mam He, agadmmimfarcemzm M dflciue z:‘i:eI£m»A W in = Pawfiziamaim 40 NH Pxinmrs ”z%0«%tm%Ki11+gs4x%x:x:flA‘%%Exw 4 fir 54“ Q,‘ I’, 4 ‘ ‘ ' ' “" ‘J T v “A '7 '~ ‘ “ 3.39 #0 ‘« v ' ‘ ' 6 ‘ ‘V’ V A 1“ _ .‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘r ' _ ‘ )5 ‘ 4 ‘ " ' r’ A, m ' '61 t-,, _» 1 - , “ “ ‘ ,‘ 4 V‘ _. '_ .‘ .4 ~ ‘ V ,, u‘ v ‘N ‘ ,fl_|T~‘M -«I ‘,,_“-- ‘ ‘, w- ‘ “'. ‘ 4, “".x_,> ‘ ‘ I 4 ‘. I . '.w ‘ ‘_ “ “. .. ..~ . . "1 ' «,1; K. 3 ‘ ., V ‘ ‘ _ .‘ 1 ‘ 4 1 _.¢. ‘ ' . v.,. . ".1 n V . . v V, . l ,. “ :5,‘ “ -L L./V.“ Ir ‘ r 4 , A‘; F . -w » ‘U « v ~- ‘ ‘ . A . ‘ . , N am! » fl .. ‘ . V - . W ‘ _ ‘Q ‘ H5, . 1, n v‘ A ‘ wJ‘u“ ‘ _‘ ,1: ,_ I ‘ C‘-aufcs whic%1 m0ow:Adi VHEQ. M A I E 31" L E to a{Te%1nblcM,2md AV?:iftcr inflyarced _Hi m to d§£I«>Iuc the tV\.‘(.‘1~«~I:i4}u Me?etings in . PAB.Lx..A..M:£.:~x-T; i9/205 ‘? Excell- g /j_rzEB;_L: zzcceflé in 5/36 _ A M Cr'<:v2ma.,.; 0f¢7é’z% , /aazzzficg év H23 CT cm/I $u¢z:%/gm WW6 /Mm!)/Z0}/lL°d a72c{}:zflr3m lecéfézgéw r¢¢l1‘P21r/ia;2n:mt5 ., t/gefirfl )1»:/5ereo}{!Ww' in A uguL % /aff 4di0%M%nA6n2ent%l9£*1dWf xford , gmd tbcfi'reV c1;fl5[u6cl;%;’dnnlI5:30%¢ ow écgzm in February lafi mm” 2, rirm«e‘v 4mm Hz; ~~~~ v" fiigntwy tinm.-cl imtill tbefiflfhfflfb day oft/.4'i~iz'!4 pr-34"‘ fiwt mane:/9 cy‘,arzdt/sen to 2:/ye ma.» flaeakealvlegriefé Himjé//‘e, and, (45 He 56/eeuet) ofall Hzkgaad azngz,/@3114. A % A afsfied SVua6ic?E}k5 dzflolued 4//as; efl [4 fir/yang/§Hec wellfinnaetla , rslémr 2:/96 ca};- ling, av/i0Mrning,prar6gz4ing, and dgflbl» Y Ming af ‘Paw/iamedn»t5 , being» H Qreat mmw}-wane;-um-n Cannfse/Zqf$l7e»_K_ir2g»c/afizg,dfiefieczf/iargaw % « 3;/okg vnto~=H3mfei‘f% éyan. vnd0t4b&e%°*" Trerqg artiste ;, itzffiparaésfi’ w%it*t{d -ta: Inzpcmiall Cra):22ne,as;%+_V‘WAg[”;{_g:§_£E>, may Ink} -0;. * A “fiber Rc;g.alijflfIio2g;_g;, H69 :3 mt bound to i575_5]Em?}7}}}}éaiwewlieubezggnt ;rnd=’Uice~ gfzwanwtccountr-t?o+*azg)*; ,6:/1:: ;o~€foclan/jg; A fiat’: HE: 13' in Mzffis’ tie ‘R134/m~m‘ana£‘A 5)’ tie dz'uirze}2r*ouz%£_:j1_2;§* ‘S 3; "3 $3 3 ‘-5 so mfmm mwfitrv V%¢.:/firg/}Wr%[3;', my I}. r£"'e~%.«:fli.-. z'£"t€az"taa3* /marge *4nz;fi'C]"'»bL;‘e»rne».V 'am:@~M *z/3.e-/f/miggfitie * pzztrpq;/9; f9azfo% omfer Him,/e*{f§,mz*a’ ails za~4/1'V<,‘t'z‘z7z2\__r;, fimble 4 V 4nd*.é5* fgveciaflg’ film gre.:zt: ¢fl6lr‘p#,Z7/3&6. " figate concerning éfie 'l17€.42’!i:? nf 359325, may izg/3?:/96 t/am:/e/zm , 226} anal)? ta E1133 0,fi?73.