wi(%TvgoA;%abmgar~¢ Mmxich ,L;.aw,. s%¢L;:m; fit/Z‘di— ‘.w’rfl be ‘of 1fxgeAdivf»fi%culry’mmong».¢; the mbns% t»h:_y_havc”’ lit- A At-1e%IeFt*thcAm“ bnt~ phzcwflme. ‘,:.11:o fup“po1;:t: Vfibiéhafo va{m Reve1aew»' Ai§*ndt’expedie11t“;£.‘ Ajnd nlrgpirLp%rfOn§; A moi} thqm_ Béing now» dead , and -none» t_§,e;% cAgg_A- gm'd; I‘Ef;t‘lt:oiv‘*5_tI1i‘§‘4\%vi*1'l‘ gr fuml $29 % daTfi&i2‘€"tb tWP¢K‘¢h*Af€**~.s Mimilhfimce w«~m«¢»?wPur+ ghare _H1§.; §c:~cfl;cewxrh=refpc:& .;to the crazy... tr1;§;;,;?5vg.;g Hx_1azb%abd‘ve ‘M; ‘?bm“‘.1§;3%2%%z;wy' g_u§c_ R ; @ ‘l % .. % % V.,,«.‘,,.;§,.;~«§:,£E; V" - _ were I 05,255. % W! ms “farther argued , T/J22: if Kingyhép 49;.-*;»e/W ¢;V:T%i*i2;w % i4Af‘1K*7”£ andwraw 4 ‘L ’1$;jt¢haf¢:,5 and fqftb %be%%Afdid hiEr{>m man fo 4thg1t;;wha:q be A payes" ‘in many ,3i%sA§rcpa'i‘d him inrhc 2»vgl;}_2;ié%‘ offvhis _ePraAt¢,.A This» A 0: the like exp§:di;cfint‘,ficofifyfidering how they paidaf , jwwhawt monycs theyhavcV;:rq1§7d4 “finceaby .Woods_ and,p§rqu1fits A; A {what fuffcrers weAhia;ve: bfn 1n‘gmmzl Jth:cougb_A{I>ut the I‘s1:a%c%1;ors,;rx;1gy ‘, Afatisfie with reafon rheVmnPcA rgséecfiy of tb_ofeP?urchafers.V .,Th é gm- Ireafonflable nfxufibc qyerérul’ 3 for P1’ 93”?‘ ba b3J‘1§:hc§g by A w:the.publick. . With this, :hAac%i‘he%12uicharersAoeo.;m %4;;,zc1W;,;;% Landg fcomfng undcr thc-':%A& only offone AI-Iva]: ,% Vpetfvyadéd to A ad,vanceAa¢ higher proportioA:;2,_ to fec_fi:j:§ , Andghe % monys bythempaid, o 1h1,glitV1n jag/sick tQbCd1SbuIfi for thégagdu ‘ A "Vance of the Church‘ in I31}yi%ng in “1Tmpropria{tAz°rm:M,gfiaingfiat ]firfi;b dc{ign"o." for that end ", A-t04C1nC0urag€:lMW2z}2g. Ajlean[.mgi{1tc«" A name: Wllliri time: produceVa,c1amempri6le AMin¢_iPrry 5 ;eyc’g fi:_;h3% W-nmme/fof1cl;e_ people,cotha.infamyrofour Church. _ i ) ire oz "rez2¢new~~futaEZesjTta %tbe j}7lm‘daiz(- pf ,t[a%c «Cégrt , “ mzd ‘ta ffipport AAhz}s*g1”~e;zt nllmnce,,%wIJcn ‘K F%r¢4fg-_/Z;”zt%e%%qcca[z‘on: ‘ no [fit]? ‘cxpmcc%; and the Kwg; remnenyAlreiizgrzawdifiibféfl fie will Eecame rt wxfl Zwrtbcn ta.:t/nag State. Nothing more dcnlbnflrative §than.,tEiat;i;ponth’e~ foo; bf‘ the A account Awe {hall find K,ing{h_ip% a great safe to ghc Afpublick ¢ ‘charge. AW: allotted thejo1dProte&or molefs than“aAconf%anta.- Inwenew of I 9ooooo.1; coVfupporr%ddthe Gov:rnm<:m:§~;~ye: 3,,Athat“' Mzfurn 9.1? the yegézrex and c1eat”fdi*AnotAtheaccqtim A ;%Mu%chAmorevI a-A % Avcrfis,nVow4 coilc5ted yearbyé fy<~:ar%Eout of» the-bowels ofi 1360-. A ;p” lAe-3 and~moAre we"A*mnfl ywhilrzwe maintain an ~~A.Vrn:1y',_, c>j' ;;on- A I D 7c2nux:%in‘£ez1re,; *df‘chgage4in%forraignM WaAr_ , which _;our fafiirzze " fi>*£nt:jw1l1bet9a (00 Map: ~'A%;oA?