PrxntsrsroflxsfllghnefstheL01“ €30 {$0 hf E E 9§!(§2§§.@E@ E E€§fi§§§.é§Z€é?E’é Ea » he Multfp.licit'y of fl ' ‘ UH ‘ ' t“ ' :1 *»..'.b ‘,1: _ ‘ 33"‘ ‘ x $59‘: the17‘hdayofSepteml2er,/!n.7)om.1656.; ’. AA §:' W Henry ' KC!’ ‘ :75; A ', P 1&0 TE CT 0.11-I557 vrr I ‘Q ‘» . tflf ‘ V In ‘and,2.boutthe Suburbs of % %3§ L N 1) AND V »2:‘?‘= ' _ e _ . A _. “ ‘R V. .2‘:~,a;< _ VV1th1n Ten M1165 Vthereofiy A,>-.=,*:—~,<:~*»A “A; the Parliament beguun %AatJU"c:/Zminflér 4 gg V e2Wé9£§*” fmh; Preve ntingofthe .Multip,1i¢ity of , A > % % V % ._ x, \ ..a-- « , P . ‘ . . ' Ii 4 Inand abo1Jt:he»Su1§>urbs<:if4 .. . " 7 ‘ » , .. ) .' - . V\7ithin V Ten Milésf‘ ’th ereo£ row’; mat:-bmxfes anbmttages arm; " ‘ £7! aunnem builttn anfiahtmt the ""I»‘ I ‘ 5'7’ *9 " I "' «/z?7// fpeenpflm:fz.§%fo; tijeiaenzéfzthereof mu bl?t1)€$i?b&m.t1)¢faiDi90IIT¢5fiflfiiwi fafiwfi Dugbt bcabateqfinvtbfi 2%ui1DWs% ‘I. ~.b ° %"i19ti:‘ea§ the d52¢at&a1in' fixézffibe \‘W”>«» Jflumbev of ilaoufm,vA®ntfices, 9ubttvbsoftb‘z etetrnmationVanD 9ztIem¢ntt1)e::zof£ball,heafuII‘an final IND W1 §>flti5f&€ti0fi WE ifcbatnenfilafiemvfutbfifimoz 3FiH¢5a A fertuvesa imflaltv02~*1@“¢I’Ia1*~: A ticfiafififmw0zv¢vf0n5,3E¢nant%m ma nantsW¥¢°zA&€¢ W19 to iofwz pavfm the fmilning 2 £0 11 I»: ,. v‘ .319 if eflant mg (43 .fia1i1Df_1§/larch wen neptfeiiomingfi eel; emitimre fip#nmneflJ5 aftettijefettmg oft1)e fem 5Fine.eeee* me to tigeintcnt tljateetbeefazie peeaeefiene Amaze he fiffeifen, iLebieMenne i3eeifenei%2b3peg;.~e tinnahip arm.@neifl“eeenc1pupnn»e weep at was ee , flenante arm ’fietmee.»stenant% eefpecteneip, of em eep fetch 2Dme1img:bnttfe,@ut:-ljmefe arm eteneeeneas. aflfngelhin ;2Be;i1: eenacteneaneeee 4:1! new ieuelning , aeeoming to :I31)”€il3.¢ee'i'¢,«3JB'1?El4l~?e e§,»:~..eee twee am: ?33nteeeItstI)eeetn flnréfoz tljeheete-= e tee ®I'fC501’J€l3?*;»;«DffiJ€‘. fain enembuelt .ienufes mm mificfifi 3 atmefnz the utageefpeenp leiwmg A of the afmefaineiflaaluee. eaninfientsof the fail: refpeetme iemefese arm mifices fa hLti1t.eeeeen.;= ~ a lna%enee he be etutbnzitp affizefaen, izmtea ‘mmneifeien tbaleeenuaee emu nieecteny we 4 e ($Dl1I11Ii‘fS‘I'fitI£t§;enfVt1)€ ®g;eat.§ea1.nfEng1a.nd, un‘teftu‘1J fit vetfonsae ietseeeieiflhnefs the 31.13213 qegetectoz fijallflfiminaemeenet eeeeening the numheemf jfifeeeneg enn ueemefe eoea,fi't ¢£eai*teteefm,«nz attetbmzozmozee0~ peefen to be e fieeeieereffuchee nnezzeeas nee eeiefleeffcee hebeeetueeftijieizect anew t1)¢2ee*;‘”at1!ee,e?iI1Dfit~peefoi1§etfi he %egieeee, to was is am! he beeeaftee itltbi5;%C*tDi13E£fBDe ene eeeeentee :. men eneeenmmetttenneeeIn tb em ate eeeeeeeeemeee, en "02 hetIJefirficeae0fJu1y, V 1657 we meet tiaeeeerenzeaiezeinentaezeceetm.z eaeeeeeete eeemce eflnbaeitanteea eeonttahlee, eh-eeenfeh1ee,21eae1tfie,£ethingmen,ann eemeekeee , %%eee£« eflfifiaunties etijtnwe uhmbsef flee eeeef anvwitbine enileeof eee eeeeefei e ejfl-onfloea oz to 1enzanen*e: hem, L ?93V37m5i)eet1315 * J euieingtnemanneheeg 3 3 fiiceteflftheWfnectiD¢e1%3Vifi)€5’,A I M 11 wmeettineeaee (5) nftventtonmm mttacatesfarrtpmztttemf :I)efmm1% a,9uu1’w,T mifiices ,V @uta.~i9oufcIg, %*atm mttages within ti)? mfvqctins %%ariflj 255% A azytbingg, mm amacmzn mbzcb they manual! 