,P,‘ W” 1 1 ‘ z \ , Anno Regni C A R L I II- R E G I S ‘ Angina, S catioe, Francine 8C Hibernate , .DECI-MO 0 CT A V0. At the Tar/iament begun at Wefiminfler the Eighth day of May, Amzo Dom. I 66 I. In the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our moft Gra- cious Soveraign Lord CHARLES, by the Grace ofGodprngland, Scotland,Fr¢mce, and Ireland King, Defender of theFaith, @c. And there continued by feveral Prorogations, to the 18‘“ day of September, 1666. In the SflVOY, Printed by the Amgns offo/m Bi” and Cbriflopber iBark‘er, His Majeflies Printers. 16 6 6. K.— CUM PRIVILEGIO. J Q llv 5» ~11; . akflhv>¢zfi u' ( rub n? v W Anno XVII’I. CaroIiII.~'Reis. An Aé’c _ againfl Importing Cattel ' from Ireland and oghér parts beyond the Seas; ‘ and Fifi] taken by F0; reigners. , '- .. ', ,» / ;¢- . 2 e? llamas-w an 2w: of this pee: , 63.4% tent enlistment, Enema: ;7{?.;14.y 12D, nV'Afl: for the-Encom- WA ragem ent of Trade, amongfl: v/ ,y‘” ovbee tbing’gfome mania: 2;: ‘31:: on was mane to; the pm: heating of coming in of bait fiambeeg of otattel, whereby the 33mm ant: flames of the ileum of this 33in mm were mutt) fallen, am) like Daily to ll maze, to the great iazeiunice, , metcimmt aim 3mm: beeilbment 0f this gingham; which neg. beetnelels' but!) by experience been fauna to be ineffectual 5 aim the continuance of any 311w imitation, eitlaee of the man 0; 3m «Eats tel, been 0; alive, herein amt lpeciflen, not 5F: 2 well: (" I ‘_‘ ’\ \’ (17¢? 1/ :3 (r- 52. ANNo DfiCIvMC} OCTAVO anew maneteffatp,‘ but been Eefttnttihe to the welfarejof thisikingbmn‘. 252““ there: fate-j ' .ED hpthe iaings mall: Excellent SIBaieflp, by ann with immune am: (an: tent of the flame Qpititnal ant 3132mm: rahann commons. in this vtefent 19mm; ment attenuate!» 3Ehat [nth amputation from anb after the fecunn nay of February, in thie peefen‘t peat @ne thonfann fie hung been firth anti fir, iS’ a pumice aim tent: ‘ men f‘jflntamejmnn‘ ihaiifw magnum, menial :aiin flatten m be fito at! 5 intents anti purports whatfoehet. mnb that if any great etattel, ‘fih‘ien oz Swine, at any zfieéf, abate-Devzfiaton (etc-em fotthe Ines teitaepj minimum-f, the tefpertihe Ships om: tie" in " ith ‘the‘ifanie, that; be bzbnght; "not er in; the fame,“ granny part theteof to fiale) than teem-ant at: tee the rain fetonb ha of February, b? any mite mhatfoehet.,- he' ,mpoeteb at ’beanght from beponb Qeazinto this flingpmn of England, moniinion Of “/3165, 02 E013“ 0f Berwick upon TWecd 5 athat then it than anti map be lawful foe any @onfiable, fptbings manmabboiongb,illhntthmaenensoimbees teas ofthe 19mm; anpot‘ them,mithin theit tefpettibe iibeeties, teatime 92 Watts, to takeanb (vise the fame, anti keep the [ante uniting the [pace of Eight anb fonttp hunts, infome pnbiitn at convenient place where [nth $28!!