% AA 1m~veMrun,*Thm: blaod We W ‘ (V ) A S‘ A AM; LE S51» E E 0 11:; «A MADE - ’JiB_yaAworthy Membcrof P A flR'L um E N 1' ¢V ' inAt1f;¢HoufeofCommons. % V A »gC0ncer«"nn2g we ,O¢éer Hwfe. ' %Majr“ch% 1639.; on-‘ 5" W, His daics Débatc is but tooclcar pa-bdftlxar we Englidxinéii. ‘A V are; right %I'fl~.mdc1*s ,, Variable and M-umbic Iikzc the Air we .I~13V€ in. M F01‘ 51‘) i5¥!’1133 W€%t§lf’é‘.%‘ hot cmx: t:c:mpc1'7, We fhmuld fnwot be 1io»vffD3fpuning, 5 ‘%flVV'i1ci3”%§i;i:f‘£:f’ after’ a11’flxcfc1mzdrds we hfl.,V¢ fpilt a WT11a:%T.;m:afi1 rc We xmc crjc; A 'Alm'i1f’réd”, W¢V1h°¥11d‘fiOt%r:ow ‘fi;:~d70wx;1 juft xvhmfg: we dg§d5beg"in; ,:'md%of%«.:mr” l'o%wx1%accordsVfLtbmit our f'c:1-x?es_td t11at~SI%a_ver.y ._, whiclm we have not «on“1y AA »vcAnr11x~¢%;i ourg13_{t%arc,% and Lives ,but I wi-fh I could not lay , Our Scum H .arxj‘d;Confcienccs:to :hrow% off; What: onhgrs ( fir ) think ofthis Lcvity , 1 can~11<3:%tc:1!—,.I%%m<:an thofc tilalt flccrdxcir Confcicnces by occafiorls,-and .‘c:1nn»t:fc .l<>fc :1m‘11Agnou1::1x¢% “nfivger had,-,; Bur: truly (fir %fbr%%niy%.4m}n 4.p.:1r%c_;% ;jI’d:».1'e as1iiitlc:‘ lnqr. geclare into b¢ 111 y0pit1ion4%, as%orh¢fs% izriciré -p’rudcn:iaIV dare: avow it: to be thcigs , AT hat we arcmis day makixmg ggjba ¢ fall €I§e%;%r:p1'oachcs of 6ur- Enemins ,. owning; es %o'ur fc1v“es Opjtrrcflcrs , s Q: later I-519 ‘.._Mux*derex:s; VR<:g‘icidcsV, ‘ fubvertcrsxf that , wh.i<.1i now vim’ "doc not only a<;1mow,1edgc% to have bean Iawfull Govcmment ; but by% recalling A 3.; 54 Lctznfefs it new row. the bell :% _Whic11 ( fir”) if icbc true , and that % wc‘ ;fnow~%b¢‘gin xzofcc arjg,11r,$ I%11ca1:t_ily with, Nourwcycsghad been {'oo%ncr%¢p»c;§3 ind for th1,:ee%1\_I;u:iog1$fakcM,;‘ tha‘t%w¢:%11a“cI%Vpu1'ch3s’d ‘om: . Convi&§o.n' an A». it .h¢?‘P3Y"‘1F¢ J‘ ' ',~con:eI;d%to%Vb¢Vin% l? % % Auaxifwcr for to God, ;:md.our rcpumrions‘ro$z:hr:: World. ‘ § But: Mr. Spealgerfl. wi,£;h yvith ;111fmyfc5u1,I did Pam; our?” cqfc to ygm % %a”nd%t:%hm; it wm: :1}¢. Q_i;1¢e:fi:%is::gx1 only , Wlxcthcr we would %vo ‘1un-A :7}ga;ri1y1;;:1;pf¢into%t1xc difcafg, we Awgzrla: fornxcrly poflcflhd wiitlx -, «and "of our own :iccord;rake up our old yoke, tI1at.W6: winhwcaring %and;»cLxPcdn1 %:h;:1Ad made. habitual and eafic , and w1fi~ch;‘ ( it may be 'j;%v*twas% «mc);::£:% oqr ” " might (fir in Eatmgg man, have: b *¢ehV,what4..w¢ ‘thus M :'f'zyj2zzzze; and our Confcnznccshavc %h.f1dm_uch_ Iefsm %p % ?