THE . S E E S (36)) OFTHELORD IGBY IN IHE HIGH Court of‘.P4rlz2»zment, CONCERNING GRIEVANCES, N and the Trienniall ~ A PARLIAMENT. grinned for T/JomMW;;3Ikc[az, . A 3. E‘ 4 3%’. ,;;}~;%___ + V ‘N; \ ~ 1:13‘! VJ'dn‘¥!\“a1D' SW!’ org; .3 .1E;.js-Argta 33%’; ?£5=-W'.;r5i\*a % we 1"‘. s%%% §%%®%& LORD AM‘? Sfagczkgif, " ‘1gjav¢¢%‘%re¢¢wed‘no"wa i°o»~:_ Shnres of Ezzgianat, afithe fevcrall»: J g%rievan¢6~°-4n~d.9PPreffi0ns 4 they "‘ A: T1fi?afijij_e‘andn0th;1n»>v"és‘1"’“etf~frm J Y M $'i'1-;i1¥vir+m‘:i1d4nb~t%hrwes wdtii %:%hi7h;k4é: N that Iwférve for a Land of Gof/yew, “ thai‘ there in Sun,{11j§;¢?wk;i;1 gift dgikpgs andiplagucs overfpreddw *the€ r‘eFE%% of? ‘she Land :7 litfle ’ wpu1d1‘havey9u;hinke, V:%hatbeingH;underA §I'ie"~f§.1i1E’{11%é1fi1:S’*i:“ t;1i7é§{'u‘f*c;‘7i:I1?'éat‘»‘th'*e~ré£t?,é ¥x1v6~ ‘are ‘ cjithcxg infcnfibfé’ éfid.5Be‘huhafi1‘”éd, ~ fi t‘i1a°éi=”tth2z;1t1i _ _ A3 Shire LC’:-t): Shireteewantcth. at Ceryant to reptr¢f_5? .l?it’ «ti-ts Afitfa V e A A M ferings bottldly. e " I: isrrueM'- Spmt/étrva thcttCt°m1t3' <35 Dotrfiw 4 hathnot digeftede it5C"o~mplaints into thesttt‘ fdrmall way of ’Petitio.n, which others (I fee): have done; but have ikntrufiede them to my Partners and mydelivery ofthem by word of mouth unto this. H,onourab$le houfe. ’ A And the re was given unto us in ‘the County Court, the day of our Eleaftion , a fhort memoriall af A the heads.o€, them , which NWa,sr: rca,_d_ in the . hearing Q.f‘t}1c F1‘ee-holders there A ptefenta who allturianimdufly withone voyce‘ fignifi. ted upon each particular, that it was their" taken by Lawyers», tDivines9:&c3. defire that we (hould reprefent them to the Parl£amem,,which with.yot51t1 leave, I fhat11«d”o=, And theft: they are. ’ ’ e A 1. ‘The greet, apgj intollerable *burthet1:e£ ~, Ship-money, touching‘: c A 4.‘ Ityrwheteotfe . . theyare A A “:1 2. The many‘ greet a BuIEsA prefling of Souldicrs , and rayfingw Moneys concerning the Same.» A A ‘ “ A . * 3... The mt.'1:ItitI1dC_0f Manopolies; e l 4., The new Canon , and the Oath to he 5, The % (3) N’ 5} A The Oath lrequired to be taken by V Churchv0ificersfto prefent accordingA to A1:-- V ticles new and unufuall. A \ An A Befides this , there was likewife prefcntcd to us by a very confiderable part of the C1¢1-- 7 gie of that County a note of ,I'ClIlCII1brancQ containing thcfe two particulars. _ 4 Fi1‘fi,AthC impofition of a new Oath requiu A red to be taken by all Miniilers and others, A which they conceive to be illegall, and fuch as they team take with Agood Confciw cncetl A r l i”l"lll A Alli ” ii’ Secondly , the requiring of a,AAp1‘etended Benevolence, but in effeét alsubfidy, under the penalty of Sufpenfion , ‘Excomtnnnicetb ,on,and Deprivation, all benefit of afipeale eoftnylceountnrey, andofthis . ea; c excluded. A A A A A This is allwe had particularly in Charge: But ch“ I may not A.appe"aAre ha reniifle fervam: A leave to adde fomwhalt of my oven Senfe. ll i Truly Mr-Speaker, the injurious fufireringsl A of fome worthy mefnbets of this H¢u“r¢,an¢¢ the ldi‘fl'oli1lti-on offthei two left Pzirlinzxentx, A 4 are fo nan: in niiy memory , thht VI twigs i‘elfoI- ved notto open my Mouth , in A any Abnnfinelfe; wherein freedome and plaine dealing were requifitebuntill fuch Aftinaegasn tlitewbreacihof out i ptiviledges were vlinid1cated,eand the Afafety of fpeech fetled._ 1 A A " A But (4)- ‘ Em %fi7n;’e~fu*ch excellent Members of om: %. *Hé—ufe c;hough4:’3JgIit:s‘7§t”<)i:'> ,4TaVl~i’tt;Ie.’ ‘ * MFA @947???» ¢I1y%nd¢€*i‘A%**fW¢4wasWW1 JI‘ p~fopdf¢d cqyeu qsfliegrigvanceswaof Aroisogfiz; A {bare in A pbre rare%m15rirea¢::hfe— g*re“a«cc1e % fart of the mifbhiefs which have oflatc years‘ aycd baft‘t¢i'y e:i+t?h'e1"%t‘c$¢'o_11[r '?iEfia;tcs ,% orV vCc)r;+ fi*:ien:¢es.fA. A L 7’ ’S7ii",% doe‘r';1c51_:* c"oi:c¢ive}this *rI%1e% “fig. feafon‘ to in-.-arch and Avcntiisxté‘ particfiléfsgyet‘ I p“ro-4‘ feffe I cannot forbearc to add: fomwha.t , to ivhatmsfiid $164131’? «W by a 1¢arn=dGen+% t:ieman°"of~theE!éfi“ ' “ == A '°‘flsg“;,€he:é:E’ts A Fofthafi: reverend % Syznad, made of an old’ L Convocation. oth not every“ Parliaménr mans heart rife to fee1:hePr¢lats" thus ufinfpe t‘O"~thr3mfe1V‘es% the Grand I’reemi'nén,¢%e" as rmmmeg: ? The granting of Subfidics, ancf V that under {'0 prepofierousaname as of an Bme~z~ole2z;eg, for that which isa ./Malevolem-e indéed A U!/falewlezzré I am confident in? thofe that granted it , 3 againft P,,zf[i;;;7;;5;¢;‘; and :1 M‘alevolei:ce filrelyin‘ thofe’ that refufé itgagainfi thofc that gzfanted it : for how can It at (5) it inbityclefle when they fizfe -Wreficd from them Whatthey are ‘not willing to part with; . underVno‘1efl’c a p‘cI:ialty then the loffe both of Heaven and Earth; of Heavergby Excommu- ‘ nicationg and of the_Eat_th Deprivation; and t this 4 Without Redemption -by appeale. Whatgood Chrif{'ianca.nthink with patience on fuch an infnaring Oath ,A as that which is by the new Canons ‘enjoyned to be taken by all Miniiters,Lawycrs, Phyficians, and Gm» duates in the Univetfities? where,be,fides the A {wearing fiieh an itmp"ertinencc,as that things neceflary tofalvation are contained in Difi. A cipline -5 bcfides the fwearingtthoitee to“ be! of A ivigey 1fightg1..Awh—icht amqngfi: the learned, never pretended to it, asthe Arththings in ourflierarchy. Befides,the {wearing not ate cofi14f'en'ttoathe change of that ._. ‘Which they A A State.-may upqn great reaf‘Qn« th'1I1kfit’”t0 al--- ‘ -t ‘- .u ’''’‘‘A; v »‘. Befides%?*a%l7I5 paealéer, men muff fweare that they fweare freely and voluntarily what they are flcompelled mate; and 1afi'ly,that they fwear:echa:t:«h:ac chiey are Con- ‘ " This: Cb"§«‘Me1fat‘i’é7§:1"eSpeamt-,1eadetE§ e mee I;fI'?idfi wigiefi; Ti; moreeinecéflizry fa:-re , at ehiie fe;afhn%l;» ferczhverlaying open ef gut-*h‘~e1‘>‘r‘”e{e;’t’* ~7t5h7a1f’ is; echeaew-ay'eoee the remeee 7 V J T" B 2 e dy; jufiice. dy, byfeekihg to remove from our“ Sovere- raigne, fach unjufi Judges ,3 fuch pC.I'l'li'ti’O-113;? % Counfel1lours,;and fuch di{C0flfCien:tDivincs 5,.» asldhavcehof .1are:~year¢hsie, byeeétheir Wicktde pra-i éfcifes, provoksedafperlions upon the gloivern... men: of the gratioufcfi and belt of Kings; Mr.sWr3 let me notihemiifihdeiiiooidgui I levell at no man “Withal -fo»re1a:yd~ d:{igne:.