‘ 5—“— .__ .__,,..’___v .. ..-- ._ e T32? ._, ,f GREAT CHARTER OF THE. F REST » LIBERTI 5 OF IT. Made. at WESTMINSTER, the Tenth of Februdey, in the Ninth Year of H E N (RT the Third, Anna Dom. 1224. and Confirmed in the Eight and Twentieth of E 1) WA R D the Firf’t, Ame Domt I 299. W I T H Some fhort Obfervations taken out of the Lord Chief Jufiice C O ICE’S Fourth Iigfl‘z'mtes of the COKWZJ . fifths FORESTS. 'u—f Written for the Benefit of the ‘Publick. L O N D O N, ‘ Printed; by the Aflignees of Ric/747d, 21th 5‘5!me 14347225,- Ei‘quires, for 301972 Kidgel! at the Arm m C’omigill,’ near ‘ ' the Royal Enemy, I 6 8 Q. 1 v—w—n‘ . . ~._.-.~_.:Y~_.w-- --«wmnmm.i—«,$_Wn,m m.[.w-w“ M ‘ , . .» .5 , ‘ 3 ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' "- » , _ r. ‘ -» ‘.f\“- ' P R EFA c ,ng ‘— .::",..': " \Q’Q? L3 . ' ‘ ’ ' ' aaaaaaaaaaaeegaggggggggg 1- TOTHE j _‘ R E ADE R~ ’ Ifldlflg .5012?“ 7176/! A Magma Charm batik heg}; 7,5; F ceiwa’ amongfl m, a: it hath heeiz lately primal withfome of my Lord Coke’s Notes ape” it, and cert/iderirzg [ihemi/e that Charta d6 Forefia, which ma»: ma: and carifirirzed at the fame times with the other, does _ ire eflefi treat of the fame Matter, and therefore hath are ital/ed The GREAT CHARTERS ofthe II- B ERT I E S ’of- England; I ’ coala’ not hat imagirie,”l A I that afoa taking the fame war/e, and pmfl’htihgnyoa with fame of that Great Mah’s C memento“, aria' Explahatiohs of the Text, a: I malt! gather them out ofhi: foarth Iii- flitate: of the C carts of the'Fore/Zs, & alibi ', I coala’ hot, ,Ifay, hat imagine, that thii G R EA T C H A RT E R _ of the F O R E S T would meet with are Egaal hiha’ Eh- - tertaihmerzt from you, Thie, together “aat thedlmportahit} of the Stationer, maa’e mefet. ahoat the IVor/e ‘, arm’ I will here fipeah hat a 7167'] few thiag: h}! may of Preface, hecaii/e I await! not long heepwyoafrom yyoztr‘fli/lerfatitfaétim ; aha’ thofe flvall he excerptedfrom my Lord Coke too. There were mare); - A2 of5 eaibbfi: A] , g The Preface. . of the Great Charters, and of This C H A R T A D E F ‘0 R E S T A, pat tinder the Great Seal, anal fent to Arthhifloopy, Bijhots, ana’ other, mat of the Clergy, to he ' fafely heft, whereof. one of them remain at thh day at Lam- ~ beth, with the Arthhi/hop of Canterbury. , Thia w/or-a great reach of ' Policy, to have them rte/lyre. fervetl ;. anal he/itlet, , '- , . ' The, fame that entrea' ofRetora' in a Parliament Roll. ' g :25 5.1. . And afiermara’rang EdWard the frfl, hy A6? of Par+ ,_ m ‘ 'c' 1‘ liament tlia’ ortlain, that hath thefe Charters fhonla’ he fent, H nnoler the great Seal, ”as well to the inflite: of the Foreft‘, ' n: to others, and to all Sherijfs, and to all other the King: Ofllters, and to all C ities thrh the Realm; anal thatthe fame Charters [hon-la he flint to all the Cathedral C haroher, and that they fhonla’ hereaa’ ana’ pnhli/hed in every C onnty fottr times in theyear‘,,.in all C onn'ty, Viz. the next Connty day after the Feafl of ”St. Michael, the next C onnty olay after Chrifimafi, and the nextCottnty day after Eafier, ana’ the next C onntyltlay after the‘Feafl of St. John." ’ ’ 'f This. Charta de ‘Forefia ana’ Magma Charta, my Lora’ Coke cal/3,-TW03g10ri'0us Lights 5- _ ana’ tralyfo, for they :25 E. 1. I. were aajtttlgeal in Parliament to the taken at the Common Lam ; and the Law is the Light and Gnia’e ofjnolges ; Lex eIt exercitus Judicum tutiflimus Duétor, lex ePc Opti- mu-s Judicis Zenagogus, ch“ lex efl tutiffima Caffis. » ‘Afltl alheit judgments in the Kings C onrtt are of high regard in Law, ana’ J'u‘d'icia are accounted a5 Jurié diéta, yet it is provided hy the fame All of Parliament, that if , any jetdgment he given contrary to any of the points of either of the Charters, hy the E'nfliter, or hy any other of the King: ZWni/hert, SIC. it [hall he undone, ana" hola’enfor flattghf, hetanfe the judgment itgirven again/2Z the Law. Anti in fatth high E flimation have thefe tmo Charters heen, that they have heen confirmed, C/htlhll/ljed, anal tom- rnantletl to he pat in Execution hy two and thirty feveral Ail; of Parliament. - Mag~ ~28 E. I‘ C. ‘10 I, ’6’ E aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaa magnet «thatta FORESTA THE GREAT CHARTER FORESTS am I ‘: Dward by the Grace of God,1{m of Eng— land, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Guy ' an, to all to 222120222 thefe @refimts floall come, fendetb, G2 eetmg We have Teen the Charter of - the Lord HEN RT our Father, fornetime King of Engiand, concerning the Parry? , in thefe words: E22232, by the Grace of God, Kingo 4 of \ England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Nor= :_:.marzdy and Guyan, and Earl of Anjou, to all B ; “ Arch wanna watts ‘ n “ Archbiflmps, Bifhops, Abbots, Priors ,Earls, Ba- “ rons, Sherifls, ProvoPts, Officers, and to all Bai- “ lifts, and other our Faithful Subjects, who fhall “ fee this prefent C H A. R T E R, greeting. “ Know ye, That We, unto the Honour of Al “ mighty God, and for the Salvation of the Souls “ of our Progenitors and SuccelTors Kings of Enyal ' 4 “ land, to the advancement of Holy Church, “ and amendment of our Realm, of our meer “ and free will have given and granted to all “ Archbilhops, Bifhops, Abbots , Priors, Earls, “ Barons, and to all Preemen of this our Realm, “thefe Liberties following, to be kept in our “ Kingdom of Engl and for ever. _ . . CHAP. I _ W 1941: VVoodr flmll [98 diffirrefled. Mprzmw We will, that all Poref’cs , which King Henry our Grandfather afl‘orefted, fhall be .view d by good and lawfull men , and if he hath afforeited any other (a) Wood, more than his own Demefne, by which the Owner of the Wood hath dammage, it {hall be forth- ‘ with difafibrel’ced, and if he hath afforefted his % i K’ be] Mafia.- his own W'o‘od , then it {hall remain Forel't : laving the (19) Common of Herbage, and. of Otherthings in the lame Foref’t, to them-who before were accultomed to have the fame. 3 Tn‘ulflrode. 2 1 3. Ockam ”cap. quid Regi: Foreflot,,faith, Foreffd efl-‘mm fe- mmm Momfio, non qmmm libet, fedfilmfirium, non-quilmflibet in locis, fed certir F9" ad hoc idonez's, uflde'Forq/i‘oz E. mumm in O. quafi Ferefla, hoc eff, femmm fldtio. C0. Litt. Sea. 378. Fol. 2.33. a. - ' _ Forefis and Chafes are not inclofed, butaPark mul’tbe; the Forel’c and Chafe do differ in Offices and Laws: every Forel’t is a Chafe, but every Chafe is not a Forefi. A Subject. may have a Forefl: by fpecial grant of the King, as the Duke of Lanmfler, and Abbot of Whitby had. id. ibid. . " ‘ A Forefitconfil’reth of Eight things, viz. Of Soil, Covert, Laws, Courts, judges, Officers,Game, and certain Bounds. C0. Infl. 4.. Part. P01. 289. ‘ _ . Forefi‘a eff 'nomen'collefi‘iwm, and by the: rant thereof, the, Soil,Game, and a free Chafe doth pafs. 221.27 id. _ ' King film the I 5 of fame in the 18 year of his Reign, at Kummigsammd alias Kyme-mmd, between Sums: and Wind- for, granted the likeCharter, as Charm de Fore/fa. is. M. ibid. ' i ' (a) This is an Act of Refiitution, for if the King might have made a Forel’c ‘ in other Mens Woods,-’then could not the Owner have fell’d down his own Woods with’Out View and Licenfe,‘ a; fit: 40!. damnum illim, 81C. id.-Fol. 300. (b) Note, all manner of Commons are faved. CHAR wanna warm C H A P. l I. . 