CONCERI.~IINGF 01 E A ForrncrParl' meats; vw~..«m\..u- d5 ,4,‘ M V -W’ W ",T;:~ * V’ Z." A m%$&%%m$$m&%%w&$&$% wwwwwwwwwwwmwwwwww%w Imprinted at” L 0 N 1) 0 N 2% M D C X L n ’“ Ms’ 3 m ‘2,,‘MM) x?“ $15,‘ 7x‘...,'*‘ i 9”‘ N” b MW 7.. Q ‘..!w_’ “W WWI V» Mm..«~ /~ *? mg’: l, 1‘ H ’ ‘gnaw 3? at :' ’‘v>w4;h.3'‘':‘ A * " ' 1... ; .‘ - " P;arliamcmsp% V: % ,2; Have, a@co:dii1igt@my4i“ma1§, A * abi1itie,a11d the {hermetic of time , fulfilled ymxlr cammahd» in iétM1di‘11ffg‘ to A % _ V jmra" this b:fief&éand%plai1m .ifc;wutf& wncenfning «the amsiengv mginia and eflmma af” Bn~‘3%~fln Parlimicnts‘ (fiatmEmtWa%$1a11Whic§§f’Q1.1§’¢fifcd)vvi§h-a _ mat my ?jffifi%@i0Ii’u?Qfl tbs pximswiings, mhifi f13rc£m1c1?a;f1immnt :~ E it maily fi2p% as $3awem e h1dt1~b€¢fl»¢ . ‘I, Hm ‘ ' \ ‘ , '1-.~"n_V.‘ .9 V A a. A ._ ;gIifh TB 1'} Q *3? 3?‘ ' 2*‘... E g 9 Q C ""3 5'33 an-23 , '. I A d one of the belt in .0 ' is byV'w1f3_ tIi‘enveVi§£é’é'i1ac Eur0p€, as well for th¢fl're1'1gtIa and honour of the Prince, as the IF:-‘curitie and frecdomt of the: I peopltifi and ;thctABa.fis; on wI=ai"c~h both are fauna A aeci, tuba conveniencie af that great Couxacefi, the High Courra1?at1iatm;ntt. " A at .AWithou~t w11~it9h neither can the "I’ri11cm;njg that Iaoqput ’"f(.E1;i(:_wj.€Li¢'?' w£3ic11 £’Mlzp‘de» Cmmzlm my, a Forrainet, Afdtnuéln admires, where he deli» gm-s what advantages the Kings of England have by that Reprefentativc Body of their gacpig by W1?~t95.§ a%ifi;3,afl§$ ifl~ta11y aéiigll t1»"+13€Y nfiitllctr want‘ mcag1;;s,ttttQrtIQfc 1*eputatjo12. Norm t3e1.1g;=_ )‘ that fiat» w€1tt**hte Pam hav*e'mW P@%i1irac a1a¢.a4aIna;Eh@ar awnca rights 1ibe;tri.cme in El‘? {WW :«ah€tWca.1e 8, vlzeflfiaplt at tf§%af5@t¥§.d 3M1 Carzfufczda lzgdys. to appear}: in 1/1. ~- "’.¥“di‘3*i°ht0m‘¢‘tift W0 931‘ i¢fi1?t.r¢f?‘$ 5.gnd,lw..bY Inn Vabfkncetaef * fiabliéa they wfquld 15123 311-: faazw~mhfeaves)+ aawlm auzbmmaam W altrwamwida #4’ W’ 07%’! Wm affizaezmtr meat! «two, Tquadma \ A We W ‘”’”’”’fiW3 ¢’8.“f_-A... fiema fézaamtflddfftm Met; A ~ % want“ 1.3" 7 "~ N 5' ‘ >‘ ‘m'‘«,.. - nlfa ‘. " r'» M’ . > Mqfi “ ‘ <3) ' wanE.,afTufing ;~:AVit~V;AVhggp@1,_s, Lg;/g};;;,Jg;%:;,_1g;V would loék after, no man 610335 what is; Ax111t‘te;1.%;g;.a11,4;1_;Q_w }}3a,n‘fhink4s%his own6*%¢11a-£8§*.% \ Ami m chap Intmm itha_pp@1n$, thAat»§%hf€: Q1:-r Hmdtes Rcgni (as «h%e,fpe,aks}y .W11£3undeftl1e; VP1;:.j%nce; % are entrufiad with%g@ver4nm4c%nt, meaning%${,”3m,;.n- fielloursg “]iu4ges,%afl3 other grtzat 1:~'iagifh:a~:%es, §:ir- Ether tshroiz Vhif'¥ea'rc, flatteric; gr privzite cermptjr en, doe V9 ten betray the Pmics rigllra we Pr~ir_1ec.. % ~~T=11e~fiam_ Aaf” gevemmms fiandigg;thu&§; If V43,» ftemperedw-timeshappentohefas (mt Chrgzieles havfirxcwed fomc) Wham bydifintion Férince and Pwple , the Kiflgfilfimfis ruirwhath b<:3§n.eeg1§1Aangere”di, it deth gfo mueh pypve giha-fa the ;_Er;g~1ifhLQ5zerr;ment is not «the bef‘é,as that thy: ,g_<{)xéernt*£7:;e;;;;t may be abufizel. emrig Menzrehy, $3 %1%imi;ped Lfomzcx, «.a:1"i“_; «fiery 415 ‘ail? if-'1. 