Anno Regni C A O L I II- 1 R E G I S 3 flnglice, Scotiw, Francize 8C Hiéernia: , DECIMO NONO- At the ‘Parliament begun at W eflmin/ler the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our mofi Gra- cious Soveraign Lord CHARLES, by the Grace King, Defender of the Faith, e£7-c. And there continued by feveral Prorogatidns, to the 18”’ day of Septemlzer, 1666. And then continuedto the 8”‘ of ,1-ielzrumy‘ foUoWing.An,d thence Prorogued to the 1?o‘i"oF Offoléer, 1667. %/ \ i ‘ E‘: ( r > 5%.; ‘.4: , L'=; I593 653;" '- 2-. '2.’ .1-'.. In the S /7 V0 57, Printed by the Amgns of fob/an Bill ant} C/ariflopber ,3drk‘er, His Majefiies "$05.3 . v I ' < ’ V Printers, 16 5 6 . Eighth day of May, Armo Dom. 1661. In the H 0fG0d,ofE72glzmd, Scoz‘ld72d,FraI2ce‘, and Ireland KW COM P‘x1f/’1‘L£e‘1o: 1 1.‘ {-1. Anno i An’Aé>c for Reliefbfpoor Prifonefs; and fetting of them an vvorl<_=. - V n » mreas timz%t§ not: pt: any . fufl,°icimt qa;umrmn tztanzf 2 A fa; the ifielxfef amJ% Setting % ufnanm of pea: mm neéhy 4 pzt[uns.cmn1nimn to the - <2tam1nc&m%ominion% of Wa1es,%flm11,hy annmitb tbzanhicaa ofti)za’z 0; man ‘3h1=fttce5"of%39cacz within the fainmozpozatinu, mbmef cm. L cf them to maaof the Q13orum,.inyc;’ms..fl finfection,‘ ham tbtlliks puma: arm aatbfié‘ tit? Em tmwivmg 1115 mm» wait aazifomts mm [mm otbetconbnumt pm: nuwin that -fimttfnimiett , as to them‘ malt faéan fit, baring cm time of filmfmmns mmauo to main a ébtotk am»: the fame mm mm mm pnztions J, as 15 Devan M022 allomenag 33: _.....p—-——-—. '..,,__..p.—. - 126 .Ai~T13d. tD1~:c1Mo" No}:i'o ant to: the ieiaetal tleuuties within thig iaingnerm ’ t 1BzebinenaiiTe,i%innebe it futthetfinattee by the Zziuthotitptafezefaib, as felieimeth, (vii. it izhat mheteasethete is eateaey pens niben a mung aim iufiitiente wemtage in the qeaue; of S. Thomas. the Qieprefiiee heat the wt? of Exon fez the pztegeete afeeeiaie, taut: ®ne theufatm pemms meet hpeettain fiitiiittts upon aezegeeiais aim fiataiments gnam D? them :.1li;1'tb eettaitii €115 mtlemttt, giuitites ef the ieeate; fat the @1mntp;;ef ‘Devon, who have aifp peeieineh Qtlfifbfllls Cantu pmmias mete in ether ‘te putthafe ?Lannse of flnhetitante toe the gm put: pores 1)BtE8Lft2t,.Ittmti:ntt"2’ti :3 %e«i,t.