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' _ _V _ _ «‘.: .\d — V_ . . 3 ’ ‘ \ ' 5‘ '_ ' . . \ ct 1 .«_ ’ -' 7‘ ‘ . ' :1 > : v ‘< .. . ; And thfiif dviiteisfid; Padrldiam ent Q fub1"crib’d untoaficra ‘Clandcftine, de1iver'd after a tumultuous manner, and falfly going undcrchc name ofiawhole County or Towne , proved to be T. both contrary to our late taken P R o r E s T A-t _ u T 1 o N , as alfo utterly unlawfull by ' ~ many other cleere and evi- e dent Reafons. Fiurft written for fatisfaétion of 4, {ome private mcn,*and now publifhed for the good of others. [kl By LoNDoN,‘t L Printed by A. N. for ‘ficlmrd Lowndgat his {hop adjoyning to {.uc£gate , 1.64 2: 1‘/lrg Cqclzifm, . 2‘?-< Oryour fateisfaétioin Why I V 4 ‘u- e haveyfeverall times refufed to fubferibe your Petition ,i You %“‘’'.‘i may pleafe to undetfiand, that forthe. good of the Commonsvveal, Coun- .ty,iotParifh whereinI1iv‘et,i {hall be 211-‘ ways ready and ‘avilling to give not only my hand; but my heart and purfe1ikewife*: For tiiepubiiketwelfare‘ whereof I haveebeente both aétive and gafiive for fevetall yeares to-y gethcfej i » y iy ._ y 3 But for meeiwhoeam‘ »buteayep:ivate Sub-3 tje&,="AProteflant gland no Law-miaker. , ti) give my hahd-in a. Faétious way, and with- ~outeoemeiiia,tid from fltithoxityyitio-Will, that (2) there fhallbe no Bifhops, and that they {hall ' have no voice in the Houfe of Peeresi, is ac gainfl ‘my Confcience —’ and that light of Real‘on‘and Vnderflanding which I. have re: ceived-' And Idare not comply with the Difiempersof the people , and follovvthe flream of a Multitude to doe evilll onctheli: grounds following. Firli, Beeaufe ‘I have by the Example and Recommendation of the Parliament", fo- lemnly taken the Protellation: W/herebyl have ferioufliy Protefled , to Maintains and Defend as Far as lawfully I may the true Re- formed Proteflant Religion, expreiled in the Doétrine of the Churqhof Englazza’, againfl i all Popery,and Popifh innovations , contra. ry to the Faid Doéhine. Now in the thirtie rfixth Article of the {aid exprefled Doé’cr-ine.-, the Oflice of Bilhops is inclufively confira med. ' Secondly} am engaged thereby alfo, to I mayntain and defend the Powers, and Pri- ‘vilegesof Parliaments, which is chiefly to be underflood of the ef’cabliflied’Lavvs con- * _C.¢h§,,I1iDgethe lame. lfilovvfeverall Atfts ofPar.. liamtnr (3) liament doe not only confirme, as aforefaidj- the Oflice of aBi{hop, but by the powers . and pfrivileges of theft: A613 of Parliament, I they are alfotofit as Members of the Lords I.-Ioule. i Thirdly,Iam bound by the {aid Prote- Pration, to mayntain and defend the lawfull rights & liberties of the Subjeét (And if this extends to every fubjeét in particular, much more to Parliament Men) Now they be- ing fubjeéts, and their Rights and Liberties being lavvfull',l am bound to mayntaine. _ them as farre as lawfully I may 1 in tholde lawfull Rights and Liberties. Againe , the making and repealing of Lavvsfor the good of the Common-Wealth ,,is a fpeciall and peculiar power, privilege, and right, proper only to Parliaments, therefore not to be for- ced or coaéted by mee being no Parliaments a man. For thatmay be lawfull and War. rantable in myGovernours to do by reafon; which is altogether unlawfull & unwarran- table in me to require by‘Will.This is rather ’ to be a tyrannicall ludge , i then a legall Wit-e ncfle , to brealte Lawesrathger then preferve tl1CI-11)), (4) N A them; eeandinflead oFReformationtotbring in Confufion. M A A f ’Pourthly,[ am likrewifle obliged to mayn§ 7 rain and defend the Kings RoyallPer{on," Honour,and