€’%(a"‘C13{[(m7i3I7 ea _.,. HI}: 0I2§i3§J§§gfi,6zzz to 1/26 32>/mfg 1;~o A;~[g[§. % E}; aieffie/Mt/3 t/youcg/at‘ itfixz mm‘, 3é7€G€,:4%=-@113)’, as’ 2/3: /?Af4ireJ'«..nam flancl, bath dtliomei and .czt'7~1’«:9.»czd“. to mafia’ 4 z.rzze;. piaine, and ~£‘l£"£53'r;3’. ”1)ac/dmtiem r/36»: aazmos w/Jig‘/F»n20uecf Hd~Maieflz'e 4 re V _ A .1’ ii1y5rc¢df:Iz}n ta foftic rife/E’ 4 ‘Parliament; 3.. Tbafi A mom}; of ma/195:? éxffi’/fmmay lvee./Fppfiedgg J .l(‘JM‘ *' uzn%d%z*&e c/auhx and }5:’zzre_§:of_¢¢; _ gaod Sziérieélji‘ , and" 4H,}; % Friehafiwand d[1ie5—a5wMc£,m»9ET A 4ei:)a«-VA 2i.sfé:1,L~a%rfd%t/§e”;;f@fi’rH£&/:95/aim:/E "pm . bappytawciv M 1!(;g.52,*;x>pHn*¢:’ «r 5 zbaaifx I/Ezm°a« ‘ W ” A When Mazbflieghy thedeath qf V is dmre and ‘7‘Rq}»dU F mf ’hh£'r_.,cf ezwr V :5 hléfledmemozgq czmze to the Cr0m2,; Heefiufld birnfi//eingdgcd in aarfe . 44 potent Emma», h not vnhhdermfien fafhbr , normzhoz/zt iu/1.’ and honourahle cgrraunzflr , hut irgflzrcéa’ , /or the neceflczrj M J a’cy‘Ie'rzc‘c‘hofI-Ii77’Ifr3“/fl’,»<1nzz’hi:h‘D0}?2i'ni~ A gm, for the/upper; 0/(ht? Friend: and /1l_fz'e3,/’E2r the redwmingoftha .czncz’z9m: , honor ofthak M4 h'afio;z,j%r rhé récozwfin or‘ 0 tha Tatrim any ohiés’ z:1e.4re.S'zfler,he2:* h their Children, irziuriozfly, eff ”*hc0Im2rh’ " Trasztiai V hmd -Frienogfizphhhakgnfrpm hthemgznd for the ~mi¢inhf§n&uce ofhthe Re/égion ; V amdh % J Ihinuitedthercitntofindz'22caur4rgedthere»- jg, [ hy. the hhwfhxh/ehhh aduicéh Q} hothth} A htheir lame promiflar and profie/Zation: to _lHz} w I h ” ”z’Mc= im M aiefiie ,A to . <41! H 1;: Frieni :3 and 5 gfizflanre in t/2afl=E”nAtcrprz]eJ,3$*£»i@£2 more . ,,..uu-nuuuaw-v-mu ».u:..m»«w-¢- ~ ~ van-wuwuIvDl‘>fl‘a~I|~nM * 3776 great imomzrzcma at/9:3’ -Rea/me, and :5 zbe%gene;-gflpmce gzndfafim lZie.t.z«1t.:W5ezz3 aiefiicg cntrwfiinto 4 aim 0,5 H£eVwm ta pm c6ede% %:*6i‘zz_4[[;v mwfig- "red; an /1E2‘z'0n,*v:2[¢:=fl':é' Hee nzzgbt 55-’ furcdto .i’£’C€iMw? fix”/2” MS2tpp%/ie: framAzEr“ /Wing uS"u5i£é3: , :mz;g/at i2'2Az«29*/6 I}17im+m»» manna/gt’ ttbe/21/neg A A Helm/Paw ' .{gz«fiz'é4 éeing xpilling; « tmmczd in I/34:9 flaps ‘R3411 ‘7’mg€--v _nitar:, far gaodamdlflal-1 /mm Eawex, we laezzmr G 0Vt1ernemm¢‘§ peaplefor I123 rg /2.»: vndewandw of wt/Eeir V zrzmgriezmn cm~,«mdfar tbéfup~ £6 matures, fimséiwa z’mp[@*6d*fb’2'?;.3~s5o[e':A fi T /erz;im%,;, /amr re i1ue.:a iue %/éimjullmzd real} % ‘Trwflzm , Heeffzmzd /3ow;~$i.l! pro-aid d V flan? I $6 % V , '.:mo.