“ diallbeinanes within which time, if the flDmnet 02 minutes, 02 anv in; them at him, mailmake it appeat nntofonie gnuiteof the {Beace .of the fame @onntp whete the fame that! be to feiien, 13th the . ' ‘ ath C A R OLI II: Rams; .55 QDath of two tremble annotate, thhteh flDath the [am Eunice ofiheatets herehynn: powereo ano require!) to aomintfter, ithat the fame were not Bhnpotteo from: Ireland, o; from any other place beyono the 9mg, not herein after QErtepteo, after the fate gerono bay of Februarys ihen the fame upon the warrant of Each jnfttte of aware, mall he Delibereo without Delay .5 35m in Default of Each Woof, ano wars rant, then the fame to be fotfetteo 3 fine half thereof to beotfpofeo to the nfe of the 19mg of the 19am) where the fame that! be to fonno oz fetseo, the other half to be to ma 0: their omn'ate that [haufo [rise the fame.- flno to; the better encouragement of the fitmery of this iktngoom, 2J5e it further QEnatteo hy the anthozity afozefam, ’i‘ihat if any 1mg, herring, (tooo oz wiltharo, fret!) oz fatten, otteo ozbloateo, oz any gala mono, @els oz @ongerg taken by any 3m: reigners, flitens to this iatngootn, [hall be Empoetep, uttereo, folo, oz erpofeo totale in this iktngnom ,- ithat then it mall anb may be lawful foe any perton oz pertons to take ano [etse t e [antes ihe one half thereof to be otfpo to of to the nfe of the ' 12mg of the 19am!) where the fame (hall be to founo oz fetseo; the other half to his 0; their own nfe, which [hall to feise the fame. ' abeohloen always, filhat nothingtn this art than be ronttrneo to htnoer the 31m: pottatton of Qtattel from the fine of Man in this iatngoom of Englzgd, to as the 1mm: - ' . bet 54 ANNO DECIMO OCTAVO, &C. belt of the [am atatt e1 he not meet 91’): hart: been flea!) gently; zine that they m net of an ether 262% then of the meta tithe 33m Man ,- 2Inn that they be tannen at the 19m of Cheficr, oz (mm of the 992111th thereof, ann not etfemhere. ibis 2m tn continue until the enn of éeben gents; ann from thence to the ennui the jfitft 5n: fion of the am mtliament. Anno Anna XVIII, CaroIi II Regs An A61 to conmnue a former AéIt far preventing GE TIRE: and Ba»- pine mpon rahe Northern Bonf— ders 0E valawd ‘ “7 94‘? ” {Was an m m b % ~ Wind): 311mm 9111111112 33.21% qnf ; L 1 .i, .2” I 5:931 finmwb, AnAé‘t fart Want of Theft and Rapinc Upon t: c fimnhcgnng Bonatrs .oE W4 3 “mm fist 1‘ W 11m 35% 11111112111 fauna 1w mm 1 111 animation .of 111m 11km; Etna: 1w mat numbzt of 31mm, EDifozbm p, am: iamlcfs 112110115,th utulal: P 56 ANNE) DECIMO OCTAVo ,1? fteqnenten theteabonts : fit? it ‘ thetefote Enatten by the gings tnon Excellent maienp, hp ann with; the mince ann ¢onfent of the 1m; $131: ritual an!) immanent, ann @flmtlmnfi of this s’lpzefent aaattiatnent innenmten, ithat the tam mt, 811D thetp- cilante ann enemies thetein containen, ann an ann ever? the 130mm ann ztnthnti: ties thetebp giben, be, continue, ant: re: main in tone until the ent of when peatz Eton: the etnitatinn at Detetntina; tion of the fazestnentionen art. ztnb be it further QEnatteD by the an; thozitp‘ afotetain, fihat the benefit of ¢tetgp than be taken away ftotn meat, ‘ known ann notations ithiebes ant: gnoiktanets in the tan: (aunties of Northumberland, Cumberland, a; 91: met; of t em, betting the continuance. of this we ent an, who than be ’Dttclp conniaen to; 3mm none at commit: ten within the rain aunties, at eithet of them ,- ot othetmite, ithat it than anbtna be tamfnltoann to; the 3n: ‘ nttes o the muse, ann Qtomtninion: 'm 0f 0th mm Tcrminer, 0; 050a]; benbttp, befoze 'mhom t‘nth sthfennets than be ¢ontntten within the rain counties, at either of them, to acme poet, 0; tante to be itanfpozten :5?” in ,J ' ‘.'