02 aw appmnteh mz’nq;m’1:e, as IJamAhim1bm’it arm mnttnu4en4.1incetbafihe am: twentieth nay gf March,in%th¢pJeatof1mtA£nzb%nnethou; fanfi alchnflflzjmann%t1W1f?»H0t having 501113 fiwcs of iatmmlongingitowemas afngess {am , %*ann‘%ofyti9zt1tue peattip impgotwn maiug thereof, arm A tljwfilames of may as Ahuflt tm fame, arm t’nIh1)nfe‘% ;aoa'eu*:nn,% flccupatmn, annienumijey mm: are#, 'attDID1)&t «mam they have tbeveinaanvwbaremum of the ‘§fln1J9Vim11¢¢~‘W%9°fa alfmvf tb¢maceof tljziv tzfpcctim i%ahitatiunsV‘4aflD iézofeflions; of mtjtcb imm V%_at:mnt;5 arm the Mcfianvtmtz tIJetAcnf,tb£*g;vi mi1iAAIe&1bz notice in %A;ittngArat Atbehmellinmiace,mitbtbafimnetnzwccuéis 791% cf emrm %fnzei'm’n: finmigw ~mfi%W5fifWW~“9 4%“W“5&V¢ ?3Wh?%W¢9%flui¢ r.en,atfm~awcmnmnw1j:t mace %hp%tI)z‘fam pants: Vu#ve%fi‘1vDhv%Jtf¥Ie . n. %J%%cnnfimatxnAn mam m>tDmn ban... aqua“? a1Iing:=i)oufc%1’ntba wfpcctiha aazwiflm mm tamacw am mmntiw aw % znants, wcmmm, mm fon9¢fi3Jemn émfpizpem, Vappntntw fé$zthet.cV ztzwtinggtacmcszfimmn z’n‘EozmfiJefai eetfmnsjj am fa n2m’mw 3 fimfiififififififl @¢Vtifi£&W5% 9 W 1533 erfnrm~2 stmmvvcn* flaw MW? ten the tna.tfl’twncwg,,m2an? “J29? 02%A%tI1fl2wf$3JW‘I,‘ ~:V.{%fi}a:ll caufe § fzaifi ciwrtificateafumummy, ‘w,,fi:“ - ‘ Itfllmfe ant! afcmfiifltbe tefnmiiwwtnt '33 msustnbc c13avgmVnpAnVtbe¢ m ccvizvffmhmmt %7v£‘f&%9t*0z1%9flifl€t£{,&%nfikm»-W V w5t1m‘ngs« gou.f¢;5;~%ammficescei?ectmeip iwgxqg 1 % V as: rain @ut11nz9tII1I9Af0§iJwmeDa %cn,;u3au* he faitl? m2ttten~ann% entven in a. W (5) TIJ afmtaixt»: 11500310 hzpm11in&enfozAtljat nywpofehp the mmmtnzifieiftersmneappuuntenasafozers A T810 3 arm a $5%t%1nfctwt that euffamclv Ihzita ¢t¢ntn1aatcI)nwn‘t , that! baby Dim arm tljent A Itelimtenintotye zlfiatnns of his iaigbnefs ¢@¢1:mwt of «manner 3 in the fame tltnwct to he filetaann remainupnn xwcozb ; Quinn the mm Itliffiflnvtfia 0: anp tljzeeugmoze 0ftI)em,afte1: Vfuciwnttp arm ivanfcript zttane ann mcngm Venasafn;cfaiD,%£t)a11%iffuc%»nut warrants ans: %n¢er:tbeiti5ann£ 31115 fiéal , V in may pctfon arm wfons as they 02 any thzeeuz maze of V them wail appoint, to éummon the pacttcus W V ifenants .mnet5 atm£IDcct1,pizvsfa €1JatQBiJ,t+o mpin t ¢f¢hm:a1ann tefpzctinc ;%‘-um5‘afl’¢iT€D% W011 them, 30199 fizceinet %fiIIfl~Jfl3i5¢D W173 %.fivP0iflf8D a5 afnzefain , up: an fucbhap arm traps :15 tI)ei)m’fi5,unnet:-s 9132:1655,annotiaev that ®t‘ftcet=s, are1Jm=== Ah1>teautvehtnbe aiming, affiihhg, am) attenn-:=& ingnn tljtfaih mwtnmiifinnzvs , 0; any of than, faztije uzmtning of.3Ia1:ie£ og%otbm:.»= wife, in tijeemtutipnuf tljiz mt; ant: aften fut!) c$em‘fi’cate5 fa mane am) t££tl'fi35D hp tI)ema5t1fogefaih5 tbefaintzliomntiffionecgoz any tijgezszntazz of tI)cm,arehetehppequireh J tn matzz tnm ¢tmz (flames ugpatts~ttmeof, faitip “ mgittcn in 1%arciJ1uent tmuett fljeit iaanm:a,nn gems emu fa;t1JIl!itIJ tn czttifiz one patttmtmf%ifljtbe af:mfain jfimsann sfozfettatzs {atom impofm , into his iaighs vefpcctiiae fiumsof mfg amwt nf ezmbequev tutijeintenc that the fame tttap be atmtemaina mjavgz theta againfitbz faiD%£»iJetifis;asalfofogtijciLe:«~ % 1wingof.a11fucb was of £13 one? that ~icm=% mt‘hc%%¢0i1vett¢D hvftbefafil UM? @1110 $110506 t1Jec1Jeaegeef.e;eep=.- mg tljefaih mi/teefs, to he itn1"11eeieetei1>e¢ei’to=.~ eentotbewmneetljeeeof.N V mnbbeie fuetijee enactenbp the flutbeznte efoz¢fa~iDa£i)at ifane neefonoe P31370115 fimiie. neglect eepap fuel) yeaefi iaeneee fl%ame,e Elfiate, jfine, jfezfeituee Dxmznpnztien oz any ear/t thereof gas 1'5 mnflinteehfiz %¢fTeff¢Def0z Dtmoweeeoeemeaneaccozntnetnt1J¢ten°z enhtmee meanmeof tbifi Wt.