h; Px‘m’ .'-- THE ' ' ' "r‘ 'r. .i..’. v.0 . .. fiumfimfiq thy . Fartlw Nam upon Mr; Sidneys Pofitions. Of-Rightgexd Ul’urpat'ion; He's '* Principles put in Practice. Of-Right 5} Ptcf’cfritition; {waif-Po} ‘3 ; "I 3.: ; £29539W5t:fl:5d09931°t”£/W *3 WW... .4 W - 19““"1’.Jifl2313;:935: ;_ ,.-sv at 7.121;; V Ell ! And where are we to day,Nobei . Mil. OBSERVATOR; Why where sve‘ have been this Four or Five days, already; Upon; MrSiduye Paflu’em. ' ‘ ‘ 1 -. It». The: Argument is worn I‘bn’doflm : And. :0 tell thee the Truth on’t; My Mother am a wow man; and lane for flattery. 5 . '3 7; '+ 3‘“ C0316 Come, Trimmer: If their Principles? hvt'not-Ni‘bt in the Beta], you [hell have ’em ram 49.: Sndby Spring; and turn Rule Rebellion. We (hail! harem more need of Parliament-Rolls; Statute-8021(5) Haas of the Om, Reports, Law—(4m Rocordr, do f More“: we are at a Lofiabout the lights of? a the item offietlons; the Privileges of ~ thirteenth; the Myllerloufl Wrights! of Passage:- any20t er germs of (Bohetnmmt: We.have no more to do then to Repair to the Archimrof Bil- liegsgu, and Wappifig, for Satisfaflion; for School- Eimhx'ty, and Politique: come-up Through-Bridge to ‘ umm'th the Whiting-Trade; and the Great fade: Of Rthkiafi, and Governmcm, are the Men Undou (- edlgr that Uhderfta'nd jufl Nothing ezye. You have heard already, of the Ermrning oi Points? 3 the Dig- nity'of theMuitituDz above the Megifirats: That ‘« 3“” Was‘before (Bohtmmmt; and that 7:2fu;,£ Rule- by “imam, and «remnant, With the Pcefigie. \ft’hac follows now ? that»)! Dan envoy/r12 Enemies," 2mm KingS, are 1119,5170 rai erg their ‘Power to an Exorlvitam Height, - allure unto Ulhrpers, 411 the Rights belonging 3mm in] , 051‘. There” is Norhing Clear ingany of thefe ' 1704?}, but the Letitia of 3 Mortal ‘Avfrflon to King- I} Gohemiaem .- And if there were no more then The”: Single Principle, ithe Entertaining'o’f‘ it were enorigh toiThto’W all the Government: in the'Warld, Off the mums. Tht Tm Crmebe: that his ' Shipment, as “chasmlh Grant's, bEats it felfupOn ;are Firlt, that - [Uprett‘o‘n tangi've no Right] 2111,..That the Greaeefl Bmfiiiee of Manned)? are thofe that 8min ‘Kingly Router?“ high, and then ‘giw ‘s'r ta‘fllfttt‘pet‘g. Iti ismore then an [armada that he meansxthis to he's (“Clfl of the heparin! Stareflnd Rider OfGreat Brit- "‘3’ s» “the tehssye', in Termimkfihatit is the OLD‘ admire; that. hes streets, and! Eltfifol’.‘ Which" mmltautejnas a Qumran; that Damn’d the whole hazel! Elm forl‘murpag; QDtprzb the Lacking for-a ’Z'Egtant', - firearms, and put him to mmtiyas wtaymto the PEOPLE. You will, find All this‘to"? be broolev’d, Recomnieiideel, and wmmwd in his 20-, firiam .- Nay; fO’Wefih into ’e‘m, that they are Net a bdfiattthk Without Tearing all. to JPieceI. i 3" ..':‘i:’rr'z.s Well! ‘Andfv’vhenyou have Fo'r‘c’d This as ,. flamingos You can make no more out thén , QatMmofluion. " -' " . ’4 Obf. I would not Hangtoolo‘ngoupon Thingsby' the By. But that m Man yet, is In/Iar Cranium; quguyb-to Under/"lead, that the w hole'I’drey" we? at the-Same Ah . What Pains have theyta at; to“ P031613 the world hat Wlfliam the Conquet‘ér' ca'tne if) . by a Striker/midi! and govermheir! With the Peo'flé .' And I there’s 211/ I’Se'dnry} Fir]? Point. What ‘a Clutterhavv We had about his Majefties D‘t'fign ' of Governing by 318tandz'eeg' Amy! The Staining of his Prerordls'pe, and the Danger of AbfeluxT’an-‘er'? There’s his Se-l .