.§ -:¢.fi‘1tA’°:fi(€‘*!-:f’n*1 239:’ :2‘ *'5¢?’}O¢?':€§‘.| 1p.fi L * ‘ ~ ******%%vr**¥v*%$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%¢¢%%¢¢¢¢¢@¢¢%¢%¢4¢%¢¢% moi" .. H srearesz=sx~e@szw§sxea:=e@axa:az~ax»ez='&»a§=s¢§aze§= 2 air * THE o 5 % VRTEROOK, SERIEANT of the Law, and RECQRDER 0 fLoNDoN,. M, “R 0 B E upon the Stat. of MAG5\(fl % CHA RTA, CHAP. 16. ...r—._......... -- ‘.....-m .........M. . L O N D O N, y” A A 'Printedby M117 1. 1:. s H E 12., anci RIVY ou N G, and are fold by Laurence C/aapmagz, and 4 Wz'llz'zzm Cake. Anna 1641. A s¢%%%%%%%@¢%¢%%%%%%¢%%%%®%%¢¢¢%¢%%%¢ .1 4* ‘=35’ %%%%%%%%%w%%%%%%%%%%%%@%%%%%¢%%%%@¢%¢¢¢%¢¢¢¢¢%%%¢@@¢¢§‘v ,- .v . 1 , n - , 4 ¢. " .‘ 4 .3. F! ‘_m_. . a‘; ‘ W Iii???“ ‘ .h I HQ C"-,..“'/Zrk - "$‘;,-'lA’{/ A \' weamw E A 7% » “‘ . hi. h '--3"‘- :-—- h ~./W//2'4’/'4r« ~ h —-n»w.~..,-.u-«a.... The Conte11tsg €3hap.I. BF high Treafon. paonhr- Chap. H 0f'pm'e Treafiin. . pag.3- Chap.;I'IAI;.. ofcflmrder, ; L/‘Man/Zzmghter, and what mt. pag.4.- Chap.1III. What m9: and mifdemeanaws may hee » 543724’ Rohhery, am’ what not 5 and what Palm}, and what Burglary. Ah pag. 9, Ghap. V. g/Iccejflzries, and gaad I2adio'?mez2ts,¢r§"¢.?. A P3g- 14-‘ Qhap. VI. Arraignment affelom, anhihwhatpleax they [ha/1 hzwa, mdwhatmt 5 xmdwhm they jlmll 1533 pm to penance, and where am 5 and; where 4 mm hall hue arraigned twiccfor one 1 Pehlonyg and where was lzféjhallh he put twice in jeopardyfir mefilmy. % pag. 19%. . ""5"-"W' '. IN * flE V H L‘ .4~ "' ~ I“ ‘ ' 1 vi". 6 ; 1 $25 ‘ ‘ z‘ - :2.-‘I-’/W V V‘ ‘W ‘ *""' -' ‘ - cg The Reading of M“ R 0 B ER -.5 B R 0 0 1; E, Serjcant oFtheLawi and Recorderof London, upon A the Stat. oflildgna Céarmwthe ifcventeentih Chapter. A A CHARI.i Oflaigév Trea_[hva_. A Nprimis, If any man iimaginfi; hdcath of?-ii‘2i i he ' King, omf the Prince, Or Princdfc, iomf any A that is Hcirc apparent‘: to the Cmwnc, it is high Treafon. T ‘ _ , A 4 ; A . If any kcep warre agai.nfl.:th¢.”Ki‘qg in his Reximcg :5. £7. 3;‘ it is high Treafon by the State? 2 '3 . E. 3. If any bee aydcrs or afiiflants tot-he Kings cnc- 23-E-3&1 W4 A mics, either within the Realm, or cifcwhcrc, it is M i high Treafon... Lfaayiiaffirmc by writing. or other a&,, that the ‘= B ' King 3s..H.8.c:2p. as” .42; ....-1-um-nu-nut: .N‘ % ll 0> _ King is not fuprcmc Iricacl ofthe Church of Eng... land 5 or if %anyim%ag1nc;lto_d¢priye the King ()fl-Jig cllamflqyall, or; f;hl%1'§ilf‘l€;$i)Of_ hisfimjmeal is lzigliy T”rc:‘afen. If anyjeltol Whom €116 Cf0WD<= is comzfiittéd Ely A61 ofP2:.rlia1ncflt, ufurgeitl, or demcane it inlothcr manner then is exprcffe in the Adi; V or willlllkceipc thjc*%King from it,1ift is high Traallm by Stat. A A ' ” If «any man kill tl1c%Chanccllor,or Tmafurer, Or any Ofthfilufiices of .On;ci., lBcnch%c”$rl other, jufcices flofvjoyiier, }ufliccs’lof_Alliz¢ ._,’ orlof oyer and%Termg;m~ ,* fittillflg in th¢ir’’Offi’ccs , it is high; [Tmafcny “ fa"ge1,it is high ‘T.téalbn‘l; : . thc»King7,l:itl is higfiijfréafqpl ll A If counficvrlfcif” the %_ Kings Scale manuall Privy Scale, or