.J ,TRYAL andCONDEMNATION . ..l\\«\ - OF I ‘ . Several Notorious Malefaétors, at 3. Seifions of 0 TEK and ‘T E K MI NERehoIden for V the City of LoNDoN,County of Z1/./it/clle.:fl:>x)and . ” Goa.l.De1iVery .Aof¢7\Cena(‘gzzte : Beginning 1 _6. 1653?; Endjngt the of the fame Month. " V . A ‘/3 ‘ -- . ' I-c» _ 4].; 2 1 ‘I-’. ‘ ~ . x ,'\'l .d . _ t f. \. K K 157:1. *: ‘:4’ t; _, 5 4 . L» 3 k 4 PE. ‘1 . E 1 o T036150’ with an Account of tiée proceeding: againfi tl2etRig/vt Honaraé/e we L ' ‘ Earl ofshaftsbury, dam’:/Je Lord Howard Baron afEfcreek. ’ 7*’ . 177%?’ 4/fa afa Bill of High-Treafon, pre/entedto tbé G'rd77d-ffir]‘0f London, a tagainfl Stephen Colledg, of St,AnnxB1a»ck-fryers. e A} F, N E Samuelltzmmy was Indiéifed fog having two W'ives, : ' both beingalive at one iafid Jthe*r2v[I:lMét:ih:1em 5?-5 I\43“)'i“§ 1 the firfi inf1~?zzglar:zI, and_Lived with her for.t,he {Pace of T A % three or four years, went beyond Sea :4 ‘w here ‘at Boflaiz in ‘_ e i t New-England, the perfonating a Knight of {hit (_70U“f1‘}’, . and taking,hiso.Name upon him! Marrygd another, toohxs Iudnamcm, J1€P1eadeg1 tGt;iI:y,fay~iz‘agf, M: Im 14/; W2fi’,,w1I0 fitafewrrw’, M W .06- f ocafiaiz of Caézfiziitiiig that "?1"¢:94'0ny,% fo.r‘/}2c‘l?°o22t:r£zry to /9:3 ~I2:cZz';mtic27, T5272- §‘f6’J/W73 f0eM1W'rj‘ber, aizz!‘z%§¢it%’1d[l1el)4a’&:c}2 4 vantimml ‘T"’”’«"”’ "’ /99.” ‘"°'‘’?” # _mm _ , . ~‘ _ l % ¢.. I/V:§lli4m‘Rtiefi4r;$fa,,5 and £WO'more;‘AbfoUg.hAt to the Bar. and their Indi&fnent”§t*rehd.(Wfii'eh were ;m,;.,; :hey.Hoodi,Ifldti&i‘d 31' R05“ tiris on t;?ve»?*High~way)toe’chteirt'1naicie:::e~§; ‘:nteyea11‘1’1'éa‘e.»:t, dutitigpis being above ftairs, and fellonioufly talaing away a Silver Tankard; 7. Coats, I Cloak 3 Perriwigs and 13!. ’ in money: one of the ‘errrwigs being taken upon ‘his head, when . apprehended, he“or‘fering Compofition ; but he once found mercy,vvaSe brought in guildy. ' C ’ c . . 90/r..='.' Cmvptovz tvas tryed for coming into a Shop in St Clement Danae,‘ and in the Abfence of tie People op-e.n’d the Till of a Counter , and took thence 6 l.. and being askd, a hour after, about it, in Court de- nyed it, laying he had Money enough, and an Efiate, but there were ihrewd Circumflances, he was brought in gttiity of the Felony only. A Motion being made by Mr, :>~;<*,=;§l'm¢:,s-, ‘ere .Spea}«ter of the It-Ioufe of Commons, That the Right Honorable the Earl of might be bailed by reafon there Wa no Profecution entred. againft ilil“. :: there i being feveral worthy Peers offered to engage for him. My Lord Chief * Juli ice told. him,That not only himfelflbut 9 more or the ..:dges,fore-" feeing they would make ’a Motiomhad confuited iiilfatter and were all cfOpinion,' l‘: was not in their Power to deliver“ l is I_’or-dihip : The Tower nt‘-«t being within the Limits of that Comrniliion they {at by: but if it had been Term-time, he might have been removed to the Kings-bench-Bar and there relieved. Mr. Walla; Iikewrfe moved for , the Lord Howard but was anfwered as the former. 5 A ' i 1 ‘n T Mr. I-‘nmcis Swim and Mr. Sam. H.zm:3 having no Profecvutionsr en-" trad againflthem, were difcharged by Proclamation: _And Mr. He- , I I/irififtrrn Ptiletl the Manager of the Irilh Evidence, upon Bail was or; derecl to be felt at large this Scflions. “ There were 9 condc.-mn’d, viz.Tl2. Gib/Em, Rn-iHaf1’kf0I7. W. Backly, W. C ‘Ric/mrdfon, Lqolat, Arm Smit/J, Maryfloly, E 1222'.» Wolf 3 4 Burnt in :6: band, 3 for Tran/fartation, and4-’i7’9 56’ "’5"f’"- V -, j L-_..___ . 4_—.¥ ‘_IM4’0”. Ptinseslfqti J-9*?‘/1‘ord: $63.!» J » . "-1- ~ ' i ' ." " . . 5 FQ!.,?O RARE KD 370 . T? 1631 .;L:'te.'5""'.-ca‘.’a'.;':.'2:.'¢°°‘“"" lI|||Tiiii|i7lfi8iI||lI 010 -007241834