_.___.—.=..;........,: P ‘ "4--......_ 1 R@’ereZ5j ‘‘ 7 Lam:Im 2 Printed by AGAINST And for better Regulating of 1.1nIicenfed~ and Scandalous oaks and Pamphlets; scomn,c1¢;zc.yar1:amem;.. Edward Hxzfluznd and folm Field, Prinvwrs tothc:Patlfa~ .‘ M I, % of England. N I 6 . ’ ' M’ R I N TING DfcI0vis, 20 Sépéeinbr. 1649. A A A A‘ A the Parliammt, Tbm‘ M12‘ 541 £2’ baflrtb uiitlz P7‘ifif¢d'4*.?¢d A A " pu6l,iflmd.. A s % “ 1 firm §‘“h3l'fl!3%‘¢’*l~ % Againfl llnlicenfcd andscandaikmst » Androrbeccctnegulatingor ..,, . qmnuuuh-up __ M In») ‘ ‘\._ u «. v—v-- ». »., ‘ .1 A ‘ , ‘j ‘ 1 -v..‘ ...u. ‘ V.‘ v.. .._L V’, "w ' ‘M, I. _-..,‘ '.,‘u \i A‘ ‘ ‘ ‘L ‘ 5.1‘ ‘ , .‘ .__A ‘ sf 3:3’ |« % are .nai1p contvwe, 1 W Haatperren, an fiflifiig A. 7 nus care ant: tnnuftcp ‘ "‘ ‘-.“" “ “V V ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ W. 1'': k_. ‘W é ‘as ‘_ J . ,1 3 J I ' _ .1; v., F‘ .4 ‘J: ‘ _ ‘V . ’ W” H \ “ > ‘ w y ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ..I’‘_‘;..: p ~ , ‘ “..,, ' ‘ ’ ‘. V ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ , ‘ _ V. ‘r ‘ ‘ V .“(_‘fj' ». 1 - at diomcna » name ‘ IV . ' ' ’”” ' J ‘ I_ I “ ‘ ‘ V‘ “ ,' ( M 1 . I ~ r M Wv1@4 fljeptlt %nmt it!) maze webs mnpten, entry £1295 arm fatfie % ¢33¢01E;: t1)in§»actw aun Dam, tDf¢t’ V ¢l)~e+itafl’¢cm'mt5, ftt:m A that u%2{utbnzt%t1; if ‘-WI)’ 4 I .11“ “ I ‘ ‘Ia "- ‘ , H‘ ‘ '39» ‘ a - ifi fa; thew a mm 17 % 1, ~.: *9 Vs. " 'v 3 %0o1utI)n; of fuel) 2150035, aaictmzcy 0; 1%:-» vev3.»A fiaalifflzfeit mnvnuuvs, 0: he iflmnztfons enmA{ti)z minmmun mat of tije mmnty oz. 11:.- ~berty11)heretbz flflwce is Cunttnitiletii, “ oz ti)¢ ~®fl‘mnm: mall he fuanlw, tmtt’1be11)a1i pay the fame, £0 that the Eimpzifnnment Aexcecn not Afogtp NW5; ’£I)e winter to .fozfm’tann 4%‘pa,y fine rpnunns, arm fuffcr the like flntpzifonntmt until bwavtbv Tam. tbvfm iihnnzifonment not epccehingtentynaps, am: likemifz to have big awry am: nnplemmts of $mpz1’11t1’ngfet’5ciJ,% ant: moixen Q1 m’eces%; inc zlfinokfcllet mm 9&- ¢timm tn; fogteit. arm W? jfozty £t)z’1It’ngs,%o; be aimpzifonen in1iku1nanct,u11tt1%I)e pay the fame, tye’jJmp;ifnnmentnnt meaning tennaws. Cant: he.itfuttI)m:®nactcI1, iflbatif any patron ljaflré pm to my any inch fenitious, fcannaious _%oz 1imI1nu5% ifiantpljlctg oz iwpcrfi, ant: l1)flII not within four mm twenty bnum aftet BnoI1j)1lenge* thereof, bzing them tq’ tljaibogn wafozuf don¢a’ftI)e Ilfiupctsrefiance betbm) oz to fame" 0flJBt&33ui1f€€4°f$3613kacz1W¢DmtD¢ ¢uunm W17 02 ?Libertv_I1*heve~fuCDllfimvsflaaii that I)&‘;,1‘mI tuba he fenttt11:.%~¢‘annnifpofetu of asfi %»b?~‘Wi:1ji§m"ct is aftetmatns mtntiomn, ant! Eiilz nu:-«ticelikelmof tbevartv oz parties afmbom he%oztbev¢baDoz hnngbttbefame, flaailfmfeit x Vfn;.