‘QEnactz_n he the: ziuthoeitp afezeiain, /3£hat:«theeA [am time thuuiemntpnunns be late out in put: thafe of iannfi of Einhetitante , the maze: inf the ®.eneta1,%e£Iionz of the 1BB&£B*bB1ZB:: after. at any time to be hell: , irrthenante ‘of fetch petions at by inch £D2hee mall he appeinten. Item, ithat the rain iheufe, tethith the dfizounns thetemith inclefet , the hat anti ‘ufen Rae ti fltemmon cifiearl ants taizilozhhnuie fat the rain ftteuntp , ittmaus 1181‘. hfifi 15 aftet BJZDZBEBD. Item’, iljfit R11 '®httfw’t he thetein platen be like £D;net, tann by like meter be temeheable from time to time; which wbetfeét than have the i ithatge,; » tuitonp, ant: gni.1emnient'nttbv qeziionets to him committee atcething to this; em 3.‘ anti maiihahe jfiftvmmtnz per ;.3n1.“.-1.3:.n mixing the execution at his fibtfiteg ;ann flextpeunns per annum fez hie Ebeputps abut fi)&l1.tb8.ttfD3B take nuhtésfezatteceinitg. k CAROLI II. RE”G1's; “:17 oe1ihettnge,e oz ooing any othet fethite re: lattng tothe iogtfonete, from oz: of any the tails zozifonetse Item, ithat the tram 3uItite5»t-hp nee smoet. fcom time to ‘titne than ants ntay, hp appzobattou of the 21‘Dzots nary , epzohtoe ano :~appo:’ot tome meetano oifcteét Qainittee to teao‘ mtbine fibethite attozoihg to the mgoete ot. the flhutth of England’ unto the gihztfonets; at leaft tom: oays in the week, ithat is to tap, on the flows nap, each <”meonefiJap,‘ano each 3?tir4 nap auo‘ fiatutiyaib am; name, if the ram jiuthftes than appoint, and to take pains in intttutting theueeath ZLo2o§na?’at the teaft, fog which’ they may auom ht’!!! ihittp‘ pounos-opcr annum, oz aftetthat rate, the teft of the ibzofiee to hetomepamug the iaoufe, ano tomatos linomgsa Eetock foe to fee the iazifonees on moth; ~Ic‘cm,33:hat any petfon thatgeo with Euchv ofienee ottew foe which filetgy iaauomahte; if to be: he be neeop emo inoigent, anozttot nhelp to mains‘ tam h'itnfe1f in dfioal‘, mafpe warrant’ of the iiufttce oz~ie»3ju£tice5.e~oE‘otI)e' aaeate to whom jtttéfoicttoh in that behallfhfappem. tameth , be tomnntteo’ to L the fatD'?RflIDzlt—.<' hour: mhozoec to his annals ano ttanp pets {on [bail be committeo to the mbinatp “dfioal, who mall be at become to vinbigettt, he may by mattant of thzee 3:utttceseo£1oe.ate,‘ nrheteof one to be of the Cmrum, be ttiltaz‘ hen ftom the ozoinatp common dfioal to the (min laoufes all which iozifonete fotom: mttteo oz temobeo, than be in the tulftooy of the flDiJBtfBBl3 , ano be ozoeteo ano oes meaneom the ram iiaoufe, ano conhepeo go ti" 9 128 Aaim 1>“Ecmo%LNoaa,[&c. the 9ztfions,n;to the d5oal:=ne1iia2ty,hy 111:2 wartant, may: arm Vnzmnsf; a5 £88 ma; nets ; in otbec «seals 11? .;tb£k iLim1£ ann Statutes ofJtbzs..fizaI,nI. aria to fizbvrfi‘ 4 ‘ anbbemzaum.