«L4 Iiiformat’ Mich. xxxiii Car. Secund. Reg. Emoram/am quot./R0- ' bertus Sawyer/Miles, Attora. Dom. Rego zzzmc Geieertflzls, gai pro eor/em Dom. liege e in parte flegaitar, in propria per- fb;;,q fag: 713:7. /Jic‘ iii Car. zfifi. Dom. R6’- gzis coram ipfii Rege alfiuz/’W€{.fm. die Large prox. pofl quinden S. Martini 2:/Zo eorlem term’, pro eorlem Dom. Rage dot. Car. laic.[m‘e//igi @‘Iz¢forma- ri, gaool _/7fajor~C6§' Commaaitaaac Cives _Ci°vitat. graze]. perjjoaciam zmiu: jjfefifis iéjr. v[t[{t+‘.'e!arfl_ ampljuss afl aerzmt » a /me uz‘zmtur,, ac cbamam‘ lraaere €55’ uti aafque aligao Warranpto flue Regal; Eoncefllgione znj;c’zPCz'-‘ziitazé. Qnd_ my , 6° Li ertat. rwcin . ‘.:e[/J'sgfz[e77120Cit2iz‘az‘. diverfls Liaertaf. ri- ezileg. C9’ Franc/Jeflfeguea. 72zdel.“Iiore .6/€f5”.i”f,55 mm Cortrf ‘P’ W->9 P”- Iiricam in zzomirze Majorv ,CI'Wtal‘- 46 Ci-mam Citziiar. London ac per it/em. . .3 ' ° ' /‘ _ azoraen plaezrarefé? 1mPZ4C”4_”‘> 5112"” Jere refpom/erz, ac eizam Ja Ere ' I/icecomit. Ci-vital. 59° C0mZ.Mt-L CW1‘ ital‘. Lond. C9’ aomimlre "1’$"_"" 6’? fgjlifis ([144; /«;e;fima; fore V zcecom_zt.. Cz- tuitaz‘. prazz/. C9’ Com. ejaftlem C"1’““’- 34¢ if/. fit nomiaat. €55’ elefiv Piwficere C9’ coizflitaere Vic, C ivit. pN{36/- @ Cam- gjafz/em Civitat. ail Execution. C9‘ Re- tora. omniam Breviam, Bi/./armfla ‘C9’ _:P7~..gce forum Dom. Regis pro {4f[’f7l7?i- fly-afjong C-5’ Executione j’ufl_IC_- mfra ‘c,'.v;~,:-. P;-¢({_ C9’ Com. ejafdem Czvzt. exe- guemi. faciend. ac aa’ faczeac./. C6’ exe- que-,,,{_ vmflia fingula al..m.fra C 2721:. pram’. €65’ Com". ejajélem C1‘W’- 9”“? 4“, Oficiam I7ic.faciena'.pertinc%t.z4C 61‘ id?” . >’Ja5‘ere V it; Com. Middlefex , 55 770mi: $3353 (:3 in thus :, ‘T/2e Information in Michaelnhasé ]Jerm,z°7z, I/Je T/virty Third I ear of A Car. II. lfingof England, &c. Lg;¢gl.fl. Emoraml’ That Roaerz‘ ' Sawyer Knight, our ~ Lord the Kings Ate- tyomey General, who on this behalf profecutes for our faid Lord the King, appears herein his own perfon in the Court of our faid Lord the King, be- fore the King himfelf ‘ at We/t’-miaffer on Manila} next after the Q£¢i{7d€”5 05 5?- Martin (viz. Nov. 27.) in the fame Term; and for our faid.L°Td"he K193’ gives this Court to underfiafld and b3 H1- formed, That the Mayor and com- momlty and’ Citizens of the City of Law” aforefaid, for the {pace of one month laft paft, and longer, have ufed, ‘and do yet ufe, and claim to have and ufe (Without any Warrant or Royal Grant) within the City of , London aforefaid, tandthé-Liberties, and Precincts of the C {aid City, divers Liberties, and Franchifes following, be of themfelves one Body Corporate and Politick, in the Name of the Mayor and Comrnonalty and Citizens of the‘ Priviledges, to wit , To City of London, and by the fame Name -I» to implead and be impleaded, to anfwer and be anfwered ; And alfo to have a Sheriff of the City and County of the City of London, and to Nominate and Eleél: out of themfelves two perfons, 0:2’: to be the ‘Sheriff of the City aforefaid, and of the County of the fame City, and him fo nominated and eleéted to prefer and eonftitute Sheriff of the City afore. faid and of the County of the faid Citv, for the Execution and Return of $11 Breve’s, Bills, and Precepts of our Lord thC.KlI‘lg, for the adminiftration and exe- Cl.lt10fl. of the Iuftice within the City W ’ " ’ B flfotfi? ? <2) aliorefaitl, and County of the fame City, to be c:-tecutetl and done , and to do and execute all and every the other things within the City aforefaid, and County of the fame, that belong to the Office of a Sheriff : And alfo to