.. Lcmdm, roa THE Advancing and Regulati o 1: T H E OF THIS ' &h—n.__. ‘ ' W V Commonwealth: J ‘ in ‘, 4 ‘ ‘ V 3 V ww "%*v~5 ‘ ., ‘ ‘ A W x A ‘A ~ 5?" A'\v‘..» ' A "A9: ‘ I .'’‘‘ ,‘ :; ~ , , '~‘ - k" "A" AA H L‘ v v ~ /‘ €‘,'[g»v£~r“: AH‘ ;75Y*15gr«e:&wi\;?_ig"7a.‘!‘H“L I‘ '7Mn\-r ‘N?b5* "",_.»“17‘.'»‘iLiovaI1' V "Ur ' M"”’7‘*-vJ« '77 Q3“ ‘ L v §W'7“xfl‘ “r“‘1§i\r7V’§+,‘¥4y ""' ‘.:w w "#1. <' I‘ "3 ‘- W. ‘ A» ‘ / ' ‘ . y . Hg. A A‘ V Die Jovis, Prim<5AugufH,x65o. éy the Parliament, T64: tltzév 46? be fem/.1 'pub1z'j'bed, ' A A ‘ 9‘ 2 wit}? priimdmd A A I-Iem-4Scobe1l,Cle.t‘ic. Pmiiamrsnti. A Printed byfdwardflwéamd and§5a/an Fi 4 . u v‘ .. -‘''._......'...1 K} V K V aid, Printers to A :4 _- A » the Parliament of England, I 6 50. ~ A ” For the Ad7%vanAci%ng éndRe 4 A 40f“thisA~ Commonwealth}. ‘ tt i * W J I Tlu\ I .. ~. . . ‘_ 1; u-“" ‘ ‘ '13.... t * ...,.m" » ‘ we. ‘ “ J, 4, ' I ., IA I V -'**“" "' V ‘ ‘ ‘ an-I _‘ v‘ ‘ ... . " . "'“" ax; ', , &flD[ $719335? A fl}? Lxlatiing pf the rade $2 aaactianwnt flffifng-. ., ; Ian d tamug% into amt mm the mmntmmm if . t irmafiickgéikane _., mm * V4 {metal samzrmfmtmwsé ‘ 9“ (mm m mw ‘I-i Q % ‘ ~~ gm; hm emw J mum benefit tlgwwf, cncmxnwat 5 I V V; on wgmamn t zvjjfamilécfimefcrnenfwnlilfiags (gamma; mm up ulatxfpiy” fl}z*mum mazfggfi nnzpenplt Atijisflmm may be M A M’ will W111?) am) that @1373 ¢“*W¥ua%%£&ifi¢d might be mcicben tijecehm am) un¢ncca&n11«%v1‘;’6 6 mm fa; ‘finlemfs mg aama:e‘*1csp ”: imam M31? mum): mg,‘ mam the fame of this mtmn imtijat 4 ijmm am) mean, being tightly nzmm mmm;gu;-.: lam? 2m:a:ag'e, ti) m:ce¢m'ng11> mnuw t the ‘mm HWY V&fl€fiflW§0?§mW'§U%T lunar, Richard Salwey , ‘William Mcchwfofcl, aui"1r;'c“‘VAA Qwengtij, wealth, ~i9mw;1n1®2fpeflv of arm mm W wntaw,% ‘Em A t mum amnnefecwz gm ¢ ant M £1: A mnfi: nmfi'am51p mam nifanmntgemzfitmfimfw; mmi fitams in pam’cu1at,atm to €1)W6%?¢nmmmiv: % mmm) mgmem1: am ti3eMpzmetu;ing uf mifiti) y@$zmi1z'e.ffi mm fiwtnnbeniencivza am1*fi0z fififihfiéxfi tev¢”%amfié%tim 0WfmflD¢ fm%t11¢ 1159, I’1 “ " tfigevefmzammctehmrm®zW1Wh1’tfififlflwwtfixw a w‘3.‘aimg mm: 1'5 ¢l)2mh:p mmstm tam! zDa*tI.:w‘;‘ A & n as Irc\ toi4cbnfi1h: Vhow the T:rad%e A may moi’: cdnvenicnt1yA4bc d%riv¢nfromAon%epart: of ;his Land roan-—-A. d€1h%¢rA= Towhich purpofi: theyamto corifidet HOW thk:V% maybemadc m°reNaVigab1e,andth¢P°rtsm°r¢A "'9' MI = ; % xwumuwwmwmhm~A r%a%‘~"$¢ parts b¢%f¢~”1 ri§l;0ved%; andAd¢Vii“ebyallme2L1isf,%Vihowmw aflid p1a;ces%mVayA%thébc~tt¢f venting f rm ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘on ~"*i#'"*"*«""* ‘"""‘ "-"""" "'~—---. '-4~~‘-4,-~ ...... -..._‘. .... . ‘ ' " ‘ ' E" ‘ n C969>r e Fifibgy, They are to raadvilh hoyWyhfi‘eé% Pbfté hr Lan’din.g%=¥ plans forfloraign Commodities imparted {without pay-— ingof Cuflcom, iF againexported) may be appuinted in feverai parts of this