I %% ” ‘London, 5 éefortbwitb printeclandpuélijbed. u1..._.. ‘V K , A Commo ‘For the Rc1icFand Imployment of the Poor A ‘ punifluing of Vagrar1ts,and other di{‘o:-dcrly pcrfons, within the »+‘f':" ‘. OF THE InxParhan1ent affembled, , and the City of London, and Liberties xhcrcof. " V Whcpdfiy is conffituted a Corporationi, or Body Politique , tonfifb ing of a Prcfidcnt, Deputy, Treafurer and Afliflants, for the" due or- daring and putting in execution the {aid Aéh A A Rdgred 5] {be Commons affkmélcd i;z;P4rZiame;¢t, %Tbflzt Mi; A6? ‘A A ms of England; ~ A mentof England. A $649; ?Print¢:d%by fb/:m_Fi£'%la'fo1:‘V Edward Haflmnd , Printct 1:v0thcL15arIfa- A Hen: S¢0bc1l,C1t:ric~. P ar1ia1nenti.A A M; t F 0 R The Relief and Imployment ofthe Poor, and the Punlfllmcnt Of Vagrants, and other diforderley Per» e Ems , within the City of Landone, and the F “ A Liberties theereofl. A V A l ' ‘ - -- , - «— ...‘h ' -. ~,-- M I \ ,'''' ‘ r N. . . » meme the necefeite ” . e . st» ' *~~ ‘~'~ 1 " " 1 Ir‘: \F':_"‘~ '5 r '\K‘ , M I I‘ ‘fl J t . mtmhet: aim eueteetfe of W’ ‘M19003: "5 NW 333% . ,. " » V A IXJWDM tbfi Wit? DfLon--W ’ ,9 W don, (E iLib2ttfEBVED¢'W--e A I’ At Q U taf,fozmant of we pm.- V -M M v * ‘ .. ;' “ 1")’//v ",5, U ‘ I. n 0,» «‘,'[f F" " M *?},‘;‘‘‘Jr' ' ' I I u 4 '9' . \ N,’ {v "H v. ' ‘ |' ,'1 v e anntmplnpments ant: * j tijzolmijeueglett nftbe W... e 4 we execution of fuel) mane am: fitatutee etsbabe been foemetly maneejraee eemenp where- 1 tuition fee theft relief of, aunts; tljebettee execution at ttjeimmeatm fitatutee ljeeetnfoze mane in this benefit, anti fee the fuet1)ee~eenz‘efs nttbeeenitwtefetettttennen to hebeeebytementen; eat it enactentw tleie me:-. fem ieaeltetment, emu byt1Je%ut1)eeite‘of the fammten it teheeeepenetteeflnat feembente- fuetbtbetfibe arm {ballet a teoepneatton Ibttbm the teen elite of London, atm: flmetties tbeteof, eonlifltng at a iezefinent, wepnte to tI)e1?egeti- vent, ea fieeafueee, men. fittee eight Smieiflante, V %ntmmt;tt 2., time mbeeeoftbe ilozb %e1’ozot the fatneitpfoe the (626) time being tnhetlje iezefieenaeann tenof the rain Qwefiantra t; be :6 the A meeemen of the rain we tozme time being, am: the other fifty to he ft‘B'rBfllBu of_.,ann gluljahitantsnf the [am fifty, motel outef the {metal maeosoftbe faihefiety, men out of every math eefpectmelpg aaneltijat gitjohn ‘\WollaPcon, IfaacPennington, T*homas~”Aetl W; i‘w m pgwfmw tmiifitme mm nz tijwxmbw a».-=% gm’zmE,€w fmspmfing fijefame tn bz%uneqtm!,t)e mm I136? fl)%aii% any map;%‘m’ttz tbeit commamt mama tat1Je"gmmce$ af%the( mcmattlje nexcnpm ,®e£.;.