-,; lecthc faults anidlthol?elwell~ proved leaduslii A to the men :1: _is4etI1,¢‘ onylycrueParliatnenhtary- :meti1od '3‘ and the only fit-or1““e~~co inclined hour Sovereign?-.1 “ lFqre1ic canno more confifi With: . a. gracious and righteous: Prince ltoe expofi:.l~ his fervzmts upon irregular prejudices; Vchcnis with a 'wi~l-"ed Prince to withhold fllalcfaiin-.¢» how gréatfoeverwfzomchc Courfe of orderly Let rneacquaini: you Mr; Speaker,’ with an- Aphozzifmein Hgtvgoc o~lefl"c Au;1;I}¢n;»i.cek (I think) in the Body politikegtlhen in” the na - t_ural1.e Thislit is Mr. --51176?/H’.'t9f'3 =B.ody+es cob: A throughly and effefiually’ purged muflc» have their hummus firfi made fluid and m.oveag- aijle. - AA The Humours that I un-derfiand to have sgmhfed a-lithe defperane maladies of this i Na;cli0;n,are cheilllvliniflcrs. A To pmfge them away; c1cerly,tl1eylmufi bcfirftloofcncd, un-s A feclediand extenuéatled, * which can noaway be efi'c&cd <9) cfi’e&ed*withagraeicns Mafiera but Bytmiye A e peprefentinge them unworthy of his protc&i~’ V on. Ande:.'}ii.s leadech me tomy motioxywhiche A is,thaet a.fe1e&eComitcee may be appointed to. ‘ drawonnof all that hath bifz here reprefen-« ted,fuchaRcmoni’cra~nce as maybe afaithfull» and lively reprefentation untoelgis Majefiie 03? e the deplorable efiace 9f thie hxs Kxngdomfifa and fuch as may happfly pom: outuuto hm. cleere andexecellent judgement, the perniti- 0115 Authors. of it. And» that this Remonm flrance being drawn , WC‘ may with all {peed V L xepayre to the Lords , and defire them to. jeyn with us in iii; And this» is my. humble; _ motionoe ‘ ‘ a-1.w:.w§Mw~uow$¢mu.wx‘ mwc:~‘e%?'F”‘""",“'""WW'““""- w ~«w..»—.\.r..§... .‘.;.\..,. u/mm w- ~ fEfHE@ A Com~rnons,% tgothe V1‘i‘l A % tricnniéil’PAfi.r;1AMi2NVI%s. 4 Jmz. I{9 . 1 64,0. M?«*S}7e4ke2:g, V Ifl - ~ "1-'~~ V no—cnw with an inten't.?té= : Y‘ ‘. ‘ , ~.h_ $~A pm. QI. . fk‘ . - .1‘ -74 2- ofthis Bi1I,.nor much by Way of [.1 . _ . ‘v v--..-- "9"; W37” *'-::"".a.z» ‘~.'e..~"-‘~<~:‘.‘r::>.- ‘“‘?.‘,‘K‘‘’' @011 afthagbut that Awcfha11Acon~cum:e< all: fpeaiezerm the-;fr»a:me a.n&firu8cure.~ ;; anfwcrtb Qbjex9cions%that maybe made-.;, hope4the‘1‘e‘Wi1l bee: no- unanim0_ufl‘y in what concerngth all {'0 uni-5-— verfa1::1y.f‘= A 4.. ,.Qnly“Si-rgbywéy:ofpfe;$atation,t0_4thégend’ that wc may not be ‘difcouraged . in thisV~gm=:atV ‘W0 Tk@ if worite by ciiflicultics that may appeare in the ‘ "way Ofit, I ihatll d.e‘ unto you my apprec- V ilheniions in generall of the vaii. importance - and mgeffity that wee ihould Mgoe ’t—horoW . heere? with it. A . The Rcfult of my fence isginlfhort this. V That unlefle for -the frequent .con«v~ening of tzmrliamezztr there ‘begfome fuch Courfe fetled, as may not he eluded; neither the people can be.profperou~s and ifecnre, tnorthe Kinghimu felfe folidly .>h1Ppy%*.v I takettthiszrrtb be the 0-4 tram zmg/fariztm Let us procure thi§,_a.I.'1d all our"ot’her-.lde'fires will cffefi 'thcm”felves:-if this Bill rnifcarry, I {hall haivelel-7t me no pub_Iique hopes, and once path, I (ha.