‘V O1zde-rcdby the mzzamm, :I“b4t‘tI2z1v‘A¢? ée fortbmité drriaated V ,$ London, Printed by lab}: Field, Printer to thcPar_-_} T 0 11 CH IN G And the Regiflring thereof; And alfo touching A A Births and Burialsi I ‘WM "" A ‘ ' ‘ x v A K“ 7' Mn ¥I')1«l;«L"3»‘r\$”““"‘$|.*W‘ 5 it at I . ‘:1 ‘: .3: " r‘.‘ ‘. 5‘ ‘ ., i ‘. «‘s@|“Vne"{.€'v-4n“~«?""»*""“/‘ ,135“'**W:H‘«!5"""i;k*7”’*!'1%” 131 .1 ,, ,fir.__.. AA Wednefday the zqjhbf Aégufi, 15543, ' W and Pfiélgjb ed. A V “ .. I Hen: Scobcll,C1cr1< of the Parliament.’ ‘.n_.._.....'_. A R R I A GE 8 liament of England.165;.% _ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I‘ ‘J’ “ I \" I x ‘ , . ‘ V ‘ -‘ . H: .;'7_7'5- A " _ __._. _.,.,, U -a.,_.‘,’ ‘_‘‘_I;.' _ ‘. u. u :.‘ , ‘v ‘ G" '‘'~ ‘ k ‘r ‘‘ :_.,,_~.~_ ‘ ‘ .79 ..~ » ‘ ",‘.>~.‘-‘ _ - « L _‘»‘ , ‘ W.‘ .'-\ ‘\k~,\ “\‘f""')\\‘.\ V“ ‘. . .e.' 4 . I V = 9 :1 ‘. D i M M .« : .‘ Andic4 Regifiring .therco f; A j Andalfo t<$uthin.g A \ 45 In 21:19 this balIocbw%I1)flagcecato%bz mar. W ' vkfi ¢3\ -4' ‘v w“‘#" 3'; QC‘ Q‘; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘N ‘ I A ‘ “ fvfingland, aft :flJ¢3&ine an A‘: . ‘ ‘ olfsgtvl } ‘ “Vv .\.v\. ‘ Ii mmzefittg urials}. a it mantel: we Aumm» as acliament, ‘ltbat + mumwintbcflnmnimnmealtb gfiyaifi (hm ant» fiigiett “m ameb, at Biym flfiagwet Days at tI)zcz%f%2hcca1 mccttsneptfola M M in wing, bcitmcen the hours of t-l"¢1J,$’§I!?fiYBD £1330; (t)al1hzVAm tiage,¢ <38) iummen @arciagc)$%‘ne1tbm: in muting, oz caufem bats nz‘1LtbeVve;n41wuu¢tn w£%fiz_gtI1¢tV % <19“ 3&5?“ 593 ‘W W V fmctihe 19 ati, “11332»:-e%V‘eac1);13attp to he mm: mm libetij, % * xgnames, maize. mm, mm (D6113 it Vmtnians m matters ihafi puma;;m:%:M%%%a% 42 mmaW.ozMAT~n” m"_ mm‘ A ‘M ‘ . t J ,‘.‘»‘‘‘u 7%” ‘ w ‘ . . “ I "‘ '- W E.‘ _ ChUTChU2 'Ch3PPf1; o;(w%t“1;e¢pames £0 to be % martian uyau heft‘:it1:)%‘“‘%irr%Vthe acm~:tap1ac*wc% 2mt1Vi1txnv~&¢1JeA %fatV tum the tm¢netf°2mant¢ tIJm:cnf,.%A without which dtctflficateg the pet: \ Inns l)etztuaft~ctutbozisetwallnot pzoccen gtflittuwtctcttificatc oV in ‘ inch %att:tagc¢mnh if any attention t *1? 4 2 omncazpoz‘ ¢ ¢t ¢ 0 Der‘ 19“*W°¢“&11b¢£% 695 a£4l¢&fibefo;¢fucnw fa mm A %D€¢T’WD%§[ 3851-Wt _ % 0fi&nhiffi)%¢3‘; than fr WT%Aff%1%f%0%1‘1DI!JiflE, at $93 319“ W W a “B9 %Wb»;2 1iquc¢m2etitIg %“[3Ite%'cmitmou1y camn The anzagat‘n1ttnc%ratn intznbtnmmvw flmlagfo iflfflvttbzfame, m+tcntm‘uame tnwcttou makittgfucbfipa cption, ann tbztcplaccnf abuan, in the ram A ¢€t%t§%ficatéDAf 1311;liAcafl0tIV.