%1mbroy1eus 131‘! from E1mfi;,IOLiFfi€, “ thereby ‘fame A to feed atim , Aothers thgcm Mrfe: :7 A Q fuch “ f ;; fp:%r1r**weg readeof” vyoikingih all; Fref:-%flm:,,; 7AAIiEiié nt ,; ‘and %"Modern+ V § V V " ‘ %Cor1)pa're4We*1t Avvuh the expefncesAoE «Tour pI,g;1Cqur,t:s ;; when ,t7ge’*Kings Revc-mew in“I;ar;ds, A»_Perquifits, and Cufloms, ‘eyficced. 7c”éoaoMo;l. %h.yea1# ,‘i-Vi«f.A:;t<;1om’.4<;l;A.M1Jt;; vsI_Ai,_»;I:,h,§aA_Vg1‘;;or__iw_i¢%L}s% 1;: A ~ " % V V A A no dangle ¢qu‘zpazge_;1f0rrh{:’:hofldur(if the Naxgionh, hAAAam3’A'yet A f5aidAo&'i A confiderablc 13Zéerhh,A yyhh§»n%i§"has riotbin muph impmv’d by our val’: payments. ' A A ‘ A A A A ‘ h Ah W 7; :< 4 . “A 2 - * ~ xAASenfib1eAi~£§hs , tha>th;.w¢re%:he. Cra2m~LA:z22ds r_¢{’corcd,handAAche* Cnflanm moderAaceIyfét1ed,‘hthoughhhotfb in1j.2nc3:da.As thgy new are to the mine: of, Trzzgzc ,, 'tl1e:1*1ciA;;f.§,%1.11ig,i)1'3arifg, éh~fuffic4iénthAReve.. A new to {acute the Smzhh, arid fupp1Ay th<-‘:'Cazm~ VVit'h"£hi"l‘,AtAh3.I: , upevnh Emhergencies if afffirgee Pazrl:;:;2p2c::;fzr_j;g»v‘% ¢auf¢ 3 they Inight adda fupplcy by the oidway of 4ASr¢é.-'?a1zAe%%;7h.“%hor_ Co1%3tribu:ionAA, if A in %feernhmorr-3 fiqua-11';“«\VhiChAb€,i_figbut_»§i;*z(:§: pa1d,» and in 3; A model-"A mm: proportion “andhafikznt by; gt AF reg P,a:'E[1jarnent,’ smdwbenTradc' A imcomparifonhof :hemon;hlyA'l?NaxA.A _ ’ M M _ , fi .. Now foxjthe: Crown-L.m;d:,h“:*;h I can, mflance % fevcral ,P”arI1a.. is f'r6v,=and«W5fehbahnAi-ihrahwouldb#"=hF~1=*?*?*T€::?*;/I’?'f‘>‘*5ahAAétZmrtkenA» A ‘menus whereinfchey havek in re;-;zj]"gz2;2,’d, as n‘6taI"ienaB;;é, Wham. a profufe Prince hasbin mifled by C0urc~Pérgfite#s_.;’and,find...A ing his n1if’c¢akeA , ( has given‘them¢ ”l«1}3~A_tQ the ‘_ftqA;;».«of" Lh€:“P€:0PlB; A forAmd1:ed>t*hofe A Lands am 1n the Kxngs, hmdsby way of rrgm-.%.,. A whcrein h-is Svuhje8cs“ hava aA 1<,1:;dc£.*h§;;m»/2%; as witfl fbri fafety as for honour; which may xnumatethe aveakneff of that Txrle‘ A Mfg punchaféd the fame: from the rcmhaindezrsh only of the Houfiz“ of*;hCoLnmon<3.h Y€*£.fO«1Tth£‘fak4.