-. eftev DwI3“9ee < 139 bgmae £9 fl1C1)IJWfDI1 D? M 133811735 A V btsoebeeabreme atti)¢e1J'm1fe 02°t1J¢te‘m|3ft ufuateiatwf h:’emeee above ozeefmenv Ana (10) no fnffitient hnteefs can 0; may be tonne tn ienp thefante, fithat then it that! am may he , iamfni to arm fagthe fate teomtntfatnneea, an any thzee tn maze ofthetn,bp their warrant at naaeeante nnnet their harms ant) fieatstniees eten tn the tztnnnahleg, szithingtnen, an nthee chief flffitet 02. wffitets of the ielace mheee fnch neefnn oz mittens tnantng Default mhetls, to reunite them to ameehenn fneh pett“nn”ng peefnne fun making ‘Default a5 afntefain , ant: to cart? him In them to the contnmn mm‘! of the fate (Event? 3.“ theee to lye mithunt haflngt ntainpgife, until thephhane fatiefien ant: pain the fate eefpectine fntns fa atnn onhnn 0;, them, with the (£035 ann cznhaegea of Inch cennaahle 0; nthee fifficec at wfficeea fnflatnen in the hanpzehenbing ant: commit: ment of filth Deefnn ogneefone. flnh be it fnethee eenaeten by the Qlnthnzitp afogefain,” ‘athat fa; eneep §.DIDeIn’ng-hnnfe , ants aDnt—- hnnfe, an nthec flnnilntng aeecten ann flung tinnen as afezefatn , rnheeenftnn fietntn at fleetificateta oeflmllhemaneeeinmanee afeeec: fate mtthtn aft): nnetha femn annaftee the 24*“ of June 1657-1111130 the fatnflnmtltifstons ere , oz to the faint aeartiesto fzlnthoaisen ash afezefainbp the 3£enante,®mnees, nzwccna piers , oz hpthe dlinaenian of eneeyiinfant, @mner,oz‘3Ew&nth0ffucb hottfea aeefoze fat, theeetball be A path f arm fozfetteb ante teiseiabn efa the 51‘-van iezrrtectoz anbieie fineceeees,futthetbenefitof etemmnnr-= main), two b1eeeaesaent,o2eeaea we- lee. efemve 1fecbIbeiitne—hnnfe,ut- We Won 0; (11) % aluzaann impgoiafien mat: %tf)etenf,%%"teta%%erecc§« " haven in iais %i9tgnnefs¢nnrt% of mcl}g%quet,; L Vtlgfliflfl tbfifilhlwt, fimant, 0: fifimanté, arm? A wants jutntiy oz 4femaup, of ene%p%tf%urfJ mmeiitngibnufe, eiutdjmnfc, %%motIj¢cx 2% 1§nzh{ga,; acmzhing to big man man: fzmrai &nMei’pm:’ne‘ watesjntecefl, ann amopogttnnfip any mien up petfoms that mat facing A¢mVfam;ze,., by 2¥%72’ii,% ~$n¢fa;ntatt’on5,m Smtimns af mm, %xnmm'nnm* @I1'aign,gotect!nn,wagzv nf mm», emn:p%u..—: ""’*z’cenfetoflmxzpmum am~1ma1mm~ en, Uflfiitbifn past to be some flnfmmeaz, mg mtg. fonfafning, mm the tefmueéte 1953 flaégfimffi we mm 1%z0t¢ct0:tmD iaisfiucceffom, fm £36 are at’ we cmmxnonmmltb. tbamilannemry mzvnev arm biiflt aAffizéffi :%I”I“'c€lI1M'€B I35 fix?- %n,nhcitm1actenhm)z%ut Avnymefimufw, m!fi’ces,A Quténonfws fann€Vo%t..~= mgez.-. falrcanp built arm c‘nntinmn4as afsma=.% .%€iD.» amp s:~1;rmcc%Aa1znen tonen:zia'it,wetc {mesa rmnzesaaaitacaann mgpngate, %mm'cu A fvnmarm aftevtbwapnwnt mun‘ffucbfinesto mmnv imvfenas M afo;;efihs%hefn; emu acqmttmzcnn m'fcnameIrV ‘nammm, mg nmafm?’ )alil~t9amct1*t'$Df?;»“ % flfitie or flntcreii, otmozcosue Iain % % 5 an ‘a cm uwnufe .% % an %%esn»nowgemnnAcva¢A aim, @mcut0zs,% rzinminittvatm afifi %if;~=j fignm, ant: allanh Aemrpotljcm permn am pm: W an ~fa:tei§fae¢ fififimfifiafmf€ifwWfi:%flW»' M fl€%fi»%@zUf£CIIti0flSa¥ID’, %A3‘”1;‘€ fl¥!0fl5’4‘DMW $33» 3@?>fJ“‘2ad02 $15 A 4 % ¢ (R) ti)zfam%%ouf¢s, maifices, utdjoufcgann %¢o:~‘-.. tages,unz1pastnt¢be lfiuilmng atmcnntinutng A tbmnf,fl)a1111nt«bc (aftet: payn%1ent7as afogea {aim amimgen pahlick oz ~common3Tiufancz5,¢ nmm fumfect,;hz1iab1etAo he nemcliflmaog as m,ttB%a5AfutD 5 mm ibamétatutepoz filullome mtmcmxxmu-p nocmicigaanmng. mun hm: fmwm: finattcn by the Qtutijogitg afmgafaih, tbattbette {bail he allomen in weep gmmm oftI)m1mnz’z5 ¢o.1mm as afugefain, the iimtmf fix pence to we manzmiffiunecfi, fiegta Im3,%.cca’mta anh their meputtes , marks; fmmfibarsianpiopen in tbisfecbice, to he pain I‘ zaccngmngmwefepgopugtionsfaue1hmg,(t1)at as an mp) to fljt mnzmiffienetts fog their Qatar: ufeg,me.1'mu sf time pencmo tbzt1)2eefieg¢a {Ms fagnifcifiatgmf mm ®a1m::‘es,tl)¢fu1n of mm penny, to ¢t1JE1Receihm: in nifcljatge at his T fimarp annpaing, mm the falarp arm’ pains’ of End) Ewan» 0; Eeputizs as be mall name one cafmnmitttpiovintbis famine,bv*tD¢“a1wzom= ms,o;~anpw;eeo;mugsfzmm. 