fiNSTRUCTION$ .__ uM).<»m,~’?!1 ,.‘a ’*,%‘::I.:m '3:.w'wt‘v: '**"5"“"W‘-<7“I«-v“'“ W '1 mi \ -r‘ “-:w!¢.‘L'- .. -» “ MM % Ag1*ee&uponir1 4 P AR LIA ENT P 0 R_ A % . For Surveying the Forefl: of S/9€V’H?00d .3 The For ePc,or Chafe oENcedwood;, Th‘€:F0rcPr,0r Chafe of Icfingfwaoclg, The Forefc, or Cbafe of A/Yydozam, or L473... mfler great P:u‘km;A and%E2:wlfie1:!Chafe.4 A A A In purfuzmce of an Adi of 1:E.1isprefent Parliament, Enticuleda A’ 4 Ala? and Declarationgtouchzng fi2rz2er,:zlgélzfi“'5 mm’ 0:w1i;azzm‘e:A made C OMM13 5 I0 N E R S; film tbetwemietiz ofAp1‘i1 I 6 S 3. -ma’ lrefore the third VA % A of September I 65 4. 4225! other A635; &<;. ~ At the Parliament begun at Wefimiagfler the 1 7 ”“ day v N of epteméer, .9172. Dam. I6 56, ¢ ” L0NDON,A+ M Mlsfintedby Henry Hills. and ijahn Fifi/d,Printers"A % j % :0 His Highncfs.’ V1 6 A f ‘In ‘..,t,.-.,,, ‘.-. $ % égeszaus concerneptijctein ,-, was $3 to farp,’ TM: “ mas HodgesgNehemia%hCo11ings,i SamucIC0ch‘ingt4on» mm George Reym01fidV,wiW/ifliam Grigiyaim Adam V Baiahamj @fs;pou,%anv tam uzmw 0f_m ”_ £D¢¢~o:11mt€ii0[n2rs*fa;Afhdown fifmii U2 mafiss 02 .~Lanca%flei? AQAEW Vavrkgtogfiflfiw WW any W323? ;.‘u£::l? fifftfifi 98110115 3% KW” flfi?fiE£?EafiW$%fi“?9§J@ b¢i)8441f05@t~‘70%€ i@3fl»9zi¢fiW5 9% %?$fiNW‘e*%’£Wa A 9fi)Wv€¥i'*3iI5 cunmm ¢.1W%'fi14s W‘? W Anthony Shirley ,; Antbbny % Srapglly §A§fl1liajm Fret»- A man, Richard Bc31 .1‘ght0n,% % mm T1V1§Ovma5_]'€V;mcr, rm; %a‘n?fiJ2¢9a 0: *4mm 1%‘ PM we m2%%i‘%%¢W<” cum fa; -Endfie1d@i)af£ wgmfmt §3%?iEi) zany am much» nf %ti)c%4p«zt‘mn5 UJem.£”t%c:t nsmzwj mu ma iaemifof the 1Bz&o:ip2,ézmg5, fiflmmazsmw , am mam:mvf0ns%cDnwcnwtmwn-z A ~ A =1 V L 4 ‘.Wi1fo,rdJv+~oE$Had;ey,anh% Hem~vM;rm nf l=1e1y§®i‘Q§~; auto exaa'n§nm”fi we mmmegk alteaw mm arm £0319 % inane a‘£&f0m'am, 4 9139?? at any @Won%‘J2 I3¢”501fl5a?’5 flW:5*ififiiititk In firnzxmmte % 0: ‘flnbaicams siaimfinganv QBImDm35;: annfia %fizeumwnw.%»:@ammmz%mf mg i am am, woms¢,A W age, 1%a&nrW,~%i%€w ¢ Vhaw‘, 1%z0§'t5.,iF%~i9Dt5, fihmnmfifig %wv2g_Et}r~* % $.Bzz,fl—ibzvtI¢5 willSfrancbtfegmfiwfiflwgmm ¢Daf;s fiszttibew, aunmzwa __,“ ‘ ‘ ,, 3' “ ave1Jwehv%vu K‘ |“ ¢:wflha%°ft %4h1re, gm Aci)ingtbe%Vfarfie”; M V ozwt owifi fig} bmgtbvfame 5 % éfitflffinfifman %¢x=-'4 13 Min ¢ni mrut~L;«r 31!