°: o%‘£_p:::hace,A Vvhyhmhy they Anon‘ come. to ~a dz'fcomat‘?; and bfiilig 1'~'€'_3‘.'rji.fI1E’l.l1”Pc.. thAei%r %rea‘I- pu.rhcha1E;A- money, with damages, dzfqounrxnghthcmcan profits;”w1I1ing—hhM A I); yield up than lwraimz ifinhlericzhcc, wherein 1 andj;1I! true En-‘-5 giiflxmexu; may prccendAfon1§: 1~n:ert:{’c.AA A Somcthllug ofthch like na-A f tufe may be c.»f1§cr’d for the Aff3*COVCTy‘:0fT rhofc We %c211A%De1f;g;ze;gt;%A% I.:aAn§ds;.7 The lateTreacyAbet.wAeen 1-," rnxfcg and Sjnzim’; h‘ 5,1 gives 3;, f.alffPF%ifi.d¢1‘1E--,a W.herew%rwhj¢ com;raryA ‘ pamcs “whofe hwe‘{f¢_;gr<':s‘ _vyeA_;¢jf% SeqL1<¢£’:~r+?:».d%l£I~d ffolqi ;,Iwa1i4:;, Arcru':a/faked \ In Athé‘ iufit coi1Adi,tAi_C3nA. ‘th€hLa1'sdS nhewgre; an tAhh;¢«prozmRL1gatziVonAofl che;‘pea;«:,, vy’i£ho;1fi’a”-3h" AA nyhaccount hfohrv the m_e;1n“pr0fi£s. J 3 A A v hThe{ch€roWn~LandsAb:1n5g, thus re~afi1imeaT,A will fltppgjgthef » and t11“Qf€dA€pBI_1d@“nC(:}SA«;;‘ atgdfiqrthgfzir Areupurclgafc _ IN thfl"A1%mn;A ~*?.s%~~mf*::d froinhtbfi A RUI.¢hafe,I:S_ ofBA=fl10P$ 1i?4Ii¢i“‘3 b;;e1mp;Ioy7d'3.£h%£ Way ;o»rA Apkmth of i1%t_,A“ \Mh1*_Ch:VV,l“fU{fiéC--_A2f‘A; A hex;-. “=1AfuPP1h;A hahhld WA“ hind¢€h bumit2:fl,~ ' a.n'€i"Vwfrfti<‘)wF’c A? “gra‘cts_fo£¥'the‘AySpi-tit J :ha”t~£convinc¢*zndzcox:wcn£ ,;+wh«¢n, gigidtfiéfs; "cehlftfi-i1;gj,* a,x“1d4the§e 'fwordVcxafp;ra::e',.~ :_md;zharden;,;~ : 4 BLf::,hdv}7e w¢flct‘%;a1’;:¢rliamentAoE < Prb;-ejidnm, % and the; fl¢£1iri4%%;:L: infithézir hafids to “recur: cheirRc1igion ‘P Hasvnorw%C§0ds+pawm4.p:§ 5,4 1‘ .. :N0em%hg*c .aa«:firtcfs* is ormo:~e;covncemmen:A»wmlthefie-§$ xqipth‘ “igpiiléiicq rd future" it felt‘: ‘ A j I C. ; t‘ay‘ihl3f% the“ “cdVucati.onA of this 3Pi-bzca A amongthatz Anéfidf b/“s:5~i”."r."e § Yand fh_3ll“Ou1t' :c§‘>thptrlfi“on P 1~cc?Em’d }hi«.% ;%gr;'m:«?4 .-.' HBW?§w;,Ffe h¢ ‘hggbiij to we ‘doéuments 05 his cfliqtlaer ~,~,’*£ame% = ‘h§§ ”fufi'1‘Véi:fif1y4‘}rrIa"7déd*clt-Par. Ifiquifitiom th6~1i'd%~-bfivt biia, and by ~ hitir1‘f:h’aif ‘WEE trxdfl Eo“11Ccrfl’d 7; and:1’R_t:2]ozl Patlaery , as wcllhas tutourcd by ~hexpe- M rience ;fiwhich may enablchhim has to 'be ~ ‘the1~'wifc{’c *,h~'fo% h the mot’: Rclig_io‘ushPrince.-‘V You may readiit thus 5 A % 1 do rcqmre and entreatayoumh jam‘ Father, ana'7aurK1'ng, that jail mt/c_r f:¢fl’cg";aur Iatdrt to-receive ? the [M]? A check aw”, , £4};-nfif, or dzfafcfhazz “ % the true R:;’igion efl45l1fl9'tM ‘t.71.“’1"7l.7e G/mrc/9 of England-.; ;II tellyo;/, 112472: trftdit 5* and after much fmrc/9 and mm} diflzutexh, loam: ‘cam-luded h "it to 5: tin‘ 6zfl.ir1 V 1:/ac ‘world; not only in tiff ”%cammflm't},h C’/J1‘t:fl"l.dflv;‘~ hit alfa 132 L ‘th/ar,"‘.ffitcl‘4l notirm M _refa7med ; /gm.