3% m‘*Deha1maies,’£hat the fieceibetabefpge glgegeing mnof the @m*n1a1Iiffi0n¢t£“,~oz anpwgwnz mm at wmn,%tnc£u:zm£ one half many, mm to the wmsnvbicn flmi he aififiant to we fiemI1zr5~ a nnnti)e%t wfiiww imp10pen bptbectommifltoa ¢ nm:smtntgrernscmnm fozailntijefifiontingent cbargefi, the mm of timeDa1fpcnce,l1I1JicLIv% : iTa;in@aiatit5fl)a11 be m1>iDe‘o,annAvznnoztionen m*¢tiJe amt embnitectinnsofthe QE0KI1—V1t'[1'Io:g Q ‘ » new unonvan%zneexecu%uon ofnrsrarnma malt put infecutitp¢to flats £9w4%i9Dfl€f5+tD¢ ¢flzD w v amnwofhwe ¢~ ma mWa%A z the vfaitbfufltxetutiflk %!3fDI'5%fm % mun ea» {'3 (-1 P’? G "ta 9 (:3) ,fiI1"D'39*"f*W“fiJ¢it*mtacfén we fluftbozitp flfflzefatba $13815 “J3@0fl1II1iW0119t5AD¢¥Bh? mu: ’tD0zi5JcDa6 af0z¢faih,%flJ‘a11itbinfir ham after tt)V_e1B»ectim:nfti)z afogcfain a¢ommiIIzfunV% mtijzm nitcctzn, met togetijiet in fume conbeea ntent place, am: than arm were agm to whine tmxttfeims into feheva1iLx’n1it§ann méhéiienaj arm of ti): trimmer nf ameticztn bzgihmto A the afcgefaitn wmmrs arm flmants, ant: bum to put tbia ¢ ctatmtba%tmDn;tt:c5twh 1901133 as afozwsihin p;efenm’7ecution%. k A 1113 but futtben; finactww the fitmjsgitp afogefain, 1;1)at1‘fLan12 flcginn qgzictmns £i)al!,; at any time Ijmaftct, he {mu :3; bzougljtagainfi any flonmtifflenmz ‘D; fiflxzuniifioners,Dgagamfi any wfiicet M fifizcers , $,Bini&eco;»%@m:a luvs, amnion 3; 1% ecfans, fa; any Vtmng was be 0; tbey€l)au act 9; no, :3; caufa tube Done by %1virmnf,% mm actomingtntms met; % that than thew fusb 1%aevmnAVoz 1% ?e§f0ft5¢~f0%fWD 5 {bail 131%” ‘D3 fimfital 1ml¢%5“ ‘am Q1116 fibifif 3=iCt% in fem’nznce; ‘a“1;Vniffiungemcnttbegimnfmt fmtb “ A 2®efe2'wal1t0z efermanwg that t1Jeninenm2‘% futbcafetbemfennantozWfmbantfifafuwg than we aim recover anadinfiw fD¢1913WiE¢ Iaoumwofisg finvikamtatvecofltrarrnota 11JitbfiamI’n£t+ »nnbe*itVfm:tI)ec%%¢na%ctenAby the €faiv»i4 %D&t%fll1*:aHDAew? mcfonann W“97?""“; gfI152~11’1Ji€1)5fi?0ItmI1Dafi£Efi¢%.t1)¢fliti¢&nBtWW=-‘%. %F‘J%baw ti10ufanDf:irIaunhzw ftv fem, a11¢tW¢cwz$I1¢1l1built?an?Ihellina A min; .I rouwcceswrounsasawrarvm "‘ <»“, . 901159»W-=1J*3t11'~?;‘*1v%‘!I? m fouunatinrggaitxn Vaniiitwaitrr ?‘““““°"> 0 F my 2 ucnm» fl. ‘" farm lay, am? at £a;D1%gntec£nz am: WE fimzcefi (:44) '5 ch ~m1fe% or; mmge A to to he etecten m.bam, intm mxbmhsnf thzmtpnf London, mg mama: cenmiies of tbs fvain®i£v.flm11Afezfm’t infzamu‘ mrv% mVij:' B %9iB1JnAcf5 rm flow imu.»-.-. aecwg an %*1)i5 %£uccefla;5 , the ma arm mam " fumnf ncimnmm punmnf iLam€ui1;E—ng1ir11 tummy fa; sew mm enwgann fin mm fog we life of % £33 A 4 mmmmm aeeaiwa mm mam pmhn ‘ that flaw umju1nann+contznm%any fmbmm match mute, u;a11£o;£mswzs wggnetz we ~nmnz&*c nftbe mm mi’ we 1% m£i?a.1hi3eteftxt’i3 mm: a by itnemsutmgtcp afnzefam ?flfimE€fl)aIW€ wnammcmme {am at‘ %tmen::§> §;WflfiSfm%Bhetryrmmtb. mm mm fad") mam I flmiflhz Iwhcwnh wntinmn to ha cecnmm by 3,50; ma ufe ]mm in any sf his ¢.m:2nw:‘fi marfifimffi¢£fl;D41hit@m tbifi mntmzmw R h2w'I$‘nfiW0inn, imotectinnnz wagewof§Lam llhealwmm. mrsn ffi :flJ% pmoznttonnf wamméhihé arm flaws nnrwa% mm we pgesevmttun arm % feabingnfifiimhec Vfoz¢tDz%futuve, »1K5¢ it farm war: an ”ann%a1”14 mannztwaf mnfefimuaces arm $0 gas have %Tftet££1bz_”whui1t m‘itbinthe %r1:tw ante mmueh beta AD2¢°tW?» manta: DfLo,nd04n4 anfl % fiflmlnfléf, \.