[E‘XyAM%I‘ Ngflf A‘~'mitdi W v‘hA¢ P ”%iA‘3*9i%P1¢3' E9 -gm % ma «~%« % % ‘ 1%» ‘ '7» my; - ‘V-“Aw; ‘ _"m we» ‘ H J ' W Eu " ‘\5~‘»:"»::’.:7:»* ‘“:E§*"**i»5t"* s‘§% . ‘ ..« ”l.‘,'iw,..."' ' w~~~‘~:;xf it " .‘.‘A'Au“,A;‘.'.,..«-«F A 9 -3}}:-‘~‘v” 3 “ " ‘ wk ¢ ~\ -4”‘ mg“ '.; I‘ ‘$9 I ".:,'h“.]6.*“ W; ' v ' V «W \*¢a:«M~“«~.x~M - ;“~x ... ..... ~~ » c:m3’.~ ° we.:+».»~2—.x.v ma: *~m=.;v a. ‘ £\x§w~\ M 41» « :9‘ "M; ‘A are " = »_«” .1“ T yd» _,:4 “f\.A:.AA.~‘.,-3. v;‘I'.' ‘N M qyggzbmfi-,3 ,r_fll/‘MA v::j; , 19; -“ .". "‘ I-«‘:3'. .‘.”;~‘:"»u Th 3"‘ -‘ AV X‘ av‘ Q7g‘A$}.:9 ‘l§.'«.%“.i-‘B .‘?.€_=.'%T;=3? fin. "3' 3%."? §W';5».5 _ "w “ .7?“ -, ‘A A'~ ‘I A‘ ‘w. , , ; ;. I ; _: $3 $3; ,»;.. :.;.w{ __- (V:‘S“l'." _- :;“'.j”,'_'." ;, "1'.'y"‘}.2‘ ' .q. o- A. M la y mA nA,_ . .A_ ‘ A ‘_ 3 Ln l M _ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ .?‘ ‘ ‘ . "in. ’ ‘wiltn. ‘I. , H ‘A Ma y. M.‘ W ‘aké fig.‘ 1,, .‘,.€.wl:mr_ %},jA;m,. “L; % * A V —— I 4 «gr wv -%;~ » «aw ‘,,,w.uu-«nu-«m. omwrd Sir," ¢ ‘A Have in my tim<:+ rm c¢2‘t;1$in%“l7??£E?:w;re} withtwo fame}: Brslmid one way,tht+y !f:.*ss:v«:_:r prc:J1c%nt¢d the V./Zmpe mad flu grw~a_c,;sf‘a ./!4’Ar;,>Bc:heM m5Ath¢r,tbcy%*haVc pmfémtcd the jimpe anrffigura of?*;%;1aS;~rp&nt. Me H.”1ifl‘ks, Sir ,. farwnnc ye:ra%rs, v\§‘%.'1aec'\*c§r L%m*em that” Kirigtigrntq éiV”thm*%m~ tbfi H % ;§;5;?;__tm§~u'a*v¢~b9,V:Ar)r% aha: tpublifihxr in fiber: dcrfcxjcc of his Rzfglm and Unsafe, had the ill for-» .mn¢”tu mmicrgae th%¢‘%fatt: af” fact: a fia="Ez‘m~a. T0 up who mad , ,g;{«;m1":*impm'tia1:l4y; byahcfir ciwn t!ju”c“, geI1t1%incAlég£2a,a,;thi§y it”... pearrrcifin:xzgaafrgyjg:%1&;*a:r*c,:trm:2f7;>:m§t%ait CAap£a.mf"a fin.cAei*miAxud Ga 1... 1,m¢Miwd¢. %%L’2:;at{”:upc;nAhAy Eh}? “‘PcapsM,; (cf ¢w»he:m youfktnow A ‘W has (7himpa%pM£wfL malt dwfipt, dcc£pz'mtm ) thwugh thg An-- ~ vwwzwndA¢7Véj§warimJ;gmdw::mmz:zm& %»~obw-waruaéittxgWhi¢la~fi*::ma7 mV‘e&nA[nj§akfif"&‘a-;%i3gpx; ";,,"i;i‘ _,%ijwa;g¢mamrVA f?ir:av4'3i1vA¢::»\§2i‘2;e*&15‘:. *‘si’er“'y A A 3]i[;¢5;I1:hA;f}cAfa¢!!‘«%r1¢'y‘:¢f%~ti1B’:fi£/fififigfl wA%b"c::re‘~a‘*t*i”““ AC*6;%a§ZAA “"1fhfi*51igIufa " A fafisffm: dAa’dcA€t‘Afi2§%1A m~d'mmV ,, par»rak$ea nf than c%ay*tamga% :;é!:“~thc4v«&2%:>~¢x~;:¢y~ ‘ «now and w&y“,$‘ “fiflc:i‘%on“ I€¢efé§i*;15*M:r»caé; A 3 ’fq7_zra»4¢g, J M»mgb¢»; ,um§w%!wr A%;:;%thir?g“£% %‘thr“2:)u:g;h“&ad t?1*i’(7}L fliofiw A ‘adaww-«.<:an:3i "wméd; A wg*am’;* m1«:£V Afiraigfifi Vt{hifigH” 1”‘é;'t:!1’:%’VVt*iifr0dghAwaizesr {how and di... ‘.ér»ta%? we,‘ ffldar y£:x1.:r:*v*1’«?:»*:g”¢~}¢5?; Azaéiw %wfivmyWw7»iéw We lat?!) bW%’is?5*fi?tm’»9¢v¢r %f<”i*«:;~ 32¢»- _ A;S‘mé3wé?3~‘A1££(gka.r%. is? eanwaf» z:bm*«5« whcfi *hm:hA t~h¢¢‘~:‘i=;i%1 7mr:kA tc:*~%;bjfe;‘i Ahich AI4AA.;2:Im:?A»nc:5af%¢ *wmiid ca‘ “at; ‘,y\ A whd”rn:* i:Vc«::nfi&m: AhVi.*§W‘“<..iafai31r:?tw“"”%l‘;%:é A is r1‘r.a‘Wi=an Hiis ;_Ajfi*ésr’ti:’1'::'m’f‘ss than arliwmanfitfbaulamiiymis 4mwAHiIwe a*¢“g*%r'aVVt:¢wVBV&“¥- 4 MA A “ AA %A3jA fidcs :5 ? 3‘ (ides, Sir, I-Iavin.g1'ooktupm4£ thfi ‘SM {ff Ofthat Side mecrly in"; .»th %dt* plqtrg/MZcdr:_{]"e4With which fomf pm: have attiwd it, Arid havix;gante:r{ai:w’d :1 Ptifmag prejudice aggwinflt *WhatW€r4%1}na]V)b4c V fgiAdVu;prov¢% t-ham Pmz;_mem¢ may errant ought am Us :10 mar... A Vfvaiie cr:§:Ay%;::>ju%; he 13¢ %ravé:E1k:r‘c%Mv.‘u2'friWmf than Iudgc?e%éaé£m.’r‘ Opinion; And pérfwadeh%i:11{eMc‘,ti2atthe Mrlmment”§mvi:ég;iE not afzaperiar, yet a coardirmtepoamr with time Kxfmg , in whmh the Poop/e ia intcrefled, where ever tiazzir Religion or Liéert}: is invaded, may take: up Armcs againffc’ Him, ft*rt:i,gchaA4\d?;efér§c:*::' of ‘either. Butthe11\,A Sir, finding by my reading of the: pmfilzfcfi H zwitingx of'Evzété§fide.r;”tbat‘45o:/3-vfidwy fchaH’e1'1ga‘:.«;I to %:hie?m£eI%aném Ih<:4D~¢:f§mce~ of m3e'a'nd the fame (wife, I mull: confeffiz to you, That for a while the many Batwtailex, which in often cala.wcfd5 _ ,our fields With3]4'o:gzd ,. appeared to me hkc A ffBmmi.{L fought in A »»D;r:4m.:. Vwhcregche prnifim Con1baring:%in;%hZis fiatpe" ,AimaginmA»~%%%*%" [Em11a_nh%%anVAa!?zee=$»/gr},butawakepcrcfiivcs his error that Em held conflitft with /aimf:;1fi:.Tk:>“fps*:ak a lime mare free] y to you,A - fyir, th%£:,Kimg.c %I);%ac{a?f~¢t.£an:, mid the I’%_m-liamentx %Remanflm;¢.% Jae; ¢;qug}I p¢rc%tcnfc1i~rx«;g‘to the main%tcn4arace of the fame ‘Pram-.. .4534?!‘ 4’€e4¥’g:i_¢i§; and rh@~fa~m~: Liécrty t:2fL 4t§)eCSubie6t ,.V I wonde- fid at w;h.il.@how‘Athcy ccfuld maimfcwa ;.¢pp6fé¢AufiZd}’e£iwh‘ictj ¢’:fauf::d it4.w%Hiéhbeing uoc~Eobcwdczmé2" but by the Rbincizrafl of zwommrbic-all “Goz2%‘rn*m3.-nit it feifc, could‘ not but cal}; them’ at length uponfia newfarm?Aof+ 8242:, or fixch a= ~c-anfiafla ‘Q33, 0!’ no Form: Of" A ” finc.up:§’:1"gbc:u]alvax%:aridtbcir Camztray. T 0I1Cem‘é!*étHcrcfdré5 I‘mufl.askc* V¢%a~g;a*:%1v»»;g,g¢z pizhbthé A il1¢am'3s Aby%*%Li5aai-fir. Ifhope he d’e’r‘fi"n6t4’méa?n“ari% Exmpt :2... ~ an mam all gazéernawnr; A Nor‘ is ;fall’c1ji' uptm their um 0-j pinioix; who hé_ld thatrhcre ought to 56 no Ma %‘%iE3“a*’r4;zza-, or &Wpdr‘3fi’r'aIfi9flgQ/:{{"i§?iEg1tJ4. BI‘1t:thaVtin%V”a fiegédgm mf amndiu 2.322;‘; v?§ar9,%s%9!i!é[¢ogc¢h92 !i!s§@93¢nVflant1ifxi‘g inafiivg» or 7'41? ~ A U W V Circle dSta¢ ta', as, we fec,hath.almb& drawn m--_ A Wbttc :ZW~dwJJ’¢» tam a*‘Wa¥‘’5?¥i#5%fli@n .; v»at1d%02r¢~$*: r/e.A‘a+s none i-2 5rfW_?»~,fo ncvnfiis ‘fit’ =w°th¢.r- This .'p'idif§. A on , as ’tww_ould qL1i,ckly reducc the: Hwafi of L‘ardx{;,o gthe; W Hm/eof Cmwmr aib ’t»W0u1d in tim€%r@duce the How 615:1 Caaéémpgxs cojrhc: jfa&.m%é lcvenéwith the Cpmmorg people: . , béiflg mice lzéaught that Imqfizzfity is_ xmlaggrfwll , _y§muld% A A qi;zickIy%Vbcmac31?cDoc£la in the cnrertaAinm§:uId4; natural Mefnd cw aVI*nrim xfo that Eariwwouid as uaruraIIa«:A tndin W'Wf#!’”"-~A A A “ V V , Lasflly. chcreforcel W111 u!1d¢Vrf’¢.N'{c3V vim: £Ariem’~ Elm: MOE Pvayoqrabls-1€4fl$?¢..,I hat £1123»; P4Fl54‘mg£i?‘5rr£%%v&%: fem e.f%:h¢AVgwlé-s~¢”Li5¢"rs;11§mcancs~ch¢m4’ifl*%Q@“W5i A fqmcEwing:g§3gIzMrb€30PBlPg ‘:9 ‘W A+57’¥é**A¢l%.%%}\‘ $fl;' fizamcntioned Cha; tr.- r b 54. A vm-W1. 