‘ ‘ : T ; ~ ' mun bzcauie Atbsz tam gs tav- {taut item the uzmnatpfi¢omnIun%oa1, the aeufoncts by 292132: from we ficifions cg ®oa1=n2ithmx;nap,t:1ozimto tum‘ itrtals, be temuhen to we Qimnmon dI5oa1,:{n be we maze wan fa é*“tEzit finals. Icean,;%£l)at the fair: 11 % 5%.: than gm Security fa; tbz mock, beuahxeza fad) mfittiamss ans ann wzmvs fez ztcconzpts a:1Lnotim: méigas tbs fiefiions lbalifcotntimvéffi time; make fa; %£ett:ir§§: the agzitanzts an Iimzk time, mmcljfiwail i3z%%obcpz%nan1; uh; - fzxzhm. V ibatiza intmmitttt émcamjfrom time to timetaifen at the étharge ef the ¢ountp. % Icem,r fizbat the cam fiufiices in \ the fiomittp of Devon may put in am, ;j11¢%{;g powers in this art, as other 31 uftices may in any otbzwnunty by mung thereof. . $ah:’ufi tott)$‘iRings@a3eftp, his iazirs ann fiutczfliow, : am: to amp other patron any patrons, axmtnetr 192% fiucceffozs, tzfixecutazs anb2tDn1iniflt?ttDz5;a11 Rights, auazs, ‘¢lamm,;anD 21D2mani35 Jnabatfo aim, into 9; out the [am fiiaeffuagzs ann igéggtflefi, as if this mt ban nziwt 13931! A %_4j - Anno - . _ , I ' _ , ' ., -‘ .. . 5; ,3, .. > . ' ‘ _- -, - r . ' ' _ ‘ - 'l I ' ‘: , , .' ‘ 1 . . : . , ._, . ., ..‘ Q E t ' V V‘ ‘_ C, _ 7 \. t. _ If J- ~ n. . . . . ._ . . . ». < _r ‘1 - ' ‘I _._ 1 C. > _ _. n ' - n V N - 3- . ' _ . . . . 4: ~ I I _ _ .. j _. ,, . - A la wt-.~...;..'.. _. . . r‘ - ‘ ‘ ' I . _ I ._ ,‘ . - . r ' 5 _. .-_ 5 . ._-‘ . - ' ‘ . ' ‘ ‘- 9' ' . ' * u - _ . ~ ~ 1. V ’ 5‘ z _ ._ _ , . _- . , '2 -V‘ 9 " ' ‘ '-. '-;~n: .f . . - ' ' \ ,,. ' , ' ‘ 6 6. . \~.1. -.~. -.‘ '\ o . . .,. 1 I . ‘.,._ .4,_._.~?, _‘ _ 5 i . , . _ -- I. : . , __ .1 .4‘. _ ..~..... I; 1 - 1“.-‘ ‘-x‘ ‘ ’ .3‘ “‘ '1 V r ‘ ( . . .- - ‘E - . .. _ . ‘ ‘l A . ' u x‘ V’ : ‘ _ , ‘ . z; . ‘ . ‘ \‘ _ . ‘ _. 4 . v. : ,. » . . ' ,,_‘ . .‘ _. '.‘ ' _ ,.. ' I ' _ ‘- 4 . ' ' "9 ' .- A; _.' . :- _ . I ‘ ._".,J . \4 , - . _ . .\. U ", I,‘ V‘ V " ‘ ’ , r . ' . ~. \_ 11. ~ . . . e L An 1% e’Xt€ndiJh8 a foltmer Aft con: cermng ‘R€P16'vzm and T(:¥'v0»?rzlj..e".S‘A5‘.,t0,..