- “W .,“«u‘ ‘ ‘ mam Av ‘ ‘L ‘g j” 1;: ," “ ’_, ‘ ;, 9' ’: " ‘ qr " ‘w- ‘ . ‘ ' “ " ’ r\~‘ ‘ ‘N A; ‘ V ‘ q A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ :1. ‘ _ 9/‘ x'.¢‘}‘‘ ' ‘~ ‘ ‘E ' ;».~“‘ . ‘ ‘ 9,.‘-23 ‘my '* “ ‘ “ ‘;§:y‘ ‘ L; §M‘5>¢“ "59 W31 “:2 “ v ‘P “ “ ‘ ¢. ‘ ‘ ‘-4 . n V“ ‘V -,;,.s‘_ _ ‘Q, ~ ‘ u_l_ '. , ‘ ‘ M‘ W,“ ‘ , ‘ v ‘ . “ v “ w H ; > “ zlv‘ W ‘ r ;- A‘ "§.¢;‘__§‘_' ‘gfy H“ ’ “I ‘ . J 5‘, ‘V my‘ ‘ . .,‘;;-“ ‘ ' “ I ‘ Y‘ I W,” _ “ 1“ H ‘. 3 __ ‘ ‘ ‘ “,,,t‘; t pa ~ In V*"t‘.‘&,T‘t' %zaaesamw 3. we ‘tut no n w . M ~ J; 2:. M M N no; mctVn “ ‘ « W, , . ° * 1 M 7; mzmtmn we zicfitnzfiwue, W wifiwmftfflgflzflkt-= W ant nznlaccmmxe ltltiltgj gbzvgafi; cm .t1)eteof5,’o;i mam: the 2I5uraugb%of~ sbiatkkm-kg annnoti) not huiib we ram; mitt) 215%;!cko;V % §tonco;‘butn,asafozfifaimfiraigptupwithout iiettingovz butti1mnt»a5 af02£faiIWar?fucb pmzfon than fozfeic lore arm pap ~:V;3,gt5wgbn¢fs the iLo;n motcctogann his Quccellfzs‘, t“g¢efni1 arm entire mm of @119 bunnzen pounnsotlams full money fog zhetpiuclj ofi?ena,to he ftewnerw % % by action of jnebtnt: anpof bisiazgijricfsé <2:mn:t5 nf ,, fiecfizh , Ibftljin this ®0n1tt11nn.:I1v:::a‘%;lz%:3):, mbetcin nn®fl'oign,1%gotection oz wager: wfiiam u)al1bea1Iumeb.1a;nm'Den aimaiesfljatnntbtn ymin conteynen flmllextenn toa.npewucchcs, % c£t)app\¢1s,%19ofpita1s,qzflilnzessijaufesa ecectefi oz huiltfince we fain-fi11c arm twentieth may at M archin cm years? our aim» £Dne tboufaam (ix; } Ijunnzcnanntmentp, 9; mbicbbzzrgafm (bait he hail , anything Damn contcpneb to the wnttiafi w w tbmofinany mtfznotmitbitanntng, F %aezonzncPtbatcncvv fictiontohvbzfinyntaé gatnli any patrons; perform fix; any offtncé within tbififittg fl)a1IbBb:,0t;Ig1)t%°atID cnmtllétr-i-‘ f A ‘cznmttbin 0h¢veat.fco.m ann aftec%fucyafienwfj wmmtccenann nocottamwe. ,a%ezoni”ne”ntiwa£tiJis zicc ii)a1i%Anot%.extennt?& A Asfineanypenfonfag b0itBDtV£mm ti): fucb ostfczfi ¢A”aSban%cv been him fimté fiiflgfixWW5%ziflW5 i’%W1D5, 32U130" 15!’-'~= fiz@7¢3fl§flD A%€iD'%,Df€‘%¥53LfiflD5»4 ann mmm»%‘:z~Iutnmy of vuttvattbevatwannana vemarn e . (I6)w the A fanr¢.’hm¢.fitam: \‘ antanses; afi warm: withintbiflttyfo asthis4%zovifu@fi)ai1 nutm % %cmv tome aux» mateshuatunonclae ibannsaa tozsfaifi fines’;tn than: tcceit ngwate fact) iaourggofanppztfon was haAagbt$ nnt%nozhmms £9‘ front we mun: accamzngw ¢aB0g‘r0u:m Thames,%‘%%ng ,g;amm aimaic§anDht~it enam, min raga: 91' me great charges that m:4cis ism wawi as Bedford bat hezn~hut1m‘nga «lamb in Covent Garden in the ¢nuntpofMi~ #d1¢fex,anfi$fn tbs ennomnwnts of we fame fimwctr, aim otljetpubitquz cyatges , in ann % of theta be amen unta¢Wliamaart. of Bedfoéd, %JohnRuITe1 arm EdwardRufIel (61115 ; fonmlftbt fa“! lacwari out of the which fl)a1i4A%he% vz*ah1eb9tD8 tom ti)!’ 3Cf»i"‘¢f1’3%ttDftbchutlnings in the Run am-ta; 1’°““°5~ tbmmfi fibmmmts ta fiemanwnt then: by W 1'mD¢0mntiffi° uctsdmupn; man‘, % W ‘5 ma%%[an thing to Maw arwatesaauawxgcam :33?" 4‘°“WPfl¢Da l10t;¢l7t ~ mu ~ ~ 4 %°uf¢‘oz2BatIDing, Va “ at E Q 'l'-0 3 "6 Q :3 9% C 9 6' § 6 § 3- 5-1" 1'? 3?. a H: D€P‘f‘W’v *’£A8%fH-‘If @ m9‘”1‘9“‘=9ber¢‘%nr » % ‘ “‘19m&fW”¢ A ‘Charis Harrxsann fntmtsaupnn cnwumgemem ‘E02 ¢ the nzaking ttme%in..