5 WWW « : ‘F,“'ééfi (i)' g, i i «5. ': a. 5 -; - ‘ .. _ ' . .55. . ‘ . ' ‘ a . , : ‘ , ‘ ‘ . fi ." . , L . .- A 5 , 5 >- - n 1 . g , , ,1 - r . . V ‘ L, gt , a ‘ 4 ~ “‘ ‘.. , —: - figmsfiw an: . ”w,- r. <_ rag-,5 , _ ' r -' ' . 5’ ‘ ' , . l c5 I i . . n "A . .‘:%’ffi¢ 5' 5, . .1. . I -<—~W""Hfl ‘45:,“ - > affix} ' ‘ 5:. .5) " " f ' hu' ”r; ,‘ .- 55, ', 5' ' . -_ ‘1.-,{ .‘ji',, 751,-; ." “if! 5. v1. '4: ‘ , _ A * Notes 0F the «~ - ' -- ¢5 :1. :7 it"); ,, y , » Me: Ia : . . 1 . -, I,- "i‘ W , . .1 ‘ : . , , r, , . _ Z a; 5 ,- ‘ g z". - t . . - a 5 ‘ , J t . i i 'i . . ‘ . ,‘ :. - . 3, a . : 5 . ' . _ . , , w ' v' . - ‘ . » . ' ,' , . ., ‘ . b ‘ I ‘ I 5-‘ v 5 ' . ~ ~, ‘ . 5 1- . i : . ' ' \ --' . . . -. ' ‘ . v . i i, . _ 4 . ._ , \, , _ _ ‘ ‘ I ’ . 1 . < _ . . d 5 . ' l ‘ ‘ . , i I . , , , . t ‘ ‘ . . = , i F . ' * p ' i . . ' . . ,. v- 5 "5 .5 5: v ' , ‘ n ‘ "Given againf’c the . f , ; 333% 350mm or «awake 4- . T0 the Grand Inquefi of théHundi-edof Ed; momma andgore in theCQunty of Middle-3 f3“ ’43 Taken by Sir Charles Lee'theitéFore.‘ 1mm? and agreed ‘0 by al-ltheni‘eflof theJutY; Who offered to fubfcrihe their Names '33 an," _ , acknowledgment of theTrUth of them; " Mr«.3mith’se‘videm,- 1 . E heard Mr. Fitz-Harri: fay to Mr. Everard, That he couid‘ . give up further InfiruC’tiOns that night; for that he was to gO' that night to Knigbtxubridge, and when Mr. Biz-Harri: was. gone, Smith asked Everard whither Mr. Fz‘ that night? He faid,‘ he was gone to the Lord How d . E , » . at-Knigbtwbridge 5 And further faith nor. W of .fcrzck: Houfe Mr. Everard’s Evidence faith, That he asked when h . hi? Infirué’cions? Fitz-Harri: told him, That he could fligilggoiliptlhgi Night, nor the next Morning , for that he was to go to Knigbtpbrid e that night, orjthe morrow morning; and: afterwards told him he w‘gs to gd to the Lord Howard: of Efcrick at Knights-bridges ahd Pitts- Harm eame the next‘tday towards night, and compleated the faid Libel and eorreé’ted It in fever‘al places : And Mr. Everard faith, at the finiihin , oEthis Libel, Fitz-Harri? gave Everard direéiions to take the Qwerz‘e: oué ofa Printed Pamphlet called, The Interce t d L it t ’ and to. infett them into the faid Libel. . P e e “7 0 R05" L Strange, A 5 ‘ Mrs. tz-‘Harrz‘: was gone a i:5 .i“ seem” .5 aged? ’ a m Wee/We " i ‘1' t ’ ' ‘ (2-!) Mrs: F #1514” r it“ faith, Shea faw the LondrHoward at her Husband’s 7 .. Lodgings ( fome {hort time‘bEFo-{e éher Hugband was made Prifoner) _ deliver a Paper to her Husband, and faid, The} were notable Head: 5 and- $1in (aid, T/gat when tbqfig thing-mere put i3: render, theTeop‘le