I THEAAHUMBLE ii" ‘ Prefented unto His HIGHNESS A . Together with His ‘Highnefis‘COnI‘entur1tothef&id ‘ A "“‘ ' ‘ ‘ _ vi ‘ 1- \ V ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I .. '5 V - . “ ‘ M ‘ _d.N% M ‘ J.-m«\=.u‘;. ‘ ‘ < W .\ . ‘ .. . V A R PETI TI ON AND 1 J THE LORD A The Knights, Citizens and Burgeffes " ASSEMBLED “ t At the Parliament begunwand held at Weflminfltr the 17"‘ day of S€pt'6’ml?er" 1656.» and there continued until the 26"‘ day of Emit following , and then t adjourned unto the 20”’ day of zmmary 1657., A A A 4 ét A ~ As‘alfo, V A ‘T/Jeir iHutml»/e flddztional aznclExJp/mmtov ‘ ‘Petition and fldvice, Prefcntcd unto His Highnefiin the fame Parliament; t Petitions when they were refpefiivelyprefented. A ‘ T e t .43 A A A .Lio Priritedby Hemjflillsiaxjd Tobi: Field, Printers to? ‘ PROTECTR His}-Iighniefs. 1 57. -:--n....; L .. _._.. K ~%%%%%%fi%%$%a m!n% um munAA%itgbmfz% 1% (I) ‘ y it w ‘ I ‘ H .1 ‘ ‘ ( .5‘. v.“,,a. 2.. ‘ « A "'%1:: %?i" “K652552169 %§2ea;§§‘“ 3%.. ’ '. , . ‘ ‘ w . ‘ ‘ 4 < \ ,. .:. _‘ ,4; ,, ‘ ,1 2,» W: Wy,.«.,‘W \. W.“ _ ‘4 gv H ~..‘_,_ ,, ‘ _,_ , .. . ;.\ U’ . .w. m‘. I’ v ' ‘._\ _ _ ~ , , fir _"_ ‘ g . . ,~ ‘ ‘ \ . “ W y “ ‘ I ‘W ‘L’, “ W H‘ W ' . my % Wvown We oft mg n, J ‘- 4 \ ‘Q ..y u 1. _" Km W argeer emélw M 7’Wlz4mWm¢o fommanwealc/2 ?$ . " A 4'9,‘ A . W ‘. ‘ "W ::- v 3 ' I" ‘ - 1 1 ‘ H '- ‘ ‘ W #3 {g5--,'_‘__- iv ‘ ‘;"u" \ --‘ . Hv ‘_f. 1‘ _ ‘~ 3*‘ 4 M H "‘ J‘ M I: w?“ ‘IW Ne -w,: 4 , H "' r‘ ‘r ‘ - ‘ ‘ . .;‘ , ,. “ 6*‘ L» W ‘ ‘ " ' w “-ms ‘ :25‘ “ms:-’ -~ ;. »'u " « '~ aw. . 3‘ .« ~ 4 " .. . .y- w (WK: evfi ¢;“,g_« ,‘_..;‘~‘ w: M,” “H. W; ‘Z; 9. Ln‘? ...wfl" w.‘ \ H.-,1, , 5" . '91 M; H M 2‘, T" ‘ ' ‘ .‘ 1‘ #1.‘: Vv‘ ‘yr: *3‘ 14. .“ . ~**mmuMu_ww:m¢*Wfi ?m%Aw M. . W A, ,__ ,‘.‘ “,».r,,,, ,, he 1 H: X ‘A ,_»» « ‘- .‘ ‘AM’ " “ “ 5» W“ '” 7‘.“J‘‘ ‘ ' ""i ‘ ‘ ¥v ‘ ‘- « ‘ * ‘ "-.,- '* M ‘iv $;- my “ -. ‘ M; M I an’ ‘ ‘ ' t g ‘ " “ H H V: ’ ‘ “ ‘. C‘ ‘ W ' \ ,~ - _‘ ‘ F “,“~ 4 ‘ \ H: .,‘ R, ' ‘ ‘ ' . ‘ * ‘ I ; ‘ ‘ . Lv " ' " I. it _'.t n. ‘‘‘‘‘.:h 4 , . ‘. A ‘ , N. ‘F’? I ‘« vs“ ‘ ‘ ' & % ‘,1! 1 ungzifm: énV.%:1)m lmfent 1@aw-4:4 =« ‘ ~*“ itanwnt4 mifmthlan , A-Arming mm * my mu: rgnufi fe»m’ou5* .+.%?f%VtI%nn~*tiJ;e‘ m¢efent fimtz bf tbefe fiationfi‘ , Empnan an'u mmtm place with aI1% A 12 mm ::n%nA%e1:fm'ng %%ug%%%om 9 at; mm the M s man @&A€m’m”A.t&e: mncevnmznts Wmb4ici1 tmate J%&ai“ng a%nn*%mgf ma % u,e;agmn m A ¢ A A t mfifmaef man 1 Va V I1, W ~ an.aam ymm mcT;, fivfan Linaueanph ; W j i‘f:fl;I) ’;{ gm; A %Vnmu1‘m %ii&‘?53:%‘i3? ,%%th’;5€A1}if3W3v3vMfiafimus «an A A attem V iazafexhizzg A %»2- cm: V »‘.