nw” V " > ‘ I .. “Hg. 5' " "1' ", ".4 1' ‘ 4%?’ A intoLc;ndon, azmtbzte tom aim "%tstmw.,. I1) he fIIffi¢i¢tIt1v”t1canfen arm garb1w,bzfoiz2+t faint,ozanvvatttbetzogtwflwmhfifoiu, I1 , //’.‘a\Y:'!(@\“‘s A » . ” . . ‘ :',v \ N %_ NA. -’ . . _‘ "'w-aw‘-I ’h"....L....~.. ‘ g ?;»iu:,__:%‘1:r,¢~1«:*a * ' % V. 9- V. “ For liberty to Trahfport; Spicés Vngarbl (9 I ’ .\.m .. .‘.. 5 3*‘ .v 4-, . ‘ «N! ‘ha :s;~:. fig , nzmt, mam me am pm mg “ mg» James, Em mmmtmm M‘ %.%~, amrm cnmmmm in mmmg tawfaleV of cmvuw,.un£imaa, ;,’;,’.,.~7 “ml minmenfimws, 1‘3Wi5a "" " mans, mm umw graham; ......—....u-vwuuur 9 ’‘“m', .-j».,\ '* W §%3€tB7&fi B? M1 ififl fig %@ &m'&:::: V ¢ £3 ‘ % , niszsatblmm; @t was ; tijctcw fog mmenp tmt~e0%f¢uactm, mm Emmy foztfinf fimcefi, Ezugfi, Lmaxes mm man:-aw 15:5, infijzfmh flctwmemtmuen, arm mmzgi3t‘%‘ at e an pain at’ fozfeituce 0% an fuel) mm, gum.‘ mates arm @er:cIJannz‘se5, oz tbetaamg wmof mljtcb Cboulu he fu%m4 min Emma 21 gums past 9% tbefitahwf #eAecrmzxc of tum Jlaatmu, fimpnztmfi of ewe: mm mm he la: in éepices, wghgg,mav¢§%mm’%arcbanmsz, mm mm out of tI)i5m»mmnuza1tb,in tijm comic ant: cet.mcnA%ufi y4mwazt fa-.~ gwam: quantities mwf, mm ate exmtmm mm wnfit-,« men in this Aatijmt the nmwiufi wheres? {if 19-; mg meamibil be; ua%%aWan1€&ge4;M¢iAtbat to the wet- cijantfigoztn tbtg lti),-. am if aiIom- zh to he expnzten tmJg'avbIeD, llmmb» mm to the meat am:wmcm:en=t nf item at fiommmtcz tugg- zawambz mmgtbning arm fecummnf thmvtate by we wctwxezof ,fl%am’gatinn, mariike Vbips annahlc §eamm,Ai ¢atm alfu tut mtau em:-, mg of mzfmm anqfixcmz ml mijicbtiw flam- mcms of England in amrltatmnt afiemh»%lm, {me ouflp continetmgy Em think gown ta wmmce,‘ mac: agrm wzbam, ‘fin it ta‘ Uewby wnactw, wznainen arm zcfmten, Swat it {bail ann tnay % % t, A % 1, £6 Fm’ WA 3 %%wp1%‘z“ of England anneecp ufi tm, fimw mil): mm* mmwtmy of Au«g»rw1’c,v %t:bfi fa ttt12%nznantmez. mppev,9pitw.,WaWbi, 553% t 11 mitt“ es A f % 1 " % % % % gum time ta tmw, ants at am ea fmm am 8% fat: am fix yuxmze fnztmminmtsr Emmficwe mama m mnoztaut E tm amm% am:” 1' 4% ma 1 tutu any ‘£I)"m3&t? $5» 113? Mm 13%§"€f9‘,E& A 4 ~ V fir in tat« on ® e tfc fee A ‘ .~ ¢;:n mt! A 4 A A» taut!‘ ,‘tintc_.,anh at an tinnzbereafm; nttenann nut to talc any qacpnen n;a9picea,mnga,m ates at asst-a . gtatntz, oz any thing to the cunt in any nlbift flfltibitibfiatliflg. ’ cbannises, which that! be to febmn, oz tljatatc 0: than be nncieanf¢n,nn1nhtnen, in nngaxblen, to anppetfnn nz pevfona mbatfnzma mittnn this fieahn, to he mnzten to any part 0; pasta‘? bl:- yonn the was ; ann tnat an ant: anew nevnfnn ann neurons which (ball to buy any aaan-ma nzntma fiptcca, Ezngs, mates n;%£®ntc1janai5n5 $0 flvanfpozt, mall ann may itranfpngt ma fauna aacppct oz ntbet muses , Ezaga , mama ann a))etci)anni3a5,mtt1)nnt any fenm:tng,c1zanfing, manning. oz gatbling of the tame, five raw raw tbcteaf I-Icn: Scobcll, Cleric; Parliamcnti. J ‘ -‘. ' ‘ .. .—-— _... A EomIon,Printcd by Iolm Field for Ed1'bardHmlmnd,Pr‘inter; A totheVParliamcnt%ofEnggland,Qéiob,13.1649, A