'Wbo bound to the Summon: of the F or; En that dwell out of a the ForePt', from ‘ henceforth {hall not come before the Jufiicers of our Forell by common Summons, except. they be impleaded there , or be Sure= ties for fome Others that were Attached for the/ Forefi. This Statute of Charm dc Fore/ht hath been above Thirty , times, and lailly in 4 Hen. 5. confirmed, and enacted, and? commanded to be put in execution. Ca. Inf}. 4. Part. Fol... 3.03. And it is very obfervable, that if any Act of Parliament hath been made againi’t any of the Articles ‘of the Statute of Cam: dc Forqia, by the Aft of Parliament of 42’. E. 3‘. the fame is made void, and by the Statute of Cofifirmdtioms Car— mmm in 25. E. I.. all judgments given a aini’t any of the. pointsof Carm dc Fore/3‘4, {hall be holder) For void. ‘ CHAR , my r—rw—w—y -———-———- -7 ,_._, —————— qw-~—.—_ WW 7* , . V H . . ),.',.»‘ ‘.‘ V 'I" , I; “.4 '" " . . , . , .I' ‘ i 1‘. _ . ‘ v m 1. f: . _ - . i fire? 1:531», 41.. L... .l _. c 4 ‘ .c'HArLin-i.y _> What Modr‘hzaade. 'Foreji, {ball be? dif afirefiec‘l. , .. L L Woods that; have been made Fo- rePt by King @5679an our Uncle, or by King john, opt Father, untill our ,firl’c‘ Corona: tion, Ihall be fothi-th "Hifafi'oiaizsédi ‘13th it“ be our Demefrf'e Wood.“ ’ Whereas Henry 2*. Fitz Empref: claim'd that he might make Forref’ts not only within his own W‘oods and Grounds, but in ~ the" W obds and Grounds of his Subjects, and there's. upon made divers ,fuch For‘refis iwithin his own and other; 'm‘ens Woods and Grounds: VVhereupOn fome Readers, and Others that "have followed them, are of opinion that Henry 2. mightdcj j’ure do that which he’did: This AC! :of Charm dé Fore/24, which is but a declaratory . Law“ tailoring the Subjeéi'tt-o his former right,~ is directly againfl; that‘tbiiéeipt, as .ypuymay fee before in the fidb Chapuer‘ off» it:; find to the“ fame effefl is this third Chapter: _j Neither could ,chry’ 2; or any other King haVe made, oi'T‘fraiS'd a free 'Chafe, Park, or Warren for himfelf in any-of? the grounds off‘the Sub- jects; foriL is. trulyd‘aid: in :PlomdémCommentaries, Lord Befiqb/stafe, fol. 23 6‘. that the Common~ Law bath [3 admira- Now [find the'KingJ, PrefigatiWQ’Mbaf-théy fliohld not Mk; army, _ nor prejudice’the Inheritance of . 42}, ~, But we agree, that all, the ‘Lands’of the Subject are originally derived from the CroWn; And therefore when the Ancient Kings had the C, moi’t Wham mofi part in their own haiids, or at leafi great Defar-ts, Wafie an? Woody, £1,911an IQI 1111111101? habitation, they might ma e what Forefis it pleafed them therein, which may be a Reaion and caufe of a la full beginning, and- therefore a Foreft maiyibh by .r‘PEY éfci'lia 11 good 1n Law ove1: other mens grounds. But the Km?I 111 his own grounds may make a Foreft at this day, whic is proved by «thefegtwo Chapters; 1111 11111 10111111 516 1111111111 11111111 and 11111111 to fiand. €0.11. Part. Inflit. fol. 300, 301. Defemtm, id. quad ab hominibm deflerimr, £9" feri: #1quth '13“ QHAF LVd VCI F WP€flW€ “2941 1911*er 10:51 made 222i FWW ' "J 14;.‘1 L L Archbrfhops, B1flrops, Abbots, Pri- 01$, Earls, Barons, Knights, 11111111011112: rrrrrr 161111, {Trail have their Wooéis as thefi had chem ”at the 81% ( \i) (30101111101105 Hemyour Gimtifhfher, Fo. that the fhail he (111i; for: éflm 1'11” all: (a) Pmpmeflilres ((1)1 11122916121111}: (1) Aifeits made inf thoie Woods, after that time 11111111 the begmmng 0f the Fe'cond year of our Coronation And“ 1:1er Who from henceforth do make Purprei’rure Without. ~our Licence, or Wafie, or Affert in the fame ,; fhail anFWer unto us F01: the Fame Wafies, Put-1 prefifires, and AiIerts. (/1) PM» ».‘- ~r ‘ i 1‘ ‘ . » (a) P-Mz‘profiuraicometh' of--tbe.;French \YOithc'ffléfi, .01 pomyisir,‘ which fihgtrifiet-h an I‘DC-iaihliem blinding, ~31}, [Limit/algal; Itm'dbti’s‘anding fignifieth an‘. encroachm out. on t'ihfi King-,5. either 31ml? ip‘ttrt of thetfiingst :eiomeiile ; iami‘sof -“hiS‘-.\GKQWH, éwhigéh are sesamtw int'flawl'as'rm pulvlimi, @fivmpcr :fia'vozzeibilg: fart in arm Rtpubli’ca Princip'i: patrimwém; crimithe Highwayeg, or in Gammon River-s, orin the-Common fh'eets‘ofét-‘City, . or gene‘safl When on»; Common pra'tls-is done, to megrxigg‘ and his pee 5:: ehdemfioqgingctdimake Brat-private; :mhichfi Ought to be publick, which Glanw‘l, libjgg cap. {‘1 1.3%;vezty; ap ggde}. fcribet’h' in theft? Words .j iflici'mr name :pwpz‘eflam; View 99775”. flan: pofliéfifldndwdliqnidflpew Dmmm flcgfln .Mjaflfimflfim- ftm', Iii-ii: ’ qrfiinicir Rgii, (with? 1111;! publici5;,:abjtgw5}f,rwl in-aqnjfglpnwi‘qi: t‘raquw‘erfi: é-sitégq. emf“; w! quandqdjqwmm ‘Cz’vim‘té piper- regiam - [areaanliquiZ adificmdo ;aqgmgjcir‘~ir, '(‘J’t’rlgézzemli'éer quartet ' gaidfi‘t udsnacumt'mm Kégii- mmcmg, ml Regie via, ml Civimtir. Co. .z.::1n{’t~it.l fat, 23;. ' ; ,1 42.. ,; It was an Article of the Eyre before the Statme dc Bzgdmz'r, «in 4. Ed. I. to enquiré dc 'pflrprefluri: fafh': fflper Domimmz Regem, five in Term, firm: in . Mari, five in aqua dulci, five £an libermtem, five'é’xtm.‘ ‘Cap. itinéris. id. ibid. Itappeareth a-lfo by Glanrvil, that there be likewife Put... Prei’mres (ioneto Subjects. in]. ibid. . . . . . ' . (b): Waite. Vaflum dicimr g2 mflam’o, of “rafting and depo- pulat-ingg .and for that wafteis often ailedged to be Timber, which we call in Latine Maremium, 0r Marefnium, or Mm refmium; it: is good to. fetch both of them, iaith my Lord Cole, {remithe Original. ’Eirf’t, Timber is a Sggrgrzgword: Se- condly, Margmium is derived of the French word] Marcia, "or Marrgifl, which properly. fignifieth Timber. Co. Klafliu .01. 2.9. 3. ~ g " f (cs) Affgrt, is focglled of «the effect (gs fame hold)ran,c;l is derived(fay they ) of ad and firo, afléro, becaufe of wood grounds, MariIh-es or: wafie grounds, they are converted to be Town with Corn, and there'fOre in the Regii’ter, and F. N. B. it is written 412mm, with ‘an E. and f0 it is in this Chapter here in the Latin. Brawn-f hereof faith, Iliad quad fm't ali— qmmda bafi‘mflfi“ ,lacmt'zmfla j‘olimdiniszét'communia 6f jam inde “aficimr A/farmm, ml redafium eji‘ in Cnlmmm. And here- C _2 . with. -__..._.._; -.—... A V‘“ ,.\_ 1- Lib. 4; f0 . 226. ' ‘fifiaagfia .atbarta WithvvagrEethFle’m,1'..lib.24;.c142. lib. 2. cap. .23. illud 01m fire» ' itflqfiefléz, et bafcm, » Can“ jam cfflicimr Aflhfmm, C?’ reduflam ‘efi;in£ultwrdn1,-5etti-dem dici .poterit dc Marzffiri: ct, aliz‘: ’Ufifiitfifée filmy-’2); cultuMm Marla; .. Others fetcheit otherVVife, 'bUtQfi-We hold? that it is derived of the. French Word ejjizrter, to grab up, ’ or‘clear aground of wood, (fie. and this appeareth by Domef... "day; Herafard—fhira. Mercbela in eodem manerz'o [twp-«5'8, flcm ~ army‘gwcfl. de film, written. over the fame eflar: : de ef. Zfafea afiz‘wrexem a 7 5.3311(1 4., d. E;- being7 turned into A Co. Wire's partzfolmsoé,‘ 397". . . ~ . r. a '_ r j \({‘)Where“rit isfaid( tempura Caromtionis Regis‘Hen’rici ‘Avi, that is of H. 2. )i-t' is to be known that he was Crowned twi€e5 " viz; the 20. of.December in. the firft year; he-caufed his Sonsfiém to be. Crowned King the I 5, of.3‘w:;-,inthe..1,6. year ofhi'sweign ; 2-qu his 'Sondiedthe» ~11. of fun: in the”28. year ,~,o’£hisreign 5 ftafter‘whofe death K_in‘g»Hez¢ry_Fir;¢1-Zmpref]} was Crowned againt Idtfol'. 