Shewin % V at the Sovcraxgncs Pcrfon is required in the great Ccuncells or? Affémblics of tha State, as well at the GQH-fill? tations as» at the VConcIufiQns. “ M AA % % * »Wri?fen 5} sir R 023E r."1‘».,§ 0: I1‘ Ao‘e;N,‘ Icnigbt mid: 4B~mwzet., “ A “Printed I in%4.thAe}.Yeare ‘ r%6_4.— I4; % ’"“7;lf;A’/‘£935 '*~ ; ~'* ‘:-- ‘V m ' _ _~_ _ .. U. _ , 5 n “ ‘Mr M m ‘ in ht A an ma.«- 4 “ ““ “ . . a I .. ., v, % 5.. .,.H~ %..~’,1;.; h 5"” reatw:6‘0w¢Ce11s*4ar% A % 4% x +A%;¢.r%i~i“v5%"é2’j.lé5bzJi4Ztatian¢:,~ mi 2%!” ‘. f 7 Bovoks¢ %a‘r¢V:%.V*r¢m9ini::.g ;; andAk ’ rh0‘f%= butfoF.iat¢,;and ‘;n¢Vg1‘i?- - Jj‘”%g¢;1t1Y€'ntred~th€?‘f%$?*5%‘md ‘ j 0:I‘dinanC€5'~0Ii1Y“TEPOWMO ' “pofferitiéarEthe.Ro11sy % ¢ M(though¢1eare) fin; ‘génerall " reafon %*‘J§:%<.¥. A M53, “ Die:ies% or = *J:«:»w~n~a!: Liéer Ely. . % Lege: Etlggiu ‘dregli gtegin, rcafon an,~coiivenie.ncic mm} Vbe~wroughtJ out . our ? fi1 Ch Ex ¢ .Com:i'lz'i: -A ‘ Reg. SO71: Cdntuazr. _ Gianwifi; A Ingulp73usCmy-‘ lumdenfis. iR_egWr.Mon%a/¢‘.. clearer d-owua_§,foq;¢ efléntxallm cxrcumfiances [of Nam¢,",Time;P1ace, occafion, an%d%P%er£Ems -ufl: be in.§ene1;a11 {hér:1x%t9uéhepaE:v.B;§¢n%&%uf¢d fenth0uf7€%ofLords;bH¢:f0*ai tm6*fiaY‘?i%+ y W’-fl h¢£o;¢:he%firi‘ng of che¢Pa1%agea:t A . %bot1;%,§1,7.H.8. -whothenanZi»t§he%r§%::4teiid%ec1;‘V‘ , A M Imptobable it is tO-b6I4¢ewze,thk:i 4 "fl[excIudeé his owpeé ptiviqemd’ u1it1i3§t1ner.1y4 i%tAis,:;fo%r Aguefm so bame himtheir%comf5a;ni¢5véHoAgave comfiem <32 ul V {It was 1'10¥V:3’E}fil'Q-(&Sfl0\N_:) E*di&‘o Principis, 1’{€,gifl.;EZie;2fi:._ M acthei-Kings pleafure. g A ; ‘ . A A ‘ A Towards ;hcA end, of thc;SaA;{on, andin tht?:.¢122nc:Ie:2‘>!o.. Afirfi timeofthfi Norman.AKi-ngsi: £’coc.d¢“in.% Cu» *“’«’3?'- A “£’come+G'raAcewV%,. to Eéfier, Whit_funtide , AA?and%AA V A '> Chriftmas fi~xed:;: the Bi{hops,7Earles,and*Lords V ( more ) than aifembled -1 %S0”are the frequcnt Li£1erdt;.3e1Zp. Awe;-.dsinall¢the Annalls .- The Axing o£.curfe— reverfted with Axhis>.¢1mp,eria1l ACroWne by the Bi- wops , arid~:»the_,Pe4e1jes aH’crfnb~ling”, V in ReAcog.- 13.35’???-’?’T5.g0r+ n'it'1on’of their pVreob1igedfaith'iLand preiéntmz 3' V T d%1Vti€AafIdi‘6tViC€suntill t.heAunA{%afe.time of?Kin—g 191:2: (by%;ov¢r~%potAexm andp0pu1ar%Lords)gave” difcontinua-nce=ro-thus ccmfiant grace of.»K;i.r_1gs.,, and then it re:-mned4 to-.:;theu.; uncerta1ne~'4pleaI'ure AofrheSoveraigneSummonAs. A 1 A " ware5”P1‘ovifi0n5fQrAth€¥%~fu@V%40f‘~A£h€%57-We iT14id”" AS I [7 A caufqs HOW) .,~IaamA:esf‘5;Ei§egé»A Men and 1\1l;GLI3¢.Y;3< We1IVOr:€:;1er1ng0frheVACl1ux:chA,a4ar}£; V z>a;:.Is7 ; and Comimong-wealth,and]dc:termini%ng of fuch..?