«%atbfnm5 aim mama fag V A Bf 1911;Il}lD2€D §a'i14%.,«nf V ‘ %1ht’tb«ut 15.U€!I1'é«;0f Qtncbm Dz ¢aJbie,.anh mince: «in nwmp &“nn2nienc¢es than ha manzfnz tm 11ui1hing,®arentng, %ann%repaitmgmanyQbips ogetijtzv , V tn.1batns%4m’ct) much 1)ati)_em ma numb many in !ai9m'nn,0fl¢%@f means; mama {ant arms tnmrns we swam, arm »a1:tcactg »‘§1iI§lDv¢ fog gohifians: ann nmghmanflyip to as» great ,m1m. $ 90 as $fucl) {Bantams flnfl % «Ewan: ouItoé§,hVzVfi”nz'wzn bzfngc the am new of Jujy; ftb¢aum in we pear me tnuurann 3 Danger: aim fcbmanb notVn;tIJ¢matfc; mm ‘ {as tI)%cunmzttak1ngv D‘f fl)i§ magmas apmomn \. iggijnzfsmc ibozn afizotzctogann we mm tefpectibz mates 0; 1Btii1I1mgs?‘,fatts%fi¢canan wet? the ramwurw fo ta hehutlt. A “ L I 3‘ ) 1. . 4-5, 3 mien aifoflbat hfiliflfitltfififGhrifls-Hofpita‘,St...athoiomcws-Hofié pita-131 Br1dewe1,Thomas an Béthlei1e;nHnfpital,%i ’ me My of L0ndbn;; Vnn Ailifiiztjt V at / ujetime wark,d¢fop any iaoures mécm by the within wk»anu ms fmfai ram 1% % acerazwer ontne1:a:xnaz'es,;;¢ 1; ¢“1°“‘°% W 3“ m A _ rain unnectakcmno twin a’ftcrt1)¢mctingeftbzfainumemg my untwis inivinew the Jnw”1%zow:¢n2Amm bis fiuctzfifozg one full ?¢&t5ba‘1um;a1ianh V ntztvtnntonternzntnwgs met, be cptmé tn ¢9atQ'e»c"itbzI: we A ean.~r¢1tet *"¢%°fW% (I8) V 4 0f[tLincoIr1s-filtltlfi, emu James CO0p€1faflII Robfert; He:n1ey,°Efq:5 annothet wmnets of certain nae- tels of ®;ennnin the arms, temmonly calm) Liacolns 3nne-5rie1ns,to;t the etetttng “ anntis niihingtutain inmates‘ an!) new fintmings on V A thgeefinezof therein jfielns. nannfo; the tons t e beytng ann aflnring the aft 4 anh tenant of the e Iain mine unto the fain ‘fetiety , anntfozlays ingot the 1'atneintoma1ns,fogtommon nfeann V benefit, Inheteby the gteat annoyances” mhtd) fazntetly have heento the £ainyie1ne,mi11 he ttanen away, annaeatfengets ythetefoz the fuss twee thetteefetnteiii; ithte Czttt oz any thing A thereintontainen_,£ha1lnot epitenmnt heeconftcnss \ 1 en to nettenmtoanyytihonfesmhtth than at any y time befoze the fitftnay of Oftobcr, in thtyeat of ‘A one itozrnwne thonfann (ix: ljnnmelafifty I tninc, be builttyby ‘ID! [MD A; James Cooper ~, Robert Henley5D3,n‘ntD¢’l5‘D9 ttfyettibt Ibflfitfi Of YD! ratppaecetsoe eenunn , their iiyetteanb are 1ignes,tin nntfnanct annnttogning to theefznb W ¢ontm£17 0: zettemtnt, fotaetttbc fatnelaymes cooper» RobertHmtlfiyafilm0¢Il¢vef1J¢@l1it1tt5 a‘fn;efain;theittitan; remylfitgnts 3 DD, Ibiiiljifl one xnonethaftet the eeettfingof the fail: {fiber-= «talann tefpettibe fienfts oz wniihtnge, fatis’-3” fit am: my unto {ate Eaighnefsty the atom hiezatettaz arm Iaistfitucitellozs , one fnllenyeaths ‘ A t“13aWn°W“3“D ¢W’Pfl)¢tyT&iD 90333 1'0 mbt built, am: tntfoynoing,thefain winners then: mtvsanvfifiiieneeaaatibane the fameybenefic annannantaeeotttwtaecztctns if tnetatnieoures mete a1teanybatlt,any Dz. atatute totht tonttaty“notmtthttanning;e 92°»: (19) % aagoninen am ;, that %tt)z’sm1;”t,, ‘o;an;v:1j§g1§” % therein cant'ainzD,fl)a.11not‘mérm 1ina.:3.p £3nuf2.:$ A 0; 2J5ui1bif39£S,13Jbid) i’c;Aa!L1i‘a: a%ny;nm¢ hgfn;¢t«n*z% % W1 Bap df "Camber, tame was ‘of ”flI)1;wfi iwg.