29.3.1 .' "i -_‘ _~ ‘_ f; » . '. ~ W ban Rangery are to ' make their Ranged: / ' * the Forefl; . Ur Rangers {hail go; through the PorePrs __ _ ' to make range, as it hath been a‘ecufiom— ed at the time Of the Firfl: Coronation of King "Henry our Grandfather, and not orherwiie. w ‘ i The’Ranget iSafWorn Officer of the Foxeitr of which. fort there? feem to. be twelve, as you {hall fee in the 7. Chapter, A 'I abut heis not. withintheFo-refl', having nm charge of Vert, but ' ' .may..Qf_V’enifonthat.cmneth out of the F orefl; into his charge, or A. ‘ . -, , i' . . . . part ‘ be Vgrozttfa. ‘ bent of the Purlieu, to fafé concl'uCt them back again; And it is to be noted, that in fuch Forefi's as have no Purlieus, there is- noRanger, butForefiers ferV’e the turn. ” ' ' ' ’ ' This Ranger is made and appointed by the King, .his Letters- patients under the great Seal 5 and for his better encouragement in his duty, he hath a yearly fee of twenty pounds, or thirty pound paid 'out of the Exchequer, and certain fee Dear both red" and fallow-5 his Office confii’teth chieflyin thefe three-points ;j I . Ad peramhulandum quotia’z'e per term: do afirorejfatezrgf‘eid midendum audierzdum (fi' inquirerzdmh, term. dr"Mhl7efh£li5, qham do Malefafiorz’hmiffiallimfim; ‘ i ' - . 2. Ad Refrgganfle’m fem: F ore/fee teem Veherz’: thzm Chafeée ‘doterrir. deafore/zlezeis, in terrm'ozfloreflam: : 65" " ' a: . 3.. Ad pmfi'rzmhdum 0mm: trangreffione: Fore/he in terror de- afloreflatisfafim, adfroxima: Curio: illimforefflfeeftemm. ‘ * JA‘sforthe-ioath o‘f "the-‘?Rangee,ziti,§ continually ‘i'p‘_tl‘l"€l‘t§ WO‘IdS. Tahiflafl t-rul cotton}: the‘Ofité iofh Ranger 1% the Petr-u «lieu of Pd upon thehordc’fr of‘the‘ King: Foreflof Pz’ To” {ho/Z "re- :chofe with your .Hozmzl and‘dri've the Wild Beoflrof the Forefl‘, as often a: thoyajhall range omf of the [ooze‘Fo'refi into the purliemf, :‘Toujhall truly pr‘e'fintiezllfirmlrz‘rofhll huntih‘g'vgrzd homer: of , W z'lol ’Beezji‘: of Veziaryidfldé’haj? Jr: ‘ well ‘m’t'hieii the th'rlzjeres'Q-Vyhich jaroveth that the purlieus are no partof-ihe F‘biéff‘,‘ "but difiiné’t things ) a: the F orefl ', and thofe emd all other oflEm'er you [hall preflmt “the Kings next-Court, of ~Atru1chmemr, or‘Swhfiii’mt‘e‘, mhichflmll firff happen : So help Tote Gaol. Co. lnllit. 4 Part. fol. 304.. “ + ' ~ ‘ 'Purlim is all that'grOund'hea'r‘ any 'tForel’c, which being; made .Foref’t by Henry‘ the fecond, Richard the. firl‘t, or King 70h”, were by ‘Berambulation,g‘ranted. by; ffehry the third, feve’red\-agaiii from the lame. 'Mmzwood, Part. 2. ofhz'51 Forefl' Laws, cap. 20. - . v Portion, faith my‘Lord Co’q’, cionta'ineth ’fneh‘igrountls Which - ' Henry the Second, Richard the 517R", "0:163 King. 3‘01!” added to their finci‘ent ‘FOrefi'S’ over" other’mens grounds, and,, which Were difafi'oref’te‘d, by force of this Statute, 'ir'r‘the ‘firlf’iind third Chapters, and .thef3erambulation‘s and Grantsthereupon. And is deriVedifrofifa French AdjéfliVEfand‘afreflch' Np n,- ‘viz. Purl, Which“ fignifieth clear, entire, and‘ ’exemfyt‘,‘ anti ’"zzeza, ' , , that: 9 i0 year.» I and. then it; £12111 be done by , the view . _. , e___i ,. .... .fiw.‘ d,__, __ W-.. A _ ....__._.._.. -A...__._- 983mm mm“; thatis, a place entire, clear, or exempt f¥0n1:tM’~E®-€fi‘~ And » both of theie derived from the . Lagine Adieflijve ‘rapd, Noun: m. Pam: loam; and in, this fence the iniliefis' eel-Ledéthat pizmm locum quifipuécbramm Religimi ”0”: 4* obflriéimsAnd'the perambulation where-by the Purliénjia (1.683016%; is: called in Freilch Pom-4116?). i. e. pernmbulntia : f0 as the parliwand'pou; m/Ze’e are two difiinfi things, and 73 3 E. 1. Star. 5,.”paxla'e'a. is the right. Flume; of the place oeafiorefied. Co. Jnflezit. 4. Part. fol. 303- p 1 .. ~ * > ‘ By this it appea'reth that Chafesthatnever were any Eorefls ,canyot have any Purlieu,‘ and con’fequmly, thecafe in 16 Dyer. 326, (a. 3-27. is mifiaken, for the Chafe “WWW” ”e" ver was ahY" FWER» Whereby it may be obferv’ed, how neceffary the true derivation of Woxds is, accoming. to .Lz'tfi \tletofi’JExamPle'. id: 177%}, , . . ~. - .5: x - .413 thisdeafforef’catim .t‘h-e--_<.>_wr~ers..ef the: etwfids within the‘ ‘urlieu "ma at their. Will andvsple‘afumwffilh cuedowrr, etadicate, 'and ubb UP- all th€ Timber, «W'OOdS and under~ wood, convert their Pafiures, MeadOWéS'a’ and Other grounds to arable,j inclofe them in With any kind “Of' ,inclofure, build and ereé’c‘ new Edifices upon the fame of ally-195$ '3' their 80f? hand ' to difpoi’e and life the fame after the-difagoréflation, as ifuthey never had been afibrefied. id, ibid. : . Laming of Dog: in F oreflr. « ‘ vHe Enquiry «or View of (a) Lawinig of i " Dogs Within our Poreii ., {hall be made from henceforth, When the Range is made, that is to fay, from three year, to three and ‘5." c :, m2? _ . ‘1' Vi} _ L I. -. / . ‘ . hr 3, -‘ . , - "-t A f i.“ t V) and esteem {sf We mm. 5231611 nut: strict? Wife. i "And Iié Whoii‘: Dog is: ntitiawed, 73nd 12)» found, gfliali pay ‘ forfhis emer’cement three fhflhngs 31f i fiéfi’hmoefofihihe Ox {hall befitaiten for lawing of Dogs. ; And ('19) fuch lawing’ihall be done-by the Aiii’fe commonly fired, Igthat..is to 15y,- ‘that-three claws of the forefootflrallrhe cut offhythe skin. . But fromn hfiflcfiiIOfnhfruEIi-fwIang of Dogs {hall not be, but in places“? where "it ’hath "been accui’tomed from the time of the firf’t Coronation of the aforefaid King Henry our Grandfath er... (a) Expaalmre Games. i. e. Expedite” Gamer. Expedi-tating or Lawing of Dogs. Expedimtio is derived of ex and. pede, becaufe;3 the Dog is lamed, in' the foot. Ca. Inflit. 4. Part. 01—. 30 r. f (5) Cam': in this Chapter is taken for. Maflivm by thefe words, mlj: Expedimtz'o faé?’ per Aflifam-co‘mmmiter Mfimmm, which hath reference to the Aflife of the ‘Forefi, tempore Henri. 2.. Art.6. which fpeaketh only de expedimtz'one 1144-- fiiwmm £6" Ajfif. C?" can/hand. Forcflx, 6 Ed. 1. cap. ,9. {ticket}; ofil dc Mafliw. id. ibid. v. , Undies, t is word is taken from the French word Orteil: dc: pied5.i.e. digiti pedum, the Toes, or here Claws. ibid. Pellom, of ' the French word Palate, and they from Pila; in I this a& it is takenfor the Ball of the foet, fine Pelom, without the ball of the foot. And therefore by the expreis words of: this Chapter the ball of the foot of the Mafiive is not to be cut off, but the three claws of‘the forefoot to the skin. This excendethe’niy ”to'Méiftifls, and'toino other Dogs; for 051' non efl' Lex ibi 22072 efl' Tran/grain; and necefl'ary it is, that fuch asdwell in Forefis where there are Golverts, that they- mould- if 9193mm tha {houidg ee other Qogs unexpeditated, and the Maflifi' unexi _ 11111111121113 1 the defence of their houfe, or for giving of warn. mg of Them: andkabbers, @c. {Ind , The words of this Chapter are, 1): expgdimtione (0111211112 exzflemmm in. Fore/$11 , and therefore in Purlieus or places aeaf‘foreiiefi, a man may keep a Maf’ttfi' Without being expe- d-i'tated. 119111.; 1 If Grey hounds be found running ad Nacumenmm, ’the' FOrefter ought to retain them, and prefent them 1n the prel fence of the Verderers, and lend them to the King, Gr to th chief Juftice of the F0116“:- ([614. . g[Che Court of Regard, or Survey of Dogs, as you fee by this chapter, is holder: every eiiery th1rd~yéar, for Expedi- ration or lawingof Dogs by that Court. 111.1%! 289. 5°°5f.oz¢aa; i @fififiififimfifiiififlesfisfi C H AP. VII. 5 Where only Gathering [5411 be in ' Forefi'r. ' (a) O Forefle‘r or (b) Beale from henCe- '" forthfhiq-H make (A) Scota‘l, origa- "ther Garb :or Oates, or any Corn, lamb, 01: Pig; nor {hall make, any Gathe— ring, but by the Sight, and upon [the Oath of . the Twelye RangerS, when they fhall make their Range. So many’ForePcers " {hall be 21; ifigned to the Keeping of the ForePcs, as rea- ffohzih'ly 'fhall feem quficient for the Keeping . of the fame. ‘ ' I 'Stathz; Ed. 3. 