%emrp inch nmifsiott the A tum; nfzrizmmty‘ uazillmgs fa: em? AwuC¢aienaBapetaV Wma Db1etoz2%uok9,tovbc hi£p’nf¢nof&asi‘sijmtein after mentinnnzm zmn fa‘; the Apzemution of falfa illwerfectatmiznpettinent Relations of aaatilia-:~ ¢~mentavv%2o%ceeninss, W 0flJ¢1=fmD *1=.¢ncc5 aw WW»: the may Ivbmfik %Vfitto%he%B%no1hA anD%puhIit1)en,t’n2tlgefatw Aoigu tbz peopic of %tnis.¢u~ munméaitij be tI,1cm'uA% (536) t1J€rei;z %intete11‘w, ann a11 theméllaafiectm (mtg,intiaecleatr flnfozmattnnf the flratenf tbefiutbnzitvafoza-= tam, bat nxapztfotxfiDatf0ehetfl)a11c~lfllflnifcg tezvnevafozeratna11bentfcnnmn,tbe2n> 1% « annaifpofen afm ‘ *1 , zite, mt;,pub1it}t),fellDzuttezt,ozcaufztahex ~ pgmtcia 03 Ilttfitfih, IJRLM. %Tt¢atif¢, that oz (heats of uI%1¢Af£<¥£ic¢nfvD (as is nwntinnm)aim tI)e1tm wait}? as % >4iakmVwziffita imitttfita llfiflnkfeiiet mm was: tefpectimi? Ant ¢fcanDa1mms msoofis T ampb,1zts,bnug%£qz fine arm 3m®if0nII1eni:,« is 1Jete:n+hefozc ~1umtenann appozntm. %m fife new hmitcn”,nite:tAenann man znmanc¢ Imam; bunnmtaatv _ Pamg%l§Icts,andfox%§¥1$wb$¢£t§rRegulatifé nfnziialltmt; tntbnug -a -~~»‘ ‘ ‘ V4 ’»§':v “ % 113136? Ifacbj flbfiwhwfi ,frm e3tti:on%en,ira; o 3 D .4": 9.5”‘ iW¢i‘1J?\5% it%ft11ttI)Jez: tzfinacten annéoznaiuen, bat the :1» fa tbee@1eeheef%tbe qeenziiee 1eent,aee of face eefte as eretatp of app: V D f mm zuceeeeeeneeeenema janeeeauebnezsen“ 111:0 uncel nf . ate fee tbetimeeheiug;Imfinzfie a em ens afiairz nfme mmm unnee thee ieemnuf thee e fez t1)¢ti1n¢b¢iT‘§: tijefeueze tn beeenteeeh in tbeie ereeeeeu fiegilleees, to hepefe that puepmte; aun am: in we giaeme neimf the mz;npejny ef §eatinnee§,% ace % cbmingm ancienttuftefm; ant: »tbe1?ezi;1tee there: e f to put DIE 1}? 5 tbfitktfl. Azfibimhe alweee, Eeealin bi ereeew w am enpemeitguent, rettieee oz ftzfif .r \ H ‘vi itifi ljeeehga ecieeeien, eatbat the penalties in this Rtetetpzeifen, amt! untextenntoqnit any will“ 0%3lWf°I15» that eilmee. Ibziteg. 133W»: puhiitla, £e1Ioeuttev,V nee ecemreto be meme, were ten, pnblien,efnlnnzeutteeeme euwaiénelet, aeeme pbitta W’ eifiefiilali. Whfiia lhtet 03 elbectfi nf wet Cljetll canteen emyenieeeue, €§ ur A e m mlpljemoew ‘ematizet, but the ttflttb mane |1)fi114fie¢1P%&h1¢eW futbefutfi e the of lieineme enzhveemntfizityeef W aeaetiameeet ‘V 1* V e °2DWIa WT?