-.3, % A @riirztniamann 11;: igunngm fifty} anin f1itia,hcbu:i’tA byfm-amis *FinchEfq ; ms 1&~§z;“z:sf oz 2w.f:gnes,oAnn:s pa": ca df clfigounn ‘in Limiolzzs w3Innc%;fi’a’e%E1§,£s,§n we aoanfp of Middleiex”&fQ2tTfi§D , ‘id as W fam Francis Pinchm iaeim 0; %fl2"gr1c;a*,‘fiofl3§tl)’in mi: monctb after: tbfmtrccting fiftijz {am fthimzal arm rcfpec;:z’?ae£amufes n;25ut1B§ng5,f;egti5fi’sz a11np_m3 unm ¥)isa*i9ig1)nzf5 the’ “£033 agagaatzctag an? V iazs §uccgeiff:a;s;,% one fuilpmwna1;zs%eE§zu may e1azrytbe‘ifam_ ffigoufes fo¢to m”mzz1,m 3:33 W 4&5 flfiifljflt tbcfain iF~ATI“21dn[c:fi.s Fin»cb; V EH2’; §?2i'If“£':?41f!??5._§f» %i‘i"i9i}e-5;. % flaali bui1Dap0nm> vawof thaw jfitlhfia which by éfliantmct between £99 @133 any of Lmco1ns~Inn,4 arm R0b€frtH6n1ey mg; JmsCowp%:r era; arm others. avcaavcen tom A Icftavm anntaininto all-zs~,fez:conu1zo1it:f'e W bmefit;%n;°,i13%f€= D0%nMb%e fm'nF:anc2~s I~‘éx=«:b, ms nazizss anbfiifigns aaax1num%ymm¢% faibfifiufefi A 0: fiaufibfngfi lime au3C&b?bL1’rfl_,$’; ‘ ‘ ‘ l a11p?Lamo.z¢%tamma tbacnntcw-wnatmitg;.¢ flaflfliflfio ='cn¢fi‘tanb%Ibva1uasscnfA thi~s%1ct;. asif we %“W”%a’J**t%.V*Di5 M%:¢¢¢fl)wh¢t ézétéfififiézi %‘£‘t3€“3"t¢¥¢§m¢%%¢c bf mcgi L A %(2o) . b¢tnom:s*oftbe jmeafcnonlin sr.o1aves ggma, %i11s0uthWark= ozflftbzigflnz of the rain gammy, fozanv ¥90IIf¢5 built, 4 0; ijmaftzr to he built. %¢IIDOn H0rf€y~Down fo; the are of ¢itbz~faiD Wm, hefazc the four: am: twentieth at June , mac tmmrann fir: Dmumn fifty ant: mine, but wait % emu t0’cDat9¢ the rcnecat ammnts of we rain iaonfes ann zfiuflnings, fog, weir Mtatcs annfllntctzfistefpectibelp. A \ ' ‘u zobinen almaies, arm be it finactén by the ziutljogitp afogzfatn , that it than ant: may be lamfuli f0: 9vitJo1‘in Barkfiead ilinigbt , 1131):: nin,in ttjeyear offlmu: ibozn mu,» wnetigom. mm: 11;: nunmen fomzty fcnen, putcbatc of we fitufieefi fa; falzuf Irfiiibops 33LanDsM,%t1’)zgg;,»; bettion of one @e£1’uage. with the apprme:.- A ‘9“W'9°¢*v>Dwfi 113fltc5,fituatc inshoe-we , in we amrtfl) " M AndrewsHo1bor%n,%Ihitl)m tbz fiubuths‘ Bf ‘tine «my of London; ca1leDBangor-houfe, after a A '55"mf°?~”9“V51"Wn¢Fi3iWaiwihfotllfi mafia ®;nunn.z1;muut bzlanging , containing in Itnwt fi¢VDw1Dz¢D fifitP%¢i9£1Jt”3?°0t%A0f flf-—v fir“: mm 1'“ blew?» ‘Wm Wft W VWI1» We A aunmenfiptyfouvmnt ofmlfisc, be the fame maze ngleffi, may apliwpofcito mti1b+¢%t1)eteupon attbzcppimtinn Inf we Iain?-cafe, the 115tV!%t1D:-15 tnntbttwvfiti beinatbt thifif abbantasebv W pectentu:;-maktbPtD¢ rain 19 “ttbafc. agfltn ‘ a stmnmuenmuzccvanoai vheeingat pgzfent, hath Immgctau ann%:mpfmne j’opning,+ to%¢m'c£ann new min may (21) to tn e fiafiengmss mm nbahitaut nzacaa:« %9"*$ fl'W€ gas, £;enements arm i9mfcscmz:eue:n,% as magaxttntnm. mgzratnsxc Iohnkérkfieadg ”Di§%stiI:£ emlfligttzs, paptngfn; fa:1mcyo%f&t13e tam Iiéuiifiinfifis as wall be armen upon mm jfnunnatians, untafbe mcea'pt%oftI)e@3;ti)¢:.~ W5; quevaf his imgbncfs tbezzggu zmotectoz ant: none*,% azbe ram a%a“Iace 3)f5%nVcc%e€f£l;S, totbcufe of my fiigbncfz an nctefiogm mitljtn man n@u11;zfl)s after inch nisutiningnz zfiuilnings fiteccm , me gems nalucatan imvzubenannfaimenr. % ®0i;m:nDtt*3 ¢ qazonmen almaies , fibat this mt, 9; aw tying tljmin conteynzn T limit not Ijinhflt mg» be any fizupemmmt, hm: #.:;;a zmzfihent emu of Bziflmifflfl of syn mtg of :1: ngtbintncailfioftye‘ ozkwbnnfe Minorm»Amidwut AI Landon» bc10~nning tucpe rasnatozmzattnn, £5: mm evztemberwf, ayau 0: Dane ifimtv to itrwzfibe a fnmfl paccelof mmnn: _ 913911502339 wibzew, 3‘iW1°1""§ “"3 fi“*1‘?