Tlie Tryal of Sir Ialén Stggzgmexe t f 4 ates, tbaéettbm tmntxtn p‘zo¢ceen £0 mat 1=oR rum‘-~ firown flu/7931,“ A Jenkins Efq; Walter sz2;;g”§by 4% William A fiamenant, ocherwifccallcd SirW?lliamfDarveflant,d V g and4VCo1one1(9ermrd; , upon‘ the notation of xi; m ‘ ‘ E‘ ‘ >. _ A g 0 I . ,N_. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ : ‘v ., « . ll ‘ ‘ ‘ 5' ,3 v V ‘ C '» , .,_ *-‘mt’ ‘ um ‘ . W . “ M ‘. O ‘ I @ -1 M‘ " " » p¢tva1tzaup‘fucI) V arm epectauie‘ to "1%‘D91Dfl"8nm ms ahovfifaih, to allifltfifltfiahflb puvvnfes, it! 8&5 V faitmancratmflmllt, ashiftahnnhbvthe tam ztcettcn fichiziis ahpuihtehatm neclarzflhhfnztljetvmzntzs A “mm fl)‘€.f&3’D%£tg,f entitu1en;hh£xnAéth forEfl:ab1i.fh-«a A A inganhl-Iigh‘hCour§: Ofu{’ch“icc",al1DAA$11dfDE Ilflmfilififi/IIIAI hauthozittezg % (919 mtt’bozitie§ tijerem containen arm mmta'nn¢h§ V-£t)a11 continuzann henf fume until the 29* of De.- “nD1Dfl§W+ % ' ’ camber, @112 cnoutaun fig: gunmen am: fiftmauo Die Mpzrtir, 9° fllii, 165a." Rdéreéd by theParliament, That this Ad}: 129 ffértfiwith printedandpub1ifh¢d- Hem scaaezz, %ze2:m?W4rIiamezzzi~% % AL_A¢yzdg§g2;%Printcdy Edward Hmbafidfind Iolm Field,Printcm _ *~At¢thc Ifar1iameqv_:9§England,¢3650-;