-. V, “w "Q N, W V __ M‘; E \ mwsa 4 (,1) 4 nfii1e:% witb~”tmz~ »%u~ien%tg%*re&:«1? M5 annunquiet §wptngf;js:*in.nz1t own hnmew,‘ fljat a5% t’n the tttftbitlg Damn the“ manwwn mcmpg arm tef£o;i‘ng us tuimeite am: ’£‘;mn:-V qmuty , the flow ljatijimeb flan in eminent;-= Mann-the insuzim swank ;131Btws’;;;¢nf;%%% t1je*<:tnnr:~.%A%¢ the mm»‘cvbbbfeafatfbfulmfs % mun flaufz, meanpM%a1}1,goon tnen than am acktmlengc, ’::anputa ;n&i~11a1umpon%+ 1:2 £0 aim 3335. D9 fmi1WT¢A d%?m1;; 8110 ti1)W.I;4 tfb9:'"4;9 gt‘ e ting an?) %"ec§i);ing oux:%Ail,4sibetti£s as me are slam: mm wu'fttan5, to as arm nutaanftefi my after as , which are Ttmffi E«t;eakt'fiflh~r%;Il1%0v rinus £1305 mbfibf the ¢§00D iéféfinft bf, ‘ 9 5fMtio«n§ have in ‘x‘*reeIég2%,¢,i*°mti)~ we mam of tljcit iibes anfftatcfig, fultmgaxm zamwfiy wntctmcn fog: we confine: itmmifc we can: ttn:xa1%%tvanLgcc-which pm iLa*f¢A»Az's in, mm tbezmnnmmactifes hot!) uf ;¢ %aiz'gnant arm Bifcntentc%a23artyi (sane meteor tbgnugb 4 the c1F5i*unm1cf§%%Vaf @011 y m1;i)ae new Iuclibetjeh from) ‘Bit mingb a fccmflwzn W vI%c%a:vz:n1:gfi tB*em,, fibgatynfi BIDZW WW2: flcgtiw in mu’: %;§!:Vi,f‘€ that fa; tha$u.cc¢miDfl zmbti jmsernnzmt , not13¢4i%ng (3 wanting to V i2zt‘tI?gVI1Vs ‘giflfifi iifiwnfi mm ~<2‘::Mo;muIio%nA, anb tijcnt % to theft ncfitmwcnhs , tmttije n;eittustiozn sf iémur Vmtifnn ; mm: cafe ti)ings%£bo111n\ Efifiafitmtain. at Bar meatn,¢% 6 ~ are nut ahiem srxpgefs what tiezlatzltties dmouin inait m&m&ne pzobahiiitp %en1"m tbmu%pnn , name!) 1332 xmtft yawn iaighneffifi %(aswci“l as me) be mm a mu: fleif mbiigmtnpzome aga:'nft,_. " amiwt to ieabe a 1920913, mimic wzmlwn é».%~eatemm$nte hate in the “election of any wtmhtt to fit 0; fetbe tn ieeeitament. ihat fog Scotland none he the htihititfl elect, 0; he eieeten tefit me fetbein J aeetieament, 1111):: have been in Qttute agatnfl: the qhatieiamentof 1:ng1and,g; agamfi the gage»; itementtn Scorlenhd hefngee the fitfi may of April, wnethoufatmhthunngenfegte etght, (except A fetch as heme fmtebnzn arms in the §et11iee~ of the zeetthament of England at mat ihtghe nefe,n; given other fignetflemtnenpef their gounzefiettton) flea; arty that time the fail: jfttfi may of Apri 1, fine theufama fit hunmeh W feetp eighth hanetbeen tnfitme, oz uthetmtfe J mmeh, Qihetteb, tleehefee eeethfeeften in any mm: etgainftthe aeeteitantentnt England 02$ e eoyntihiflhnefs , except fetch 8&3 time the jftth mpof .:Ma‘rChJ‘- wnethoufemh t'ithtmheenhfi'ft1e[ one(o1d Pryle) have 1thenpeaeeah1y,ene thee eh); I given ’fleftt’ttwnh of thett geopfihetttnn tn the ieettltemtent emu mat ihtghnefs. e t qheohineu , ehetnoeheng in the etettcie e A wflfeiflefla l1)fi119l7f%nDf0 put any fineapattth upon any hnglith oz ‘fiwtcb aeeoteftants tn " I1~e1enc1 eithiettne elects; he