7.. » _ fl In this Statute of 2-5 15d.3.c.‘r7.'fhve’wor631are: Mare- - over, It is Awarded and Efldblzjhed, That no -Farefl'er, my Keeper of Forefl' or Clan/é, nor‘anjflhw Mini/fer, flm’ll rim/{e . or gather Suflemnce, nor other Gathering of iI/fiflualx, nor other thing, .19} colgmr of their'Ofica, ngdinfi any Man’s Will, with»; their BailywiCk, ”07' WNW“ 5 III»: that which‘i: jdne‘jof 011%! right. .' ‘ e . - D ‘ ‘ (a) Fare;- '1. 7 "18 8 '; @asuae fihi‘trta (a) Fare/2mm: is taken for a Wood-ward, not only. of' the ng within his Forefl, buL ex 221’ termini of any Subjefiw. of his Woods wherefoever they lye, as appeareth by a 'Writin Brafion, lib. 4. fo’. 316. 11. 6’73]? (’9? 231 a. Vzd. Co Izzflzt. 4. part, fol 293., Butin LegaIUnderflanding, her is taken for a {worn Officer Minil’terial of the King’s Foreft; and his Daty appeareth by his Oath which confilteth of Five Parts. I. That he {hall be Loyal and Tme to the Mafier of the Foreit. 2. That he {hall truly walk and keep the Office of the Fore- fierihip, and true Watch make both Early and Late, both of .~ V m and V emfon 3.. Truly attach, and true Prel‘entment make of all manner ~ of Trefpafl'es done within this Eorefl, to his Knowledge; and 5 ei’ pec1ally, within the keeping of his Bailywick. 4. The K mg 3 Councel, his FClloWs, and his own, he {hall truly keep And, . 5. No Concealment make for no Favour, Meed or Dread .. but well and truly to behavehimfelf therein. Co. z'bz'd. Officers of the Forefl: {hall not be {worn on Enquefis out-:- of, the Forefl. Ordinnt. Fare/f4, 3413. I. cap ...5 ibid. ‘ (b) Bedellm,1s an Officer of the Foreli, that doth warn all - the Courts of the Porch, and doth Execute the Procel‘s’ of * the Forel’t, and make all Proclamations as well wit/9:522 the Courts, as withom, and is derived of the Saxon: Ward Bydder, to Call or. Warn, or of the French VVord in Nor— . mam/y, Baden», aBaylifF or ApparitOr Co.1nflit.4 part, W 313 ' How many forts of Officers, and what Number do belong. tanOreft, yOu may be fatisfied m, by my Lord Coke’sRe-’ cital of. them, as. they are found in the Eire of Picke. meg The Fore/fart, by this Chapter, for keeping of the Fmefls, , are to. be {6 many. as 1112111 reafonably fe’cm qu‘cient f0r the . fame. The Verderars are moit commonly Four in every of the Kin’ s Forells ‘7 g; . I The?” They are Judicial Officers of the F orefl, and éhol'en in Full. County, by force of the King’s Writ. , The Office of a Verderer is to obferve and'keep the Alli- izes or Laws of the Foreft ;_ and, to View,'Receive, and In- . roll the Attachments and Prefentments of all manner of Tref. paflEs of the Forefi of Vert and Venifon; and to do equal Right and Jufiice, as well to Poor as to Rich. All this, and" t much more you may read in the Oath, which he taketh be- fore the Sheriff. ‘ Co. Inflit. 4pm. fol. 292, 293.. , The Form of it you may fee in Manwaad’s Firft Part of his Forefi — Laws,j pag. 5 I. Toujhall truly [eroe our Sohereign Lord the‘iKing, in the Ofice of “a Verderour of the Fore/Z of g P. Tou [hall to the utmojt of your Power and Knowledge, do for the Profit of the King, [0 far at it doth appertain .unto you todoe , Toujhall prefirve and maintain the/Intient Right: and Franohije: of his Crown. rou‘jhall not conceal from his Majefiy any Right: or. Priviledger, nor an)! Ofl‘enee either in V art or Vemfon, or any otherthing. Tau fhad not with—draw, nor abridge any Defaults; hut flmll endeavour your [elf to ma— ng'fefl, and to Redre/E the fame: And zfyou cannot do that of your jig/f, you [hallgive Knowledge thereof unto the King, or unto hi: fuflice of the Fore/f; You fhall deal Indifl‘erentlyflith all the King’s Liege People. Tau jhall Execute. the rim: “of the Fore/l, and do equal Right and fufliee, a: well unto the , Poor, a: unto the Rich,in that appertaineth unto your Ofice. Toto Jhall not opprej} any Perfon by colour thereof, for any Reward, Favour, or Malice. All the/[e Thing: youfhall, to the utter- one/l of your Power, ohferoe and keep. . 1 _ The Regardatorer, or Rangers, are by this Chapter to be Twelve at the leaf}; but by the faid Eire of Pickering, it appeareth there may be more, for there are there fet down rIhtrteen by name. Val. C o. inflit. apar. 'fol.‘ 3'1 1. The Agiflort, or Gifletakerr, are Four in Number within every Forett: Their Office you {hall fee more of in the Nineth Chapter. And, ‘ ’ ’ There are feveral o‘thers, whichyou may fee in Manwood, 'par. 2‘. cap. 1. nu. 4, er 5. together with their Offices, too long here to be inferred. ' _ D 2, A Sco- ‘1‘9 ,. wanna Maria; A" Scomler, Scotale, derived of two Ew‘glzfli'words, Scot and-«’1 Ale ; as much as to fay,a TribUte or Contribution of Drinking for the Miniflers of the. Foreit,’ whenth’ey. came to" the Houl’e of any, whereunto others areContributory-within theiPerambulatiOn of the Forfeit; which then was called lPo— mm, a Drinking...“ And after, they claimed the fame for all Vit‘tualsfor Theml‘eIVes, their Servants, Horl‘es, andDogs, which was called" Pumm: And this doth notably appear by a'-.‘ Recording ,E. 3. in thefe words: : Put-um in‘Clmcm ,de Rowland. i; Co‘flfmmda' claimant per! Eareflarios, ci' aliqmndo per. Ballitlo: hundredamm, recipe" V11 éhmlin, tam pro feipfir, hominibm, eqm’: (g. cam'bm dc remn- tibm @- inhabitamz'bm iflfm Perdmbulatiomm F areflie fim bun- - dredi‘guafido ebfpezvemrz’nt, ,m'hil inde folvmd.’ And- where- as it is" enafied by the Statute 25 E. 3.- c. 7. above-men- tioned; That no Ebrel’rer, or Keeper 0‘ FOI'Cfl or-Chafe‘,, 670. {hall make or gather Sultenance, cave. againfl anyManPs Will, eéyc. but that which is due of Old Right; that is,._ more Fees-which time out of mind, theyiought to have- within that Forefl, and as {hall appearatobe‘due by the:- Oaths of Twelve Regarders, or Rangers, ’00. Inflit. 4 pan-ti flhfl1 ‘ ’ .‘ ”- ' GHAR: he Vanna. $$$$¥$$$ Vfi’WsVVV’aeesegs CH A 11+ V111 " W hen Swanimote: are to be kept and who to Repair to them. - NO Swanimote from hence- iorth ihall be E. iii the Year , wig in the Beginning of F1iteen. ' Dayes afin‘e M zchaelmafi when that our Gei’c- takers, or Walkers of our Woods come togeA " ther to take Agii’cment in our Demei'ne: ‘ Woods ; and abOut the Feai’t- of Saint Martin ‘ in the Winter when that out Gei’t takers {halls receive our Pawnage. And to theie tWO Swa- nimotes {113.11 come together our ForePters, ~ Verderors, GePc- takers and none Other by Di-~ i’treis And the Third Swanimote ihali be; 'kePt 1n the Beginning of Fifteen Dayes before; the F6211): oi Saint john Baptifl, when that our: . GePt takers do meet to Hunt our Deer. And. 1.. at this Swanimote {hall meet our Forei’cers * Verderors and none other by Dii’creis. More- oVer; every Forty Dayes through the Year , 011:1: kept within this our Realm, but thrice .- , wv’ -—v_ w—r r - .17 ‘- .-— u q. - 7W, / .Twm—u. 7W. . 7-rw7 . V 1 , .1; ' 3. 1191mm mm _ out Forei’cers and Verderors {hall meet, to fee the Attachments of the Forei’c, as well for ( A)C1feenhue, as for Hunting: by the Pre~ fentment of the fame Foreiters, and before them Attached. And the {aid Swankimotes . {112111th be kept, but within. the Counties Wherein they have ufed to be'kept. - Within every Foreit there are thefe Courts. ., 1 C. ~ Eirfl', The Court of the Attachments, or the W00d~mote Court. This is to be kegt before the VerderOrs every For- 131 Bayes throughout Yea1;- and thereupon is Called “13113 Earty—dey Com; At this Court, the Eoreitchs bxing 111 the Attachments dc: Viridi ca?» Venmiazzg, and the Prefentment thereof, and the Verderors do receive the fame, anti in- roll the1115 Bu: this Court can oniy Enquire, and not Gon- vifl. But itis tgo beobferved, that anan ought to be at- tachcd by his Body, for Vert 01‘ VeniY‘On, uniefs he be ta- ken with the Manner within the Forelt'; otherwvfe theAn- tachment mutt be by his Goods. .