his Signet, it is high Treafon, ’ If any countefeit the Kingsl coyne of this Realm or of anylother coync currantl in England, or clip: wafh , file, round, or dixninifll the fald coync, it is high Trcafon, V 1 If any man bringfalfefml.oneyl”or counterfeit into England, having kmwlficlgc of that_mg-me 7 mbm counterfeicfitis high 7Trcafon‘;‘ If"ianyma*n l<~1ll:;th¢‘Kmgs‘ Meflbngcg jg 1355 lm 1"" 9 l v: l kw Ifany man kill on: that rldcth with lnento.a3d¢ CHAP, 4 (jg) AA % % cHARILiAiii ji % J L H Ofpetiiei Treaflim~i" ”=—’3’iE;~ ~ i A A the WifcAkfl1the Husband, iog,ii1e I-Iiizsbiand the A Wifeig oriétihcgscrvant i1i$Mdfl“wCI'0fPVIi[§IiS , this ~ ' . 1 i 12.. E. 3; ispetie Trcafon. F _ A; Omah.“:of‘ the age OE thi1‘te¢né”yc¢tcs killcth ”'H'6‘ A h?eriMifiris, thisis pctic%,Tr‘c.3ti'on 5_but fhcefhail mt 0.ROz', be: hangcd andAdrawn¢,butibumc‘. ‘ ‘ i ‘ A S E “ g in 3» The Servant procured) another to kiii his Mam £3-«#1 Aflér, which kilicrhlhim, it is not .peiticA Trcafon in azhc Scrvaht 5 for the principal! is no Traytor, and-{he E iacccffary is no vvays‘ cafhand ifo they bebot11F<:=Alons.'i A man bwzscth his fcrvant,whiCh dcparteth from him, ami after the end Ofiiifi tcrme bee i4:iiit‘.‘.*,th him A that-was his Miacficrizi ircv&agiug;~;:hiAs QM quarrell, 3o‘E.3¢fi,;_§_ thié is Tpetig: Treaflan ; for the murder comcrh of the maiicé thatbeganAAirihis fcrvice. A AA , A A man marryeth his coufin, and {he kiilcfh him, this isngt pctie Trcafomfor timeywerei nevcfrlawn A fully mafArY€d«i A A n ‘, A ii A A rnaziretaineth A 3'. axis. to bee his Steward of’ 2.5’. 2.3» his Courts, and bee kiileth his Mafier, thi$ is mt Trcafon 5 for hecis no fewant‘ that oweth to his Mafier obedience, as is contained in the Smtutemf {25.E.3. 4 Ifani itifaiit amm age of ten yeares marry awifc H cf tif1e_agc_ ofnineyceres, arid thee killczgh; hbrhuiii 3' '7' b3fld:ithi5éi$iiPCti9TIF3-{:05}:f01'ai3 that a3*‘3Afl1€¢*flI311 bee endowe‘d\. » A i B2 A A AA, ,. ,, A (4) A man retaining a woman for 40.. 5. a yccrc to fine his Concubine, andAfl1ec kill him; this is no Trcafon, for the ¢%4_1'ctai;x1ing was not 1*a.wfu.11, and ‘therefore fhcc wasnée his fcrvant.‘ A % A AA The%Hai%Sifiand the ‘Wife: bee divorced? (maafli fiaigiditatfisj and after {hce1:i1lAc*~th:hcr Husband, this A is pctic Trcaf‘on,for that is but aadivorcefromstablc‘ —-»-mum v-ulna!-I1Ifi |..-"-— ‘ ~ and bed, Vand-Avmatr-imony d*oth«Ac;ontinuc,.. and there. A fore flacc ought to? bee faithfuI1"and“obcdicnt; A The HqsbandAand the Wife bee divorccd"é%(caz:f£1 A azm{4nguinitat:k) and after the: killethher Husband, tgis no.«Trcafon51fon.th:"manziagc%was againit. t e A ifnan~Vmarryeth mwitfi Aa Turkc oraTcw,j an&-' I fibre kits him, this is no Trcafon: fm.*thcmarriage% viasmtawfull‘. 