‘ ce'mI‘Paim. And what has been the [7} of the Robbie . (shaking now, For fofie time backward ) butthe illhtrrito of the 19mph, fifttbetiflbtfia flfl'ficfatihfifis jfi‘mhogn Qfingllflfinm,‘ 8m? Ahd Halfthe Plaid: of the C rsn‘n / Stuck in the Cap! oft/re Mobile. Theft}. , the 'Ehtrh. This Doé‘trine has been [sealeaeeefikand‘ Empro‘o'd, WithAll Poflihh‘fll,.and lnduflrj'; And to what 8rd, biitto make'a. seem @auftofthe‘mlb 0m; and to-Sécrifiec @bis 33mg to That veryMolntb,’ to which they ofer’elup his "130ml! father? BUC now to our. Bus’m-l‘s. _ j x ' If he wit! have it that 9/!!! Power is ,Ufierj _ pmion, Saving The: which wQs'thc Creature 'of the People : And that Sjm': olftrt‘pan'un cwngim No L’iigbt.‘ Firltl fay, we molt run back to his Dream‘ofitEO-L jre‘giml, to findtout the Had On’t. 2.1}.- We aré never " the nearer, when we have done Time neither ;. for there is wt “"7 One (’i'e’vemrmnt tender-the Set! at “it, . - ‘ Day Ema/22, (according to his Tefl, and Mafui-e of. Trim. [That Ufurpation can give no Right, analw ‘ a Rightfull Cowrnmemflrhat is not an animation. NOW... ii“ ”Lyierpalr'm Cam Git/e no Eight, then .Ujfirpar: fight no Kéght :" And (5/!!! Governor”: are 'U/irpefl. What follows next then ? But that we mull: DOWn with ‘ 94/1 Goalemmeml, and begin the world again upon ' a New Start? I n-fhort, Bring the People once to Be-: ' lime, that their K ing:,_0r A-{ageflmtes are Ufiétfefl; and follow it with his Second Note, That their del- miniflmria'n is Tyrsmnical, and you have done your " Work. - Trim. Are you of OpiniOn then, that Mfuwdflmt . Can give an); Right? 4,8 ‘ . , Obf. In Some Refiefir, it XVI/g,‘but in Othersfitcah- not. It Came make That to be a Regine whichis Nee .L age/ghee But it may-give fome’fort oquuivgtleegee of“ aszbg where the Right ir‘Selfis, either nOt'to be. Sistine, Or not to be gIDhmm’u: And where there ' are no meanslcft offitting Matter: Embattsome- where or other there is, undoubtedly, a Bigbtgtand , ’tis as many Mifliom, as there’are fimds in the Sea, . ‘ to 05¢ Single Grain, that there is not any,One“Go-. vernmeert under the Suez, thathas (according to that; Computat’on’) the Reg/a: Man in the Hearst. on’t Ahd yet there iS'nOt One Individual (under theCope ' of Heaven"? but Owes an “Regen“, and Dicky, of Subieflian tpfarrre One Perfan or Other. It is God 41am ‘ that kmwtwho is the next Heirto Every Governmtfl‘, .. in a Linea! 'Dtjcmefrom Hdam': And {0 “the W'rong Man‘hast'Na’Rigbf, m the Sight of God :, Butyet tho Exercifin‘gidfé Gweffimmt, (forwant oflqrawing, that. And the? the rte/Mitt not {peak Io fight they gm Original W,Mhieh it is Impogible for him tomks '5--'r:..‘-« ' ' Jug-kt. ; O 0‘“: ,‘ ’ 6 ”a find ,' . ,) will not be [mated to that 0m» pagan}! ado»; fince for the Peace, and Pr:- [on and : Nc‘ccfl‘tt’, th‘at Prtfcrtptso Wit 12: Title 5“. ”I'd Obedience, t at Ufttrper, as Mr Stem}: Papa makes 41 Germany" to be, is as much a Duly from thelgmmd, osif- the‘Tule were 85 Clear, as Revelation itfdftan make it. When all 6001mm)»: are turn’d into Dar; arid Rubbtflz, by This Levelling Propafltion,l won d hate you W eigb withxour felt, the. Difirullt't! of a Second Creation .