w‘. _ fl... ‘ -‘~ .‘.. v” -—.. Ln—AMM- L -m ’ ' - - A A14 ‘ _ .. -- 'M-~ Ammo Regni GULIELMI 111. i - REGIS Angliw, Swim, Frmzria: 69° Hikmia’, . __,.__ A- Decimo 86 Undecimo. iAt the Parliament begun at W e/lmz'n/ler the Four and twentieth Day of fluguffl Anna Dom. 1698. In the Tenth Year ofthe Reign of our Sovereign Lord W 1 L L I A M the Third, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, é‘c. And. from thence Continued by fev‘eral Pmrngations to the Sixth Day of December, 1698. being the Firft Seflion of this prefent Parliament. ‘l ‘i‘r a ”uni!“ ‘ :1 7mm in“, I " “Mum 1 "i‘i TX ‘ x; ' v,- \\\ -~;n \ll ‘~ , .; 6‘) ., 3" 4’2. ‘ e1. i'~';'.«*-.';-.;' 7/, , ~l (”m air .4. A; ' - ~ . . ”ff-‘3‘: f in? 11 MIJMLEEE a}; ‘- v'i'n' ' An-- A ----' u-~_.’~ ‘. . LONDON, Printed by Charla: RM, and the Executrix of Thomas Newto‘mb, deceas’d ; Printers to the Kings mofi Ex— i cellent Maiefly. M DC XCIX. 1 A i” “4‘ A #-- -... ' £1? _ ., #., .4, .51,” 1. . ‘: ”!' . Anno DCClmO 86 Und‘eCImom . Gulielmi III. Regis. An A61 for the Continuing the Impri- .vfonment, of Counter and others, for the late horrid Confpiraoy to Affaflinate the Perfon of His Sacred Majefly. ‘5, a {is . _ ~ 192mg thz {anions new 56131;! “3%3. afm namzn, (that is to filafiéfi 3‘“ [3?) Counter, John Ber- / V 7. nardi, Robert Caflells, Ro- "WE: Mfg; a bert Meldrum, James Cham- ~' (4%; ‘ fix hers ann Robert Blackburne, ' 4! ' --;:?j 2,;,"~? " have ba’zn «tummittcn , ‘ ’ an?) an [till in 011111on in Newgate , fog a weteftablz itaitetous ctonfpiracp to xfiaffinatz the flow! 19w [on of- 151.5 fiBay’eftp, 2152 it (Enattcn by the 3Ring5 mutt (Erczllmt gammy, by summit!) the 31mm mm Qtonfsnt of the 103115 99:; 6 an a u 2 ritual x,/ 1;. , \ 3 5/ v. f9 ,*' x 1, ' \ I 4 a I . 7' l' I _, _ »_ , . ; . f. x \. , 264. Anno Regni X. 6: X1, €55. 11111111 ant fizmpozal, anti 6011111111113 111’ 19111111111121“ zlffzmblzn, 111111 by the 21111110: my of the fame, ihat the fain . Counter , John Bernardi, Robert Caffells, Robert Meldruni, James Chambers ant Robert Blackburne, (ball be osmium 31111 kept 1’11 crummy, with: out 2158111101 QBampzisc, Dating 1915 £61112: 111213 1912mm. FINIS. RARE KD 4452 .A3 1699 06 COPy 1 m or uncou- - cam ELL SPC RRE RARE KD4452.A3 1699 CG llIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll 4 . 01 0-00724605