eletteh teefetne in eehatitantent who befoee the 3Ftet°t may ef ~ Meereh, @118 ethzmfann fit hutmeen «feetp nine, D3139 hmflheznfi foe A171)? at1}ttRlitBflte"02hA93u3t ‘ . ieigahtaefe , e;othetmtfe»men ftignai iflehimhe neat thettgeeh Qweettent this e(flZ0fll!7n0H*-9 meetith, ene eetetttinuee fatthfetlt tn th fihettefieteeetmeieetiene, tee A x L", , 1 <6) % tkotitmw, nztmtacwgningtoktI)£mtm1ifica»~ tmng afmefatVh,fl3a;11he nninarwnfnanc west: 5 arm that if any pmsn 0&2 verfmw fa unawabiea as afflizefam, fhail Emfifbifi 02.15%? mm fez c£;?ie%ctmn of gfiemmrz‘ to fame in 1mt1z’a~.== nmnt; ml mm emtpmtb petfmt mm, pwfons‘ in «meeting, than we saw fmfiett um mam min; nf his ann their refpecfmz ma! éfimes, amn"4nnefui1 than pavtnf his arm fi)%m"txefpe~: mm pwfmgai Iifdifiion or Authority, ndr fi1chasVarePubliquc A Minif$crs,A»ord% PL1b1ique Preachers of the Gwofpcl." 31720; fucb asm:e~ guilty of ...anp of the wficnz-< f czs ntentinneninan 21:: of 19ar1ian:ent%heata mg ;zD$atetbz Jrlintb Df«_AL1gL1fl: gD1wti)nufat1D Imjztnhzehannfiftpg efintitulen, An Aa: againPc4.;i“ AA fi:veral%Athcif’cical, B4IafphemoL1;As,A%' andfixccrable Opi-- % A niOfl5¢dc{:rogatory4%to :he honorof GodM,and%d%cfh'L1- 4 é’.tiV¢ 7‘°1\4uman¢ fCi€tY%;% CIJIIIIIIIJAII fcoffec -1. 3K¢1ini£m,nz ofatw vevs«~ fun 03 1mf°n5%f0z vzofeffmg thmnfs Iwtfflfl 4 ffllflwltfib L 133‘ flmfl III&l3I3k)_’V?4A- no: milev of A Valhifz (> n eeife at the eeetqifia mitten , ee hem ttatnen nz. watt ttenn ‘up has htbeilhe not thiie wmen , not any nthet theme at chtlmen nnhei: . {hie tuition nz gnnetntne1et,in the atenpifl) melt: . nirm, in thDat"fl)n1i1eeemtt oz fnfiet inch theme tn; thtimen to he ttenneb npin the rain hfie1tgt*.—...~ on, n; that hnthgtnen at 11)a1lgt'11¢ his mug fentthat hie fun at nanghtet than ntattp any n of thateanengten; 3&0 petfon thnthtlhnu may the éttiptntes to he the men: of (5011 , ntthe 9a£t?aIlIE11f5,1%2a?E't , wagttttntp ‘c't11iJfi9i:«' ninety to be the wzmnnncee of (115013; JIM tome: mun mophnnet of the items way, not hgne phane beemeatet at e Oliutfett , no Emnnnat oz tmnmnn hanntet of atnnetne at mlehonfee. firm that theft mnnltfifcatitnne may heobfete t hen , nun yet the iegibilebge of aeatliennent tttaintatnen , we hnefitent‘hnt it njteth he by yum: ieightnefs htonfent wznainene, fizhett flfoztp one ¢011Im!'