Nominate, Elecft and Conltitute Anal‘/oer perfon out otithemfelves for the Sherifi of the Coun- ty of ./lfir/cl./efiax, for the {aid County to {erve as Sheriff for the -fame’, and to exe- ,. cute there and make return of all Breve’s, Bills and Precepts of our Lord, the King within the County of Middlefix afore- {aid, for the adminiftration and execu- tion of Juftice,without any Commiflion or Letters Patents obtained or to be ob- tained from our Lord the‘ King on that behalf : And alfo, that the ‘Mayorand Aldermen of the {aid City, have been Juftices of our Lord the King to keep the Peace within. the {aid City, andto hold Seflions of the Peace and Pleas of the Crown ‘within the {aid City,‘ and all the Felonies,Riots and unlawful Conven- ticles within the {aid City, to enquire into, hear and determine ‘by their own tnifiion or other Authority from our Lord the King granted or obtained on that behalf. All and every of which Li- berties, Priviledges, and Franchifes, the {aid Mayor and7Commonalty a-nd Citi- zens of the City of Lo-nzlon aforefaid, for ‘all the {aid time, have ufurped, and do {till ufurp over our {aid Lord the King‘, to the contempt of -our {aid ‘Lord the; King, andtio the-great damage and pre- }udice oi h1s.'Pre-rogative Royal; Where- . upon the {aid Attorney-Generalof our Lord the King, doth'de{1re' -for our {aid ‘Lord the King the Advice of this Court in the premifles, and due courfe of Law‘ to be made againft the {aid Mayor and Cf>mmonalty and Citizens of the Cit 0* I-“”‘[0”*al:QYiEfé,1id-on-thisbehalf, to an- . '3/Ver Cerf‘-ind LOT}! $116 King, 8} w/mt en3'3§“iia§**§.’ib§3?iZ‘§‘ ‘£3 i~'“-‘ii; “(C am‘ Fraflcllifes-aforefaida, ,@¢im 6 gas ’ and ntzre,eZz'gere@ conflz'l'nere'exfeipfl5 Vic. Com. Middlefex , pro eor/em C om. nz‘ I/jcecomes inzle clefertntnr. ac omnizzi. Bra-vz'a, B2’/laud. @ prcecepga Dom. Regis infra C om. .IV§5.:ldle{€X prwz/. pro Admi- niflratione C65’ Execntione fnflic. iéiz/. exegnenr/..C‘§’r rez‘orn.z°nz1efacz'end. aéfgne galigna C otnmzflone fl-‘U8 aliguiéns Lite- ris Patentions 2: Dom. Rage imle 05. tenzfif-ve oétinend. Ac etiamguggl [my- jor @ Alzlermanni ejnfc/em Cz’Fuz't. fue- rnnt }'n/iic. Dom. Regis at! , pacem in- fra C z'w°z‘. prazc/. conjérvanc/. ac 451 Sefliones pzzcis ® placita Coronw in- fra eanclem Cz°'vz't. tenant/. ac cm’ om- nes Felon. Rz'oz‘.C‘7 C onventic. illicit. infra C z'-v_z't. przec/.,z'nguz'reno/. an:/ion:/. C6’ termginana/. Antboritate ipfornm I>"0P?5l'6'1.,_ aéfgue aligua Comnnf[/ioneq, five al. Antkorirate 4} Dom. Rage in on parts conceflffltze oétent. De gniént gnia/em oinniéns C6’ flngnlis Liéertat. Privileg. €65’ Franc/ye]. ii;/em Major .55’ Commnnitas ac Cives Civit. Lon- don przez/. per totnm tempos fupra- Jifzum ‘ Dom. .Reg€m gurga-vernnt___§§’ fififrpanz‘, tn. 1 . _. om. égzs nnnc Contempt. P/'zerogzzz‘z'va2 firm Regine grave damp- nmn @ prrejnc/icinm. ?/nc/o 2':/em Afi- tornat. z/22?. Dom. Regis nnnc Gene- ral. proeio:/em Dom. Rage pet. Advi- famenz‘. Cur. bio in prmmijs. @ Jenif- Legit Proccfl werflts Pnefaz‘. Major.’- 55' Communitaz‘. ac Cives _Cz'tuz't. Lond, prwc/. in /vac parte fieri ad ‘re/pa/7‘ r/em/. c/22?. Dom. Regi Q0 Warran- to clamanz‘ baoere, nti C-75’ gafldefe Li? A Zerfat. Privileg. @ Franc/9 ., err!’ cliff. &C. Bf fill) Tb? Major & Communitas ac Cives Ci- Vit’ Lom1on,ad Seftam Dom’ Regis. T predifii Major ®'i Com- rmmita; ac Ci-vols Civitatis ' * London per Benediéftum Brown Atrarnat’ foo’ wen’ @ loaéito aurlitu Information’ a preriiéi’ quermzt’ fc Calore iejufdem Informationis gra- -viti fore vexat’ @ inguietat’C<§' lzoc. WWW it!