- tinny, mm um: tam fuel) mm are W tbmm, as in like cafes £5 ai%tvm;hp by the flaw pmmn am. mm it mfuttbec wfictwbytbe autI)0¢ztw_am2emin,%mt it am! am may be lawful ta mm to; we mm 1@mv1'a1.:-... mm mm;Vm6o1:ammz5%,%&upon ¢£amttmw« mm mm.» h:u$inn3%%mafle M afmefain, the {me new mama ktm~mIztu%tA13m’kz by the rain m9ernaen,%mf® wnty of tijefainfanemal mama, by their fiertificate in mm. ting mmzv%ti)m'MJnBs, to make ma atmnmtaamet t a ijmwMfti)=et2~u.,-. €02 mtpkmm of mm ,A to he n I?€£t€Dt0, any maze: mrmof tljetw wfficew, to nen1auM,»gatiJm: mm meme of warp pcvfiun aamn pejcfons54 fucn mm mm rams afmanep aM13aubeA &fl'€fi'€DlI1J!‘m fi)wthPbBrtlI$B Dftbfi "iflfifififlflfi filth wontcibutmflfiAafozefatn ; ann%fa;Ancfan1tof papa zmtttmitbin mt naps aftet’ mmam: mam tljmnif, aznmicg in waiting icftat tbéfinmming Aijmaie oz flaming afemrpmvfnn to aflwzn, tn Imp fljz % hp%m’fim'§ mm [moi we gflfihfi of chew (um pM- ionmm aim fatififactianmamg tn mama £133 furs: party funimazmn. mzmztsm:1;ev ua¢cm.hgtheautljnzitp afuz2fa.m,.x%mtthcafnza; nza%tten5V 0: fianvfwenv WE tmmf, oz t11zfam~4aputp annamarmc (Emma mmoz moze%uftbemmtmzztof i the fa.in~%%¢itrp, nwmimfi av amertizs , ann mcatetu A caw%mgMonkomts mzmfmb $W“§%5§35A? aw a!1onm»%annapa ‘ am iozuwfi tatum,44%Azo an A .»:asg% “W9 vam»wwznuze alum tum V A (632) amwuftm£ain‘% am, znf; anvwounty I?oitbAin this fiw1m,fmz*ann,cuztcmm1g%I;bc1te1ief%anVn img pinpmsm sf fly: $9 om, armwz; pumtbnmtt guf may grams %nt1m itczmlwerfoyts. ant» flJefw< WIIQ aflfl my, mm %?;fi@m»W5 fijemf &W t,a nmriflexecntin an? aim mfitfltmfimflm it¥f;mcew>tmxcbmgbinna tug mm W 93 cijitmm%%wpzmtic:¢s A :f@.»%a.:fl}9 V%3W£i;¢ 730$ the W2, mmii1)tng,fiagu¢5 anwemws, T fiflilxfuz eflfitmwtvetvmwms D¢W 131' intmflm. filth itis mzacm by we auujumzp afD;Zi2f£tiD,,:fiI)°a_t gyetatn imelinmt anfbohernmg, man? when of them, A man ham .p’mm:Afiwm time tatime,to ¢nw;m mm cm mtutagmw anmmstamg, fan the hem: ve- 1iem‘amategu1ating,Aarm tettfim tbeimz nnwzk. aunmeapmeijennmg mmpunifbmg ufufiégnw, anniumttieg, tbmrham not bmmifl) 1)amefl1p%to magamnb5W¢azm fieggarfi , within tijz min <$itP~ maintainy tnmumnw arm fm other: the mat tam afaze£aiu.1%mntncn%,’£bz tainwzners annzmulanos flmizitg fmmtimeto time 13%. mefeutcn to, am aun : zbhsptbe fifimmflnrafifiouncclofi 1:136 tam Mtg’, ant % hptijmm,mnzwfVA%¢e$u£ticz£ftbe uppztimntb, tmmxmn 1%1e[a§,#.a:%,nflaatonz at mbzwxc1)'equ9r. mum is; further wnactcn ~11? the aatbwfimy af;z- {aim That 131)? Ereafuvet fiffbfidffiailafiflzvmation‘ 45039133‘““9$b9m§As%fl)3M1A4 A hetmmn t1)c°2.4.“‘ afI*unc,au%ntIje2.9”“ Sf Septeme .020ft%=* im, if new wquitte, give a ‘truzann pa-:fcc$% 02» W tmmccnnnp tne¢yam1m1ata:% am %zig§—.:: a . awn: ttaetatwcttp, %annwetatn %cw 17 fitm M11? fiflfii ‘D93 M faiD®ftv~ flflitifi finactzhhv t1J¢%I%ntb9Wzitv afmv‘ fain,%’£bata W"? Azninarn: ane»ttsrmcfcn~t Aaw= t wen; napAo:%Deecmb*u¢4,mmemz: min mmmg,AAn£ allttjztecztpw, Cbafgfifijrjlflh Bi511II1?1?