*2»tez_7l’oozr[itznzent‘ with all eeoonuement Tor/ioznzent 4/teat/3* 6'4 [led ii: ‘tl78’[lf<‘3 of ?T.e¥ier..z:LiM/v1Zatztt‘£»t ofHi: 122 £’l;gb’U.6ffl;1l'7‘EI,“4fl-6! gdiniflg70/ time, to battle contimzeez’ Live fizme xavitéouteezg ” zzlteretion of t/ae -« o}éer.c tfyetiecf, /Md/see not iveenetzdatfled to ft/ore cozifitrmje 17} /air Iotolges aged com:/ell ' ‘otLtz:z:v, for t/o4t17t/gold beeize ftzéieét to uoiel. But aejoone axpoflio/Jr‘/flee could, Jqefimzmoned 4 new Tovfiament, newbie/9 A ~/nee didirvit/9 mm; M confidence and afloa- ‘ _ee'7“dfi-Cf oft/:elo1§teofHis peop/e,tl2tzt t/oiofi, I %b0<~T720t/0123 laefofe ./add iaaait/9 fame £221.- A Feztlaer, obenaezfideyfrout for t/oeflweee porttmitj ieonne/J1"; Fat/oer to éretzfiz of v Jim florm or treaties with Spezine, nine! to ye t*e5’z't;/Molt ‘I/ed the mediation of I471‘.-5' [woo ;:zz'eAf3ie,% .6ez'ng then‘ ‘Prin co and d A ‘ A meméer A - /-V ‘member aft/ye ‘Par/mmerat, and /Mdpro-1 maifc’d1in¥‘Par/ia¢¢2ent t‘%€£." *z2m9rmo§Zaj3 flfhtnce, ar 1.‘/79 imzfling 0/MI lm M4» % ie§?ie.t0.vnJe*2;g0e Me warm ‘Br/Jic/2 I/my Men flare/ézmv mig/Etfczf/9'1», wauldazfl24..I redb/Mae p6rf:§.:Wed ii‘ .60 /31)" naw M4. ” iefliagcyw van/a£’nt /mm/z¢fered Him in}. enterprzfé offa grmt an expefh. ;ion,_m bauc rm: tlye leqfl .bd:{4rd 2:/aroug I 1 VA ‘ I ‘ ' T/22‘: q’ar/ie4mm¢(zgfter/Bme adiaurne- men; é_y reg/by ofbirzkfaiqiier imazmiai 1 aé/6 acmfimmr interpg/Qng ) éeing afle/72..., 17/edozz t/ye sag/ateent/9 day 0f‘Ium:* , _§§_g'__g flag, that His Commons 1}: ‘Parliament, zakirzginto their due mw!fc’rz'os1.r confide» ration, tbe mamfo/d accaflom which at Hirfiiflentadid prey/Tg bis‘ .4» ieflie, and His‘ mo/? imparmntafliqirer, 92}/Jic/25:2:/9 at/aomeand aéroadyahyeret/93:3 B gim- .. ;‘‘’n¢»zA52'iozz, did 117.356 r_g%re.¢zt r.::=4dz'n¢flE{arzc§ ¢zl.:zcrity,a5 cl 10%/édgeot/Jez'r ma/2? éwm»~ flan dzngv Ezmhdt/Béznléefzzlng/fzé, mid :23 I196 - ff vflL1]‘§*%it5of t/3em‘z}/Z dztiyzflt/+7 cflfl2’EZi0;'zJ‘% % ff/his" /euing and /oyazllfiaévzleflx, maxed £04/9i5»,I"c°mice, prcflzntbii flZIa‘z'efli6 mi!/if ,,__ ;z‘Z2€ flag @*cbe6refu[1;f£:f‘ did tlaanéffitlljand /owing/y aicepzz 35¢: .17’,/)6;7Z He lmdmore nazrrm/J mired inm M26 conflc/6r.4z:io»nof' His great afl¢zz'“r6.r,% A W w/aereiiz Hmms i1n54'?"&e*.ol%, 4nd[*om_.;~ w/dis;/'9 H3 cow/oz’ not m'£/jam: mztcbdi//rioe + now .cz:rsc!,'c/2”/ad:/zoznrazge a22izbdrzz1vHi&g_+ 4 A «lmizcl,f1’e found #352: 23/612: fummeoj‘ mar A my may mm/9/50:2‘ czftlmz: was/via‘/5 0/ zwccffi fit)’ mufl ée pre/éntbr expwzofed for t/éfie M [axing fimmrd of 2?