/ie guia prote/faurlo guoa’Ia- formatzo prerlifi’ materiag; in eazlom. content’ ‘min’ ficfic’ in Lego exiji’ dtlgua’ quiclem. Izoformat’ ipfi necefle 72012 lzafient nec per Legem Torre to- net’ aliquo modo refponclere pro Pla- be cito tamien quoacl li6erta't° Priiwile ’ {*7 Pram‘/aiz’« fegeuen’ Qviz.) ipfl2s‘Ma- jar @ Commzmita; ac Ci-ues Civic’ London fore do fiaipfls mm’ corpus ‘Corporat’ C9’ Politic’ in refafio naming per No"niens'y‘Majoris: ® Com- msmitat’ ac Civiu’ Ci-vitat’ London, ac per idem Nomen placitare 59’ im- placitaro rcfimzclere ac rcfpona'eriAiIf. ‘Jnformat’ prazc/if? fuperzwfpeczficat iiclem Major 5' C ommomitas ac 'Ci'vos s Civit’ London clicum‘ guocl cliéi’ Domin’ Rex mmc ipfos occaflozze im/6’ impetere fez: occajonare non c1_€5f’l: guia a'icum* quad prazdifi C1591!‘ London 6]? C9‘ a compare cujw €011- trar’ memoria’ loomin’ 7707169517}, 191* %_ it rmtiqua C ivitw Quozlg; Civcs cjujli _. ~ _ . \ - 7 c/em Czvzt’ fum‘ C55’ a prarz/if? tempo- re czcjm“ Contra mcmor’ 130mm 710;: (~ 3 3 The P v# LE The Mayor ommozialty am! C itizem of London at the Suit of 2/96 King. Nd the {aid Mayo1‘ii anti Commonalty and Citi- Zens of the City of Lon- . don, by Benz/it‘? Brown their Attor- ney, came and had Hearing of the Information aforefaid, by colour of which Information they are Profe» cured and may be herea tet burthen~ ed vexed and difquieted, and that unjul't1y,becaufe by Proteitation that in the {aid I’nformation.i,there is ‘now a thing contain’d materialor fufficient in the _LaW, to which Information theyhave no neceflity, nor by the Law of A the Land they ought to be held in any manner to Anfwer ne- verthelefs for Plea; for as much as the Liberties,P°riviledges and F ran- Mayor and Commonalty and CM. . chizes following, viz. They the {aid — zens of the City of Lonclon to be of themfelves one Body Corporate and Politick in matter faét and name, bv the Name of Mayor and Commo- nalty and Citizens‘ of the City of London, and by that Name to Plead and be Imepleaded,to‘ Anfwer,,and be Anfwered in the Information above fpecified,‘ the faid Mayor Co‘monal- ty and Citizens of they_Cigy' of Lao- tion fay, That our ififid‘ ‘bveraigni Lord theiéing that HOW 13» Ought not o‘ccafi-‘on theteof to Impeach (3,-buindoe» them, becaufe he faith, That the City of L‘o'm/on is, and ftorniwhich time beyond the memo» ty of Man was an Ancient City ; and that the Citizens of the {aid Cié ‘\ ty are, and from that time out of i1'.¥3;nid~‘ y the County (4.) mind were one Body Corporate and Politick in Matter, Faét, and Name, ' by the name of Mayor and Commo- nalty and Citizens of the Cityof Lo,eu/on, and by that Name during that time have Pleaded, and were Impleaded; have Anfwered, and were Anfwered, and to Plead and be Impleaded,to Anfwer and be An- fwered, and during the time afore-‘ . {aid have been ufed and accuftomed. And that in the’ Great Charter of the Liberties of England in the Parlia- ment of our SoVeraign'Lord Harry the Third fometime King of Eng- [marl , at VV€flmi7zfl€r in the COUHICY of ./‘V12;/r/Zeféx, in the Ninth Year of his Reign, held, made and provided it is contained, That the Citizens of Loot/orz ihould have all their ancient Liberties and Cuftoms; And the faid Mayor and Commonalty 8: Ci- tizens olithe City of London further fay, That the Lord Edward the Third fometimes King of Eagflam/, in his Parliament at If/eftmirr/fer in of Mz'n’a’lefex,in the Firfi Yea 0 ‘s 1c Charter, with the content of the Prelates , Earls Barons and the whole Com monalty of his Realm in his {aid Parliament at I’/Va/tmz';¢/fer aforefaid were Aflembled. And by- the Authority of the {aid Parliament was then Confirmed, to the Citizens . of the City of London aforefaid,the Liberties following {amongfi other things) to hold to themfelves and their SuccefTo1's for Ever, firft of all in reciting: That whereas in the Great Charter of the Libertiesof Errgignrl it__ is contained ,, That the City of Lam/072 fhould have all their ‘ancient Libertiesand Cu- exi/t’ frrerzmt am’ cor',I2zz.r corporat’ C5’ Politic’ in ‘re fafto @3° r:zo_mz'rz: per nomerz Majoris 59° C ommmzrtat’ or 'Cz'72z’um Cievit’ London ac per it/em women per tot’ tempztr ,2!/ad /9/aorta- var’ @ implac/‘tat’ fireramt re/,i>or2z/er’ €75’ refpom’ fummt, C9“ p/acirare C6’ z'mplacz'tar‘z',refpom{ere ac r6fi>om/eri ac rota tam/tore firpra;dz'f2‘o.ufl foerzmt @ corrfue-var’ Qgtor/9; in Magoo. Coor- M 6/6 [i56'rl‘tIl‘’ Angl’ z'n'I’arliame'rrt’ Domirz’ Henrici qaorzt/am Régir rfingl’ P tertii apud VVCHIII’ 2'72 *Co;a"az'2'4tt;’ Mldd’ Am20.Reg_z2i fiti no_7:zo,.,_z_‘g_;zt,’s E!/lit’ €53 profoz'5", coastinet’ quorl_;Cz‘-vi- mr London T/méeat omnes Ziéc"r"tat’« firm arztiqorz/5 55’ ’Confl¢‘etrt'r[.’ fig, ‘Cg’ r iidem Major @_Comm'arrzz'tm ao.C_i-trey C1’-'z2z°t’ London altariua‘ 5/icurzt good Domin’ _Edvvardus , guomlam Rex Angl’, tertiztt 2°22’ Parliamerrtofzio aptm’ Weltm’z'n C omit’ Midd’ Armo R‘egrzz°- flriprimo tent’ /Oerqrtarrr/am Cartam- firam r/e cozrflmfia Prazlator’ Comit” Boron’ ac totios C ommmzitat’ Regni firi 2'22 eor/em Parliament’ flea apart!‘ Weftrn’ prre 61217’ ~ Corzvoca/~ ex:/Jere’, -_ '¢~at’-'»tjuft/€774 Parliament’ conflrmovit mm‘ C 2'-viém C trait’ Lon... don prazr/if?’ Zz'éertat’firo]ogrterr’ agar’. cilia) /aaéeml,’ fléi @ flrcceflorioas. flzis in perpetuum,z'mprz'mz'3 recitmrr/o 2 guorl cu’ in Magma C/aorta (la [Mer- tat’ Angl’ corrtz'r2eai?" 951011 Ci-wit’ London baéeat omrz’ liéertat’ firm- arztz'quaJC‘5' corzfiretuzz” fuar; Et gum!‘ ’ iirlem cm: tempore confefliorf diff/E P Cartre ac temporiém Sarrfti Edwardi « P Regis C53’ C07€f€fl5’i5 69" Willielmi: C ongaefloris to al’ Progenitor’ dz/1'2?’ Regis Edwardi in divers’ liéertat’, tk ftoms; And that the faid Citizens, at the time of making the-faid Char- ter, and in the times of King Ea’-4 2L‘J)‘(/ tl1€ Confeflbr, I/Vi/./iam me Conquerour and other Progenié tors of the {aid King Edward in (iii; 6? . (is) €65’ confuetucl’ mm per cam; ipfor’ Progermor’ fr/tar’ A grzam Cart!’-5’ Cx rzrzrigua’ cezzféterzzd’ /Jahrrflerrt, ‘U0: he carrceyfir are/ac-22 Rex ‘Edwardus z‘erréa-'5 Ji17¢3"€’(?Ir5?:Tl£5 fmr!g'c"Z“’_ 9'1:/roe’ pro aligrta pezfarzali z‘rr:27fgr’ =06! fiizeclicio perfo- rm!’ rz/icazjzts -./rfirzzflré ejlrféiem Ciwr,’ rape caperet’ Ziéertati C:-'z2.it?,z'/1’ 23¢ r}2rZ}2';liI ejze (fem Regzis Edwardi terzz‘z' “eel Z?;7ered'3 ‘fjror.’ fer! lmjag/5970:/i ]»'KIi- rzifler pro:/,2‘ qua/ims z‘rar2gref3"’ re- gazirer jmrziet’ prom‘ perearzq/em Carg- mm germ’ Jar’ [IP46] W€fim"prarz_- glift’ flexto (lie Martii , Amra Regan’ €11” »’"Regi5 Edwardi z‘erz‘z'-1: primo fu- pradifl’ figfimagno flgi//o frag Angl’, t, bit? -- 1:12, C tar? ‘ prazlafl «z'm‘er alia pg/ezrzw apparet‘ lit 1'1‘-5[gm_ Major @ Communitas at r_Cz'fz2es_..cfz'q;_;';§f Londgn §‘Z??’7’.fl~,i§:.; \ .V_. ‘ i . I i"'*;' .. ' In Micbaelnzas Term, 1681. e , WHE R E I N It will Appear,That the Liberties,Privi1edges, and Cuftoms of the {aid City Cannot be Forfeited, or Lofl: by the Mifdemeanor of any Ofiicer or Magifizrate thereof. Nor their C H A R E R be Seized into the King’s Hands for any Mif-ufage or Abu.. fage of their Liberties and Priviledges, Records and Aéts of Parliament made he.