would 1.: ‘ audfltbeu the} would fei‘zge jibe King, peed keep fitment-1'1 belgbedpefléd the 33!] ongecludiug the ‘L‘uke efYork, and fettling theié'uoceffiw upoutbe 73%le i e. ' ’1 " Monmouth. And" faith, (readfing the Pafiér left. in her Husband’s Chamber by the Lord Howrah) {he geetjieguhem thefe Exépreflions in that Paperg A: it wee the undoubted Rig/9t of the (People to oppofé a T012777: Succeflor, [o it we: to oppofe a” Tofleflor that would fillet» evil C‘ouuc‘il, and got oeruled 19,151} Tor- ‘ limwtw: 1i.'Aa-£"Mi€h lime W fire-Hutu" Feiii’a W 3% Pee endink.a ind told his-Wife that he had momifed ride todehver that Raper’in thatha‘n‘d 54 and (be asking whither he was going? her Husband anfwered, He was gOing to Mr. Everard’s Chamber to hgvethat Paper drawn up. And before the Lord Eager?! W¢ht out Of Mr.» Pitz-Haw-ru’s“‘-,Cham'.ber, Mr.- FitzeHarrio ' asked thCLQrd Homers! What he {houid do for money ? to Which thélsord Homerd replied? let me alone for téet : And that Within a day or two her Besieged bg‘ought home the Libel to his Wife, and read it to hers upon the iead‘mg got-which, (he asked him; ' wherher Emma! had drawn that 00!: oht‘df thofe’ifewi Heads"? her flusban‘d'anfvvered, Yess for that i ., k ‘1 . Mr- E1404”! me a man 01" Parts- Mrs. "'Yerrtifbafl’eac‘ock faith, i’tha't‘ Being in her ‘Maflers’Chamh‘er, or Dining-room, {he found the Lord Howard in the Dining-room, and faw ‘ the Lord give her Mme” 133935. and ‘01d him it was a notable thing, ‘ and bid him. read it 5 and (aid, (ft/J21: were once Tubliflaed about, the ‘People ' would rifle, and then we My fiize upon; the [{iigig, out?" keep him, until fitcb time a: be pofle: the Bill, concerning the Exc 255071 of the Duke of York; and fittle the Crown upon the Duke of Monmouth 5 And Mr. Fitz—Harri: asking him. Whathfi {hoqld do for Money? The Lord Howard faid, Mr9FiFZ+h§rri§ [#02414 [We meet: wit/me a Week; and {he faith, h; gave it for his [Wiffi tQ dead send 3&6? {he {aw her Mafier Copy it mm and asking Wbfihg i1? WQU-ld' Wine in to Dinner? He amfiveredghe had ceracl‘tbaiiaefé 2:: Grflttl’m whither he was going. ‘ 7742'! we: the true Evidence given befire Z}: Gentle- ioeegz oftbe Giraud fugue/t, June the a I. 1681. t . " , Charles Lee; Yb?! :5. 4* ‘3”? Copy of (£2? ~ William Blucke. ‘ r ' QrzgmleQPa' ' JoC Beale. ,, ' ‘ *’ _ . , 2 John Nichol. '— , L0$~C@0Nv Printed-{01‘ Se C4”: ”1681‘. . are, . .‘ s3 ”‘63, . t .e i "if: .5 d . “(ii . 3. Q ' r t .3 ' it . ,f .1, 4- y; ti .11 ‘9 I -,‘ t k u r (A. 'a,‘ ‘ L334" "uv‘. ‘ I" 9:": 3 \‘ ”"ngfo FQUO RARE KD 371 . 81+ H68 1 681 ‘mmI||I\\iifii§iiiiiijflfflgfligfi\muummw