%wan;pz#gg;;ejfie.t11en%our,pr¢flurc‘,%rhw.: made us throw in Aoffi %% %Bu t '_ch‘iS‘3(¢fit) 5 is no:§'~11pw.:hc:c1u;:fiiQn .:A that Awhflich wc%de1ib%emtg:,% is her, W1}‘¢thfijI we .8.vi11%;f;y ma dp pot garc to be fi+eVc,%w%c “like o ur_p1d Mafhtzrs, andwifl now ,12¢;;AA¢0:it%cI2iVAt0:h~1~‘Vc A0 ur%carsM;boxed% gtnz ihc door poasoe ufixgir ‘f¢ryxj¢%fih‘¢tmfor1cvc‘r,;gBut (%fir%):isifwc wt-;rc%canté1idir1g% for. fhamflgns ww*¢I1fa;«$fc1fvitud¢,l. we arc\car.ry?ing4our;%&emF;:to be barn.tl§‘:it; %grm”>u*sA % %the;_doors ofgjx AA fl H°uf§( fir ).:Wm1°:11t*Nam¢$WF1fih¢*¢59‘¢ it is¢bus4A¢°3T~ V A - % (’2‘)‘. cl grufous it nfliould co-nfiit of Members witlio-.1}: famil : A%l~:H;3uf¢ gm; rm,‘ ‘verts the” Order ofslavery, and fubjetis it 12-‘) our etvanrs; 3 llmlwerabie, but are ‘now pleading For it. In 9. _w3rd, fir; % _ i11con.gL'uoL1sand odious aconpofition and 111n,;ture , thag cert3_in_I . > % % * V l and yet,’ in contradiéiion to Scripture , we do not only not tl1u1l< that fubjeéi-ion Em. Iris :1 Houfe of {'0 % _ _ y the ' rend Arclxiteft wo:.1ld_11::v-::r have for fi.'a.med‘1t, had it not bgeg; 1 ago; as,;w:::l.l” to fhevv to the world the contempt be (Md dfus , as to demon» c {irate [I98 pamzv be bad aver {$5. ' i l _ V Sir, Tint it may 3.‘;_Jpc:1!:,’tI1;1lt I intend not to be {'0 prudent, ( as Far 3;. nzyparc is concerned.) asflto nc1a1<~‘3 alvoiuntarytRefigr11tion_‘oE' my, Liber-.. (,3; and Honour to this excellent part: of his late 1-Iighnefs his lvafii‘ ’\ ‘Will and Teftament , 1 {ball crave, lit, the leaveto-rdetlare in a few c ‘”t:1i1atcfa1l’o"‘d Mmlarchy Amicbriflian-in~another, and=indeed‘ ma l'verfeei‘s.VofvtI19.lt his lair Will and Tefiament; Who, however particttlats my opinion of tiiis Qtlier HO'—1fC: iwlfereini I cannot but prornikiiiy felfto be favourably lxeard by fome 135 dc- , but patiently heard '- by all»: For thofe Engli{hmenl=tlmt areagagiriit -this I-Ioufe , will cer-l rainly with corxrexgt 1‘1eaJ:'the Reafons why others-are fo too; thofe Cour. tiers, that arcfor it, give me evidence enough’ to think that in nature ‘ there is noitl1ing~wl1ich they cannot willingly endure- Firff ( fir ) As to the Author and Fra.rr1e1' of this I-Ioufer of Peeps me put you in~—“111iod', it was He, that with reiterated Oatlis had’ Imam to be true andfaizbful ta zlaei Ggmerzmzzt mnbozczt at: and 11’): 3 lie: ohly o"fte»n ' fTwor11foi1imfe1F, but had been the chieflnffrument both‘ to draw am i compel‘ot11.ers to fvvear {'0 ms. 50, iii-,“t11z1t thevfozxndation of this .Nob1'c Fobrick waslaidin Perjury, and was begun With: the violation. Find contempt, ‘sis wellof the Laws of God, "as of the Nation. Ha ‘ ( fir hi"mfe1F:}—Ie tlmtzvvoted a Houle of Lords danger tootruly made it fovin ‘I1is_partifans 1: He tllflt: with fraud and force de-i iprived‘ you of your I;iberry.wi1en he was living , and entailed Slavery upon‘ you at his death : ’tis He , fir, t11at11:itl1~1ef't~you thefe worthy O"- % they have ?behaved7 themfelves in other traits », we may be co‘nfidenti“the Mdeavour faithfully to di{'c5ha1'ge- rlxenifelives in this. liad,thi’sOtl1er Houfe no other fault but its Infiitution and Author‘ ,: v lfhould think that original fin~enoug11 for " its, condemnation :- For I am dz: it faint , rains and mmece/I aryf, and v % y wililcm-it i In~a word", “fit; of their opinion that think, chair for thegood of example, al1'Aé‘tsiand-. l Monuments of Tyrants areto be expunged, and erafedr,: that r~ifpoHible, 7“ A their ememoryvinightljbe no 1ongl*erv1iv’dltI1.ai;n their carkaflcsg 7”Andtt1ie ‘ truth is, their goodLawsla.reiot rtl1e.nuh:1ber oftiheir Snares ,; and l but i‘ mbafe Brokagc for our Liberty; \ r A l v % ~ i l in But Sir, to impure’ to this Other Hbufe no other faults butt-its own,*yo1~t % may pleafe in the fir{’c‘p1ac.e_toconfider of the power which his H-ighnefi; hath lefi:-it, accordingl to »th~a.t bumble Petition and ‘Advice, whichvhe was "p1ea.fed‘to give order ccoithe Parlié1rnentto'pr€':f'cnt unto him; For , Sir 3, V iris tliiclifiomans had Kings, ; fohad his H"gl1nefs -Pa_rliaments= ~a.molngA€i: his ‘ lllnfirurnentsllofflavery 3.-Andrl hope, Sir, it-mill‘ be ‘nollofifencel for meyto way that -bgiés Son may nothave theme {'0 too.- But, ‘Sir; they have a Na; 4 ggztvvt Voi mjand all:othervcirco_mllancesl of tliaf Arbitrary Powegwhich e i it it "t r A "" wnadei (3 3 b ‘_1;na-a¢:t’l1"C former I-Iobufc itttollerable 3 only ‘the Dignity and Quality of the perfons t11e1n£e1vetst.is wanting, t11at"ourfla.\[ery111ay be accompanied with ignominy and affiont. Andgnow Spealgzr) have we not,;g1o. b rioufly vindicated theNationsoLibetey Pt ltawe we.no~t,jwott1e1ilyt itnploy-. t ed ourBt1.ood and Ttmfure to aboliflu tlmt Power that wavst'bbbfet~ over fus ‘by th€’I.aW: to have~th¢ fame im os’d upon us w.'z.thout a Law? ' Hand after all that found and noife we mve made: in the World, of the Poo... pies -Leglflative Power 5 and of the Suprenaacy“ and Otnnipotenoy of their Rteprefentatives 3 we now fee there is no more powertleft them,but what is pt_ttin‘t1xcjba;1anr;c, and equalled by thCPOW;I1' oi-‘a few retains;-as of Tyranny _., who are to fat'f1'omtbei11g of the Peoples choice , that the ~moPt1:ofeeegregioust Ltegxflators , M which may juftifie tthei1'»choIt;'e,t and bi” prevail with the People to {admit them, at lpajgg, ginto eqtmyl-A Aotltority b thettytltolic Rcprcfentativc Body otftJ.xtttxfc1v¢j}:s,o, 1 Bug yglmt -I A .. to ‘\“ At‘ ,4 &fPc?ak4(Sir)% io---m....¢ x 47 (rsigt)‘ig{i;1«;1»:iii-iqugliity, at any thing elfe concerning ititcm, I wqaid thought to {peak with diftinétion, A and_ to intend of the M2 'or p;-:~rt.