~ . L I' «’8 ‘M‘l . ‘l 'fl ‘ w a. a v ». 0%} g‘ 1" ‘~ Jor- 5‘- ‘~w~‘~ h n. 'r g . ,- r», "’ - I “‘2'“ . “ .3: , ”or"; J“ .u‘ :' V “‘1 ‘5 ‘1"; " 1’ 1'. O- - -“ -fivv f L» . ' ' t 4. ,f--- r o t . ' , x . o. I I ' r * y .c C i' ,d c x. ‘ h z " '~ 11,. c -. 9 3 .: .: mxw 3mm {2:}: . 3;}? "$113361! Um. 2 352% 1.503 “at: wheg 9:233:36; If} maria] ‘33:? $1”; 45 031?? Gd ”5‘19 Anno XVIII. CW“ 11. Régise An Aét for Burying in Woollen. onely. . . - , \, :_-§p_@/¢ @e the Encouragement of ‘ ; , -> the manner: flammfattutes ' Sex-“QT of thug askingbom, mm me: he. -;"'C~- beaten: of the QErpoztation , ';~* of the waneps thereof, for e t: a 3- J4: the zsnpmg arm impozting of linen; me it QEnatteD-bp the kings mutt Excellent gammy, hp arm with the meme arm mnfmt of the isms §pieitual an!) immoeal, anb ¢ommot15 in this me: ' mathment attemhlen, anan 2m: thump theteoffllhat feom ann after thejfibe an!) tmmtieth bay, of March, in the flat of out 1020 Que thoutanb fie hunnzen fittp tebeu, 5B0 peetqn '02 minus mbatfoebee than be batten at any Shirt, Shift, oz Shit mane of, oz minutely mzth flat, hemp, Sm, hate, 45010 oz 9mm, 0: otlm then . CAROLI’II. Rams. 59 the-11 11111111: been De maDe Df Wm“ Dnelp, D1 Debut 111111 111111 Damn linen D1 been with 1111:? 1:1ij mane D1, D1 111111ng 1111111 flat, 19911111, 91111, 12111111, u'pDn pain of the foe: fentueeofthe [1111135 311111 DDDDDD, tD‘rbe 1111s DiopeD 1D the ale the heabmz, DE the 191ml!) wheee [11th peeEDh 11111111 Dum’eD, fD1 311D tDmDeDe the; D1’D111g: a 9mm D1 111111ch hDDID Dame 1mg: them Lat? mom, to be lebieD 113 the EhuttmbatDene anD Ebets [111wa the 19m Df lath abarilb, D1 Due Df them, by 1111111111111 team any 311111111111 the 1911111, D1 £91131”, 31112111111111, D1 DMD»- 11111111111111, 351111111 01 plate 1220111018112, eelpettibelp mtthm 11111111111111 3L1 ' 111 91111-111: 311D 9311D£the (5 "1,1,5; ., 1. 311111111 1111111111111: 1‘ Dbewimgs D1 in Defaulttheem. .. Eben £5: be be»: g5 811?, :. 1111111 Mamie; pew , 9M1: .. 3 9111mm chDramD 11111 3D, D1D1D DDDDD 01. Bil-Dole the Dam. tbmbf 1111 be mwmugmmeem . ‘1 ‘" V .. . 2911MB, 110 13M 11111111111 b2: 1111111 , 111111111 01, 1013-1130.: 33}? , nth“ Wiggle? 1a -’ , C m 1m ; 21mm; +rw§* 313113130 :1 We? *2: 1:3, = 57914., . (“3.9 1:13 1:111:27? ’ i1} 2:} 3W1 f.” '?'.’=3L:~~:“1 4—.— E’f'f." '1": If"? 2717351,; - - "3??! =in 531333“? 9517511 11.1: ' s: if“: 1 1: 1-111 .11 " 1s Afl.’ Anno XVIII. Caroh II Regis, A11 A61 for Encouragmg of. Coynage. at»; 911111511115 111111111115, £1151; 1111 111211111 of 91111111: _; $011115 0115011111111 9112’ .1 , 1:» 111111111115 331111310111, 1511f " Ci”, Bteatanbmgmi-rane 1 1:111 mm 1111111111111; 3101. 1111 3111111111 9111111011 £19111:- £51111? 111 1911111 mm? mm 31194511115151!) 115111311111: gnu-111511153 mm: 6116 01% your fichenue,‘ . half 1111 013115191” of 1111611531 of 9111111»- 111M? “111111 9311111111111) @1111 to Wimp ,a’nn 1111 @114 augment ‘11! 11an 1111:“ 61 1156111 111111 9111111111111 11111161111111: 1.1111111111111111 111:; to 1111 01111111 9131111111 of 1b15 1901112 @113. 