-ping tl9::m'iddle-wajhértweeii V :19: pomp flf fuperflitzmzx '}’j'¢]~, 4224 $1)!" meannefi'affmtaflI'ck, ‘ Amara/ax’: : Norhhéut rim fame line: 4: in war} go‘vdVfignzr:,r Vma} /mppilj med f am: fmeetmivgh and poliflaing , TW/71.65 mig/at hm.- hm mfil} bin done by 4 fnfe dud gentle-“bahd ,* ‘tscc. ~‘To“t‘b,i§ 1 ‘fence fpakc. he , when he -had mo gmre ta» :?5ea1{_." Now how matters of confcqucnce this Kinghas purfuhcd clfewhere’ His Fai thers doeurnents,‘ is‘ fcnfiblc to him that ”rezzfl7.c and «h‘29férv.:-y:< And herein this is.Jas manifcfl as the Sun,a.nd he that difputés “it has more prejudice than rmfcm 3 andfuch fingularopinionifls are not worth that fatisfaétion. «HAS forhis Mother ,7fl”T1=chas had mo much cxpenence of theEngl1fl1 fpmts, and _the1r- javerfe-‘" nefs to.h¢r way,‘ as to engagehcr Son upon Athath account to his aruihne; » .Ifthat:wa- flue cannot: now manage Him, howhhcan flue, nay,howda_re {he are? “ N or indheedhgzve herflelatihons inFrm:cé, bin fo propltious to H im,~as to cndear Himhto H” : VVitnefs"H?s hacxphulfiop J thence. A an vw. mam 2‘2’«% a,*..»zz,.% §,A'=i¢[W,~ Amour fin~a.:King. mud Parliamqm :~,_e ,.w.— ‘ ‘ Argued‘, That the Rojal Fazmzfbr and that par_‘t}ba*va.~~ “ 7 6,z'n4.jVpbi£I:r@r—dz]éél1;g’Z3$ t/oatmz '/'“0H§iI-io'r2*:x7;m_/aw;» mrej tlag apppfiz'e;agaz'::fl-W re*w:nga:: Wbxzti rqf'agaiM/Jfire ;g§.¥ gaizaflj the mega?‘ afyzzz z'nr.:sg’EPrirzaje.;,&_ val?»/am/we afar: Ina % ponur H .I1granr’ %tI1a.t:hcr¢%'E‘;avcd%%bin* rovAo.cat1ibm % to tfifiahéight-:~$—“? {}1a«llA we thzrcforc c»cmci,nuc to pravak_e%%~,*V% .befcaufe we ‘have ‘éeggm 2» ’Ti 5 a:Rulc%.ind¢Cd,Thathf: that doe: wrong, never forgives ,‘.,_, % afliof-a~ mm, but the intc:rc‘£’cQE mf+'1:..arifesf:om a paflion thar%prevaiIs~« more, 1-1e’s foolifhcharantcpafes rflmwr and':em;t} paflion, he that‘km.wromg, w.4z}'..% Thcintércfi of revenge is Whenil: Pcandsincompetitimrwith his faftt A Md this Prince: under thermourage%o£Vafi9i&;}an'," has Bin ueducatedfm an‘ Ac;ade=+4- mypf m'fdame:.*VAI-1e hasear: %h‘i-rhxmo aisic ‘were ‘at the Almes of? czm-*z~y, %havin,g not g Tz’.tl.e~ »ofa£1'uramce'co %the Bed, 11¢ fleepa on Aacqurfeofilwxng, abbmmared by a Rc9wzl;:S‘;zrzt,V wem-.v~ Neccflity aflomnlander of all Igawsn; A Prxncg that has-4%%. 11¢: parfiynallj Bin difgg-«fietd as his father ; nor‘’kr_1ows -hr: rh»::f’a‘ce ms Arman}, rh'a1:;haveb‘in mflmmema4l«1:ro his Irrard{h1ps.; A A -I§Iowsvbt>.nVVa'13rincc..from fa low aL;»dc;3 ré:f1'ixre4{}1aIl$be Lad~%‘—;- » Mao-th‘aVwa%rm»rh%ofi Saveran;gmt],,_.h»€;.W:l1-58- fo fenfiblfl: o£~.:% g;:cac.and.fudden cbxwrg5., as to judge finch‘ as have aflEHcd‘in: rq%am§a:ion, havcfully oblim-.rat»ed the unkindpefs their‘ Lfotmer;4n%s;%%ij% which xperhap-5 too-and not wi:heu:4A“rea..