- fore and fince MA GNA CHARTA. ALSO; How fat‘ the C0mm0nS of the {aid City have Power of Chufing and Removing their S H E R I F F S. '‘ Puélzflaed Both in Englzfi and Latin. London, Printed in the Year 1687.. AndIi’iob1iilhed by Randal) —:___ theybeing Confirmed by divers Ancient A —% __._g been ufed or exercifed, or have been adjudged for themfelves and their Heirs and Succeffors , did accept and approve, and all and fingular to the {aid Mayor and Commonalty and to the Citizens of the City of London aforefaid, and their Succef- fQrS , by the faid Letters Patents did ratifie and “confirm to have, hold, finjoy, and exercife, all and fingular the Premifl"es to the {aid Mayor and Commonalty and to the Citizens of the City of London aforefaid, and their Succeffors for €V€_r, fo fully, freely, and wholly, as in as large manner andform as If ¢‘/Cry feveral fingle Name, and Name by Name, in thofe {aid Let- ters Patents have been exprefled , flamed , declared , recited, and ma- nifelied, as by the {aid Letters Pa- tents, among other things, more fully appears. And that the {aid late King Charles the Firfi by his Letters Patents, under his Great Seal date at Way}. he E’ Y Year of his Reign, whichthe faid Mayor and Commonalty and Ci. tizens of the City of London brings here in Court, all and fingular Pri- viledges ,: Liberties , Franehizes , Freedoms , Immunities and free Cufloms whatfoever ,. which ,1,-he faid Mayor and 'Comtn0n'alty and. Citizens of the City of Lorrdon a.‘ forefaid , or their Predeceffors, by the Name of the Mayor and COu]g inonalty and Citizens of the C1 of London, or “by the Name of the Mayor and Aldermen, Citizens am Commonalty of London, or by the,‘ Name of Mayor and Citizens of the ‘City of London , or by the Nameof Mayor and Commonal- tyof the City of London, or by the Name of the Citizens of the City of London, or by the Name of the Barons of London, or by the Name, (Ito) tioaaéilit. ufl faiflem‘ aat exercaf feat rota loaoait er grata ac pro fee at Hered. et V Succeflor. fuis acceptavit ct approéatuit ac’ ea omnia ct flogu/ct prefat. Major. at C ommzmitar. ac Civié. Civit. London prazzlifl. er eor. Succeflorio. per eafclem litteras foo: patent. ratzfcatvit er coafirmavit loa- éeml. teneuzl. gaucleml. er exercem/. L omaia at fingula przemiflT ezfrlem Ma- jor. et Commzmitat. ac Cz'*uz'Zvu.r Ci- zzit. London przeclifl. at Succeflorfi has flu}: in perpetuum ao/eo pleas, li- éere ‘ct integre ‘ac in tam amplis morlo of form: ac fl fiparatim, fia- gulatim er nominatim in litteris pa- tem*,eifl,i exprqflf nominat. declarat. recitat. et manifejf. afloat et fuififem‘, prom‘ per eq/dam littoras patent; in- ter alia pleniuav opparet. Qgozlgae Domin. Carolus primus nuper Rex Angl’ G36. per litteras fuas patent. M magno figiflo flto Angl. flgiflaz‘. germ. dot. apud Weflm. pm’:/if}. clecimo ‘oflavo die Oftobris Amro regni flu’ guartodecimo, qua: ii:/em - Major 61‘ C ommuhira: ao~Ci¢:e.€ C i’Uit. -1:'ur:" erartt ‘Um- nia at flngula Privileg. Liégrmf, Franc. Qtietanc. Immunitat. at Zi- oeras C orzfuetud. quecuag; gag pm- :/ifl. Major et Commanitas ac Cives C ivit. London pmdifl. val Prowle- ceflor. flu’ per Nomen Majorzk at C 07l7‘_‘ mtmitat. ac Civium C z°'vz't. London flu per Nomen Majoris et Aldermamt. C ivium et C ommmritat. London ff“ per Nome» Majorzis et Civium C ivit. London _/Eu per Nomen Majori: 61‘ C ormmmitat. C izzit. London flu ,9” Nome» Cizzium Civit. London /57‘ per Nome» Baron. London fcu -,D.4i’.fr Nom6”' ('1t)ii- . Nomea Baron. Ci-ziit; London flu per aliquocl al. rzomeo gaoc/coma; ra- t time feu tuigorec liccerar. pacezzc. Carcar. flea. conflrmac. in eifc-.i.;?c/Jo lic- ceris