=rave_4en. A L Cvaui?3s,AAwhichA4Didiflarifi“(f39H17tS~A%a2#ciAe«‘2ez.:zt? iudi-g-T 3’“‘7°”- " mre,%(.a~s%Glanwi;l1~theAgrand~I ge; A ndensH;2.; Qrzanvazl Fl£2c‘%¢'5‘ - V at Afiaitth) Where the Vprefence <;3fthe~«KingwWas ft‘i1iA% rvMequiA=rcd.a,ir~—beingotherwiféabfutd to make the ‘KiAng’afl"’"ent0rf(oV theiqdgementsof;.P~arliamcn;A, Aaind afi'ord=him rio pmef the C0n%fu1tatiQn. ’ A AAA The neceffitie herecf is we1lwand~fu1ly‘dedu~ Acedamm us;%: in areverend Mo~numAent not‘ fame from Athfi grave ManstimeA,,.iri :hAefeWords,:.R"¢Ax Atgm-: t,m: of}:niA2z2Aa:1aA«perfi2n4li1Er. i1:%tmr_g7?3Parlia. Mm: tea'»c33,§n' ‘ Am.-e¢;:p,dgi:%A;_ pe m‘9.11par4lem...wgriiztdiazcm icvletiazea-*”““"“”“?%‘-J A f*E*::*: Syzv.“-oz§i: " l£gi&‘z'4s.fllfrcd3, _ ‘ rm-,and thento acquaint the?-arliametzt inf fi1cEi* occafion by Aféveralf Members of either Houfia; cafgfiggfi qyZs;daleb4t4clamar detrmmvr eflé pr»? °’aIfintiz?=RMegi:%, Aqarziares‘ dazzmziofi évpericulcfiz gfl tatz‘Comizmeitati,Parliamgnta,e§47A1ieg2zo,cuw Rex az“Far1i4wentoalgfEé1:fue‘rit 9: 'ANecfi abféiztan re debet, A12ec*p0t'§fi_.,~ H ‘Admvta-9cat*i*n% cazfléi fitpm- _ __ ‘ ‘ ~ By this appears the defi~Tre of th¢fiate1:o“have .the'*Kings prefencein thefi: "grea1;C(>unceIlsA by“ Aexpreffe neceffitie. A M M A A A 1 Win now ~endeav0t1riAto'*i‘eac1;the’pra€’ri£é’of it” from Ihé.‘ darkel and negleéiedof 0iirs.‘A * A ~ A A A T0111; M-€A31‘€¥ 20: 130 % .:;Ex regifir. _ y % 7 A “ AA 9 O g eldcfi tiA17; :zes*tothe»i‘e:*;1o lAefl‘e[A V Cm.,.,,,-&,_ theAHep§archy~, jin Tallthe Councell%remaining** % cmmm._ 4 A4%VAc1ompofed %e3é'Ey;;?fcfapA%s~,'A!:.é»;2tibzz;, Du¢%2bw, saw 5t2é.:2pi:,et owrzi dignitafeaptingq_tiéwm,ecc1efl'Afl3ia:2\ A A A feilicet 6‘rj?2'cularibz;;'»~pe2fon1}t* pro:-;utilitafieAA ME ecle- A jizegeéq/%ab4ilita4te Vflegni pertraéfatdm... A Seven of “themVarer~Regeip#gfi’dmAie,and but one deputy,-,= A«»ncongruousV. 4i !w'e,reA,1~ afzd man Now A f_'f€flC€5 to barreihis preiérme _vha:AAAisA Prefidem: of finch an AfF:=mbIy~; A A A M A A-..2a*t;:eza'2-ed:,%~ mzhe fame-pra'&ife,Aand fince. Thus smzwaza _mg._z~as»;. A fzqnieaztiéw Azgkgline.» »Ed££ fucheaflemblies ) xhe King, »the»A«reh«Bi- ‘Ewe.eaA~bee*,@4¢t«§;.eE?ar1es. and chief‘: No» slmeKingdbmemreprefentzefonefoare