§:R0b¢FtBut1€r»IhnHa¢ker»al1i' ‘lancafierfimmz wamk ta an3»}$¢wan of i>%=°n»Themas Pudffifficfnrr Stoneantbaniel foi§4,m:wz fisV;efi%9f eedwoodgm any tbe3f%oz2ft%%nt1z;i;;%gs¢.Woaa$;; f 1 Sta jfuz, faiifi @E'$;Richar& Lucy, ¢ Iohn Barns, Paul iCdhjdl,"% ‘L; ‘mg M tbefifmamibe, biz’ 3*”? ‘33W[[9fA3’”“. ¢”mmW’3“,W5 fm ¢£a‘w §amtm¢§Fmz1%smi)m hp am‘ mm:fi'emn$ vwm‘ mnmm ma Mm iz1m‘fi2mwT fiaaacits j met my enmy ha mmrwn Hfo;Mtcm1¢of$lmm a1mmg%gu mm; 11%, 0; any Atme, 92,» W324 sf pan, A go % anmamfu%1irmn, immg (mt maunkggf t1jemne,% nhtamtifife ti)eit‘%namgg¢. unmtm man fl¥niefi% mz ¢ % , arnptman»fitIje%*pzcmns amzmw, rmmma£¢B%anu iappointen%onztmw1;.g:.—=.~ mm mm %2Umiemzs}annffininmaxmfkgarm afizfi} m%3w‘%V mtfoztg ncemcnin am; ma ivvcfifififififiawflzmic» arwmseby ta WWAmtw W 21503:: 6 fimaizmfimwnars in; we ('9 f3 3? fir are ‘W’ ‘B 43:» 3'35 G S Q Q we fam¢5feze 92 msavrwg tmintéve W %bm¢fi’ 20$?¢€€~cbr¢fPWibe munws%axm: upmnt1)§zm1'i€wfanytmze%+e;ma;zof% ggagbg mrmvfizfi W tgmvefmctine grazeannqnam W, 45“‘“9Dmfi9t¢fP¢vt W ammo from tinu: aw EM ‘W 301?? W tbcfaifi‘tvzeefrezcberraxgsg mam Hmymarm fez @t)aiIe:: »m (6) cogwmrame an, chemo; anyractjmatmea in t1Je¢nerfons to miner fummomn ant:r¢tntneD.«av¢1J¢rehvtzcmim to mam tmit * appeacancesmnn fcvnzaznro;z,accn2uing1y, untoInw:1J 3utoz5, was 0; antwzec at gag, am new power to anmtntaev an watb tea ytpzcsitizw arm to shame tljcuwt £0 inquire of étyzfttutbofi tbe%mattevin fact ifitbatvhwflif am: incafzanymattct of jfact F than hzmm at any two of the patrons numinaten on he: % % ba!f"oftIJe amopzietnzs mm fiommonmzs inzaci) %refnecttm3roze1Iozwaft, W he tvienbvfiuvv. {ball mt be%cm1tenten unto by you £132 want; *n1iIIion¢ts,‘ many time ofpnu , fa; each was fpcctibejfozcltnz Gtbafc, than we flats mfi we «raw 11% ctvtifibhw totbt V¢0mmW¢ 95 %@== %W11,%am3uintci1“A We%at1iament%, Dmaftec mzntioneng, 111130 aretogibzognevtoucbingjiije ‘A fame as to them, In an? fimtuf A Wm Emil mm at man in care you tnefebemi mm-e &nfi%¢€I"“&1« miifionwfi fo;eac1Jvcfpzcttnearozett I3; Maia 4 % flyaitgnaneany reafonablz saute‘ except mg Mimi WP ®Kt'0I'€At£ib¢n fivanv film», Wu, 02 an? time of 9011. "f0z,eacUt¢f1mtific 5fozeft %nzcu:nat'e, arms cem’&e+ynAucW mtcpttonz to 7 fame merntct, to we fatnxommtttez of appeal,mboAa;a11 take raw om: tyzrain as ‘ -- 1 ' (7') VII. y.att.0«gw‘aii12€tiI,1giezngmumfi1§uLLt.