0ian!1«4u-'E=é- %m.a§%n%r r~M “ Z! 4 “ not mg 13 t &c”” ’fa%id%roAccmfine*tbc defcription to mis Rmgne. Nor dcth % any partof Ms Hzflurycharge him with {such a government. ‘Neaxc, I £hal1g**:mry0u,tharno Pi-inc: ruling by the firiét :La’w¢‘s%qt naturaflmeguig, or ?flfl¢76‘:_, can cxcrciic all the A5}: of power rhcrc: mentioned. N6Fcai1% Hit ‘king Ma mg Y.“ {a ic:.i~~Aitimate aflhis .g1£?z',oAx.c ,: Aor fo outright cx<:Am.pt,him J} A frmn the ‘commun condition of men . that what ‘ever he [hall doc {hall be: right. Moi} of therifir time recorded H am: not oniyf repugnant to the Lawcs of /aciaélc Nature, or inf} RAJ: whsch forbids Om 1:0 have All; and binds Prin- 1] Ana the:mfeivc§Ainrzhaimof Rmfon)Abur rather * Law 0i%Go;Ai1 *%D.mmm, in smother pfacc; which allowes not the Kinguf his own I 7. '21,. I 6, A c*?:Amyce+%,Arn Raigm: as lifl , but aflignes mm ‘rhcf Law of 1 7; I 8,19. . A-(We/£'.rAf:'orAhis Rule. From which as ofrcn as he Abrt:Ai1'k:, % hcs1‘inncdA1ikcane of (ht: Pec.>p1c.y<:tt it», as “that upomany fuch_AAbrcachof rhc Lmarfiwas natlefr in the prjvwctr %%cA;oAjfA«;AtA:'It':&‘:‘ Pcafgrlrr to corrgfl him, or t::afaw:t¢ him by»-a »W.a:rreA,¢ lzka emu-A, mrcturnag» bagk agéli['§AtOhiv day His CUmi”I’3iHiQfltOWa‘fd8 A Athcsex: (Vif‘y0llAmarkc it wz=:l§) Am.A:..~AA nfuch an Autxccmtz of A AA A W 4 A3 A g~§¢aV ‘e fkiI‘e,% tharhis 6:]? Affionx and his A1aa¢rff;mivardV%s themfgwofé‘ the {amt warrantof Auzlaarity. Hmwever there fore , ',Rc'- gallpower, in tbeAforemc*ntiuncci plan; of Spzmrwl; 56‘ Cafifid rbemmzzner of whata King woulddqe , yet kshaf: c:7VfmW"‘s (ass I told yam before") c_arr}*c_d Va; WM or pdwer Wlfb %1"W9‘W'¢'-' fiiaxméle by the Suéiefi, codes if hfi pfcre-»{m§ thing: mztomva %% f::.&'. An’dbca‘1t:e%’tisthatthe Pfoplmr acfiszhc law: atthc I 8,. vcrfc omm Chapter, T hat in the ’.Do2_r I/.**]f’m”“' ’/5”’”* fit‘w..s* apprcfl 5} téearf King, zbeyfiawld pr} am fqr redra ta: 2.6: Lard; As the only /!r£v:ter,&and Judge, mf the Dcfidf. and dEi‘z°;an: of Primes. % AA L I _*' % V M The Grjginemoiizggm/!pa1wv:rAas§it tmk bcginmng from the I’¢:‘0?,;t>1:°, yctu h:wEz'I:(:>{'Hivc1y efixpréfl to you by“ 3.. Peter? 53;: met :I3.v.. M the 2 .rdc;r their aéadfifnqs 3,Q.’:::%c~.1,f‘:;.~.’i’x§fz:gw gag aha {%:Vt'”:raH Owéerx, and Afiegiam of pa war of!‘ i'fh‘E Stake: whea~¢inA they5iVi#5‘a%%hVc-.hi3ie£1h¢m_Lu&.m}..:¢.x£zr:m,{&!w.m fig 3-yg;-37 /14%-ii; W/Jet/dd? it 5'! text #76’ fag gag fig...‘ pro.-me, or manta Gwuarnarx , 4;: mm» At/new Aw/av are firm ,5] Wm W. . lg; whficH%worc1rsI flV1aH¢de%firc yiotrgtg obfcrvc. Fir&.tI1ah V Ma;afi~céj‘¢s% w%e11%%§”§ othtm $5 %rhE**rc- called ’Ar99:.;vw51/31 K'x5a“z'»' 9 3 H’="'*”‘"’ C'V""“'W.0ft1=i:%=goFH1i&- mam: Creation. From Whcnccfamt; {L1v0h4 ‘as your Frienafl WhO,I perceive by his Argument: again?! Mahnrrk} in V yout%%‘L&tttr%hVath mad Ixifiim Emma ‘,and Bz:¢:bwmm)¢ %&hav%e,g infefrrcd, Thiat as to avoid ‘Dxjorder and Canfufidn ;”pc6”t5T&4~ V did atfirfi paffc over the Rule and Gawmmewt of chc*mf:*1ves4V “ to a ,Pri”c€«; fo the Prince baring butan ’Ay9,,,...,,;”,;,$ ;¢-nfm-:, cur- fDerifLI);ti7J: from themgdoth {till retail} 3. ‘Dc-pendmm on his “ firl’: C’rmtar:.' And as in Nature ’tisA £>1bIé}rvrc%dLthat Awatr:‘ra.‘A naturauy cannot rife higher» than their Spring-head; fo~Prin- ccs‘, they fay, have their J‘primg~ /Waco. Above which as . often as thary exalt dthcmfr;-Ives ;"_tis in the power M the fanntdin to recall iv;'s]i‘r:4me,a%nd to bringit to a piaine, andi lemlwi it: fcjfc. For though, fay‘ they, it be to*%bc¢*granc«:-Id. A I: are A (9) I A .:hataKiugti1Ru9ch@fcnisfllajarfingggga fiwrriour to any 0226', 57% he is Minor zzniverjiy, Inferior to the whale, Since all the Dtlgnitj and power which makes him Elaine bea- V‘ *f0f€thC_P-90]’/é‘. being but thcirzwgye: c<;>nt%ra&ed%into his 304). they Cammt reafonablybe pre-flamed fa 12:; give thcm away from thcmfclvcs, as that in no cafe it {hall be law full to callforthcmwback againe. A % % A ‘ ~ A A Far anfwcr to which Opinion (taken in by your Friend , from his mifundcrflandingmf that Taxi: ) I will gocho far. A that than the place of ‘Scripture an which %’tis built. A ‘What: (without any cr£tic.¢fl{trif<: abaut th_c_ fignificarion of the Words)! will grant that‘ not only Monqrcbj. { which is the Gawmmcnmof a People by a ‘Prints-) But Arzsflocracy, A A ( which is the Gavemmmtof a Peaple by States) ~81; ‘Drmau *"9*'*M‘,?CIg\/hich is that? Aemarnmmt of thepcaplc by rim‘ pearplcj hath nexr,A A A A % 5}&Vn9pwwAEvy1{;§m;A;ALof Hfifiihzua Crmtim. But then that "fin ‘B05 1'5 purelybmm, as not to ba of God: Creation, and In-A A A flitmiontoo,Ais evident by the words next: in conctxtureg *where the Apoftip bids thcmw to whom ht: wrote, to faeémit V-f5}:-iz§fl='~léJé;rM'%:n mru.»-4;. fi,.;;:.. AA.-Jiumma~~rg"'"*:war;ae:er%;,,A,=. 7fa‘v Kzffizfi,‘ For rloe Lord;/a£1:. whg by putting his Scale of Pii3probéti~w Ag” m mans ¢E1¢n5?$a;ix and Maya’, hath not only authorifcd a Aflumam v»1'2aflit#1{&‘7g§ft0 pan‘: into a ‘flmine Ordinance ; But A to Am-A45 it h%athA”**~ AiAmprint.cd cit-an in Nvmmit Afcltc {itch a A .2AVér.-afliry of G'o?;wr2¢m¢Azat,aneIof Superiority done man Over .;mo:n:r , Vmhfimen 9Avi%:Ahm1t any onbc:%rTc.*acéj,m' , bur”thc:’ft nwfinc inbr¢d;3eA I«u;‘i‘,iA«gfE2‘j$%“‘; AA( “whiAch hath aiwayxsr «r w‘:‘i1%p%er’d A A >t<1«Afh€mthatA e/1'nAmrcbyi3Vthc: % Mather 0‘fC‘0n_f!a:/iflfl j %*:aVcA % ~naturalIyfa¥lenAinro ingdmms, and Cammamsvmlz/aJA.% And fihci waver fuck 2 W(%al:%€ A jA"0‘i CQAQAQ iN1A:i0n: of ‘sifu ursdn‘ a 'A‘J"’r£nc¢* at ; *2!“/.I,'a_gzij?mtc‘A~ be Qmerthing fherhrzn nmzm hr: f“Li‘§.*;:i;_~A&aA§ 3“; (fim2eAm¢”m mg hays h%er£ib*A bi:?e“~ c«m‘;fim<:d i:(iI;h%e“ Wiflx Atjf Quperi-aura.-W’h0fe vzwax have H ‘cn{;‘}::rtainr* rbaimar A Aaixxd/lvm-{le:c;lap':upt);1thetn ,.) %§,*er%a fué,=;*E2’%:2a:5 wih /«twill, Vha:halway_c:s,f%by4 wi*£3:&xz»ii:Vn,;br:en pm: én:’u. bi:fuscA1Z%i§¢rrj‘% A 3% with (to) 4 V1 wizch d4ngér,& men have7bi’ni: compel}:-rd :9 enter i’n*r.a thnfe ,Bm:d.:,as the on! y way, & mVcan%mtu avm; 4.: g=rc:m.~r% Z/am!-3 dVmr.?§inCc without inch 3ful$ora’é2mtian of one man ‘:0 ant.)