/2wQ_gre4t4E2'i0m,% * ¢ ‘ ?o%/.'3z'c/9.,“ =22;/fiic/5, [yo ocfloicocfflis Conn/”e[z’,I{ee /yoolvno/orra&on, and fiooro I/sotfim/moor toéo pzzflmd : 7‘;5zkoi3%Moi.:jiz'oir4p4r~] ted to /so Commom /Eoufe cy"“Por/zoment, o but écfiwe I/jofimzo could receiue that de» éote ozzol duo coofldorotion M7275/9 wczofit, A zfiefeore/ELH vzfmoion o,r"tbe‘P/ocguo in, om? oooozt zlyo Corie: of London am‘! A VVePcminPcer , 9:22/zero t}g;c;Lor;l:,o;zcl? 4 princzfall Gezoolomon of 21/144/it)’ of H13 on»/oolo Ki:2gdon2o, avers‘/59;" 2:/ye tirozo 57:55; their forzzice lodged ondooiding, ~ %dz'ol[o.ozotc.",/9 incroaflsgt/oor /5i: Moicfiie, m't‘I5oo:o: oxzreomo porili to the limo of Hiowgoodfubioélr, no/air/3 were clean: mm.-«M A to.Him, could not continue Z/'92.? Torlio-~ mozzt mzy Zorzgorom 23/ootpfoco. Hz); ZW¢1z'e/Zy zbercfore on t/as o[ez4’o:o.t/gvoo c/oyoof Iuiy than ofl2l/owizzgaflozfioxrood Z/fie Torliomentflom Woflmiz2f?or,v:m’fZ 9 2 ” t/28 o 2]5g:"Fir,/Z J4)! 0fAugufl' Eben fizlleaieing, meet/yeeee Cizrie Oxford 5 and /5:3’ 17,. 713; gweejecerzefell ea eece0mmae’ete%/ii: ALOWII endCemeeem ebere, e/me; es /pee % meefec/wife £542: p/.4166’; éezegr e,5~eea rifie A fleeyZ 43/ er/2er5fi*52‘/be danger of £114: If grieueeie Sicfieefle , _/0] /ee I/eerefizfiea’ the ‘ Tee‘/iemem: men 13:1’!/7 elf I/Jizege "cam/ze» e ,.- fezieflie bimfe/fe, eeing in /We emze /;»'ea?rIt_ flneer"e~ dude} erzeefrom eel/endr‘ flip- beerex laefl fine» er/9) /pee /zkz/e expeéied, {tbee Many emi» keeeneee ruélien ef /52‘: efZi'am*= aaaeulel /fmee éinmezdej as He zberefiena’: i fiuwr/yen the 7’err[z'4me222: bee’ éeene 4» mem: for I/Jeir entertainment; eed £21} an 12;‘; people ( 132/Jic£7’ t/Je /eerclier nybile Mere efleezé/edgend /5;} Meiefliee e efeiree opened vmfo t/fiem, endefitrzber fie/2p/J deflreel, ea? nece/fie}? required; /nee W _/eetme/I/rem flifltmn eno‘2’fl9_ de/4353? V E : A A mad diuaafflorzs iz2Atéez'r re/b%[uzion§M§£4§ igffins mm» min 603415;’ .666 dez%e2mz'm°c!, z/ac femf«¢Z1C0r2 t4g£;0fi~d4i;f)* incre¢ycol,% and mm: dzfiezfed info all t/9e part: of zlmfgngr/awe, and cmze /mama’ cum m dieirdarei ppbz?r'e were 4/femb/EJA: I Hi} aieflie t/aereflw mt/yer prg/2;, snedtbe /ézfazy ofbis peopfefmm t/94£pre~ fi’nt%4;1cI”"i2zfl£2[e dangef, zém 2/Je prom} diwgflrtba-t Iaalaic/9 932:2; more r6I77;0re;éut no /cflédmggeramf :0 the Staztevfllfliia A [Qng'a»’om€,4nd ofrbea Aaimh rftbakt? pa:rtqfCbrz]?endmze, nél72'c‘“/7 z*b;~:?~*;¢ were,’ andjgt We in flienaflzp and afliancg 2222':/2 61°: 2514' die/lie; and zberevpon./oi: A44ieffie,nat fieing tbm We mdi/came _ woken itmlg/$1f~p[€e/ye Cfotltoflaz /Jami cf Vzflmtion nor 121/Mtp/ace 722%;/at 503* V Amarejéczms t/gm 0;bé3°r4 t wtime come.- hiegztflr t/jeir rcwaflfiméling ,z /mot» . B 3 is/fie» ieflie dyfl-9[z»zedz'%/54¢ “I7azrz'z‘4;v22e2zt. % T/mt.T4r'lz}w2mt l}ez%zgn0)9p Ended, /Waiieffie net‘ I/9er67?airh_ cafi of I43} r'()=4_ l.7m'rc= cf Ifgzk great zmdV imparm I“-B}77fz‘zti€50Aun/EH, mm’ of Hz} ;Cm,:,:;;...