°‘“3 ?9°°31i’A@;A%* V %V§‘"E%~‘°‘9¢ +¢%”3l°W“ tyiinfififi (22) moaainw aimams, %InnZb2 itfzittD"e%t@"f1acf%4% w¢?a~by the %£ut1Jnu’tp“ afu;cfa1’n,Jtn~tzfpzct of we «cat ¢ztI)arge%mt)ic1)john»¢Bav1A of 'Clarc13,at I)$ men at in sweating febera1vw:ne~m %215m1nings upon his flinbztttanczin ”C1€ments- Inn grams, ‘in the %a,::z‘fl) f G1emen:s~Da;,intnzmuuntp of Mich A %d1e£ex,%ufzfu11fo;~an‘npen ‘am: free ssamzm, hat front bencefozw =fo; em hereafter, on chew Tuefday, Thuxffday, arm Samrday, in every imeR,ti)et¢ 11) all flea ccnxmnn, npen atm_f:ea fltkfit Dfil-D in ’C1€m€Rts-?1hn £91135 :afng’%¢9‘fm'D, where the fam 2.*5ut1nin%gs% metal fog a £13 arm: V are grécma, a¢nn‘in the places neat tijmuntu anmtning 5531-nb to enjoy all iibettias, mzua fiomeg, mnbantagcs, ann cmolunzents, incia . neat afuaup, ann oftigt)tfbz1onging anflgéwz. I zgcrtatning ta watmts. . 9‘;onine§£,”£i)a‘tt7Di£ éictbzanytbingtijttés in contcpnen%, than not extent: to%tI)c@mpn’m 131m-go: ¥.ebpingef‘anpjh’nto; aaenamc ulpon any Euufewo; cutagc hclom *Londc5r’1~bi:idg, am: 4 =IDiti)iI1tIlJ0% fiucinngs fJ"f‘* £112 °B1'i1€t of Thames; 4l)iel)i5tl)z% pgopzc. ”$nt’ei:eii:V of any¢%ariner, ‘fipzcatpefltfit at whet: bilett wt? 02 any ia£ti)em,A their wines... v6ih0m¢5s°v23?a'"“i¢5» e11~&nv9nbabititbin.W f%Wa@°3 ~‘mbiRfli%f¢1J¢0mB¢0z%°W~%&1W"a‘““‘?‘ cenanzcn tattbefainmufesanb W gages, am now M §1)9m.;.f02s mm inflfvfig of we flight at~»1iJ%nterefl:o.ftf)e tam arig new , %Dip»==®arpentevs . 0; @a1msM, thew » mainzfi 0; inomes , 0; any 015 them, 1131):’! A they fietain mm finuahit the" :fam¢%¢,g¢~d%j‘mall x be menann nifcbargen from an jEinAesan*u%‘1B%znw% ties up tbi5%tct$mpn£2I1, n;%to»ba$‘m£en,%fa asnntbtngintbis xagamfu menu tU”¢Tbefi$4~ of any atnez: 19er1'ona;1Berfn5, fab2%£ncb %a”%2 miners, 9m.=;£, a:w%¢EaIhets , A wwesann mmnmez. émw,a1om%M ngemaIl,wI‘wm the an of» Black-Moor fltw» ‘ Danes in tljewounngmfi VMiddA!%e:fex ac %“ A ‘Event in we rain fitrect firm buntngcnann tn; A iglfibiflth amaaies, What In ma”5% Edwai: 1-Ia.lAI,JohnA Hall, John K’izlingbexry, .HenryVSh%erBdrn; & Roger Adey, Richahrd Tippin , John Ph%illips,A Mary Thomfon A miDn1,% « ~f3b¢I'.'&! fleafw riz%ne%an fiurw ma. 4 to Maywpole aLamc,% the Wtctfty ii «a V amt, annin Dept!) ahnutfiptp afoot, mbam u a: «mum mm ii A We rain was me wemM»e£ w% mwn upon me ‘Iain ®20unDfaW"tia1%a"D 'i?W"£ zmtwc-I)oufe5, Dim Illill vemobe man? 311* , \ " cute 5:015 %$@WW%¢¥ £; 1 Q3¥¥+; $W!€93;¥>:»; 111135333 mat “E W2: V any cIJmgtIJetein contamcnflaall notemniavz bccon&men%tn cptenfim $11? mares Illbilifi 4 *- r.;:::~‘ r . ~ = ‘ ; 1‘ I ; 5;; . .. .‘_ ,5 “ _;,:“ c %w%1;:s%2tcc up 6 “W! cm; A %:.ai7* t'it1Whef03.€At%D¢ fi73tfi flf Ocifober fin‘ the man: of nut i’Ln;n,®um)niz€ann fix bung j men fifty eight, hckhuiltbm ram Edward Hall, A (31111 Ij1a’1l,.W_.]T‘ohn Kizlingbebrry, Henry .Sherborn, Roger Adey gr‘ 3_F\L.iCh8rd 5 A John Philips; aim Mary Thomfonwcnc1'pmibc~.®mnecs of the: ram pan bani %®z;§uunh,4;fo‘ as the fainfidwardklzll, John Hall , 4 ] Qh_n;%.%Kiz1ing,berry, Henry Sherbom, RogerAdey,* R i<,:ha.13dTippin,4 ]'o~hnPhiIips-9 R1131 Mary Thor-n«f@n;' the flDIbnett£ afogefain, that fipccuwzs, izinmts fnttttamgs oz mgna; no within one éfiannetb aftett”bc'-mzccting of the rain femtai ann tefpea , ttibt hearts ng,215m’1m’ngs, fatififiwz annpayuni “D3 Mbnefs tvtfinzn agzomwza” 0; his 9uccefl'o,l.1rs,” one £1111 matfi name at allimn %¢herp the rain mates to to he built; mm mm mung, we fainflnsnecz 1113.11 Imc the fame _15?¢11Bfi"t ant: flhbatltagt of thisgfict, ~a§‘ if 1-‘am names ‘mete altcany built; any mm 0:. gqtatatc to the contcatp notmttbfianning, ~ fprimgd by Hemjy Hills and Io,/M 2 % zeId,r1nters ta ~v‘?7issHigh11¢YSth6L0rd% 13 R oi T R, 16 3.7,