- thcr, to hcfid than :ogc:ha:r iz1%§‘ui”t./éncitfj, the Tim es of she" w, Nwmadcx =wo;z1d I‘; turr1,%wharc,T€%§*efé3wv Tor‘ °'n'r7am '¢c'&'m J‘.:''':‘-- :5, ‘tharj wamfiar fgfrved c;«nI}' to be made aprcy £0 flrvngtr. A Tim n-zxt thing wircht {halt dcfirc you no obi;-rrvc from‘ th‘ctText, is, that the In’ ing, shougzh chofcn, and created by the Pcflplc , its t'hcre:*. Hiictd ‘flan-géxwp Supnfdmr. N-aw‘ Sir, you know that t vbe Saprmm , is To to be over othcrs,,. an to have 1.0 Sup:-riour a/buvvc him. MTl*.%aI:_‘i£, to be To ?:-gxde... ygndcntzjr the h‘:-rd of his ow nc Aé?iam,ot what form fwcvcr. whether .cm'nt/? or jufl , as not to bcaccountablec to any" hair lfhct wmc, that atbcri, to whomhc: is uccounrm. Ha, wt;-uld be Supm:m,rmt H::;Sii1cc in anthings uflicwcw‘ 1"!” “.25”/‘"*=W*» *4k°V%‘£?'¥»gr:n£33¢:L%§*vg 2 %'p@":>A % that: dc?:1br‘ibcd butt! moréw %eciarm%Su6feff;” %VV%h$:rcu. Vtipon Wm‘€i.£'hET follow Thi‘; tontradrffioyt in %Pow:r,%Tha: tflfl V}fa;m¢f§I”?cr1o%mgt‘thy: fam¢Timt may be a King, and :20 King; ‘(at man admit of‘aVn»A19fm*diqas great; wmicfl‘x is, as4pwemmzymm% % A V A f t‘w::rc so call our {elves upon an Imfiwirrpragrefi. ” % f For that thcrc muff be a N0n- ultm, or. Refizlutian of:p3~w..} I V war either into onc,.(as in a pcrfcfi Manfiwfiy )or int.crfi»mAe=~ I?4f:w.V%%‘*%( as%"‘i:n% ,thc%%%:Gb.7/Mernmmt by a -S‘;-zsute) , at A into thq V A A _(./flataiar partof the People foyningfufl?ag ¢s,_ as in a ihmacracjg AH three Formes agreeing in this, Th;fi3.'={bme%:% body mufl be Suprumand mzqucflionalvle in thcir Afiianx, the rmzurc of *R»le, and Btg/inajfla. and Gawrmimnt. it {clfe dcmoi1*[’c:ates%to us . %Which would not else be 5151?: towf obtain: ~it’s mix, ordccidc cvntrpftlevfgl othctwifc au&;r4'ai2r-3*. miazaéle. And,hc)‘we%vcr this power ~mAay"%fomict4im%c§’bAc ab» p %uf¢'dA.%.azid flrain”ed%%bcyondA it’s 71:}? limits: . yct this riot being the fault ofthc power, but of thc ‘7’arflm.r w tiofe power Axis», . A it makes much more for the Peace ofthc pnélique, that mm; A or Few,[ho3u1dAin {tame things be allowcdto be unjufigghrrn A that they flmuld be liable gofigg flueflfiqqed. by an; 1d'.;”nd;ge- Am-.r74~{£€£"4¢in 4% The. (If A A A ~Thc:hira¢bingwhich you may pram m obfcrvrc ma zh;n:pcr:.cc of Scripture ’_.., is, The C ration of Mag{flrart1,%or 90':/ernam'".r.,_, W ho arcwthem faid. to béfemt‘ J)? ou"r§% 3}’ %Him.-. Whfirc a Modarne Writer appfycs the J)’ a.J¢§:' or B} Him, :0 God. Aaiirallothcsr Gawrnmr: were {2wtAl3y,HTim~ ,% not by that King. Which hmzrprerarioli onhcps-acc: Iwnuld ac1%mitf%or Currant , ifby {ht I-IA;/qu6p,,;; av _(/’a'v:rn.om~:5fofe*n:, - he did underfiand‘ tbs.-2 Ruler: in an Ariffacmcic , or Free; _/fan. which being a Spwi:.r{c»f Gawruemant, Concradi... 4 1?ci:w& m Monarchy ; C3’I‘m'.)t be derzycd to have God, as well as tlmcnthcr for i€’eL"Faundcr . Butthm the: word 1.:ra;~,a,;,’¢x.»..;.= vthez ptwculiiar Epit/avtof Manarcb}, wi1I5éarc‘anothcr%{cncc than i ham: h£:~»h»:.~r%to given it ;='* And will noz:%on}y lignific. the King m be Snpre4m,(forIbt11b RLul¢r%.r ofxa Free Szawarh w:rhin their owner T:rri:arir:'). bu~E.C0x]lp.aN2d€ with what ;Farme;mf V « A E % A . A bsing flrx‘ it 131?}: lcaif fubitfi E0.‘;D1:fl'mia24, or (six/151735/x‘»i:r£..; mmr. And furthax: Raafun pronoL1nc:%d§%byVth¢; w.x.=if?::Af’t.5Ira:te.~ 1:/?.r;t0b£': that Form: of _C]‘amrmmcn:;, intuw17iCAh‘a}yli”u.’ t:lwr'inc1ine naturally tore fulvc thcmfé:~1v¢s.for rh‘ciijipet+, fc:‘?tiuz1.’ Blur by Gbwrnaurx; i~n~rVh:u:p%}act:%.~%-undc‘l'(h§i1di'ng as he: dnth, not the Stmrrin agFrmfim~e,%%AV%bur%tA%h“i§%’Sgéyardig. A ‘Aware A/1.agiflrara:r uVnd“cr a Primr: A , the J}fl;j;;zg;’§';' mcjflfgg.1-.;. rain} y be1ong=s:,F°' the King. T0 ‘W'hom£4%t’{i?.3.' Apcflle there all fignm thc: Mtflanofi «Gem-rnmrx: afone “of? Vthc%‘%’%Ej]Tmti4’E ’ “ Markg: , and Nmrx , that H6: is, in His owéna Rcalm.%S"a.§ pm.-4m..V % % ’ ’ % % : W A‘ And‘ thus %Sir,;~ having ‘dr:‘w7nc tb*p;~1:for§rai*:uf‘/c ofK‘T‘~I%’;:a.-yr?! Paws-r" to you 5% b3; the bcfl Light it! A thC“‘World4 ,; but with ‘ % thrc meanefi Pencill‘,-, Iknow y<>uVexpefl:'that in thcAt1.e x*.'t place 1 flmuld {new you what Rka_y}::;or Bmmmof ‘this paw-. % er are fimv/,2jtr:nt‘in our K %%WhiCh ‘5&ffinga ta&k€ ‘%fi'tCcr%$fOt (one of'ourgr:utefi‘Sug:; of the Law» ,; V*th‘cnfor n:a4, who}, . being One who doe not pretend to aI1y_‘A<‘E~;¢a*r5f:% kfiowlctfg in the Fundamental! Lawc:«,4 or flzflomgx , ofthia Knugdamn A which are to flahd ‘thc ”L]aml-; mark} Aafid ‘tinar1Cc%s 0% parti%t%iau A A between xthc King: (>1;-ragmrizreand the »Li5cW] pf :21: SW9.-g ” iieff ,1: may p.erhaps5k‘be~%%thc§ught by d%%a%awi:2g’Va live fir efirciie at bousifitgg-,.~td~}iExzEcFigure:in;h¢hD Wbo)fc ac; hangs Aqjnetféa [ , 4_'1:::‘y“:::__ 1:» c:_‘nex;: Win 6‘ E at lowcs it C cps y which} willgroceed-Ti, ( leaving you: co_a.heia:ewr1tipgs of that m0fi4=;;lMr%neal and/aoncff fudge Ianbtrx for your fizflczr fatisfafiioniiiz thispoinr. ) {ha11b-s:b rc:ifly ‘thfiffi ‘Wm %Fii“Pc% w%Ai!l,£b ::-W you what are the Genuine marks: , and proper» % A» t;i¢; affiaprmm paimr; Next, haw m2.-my of them haveybrscn 65¢//efiged by the King , ‘and have ms»: %L}iCh€:Hf'E41&b€€’D denjfid % Him by any"‘Pu£vliqn¢4Dc¢/arntian €)ffi'2€’.‘ Parliament» H ~ Sis" ifyou have rcad Mfraflatles Pozztickc ( as: JIA :;vrc+:fi.1me , %, ; __ , youhave) you mijr plcaic ton~e:memberAth«s4t * theifrfi di- <«'-;4-wvidcs the Suprmm Pam-re! of a State 4,. into rheecgcmrall p4rt§".si.~s The Ordering of Things for the pwélrqfle, W-=»f CW4? W0" Of Mngij?mte;. A and the Eina11m1blutiwAnVuf fudgmtflfiw =l§j30I§t ./Ippe-fl£'¢.t 5 To which he aftcr%w:an*d3 adrdcza that pwwcit‘ of'Lwjing4Warre,Or‘ concluding:iOf:f{P:vmw~~%,.*vF*making «mist br¢akingLmgwe.r VUM1 forraignc Nmaam , Qf‘=cn3é’Hng at abffogating Lmm-J, % o£Par~don~i1aag‘ _.,* or PuniAfl1£ang. 0fi"ma'w-.r, '”W%1th;‘B2t1iAfl1mcnt; %wVCon%fifc:atimn, MI mprifonmmt m Dwath. A 71‘° ma Abyonéfim to Cgfill €m.difi':*reu»ipr*oM{! ('r¢am¢mwa»—:;»of their Brmtb , as to be: blown: from the%m%,:-(‘and r%cca!1‘e%d,% %likc the fleeting Ayrc they draw ,“ as often asthcy flu}! fay it «rctumcs to“ them, worfc than amfirfl thcyfent it forth; Infliort , Sir, Where A the Snly »4:i:m ; or 77'}e~~~=upon the Print: is the: 04:69 w hich‘ Hetakcs atisbis Caromtivm» he ~ A known: Law: of the place ; Though cvcry Breach» offxchz an Oat/abe an Offence: againfl: God,(to whom almnc a Prince — thus independent is accvuntnfi/e'fWt3r hispffiiopx yet ‘twill; ncvAcrwpa%fl'5c4for mar: then: parjurjint hcirinca ; No Wm?