‘ xi? %Qe"%e1“«'?e'0fV ‘W3 01 It We ,., ‘V D‘ e ewe?tetienevsLonee M ht teem vcflieeli 1% hate A 33,7... h V emcee, I” get ra It 35973:“ e e we ae ” A ~‘:;,g:_A¢ gm‘: e{eTeif;:q;ej'gu1a1; imttttet, in ,aeeem new eieztrate efmvineenxn $9 2;i%fl.?t%et:._; .idJ £13610: jmmz fn%1ttifimpInpzn,%tti1fi“a £96AWnt1mm:0’1@=1Ja11%&of the fam 13 mpzmr, tbmm ngfacm5 4mm mam:m1’emczah1c,%V%%a.cwznmg ; %mtcien+t mfiom ~ anD1t’m*mffe to-?ma,B¢ niiigmt A mail fufmcten, 1minttng:mu£es%, am. 4 -1}uufcs,%;~ §i)nps,%anD4ntbat plaaes,mrz4 ¢4futn%1ma iicmfw anI1fcauna*1nus2v.5notss , aaapevs i%flm*-.2 Df);1c£§g~&11D%%&i1Df1)¢tA%fact) 2150035 1to~t@entveh;;ttfiz fignw I11ft1J~ the waters manta , ann place of Wfi3«m?Pak:.%h¢in££ minim 0: ffimitlffihw %hPWflIC1J¢ 35 M iijahmn 1a_mfuimAtmfl %i11tl3c11t,%%imDwflje fame 0 fuse; aunt iikclbtfe tn: anpzebwnali fiitltiijom % gmintzrs, smn otIjev%pcI:fcm5 mhatfuemt, 1'11»; plupen imozV11pi1in,p;intiflgr A~vcD%mg,,binD%ing,¢ pVublifl)i11§\ann,;nifp fitfmg of .t1)t+*ffm’l1 %c;annatou5 .m%iuttartantab1¢41%&w ttsatm 215 u%oK5, amt! inafm thzI1I;Aan»h+tn bm1gtnemn:ecs,ann A It Tfiratcn;fnthAetfi ;D~I'f13Df€i3 ac.wz~..I1 M , A i1J;D”fE11J1JfiA4;fiJa11affi flJe%faiDv&ttie5»in feat batflawé fl)a11%1Jemzfo feiaem%@*be£az¢rfucI)fiagfs-“ “ in a5%aveappomteh fog tbz " to _iDiv%¢ttitmi am: ‘s>i7l?:ll$ ‘fail :, v ¢nacteD%?’zr% the %?2mtbuzitt> «%%afo2e£atn,%A v¢.tfn%%t;swbatf0eh;w, iliaflt % 113 1W7: fimww aéflzflfll W £¢*I¥f9D » * 35-138. _ }fifl2F¢faI:a ¢‘~’Dz , ‘-. L \ °- 2‘- vw ‘ V ‘ ‘, '3,‘ "F _ " , “" V ‘ ‘ ‘ “ 3 I ‘ ‘ ‘ . " _ % % . % :,~:‘ “ _ ‘ E’ “ ‘V, an pz¢m;m;% wc I, "« 2 ‘ 45 inch fifl? ‘fwféfiififl tfitimifi A . av \ y‘, ‘ $nna1otts‘%‘19~;a%p?z,%r%$: any «mace, fi2‘bevfu1;%*,m ~%1Jwfa%n ; Qf" fflzfgitfltfi “)1.”-m;Q_» f ‘ : 5 5“ . .:_ t ¥.:tBg:$ ‘M vllrll ~ M « «~m“”cc1) ‘an 23 r - “_ ‘ " 6; " av ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , g J “W \ [3 ., ‘*3 3 * r " ‘ A , n V “ « “ ‘ =- “ " ‘_ N» ‘ ‘ H ‘ ’“‘ W.‘-‘m ," ‘E r “ “ ‘ “ ,, .fi.;.¢lr 4 _ ‘ 4 ,. ».. .$$u‘..‘,‘p _yj‘ -= -.5 x‘ \« ‘ya, »t,,“” ‘ .“1“.,,‘W,; “ ‘ " ".‘ “_H‘,"‘.‘,r -r ‘ “ ‘ =:,;, . " ‘We ‘ “ . W , » 1 ' « V ' 2* _ ,~ ' » ‘ J. V ' H " *‘ “‘ ‘ M 1“~‘+:‘.:‘~~ ‘ ‘ ‘W \a- 4 < " ; *7?‘ » ‘ 1 we lb Q I 4 ' ‘ ,, 3:1 V n“ “‘ , ‘.i «av, "V »‘r”= u,zg‘ “ j". ‘ « V ‘ I ...;‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l “ ‘ ‘ 0 ‘ “ "‘ N‘ “ “ #9‘ Hi‘ ‘ I ‘) ‘.‘ _ ,» ‘ “g-N ‘, - ‘ ~ ‘ ; ‘ “;. M V ‘ ‘ gr : ‘r. ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘. X.“ ‘:‘1|' , “ H, H _' ‘ ,-Vw“E W, "~.“ . ‘ um _ , ‘ W ‘ ‘ ' . , ‘ , H ' 2 ‘ ‘- “ ‘J1 ‘ .‘ » u ‘ W93‘ uh. ‘ w " ‘ 3:‘ “ w ‘-'“‘ ‘ , I‘ " \ f 1‘ ,‘ “ ‘V’. , ‘ ,, x,_ ‘Q ' t V ' . “E ‘ ‘l ,.« , ‘ ‘ ‘ “ “ 4,» ‘ II‘ is (B9) feiliugmtitfcenfw Jfiwos ta !jem’:tAbzffnm iimitm an exmeamM.