pacem‘. dicli naper Regzs Ca- roli ' primi meacionac. vel afa ~'oel ]))wfcri[1)ti01iE~ am‘ alio legal. mo:/o_ aligao cempore 'vel aligailua tempo- riéua ante /Joc /Jaluzjiem‘ flea ratio- rnaéilicer afl fazflenc aac exercazferzc 'rac. bale;-2. ec graca _ ac profe bere- .a'ila's ec facceflorilus fouls accepta- 'z2ic ec approlavic, ac ea omnia ec fla- gala prazfac. Majori ec Commaaicac. ac Civilas Civic. London ec eor. Sacceflor. per eafalem licceras ficas ' patent. racificavic ec confirmavic, pro- .111‘ per licceras patent. ill. inc. alia Plffiius liqaec ec apparel‘. Qtoelgae preealill‘. Domin. Rex mmc per lic- ceras fitas patent. fire magzzo flgi/lo fuo Angl. flgizé/ac. geren. c/ac. apical .Weflm. prwc/iii. ‘viceflmo gzcarco (lie Junii Amzo regni fici rlecimo gainto, guas iii/em Major ex. Commzmicas ac ,Ci72e.r Ci’Uit.ILOI_1Ci0D.. bic in Car. profercmc pro ip_/o fzage, Heredilas ec Sacceflorilzts for/L“ racificavic ec conflrmavic J.-"'“Iajor iet. Commcmicac. ac Cifaiéus C ivic. London ec Qficccejii for. falls omaia ec _/inigula ffarifdig elioa. Aac/Jorécac. Privileg. . Liéer-_ cac. Franc/J. Qiecazzc. Immzmicac, ec Coaflcecual. gaecaag; gm.’ prwftff-. .Major ec C ommcmicas ac C ives C i-wt. London rvel Prcedeceflor. per Nomen Major. ec C ommmzicac. ac Civium Civic. London felt P3? N0‘ me» Majoris Aldermamoor. C iviflm 61‘, Commzmicac. London fecc per .Nomen Majoris ec C ivium C ivic. London flea . per Nome» Major. ec C ommcmic. Civic. ofthe‘, Barons of the City .of,_,Lo;§.i clone, or by anyi other Name whatfoever, by reafon or force of the faid Letters Patents’, Charters or Confirmations in the faid Let- ters Patents of the ‘faid' late King‘ C/aarles the F irft mentioned, or 1'}; lufe or by prefcription, or in any 0- ther lawful manner, _in any time or in any time or times before, that time have had or have been reafon- ably ufed or exercifed, declared and adjudged for themfelves, their Heirs and Succellors, did accept and api- ,prove, and all and fingular to the afbrefaid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens "of the City of Lon- clan and their Succeflbrs, by their faid Letters Patents have ratified and confirmed , as by thofe faid Letters Patents (amongoth-er thin gs)‘ it cloth and may appear. At71_’d that 091‘ Lord theKing7thiN1 fl0V_V 15; by 1113 Letters Patents, underhts G‘r"ea‘t Seal of England, bearing dateat We/l- min/ler, the Twenty fourth day of _7cme, in the Fifteenth Year of his Reign, which the {aid Mayor and Commonaltye and Citizens of the’ City of loneloie brings here in Court. for the {aid King-himfelfi his Heirs‘ and Succellors, did ratifie and con- firm to the Mayor and Commional- ty and Citizens ol'ftl1e"Ci_zy ‘of London, their Succellbrs, all and fin: gula-r the Iurifdiétions, Authorities, ' Priviledges, Liberties, Franchizes, Freedoms, Immunities , and Cu« fioms whatfoever, which the {aid Mayor and Commonalty and Ciri- zens of the City of Lam/on or their Predecefliors by the Name of Mayor and - Commonalty and Citizens of the City of Lonalohi, “or by the ii iName of Mayor, Aldermen , Ci. VT monialty of the City of Lam/cm; . tizens and Commonalty of Lomlon, or by the Name of Mayor and Ci- , tizens of the City of Loner/on, or by the Name ofi:?iMayor and Com? or (12) or by the Name of the Citizens of the City of London ; or by the Name of the Barons of London, or by the Name of the Barons of the City of Lam/oa,or by any other Name whatv foever, by reafon or force of the Letters Patents Charters or Confir. mations in thefaid Letters Patents’ of our faid now Lord the King ber- f0l”€ In€nt1on’d, or of any or any ufe or nfes, prefcription or prefcriptions, 01”. 