1111115 Magnum, am 10011: 9131111111115 911: 111111 an!) floral 9111111115, no 1151111 mm 15111111 111110 1911111: 911111115, 1111 311115, 91111115 01 311111011110115 following, 2311111 no 1111911) 911111: 9191111111 that 11 1111111 11: 6111111211; 2711111111 11: 611511111 by 1111 1311135 m 6211111111 591111111, by am 111%) {be 111 CAROLIIIREEEE.‘ 51 1mm. ant: mutant of the 1&an £13m: mat anniizmpnzal, arm clamfiona in this {minutiamlia‘mteut afienthlw, mm by the autumn, sf the farm, film: ' mugging-,1 mvmcflm 02 nations, flamingo; fowgmc, mm a; 9mm“, wait fmm mm afm the flmcnticth flap of December £3112 than; thnutann fir button?) {now arm (it, bzmg any fontgn (£03m, 191m 03 flfium’ou of «5010 0291mm, in flfiafs, 990mm 0; 3mm), 0; any [on of manufactum of (150113 03 Shiner into his watching mm 0; 539111155 mtthm the iatngbom of England, to m; thcce £1921th Damn any 621:0me mm the entrant Campus of thig magnum, [hall ham the {hammers fizzlflapen, mam; be may" ant mime!) with allconbmiznt fpwb, mxthlmt any SDef-alcac non, Manhattan 02 (imam: fo; the maul); mgfiopnagcmmaftzm @opnagz : So as that tag. ehmpounn imp of mum o; Stalwarmdfiow’ that than be bzought in «an Batman by him 0; them to b2 Qtflapzn, watch Damn. mu @3me as afozztam, them, mallbc 0211mm out :to him 02 ‘ them tztputihelp, a 90mm imp of the cumnt @me-this kxngnom,o£¢tnmn 02 9mm ‘Wolb; m fin; chm pnunn imp of ‘ 3mm, 03 bunnawaflumt that than Wbmm in mm mm by him a: them mabtébmeb, 9mm Damn mm Graham an 32mm, that man be acumen out to-hhn-oz them mfpmzbchp a 90mm imp of the amen: tom of this magnum, of - 9mm, 0; fitanbamfitmm mm [a mo; . pomonablp fax a mam oz mm naught..- gun to; chew pounn 3333 of £15m 029317. ‘ er. 62. ANNO DECIMO OCTAVO' net that [haunt ozought .in,ano ooliottto to bo zlflapto, ammo oomn, ano Qtopnoo as afozofato, that than ho finot upon atria? . than atomwdfiolo, oz fittinbatbfifiilmt, theta than be otuhttto foz thofantt to much ntozt thou a ponno imp, as the [am both in pzopoztt’on amount unto in fi’nonofa ano name 3. auto foz onttp ponno imp of auto ozét’lhtt that lhallbo bzonght tn, am: no: lthtttb to be affaptb, ammo Down, ano flopnoo as afoztfam, that [ball ht tontftt oz battt noon away, oz mozte in value thon ottomnsosmo, oz étanoattkétlhtt, thttt (haunt otltottto foz the fame to m'nthltfs than a pouno imp, as the [amt . ooth fall flzozt in fintntfo oz valuaano to foz a groan: oz lotion: qnantttpz‘ ‘ ' into it to httthy fntthtt Enattto by tho finthoztty afozotato, ihat thttt fhattbt no pztfttontt in point of attaytng oz ¢0pnagt s ' but that all caoto ano 9am hzoug'htt'n,ano otlt‘nttto into tho maint'to ht affapto ano ¢opnto,wattbt zflaptofiopnooa ottthttoo out to the remnant 3mpozttts, attozotng to tho ozoot ann times of hanging in an!) m: 1012th the [amt-tutu the 9191!