-...; rant for Srzéieflx mtakc up Arm.-mt againfl Him, A . A A A V Herethcn, Sir, flwuld I fuppofc the won’: that can be » fuppofcd , that there was a time whcmhc Kz'ng,mifl¢d (as M your Friend faycs by Em'll{ Caunfillour;-A, didaaufljy A. t»ram‘p1cVaponthe Lawetioftha Kihgdaue, a,nd¢thc L564.-mg” ofhis Sfihiefi; , dCf‘iVE'd“tO..th€:‘m by 1:hb,(h%1LawAcs ; yen % Mr: fame Original! ‘camp4E¥'cai1%b6‘ maaduced wberkc?%’fisAa,A grced,,fThat upon everynfilch Incrmcbrmnt it flmll, léw Fufl forthem to Hand upon their ‘1)%af?;rnc.:,;unle{fc fomue Panda» wwM1lvntrn5?]Acan bu fhcwcn. whcre7 c1eamlyVA faid, that ;: (:7) " mi wher€”theAKing ccaleth togawrue according to Law, A He: {hail fotifuch ma?/gaexernment ecafé tee be King; T0 urge ( 331F011?‘ Friend dcrth fuchmafartumte precedent: as a De» pqtzjédflirrlaard; , ma Dctfl/armed fidmzrd, Two difpropgr. V A Ai1on’d%cxéamp1%cs of papa/ar Fm} _,-; The one forced to part ‘With hisA(".‘rawm-Aby Rafignatian ,A the other as ncrvcr having «hadlega!lTitZe to in) may {haw the Iuiuflice offormer -Pfiriiwwants grow ne flrong, never iuflifie the Pitch:-fiildx ‘which haw: been fought by this. Since, A ( If rbis fuppoficion were true ) the Icfing being bound! to make the Law His .Rfi;leby no other Oéligman but Hfliié Oath at'HisCarama. A cmu ( Then Whiehrhate cannot be a greater; I c<.wnf€f‘l°c,~afnd Whcrc ‘sis ézialaml never, without Repmtmwe feapes ampu- ani£h’t) Aycfitisa treffi fl2voA€which%Subi:&.¢ ca r:~ $ A iy Vvziéugé-%%%“ A % AA A A * a k A A ‘ But this, all this while, S1'r, is“but on1=yfvppafz‘tio»«; AA And you know; Sir, what the Lagirian faics, fuppafitio mibilpani: A -‘in dfié ., whatmrcrmay be-fmppafid is not prcfcmly true. I! ‘ Cnlnmn]‘he‘r fclfc would turnfizufarmer , ‘x_lCI£ her }cavcTw“ut*~ ’$Mp-rr1am7 ( zzgrciwmre which “being faircly laid a Flcepe by %an%:%Aé2?»o*f* Pwlidmfwi-at , dcéfcrved not to be awA‘akc“ncd to rbearc a pm” "the prqfl-my Tmgeay of this %a1:xhofi.r}:inefl A %1{£ngolow’Je) {be mufi:AconfeITe “that rhc King tbmughA the whofc:courfe** Abf‘:%:A1%His*i «Rag»: xvawfowfarrc from the Izzvgfion ~ ~ofHis‘»Sf1bj7¢&sRight: %,“ %%tbat no:%‘ZO;ag= of Engiandbcfdrew V ‘Him ,. un1cfl‘e4itw¢"re%H:nr} Wrhrfirfl M, anTd“*.7Cing Io*lm,A Wham , ~ ’Abr:4in~g“V%;Vfm§;:ém_ in con‘ccm‘“d to cpmAp1y‘Aw;jrh %thcA ‘Paopla, .thmrhis Nap/yew , rlrtlmr Ffinmi ~o%f‘fBr£h1i3e _) ever imparteéd" tothem fa !fi'ar1y»‘Rigbt30“f°’HiS («twat-.T‘ic:a that‘D%egrc'c oflnfmmcbifcmem that I%mayaI‘1xr¥o{t % ;faY%”Hc% exch%aA1TgA&Ad% Zliibcrtics wAitbA the A W imeiTcAA?thc c’At£.i« tier: of Right. *An“=‘ uf fuchflajali Grawha: when H: A A :pafl:V that Bill, He almoflz dea1twithA Hispeapla, as%Tmimt did with the ~Prdt'oriah phefefl, put %‘his¢wa'rdinto theirA%i%HAud.’2w . A C 2 A an u only com- «Ar*i"rrnaccnLc<- {:3’)~ .% .. ’ . - U 7 % ‘A 4% }g.. h j ,and'%b1dAth§‘.m 111% It f."@r»HwIm1F-hA£5;.W!3C1Wt“. AIFI‘IQt,~agaA1nR‘-A A Him. In flmrr,51AAx°, fl/lug.-“M C/Mr!» WaAsa’0zm.;, Ic0nfc1Te;$4 629: over tha'3A?’eapla, bur%thés A62 enahied [bath to call the. J2-uade jufii‘ £§’I€:i§ owns, fin: Aft’ ‘which (if % yourfriendwill: plasafc: to%fA?brAgez,§ /aipj man}; being ins rm one parnicuIar,vio-» % }3jtéc§,{c3 {grim as to Kit? i5"1Pc’anC=rA*Ad m tlaiofe, whom pre{Lc1it% - Ir3gag¢n2ents»would4never%1iz&1.rfuE:h ‘fireacbesazw Priwiledge V ;TG'_.p&fl7.i’I¢m¢l.4m;is:.cr’d5 will ob} ige puf1Ae_sAi:‘%y V50 b::;~ gratcfu‘il , as % ofte11a;~:: chAcy.~rem€xnb€%r thettafcrives to be Freeman. A A ?7§7.Vhii¢.a§‘ms_a K:-¢§i1g;fm.t}32t1‘_ncXt inqwgdrj-?»=e«rVi%‘ll be, whechcr% a » A bum: yea/aw‘/jy ,,::g1.a:;iM ghe K in g woulzzfi 1n%%f%:}‘%m<::* have rem/zwz this. Gr¢.»;-¢A‘;Aain.d wo:1§::Ai haw :nAV§d%%%c'd}.rh£ Liéertjycjwf his: .S'pgé]e¢5?.r,‘+:%. h,y_th<:; Che ngiz; z pmflwiy beta wfl[t-‘Hafiz for mm ;J:\$4M'an?.f0»A % §1I1afkcA~sWm7ctip€m~3rmtAh€r;.muc=h Iwfici ‘Stirt5ic~:é%s%Ato mazIny¢is, bccaufi:nmthi%ngv fércdb or {$5 »vifibl§,v imminent, that it may p :,c,:ax1fi legi;tiAmut»§mCh 7‘a%Al%Ik'4rf¢>,,' b%:lt~€ii7~htifan Injxxry alrcad y A» of», am.’ for than firff ‘A unity ~coh%ti,ng»Aéxfzt a5r3& c<;:rz 1" cflurail -, and wrap: up7in thct‘? gvoméq Q? dga;;;é.¢ «Cam.-fi'1§’.r#, no way difcnvcrablf but by their g1,vnA%re§r¢!mi;a;:*o§ rhcmfdfics in {om’eA%6u%tward 457: of How V % up A ¢ fiiéifji0T"Wfi"§P4‘9iA0WA%"%¥;013W.E“'5P41'¢‘ ism be: firfl ininr3ms;A » adv,:mtagc‘%on hisfld-:;%Th:r his real! wrangwiil jaync Bqt:]c.A A withihcc:Vothemweak:-/»z7{5it£an.¢»wA A * A ~ A aq “nd%% ::vAcr—3z% AA &%'5::;Vf prezwi’z2“ian gwghgch hakhgonly ‘ I:nlo#fic‘for%A;*%%‘ its ?founda7.fi;iOh,4d;wil'fi‘»Vi-T _ fiucvfifbgir ,V2,EZo?%ia::,v i;:,ave%;j iii: ujwmi: ?g+a:4xi?[i%AA the ‘ ponwr 0§m4}* h;4i'£." {has} z'm'mda_; if yvuzxcwnfider %w>%hat‘,a»pnl%i?:- a:ac3<%uir:$: hathbce:2%%xn,u:tc;«%(:qr‘ thc3i_%'c%\m;3ViTC$:s;;%t;1§5“Im::h3Vnjtmtint,%. Ld;r;£;iéa*rt},3.r:d.?’ropriat}.£}f thfl Sub ,;:M?‘M%g-:b~vl~fl!c ' P¢¥2§3i¢im%¢ meris ,en;L»Cst‘;§?“=.~vi?*iA% If ytnu ya *4ar.§hc:r.c-s«22.ir?ii the; jziimn V%:€vmvimm_p;n;w; A W i%-;;‘ 55? A ‘Ehi;4;d:P&1:~l*iagxmfiagha §'1_1 3&1 17é’=;&?V;€§:»§;-<0 i:;ta%1%FJ'f in 4”]: TEi$$*4>.4 A Y5ubjc:aEhth€'a thm;.Vw"hi%chi tbfiv 53 mU§h,CO.::.*?%%1ai?%r¥»tr;l%~$ié%é;4r %1;z%?g:;r;.if::}rt?f1 arr‘ w ill p¥&cai&Wxg ,g§;gz3fi%Arifi¥ HWr:.WJC M M V ” ‘ A . “W I 1 VA “ _. I whzcfi f:‘mx:s%.<:%c::a:l%i :§2?r§*vtld97g60‘:‘A1”A4?37?‘:3;%'1*-I, : ath urea ~13; me_ -%he img; #1:! L92 mg; , Quasi {:'na'i{3ing 1 0r4z’i;n;znce %p‘a4§»s;‘4%fg*r mrig I‘yv¢;::u Icmgs Preragaripq; 1?) much l:}m:zgrAer,tk¥az%if% dmi.ci§:r,¢fecved;4tAb A be c:a}1cda Lt*:z~le _fing¢n, thc amr ha:h%éA£vc;}nc2-%i:c -1&2 {c~in:7itia‘s ya %La}m:-5 L:4{tly,_ii~yuu mmp ire S/aip»y7g$.an_y ,%w§z%=h% » find the many cat%hk:%xfiTL¢xe:%%%~}aid*itx1pr:;m“ phi: K§m“gd%o;31e,%3,ou% will mr;0,n¢1y ;fi§1%~i=rha§Aea 7?3’a/?"PP?€. ebAtVrzs?mh% Wifiii ighAtin¢*:i Viiiim a4%3w.