111‘ any other Legal way whatfo— CV51.‘ 111 any time or times before then, have beenhad, or reafonably have been ufed or exercifedto have, h01d, enjoy and exercife all and ‘fin- gular the {aid Premifes to the Mayor and C0F.mI10n_alty, and Citizens of th€.City of London aforefaid, and their Succeflors for ever, fo ‘fully, freely, and Wholly as in as ample manner and form as by the faidLet— ters Patents above mentioned, to be 81V€n.0r granted, orany other ufe, prefcript_ion,or any other Legal man: ner or l_I-tight whatfoever before then 1‘€‘fP¢_€t1\§ely have been had, obtain’d one a nae b ha in, ndi A Letters Patents of our {aid King that now is,were,or have been exprefled, nominated, declared, granted and manifefied, as by the {aid Letters Patents among other things more fully it doth, and may appear; And by that Authority, the {aid Major and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of'Loaz1onby the timejn the Information aforefaid above fpe. cified have been ufed and hitherto do ufe and claim to have, and ufe the Liberties, Priviledges, and F1'3HCi]li_- zes to be of themfelves one Body Corporate and Politick in Matter, Deed, and Name, by the Name of Mayor and Commonalty,and]Citi- Zens of theCity of Lam,/on, and by that Name to Plead, and be Implfiadr L ed ; to Anifwerfl, and be Anfwered; as to them it hath ormay be Law.- London jéa per Namen C 2‘-viam C z'-vz't. London, fiea perN omen Baroa.London, flea per Nomen Baron. Civitat. Lon-‘ don, fea per aliqaoclal’ Nomea gator!- clmg; ratioae ave! vigore ,Lztz‘erar. patent. cartar. [ea coaflrmaz‘. in 6/7- az/em-. Zitterir parent. a'z'r‘Zz' Domza. Regis mm: przementionat. ml alicajas [ea aliguar. afar we! afa. praefcripz‘z'- 071. "061 prrefcriptioaam [ea ea/. legalz‘ \ mozlo gsuoczmq; aligao tempura, val aliquiém te»mporz'éa5 ante tzmc am- tiflént flea rarionaéilit. aflfazj"em‘,fea exercuzflhrzt laaéeml. z‘eae7m'. gaaa/em/. @ exerceml. omzriar C9’ flag”/4 pm’- przedifi‘. ezfclem Majori @ C om- .mm2z'ta2‘. ac Citviéas. Ci7/iffll‘- 1011- tdonprazdiff. C‘-5’ Sacceflhriéas /iris ia- perperaam adeo pleat: Zzéeretg z'm‘e- gre ac in tam amplzo mo:/0 59° for- ma prom‘ in eifclem Litteris parent. firperias meatioaat. fore c/ata five coa- c6_*[fa aac alit. afu frazfcriptioa. “U31 allegalz moo/o fiajare gaocmzg; ante ram refi>ec‘Zz't2e lyaéit. oétem‘. /itve ga- l wfa faiflént ac fl feparatim flagala- tim nominatim in at far diézas __,. .. ._ , , {eggs mmc exprefi. aomzaaz‘. clc‘°clara.z‘. com ‘ccffli €59‘ mamfefla eye”: er faz_'flem~ prom‘ per eafrlem Lz'tzferaa '- Patent; inter alia plenz°m" apparel‘. E2‘ Leo Warraato - iii/em Major Commamia taz‘. ac Caves’ Civitaf. London per zempus in Infizrmatioae pres/z'Ei‘a fig- perius fiwczfac. "stfl tfaer. C15’ 45/5” want. are clamam“/aa5'ere.- @ uzz‘ Lj- éertat. P~rz’vz'leg.i C6’ .Fra;¢c/a. ‘fore (la feipfl: Imam Corpus Corporal‘. ®’ pa- /itic. in re far?!) @ Nomirze per'aNo- men Majoris @ Commzmitat. ac .Cz'- flliarm, Cz'-vz'taz‘.’ London, ac per it/er/'3 ' 0 Q . _ _ v Nomen placzrare 65' zmplaczrarz, re- floondere ac refpom/erz' prout air Irene /icaiz‘ ; -.7‘ -"lugpo-sh. z-' 7 ( I3 13mg’; €97 licet. Alfo; laoc anon’ iia’ern [Major C omrnunim; ac C 2'-vex Civi- tat. Londonde Lilertat. Privileg. €65’ Franc/J. ill. fuper zliflum Domin.. Regem nunc per. tempuc praecliél. in Informatione przezlifl. juperius /peci- fac. ‘Z/furpaver. _/eu Ufurpanz‘ prout per Information. ill. pro cliflo Domin. Rage nunc flrperiue fufpofioiz‘. Qgw onznia @ /ingula ii em _Major ac Communitaa ac Cives Cituitat. Lon- don