4 A 1“: A ~ AA A "A f A Villain killctthhis J Mafia-:,. this‘. is no: Trcaa on. V A % A The Tc-nant'dothhomag‘c*un€o his Bord; and at: «tcr Iiillrth him, this is ne %TrcaIon. ' A wA;z‘.;v;. A man hircth» an infantjof the ageof to-..Ayccrcs,_ A « ¢"“**“" 4*? Hand hcc Iéilleygh his Mafiexythis isnot ’1‘.1fca.fon5.for... the rctaifring.was»voyd§ cHaA%p.1;*H: A 0fMara’cr,.Mm:flé#g;ét£r,4n}1M121:‘xvii. A WHat% fliall“ bccfaid‘Murdér,.. and what Man; » k4lIing_.of a man... A‘; flhughtcr, ana whmamanmasrimifie the? ' A man is inaiaca or fellony,Aand 3 Cap’ isawapl 2.z..E.3._. Kficd Atalzc him, and hcc rcfifizcthg if the O flicer kill h'ilTl_:, hcc may iufiific if, if he could not othcrwifi: take him. A T he Gaol:-r comcthintcs the lpxl-ifon, andlfilmflctll A his prifoners at large, and brcaking their fcttcrs; if ""53 . . lhfit kill thfma hcc may jufiifitt that a€t—, if hcc could not othcjswifé take thlcml..l A , ‘ A .. A. prifoncr in ward for fclony :brcakcth«thcpri.~ 22.2.3. fon,and cfcapes,andI. S. commh tohim, and can-- ‘ me; take bimbut by killing of lhim , and ibjdoitli A l:illhim,tl1isisjuftifialblc»; . . A Two» women fi~ghf,,a:nll AS.lcomt:th‘ tocpart “_ E; 3, them, and one ofthcm Itrikethr. S.andllcill:cth.n1m Manflaughfifl». A without malice, this “is” manflaughtcr and felony, and {beg A_fl1a11;.ldie fbrfiit , 1 for‘; liberal fcmh am I! gueérailf fhec had flrdlck him :bA6h»imQ.:lcfhis’baclli',A if it had bcenfclonyor not. 1 A V M ‘ A thief: comcth to the houfc of I. S. and Iéttcth 25.2.3 .faz,=. 3. , flé1uAghté:.l firc on it , and "I. .S'.Afl1ootcth at him and lkillcth him, this isl; neither fclony ’l murdc%r,A‘l» man» - flaughter. A A A A The Mafter and the Scfirant by thé .wl1y, 25-E-3-3% athicfc ~aiTaulfeththc Maftenand firilccth thcMa--A l ficrztodeath 5 the {ervant:ha{lily t_oArr;-{cue his Ma- fier, llcilleth the thicfr,» this neither murdcr not A manfllaughmal A A A A tbicfc afléultcth I; S. tblrobhiml and1..S‘. _:f1:f;§-fiY~32s ldllcth him «this, neither; marl mama A % 2L.E%.%3.fc2l.3.. W M ‘ ?q..E¢3. fig-30. rxcufimg of hi M 2Io.H- 2:EO3.._fbZn3° 2,3.Ei.3%.fbl-z} A4 A % ~ man cutteth%a;trC¢; ‘ ' ihooteth muff rake hecdcw where heefllootes. M % this is, not felony ofdcath , w VA A V _ A man that is deafc, dumbc, and blindc, killcth A mm gmth in 2m high way within a P.=.:.i*ke,an& the Keeper mth maiice ‘towards him ,; and cryeth m ymzid, and here will not, but f%a=ndeth%at defence, V “ and,-Athe%Kec% ear, kifififh‘ him; this is fclonybfi his deati . 4 ~ V wAn Infaztet within the age of dii‘cr«etion,(that is, nine yecms 3; killeizh hiscoinpaniom and aftcr..€xcu- fisth himfclfe, this is felonyof death 5 forby the mfclfa it dozrh appcare that hes ‘hath difcrction toknow good fifomt-viii A ‘ an :20); fi1mem€morz'ae killeth aman, thisis no fe1ony,nr:irhcr tion cammtmlcc exampic athim. A 4 A ‘ W 1: man killethomc that is outlawed of felony, a man, this is neither felony, tnanflaughtcr, nor murdcr; c4ufa,;qzmfl¢pra.4 ‘L A V s f A . A man brratcth a woman that is with childc, and fhc<:V1abour*et:h,’ and ythechilde is dead home, this is ,, «.4 neithcrmurdernor manflaughtcr. A ~ and the branches nf the him, unknownctohim is nfoi: felony, forit isynot tree fall upon LS. and kill that %Acuftcth” the ;tree, this done witha fclo%aious~intent;” A A A » % A‘ {A man fl1ooteth~atthe*:pricks, and killeth a man, V this ishoet felonyt;4(fa1:?th’e‘marks bcccertainc, every man ought tokeep himfclfe 0f-f:butotherWi%féit~Ais wheri: thcpryicks bee not"c¢irtaine, for than ?hiéeAAthat ~~Tw0 .4 T‘. {hall he die For it; foriothcrsVofdi~fcrc-_ A ‘not of the firokc. ; ‘ ~a “H T” C794" Two men fi A and one ‘of A%thcm;‘_Ii:f.tfi<=” 4 ii? If! If a man 6e‘e41indi£tEd~éfrapaby’ f'(§f‘ti‘f§3.fl’”ifidi5:;. D %mcnt f M ' 3-4‘. Hf‘.