Eltate, and to preferve tzhe~V; nion and Peace betivveeneb his three King. domes ( much more amongfi our felves.) Now there is no better Way thereunto, then‘ i to keep his laws: For both the honotrrand, fafety ofthc King , the liberty and peace of the Kingdome , anidvvelfare ofthern both, are involved in them. i L Fiftly ,"I am engaged alfo to oppofe T,‘ as Far as lawfully! may, and by allgood ways and rneanes to bring to condigtie punifbh-. ment, all firch as [hall eitherby force, prao étice , Counfels, plots ,orrCon1‘p-iracies,‘ do any thing to the contrary of an thing in that ‘ relent Protefiation containe . I-Iovv then “dare I be F o Farre from bringing to condigne T puniihmentthe ofFend%ers»,tihatiI~fl1eall vvilfi1l4- ly content to the breach orig and procure oé thers thereunto, by praétice, plots, confpirag cies orthelike? V e - ~ Sixthly , I am neither for hope, feare, brfaa ‘ “ jvour, t l 5 ) iikonr; or other refpe€t— whatlfloeverg to 1'elir1; quifla this promifc, vow ,-and Protellation, much leffc tobreak it For the Czuné ends, and to ='II’_l3r_kC others to doe the like -This betray, J ing others thereunto , and rnaking them A guilty of the breach of lo folem ne 2. Vow, is an offence of an high nature both to God and our Governonrs. e i 5 Finally, I am not bound in any Article “thereof, farther then Innay lawfully’ perform ‘it , The Law being the harmonious fcope, bounds, and limits of my ProtePtation,And therefore I.rl'l13-Y not - unlavvfnllyl doe’ any iethingythat rnayitencl to the breach or contra; cliétion of any Article thereof. Moreover, the manner of the proceeds / -ling doth not Ilatisfle mc. \ T Firft, Becaufc it is not done in that right «Way it ought to be. For that which is to go under the tname of :1 County or Tovvne, oughtto be firfi allented unto by the She- riffe, Iultice of peace‘, or other Magillrates refpeét~ively,and then the matter may be pulm- liltcly propountletl, and condifieiided unto Of contradiéted, that men nmy be €t}COl11'3;=- gedt (6)_ ' ged or dilTWaded, by good reafons [are and ‘ ‘ con. » And this is that lawfull and ufuall wa. for Eleétion of Knights and Butgcflest for the Parliament, and of other Officers and I Matters concerning the publike 5 Wherefore C'laendelli’ne and furreptitiotls aétions ,going about from houfe to houle by night, and without the confent and commiflion of an.- thority , to engage people to the breach of their protcPtation,and to make it as an 21:51: of i a County or a Towne, and in a manner to forcemen thereunto , are but unlawfull works ofdatltncllic, and will not endure the i light. % Setcondlyfitis juflly toibe feareclthat theft; ways are finilter in the Vndettalters , being i very probable that forne of them doe it out of ill will, hatred and maliegasi wcllto the i Government as the Governours , orifor fa; vour and affeétion to fame whom they Yup. pole it plea-el‘etla , or for gaine and profit , or — feare of dilinlealiure of Land-lords and Cu: from ers,or for vain glory,thatit may be faiol, This is the 34581 which they have wrought wit s '( .7) with their eixrn hands. And fome fewof itghefe, {hall engage and prejudice others (and not without caufe as it is to be feared) by falfe informations andereafons to make men fubfcribe. . V ~ «Thirdly, The like finifierproceedings are to befuppofed in the fubfcriber. Thele kinds of Wayes by Tumults and Multitudes without legalliallegations and Probations to compaflie that by will which i you cannot obtaine by reafon , is ofa very dangerous confequenee 5, and -threatens the fubverfion of all Law , Government , and ‘Governours, for which of them, bee they neverfogood, .fvhallhefecure , if the Multi- tude of diflempered people pleafe to Will the contrary? ’ g i Thele caufe much diPtta'é’tions, Hinder J the proceeding of the State, and the reliefe. of the opprefled , b1'e2.l< our blelled Vnitie, and bring the aétors Within the compaife \0Fa.ep;L1nifl1me11tfi*om the law of God and A Man, fo1',r1.otWall<.ing according to the ex; pteflied Statutes contained therein. . _ A Iitlgthetmore, this doth uotagrce with A * \ etlw: Z (8)? that light of Realion, and Vndcrflanding; which God hath given me to walk by , nor °tha.t Chrillian experience which I have gai. ned under the Crolle. Firll, That forthe vice or ahufc of any i thing, the right and lawfulal ufe thereof , or W execution of the oFfice,{hould be abolifhed and taken away, or that for the prefent para- ticular offences of Tome, the innocent polle- rity fhallfillfer 5 For lam not convinced in 1 'mytconl‘cienee of the unlawfulnelle of the Oflice of a Bifhop , and am perfwaded that " there have been: many of them godly and ‘zealous Martyrs for the Truth, and many of i them remayne Pcill godly and religious pro.-ay tellants. Secondly , Though time ofproliaerity ‘liathmade fome of them guilty of foule oF= fences , and it maybe with the children of Mael they have not vvorlhipped the true ‘God as they ought, and have inclined to la dolatry, and thereby jullly provoked the t Almighty to vvrathand indignation againft- i them : Yet I am perl‘Waded,thati for the very execution of their Office , the Ecclefia- t “ fiieselle { . (9) Prieall laws, For the unitie and peace of the Church ,they fufler infirumentally by divers ill afl‘eéted'itoeGove1‘nmecnt, or by fuch as have been punifhedjby them for doing con: trary thereunto.And if thei.lil<€ proceedings may be fuflered againfi all t Iudges and other Executioners of the laws ofthe Kingdome, there {hall bee no fecure execution of the law againli offenders , and F o Wee {hall live lawleifie , and let in all manner of Diforder, and Vice , Mufrther, Rapine, and the like. Thole‘ Biflmps rather (under correction)’ that have done contrary to the law, are to be A ‘puniflied by the law, ‘Ion doe & true proofs, and not according to your wils. . ' fiThirdly,Becaufe that which is or feemsto be a prejudicenow, may in Gods good time prove a great benefit, We many times earne» Prlypray for thole things which afterwards Weheartilygive God thanks for not granting’ our reqtielis, And this hath many times been for the removall oi‘ our prelent afiiifiions. I am confident if there were good care taken { i (as there may be.) that good‘ men may be made Bifliops , " wee {hall never repent of B 2 it i t‘neir -evrjmg 4 (Lo) theirlavvfull oflice or place‘ , for greéitneffer with goodnefie will much advance the caufe and Welfare of the Church and Com. “ L mon-Wea1th,an'd farther] knovvit is pofli ble for fome inferiours to execute the Law and the Gofpell likewife, in a farre more im-r perious and Tyrannicall Way then fome Sun periours have done. i . Fourthly , That though there be Ohfia.