-llihee freed of all tpubliqnefeares. V The Elientiainesr Sir of frequent €Z’zu~lz';z-' V -mam: to the haplpinefiz-of this Kingdonieg might be infe-rr"d unto you, by the reafon of i ¢contraries,{-“rem th e Lfiwhich former times havehad of the mifchievous ef- fe<‘3cs"'ofany longintermilfion ofthemz-I ButMr.‘Spe.¢i'er5why mould we climehigh-'4 erthen thelevell wee are on , or thinke fur-- ther then our owne Horizon,or have recourfe for examples in this bufinelfe, to any other promptuary then our owne memories 3 nnayy than the experience ‘almoft of the youngefi: The (rs i V > The refle{9cAioin backward onthe dii'ira@'a:3m.i%f W?:T1T3«¢"3E&,:EOha;»pp3z, u wh.ich,L tan nembe dézzne , but Egvjr; the frcqn»e1a.cie.%£ Parliaments. % ¢ N0»’+SiaEe ca}: wi*re1y%b'e»" "c:4o§1fidefi~t‘.f' ~of%any. ~ ~ publique Minifiersconcim1fmg~4gmd; 1ong‘e—: than the Red is over him. ‘ Left cm) *' ‘”‘~I‘.~~ez:‘%me appeals to» allthofe tIi1a%«tV were; I p’rcFcm:~%in this I-Ioufc at the agitation of the And let them :eJ1%chem-— 4 f'c1ve.rstru1y., of whofcfip-romotion tocthc? ma-» ’ Petition of Right. nagernéento%fafFaires%doe they tl1‘i:1k the gem ncrality would at tha:t_time imvehad 9bett:er" hopes than of Mr..N0yV, and“Sir T/2‘a;9¢;z5 Wczztm .227zm/rv, bAo»th'—l1aiv‘ing biri at tfihfaxsz Vtvime ,Y aMt1%‘ti51i‘nA t;hatAufiAne%fl’eA44as I have heard, moi’: keen arid’ a8civePatriots,an:d the later of them %t;o~%che ea-A temall aggragmtiongaf his;In.Eamous trLe;1c«~h%5er;r« to the-Cozgnmon-Wealth be it fpoigen, the mower, and infii‘=fter%tQ!h»av¢ thi’s1_%c?la";u+fe‘Aaddc—2&d tom %che"?e:izi-an of Rgg/at, N that for the «camforc? a7r32”c:{"I%i¥e°t§7 Qflfis s:uib3es4»,+ his Maje&iew4au1a’% be p1ea£ea1ém~Md»ec1are wm*LAAa“:¢d p1eaf'u=1'f;c5; t-haAta1‘VI% [hCis‘%: *MivnifEers flioul ferve »ffi3m‘ acgg. A “ e:ordii§1gwAto-~’*tHé ;T.aa'\?y€rs:T AaIf1d*fSta~cu‘tesi of tAhc O’!!- V SW”, tw-Wwm%now%cafi fir aha 7~Ai‘~n=u*m:%atio ms upon ~oI'1r =1rbE1f:t"i~e*s* under pretence of Law , an~dV't=1*ic?1ate‘~fh%ip6sr:«r&ck~‘a%é4 » once ofallour prop_ertic, be attributed nggre "ajy; ‘1 ’LfC;i*'3.jT""EJfd;:¢3fl; LO %mif3-~ d1’fi”€£€tS ’.w=h*cincb4x3z :1:fl-ave to the 'C0§‘IH1ZI1OE}5fKV,€ia:Eth,4 lhjc nrojw: I§ie'9;?temant4 M Izéfland? 5' A M Tim ...W.~....:r*-rr..... '.'4..w4mwv'III ifwb The Erik Hmpe goat’ hath forgiven"i11‘%the aiverfq_11 Ca[uf¢fs? menAimmhezsaéhzaciing; pargicigiiarl A of A t7»i;1b_;‘£;a1~'-— d§inatE.«effe‘&s.¢ 7 A I doubt not bug: that gloriqus King gda ewzgd the mindiwhenfhafgjsade l34;w3sA:%fq: the‘ yzearly;*C§aLlinguofifizwlészmmt ,d;id with. :2.;¢zii‘g1i'::‘iki::;cVc:»of?his.dignity,;u1d~%honAour..A ” The truth is Sir , “the Kings of Englamgare gcTv:.~e'1;im;' gtofiyg Jixis ~i:l”1’c%‘i4iira;T%A fpI%e_3tfc1¢Qr , in their ‘Majefbiqpmt S9:ve7;:aigns bz7?1:‘l‘iAt1"Pi{r‘Iia;.i% gcimsw Be @~1?=6>l!i73:th e“ l"egifl*d;-'ifie% Adthogiis ty?Marry inxhe Kin g, M-r.Spea£er. Bu-At flow as inrhc King eircIed’in«;, forcifis:-d.andscvirtua~~ 4.-A ~ - ciedby his Parizammt. A A A % EfiQg?Q.u;£f,O£ ‘1%4.:rJi:ma.-22:Izwa£ch:4a% :4, '%%Vv;4¥§a;§4;cq#mfrriM¢dJn12isdi&im.. But: wazyteiié $?’¢.xt1;m=