- El H'4O 'znEa6o'§ V‘ d _ ., Gountywhcrcbcc dybéd, z.Ro3»~‘ V 33.3 . ~ cation,ifth¢y..lack~g \ , filo I30 0 1% 3. % for the indiaméntb dcth not thew that he did flrike, - §9df¢9ugg;nMa:~€9999‘”P*°th¢ fdoflye A A (I3) men: in aLect or Sh:rifl’cs: turnc, the indiétmcm is &void; for by the LStatutcrape is not inquirablc ina Lector Shmiffcs twang, M but as tfCf[53fl‘€a- as ifbwas bb¢fcréfh“¢%Statut6s. »thc:farn;c' Law ofthe Decrees ;4;mz,%mougb ; that %a ;mar,'1r have cognifance ofplea bytbc Kings grant. A A Ifa man bee i.1adi<9tcdNf_'orf'bé1‘e:ny dob: bpob Saint 4 .W_7ola:zfsAbbday,the indbi;‘3cm¢ntis,void, for them arc two “ ,S.b 301773, 5 daycws, anndbthe inbdifiomcnt ought to thaw which. A A A map is firuckin one County,and dyctb inane- tficr Cbiznfy’, he: that firokcyhim A is indiéicd in the ' b _ .; s b 1. %. b '- L Ifg m_an4_ bcindié’tcd for “counterfeiting the Kmgs COW b=f°r€§h°¢1u13iC€bs0fPca¢¢s i? is voyd. for they havflcjnot authority to doc that. T A A ~ ‘ kn ‘ If zbmba‘9bbeindiacdfor»felony. for~&caIing ofanb horfcgifthe indictment‘ want any ofthefc words,thaf is’ :6 fa'y,}f¢lpif;i:7£‘. 00121: ($4 45J#x1.?,.thC‘ifldiafIlCnC'i$ voyd, for thcféwwordbs final! not Bccfltaiccn by impli- W ‘. Ifzik man afidgwb iwqmm .bc indiéicd for raviflic ing on": .5’; this is a...good indiéimcnt, as well 3.. gainflthc twob%wom¢n as the map ,_ quay: cognwit qtébd ‘amumfimk poti fiifiltrwq 0f7J¢_fq3I€ mg nmfr mmrcb :1, gang! é/17¢ 4! km: 5544551310?-4Abb V A “man isiindiéicd. fomhat. :h¢c ’wasprivicunto a M zfifirdcr dbne by}, 5'-. A biéfiis not abgo'o'dindi6tmcnt,1 A man I W this is a good. indififmcnt b (19) A mantel-ndietecl of felonyin the time of $1.8. that H,-1,35’. 1.3.3; incliétment will ferve well in the time of~E. 6. per A -A .5’-tatat. I:.E.3. V . ~ A a’ A Comrniflioners of oyerandt Termizzer, of felons by Commifiionin the time ofH.8 .take indifiments in the time of E; 6. the pattiesindiéted {hall not bee A atraignedupon the {aid indifimentsforby the death of the King, their Commifliontis determined. at e I _~~Crow«ners made in the time of 8 . may taket4.t.,,,fiz.44. mdiétrnents /izper «vifum tarpon‘: in the time of E. 6. A for they be made by Writ, and not byfiommiffion, and theylhall endure untill they {hall be difeharged by Writ: butotherwifetvof Commiflioneran A g at CHAP. v1. , Arraignment of filoflsgand :13/oat plea: the flmfimrze am! am: net 5 and where tbey [ball -Zyeeput tape: A A *- mace, and wberemt ; ltdndthwbcreha mmfb41l6aeA A twice arraigned for omfclany, and where his life jball-éceput twice in: jeopardy for-onefilony; ’ Manis—atraignecl.Aef?the detach