%<£fitl1mifi‘i=z: mwwfuzmcbwfmtineamzafinz uu%<£nm11tiflYs~* anew fez eacb$%t%efpecttnejfmefioz <£1Jafe,togAew% tbfitamittjmnp mm ufttgzafugefain QWTDIIS aw mmzen fintiJc4mba1f0fwt1J£“imomtztozs, V . ‘ | | cafcvam & $0 %f9, tngeti)j£%rV any t of 3% m fa: qmronsappmtzn A %z*132i€wz£,Vo mam: j. 5 mm pet%ffisto%n§—~ % mum , A %£ba1tf10t %%ag[m than any Vttjgw 13; mmtsf ;>mz%fimmmfifiinmw fm fifith r¢fp¢ttine afmfioz %¢‘iJafe,togetiJet W52 any tmnof t131e4afmvefm’n zmfsnzapmimz on the bmalf of %thz%%,A19zn13;i“eto3s, manta: ' new, arm amtfonztuncerueb therein, wall ei%.= fibrv m2mt1.P 03 f tugs tbmnf unta tbe%f aw%mmmit%V peat mbsupqncmt mzmtann tbemf , arm neatiné ibhat mn hc fmnnnvnrbaaauziesj anhfm1e ants néetmlzinetbe 1’ame,s sf them£i)a1i fzem mt awn wafmnahle. mung anptb:efiea;mé;eu%%fpm: cmmxuua wfvficfibe Jmwfic ma €tIj€t:dmitDaIw tflJfl»*flf tijfi ‘a%"fflz€i'é%ilJA‘1Bi€tf0n§=‘ ~ we a anvmnttfh we hvhaif the iazmmjetnzs, } Amnunmnws 9 amperfmnsttmwmw am a: anus men A ealtbs @A““jfig°WW»'i°flf¢ yanh W M é 2 ‘ v P “*0? j7 u A4 5 fam mp % !1 W5 f93V“%Ef“CD%AM%Lrkf?’?c % V % ' m them azmyfout fmm %mvfitf0fl»Xa“fi{fwvtII% T 9‘ : ‘. . ‘I I _"» ‘V ‘ » ‘ I J’ , ‘ ‘-‘ \: ¢« :“ fit‘ " _ ‘ V X 5” 5*’ $5. I~j_» ii; ' ’ -.‘ ‘ ' _, 1 , c .: I ‘ '- ' _: ‘ . "J~‘.‘.‘.‘_l“:‘ ,’ ‘; X‘ I ‘ .\ . .. . . ’ ._. K. , . , . L \ _ ‘. “ ~ ‘_ ’g\*»2Z': , - . , _ 9» M “ “ ‘ . a “ _ ‘ ~ rfll ‘ 1., ‘~ ,‘ “ ‘L ‘ ‘ ‘ . h‘ , l - " ‘ " “V 11:‘ «\ ‘V V ‘y_\ .‘h‘,;-N‘ :_ _ ' ‘:_. .; ‘ _. ‘ .0; ‘ ‘ ‘W2, 4 k, 5;‘ “ _ :r V, .1 , ' ‘ ; “ ‘ ‘ ‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘:.." _ “ ", ‘ ‘ _ 1‘ ~ g! «,4 ‘wt ~ ‘ '.\ 1 - ‘ ‘ ’« . ‘ - ..' ‘ - 5: >. V: \‘ H > _ ;: ;: an A - ‘ ~, _> V - « .. ‘ ‘ - .;' : ;~. ; M ' 2 - V )5 ,-.;«.~ 7 . " " ’ . ., ' ~ ‘ 7- " ‘ V- ~ , \‘ 1;: - ’ .. ‘ ‘ . ~~ 4* :,“s *' < ‘. '- " - ‘. . ‘ 2' ‘ . - 3;; ‘ gfi ‘ an an tr 2-2‘: ’ , : ‘" ' v.., I =, j W ‘ ~; M "‘ “ ,, w »i- .. - ., r “ : .‘ y ,“ r ‘ H :\ “ “ OfftbB4»1%2fimietaz§; mmmunew, “arnnpetfnns tnnccqncnwereing man fwlt v¢ffl}1aWf0z» t9fW:t% of mama tumthzrzflfs 4 arm VMCME mt Afozea£h?%W fp2mhe jFnzc&V%$0z%%Vtfiijafai.m§£tmw[ . * tmaWweafomain mans an; QpainwfimnwfiWbaif 0ffmM%2;0¥?«i€tm5,@mu~..: % rsuauezmnfi %®wfwgcnntttm W1 V agrVee‘,M 75;.t"bm1 }%?