%mmA%m1m emu: meatnum*za am: am aun%*tca:zn%a1ons1% amptgmsgfefammw %ook§%,I;avehcezucnieflpuccafinnznmztmmula ¢ttécumof 1%”2inm1M)uufw, at,m%WsmmvAttm ‘in by-y%%ac2*5 mm cnzmm‘, wt nf the we M? «M. mmmwnt, tuntmrp to the cuamnaam A mmice V njf f2n1evtAim¢*% ; anmm them regar.nfo%m2fmr= tI)erpm@mfmu “£5 mmtequifite mg temainmg mm xegmiatin g that gemmt mats arm mmz'~fe nftije 1az¢efs,ann v2¢1Wntion"o%.fwe faib ‘Wmmi.~—= em, mtgmemmenzmmczmccen az.m@2- Imtttcnhpwismcfmt1Mm1ia$mmt,% mm by we mutiangitp timwuf, ’£i)atzza1%2din¢tet, nu; any amen mmn M 3%???’-W mmefmtn pzitm.d;: 4 mfg;0i%ina%v2WsA§0zWfiWt‘311WmIent5 f2;%1min¢ting, im amppamt mplacmf tI)~i5¢0111:=* wmumaztv,taneomu»intnz¢tcvorLoWn,~ &nb?~*b¢ttW1Jm°‘=W‘D¢tmW«nihe€W¢5 be~cmmcuan so cmto tveamténsv2 pmvnfes mu %%nw it mt war itemcvtmgfucv a£~¢fi)a1w¢navticu1avIvitiwy In %¢mB% ahtboziawhvf1W&’i¢W A%énf%mmuvozwaitttb% % Anevrmw owning Cfi‘WWDWW0»flJa11~ mfg am, papmzi%mmm, m V at 1! 1 %A¢Ijam aé1i1:1M*c1Mn%ti11§tmfffifiattmfi W“ ¢ * ”7¢i?+;*3fi31;5fififmuzfiflbb 503 “W3 °%*f3“m' my i i a1£Vm"'|uf_" 1%ziflttng~ €4;fB'=iv ’fiW!%9D¢a¢'%»%~3UJM *itDW 451311“ ¢f5rm jag, &’tl1;.AEIDt , A ii1%tiflE%?I33€f§' \ foams 2: 4 in ,. y‘ I ‘V; L Ejwatyfnemt, 4£ba1i% from V4%¢4?V“¢D2tmp°€ny “amp amintinga uh chewy petfiim 4 J *titmQof2M21w % Am;bmtbatwe tamaaaan be in 654- 3 A o% A ginsm, mg when mxfozt oz vevfmm Wmtebzt tame mm W? o%fLond+on,Ibbu :m:mmep1mmt.«=- mgmijrflllffifis *0wWA mums flfziminmzefiea, mfiimfiztffwaowfimflnfimumeatafozimtnts» %mgaaEa1€nt1jg wncrs uf the§mimttnAg—:p;e£g in Emsuxy afmzaf ta, £133.11 bafmc tijmfirft" myofA Oétobcr, @219 tnmxfmm fix tjmtmen fog-wniuz, ezwevimu warm, with ma umizg, of $133122 imnmeta pouufis mummy to the Keepers of”chcLi.. bertiesécf En_glandbyAuthori*tyVof7 Parlianacnt, IEM $0 M mmtmug mute ta be$pzmteD,&flP fenitintwfcam A minus 02 mafunabie ammpijlct, aaapmt, fionk I mg %ictmtc,ni11)onnzahlzto, oz agatnfltbe atatz V annwanzmmznt ;nnzanp%1a4 pnlet,1%apm at 21503306 fizzibg, A nut iLiczufwa5afozc£atn, am: K Watt min 1:? cfitifitw fiflflk Of the” no;fufiwtb2ic%;tntmg..-.-:pgww, nzbtv at A nflnum "ts.fez1minttflE:to be men fog any“ raw iumialfml vuwofe atozttains arm that be A mm may all aIfAAtu+nmm1 28 901%, igmnzphlet, amuse m%icturc13wz cm man immiflt. in the A £ttie.—..~pagz of saw out mefiw the fiutbozs uame,.itb his quality mm place ofamfineuce,%o; % at imfittjeibiamfzrg naémm mtjmiucznfze requirw, am his mu afizamwtw mane t5 «r. muce,at length, twmnpain to fozfcittb2%fumm mnpntmfis fa:zmw%mi1fuIfailmgxmh tonne AAf%A%A‘i‘?