-J cles andivlountains in the way,andthe Yup- pofed enemies of Gods Church and Chil- dren, yet as fam 21 Chriflian I dare not judge them, or curfe them as many doe, or ufle any unfawfull means to remove them ,(or under the pretence of pulling down one @4621! to fetup another :) What David did by way of predirétion , as hee was a Kingand Prophet, againfi the inveterate and incurable enemies? of the Church of God , I as an ordinary Chrifiian ought not to doe5I may live perad- venture to fee my enemies deiert uponfthem,‘ ‘Which Imay not defire to fee. A I am to judge charitahly of the aé’tions and intentions of my Governours, what I think peradyenture is for my hurt , may be 1“: a (II) intcndedpr at leaftwile turned to my good, I mull walke by the Rule of Gods Word, and follow the examples and precepts of my Saviour , To pmyfor them t/mt hate me, i and to Joe gqod to them tlmt‘ per/ecute me, And, a not forget to pray for all? that are in au- thority , that I may liveagodly life under tlaempin all peace and quietnelle. ‘Why may I not fufpeél that this long enjoyment of the Gofpelin peace and plenty , hath produced evillclleéts in mee afvvell as in my Govt:-3 nours? But be my Governours what they i will I have learned’to obey all their lawful! commands , and thank God that I may live under fohappya command; If they com= mand me to do no othetvvife the what is jull: and right,ImuPt and will willingly doe it. Neither dare I neglyeét. my duty to them, though theyforget theirs to me ; For their offences and neglects to nice {hall not exzcul e race to God not them , for my oflences * andnot performancesof mine to either of them. i , Fifthly,I dare not hutlok at the hand of ‘ God , ¬ at the inlltumetit only ofmy af. ii i ii flifiions, A (rs) fliiétions I know nothing can "coimeiitoii pafle but by his permiilion. lam affnrcd that finne is the prime caufe of all my Puffe- ringgandl feare that ingratiude in not be: ing’ thank full, and walking Worthy of thof e . i great mercies received ,hath been a p-rincipall caulewliy God hath {hut up the hearts of fome of our Governours at this Prefenc, as is much feared. . Sixthly , I know God will correéthis children for their fins , and in the execution of his judgments iorithe World he vvillbes . gin at his ovvne hioufei , either to Worke out fin; or to Worke in grace ,' or to makethat Grace more manifell: which is i alread \avroti0ht;~ ll<[n0W that the end of Gods cor1‘eé%on is Reformation, till then ,ilTmal- is T leer affliftions will notiprevailegreater {hall , -i i7 not one kind then an other, 4 if the {word iiofour enemies doe not , the {Words perad— the Famine, or fome other fhall. Sundry or venture of our own amongll our {elves lhal, if not they , peradventure the Peililence, or 4 C which fometimes come together , to let the AW/orld know, thatour afflié’cions,come not ‘ inmze-a (I3) imnizeelidte from any one fecondary 8: inflgmi A mentall caufe,buttl1at it is from the wil and l _ pleafure of the Almighty fo to order and to ‘ edilipofe it , Whovvill not take off his judge-- a ments as the eFfe<9cs , till our fins as the ciaxiles be removed. Seventhly, Idarenot Life any unlavvfull \ means to eale my affli€tion,I know no bet- ter way then by Humiliation and Prayerto God forafight of tholle finnes whereby I have proi/oked him to wrath, and for grace, K and true‘ repentance for the fame , and Re- miflion by the merits of my Saviour Iefiis ChriPc,+ And then to apply my felfe with all diligence to all lawfull meanes to remove thern,yetI am not to put toomuch confia i dencerinthem. I could never yet finde any benefit by impatience under the hand of the Almighty , I have found more aflii€’cion:—s rocuredthereby, and lam afluredilthat the \ Church and Children of God never lofibyl atient fuflerino. ' .4 ‘ :4" "-9 3.: . o%',_~ ‘ It - . Eighthly, Ad? I kno/Wthat Gods Decree in his determination of judgments lhallbe ful~ ‘ filled, lo I am confidently a{lured,that W hen n th e} (I4) the time of his deliverance is come, all the power and fuhtilty of the Devil! and his infiruments, as they fhallgo no furtherthen he hath limited