%mx% A?a11? ti)m,0z u 3% mt’ cmittttifimnevsfn;¢acbrtfmctimjfmeft a:@baf€,t0gethwwith a%ny?t1m{u$‘f ekafmeéfaih mouvoncnnamsa :4 % {$31117 V me pccfmL<3mnmtntmun tijehebaifaiftI3z1map;:,a %cm;*5,cztnztmwnzw 5 annwetfons mncemm, yaiififivfi fit? Q2fimstaiiycextifie mm pzawws tngfi tD¥€tm’n,%% togwcwermitbti3e%<'£aufw mm % nzitteeoffivn W1» ,‘ ‘ 5;‘ mam U-‘*tiJfiW3 fl)afif°¢tfi ¢’ Wflzfiiflflafi WM WI1103%A% 3“¥1PfW¥i.Aflf % fijmg anB%cuaL%M Qinflfmanxdann 4 amt tbefettlamzn $5 flffizfiffiifl: zzum-:a £1)? fai n fiba a D %anuzs, 9&5“ m£m£t1t5~*5j*iipin§§; , 1) their fi)a1i*m me unu mac 3 9 toa%u¢ n “ . Q5 -as n z¢1’mt¢sVan%1fl‘avt5»%% at g % Afgngpflfzfi mmtfneax A Wt fzsatm%Vn”e'nce43‘afgain& tI1¢V3reV;%eagL am mm A 02 fufiereb in 0: %u1mnVthefame. é finuyare not<$1aim%of £01n%owcv,fnns,mmesaanmmm;mgpogm, A gaarifly A.%oz1;9amh1ct , tq smpm emeafn iLanIJ5L ~ tn pufi”e1T(nn%n;intwmtfwngoz to m1p_0tbBtp.;n:: Vts oz%Aanvantagc5 mbtcnbanzfnzancrip mm A 4 Qtant?enWiLea1:%z, 0; by iicttets aaatentgflvfng mm nfiunes oz 9 cats , Aunim aficnt teféf4m:« W hen tljmupnn (mljicij mm: was but amt! W1’-: A A ableaccozmng totbefain 13¢f€t11§ tiDfl)b§?SJ?¢€#i4 4 tucnfanygenevalwDzD+3cnnI1J3eIjenIJmin amp» figant oz cifizants from the late iamg, mum: 02 19211166 , 02 fmm we itufmsnaa A menvintbe mt fa; male oftijz mumps, fiaacs nuns ann imnns pf the Iateiaing 3 mutant); A wince, unlefs the pgemifes wc1aimen54ne pean;.:« tiwmwipzntcntionen in tm ram «Emma ma manta ,. ant: value!)intfJe%¢pavttculat mb1'cl)ti)c {sup clfimnt oz. wants ijancyzen ‘ gwunmzn tefpectinelgél % % mftevtbetigbt 0: pznpnizttanom hcmngfing tn tijefinxnmnnmcaltb , ez't:bet% as t1Jzat;m’ent mane: 90?! tbmof , ozhp fuc1)(£o1m:mfitia ans aun Qifimmentsay aflmfain ;, fl,3a1!4%he af~ cevtainempuu are to infnzm pomzfcwes what the pzefent pearly 11aIuenf,t1)c fairs ; Lfanh§ M%(itt% cafe t1Je~fam¢vv¢ incIof¢B> warhead ast « moon anti filiimhtiazizw non) growing npnnt" It i'amc,d&mDattbe value mitlht, bzing%incIMi'¢h;’~ mbattnecbatggtof ‘ilnclofingAtI)c%famzfA1hi1I an1ount+unt:o, bat flntpzemnuent mane in care tmfamc 11¢ cieatw f V i ;;“;%%dV‘%&~gifl)¢g;%myV : :3 U‘ (9 ('3 9 tbenen of Wm anb A ED M ,4 afwtting.gtantina«. ’ (11) F % t'fijerenif',‘% %anDmDattniaybeV11to& amaans tagwufi tn tbz mmmmnmcaltb mbatquan: tit 05 V’I' l;l1h€l3Ir ap DB€iiR£I‘i!ama? %$%;nDwmLthereabwtfis an *%I:m*tifie auto '1 h%t5mas?€oke; Wil1iAam%” PM-row, Williamiléen mm'f~ A Steel T2y1o'r“;4 Thbmas 13*‘-=:f;% j%co:nVe1ius Cc:ok , L532 any Emu: :0: maze team” #£;cu1ms nnminatzflb? ®ziJI'nance fog , _,‘ ,. "9 ~ gwtvcm‘ fmzeA3m;e&soz