{Tl'E)‘ntt’§ he apointeh by we « nfaentnennent, 111130, at any fifteen at mine of them flyallhe Cetnthntisen tn etnnnne asnn ttpmhethet the embete to be eelettenfeg the iennfe of mnnmnne in tntnte teatim- hmente" he tnpethie to ftt,att,e;tng to the mung lltntattnns menttoneninhthte 19 etittnen nnh fete 1n'te;%lnm'n cafe the? finne them not qttnitnfen A nttuzntngtp,then te fnfpenta them feom uttxing ene - e nnttl the ihmtfe of t V heating of; pnttitntat A etee ettttbem to {it ; mhith teontmimnewnee the ttatnn in %I1tD.D;i3;@Di; fat that emne , t nntti iannfe ttnmmons in the mute ieewarttent eh ttohminate the itke nntnhet of het et mam; A fie thett pleeeee‘ enfithe he other ftenee t . fittfltmfi Ag 8)‘ tttifiiinnetg fa}“to*AhtVtmminatm in at119fu.$fi%ut:e %awm1z[euAt%,% mijzim t1)e’£'amz aanmevs arm iutijmttikcz. « in at the rain @flIlIllIl'1T!'D11Et:£‘Té-=’”‘ V fi¢ai1c£tti§‘einw;itTiMng;tuti)8«190111?nf (atom-:3 runny 4 M;=m%tbzfic£i%4%napnf tI)ji eiv 11wctin’gV.,; the étauihs 31113 &munfi5°ft1J9W¢fiflfmtfznnz of any petmnsfumbe ci%ectma£ afa;m‘am:£hat tbe:ztccumtinn than hzu1Jo11A the may oftbe ‘*’A%nf?mtiie?~:; nzoffomzntbwpetfnn,«fibata A mlpp: mf»%:tbc:Hccufa¢ion‘ ayaii he iefthp we pattpam1.fing ,‘ ~m;iting»u,nnec Dis1)afl‘i,J,: with tijzipiaiztp a%cmyfen,n;1nb1s ahfence M1115; bmzfe: 3 the cmuumv 3 r mtg» oz afmlm fez ) M n,3iji{c1)%i)z*%£1)"7e{l1hecbofen,if%ljebam any fmb b&mfe5“Vnz%if nnt“,%%%1ibitI) tbefivimifi mt’ fi‘)zA" ’ mum», if ijizmcljnfen fog a%%<£mmtp,o; with V the ffljéaf £T@itgz’ftLf1$a;te of tbé Wigs; Ifinzmtgb % fog mm?) «m4tschu[fen :. » finhthat the numhm: =of pevjfW5% tnb[eMmecten anm cljofzntn 9:1: mm me in agatzlzanwnt , fog E N G L A N D; 5 co T LA ND awnn IR ELA N D , atm% gm DifitmutimnoftI)zpm:fnvn54fm ictjmfen mzwzn tDLB€$mutmfe5 ,~mtie§an*D115n;oa§Dsof them * i?9F11%i’i‘*$iWi? 3 may 13% assuming 150 11161) pzonoza tmnsf H5 fballbe aegvezn 119011 am: abeclmtw in ‘(W513WE“‘%@“1"‘?“3““‘;: $ V- A ¢ ¢ % :%*fl:#t,1>:9ut ‘paw: M-g~i)nef5n1a’11~»cnnf€nt , flbat % A numm caiien ta fin arm mn,teA the! ntbct §t;ufe,% butfuci) as arennt m’f;1bIen, hutqua:-.= ufie assuming tn%¢%tbz mualifnzatinms Illflfltia one in tin fozmzvfirticirz, being“ fucy astbalt A ¥ 11¢mIImfiLt¢i3 W Pflmt —i~9i‘%DIwf5”.~. anvanzo:- mafi%bptnisianufe; ant» thattljcp mean -not ®ehentpAv’tn mmzbev, no; he unnzttbe numb E a 1: W W 4 t (9) mtttjfutztpt cmtgzrenf the tmmtp) mbufbali not gm any match-p Qgorum fflhéwflfiflfiifi 4 t M: mics ; mm watt as any of Htijtmnm mot, at we ttegaiw ttmmoen , mt: new ones he amm’t;.- ten tofiit arm; imotttn that wmtw, mm: by wnfent at the iamiftittftifx flbat tijtitmt mute M nn;tp:;ntteDtitmnp <$t’Bt‘I‘tttf£attft9;tétxg tent in mum: at mums intttafts anjnutnen fwm interim (masts t’m:u the amrlitament foggmfiicuitp , tntctafm at qmtitiuns agamitt am'ocetm’ng5 in mionttst-emf . to fienzle g mmmij we tinnfefston of jfaitb to he zsgtwb upnrs; afiafogcfain mm menmnopznfersmga; ~ in mm tggegratljzc, anhingzfus mjzzitiyzg ®tetnal% @011, the true mu , mm%in the iamfl I12 9pitit , mu manual naitij we §?zm)et % V mm the gen um mu hleflkn fa; cm: arm ~ nu acknnmlenge tljz iauip flmptures 0f the @111 arm mm Slleftammt , to heme «flex meawn min annwom ofcmr 1. annuymgn ‘ f ‘I; otljct things hifict inv mocttine , LEW Eifcipline, from the ambiiquz aaznfmion new foul) finflfiabuzs 170311 be ufm mV<£on?ointé % them founh momzne, mm the e;$;:amp1z ijJ%f % agoon QEnn1¥3c'*m”z{ti0n: Zfiut that my amp not hecmxxpweh tybemtq by gmnaattea, zwgzxw mastnen fmmtbewgawfmszmn 5 but nzntectcn % ftnmai1‘§njuwanb @n1eftatt:on in the ppm. fefsionoftbc jfflitlj, annepecumf tfi*ci1:‘fle:..— liflififla mbimi $139? aahufe nfitthifi §MW€? W A J tho mm1% % %m’11rp sf n\tl)ew , fi3ti)zim£hwa: hancznf the pami:-‘mm amme; @a1:fi3at£Da’£" , flihwtvhfi tmtA2xt2tmeDtn wmwiv L1ac.p,%n;tn4tbc «finunwnanctnvg i“zz7cb,mba% pm.- 1:fl;bnztih12 Afiiafpnmuies, egT%V1pgactifem¢g mm * A %%Afin;tl)V% iutventioufnefs oz aaznpijamnefs tanner tI)epg7o%fiefsionMwétliijziffi: ;%tm~tI)att’mfe . niftzts oz aauhfiqttcammcbecgjd.:mm Vfigali agree Ivitbtm mzhimfi 1%29f¢Vf5i0nafflzfimihfl inA111amrsofjfaitb,%a,11:1)nttghintbmfiu want 399 1%zacttcz Szflaw atw%Mftivitne5 fimiimtml?WW L»~%%p;otz£$ion in .tDfCm;iW cf tmit Cfllbmililjefi wfizfiiw % C 14-) mmim m’acmae:y but be eaeeanten fitan cammre , ' pwmm) af I % J pi*p§§”lm$ Wmtfaam an mafia Jiiatzonz , that ififififliflg fl,IC1jDifl*f9W1I£¢(h€:::' % mg amp axaiifieh any Hui? fin; my fixufi,‘ %%znmntmn 02 3m--—a. , gap @§nifi%§ afiffifi 3I'II‘@4D£t?l7I19 %mB%»2s: 4 mm an mifcépiine with tncpuhiique ifizufaié {inn &jf9UZEi'fim‘ are capable at‘ ;. fitmaii ntbctfi who agree Mfi) W vubhmlt i%;zafecffii04n 1'11 mattasrs sf faitii ,% aumugb t1)evmfievtn¢ mattemz.’ ufmegfiyipyann 9wm’i’cz'p1ine afi afngzss tam, fl)a1ino%t anew Ijabepmtectmn%%afmge:.~—- fam, but be el'm:1tmfit MB‘ capable (ntmk3:?’tI1¢= fianning fucb ifietence , being etbecmife may % Qualifier») of am Whit ‘mafia ,% flrnpaups meat 02 igzummziemn in there Jliationsx flfiut Tfog fad) pmcfnns mm amw not in zttattmrs oif gram; mm;% the pzz>himue%1mnferstonaa~ %f50zA,2i‘am , they fiyaiiflt be capabiz of retain» ingtbe pzmimue aintweuance appotntw fa; t1)e%tm?fksa:g>. iagmbinzn, "ifibat this Cliaufe fimiiWxmt 13$ canfittten to cptmnto manic A % mgciaa,amsfm5e::auHume ameachevs , oz 1%aftms of cmengrzgatinns a msutsnat they m mzenamen , am they -are batch? zninances 9aifsznabiw4t%0 bum ’ Aanp <$im’1 “§!‘1tp10ps~. xmnt, mum) thofe tn iizmzrsmeceoz are ®a’f.