‘\“ ’ the 1’f1I1Cil>.‘«:11;o1FY pf Wfllesj: and the County Palatines. ?* )15,;z»'éi"1;‘§4§>.'}j‘/:..: 1323933“? 3“ 73¢ 0.5 “-19a,tltaI1Ieu»t ,- @nt::tu.—= «x =2“? ; ‘*3 lei) , An A8: for the o ' 7» ”’W" more fpccdy and ctfcé’cu—~ ( al proceeding upon Di: flreffcs and Avowrics for Rents , aaznhifion is A’ l w ~'~“> nntanzmbmanyaalaina tiff [ball jfionfuit lyefpzz 3]fl[ug_ '0 ma in anféult UI“T<“éF1’5‘\'l’Ii5 5 fi?1B'Fei'i'nt%%:Zz1Kfi’t lawfully teturucn, temobzn, oz ncnenning in any of tbs zamgs mmtts at We&mm- fler = 262 it Qfinattcn by the iaings molt 0Ex.~. cellmt Qlaajeftmbp am) with the atmicz arm content of the iozbs 9p:’titual nun itmn-4 3R 3 pozal, -1150 AN-1:13 DELC§T§1fio Nc.No,&C. 1 pnzal, ants étommons in tbisypzcfent 13:11:: 1iaumnt1a£fzmh12n, itbat the fam mt, am an the aaomzts ann 1930111601151 tbmbg mane Afoz cau[2§ nfRep1evins nzpznfiffljll $98 £'9ai2l1iz§¢01ms .Df.1VVeP(1ninflfcr$U)a;11 be erstmnzn, anbhzinf tbztamg fozce am: at»: ficacp in all came ‘of Rgglcvxg , mmh an up than be nzpztmmg m 1913 fiaajeities mutt: of mantman imeas foz the (‘tummy 19a1atine1 of Lgncaacr, i,§tl)B;¢§11'cf£5 cf the (meat fiazttiotm of 19:5 fimaicthcs iazincipaa mg of Wales, tnzctoutt of «man saefltons oz mazes fat the county iaalatine % of ChePcer,‘&11D11t1]B1¢D1113t DE 60111111011 1919&5 fauna Iifiountn amtatine of Du1"ham;"35fl1s11?11 auto 1&5 aimptvfm‘ ~?4nn.1B11¥‘1I1n1¢l)2Jgunxzinua a11l',BD,f1Ij)B fmnfllct, as 11,102 faé_1J"(t£p;1tt5 bam,nem mmtuonzn tl)2«rz:m, A Am \ -. «f . j . - ‘ ’ ,. -. - ' 4 . ‘ ‘J . I ‘ _~, \ V . ‘ . .9 . " ., . , - , . _ A. - . , ‘Y ' An A fm: *Redrefs ‘ E1 . . 1 ~ - —« .. - ' .. . -~ . ' . = 2 3- .- 2. u:~ \_ - V . v . ~ ' . *.~ - . , . .“ . " . ‘I’ v‘. .\ . r 1. F. . -. ~ .. . ‘ ‘ . :_ _ 4 :: , l . A 1&1. .%__‘ L . ' ° % V %Anno X '* .« . ¥ - -0 .. ' , ‘ V .;« r.\. ' ‘ . .. .,, _.~. r‘ _‘-’ -‘ -e I‘ _ M . ‘ _ __ “ . - . _ I I _ r 2 j. . . . ‘ - , . 1‘ - ~ I. ,4 ,. V . . . .-r V. ""k 2: .~ . _ H -~ »~ ' 1 -'---r'-"' 381"-“ . v3_w._~_ .. w. I "H , '5 -,r'g ‘J ‘»..~ ‘ _ ciéfs by wam.-10$ e+ ceafes of Per‘fons%Tbe ?§*0fid the éas‘, or abfentmg tl1emfe;1s{e§,upaoi11% %LiV.e3 ¢ 4%iWa5%; «mag nf g « £'iB;anaz5% :a®ntbe£$%AAmm {mg} 21181! £9 fgvzsrvt 459MB by (gag;/~ suing) 1.4 $03 :93 »«€?''