‘T‘ Rot Ifaeknewledge, Mr S-pcalgerg the mixture oft1ns»Ot11e1' _I-Ion e to. be 1af{;¢.;din_¢. Cbmpofitions .ofAfpot1mCarises 5 who are us’d to‘ mix fomtthin.» :_ at‘ relifha fomething grate uli toit1.1c T‘a{§e:,to quztlifie their bitter Drugs, which elfe, pe3:ci1anc:e”;, would bexmmedmtely {pin out, and never’ fwal-. Lowfiedg So Sir }-His-Higlmefsiof deplotabkmemory to this Ntttion, no ceuntenance as wen the want of quality, as=1.1one£?cyi in tI1c‘\réfi:’ i11a:h_ nominated Iémc, againfl:.wh:om..t11cte.1ies no other Repftoaclt, but and i tfha;tttNomi~nation; but not (_S1I’ )«Ou.t ofa.ny_%refpe&to their Cl13éa.l1ties*5 OF regard t.oit11..eit Vcrtues, but with r-egagrdm -the no «-Q1_J_.a.1ity,e [0 theno; Vscycues of zhemefl ; whiclxmriuly. Mr <1 Sptaikiti‘ )_.if hehad. mt done," we- " could eafiiy have fiiven :1 more; exprefs Name to his Other Houfe, tltent he :hat1_1 be<:n.p.Iea_ (:4 to doc._ For we know.~a_Hbufe defignid onelyi fog Beggars and Malefaftozrisi is~a Houf: of‘Carrc6iw7tatii.and term.’d fo - by your, ‘ Law, . But:-( Spe.qkcr) fcttingthofe few-Pe1'I'ons afide, who.I hope vii; kgthe Nomination a difgtace,and the ever coming to fit them; much. % a gsgearer : Can we witlxoutindignarion think on the teff‘:».I-Ie tl12'u:’is firfl: in i11.eirKo1l , 1 condemned Coward-., one that out of fear and ~ba{.'enef§;.. didi once wliathe could to betray. your Liberties, and 6-toes now the fame. for g3.i:l1:;¥' Thclfczcond :1 PCrfT<'Jn;O;:&St1iittl¢ fence as ltonefty, preFet’d fot fioiathgr rcafgmbm hisno zwbrtlx, 11iS»::~I10 (,3oni'ciencc;; except that his‘ fl*h«Cwtin»gv_hiS .Fat11cr4iof-will he had was thou ght a virtue by him,‘ whe by.‘ ‘fad experience, we find..iI1.atl1.dane as much for. his Mother ,._ his Coun... tty, i Thcthird, a Cava1icr,.a Presbyterian, an Independent, for a Rc.. I »P‘u;b1iqge, for ‘a Proteétot , f or every thing, for nothing; but onely !.‘hal;:; one thixig Money. J ’Twe1'e‘cnde1ef§ toérun t11rough‘tI_1e1;r: ali, to tell you_;. (. Sir) oi? ‘their Lotdihips of? feventeien pound Land at year of inheritance;-_; of their Fam1ctLotd1hips , Dray-men Lord lhips. , Cobler Lozdflxips , Mtheut me foot o£- Landibut what the bleed to/f Engliflmgnxcn hath been; date wine of : tzheflc Si1:%are:t,o beour Rulers , thcfe the Iudsges of out. I-iiiurcs-.tnd.Fott.uii11cs 3: to tlxefc we are to abate , whi1fi?th:ir Pag¢;W_-- Rage Lotdfl1ips~daign to giveus aiconferance upon their Breeches, AM;-‘H speaker we have already had much experience; ,_,_ how »llnfuppm»|:a,b_[¢ few-antsiare, when they became our .MaR:ers. All’ kind of fliavcry is~I mifergble ittsthe accompt of all gtnc¥ro*uS““MiFlde§‘3 but that aTmomp;nied..wit%1nifoorniantl .conte.Lnpt ,, flirt» every y meme, wlxom N.a.tm'e dis~- not iimendt tot flaws , asiFex%nc.i M V ‘ i i e i i 1 «Way