%%. £»o11,}may__.beatcribu?rcd to «the prrsvaliency on the fzzlfhood 0}}? [faVm¢;G1'a~.nd€€S~nOW~ in 2‘/2.3 ear;/mop iperhaps -'ro,4 awmifiake 0&7 Ihcmwflare of things ;.,;fo::; whoVishc*thatA~’is not fubjjeé’c unmv» ” £rzfm£r-‘.? gflaad if aflmifiakcs fhould be corre&ed,».I know not % whar:m\:m might pafs célame-lefi. Mush certainly of the mifl-m. £:higefsw€:Iecon«£riv ‘Hand fdrivaen up by a f€‘—7C1'~‘."“:E under~workii1g of A ‘jmcm, =w~hO»% G%%od*inmerpy»§I1aswamaw’d’ %<:ir this,fearch werheexperte13ces_of the pffil Ages, andl for prcfidentslwe lhallfind ~ tvvapt ones "in the I-Izliones of the" ' two Grand-fatthers ‘of the prefent King, ‘Henry the great of Pryce’ was oppofcd i11‘*hisi jufi Title by the H 01} League ; mu‘Chj '1 the greater part of his Nobles wereiiagagd to dethtone him;-f TheC1ty ‘Ta/«2*rz:,l Ram, and the chief C1tacIelscenfp1r’d to his A wine 5 No lelé than ten yfet Battlelsiwerelyiifoughc againli his ‘petal font; i,‘1l’afquz'[.r and reproalches dayly gauI’d him l0bferve;tihei iffue ; After a-long contefl, they were éatlo fa‘ wzfle, as to think“ a clofute befi: [They confentto Crown him ,_ to deliver ’that’“ high, puiflant, and fpirited Prince the power ‘ofthe cfl/lilz'rz'a;ty;-: All fubjeéit them felves ‘by way oft flllegianca, and he "fodersy all thy aywfqi-1A6}; Ofyindempflizy and Oélizzicm. Now being thus 1'€:-cfl2-- lblifllil? 3 afldiinlfullsovfiraignry, hewasifo far ftorrtlzidveiututini W‘ it upon aefecon~d hazard by any»vio'lation i," "that he imploy’d t/942:” «very perfam thatwere his main ~oppdfitesin his Armies; in his lolfices," in his Councils: V No1'dowe_reade of to2z;£afrl:ofc.- L5?’-M-:_ gum‘-', that eyet fi2fFerl’d laffgozmc or indignity by any reyflefiticimii -ftomthat,mPr1nce: Nay, In his deep vvifdometylhe ‘fo indulg'fl‘f" his Adverfaries, 1 that-his am part; began to ’%atrel‘hiim asiiufialiy kind? to them, whom notvvithfiandiing he lhonoutably.proteH hbufie einemiesAwoiuld%j?ud] to engagciwhiim» in, to, _;':_o*Iour' up ia:::m, ‘tk¢:.«1 have lefAz M53 Wfpawer % I0 AAf07gtA.’W N?/’.?Af¢’ W?/J4F%;»‘ lm.-:5 dcprivfd mu.