be C1; A§ATIN W 4 OF :1-is P§r1iamentVof".Engl4nd, ’ ' of their junaerentnlgnt or the Home Mm». ther perpetrated on the BodyofIf4.{1cD0rzfl ; elaux, «Docftof the Laws,theirRefi,- % % M ‘dentatthe Hague,ee*o~nV» t'h€I2‘thQf % ‘eW»;%;;N$E§J NWMNUF with ¢9my,1649.e V 2 e Mew was “e ”( wfictflzflftbfikafis m~JW'%W r‘ ""' . .. ./. ~ . A 5% " I 3 ‘ ‘ , '1 . a ‘ . _ _ h . 1 1 N V ‘ I “Y ‘ " "‘_ “ p . s { xvi‘ ii ‘ rt ‘' _‘y - . ‘ v I , M "‘ ,.‘ . ' a M v». 1 \. “ V I 1 ' ‘ -. nfzmntiraltpmetmg ‘Cbmmonwcalth, H mag wad---4- ‘ , e «.4 «e?~e meme , L. '1 . 1-».‘ r W I ‘ e | u 59" r " ' ' ‘ -... -“Z: { A g "" :"__ V M mt Iadae Hficath¢v»«nfI)i@fiete 1 ea*nnwoneeoftne%up« e"‘g‘es‘e;nf tD£i1?I'ghCourt: 1an1yim.pmpenftnm " “ the ‘min Wmmons Ihtalti) ML t11¢iv mung Q e xicme 91Biflifi:t“t ; H; igljty ?Ln;zBs,%"~~3£be .[ Witt fiemttal of tijz 4 mniten 1Bznm’nc%e5_.,%A% toA1h%-Dn.11,I’I)e been menmtia am am: flnfituctionfi fm%[% %aint1L;z'ning a tight nunetfitatming’ atm goutn"%L”‘*:iJ’Tm .«po':menc.p be-- % tween tijse~3f+2atinn5V,axcmhingito the ancient V !ipanczAga‘nD%rsatéz5 ; ant: may within fem naps aftct.Vi)i5attiha1 tDW?;13D£mi€b{fimIDl'1IQ btsfain publiqnaV$%cf)mtactzt, hawawnuflp arm mectablpmumjeten, hp armwm mm ninlenfly ruining into big ‘ifflnfimiingz fim ifimtliatmnt of England have tbmzgijtfit to; meziaw, aim ha it hereby alarm , fiflmfihfiyigane at very tmmw fenwania verzntment at tm ram hatbaa mug .£I3umtb[e"x uf the faint. Doriflaus their 4 mfinent, ‘arm of the afirmatmma m¢mzm,ti)at eh? hnzg¢J»flggv*}V:*nis%;;@umm.3 “ta; am although we par¢icumc** an tmtmw ans izllctozs f tbiz érzmablk »i*r;mnne£s[arAe nut pct Ac%1eat11>lin»uIhn , Mimic!) t. "E min agcliament noubtmfnpt but the wimnz, 1zfiiteA:wi1iVi1Itime m’fcnhet;, am: hzing to a;'u”%’aun aisnue punia): IIWfl§s?¢t itts fuffictentlymnifefigéhp chain gm-:.~ ‘ bious tb;eatnin:gs*,;.»tn mecewm fwm that pattpfmm man: all srflfifittmxmw of tbiz 3I*2atz’an% Dam fozme1:lp%fp;ung, man being A mm £5 to that 55Pzann%:%%‘¢”*‘ftnm%m1)icI3this mm; 4 mommaltij bat!) ijappfizv abzougb itm hiefsiug 4 % %¥of®nn) binnicaten dtbemfzibes , waft 1wt[m mnftfcute%at1t»I)nfewuncctsébat 19211 can+fug:..« H‘ ‘ ‘ 3 , 0 ‘V ‘ . _ ‘ I ‘ fl “ I” ‘. ”- I _ n \ ‘ V‘ C. ‘ ‘ V , .s ‘4 ‘ fv _, ‘ y; y » H 3. ‘ ‘ M‘. ,. _ .» I ‘ ‘ ,4 ‘ ‘ M _ _‘ ‘m as = “ 3,5 W“ ‘ ‘ “ ~"‘.__ ‘ ,_ _ “.‘ ' ‘ ,‘_‘ "w ‘. A“ ’ ‘fig ‘ K” ‘ ‘ I ..“ ‘ . “ ‘ “, ‘ ‘ ‘V5,, .‘ ,‘ Wyn‘, “ ,u- ‘ _ M.‘ I ‘ ‘W -M“ I ’ ‘ W W J -‘ -- ' »'- ‘ r’ ’ ‘ ‘i‘- "“(‘“ 1‘ I}. » » ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ " “Wr':"\ ‘ ‘ A 1‘ , ‘ ’ . “ “ \.4 “ H _ -,, . ‘ mg{‘ n ‘WW _ “ “ ‘ ’' 0- 1; on ‘ ‘ , , ‘ \ ‘ ‘; ' ‘ ‘ “ ‘ I 4 * t >« 1 M. ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ . C247‘) fut impiete to pets, tbettt e fignal merit sf theft jufl tefentment; but Cbell tbeeefeee eeefteem tbemfemee tetien upon hereby, to being to we puniujmtttt theft ef the memtee petty, not being emmtttee te tempetme, Inljofe t tzttimee ennviseeefmee heme mtg time fezfeit.-—e.—.= en their lines to the artifice of ttje iLeme,. Inbmnttlje zeatiientent might et1).ett‘t'e have been tnneten to gene paenen mete, ban they net teen that party to feltegeeiiee, tijitfitng eftet bloom. mm the few zteetttement he fttetbet we: date, fltjatif the finemp tbetfl gnen te pet.-= t pettate,oe enneame em? mob ijeeetme exettahle fiflilianies , nebeeehp etttjet tite ee IRt‘B%1tb£tiDf any petfmt faithful to the intetxefi efgtlje mama mmmeeeitlj flmilbe mnengetee, Emu’: they then, hp tbe,e;%e;eetuticmef inflate‘ twee feet). 3’ emhete ef that mete (as not being amettt-A ten to tompetttm) ate at "mete meetzu mm migbtietbeemifebane enfopen it,ee well make them fume that centre to be of mfemweettage to A 1 them. "“ _$ unIhII|""‘uu.nIIIu-nun-nnanl-uw\vw-It-uuuuu-anon-II-an ‘Die 7/erzerix, I8 Meet, I 6 4 9. r Rdcred by the Comem4onseaffcmblcd in Pat’ ment, épubliflaedy t V That this Decwiararion be forth with printed” and N Hen’: Scolaell, Cleric. ’Pzzrliez2ez~eretf. an-III auuuunIIII—:--—— 1-2‘ .‘._ """ London, farintcd for Edfiaaral ‘Husband, Printer to the Ho...’ \ notable Hopi“: of Commons, May z§..1649;.