parar. fun: veriflcare, uncle petit }’ualicium;Et quot/Liaertat. Privileg. Franck. ill. eiS_@’ S uccefloriaus fin-'5 in perpetuu. cleinceps a/./ocenz‘. @ atl- Juclicent. @’ quocl ipfi guoaclpraemzfi. #4 45 /vac. Cur. clinzit-cant. &c. E: ii;/em Major 56' C ommunitas ac C i=ves- C itvit. London, quoacl Liaertat-. P ri- vileg. C65’ Franck. jequen. Viz. ipfo: /Jaaere. Vicecom. C i~vit.f’9_" Co,m.Ci'*vit. London C3’ Vicecom. Midd. 55’ nomi- nare et eligere ex-fl;-ipfls fuas perfianas fore Vicecom. Civic. prwdill. et Com. ejufa’en1Ci-vit. et Vicecom.Mldd. ac 2'//. 'flc nominal‘. et-El/efl. prceflcerc” e't conflituezje Vicecom; Ci'w_'t.xpr4ez1ic‘i. et Com. ejufc/em Civit. et: Vicecom. Midd. ac ut Vicecom. Civit. prwcli./‘Z. et in Com. ejufzlem Ci-viz‘. azlexecut. 6'1‘ Retorn. omniu. are-‘uiu.Bill. e13 Pra- 'cepz‘. Domin. Regis pro,Aclminflrati- one et execut. 'j'u_/Zic. infra C ivit. prie- 6567- 61‘ Com. ejufelem Ci-viz‘. exe- guentl. faciend. qua: aa’ Oficiu. Vice- comfaciend. pertinent. ac ac/facientl. et exeguend..”,omm'a at /,',,g,,[4;4!z'a infra C ivit-r pgwrlifl. @ ;(.‘om.. ejuf- (‘Sc I/em C iw'f- qua ad cficiu. Vicecom.‘fa- Fiend. pfffmffif, ac ut Vicecom. Com. \. ‘/ full. Without that tl1at‘€ii-;‘:‘ Mayor and Commonalty and Cit:-- zens of the City ol London of thefe Liberties, Priviledges, and*'Franchi- zes upon our new Soveraign Lord the King by the time aforefaid in the Information above {peeified havebeen Ufurped, or do ~U1hrp as by that Information {orfiour {aid Lord the King above it is.{uppo{ed. Which all and {mgular the {aid Mayor and Commonaltyand Ci- tizens of the City of London are rea- dy to verifie, {romewhence they pray Judgment; And that the Liber- ties, Priviledges and Franchizes to them and their Succeflbrs for even lhould be allowed and adjludgedsand that they may be di{miI{€d, as am’ the Premifes from this COW?) $5‘-7 And the {aid Mayorand Cornmo- naltys and Citizens of the City of London, {o astheir Liberties,Privi-. -ledges; and Franchizes following, ‘viz. Them to have Sheriffs of the City and County -of the City of Lone/on‘, and Sheriff of the COLIIICV of 'Mz':lcllefl*x,' and to Name, amid.“ Eleft of them{elves their Per{ons to b6 Oftllfi aforefaid 3nd County of the {aid City, and .she. riff of Micldlcjfiex, and tho{e1bNa-i med. and Eleéted to-be made and Corclillétuted Sliefrifls of the {aid City an . ount o the {aid C't d Slleriff of ihe {aid County bfY,/J'li:/-- it//_é’fe2,c,and as Sheriff o{the_ {aid City exe mttcgzelgoumy OlClt\17l7e'{iml3'(l:lltyiiil)' cu etornea at: s, l_ ,s,a Precepts of our {aid “Lord the King for the Adpminillratpion and Execu- tion of Jufticcifl \/V1/lltlfllll the {aid City, and Countyo tue 2llCl City, to per- forlm and Cl? Wgafliti lhalfl appertfefun or’ be ong to-«t 1e ce 0 Sheri , and a1{0 I0 d0 and perform, and all and fingular others within the {aid Ci- ty and County of the fame, which ' {hall appertain to, or belong to the Ofice of Sheriff, alfo too {erve as. E ' Sheri? C9 Sheriff‘ for the County of _/lfiz[(//.e- fax, and all Writs, Bills and Pre- eepts of our Lord the King with- In the {aid County of Middlefex, for the Adminiltration and Execu- tion of Juftice there, to perform and make return thereof, which be- longs oriappertains to the Oflice of Sheriff: Say our faid Lord the King ought not to impeach or thin- der them the Mayor, Commonal-‘ ty and Citizens of the City, 0‘ I. omlon by occafion thereof, ~b€C3ufe they fay, that the City ;of-. Lon- Jon is and time out of mind hath been an ancient ’Ci1y and County. of thefnfgfveg '.‘.th3.t zthfi County of Miclcllefcx, by_'the