rat thiise(» Mr.8p£dJ3£7)":to rcviilt manuwlteh ;» fat t Iincver thought‘ either the mialign;.ty~ or iindulgtcnee of Fortu m, t to be or Men V); the rounds either of tlteit ill on their «good » Mr. ’S'pe4¥aM<3 L time not in tlmfeimicn~thcifav11tsiiio€ ixltefiirf A‘ 7 9:C>’1:1%ef1‘w7i~fA'f».:1ew3ii)iI;l1I: as tixeyiiimakeii ~fl]1i¢fl1 t~11¢if ‘0W£«1':.e1 %obje&f% to» i i you‘et1w“eiia~1?overty.,i b.::eaui7c it is acicompwnied r with »Ab.it.ion;_ It ’-wmimie; iytruiotie sthei_r ‘Qi..1h?£11:ty,~ bcmufe they t11emfe1ires«fotge:t titre. J 50% eheati ,’.it~it.s,i, tI%i~e:~W~Tieniei1 amA.aingmy with ,3 but with ~:th¢ii~1.' »L"oTrd.1_hips:~; not éwitiai i%M~t;.; 7‘ WW4» M "€‘~?’v‘<¢‘€*;e(i§e I’~3’¢¥*i5‘ei;1€9*¥~‘§ “T W 9: (5) V ,j{Zglgp z=1a'nawal:le,,%au» _l/z'nguIar good Laid Md Gddleor: ‘T15 nms mcongru»« any (Mv."5;wker')1 am difP1*=a1’=<’ll"iF*‘- o o '50 (sir) that lthough~w,_c cafily.gI'_3ant Poverty and Ncccffity 1:0‘; be no favmltsl ,‘ you we mufi:-allow thcmllcozbclgrcat impediments in the way of ‘Honour , andvfuchlas norhi-nglbut extraordinary V-irtuc and Merit ‘can well remove. The Scxipqzurc rccl:'ons~-it amonglmtobnams »g1_:eat: faulcsi, I that btjmgde pm/}5.of;lb¢ me4I)efl'fart ofpzoplgg andafurclifwas none of ' uh: Virtues of ouxjlmboam ( who hath fct up ahis (3a1V¢st:oo,z\nd‘ wowldl 1iavcmoulrl1‘.rib$cs~comcl up %and;~lwor{hip them ) ,=that~hc obfcxvcd the fame; Method, making l V “ l V % l 1 _ ‘ l M l Qnic of the few»-Reqgcfl;-rlo’c I’«0rtuga11=1c:’-*carc };itow11ofi:%Vh'i1nds we com- ,_1nc.nc of ,3; Cure, and -the Patty n1ifcar1'ics; the Law makes the gnit the managementofe-t11c% .iCé:i1n1onwcaIt11 :7 And ‘if we cannot 11 avg‘ Pm-fons of Bir,1_:11 and Fortune to be our Rulers,t:o whofc quality we would wil lingly fubmic ; -I béfeeclx you (Sir) V for our Credits and Safeties f;;'L:¢, let us‘%Te¢k.r1j1en~.(at%lcafi) of Parts and “xEc‘1ucacion,% to whofc A‘bi1itiés we may 11"a..vc-iomc r<:a'on to give: way; IF, » Sir, ?a 7Pa.ti¢n‘c digs un'de1: a. P11 +’.%.V iicians hand,; the Law cficcxns that not a Felony,‘ but a misfortune id’ .a:11-c P11yfic;ian;, but if onc~that is no Phyficién -undertakes the managgg E [111- » _j periquc affPc1‘on,and furc in all mans opinion t11‘¢VParicn-t~ ;1_Foo’1. To con.) V % cludc (Sir) tor Great Men IIQ govern ‘ms ordinary: for Able: Men‘ ‘fig % natural; %Kn‘avc-:s many tunes come-to 11: by Force and Ncceffxry, 4.335 Fools fomctimes Chet-Vr1c£: But univerfal Choice. and Eleffion of {fools anc1I{nav»cs for Gdvérnngcnt, was“ never yet ‘made by any who mm 1;-at rhcmi'c1vcs1ikc._thof'e they 07¢. % ‘ A ‘ T g V ‘ Y % % Bu: me thinks MSpcalger)‘7i%I.fct: 1'¢a_dy to rife aftel‘ me,‘ foine Gen. t1ema.n1:11a.1: i&1a11~.t.e11%youxhc gr"eat:~ ferviccs‘ t1”~1:3.!:..thCi1;' new I.o1;d[1~,jP3 have done the Commoxmkealtlxi t‘v11a.c~fha11 c:¢to1*tI1leir Va1o:1r,r11cir God.” lincfé,t;heir_F.idcIity.t0 tl1e%Caufc 5 The Scripture mo (;1od~e'.1bt) as his w to all purpofcs, £l1;a11,beb1‘ought in to arg§1c‘f¢r rI1_e"nx,V; ‘ and‘%1Aw¢115aM14 hear ofthc Wxfdom of the poor mm that /Zvved the "c‘-it}, of “the 7201.