é.4piou 2z;aw;A bill: YOUW3WP‘3*G*@?iVe,wfhah‘t ac$A%:-rlfiefle-%_»:'z";?t%%w¢'lQaWe;%.; pf Athe K;;1gwd~(;:V;4;c‘;.,.Vs as wc§:i;% .33, ;;th ¢ % §;;L2:;w§:m,af¢ “G%oV:‘lA;A»;f1fh.1:tj rupgaorpg :21:APgr;4Aa‘$¢§,Venc m whik ncaghmfl fimght, (sis wasac‘E;7§7cprmirfdédfitfor th‘2:*g.£?a+?f«<%nrc of rbifir A W)/rd ‘L?5°rU,; Wfiabtiu»g.7;ag~ai:2fi.rhe.;,I§t~£ Wrboffi itfmhey arcs“itcana::¢.m§h:for§$a;%%ééwrifiiw?v?4g¢4=Arr%m A C % " 4‘ A, their; Amekmmu: pafifwor iuflz. But: AAbeing rm wayAntw17Ftnt:3 . M, jA,;mk¢%;AVfachAA’a Dafangg (thAcilt'l LiA&er‘t} hagingin ?‘no one 7 .par=ticu1arAbecn Mfa%u¥1t~ed,—which’ "hath notAb£cnAredre§?) if A “SA.AAPgu1 weArc*nowAon carthagainc , and were the Iudge of :.1:his"Cor:traw%r_/jvbetween them and their ‘Lawful! Save. A raignc,* I fear¢cAA*&heA"wouId call their 1)efmce by a MN-mm‘.-. ;whiA:Ac?h.:aw in aur Maderx: Cafi: of Ganfritflce Adm: 6311 .Rt-- A :5:llim.* A ' A A A A A % ’ AnAvdAtI:us, Sirghaving as compendioufly as the lava: of aL¢-mr will Apcrmic, givcn you, I hope. fa-me flrt:3«fn&‘ionA Aaonccming {ha Apart17rJf' %yfl3lJrA--t.M1ow Frie'nd.rAdifi#tt¢ with you; which was, whcthm-AAAthe Two Hoyfe: ( which he Aacalléthe AParl:}m2‘mt) have nota Legal!‘ pom'hiflAD¢fmPe of .AthcirL£6ert}$,»totake up Arms; %ag‘airift the King," I will", 'Wit}1ArAhéc1H(c brevity, pmccw as Wc:llA’as‘=I can, to" givcyou flttilafafiliau inAAthcficand.part:ofA his‘-AD1fi7wze alAf:3;whiAch Was, whether Religion mayA:“rmt‘AbcA 2: ix]? Gaizfe for aVv%Warrc. The '-Tc.‘rm“cs ofwhich Qgcffiianbcing Avery gayerafl, and not re... A ”Aflmined to any kind of R:(igiaA», or a°11y¢(?mI cf-Warm, whc, A ath ‘A~‘~?l‘*0#7-"wfiAzz.e or d.‘-g%nfiw;"ori whéthcrg of ow: Nmian aga i nft A.+1n0t£m'.or :of a AAs:d there‘ my two ramincmr mm of 1:. Hm 0mmij’c§cnc'e‘, w3r~wh4ic:h» Aha R we ma thf Thémbtm£?;Mm@dm£M€¢¢¢;; 1;vhi5”c“Ff“Fi”‘E5"AiEsfliL‘ts 4puz::xfi3m4cxm.~ on rh diIproport:ion"d totheir Darin-x and Wm!» The Fa.wr:b~de'u % <2 hmic:'1”/mxcglatxarew clarcs hisommipamzce ,by which he: grcatxsd Chef. VVorId;,M % and appuimcd thc Saééatb t0:bV€the Feufl and /Mérmoritlll of'l:hat: teat Wmkc. From Wh5Chf'}5m£l#ti‘?M‘ J¢ppWlamfi£% um cf aim doc fpringthefie pmmm/z,A That Vbbing finch’; “fled I/am by %wI¢,.. Hit: iwn. bcAHmam~’4, Law‘d,?~Fmr'd, War-«A W[Z>ipt,afld06r}’J. M M * A % A A * A‘ P Nowfincc mans Ra: igian, or Worjljip of and,’ gamma in ; rcafmi be required: towmach higher then their Knowfeidgg at‘ fc;r%%Man£fcj}ation% isifo ncccfiary to o51aga:;4»n *~éh”Ei* % 1:} my, chat Ai£*4¢w¢-Arc impoffiblc: m k1mw4rbatIth\crc~is a Gad, A fcwogfld bar noV{innc_ro:.bc ata;At»£mM} In if l(3o>:i~ hadfnev“er~ madeany ficand R¢’!Mlm‘£afi o;t.HiAm{¢1fAc bLyJtI1ae £2-riprure,» A but had. Alan/ealmgl to chcin ow%zzNat#V4/17 fiwmb of Him, h find to tl1<;pf§,,€Z3¥¢‘az£Vf5$' of their Mivdvwsw bvwhiohifiiéy t.h%at%ifuch.an orderly _f5-am: and '.5"}§?amg ~of*c%hingé, . ‘ _V%wh1§:rs: Aevcry pmi: works we thfigq.aa«'?and~/ End :offano‘rhcr, E5 . h mm rafiana/1] mnxrimd tor arifc: %From4 as cfimcbi!rm£i:**% 51:3? V mmmax, pr4b,<:% chcfiscamrm of Cbdw 1.: 15M I:‘h5ieréfC:i"c gruifl ‘ .-am‘ iv g5,.,,;j*,_ _m;Thi§e than beingfo,":I'iathe Opinion of “a very *% Learmi V ‘dc ?m,.¢.3,.[, Jlaaiarraie Wrztcr, That 1? l':{'1€!"C.”-fl(1e.'.‘.M.J Id be fguqd a (_7m::n:r:y' AL 15 Aw pm,-xfg ;,A of iiflfibaiflfiig or a People of AA fizagarw‘ {’lgfeZzrar.r.4.r ~9p:nzonfot A’ W * hgf=:7h;~;: .;y'pxn_ic>nof The-odarm»:;hc“Cy:wm4n, Awhuh-::% Doéh-me M 292 ‘ » ¥mi,na:pa,m¢4 I as: 1“!;a§i¢fo‘mé Efi%vi.m:t Higher, mt} .nbb§ér%% Huey i:{'e§fa.é;‘ ;(ffinCe it ixnpEi:;%'aAa~ t§’ez9tmrw£%’£f‘2‘ian,% that any :th}'g_1g flwmilci be" ifs own -prad.uaer)¢ yet his bare C'r'c'az‘i0#1 of phgt “War/4 re... ~prcfc:ntAsAi‘o muchof him, that .Without any 0t}57I3€‘F“{I‘* ‘-7.5’0rH€_¢' or f_7‘eac/oer,é1!lfi;g<‘:a‘hav:: be1icv&o';4zhgrA t:hc:rc;1'8M£I God who % Wv:.m gd£ith€ Waryldf; am.i%:ha;Hc hathaa R.a,{e,A andlprowidamcg goira%g%in.it.. :1 W't%Was,ZV#-Ila: eflb Dew, inane cmfximg That 7l'hC7N? is r)a:;)“g'od %% not 3 /méiméla Héuvenzg ‘But%‘*r:h"a'“t fuch “A/7&‘tmtd'.f off? Qpthim 1]"; have been Lbfi.‘ Crmtmw Offflpfiifflitiam fimtfier, fl‘-mt”: _\Vpro%m%p::e:d%,Ath¢3:m new mm(ja% Gads, and than to wqr/Mp them; if them Ih»€3.u}d~%bc ti ‘Pwply * Fotindbf Ep3r#%rmL—~34%M“w Qpinion,:Wh0 hfild tl*1:1u:h¢‘:fe w'er§:"Go"d'.r,bu-'5“ rim rwh%e%y% ‘w: :: rc Idle, cure;’.e{}'E'fl, ~wcwntL§ad.r,_‘whn% «tr¢)Itb‘Té,: d‘ um ”thc%zI;_{cIvca with the G'a'zIcm«.zmm2t of the War/d, but G ch;-rir time a way % A an nndjrflarréed Tranquillity, and :xcmptiazg»f:'wmw '£‘iiCh in-- feriwréufinefléxas the A6?:'am%of Men fi;chupn'ninng V ( %,;pQfi%ng* thram m be: Nmrfiaimflxjgammwmwjamwwadismy mt ronly to the Diflatés of4N.¢r?m?&%12’ mm»; )u‘p«»n”Whiéh am! hatch built the foremcntionéd prtccpts of me Tarn/fig-we mm; A‘ to thatunivcrfailyrcccivcdTraditigan,“ T bar there: isa Di 4 A A A providence ha1:dmhe‘g fcaicsazo“ mfins aim 4 43¢;-;.g, and Amway Jafi {idés with afliflafl .13-anaemia againif fzg;é4..V A H .fl¢'aJfufl Qppraflvn, {O they would be’: jxafl [hnfix for at K>£fl£ Wmwu, N0! only bcxcarufkz thcyarc: -conrL1m¢?iom«&%ra~ %% pr%0ach%full W Gad himfe1%fC:,4£gur:b"€cau!Aié Ab¢in1gWdir6*&§y dc- u'£lrué%i<:eVgo_ai;1Wligiarx, The 31 arciby‘ h@etfiT1rj>~con!cqu¢§»nca - .dc&ru&m: ce“Hu»é¢mmcie;7%.mm& &=;avM:“*ir~‘:§nc+ciw>c AAg#;.;m; grcd that the-refiis nu Gum» refit &('xxr%hiAch*,‘?A-wi :11“ :rc=:Vfc~;v%r"c"‘ti«::""'«:*¢‘ to %% V ['iS'3t§¢l‘~_£';f, ant; %Cjammau~ 2"am1l(/:.r; willvprcV%sLducc‘ nh¢g:13:%zn: »a‘me-A A _4;g#l¢rj c]fiééZm)tba%t hermg:ard&s7nw;.«mms"‘!216Zia%r",,A ‘n0‘rT’t:rfyu-.. A A #31:: hign{¢,lfih:- t~heé~%11ii"’p5en{atinn% ah:mwnrdr*an“dVA4APn.M I % M _ A % V nzjlrmcntx, (2; ) >m‘fém:nts,and rm ‘Da£?rin%e of C'Ammde.: will prcfcmiy 'pa£§E:3 far rmfc»mb1r.:?;%That ‘Omit; is me ma.-afmu: of ififgbpg ‘ And zhat Ems mama that wrwsgwho is ieaft sabs'icto ciefcnd him€&l&*c.4. Tm»: fwfiice ix the m'r¢m of Foam ;,and fcrves anlzym becmy tha_(§mp1cand plalegmdtich.-,_% to the more 4» ; Eiiwe and daring. in flmort, Takt: away pravvidc'nr:ie, €fP!CCiB1m Ky the mug great: parts of fit, which raignc in the Hearts cf % ms:m,bapa wit Reward, and few? of %‘P?m€f5mwt. and men; AA fpre the pniitiek a;b{Z:1'vati0%r1 WW %.