“? oz @mts,‘ ano not othttmiftz 9o asht that than M’ bzt'ng tn, ano otnhtt any dfiolo oz 9111mm be apnea, that! ho tabtn ano attonntto tho fitit' W to :‘bam the [am 103?”: iwnebfinbwwbnm ,- ano ht oztht? that than hung in ano otlthtt any dfiom oz fin: . hot nm, to ho accountto the (atom) patron to have the [amozlffavem 601mm, anoma. lmtrto; ant: to fntttmhtlp in comic. ano that tho «solo ano Salim hzonght 'in am" . @opnto ' C A R 0 LI IL REG-Isa] 6a @eynenas afezefain, that! he in the tame met neiiheeen tn the tetnertihe banners in theteojf,theit @xetnt0235 attaininintatezs a; flfligna tnecfiihety, mithont peefetenee at one befnze the other, am: not othetm’te: mun if any nnnne mefetente be make in win; ttinanf any @5010 n; Emmett, 0; Delivering nntnt any money claynen, contracy tel-the true intent anti meaning of this an, by any? fiDfiieevnteflfii-cew of the QBint oz. gaging; then the patty a; pattieg- offenning, than be liable by action of Event, 0; in the Qtafe,» toyay the hatne of the (501nm gauntlet beanght in, am: not (mitten anti Emeliheeeh ateozning to the ttne intent, meaning an!) imitation of this 2m,- a5 atozetain, with Eainages ann (Eons to the patty 0; part». ties. griehen, anb than be foeeinngen fmni his oztheit mate 0; @ifiee: 2am if inch pzefatente be nnbnely inane by any his 03‘ their twenty oz EDepntiesmecn in weeks; without nieenion In pnhity of, his 02 then: gamete; flamers, then inch Eeynw‘oz - Beauties, Queen 0; means may man he 1 name ta [nth action, EDamage ann nuns as afozetaib, ann be to; ehet after nntayarz bte of tuning in beating flfoite in. any, flintintheiainnnem of England- . -~ -. Women-always, that it maltnat be, int‘eemeten any name yzefetence to inane- anyjaenalty in point of Emmy of...»-.‘mu=~« neys €023.90, if the HDEitet a; flint-eta, / oz theta wepnties 02 «lung than BDetmec‘ out 0; pay any moneys Wynn), to any peer. .. [on o; nations that no wine ant nemann' the fame: anon tnbfeqnent «Entities, Defoe; ‘ 0t er 64 ANNO DE CIMO OCTAVo othets that on) not come to oentano then moneys m then: ozoet ano tontte5 to as there be to much money teietheo as will fattsfi'e them, which than not be othetmtfe otfyofeo of, but kept to; them. . zino to; the 111029 ozoetly ano that yet; fonnante theteof, the it minatteo, mm it is heteby finaneo by the anthozx'ty afotetato, Ethan the fitjafterzmoznet of this majefties £19m o; flatnts toe the time hung, [ball at. the tune of the Eeuoety ano Ofintty of any dfiolo ot 9am In thetato flbtnt oz QBintB, gme unto the beingtt oz bnngets tn theteof to be ¢oyneo, a £511! nnoet hta hano, oeno: ting the Weighgftnenetzano Elaine there: of, together man the nay am 2:10an of its Emil“? tntothe faao flaunt oz @ints. . 211m foe the fittthet Encouragement ano Quintana of [nth as [ball being any (501D oz finite: into 19w QBajeftteo faio wintot flatnts to be £oyneo ,- me tt «Enema, 2min“ It is hereby @naeteo by the antho‘nty atone ‘ Iain, mat no (Eonfiftatton, irozfeitnte, 9mm, zittathntmt, Mop oz aflmtatm whatioebet than be mane tn the [am gain: on oath“, of any moth at same [nought unto be much, to: oz by teafon of any Bimbatgo,.bteath of the iaeate, iett-ets of wart oz fiepzsfahoe (that math any foeetgn - flatten, oz umany cam accompte oz pee: tenet whattoebets zone that all 456!!! am finite: manobt one any of his QBaiettées 99m: mints mtthnn the Manon: of Eng. land toot coyneo, than may, am with an . convenient than) be ¢oyneo ano oeubeteo out _ to tbmfpetnbehnnoet managers tnthergof, ~ . . t