-Q %of=d1lv' ; Md 1 tlmnk. Gad (wric§=sthcWKing%),; ‘tlmt A/mi»: 4. heart taA;daA;fAzt ,: and jg} M A‘nAmzA:'/2‘ zAA;gA £7,-A%.»zg;A¢:A4 % A,-,,},,‘?c~[9AAf(,';,‘d W-bAM g”£«z;.m ,me», L44. innll 22:} formerV-enirymcntx, fgr_ 7 A tJa%'me it 19.: a: greater wargxanu/m;¢VAof Gad: low , t/Am: Am} prA-;_:§}5g.;,. % ‘ .159 canfirécnt-A contmues be)“:/aazt I/9: moi/i'40f «{1} g/34:: 4 ‘A£mzzAe dam: £A:72z:fl"ev,.;/own: daze: fa V120: am: of ;m»zl:Ac:V,% £flt;.“VA‘m!:fif”W; ff.-rm_atAzAon 5 gar m_2_[.4£p}I’&k’€A5SAA?/!A0fi|0f r/J;Ahg.s'_ ; AAAANaPze ..wzAll %5:.;.mg:fre% zAa}..Aw ,,]1AAA;a».mg_gr.#.JcuV,4A,r/mn$ z/safe f5l5']A€&J',15}f/J0A_/‘('72./1.17/L’%0_fA t/mAr ezi-V-_ ror:%,;.mznd% oar zA_n_jt4rie.r 239211-Jfe,-31 1'2’: r/Jen‘ aw): foul: 7/663-A... _592:72txAmati¢JeI ta rap_.entaz;~2ce , and r'azrmfl‘ dcjire; to Afipygelg‘ r2p4r;z.r.Aa:vz.rA__far .r}JezAr farmcfdr -‘ You rn§y~:ead'moreA~iz1che advjfe [0 hisrson, vvhiChA£1”uly~I c‘a::m__o: tfrazjfcrxbe Aw~it.hou1:A.a Lhighf * Who dares refit’: PA nay, Aw/Joflmz? Ifiwe Hull ad-- Amit?AAa crime, and fo fearrevenge, AI‘doubt,Campa.'Mdc~r: and fm? 'CantrzA!5ut:r:,that have flrengthn,cd4the al'mC;0f,»thC adveArAi'ar1c,A A are in firifi iuflicc notaltogechertoAbacxcufed ;TAACcrtainIy we hAavC"=" becnfo fhakcn upon all incercfls by the %l.«:;.a% war , that not; thing but apparent ruine can Aengagaus to it again; A And bacccxj is ' it thatall fa&iAonAs rel?“ 3tiSfi<2d~~With what they baxmfuffcred ,, Ans A x:he_. fate of the times,Athan% quarrelling upon old Macxzounrs to Aim-3? bré>yI"ouArfelvA.esi11toanew AfufFeranae.-¢ He» AhAA:I.s%~; aAAAconfidcncc‘ . much: bcyomi Amine, that either a&ing, or IoAoking£;oAAn ; {in-Ar%heigg tarAAa11Afa&ic_:sns%% ca;.n~.§ acquit: ‘himfclfof all Vgm'1¢; wfuch _a% mask;hasA been caf} Ov-crthe£ArAhings, fucbAEBmptati@n7S,A fuch fA<:;1‘:cg:" A .AhasVafl7auIted mszn dll'~I'iYl'g[hCfC‘. dark éoéncextures .of-’affairs%,%rha%,;' it ispa{A?:.m.»,mtoglidgtihroufgghallwi1:hoL1t:,a tinjé?cure'Vo£ injugfrkiczafzs A As it isbeafilysand ufichrifiian paflionatei y rd pegfcverc i 11% A,EAr; o1;_, fo isAi1: noble and Prince-A-1ikAe% to forgive wAheArc there is Atfie: ac:-~ ‘ knowvledgmentof anA?Er%ror:: If.we:,canno: trufi the noblcncfs A on Prince, norxhe pblicy ofgovernment, nor the fecuriAcy%of A Laws, what fence can we rAa1fcj ,.aga,1nPs Ma fepirj, {hall %we ~_c.onfumc~ :r*on,*asincapablc of a cure Pg. A A 2" -Ali‘; " :. ‘. 3‘ V Truth i§‘,h wh'tf1Ae wt: 1iv'e with men“‘ we?’ fl1a‘i*l*ht: fubje.£’c to hcm ~whidh i§*=th‘e"’e«fFe.£t ’t‘Df.fh8irnaturE5,'USz‘;g;V ‘_.!v1.C)‘I"-AiS“iI:»f?0.H.1b'1t‘£2‘“£O_i‘€:£ip - t that match general tfsrulttof A the bet’: ~EP(3Jb§1i11€d"'p6}1C1tC, unhiltfla by ‘aompatfivwe fitbmi_i:t.0ur fe¥lttvcs‘to '~forn'eApoA{fib1é tirxcoméwzicncexg As men; can“ eteét né;thingAperf:2£r’.; fix wt. mufit9'AAthatV.which._ féemg.