5E~J:f0»Pe 1; wt ,thcxé‘is rm wa1s¢ranmga~ini?£ tvhaffibxwlitic 91 in A - . A; 5 ~ ’ For" (4) Fm: it was ever%% heretof‘<3ref“e”ene5%w%.t1j4;;t arm: A V Ii;§ sv«f:2:*«:=: a.%* an lxonaurable wife Prim-.653, enema 71‘{:m}2dy aga1ifli% abad or weak one} 93?; ‘ii. WEE clmnge tylzg czxprcf» . fiuId beg, and Sllbw jeéis greater; 4 But onA1the: contxtxarie, thaté may have beep an advantage ta Kings? the’: conftantserécs of m:1rhi£’corie will wfhcwa A I» By thofé gram at-av chievcments which they have enabled our WM33 Kings» to m21§€¢i‘3?WhTO, wemgmofiz «sonflzant in calling; thcm,%V and mnfi’c.nting1'«f9 mam. A 31» Tilax m cm: Primceqcwm avmzyet’ happig Witluaut film ufé them;;j» V ' . . T A A V A . 4 ' It may H1633’. foim feuffima a Waradox 9 that? zxriy‘ P Prince {Mould ;%difafF¢é?EEhai.t4'W11ich33 T0 high an A advantage for him; andka great wander» . film i“rmc1se. Egmgs of’ E*ng1an&, net vicitms in their ciifpeyfirb have; 4 . A (5) , A MW: f04muc*3‘i;%«*%.§£kcd againfi Pa1'1iament$.»AAnd that fuch havbhten (before wefhcw what reafonssd may be of it) fee the charaélers of fame Princes, wfh, "fiffi fucceffe and fortune${vA*;A*:.knowne to all that tmu the bin, %ries,_§as they arelivéred by Paérdare @322, who in his fixteenth book fpeaks, thus of Hezgqthe third: %'I~"mit ingmio miti,.wimo fiaag-gm?T74%% _A méi1i.q?:;&m magm, cultorrqlégiongk, adveffm iflopes ) gzmzg. Hee was of ‘agenda nature, a mindra- that rioble than great, a. lover of re1igi0n,}.andi1i- berallvto the poore. _ A % A ' V. V . " In hisweighfcenth Book thus of Edward the {E-- tnds Fm’: ilk mmrai afzamz, ingmizgm Amizeg qwcm pfirnb jtrverzili error: a62‘:iaézAin Alewiom rziitikz z‘2m'den- A Mm, tandem in grmriam rmlomm écmfseiwdiases (§~° mfifilia :rra}cc?runt.A Non dammit £113 amimz‘ vmw, [5 flfpuzliatxk malnkfiiqfizriém illzwjzgflirexercztifléf. He was ef agood nature; and miid difpofition, who firfs by the errours and .ra1'hneiTc of youth falling ' :i11t0\fn:1a11fi1u1ts,was afterv3r_ard‘s drawnejinto; gpeaw h ‘Arm, by the fdéictic and copmfels of VViCk%Cd I‘I1_BI1. ,T11k2m was'%11O1: ¢wa}1fi,ng ix; 11i1}ya fl:rc1jgt11_ of mind; .‘ifavoy&ing cvi1Icoux'1feA11,%, heeVcQu1c1,11ay%c‘%n1ade a jL1f’E11fl3«Qfit» A \“ A 4 N M ‘A d in his‘ tviicntictli Bookg.t11uS%Of4‘iicmr4l the fg;aond 5 M,Fwiz £2di[[afiJiritu47¢tmf-ia§z,:,-3 cm- :{3v¢'i0rr&r2:__ir7_2129r‘¢9fif/3’: aw ivfwlfirzzw mtizéxié-MV gflevvas tof‘ fp’iritA’ndt low 0r b2afe,’btitfLtC11 as was,quit<: jdefirojfcd by t11e;w.ickedncffi3 andfollygfuguhappy A ,eCionfo.ciates-V ” , .~ & ’ Afifreafon dffithis accident fiaayd»be, ‘that $11011‘ A ‘ A fmjxlgas Q . % *§?%u1as, ~fE%’i1 ¢h%w~; vieimiy, % £Iie?