- 7 .2 c. 1 566911011}, The Court of Regard, 01‘ Survey of Dogs, ‘10 be‘ ,1 ' Hodlden every Third Year for Exped1tatron, as before has been fai ' .3 c, Thu”)! The Co)”: of Swgmmote, winch 13 to be Helde‘n 7 j beFote the Verderors, as judges, by theStcward 51:11:: SWlam-s ' 1 more, thrice in the Year; andthe Forefleragught tq ‘prefenf k their Attachments at the next Swammoze-Cmrt . and the. Free- ‘ hOIders within the 1:01:11, are to appear at the Swanimote. to make Enq‘nei’ts and juries. And this Court may enquire '41:: x, Superommtmrze Forc/fwwmm, £57." 41mm thfl‘mum E076,- if flat, 6" dc comm opprtflio zz'ém papnlo noflro zflmis. And this '” Court may not only Enqun'e, but COnviét alfo; but not gm: Judemsnti . 1 Val. I-E. . 64.8. 5013.3. fl/fiz..442. Co. Inflzt. 4 par. f 289. Smmi— tit mafia. Swahimote is derived of swam, ’th‘at‘is', Saxonicé, Mama; and Mote, or Gemate, which» is’ Cdfz'g, i-. e',' Caria' illihiffgg. rum Fare/fa; fo called, becaufevit ifié But a'er‘pax‘atiVert I? 1M“: 73‘“: 45' 9%in F WW; 3.4 Edd: dip: 41M. 2.; , _ ‘. A. 11:. , Fbr‘thc Jprirdiaiion of "this-Count}: thugs; imam ‘Ca'fe-in 45 E. 3. in a ’Wi-‘itof Trefpafé'fofiFah‘e” 'Iihpfifoh’. meat; brought againftg‘f 615’ We tfi€leéf5Mémf faid,~7he is Fbtcfler- 5“ fee 9‘ the' For-e it; ari-dgth‘a‘t ’ét‘-_i acerxa‘xfi‘hsgaammm it W357 prefented by the fiofe'ftcr’s;Yer”d’éto;fs', Reig‘grggf's’; and AngY-S, that the Plaintfhad’chafed " dhd‘taken ’ D’e‘e‘r With- , in the Forelt: ~Whereupon the Defendmta‘be’ingfFor'efi’er‘ in Fee, came to the Plaintzfl; and pray’d him to‘ End Pledges to‘an‘fwerthe fame before the jufiiee it; ,Eireyih this Couri- tfyatctha'tis; at thefjufiice-Sea’tn and that todothe Plain— nfi" refufeq; bnyrc-e whereof he retain’dfhimj.u'ntil he had performed the Statute in that Cafe'proVEded 5. 3:13 jufiifyed the Imprifonment. The Plaimfi replyed', De fon‘ tort D:— me me ' fam tic! mafia; and the lflhe’ Was received by the Court. And it was faid, That befofent/ae fuflice in Eire Ive [bayld have no Avermen‘t agaiizfl ib‘fPfefin'tfii’em of the'F'ore- flan. id“. £290. _ ._ " f , ‘ — ' Hence are Six'Conchufions' obfery’able. _ . . , . ‘ Fir/f, That the Law of the Forefi, is allow’d and-bound 3". ‘t ed by: the Common-Laws of this Realm. , a ‘ fie‘cqndly, That though the Vetdewrs be-JUdge‘s of the Sw‘animote, and the S’teWatd'but a: Minifter; yet the'Pre- fetitnient'in that Court,’ is as wen by "them; as verdérorsj, as by..Foreflers, or Keepers, Regarders',‘ and Ag.ifi'ofs,’by the Law of the Ecrefi. Thirdly, That a' Farefter o-r'Ke‘e'p-eh mafiArrefthhy Maxi; thatKirllsor Chafeth any Deer-Within the Forefl, when“ he isttaken with the Manner withinethefFore'fl'; oysifvthe' Of- fendor be Indifled. ' " ‘ ’ If a-Man befo ImprifOned, and after 0551‘ ' fuflicieht’Pled- gee,- and they are not taken; feeing JURiace—Seat's {or‘Fo- A teas areveryfeldOm Holden, this is his Remedy: t ' _ Jitathe Term-time, he may have E mtrito j'zaflii’z'ajg a 12!}: ‘ ' , ‘mxh "““~NM-—__4.—~.._,_~ .. A 2 3. 24 4g. antenna warm 2.12m Corpus out of the King’s-Bench; or, if he have PriVi- “-ledge,‘ out of, the Court 01"Common-P!ear,‘ or of the Ex- :cbecgmrtor out of the Chancery, without‘any Priviledge’ in Term, or out, of Term intime of’VacatiOn; .and-updn’the ‘Return'o‘f the‘Writ, may- be Bailed to appear at the next Eire to beHolden for the Foreft, CW. and alfo, maybe Bail- ‘ed by a Writ dc Himine Replegimzdo, direfled Cit/2051i .Fo- ' v-"reflte; if hebe A’rrefted by the Officers of the Ferefl, ’fo‘r ‘Hunting, (it. whereof heflands Indifled, or Pre‘fentetd,‘ta'- ken with thevaanner,‘ he finding TWelve Pledges": But' if ‘he'bead‘juage’d by the ']u{tiees in Eire, andylmprifon’dyhe ' can't be Bailed by that Writ. . ‘_ , If he be unjui’cl‘yzproceeded againft, he hathithere Remedy “b Law. ' . - i ‘ " YNote-a'_ _\ifference, between the 'Writ ole-Elwin: Repla- f'gz‘ana’o direé‘te‘d to the Sheriff; for he eannrfi by S'mt.Wefi, .r. mp; 15. Replevy any Man imprifo‘ne'd for the ”Forel’t; be-, ing taken with the Manner, or Indified": ”But this Statute treachesnot to that of de .quine- 'Replegiando, direfie‘d Cn- flodi Fore/he. ‘ T ‘ 1 I ‘Fonrthly, That the Offendor‘m‘a’y be Retained by him, until he hath found Pledges‘to appear "before the Iuflice in Eire :, becaufe ( as hathbeen'faid) the S wanimaterCourt hath no Power ofy‘judicat‘urez .But if fufficient Sureties be of- fered, he ought noe‘to’be "I‘mprifoned. , ., Fifth”, The Mike in Eire at his Seflions; may; by‘ the ‘Law of the ‘For‘efl,_proceed upon the Prefentments‘ 6r Ver~ "'dit‘ts-in‘the Swam'mote-C'ourt, though they are taken ina- 'nother Court. And; _ - ' ~ " _. ”' ‘ -' L'ajfly,.Note,‘The \Ifl'ue ioined upon the Plea of the Forefter, viz. :De injuries [ma prapria abfque tali mufa, and allowed by the Court, and the Confequent thereupon. i ~ . .JVate alfo, That if at the Swanimote, the Prefen'tment Of the Foreflers be found true by the jury concerning Vertor 5Vmi/im, .the Offendor fiandeth thereof Convifl in Law, and rcannot Tr'averfe the“ fame: ,But an Indiflment or Prefent— 2‘1'E.3.3 mentbe’fOre the Chief—Jufiiceof the 'Foref’c, at a Court of ~.the Juflice—Seat by :1 Jury. and not found in the Swami- ‘ ' ' mote, l l f 1 i '1 l‘" '. i ht," stoma. more, may lbe'l‘raverfed, 8 E. 3. Itinere Metering. 14-7. 3. ’beeaufe it isnot Prefented but by one Jury. C0. Inflz't. 47w. 290, 29'! . . There is alfoth'e't‘onrt of the inflict-Seat, ho‘lden before the Chief Jul’rice Of the Foref’c, aptly called fajita-in Eire; 'for fo he is, and hath Authority and Jurifdiflion to Hear ”and Determine concerning Vert and Vent/Em, &c. by force of Letters Patents under the Great Seal; whereof there are Two: ‘One for the Foreft on’ this fide of Trent, the Other beyond. 1d. 291. ' ' . v ‘ ‘ The "Court of the fufiz‘ee-Smt can be kept but/every Third Year; and other Juflices in Eire kept their Courts every Seventh Year. And it muff be Summoned Forty daye‘s at feat}, before the Sitting thereof: And one Writ of Sum- mons is to be direfted to the Sheriff of the County. Id. Ibiel. ‘ . There is another Writ of Summons directed Cufloa’i .Fo- refle, 81c. And this confifls of Two Parts. . I. To fummon all the Officers of the Fore/t, to bring with themallg-Records, (fire. ‘ a - . 2. All Perfons who‘cl'aim any Liberties or Franchifes with- in the Foreft, 81c. to thew how they claim the fame. Id. ' Ibid. More of this {hall be 'faid in” the Sixteenth Chapter. (A) Greenhue is Vert; and‘ fignifieth in the Laws of the Fort“, Every thing-that doth Grow, and hear Green Leaf, With- in the Farefl, that may cover and hide at Deer. Manwood 2 par. Forefl-Lezwr, fol. 6. a. C? fol. 33. b. ' Vere is divided into General and Special; "Vert General is, as above Defined; Special, is every Tree and Bufh within the Forefl, to Feed the Deer withal; as Pear—Tract, Crab—Trees, Hauthorm, Blacke-Bufh, and the like. And the reafon of this Name is, becaufe the Offence of defiroying fuCh Vert, is more highly pum‘flaed them any other, according , to the antz'ty thereof. See more C. ‘16. - Menfir Veritm, Fence-Month, or Defence-Month; fo cal» led, becaufe it is the Farming-Month, when the Dot: have annes; for the Prefervation whereof, they ought to be E Fenced, 4 C." #26:. ' Fenced” and Defended from Hurt and Difquiet... It eonfl .. .tains aKaiendar—Month of One and Thirty Dayes, and bear . gins the Fifteenth Day before Mid—Summer , in the begin- amewextw' ning whereof, a Swamlmote 15 to be holdeu, and ondeth Fifteen Dayes after: as you may fee by this Chapter. The Third 51174121271011 to be kept in the beginning of Fifteen Dayes ante Feflum Sanéi‘z' johannis Baptiflae1. 