%>e}f: 103 A AA A A A A 8 Xiflfiiffi 05 '5£fflD£%AA‘9f132‘mtAl'Afl g 4, ‘.1 .tt1tm caution am be given by the nmof A ‘ ib¢rti¢S*A¢% 4 %swafozefiaim? &fl?Db?A M16139 V ‘ f¢t 4 ti vsm” 5*-Uan44d;A 1 mm nmn1+¢amt! A alibi oztbeitiminttngmatztigls nefacen; mm the mumfimce,$Atobemtamw f’WtI1%»a;np Ms atYoxk,ht0tD¢ I<¢¢pcr5 aw, m: softhg %V%A¢L£- $ t%i%esfifo2.Afaiii1’:g,A% 1§Wfi§Il:U~fl£¢U5?vA la hetmf“ fiiJt% efpetiai mm m feetmfarrwwfmmen mama W $§a1zsifl%hm2a iVmzwiteD3 is¢%wm’aiipA cmmammm “m tbe*»§L9¢m % mm ~95 ?fiWj«%tm% we i‘a%Im awzmjanceiizfi m%wfmimb ww are unmavmm mzmg mm1éwmistsnzakc cmmfwate m $b¢$@ua*mmf mam, A W hi@,fm2ew€ ‘Max:134 my néf 0ét‘ober,A m fl90ufanD”fi:x%ijmmzenfmpaame. %whhm.am: . tijztfiwmmm hum %afi)m2t’ty amzamm ,_, fimg rm Pfiiiffmwi vW01i§i1Ji)a$i’o eififim mil i)mafmT mu? Wuniwfivzitffie fii1fm=nze£5~3 uz mam gnftvumetiutt fmwzmtmg, tam cm my {Mating ettccs, hzfnzetijw mm mm iifiutmas afma-:..- 1:atnA5.m; am amp patron oz, Mpmnng Bennie % up 1e‘t;,’ ~02 being mémitubismtbeit nifpnfe, fufiettn hcbeih mg, wfeanyiaouw, Marat, cmm , mg own:finnmfi%¢mbamwet, tn 02 W €1up%pm“cn0z pecfnm fa;1mintingsbnufe, o;pIacz mAp;mtm, mmlefsheoztijepin netnifingannfufimnm, {hail xfivagimnoticztothe 919 atm: n;zmmsof%t1)eV A gtationexgfnztbe time%h¢mg, mffucbnmtifea m ftgmtingtn mmzknzgpgmt time, Vupmu mm M?’ fmtmumuffiixepnmms fozemw~£uci)®fi”wt¢%a W mi ijicijgimimatiun the g1g9%a{tet¢ mmfanznmg awe mum? emapwenwmamzan mm» m fijaiw A fipgifiet iifimk, xwmra“ like paitmf fogfmmaaf A it%f1wthw@ flfjwnn flmpmr, n; *i@avpma 92 Mia? pfivilmWWW mamea«nv 9?°‘3“333*”““%”%\3‘£5»933"?"WW % .4 A ts es fa 3FnusmrcaAaAnApa%z% a%ev€mwi:% %t1tmtiJf£Co rzneVpuurmsfm; mm mnuifsim ti)mof.# mam zawvf mbatfuafiwgmatbejc.fl)ai12mp:%p 1A."3Z$.,Bl.C3flfE $8 tmmmfi " 64¢»?-) fmmmb azcafi, no; ummany pztfou u; pmamg: my any fun!) imzfles oz flettcrs fnz.pzimz'ng,% um iefz hen; may temzctmclpv a;a11&vaacqaamm)z% % any the mm: sf étijc afnzzfam flfinxr» pampfoz tm time new 0335 $2. ibetmg am to be nmm, fo;g¢n,% f0zmT‘DDflI1'/133 fm1z¢p; pacttcma:%¢mhw of W W faiwanumnv, z’tmut uh» umfettiig mm 2 %oIDm€fitD¢t;mf, Imp coumerfeit fifimg , % oz ittitlxc nf any 215121113 4:; 033 the fax») éfinmpanp nzpmztiea $1 n10;zfl)ai1anp:petfnn%0w¢t17ang Ch 17' A A in off :m1e at zrmaun ‘ ‘ .‘ ‘ y “ “ -mm. ‘ ‘ ‘ I “I ' ’ Mfinh foztbe.hzt”tet nifcnbz wof ‘ . [ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ . I ‘I V ‘M N w;.‘‘»:,‘‘. ‘ .,.g_~: _ “ ‘ n ‘ “ ‘ I ~ “ ‘ w . . ‘ W 1 ‘ H N ,g, 4 , , W ‘‘ . ‘M ‘I at t%fa1ea,np Each Ifiuik éog A %%vfz%zherp%akA ¢ c%anttaxg A . wfin V .an1% fmmtn (54é4~) aiun! »fuch%iz’k¢ pt as , “tubers uniicmfwamfi % A fig &*pBtF£y,,‘ % aaanzpijlets awn 1@actm%es, yo 1:133 4grmt4VabmAV%nf the Vatiiammt , arm pzemnicz%% of.» the was it, A mactm by the 4mutijm.