t1aeevszOrd,sofrhefiecordi A UP y betweene At"*Bi fhgp ofzwfl’ 9; Regiflrum San-~ andgaldzmineflbbeqt of ffiurie, Was_a1f0 argued, fit’ Edmzwdh { e ;°E$;ég)en~etilqt4¢e§1z¢pnlvlica: Ree;c%ejubcteeeeteneer§«Judi; “fi;rauditi.r mzlmrum. ; " > e 1eThedi1igenceofhisfonne( the1eamea%H.,.ej A A in;exe.euting.eof this part of his kWing1yefum3cion, “ is~‘qommem‘edto p9fier1t:1¢byWalter Mm _(a ,,,.,,,,e,,,,e l§ar'nedimam,uainedzap, and dearfiinfavour w1th ;,:m,,,,edee N,;;- ‘ I-:I.,,2,.) 1I'li'Ih€fC Words ; Omizeiafiegali mare,de cam :53 AVCWM-" *~ L % A tiqyeewodcmminefizciebat, ac-mineme walebategére A j#~fii«?iee.e4.1?4eee= céefiiinmt: mew WW?a.?!i1e V ‘C6 » V litetem om2ium,ut‘dieéaw Ve7mc4tiartz'¢‘,‘ ed in Daw- e we Wmagrzafiib die capiawfi£_ifkcere3?-tg’§'z¢eeckd/3d? A rmjéxetam, (which Washtillh "I ::,as weenow ao- ‘coummbumbtsbenx Comics,‘ Baronege procem, H¢n?#Htwt='n§- et mzwfore: , to heare and determine" caufes, ‘m“’”“b4"”" whereby he attained the fir-A-name »<5£Lea::I¢a/iietice ” A in all Stories ‘,a-hd fooutwent)inquie1:quid3 dance of the fiat€)“hiS befiProgenitors.h .Vz'm.‘1'7:o.Cm2— The next of his name that fixcceeded, is re- A L , Iwriwfis. ~ . membred«every ewhereforhi thegdebates?aude.;‘t!i‘hi?~h 3"T’5"Pb~“”' pizteshe“heardmperibnwith Time: hthe*Arch;- bifhop,s-and others of hisepaxjt at the greatefl ~ 1 Councels_.,both atLamz’m,cl4rendar1;,amde«Newbi- ggfia ‘H. 2. amp tmfor thehredxeffe of the» tnanyeeem3h1?aih5te Bemfie-1”" of I113COmmQI?1S’3gaiI1f’COiI‘f£f13§geSe,‘feinfi; he“%;he“r-:e ~ *““-4‘” W e.ht1ons of Glergxemen. h A . . A Inrhe yeare h1o57..d2eeee_remcqf£;Apm!.9; h 1“? ‘m"”“fl' Edmhmdfim .' The fimé King (dimfevmteh-in/fgrgié de M , jm ) wzth the Bflhopg,Ahbots,Ear1es,and Ba; ’ envonshofhhthexingdome“fife-edayly"“him'1élfe*earid ‘Vb heéirdhailthé debates concerning Vtheliebeerties L8: A Charters of Retell ,A.b£zfe. ‘The interlocutorie fpeeches as well of the King has the Lordsh‘ee‘=_hn'd ggpartiefi are at-gfullh elated ina.:R.egifi5e~i‘*0f the V A Church: T.he:fi1itbetWeen tehe-*Church er zzm-ozmeand Rgg.jI.Lir1CG522ie- lean’: inpmfleeztie Regk H;.Afc5iep1f;opamm§5 V Wfi; e Epg/Z‘aparum;omm‘aw g412g1i¢e!74€§*ecomitz2tz¢m~@* . A ,.~; B’axemm.2:i,Regni,was at.W:jiwz‘zz.deatedhand'ena- hdedmlndhad the love of Metnojrieeand Truth A e fa-Rroteftor toz-ths? publfick Records of.