9111412110 Agiflatar-ei m:- flrz' convenient pro * Favnatz'ane flm Feomtione befizamm Noflm. mm. Co. Infiit 4 par. fol 313,, , In the Printed Book it is Vezmtione, which ought to be a... mended, and made Faommm, or Feamtzom which figni- fieth the Fawzzizzg ' This word Paomtio, or Fednatzo, is derived of the French word Pannier, i. e. to Fawn, or for Doe: to bring forth 14.11711! ~ _ .. . _ deitiieviébiafiéfivfi'fiiéébd MMéOitiifiW‘éite ' 4“? “WW91°¢¢i°¢¢¢°fl¢flv¢¢MQQOtWOMPNFflWQ CHAP IX 'Wbo to take flgiflment and Pdmnage m Poi-”6&1. ~' . 1? -l.' Very Free- Man may Agiii his own Wood " within 0111‘ Forei’c1at his Pl-eaiiire and {hall’ “5,: take his ('3) Pawnage. Ali'o1 We do grant1That every Free— Man may drive his SWIIIC IICCIY» without Impediment, through our Demefne WoOds, to Agii’c them in their 0:71.711 Woods; or where elfe they will, And 11 itie 8112,1115 1 Q1, ,1 \ ,1; 4 par. fol. 293. _ gain», as it is Latined in Popi/Zo 0coli, m y A ofany Free—Man he one Night within our ' Rhea; there {hall be no OccafiOn taken thereof, whereby he may lofe any thing of his k. .A._..__ *— Agzfiotor, fo called; becaufe hetaketh Beafls to Agift— ment; .‘thnt is, topepaflure within, the Forefl, or to Feed- upon the Pawnage; and'cometh of the From-Ia Word (Geyl [67,) i. e. to Lie; becaufe the Beafis that Feedthere, are there Levant and Couchant, Lying and Rifing; Co. Iflflit. D Agiflmé-ntl'ls properly the Commonof Herbage, of any kind'of Ground, or Land, at. WOOds, or the, Money due for the fame. Mr. MooWood, 1W; prior. of his Fore/f- - Lama And 0f there, in‘fuch Forefl: where there is any Pawnage, there be Poor in Number. Co. ibid. " ’ 4 .‘There Office confil’teth in thefe Four Points: "I. [224412- . flondo. 2. Recipiendo. 3. Imbre'viomdo. 4. ‘Et Cortzficofl- do. ibid. 3g -t y (E! ) Powmge, (Pannogz‘om, olié: [’21sz Mon)" or Pomo- ’ be thoughtfo come of the French 'Ponez, or P436“; which is' 21 Root *mu’chwhat like to a Parfnip, but lefs {and r' nvker in Tafie; which Hogs do there Feed upon, ”though gt 4 be Eaten by Men alfo. It 'fignifieth in our Common-Law, the Money taken by the Agiflors, for the'Feed of Hogs With the Mali: Of the King's Forel’c. Cramp. fowl/“d. {015155. Mr. MonWood, par. prior. of his Forefl-Lowr, faith, Pow- Proge- i3 mofl properly the Mofl of the Woods, or Lomob, or “‘Ijedge—Rowes, or the Money do: to the Owner: of the fame for; it. ' Mr Skfne dent-bar. Szgm‘f. calleth it Pormogiuo); land . E 2 . defi- This‘ Officer is Confiituted by the King’s Letters Patents: 2'8. fmake a Grievous Fine if he have any thing 1mm «mam defineth it to be the Duty given to the King, for the 1111111.. rage of Swine in the Fore]! Qgiemm efle dc Pammgio, i. e. to be quit to pay anything for Pawmge. Vid. EN .13. p. 230 CH A P. X. I 'T/éeRPunijkmentfor Killing 1/76 King’s Deer. NO Man £10m hencefmth [hall Iofe either Life or Member, for Killing of Our” D‘eer: But if any Man be ( 63) Taken and Convié‘t for Taking of Our V 6111/1112 he {hall whereof. And if he have norhing to 10f: he {hall be Imprifoned a Year and a Day And after the Year and the Day is expired, 1f he can find’ fidficient Sureties he {hall be. Delivered,- and if not he. {hall Abjure the Realm of England. ‘ StatiEdgiiSejfi Stat. .H 7. 7. Kerri/261:, fol. 80. Inthis, and in other Chapters of th1s Statute, Vemtio fig- nifieth Vent/L12, as in the 51311111 and Sietcemh. it is an: !e .. ' fir fflztfla. _~ ” 29'» led Vem‘fim of, the Mean, whereby the Beans are taken, Quom'am ex chztione Capizmmr; and being Hunted, are molt Wholefome. They: are called, Beafl: of ‘Vemry, (not Venery, as fome term it) becaul‘e they are gotten by Hunting. . Ordinatio' Fore/h, cap. I 5; Ca. Infl‘z‘t. 4 par. f‘ol‘. 3'16. There be many- Beafts ofthe F or-efl, by the Laws of the Farejf: of England. ' ' ' ' f ' The Here in Summer, the Hind: in Winter; and all, that proceed as of them : The Buckin Summer, the Doc in Win;- tér, and the Proceed of them: The Hare,“ Male and Female, and their Proceed :. The Wild-Boar, Male and Female, and their Proceed: And the Wo‘lf, Male and Female, and their Proceed: The Martin, Male and Female; The Roe is no Beaft of the Forefl, but it is a Bealt of Chat/iv; and f0 it was refolved by the Juflices, and the K ing’s Councel‘, That Capreolz' non [met Bcflice dc Fore/124: And this was the Rea- {on of it, e3 quadfugant alias ferns. Hill. 13 E. 3. com») nge in Tbefaur, Co. Litt. Sea... 378. fol. 2.33. a. ,2 The Proceeds of" the Hart and Hindi» : The Male, the - Firlt Year a Calf, the Second a Bracket, the Thirda Spay. ad, the Fourth a. Staggam’, the Fifth VaStagg, the Shah 9. Hart; and f0 after. The Female, the Firfi Y‘eara Caz-If, the Second aBrackft'S Stfler, and‘the Third’ Year a Hixdé. _‘Co. .Inflit- 4 par. fol. 316. ‘ The. Proceeds of the Buck and Doe .- The F'irlt Yeara farm, the Second Year a Prickrt, the Third Year a Sorel, the Fourth~.a.Sore, the Fifth aflucle of, the Firl’c Head,- the ‘SiXth a Great Buck,- ibid; , 7 The Proceeds of the Hare .- The Firl’c Year a' Ber/em“, the Second Year a Hare, the Third a great Hare. Of a Wild—Boar .' A Pigg, a Hagg, a Hogg-Stm', aBodr, and after- a Sanglier. ,, , 4 The Sea/forts by the Law of the‘Fcrcfl, for the Beads off. \, the Fore/f, are thefe: ‘ Of the Hart, and’the Buck, beginneth at the Fcal’t of St... john... Bapti/Z, and endeth at Holy Rood-Day. 0e §° " _, w 9 maximum , e ”y. = f Of the Hindi} and'pae, 'beginneth at Hob/ékoodf 'andcort- tinueth till Candlémf}. _ * , -- x .' ‘ - Of the. Fox, at Chriflm'aj}, and continuethxill the Tm”— ty Fifth of Marc-la. " " ' ' ‘ . ' Of the Here, ,at Aliclaizelmafi, andlafleth till-.Mid-‘Szm- .mcr. . V ' ' , - t ' - . 2 .0f9'the Ever, from Chriflmaj} till Candlemafi. id. ibid’. , . ‘ ( (9) 'Ta/an: Taken. with the Mtg/mar, 2214mm, is in 4- four kinds; m. "Dag-draw; that is, Drawing after a-Deer, which he hath hurt. habit-[2444; m, htlhis Standing with many Knife, Gun, or B‘O’W’, orclofelwit‘h‘AGrengomz'ds in his - Leafh, ready to Shoot or Co‘urfe. Back-bear; (Br-462m, Wlib. 3. fol. 32.) that is, Carrying away the Deer, which he. -‘- Killed. Bloody—band; i. c. When he hath Shot, or Coun- , ‘ fed, and is imbrued with Bleed. iafl'fol. 29-4. . ' ' If the King, or other Lard do Pardon aTre-Fpafs mare; 9 refl, and the Offendor'at ~a 7%flicenSmt, by his Learned Centr- - .. eel, plead the fame"; in the Proceeding thereupon, we "do . .. obferve Two things: I.‘ That by the Law of the Forefi;.be~ i fore any Allowance thereof; the Jufiiees charge the Mini- "E flersof the Fore/i, to enquire, whether the Delinquent hath ' done any.Tret‘pafs in Vért- or'Vemfmg, after the Date of the \-:=9Patdon.' 