* F ?p~arm;«:2£ 4/fairs; 5 5215 63> 2*/:6 aditice of L L /95! <9ff*V4ri’€,[7€ contzmzed Hrz}%pz'€"4- 35032;; and farmer rgfi;[z/mf0;zI,dzz;2’ zlwe - ?1WQH?:*W;t}i2[)1€9c'“‘?(’i1Jl]6’c2’ Z/50f/E’mI?10i2§’}j§,)"£5,2"£w/J 53> Z/)6’ z1220Szt{7fia’z}35 4/orqflzia’ gauc--~a..— iacn W255 Hzfizhfbr H1}; alarm? «‘pAri%zzczre%vj£', gap/jc‘rcof bee /ml mo n/my occazflorz, 4} A % I{?€C’L Ex_C[767M€Vd5 22¢ fir}? é7:22t”m:zr_ifiC€, émfaddedmzzc/}%277orc qf mm», 29» Hi: ércdirc, and rice credzze gf me of“HzL5 fiwmntgfleuaaas a[§z;'€2.*0Vc0;?2p;r£/fig z/’2ef2m%i434 A72: 14/} , by .mz}:cx{’9% ¢1'z]2m’1szazz2t.¢z(g£5,A &y zf/.25 2*ct4;”dzgg af prw;ifla'ns., and 'zJ22c€zwzVmty% qf t/J6 A mm5z5;WHz;* 5\/:72}:/9 can cerne A Z}96CbM~zfi0i1g00d,flfE§)I mrzdbonomf but/2 0f7’rtim'e’and pea];/6; ¢zr2d"acc0rdir2g_/,1’V t*Z7¢=~fixt 0/ February ME}; az%zm2> Tm*z’i-- *4me~}1tw4:[*wfgqn. E/96 flrflmeetiing] % 3 ]\,44iej}iea’z'd' rlaeare to dprfiffé II; 627»; wit/3 azmzt/aizzg , '19)/Jicblmgg/:75 4.bcmfe tbs ‘ledflappeoxranceof Hismne interqfl, 5utrecomména’ed fzznto I/99m f4w%%1§/26’.% ‘.5476’ of ‘K {fzjking qféood%Lme:,w£>i€»5dre-I/zg017-; dinimfir/25634,/or at ‘Parliament. Maieflie éé/swing I?/oat»:/39» V 220$ biazue/zzzffreci many’ dajex, much it? Ae znmgy weeégi to/Eame paflE'dé3*,, before »4pprel2erzfion and care of z/9£%conm/mm I fa/éwieqft/2£sI(i'ng,d0me,4nd oft/ye Atme Re/{giant pro/Efléd and mazinmined zibéré % ' iVn,mzcl0iI-r Friend: z12z~c{~,e,2j’Z[ar4a=5g,a:rp; 5a mufé‘.Aprafl2eror*fi1r'tvit/9 ‘U31 , 5fnaaula;' ‘4_ 54146 led them 2:0: 4 dzzeamohz zime‘lycozz.. ‘ fidemtion 0/41! 5/96 n2e4n&=xn»%vic/9:~mz}g/J3 ‘, 53/1? conduce to 2750/6 wads" ;.»'§wI'9z'c/9 I/:3 ' Lord: oft£ve%/gzffref Howff, éa’gz~%Com1nzzi§§. 366° oft/fizz: Hfléufjé alid tim (7"d»{fI‘3§-7 % 42:2 417*/9' confider of, arm’. inwite »A%tbe:V%;V5*0mg momoto 4 Conference concerning t/Mt} £o"“"'”b“fl”9/Jé C/it '13’/9l‘C»/9 oconforencoo 5 tborewore opened “onto z/aem t/9o(greatI ocooflom 222/3916/opozjfc»d bis Jwazgyzze; ‘molt?/9 oc2o@ng.a2o zmpreyfzon gm/3 ;};gm,] 1 /W‘/14“'°fll€ "Z4»ofi'f*5JM€z7?lg£»;o.12;4 E .if€iC§2’o;?‘?€C£¢ pm we Ho»:/e 9/ com» '*-' W flfl‘/W 32’/vie/9 W mo/Z nee-I ocflormt/so dofmce 91‘:/oolflingdomga A ondooodueondotzmob prepamti~on:for tbs o 1 fomemov o HW_,eeroo;,~pPon o Woo om zowmezb ofMAm/2 loo, 1? can/mt at M a-- goeedto giue mo /91}: 51785345 and I/9769 Fifiézooofira rs -M—~«---'~% ....a.. mug.” swam-s.--ym. -.»~.a~.qu-n-an-.c......