¢1IW11t’§i1!MIDfih0flfi%tD$iIJ39Wf8fi:%lmttlitflfi ¢ anttozsroztbetime being, tamn ;. i I ‘_"1“‘;m,, ;,w .‘ “ ‘ 4 , _, . A Vann mam»¢%tbi1tgflJeréém tmaménm, c n"cerazmag’mw zazma an%Lmm’¢f fm fljz M‘ London , %%a*m£E3@ ¥£«im£ie%€ifiem;a2f3wm% mm asazmwp m&E%Nu1l&m:@ rm 1%2zi'm am ;mm $9 rww.1w;..;*%mm4%i t1%mmcawm hum mzmnzma fme tam, _%;£mt it man mm may be lawful manéag mz mg mmm, 0: {mm ioftiwm, tnmammme;§wpfmzmmAafm an cijmcitamzmft mg gram bm¢wfm, gmm ee ammintw, ma; immfm to in when mm ammmten to , mm W: me mama» natuceatavgcalm” at the max witijiu fljefeam mt? azmflibettzw tijewwfmnn m act mm Agawww timeg um3n,fn%2 m{,¢;d_;u’m7wtng arm ramming we tmfinmmp-..v= mmt m2m:m*2:;¢;*a%a”: fuck) nwmew €15 any mmnxifmmm foézcljarmmle um, may mm by mum M the fivmss mte M 4.; E1iz..cap.4. sum was we mm Qmefimm mm fimammzfi, than am may hptmmmtaw, mint!) aM1Je¢pfl;aIi %appomt mm: mm cnmmmnfizai, feely emu mitijfim few, fame!) in any mum at it'ficw, fax any flanges fimnzmw, fax me: M‘...--.= '.£ m«ga3'?‘Df, may matter namingcm1%ceming the fame. mum: is fumw: mtacten, fizbattijc fatnmefinenc ananaiaommuas, ozanv twenty 0; mm of them, mmgai1‘em%mw togmjer, than page ammo gamer w EUWEEMW etmcmiu an fad) nffiwvaatw utijem, W flymfi be newful to be impwmh in mm abum we zamfim, mm t1)emo z any sf them fazmnz time ta mIAe to temmae, awwww max fez mute; arm upon fl3cneatIJ«0zvemamlaf %fD¢m 3 Dzmp thentmé mu 0 cIJ~nf;c% ntI)m:stnMtbm:placm,¢%foz%the cmpm tbifi 11302.3, i am W9 mam am: give fwd) Wafflnmfi allomauws tmtu mam, aazmw of them, mx,toEvtbé ficam uh vebmuz mmnmng tn the ram finmmtié .m3a$tD&Pfl)aI1 tijifllifit. flan it ta mactcnhptljc anthem afozetaw, fog we fuvtmcnemf anbitm vizrmnfitbefainvu:5 tt1bin%tb:emtn mttw awn ” tb¢t .t.ic g ttmenf 4faiD1mcfi¢Bent mm :hW1w25:am 1mf¢mnV o%ft1;DetI1.fl;a1A1am Yjewbp jnnmevtn met umoz mg «m V A IJMIW 11 *3‘ av 43. G T-3 5 ‘T94 \ ‘ J!‘ (634-) ijmaaimfmz mating, te1tem‘nganni'ettt’ngtI)e pom % w msm,mm mm at gum bmxfe oz. i)nf%50fcomcti— an, M may wait thank M, mg mmiing mi roam, hagwmnm @heggm:§.%n»n it isfmtijet mmctw by the mtmzmp a.t‘nz2fqz’n;., flint if upon any action, {um m%;pmm$ mm cmmmnicw oz mofecnteh by any petiima mwpyamwfin any flmwtmljatfozbmagatnft% tm‘i‘am1%2.wmma~tm fiommmg, any of tljzfatn fiufiiws of we iaeaczijmby auwfizisen, Dzanp of A wemm any amen oz petfmw fag wings; emctzting any thing by fijemoz any of mm wznmgmarrant, mammtm m wimtinn, m coming itumtmir, 0; any M5 tum awn oz afl5iftance,4 imabimt 02 cantata- mg tm jpmmtfes, the ,.?1Dzfcnnam: 02%zfwDant£” mam» mw;&mmz gmzmi mm of not guilty, am: {ball mm mm? Ema the fmcialnzattevcin wibmw; annif awn mm of the caufz, it‘Afl)a1lappzat.tm win we. fenmnt oz@efmIJantsmm act, om) we matm fit; qtmtimn by mmxe oftljismct, 03 that we m¢atter:V of V w mbmupon the tffuzis iovmb, was none in my swat