en“. C A; R O L I 11.3115 Gee; 6g? ' their ‘QJEtetutozsfiBmin—tfiratozs oz mffigns, attozmng to theifiutee aha Ebete‘ttttius of : thifi‘mtt,p -' .. , f :" ,I. : 2mm whereas it'tammt "be. teal‘httahlhtts pettensilfiat the firpencmwalte, annahae’ge' m fim‘tpmg, QBeltmg Damn mm @bpmge‘ ‘ bebom hp 19mm QBajeItv, 2min foe‘thefetes " thee ‘enteutagement at Qt'opnage, ’ me it : (marten; mm it is hetebp ‘QEnatteg' hp‘ the authozttp afoeefain, Ethat foe eneep item of Mines, «meme, Smelt, 0; we: that [ball be Blmpoeten oz hzought into the 123m of London, nae-into any other 19021:, ween; plate mtthiutlw kingnom of En land; _ mo;- minimal? Wales, ‘0; 31:013.)“ of erWick up: nn~Twced,fmm any parts behonn the same,- 03 Scotlandficom ant: after the twentieth nap? of Dc‘ciembct,”in the peat of out 510m 9112’ thoufaun the hamster: firtp aim fir,- there umube iLebien, (toilette!) mm mm the [am of 35m [billings 5'_ 211m fez cheep fun of meanepsmmes, o; fiattougsmatees that wall be impozten a5 aboheiam, the [am of fitment}, wattage, aim to pmpozttwahlp fine a greater 0; lefie't quantity to be amen, ctoelmen emu pain at the cet’pertme @uttoms home to the mummy, ann othet flDffi': ms of the mediums to; the time being, at“ the + gamma” "of the tam , mum ties, mm am: aware at! fithev Em ties that; gemlebiaue arm payable upon the fail: mama maniacs, mm to he by them maingutmen' am) kept apart Rom ail othec monepfi by them unmet: mm 1mm: immu- the tame (Dummies, tampon any other “"me ms '0; $¢tcbafllfl€§ mgtfowee, arm to the ' ' P 66 ANNODECWI'EIO OcirfiA'Vcn‘e by .thegtalb ¢ollettoz oz fiollectoze tefpettlbea - 11? Co anti): eteb alto pain matted? into the iaetel t of the QEIchequet of y’ouy Qbaiefty, : Polly elts anb guttellozs ,- thete alto to be beat mama: alto abate from. all othet moan neys among 11? the. ¢uftoms, oz by any otbet may oz mebetme mhatfoebee 5: which -' [mommy they ate heeeby lm’oyneo to tetel’be aub bay: attozomg to the febeeal Emotions of this mt, without any Qalatyozfa‘. an!) be it further, finalteo anb EDedateb by the authozlty afozefatb, ithat all man; net of Mines, «mean, 93mm, aboembzan: oyslbmes, anb fittongslbatees filmyozteo as .afolefalb, than pay thew [ebetal alto rec [yettlbe EDatleMmboleb bythis 2m ;1nn upon nombayment thereof, mall be liable to Each, anb the fame pains, penalties ano fozfeltuees, as to am) by the late 2mg foe ionnage antr~ abounoage, mm to: frauoe, ate (Enacteb anb appointeb, upon nonspays meat of the males by the fato may imyofeo upon «Boobs anb mchanollee of the fame nature with thofementloneo in this 2m. ibzobloeb almay5,ano it is heteby Enact; to, thatfioz what of the afozefaib ammo; beetles well be ammo into any patts beyonb the Seamml in the term anbfyaee of one year aftee the mpoztation thereof; SEhat the may path by this 1:: foe the fame, [hall be main by therapettlbe tolletr: on of the ltuftome fox the bible being. .. also a is hereby fntthet comets, 311m no always lebl‘able anb payable by tho: mt, mall be appllob oz tonbetteb to anyate oz «fee whammy, othee then to the betray; . "Q CAROLIILREGIS;' ' 67» mg the thatge oe eepence of, the game oz 93mm, anti ofi-the maaymg, smelting Down, matte ano tttoynage of <15o1o ano éyilhec, am) the entourage; ,. iient ofrthe hanging in of «solo ano @ilhee into thefaioflfiintoe 3139mm, theeeto he «toyneo into‘ the cement eioynz of this fleeingooms 3190; than any of: the Cato moneys he iflneo out of the QErche: (warmth? 