=,s~\ \ =m°.:;§ 111125 , ; accowmg «$0» thfi Gtuftnm of that {metal Qganozs 5 any bgjiag alto gtantzn Qfiitatzs hp fleafe fa; I.onc[oz maze life 0; lines, oz. 915*? f0; eats nniuame upon am 02» name 11: «av; ms 3 mm :1: bath oftm bappmaza tbatfuclj fun oz pecfons fog whats in 2 oz um; fact; «mates Dam bzm yxtatttw. bahz%gan¢ km can the Seas , oz to abtmten tbmufelhzs oz many pzatsx that the M1025 arm SR2: betfioncts cannot link out Ihbetbet fact) patina 03 {minus bealiitz go; man, hpgtreaioii _ imbereof 13,2. ANNO DI~;‘C1Mo NONO nangg:znoffucnVnn_%n?geaq;5 fievevfiotwrs Ua?‘¢5E9¥‘n31¢1T!§9}*:ff{0f D9 ‘Dfnnjtb8i?%559¢ nemzn§)f$ $sn1;1géa:s;‘ tern agjtlin es 5 when they have bzonnbt actions foz the A ma campy of tbei§%%3I2ne111ent5;, bane beén put nponj it to the math bf}: their izenants, m!)2nn\itn:.§»naIntDfl impa£ftb1ef.n fa; than t;J11”zf¢ com ti): fame: *- U 3 $3 (‘'3 S37 5 3 R) ("2 U! I jfozwnzbpof which tnnfcljitf to freqnmts mtcntlp happening tofincbiuflozs 0; £35. nmianegs, @1521 it finacten by £112 iivtjttgs molt Gfirceltntt nflfiajeftp, thy * ann nntnnntige mice attb ntgnmt :of {DE it 0:35‘ fivtrni tnai ant izntpqzaiy wlfintlgz, ,¢om:nons>in tbiz Dzefent iéatlianzenp affcjmblen‘, 'attn*n%bp%:nne zlutnontp ~oE1n"~t€)e’ fante, nifbat n if Inc!) nation oznerfozzs fo21)Jbo#felifenozlnJc5 inc!) Watesn babe baén, 0; man he gcanten as afpzzratn, fl)a1lrmtai11%beyot1D the 9235, 0; zlfmbgcp abtzntwetnnfelhes in tljtsifieainn by ttjefpace otmcnen years; together, ant: no%fnEficinent ant: ‘entrant pmuf be mam: of tin jifiesnf Ind) Dfitfon ,D2*:ImCDt1§*tEfpB§ ttimlp, in‘ any man ;mn:t~te.nctb fa: news my of Incl) Tlenznacnts by the imtfogsog fievetgfionzcsj, innbzrp incl) cafztI)epe1;[on oz“ nations upon innate: iifv n02 libcs Incl)‘ fittatz D,¢D8nnzD.n [ball hzaccnnntcn asna/~' t‘njra1I‘1v5‘11‘éab‘s% ‘fietntsninnznefcigaztttion uzeugnt ‘ 59? H32 %t8C0i'9tPn%0f,nnflJEn (am ifienentents ”?¢?~.vflozK ozimetflonvts r, tb9i‘3?9”35nn93 Means; arm flanges beffizvn when men Minn Ivan be lnfiunbtn, 131311 . Direct tin jjntpto gnae tmtr ?lmm’ct,‘a5 if the perfgn 1- 0 C AR 01.1 11. Rg%a:’§:+ % 1;; to remaining began!) the §zas,a; aim/:ih%:£e %%mmaean. % :fuct3%p2;:£onoz V mmzmtm 121‘ mm be it me _v ‘ -. ~ .' . . i’ . ‘ ,7-K . ' ‘ ‘ A‘ ' '3 ' . I _ I‘ _., - ‘ . . . " . .I_ . _.'.~ . _ -9 \ - . '- ' I ' ' ' '- . - f . ' ‘ v . . < . . 5': - ' \ " ‘ ‘- - ._ .