of=~‘I.;S.whichA16_E_3'fi,_m A A was killed at B . hee faith thee was another time N arraignecgl, indiéled, and acquitted A of the death of the fame I. S. at B. interfirfi. in another place, and A flteweththe Record under feaile, and ; avetteth that he is the fame petfon that is I.S.this is a gdiode plea. A A man is outlawed of felony, andt is led unto the 7.3.5, — Barre, gandclemanded of him what heel hath to fay wherefore ~he {hould not dale»; and— hee faith that in W A thc time of he a outlawty hee was in prifon in the A A » A L D 2 A Came ' A’eCa7Pde ofdB.j?4édmflod.’ thisisAAAaAA-gdoddplea; A A wdmanis arraigned of felony, and is conviéh V‘ _£8a,}',L4,l__f0[o£}u. n E: 40;. . lifewaseitl danger; and ‘de mands judgement : If for». by verdi&,and‘is demanded what {hee can fay why flaec fhould not dye,.which faith {he is with childee 5 this isea good plea,:dd it was holdeencamm I 2”. E"-.“ gm fe!.11. A e A man is.indi&ed‘as aceeffaryunto a felony com-3 A U mitted .5’. wAAhich.was arraigned and attainted = the defendantfaiththatthere is ‘no fuch record, and e.‘ prayes allowanegand pleads overiroehc feIony,noeJ 9 guilfygthis is’a"good plea. V V 3 Two bee anjaigncdd, andone pleadeth the Kings AA e pardomand a releafe to his companion, and {hfewech-L ‘ that it is no plea, 2 1,, .15. ‘for felony calmer be joynt 5. but otherwifeit is oftrefpafle. ~ ‘ _ A man- arraigned ~Qfdf€1Q1:1Y,d. . faéth that ‘another; time he: was armigmd Qfanather felony commit-. zed. fince that felony wasedoac,_and acqduiew here hie any 0fh¢ref¢_1OnYQ01:nmittcd bc~for.c::h‘ec flmll be ar... raigned, thisisd no pllea’ 5 but ifhec had pleaded bee « J had rbeeni c'o:A1de:AneneAAd, add had’ the Kings pardon at; A jud gemen:.of;death is; a dieichargc ofaI1;:fe1on_ds ~dor'1e ‘ p ‘.32aHa7a‘: dofisglhim cm.» >1r£u‘rde*1"A§ wt; and f edelivercddgj it had beene goodeplea 5 for b=f0r¢— Al mazmeea-mm*itteth« murder, A em-he reing p;3r»..? . end next ’day’hee% beateth V d" 1 and mayzmeth AI; 3. dead mm is arraigned of the mure» _ ‘ Q“£¢3 .1 the.§Sfat.d.o5?ee‘Aime.e g;.ehce;£*haHefinde dei;,8e pieadeth theings pardon, A by the bearing of I.S;; thelpatdémiddisdbecme notgood, 2; A A good ’ H. 7. for by; xfuretyofihisk A g?ood"heh€i£iiour'f'or glgmoneths afterltheparedon‘. A t A man fiealeth goods inthe; C0uI}.lIYt0fA;ta11cjl 4.3.7. A bifingeth them in‘theCounty OEN. and after isjin- * A A W - diéted and arraigned in'thetCounty.ofAt.iand beef] it ?-37- t faith hee carryed the ;— goods into the County of N . and there hee was indifited and acquitted lfor~~ A V the lamegoods, and pitayes allowance, and to the felony not guilty, this is good plea :, for though hee commit feljonyi in two Counties_j, his life flialle not be in jeopardy twice For one-felony‘. A V 7 A man arraigned of“ felony pleades not guilty ‘I I-Hen uiiio the iflue, and when the Jury iippeares hee pleades the Kings Apardomand fhewes it, that.isno. plea, except the;parclon4be re date after-tlie lllllcr ioyned. A man orraigned. offelonypleades-the Kiiigsa generall pardon by;A