‘ ”' jwzfi ,9 not many mzglgty 5 Attrxbutcjs Lean no-way deny to be due to ::11ei;-, Imrdfhips, M1’. Speulgenl flmall. be as forward as any man to decvlax-cM;h¢‘jj;‘ ‘ fcrviccs, and acknowlcdgethcmg t11ough I%‘n1i%g1it‘tcI1 you, that thc 7 fun: honour is nOt%M.pu}:Achas’d tlxpblood ~ of an Enemy, Aanfldfl of at Cit:.i;- zcn .1:11a:f o1' Vi&@1fiCI8i‘n civgl Wéa.rs,~ till ourflrniiics %n1ax'ch‘%t111;;g$u H % V y;11;cC_.jicy,_ AI havc, noi:: read Jzrm A-Elie ~Conquc:r>%o1's *Imv¢T %‘been,fl5 7v8id' of ‘Lfliame asro triumph, C;eflzr, not xnucI1%Vmore%"1nduIg‘enc to his Cbun- try, tI16nnur.1‘a.tB Protc&o1', didndt for much%‘as ¢writcApub1ic;Ig Lcgccl-§_ of his Vifiory at PM?/alia, much lefs haci7“da=ycs of ‘Tlmnkf‘g’i'ving ‘t%o‘his;% gods,; and AflD;iV€1'[é:a1'fl.fG31‘fl'Sf0I 1}:wiggV«bccn% a profpcrous **R§b¢l, and VA given Jufticcz a.;n%d«his Clo-Lit‘1‘nry"‘r11af«e wo1'.fl;.~ ? 1 .« » «_ ,Bgut;S'r, {1ea:.vc;,;11%s=%Ar%gu1nent,A andgo 1b :3 as%gooéi%as4i:xjMré1>:ii, co%mé % topur you. infmind érf of rhc+ir*'f'crvi;j"c:;£s,w and this Obfigfifidn you“ owe: ‘T them for 1:11‘: fame. 'I§~o%%:fpcaknot11in»g 0501116: dfmy 'L<31'd'9“Cbx1L. A m1'f‘fIioz1cx"s‘v;11?oL11"a.c Bri/lo7,*nor-df ar;o«thcm»%Nobl¢ Lords -bravcMadvc%nru1%¢‘% ‘ ~ at chc‘Bem:-4Gz;rden; I mufl:;tc1fl.%you Sir,;tI1acmofi of thpezn *l1;1v”chad% A gL1..t com-agrg imdcg t11ingsk,whic11{?T1» .maybo.;ldly% fay) Aftwfot11er~%€‘hrifiiang A durff‘ % ( 7 ) o cT1.11~[’gI19.V'€ fo adventux-ed their fouls‘ to have atteniptedr; They I1.1v_A not only fubd-Jed their Ene:bnies,b-.1‘: their Maftets,that raifed and =mair1- tained; them‘; theyhave not only Conquered scazzmd and Ireland “, but iR’eb:1lious Iingldmdtoo; and there fupprett a M_:t1ign:w.t.Party‘of :1- gifttates ancl;La.wst. ;AncL‘thc1t nothing ihould be bwanting to !.'I1'~.LkC,t1A1en1 ’ ndee dficodtnpleat Contrpt-e1'ouz's. (‘ without the heip of Ph;':1oFo'ghyA they = l‘1:we‘ev.:n Conquet'ed-thetufeIves. fAl1‘fh"1me they have fubdued-ed, as s all ]l1&iCu 3 the Olths they have taken, they .have as ea..