-up.-....,.....u....,o...qu om him; on}; "upon to/oeflx ondmaontiet/roof/fpril4fi‘or,'vponfi'.c:ond A A o'oCgztotzons ;[g’o)!Aodded oflmrt/9Subfic{y, “‘-‘E’?-”‘%‘ and ordered the Joye: qr poymontfor 2.. 4 %~ I/gem ~ " zoom oil ; xvborooftbe firfl/boo/do [Mao V éeoono on the /ofl do): of If/aid p.rzyénz"mo.-Ao not/2 of/mzo:%%"Up072 Ft/yzk, 4;‘/ye Igngof *Der:m arke , { om! T otoer ‘Prirévceo and S zoz:o.c,éroz'og irzgoged wit2;5 /yo Moieflgr in t/2:2: common coo/é, /918' oioflioflt--o A zoo//255 occofiom , ocoordzog tootbo time; ‘ 397/(713-€b3¢l?fi”f6’"§4<¢‘P}70a?'7¢t€af}@7’ I/so poymootcf t;6ofiSo[gfidio.rond Fyéeenogoncibzgfled . A * V on too Lora/ICfomm;I_ttoo5,4nd/J55 Cozom... fio J? Cfio/go’ 42: W4: rrojto perfoéi’ tool"? 7*g/o[zm'oox,;_ fl‘ ***" ‘ {/96 o oro/ering 4fia’«fl?Z£l7zg of bi: do.-~ (/4 @2261, 737/air/7 I/9.9’ occordzoérb’, Nomi Zaroug/2~rot/geozozoz/not m‘otz¢ritio,tb.oz z/mo, fomd no impodimontto afinoll oo21o/u/23 AV on oft/aezro Coom/els, out wont i7«zo)2«:§3’» to pmo t/2ing5”iooo_/i75'ion. I-[£4 Moz'eflz'o boroopoo, 122/9o /and wit/2 more/§~ potieocoo oxpefkd too roo/Z per/oirmonoe oyftlzoto ‘ up/pic/9 zéoocomozoos/aodporom%%d,fiod—-o mg. o ing t4/oetimw’ aft’/)6 yeere jwftirzg aw}, » anal/gaginginxai/zggeizcex, not Ofifigfiififflfffi » bi: orvnélwinz/fem nfd Suézieéis in fora. 5 mine pam,4 Ezitflanz 4/] party 0/57./flri» flendame, o/wt’/§e‘gra¢2%t andpomr/u/l:prc~ M paratiozzsq/%"z!2e IQ'ng0/Spaihemnd 4 t/24£»h.1?rSx dé.,@gn€,w%5 cm 1?/92!: Igngdofize, % or; VA;/26 f gérzgdome of Ireland, arbot/3», (Md 2;; L; Zmrd to a’etem227na“~u2§/aicb 9/‘; t/yer22%+A,122o/Mb! *é¢s%~0f1>a.0r/% . C0}2fPqu::W£€“_«:) Hfifl rzcqz¢»azi7z¢ed the Hog/e4 of ‘Coi?=zr;z'c>z‘¢:} I/Jmnait/;,azza' /mia’ open runto 2?/_2c"m mm» 1 I)andc/eemb/503:»!/ae]Eo1z¢>cy"t/airzgx 3 %“t/aenfloaéd, andyecflmzd, mad at /mam}! } time5,aml ‘vp0z¢fl;’z£er¢z%.z?[0c6a/5021454rcite-~ % mted t/Mfizinef. 374t't}m; Hag;/5 fieing V a1bujm’,ly' flaw ‘via/672$ mzdifl adzii/ed 1124/ .5 1 flan: of}; memlrers nf I/fie }170u/6, for‘ ;>rz'zz(:rz?e 4ndpe2éfl;no?.[le::zf{/5, 171 13e/eemina_£g-- % [mlvlilie pcrfom tm§7edA 5;» their Com. 1. A . C , % trey, try, 4: t/Jen t-66:)’ were; not. ' one/J» neg/ecu téd,l2L{mvz‘/fill!) rcfltfin:/to /aertrfien to all ‘ ti/aegerzt/6 admanizfiam 127/2¢z'c/2 /92': M air. fliecou/‘£1 giue I/Mm ; zreitber did 17rorr4a:p.o:¢[a/irzzemrlrzngz t/Eirzg, but t/xéprro» zf flcmioh 0/one (ft/ye ‘Peerey of I/'7isr V J M_¢%RM[me, and 2‘./Mr in/uc/9 adyfirdered % J winner, rwéeing zztt/9eir%»M0)é»nc§riI1,..: ‘ ; fl4nc6Vz'nt0 4 legal! my/, air/Mrezrz the J rt/ye carafe w/52616 rim M azeffyr alfanvecf, t/arir z'2ztemper4te.p¢2flz'0n:, and dcflrey to zfire/gfor errour: in rzmotlrer , 4 ’ greater errour tlvemfefuey,/cn_d um‘ onaelyr prooféx on cit/yer part would /mmvms/ed V J *tb¢:fy)g7E1’6‘ 72025‘ tb6’?’E)97Z.rZJ/5 00111611! ,Mr 171%‘ ‘A neg/eéfed to giue r.iufi' flzz:z'Jf.