%ira% A V%%Mfi“s fa fiublike, T ma. . mg narrarequ but b¢in.L:% mo mug % pat am pgvé M4 Fannie 4‘4%pie3AAF%avurité&; :m“d1@fig fi"a%i,te'%dAV A‘ fifi’éV%y §"0fi3*#SVWnxjde.i*% f”p*ecit>u“s% name WE)? fir1_iifiéfTein~ {r1éhdfliip5' (wt 'iBé%»i’i"‘igf”c”$1d%thififfiié “ob ~d‘£4'::; .(*;:*i‘fi6& }ii§1aveAfh;@u1dBv2%thz:wI1o1ep¢op!ég fi‘fi”dHi§ffEh'é;y we gmblike hwmzir, fh~%oAu1d¢i*é*tur¢ri&%a4 A as; fierall have afiaVcm2) they hwé ‘tdfi fi;+:fg*£¥*4-» fled the Kingdoms, and grigw 21%‘: f‘aflf§iVi6iA‘4‘tV() 1’d@1’< rfiitzii‘ ?a“*€é‘s“ifi "fsrifié 21$? - ‘flit’ a‘§V4é1:I3ifi‘Ii3é’fi1‘éht,4% and fl’“3"7ifi“g‘fth’f§ *1*em&dy,eh¢crEafe the 6Iii"Te::zY‘t%, fill ir3’~&c>r“r:z: % mat uhhaippiti 1‘1c{.f”i ghf, lédgé jvuft afiiiafi, thay flr:ivef0rafi_44iar1ji:i% paw "we it”Cbufl‘feif1:if1¢5€f$3jhdfi?: W °dlfi§'v*'é‘ A*‘ méfiwitlféa, an mwe ifitaimiisié‘ 1*¢““t1aei%"%%”e:t1*fih»é. 1%.; Ff5Tha>3r¢A1i2iv”e*fzMét A fb tbnféitbflfi wrhemwves of “great4 and igherefbrc not {pm Map: ‘to flenfiblé C43? xvfm: they Afiavfi %_b4e{ei1“e ;z¢ti&fe'rrfai%1ly*tr1‘zid¢J to V dag ag;ain1k Hiéeir «pE6fi!é,1,#i?htSTi: C afa- *'feive3~di=c:1 Anm; §‘erfé‘v lyiuiwqtflahd. Ana%¢thc:~m» fééré Ith ‘aifc: mare pne ’fQf;'1fpé& the pé6p1e,as iankin*dt6" %them,th:;m t'f1Efi‘i‘l“‘éfiVeS 2s*fafi1%i¢5ana fo the mprc llardlyvdravgrpe to repent flattif &&‘§t1df1%s5 or 5‘ :1‘ 0‘? ::‘== tr1ne*c:% ¥1i“éar"rily Witha Parliaméfrt. 2 . The Tédond reafmn (7) A rwfonéis Tfi-om the ‘Pépleg Whb naiu4r%al’Iy%Iobké' withvhonout unthe4Princ§,V anjdvwh'enthey4ifin<{I, none, or ¢fewperf0na1l vxcesf m hxm %(notconfide4- 1 ring‘ that the true vcrtues of ‘+AP1*§I 1ces ljavem a1ar,a get Ae«x¢rder1t‘Jtha:: thofe ofprwate A men will r1101-je hardly be brought to rh»i1?;Ic;, fl1dugh“tE1em,féIve$ :fe;ele, and fuffer for it.,that he is fafultie 5 and that“ me fomet imes (which would hardlybe beleevedg Nifexgperience had not {bewed~if)‘ iihc fiPedp1fe"h‘av‘z2 been rm-afh"a4s thabto ~maimaine&“ for an ~u"nju{% Prerogatxvé, whxch themfelves underfiand ndt,t11~eyhavc to their owne rume, and%the* Kings mo ;; ‘(as ithath afitcx ‘pr0ved)%deferre<;lV’tIjat&% V 'C0un&el11'AWh‘0mA trhemfclvesi have choiéfivg ’ whom only they could be prcférved intbe'irjufl: iiglutsslmtill toolate, f0_rthcKings and t~heAircrwne, t11Cf.Yh3.VC fi:en¢:andrcp;:;1t*e[d th¢_i; great folly; A A * ’ S"uch adefertion was‘ too fadly Iéche at the end thatP*ar1Aiam,ent ofEa1wm! the fecond, Whercf the two Spencer: were baniflxed, and the A_tragic;a;1fl_ cffeéis ghatq f01‘IdwedgWh‘cn’Vthe Kin ,<:,Afouné1’ fOg’1fe'at ' aMpafi'ti3'Ve6?:"s. is f more a great mul ortune to England‘, A A . '” B ' Aand <8) :=md'&1n10fta»aC¢;“taai::@ caiaamiti:i¢» Whtnvthadifitm-Q "pciras ofngovernmtmt lzavie hecn Ieugrow Io I0“ng,; as that for thicir Acute they; mufi need along Pfatlia-A- II,1;ent.Ja For there atca_t1oway-es,,howju£’t,howrno-- dératieiiifoever thtywbc, , which f::h,-at great C ouncell cant take