%<fi°iu:1s%and tfi1cir:6+efl% Wiil pre}.cnrly4 bx: thought an %g¢.~m£’a’.* W’ hm*e*:ua'pom LmVwe.v;t§ac% Bonds of Human; 3 wietf, wmzrizwg arimér gal“ Fri-ncipV1e~,-w‘i1ich upholds chain int their. Remrenca, wilV1incvi::abiy’ioao£7c their fcerca , and fall afim-«A dew; and Men Willbe Man to each amber innuthing bupthcit; mutual} injuflicc 3; Oppm-_[’z‘mx of one anoth¢r.’T was them--% of an A.timfi in* Sa?.%'%{vwj_.Em%g *, ejdw pir#rm;=%Vvwham,rd “ A M W ~ % “a% %C‘aw~‘MaM£mm» ..P, x8, mownvéalzb, wifa men at firfi; hwvcnted Lmvapt, But per... oeiving that thcfe, reaching only 1:0,, their wmard Afiionx; Wmfid ‘nevcrdbc %wc1lk;cpt, unlefle nhcy could find a way to we their Minds Withimzoéa, as ’a gmcganew cond%uai%mg; :9 A;ghat and, mixvéc M 0'ac'!Jo¢‘ 3,m55.¢Z¢u, o3Tvn*p‘A“L':i13‘~a3”ei':°dl! fimmas %:.%'Dn. c%,&% more: mfi, andfmétlc than the rélhinvcntcd G0 .5 #01:;-9W¢Aeli,¢; knawing that Rcfigion‘, tfiough bulz iaincd , is afcagufirwaziwa of .S'%tate:. upon cmnfidcraticgn ofiwhich»/1urmcf#lI%.caufe-mg fiflenzrag, whichnahturalhly.fol1ow% mbqwi,/mt; and the denial! Qf:@Od3Pl"0'Uéd45\'YW«fl¢I’,,ftisthg opinion of chat; ¢2{7gz;wZ2arfi,)§h% BS,’twTM no ¢1»jw4ca thofc %Gz:a>ci»¢nA CitA;§¢x%, hick Fbfimfifligz ‘1°I5£lafi:pl&ar:,Who.Werc of tliix pi;2ionA. out of ~thei§mC¢_m.g "V‘ mméwmlzb, fQ.2;iMZhCt'¢ flmllld bf: foumd~a Nmicm of am flaw “ piam pvrfwm/50815‘ =5 %%’tW»%QU1d ht‘-.I1o.% injmfiice in‘,-mzy athcxj 1“wP1v»Aw:*h”ogar4e%%1mtAdwwfiiaby WM’ 91’. WAvifl1 v!1m»é¥9%b%;r AA 2;; Though rlqisusir, W¢l'et:h¢ opinion af‘ aim wlwfc wcxrkgs: have d<:f‘c’rvcd1y fn%adehim'fq Fam;cms;m t;l1¢;%w%hqk§Cl.2r1Wi» an Wbrld A(bcfides the pcaceabicncfikzof»;his~fIrri;ing:whmh " decline all.-:«th%c wa.y¢S:of. s qflmw/1 tbarA% -t9V:rr¢j,M ~W,§th;§3fifl} ‘ _ A woum A ivmu7‘&k"E$e‘fio* d‘i‘I°i*:3’«pi14%§~ariiiri“t2o ‘17;1e2,y*e5E% I {w‘i*§iufk4A mnFcHetm%'yéiI“u% ma: Ia4m%2fd*fa-rte fiom thinking any Warts made for“ the propagation offlcligion, %ho%w* true ioev-ct‘ it be glia v£‘Ia.n‘ant.% ab}:-, t!caacia17i£%1i*s pAarticu1ar; I jpcrfwade my fclfe Ihavc fem:rcafoii;to~d§{!£:nt=‘fwmHisnmmfi ‘ta cifzink it a Praéleme A v%“é‘ryLdi’fpu t“é1fii:i‘;j’~ *if%= fiis iiapVpmfitimin “Were true , .th!a;t:% there were fi.rcVhM““a Country of A:lmWsA,A% cu‘ Epicurean: ,;wboy fhould deny: ihac there is a Gad, or thaws bath a %pro2;§dwce gdingi~nchr:»Wm»-ldgwhether for ;t§m¥m*?eafox3 only anothcrw A AN%£ttim§ mightj'~uI7tifiably mak'cAVVa%rre1~?u pan them. Porfirfl, %% A 'Wi?h%a:{}1ouid+‘*Agivt t0»paVy W’arfI3vip“cokV%_%a 91%.: which citherlhcy V um: aw; not at all an ‘wagzardrhcmg ;ye":~this: baring w.~:rimc%ag‘éia1fi%%God, that famcfi Auiithor A ha th anf§wercd% himTt:T’fc‘inariother%‘Pdragrapb,%' What: he faicx, fltflrflfn imj. What QM! is ~abI3c%m ~jfl:‘v*::ngc%’ that im uIiB's=. up ‘ I . A . ‘ > V bi¢c#uA1A¢%A;s inehA an “ di-mughi that {aying Off/nmrc/1 E0 ;bctruc:. that ~(4wHiciaVAtbei/me, and the, denyall of” prmvidm:a ’?tB;l‘If0? ‘na¢ aybi}9G5w»¢ =ome;~i(hay €m’¢of=:thc: firmctt) 30nd: of Svciu}4,aafid%% j?:pparts:rxVof%L.-rim-;r; 37¢ffIV9‘haVvc nut mist any dmom fimm Ar;gVur1ftcnc, W%hi€h‘*5hath pmvcd to ma, %tba?rA*,th€x?e is Afwc:Vha»?necefl’a‘~ry _ pcnd2ncc~o_F Humanofiaciag +-upunxmvligia w $i1.«”I7:I’i:l. ;thcA Ab'°fcnce*o?f the o»amufiV»?imevi:abiky*bcvA the A firuo5Fi'dVnAt:xf (I16: §%¢«¢/57¢-V; ",‘;“f“')£t‘ be , «iis y ~ IQ paMfl.'e in thc J.tazfe,or CammafiwuM5»,“§7Vhichf%4isyo£frbf§#O~ H jiinicajn yamorzg ”thcmf£:1vcst;% Nat 'in7a forraigvnc”;S’@me,V, or % Gamma»-.-gvgaltbgwbiah is not; ,B~u£rfincc Wis, ‘pimflibic % A Cpumfi:y1tafe;dtla:i{E;¢ ma*yA”ye t%havc,-*{b much -ifllanalfity mau- 3gdng%%:h¢m.»‘fcabnded b{yA.Luw:‘made-%by-~commdn aging» . A H sud» their ( as) imamrimodngthemfclxim, as m baa Pwpi&,*mrxd t0.’hxi:'?di!;}~3h facicty czzfi Citizen: amcng thVwen21'b§W2L A And as ‘sis poffitfic far th,cAm,w»irhout Religiaii, foAfarre., for mew:-A utility and j'J¢fatie: take , to obfcrve the LAam=r 0% I\’Aat;icm: , as notAm Awwng or iniurc a'Paaplc difl”crc-my from tiT:.6n‘§1{-.'1VC$, fo. whcrfi 110 ciwiil wrong, or 1'nAjuryAis oAl?1‘c:rcd by A the:m.AAto ancsar xher ‘7’e0pleA-; but where than moral! ‘I*Bm.:d.cr 0fSa£i:3:y[,;anc! £'0%mmaW‘e, thrmgh not the R cligiam , M 0pm7om,iand W'arf/'2ip%, are uAnbrc.:ken by them,‘ for Atvhfi-‘:~ Peapfe Anoc in1”urc=Ed to make fl Wa%rrcupA.»nrhem,fora fmrd ,.imngmary ‘con/eq’r¢ea:a"~:, at A bccau fe, bcingdtbai/hr, Rig pcwfftblt. th£l~tthc'it cxampicrmay A fpmad, is an Afi cxi'Hoji‘ili:; which} cgmfcffic I am::anoVt:4ab}c A Fm1:hirdIy?, Sir, Aiucha Warn mufi: either hav;':fdi“ it's pmifbment, or their Carraflian T!1¢iY;pflflifi~ % % ~ A, ~“WfraLward§'§rMo_fl , «I Iii’?! A Awhm Ihauthus make mm»; upéam them ,* they have not of‘-- ~ _ fc ndc'Ad*...; A Nurcan their Corrafiian LcFgirimAatc7 {itch af Wmm. j Becaufc alil Co,rrt:&;ion, as%Wc:ll as %P*uniflan?xc%nt, ArAc"qu%ires fun m'_Ifdi4.11'an i%n the; urraflvrxg and Iufliflarx of‘t11€: A Lémcnt.:;A%A%%AWhiclmnc 1mp1¢A cgmmot 3Areafouably-mg-[ prcfumcd to have over mm:/m‘ Feqple iudependemf, and no my fubjcnfl: % .. wghe?m.%Aunsi;!¢flc:»we wéiil al:l»n:w,%*w1ththat *A“‘ A‘wrhAurAA;,% that *L,'5_2' J, A ‘ bécaufc Naturm/lreafbn doth; wdVi&9taA%tha71$: Atéwifma inpu-. jg’-e 5,1/‘d, A niAfl'1ab}c, thcncfurc: they. wi‘}ouare'notA%%hArbeifl: have airigbt P4,,-_, 6.. 2 on M puni{h;rEaoaFE‘%%h3t arc;_ ‘wh1Ch.[n1mrm*z:ims' the. Spzmiard, V ‘ ‘whu haf’ifiew£!%,* at thativery "V aims:when”the‘P?reachi:ng:cf it wasA,a*cwm_pa‘nicdMwith Mia A % -male;-,Aob;na1‘ncd not a1wa*ics«rhat* fucc:cfl‘c"whic.h tbc: [Irvin 7‘ M ‘Daftriné of in dcf'c1vvci<:l. The Yawn: faicss 8. Paul: . A("or.&1. 2.2.. Raqraireu fi‘gna;~:ha; is,Vthcy woukt bclicvc it no far-~ thcrxhen theysaw /MTimc..’a f‘ar'fit; And'th«\*’%§r"re:&{: (That is, the learned Genafiluf) flak after wifdamc; (hams , Thcy would believe rm znorc0F.§£ then could be: proved to them. by flemonflrdtiau. Nay, not wiwhflanding all rhofc great Miracles which %wer:c wmught by ;Clmj/2, and his’:/fprflle: after ‘ him. 8; mm! tels us at the 3 3 . vcric 0% that fiflhaptct, that the vilaneflkai Cbrifis dcrath did in diminiflu the Animal. rit_*}m£ nis‘Da&2rine, thcwugheonfitmed by ‘Miracles, that the Prcacbing of Hfim crucified, was afluméling éloakra the fcfmex, and Faalijbneflk to Grcekes. Néxt,fSir, A3; hath fibfwherc comm:andcdA ifiét1"fl1%a»:%u!