2.. When theipardon is allowed, then the Entry is, QM! int/mi; mammptares quad dinoa’o non faritfac'fii. ‘ mm Delinquent amt peccaret. Butif an‘OlTendor be Con- »:vifled for Trefpafs in the Fore/t, in Hunting, (5‘0. [and ad- judged to be Fined or Imprifoned; which'Fine, though it be paid; yet {hall he find Suret’ies for his good Abe'aring, coo. in thefe words : Qty! oi made]? bme gent, @‘ in F0— refld predifia non férixfaC', i. non Delinqmret fl» pecmret. . -@nde.fari5faélnm fro delifi‘o. idem, fol. 313. he 3102:5111. _ 11111111111111111111 '” CHAP X1. A Noblemmz may Kzll 4 Deer in a Fo-' ' r611. I-Iatfoever Arch- -B1111op, Bifl1op, Earl 01:; Baron, coming to Us at Our Command— meme,- pifiing by our Forefl , 11 1119.11 be Lawful for '11’in1 to Take and K111 one or tWo of our ., 1 3321* b View of our Fore/1e)”, if he be Pfe: .. fent; or yelf‘e he 1112111 canfe one to bloW a Horn for him, that he feem not to Steal 0111 313122». . And they 1115111 do 10 likeWife in their Retarn from 115, as it is aforef11d We find not any Chapter or Article of this Charm de [-70- refla, doth extend to Clmfiu or Park}, but only this 51mm» Chapter. .chmzq; Arc/diepifi‘opm, Epifi'o‘pm, Comes, ml Ba- 70 ad mandamm noflmm tranfierit per Fore/far: roflmm, &C which doth not only extend to the Forefis of the King, but to His Clmfe: and Park: alfo: For 10 was the Law before , the Making of this A61, which is but 1n Aflirmance of the Common—Law of the Farefl, before this AC1. Co Inflir. 4pm: 101.308. Fir/l," In refpefi of the Perfons. For, every Lord of Par. : Iiammt, be he Spiritual or Temporal, had this Priviiege be.- fides thofe that be named in this Chapter; 35, fuch Abbots ‘ and,_Prior:, as were Lords of Tarlmmemr; and 10 of ‘ 1 .- 312113;, 39 ' 31. seam enamel Dukes, MarqaeflEe, and Vifeoantt, who were fEreCted and Created, afterwards being ‘Lordsof Parliament, have the fame Privilege alfo. id. ibid. . Secondly, By reafon of the kind of Commandment; Ad mandatam noflram, faith the Statute; which words have re- ference to the Writ of Parliament, direéted to every Lord ,of Parliament, Idea 'vobi: mandamus, BIC. and is a Legal Commandment by Writ direé’red feverally'to each and eve- ry Lord of Parliament, to appear at the King’s Court of Parliament, 81C. to "treat De ardair re?" argentiba‘: negoriir Regni, Statam cé~ Defenfienem Regni ej~ Eeclefia Anglicana ' mneernentibm. And to Recreate themfelves, Veniendo, and / ' .See 25 H. 738141919, We. after Redennda, they may, pafling by any of the King’s F0- rejir, Clea/2:, or Parks, Hunt and Kill one or two of the King’s Deer. The Lords of Parliament may do it at other times ex Gratin, but by Law, Eantla c6- Retleando, to and from the Parliament. . "Tlairelly, Here is implyed, that the Lord of Parliament may, in the Abfence of the Forefler or Keeper, after the Blowing of the Horn, Kill one.or two of the King’s Deer; 'Proprii: fair Caniltar, aat Area flea proprio. Feartltly, Here is al'ecret Conclulion of Law, That albeit Spiritual Perfons are Prohibited by the Canon-Law, to Hunt; yetlby the Common-Law of the Land, they may for their Recreation, to make them fitter for the Performance of their Duty and Office, ufe the Recreation of Hunting, as here it directly appeareth. And in Aflifa Fore/la, (SE. 1. it ap- peareth, That the Abbot of Peterltarow had aRight of Hun- ting in the Fore/l off Kockiaglaam. And this appear‘e‘th in o- ther Statutes, viz. 13 13.2. 19 H. 7. 1 3m. c. 27. And at this Day, and Time out of mind, the King hath ”had after the Deceal'e of every Arch-Bifhop and BilboP (inter alia) Mata”: faam Caaam, 81¢. his Kennel 0f Hater/d3, or 3 Com- pofition for the farm; which, and other things, are in “the Exeloecqaer called Malta. ‘ Fifi/21y, The [all Conclufion is, That all Canons againfl: . the Laws or Cufloms of the Realm, are void, and of none efi‘efl. C H A P. at some. 60 ”5% :3? /. is“? g {a}; Q as “13‘ Jim .35 C H A P. XII. H0129 every F ree— M 412 may ufi [215 Land 7 in the F orefi Vyer FreesMan from henceforth without Danger {hall make in his own Wood, or in his Land, or in his Water which he hath Within Out ForePc Mills ,Sptings, Pools, Matfh— Pits Dikes, or Earable Ground with: out inclofing that Earable Ground f0 that it be not to the Annoyance of any of his Ne1ghs ~' bouts. The Jutifdiflion of the Fare/Z being Local, the Law of. 1: the Fore/f hath provided, That the Farefl fhould be inclofe‘d by Meets and Bounds, which indeed are the Inciofure of the Forefis: For, as Park; are Inclofed with Wall, Pale, or Hedges; fo Fare/is and Clan/e: are Inclofed by Meets and ‘Bounds: And as a Park cannot bea Park, Without fuch an ‘ Inclofure indeed, fo it can be neither Fore/2 nor Clm/‘e, with- out an Inclofure in Law; that is, by Meets and Bounds. ‘Metae fimt Clan/hm Forefidmm c?“ Cbaceamm. And Where, by the Statute 6 E. I. c. 18. it is provided, @051 0mm: meta: F orefle fin: integre Domino Regi; that 15, f0 to be un- ’derftood, Quad flaréfdifiionemcé- Imperium, ejv non quodd F ' ’Dominium : 373 8’ E. 3.. 11111. 1716!; Sir j‘ioh 11 do Monk’s C11 f: . ,_ 1131111111 Marta Dominim‘r For 1f Rivers or High-Wayes be Bounds, ( as molt commonly they be) yet the K111 hath no more In- tereHi in the Soil, Way, River, or Fi ing, than of Right he ofight; but only for his Juril‘dié’tion of his Fonfl, which extendeth over the whole Way, River, 65w. And Where Mills, anClOthertHoufes, Trees, (M. olfsother Men, and inch like, be Meets and Bounds of the Foreflx; yet there- by the King ha th no IntereH in fuch Mills, Ho11l‘es,or Tress, @1. See more ofthis 1n Co. 112/111. 4. par. fol 313-. 316 Here is nothing in this Chapter fo Diflicolt, as to need Ex..- plaining. CHAP XIII. H 0129 6‘06le Fr6e- M1111 may. 11]}: 61: Law!" in the Forefi E “mVreny Frees-Man {hallhave within his own WoOds; (a) ‘A’yries of Hawkes, Sparrow: Haw/(es, Falcons, Eagles, and Herons,- and {hail have alfo the Honey that is found within his 3.170de ‘ 5...; - fl § (11) 14111113 in 0111‘ Language, the proper word' 1n Han-[(11- for That we generally call a Nefl in Other 1311111, and {0 Med here. The Statute fpeaketh De A1111: Acapztmm, Efpewomm, Ealcomzm, Aquflarumo’15111101711112, which is bUt in Affir- * mance I l " 1 ‘ 1, 1-,mlmm4n A 4 _/ int 51mm. ‘mance of the Common-Law; for it extendeth to Ae‘rie: of other Hawke: than be fpecially named; as to Aé'rze: M3,- ~ leanamm in bafcis [W de Levejbam. Co. Infiit. 4par. fol. T310. 1 V -. 1 _ . . 1K3 q“ 1'. y ."2’..-_ i :13- . 's 1‘ 3399 :19; v9: 1:139 9:” - ‘C H A P. XIV. 9 12.9992 W199 to Mae Cbiminage or ‘Toll in a Forefl; for what ”25,09,212“! [962299 much. 0 Fore/fer from henceforth who is not Fore/hr in Fee, paying to Us Berni for his Bailywick,fl1all take any Chiminage, or Toll Within his Bailywick: But a Forefler 1n Fee, paying Us Perm for his Bailywick, {ball take Chiminage; that IS to fay, for Cariiage by Cart the Ha1f= Year Two Tame and for another Ha1f= Year Two (Pence: for an Hmfia that ~bearerh Loads every Halfi Year an Hay, 73m: 22)),- and by another Half: Year, an [:72sz= (Penny, And but of thofe only that come as Merchants ~gthron h his Bailywick by LicenFe, to buy Buihes Timber, Bark Cole,- and to fell it again at their Pleafure. , But for none other ‘ ‘ F 2 ‘ Carr- ; s' savanna @b’attw Carriage by Cart, Chiminage‘ {hall be ma]. ken. Nor Chiminage {hall not be taken, but in fuch Places only'Where it hath been ufed..-.