-Jsthe flate; ( 7) a%¢th¢ awe*ofA the*C16rgi€5w CEBWB7 was 2! gum‘ i to :mhe1rs.1n tempcfimms E11I”1€3;WChfld.n0t A been now left to the onély friemdfhipnef 4M.on1f"r1 " ;-.'7.;;,¢s. »mna'ell-’m3d Iveazroizflairg Awas@ex‘a1‘n%inc*4 ‘anc;I_V'jap-= Tpuymedb y the'"-K. with the adv’Ic_e of theLord’s. "%Intha«r great~capi;:allVL¢anfc of_the“uke‘ of -*»W«fi“0¢1ée= 28. ~aIfi::d»xi¢—é44éhe**Kif3gbncepr<=*- flent‘ at the déb%3itesT,‘ V we "Duke; appealingi -*fi*orj1"A4?h¥s'tryaIP‘F~by?Pééragéte the K. isbroughc “ ~ ”’¢3i:xt rhc‘h‘6i§f¢4%éf4*DOr%d$ftQ“§ privatVechan°;-V- ber , whsqre the King':(*afrér~ fhe‘*Chan_ce1lor:in 4*‘groflé h*ad.deé1ai‘éd his~off'cnte,and réfnfalI)”him- 4 A felfe { but not in place ofjudgementfi‘ adjudged '“%his#b’ani{hmen‘c;5 A A ~ ‘ A 4‘ * ' A A * A L A m. 4L»By[thé “Ko119~of’K.‘4w.4‘4.¢it a§p¢a:e:h1ha‘tihéc A :13-;4‘- ¥ Vwas m,any-dams”C‘b¢'fi3éSLtheVfiyri’c%andAAIaI1f)”i*n' 4 ‘ hitiz-uttered,%butthacofall the’refl:is moi‘: Of markc,_5flthe_ Repbfter t1iex;_~preIE:nt telIs%ir1:hus, M L - g1eg;p.c,¢,; %ch§ke;;DukeV‘cifA zorma, anairhexing, rrzfiis A ’ t i:%Ne}2:v7m*g%z%it$ c2}i:7tr§f'LD:kce17z frz'ijz'&Rex’5 neifio % rg[j2:‘ggzdit;1Reginz:fi Duxisomfegothertefiimonies “' *A-was-‘éhfrbught'iAfl3:$viAth‘vfiiich thé“L0rdS Wcré fi...A J —%%~t5isfie&;i“and‘fo azrentiamdm. A tinatibzzisgby the mwthV1§3fithc%’%Du%kc ofBz2eI{z'ng«-A‘ A ' » ~>Im#z*(chen»Sr~ewérd of-£ngzmd:);A1Iwhichwas A A = {nfich-d-ifiafied,by the houfc “of Cé1mtnons*. * ~ --15:: cmA%2m—.:¢%=%*:'Ih¢%reigu¢ orH.A7_%”arfords%A uponameadaxs ' J V:1anéen.§z=H«7-‘:no4c>neexample (r?hejour’na11 Bdolcsbéinglofi ) e.xcepcf¢Vmd¢1gas.p:e1arves$:t;e péfl'agcs"of eight ,dAMay_es,%rt1tVhe.44AL2‘; pf ’h1sregg4ne,~m which«th”e-°King A A "* A -was % V TC 11)., Jm-sfomadv~dayes~pre13nt‘&t:debat¢s£;A:and:twi£hzEris .ownehand rhe=3I: day of pzarlamem .d¢liv;e5 red%ina Billof‘ Tt‘ad'e dV%therQ%w%-"read?bllthad the Memo-riallfremained , it is no'Jdot1btAbu' would have b€6n¢f0Bfld as frcqucng iii his great Ex regifi.Came M '1‘G0;lmC€1l fecludge him-« the St-a§~VChambcr (aas »fa1.‘. 50111 reafon as egxampIe.V:) f; The C1 oubtis Ch?-‘n.a1oudA. ifi7C¥iii1.€5 II1€€:1‘Ca§>ita:IL-3 ‘I1darsen3-ions eftions. Aof y;_om'f ighnefféa % _prefjénce; akhcre. A 4 ” .+Ify4our hunjBlei%S¢rvEqnt haVth:ih-thiéefipremefii. ofhis d@efire¢to«de“e“yafiiErvice, ?préflir’né”d; ..:% Jofarreg, hisco”rnFort_is, ghat whére7Zea1e= of Duriea hathmade a fault; ‘Benignitié *§3@0ediieflé_‘will¢gr[ant rhe§pard%on9.. ‘A 4%. % A ‘I-‘ , _ V‘ _ ,3: gr ;~ 1; . V - 3 ‘ ~ V . ‘ , ‘ . an .;‘ __ ‘ ‘M _' “ ‘ ‘ . ‘.