%c§Zz'ai1 to /air Mgiefly in féllerdllcrz/éI,1‘bZ)1.C}.§ /mpg.” mat’ ccmc}3rnz'rzg bi: Raga/itie, Mt 322/2015» jfirgoi t/aeir irzg4gement:' to /31': M4i€flj— - for .155 P245/irfié dzfl=nce'o_frt/96 'Rf.4lme._; W/36re-e r 129 we Spc+n_al;er , 4@4ml At/ye nirza/5 Adayr Izme, 162%6z'nt/aefe words» 33)/2erMPA0"l9i5‘]\»1 41}:/1i'e nzrozaa Letter 1 . Ramaandwelbeloued,Wee % ~ i%gree,t“eyou well: Our houfeog omn%-mus e%an;not forget how ofievm;% angd how %earnef’ciyVVee h 3UCC:;':H€dr_ vpon them for the {pee-dingof‘ than ayde VvhicVhf'13e}t17nt»cnd% vnto Vs,f1t Ouxtgreamnd xvaighny atfaires, cone earning the faE7¢:ty%a%nd?h0110u1‘ of 1 “s and 0 Lu: Kingdo1nes;—an.dnow the time beingfo f”ar1*efpe11t,%that Vnicffe 413%: be pr.2f@1it»Ey COUChl:d€d, ~it"can 11ei.=- J wouid be oflimie vfe,,\%Ve [wing claim % their b1*ing Vs~V»money nor cmdit the, titne VV"hAic11Vt%11en1f:-Inesh aue prc- fixecl, which is mhciazfi 0f this*mo~ Math ,# an bei11gfi.m“her d£:fe1*red, Iv 2. 2 % 13.7 '21<;3u‘€!:‘~E“if‘€‘. from all parts, ofthe A gm‘atprAeparat»1o&1Wfthc xenemy tea» fdy :0 affaele vs: ‘(Va l1‘&E[! Ed}; ‘c/i//aonorg “/5 01.. Parker, is a/fa cl e[4tb1:ie ex cu/51* far their 210;‘ proteedingwit/9 t/as S uMdz'é5, .«:m'dz'ng zbertza 4;;/0 coloured cons/itimzx, V crafsing t/aarcég’ /dz} zzifllies dz'rec$Zi.- A an ;.'132/aicb /2:2.;.M'.I1e‘/Jeart, ‘ %“c;erz‘ti6 az?7%2zlA*vfiitie_q/‘t/ye true ‘Religion '.-‘''''‘''‘‘-----''‘'‘\_4 ” ‘ reeizfiom :1»: apcnccnmgion 0fTb- pm» cékflfrgft Sc/az/me 5 of 132;:/2 ‘n3bicb,V&)»H,;%puéZi/1e~ 62: an?! mi,/915%/54:/agiazerz gaoa1%;a/Zimamv,recg~a*»z‘a/9 W3/‘97?€~‘*?">4 1"” ‘/9=54?“P?‘*?fl?’¢‘€ 0.;/904’: rm-e Agpwrpéflw fi“Z'z2zht£‘ZY)f’ lama?’ t o%z]Zm%zb%,‘zb pi*acem?*£%* ; “ am mcz:%:z'an 19/*‘A¢9it}l9€r7-‘«i!72‘2:[4b:£%ri'¢é¢"§g péokefldin we Cburcb«y‘E»g!mLand tfba .2/fiefltétz/gy the adueifé pamze,Z:e can... é2ot Mr fie/ééue, tbat .t/ye A/Mm! of Ioab [mt/J [Maize int/9t3’d'if éuzfler, tbdit/fie comp mm » fntendiaries qf ~ C/9”rift'e}2damE', lmue / zkl5zi[_/)1’ am! /:*cr«s't_iy irflzfltdreci tbafi V I/9in,g5%'1$?25z’c791>nba1ppi[9?» Candy: /21)‘ «i¢fliébope2b,é@y0ndzbe1z'7mmtz’am oftbie Aélm) /We mafia’ I/akfldiueifforzs and dflraéliohjg and yet noilaait/aflaznc/ing‘, C. falzkmofl axcgflm—z%e,9l/1aie§1ie,_;®;~ we cozagfart of 3005/ mid ,'n5ell% Suéjeflx, in wbcyc /was f1’eVa’ot/Bwpvfis» Ve/flé 192;’:/5canfialeme,¢m{a;s=5°2’z.ezs=;2z2:s2‘£2 -y 9?