\ I . C , . V. '. 4 . .- .\. flv J, v . ‘ ,1 ._ . ' ' _ - _ ‘, I " ' - ~ - ., - - , A -‘ . .A _ - - -. ' . . -. - . ‘; _ ., _. . .0 . . _ . . - _. _ _ - -—-5. - 1 » ' ‘ 5 L‘ ' * . ' ‘ ' x ' ' -c. .1 _, . , ‘ . .. A - ,' . ., . “ . - 1 ‘ . . _ I A , ._ I. A‘ ‘ _ ‘ . , _\ ; . ‘ . .\ ' S . .. ' ' i 5’ w * - < 5 ' > ‘r x‘ 4 a ¢ *9" . 2‘ -, ‘I 4 > ' - - G. » ‘ ‘V - _--_ . , . _- 1 . . 2 x - _ - V ; . 1 - _ A. . . _ , " 1 4 v —.~ _ .. _\ 6 - ' ' ‘. . so" ‘ v -’ ~ . ' . . _,»;.: . ‘L . & . "T? .- , . ‘V _ , 1 . ~.~_~ l. . '17. . -~ I’ ' *7 (i . _ _ “ '. -I.-_‘{,.gi‘ " 1;-“;. '1-_,_‘ .‘ ,' .: ‘ I . ‘ . I ‘{ . . .- ‘ , ' . . _ ~‘--’- ~. ' ' W, .2 .~,....‘,y._3.‘.{.-‘--;-..,. ';. .1 .»'.. g . K‘ Be1@Angmg;t.o .-v-3 ." .53 ., _ . -aw’; ;-*¢‘\'?*:,>i’-' = -*-:-.-5.: 3- - \ ~ .f_- ,;‘«-‘ ‘cw; K. j_' . I " V ,~.-5; 3'.’ I\/Iajefiies Roy«al”.F [ " 7" .’ «"-_ :1‘ 5;» begs tfl!Jl1§. ,1,‘ /- 1 ‘r; d‘ \ "/-'77 . « ‘ . " .-- ~ 3 ‘I . ~\ \ /:I"/,/ ' \. I ' - ' n I’: ' ‘I ‘ 1' ' ‘ 1" x 0/ .'s ~ _: , _ ' »’ ‘ 1 ‘~'. ' _ - . . . ‘_ \ \ , . ~ - 9" 5 AI‘. I " 1'! ‘» -'r«'-F" . I ",,..' ‘ ._ , - '. ; 7 .,- A a!z'.'.I',’;'T"5:-‘%'%e ' ' ,\V.. t *7‘ ‘ , > - ._ I‘ .a*‘ , foz $913 L: "aiz£ti95;;..f*:p£%nP;1I siiabp, arm fczqumt Evifitvmczsaflfi‘ Ebnfz n2t5.anb‘%:%E:i.!I1ii;s% » . A anD‘.ab*1ut 1915 ffififltzfitfifi “ ’ .. £IDt’ficzs,§ tbs aanfiwzes nznzts are occafiottzn m tl)€:_£Dfiicz gqf 1915 %a1c£tt2s3Etza{gtp of%3F1abp.on%1Bay= naps, s>urh, ann%%o%ct;et places ofrnaattn’a.*;foztbe‘ érmce ofitbztatn 3?2a1J? 31110 ableiiutlmlwwvf %eam‘e"n anb%'!Jt;b¢v5. attznning on, 02 %tzIafin.g::to%%% Jtbat oz tbeit ve;ren:t0zs,‘%A0z.bytn;zrgumtzfifiQ5 t,1J6 V £D£E1cz¢s>_ %intm £ten mtb A3a:s[ @a1eft:e,g% étozzzinn ibauv, ‘oz%in19i5.%3BovaI. $i3iD§»[ mnm% they earn quzttionen hp the aazmccpsa * 9%: 21:5 136 Axiffio DE"c::iI\",4‘0 Noixicr wtficztzs ann %¢Lon1:§1tIIiiot1e1;5$% of »ti%)ie; {$5 3r?aiJP.— mm: foz newt: oz '34tttb.93t1t1te:tt:ofT 1515 %aieitt¢5%&%%1Bzun:fien*3,% mmnxunttson, oz otbtt «Equipment. %A5$2abg un;1zt%tbzic¢ ¢barge$s A3119 Anot0m1P%tn%fiilhIt:— % hams Vo£%*thc %1aeacc,f‘but Atonxtetimes to the bangs: arm bittmatzce of flais%$a1’e11iz5 éethicz, hot!) in point of ixusbatuntng 19:5 flaaiefttes 3Rw2nue,anna1£o W119 Bifpatcb of the fining, an which the iéottour ann Safety of 19:5 sllaaicftp mm imtgncntt £0 nu;cl)"b2pm}ns %’”m1)ic1)‘ iucot1i2c nmttzs we . tlllllifi a.