«.znamie%n to now, by an mt, @ntimIzD, An for Difcna‘bIing all perfons fiinl-My O;.;..V~ ders , to Exercife any 'Temp0ral Jurifdiétion o1:% % T AuthoriEY~+ flnbtbatmux iaigbnzfs mm. give Amt»: mnfeflta ‘mat atlihams, .9tatutes,% arm ¢1aufestn%anyiLa%,@m¢~. I tttteaxm wzninance, 9ufac as 4am ¢ wan:cvtatnearozeratvMmv,new an ant: u ~*iIIeIIt»mane¢ f0ztI)»€.ab01lIf1E 4 9f arm ¢i%u)ap5, anufo; we abniiflytng eanfig % tang ant: ttwaiotcrz, ¢anéns,1@”zehznns%,an;n swim (wines, ann£itI;e,5A,; uh ; managing tnw any AQEatI)e*ra1 0; A%33&Wt3a¢ 3*2~¥%¢¥¢itanwntfig 1a»tt1PVh8s~* taming to c:ommo%nmea1c:3§% % he in1dpALeaci32nb uttmttgzepno t¢h1ain$0%nh~atm” ma «mun fecurity given anfi zntfienf watttament fog ngfaumutcgofi ~mnJnte?5 , by any 35 tliifamg otbzt 1mmii£%A£ % mmnuc; anma1fat1)z%%etarities gvihen up . ;& x . 3-‘ W°&‘t fififiiiiifi fiJ@%3“‘ _ .u""'D-an-uni men: of J % mm g §, mt uimnemrvevrq V‘ I‘ . ‘ Q’ ,1 .. ’ .; : ; < ‘ ‘m . . ' ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ 5. ‘ M _ _ ». V . . I « ‘ . ‘ _. ‘ ‘ ~_ ‘ ‘ ‘. “: ~ ‘ .4 ., ‘ .~' I‘; . ' — “ 3 r mi ' I > I v w .‘ ‘ Y “ . ., * ? ~ 5; " ‘ ' ‘ I ., Rag: .1 . ‘ . ‘ ' 3 " ‘ :' ' _ .+ . H3, -- - . A ' V, . __V_ ‘ ‘ w , ‘ ‘ .»‘u-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ H ‘ .“ .‘ 1’ ‘ : 1‘. 9 .‘ ‘I ". " m j» a. ,_ V . .., g. ',.g« ‘ (xv ‘ . ' Km. . - ' 1 . , ‘ ‘ .1 ‘ , I’. A _- ._ .' 4 ‘ .4 ‘ 4 “ . ~ ‘H ~ I ; n ‘I .1 , ' L‘ * ‘ 3 «$36 I‘ ,', ‘ ‘ M. -r‘ . ,‘ ‘ " V ‘* tin ' L‘ .‘ él ‘ "‘ ‘ ‘ ‘- v 1. . ,,. * ’ Vg, » . y 9 ' . - ,5: ‘ ‘r,»~ « ' .1‘ . V. . ‘ w \ ‘ ‘ ‘I * . V - . . ‘ 1 ‘ . 3 . } cm mfsg oz mtlmmife gimn fignai temnmnp nf mg mg fijeit gown ammmt m we finmmmnmaaim, mm continmn fmwfuim; tijafaat1c)a;rm.aia Em ~ a#MJa%a mm mtuaiip magm in may ~ :finfm'z;acp,. mg ®efign,1%agm’nfi ma mm %“BmiJn€f%, $2 mam’ warm A ’ $2: fl nmrmctm mg mum in #England 0; Waies, firm the fim » Bf” December, I653.v%flBfm Scotland; wfii. fill.‘ V mm mimymwfnn mm‘ perform, who have ham % inflitmw againfi ttjcawotiiament ofEng1and, oz agmnft we amtiiaxttentin Scotiand , heme * me am my 36 AP?i1aI64-8.(mm .fI1£U 8&3 mm {mm mgr; fmsutes in we ijerhice nf we 1aa%rim=a mm;g§Eng1and,n;paut%zgi)naf3,u;Mgzmn at!) W: Ifignal tcfrmwnp of their gum affzctmn )% may anew nation 0;, pzrfmna, that fincztbe ram am..%. my sf April,I 64.3. mm been in 2£“cmm..u;dotI3er4% mfg flinch, mmtm, Aiitsnhikfw, oz mama in ny mac4.againftti)z*imtizantentof ..Englar'1d, D; _ yn*uMa’igi)ne{5,~ ( except fut!) pctzfmnfi mm mm . _ :a.nn’im , oz Zlléfliiten A in any hing new in mmz5,% 0; m:,mmm+metwn ,5 at agaz’nttiIti)?e tgi)mf5,finw iaatiiament of %Eiag1_and, ngpmw £39 fim D3?0fsApr1la I648. arm mew nmzin mntzsagainttthe armament flf England , V 0; agaiufl the: iaatliament mg Scotland’;.mfDz£§i)B; fic&napnfApn'.1%,1s4;3;.