éty%;$Vafog;n:1'm, * ’£1)atanpv¢mm%fiagifitatw mttufiehlhitij km m:ccu.tiou of this 2&1: tzfpzctimlp, flaailnabe ponm’A4upnn any iuft nccafinn sf fufpition to grant m%a,m:ant5unnett1jeit ilaanmfiatm 9eat§,¢% 4 {mm fnfitcient p mung, to featcD3@acm agnn M aaactsets,annfeiseama hzittgamay £uc1;215onk%%s,;% 1%av¢v$%ann1@amh1¢fB, to thvffi DD gvanteh % m1‘am wavramg, tony: mu *cne¢pmam’es nzay helenien upon tbc£Dfl’enn*ct§5 arm nifpnfen o%E%j$iacco2:m’ng to that mm;_ mm Att:ut‘m%eanittg nf 1:I)i5~pm‘mt mt. ,flnnhe»itM<£En?actenhy a;‘mu:, thump afumfain , iihat allunlicwfen zmms arm 1%an1m)lets= nf ms, arm a11£zm’tI'0u¢,i fcannalouz annlihelluus 2150035.». 1%an1pn1et5,~ A aaictutesanh 1%apev§,»vtuhz~£ei5znh12Amrtue cf Wfljig cm, {ball after the cmmetnnattnn of the iffwh at %;IbitIj mbnm tbepatc taken ,_., 0;,“ to Jan: whom tijepbellmfi (if the fl)ffmmew1ap h;cm’£~:: 4 Weobeten arm knonm)hc hzougbt ,7%»cun1>wc11t; ~fmt,ann£afe1y neiiimen tntbe é>ect:ct%Vtz?¢%mtt1)“z ‘93M011II£¢1*%A0;f °9taf%%t0 h¢%N5¢D%tn tb%fi’v¢A nzdotljermtfz,asKt1)atmm1tcz1%aI1%%nitept, an in wemeanttmeramvzmrervw by tvef~.=—— ¢A%$mn2p¢vf0ns%1J0fci5et1JeV%fanIe, oz by tbuiiz make neither? timeof,anngive A . ‘ !'M.‘»,~.‘ ‘ ‘ r ‘ 1 A A4 } §,Lf?utIiJ ml‘ “ ,Y*,‘§’: “ ‘fimw 5, tofelianh any abnfut %I;eamt:1s,, %an?i)i t of theit’imp1vmwt, %ac%c0zDt’ng %tu.tD,e V %tD‘i5«?W+%,Wm1JW°fl$*1"= V t permgts, mic: Vmcmxmtta: Axum “a 21: A 4‘ {mm sf mitemas M15 m cm) § “Q ’ A . totrbzmmmabiz trmznf tlje amwament, an tbe lea wrwmtf my M¢~mmxmnJ%£ izts anmnwemeoos, anfi utter cmn%nmtnm1M,*axe mum in mm Vat! )1 3mAbs '9 “Z54 :m:mm anatten W the fimbnzityafuzzs A mm, *m,a¢a%t%nmfm) mnmaems flaallhe anpmmé pm'mtt£w%%;% mm mm may annall smruanfianga A cm’, 1m)ecemejmwti)w are 0; may bennpzemnns eh, am: f.azfmcal1%mJk§, 1% pbletfi 5 115%: may mm ampcrs by than exVVfen tofale, mm wait, by mama all by name ufthts mmrusc & 4 upon ma cozmwen V mm wtriv tnA,tc main of mmwctmu, tI)mwhz~wnipms coma n’-gau Ijfiogucsr, mmtmn Mm A c 5 wk fie cw ct) mttouevgA,V4amom this penalty cxcmtm, i nute;:pe:ctmg futttjgct warrant ; annwbcte nafuclj mug .of tttmvecttatm, tI,1o£z Inbnfeisz uv@m1facI)nfl'> in tm am mx zumww ma Q “ my mum Vamewnzrwp cn1’nymn% to grtcaim rats, %a)ali mint tbzcm m1¢a:}t:u 3 he £9. fmtbmtth 7m to ]mmbtc as mmmmz V mum, umo“nApa1nJ o»f%m2,mtutc% of floaty %’¢ iingg, tn he vainw fuc1)1Rew9tB nf tmmufe gm %%~m2mtim’n 02 iwonflrablz, *nmitmaga,$%A”mg!z*1:t~+ ggz4tcfufiug tn % 9 than amp main (flue: ¢ #Vnwsm this claufe mentinmn tn flux. " W mmwr,au'%A¢tbe penaitiw lzhm, an» :m&nt£~: pain at in fat!) my mm mamas, as ¢coucctm’ng tB¢VT$WIWfw Def « oonsanv»amwIets, 15 bcfozc%%tmtwmm ‘2pp2efien4V: flan tbs %a1m~%au -mmmmz "floumcl of the vat 1-55 mm tcanmm mm Isondn,]are*%"[ thy xmxutrw to take %c‘at¢%%¢ an 7%“ a unwltcmrm azw of%%w: my agatnwa A Ki $13 (546) mi: mm tijifi mefmt mtg" agamffi wem;aAt¢tn fl:t1)j£0lfi£‘Elwv%,' he nmin~fu11=iatm fpzemr %mm: mms%: ‘Arm: am mazaames, imaxnmzougigm, :5m=¢%:¢flfi)£?