«~. to be. Thole who bear upon. their Backs . Brufhment, Bark, 0: Coal to fell, though it be their Living, {hallwpay no Chiminage -. to Our» Foreflers,» ejéicept they " take itwithin out Demefne . Weeds. ‘ Chiminage (as is here e'Xprefl-‘edyfi‘gnifieth a qul for Way— . fazmge through the Forefl. Crom‘pt. farzfdic. fol. 189. Marz- woad,‘"par. I of his Forefl—Lawx, fol. 86. Quiemm afle de Cargo, mm aliqme Came, [m Caflfi‘ae care- mm Trapfemges per Forefloz‘m, (9‘ flmiliter fitmmdgm [m [b- magm eqmmmj Confiwt. [Mm folmre ficmzddm magi} ml wing; Mimflrz': #9546!” pro Chemino, ibidem habmd. Sim:- magium, or Somrz’zagium,.. cometh‘ of the French wo’rd...Sommz'~ _ er, or Summer; which 'fig'nificth a Horfe carryingany Load. Ckiwagz‘m, is derived from the French word Chem”, a Way; " and, as the Lord Coke fayes, is .a To]! for Wayfaring-Men . ¥ through a Farefl. .Co. Inflit. 4' par. fol. 3061 wwwrwuw«Mguaauwowwmem C H. A P. XV. Pfirdonlfoi’ Outlaw, of T refpaf: within At/ae Foreft.» , - ALL that be Out-Law’d for the Fore/ion: . 1y, finite the time of King .Henry our , . . - Grenade-i be” Iquzt-aa.‘ 1 .4 Graud 9Pather until our firfi Coronation, {hall come to our Peace Without Lett, and {hall find to us Sureties, That from hencefOrth they , fl1all not Trefpafis unto us Within our Fore/i. v—rw—w.‘ Here you fee, though the Out—Laws are Partloned; yet , they are obliged Invem're Manucaptorer quad a mode 72972 fo—' mfac’ , i. non Dating/acre!» an; pecmrem. . . 11111111111111111111 c H A P. XVI. How Pleas of the Forefi flan]! [9e H01? den. 17 O Confiable Cafiellani or 31111113111111 hold ’ Plea Of Fore/2, neither for (A) Greenhue, not Venifon, but every Fore/hr in Fee fl1-all " make Attachments for Pleas of Party}, as . Wellfor Greenhue as Venifou; and {hall pre- fent them to the Verderors of the ProViuees. And when they be Inrolled and Inclofed under t f the Seals of the Verderors; they {hall be pre: fmted to our (* ) Chief JufiieerS‘of our F0: refi; When they {hall come into thOfe Parts, 1 to hokcl the Pleas of the Farefl, and before i ' Ellen}: :,; . .318 manna .ebarta - them they {hall be" determined. And there _Liberties of .the Porefi, “We have granted to all Men; faving to Arch=Bifhops, Bilhops’,‘ Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, Knights, and , to “other Perfons, as Well Spiritual, as Tern: poral, Templars, “Hofpitalrlers, their Liber= ties and free Cuf’comes, as well within the Fore/i, as without, and in Warrens, and o— ther places, which they have had. All thefe Liberties and Cullomes, 'We, (w. as it is in the End of M A G N A CH A RTA, and ’We do confirm and ratify thefe gifts, (9r. as you‘may fee there too is fpecifie‘d, (9c. —~.. A Greenlme, Vert, is Whatfoever beareth green Leaf, but efpecially of green and thick Coverts‘: And Vert is of di- vers Kinds, fome 'that beareth Fruit, that may ferve as well for Food of Men as of .Beafls, as Pear-Trees, Chef- nut-Trees, Apple—Trees, Service4T'rees, Not-Trees, Crab— Trees, @6. and for the "fllelter; and defence of .the Game: fome called Ham-Bait, ferving for Food and Browfe of, and for the Game, and for the defence of them, as 'Oakes, Beeches, «@«c. ‘fome Ham-Rois, for browfe, and :lhelter, and defence only, as Allies, Poplers, 6‘6. Of Sub—301's, fomelfor Browfe‘ and Eood of the Game, and for {hel- ter, and defence, as Maples, 81c. fome for Browfejand defence, as Birch, Sallow, Willow, (930. fome for ‘fhel—s ter and defence only, as, Alder, Elder, 65c. Of Bufhes and other Vegetables, Some for Fodd and Shelter, as the Haw—Thorn, Black-Thorn, 6%“. some for hiding and {hel- ter, as Brakes, Gorfs, Heath, (five. To Sum Up all, Plan- Mrmz triaifmz‘ genera : Arbcrex, Aware/banter, (jv Effie, . ‘ ' Ar ores, at mine.“ ’ Arborer, aS‘Ham—Boir, and Sub-Boil. Arborefcmtu, as-Bulfi. es, Brakes, (5%. Herlm, as Herbs and Weeds, which, al- beit they be Green, yet our legal Wright, Greenhue, 6X». tenderh not to them. Co. In/fir. 4. par. fol. 317. (*) The Court of the Jultice—Seat hath Jurifdié’rion to 3‘9 inquire, hear, and determine two things: I. All Trefpaf- fes within the Fore/l, according to the flaws of the-Fo— wfls. 2. All the Claims of Franchifes Privileges, and L}. berries within the Forefl-;.~ as, to have Parks; Warrens, Vi- varies, to be quit ofAlIBrts and Purprel‘ture—s, to cut down his own" Woods, without View of the Foreflzer, (936. like. « wife Claims of Leets, Hundreds, Felons Goods, \Vaifs, 21.57.75,, Strayes, FugitiVes, andto kill Hares and other Beafls of _ Chafe within the Forefl; or to have a Wood Infm Me- t4: Fareflw, (6* extra Regardum' Fareflce, that is, to be out: of jurifdit‘iion-of the Farefl, and other Franchil‘es, Privi— leges, Liberties, Immunities, Freedomes, ejvc, within the Fore/f; whereof excellent Matter isto be Read in the Eire of Pickering, in 8. E. 3. Kat. 3. I. (30.4. Mfi‘. fol. 29t. This Chief J‘uitice may bylthe Stat; 32. H; 83. c. 35'. makehis Deputy,'(yet all the Writs of Summons, Anti- xcn't‘and Late; are Comm (the Juliice/ Itimmrzr) Am rim Depumto. tlBefore-any Juliice-Sear be holden, the Re- garders of the” Farefl, mult make their Regard'by Force of, the King’s Writ, and the Regard iS-Oimmbulare, 'to go a through, and view the whole Forefl, and. every Bailywick of the fame, Adividendtam, iirqrrirmdgm, imbrewflndxm 6V certifimna’um all the Trefpafles in the Porefl'. His Office extendeth through the whole Forefl‘, and ed - very Part thereof, to inquire of all ofl’encese concerning.- Vert and Venifon, and of all Concealments of any Offgn- ces or Defaults of the Foreilers, and all other Officers of" "the King’s Forefl. He is aMinil‘terialOlficm‘, and is Conn fiituted either by Letters-Patents of tiie King, or by the Chief-Juiiice at the IUliicc-Seat, or to be chofen by Writ" to the SherifF, id. z'lml. Before a juii‘ice—Seat, there ought to be preparaticns for;- the fame; to the end, that good Service may» be done there, / 155;: as IQ'lwzzy. . ,150. 6. V. 21. 17.7.22, 8: 30. wanna Mimi“ thmd ‘Itinei‘a nan fiizt flmbrfiftilia. .ibid .& fequ‘entQ- - ~, Note, ~-BeforegS_craop, and other judices in Eire, accor; ding to the Courfe off the Common-Law, a Man-Claimed to be quit of Pawnage of..the King’s Forcfi; And alfo he Claimed in the. fame Forefi, P’awnage-zof his. Tenant Pour ~w Agzflw; And {fonthat this belonged ‘to the Jul’tices of the ~ Fore/2;, theywould not meddle with it. tAnd the-'Reafon of that, is, the Words of the Chapter, meentmmr Capie mljhm fi’ufl'z'cmriz‘s noflri: ale Fore/fa, "mm in} panes film we:- mrz'nt, ca». comm eis termimnmr. ASo as-the Termination ~ and Ending thereof, belongeth totheChief lattices of the Fore/l, by the exptefs Words of this Chapter; and-where it“ faith, C am”: Capamlz'bm fit-flicidrfi: naflrit, 82C. Ill-is to be known. That there is but, one Chief jufiiee, of the Pa- ”*9/56 01‘1 -this:'fide Trent, and he is named. fuflz'ciarim in} mam Forcft’amm, 81¢. citm'Trmmm. And there is ano- ther Capitali: _ fuflz‘ciarim, and he is .7u/Zz'ciarz'u: Itimmzz: amninm Foreflam'm, (Ste. Ultra‘Trmmm; who commonly is. a Man of greater Dignity, than Knowledge in the Laws _ of the Forefi. And therefore, when Jultice-Seats are to be Holden, there be Afl'ociated to him fueh as the King fjfllall appoint, who together with him {hall determine 0m- m'a placim, 8Z0. ’ Fore/fie, with a Patent of 52' mm 01717133, and a Writ-dc Admittendo, 81¢. i AM the Chief Jullice of the Fog fill, and thel'e Allociates, are Capitals: Taflit'iarn' FWBfipt, and named Capitals: in refpet't of the Verderors and 0a:- thers, that to «fame putpol‘es "have inferiourjudidal ”Plat-g '; ees. \5’ RARE 2280 .C65 1224 We: Inuit-M ELL SPC RRE HARE“ KDZ280 .C65 12 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 010-00724491 1