‘dA%Vbé ?¢*b>5a;5a¥l:;l‘td% A receive: the Gofpcfl} by any Terrar: 61' Iizfiifiiom of ‘ Tang. H pa‘.-wall pz1r2z',/Iamertrnfijlfindethdt alffucéh t§g1d‘caivuursVare Vcw A ' r%yunii1:ablc to hia%pmEz’g{:~. You know what his anfwcr was to his two z.ea[am Dawiplaxgwho would vhavevcallcd A E5, take, 9_ Agfbwfire from heaven‘, t0 confurm: thofc Samaritan; ‘win: V 54» would not receive: bi~m.% WW 5 5 56.r££«%jo are of. Tim /Emma of mu zicnat came to dc-fire} mm} ya...’ . ‘A V Jim-rérar toflme mm. Which /lnfwe-rot his was likcthé % A Cammaiflibnn which he gavc to his Apoflles, whcn'he* {cut them Afi:n:I:h:.coA PreachMn;:be;% Gafi:a12=rAa AIcvcrall% (Zittie.-c;.% which ‘ L9‘; ‘ gggexndgd ngifarthar'rhen":his. *% ~)_’f'tbey will'not%wc'eive 103;, fbdkg ojfiée dflfl of jourfiw agaiaafl them , fora :/$249103} that you have been there. Agree:-xble torhié pwafiifb of V ‘* C. de 111- Chrifi is that Owner: which paft in the: cancel! at *"To1edo, % dicizlv dzffl. ’ which {aics,pr¢zvipitfan L‘2‘njSy:4odm Na-mini deimrzpx dd“ are-..% if Q‘ V d:mdkxmv3‘r2¢~£:af2-rye; "Ti!" ardcrad fifties}: Edi] S}nad,2kdt )1a ‘ m4p%£e benaefartb camp:-Iléd to5a*lim:'tb¢‘Gofi2ell; Afdhan, -- whichl with the men ofthc K"ountm7Wherc was made ;W‘0f‘nC: in their E nfigne‘: wh“¢ n 7rbcj,~" made Wérww Upon? ma: Inzlinpx. And ag1'ecab1’c¢)%tortAhis Canon ,%is“rhe1'aying of mra¢ll£am~ % ‘h ('l~»9.)‘ .‘ _r;-mwzzgxn, ;MmmaaV%:mn /Emviuwbmtmffium 7 fidfl’ allwme: mt i§\» j;1f0fi‘la-.: parem-age :6: canrgrfifit of #5:)‘ the Sword. Agnd agreeable to this stayingof Ta-rm!/in-n is A that paflhge in * Procbpim ;%w%h‘erc one ‘tells jluflinian the ,e% 1‘ Ara; Iih Emperwr , Athat; in?{h'AiVAing‘t0 force the Samaritan: robe ,,3«[-‘gfi ‘A Chrifiiaras by the Sword, he made Ai1imf<~‘:lf: fnccefar to the A WW1’ t%w*Ac3¢owerm*nlom e/Ipofilr.-Lt, Who, bfcaufc rhcry W%VOuiI¢kfi%::ot% rcrccivc their Mafler, Awouldhavct dcitray’dA¢thcm by fife”. This thmbcingib, to d*eaic~frce1y,A Sir, both with gay and yaur;Fxiem1,as czfttn as I‘*rcadV:h:“wri:ingsof fame of our 4 /wt Rcfiarxacrx, who think all mfhars lzifidelly w.boAAar¢: nm at their 0p£m‘am, And whofc nfualllanguage”tis%4mwa~rdsaA1%] A thufc who difibr fAro*m%x:hcAm in ‘7’s3]Mt'.r ,“ thmugh iirn zm:mA..A A fclvcs ~ind:'fl%-rant, rand, no way xacccflhry :::'o %Sa1vation,y *‘*3’‘'A?»- 1*“ Luck; An 43 fiéwwcoy ¢c~I«Cg;;_0e'§"q; , make} ('.‘»a'm-nmrn , 1-aife flrmie;r,7fl%rip :84 ‘ apstccc ofthc: exilcorun is Abcfore n ma; and the Prmhgrx 0%" {inch urea/ar_i/HanA‘.Dar7£r£n:.n, t%hou§zAh%thcy walks our Eng. 11'/Zzflrca.-t.it inthc fhapc of xAifl«':'m5-(7. F?"0t:{fl4’m‘y Dz'm'm-.s:,,A Afcczm to me to be a Canflflmfimpla Calleclgc of (fl»{«a/:icvr;a:x‘”,¢- %aP.raicfi,,1.M flpzcak. yet ”mm‘c *p1*:ain;l y,tmi.yx;im,:uA5i#r,:lA fufartrc from thinking it a pcccc of brifliam %D.oW:£wt , to Prmch % A fW:tm,'%tisAVAlnw9fmlé(imm-»a:y;mmb~c pe'3fwfion)a taAota‘kcA fmmmmgzn the Vlibgrtyw vafgchfifir arri»g.~C’oa&fci:»ca,fc1m thcmw wdmy winch {hall be ralgicd ”r( I: hc>;aieAA*‘A«:zw~aW1~ A La firfc; )A for cbcprufccutian and ~advanmmA*et1t«%Ahf Amch an ' mum,‘ and Tukfiamtw on thair I-I:rad's’-A ~ ~ E%nd,,howcvcrA the:ycaAnmt%%wc11 be mcfolved wAithom:a€Z)m‘£n£?£am;‘A.*':I‘%éa%gz. «iv: Sir ,,i}~ that iflqoh a war rs: fall out bctfivvéen 'I7*Wu&§nd3'. pendent N:m'<¢m4x,A That whichmakcsthe Aflhjlantr to Ai.nAtlmwrong will nAc::_e{fari:ly%makc the Dwefi=nvdufit; Afro b§hi'n the Riglvg, I AVW;hAicmrs%A «(£733 hav+eA,;2rwov‘::d‘%to»4 you) awVafat;of * A A‘ % A A % A rgg fig: (30 .3 #365»! pazm-r? ;toi p1ant:Rala:giany by the -S‘wm!. Aférin :11 {ugh Rgfiflmacas, nth‘: c>jnIy”Tlm:] Wha fight to prcfctrvcla Atrm, b_11£~Tbc_;y who fight bccaufi: they w«_0u1dnm:_bc comepcllmi? f tr.) part with” afatfc Relzgion , which th.er/zam, mwdix 4/2 Cflsmfisa wefl‘Ci*vilY’atK Emlafiaflicdll ivitizim Ma»; mirmii aflnit thick Kingdom“ fupm-4me‘H.md am! Govern amm-351% kmw r 1oArmAcs whim maid lawfully bu ufcd a. gain&HAi1m1A;A ‘h”u%t‘tbnfi*.*which fidmérafi Med Aagainafl aw A eflriuy Em}5:rimr°~5Ld5'.W;*?md2‘7%-*4S14;/fiirfi'it,J"Sig75Z?iI’;‘”&"l7"imr.f,,'J andPm)rem' to G'ad1:O mrnc% “ bis;h4r:arr.. =,AAnd% :h_crc{otAc 5, Sm, when youreFr”i»:n2i do‘th?ncx-t ask: you; Haw if couidflandf» witI17uthcVfif"c ¢*a;zj&'5:nm.*7oF any Ewgli/Zr’ Pra:a_/Fatwa to Randi A aflidlqifpcffiatargWbilfl;‘,‘2g:¢amM’ari¢sida;ics*%wa'¢w »fa:=caw~ pcm Hfmf, : that Hewaa almofl rc:duccd~to:ir- dy ;oAbmk5n%u 4 this bird vbbyaa, f¢:it;hcr to ;:falI‘ow%%%b V,iamww;j.mg;hcmm:%V.;cm4;%A A rcéFtc‘dfifl1io:1:ofRtliginn, otlive in danger (if the flab:-=,+ A and Fagga'r,; if he Apcrfiflcd in the avid; you may plcafc to la»: him know fi'oVm*:*me,"I’=haA%r*as. I~hav~cn:m '#m:#l ; Tbig/2%, or M» V regular Am6£¢ion_-inmcrm :15»: at? Mart r, Nér am +foAmm%cM. Circumca/lea, am“ céflrt; oer w.aa“a;-5 hr % rilzl Cafcit fled fidmi’ »% A me’) ‘engbwfiajlimlly to call uppn%mc my own ‘13a4t-6? and E%xatut£m:; So,i'f it bad hem my Eat to Iivcirg {ha fiery-;.; mag: He rp cake or, when avfrotcflhnt Wm pm to”d.eath for W in Hzmazick; *~an*I% Ihould not have qlm'rc1d wifllrtbc J?%awm%» A “that cdndcmfied me, fa I {hould h,avc kill my fwnerailpileg ‘Afindjhould hVavc thought‘ it a high Apcccc ofG'odx favom m I « Vmc;.%to% call me to Hauvan by a way 10" like that of: ms%«w»¢ A % M,‘ I 3 1°, gelWlin%“sthdéVBook of*%1Yudge: , wlwmlafitcndcd thithmf ;,ifl~EhQ‘.'*. F‘ “* ' A %‘mmmnnd aim ancip£rfld_m%e[A%ofa .S’asrifi;c:.%»; % % i A‘ % A (33) TL Asuzwhme tbisbcorfly a mtaupe andVrn:;;:;a»4%in % Friend! Nay what if it have when thc ?3tfgmEf a, and pveéflmxx \ fomvr: ximéiyjam mew defigncs, who, to wake ahc%Amurc fee A Curczly to ~t hcii‘ idaqrlge and politiaég endx, have fiiic,-d% thema- fcives the D£_f:udour'.¢',Whcn thc:y%Vhave%*a1i AthisA:Awh:iIc been the Immdmm; Afld have: callcd that KingVthcfy5Werter,whb hath allthish while (to his power ) bccn%“thcfDiaf:~ndar of thisWR»ali_g.£m? .'E'hi%a~c¢rt:ain3yV.if.it baprovcd, will, very V I_muc.