~%$ A V f pectous£oVtntennmtabc%marctw, 1 . mfozetome%%% utttce of mm ..tz[am%¢.~d 2fiLounQ),*%V fig T ‘V A 1 az%;as»;"afozz[ atn ; ‘ V 811114 } ,ann%I12aIz 1,2m:g;aA <2te1:tificate af the ram iaufis I ffic_~EH£Afft t;‘,Pd £;b aéfbf"%fl3é d? m iifflfiana am: ~ % R1 ” to amass thaw iaatzncsozuavn%ia:w»,%if (Liz: thatof?Tfampavtimyuyaltm: utmcrtlje afi we aim tmcmpp em:%sV: %nDvt+ m%fainA§luefltcz fl;aI1%esmmmz m itneifcs gupun flaw, A otbzranaaps (as hea1t£wcsmfe> cnnczrmm the flrutb ofwc atettificateaps of wt mama arm 05 WW 3 _ i1m:*zct£ A“ w 1 V [ C Ibclcttzn a znmn _fitw,fl'bmfl; “all he :calimn The, Paximggegifier, nun 4 will cnnmm tzcvpmts in ti): ram place mt: fl! flies arm um me, am fume ofljet be mu mail tbcrgm » bltcations‘,A4 ch" «as; it: of aazacu 35 Eng % ‘¢'W°f.:>V A Q ‘ rl ‘. yrfi : .] ‘:5, ‘ ‘ ‘ A ‘ ' ‘ Q ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A M A A? A ~ A» 3* . > a 4 $1 ' “ In v ‘ - \ ' ‘ v ' :~ ‘ u w H; (J r 4* ’ . ‘ 3 9 , “ ~ ‘ J 2‘ ‘ % . V ' 41‘ }‘ V, gr I ‘ Hr _, A“ D u ; VM’ 3 ‘ . ; , , I . ‘ ; c‘ymvtb nu.‘ “ W‘ ’‘‘'‘‘‘r‘_ ‘‘ ‘ 5 “ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘w an ‘ “ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ V ‘ 11 .41 v. K _. «J x :\ , ‘ .‘.« ‘ ' V 4“ -. ‘ ‘ \ “ , v’ ‘ ‘ , “ J ‘ 2 P ' ‘ 1 if ' ‘ , . m V MW 1“ 1 W ‘ J‘ " " ‘ 5’ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ A -" “fig W‘ , 1 __ n; “ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ \ ‘ rw‘-‘ W‘ .v . " ‘ “ V‘ ‘ 9' “' “ J1, , ' , ‘ 4 1 ‘ ‘ ‘4 ‘ ‘ ., ‘ , ' -‘ ‘ .‘ w V .,y .v~ ‘ - V. 3 5“ W: ‘ , ‘ £3, . ‘ rg»-»,;J ; Iu, _ i ; ~ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ale ‘ r ‘ ‘ 2 M ,, ; g 4 an ‘ gin Q, fry” 1 4,, ‘ WP)’ _ I,'.¢ ‘ ‘ ,: 1 M _‘ ‘ . M A , . . A N W A ‘ "1 ; - I 4; w J‘ If ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 5.. M ; y _ , w 5;‘ ’ WM, am " ‘ . . "*‘ 41! v A .; .‘ ”"‘:,¢ ‘ : “ ‘W5 ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ , j ‘ ‘ > ‘ . ~ I » 4 . 4-; ' 5‘ K v ,1 u u ‘ V ' ‘ < 3 %a9;unI"rca*tior3sa avvtaswggwvtbs wart»: %,aIs%%o’f% Wflz“%v13WB'1911130"ltmaapfln%241m5,Aum». tvrnswai! wan tvz%%raw 3ma:ceor 43%? (intbBD¢’f1vW%4;fl!‘$?*3”¢;W?‘1 ¢D¢nat~ ms {of ¢¢+mavcicnJ RA ‘@¢tti‘ficaAte#in aaacclament umm ms teat, racy mm, an ofth2[Dapnf‘tb¢A~ fifntcnzutsattoui tijatcfifi annxoftmofi uz»%mozenf the {tilts%fiflD%;tD¢%‘3W1iC¢S % % M % ficate%ntapt:ecciveIfimzlb z%penc c¢,ann un%A+m0n:. man if men mttificatc lbaltbe,A%$19z0uucenA to tm=rfes;ae4u‘nw letkfoz w:s¢mt~..