{Giving Power to Colnwmittee of Irlempnity9 to tranfmit thcv‘Exaininat“i‘on of ‘§sl11f1Ch% ‘ A a * 35 flyiallbe cxhiitcdto them againfl: any l\/laljgnanfipnf Dcldinquent Magiflrates , or ochei:4’:gill#afFc:é’ccd 4 Officérs , to Jufliccsfi £7 44PcaccA%*ir14f the % fitjvcral c Ins. m r , . %;% Damn, mm It tsmt: anp+$zminenb2 4 “{’W I 9‘W‘??% "5 W5 Mr: #%f¢l1tA Pggl13m¢““ A at “5‘¥"W‘ 5°? 3W¢mf mt? an 2 at ,. ’ . ‘ an '_,.- o.,_ . "W ‘ ‘ . "1. } tr ' ' ‘ " V '“ ‘ ’u» ‘ _ _ I“ V v<..,~‘.__ ,.,. ‘ " I L ,' 1'3» ‘i . d‘, V ' ».» - \ - -. ‘ ' 1 ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘V ‘ n - nun-un-wa-u-u¢----nva~-—-w--»~~-4 .. .. .,.‘ .. . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘H. “' " < “ ‘ Aw‘ JV. ‘1 "s "‘ ‘w A! W“ ‘ ‘Q :37; "“ '| ' 3'. am rtic1cs% orinrrmatin 3 U ten%a;nin‘~:1I>z:- vanm mum of the mace in the refpectibz £6 utm’es%,T mum mfinzpngationg ofAEn4g1and mm Wales, an m atmfucij mtéclw D2 3 nfomzations as fimi he A ep1)ibitwtnti)mn1 ag:a:'t;.fi:atwwaltgnemfi m ®e.«.-. ltnqmgtt wagifiscate, 0; sum Efizcet 0; mm; new msmin we fails ;<$o%uttw,% 0; within am» 2253; magi) 02 fitomn flmpozate, ~ti)etem? mv;uzfm’mg m was wmmancez of aaarlaanwut uutnat mmif mam, heaving mate the maam of 5ept‘€I11b€&‘ mm jfmmi) of Oaobcx-,%A®nz Vtijmxfama fly; iymmm fem» {mu 3 % which mm 02. mm %m'%:a’m mf igfiflw am ijfiwblf il1l{JDm€WUflflD mquéazm W mm fa; mti) mttmzfs 0; mittuiefles 2% {mm by mfiwmw as mm agmntii as on the hgljaif mm Wziinqumt o;1'11-afiecten £Dfit’ce“t mm mm , ‘ upmx watntofl exmw’n¢3 comet tug tm%tI” c% mI; of aiinzatwmf the ism: mtmas; mmmmam mums tmofi” amt '3 llfiiicnzs of; aaéapt mv¢hat2«* ma u'mmif¢4”4&%1ut’t)m*i§‘fzD no ain1t1im'ftm;;; zmm m was mm tbciagnza,%mgst1)z1: m'»tI9 the MD »$mti:cie5 z‘31tfozmation§," tn the {jam flmtmtifm %n:.- 4 nenxpnitp much up; mm; alfmffanp&;mwgnA.q; pzcfons that nomm,_m mmfm fl;a‘i1}h@Efi1m, énm’ctcnn;mo1e£ten, fozngcnmmtningyam? m m tijiug Done by i)i1'rI~h12%ut1)o;it1x,uzfa;we {mam V of the amtliament, nz4.iJIm*n~g 1113 :3; mm imgtu mfiltms f0z$tbe1%atIian1znt, wntmw fig ‘ W fizmuancfifi fi’1W‘iJ’??W3W?:’i4.f mm, flmétflfi {uc’t)4cafe%upnn cmtupiaint ttiafiz, mm mumg ma % Caffijbv1%¢$i¥f011 toanvmm 03 WW %“»W?5L:» faiD » ufiiwsoz%anvtmovzmm mHmm% fl9311%Dfl1W nomemannare »1JW1’W fiutbfiazifififi % anVn%4cequiten+Am{mu fog, fiucbmzmeaes agave {Ev 9: hearth, tbehenaif V ptfou nmvfons c0mhn1ai1%&eH0*f3anntiamrupit “ A am to IJmJLa%?D%AfaiD azi%:an?tmn¢oz m0zvV’fif%_tbwIfl3a11Dmflfifvfi AD ‘ (469) mm W mwhy azmjcgasen itmmife to antntmiaet) mm in cm may caemmt cumpufe the fal'lJ"l@lfi€.s mm, mm m mum me {am feneml mm r2fpc.—= l mm mmfitinnts is taken, am: amtitian (mien mwfim the man éfiummittee sf flnnentpnity, 1131):: me awmmmn mm require!) to pznceen tn gum fltmgwwnt, arm Imam fmttljev nzucmnings up»;- nn we mm,‘ am: upon the mpnfitinns concerns mg Difamcten ®&z’cew a5 afnzefatn, accnming to we Mpecttbc powers given them bptbis, oz ampntijct mzninaatce of iaanliammt fombat V. A l mm ha it fmttber manta: by the autbozilty atom.-.= ram, fibat one wt of tbtz pzefmt 19&’(3lf&iI!‘€flf,l 1 fintmglcn, An A61 giving Power to 1:l1cCommittce af Indcmpniry to tranfmit the Examination of all finch Ar» 1 tides and Informations as fhall bcexhibited to them againafl any Ma.lignan]t pr Delinquent Magiflrates, or VV‘‘‘‘ ‘‘ l a other ill-qfrlkétcd Officcrsgto jufliccs of Peace In thcfevc- ml Counties, arm ifi hereby aaepealcn am: mane main... 4 l Mn ' quunmunihfin ‘Ar-.. Am... --——:_____-_«--—-— Die_Venerz'r, I7/fucgu/Zi,1¢§4.9. L . Rclered by tlle Parliament, That this be forthwith printed and publifhccl. AM Hen: Scoéell, Cleric. Tarliamenti. --——- W w--—v— ‘ < _....V .._..—. < l V V A Lmdan, Printed by Edward ffmband and 173111572! Field, Printcgs ‘ta? rh¢P?«r1iamen#°f fifigléwé 355°-;