them, To they {hall not hin~ der him from taking off his Rod When hee pleafeth. Forhe is able¥to bring his will to pafle by means,without means, and contra- , ryto means. Ratherthen his children {hall not havetheir due reliefe, The Sea fhall part, the Earth {hall open and fvvallow up their adverfaries , or fire {hall come dovvne from Heaven and deliroy them. And this may comfort Chriflians, that God reignes andrules as Kingin Heaven, the caule of his «. a Church and Children is his, and he beholds and governes the inhabitants of the earth, he hath the hearts of all in hishand, hee can turn them or overturn them when hee plea- feth For the good of his , When our ways pleafe him ls-lee can make our enemies be at a peace with us,and the lame hand to heale us, that hath W-ounded us, his he only that can make men to be of one heart , and one minde, and to make all things to Work to-V . gethacrf0r£1}¢l?¢‘7¢9f ‘l}‘?F??Fh§Fl°Y‘*him' To e my endeV0urs_ Fo1:Tmth and Peace , . ufiaafl jeeres) fc05EE~:,ande cetumres Of 1‘e§:>s M V (I5) . Tofeoncluhde _ I hope by this t'ime$7o11 have received full facisfaéiion , why Ihavc xefufid-hhto fi1bf2.:1"zl::»e ;.,eye1:/let mee aflhreyou thatif theePar§iae‘nem fixzzllthfimkfie to alter th9.tGoverx'1mem: , I.c13.:e mat, in eonleience, 2;I].d.dl:1Cy‘;U0‘f.hC Preoteffiatiezu, rjefuf e to begg. ‘verned:by it.; Be confident, that not only my13°rayers, A hucmy true endevouxs have been, and by GodsG1:acefha.1i concinxzefor Reformacp on} leknow God hath fiafiered many of his deaxe Saints and Children to Fall into great L J and hainous finnes and ofiehces , yet when he hathduly chaf’ci1‘edthem pfter true repen - _t2.nce hee hath made them greater 'm{’:ru. ments bf his Glory , and the good cf his Church , then in former times they were., I hmuf-E expe€t Fora:11is,2i7Ne1§as%ehe ref’: 0‘: *0 ‘ba tion and the hke, butmy comfort is,th;;t God knovveth who are hisjand who are the true Friends and Enemies of the Ch..u1'ch k M ‘C 4 and 8:6)‘ and State, and that I have‘fyficercly difeharl ged my confcience, according to that Weak: talent I have received, in obedience to the Protefladon, for the good of both. A I therefore you {hall remayne Pcill my ad: verfaries for To doing, peradventure I may fora While longer fufFer,yetit {hall comfort me, thatit is for wel-doing, Whereas when ‘ you {hall Puffer as evilldoers. , you may (vyitlaout timely‘ \repentantce=) everlallingly pétilh in the gain-{ayings of Core. For though handjoyne hand in hand, God will not fufler the Wicked to got: unpnnifhed; If you find any Materiallerrour herein in? forme and convince mee thereof , andl doeaflure you on the Faith of a true Prote. Pcant, I will endevour Reformation, the like I commend unto you hereby,and expect the fame from you as a triall golf your pro-Feflion, which I {hall plainly dilcover if wilfully you continue and perfilt in a known erroury and fo Ibid you Farewell, Rem*ay.n,ing aconl’tan»t Friend to Truth . . . ‘-~..'‘'. '1» . .. - . - .. . - A ,. _.* . r < A \- ' ' ' . ~ -. . _ .''l. .' , -"' s.,...X;.--——« ' -A - ‘J " '-~ K and Peace, the only fijppbft under God of the Weifare of the\Church and State, And Yours I. W, Icmuarii primo 1 6 4 1. zrzzxzzs. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RI - COLUMBIA ELL SPC RRE RARE 3 JN534 1 42 P4 //II///II/I///I//IIII/II//I /I/III//I [7///I///II‘/HI//I/I/I//I/I//I//Ifl 010-007 77422 59008 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes PetitionsAgainstBishops1642 31 May 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. 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