‘ % amcyum fin fame upon me!) ma nmzwmnw E- fezmem mhmfszwmc map may hefmmn, mm finwmfaflJe¢meataities of tbs flamtu be upon » A mm thzvizzmifiv éfiitmmbmies [met mf,a$ % team the mum tmcmf, aamnf ® mmvna Wcew azmgmmrms , ’€$"$g*b®$£h1? wm‘ui%emutw,WW tI)epma1ty%im image azzentimiw- %Imb£‘itifm€1}¢t dtinactenhp we figéutnozitp afnmfaim , fltjat IDI]atffl§BDW"WflfiI::*" my in nx1nam>fl)aiiheA ieiaianatm wcemmmr the paiit:t1g,izmuflttp atmmnfccution 3f the wwae»-L up of Afitamionmcs ( mimic biVgilancwp am can Damniz M:-e¢cta11vrmmmJflm§We%Bifmfm€ a3V%Vfo11nmet1)vi%z.2£ftct fattsmcttnn of: tmt’c% c13émgc5}i::%inqt1itvarm nzofecutimt, we arm ztpnfi tbztefinm:fl)a1l[h~eby tDen1§tz€eimn* ante cermmme ufe naftzbz pn0z;ft4beir@m~ paw 5 mm the otljmc zxztmet bW,% fa: %na1«.;= 9 tmufe mt’ A A t mt %a.1t~fnm:'w, mm min mt owe Agzcipt V g2%i:%;ii»qu%z %@xcmqtmw = mu tbzilufitcw 05 Q‘? 6‘ Q 3 £33 : 9'3 3 § Q5‘ :2 F3 {Q «a $5 a 9'}! i as 5* rs tn *t£I,)i11J émiw mt‘ mm ®ommtfztt,‘¥uf1icc5% n%fmfm'3em than fezmml: tmicw at’ A2111) emv atmflutce ofamace, M J itljmtljc iuhmies as~%mitI)uut, €w;mV€?)2%li~ m “ I ;‘ “ , - V “U " 93;. ‘ I‘ . g,‘ ‘ «mu “ an A;#;%*it“§ of tI)m:fzbzra1¢ cfiemmiflmnsitt W 9W?fi%flW—’~‘* it wen: (whereof mwof ‘ ‘V P‘, 0 M 4) j mm M1 (A7 2; re,» &UiBWW$IlD»#‘L ;,A A bet! WW 83 4‘’‘’a) f”-3"" {E V mpyw %¢flciJ, ‘yuazm of Oyer arm Tcrmincrs% 21% ~ ¢,, at emf‘ yav?n%£u;1;pv%¢%e;v aim \fiWh;t;tVz»“, amt?emomw enmzim C547) ‘enquire, fizafi aitun netmiame aii amnemp mg ~fl°mcw4afmefam, mm mm mm; in cimga my % V _ aazefetttmegw of the fame arm may men all % ntbm: flmfmzvs mm wmzfiatfi ammvnm, law bmbpcuinpum anntzqm’mn{%:tu W _£at€fu1 mm hiligenc in the miwatge mftDm'v~Duty m%¢Ntbz % pzénxifefi,%Aacco;lJmgto tha%,mn; wh’ m’mc‘t’;z’mz7 % of tbifi t'za1‘znt mm all wacew, mm’! ” any I'litatp_.,v_§>01Dz'm$, mm mm aiizafi-..~ fct_ten11enp1z , ateljgtcby fpmailp mmpzaeaza hr; apning am: afziftmg totbceycewtmn uf W5 I met, ant: to feiac man 1 tneperfnns nf4a1H'm“b 44?fa5«‘fl)7a1l pzzfunzeito wfcue, mactuaiw mnmm; to tcimz from apm;I)cm'ian oz p1zm’fl)21zmtA we vo?fi'mnet£agm'm7c tins mt, »%t0Acaufe ma!) fifiimmm *tetIat1c¢1f5 mm ifinvmrg to be immemmtciy “mougljt lwfnzzfnmz flame of the wane, when ifiw. hinhw-them up a wt-mnisance witbwm i9uretie5‘to the mob zmnamog, am) tn apg ~%pca1: at tljg next ézgefsinntsfflz the mate, were A tube Smmctzh, jrmem 4mm futtimnmlt man, ?la%cco2m'ng to ’iLam,+ ant: as tI)e%quaiit1a?%nffII%cI) $131) cztontempts may Vncfmgm :.