£9£EDI?t«t£f:1;1lBD1’ than tn8%ozhinatg €tttEinDfmce%L%:311 ti)p[,€';32wf£io11s of - any can mm the navti¢5%j2®tccufw» 0.2% ffmfl.t.m, 93% [%%f£fl‘%¢£*’b.%fim1%%%%tfl 3% «W ifimnctpal fitee;a%«antq _, A at Ilibttb i¥2ts“'%£43:ti‘e‘£tp]:11igi)it be if timc ucc2flatp:§atttnnat;;2. on th&t%i=&fi1m:pzta1it % fietbice; month‘\parn1€t‘%tbz p;o£ec_twi1:r»t=t «sf an ®fi.Q‘mg~t5vy€£D;$ owe: D2I)i1I‘£it.1!9ij$i1z:-‘ % 152 ‘iv tlmefnéze ;%~?Enact23J‘zbv Atllz iétimfi mo.ft~‘~5t&rcz11ent‘9'9aiaIi;v.J%Imitb the armies ainb ¢61tttnt.citn¢ ?£0zD,S. finktitual am: 3:mmo2ar,%ann fiomntons in iaatuaxtxetw atftmbltbg. ann by the %mu:1;o.z1w% of tljfi fann1a,‘I3Zbab tbs iceaiamg fiomvtazfilim géntbepoz, €Ie,tB, ‘of £1372 z[u.g,. ‘emu. % the ¢o:nnu££ione:sA;nE‘%tb¢ 3HanpAi£oz%thztt:1t¢ being, A oz am?‘ 011.: amaze} at tI1mbi% have npmn annat1th%o2ttp: to 2ra:niueanDJ% pus null). all fun!) nation ‘aun p2rfnns.,w1J§nx % ‘W CA they ttponitiaeitieitquitpyeisamirmtioit,’ oz on view in their p2%ieIet1te,lliailfittbiimitieeiftet to times, 0: V belie inane itteei3Difftit?*5anece, jfightmgi oz muatttltiugei: in . the gifettos, fitoeeeoe £D&ites afozefeiib, at 19ap;oap3,ei» oz oxtothetottaiiotts teiatiiig to thefiabat Sethiteffi, fttth manneti as Eolloemethgi ( ithatis to;fa»;>i:)%e fihatthepg oz aiwioenieeioge . moze of them,» snap -13tII1;tl1)» any «the Iain fiiflfehtes, hp‘3?t1te,r3tIt92tf0tt1ttet1t5 be ‘ei'a{ thetof them, the fine not eeteeoing 3J3111tttTé~‘_; tp miilingfi, emo flinpeitonnteitt Tttoit efi=§ teeoing one meet: .3 izinoimhe power in teeth ‘ tales to commit [nth petlioiis to the ~ttert i‘ final, oz to tbE'.£l1ffDDPeDf:fl)B sliaeltenget. oel siiaeiteugetsfoe’thetime being, attenoant on them, who tefpettiheiy hate to teteihe emu oeteiiit futh pecfonto otfenoing zziuo that the tail: peitttipal flD~ffi£85t~§~ anD@0t1u1ti[Iir- Duets’. oi the ttteatet ’mtnibete'oftheiit then ~ 1)z8[BtII3,=[1)&iIB~[)0m"Bt to oifthatge [itch xjfine A oz ’3lmpei£oneizent, if they think at ztiiii foe noncpapmeiit of the Sfitte to impofeo, anoinot temitteo, to jintpzifon the potty“ offenoing, until payment theteoftsi which faio finesmalibepaio to the were of the etlaea, toe the aft of the mainieo §>eanten= ; am: that the examination of Fiiilitneites be upon fiath hefozehimeoz them, which e thep,< any one iéoe imoee tot; them have e attoeoitigip iaipometeo A to faoininiitete 7 two it is futthet by h fizluthoeitpi afoees Iain ?