%atmfjamfinwtmfitfl may of March,ns5' 1, (Old srilc-2) Afimbmaceabip, mm tmmhyAga’ncn tzflzimmw of wait gown afs; A faction tn the aaariiament, annymzt flaigijnzffig ‘ hemamuncapable+ fog ever, of valuing 0; fits» ioping of any amaze;w1aceotmmiws% " %im&, in tljefetijm nationsg mango? tiD§e_m.% aazoiaihen, tbatnotbing%4m tiJi52¢mc1¢mnm% tatnen, aw: menu tupujtany mm citvI’t3_..,.% * tbifi; magma T <17)‘ V‘ M “J35 %W'Ci€ m¥VW§L0IW[B 5 amt: any Englifh a; swim %zuwfiéa:nw“ in Izeland, mun, name we f“ ~ jmifivar of A 1*/!ar:ch»I§49. i babe bum mum mum '~--5%m1m.mmt:%02?0W Whi? % “ A , Dzfltfiemvife when fwna1tem’munv% a%"tbez'v¢gmJ[J DM aa*emnn ¢ m ms czlimnmon-ilheamy, aAmf:3h%;cq%;tt;i§31;t%¢IIfaitn;$ W$%f0the fame; W % % V mnnwmouczazgaxaersn» balsam: ta "“"" '-‘ . 0 V4. ‘ ' _ . I Eoflmitgtbfltnfltbingin mm mun 4 %biW0flt¢WBJfi0z Pout imgnnigs a£fétt‘:t€?I}teIr?tBg4« % .fhz1i1*U£ wnfimeb to menu m tncmfioining of EMS mefgnt 1B%atiiame11£;% but that the wane AW” ¢°"“m1¢anh rem%ain%,~¢untt1fucI) timeag %2§?1:@‘BDfl¢f5 5W1tDin1$fiVtto Imilliioim tl)e:% , » ‘ ‘ m ‘ ‘ H “ - wht¢pnen% ‘ 63 A‘ mm cn‘atn-mm , “ ,. ‘‘1'm_‘, xi - I ‘ _ _ _‘_ V \ - “ ‘R Q \ M ““‘(J’A".\.\ ‘ t as amtitmn am» flbbiccsnoz your iaigbncfs conr¢nc¢z1;ere;a_ WWJQJ3“ :59 Cmfimfifl $0; €?£.fl’~ I111: tn the repealing 0z~uWn9%noinofany mtozzninance, mm *5 W‘ ¢°"Warv bAer¢LtI1t.0%, au:A to tm%4»¢mattec5 nmifl 4°°"‘¢!?"*’v'3s W3% the fam, mstfi amzap WW a91W€!Zfl13 if1iflvf02E¢4* ‘zhfflaflwsnbtc0I1.Ww%b¢v¢ut1tn; than contica 1 imfufi4mann¢raziftnts*' WfmAtw19etitih“n anhi nmce:;m notmatl been W flzmabfig 02 was fiaiiabtmswcontcnctyercnna. _w9ii»en.% ‘ Ax‘ ,. - v . ' ‘ , . ‘I . ‘ .z_ ‘ _ . V TN‘. “ { '~ , . _‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W ‘ I ‘. ,‘ ‘ ., *7, um I 4- V y .,‘ ‘ _ I L, :3 WM “ ,, ‘ V ' K \ ‘ ’ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ' ,‘ . R. “ ‘ ‘ 4 , ‘W . v , ,. ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ,‘ V I , } , .. - y , ‘. ‘ ‘ ., ‘ ‘ _ ‘ , _ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘M ‘ r‘ « v ' - ‘ - “ n" “ _, _ , - Maw “ ‘, -4,. , « ‘ ‘ ‘ “ 1 H ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ I ‘\ ‘ ~ ’ I ‘ ‘ V‘ ’ m at-siwueo ucofmeainmsyg will an %fl§z!’t3 arm igatcntsnf ’ we iilmtices at ‘ .;:W9‘?“ W0; mm of we u;bzv,25aro“'ns of we‘ % $¢f5FD¢QW?5 (18% y" ay.ct3ma¢u aammmtiona of ya: an a c-2% mam , fiaatr.