= % %tbew»*a£1evko£J%tbc1Bcaccfa: tbat¥¢oun:p,anu Ltmucti mattfl Di!lI¢0:%%mfi3¢;fi¥14 W31?!’ t1J¢'W== of, fihentbefammcvk nftbzjqacacctsbete.~==V V by%tequiten,tn w&t¢t:‘%tiIj4zmméin of ¢ archmcm to he p;oni%Benifo;%¢:%~?tb¢atuwofc, awn kwt% am0ng&%witD¢*iAAamcows tbetain I gets: anmce£to;‘z»tne fatn+%¢§cttifi¢atc; fez which many; tbzmetkof we aeeaceman tame ouvvvmnbflfi tum» % % mvteftz _ , ‘ ‘ .‘ Q ‘n. mantrattruetbecmuten, aznacteatzppecrz V Inn%vvbm1ence 0IftmID‘"fl)‘all fi%w1anDA;t“ak¢ amaw,%o;cam‘cLtoibcaio1cn% oz taken ama«y,a%ng at'fU2D€t;a ~lIIl‘D 4¢%|1T £0 58 gr IJEKQ fi n D smemyeaes, may mczntco mamwerara % mew place ;AIac1b::mtfon aflvn¢¥fofl5f01tcaI= tug annfitaazugamav, ‘oz caulin,ato?»bzamen flfl{fi.tfiBm% 33?; fl)?!“ fflzffiffiDffiA8tID%‘%tb¢fv fiflaét%z.%~vA%*t:eapI% fann% # pcttnngal, half tbemftu 4t~bw0.mnmeaitb; 3&5“! tD¢%0thcv m'§*t9 €:the uf¢i WP flaps WfiI¥%v%b¢b3’1f I a4 gtontt Lewr£awn{Ain$915%i¢nm‘moumzaitD. D; A m%an2 fizztt M £35501 f “ad? A ‘1’ (437 ‘her ¢ cc, sum a;a1.1 mrmcrasa % tiivictanwrfn iflmnzif»o%nment,ann bekwt I t$i)ami1am~ m fmm% fiaufa of flmtzctton A nz n;t!)etpu‘bh'qua % man wavy perfon mat,%£ba1i’”be conbictenupon 3x1.mctn:ent,m §@;4*e{2mzt1ez1;t,A oz by any ' mm :tma.v£e4odf« fie. .,% A £012 ammgdoz abetting any fmhbéoicnw 0; man, (bait tw 31np;monw<, azmgat M 233.2% 0. Lana; mg afoz$efm; During Afl)ef;mAm;E fenm bale pears next awftefluws‘ 1 csmmmazz arm any pmettbcn £‘13%«fli’W‘lW~'%:. % mat many Atima hmaftm: that! .2 ota£au-s,w bpanpfuctgntolmce o;fcaun,t5 Ijwfihp De»; cia»tzD‘nm1a¢nnnom. % « . * auénntctesmzctjen asnacwoflbat mam mtg ®naw£a.1i0z®bzt:€c¢t i1);aIlbetW»P%’1xw mu tnucbmg%anp% cbtlnc, hp muting, Ceilings, 0; utberwags * wilfully puttingfucbolibilnc in- j $0 thfi W oz name: at patina who zzszmzxgs. boufenzuvmg me man mm? inch ¢flD% mmttnantnis 0: bet ’ J fm content, Each uacntart oz V’b“c‘tfcet than tom-It Double onion mbicuof tight mm + hzlungm£ucb¢§)I1t:c,ione md%;2etp4 thereof to go tome flommanmealtb, “aun tbs owe: to zn¢¢¢mmz fa miavctcn az%afu19faio;¢ to he as. A camt¢zn.bp«awnp fictpim, 2ItAtfl, amatnt :2; fiuit, in any mum: of 330020;“? tbevmv znmztn \ 02 am; am: pccl'otH”JnMbi5o2‘bet:bwalf.’ A % nu tm umnmecrarzn arm wnactkva 8t%fW"%A annamt Vfi1¢%%W3 tmentmx) uura,;tn&rt;;i)unnz;4L %‘WW W“*“”L, ~nu$to me we as k I <44) unto maarriageagau be Afiimeu wary,‘ am A % the age Ma 19 man fouttcettveam. Mn not m£c¢e;« annanpelotxtractm £9)am’a7g%z§1amn; mam name the te%fm:mm flgwafozsiatn,‘ uaaI1bevowm«°frwmfffict. @ mnntcrstuccnec wnactenmtaactbebeaéa mg ant) Metantuing of all matters arm mu: trubcrfiefi touching mmtmcts mm % wattt-% %Aages, ans the lamfuinefsann%nnIan»fu1m1’s m;%;ereof;ee al mzceptions agatntt dtonttactsann %a:wrt’agcss. A att1)z%mI1wautto11ofjfozfeitures ” mzwm t1)iS%£t, fi)a11bzinfl)cptnmct, am: cm A femiatntvljeDetermination of WEE utitccs of wee in tact) etounty, mtg» Mo; 3130 lnnfluzpnm rate. at the fienctal flmtarttwec fiefsionz oz %offucb*otbecpevfnnsromat man Ancmmtne we ream, as We 1%¥1ia*!I:g§1t‘ CW1 bwcaftec appatnt;%~ t1inn%h*er%;t~tfurtiJ%cv% finactmm all ants ®a°wc%ei anwfiencesac.anv%ttmeoz Atffilbefibfiffififffif ¢¢0%fi1"‘ft€¢33AA@z D°11WI30110z:D¢wr r%unn%tne% ma to the items: arm true flntcntvrannwV.eanmgo;f this Stet, amt! V annnrap bctmey ianv%9¢ttv,iEonm~¢ozpo= rm hm tbz‘W5°II Dlwfflvflfi DBWWG % anmcD¢nD¢D%o2atmbéb foztve ,flewkwfi¢"¢¢5%M&f03¢¥am»A « mnnjitfzwalfo finactznmtbdtmhcvewere %at.¢%fma11 “ ti2;€:8vs;Dzv1a?V¢$‘n‘° ‘ V1 % %oz.ntug~wtcm name 1 itbt ~11 fwfi V 0 ‘Wfl C.¢%~at mic‘ <fi“z=n't‘raI~:9 211.: nous; (+5) fiotys, 02 an? thmoz maze of them, may mum two 0; nxoze fucb 19arit1)e5,o;£m:t) pm- ccs ta utmx aaaviflywf (at that wtfctetions) n3i,1ict)*l1)aI‘l bzaccmnptm one iaatflly, am the nzaxms anew mama mimosa mm cme ffiegfftfito fewwfm incl) iaartflycs annplaces oum’e.. am: he imnactcn , 31: bat an awn warp ttjz nations in tum mt nzentiozm:,t1u=w mm (bail, in their {metal places by hettue beceof, put in mrution auann chew we miners ant: Rm»- tijuzitfcs tcfpectimrlp to them limiter) by this 33611 31"!’ flvimia mfitatutc, dtuftomnz image to the contmt? “nnmmwttanntng. mm all fiem;mt.=%UD1n3 fa; wamages, Wang arm fiuriais a1Mz;caDr% vafta, man he veltnmn in to the Danna of the cefpmtivtae afiegttters an: pointer» hp tbtsztct, tom kept: as mcozns. man it is Ialp mmctm hp am pzefcnt agar»; iiamem; , am» we Sztntbnzitytbereof, itbat this g..22fmt art than be tnfozcc in Ireland, £30111 arm afliw fl)BL{§fi‘£’fi Dflfi’ ‘Of December”, mbtcfj than be in the mat of omtfinm @249: tbnuiann fig; gunmen fiftpauntbzec. A W We/6/4) t/fie 2z+"’r2f Afigufi. 165;. . 0 Rdercdby the‘ParIiament,Thatthis Mbcferthwirhprimdand publiflued. d % zmscow//, C/erkof tl7e7’m‘1iament. V-""'