other “,9 TI €S“Ee1o‘:igingtd the Lofizm0‘;¢-H7€alt/I7. ‘ A V Printed by jbbx ' ' :3’ ’ A For Recovery of » 6 1:59 X x ‘«,4 ‘em, L’ > 4‘; . 1 ,..‘ _ ‘gf_4‘,‘ 57 > ' II. . T . . ‘E ) A V‘ ~ _ ; .Th¢uffdajr, March 15 . I559. _ Reiered by the I’drlz'ame’nt ,' That this Aja bg %fm't4hwith Printed and Pulifhcd. A A V A "Ifx-amxms St.NI£:':HQLA$,‘ % I .._._—-—-nu-nu... i,ON150iir,, A h*eatk:r,and 7012}: Mmick, Pfinihts V. to the Parliiamcnt, 1659. I A -771?? ‘ ‘ 1 ‘yr.’ ‘ ‘ V “ ‘ v "" , ‘*Q~—9u. _,..umuIIIW""""' - ecoveéxty L ‘I92¢.&liqzze ty ” an - gfififigyfiiflfiga finwrcmnzentfi annjfozfeztzxrarz ' "Ir ..,,,._ .W...,., w,,..‘.\....-.....‘.. . “N, FOR ,4 ‘ , _ 3 Ch?‘ «VW6’4‘b€»ng1ng to the V with meat, mmtbz mxtnngztp tbmn, fiijggt“ VI» mums, imam; i9€tté%1$é»f@'£?’3, fl?11?¥$ffl;€33:E$; man may mm §)euz'wfm% mite ¢ Ire1af1d;filmE§)?€ hecpzm mm m mm: 02 mm}: %ha;ne%bzen ilwai mun the flame of Oliver amm aazaamtog of the flnmttmmmaltij BE England, scgcland, sum n:;p’9::3m;nt»gutato Wang: ‘W5 0% ‘?3‘53:8 0? E was fi:emfm~.—; rm; fljmmxm hemzugmg ; 0; in mm gmmw mf Rim-asmm aazmtgaggaz 9% ma fimmamzzam mmitlj “( 7n 3 $L‘s£;’v£%1£«1"jfif Engla11d,AScot1and‘, MB %fIrc‘ia‘nd, wmmnions arm imimzizs t1)ctr:unmm«;~. waging, mm 2111 fzc1xrit”ifz§._ takm in (1)2 mnge nf what at" tijcmimmng tlfiitit ‘€€f1JBCtm81@20s ‘mtmflgtps, mall mun am? we met: fog, fg2_0fiT11‘.’ mmm momén in t1)zA5\f?.,ai5ne of t1)e%tAeepe‘r‘s gm‘ we imam 7af%Ex1g'1%Ifi¢*1b? mutijouty nfi gaaatliaznent. mm that an Inmate in the mm J sf citmrtiw fam amtcms, oz UtI)¢1Zf m;tia_t1% mm:-m in any mic zttatettali as tp any %e:..~ =fa.u1t mg cmtmuv so ht amngen oz ohgecten thew: mm A ......._.. . 4-. ..,r.w-.....—-n-—uq...... —-—v— —-n my-u ‘V""' % Thurafday, March I .5 71659;. % é AA Rdered fly the Pafiliqmentg That th3;:% hie forthwith Prillted ind Pufilifhed. H 0 MA 5 StF,%N 1 C WC) I. A’s"3V % M 4 ¢%cIerI;, we P;g;2%mcai~; W »i¢ND0Ns A §°”xintedby?oh:m Streater,’x"Aand 3'07??? A M¢m‘R:;% A %PxiAnt!cirsco_ the Parliament, I55 A V