i(tift1‘1ey% go far énough, to make the cure} but wilitiptovoke, either by» the mcanes, or the lefigth of them, the Prince his impatience, or tht pei0ples.iipc0nft,ancic._. _ V V M ~ A; ‘ " Eortheia firft ; the Delinquents amufi needsbe many and greatt, and thofc employed, and pet-— chance highI.y_favouted by him, bcfidesi the re-- afl‘@exaibn' izi:1‘11'ch.i?s maqlcauponb his judgcmentaby théif ruaerings‘; angl'tha.1: wiiéll be one,1-cafon ofihis impatiénce. 2 it 7 - ‘ A t L A - Another 13,: «that many prerogatives A» which wszrenot V indcedii iP.i13§T§nFai‘Q !ihc"'j(.:.,1i9.WneZ5 butfo tHbfig"1‘ft‘fHe Prince, and by him apd7»this~tvbad Cmuncell long to taheapa¢¢”judi‘ce“ of the ' A People, with fame, feeming advantage to him. Cstahoiagh Well W<=ia1i!<:di they br®uaht«aon¢)t an: then Imiig? fiifferanté caltledinaueflion ; L Fbfr the’ Peopkf are 7juf:+d t%oieAntruiPt kind Prim Céssvithmazayi of their owne rights» and ptiviiedw as}. 3114 call for thtm: againegtill thcéy have "1 amékteaall ¢1¢éIi‘=t ”3fi€¢!~f 1”0it10na~le1l‘thlings as made the Prerogative a thing boundlcfi that» 7 he himfelfe "(as the S.::oric:flrep<:vrts) was l‘3eardgl0{» l1tyingto‘wl'ay, That1"l1C?1f¢;lX?:;?l5llT€) free andilabfbl-u‘te‘ Monaxch in Euiepebut blm el1fe.~-l pain whlzecly ‘V B3, Il1§?.:' (:25 A 't{hcfame baa counfcllwhich had before brought himtout of :I1ov'3e with 2‘ %Parlian1€I1t8,; brought him" e to as great an abufe of that ‘power which bee had now gotten overta Parmment . And then follow» ed the blank ¢:I}211‘l‘,€1‘_S, and otberhorrid extord-4 ' Qns, befides thebfuifering offome Lords,Wh0m" the {.peo;,tpIe mofi:~loved~stami fl1ottlyafter, by a fad confequence, his owne ruiget. Nordoe wee read that anyof tlxofe Lords, t’w’ho under colour b ‘ Ofloyaltie and love -(as they cailed it) to his pet-. fon, bind trodclen downe the power and priviledge Qfa. Parliament under his feet, had aafterwards {E3 much Ioyaltie to hitn,i aswto defend his Crowne V and Perfon agtaitntft-the force of an llfurpet, who withoutt any xefiflsance or zcontradiétion Ltnjufily afcended the "Royall Throne: the fad caccafiontof that miferable and tcruell civilltwat, which in the follpwipgagese fo.19ngabfl1i&1cd$tt1ue Kingdome of England.‘ This was the worfl ttexampleoftany Parliament; “ but in other times , though (bad too, they have proved bettert Phyfick than any other earth1*yy§'gyes or meanes could be 3 yetytbehfi . Ereatefl }'ert1:m and excellencie is fizene, wlaentttlaey: tt ave beeneufed as a diet by honourableand jufft Princesgfuch asthis, Nationhath been often'b!eflz} sgvith 5 t and fuch who have thought itno difparagea mcnt or deprefiion of their dignitiem robe . by the fway of that great Counce1I,tbanba wife; M guider of a fllipwouldthink it to’ fQ11ow"hise A Comtpafféj, ort4anytMathen1aticia‘n to be direfltegi eb}f~hi~_3necefI'arietules and i~nftruments.a_ _ 3 V bFlNI&