- Nay.,, c (hm Salvowlite, of Mfiag must out». off 1. upon the Ground of his Hypothrfir. 5:». wall “gm and All, Profit mull: Mm: other, Nay. their (3er Bel/if along with 7am; (after the Copy of the; the Wine,» mufi bring their (radlfl, a SW57 Petition fOtAbalijhbtg the Screw-3091(3) [Mm alumni ant dihfltmmj and £0») Soul mutt rm the [0!!! W mt it comes to Nothing. T hey mutt Ape. upon I C. Mam, or Me», that are to Govern; which would be. Hard to Rrfilw u whenfwry man has fink, and Ambition, to be in‘l’owra and an 5:» whe ‘anbtyfwdth ~25»: of the Widtitudt \do not. Ml. o‘tlht‘wthcr. They malt Agree upon the Condi- ttttlttéo ; a’nd thqii: Cayman” mult- he drawn-up, and Tran‘rititttl to Afltthimet.: For ifPoflcrt't] lhaii not b; 1% gqpatq'd. it? t Bar 4th thei: Eon-Father: “533% but. will ht rating a Throat, totthe End of 1116; ”'9’”. betwixt the Sovereign, and. his .Sttbjeétx, ab'Olit the Tums. ' Trim. _.Cariyou thy. though, that Thofe men are not Pernt‘eiuw Emmi“ to K mgr, that Flatter, Feed, and iii/flat: them. With Storys of thnyhirant 190m; 2 - Ag H7116: Qatfi‘imaow, is not than“, but find: : . .n. .. itch/2, ever While you live, the ”Ring bat 'ttjyiihh'l’mrm’m"ht-19ml! cannot Mallet him. _ yby. Stick 'Ufiupfltiouy bung fct'dam .C'ampafled flitting}? Slxughter of the k‘itm'rg Perfan or Famtly, the {got/7'9 4.611 Vilanie: 1': thereby Rtwurdcd with the me}? {4} 933‘ Privikgmj _ _ y g, TthisGentltman were Con‘vifle’d’, that the Mt ye Q}: 'he’ Lat: K tag was the M10211 of mummy ; ABC! that t 6 'Ufltrpgrt were Cot/f- quantl} tbt @1031} [if Qiiilalj‘sfif Rom; {hall we thtmci/e his Branding of 771.2? 13’: in Tight Paragraph, with his Valuing him- “”3130!!! x pr; QWiN-‘tfi for it, in the, Clo/2 of. his P@§?';”' ~ Trim? [If/Itch D’ofirim: It: Receiv'd'g they wifl Stir . “mar: mgr; pgflruélion of Primer with, more Violante 219m m“? 'e‘" I’d/flan} that have bit/ante Edged. in the 19¢.ng .Of {‘33 Mo}? Darkly-J ' I ' ‘01,] There is Nothing Trtm', Omit/V4}, nor any thing." eight... or more Groumfltfi, the Other. The Dept: tj'h?"po‘flrttte that he, {peaks of, is the “up- pghg. hapmtnrpatinn mygt'w a Eight. New Hey, that Tvizjimay Create fame fort of Right, though (Home! {Speakingwmmion cannot $1112 a Right. ‘Bng’ , -Es’n’o‘t only Set a BrandUpou Warmth,- b‘Jt',‘ih§K§8;A¥ Governmentt, Efieaually, to be ’Ufitr- Péltjny‘i, And the thtiping of Tint: Daftn'm, is as. 5.9 takings: Commifim to Kilt and $14}. In a wot“ {this was the very Dashing, and. the Put the: 'pf‘ihe; min atrium, . inwhich [Her Hint/Elf um Mm; 554. Tab”? E'ng'? 4'41 And L need nqttell ye what cam 011": -‘ But if. . were (0 much, againfl; Ufitrpa- ti“ 3; how .Game he to with the. Gmfiing of On: Ufttv‘plt‘tt‘étt',‘ upon the Exctfion' of 4tw55tr,in the Late Scddianiny‘ 9W 'Ufatpntt’an; agreed better ' Hun-tn: Spet' ‘,it iebccomp ofNatunl ’ 4 d] flank! Pad» ' hen til M110 with himtheant-gal. .. . , . _ _ : ”Trina {None cwbtfafc, tffitcb 4 M471! 