“ A d2"z‘m’ ‘/32;7;gre4z€fZrz'£'/961 , fir the afltriflg fi*z°cm/v :%omc[ 4/11°95, mt‘/.'7 i12é[m‘”mr,% A _ {"133/,Z’z;’7f9 awn ;é,1rz.v.¢@é m t352:=fi)z.*9>fl‘a;¢;é1te iii»/M2t4%;Z:-*¢‘i2?e'<& wzz:l;v:t2rzz~ égn/b1‘r’”tr5ve raufiaging "0/K M51 may 2». riéj5~Im¢dW~ m'%v7fa«;«~z‘*c*¢;s§%”r}’%}i2«z‘;s<,Came; my tr?‘ e,?b”M«Vamz;azv5wx xmd +Re»:zgzVp.;-2; +23%; 3}; A on m‘\"'::‘ ‘ ' ‘. :«~*u ‘ ‘ ,_ ‘ >11“ ‘ A . . " ,.x‘,. \‘ ‘ W ‘ ‘ :7: J « *‘ 5 on t/sis refi9lu%zion,w/aic/3 H66 Jot/2 bereév % pub/if/9“ to,aU~“%t/36V )9207’[0l_; {baa as W (fad /mt/2 madeffim King 0f!/915 grew P90" plemzd large ‘Dominzmw, fkmvww ZI¢f5?’«* mg,» ,1ggmo;/9 Landmm%'”Sca¢, 47161 rm/Zed Him to1ve964%F4$fi€r and ‘Pro-« zvélorlaozr/2 rift/Mir per/m‘ «Wiflrmzm and 4 ".Defender gftbae F4izb% 4nd tram L ‘Re[z:gion:So /25* wilfgo flflfbfefrfflt 4220’ ‘ can/Z.4nt_b1'71tb6’ defmce tbs-’r0fi<:’9» (I104? 11:5:/gffmdingfo izzanj di/flu/tie: 412% Q’ dybouragementoaaaill ta/Q6 H193 S 061953 I‘ and Sfiaarclintoffix band , mid noz exa “ po[etbeperfl2m oft/ye peoplf: cqnlfllitfed W W :0 Hz; cbmge , zotlge ‘On/#145/eidcf W: % qfl/ae Kirzg SP3-‘IJIAIC 103950;; AV?‘/9j[77,;«_‘§,’ A t/airfled after an "19;zz'ueIf411 a.‘7\/foiidra- ' c/9}; nor tbeif can/cieificcxwto tbejake (if V we ?N‘’opé]ofR'0II1¢«:¢tM??6/~IflW 24% ;/mrfe § :11 :4/(cxbazcare 2:0 rc=rfr_éj[76 tl>:éz‘z~t E " “ ~ g1’l€~ ‘kw _ gri manta: 0/ H §§;JgQ3_9a';;,5 M51653! 9 gg/]2gl1__ be€z¢e1;y129.4QM?/ail???‘ {@504 V e/Ind in 5/35 meanetime , H13 Maz°e~ V flie doc:/:2 puélg//9 25/91»?! to 411 Hz} /owing, Sulvieéis, ‘fémttbeyr 7214} /(110179 ‘what ta‘. t/;'2zV'n@ wit/9 truetb,aizdfpé;,{e wit/2 dug;/, of Iféfllaziekties /féiionx and Tracea- A diflgj » z'n_;/ygfe two 14}? dzflbfixed Tar/M. 4 A menu. Giucn at His Maiejfiics Palace at Wlaitclmali, ‘ V this thirtieth day of Iunc , in the Fecoxgd ycercof His MaicPcicsRcignc of%G1é‘c ac ; Bxitaixic, Fra11cc,andIrc1and. % 4 ,. F 1N1 ‘ H ‘ _‘ ‘Q.‘.-" r‘ ~v'4,~."' ' " ' ‘=~!‘-v.-3" ""'¢"“ .. 4' ‘ " ‘ Printea by Bo NHAM NORTON, and I?obnVBit7,' _Prin.tcrsto the Kings mofi Excellcnfiy H I ' MM,Es‘r1£.,I62.6. . % ¢\mw % . i . V A . . H ,. p M V m ¥ « 5 . .W Wm .1:V:é«H.¥ ».\. w find 90¢ M.4I\v.L\ul &¢m . M . W . . u....b.. M 4 . fl M ‘J ‘ . .. ..: . ’ . . ., -1 , ~v\..‘WWa“§.WYv.k€3. Mm Km ?£fi. ._»®¢%_a% -;E.§..w%a%...$. i..%__waw %%i. .. w. NA. L. m .. K... we _. % aw ......._. ‘ a «J \ $3153 M «.1 ‘ V