20mm: oz warrant of the itozo Etna: [neeeanb anoetr-Eeeaineee, oz QIommilIionees of the iteafney foe the time batman the £93391? am: Wow“, oz ‘QlBaitees anb mowers of Pom: £19m Mites; iiBint o; 533mm toe the time being; ano mentinning, ihat they are foe the nfe ano ferhite. afoeefiaio, to be. kept in his maiefties £foite of meant in the teeth wine oz albints, nnoee the nfnal ikeys of the mayhem Qifiahet an!) women ano etompteollet toe the time being, an!) iflnen ont thence from time to time, twinning to the mannee‘ ano made of the faioflhint oz flames eefpettihelyt fine it is hereby fnethtt QEtheD, ihat there mall not he iffneo out of the extheqnee of the [am moneyeg‘n any one year, foethe fees ano fiataeies ofthe, @ffitees of the 939m at mintssano tomatns the pzohioing; maintaining an!) xepaieing of the iaoufes, flthtes ano esnitoings, ano othee neceb Canes to; aaayin ,(fléfaeiting Down, ano eloyning, ahobe the [am of [me thonfanb onnos gteeh'n money; 21m: the oheeplns of the am moneys to kept,” to be kept as afozefaio, than be inrployeo foe an‘o tomatos the expense; matte ano chaige of alfaying,melting Down anti (Eoynage, am buying . in of molt) anti Signet: to ¢oyn,ano not othetmite. zine laftly, me it QEnageo, [ginn is hereby Olin: eaten by the znflloeity atozetnio, that thid art than continue‘ano hem tone until we figmentieth one of Dcecmbcr, which mall be in theyeae oiong ‘ o2- 68* ANNo DE C IMO OC’TAVO, 82c inert flDne theutanb m: hunnzen (event? one, am until the can of the flea Qeffion of meleammtf then next following, am no longer. , aeeontnen always, seen be it further amen,- £11m whereas 19:9 manage in mm by his meters" abatents unnee 131's (meat mm, eaten at Wethnin- Her the immtaeth Day Bf Augufl, m the imelfth year of flats mega, ma foe Diners goon eaatesann confineeatinns 191m mom’ng, gene ann want to Dame Barbara Villier's mellow, the [unmf ”Time pence hp tale out of were pounn weighthittop of fiilheemuneps which from thencefozth mom be Gimme!) hp beeme of any warrant oz flnbmmt‘e mane an!) to be mane by 1915 majeftp, iets heirs emu gamma, 3:0 h‘atse, hole, receive, peeeeibe ants take the fame unto the [am meme Barbara Vil- liers, bee Executozs, mnunmmm mm litmus, fmm thejamth bay of the then inl‘taut Augufi math; 13), as the [am moneys month he Qopnen, foe ant: During the term of . Que ann twenty pears, as by the fame both appear : filhat ibis flfiajeitp map out of the moneys lehiable by thee 2m, appoint arm caufe watchable {ausfmn to be mane pearly to the [am EDame Barbara ‘Villicrs, he: firecutozs ants finnntnifttatozs, foe her Enema in the 12m; entities, nut meeting the [nut of Si): hunbzen venues in an? meme. * Inthe S/IVOT, . Printed by the Afsigns of fake: Bill - and C [m opb'er Barker, H13 _ Maj 1% Printers. 166 6. “ -’ Fouo RARE KD 1 25 1 666 . CB ELL..." KSPC RgE1RAREm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 010-007241610