- perfeétly :1 A fily d29;t:’1:'ed,1sb their oldffirenemml could hintfelt“ ;- Publique Covenmts tin conclufion, fo- and-.tE}1gwg*ements , they havetttampled under foot: ~ iijltire a. Vi@co_:*y they have ov'erthemi'e1vt's,A that their .ConCdiences are as much t11t3i1"1€§fVa11t$, as (Mr, .s‘p2aI:er) we are. But (fir) give me leave to conclude with tlmt which is moreeadmirable then all thij~:,t dndl‘ {hews} the COI1fi”dC,nC€}:h€:ty have of themfelves and t1s:}‘flAftet elxéving many times trampledwon the Authority of the Houfe of Contmous , and. no I vices tO‘th5§_H-0uf5 05 Cblnmons, by the I-Ioufe of Commons to be nrmdet afHo~;1fe of Lords. V V A A V . A . ‘ A I have been*over-long‘ C.fif) for whichtl crave youth pardon; tlterefotet iha WZWC1 1 C0nC1U-dc. I beferrelt you let us think “ it our duty to ,have " 'a;cxte of twdothings‘: Fitfi, That Villanies be not ,encourage.dA with the tewztrds oE‘Jh"tuc‘: Secondly, That the Authority and Mztjefty-~ of the: d Gzwernmcnt gt‘thisNation'benotdefiled, hand expofed to co_ntetI1pt , by "committ'mgtfoconfiderable a part ofittob Perfoms of as mean Quality?- d a‘5*P;11 * A A ‘ AAA A ‘ A ‘ ‘vs me leave (fit)tobbt1'¢‘1ca,f7e‘youtpatieneejwith-vatfhott'i‘coty ;ff“Livy~ tI$¢a:#1‘1Sx'L‘;S"‘ Th.'e£'e Awas_-zttstate inbIc'aly,: an Ariftocracy, where the Nobility; A ithrtetcltt their Eretofgative toohigh, anidptefunxed a flitlzlfi to’) m,u;chA’t up; on t‘;'_1e Peoples Liberty and Patience‘; *WhC§I»TCul1dl.’da. theydicféfintetote fd genetal tend‘ Ara ot"'Gi>vernment~,t an dfdLt?{iort,t": ddd%Atthe1ametimt:, A N P Q a _poteot‘Entemy ready to flttll upoxa tliemfi: t abroad; that11ac1g.been_an , ov“§:-.~.m;.:ctx forAtI‘tetn*attt‘theAitj be£¥; 1 Llnisonybiutt t1otwA:+it1%tt;thefeA di-forders,-. t was s7’.:t""‘fit1d t1ij*€ff1 ‘V‘"¢I‘1‘y:r¢%A9ed3Ys~:*ahtvfery ttoafie A; A»wtfe‘t:mant ( fit‘) v in time didnt6§*:it%a1f1t~ ap d%b'21i’ty, ‘“a‘nddzts~ étdttdblifittle A $“rrMnf*%:tm:t =9 ¢°“E¢:F* ‘N ew‘ eff: than fidvetimes diflbIv’d them, They hope for thofe good re;-- V gtear, A‘ t111t‘the7y;;a pheedtlyfi tehdedt tbvAat;1dBHo1unionM~ e the turning 06 al "things i“ml2A0jAfl11‘Qhy' AandQ°°Af1—%, t t b3.fidC‘Sl'.hg¢f¢Vd2ifi:¢1'I1PflAITS’Md3.t11051155‘ tzhete was «A ‘ % V w oh the Neg, A ~%13o‘put1WI‘tu‘muLEs**g* h»et1x“ouAg1xc’mmfelf of t11is¢:_;'A into rfdfety3 : upon - Aa%",p men: at of 9 e t ‘ d N A Gohunfe: I c "C¢i:_n‘r:cL hie: pm<:ur¢d%% meobigligty £26 %rm;er;%a1I *taga»:%1xc_n;% ‘wmghf +w%%h*mj mhev had c“‘i*>nc,. he €ds;)~ becb1;g»nent no b:.rh*m:Commom.s4y§%,;,‘ V : % ' 2 A , 4; a V y .~Asi;;,%Le: rm; bcbcld fiby the: good leave offl-1‘€ Qfih £:}‘% “' youfs“) tovzfik Er at AS7311, w»%~cm¢lu%d4¢%:~¥1¥‘5 «a»x;1&cI I Imp: rheirlws A mhgn %:his«wifc man.,;1 told M1 P“'\‘el.“,/"W V A lwgrejf ‘ J in;“¢,; .;i¥nd~f:aw ~.thva12amEhq; %1;t1%1§3Ia;i% dcawna A % %9‘~¢p:ar?eI%:to“ Rcwifum V;».Tané § x:lici:;11,e%TaI;.j?:;ae, faifily. 11¢, That; as % b’*2zd"nst.b:if.v %Cfi'z0$z:61’2z£z?1z!na£;iés,,>1a:age;.% thing 1: I34’: d % % f our ‘“ 9 as f ‘*5 W m D