‘m,nf1am¢ and aggravate theirfirme, and dye in in adeep A A fem-tn, thrcaughan thc progrcflbof it. tffiutbecaufei rachm: .defi're to cafl 3 mmnrh over théirfimnge prac¢cds’ng:, than to = ac£d%c~AtcatI1cir 'N[.aéadn:fl7c',. which hath at length dafficomrfd it fem: m :11} the W'or1d,al1 tAhat I {hall fay, to deliver fd 4 much rGaodnkfl7e frqm fo m%ucbmifi~:prcfEnmt£nu is this. That Jihifl r.¢part,(Whic.I‘1‘ atfitfl po‘yfo§'d the; indcsof fcmmny :;1M1m.dL§.dM" ' ta “by this Wérre; cddclflroy »th§ Trattfl A&R%£.gian,cou1d at mail‘: have nomhcr palrtflt butfom men: either craft} 1144:. li¢w,urA’uv¢dl¢flE- Fart, appears clearly in this, that after all Vg;hc%ir,,gt¢:iat D1§_fc¢~wnm,:thcy ha‘V_¢f nr..s.i¢:rx§ ffian, which would limit miflozm/Medhina to bring in par}? Or 1:2: your %Fm‘md* if he can, xwamcg Awho k-%ho;fE*: fliitard A %+;7—w1m; were, %vh0”vl%§o%dgt3d‘%a‘?mpifl under thcéir Raro'bet‘.." Ifhick cannon 16$ §3i~m?f0Fb€3W3% i-'0 how an Opinion ‘of his?» -§1W*i:;car=a1mc§%.% G1.wg}t‘,%:%Wh§Ch ?“imethe% mat/arr of17"m:,é>)V V hathfodzzwwzfir-.rsz$z)a{’yA canfiatmig‘ fmdlet him no IonTg<’=:r~‘ % “ tr0wt1l ¢d %B=aAZdm- mci Sting, that! il"is1‘Y§':%&‘i?f:1'iz1uié.~.é}°afl;:%~%m: bc_/Ezdrwed by the m¢2[its'mi writing: of zlwgfle, wim, fmib many”ycars%, wand‘fmm fa many Faelpitw V §1asi%c:«*ba'-::mh:.:::d %Rm17cI}im3:,~an*d 5%1anMd at with Afuch an %a1!z3%:om. cann.£3z-con1pAarethem to A }"E’m:v:rf; 9, any i:’i‘7:b1'-mg 12;; fitly 39% tothjcx Lam.Fz‘:;,Vin the %* Remlmicm 5] which crept_f%or?hof tha ‘Battamlaflk pix; cvcrry one mi“ " wA¥r1§c{~;..xvc:rAc thc: g‘mn-m- ofa Ifing , and A head the 17” «fie QM ~ Sc‘awp£eim M In flmrta1"&3:iFa ‘Li he?,haw rm: fo”jdc:¢p1y drunkc‘4%,o4“E V t'i1c:A}'¢éz'1s;’;,%\}%:%%%5Li*2rd % “?é°§‘t ; 3:: him n0lc;”n'gcr m%nd%angr:r%hzmfc1f%:%to tafi ofchcir Raine mo, wbI*iga,%*»*fo‘r ‘f:1‘%ma-z1Ay?=Ayears;%havcA:3realt““wiAnh the‘: bcfl ~ Kin A4 thambia N4V:£m&q%vér had,as4 Wi:a'/mt am {did _t:d~d«c%a}e with , A % -rkjaf;é[%whom%th¢y'mhe% doe once more: Grivaitto parfwadr: ycwu, xhxat {n‘om*ithPcanding all this W~h%ic;h:I'havm% A ‘fiiici ti%cnAt:b£:%Contmx*j,2%¢V)%thfl*VKimgwnu-Id , if h'c‘h'aci4r1mt Mbgzen hind€:rrf:d;:*h‘axze‘acS€f}:ra:;ycdthe Prateflm;t»Relag3o#V, “pray A fire him. :0 ‘¥et.%nc3* k‘1now?%%%%3?DothfE*xc:% msaamé gzhaa Reiigimn w$1’%ichfo,%many« Heb’ Marzyr: fen!-‘d: 'Wizh 2 A135) Awwgkgh zhe~irAA3a1a£am?&xac ion‘Maichccu¢%»Mmyis£o~AMi»xa~:; and AC1;_;c:crx»eA%£‘zi:e,¢3séx.érla fa preriomm our memories~:PLa{}1y, Doth has mcAam: that Rehgion which Is «comprifed in thcj 3.9. Articluxffand mnF::i”t%to b«:“-2 Protcftant by M: 2/15? 9% Pub Kigrzg in c>n‘€ aflafis "““LeMew- M the ,flga-c-Avaa «sails the azéy .’{‘£5‘1fv%m£flt?M %A1.%Athcfl'MI}&A zht: fl/!wF'i{¢.s'9fi‘)€£1€.tl'lneIudcd Government? cf the Cbkrc/aby Prsxéycrx. r=‘If‘rhiS bfethcir M¢8:fling% J %( mud truct1yif1fl1cauId%rack my »Iwent£%m, I cannot makc it find another ) The .S'£cand‘p4rt ::m!%ahvatVwmQ&.Hm1y,’ a;:nd~¢.9?lar}'um Cmufl-¢, which bathAdrawri_c the c-yes of Egrapmpon it, ‘ :~°&9efl.&nt,'%e;%a'$‘3F'MW:r5l to :¢:tpr~c‘iT€:%‘D“5§'}’lvjulIjf%by %V%Tba%€ -Puiwag 6'/14313:» Win-giu, withomfiéott or wrinkle-C'amfi-‘, whiciflikc and Wndfigfdfwthc JVé*w¢°fa4%‘PA%W-A A-c-Ftha» .S'qtb:'min~ '1)a'mm hath fbcfcn ice! with {ab many .?)'f’ur;1Ak: F J'm:ri_fic¢:, And to which,as to anoth¢rMala;6,{o matjy Man » r- ;§7‘lf9 wxfll is €‘BiIdrab~d HE: vebaemmpcm m pafis through rA%%%th¢;.Fira,rc¢£s:>I;vc$ it {c} fr: 1' mo this Vac/ariflimflloudj vanplgk. fin». Th-flan /.ffl4'5'ml’@ nf prnficfl ‘Pirateflaut 'Z?£vine.ft,'h%av“c .wd1v:fed clue Tm: Parliament: of England and Srotfnnd, cap” 4 sfgfi .5‘gafig:£E3,t0tak¢ up ,ArmcsA agaizzfl tfhe%%I(i;¢g,.;%%‘rhcir Lam‘- fitfl’ Sowraignu *, “Have thereby fa: T£vr&gWKir:gdumx um .FIamt._,bc¢:n thc Autéw-:%0fn’10re Wratwflantyflwna sggafiu ‘ % A -!mf£',w thv:n-‘would have {ervcd to*r¢:covm*tE1c:: ‘7>.dIa:;mm- by . % .g"F'arr4ig%v:%Warra , for rmthititg but thia ”ww#eca%_[fIdm7_%nvwe2Y, .;:¢:wid‘eMrd5’Ca§ufid£f4tian , ”TIfhaq;t[,e,](i»_ug ( vn1cflc~cmvpHI’d 1 hr A * ( 3% 3 A I A Vby‘rFurceV§TwwMneV€V 90“ f~‘—‘°5Wf Ana? in d;cc&vAW§t1150ut Jfiaavfifi jury could } to the Ciumge Of amadnwiamr, 1?r£mitiwe, m'pa,;. A flolaég , Mgjwrfaflf received Government M this Church by B :flyop.:,EorA a éécw,%%wpfia§?t,M#fbP‘0n9£.Cwlwin§?£ca&’ Ga warm mm», bya Marla} Prwizytarf, uf Spfi-itxm!!& Lacy-E!a’er.r.. W Whic§1%£n€'ing%( Aswflwxavc hitherto by Principle; £.;~.;k(‘.'n 3bmh.% % from Rm/‘mm, and Scripture proved to you )im thcmofi'f.a:~~%A remmzt5Z.e f(:n£e:,t*, afisfiflanca, if not astfmwa/iamflofrhe Hzgfiefi fP’f%;aw;¢=r. &; that Hfighm‘ Pzywflf baring * J)cw-mu‘ '3-5 .%2?f,GadI 4. Ram; E3; A °?0%ralimm¢%e mufi; mT'Cd3 be -Sea at fmor 3%-arr: made awainfi P‘ X as» 2 Gad And the Amtévarx M ii: ( unlatrfléz they repent, and bcmkfi ‘ah-¢~:nfc:’ives.t<) a timciy return: tn their 05::-di-% mm ) in ciangcrr 2:0 draw upon the rxnielvcs this other,f:d, tragic»:/!,%£rr%efiflit5!e Ccmclufim, which 3* * Pm! cels us is (ha 1% . fflffivitabie Camflmp/N: zrf %Ds"f'aéedienceéA am W.M.¢;?.h.fi*e&!} argwtss for it) I-havc mtur11’d you aZ¢rge% Arqf-aver: to EMS: mm rQ.,,-;—¢°,, m Ayour/l*&r#A_£emm;,.whic~h‘if ya fl1a1%§vcyu€hW»¢ .. fm§?iarrz,;. y:uuwsa1ve%ry m‘uch%wffif% my ‘Mé’&'q}?f”,&4“%v4hi¢Ah» Wm A not {ufl'c:r am t_cH;E1ink€~‘e thajt I, in this Argvmem , havcf*.:éi»d aputii-&?‘”th%ci1% vxbawxg ‘(Only being fO‘f3il"fll_'3l invited byjyx; M {ay /ématbing , to have *I‘Cmail1'dfllent.h3d beam: to haw em. feflmy fldfc: cawirxacvezdg And my Nagiigewa , in a jnmg {'0 finfimuéla to {peak Tr-ac;/9 immight pcrhaps , in the Opinion mi the gearlmnwm your .Fricwd , havc vfm:.m:¢d cam!-m part With tho]? of vbliflde, againfl whofc (alnfimchough not chgjgv Pw*fim:,I have thlm freely armadmy Pm. Sir I fhould think ~ myfclfcfimewzm-, if Amy Thingc which I have {aid in this « Imrmr*might make him: a Profigvre. But this bjcfiflg rating». my mi/7: than my ‘Hype , an the Smccefle which thiwapar an .1; A A Ypires to is this , that you will acccpt icas a Creaturevborne W at your Cammmtd ;% Axajad that ymuwill p]aCc it%a%xno:2g%ymi1r AA kosher Records 3 , an %Tg/time»; :how much Vggfcatermy ‘Dam M A L5E§‘;E«¥5i*§“a~rfiW ”‘ §g:;E§mwgg%aa:*wmhwM .‘ M