€Ital'ttD;§h iithat the faiia *99©ffit$_1.-’5_ atto Qlotllmiflifintw, oz Tani» one oz maze of tutti}? ?i in tafes ’ where egteatet ietample i oz 91}T}W)l1I6flfl~‘i5 nrtotu1)omeiir alto him: the QB in pettott V1 38 % Won rm vwfons%»:%ofEsu:aing;:ts .%tim:: man % hzmiaiout, mitbozihttijuut%9£cwma25s%as. , 2&1!)mbztza5«niB$t§nf 31315 %93aielliz5A mazes anbfitgtmgmttionmtliaittints 1‘ats% aizabv arm ébtnmncs, nz ézmucz are tmbmlivb B} filcbzn .amay, $1: is%%Lvp% like mttbszttv zifibat we rm iazincivai e®&tczt.s+% anb fliflnillliffinnm. an any onzozntm%nf}tbw1s bt?%%?1Ii'aatrantAiuna Dettheirbauns ¥£flf5: in; . like ntanttct cm inamrz mm :.=$2aeeh finétne I farm in ai1%p1ac@5.A as 3h1fticzs%%%oE.+%%1%1:acc%~ Ina.vba% incatz of: felony. ,a,nn.puuta2 gm: % 9Dif8:tID%t6;bP flinch zifinz ;‘§%tu1azéfann12ntA 8§ finIJ,";Tei£§u£9.. b2.%mus " bzaugilt in#.agam:%:+2lnn;< Lfljtz wanna be; of; .flflQItB; 35. V9qu.W;§&:WA $b‘i§i1w5t.nnv% . rennet *mniH3mmts that ti) 82, any % one o;?mazv of than; canmtit fuwjfilafg» fauna: tnbtmimxt <15eal,%o;: to: the cnftnhp oéf then: fifiztfcngzrogflificffeugzrs afoz;1zI;3:’i1,[%%% = % t§I1beoz;:taep flfifitmiflfia mmcintn 33££t‘J§%i$*L % ” Ifiisanw, with *£urz1;voz fémtfitififis .i1£¢CflziJ>< T M tn the natuw cfvthe @Eimce:,: tn%appeac I arm anfmzt to 1:112 fameiu 1915 fiaiwizs % ¢n.uv;Vofe£xcb2qum in 9:32: ¢ounv:wI;m% 1365 flaamftvfiygtl cmettwn bimoz~% film-ttt%%£az¢%k J " the fame, msttam guns p2atEnuoming;:%~pn 19zncz£$%%fnu1v WJEDJ fa: J;tbatT=% pmpofa an fee!) fififfmlazt <92 : M” ‘F is —wWreaa«w% £nazwp‘;; . 2tu_ti)021ty%afoz2fmi1, film .fam£: 19zittci13al; sw£cem~ann«?¢mn ,5. ' any mm P omen tam, I’ :f A ‘ the min zammces on the :m’fzn§L¢rsasafa;e¢ ioiv. in gait ;$i3»CB,§¢‘z[.‘?i%3 New o, &C; iLamlI)a1I be auomzn 3%“? flaw oz Statute, .02 %fi1fa‘gc to the Acontmp uota nsitbltanning. . % £315‘ 21:: to continue fog mu pears, from the am-it nap of Fcbruarywnettjou: [mm 111: bunbzen flrtp: anb Ems am) from “Q thence to tin can of tbzAnm am ' Iiflflltiflf. Printed by"ghe Afs-igns of é¢ndCl2ri]¥apber .‘Bdrker ,% % ’ Ivijajfefiies Printers. I66 . uuvmrvormnouu-couuu ELLSPCRRERARE ‘1!iP61 KD 2 666 \II||II||IIIIII||I 01 7241745 04X)