Land, andhiflnh ‘what mancr the fame is befi tpfibe eflefied. Sah::ti:»ly, They are to confiyderof fomhe why; that 3, rnofl: exaér Aecompt be kept of A all Commoditiesimportcd and exported through the Lane}, to the endthzitha perfeét Bal- r Mnceof Trude may be taken, whereby theCommon-- weelrirmay notheimpoverifhed, by receiving of Com-- modities yearly from Foraign parts, of a. greater value then wharwas carricdrout. Seve22t7aly,rTheyarcduly re confider the yalue of the E2:g;ltfl9 Coyns, and the Par therC‘Of,"iI1‘rC13,ti0,nCO yrhe ~im:rinfick value which it; bears in Wcighthancmzi fincnefi with the Chyns of other Naticmszy hA11bhto’eor;fider of theflatcof the Exchange, and of thegainhor 1013‘ that comés to theyCommonwwhrrrybr rthcryE#:chang¢ WW Ezghtipzy, They me am order to r11cRcgh1aeingah*dBel nefit of Trade) ferioulfly to confider What; Cufiomsie Im» A A; A4 Tentkly, They are toyiefifhrrrxee th.ernfe1V_es‘ of thehp:irtiC'h45 A A W lax: pofissahd E..xcize is fix: to be laid uponé.1l Goods and“Cdm-—— mhdities,’ eir,herNat:ivc or Imported, and how the fagi Cuf’coms,‘ Impofls arrd Excizc maybe bcPt ordcredrand Ah Regulated, and fo eqhtally laid, and evenly mar1ageyd5sas neither Trade may thereby behindrccgnor the«rSrarcr‘na‘dc urrcapahlez to defray] the P uhb1iquerCrharges of J theC0shf1f mpnwealth. A ANi72z.‘72l31,4zzi and Ireland, but 1i1< c:xvife4nf I/elzmd, Greenl2md,Newf5gnd4[;”4nd and “ "2\@tv~Engl;znd, Gr e1fwhe%re,andto takccare that rheffifherl A menmiy bé *éficm;”ra‘ged‘ rd g6%4¢bn4 in their4Labors, to the , ‘ éficreafékofShippingdhci Marindfs. M M M V 4 Twélfiblj, TjheyareAtota.kc in1;o tA}1ei.1* co“nfidera.tion ‘Enlifh P1a%nta.1:ions in Jmericzz or clfwhérc, and to advifi: J ho thofe A"I3i2.r1tatiot1sii“riay ”béAl3ef’cmanagAed;i andmézdc mofi tife“ft11’l'*6i: this ’CdmrhAon‘w¢21t»b;%antl how the com... mbd,it%ies %h’cfé%bF m:i.y%'_beT¢3rr1ul”tip1iedé.nd improved, as A M C6‘mfi1bnvvéfiltE oFEhglafid With Whatfaever it nece (if it Btwbfsibié)fhoT€f’1§!1té.tidfis alone may i'*upp1§th¢A % % fl M % ¢ 4 Aari‘-5 ly xmnzs: Aha they arché1:ebyR¢q:u%ir¢¢d, That%asI‘oasrj1g ~ V as they havcmaturcly‘confidercd ht1“di'efC1Véd[ upmi my material pan: origgjncpf chefs I.nPcruétions, or cbeauhey M have cho:2ghtm advifebf asnyrhin gbefides; whida .they in chair 4'ik:1<3g@II$I11?5 mfayfuppoiEto% bc adVa‘ntagwus ta the Advanesmerit Tram: That th~AéY c¢rti.5c tile &?a$r- liamént m~C?ounee1»oF $tacc zhemof from eiwé t*i1IfiiE.; V to the end t%haA: the P,?3.rliam‘erf1tor C0u”11c¢1¢QfiAStat¢_m4g§f ‘give fuclh rm: th e::cupon,+as theyin their \Wi{Elj§;4msdfl1;a11 think CO133[lI”fl@flIvfiE 3I'ldl'CafOQfl.13%, 1 am they met many mmicen, nomerp‘ m cane « % eivfmevrms tmevatmn; but mna»tAow¢r %n~c%ti%-Ims nz@:m~ éffitiizkfmt ‘3fi7fiwtti#D11§%infn ‘D finetatimts tonx;%etningV mane be: neecea€rz:;% ttan %i’t’fiD”;Ja’t1i0it5”* annmnmtesfije upn t- we imtiianwut oz (Emmett uf t«tn: A Wm“? W%%%V1iamW "WWWt~% 1:21 bf 12% V attietinuflywabmfk ttjmhf, may mm; ail cumammag mmflfmg we 4 mm amafiizag mm camping mm? we mmm’f¢§,tbe fm‘n®umam’i“s rmmw mg fiammmgA tfiummi fm ?I71JB%R§1Is1fifl'vIEg mf “Twang , we mum? mz .tmu’5%cm~4% mm mm m cm. cam my a%wp@fm’mm mm, mwmms mg ms: mu fieguiating mm 2L5emfitm'f mam, mafia?) Vfi)ai1bznfl‘mn1-mm mam wmw pwfw Wham: met, but totem fag the ®&’a'ccwnftije%mjs~.:.¢ quer, ttjzinume fluftnxrwmtn mom, mg any perform; pevfuna whom tbepflyaii think; ‘fin nzfitmc to be of «memvsmcu mm mmp to « ammaE'a: V amtbal, in any tbmg that teams m we flfimefw mfi ’£1:ahm%711nthep'b;ah.e 1mI:ehp.fuil amnm mm flu- thuzity g1’mntbc%m,%n mm alMl1I5nuR5,fivcflm5 annmgmfngs mf;puhu’queAufegvmkjicb tm1>%tij%ai1fz1?iiJ flommifsiuners mg flaming mt1iz'&sa"1V~fu%%2,%T.Za:€aAm % A mail finnz zmnfm, fa: tiJtiv.&b‘ztm E nfnznammn many thing that mawzoncwu tbamenzifw. ..,%a@sfi M nmfzeomttg they t6VDmhp anwbuztsw m mom amtb Benjamin \Worflae’y $31; L (m{J0%I’§VbE€¥€13%1A9£flIEm‘:3 amen arm appmmen he %.¢cv¢mvtw W mmtnifsiouers oz flann:mg:ma,mca1Afmfimmx tijwearlp fiaiaxp of %mm ijwnmm mamas pct Annum sanhtn mam chum mf aafi mmw mm, A %W’/Wts MD %~0[tb%9I=@fii£m»fV%, ws%¢.V.i‘@w mm think fit annnmfulf fog that fifintpmgnmm, mm % j Glzrtificatztl)et:mf$«to ti) mmmtm M hp,tI)zfatn (itnmnuttee ofwz fiflaw amjmhy 2 tvaiiom tam ma) miaties ,as,tb%€?V£m1i tn he tcquifité ;%we~?fain A9m1‘am3a"m we“? film emcningytljz%um:nf*@i3:%ee::bzmma; %:aneAa;a11 gmeaamp he mxtum, autbibzisen atmmquireh 1:0 mm mafwt flmw fax» ieiiW:‘$ V 4 puamfifl pér A H Annum,A0fi€l3 am) MIDYJE 133% film imnmgm WEWEZU5 ~P¢rA:mw1h W W 5>%&W&v%9V afflwwifi rm 13%’ tfiafm“ 1 ®aI”a'cie5,V mm) fuc1jAnfij‘éet "t”nt:t&'fi em cbmmfi M A T A *’tiJefamcflnnttnifsimwvz 02 fiamhiug flmmcai “fag imtnmf mpnaezat fljawfif aztcaznfmw. V %3%‘m'$ 3%’ ‘®%“fiUv C 97524) flfimmn by we immjmitp a mm'a%n , Eiimfi {am @n:nm:€{5%ia1mw vnzfianm:1:.g Wfmmwi mgz; fimm “i1mi% babe aiIfmmeb m€o them mg mm £$@em'tag,a cnnbmafent piaiw in Whmhall, mam ‘ imam: tn’ flD§'lJII13n’f1?DIIIfllfiw is mam, mw~€e%m ammo titm, as ti)wfl)m1feewui‘nz. mm; imp are iamzr hereby autljozéacn atm mqumn m rum 3% W9 piace afazefain in \Whitehz1l1, fifitdififlj may of Augufi“, wnetbmwaun fut fijmmzam mm fifty, were to confine: mm anbzijz oi? the pzcmeifvzs, acmgmug to the waivers ant; fiufimctinnfi flamm- bp giiiam than ljicb ammecg annflifimuttis ~mz5,anD all things in was mefent mt cnntainan, than he of fail fnzAceann%lut1Jcm’tp, zmmjitm amine arm twentieth nf Seprembcr, fine tljmfmm fix bunmw fifty am: one, :atm no iongev, mmlefs tljeiaaviimnznt tballntbztmife 2II)z.nev tbcfaum . V’ rimofluzyii, M 1650. ' I Rdcredby the Parliament."That:hisAA forthwith printedand‘ Hentscoéell.CIeric..7’arfimen:i. A