-mofl praahz5*[c(’A,‘4and1€:‘3.Vf: aamcnd mt:t1tAs_ to the Cxperjenceg of time; Ajgyeth thisl tdare Aavet, tha.»t "this=Govcrntmem: by h age. 1 2'23:/tClo¢zrm,t and f'1‘h'ce;i=f1ath"b£:en for fortifiedhvi?:ifhLaw:h'Lets bill-9 «'»warks to‘pfcvet1tt~hc inundationof S'V€‘I‘aig’nty.: and that con... *:ffitut10r1'1s'e-if?! regular-and adequate ‘tolthat defigmthat asunder ~thetd‘ue” execution thtgregof, the Englifla mah is bom,hto~ thcgremy, ~¢*'frAm‘{bm‘of the Chhmfhan world ,t {o no .Pnnce ever attempg ted any “violation t:h€_.r‘€:Of,‘but.aC t5he§ot 1g runghe fufF¢r’d in that poinhtofwhxs ‘Prerogative, wh1ch“1et1n the oppartmmy ; Herice is it, that the rights of‘ the peoph1ehax_ze.froAm agctotagegrown A flroisger agatnfl £h€*Pr1f:t'1C€A; and fomettmesthxvc humcd h‘15tp€iI:-.~ fan to beta; fmz‘fice,haI»vayeshisttivffwmmfxs wh’er;eof few inhou; HifiQr1chs can we read, that contrlvtng a.ga1n{_’tAthe*La»vt,t have died in pm-e ;*If ptjffibltyome Prince, as KingHm7rbyihis high t{‘pi;-, tit {weeps aflbeforc him, y¢,thi's Infant fucceffot was tinfot/c’dA toq 1-mhke amentistfor‘ hisviolations ;. more eafily maywt’: di.fputchour_ ‘fights with a flag]: Primg anti trembl‘ing ~Agents,,than \a\kn%0t' oFStotverai~gns that”a1I'c‘b;1c:kt With thcfwm‘d.i7 ' A ‘A Infinite hopes may wt: entertain that this Ptihce has been A fchooi'd‘ toAund‘¢rfiand his true infefefl 5» Ht:“ha§’had gloflri-outs.,4 though unbdppj pcfidtnts; Ht: ttultytxs mgfl; potent that is ft) in A t fu&jVc£%.c,not”oAwr his fubjecist F that i-'s*A gm iw pe\a}zl«a,nof aw-V hL§peop1e;hht*thehon_“vver and purchztfes are in number few Win ¢.0mp;r§{¢n with the ma/zirmle, that have been either~mif1e‘d, drivctahyott er’ M not e11g,1y.’d ;;Nay I" mayaver,‘ that even upon this quarrel gthe fpirit of the peoplehas been f0‘-~[i1'°d, that uponta A j;ufi"cPw_-6 . thereis fcarce one to -we /mzzdrcd aszgtittfi a-tClofure,~ Ah H A14 ' Nowthem.Suppofewe,a{l cziwpafitian with the , A cry d 3 Suppofe we htm tn i*.’«7"7 9.’i6’.f, back: with 3 1-ragga ttforce. ;. A , A Suppefe an tlrelatmvl, SmtZ;md.~ N:fy,twith wt, them are . A beufhonst upon that account. A A A A Suppofe upon termes.. eof. ppwet we are avv’d to ~ 4 Prince; t V Suppote the mdHj“fOI."[h€.fak€ of zpea-ce deliver uptha fm. .a.t;[;_;*jzcrI'J(1'c1:“tto I:he"injur’d,andt:omfeetheh“Pub;j_;Gk&L N‘ h WWI» F/96%,? Ihave done... ' h A ” "