-aay£z’iaaay , any fiuflicc of the game, mm afi away ¢Eq;a1nu'{Imn5, atznts, arm gamma, mm: any yaffcn unnet we ygreat: 2&1 of En land, Scotland 0;" Ireland, £t)a1l.a;ann nan arm J y " actual in the ?Z.am,nutmm)Itanmfna this iaetition ante zlnbicz, 0; our iyigbnefs atfmt tbeteunto, 0; any flaw, énatute, my mzfiome tntljz contcaty; finnyytnat allwyits, arm an aomnumans, filtmictzments, flnfugmaa tinnsfigncefa,21ctton5,§>uita,25ma onalaints. y taken out, 0; new nepenning in any Qlflutt at iaetzom at Wefiminfier, oz any ntljcc «mutt £35030, England, Scotland 03, Ireland, D), in tbfia £01331‘! Of Berwick 1111011 Tweed; 3111) all ifigfltltffia * aaleas, cfnuttew, mntinuancea , ante 1a;o.a etchings , in every fad) mats, fitnnictmcntag gnfogmattnna, mctiona 9 nits, zfiills, ann ialat-uts. vaallbctztoznablz , aann goon aan cEzytt1'al,ann bcfi mofccutcn ants fuel: foztb, in Iacljmannety annafogm. any in tut fame (tau, 4 conitton ant: o;ncc,atI)z®ty1e am: fleas ofi zuczzings, after pairing of there patents; 4 being mane confflzmahlc ujctzunto, this man Tent iwitifln annifivbiwa 0: you: Manners affznt tbzcmrxtmoz any flag wufiome 0; ufagc an mnttaty tbfiflflfififl any mite notmtcaa awning; man that aii batiancc that (ball he nccafione by tytafontbcreofa, tnucmng any the fan: m;it$.D&ucct‘5,0; 910 tunings in tbz flame; ‘Style. itcftz, oz othetmife, than not be many mite matcttal as mnczcntng‘ any Default 0; % am: ahimn t em» :(% 1‘9‘ -3 L A fatpaueagatgmrs a;nwm Jztc”c2fiu;i,:, mm 1339 Wffifi 33° iamaflinffiicbffiz. man neagwen upmrnp youcaamners aumtg VP331791‘tfiwfiiifimflta ¢°A®W9W ¥D¢533T‘3a¥§0n5 9 mm sncarepoucmmrsthan ma nesaagfi .. fiwaxnginepuuccnnfcnttnalifije mjings in tbifi i9IImbic imtttimi mm finbice, that ti)enV4notl)ingtn the fame he mzmnof % jfogw, toohlige tbeamopienf tbefz fizatxonmn $ any the partéiculats therein containem Jztnntijefeoutbtfivczfi being gmnteb hp putt: %ai@Un¢f£,% ‘me all 1J0m(tDz0ug,D%vtcb mmgzanngannnzfs of <1‘iann)ti)atzt‘miiIp;onz .a.mw mm A mam tenwny tothofe Imagery, niitmcttons“ ann Dmmpewihljicijk thew jfmttons ate nonam, armman wiectuattxzeang ta%tcmo1aetDnfz jean » A slnufiefianb fears may mnain in the tummy sf ’ nnanymcnconcerningfitna mmmment orznxzg ~ 7 fioxttntfim-mea1tb;% mm tbmhy we fl)a11hce4n--W ablebanbenccmagsn um altcneatfulnzm, ta thefztlingofftttnttjingfiliaijicnfl)a1iJhefuz:mcv nzceflatp fo;t@ne;mgan of t1)zf:5I~2attnn2~%,% azmbc mtff t¢aBvt0$i6vn 113539011 ’iflvznmo€m9fiJ¢ mm of fitfflz-!II&t'iDtI:-1)&p1Jt"l1? man by pant ¢$i§Dfl¢f57 1», the Wfiuiating “H333 Of Slufiica arm ah;iingbotb tbzneiaie9m?3J%fibatgcsof fiuits,ann%app1y ouvfclhw farms %tbwwnrfesanvflnunceifi as ntapmmfifi ,2mbealoutbzeachzs anBnihifinns,anBt0teflaz¢ éW!1‘9;!?5‘§: R @“DJP9I11'ifW‘F“ ma V*(ié) % tijw cernfifnienw bztjmzen your Wgijnefs " V), ‘».k anv%W°z 0% W11 ich Tetitiqh'i'bJei1+i‘g%;%;;~ g the 2.3'.day CF/W4)’ xaéfs “a. 1"1fVV¢1f tluereunco wvas1~eaVd'by the%%f% Cie:=kofvt1a*e Parliamenrin t1wfc»vx~ds,% E?‘/ag I«0?”61fT?‘0t€5f&7?¢i@tk ¢o¢4,/Nenfz if!) é:;11%feihz%3 56 tIo1~azi a feunhatiott flif fuéée an ctng