% mm {mm mm wifennmts%asarc not able to firme 9mm’w,ara ta he caufern to ‘Abzwt in £116 ,®toc$5 mav%mA we p1ace.‘n1bm’¢ we £ID&'znte l13%a5comnti;t:s 1’¢tzn,anntn he flnmpzifoneim thew fo; the {pm i»ofifouvbour5.% mm became tbe1ifz»nfAai1gmmV ~~iLam§, z'5*v¢fi)e mu: execution tbma f, an‘n"Vt!)a¢ [mew % wealth; 2% e$itAfumt13tv®nac%tz12 by the flmba;t'tg¢ ; afozefam;%A&%; gm: tljezcziiuuncelflf mate appmtgh 4 . %:p étbecatefzyl nhfevbatmof tni5,%cti,%atm aww WIm"3:I’ W0 2 V 31‘°A%i19“““Dm%“€ Of. ¢?fl'mW5 A Jaam tI)2famc,sf& willhekA:nfz€pecia1 cmmjtna 4 AtDc4%1%eate%atm fafwetpnf tljizvmmzmtas hpehe aieaeiiam eat; that (54.8) M Ihetebr heme pemeeann aueheueptaenquteetnto,ann from time totimeto eeceme an acoempte of allmtifal nefenits anncnna teefeefietgto~ mo theivhutieafheall theeyehpeobiteuct the fiemeeiee mvzminenheythwe ma: ; anjn are DEW: e by enjepnenarm tequireia, hpall gonnemayseann means ta temcmerfuch ohfttucttonsgenn out “of thepeeeaieies oz etheemtmeto eematnpznfecutoeg V 02, nficenetees of fietmees, antuh to were we mt tube put infull arm eectual exzecutton. mam temptfi hf In fiimtfi 02 5333115; m1)e0l19E19£til1Q0z be it few theetf enacten hp theflnthnzttp afozefeji;ee fiheae in arm uponany :2{ction,e aelaintne fiuituto he bzmtght agatnit anyfl)fitcee,ho2 peefonhne pm forte, fee We thing be fi)¢m.acteDoe none he fees: \ nlfthia mefentefelct, ehetpefuch wfiicee am were A can Ehallann may mean theenetal ilffuetheeeea O ‘ to, am: gibethie em, emnthemhole fpeciai mat: teem emlzaence; am: if themeentct hafsagaina the ielatntifi oz, aeiamttfie , 02 the 1 ifilaintifl? neg aelatnttfie becomeinenaauit, oz fafifeeanpee tr. continuance thereof, ’£batthm the efennant ants wefennants fl)al1hlf¢£lJ1Jct his emnchetenoua h hie 6230115 fez theta: Imongfnlbeyzatfontn nefenwceh » h of the rain action 0; fiutt, foe Ihhichhe ennthee e fl)3"D31391i3‘9 temwe. asin other: )C.af¢,5$hBlI_€ given to the efennants qemntnen e always,‘ annbe it mthactebp the authazity afozefain, h meaith ate at no peefou nzpeefnns than be emoletleennz ugpcaehen fnzemy the ®fi‘ence‘s mentionen in *5 We were be en: thee be thereof accufee within ~fi)Sj[m0fl£tD53ft¢t D15 03 wtifijehhfeefirtflwf" ‘ wmmttteeeeen one; i Woleihtbhalffls fiillattbffl em be eeeceentoeaeeeonteeanevwe the the ,=II‘~2iuc at1lJtI‘JJmtictb napof September, many £t;a11hcin%tbwcat of out atom, was tbonfann fix Dunnzzn fiftr am one, am: no longet. mun-u...,.. u __ flip Iorvi4,1O 3¢pt£m5r.1649. ; ORdcrcd Vbythc Parliament, That this be forth-3 Ewitb Printed :mdPublifl1cd. % ,Hen: Scalwell, Cleric. Tarliamenti. ‘ ‘manna-u-cmqvu-I r -x » ‘ um ‘ V1 " .___ “'unuu-unluuiotnouuuuuwuullluleeflnt dun-on-on ' M .—--nu.-u--.‘—.. -