5; Pto- fofed ’to In, tbgtt {an Dtfir’thtflgi‘ - 5'. . Ob .. lfthc Rig ‘_ e wpe’ ur “ ““‘F‘ trig Gaunt, os‘tis T891 houi'n to y 1 gaging ,- wh’erethereitefomany TW'shgag’H ll] the {m Cad: that 9‘0. 85 ”Wetmd Aflimtmg as w'lf- the (“1:43; might'bfiar fome C 010» ye: : But ”as the Cafe is ‘. Put, the Temptation lies plain- 5i {git is not Empire, that ltrike: the Great Stroke in ' Quads But im 3&5:- ploé: that Inuit WMW'J birth Mylwudn Who.- havuo Prmm at lafirwm! Sham: the Gm. mttt- t. And. yet thW-QIQBOF mthnm Enmrqc‘m to the Adventurt, and Prom/2:! of Rand 103‘ tilt. Emmott of it...‘fq .fa y: Noahyneofthe Foch Pa... 44} they arethrint-o, With 'igies of mbyvtg, and; mutating; and the 1/4qu of/bemg: Call’d in Dram: to Wofimiaflvr, fet‘thetr‘thorrMmfa, form, toward the Bcfarmm'wv “Chanda, nod Srm: And. ‘thtn whenthqy tome to he Thfltd; in the cm». once, with an QMa,.(of the mthnmmt affirms»; as they call it,) C (Clint (ht Wham!“ of the your: bt 11mm?!) ta Ib¢:.i9flm01lll’fii:i ’US Forty WOW.- they never 230 Sam; £0 86d energy... Theft Fla 1; to the Mutmndc}. are as much asthma, and E in ._ to their Ambitiom-Lmdm; {fut thtn, when the Lrgiom of a Stkf’ngtm‘ Afimtlrcome to he Dill pers’d; as formerly mto all Qfimtttrt of the Nader’s, . to Stiratp the Path; and ( "hire: {9 many 5'” Spirit!) to Prcqchkebcflion, upon pain of Ema- tt'tm, there’s no, Rcflflittg of the Temptation, where- Hmwn, or but is made to be the 1/72: of. thc' Dt'ffitttt. . :' "‘ .. Trim. Few would b; 13 Semi; 4;. My Sport aim: the Btfl if by their Dcflffifltofi aWild Ufilt per with! 5:- com Gods Anointed ', and. (y the mo]! Ensemble Wickednefl, Inwft Him/'51 with That SIM/in (:54. . miter. , 4. . . . 0ij This {hows that the Author took the 1.1:: King for a may flifutpet, and not (heat finnintrh: He would not otherwife have fifhfi’d the Mn!» . of him. It mewslikewrfe,.what tip/aim he had'lof his {thftnt Mjefly ; And at. the game time, while _ he Afl'trt: the £215 climate; that: is to fay; the Law- ' fullnefi of Dtflroy'qg the King and the 649mm, and!- Enctur'agct theiCotttfkam: fo todp; he reckons it Hard Mmfure tokfufi‘er Sheath omit, for animus. ting ann 1930mm Writ to rah: that} tbelibarrtn’ intr- of but Martha But Pray’e will ye turn trance again now, and look a little Nearer it, and you [hall- fee how he Enetrfmt ', mild-his «figment curry, 0»: Log with "Tethys” HOW. Wiliythls Preterm: of Com. fulting the, 5441;», and the Prcftrwa‘on of a (flow Prince, confifl: With ins Initiating thc Afimlmof 88 PM: a Prince as over wore a Grmn‘;(a|d his mm Lord, and Sammy», over and above) in :the fame Paper? Speak yoipngintiemfl 119W; if ever you. few 3 Perverfergway: of WWI! for Monarchy. And upon hisgonm. Sappcfitr‘on mag. there's nothing. tobe made 031% at. lath According to Who— fiminr, it "Widfiv‘f’fl' wicked; M11}: upon the Life of the 73:1? 103" Kingrflif byTheir DdY’r-ttflbn ‘, wan _ Mutual: ynight become with?! 21mm. Now acmréingto 993. flee/mitts. it would 4mm ‘ Peoplefrom any fuch Attemptl, for fur 9’2““ [with with flatten W. London, Egigtgcl fig . W Bgom at 3:55 Gun inst - Batmrch-yagg, ~ -‘- I 110.1,; J RARE KB 371 . T7 S 5272 1684 sauna—- u— mmmm K0371.T7 352721684 01 0-007243468